I TOWN TOPICS Bast CO WO KTBm PsHfW Ones Meraaeat TlW i" Hwtfwva aad lapWa em ikjUva. iMur? 1 s ST. A wl mmUm Ohm CkrwUaa , Ain. aaril 1 1 W Urset Cetted Warsaw-, rul Ua CartmSta. Maieh j j w j ( " w, itoi eumiwar, in to V? " laatltata Brakiaa. Jely It S " 1. . Ammicm ., aepwwkar toil. Lasher Rate Adopted Tn. to cent lumber rmU rtoroUr published from Pa flc tout point to New England terri tory .ioept to point on th. New York; Now llitin Hartford. Bangor A Aroo tack and Main Central raU roads, has e.n concurred In by the New York. New Haven 4 Hartford Railroad com pany to apply to Polnu on Ita lines. The present fate to these polnu Is Sl.OCtt. Announcement to this effect was re ceived Saturday by J. IL Mulchay. a:en rl freight scent for the Southern Pa elflc The Interstate commerce com mission has been peUtioned for authority to publish the reduced rates on less than statutory notice. . Colasjbl. fttayee (Formerly ksewa at fthtsard't Aste Bet Uses) rortlaad Astorla.tteaald. dM.los. Leave Port Und 7 :10 a. m.. jo a. m.. 1 p. m.. 4 :1S p. m. and 1J:J0 a. m. Leave Astoria 7:18 m 1 a, m.. 1 :SQ p. m.. 1 :30 p. m., and p. m. Direct connections at Astoria to anl from Seaside and Clatsop beach Points. All cars heated. Leave from and arrive at the new Aulo Stag's Term inal Deltot, S3 Yamhill street, comer of Park street Phone Main MIL Adv. Bell Waives Hearts Mortimer Bell, proprietor of a soft drink stand In -the Natatortum. waived hearing before united States Commissioner Frazer Sat urday and was held to the federal grand jury. He Is at liberty on bail. Boll was arrested Wednesday by prohibition aenia on a charge of selling- liquor. After a hearing; the commissioner also held Charles Rollnes and Milton Wlk roan to tho grand Jury. Rollnes Is In Jail In default of 1500 bond, while Wik tnan Is at liberty on his' own recog nisance. Colas Ma Stages' (Formerly ksowa at Shesard's As to Use Mart) Portland SU llsless dlvlMoa Leave Portland 10 a. m. and 4:13 n. m. daily and litis p. m. Saturdays. Sundays and holidays only. Leave Ht Helens 7 :30 a. m. and l:lt p. m. daily and 1:15 p. m. Satur days, Sundays and holidays only. All cars heated. Leave from and arrive at tho new Auto SUge Terminal Depot, J Yamhill street, corner of Park street. Phone Main Mil. Adv. To Sell Boos Car At the request of Assistant United States Attorney Ma milrs. Saturday, Federal Judge R. a. Bean ordered Clarence R. Ilotchklss, United States marshal, to sell the auto mobile seised from Clarence Morton when he was arrested on a liquor eharge. Morton pleaded guilty Decem ber IS to transporting liquor at Klam ath Falls and was fined $250. CelamMa Stage (Formerly ksewa as sard's Aste Bat I.laet) rortlaad. Xeltsesiah Jam division Leave Port land 10 a. m and a -in n a-ii i - I" M.J KI1U 11 :1S p. nv Saturdays, Sundays and holi days only. Leave Multnomah Falls 7 :10 a. m. and 1 p. m. dally and p. m. Saturdays. Sundays and holidays. All ear. heated. Leave from and arrive) at th. sew Auto SUge Terminal Depot, lit Yamhill street corner of Park street, rhoejo Main MIL Adv. Lee tar es Daste Arrangements have been completed by Portland council of the Knights of Columbus for a free publlo lecture on "Dante." which wIU be delivered by Conde Benolst Pallen, LL. D, of New York, next Friday evening at 1:15 o'clock at Knights of Columbus hall. An Invitation has been extended to all the college. and high school stu- - denU and teachers to attend. Rabht WUe to Give Leetsres Rabbi Jonah B. Wlee will gfe a course of lec tures for the Portland Center of the University of Oregon during tho winter term, the first lecture being held Mon day at :J0 p. m.. In the Story Hour rnnm of the Central library. This course will carry one hour of university credit for students who desire to do the work, Ceaple Become Baakrast Mr. and Mrs. Hsrry S. Nolan, residing at East Seventh end Kverett streets, filed a vol- . unitary petition In bankruptcy Satur day In the federal court. They have no axseta to cover liabilities totaling $t77. Colas) Ma SUget (Formerly kaowa ai Menard's Asia Baa Llaei) Portland Mood River division Servioa temporar ily discontinued on account of snow trittm cm the highway. Resumption of eorvtco will be announced In this space. Phono Main Mil. Adv. Alaska' Society to Meet The Alaska society will meet Monday evening In the assembly room of the Portland 'hotel. It W. Thompson will talk. There will be a program of music, dancing and cards. Mrs. Josephine 8tott and Mrs. B. EL Mauro are In charge of the entertainment Kavatepes Print. at Factory Price Why send East? Let our rapid anto- nauo anveiope pressea supply your re , ejulrernents. Delivery in a few boors. Phone Mala 1)71. Pacific Stationery A PrtaUng Co., 107 Second street Adv. Jewish Society Eleetteo The annual . meettaig and election of direct or of the "derated Jewish Societies of Portland, or, wui do Mia next Thursday at 1:15 Ik nv. at tae BTial Brlth bunding. An ssrteaoauiig prograia la being arranged. Mrw StYldoat Are Tew TeoOit Won- omury Unproved artificial dantsrea are anaco oy tno plate specialist. Dr. B. C .Itissmsn. Ill Jooraal hutlillng Adr. Caaage of 2Tams of BaUclag Notice Is Wrehy aivon that the name of the Lint. grrhanro bldg situated on the southeast ersMir of Second and Stark sts has been enaagea to -racnange Building "Don aid O. Woodward, Supt Adv. Fertlaad-Vrweerr llit-Jm. aiM depot. Park and T am hill, dairy. , f.JO, ii aw nv ana t, mitv, us, :ia, I Jt a. m, nature ay ana Sunday, u :ll p. m. Mam MIL Adv. . Partlaad.TTUamook Caamaa RUn Stags depot. Park aod Yamhill sU, dairy at I :ll a. nv and 1p.m. 8peclal arrange monU made for fishing parties. Mala MIL AdV. . tr. A merles St Helens via Colombia river, i :io p. m, dauy ; a :M a. as. Sua. aay. saw sr. soca. Mam Mix. Adv. Fee H aril See our foot pectallst, . X-ray service free. Knight Shoo com pany, Moniaonnoar Broadway. Adv. rrttaa4-SaJem.Altaay Leaves Stag depot. Park and YatfihllL every "hour from T a, m. to 1 i sn. Faro. LMl Main M 11-Adv. - 0. P. tkelby O. Frank Shelby, gen eral secretary, of tho Brotherhood of St Elrew, win vialt Portland Tuesday, ac- Willi. sacaaurray. genera passenger agent for tho Union Pacific ' mtera. Shelby will visit Portland aiul 8attlit to make preparations for the Episcopal convention which will be held in Seattle In tho fall. Tho delegates will also visit Portland during their stay in the North- wewc , City Fosltioaa Oaea Examination m mi four Doaitiona with the Htv m.-in Vu. held during the month. W. E. Marion, secretary of tho civil service board, an nounced Saturday afternoon. January 14 the examination for telephone opera tor will be held; January 17. nlant helper: January 20. sTreenhouaa fore man, and January 21. carpenter. Thorn passing the examinations will be placed on tne eiigiDio list in the order of their standing. K. C. VlSttrel to Perfoma-iTh Khights of Columbus Minstrels will ap pear in Vancouver next Friday evening and next Sunday will give two perform ances In Mount Angel. The matinee in Mount Angel Will be for the cnlWe students and school children. The min strels appeared with success in Port land for three performances and also in aatem. Pielie Bases Tuesday Sight The public is invited. Given by Anchor Council S. B. A.. Tuesday. January 10, W. O. W. hall. 12 Eleventh Ktret Art. mission 35 cents. Adv. Better DeaUstry. Nerve blocking meth- - euer plates. Dr. J. R. Marshall. 307 Journal bldg: Adv. j The Ptt System for Feet A scien tific treatment for broken arches. 711 712 Broadway bWg. Mar. 1317. Adv. Salem-Mills City Stage Connects Q. El trains Nos. t and 9 for Mills City. Joseph Himmin,. Salem. Prop. Adv. Start ltlJ Klgkt use Southport clean coal. .Edlefsen's, Broadway 70. Adv. S. A H. Green Stamps for Cats Hol man Fuel Co.. Main 358. ES0-2L Adv. r. MeMahon, Chiropractor. Phone AQV. Injunction Asked To Halt Contract For Road m Baker Baker, Jan. 7. Suit to enjoin Baker county from entering into a contract with Oxman & Harrington for grading the 13 mlleii nf th. Rr4y4a..1-Di..i. , . . .UE,c-un.n section of the Baker-Cornucopia post road was filed Friday by T. Ii. Miller, who al leges the county court has authorized awarding of the contract to the firm although the bid of Copenhagen brothers was the lowest, being 1109.592.50, com pared to 1111,750. bid by Oxman St Har rington. Failure of Oxman tt Harrington to en close a certified check for S per cent of the amount of the bid is also alleged. Members of the court said they acted on the theory that they were saving the county B8i.ou in awarding the contract io uimin at Warrington THE OREGON .SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 8. 1922. wuso n round labon . ive Speeds Up Oregon's $1 0,000 by Jan, 1 6 Goal eluding all counties south of ftyi April 7-9. Charles Belger of this city Is presraenc tm j&eiso clab plans to en tertain the boyi and the oil owing com- But a week remains for OrfrHi tn rally her forces and ro over th tnn again with another "Oregon First' rec ord, -roe wooarow wuson Foundation campaign officially opens January 16, during the (0 minutes between noon and 1 o'clock, which will be known aa the Wilson hour. But Oregon eamnaism leaders have determined that Oregon's OUOta of 1 10.000 will tut rnm-rAatmA K fore that time, and during the next week win pui iorcn every enort to accomplish this end. ; The national fund of tl oftn nnn tnr Woodrow Wilson Foundation lis to be aonatea oy volunteer subscribers, who believe in and approve its purpose. PUBPOSE OF FTJJTD The purpose of the fund is to stimu late genius : ' to encourage interest in human welfare; to serve mankind; to perpetuate and promulgate Americanism to champion liberty, democracy and peace. The award or awards from the income of the foundation will be made from time to time by a nationally constituted committee to the individual or group that has rendered, within a j specified period, meritorious service to democ racy, public welfare, liberal thought or peace through justice. This fund is sim ilar in purpose and plan to the Noble Peace prize, save that this fund is lim ited to citizens of the United States. Veterans of the World war are show ing a keen enthusiasm in the Woodrow Wilson Foundation and are eagerly en listing to actively aid in the work. The former f!0-htv wiwnlu tn tn move ment not only a tribute to their com- maoaer in cniei nut tney aiso see u as a means to establish on a permanent basis the ideals for which they fought. From all sections of the country letters are being received at the national head quarters in New York city, indorsing the movement and offering to help in any way possible. LEADERS SOLICITED The organization of the former sol diers and sailors is being carried out in close cooperation with the state organi zations of the Foundation. A man in each statA ha, lun asleep tn asjmme the responsibility of exercising general su pervision over tne organization oi ms comrades in that state and to cooperate with the state chairmen "in, the work. In each county, an ex-service man is work ing with the county chairman in getting the former soldiers, sailors and marines of the county interested in the move ment. They are working largely through the poets of the American Legion, Vet erans of Foreign Wars, and the various divisional societies. Everyone who intends giving a sub scription to the Foundation fund is urged to take it to the Lumbermens Trust company. Broadway and Stark streets, where the Foundation has a window, or to give it to some campaign committee worker. All subscrintlons are welcome, no matter how small they may be. WOODROW WILSON FOUNDATION, Lumbermens Trust Company Bank Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen Inclosed find $ for Woodrow Wilson Foundation fund, please send certificate of membership to the under signed at the following address- Name Address City. J State I... Make checks to Woodrow Wilson Foundifion.. UumWmens Trust Company bank, Broadway and Oak streets. Portland, "Oregon. ence in the premiums on the bonds makes a difference- on the bid. The matter will be laid before the district attorney. This is the second attempt to let the contract. In October the Copenhagen brothers were Jowest bidders, and it was proposed to deposit the bonds with the state highway commission, which would advance the money, but the commission would only allow 90 ' per cent of the bonds, and it was decided to readvertise for bids on thA mntnixt ont f. k- V BOW n uie airier- or tne bonds, the contract to be awarded subject to the bonds being sold at not icsa uuui pax. WHITEH0U8E TRIAL SET Srokft.ne. Wash.. Jan 7 Trial nn grand larceny charge of Irving White house, former head of the Irving White house company, which failed last Au gust, is scneauiea ior Aionaay. BOYS TO BE EWTERTArtrpn Kelso, Wash., Jan. 7. Kelso will en tertain the Older Boys' conference of tne soutnwest Washington district, in HALT SYRUPS, HOPS, BOTTLES, KESS AXD BOTTLERS' SUPPLIES MAIL OlDEaS SOLICITED . PORTLAND BEVERAGE , SUPPLY CO f XftOADlfAY ttl Ml STAjUC UX : I Copyright 121 Hart Schiffner Sc Man I Hart Schaff n&r & Marx Seats and Overcoats V4 Less $39.00 Suits and Overcoats $29.25 II $42.50 Suits and Overcoats $31.90 II $45.00 Suits and Overcoats $33.75 I $49.00 Suits and Overcoats $36.75 I I w.vrvr wuiu OI1U VVCrCUdUS Tl-n I Hill ill "T- I I av . - I HI bu.uu buits and Overcoats $45.00 1 1 r ' ' " $67.50 Suits and Overcoats $50.65 II i 11. II Pifi In Sam'! Rosenblatt &Go. P?keJ j . "1th Mid Aldtr C. Bid,. I I infttea was appointed to assist: Russell Carothera, Dr. A. F. V. lJtavis, H. Jas person, Ben SporteJ. William Stuart. J. P. Buford and John Lw Harris. Saving Office Space I When eyery square foot of floor space I I costs dollars each month, twelve tames I I every year, the saving of each square I I foot soon amounts to a very substantial I I economy. The Globe-Wernicke Hon- I I zontal Cabinet Sections can be extended I I both horizontally and perpendicularly I I every square foot of floor space can I I be utilized dear to the ceiling, if desired. J !oteOTLiic!ce Steel J I . ogascttA Sections I I Cb baa&q4doihi fbam mcOdbs earn b I I ciirlal up trtnogt any spact. I I nmemBvrartin emar tooayn I caeBfi dtinue nod cairvri'n. Theym I I Sad w&ii iatgiockiQg devicee orqtebeg flat I I leap fbem ki periect yat ad peewt I I Jgygtmg lumTeud. I I Tbese flediom aa eooetneted inlh 9forji I I tbickd(RAiejaB!kx&Waim I I each openxrg for (kxmr or fib hssosapfeta I I top, bottom and side vr&Hg. I I To KmnaaKbe &k& fail merits of this Be? yon I I SSj ,'att.-e.iboaVCstfafcc on I I ffioa atfrttei, I SiigiACdsrSts. 1 fllvoyfeoksagz ,-rJRUEtl WATCHES 2 " lT" Outstanding Facts concerning our Special $100 Diamond Rings. We originated this feature, now so extensively copied in this and other cities. By wise buying we have very . .materially increased the size of these special Diamonds. Oar Paris office keeps us in touch with the world's principal cutter, and by buying direct in large numbers, we secure the lowest prices, besides elim inating the middleman. Selling in jquantities enables us to do away with the extra war tax a $3.00 saving on each diamond. Our new Platinum Top' Mounting are specially fashioned to make the stones appear to advantage. We carry over 50 different designs. During 1922 we are prepared to place larger stones than ever before in our Special $100 Diamond Rings. claegerBiDS. - Portland HALLMARK Stora 131-133 Sixth St. Paris Address Oregonian Bldg. No. 8 Rue Lafayette WOOSTER'SS AUTO OWNERS It doesn't take but a few minutes to come to my store, so handy and I sell everything. WOOSTER'S It's 488-494 Washington St iWOOSTER'Si OPEN EVENINGS Fi In Tl I HI 1 Dwlt III as. assr sssk asaK esBBsa ai - i mm m m it a WHAT IS IT? SEE BIG AD Ilf TUESDAY'S CLASSIFIED PACES Victrola THIS 8TTLE aad tea doaal.' far. Tlctor ree- erda, - year ewa e a . I e e, aeedies, etc. .50 1AQ Eaiy Terms SEIEEHUKG-LUCAS UUSIC CO. is a iu WasalagiM St. vhon& BROADWffif mm Well do the rest That's our new number, but we are still at the same location. "EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE". OFFICE FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES. PRINTING ENGRAVING BOOKBINDING Fifth and Oak Streets Portland, Or. ANNOUNCEMENT! ALL STAGES FOR ST. HELENS, ASTORIA, SEASIDE AND WAY POINTS AXSO FOR BRIDAL VEIL, MULTNOMAH FALLS, HOOD RIYER, THE DALLES AND WAY POINTS poxkxkxt xiroirjr as Tk. shkp Amns AUTO BUS uxxs ass auw UfEKtTLtO CSBEB THE 5AJCE or ColumbiaStages LEAVE FKOX aad AKKITE AT THE ' STAGE TERMINAL DEPOT SS9 TAX HILL ST, COK. FAKK ST. Fkeae Kite Mil A. JALOrr, Mgr. Change in Passenger a Schedules The NORTH BANK ROAD ia axier saaday, Ja.sarr 8, In tim. wiii be mad. by the east of On and rhanres 8. P. A 8. Ry. on too Una Portland as shown below; IJ! He- . for Lyle. wID toave ParUass 7:U A. K. Ustead of IiXi, wtta cermyaadlif ckaar. at all aetata. LeeaJ K. S, for Tatlkrtere. win leav. rortlaad (tU P. M. Instead ef ttM, wlta eerresfeaclar ckaar at ail Mints. ..K'"It4-K--?' Havtn Pertlaad ! A JsL. will tmp mm la-sal at LewaVaTsfia Sailtk Preailer. Km. f... Kesiiarte. H.s. aad t Smith Preailer tvlalMe) HeaUartoa (vleiMe) Ifelselea tvtrfhi.t . L. C Smith, He. t (vIslM.).. merweofl, 3. fvUIhle).. flS.OO So.oo 4S.OO 60.00 SO.OO 60.00 aad -ALL HAKES" f ether UU edel SLaadsrS Tlathla WrHIir V chlaes. All Thoroughly Rebuilt and Fully Guaranteed Machines sent an r-here on Pacific Coast tor three days' esamlnatloo. TERMS IF DESIRED ALL MAKES RENTED No. 4 Underwood. No. 10 Ketnlnft-totl and No. I U C Bmith I Jfesths for 97.&0 8EXD FOR PmiCE LIST OR CALL A5D IJtaptCT OIR STOCK RETAIL. DEPARTMENT THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER COMPANY, INC. 321 Wuh. SW Portland rhoae Jfala MSI . - Stem i rraaetM, IVe Asreles, Seattla. bait Jake City is : 4 : , , llsssaaasssasssawwwssjssssssai