14 MONDAY. JANUARY 9, 1922.' THE OREGON DAILY : JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON FOR RENT 303 ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY luxitt aad sward, a strictly asederB private lM wttlMa walking dieunr. aa east sad; etiia.,. for bualasa oani wlwl aMtkaaa. n. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 1 PLEASANT single kaaacJucpof rooma, elee Wettf end gaa; ass hsidrooms., 11 lit. st4 nr. Cntombs.. I lr BOARD IX CITT; SHE CLEAN BOOMS, TOO war. Ml" SOMETHING TO TP H.I THU OPPOBTUNITY DOWN. 668 J. VHBJM FAST 6933. ONst iarsst, M feoai ma. twia bede, a. aad a. ojf. flosvlae.; taw aaa mj atria rusm, . APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 LOVELY, MODERN. FURNISHED FOUR-i hoom Arr, fibst in. aw . LIGHT. AIRY. WARM. CLASS T. LARGE, Equipped lor 2 U t persons. First-class Janitor service guaranteed. . ins wta.JtaLa.iii, tin an unw Portland i stoat popular apt. boos. rlaa lot 4 an mplnyd; walking dlstanea w. wwii without kxrd. IHwy. .. LaHi.B w Uratoaaa- Irons room svua taraae aw CM a4 ok4 water. Board tf d a1 74 tjwlmby. war 814 at, XaRCC. pleasant' rone with' or without board lor aaa or lv 865 K. (Ola st asm Haw tWwa. Tabsar 6326. . lUXIING roam, with or without board; a-CTTC- aba) tnr ana or two geotlasaan ; walking- di tavscsv Ill Martians at Aut 622-13. liTTTZ GIRL to ksatrd and room In private hnassl moths", oar. ' 024 rjeatewbsnn at. LOUS lot Bulking girl l Christie family at In rara. East 219. wTfED?ar el hlid in owa home; raler- rm eirhangsd. Aat 622-11. -f U axa to room aad board, aaar Brooklyn aVoOM aad board $9 a wssrk la prlrata family; rwOwtm prssVrrart. Aut 623-51. ; TJntrUKN will reoeiv good caro In prirata horn sst avnherry woman. Ant 630-25. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 "TWO ksr. treat room srros from T. W. C. A. ; aaa rang, elertrs lights, phone, stove heat tor right adult, vary raaannahle, (30 Taj lor at. Mar. 1075. TO m?IT, 4 clean bousakarping rooms, with kltehassstte. clean llnana each week. ana, light water, steam heat; a Wo 4 room apartment, good aaanMBl U) wash In. wow, ai. TILE JACKSON 514a Union in. K, -non ante t0 to $42.50. brick bV5w Drirahi bath, steam beat, pbona aarrica. la nun. walk to ui and AUdcr. atoaa uar cu. um ATTRACTIVE, bicft-bua, aaodem apartment, kttobaa. bath, atervink porch, parti furnished: ad site, nrferancea. 266 nott oU, near Wilhama aaa. TH E ED EN H OLM 6th at Market 9 aoil a - fnrtiiUMl ante. tepeea. prirate batha; 25 to gS per month. Vrit-frinfnnbU and nleaaantle Iltnated. 10 Dinotea wail I mm ntuinaat center zpecatuj nitrd lor 2 bouaaaa women. Kant reaaooaott. ManhaU 1112. VitlA. funtkhed i room H. K. apt. in lorely modern home: rooma are Iifht and clean fnrnaca beat ideal rlaea tor basneaa cirU or employed couple. 711 E. Ankeny. East 2548. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE ' FOR SALE :313 CLOSE IN, went aide, clean tottle eottaaa, 30 rest: rooma nrunit tor aaa. odjj iw; ata terma. Call alter l a m.. aa ttaal Pteoa for rnamtra and boardera. 4S4 11th at B. BOOM houae. fornitare li beat; walkhw diatasea. 470 Park at aale; luraaca STORES AND HALLS '314 BHABE balf . eompletetr inmiabed office ia Korthweatera Bank bide. Main 6409. ; FOB deairabie apace in phone Broadway 8718. fireproof warehouat OHICES AND DESK ROOM 31S RA1 ESTATE office. 2 rooma famished, on tint Tutor: onir l.a a monlh. or will diTide. Kan 4 23V. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS 350 WANT to rent 2 rooma. unforoiahed. itut my- aelf, near 26th and DtTision; let me know by maa. i. P. Salney. 810 Dinsion at HOUSES 361 MAN TED An nnruriushed place, apprDpriate lor roomug boiue, 8 to lu rooma. call Tabor 4836. ' r REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Kins: Albert Apartments 2 and I rooma, farnkthed. rtrictly modern, tile batha. elerator. 11th at Montgomery. Main 359. TW6 room, elegantly ranuahed apt, garage. piano, 2 meala (dinner, breakfaat) for 2; price 1103 month. 4614 E. 41t at Woodatock ear. APARTMENTS AND FLAT ! PROPERTY i 402 APARTMENT HOUSE Btnlding. fornitare. around and all: fin east ride location; good income. See thia today. iniTrrsai naica tjo., pug kt. ilx. piag. 100x100 KOBTHEASr corner 14th and Taylor, west sjaa. un zivd. - CLACKAMAS APTS. For rent, furnished 2 room apt, steam heat, light water and tL 272 H Williams are. 22 BOOM ant house for sale, by owner. Small caan payment WU1 Handle. 820 2d at THE DEZENDORP APTS. 208 16TH. KEAB TAYLOR- MAR. 128. Exceptionally nice, eompietrly famished room apt. all outside rooms. 2d floor. CHEAPEST ROOMS Vt TOWN Light beuaekerptng and ilexping, clean and armetike, walking dwtanca, 12. nu week and op. S n H fntow a.. 1 block aoulh of Hawthorne KLt furntahfd 2mm apartment with flre- plaea, lower floor, 113 par mo. ; alao single H. K, a aieapinf room 616 ma; Nob Hill; one block off Weohlngtiin it 82 Errrett t 1 BOOM apart meat and one room with kitchen Ua, alee and enafortehle, large enough for I Ml, 840 aad 824; maa employed preferred. 146 10th XlCXLT inrnaihad koaaiki aping rooms, good beat, eleetrv-ity, very coneenienl; aiao aleep- 2 646. DENNIS0N APTS. and phone. CLOSE your real estate deals in Department roomv private bath 1027 H Belmont Tabor 2 -ROOM AND SLEEPTN'O PORCH FTE- MB11ED APT. EAST 3158. 8-ROOM apt. beat light, phone; also single apte. and 2-room apt on Grant st 88s 12th, or Main 3899, Sunday or after 6:30 rkdeye. EAST SIDE Two nice rooms for light house- keanina: electricity, phone and bath; gaa store to beat or wood and gaa range; also single room. 62 East 12th st N. ; giO sod 9i a mouth. BOBS. 460 Houa- Leeds Apartments Plnoroof boildina: modern 4 room anartmenta also aleeplng rooms: close' m. Marshall 8b97. e are. LAKUE, eoaforteble, newly furnished house keeping room, line location, waiklog distance, nt raaannabia. 863 KrereU, near 20th. rVtwy. 4T8T. ' It A UtEkl Coplaly luraeJd hmifk- oxS.n .lLZj: "SflJf TWO room apartment 816 month: 2 room ' apartment 813 month: phone, light and bath I free. Comer of 2 1st and FettycroTe mg rooma lor single man; absolutely clean: eery' aoaTeoieare. Hotel Cadillac, 3d, near' eeriarana. "! 6S It CLEAN II. B. BOOM Oaa for eonklng, slectrlo lights and fuel for araauag luraisneo. WoOMJkWN 2462 TWO terg. uabt ana clean 1L K. moma. Caa, eleetiiriu. aood car aarrtoa. N. A 8. Port- mad aad 16lh at Oil Thurmaa, near 20th. Knadway 4 622. iilCELT lurnuiEea suite, 2 or 8 rooms, bouse keeplng room, at 400 N. 19th at. ror, l'p- aaar. atetea by Uie month, gn aad up: free lla- Pimhw. patn ana po4 tehle. Hlwy. 1 041 KUIiKKS, ilfim haatad, 2 room airtment: taerything fnmbhed; rates reasonable. 870 arn at., war Montgnmory. I L a. inn I. LI and l. a., rooma. modern con- entenr& dose In. 373 Bom st . Phone Kaat 20. klCK, rleaa room with kltr.henetta, beat light 674 children ; close to two schools and on csrline. 2T2 Montgomery, comer 4th st Main 8528. FOUR very attractive rooms, well furnished. private bath. 727 H Milwaukee at Sell- wood 1719. WALhlNCl distance. Large front room. kitchenette, bath and sleeping porch, phone beat light and water, all for (30. Kant 0341 8-ROOM newly furnished modern apt. private bath, outside rooms, couple employed ; no children. Hell. 2412. CHATEAU BELLE MAE 8 rooms rvaaonable. and 414 bath, walking diitanrw. very 4th at THREE room furnished apartment, steam htat east side, pleasant location, close in; rent reasonsble. Phone Wood lawn 1 1 84. aa. bath. Dhone. also sleenlna room. ndiMna at. comer 21t FVItVlJuiKL bourkenlng rooms, tins la doable, gaa, walking dauanre, free lighla, bath gaa paeaie; ramahle rnt IS Morrison. MANOR HOTEL Moaaskaaplng and sleepuig rooms. 271 H lfor- rwm it. sisrahall 2. FBtE KENT 6 weeaa lor prtee of 4 : 2 Urge funnelled houarkeeplrm ennma, (2.60 to 34.60. ana ana, I win and I'ettygrova. 826 TWEITTII t. clean, light airy room tor THREE room furnished apartment; room for adults. t ree chene. light and water. 3: Tsbor 2649. 4 KOOM well fumshed apt, clone walking dia- tanre: fine view. 349 E. uluan at KlCELY furnished. 2" Urge rooms and kitch- enetl e! 710 I xveioy . NICELY furnished sleeping room; steam beat rstes reasonable. Arcady Arts.. 706 Everett UNION ATE. ana SumgsworUt fnt apt. (24 BO: all complete; concrete banding. TiT PER MONTH for : arartment 402 4 3d LOTS 403 our Escrow Title & Trust Company TITLE A. TRUST BLDO. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Ex-Service Men ATTENTION I WE HATE ANT XtTMBER Ob BPLK-VDIO HOMES THAT CAN BS BOUGHT ON THE BONUS PLAN. IT WTGUU PAT TOO" TO rSTESTJGATE. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BCTIJ WE CAN BE OF ASSISTANCE TO YOU AND WILL HELP - TO FI NANCE THE CONSTRUCTION OF TOUB HOME. A RELIABLE REAL ESTATE SELLING SERVICE ASK YOLK FRIENDS. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Insurance Realtors 270 Stark St. near 4th. Main S092. 1170 Sandy Blvd. at 40th. Tabor 9586. Sunday. Call Tabor 8586. Snap in Hawthorne This home mast be sold and a big eacri fice will p made for quick sale. It has good living room, dicing room, tecestioB hall, fine Dutch kitchen on main floor, three fine sleeping rooms, modern bath npstaira. It haa full ' basement and furnace heat, good east front lot and garaga- Owner com pelled to return east and will sacrifice for quick sale. Don't hesitate to coma in and look this up. It is a real snap and fine easy terms can be had. See E. W. HUGHES 507 Journal bldg. Main 2858. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 NEWNEW NEAR LATJRELHURST 83750 8504 down for this dandy 5-roosa bent galow: cement basement, trays. Dutch kitchen, breakfast Book, buffet, hardwood floors, attic: thia is a real bargain. Marsh & McCabe Co. REALTORS . 322-8-4 Failing Bldg. Broadway 6528. Evenings Tabor 486, 34000 TOTAL PRICE 84000 TOTAL PRICE ONE ACRE 5 ROOM BUNGALOW NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH BLOCK TO HAWTHORNE CAR House Worth 33750 8 Full Lota Worth 33200 All Tor ituvv BONUS CONSIDERED TERMS Plumbing complete, full basement, cbotee elec tric fixtnrea. lam linns- room. -Dutch kitchen. neatly decorated, leTel land; aa in lawn and choice fruit trees. Owner aacrincing position. heme and everything. Going aooth in aearch of health. As pretty a home arte aa any on would wish. Broadway, 4903. Tabor 8104. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abingtoa bldg. MEXICO 1.2S6.000 averaa at mad waeneehma- Grande river. Northern Mexico: aa pasture aad. agricaltaral tract it ts smeaeeUed; located between two of the principal lailroada. one of the roads croaaing part of the hand: ship ping paaa via each of the roads, or atock can be driven from aav nortioa of the Wad and araaa the Rio Oraade near lata the V sited Btatea, or irosa the fatted States on to the land. There ia an abundance of water, feed and a anfld cnV La. Can aell all or half of the tract: price 82.50 an aero American money; one third eaah. wee per cent v xl. urahaja. Caero. lexas. . 34300 (4300 34300 84300 34300 ALAMEDA PARK NEW S77 E. 33d st N., ia a beautiful new 5 room bungalow, with breakfast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays. Keady for occupancy. No liens to assume. J. A. WICKMAN CO. Realtors QUALITY HOMES 262 Stark st Broadway 6794. BUY IN MENTONE Pay $5 Down They axe selling fast You'd "better hnrrv if yon want one. 60x100 level lota, 3225-3240, Bull Ron water, gaa, big school near. 8 cent ear line, good neighbors. Stop paying the rent man your hard-earned money. Put up a or email house. See Mr. Flynn. Comte & now;, ooou, zua tnamper of Commerce bldg. Call evenings. East 3257. 325 DOWN. (10 MONTHLY SEVEN FULL LOTS RIGHT ON MACADAMIZED ROAD NATIVE FIR TREES AND SHEUBBEBT PRICE 8700 NOT FOR ONE, BUT FOB ALL GRAB THIS 732 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ATTRACTIVE home. In good residence dis trict; beautiful lot with flowers, shrubs, trees, etc.; reception ball, living room, din ing room, den, kitchen, bathroom and 4 sleeping rooms; hardwood floors, full cement basement, laundry trays and every modern convenience. Will consider flats or small apartment in exchange. Mrs. Albangh, JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 8 ROOMS MODERN 8500 S8TH NEAR HAWTHORNE Splendid large home with every modern de tail including hardwood floors, furnace, 2 fire places, sleeping porch and garage; located on corner, paved both sides, gauu down ana o per month will handle. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 6034. A DARLING LITTLE WHITE BUNGALOW Beautiful inside and out, with garage to match architecture of home. Full cement base ment with splendid furnace. The breakfast nook off the dainty white kitchen will seat six. This la an ideal home lor couple and we would like to show you lust how complete is. Prica 38200. Good terms. Or you may buy It furnished complete for (400 mora. Our new phone number ia Broadway 0634. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 5654. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE' 413 ACREAGE 405 ACREAGE BARGAIN 10 acres, all fenced and tiled, T cultivation, sal. brush ; email hoase. spring, dose to school and store; 4 from Oregon City: $1700. easy 4 acres, an cultivated. Iocs of anuO fruit 6-room boose, furnished, bare, out buildings, cow, aoaaa "-", 20 lacks potatoes, all wood for winter, farm tool. 81900. terms. See Mr. Stewart with C. W. Millershtp, 165 ft 4th at 6375. 845 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH Now is your ehanca to get a choice aero, clove in. with Bull Bun water aad gaa, dose to car and paved highway; good soil. Total plica only 5900. BOONE-CLEARWATER Bdwy? 5817. 506 Coach Bldg. WIDOW FORCED TO SACRIFICE 2 acres, all cultivated, ( room modern house, chicken bouse, gsrage. cherry orchard, oat good road. 200 feet of etoctrie station, V mile of large school. 25 minutes by onto to 6th and Washington: 84500. R. J. McGuire, 845 N. Union sve. ACREAGE BARGAIN Only 845 down, balance 810 par month dty water and gaa; finest garden aoiU doe. Broadway 5317. 3700 CASH and Jw-ms boys a new 5 room doable - constructed bungalow, EVERYTHING COMPLETE Includes fire insurance for 3 years, hardwood floors, curtain rods, electric light globe and fix tures, linoleum in kitchen and bath, fur nace, fireplace, gas water heater, full ce ment basement 45x100 lot, all fenced, 8 bearing fruit trees, all assessments paid. 34290. Call Mr. Young. Bdwy. 6389. J7500 37500 87500 37500 37500 ALAMEDA PARK No. 864 E. 28th st N., 1 block from beat earline, in the choicest part of thia popular re stricted district, is this beautiful 7 room bunga low. Drive by today, then arrange for appoint ment and inspection. Exceptional terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 5-ROOM bungalow at Meadrum station with 1 cres. Price 85000. one-half cash. Other acreage in earn beautiful tract right on bard sarfsce highway. RDl LEY. STARKWEATHER At' BLACK 602 Broadway bldg. Main 6199 Realtors QUALITY HOMES 262 Stark at Broadway 6784. 82600 ANY reasonable terms; attractive 5 mom hnnzalow. modern white enamel plumb ing, built-in buffet, bookcases and Dutch kitchen; attic with stairs. The arrangement is first class and you will be glad all your life if you are fortunate enough to get thia home. We advertise snaps only, and if you buy from us you gvt your money s worth. Wm. A. Hughes Co., 218 By. Exch, bldg. Bdwy. 6808. 33650 3800 DOWN SATE time and trouble by closing your deals in our ESCROW DEPARTMENT Title & Trust Company TITLE & TRUST BLDG. BY OWNER, large doable constructed house. in fine condition. 2 bedrooms, large living room and dining room, Dutch kitchen, break- bath and 3 closets on first floor; 3 ROSE CITY PARK LOTS PAT 58 A MONTH PRICE 8375 On 63d st to 69th at. north at nsr , have 50x100 lots with cement walks and curb in and paid. These are bargains for t $375. Too 11 pay much more for lots like these in tne spring. See Mr. Gray today. COMTE & KOHLMAN, Bdwy. 6550. 20S Cham, of Com. Bldg. fast nook "f." rT'i llPmg porch on second floor; full cement base- ment with Calorie piped ess furnace, new garage, 50x100. east sfront, corner lot, 1 blk. from Alberta car near good school. Price 34800, equity 82800, baL (30 per mo. and interest Call after Sunday. 1091 E. 24th N. Wood town 5639. ; 'rest rity in minute, located 35 th and Bryce ave.. Broadway car through Alameda Park, or call Bdwy. 6034. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANT A HOME? If yon do not have a lot let us build for you on one of ours; liberal financial assist ance extended; we are prepared to assist yen in any way; soldier's bonus may be ap plied. ROBNETT & M'CLURE, BUILDERS Broadway 6574. 302"Couch Bldg. steam-healed H. St.: baat UlM. telephone yirssie, ww rent Bin la nr. bath ; laundry clean front Main with kitchen and pantry, ft earn healed and modern and in da- rratil. Inealtty. IS 3 M. 22d at APARTMENTS UNTURNISHED 308 The American Apts. 4 and 5-roora modem apartments. Twenty- first and Johnson. Broadway 8360. 3-ROOM modem unfuraianed apartment; eteam heat: no children. 832. 26th and Clinton ats. Waverly Court. E. KINGS HIIJ. APT. On desirable 6-room apt Main BI2". HEW Bander I or 4 room Hat' private bath aaa naoa. snitania ror a or a naonia. laua imumMv i mumoia 7N4. ONE Ursa ruuai with kitchenette; 2 aingle rooma. slaea aad light sn YAMHILL A LARGE, aiaale lumisbad II. XL ttvm.. tamtK u4i i I at a ' ' I i it i tjct i m CAT lint?, a lavrn rooms, com- II aawia a -it -a .ami I pifX"l J I UTUmirU, JJkaa. jri. -JMUIU, I trs7aB4Jwy, UU r Ii l"" l"rnul'r bouMkeeping rooms. 812 ground floor: 380; includes heat, phone, lights. FLATS FURNISHED 309 223 a (20 month: under new auasnnait baHdaW a, LA Hi. K badroem. witn rlnaet and kitrhenatte: ahavt walk Is Mater Frank'a; working people . rwrmi. Tip-on. Marshall 14BS. BB9 6th. . CLKAN apartSMBt ot 2 II. k. rnoma, hot and ova water la mom; furnace or stove beat 4XIS4 nth at. Marshall 2)105. a Lovely ua rooiaa on ground floor: nicely tarnlaited, lireplace. gaa range, everything eeisssfwe, owe m. govt location. Main 270 3. THKKki rlean, well furnished houarkeeping rooms aai; pnvai. ihvimm-. iigut and water fur- tisshed. Msnhsll 1274 M( K, elMn.nxim with kilrhenatte. heat hght gaa, bailb,. levona. also sleeping room. 674 Johwana St. enmer 21st. MCE, rWan'moat with kiu-henatttH heat, light gaa, aatn, pnone, also aleepuig room. 674 Jnhnmnm at, essrnrr 21st 'L RSISllV.K II. K. ant, 2 front rooms. Usht and eleaa, amk, bet ad roM water, furuat-e heat 4l S aih at. Maij 2rt"V TWO furnlabed bouaekerpmg lor rent 173 E. ' atb at w. Tail M a,. Reoma, elertrie Ugbta, heat and gsa; l a month. f.QI IHvla. Till MINN KNOT A ave.. 2 rooms, furnished for bM H K.; nn sleeting room. Wdln. 14. M mTnoI.K it. k. roiuna, use of phone and bath. 2n6 Montgomery st. 8 1 1 ' 1 1-K and hmwekeeplng morns, cheap, for rent MrsaM. S So 'si nan Kafarl st. near In von ffTRT;N"TH water; no cbildrtn. Suitable for man and wsfe quirt, employed people preferred. East 4384 4 ROOM famished list large, light modem except steam beat, wen fumi&hed; easy walk ing distance; no small children; rent 345. Call a'ter 5:30 at 846 Montgomery. FURNISHED flat of 4 rooma and bath. Ilreenwood ave. Call Tabor 5944. 843 759 Williams IRVINGTON DISTRICT 50x15031250. 8100 cash. (10 naontnlsv Close to Irvington car on Fremont, near school ana new park. All improvements in and paid. rine sou lor garden. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldi. Main 3787. ACRE AND ONE HALF ACRE TRACTS EASY TERMS CLOSE L J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 1 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. "BUILT TO ENDURE 8100 to 33000 INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better Houses for Less Money. REDDfADB BLDG. CO., PORTLAND, OR. Factory E. 11th and Market Phone Eaft 6114. PORTLAND BOULEVARD! SNAP Dandy 8 room house, excellent condition, new roof, newly painted and tinted, full basement. 200x132 lot; garage, chicken house, street and sewer improvements paid. Price 36000, easy terms. Mill & Von Borstal, 101 2d st Broadway 7436. (750 8100 DOWN. iTa" monthly, 2 room shack on good corner. 100x100, splendid soil, good district, some fruit Here is the basis of a nice home. A little work will in crease the value. ; JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bsnk Bldg. Msin 3787. FRANKLIN HIGH DISTRICT Splendid comer on 50th st and 34th ave; lot 100x105, with whits fence all around; 6 room modem bouse, pipeless fur nace and garage. Price 35200; 31500 down. This is a bargain and price has been cut several hundred dollars. Tske M-S car at Second and Alder sta. Phone Aut 610-24. Address 4928 34th ave. Owner. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 bvasae an fact. aaTthaaa maa that aiw svasch - - Dealer in Exchanges . Ut ant. not f araaa. atnekn that haa amerit l aa adanted an ana diff swans . aa la giva yess the ssTrsra that yoa has bean looking for. Mr. Boha aad Walla. with th FRED L. BLANCHAKD XKAL ESTATE Bdwy. 83 or Mar. 62. 6th aad Wash, 401-2 wetland Bids. Trade Dry Climate For Wet 5 and 10-arra traeta. also laiwar fnrma I sale or trad, at Biehmnd, Wests., svfes carry aivaragwa and atrawbarriea saak 8600 so 8700 per acre. Ideal for early apnda, anpaas, aiialfa w oairying. ror rehabk mfaraaattnai V with W. M Pel torn. Piwlatiem MaraeC 6 th a Wash. sm.. VaacasiveT. Wash. ROGUE RIVER VaLLM EXCHANGE FOR MIDDLE WEST Z53 acres on Portland and Aaa Paved harhwav. 5 aailea swth f Crania Paaa: 40-acre peer orchard. 5 acres of berries, balance wvwj tana and ana, dees, rich eoil Owner Urea a miasonn. Ossxsras to trad, for rm.m no mcomhranre; vara 3 40, 000, WHEELER. 204 K. 6th 6t. Grants Pass, Or. $lGa.C0 Weekly: rVvsrstTwrvt TrruorcTr nr- r-rr-rJ siiM stSPB EN TAT1T E PLA. lASTLfiT HELL. . LNU FORD AOt"ESBT ON wi ins FT. "MAnOO" (PUHH rv r.S-w asrtw luntf OF FORD CAR EUMINATIA aUTTLTNO Of I . r- u "-"i TaUIVKNTS BAIsUTOR, LIGHTS AND FRONT OF CAR BECslMIV. MUI SPLA5BEH. INI-rCEs ;REATF TOLCMK A1B INTO BADUTOk, KULltTII LAMP-S BATS OTTO Boa.r, IN KIGHT DB1VINC. BEACTIFIES UM OF CAB, PUTTING FORD CAR IN HIGHER FstlCKli CLASS. THB FORD CAR. IsEIVst srnw ONLT CAR WTTHOCT A -PLAU PAN Pftrt- iMnnis, kTi.RI OWNER WANTS THIS . l-SMJriiL ATYACHMKNT. ANYONE CAN ATTACH KENDXR IN FEW MINUTES. VtK TAn (6.6 SEND (4 FOR AGENT'S SAMPLE ANT CONTRACT APPLICATION fob tekutorial bjgrts. ghi rr- ERENCES. MATER AUTO ArcESaORIES CORPORATION. MANTFACTrRERA. 833-635 WASHINGTON STREET. RrfTALO. N. T. WILL TRADE aerea, 6 room aonse, email barm. 23 large iron usaa, 1 micutea no. oa earlina fr eonrt house on east sale, 63000. Will trad. i or raw acreage outside city haute with assail stream, or wnat nav your Faoa. Cot, 140. ivvi Kwnnsrq at. WTLL TRADE EXCHANGE OFVirR City reMoVancea to exchange for wsuVlsapruaad i aaa in acreagw. am rarm nmnga ROBNETT at MoCLCBE, REALTORS Bdwy. 6574. 302 Conch Bldg 142-ACRE fruit and dairy tana to aachaag. tor equipancnt mrge Eastern Oiwgom ranch nan the owner wants to retire. W. E. WHITE St CO.. Realtors, Nspwibsprg , Op. IMPROVED Hood River farm lor PorUaai property. Tain 630.000. P. O. Bog 419. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 FCA SALE or trade, a 10-arre atnsraswry farm in Waabksetnn- Phan Wdln AlOO for farther informaaon. FARMS 407 785 ACRES, 70 acres under th plow, balance m hay land and pasture: good 6 room house. Dig barn: all machinery: 4 miles to church and school; 18 miles to railroad; good gravel road to place, in Willamette valley; a dandy place for dairy or stock ranch. Will trad for amalkr place or aell on very easy terms. 1132 acres. 4K miles from Elk creek. located on Big Elk creak and Little Bear: 600 acres of best land: 300 acres under cultivation; very fin alder timber: 6.000.000 ft of fir; 4 room house and new 7 room hoasa, 8-year-old orchard, and good, big barn ; 4 miles to railroad. 12 milea from Toledo, 5 miles from Mill Citr. This is a dandv stock ranch. 40 acres bottom land suitable tor axrderjtnx and dairy purposes, right on th highway, SVk milea from center of Portland; all in cultiva tion. 3250 per acre, beat of terms. McGEE DENNIS. 669 Union An. N. Wdln. 6684. MR. RANCHER Just Look at This West of PortUnd in Washington county. 40 acres of rich shot and loam aou. Part in cultivation, balance pasture. Good 4 -room house, barn and chicken houses. 1 H seres of potatoes; hay in the bam. Only 31900. I have many other good farms for aale, some nice 40 and 80-acre placea with atock and implements from 330 to 8100 an acre. J. B. HOLBROOK. Realtor. 214-215 Panama bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 MANY CALLS FOB HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY, THE SOLDIERS BONUS WTLL AVAILABLE BOON BE W want houses that can be haiwTUd wader th. eoadier bonna plan; nasaasbar this an 8SOOO down. Be. us at oats. 1. U HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . Bdwy. 6034, 20 WANT a wast am flat building with 4 to fhtta, or apartment boos with about apartments. Client can pay liberal "" cash. HENRY W. GODDABD, REALTOR, 243 8terk street Broadway 7831 HAVE CLIENT. Wiil pay all eaah (or lrvuigtoa lot 033 N. JOHNSON DODSON CO W. Bank bidg. Main 878 BUSINESS OPTORTLTNl I IL3 STORES, ETC. too COOn BUYS IN CI OCXS T STOIXS 3I00 Aeartmvot dmtnrt. 5Tw-6i: lssily rnanav (456 for flxtaroa, etnet at tesssiea, (40- 6w daily Daataiaa. I unng 811 fuse Location bent better than 823 daily, bvpag Business Service T18 PEKUM BLDG HOTELS AND kOOMTNCj HOUSES FOR SALE SOS MONET MAKING ROOMING BOUSES 1187511 rooms, eteaa piaea. aloe yard, say walking 4 arte no. 8600 82100 1 waavs, assay aafg asctiaw, al wsya tail, clears 3176 mon'y. 81300 3 650 7 isiam. fair fwrnitarsv fonntaia and lanrh rjessatet. Business Service 118 Dekaa bldg. A PARTICULAR PLACE FOR PARTICULAR PICOI-I.E WHITE TEMPLE It rooms, k. k mostly 2a; hot and oeU w- trr ia ail apte. : ateajn heat, good gaa raiigaa. extra good furniture and a suae, rassi plana; snow a net of (! and airgaat apt for aaa. Call today and a coartaona aaMamaa will abew it to yoss. Wm. A. Hachsss Co.. 218 Bauway Exch. bsdg. Bmadsvay 608. SEE THIS BIG SNAP 20 room ot rood fumltnra. good locstloa. rant 876 per mo., with a ftsw-ysser Issaaa. slin. Ina a aaat of 6150 par as.; 81600 will baastw. -" easy. Thia pnea for less days eaJx. Call today. Wm. A. Hngbaa Co-. 213 By. Zxdk. bldg. Broadway SeOIL 10 ROOMa, rMasavaawpusg. good laraitar. aad nir place. This not a tumbled dosvn eharfc and ta a apleadtd boy at 830. S cash. We advertise enar wnly. Wm. A. Httghea Co, Sit Railway Exch. bldg. Broadwsy 6s0b. FOR QUICK SALE HigB oteas rssoauag aast boarding bnvsva. apleadid locatsoa oa fuse pay mc basis: rood pnopoatuoa lor ngbt party; 62000 win beadle; no agenta. T-7, Joarsssl, FOR SALE 50 room boUL oaasLrally looated and doing exceliact biaunias. aood ten Writ, fsam H. Webb. Astoria, Oresroa. L1KT that hotel or eruaent bona, with" WEST SIDE 6 ROOM HOUSE 8250 CASH Good 6 room house, 3 bedrooms, bath, fur nace, m good condition; lot 40x120; on Kelly I st, near Failing school. Price, a snap, 8250W, 3-50 cash and balance monthly at 6 per cent No mortgage or city liens. Would cost 83000 to build the house. J. W. GRUSSI 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. BARGAIN HUNTERS. LOOK I 15 LOTS. CLOSE-IN LESS THAN ASSESSED VALUE 21st st, near Sandy. Non-resident wires "selL"' Corns take your pick. Priced as low as (700, which includes all improvements T. O. BIRD. 526 Chamber of Commerce. 5360 CASH 5 ACRES Here is a bargain for you. Five acres nearly all in raspberries, rich soil; S-room house, run ning water; located on Gates road, a short dis ..... ,,nn, n ..iw fmM -iu. ON EAST' 39TH STREET, PAVED Near Reed I station; the price is 33600; pay only 8360 college, a pretty inue room oungaiow on cash. See us today. LOWER flat well furnished. sve. Phone Wondlawn 2480. NICE, clean 3 room furnished flat 102 E. 18th at 6 ROOM corner flat, furnished; Til minutes' walk from poatoffice. 620 6th st , IRVINGTON Attrscrive 4 -room flat; heat, light, gaa. (63: adults. East 8016. KICK, clean upper 2 room flat 820: light and phone Furnished. Fnt T3SR. 454 Belmont Tit llth at Pbona K, luuma, Marshall 93. Kl K furnutissl 2 mom It k apartment for esssv. . n.a in at. i, 8 AND '4 . turnishd rooms lor housekeeping. Tsnor szis, iiij r- Market Dmise4eping risena. cheap, ground A7I Sib at , on lath at rerun.. aiU-hen privilege, I'ght beat phone ana gaa lumvnssi. aw is ,'nn near Wash. f lone. two" ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED fOM RENT Two aitfurnilwd b, k. Chapman st Main Son. SOS FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 STRICTLY modern 5 room flat hardwood floors. newly decorated, B4ft. on Kat 29th st N. Adults only. Inquire 74 E. 29th st N. Pbona Kaet 5070. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 A REAL home, 5 rooms and bath, close in. fireplace, furnace, adults only. Call after! 1 p. m . 781 K. Yamhill. Sunnyside car. East 1B4.1. A BEAUTIFUL furnished house, 5 rooma and breakfast nook, garage if desired. Location 1347 E 6th st. N. CaU Wood lawn 2860. 4 KUBNISHED rooms in lovely home, furuac aad fireplace, etrietry modem; snitable for rrtned couple; rent 3!0. Tabor 4075. 3 ROOMS, lower floor, confortably furnished, in Sellwood, one block from car Une. Give phone number. T-l-3. Journal. 550 CASH, 310 MONTHLY Macadam street sewer and sidewalks in and paid. .On Crookn&m are., near Milwaukie. Price $650. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. LESS THAN ASSESSED VALUE NON-RESIDENT WIRES SELL 15 lots near 21st and Sandy bird., some as I low as a I ('li, which includes all improvements. oee tnem today. T. O. BIRD, .128 Cham of Com. BARGAIN Comer lot 60x100. northwest comer of 76th ana Hhsver sts.. 2 blocks north of Sandv road: sidewalk and curbing in and paid ; some beautiful trees; low price and your own terms. Owner, au i iamMr ot imnmeroe bldg. Main l'Jo3. 2ND mortgage lots. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8550 ROSE CITY 3550 On 51st N. : buildinc all around this sec tion;, 3550 rash. Bdwy. 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO. 633 By. Exch. Bldg. ' NICE LOTS WITH CEMENT WALKS 81 weekly: 50x100; not far to car and st-hon, 3850 to 3G0. Roger W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. 100x100 CORNER East Davis and 66th. $500. with $50 dosvn. balance easy terms. Mrs. Finch, Tabor 4349 ' r'ECORNER-lot. 50x100. in Irvington park, $650, terms. Marshall 1425. comer lot, neat and nice. Fine for elderly I couple or young people. Close in. but like a country home, $2000. With small cash pay ment Note new phone number. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 5654. Nice Home At low prices ' and easy terms, 6 rooms, bath, toilet and laundry trays; improved street; all liens paid; close to factory and car shop: price $2600, $500 down, balance same as rent John A. Meissner, 821 Gaaco bldg. Main 1814. CAPITOL HILL 3 room house, good barn, 150x150 lot Bull Run water, gas. electricity, 8c fare. Price $1500; terms to suit POTTER, WITH MALL 4 VON BORSTEL 104 Second St Broadway 7436. $3100 $500 DOWN. $30 monthly, including interest, new 5- room modem bungalow, all improvements paid, some nice fruit and lot 75x 100; enough room to make a real home. Sewer, electricity, gas. water. JohnsonBodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank Bids. Msin 3787. $50 DOWN 5 rooms, close in, near M-V car. Total price $750. Lot 15x50. house about 1,2x24 : electric lighte. gaa. toilet, sink, sewer connections in and paid; deeded sidewalk leads to houso from street Hou is located on rear of lot 42 Vi E- 27th st Owner. Marshall 74 6. COMTE & KOHLMAN, Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEE THIS ONE $1500. $350 cash, bum this pretty 3 room houe: should bring $2500. It has good basement and modern plumbing, beau tiful 50x100 lot with fruit trees and shrub- hp rv: 1 block to Daved street and oaiiine. xou can t duplicate this xor trie money, vmiy a short drive out in one of our auto. Call today. Wm. A. Hughes Co.. 218 By. Ex. bldg. Bdwy. 6808. 5 2D NEAR E. STARK Three lota, 150x150 feet deep, excellent locations, street and sewer imps. paid. Bargain; $2400: terms. POTTER. WITH ' MALL A VON BORSTEL 104 Second St Broadway 7436. WE HAVE several nice homes from $1700 to $4100 on which the soldier bonus will ap ply, with payment of only $100 down. Let an ex-service man help you select your home or give you free information regarding bonus. JohnsonBodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BUILD TO SATlbirt, Before letting contract to build year home. see us. We will save you money and ahow Ton real construction. DKAL with an service man. Soldiers given ivery considera tion. ROBNETT AV ItcCLURE. REALTORS Marshall 3292. 302 Conch Bldg. FOR SALE MODEL DAIRY FARM 1 76 acres of fertile bottom dairy land, fenced, mostly under high atata of cultivation; in Alockoman valley, five milea from Cathlamet; fin road, new highway will paaa the farm; 14 COWS, - 4 heifers; splendid team, chicken and hogs; all farm machinery, tools; new 6-room bun galow, cement basement under whole bouse, new out houses, furniture, piano, beautiful location, fine schools, two wells, running water. Price $12,500. Will take Portland home in part payment Owner, room 325 Worcester building, Broadway 7416. Further information. Beaver Springs Farms In tracts to suit, 10 to 140 acres, AH good soil, no rock, some cleared, some buildings, living streams, close to school, 2 miles to good town, B, R-. Colombia river and highway. 2 hours' driv from Portland. Come and join the colony of rood people already there. Price $30 to $60. Your own terms within reason. John A. Meiacner, 821 Gaaco bldg. Dairy Farmers, Investi gate! This unusual opportunity. Fin paying irri gated dairy and alfalfa ranch: famous Deschutes Valley. Central Oregon, $16,000. 8 mall Initial payment, new easy payment plan; Ideal climate Full particulars on request REDMOND LAND LOAN CO., INC. REDMOND. OR- TWO tine diamond rings, on a aoilair set platinum, $350: on an opal cluster. $300; will sell or trad for a good building tot. Thai price ia not boosted. K-996. Journal. WANT Irvington home near Broadway earline; not to exceed $3500; about half cash. Bdwy. 3863. HAVE 3300 cash for lot auitahl for building. Phone East 6161 erenings. IF YOUR HOUSE tor aale. phono Broadway 5654. WANT bargain in lot, preferably R, C P. or Beadmont Main 8931. W atU 'em. Wm. Railway Exchange bldg llnghe Co.. 218 Broadway 6S04. 7-ROOM furnished flat rent 820; good mrome; will make term. CaU after Sunday, weekday between 11 and 6. 260 H Pin et 10 ROOMS. mg dsstanee; cheap good laraitnr.; walk. 93 F 12lhv ACREAGE 4531 WANT SMALL PLACES. CLOSE IN Improved placea with building, oa aood road, close to electrie transportation aad Portland. Ecu II payment down and owner to accept aceuier'a loan. John Ferrueoa, Garlinger bldg. It ROOM rooming house lor asia. AOdreaa IB1 s. Grand ave. APARTMENT HOUSE, 24 rooma. bnck Meg.. aaooern. sens ls-n. waiuag nat but chases bldg. BUSINESS OIPORTUNrnES WANTED SSO 3100 WILL put you in bmanam "of yourself that ha a big future and at a money maker. Straight forward busuneee; taveaticata. it win meet your approval. Something bow. X-T41. Journal. SHEET metal ahop wants to rent 50x100 ia central eat Portland; new baiding preferred. Addraas A. U DnPay. 424 E Alder. WOULD yoa pay 31UO doara to gvt lata FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 4S7lmakerT nT uTt rTmaT ' Only $6 Down Fine big classy bungalow, large living room. $5230 ROSK CITT CLOSE IN I massive shale bncjt fireplace, turn ace. large ft mnmi snrl fiUenm. nnrrh fnnl.m thrnnirh. I WmdoWS. Dutch KltchCU. Dear School and Car, out, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, tapestry pa- beautiful yard, lawn, roses, shade trees, surround- ner enamel finish: carase: easy terms. Irr. ea OT nice nomes: gooa aistnci. i-nce iuu. Clnirrh wiUl 127 K. FLANDERS. TABOR 7547. HOUSES 404 J. R. HAIGHT, REALTOR 327 Board of Trade. Brosdway !045. NEW BUNGALOW CLOSE IN 5 rooms with large attic, tile bath room. living room and dining room across the front 6-KOOM bouse, famished; 1 acre berries and fruit, lawn and roses; garage; $30 month. 8006 7th st 8. E. 6-ROOM 1 ' ratrNPa nlnra Ant 628-41 cottage, furnished, on Ivy st near ave., rent gtu. Aut 620-88; ve- UK. HANDYMAN New 8 room bungalow, on earline. seme finishing inside. Will sell my $1700 equity for $1000 rash" balance on lot is $534: sewer connected, gaa and light, large fireplace, clinker brick chimney; everything paid. ' For informa tion call 63-8. VrnVISUvn THRFE-ROOVf AIOVA7 $450 cash and balance like rent: enough I hardwood floors throughout; must be seen to Reoulres wood for -winter. 40x100: fruit shrubberv. etc I appreciate it 707 L. Pine, near 20th. Owner WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES Have several neooi. wanting to rent acre age or amaU farm, close to Portland pre ferred; aoma people will buy lb tnae after leasing for year or more; w make lots of sale this way; will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. GerUnger bldg. largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED SuaU grtweryT FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS KO COMMISSION Oa Issprovad property et tor "bTb-t STORES. ETC. 500 Sacrifice 80 acre. 35 acre fine agricultural land. 1000 cords of wood In umber. 14 milea B. W. of Portland. 7 miles paved road, balance m adam road for a ahort time. 825 per acre. Also have 40 acres, 5 in cultivation, small house, 2 bams. Good buy at 8600; some terms. F. B. Madison 216 7tb St. Oregon City. Or. SELECT LIST OF GARAGES 83000 Equipped completely for all claasea work, Uie building, wast aide; $1000 will handle. $4300 Doing prosTserous business, in mall town, brick building, thoroughly equipped; $2000 down. $600 Half interest aarare and repair ahop. town near Portland. Worth Inves-ugstirm. Business Service 718 DEKUM BLDG. and as Blast method of paying a ear monthly payment pass. month lur 36 morula, ar month tor 60 mooths. or asoaia for 96 aaoauha, pay a and mtercet. 832.26 per $21.84 per 1 16.1T $7500 27 ACRES, highly improved farm. near Newberg: dairy and fruit farm; owner wants to retire. This is one of the best buys on our list Cash and terms; no trade. W. E. WHITE & CO., Realtors, Newberg, Or. GEN. STORE, doine fine bufmesa: will invoice. Good bldg. Will aell goods, and rent or aell bldg, and all: give good terms: a bargain. I .scare lot 100x100. floor enar. 60x100. fine bldg., lot of' tools: done over $35,000 last year. 24 cars stored. ( ash and terms. BOX 22. BCIO. OR. RUTTER-CREAMERT BUSINESS Well established valley creamery, making money; good equipment located in fine dairy section, more demand for output thaa ran sup ply, made half million ponnda 1921. 612.5O0 haus of 810O0 Leans of other amounts la anas Repayment TOvuagae, EQUTTABLJI SAVINGS At LOAN ASS "at 843 Stark St. Portland, Or. WE have plenty of money to loan aa lnrpfwvaf Portland real estate. Mortgage Guarantee Co. tl FOURTH ET, (300. 4400. 336o. 4740. iiOOB AND TP! L 1 a net rates, quack action ; pay 1M or avww any Cbai UcedoaT Mongac Co ail of Commerce baag. Mala 1(70. FOR SALE The best alfalfa dairy ranch Umatilla county: a real home place; good 1 cash will handle, balance out of busin verms, or wi u conaiorr up so .iv.wvv ui cjrar 1 fix-Ten, Journal roruma property as part payment. v rium xur particulars. J. Bkovbe, Hermiston. Or. T'TTY 5300. 8400. $&Os. 670w Low rate, awaek anion. Co., 731 Chamber U Coesi S 100 AND CP. ted W. seermaa em. Mam 4s. Price for quick sale only $1400. J6hnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. and builder Tabor 1950. on the premise. Main 5231, ALAMEDA PARK 55600 Sacrificing beantiful 5 room bungalow. $2250 CASH only, for a nice borne in elegant condition. 5 rooma and large bath. 100x100 lot covered with rosea, foreign and domestic 1ST HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 311 M TK.rRABT.K furnished fronts H salt to adulta, bii TaniluU. Mam 441i. t ROOMS aad alerntng porch. $20 Der month al 604 K Oak at., betweea 10th and 11th as., ims. HOUSES UNFURNISHED PIANOS moved. $3; stairs extra, $1 each flight; a" oaya ire storage on an nousenoHi goods; furniture moving. 1-ton trucks. $2 per hour: large truck. $2.75 per hour. We are experi enced and have good packing. Call Broadway uai. Alias TTsnaier t Htorag Co.. 104 . 6th at Opes Sundays and evening. nth new It luraulivd klU-hanette. licha. lurnecw heat walkma diatan.. adults. aO ssewier sv. tWO tTRNIHED llol HFKV.EriNG BOOMS, a , . ,..,. v M.- , ...... . n . - vsi m v eawav, aau, v isuu a 1 a a . owd ai. isrivsT. RIM1M.. WITH L1;HT AN1 HUT MARSHALL BROADWAY $333. 417 TWO large aafurntshvd rnoma, just papered. Isetrtcity, running water and gas; walking rVwafs, t P(7, 1T3 E 7th at ' i INrVRNlSHRD M. 8L ronaia: ohossa. aain aad haht: $13 SO per month. Caa furtush tww If desired. 604 K Ash. East 676. 8 FUHNIHHED assnswkeepiag rooms with lieht fwt .. 136, 'Adislte prafM-psi. phon Ant, lin n. KICK H, K.. swav waikln dsstaae; parties waning pretamsa; wtta raiaraooaa. 0 I . waa. Kasd 4 LETaAN T rurmashasl Uarong or laawsknng ltr aa for aa aniet aeatlasaaa raaaMhH. 4B1 loth rt sv I'FJsiKANI.E HisOM FOR TWO GIRLS KM ILOTfD: HOME PRIVILEGES; WALK' rsio pwrtsrr. main goi. private C1M. e-a, H.f rooeaTS: baat, 1 Bar mostth. welalal Wiriians v., one. Broadway. SINGLE, a K. room, heat, pasxaa, haht, bath BUT. 843 ad good laaadrr. waikme distanca. rVu-T. t. wear W. Park. Mala 8164. IVH tLtNt J 887 every iking eota I"kM: elnae hv 361 6h. 1 LK.liT fnsaa m. K, m ima, lacUt haht. satis. s rrj at. 3 IM..IJS.M, JL. wmb. walking daaaewT N I Sis) at Ft KNUUtK 134 v-irvL- rirnn urpsT nrrviisTjw K with I., .tti. hrrirol rionrs I ah rubbery. 3 apple trees; this is a regular park. oniT i i v i iin. iftw tiMatf. i SDQ xne nousa cannov oe ouin. iot uw ddoct UVTQUC-r, , . . , . I A - , -i , . - i. I ".l"VA""LJ .WW. W.CW.OUM., , , n A , 1 ' T-iwis miuvra ivT mis. nu asai- i Diccaa so nroaasFsv car: lurumce. iireuiace. oaa i k.ki 1. T .. ; , i . t - . .. . - - 1 1 ui, ituuim, an i sac, Atsvu. iuuiicb suivj wm- 15 2 ROOM furnished house, yard; no ob jec- I Carage ; $800 : eaw terms. non cniwren. inquire 02T "Market. noora- Imp.T enmel dwork; attic, dow ghsd,,; ready to live in, 210 E. 43d N. was offered a year ago $3100 for this place. D-554, Journal. DAIRY FARM JUST OUTSIDE 6 acres, hcuae. windmill, bam for 80 crews. On Columbia bird., near 42d at Will sell at bar gain for half rash. ROGER W. CART. 1219 N. W. Bank Wdg FOR SALE 100 acres. 35 cultivated; bldg. and stork feed, fin timber, 4 springs, land be fine. 1 miles from town; 56500. vt terms. Box 44. Scio. Or. WANTED Man to enter antoswobO. bmd . neas ia Oregon : direct contract with factory : better davcounte; snore profits; a real opportunity for lire man: doe not take much money. X-10, Journal. Write 1 JTt.E- MONEY for dwellings N. mm. Pna- ctpai only. Defaulted mtgea, and rantraru I adjusted. Sare eioewe. Ward. 4 07 Spalding bldg. BUILDING' srtv : money aovanrea aa work O. Berk. 216-316 Failing bldg kin 1467, FOR RENT FARMS 408 LEASE and atock for aale on 50-acr rancp. reaaor.aoie. n-ms, joumai. L'RNISHED, 6 rooms, hot water heat 308 Grand ave. N. East 203. Call J. B, HAIGHT. EEALTOR ; 82T Board of Trade Broadway 2045. IRVINGTON. $5250 $750 cash. 8 rooms, oak floors, furnace: as a borne or investment it eant be beat is on the canine and can be made to pay for itself, Alvin Johnson, Realtor. Phone Broadway 37; Home East 2961. ' JkAl a ho I For appointment call owner and builder. Main I 5231 or Tsbor mow. NOB HILL DISTRICT $12,000 Strictly modem 8-room residence, with large sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout tapes try paper, tumace. iirepiace, garage, boms terms if desired. HENRY W. GODDABD. REALTOR. 243 Stark St Bdwy. 7831. 61 RLNKLERED WAREHOUSE on Store yowr roods wtih us. Let n mcvtng and r'"g. CLAY S. MORSE, TNG. trackage. i do your 6-ROOM bouse and lots; not quite finished. but have all the material: at bargain: $1000. $600 cash and $12.60 per ma. Includes Interest Mt Scott car to Lenta Junction, 4 blocks south, I from anything between 103d and 104th, 56th ave. Tahor vs. m. ONLT $3100 BY OWNER NEW, SEW! YES. IT'S ALL NEW New design, a new kind of bungalow, 4 rooms. basement bath and breakfast nook. Different in town. Odd but attractive. PRICE $6800 $600 CASH Alameda 6 r. modem bung., fireplace, furnae. all built-ins, garage, a real bargain. Broadway 6536 or East 3592 evenings. WEST SIDE BARGAIN 2 1ST ST. CLOSE IN 7 large roms, vacant, furnace, ftreplae. Thia is not a aback but good home; $1200 cash, balance like rent T. O. BIRD. REALTOR. BDWY. 6017. FARM tor rent oa share, including stock. F. Stmck. Bandy. Or. 10 ACRE farm TWO improved homestead relinquishments, join ing, b.u.wo; fruit ranca. tu rooa ta aso little town, near Grants Pas. $2000 spent on one. running water, all plow land. $600 and $700. 801 Corbet bldg. Bmadway 8470. 4S4 GUsen st ! 8-ROOM bouse, 646 Albina ave.. suitable for 1 or 2 families, baa iust been newlv nanered and halsomtned. has electricitT and caa. lnanira o; a isonnwics at. NEW MODERN 5 -room house end garace with 100x100 lot! beat aoil for earden- I-J.V fll worn, inns BUILD NOW Be a satisfied home owner; we welcome Inspection. LIBERAL FINANCIAL AS SISTANCE. ROBNETT 4k McCLURK. BUTLDERS Bdwy. 6574. 302 Conch bldg. $630 CASH Alberta, new 5 room bungalow. li replace, hardwood Iloors: l block to ear: 60x100: garage, $3500. Make use of soldiers' Den. Broadway 6536 or East 3592 evenings. uwner. I This is a real little beauty. Don't fall to see it Seeing it is wanting it; $500 cash, balance easy. 260 E. 60th N. Aut 215-26. R08E CITY DISTRICT $2750 . Brand-new. 4 room, strictly modern, taste fully arranged house at reasonable terms. GORDON MTGE. CO. 621 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6870. SEE THIS $1000 DOWN CLOSE IN 10 minutes to town, exclusive Iadd Addition; fine 5 room buna-alow: oak floors, tapestnr paper. I enamel finish, built-ins, fireplace; attic: brand new. Call Mr. Louden, Broadway 2045. with I J. R. Haigtit BONUS BOYS We have wonderful boys in homes and farms. We ar sure we can interest yoo, McGEE A DENNIS. 969 Union ave. N. Wdln. 5684. LAURELH U KST New 6 room bungalow, all very modern. 80x100; garage, $5850; good Or hou3e and one lot $3700 terms. Broadway 6536 or fcast 3592 evcnmgs. RENT OR SALE 6-room modem bungalow and 2 sots: bemes, fruit trees, garden, etc, $30 per month rent or will sell for $4200: terms. Ant 041-05. FOR RENT Three-room cottage, with electric 16 ROOMS, sleeping porch, large kitchen, built- hgbta and gas, also (13.50 monthly. a few pteces of fund- 140 Missouri ave. ELK TRANSFEis STORAGE CO. It Dars' Stone Frew. ravntrnr moved for res. Broadway 2445. WHEN at 1S61 naoviac. euy or country, sat Use bsei pnesa. oreed Txana. Oa- Mala mi st AMer at 8TRICTLI Btodern 6 rooma and alaenina noeeh ..7 larnace. s. fireplace and garage; gent i r req o n una wis. nuns bkhT. ins, sta. tubs, bath, basement, etc, close to ear. For Quick aale only $2680. Cash 5700. balane $20 and interest, Owner, 771 E. 6th st N. 5-ROOM bungalow, h. w. floors, breakfast Book, everything; $3750; 530O down. East Inreirmrst, ROBNETT McCLUBE, REALTORS Bdwy. 6574. 302 Couch bldg. BEST VALUE IN PORTLAND Brand new bungalow, very neat plan, oak floors, fireplace, etc. $3100. Howard, 1115 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8931. SACRIFICE price $650 cash, $3000. 6 room cottage, fins Sunnyside home, on E. 80th. Paved street. Scott A. Berry, 1030 Belmont Tabor 9561. FOR SALE or lease, furnished or furniture fcr sale, modem, hardwood floors, furnace, elec tric lights, cement basement, walking distance. fine location: mcnTsre. Main 71B. $2300, terms. 4 room cottage, EC 351b, Ask about it Scott A Berry. 1033 Belmont Ta- bor 9561. 364 Call al E. 6th at S24 Front 7 ROOMS. Frio $33 Per month. at Phone Maia 70. FOR RlLST 7-room houoa. Ui Parg sc. 115 per monin, i. as. n.oer, sol' asiif s. cnange owg. rnone- Mars Btvos. SNAP IN WALNUT PARK Vw ImnMlna vlesst' hardamnd fimssa Sn. FRANKLIN high district, near grade school and I nsct. fireplace, Wdln. 334. Union Realty Co., car. 2 iota, o rooms, pats, gaa stove, water I 1042 Union ave. rv heater; good basement, fruit; terms,'; 3104 4th it 8, S. NEW modern 4 room bungalow, yost finished. $2273. $50O cash, terms. Owner. WoodlaWB ear to end. 3 blocks east. East 1433. D1V1NGT0N DISTRICT . S rooms, .very modem, . close to ear and scbooL Price $5500. easy terms. East 6431. HOUSE PLANS 100 designs, $10 to 815. or specially de- KICK Parkros bungalow, some furmtura. gaxaga. A ROOM kusnsav navad avxesca. aaodern. Laa-1 atatned at reasonable tee. relharst district: $373 down, balance rent I L B. BAILEY CO., 924 . W. Bank Bldg. 804 Buchanan Mdg. i I GOING away; will sell new painted aback, "with t ROOM boose, under oonrfroction; $300 win I . built-ins: lot 50x100. for $350. 2 sots if I compiete-: garaga. hard streets, corner sot; I wanted. St via 5 QUI ave. B. JS-. city. Ant. Dhou Zvv down, gjv montn. one Bncnaaan Diag. 1 642-38. t 4 BOOM house on 67th at., $300 down. $15 month. Prica 5110O. Good buy. 504 Buchanan bldg. - - ACREAGE 40S T KOOM bowse, lull baaaaaant eorj k.Uy'aad jsiiws, ua ssscei eonartusn. Belt 1B4W. mviNG-rON-CW. 9 f replao.. etc. (6Q. East 6015. CaU at FOR RENT -7 -room aooaa. aa. narvsws. .; I OWSK a t ROOMS, asawxsusgporcb, I baja trait, imai I 45th nswx Divisson. DRIVE oat to corner 21st and Bybe and look I $300 CASH and terms. 5 room hocae, close at a dandy S room home. - Th prica i right, I to ear aad school. Owner. SI E. Psrtlaad too, SelL 2219. owner. I ' I boalevard. furnaoa. I fBOOM bouse and alswpins poxeh, fnrnaoe, tow-1 KENTON . place, T3 aw Broadway, near 34 th. Tabor I Most eoanpleta houae ut atexttoa, rrjorns and I 4 blocks to Maplcwood etttiow on Oresroa 108H 8863 for mformatioa- ) ; , breakfast room: hxrdwood floors, full cement I Fectrie: water aad gaa. . Roger W. Cary. 1218 8 ACRES, fine sou. 12 to miles from Portland. 6 milea from BeavertoB, turn stream, 8 arraa easily cleared, some stamp well rotted, Pnc 51250. Tske ear from 8350 to 5400, balance 6 per cent, years, Atiusnoro, or. 1 F. O. box 15. NEARLt Z-S ACRE 812 MONTHLf J.168 & lath H. w aaodera bancaiow. East! basement: cheap; terms. xnauira 1264 In-raaon; I FOR 6ALL i'our auad 8 W KiTpatrick. IN. W. Bank bldg. Tigard St. 4S i ACRES. LEV1C CLOSE IN. ONLY 760; . a h Hi May v jtAaV Ta. - W. buildings. for rent doe. to city. Call 249 18th st with HOMESTEADS 410 COPY govt map showing Western Oregon homestead lands, $1. Our charge ar rra- ouabt and our services th best oa locations. Reference, given. W. J. ANDERSON. 302-4 Railway Exchange bldg.. Portland. TIMBER LANDS 411 80 ACRES timber, assessed valuation $860; Med money. Make m an offer. Mrs. O. E. son, Ysakton, Or. CLOTHING AND HABERDASHERY BUSINESS Good vaJJev town, rent reasonable: also clean ing and pressing; good small new stock grata furnishing. Pnc $6500. White BX-769. Journal. CIGAR and candy stand for aale. Fine lora- uon on busry street Don t mis thai If you want a nice nul business. $450 cash if takes at once No agenta need answer. S-796. JoornaL CIGARS, confectionery, light grocery, bvang rooms, fine ksration. Good Dual nasi invosre stock, sacrifice fixtures. Investigate thia. Home bargain. Universal Sales Co.. 02 Ry. Each. bldg. CHIUOItlDIHT srell eatah lashed practica for quipment up to date; modern whit enamel, oven baked, art aaesrptls chairs, cabinet. etc, etc. Everything reauired in a aaodera oi rre A-7, Joornal HAULING CONTRACT A stood atradr lob coes with this new trnrk. Small payment down, balance easy ta-rwia. That Job is good for 2 years. Call 430 Belmont FOR SALE. SHOE SHOP EleetrVallv eauiorjed shoe xesair ahop. ta East ern Orefeoa. doing good biwinia Box 0111. Mil son. snr. PklN'TER In BUT GOOD bECl'BlTlKd AM. MAKE IxlANd le Davenport 6 1 2 Bar haus a bkig. 500. $1000 and upfl ; a. rati team War, 40T Spalding bkdg. 119 r00. T"I V IDE $0ooo. $r.?.00. $2500. $100. Illisn. f'jut 74. r.rton $20041 TO $300 ON CITT rTiOPY tTY. . FRED B- vAtu-taaiB. o ras assa suss. SEE OREGON TNT. A MOnTGACB COl. 210 Lomber Excnsng. brag MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY, LOANS MADE OS Automobiles FUTtwrTTRE. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GrtOTm, REAL ESTATE. BOWK OB ANTTHINO OF VALCst BECUBITT UBTALLX LEFT IN TOUB POSSESalOM Also Salary Loans TO BALARTTD PEOPLm ON THEIR NOTE". WTTHOl-T 8ECUBITY. IP TOUR PAYMENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMFASIXS OB osf FrRMITlRE CP ACTOMOBILat CONTBAr-rS ARK TOO LARGE. WI still. PAT THEM CP. ADVANCE TOn MORE MONEY IP KECXSSABY. AND TOT CAN PAT CO If "ai i MONTHLY PATMENTa TO SUIT YOCst COS VXJi lavs C"K. LEGAL BATES f0 DELAY iobbing shop wanta partorr to I srv-v va-rs a airs r a a. V help in shoo while b. calls oa trad. tea. I tViK i L-ZVIX U 'LVJVl" KKJm TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 aosvaov nrmi'n ar, .tts CAUTION. BUYERS Beior. esoatag a deal of I EKOADWAT 6S5T sojsmllwl tateraat te aatebh real mtete SALARY LOAN K-AlBI businem. get advice of Pcrtlaad Realty Board. I ww loan MONEY Z1 Oregon bldg. Pbon BrosvOway 1"I- I . aad .ait nwmaa aa their niraasal EXCHANGE OFFICE Our sen an an ready for change proposition of merit ROBNETT A MeCLCRE 802 Couch bldg. Marshal 8292. CONFECTIONERY FOR IMP. ACREAGE Good paying confectionery, atock aad fix tnrea; less; located an west aale; want 5 to 10 acres near Portland. 506 Coach bldg. Broad way 5817. 160 ACRES, in Lincoln coonty. Or., partly Im proved, close to B. R. station, to trad, for house and lot Pric $2500. Owner, 603 24 street south. WOULD von na til to (50 don ta set int. a tsotas, Rates esssanrwhsa. good Rret-claa nunmanae ssmaneaa, a money i svss srA,tKiii u iisjupta maker, sua better t Inquire at 4022 4 2d at I Call aad tavesrOsate aar mod-ra money IreoV S. P... Portland. Or. I tag sartJsod. AU fcwini evmfvdewtsaL J vu rusii Viias-nr-scs riusivv rTini-ing ior L-ess Ryder Printing Co. Mara 6830. 192 3d 500 AHtfrSloSO prices Acora Prvws. 286 H WsshiBgtQB. ar. 6th. j 21 Fadiasr BwJVIrna. MONE1 To LOa ta town ; be srt , r,c : . n , :.w SW Sl i"l"J. uB .US I , ll . ro . nn-o .1 r- n I sidered. Owner, 81 E. Portland bvtd. BRICK bnawea building to trade for aood building lota, Prica 828.004; mortgage lam seat hot water, (650. 604 Burhaaaa bldg. lights, rwat 520; than 610.000. Broadway 6817. TRADE 3,500.000 ft A-l timber and I20O0 for city property, vaiaa to $00. SaU- 8089. ate ' IaqoirB 682 WANTED Honest real act 2 room ostfjoa, furnished. Taylor. FOR 8ALE or exchanc. 720 acre wheat ranch is Bhermaa Co. Want Portlaae or Pendsstosi pvoiwrty. Owner. HI F. Harrison at, rity. HUDSON car for real 8360. Maia 5201 VULCAN IZING OUTFIT For sal. So Chan. Trowbrkig for further. brfersMtieiB. Quhnby hotel. 29 North 4th t SHOE REPAIR SHOP with mall eoairmsnt for ale; little and KttV, Mhls hit TS-UliasM sss hvl 1u,uvt,v'v' (iiAa t: , iV, VW se I s, s - iiih is iinmis vw-v as. I Mossry loaned oa aousebold gsnas ar aasw rhsailam plaswd ta storage with as at a rwralar bank rata. SECCBJTT STORAGE A TRANSFER CO, 4 th ad Pla at OrooaHa Muttaiwaeb HsateL Pkwme Broadway (71. MONEY Ts LOAA Oa Bows, bold goods st bank rate. ALERT TRANaFlvB CO.. ZOO Oak t 1100 TO SZaOO; wuacC arOoav A. H. Ill H Morrssam St.. sum If aad 11. bet S and a. m. SCHOOL i terms. Owner. 6429 BO'h ava. Aat ?-. FOR SALE Fiding atatsoa sad siucaaiaiag aasop. ,; mm sminai Praos I a19 Knxtom . 1 1 ta mv, iruaao. or. WANTED Haaast tsml satate partivrr: Bav 2. WILlr TRADE W'suhmcton lota for Grsfffaot I mesa smo. fwrnlalted. lnqsnr. BI at Tartar, Fhsma Wdaa. Uw. . , TOU SALE. LUNCH COCXT-ES. Il XllaaXX MISCEaJJsjVEOUS FINANCIAL 603 Cash BattClo B. E KaMs, 516 bhc. B BUT first aad asw ears rm. r. I Oa e Com. bsg. 310 WILL bay so all awaW vwxsBCt r wssdoa. 631 Ca. sal Cos, bsdc