The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 09, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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tVAZI Here end if 9 AU True
THE intlTH C'R '... '
I ft Alt Here and If All True
WOMEN'S CLUBS-Th affair of th ,
women f Portland, in club and Parent
Teacher associations- ara completely re-
corded each day. and In a special depart
' nirnt on Kunday, in The Journrl. These
' activities ara many and interesting.'
VOL. XX. NO. 263.
And Tarty Advantage.
Along With Revenge
tn Pending Tight, on
i-Power Pacific Pact
L- By John M. Gleissner 1
1 1'akUd tuff I'ormpomUnt.
'hington. Jan. . The human
equation will figure strongly when the
administration go before he senate
to as ratification of the series of
trestle which will come out of the arms
confer nee.
Senator tad of Massachusetts will
lead the -tight lor their ratification.
Lodge also led the fight for the defeat
f the Versailles treaty and the League
of .Nations covenant.
" now the shoe is on the other foot.
nd the ar. senators whnVill enjoy
. seeing It pinch. V- ,
The, reservations Lodge offered to the
treaties Wilson submitted will be offered
to Harding's treat lea. Lodge will hear
paraphrase of his own former srgu-
mania uaed against the treaties he helped
to draw .as on of the American dele
1 gates.
ine situation pleaaea many of the
Jemo rata, who were ardent supporters
f the Wilson peace program. Privately
tney admit an Intention to turn the
tables on Ixxts. This feeling is even
Shared by some of the Democrats who
hoped for the eventual ratification of
II the treaties and will vote that way.
But they will make the moat of an op
portunity to even old arorea, to make
campaign material and will endeavor 'to
carry over to the public the Idea that
the Republicans sre now simply doing
what the Pemncrais tried to do be-
, far.
mrangely enough, the feeling la not
conwnea to the minority. There are
Itepiibllrana as well who were not plees
' ad with the leadership of Ixdge and
who wanted the Versailles treaty ap
proved. They can see no reason tor
aorordlng I.ndge any more consideration
' tn the matter than was accorded the
V Wilson program.
iVwtge Is not popular with some of hla
"Republican colleague. Ills reserve, hla
. aorent and what la taken to be Imperi
usneaa, are resented. There la a ten
dency to dislike aa well'what la said to
be hla unwillingness to take council with
. the leaser lights of the psrty and the
rawer senators.
There I a small group of Democrats
also which does not approve the leader
ship of Underwood. He has, soma Of
' them think, been too close to . th Re
publican." For this reason .he. will be
called on t aaplaiarua-whaX"tha o
retire did and -w hy. Thar will be a
measure of opposition to the treaties
aim pry because Underwood will urge
their ratification.
Human impulse figure again with a
group of the rhronte malcontents, the
habitually "unregular," who may be
counted en to oddom anything the con-
atltuted leaders' nronose. It was a fore
gone conclusion that certain senators
would oppose a,ny settlements, no mat
ter whst their nature, that Involved the
agreement of the United States to do
something In cooperation with another
people. . '
These cross currents, while not on the
surface, figure and figure prominently
tn the lines that are being drawn. Little
personal resentments and slights, dis
likes of persons, a desire to have an
ye for an eye and a tooth for a tootb
all .have their place.
The entire membership of the senate.
f course, will Insist on long discussion,
Kenatora. quite naturally, will want to
know .what It is all about. And then
there la the necessity of maintaining
senatorial dignity and making it clear
that when lh senate ratifies It is after
close study and a belief In the desirabil
ity of ratification, rather than from
aiecuUv pressure. The senate will dem
osrrate Its right to participate and may
In this connection exert Its authority to
force the administration to do certain
things. '
President Wilson ran counter to sena
torial dignity and admittedly made a
great mistake. , The question of execu
tive or legislative predominance figured
largely tar the last presidential cam
paign, ' So the senate, from perfectly
human. Impulses, will carefully guard
Its privilege and prerogative and re
seat what aiight be oonaldered any In
fringement on them.
Hones for lower priced tailoring
fluctuated with varying reports from
western cities st a meeting ef the com
mittee on wages and trade relations of
the Partfto Coast Merchant Tailors' as
sociation al the Multnomah hotel today.
Tbe question of wagaa waa the flint
problem undertaken at the annual con
vention of the association, which will be
In session untU Thursday night
Tbe question ef lower priced tailoring
I purely a wage problem, according to
W. L. Ordwell tf San Francisco, presi
dent, ef the association. The price of
eloth and other material need tn making
men's clothing has not lowered in pro
portion to many other manufactured
products." Orowel) stated, "and the
' coat at better quality cloth atlll la about
double pre-war price a. Th manufac
turer allow no Inclination to reduce
their charge and It would appear that
If any reduction le make to the con
sumer the differential must come out of
the wages paid employee. -
The wag for tailors In Pacific, coast
rlttee ranges from I0 to C0 per weak,
according to delegatea from various sec
tions, and there la little chance of reduc
ing th scale as applied to skilled work
" men. -, Tfee report of - th committee' on
"Vagee end trade relations will be taken
top by the convention Tuesday afternoon.
Tbe tailors themselves are well dressed.
. genial and optimistic. Without excep
tion theyj- predicted Improved , business
rendition during mi The Majority of
the toe or more gathered at the Multno
tnah hotel brourht their wive to the
(IMtlM ea Pate Tee. Ceauaa geeta)
Eatrrad a 8eee-7aus Matter
at Paatofliee. Pardee. Oreae
U. S. Ambassador and W.' Steed
in Smash-Up at Cannes; Har
vey at First Unconscious, but
Will Recover; Steed Hurt Worst
lannts, rranoe, Jan. .(!. N. S.)
George Harvey, American Ambassador
to England and observer for tbe United
States at the supreme council meeting,
was Injured in an automobile collision
ine attending physicians aaid that
they hoped that Mr. Harvey's injuries
were not serious, but they ordered him
to remain quietly in bed during; the bal
ance of the day.
The physician Issued the followlnr
bulletin on Mr. Harvey a condition at
noon :
Tnere waa a contusion of the dor
imoar region. The patient must remain
in Ded aeveral days. No serlou com
plications are anticipated."
Another member of the Harvey party
waa Richard Crane, former minister to
Caecho-Blovakla. Although thrown from
ine car sir urane was not Injured.
The American ambassador, m-nn.
panled by H. Wlckham Steed, editor of
the London Times, was cr his way to
the golf links when another motor car
coming up swiftly behind, struck hla
automobile on tbe side. Both Mr. Hats
vey and-sMr. Steed were thrown to the
pavement, spectators rushing up found
Mr. Harvey unconscious. H ma. . tr
immed lately to the Carlton hotel where
three physicians, including the n.f..i
doctor to Premier Br land of France, were
Th-y found Mr. Harvey suffering: from
injuries about the head. A careful v.
amtnatlon waa made, after which they
uiwcrnu ine paueni 10 forego all act!
yitlea for the time being.
. sr. Harvey - regained aonaoiouaness
wwr uio accident. He waa
badly shaken up and waa Buffering from
the shock when put to bed.
As soon aa Premier Briand of France
learned of the accident, h h -
the Carlton to ascertain the - extent of
Mr. Harvey's injuries and to express bis
air. aieea s Injuries were ituxvtkM
as ."apparently. more serious than.tho
" Z J" " Z ' A'anvdiplomat.'
- a am cnaoxxeur or tn Harvey ear and
a private detective who waa in th mt
uwrw -v- - 97 - ' - :- "
60 violent was the Imoaet r th. ,
cara that the rear wheels of Mr. Har-
vrjr s auipmooue were smashed
Mr. Harvey tills afternoon requested,
the permission of Premier Briand for
nyron i. nana, American ambassa
dor to France, to sit in at the eiumeti
meeting as American observer until he
xMrveyj naa recovered.
Washington, Jan. . . (t. n. &)
Myron T. Herri ck. United States ambas
sador to France, probably wilt take ever
the' duty of representing th United
States, at the Cannes conference until
Ambassador George Harvey recovers
from the Injuries sustained in an auto
mobile accident. It was said at the state
aeparunent toaay.
Okmulgee. Qkla., Jan. . (U. P.)
One bandit, was-shot and killed, another
wounded, a third captured and Police
y""1" omer opaiaing and Patrolman
L. M. Lamoore ware wounded in ....
batUe here today. Three other bandits
imana, Jan. . fl. N. a RnkK.M
held up William B. McCabe, hla wife
and another in the garage at the Mc
Cabe home early thia morning and rot
away with $1500 in diamonds and cash.
The bandits were waiting in the garage
- ,"r" iov,aoee returned from
moior inp. Mrs. McCabe saved $1000
worth of gems by hiding- them In her
Detroit. Jan. 9. (1. N. 8.1 iron- ...
tcday bound and gagged two aratchmen
at th Adams theatre, robbed the safe
of the Sundav recalDta. siimm
$1000, and escaped. jj
Newark. N. J, Jan. L N. s.)-
A pay car of th Public SarVioa Kalin
company was held up early today, the
iiuup men escaping toward Jersey City
- woin, accorauig to reports to
local police. The amount stolen In the
robbery waa stated to be Htl.
Spring's lklmy Air
Lures Thousands to;
Outdoors Sunday
Sprlngtime'e call
waa In ) ki
breese of Sundav.
citlsena of Portland to com to the open
for a motor ride over the highways, a
stroll through tbe suburbs and a variety
of other missions which the wintry
weather of six weeks has .prevented.
Portland answered the calL ,
With th aid of a bright aim the pave
mnta were swept dry by the braes and
thousaada of motorists drove over th
Columbia rivet- highway and. th 4 Pa
cific highway. Hons banters war nu
merous In very district, since many ex
ervic men ara preparing to take ad
vantage of th soldiers' bonus, r
MUd weather Is do to eagiinu a,
day or so more bringing- with itl occa-
atonai raina. aald K. U Walla, district
-"LU ivrecasiez. looay. ; i
Portland, : oregon,vmonday: .evening, uanuary 9;-1922;SIXTEEN pages.
Roadmaster Directed by County
Commission to Cut a ID-Foot
Path Between Mist Falls and
Multnomah Falls; Cost $11,500
Roadmaster Eatchel was instructed by
the board of county commissioners to-
-day to clear the Columbia river high
way to a widfh of 1 feet from Mist
falla to Multnomah falls, a distance of
approximately one mile. This is pre
liminary to clearing the highway of .its
Ice and snow to the Hood River county
line. If It is found to be practicable and
the cost within what the commissioners
feel the county can support
The decision to make a ttat ran, of
the Mist falls-Multnomah falls section
was the result of a petition of several
nunared taxpayers presented by F. W.
Beach of the Hotel Keepers' association,
reinforced by a delegation of representa
tives of civic clubs.
According to an estimate submitted bv
Roadmaster Eatchel the cost of clear
ing a 10-foot roadway from Mist Falls
to the county line would be 11. 500 for
iaoor atone, figuring on efficient labor.
To make a 20-foot road he estimated the
cost atr$2.500. He estimated that the
Job would require 250 men 12 davs for
a 10-foot road and 500 men for a 20-foot
road. i
Incidentally Eatchel called attention
ot the fact that the viaduct aj of
Alultnomah falla Is In very bad condi
n and will require an additional
amount, ior repair. He said that pend
ing these repairs, which cannot be made
unui late in the spring. It may be nec
essary to ljmlt traffic over the viaduct
to automobiles one way at a time.
cnairman Rudeen of the board of
commissioners raised the question as to
wnetner it . was Worth $30,000 to the
county to open the road three months
in advance of the time nature would do
the work. Another consideration, i be
said, was th possibility of another storm
wnicn would block the hiKhwaor arain.
Beach. Phil Blumauer and Joe Dunne
expressed the "cowvtciion that It would be.
The matter' was .finally eemnromlaad
by? th sttlo of Jade Jacob- Vans
format ina section between Mtsf Fails
aadMultnoenah Falla ).: pe&ed no
ana: yurtner. activity too determined by
the resulU achieved . -
Incidental to the. snjrestion the wn-
masrlonera adopted a resolution try Com
missioner Hoyt that the highway com
mission be asked to furnish mans and
estimates for the repair of the east via
duct. ,- ;.
By A. L. Bradford
was rung ton jan. 9. (U. p.) The 10-
year naval holiday haa been modified by
uie new navai treaty of the arms con
rerence ao that France and Italy can
t repiacemenis m 1SZ7, It was
learned here late today.
Otner nations, the United . State.
Great Britain and Japan, are bound to
observe the , holiday strictly, and will
not start new construction work until
1931. . ,
This will not affect. the provision of
the treaty which makes its features as
to limitation and reduction binding for
id years.
ine question of arming merchant
snips as a safeguard against submarine
attack la not touched by the new
It waa learned, but the other phase of
the merchant ship question that of con
version into armed fighting ships has
been taken up and certain restrictions
are included in the treaty.
There are about 23 or 24 main clauses
in the treaty. .
The conference today decided to nlac
no limitation on aircraft other than the
restrtctiona already imposed on airplane
It adopted the experts' subcommittee
report recommending against limitation.
but voted the appointment of a special
commission to take up later the question
or making rules Ior aerial warfare.
Postal Nomination
For Gresham Given
To Miss E. Johnson
Washington. Jan. . WASHINGTON
tor 8 tan field has turned loose the nom
ination of Miss Elisabeth - Johnson aa
Postmaster at Gresham. Miss Johnson's
confirmation having been held up sev
eral weeaa. aa notified the commit.
tee on postofficea and postroada that
U-era Is no objection to her and her con
firmation is expected at the next execu
tive session of the senate.
Miss Johnson stood first in th lam
ination and was recommended by Rep.
reaentative McArthur. Later it was dis
covered, that Stanfield waa holding back
reporting; the nomination. This he ex
plained waa because of petitions he had
received favoring David M. Roberta, the
present , postmaster. . McArthur is re
ported to have demanded a showdown,
with th result that tha nomination will
ba promptly reported.
Harding Nominates
Orenco Postmaster
Washington, Jan, 9. (WASHING
A. r Peterson was nominated post
master at Orenco. Or- bv th im.M..
- aj,
Hulless Odt
Is Created
SanU Rosa. Cat. Janl . it I. is.)
new white hulless oat that threshes
out-like wheat and wetgtoa approximately
v pounoa to ute bushel instead of 45
pounds is one of the chief new horticul
tural productions that Luther Burbank.
plant wizard, announced today.
Other new creations nerfected hv "Bur-
bank and announced today to Include:
A mammoth crtmson-flowertng arti
choke, the globes of which are aa beau
tiful as roses, but 10 times aa large.'
A new orange sunberry having the
exact flavor of the Eastern blueberry
ana nucKieoerry, :
A new Brazilian tomato-like fruit.
A Peruvian winter crass which n re
duces an enormous amount of feed de
spite the heaviest frosts throughout the
winter, affording a valuable forage for
nmltrv hii.iu .,.i. .- ;
a. , I
a new .m corn aurpMwm previous I
creations in sweetness. producUveness
and early maturity,
turity . I
A newyellow fiowerina hybisous.
A new prickly poppy and a. wonderful
new amaranthus named "Moltea Fire
because of Its gorgeous coJoring effecU.
By S. D. "Weyer
not ar 1 11a llv r.nroo.nt.rt mt r.fiiui tk.F.
indications are today that Russia is be-
coming one of the dominant factors at
the supreme council meeting and that I
sne win play an equally important role I
in tne economic conierence at uenoa in I
March. . . y,
Jleports from Moscow say that the I
lAvtpt In nr.norini. fnr Itn M.t..t I
lomauc victory since tne Lntn-TrotzKy l
faction came into power namely, recog-I
nition Dy tne worm powers, soviet or- I
ficials believe that such recognition was I
Busurea Dy uie speecn 01 jrrcmier uoyo j
ueorge at Cannes.
1j t r, i x i tiiuiAiii I
ino tiiiernauonai news service is BDie
to disclose that Karl Radek. one of
the cleverest agents 'of the Moscow so-
viei, wno waa omx expeinro irom jer-
-i . ii i . I
m!fJjiI.rir.? Iir "
ww:. wiui iwdDiwiw viaeu vy toe
uermaa govern menu xvanea is acuna
th. Ainimmfbi .mmv nf th. Tf.,i.n I
government and has been received in
audience by foreign office officials and
other otiictaia, -all of whom gave him
-The position of the soviet, as outlined
py men- In close touch "with "Mosoow, " Is
that Ruaula has all to rain- ,nd nothing
atosoow v government ? is 'aaut F4I oe
stronger today than at any other time
since Its creation. The highest Bolshe
vist leaders are described aa determined
eventually, although reports to th con-1
trary have been circulated recently. I
In the meantime the cleverest of the t
soviet agents are preparing the ground
In European capitals for close relations j
when recognition comes. I
Russians who were formerly pilloried I
as "unfit foif decent men to associate
with." now have access to the highest 1 strong efforts were made at the last
government offices andtare received bylminnt hv euten, miuk.i i."
statesmen and diplomaU with the utmost
courtesy. This is only one of the grow-I
1 . . . n . . 1
illB 0y...piumB uiai numa. may fcet uie
whip hand in European policies.
"r' ' Awcr is rnurusAii
wTl .T. wvw at rfnvmpvj'va
n tfA-t w
United Pre BUff Correnondeiit
- --'
Moscow. Jan. 8. (Delayed). Soviet
Kussia haa received and decided to ae-
.u. ...
conference nronosed for Oenoa. In Min-ta
Conditions laid down by the allies for
Kusstan parudpauon in the conreren
which is to seek the rehabilitation
Europe, will be met. '
From ' information nhtajnert
rt.i. i w. ,v.. t i r?:;V
eonMant at thTSr
to the Cannes conference that Russia be thVnrtnril. " . v. .Z.Z. "clc"r "
invited to meet the allies thia year. tNpJJ'4 congressionai
- mr yvw
raneea in aavance wim jar. Kxaasin, tne
ranged In advance with Mr. Krassln. the
in ...i... . 1.
the conditions that would be required.
Recently they a Breed to the following
as a tentative basis for Russian parti-
cipation in an international economic
1 De Jure recognition of the soviet
by the allies. ,
2 The Moscow government shall as-
sume the debts ot previous Russian Mv-
emment?- .
3 Citiaens of other countries who have VJ"Tcwr OI Pennsylvania. Tale unl- ter. was called. here to discuss the pro
rost their wealth through the Ruesian f T an University of the South, j P1 Anglo-French alliance with Pre
revolution shall be indemnified. lIn 1890 he married Charlotte R. Fisher, mler Lloyd George, t . . .
4 The soviet mvernnutnt will n.n.,i"w a number Of vears he waa .
tee private property righu In Russia. - l turer at Tale university and he la "renoe la held-at Genoa la March, al Waahrngton4.. Jan. U. P.) Amer
It was believed here the nrcliminar I member' of the board of tf-nta,. t .w. I general treaty will be draarn nn tn Anica is- the uncHallenred Oollaih Ar the
agreement concerning-Russian participa -
uon at uenoa would recommend a loan
oy tne allies to the soviet government
Game Law Violator
Overpays His Fine;
Gets Eefnnd of $5
CL E. 7Lvnn nf rimnn rtv
mated his euilt for violation of the tA.
erai gam laws wnen he mailed the fed -
erai court, cleric a S10 check to pay his
one ior auuing several bee martins.
After Assistant United States Attor
ney Austin Flegel had presented the case
and the $10 check to the court. Judge
Bean instructed the clerk to refund SS
to Lyon. , ,
Lyon killed the birds in "self -defense."
according: to Flegel. aa they were killing
Wasmngtoh Olosine
Rock lsland to Issue
$2,000,000 in Bonds
SeatUe. Jan. (U. In the horehwnHi.eo.AMik- - J-,
of halting the alarming; decrease In sal-
raoa, the etate fisherie board has mau-
gwateo m noeroi closed areas and
seasons la Washington. iFlshina- within
U tream
emptying into Puget sound is prohibited
under th new regulations and many
streams are elaaM ntrtv- r
nn r fid ATAha aiiui rrtnrrA
V MA u l-t U-Uv i
in. u I nuiuiiu uinit i LihLuu
Ministers Adopt Resolutions Call-
ing Upon School Board to Stop
Practice; Laymen Are Alarmed
Over Dance Hall Situation.
'""Buuorn oenouncing aancins and
T). 1...t - .
"" w"s ot umncina; in public school 1
hnlldlnva r -o .1 j . . I
I ArL .,u.. W!L
" T U'J ay oy me ttni Aieuio-1
uwi. i4nwopai cnurcn at a mass meeting 1
meurooiH preaeners and prominent
lavmen ne th t... -m-i. 1 , I
tldnthe m ii.
n" t J,l,t fMd Uon con-i
n.TiL Lr0,. " ny. part of honts. they would not allow facttonal
f.!? of the city and differences to interfere with theirpro
appointed a committee of five to ner- tw.ti ti..4-. i.. F
"' j uiwn uie scnooi ooara ana
present the sentiments of the hodv.
I This last action waa taken after the
ooay was informed that dancing: was
not carried on in the school rooms, but
in some other part of the buildine. in
order that the state' la.w be complied
with. To obtain a clear internretation
, .
ne matter was presented to the lay- I
men oy resolutions presented by L. D.
jnanone or tne . iaymen'a association,
and Guy Fitch Phelps. Dastor of the
Jeiiwood Methodist church. Mahone
nntlinMt ImmAnl MinitEHn.. V . k.
sonany oDserved while inspecting a re-l
cent high school dance, and stated that I
tne aance to a large degTee was respon-
sible for 400 Portland girls helng in in-
suiuiions at mis very hour.
One woman .nPM.ntin. .. t
Teacher association aaid her organlaa-
-wuviauvu mu tier unEuiiaa- i
, j". . r . - I
'" w ""'uucl uances in me schools wholesome surroundings. -
"1 lulcnArM1ft Onnln I . m
-. " "
" ...wn.. pyj i
f Conrfml m 1u tmn rl .
(tncrooM on Fate Two. Coliunn Two)
S? '"T .N" a I
, , . .:r ' .f01 coBautu-
United States senate as nmmar to t. I
late : Senator Boies Penrose,
Senator Pepper will leave tonight for
Washington accompanied bv Governor
Soroul He will he sworn in a.
at noon tomorrow
secure the aooointment o s n.a.
u.- .
. " wuuuiHJUUCr,
It wa. learned that the v.
ordered the name h. ra.h2 e. tt".
risburg in time to hive the new Mnatn.
sworn in to cast hla vote in tv. kt.
l . . ' "
I oerry contest at Washington.
i DnTirt a va r
I'"" - "11 BXAX1S
1 The new senator I. fis v
extremely popular In eastern Pennavl-
Ini St- -r . " ... r enaayi-
The BrlUsh wish t. -
1 DaQ aa-ainat Uin,t ir. i .
Mr. Pepper is recognised aa nn
I 7 , . "a' Ior nauonai
600.000.000 gold mark, to
t bj mnvannnn nrnan a a . . a. m &
I , r. . .
-"keV 7t .V , , was a
I member of the commission on consti-
I tu"onaI revision and amendment, ap -
I Pointed by Governor SprouL which sat
I Harrisburg to revise the constitution
tn jail or iszo. ,1
vr- ri - .
I rZ T f n"aPhla.
JL.TT. . ' . university ox
na latr received
, ""-ir oi jaws irom the
1 University of Pennsylvania and Crne-
I aW institute. .
During- th .World war Mr Pnne
wu rjuimin Ar , . I
...... VM. UIO. J cuiin.i VMIM i
council for national defense and was
presiaent I . the Leacu for th
Preservation of American Independence,
He waa bitterly opposed to the League
of Nations , and took , part In debates
BV many -sections of the countrv' with
advocates of 'the league.
Mr. Pepper la the author of a number
1 or legal publications, the moat noted
il which is likely "PCDDer's Direst of
l"" .-"w oi Pennsylvania."
As 'Dead.' Japanese :
Ex-Premier Lives Oh
'. ' s " ' ' ' '. ' ,
By Clareaee Babos -
Caited Pnm SUft OanMpeadeat -
Tokio. Jan. . II . a,, to.) Although
officially pronounced dead. . Marouls
Okuma still llvea. : .. , - ? r- , 2
The, former vJapanee premier, decor
ated, after th' announcement of his
death, with, th highest honors Japan re
serves for her deceased heroea, today
wad rennrted li Vf nSvatAlao-
From Urn to Urn hla tmlsn rrs sr al.
togather. ;'r ,
DurinS on of the . period when his
I nut. - v " . j
family made formal announoement that
j the marquis had died. This waa done last
I Friday but three days later th state,
I . . .. . .. . A . . "TT
1 man's heart still beat faintly.-
Founder of Irish "Republic" Goy-
emment Forming New Cabinet
and Takes Leadership, Suc
ceeding De Valera, Resigned.
TJublin. Jan. t (I. N. S.) Arthur I f
vminin. rounaer or the Sinn rein la
1 . . .
, ". "ow. ovPm9m Ior south-
em treiano, ne nimaeu taking- the office
01 presiaent.
De Valera told the "Dan that while
. ... "
" na nls "uPPorters would continue
the poUUcai fight against their oppo-
lf the opposition wanU us we will
be there to fight interference from out
side of Ireland.' aaid De Valera. "At
very step of the road we will be with
you. I
The deputies cheered for both De Va- I
lera and Griffith.
a-" frvajtuVUt
"Mr. Griffith to forming a new Dro
visional mvm
it it cannot go I
ahead, the opposition Js to be blamed.
we only want a fair chance. That la
an we ask.
De Valera, retiring president of the
V v J
"?? or republic to th country.
Even more than Saturday, when th
Dail by a vote .of to B7 decided to I
ratify the peace treaty with Great Brit-
in whereby Ireland joins the 'British
"tTk". WM eri"cal day
,n . . fe .
De Valera . formallv nraaewted tit rKe
naj, Eireann toda y hla reaisnatim frm
the nresldatmv 'of flu. Trial. MM.kit. jt
iead of the Dail rnvemmont vr Am.
. - -. .w. mmvm
5 hi cabinet dtoaolvM and called
xor an immediate election.
Am boob aa Do Valera had reaiTlrmed
hla resignation. -a deputy proposed his
reeiecuon aa president. Deoutv ryMana-v
oppoBoo. ana xae motto waa defeated.
coi,Lnis wAuri nut
Michael Collins aalned tha'rtnm. and I
warned the Dafl that it It VrniUnoa tn
By Praak E. Vasea
L.i,m' Frmnoe' Jan- (L N- A
1 hitch has occurred in th
negotiaUona for a treaty of alliance mr
the nations which ehaii k.
I.. . . mmmwiM w
tM pact. It Was learned fron an anttvK.
ltative aource this afternoon.
i ne r rencn are supporting- a defensive
iium wiu ureti onwn, fitiflum indr"' " i-cuca4iy vvv telephones in
Poland. I Various anrtlnna v. t. .
i i ua nriiian ska a a
. " " " pc
" T.WW aaire inuj
. . txr..Ki , .....I
Ri.ViT 1L ,T ."auue
i Britain, France and Belaium and am.
I . .
-"plr'.u P1" rorelgn mlnla-
to Increase the 1923 Indemnity from
w tola manca 'so the priority
rights of Belgium could be maintained,
haa aa , .
I . -- t.u u. iu, uN'Miuce
In good. The French, who have been
1 looking after the interests of Belaium as
I weU their own, are said to be aeekina -
1 contro of distribution of th cash.
in proposal waa made by the experts
I neaaquartara of th reparations
commission be removed from Paris to
Berlin so the allies can ken in closer
toucn with the financial and Industrial
position of Germany.
A- eonar Uw. former British mlnis-
I When the international ir.l.
body th decision reached. It is not yet
i wn wnetner ine united States will
I lruai)11" actively tn th Genoa confer-
Youth Smothered
To Death Under
Pile of Sawdust
Hoquiam, TTaalL, Jan. I. Burled un
der 20 feet of sawdust In th fuel bin
ot the Graya Harbor Lumber company.
Carl Mattsoh. 1. waa another! ta
death cariy Sunday morning", atattaon,
on ot 'th mill firemen, had entered
th lower part of tha bin ta loosen aaw
dust for th conveyor when a hog ptl
sua a own on nun. a fought his way
I feet toward .a window1, dvtna within
flva feet of .fresh air. His-body, waa
dlacovered about IS minute : later; by
th engineer, who, miaslng- th boy. In
stituted a aearch.
Think-2 Children
FeE Through Ice
Kingston., Jan. , I Jt. &)
Roger Harris, t. and Beulab Kaefer. T.
are believed today to . have brokea
througli tha Ice of tha Kiahwaukaa river
and drowned. Searching; parties ar
dynamiting the, river la u effort pa
find the bodies.' The children were last
seen Saturday playing near' taa river,
which 1 covered wlih aoa, - "
L.l.n?bly rmia wtnde atiy bouUmtiv, .
Minim Ota temperatures osnday:
I, Portland ....... It New Orleaaaf...
.rvcmmio . , . rw lac...... J J
-""Loa Ang-elee..,. 41 , Bv. Paul......... 1
He Didn't Know
rpRU MAN v H. , NEW
. BERRY, tenntor from
v - Michigan, who red his
defense to the sentte today
against charges that huge
sums were spent to procure
his nomination." . - . . '
Us n ' " (
i t
" s I
... . , ,
San Fraaclaeo, Jan. -iu.
nr .lha an aaUon Wt and 'etvUtaaUoQ
cannot afford ta a os toed up. floss
tor Illrart W. Johrson ef Ca!!fml da -
. i "-"" . - '- -
urea iocs -. a . second, stitsment ts
tar him In.appawlUoa td th . s
Quadrupl alUaac for peace ea tha Pa -
etflc -
Th nreaent confarw in wJki.
tea waa maM. w T"
try had ban left free and tn dependant
. -T " w-as ft u b gSM asejsr jwnm I
nw was nor - a .nan or th rnmn.. -
Most Trouble From
Nefhons Numbers
The peak of trouble attending: th cut-
i uiiic i piarmrmai .aw rTmat.imvmmmm r
1 " . "r1 TOmP"T
r --rr-r -n xna oown
town Aimfrit mK. iim .
I - - '7 " ' poonea were
I " from the Main-Marshall offw n v.
Brway offVe. . "
mvnwr vu'miftj at
oturaay. rew calla were made
I supervisors waa caUed on (..huwiu'th.
I trou We, - o ;
or mixup In calls which we
anticipated would take place f olkrwtn g
th cut-over was ont" herana. .KnC
I era were , using the old" books) but be-
I cause many buslneaa calla were being
1 made from meroory." aald C" E. HIA.
I man, division commercial' superintend-
America Financial
Goliath of World;
- Credits 48 Billion
I '"""l "woTld. the anirual report of I
I'- "sauiger. comptroller of the cur-
rrrne'' naoe pudik toaay. anowa.
From a heavy debtor- nation tn 1114
she has emerged the greatest creditor
nation In the world's history. Her bank
ing power during, th laUsrvsainx seven
years haa increased : nearly IS ner cent
land her SL20 banks caa-snsrahal cash
and credita estimated at more than 4t,-
: zu,oou,we.
. ' d'
Dirc3ctorship in 2
Kailroads: -Denied;
Amour ,bV Board
. - - ., . .r
Washington, Jan. (L N. tL) J.
ogdan Armour. mulU-mllllonalra Chi
cago packer, waa denied permission by
the Interstate commercw coram tasion to
day to bold the poeinoa of director la
both the Illinois Central and th Chi
cago, Milwaukee at St. Paul rallroada.
Armomr will b allowed t - retain hla
directorship la aither road he cb
but not la both of them.
I Bioting Continues '
nun ueuast aireets
Jaa. I. L X.
S Two
women, a policeataa and a dvilUn were
VMslMdvliir disorders of la past
owa. . anvr waa cvnaracraoie aooouna
aaa a poooa wrry waa bombed during
tba Bight, but aoa or th policemen
tk aorry waa wounded.
1 A
eajTwaint tsisrw
itum fin caaT
Michigan Man Calls on God to
Witness His - Innocence, but.
Admits Too M uch Lucre Was
Spentj Thafs All,-He. Says'.
Washington. Jan, Uin on God
to witness his Innocence. Trumaa H.
Newberry la . tha senau today de
fended himself for tbe ' first time "
against th charg that his seat Cher
waa bought and paid for through ex
travagant aa of campaign faada, '
God ' is my wltnesa." aald dew
berry. 1 am not to this day and boor
conscious of ha vtna; daw la connection
with either th primary campaign or
th genarai election ef llt a slngi act
taat was or is in any way unlawful, dis
honorable or corrspt. and thia I say t
tha senate of th United States withowt
lisei larioa or oaaJlflcation." .
Till direct defense to th charre that
ha was a party to and had a part tn
tha collection and expenditure of a vast
sum In tha primary campaign that won '
nun tn RewbUcaa nomtnaUoa against
Henry rord waa summed up ,ln the
words: i . , t ' . .
I did not solicit or expend, directly
or Indirectly, on aingi dollar la th
campaign ' for senator In Michigan la
Ilia, nor did I know of th contributions
made until afterward."
Over and over again throughout his
speech Newberry repeated. l . do wot
know." la fact, be aald. It waa with
"astonishment and regret' that h
learned th "primary campaign had coat .
But th ua of this money, h said,
aa necessary, in th opinion of his
friends who were managing- his casa-
Tm amount expended was larre.
aa i
aald Newberry. nre than I had any
Me waa being expended and mora than.
ooa-ht to be rurssssxy to spewd ta any
ordinary campaign,' But uia was not
ordinary campaign. )
I raaaons which th cmnmiue thoaght
Uaparatlvely - demanded a campaign of
1 PP THJbiieuy mvaivtng this as-
1 TasTSBBBBTssUiltBBBTPraa- aW sTWsTgssTrgt n 1 erui sThnV aaara ta Wvl
4 i ZT VZl TTT"
I larr an amwat ef monev waa num.
1 nrUy expended. I can farther aay that
I la th acquMtleei mt that fwoory. tn tha
??UCXLa.u 451
I uu laawry. in taa na r tnat.
Edward Brwaheara. Columbia aloogm
tarmer, went on trial this morning tn
Circuit Jadg Marrow's roart on a
eharge of first degree murder for th
I klllinr or Jaaenh Brim ttt MammMwt
l : .
I tr-. November la.
I JZ2 ?!
I ' 7 . '
Ton' Oartaad and aC B. af aactaam, at-
I ovar-apple. Brlrr la .tha habit f
".f v .7 , . vrTT . OTUT
"tkta ,U"fn wnj Co-
a a. . . - . -
I lumbla to Hammond or some other town
I wb could find a market. . He had
a 'boat for transporting tbe apple. Kla
family lived with bin on the boat. ,
This time Brtggs found aom of tha
apples to be wormy and ba ratarnad
them up th river. Breabears mat bun
at th wharf at hla ranch and refused to
take back tha apples. Neither man would
give In and the shooting rasalud. .
Lai that eventng- Breabears walked
Into the county Jail office and gar him
self up. ,
. Joseph L. Kammeraly. chief deputy
district attorney, is prosecuting: the case.
Klan Prepares Drive
To Raise One Million
For U. at Atlanta
(Br rshwnal ScrrW)
Atlanta. Gi Jan. Tbe ICa bOux
Klan is not yet dead.
The power atlll wielded by th orraa-
txaOon la- America Is prove br tbe
launching- bar of a ILooe.OO campaign
to eatabUan a new ani varsity to b
known as the University of America.
Th new institution, it la aald. wfil re-
plaea Laaier aalversttr located hara.
which la owned by tbe klaa. -
William Joseph Simmon a. Imperial
wlsard ef th Tata Klux Klan. wlU b
president of th near institution. Tbe
campaign win be natlow-wide, accord tag
to reports from Klaa headquarters. - ,
Empty Log Gars Eun
Into Switch Train;
Non One Is Injured
Coasting leva a grade near Milwaukle
at o'clock Sunday morning a string
of empty log cars bumped 4a t a s- lurk
ing train. No on was tajnrwd. Threa
f tbe car left the traoka. Morxinx
traffic ever tba saaiw line for ilirt
I bour. The toe cars bad been left aa.
I tba ton nf tha arada bv a tmia m
24 I wall they set Sonar wwltcbea. The cara
1 atartaa ilon tlie bill hM the air
I escaped from tbe brake.
la I A detour onabled tba r-orUand-Oreri
IQtar pssngsr cars to foOow schodalea.
... ' .
. n, -
- i l