SECTION SIX AUTOMOBILES . V FOUR PAGES ! GOOD ROADS SUNDAY, MORNING JANUARY n '-T n Utl ITTMriIfTTt i "-' aeaaw J S "V JTa . .at a, f -1 l-n i 7 1.1 (0 V -1 mi nrr ERN hw 1 1 T' . TO BE BUILT CASCAO ', Corporation to Erect Structure Over Columbia Below Locks to Connect Two States and Allow Motorist Century Loop Drive. A .... . ' North Bank highway on th. WuhinV I-, i-' LOSS'S the C.ntnrv" T J?!? " . "-d trip fWporUend TnS CcoCr . .wVhri 1th "ration. ..d X.len . J , dc7 - Tn th. Prelect. The .pan "main span being 705 fJw ,hK TJ "P" t lthr na. It will b of Hon lknuihii m . u- Acenrdlnv t n - who drVipK'r modern BrtdSo 0f lh Cd thl -i VJL -Ji . n l".000. wai let . In 0 d. "r" w,u 0 competed STANDARD NAMES FOR BODIES PLAN Society of Automotive Enrineers ft a rropose 14 to Replace 1001 '. Coined by Manufacturers. Maw - T" . " ma. I, UrmTta Of ft ten. UeaVTn i.ur ror aatomo- Tho ooiBiBKtee'a reoommm.M Roadster, mm phaeton. Ami cart, wita two fried aeau, clooe mubm -Un apaco for foVaon4rr , ' J t til 'vi. 4 ' ?.-?T'5i. wi).' LaTa1 A tf'IPTift'irr ' " fl .'' It ior"- ' jliiiiir pur I j. v iA,-- Sii ... - x; ' vr ,'- ' L ' . MX SYSTBvl RURAL AREAS IS?: -jBejrwfsif' Lewis County Will J T-. a.- rave rrom Uhehalis To Adna Next. Year! CheH&lia- WaaK T ' counts .-ir : i- . . "ounce the road prorram for Lewla county pavln on .. " " irom me' west 11m. foot Davlnr l.irf .V?. "d. hlf on the Na- . . - niR-nway, contlnains ' the PjemeBt laid thla year where the hJ! way ieavea tha ki.v fu" hH?,.. 1 " War. cleartag and proorlat;. A1?. 8Ut P- - ' :- '.1--. ""-'" pilingofMoJor Explained of Clei Oil Is Told expnt Ms -ee wHhaat finite fTdd-ta? .kT.'T' AeMaebUe Jdtuat jSSS ,UBU' Tho aaotorlat eftoaj beare aniM . r.t WE,, "'" Aa baa bee elated, tho notnn . k likaoad to te Wrin.'.t" Urn. aa4 Joat aa the pump lalhthSrt f tho motor, oo the Valni n iS. bdy eoiBpar to tho otl pip, thit iLd tl 7rtoua part of th BtprVtidkl lu-t aa blood ourtahe. te body, I ll aoarlahea tho viator. Tb "wnd type, of vrtchanlam for oJllnc the Motor. On tho fwco feed lypa. tho oil la poured Into tho craakl eaaa and la planced up into tho pump. three oil pIpm a four-cyUnder car Utat lead to tho mala oil bearing On tho otl pip, to tho mala beartnr. thora la a branch oU pip, leadlnTto uf. timlajr twvtkiMih which a continual atreaaa of otl . kept' playlnf oeTSa ea. alaahlac all orer thanZ at th! . After tho oil la forced lata tho' three in baarlan aad baa lubricated them. I on fJowa from tho mala bearing, Into tho crmnkeharv which , haa u oil Ja4tn to tho'conaectlnv rod beartn. f r hrctaa tho connecting j. "vwa lowara tho outer cyl th. crahalaVruTaSt P- up through the rinr-to ST Ploaion ehinloi 7T . X- depoioT v":t u ie A Certain ... ' .... tiers'.' pT-'SUrV OIL Tbrif .C ',uuty or ir c"o,rs;0r bt Pump th; ; rufrod amoT?f rTuS PrU wjll .of,. frorn frtctlon. caS pUtton eUpand the .wrlatplna tT.wea? looaa uiTlk cj ,. M-wear to ka,T .r,:1-" ??"cy ail " FTopeny. ir the tiaSZf P Uth. required Pod byltnra nT. i.t. irTwT W that acciunu Utea In the oil and aooner or toteratopa I -r Constant Development of High way Types Affords Range' From Earth and Plank Roads to Con crete; Novel Experiments Made a.rk. aaaBiQW from tho dare of the inriMi. buildJng haa developed uatU It la today a Principal tnduatry to rrery dvlUaed "u"lT0' L- wrld-Kha CnJtod SuJ Und, Pranc and Germany laadiag Jl other oattona In Ita appUoatloa. Ita development haa brought about aur ovation." and whllo th. baato ma. Urlato employed ty the ancient ar, Ull In uee.' many new matertala have been evolved and applied with auooaaa. The United States, which ataoda at the rrrateat road building era U all hlatory beoaua. of the develop ment of tho motor vehicle, loada all aa. Uona la road building. . Jhoae Uvtna- today will aeo tho Umo when tho Unltod State, wtu hare the ftoeat aad moat ettenalv. ayatom of -rtrtal and tributary highways tho W?,r ?w ev'r kB,r". rm of beau. UfuUy paved roada. property tocatad, aplendldty ahaded with tree-. adoraS with nodgea and ahmbbery. edged with atfewalka and .ratter-, lighted by alec trlclty. kept In repair by working patrola nd protected agalnat highwaymen by mounted police. Grade o-oaalag, will have diaappeared aad our rural hlga n "J"1 h-nty and practkca billty the moat beautiful and practical M our city atraeta. Raral Kfa, there fore, becaoe of theae aad other modern w . wiim. wm approach ICoedwJaJ oa fu. Three. Colama Tool (Coaowwl a. ra fya Colaau. Tl" Survey Is Begun For Alsea Tunnel On State Highway CorvaUla. Jan. 7.s of G. E. Farnsworth of tho atate high way oepanment. Walter Galloway, coun ty eneinaor mA c. .r' " ttv ltf,a0,n the Pr0pos high! fy ?J Al8e mountain to deter mine the advlaabtllty of building- a tuS- aroad over lt Tunneling will require icci or rock it ! J-Id. making thU one of theTiongert uorV.L,... . Fl MS Wll I I IMF MEMORIAL ROUTE ( " . . v a Seattle Garden Club Will Plant v tataa a.. irees lor world War Dead On Seattle-Tacoma Road. -4 Seattle. Jan. 7. Eatlmatea given yeo terday to Mrs. Alexander F. McEwaa. ' ui ui Seattle Garden dub, ahow 200 American aim tree, will be re quired to line the Dee Molnea or High Una highway between. Seattle and Ta-"mn-( Tho Garden club la aponaortnr tho planUng- of theae trw. every to feet of the way and the dedication of the hlrb J, f Memorial Way. In memory ef world waf Wh 1061 l . . Th eea are planted la a atraight row and aelf-auporun .tudenu at th. Each Peraon amir In- v ... rtVn Dumb- which to recorded on th. tree and each aubacrlber to tbua able, to w.tch th growth oftheir "l??:- Gold ,ur mother. ln oSfer parte if the .tat. than Iuget Sound are umong thoa. who have uwTh.M Frankliiit Force 'Is Put on Full Timfii- 3000 Are Affected . , a : , . ' . 4 -, Syraenaa. Nlf Jan .i n Ita regular force of eoo employea wai .a l- aaa. aixecx ,on, January ; hy the Fildn AntomobUa company. Wetory official. staU that by rebarary X an ouU put-of 44 eara daily wilt b. reached. ' wtor JanaaxyVtha actaal outpatof cat, will be aome what under ttia mark. fabricated parta Jo tha assemblies, j i Newteito ax&l I Newberg. ' JaaT Y.-Cnd k iLL. .. Bnc u taacUna tanka located on New! r atreeta will. twl MBirt A i , Wrterty ltoenao feo of l. Frog, the rTr ,, BmDr wlU derive J600 manually from this -sourc. ' Auto Qub to j Pick Directors Memb ersti IP 6 - ? J 'a ve ijpntinues stf MnUl1 mtln - " Oregon Kate Motor awoclatlon. tho Oregon or- aalMtionaffnuted', with the great American AutomobUo aaaocUUoa. or tho ?A, A-A. aa lt 4a better known, haa been called for Wednesday evnineT Jan- "2? wmeld in room 9-A. of' they afaltnomah hotel; ..The -aT f t"lK will bo tha SfP?; n Iew" members of the board at d!nto . -. -. - - - vv iau uiv ncacea or " i 1 1 no. ; ' - ... . nonitoatinrwmjmittoa c tho organlaa- ?.nd Rn Coeter.. and, Oled last week. Tfcta !- lT.i. 4 1 vura wjuj any otnor nominatlona that may b. mad7 will be : T', r '""juci i uit annua meeUnir in 10 days. - fa. . . -. w; uuinimiuj conamltloea alaia la aa renowa: A. H. Lea, aecreUry of the tato fair; Charjea K. Fraxler. Creacent Paper company; J. f. Slater, riant & Rusaen: F. C. StotUer. . StetUer Box company; r. B. Seger. Weatern Smalt in Rermlna; company Therkelaen, Bt1T -Aato eornpany ; George O Brand enburg, editor The Oregon Motorist. All J Portlandera and prominent In motor mgdrclea. . - uVU ltT1 r' Oregon StaU Motor aaaoclaMoo to in the handa bf a bj-wdof M diroctora. each director av wo yeara. Under an arrangement !LSfBt,,, terM Sorro electLono year and eight the next. The remaintac directora who hold over for another jrear are aa follow. : c T Brown. It. W. Hoyt. R. k. Coater. ; JCoaetadet ea Fkav Thrc. " ' 'J - ' i . -a , . rear) People of' Halfway May Heli) to Onfin :Eoad to Fish Lake Baker. Jan: 7. RaMenta f Halfway. " "ey. are czpreaaina- totnoreinant to- get ' a-fareat road rrom Pine valley-to Flab. lake, it to an- ----- -i,o lo proposed road if ,th Jaidecu will raiaa Uooo. EatE raS:Z.?:0 tao road at 19 mlle.T approximately The roaJ .'wfMiM .1 .. . vu . uin ooaiea or timber and would give acceaa to STab Uka tor a pleaaure resort. - . " " r x 552 Autos Stolen In Sppkaae inl921 Boolean a. Wuh . t. n ..... ' j i i. - u- w a- unai oi Of fca2 aufnnrvnKil-a -..i . 1 HVKa 1U MM. UB dllrlnr tl .... . - ordiBg to ataUatica completed bwv?, William- ..t.-r . i ywn t ai M ian. Auto Show to Be Colorful feminine Styles On Program Two arwi. I a - . . - xaramount in- tereat have been added to the prorram Of tha Cnrl .nil 1 v . . ' - Auwutvvue anow at Tna 10 una la the convention nf ih- w.iT . " ... uwuiuBue aeaiera lUnJ,! -ro-P-rta of .the member, of the Old Tlmera- club. The MHWeflJvn aad a a . . tt. big event of Wedneeday. JannarV JS. . --. annng the day and a diaaer to to bring- the retail " Mg "fllli The old timer, will father on a day m . xiua ooay la a national organlkatlon. which haa no local braachea or chaptera, Men who have r,nCd to automobile tadua! FJZ,?"" are ligib.. Jlon. which the old UmerTofSe St tnet are to arrange, all dealers win Km of Robinaon a, ch-t.i. . . " nrm old tlmerV comltia SEC0KATI0H8 AlftOTZl AH daawaatt. bi7 ..V. . t"Zrm 4wr aaow have adnTrSse 7 Ralph Btaehll. axecatlvVrryTf the Port lain 1 Antrawwaklla, . - tioa.hlel, to la charrToThntwl ri"" prnta r J. r. tsaaa ffiuaUs win be a feature f the big .how. ciaeaic and popul,r aeUcUoo- which the country", beat motor oonvey ancea. bright and ahlnlnr modare iU make their bid. for the favor tl Pef thU ei'r and the rlaltora from roundabout. 8TTLE SHOW FLAV5ED Ita ifinna i if 1 n iik . wiu AUtflTateMaaa ahow a novelty la the form of a Eprtng Style ahow will be held ia the aaml building. Attractive models will ptroo- - iwiwra, ejepiaytnar the aot-yet-oat frock, and cloakVnhai are deaUned to attract the femtnlaa wl and deptota the maacaHne pirwa. .,f?.fM"" "oat lntare.unr feabar.-j ef the aatomoblle exhibit to the por enaeer. eanectaUv ts- bODCht MatlnnntuU - . , --j ' a nvniDer oc rfara. to the IromparSaon ,( thU : "uirij. Aimoax - wy type of machine to aow eelllar coderay tha. the vji ia aome amounung to hundreds of doUara. rmV? rf0" brtags with it no re, fn" -tataad-. -- . uh uoor aitaauoa la the eonUaaed Increaaed demand for inclosed care. Althoarh aai L,""a production of lncteeed bodies for praa! hmrrM!I!IT wr. the year Jumt paaaed raowed the createet in- tm demand la lr2 wDt ahow a matarlal aaao over 1121, . ...