- M , -fr I nu01 f A X I I V V r odLc54SssCi h v I k k i i - -ttias vcmtty-..sy. ra. I ; r. Aaetber frwst eever of drawta m4 ' ' ' , A' H - -"S JL I V I I'V-a i I V i-"" ! SS-TBi-fAaMTrl H FBU V X V 1 J I I r ' I . "1 ""l V V ' bmulii mtlMitortr wtaea - H .' . vara by Astray Eswer, strttisgiy re- XNl V ' V LVL V. A AN V . ll V f SUVv mi wat,tw-sUT. rain fl . 4tr Jtirul aw ulu Mrt BtMtr. Ti . . S CJr rH Sr1f - 'JZ ' '- . atlywlada, k - - 'P ' ssDJeet to local t Ta Oregoa Ceaatry. I y, sCw-.'C GgtTNSN7 , -1 . . ' ' ' I ' j ' '' ';V-v..r S J.." :'."''- ; ' fl ':; VOL'XIX.NO-41' i CITY EDITION - 1 PORTLAND, OREGON; SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 8, 1822 EIGHT SECTIONS PRICE FIVE CENTS IRELAND: FREE AFTER 7Wl-SWGGEE-W5. mE WBERRY TO FACE FTERm : ORBEAL W SENATE . .. ,' . . : . : : i ' TT - -, ..- - i 1 61057 ' i. ' ' ;'(' . HISTORY OF IRISH FIGHT PeYalera Resigns Following Rat ification of Treaty Between treat Britain and Sinn Fein. ' Wild Scenes of Rejoicing Spread! Over Emerald hie as the News Is Flashed From Parliament WHAT KW TBKATT WFAWtl to rr.orLE or Ireland Th Anclo-Irteti trAty, u fx-gotl-U4 In London, h&a tf main pro TUtnna follows: rirat4Ubllabinit of n Irtah W Htt with ft dominion t&tua. EaoorvV A rprMntAUve of th rrown will b appointed to th post f , tmnwr rnral la mjuvner BlmllM to Canada. Thr T). fre aUt'f aJlgi&nr oath aha II ho to tha tm atate, the klnc and tha amplra. ' k'our Ta fro atnta, haU liuumt portion of tba puLllo debt and war imd1 itura. Th rural nary 'hall baT ao to Ua Irian porta. . Mr rkarto M. MeCaaa - TalUd fr Haft CnpWfodnt . XtitUii. Jan. I Tha Sinn Fala parlla aan ton le Tit mad oeriaia Qi atab Uahtooai of aa Irlah fraa state by p prortatr tha poaoa treaty with Graat Hrltaln r vota of II to 17. Caavwn d VaWrs, wha had foairht to th laat ajrainat. tha traatjv taimadlataly announced hla roalicaaUoa " from tha prldrx-y at tha Xrteb, rtpublla Tha Daifs Vota tun a tha culmlna ilon of a blttar political fight which split tha , Blna Fain Into two hoatlla cam pa. It waa not until tha laat mln ta that tha battla waa woo. Up until lata thla rvcnlnr many frianda of tha ,traty conceded Ita defeat To Arthur Griffith and MlchaaV Col li na. who turned asalnat their former ehleC. t Valera and lad tha fight for tha coirtpect, goaa moat of tha credit - for tha victory. cftirrrrn flats b taleba Attacklna Xa Valara during tha de bata. Orlftilh charged ha formerly had demanded only (freedom from aggres sion. Griffith denounced tha "damnable , ferpoeracy of those members of the Dall who navs taken oath after oath to the . SngUah king but who 'now alur our ratted Vtmm) The Sinn Fain orgaalsation, which concluded the pact with Great Bri tain, was farmed In 1905 for the pur pose of boycotting all things English In Ireland. Arthur Griffith Blener of the pres ent treaty, was one of the prime movers in the organization of Sinn Feln. Tha body waa named Sinn Fein (Shin Fane), which means ourselves alone," to emphasise the boycott. The society began lis work by en couraging the -use Of the Gaelic tongue lnstoad of the English 1au- guage. Among the first English things boycotted were the - toast to the kino's healOu and the playing of the prltish national anthem. L050 FIGHT ENDS Ratification of the treaty tonight practically brought to an end tha fight for Irish freedom that baa been waged for more, than 704 years, pnly formal ratification of the treaty by the British parliament Is necessary before work is begun on setting up the new Irish free state. The British parliament baa al ready unanimously approved the treaty. Friendship between the English and Irish people craned at the time of tha invasion of Ireland, credited to Strongbow, heir to the earldom ' of Pembroke, and a liege of Henry the Second. This conquest occurred. In the twelfth century. Henry II despatched ' a foroe of Anglo-Norman troops, under Diarmld McMurragh, to occupy Dublin. That city and several other Irish towns were taken. After this, victory, Strongbow and . one of .the lieuten ants of McMurragh, married; the leader's daughter. He assumed the throne of Lelnster at his father-in-law's death in 157L Dt LACET FIRST G0TER50B . Henry then went to Ireland and established DubHn as the -seat of government The castle has been headquarters of the British ever since. Hugh de Lacey was appointed the first governor. Tha first revolution In Ireland waa In 1798. It 'was almost entirely directed by Protestants, of whom was . Lord EM ward FlUgerald. si plcturewiua Irish leader. Ft POWERS AGREETOBAN Root Resolution Formally Signed " and Accepted as a Part of Universal International Law Bonus Law to Be Asked at This Session President and Party Chiefs De cide Matter at Political Con fab at the White House. All Nations Invited to Observe Agreement, Which Is to Bind 'Both Conscience and Practice,' SPELLS DEATH FOB GAS Washington. Jan. 7. CtJ. P.) The Root resolution, banning the-use of gast as adopted by the arms con ference, follows: The use in war,-of asphyxiating. poisonous, .or Other gases, and all analogous liquids, materials or de vices, having been .duly condemned oy use general opinion oi the civil ised world, and a prohibition of such use having been declared in treaties. in which a majority of the civilized powers are parties: Now, to the end that this prohibi tion shall be universally accepted as a part of international law, binding alike the conscience and practice of nations, the signatory powers declare their assent to sueH prohibition, agree to be bound 'thereby between themselves, and Invite-all other civilized- nations to adhere thereto. i By Carl . Groat ' I United Prese Staff Comspondont j Washington, Jan. t. The arms con-' fere nee today, by unanimous vote of the five great powers, banned the use of poison gas as a weapon of modern 'war fare. . By Raymond Clapper United treat Staff Correspondent Washington. Jan. 7. (U. P.) A sol dier bonus law will be enacted before adjournment of the present session of congress, according to a decision reached by a White House conference tonie-ht between President Harding and administration leaders in and out of congress. As .head of the Republican parry, President Harding assembled his most influential advisers in the cabinet and congress around the White House dinner table tonight to discuss ways ana means for Insuring victory at the polls next November. Several months of treacherous saiBng are ahead for congress and President Harding's purpose for calling In the leaders of both houses tonight was to Dolnt out some dangerous rocks that must be avoided. - Those present included tha bouse and senate steering committees. The soldier bonus and the foreign debt funding bills are the two measures giv ing the president most concern, it was said. ' - :. ' Unusual political significance -was given to the dinner by the presence of John T. Adams. Republican national chairman, and the president's two politi cal advisers in the cabinet Attorney General Daugberty and Secretary of War Weeks. Senators attending were: Lodge, Curtis' of Kansas; Watson, Indiana ; McC umber. North Dakota and Brande gee of Conneticut Representatives invited were : Speaker Gillette, Massachuseta ; Mondell. Wyom ing; Madden, Illinois; Fordney, Michi gan ; Anderson, Minnesota; Darrow, Pennsylvania and Saunders of Indiana, INE-UP OF frill TO READ HIS OWN DEFENSE SENATOR TRUMAN NEWBERRY of Michigan, who will appear in his own behalf before the senate Monday in an attempt to establish his right to a seat in that body, which is assailed because of the excessive expenditure of funds. Six Potential Congressmen, Gub ernatorial, State and County Nominees Wilt Be -Voted On. Two Justices of Supreme Bench and 16 Circuit fudges Will Be Named; 3 County Vacancies. One after- another the representatives of France, Great ; Britain -and Japaa Robert limmetc- Protestant in tte armament limitation com- of tha best loved, heroes of Ireland. 'Hs jiftlttee and "gave benstBa?prcef of Jb Dancing in Public Schools .to Brine . ; Protest at Meeting tt a t organised the revolt of 1798. The pre mature explosions pt one of his arms (CoatimMd ea Pace Fear. Cohunn Two) News Index Today's Sunday Journal Is in Eight Sections. KdltarieJ v SactioB S. Paca S. Oregon voters, both Republican and J Democratic, are coming nearer day by day to the open season for candidates that gladsome time of spring when so many of their fellow citizens hear the j call of official ambition which, for the most of them, will end with tha primary election of Mar 19. Already various energetic Individuals are beginning to polish up, or plane down, the platforms upon which they Intend to stand while telling the mora or less listening electorate what Is . to be done for it or to it according as the election might swing the one way or the other. Before many weeks have passed the ambitious of these ardent individu-! als will burst forth Into the full bloom of official announcements, and the cam paign will be on tn full swing. I3T MAT TIME Oregon, on May 19 next is to nomi nate six potential congressmen, two from each district to head tha state tickets of the two major parties. Down in the-First district W. C Hawley, in? cumbent Is to be a candidate to sue-I ceed himself. So far there Is no rumor of a democratic opponent In the field. nor of any Republican who plans to Jousj with him tor-the Republican nom- the second aistnct jnicb; j. be- a- candidate to succeed jjq, opposition -p f arvln in war Third cismct or jauitno- rx-"::. v.v -.:::.....::::.": f -;-v .... ; - f i x i j. v ' . '-" - ' m s t. If j ; icn in TALK MONDAY Will Not Be Allowed to Merely Defend Himself With Prepared Speech; Must Answer Questions Considered Doubtful That Sena torial Croesus Can Wipe Away " Stigma of Moneybag Campaign malt county, however, C' VS. , lioArthur F oral an Baitta Aikad to Explain Section 1, Page 2. National LaToneUi Twxm risht Section 1. Fmca 2 la hxthe' pnbUofcooJs-W. Port resolution ct Koot, oarrtng forever the I land will brut? protests Monday from ... . InMvTnlnant totrman anraftovlTia Kafr.a tha weapons wn.cn tne vvoria war wrought J-" ePs meeune at he may not be so fortunately -placed. He. benerernSons. ? MTIO so f ar as known. wUl seek renoxninatlon oeutgerent nations. . I Announcements to this effect have haea 1 and reelection. He is almost certain, to nrovii tn tha rSISr.tSI IJtr mailed every Methodist clergyman In have opposition In tne primaries, though proval to the resolution yesterday. the cltv with the reauest that it be la- who wiU enter the lists against him is Aivtne nations oi the worhrwfu he serted in the r weekly "bullettn or an- not yet clear. And. U he passea the asked to subscribe to this principle and j tounced from the pulpit today. I initial test he will very probably have thus ; definitely establish ir as a cardi- I Kverv nastor haa been reouestMl tn I m,M.t thnnch who this Complete nal point of international law. Meanri attend and also to appoint one or more I San i. nnt -vat dCnlta. wnueiue coniereoce is movmg rapioiy laymen rrom his congregation as dele-1 xmons the possible candidates for the toward an adjustment The treatyf pro- gates. - Sponsors of the ' movement eay J Republican congressional nomination in viding for the limitation of naval ar- I they have the i promise -of js. prominent 1 te Third district is Maurice E. Crum- mamenc ana suDmanne wanare proo-1 uicujuuiai wwao -u preaem tae mai-i -g-kg, deputy district attorney. Crum- auiy wiu dc reaay iuoaaay ior suo- f wiiuguig uu name. POLiCE'PREW t -1 .-v.a -a mission' to the conference and after its apprOTal will, be proclaimed to the world I In a plenary session. BopreBM Coart Eaeenea Award la Botada Case I MAT SETTLE SHA5TT36 Killed in Geara of nacker. who has practiced law in Port' land since -1912, was one of the authors tOonchided oa Pace Fire. Column One) IQnwIitM an rea Font, Comma Owe) MAFEE REINS BeoUoa I. Pace 2. LaaUaarmeB Attack Tariff Section 1, Pica S. Saccate for Damoerata Predict Section 1,1 Pac t. CHURCH POSIW Executive Secretary of Portland ; Council of Churches Accepts k Kansas City Call. Artmekla raraa Trial Setl on 1. Fata 2. I School Boy KOtod ta WIsht Section 1. Page 8. Ttlecrephio flaib Seotioa 1. Paca Z. is Otwoehtai Starts Near Biot Seocon 1, Pace 3. Voters Dent Go to PoDa Section 1. Pace 4. Orunllrtattoa of Schooie Section 1. Pace 0. Mai PaUMcaaa Win Section 1. Pace, 6. Stasa Driver la Settees Condition Section 1. The Iter. Ralph C aleAfoe has resigned ale poaitlon as executive secretary of the Portland Council of Churches, and has accepted a call to a similar -poet tton In Kansas .City, Kan. Tha resignation waa Submitted Friday, at a meeting of the executive council of the council In the T. M. C A-. but was not accepted. A committee waa appointed to Investl rate the matter and report to tha execu- i live committee at a special meeting ealleel for ft o'clock Monday afternoon. Tba Bams of a possible successor to the rv. Mr. VeAfae could not be learned Saturday night ' OAS L05Q SCKTICX ' The Hat. Mr. McAfee haa to date been .the only executive secretary the Portland Council of Churches has bad. He took 'ser the work a ban It opened in Au-a-uat. 11. two aad one-half year airoi Sine that time under hie leadership tha work haa grown to such proportion that- It baa attracted nation wide at- . tatiUon. When the Kansas City coun 4tT rarantlv annllad ta ttor R Onlld. atlonal aecretary of tha eommlttee onl frtr ?PU" ' ? Pace ft. ntltoa of Stats to Mast Seotioa 1. Pate . Uaao DesHMrasi Talk Horaibtook Seeoon 1, Put 7. Dimatlo Chante la Phone Numbera Section 1, Pats S. War to B Ufacsd on Kareotio BrO Section 1 Pate 10. Peruana Gtrt Sake Wtth Bias and Turn u Section 1 Pats 2. Aato Hka fltraetcar Seetioa 1. Pass 2. lio.be ad Slayer Cisea 10 Team Section 1. Pass 4. f Jtcajoa Day Boaered Section 1. Pas B. SdU Oparafav Sentaaeed Sectloa 1, Pace 8. "I'acie Joha" lacaosj Seetioa I, Pass 7. Ccnanuuty Cheat Colonels Meet Seotioa 1. Pats S. ' Plana tor Ant? Cams Aaaoameed SactioB 1. Pars 19. Cntoe Ptetfta Orders Cart Section 1. Pats 10. Wtta earn Sasuaoaal for T odd-Trial Soctioo 1. raf. Mini Maniary Ball Wede Seotioa 1. Pace 6. lltnvt Profeesor t Tk4t Wart Section 1 Pane . Vtolftfearie)Oeset RCaTw Seetioa S. Paee 12. Siilnm Hewi , . Kaal Katato aad Baikiiat Seetioa S. Pats 1. The Shantung question may be set tled at any time through the good of- ( Concluded on Page Two, Column Ose) Grain for Russian! Relief Not to Go ! By Way of Oregon Astoria, Jan. 7. All of the grain pur chased with the (20.000,000 congress has appropriated for famine relief in Russia will be shipped to the ports of Wlndau. Riga and Novorlslik, according to Sen ators Mcary and Stanfield, who have wired the Astoria Chamber of ; Com merce that none of the grain will go by way of Vladivostok. j The grain will be bought by the pur-, chasing commission of the Russian. re lief administration by , competitive bids. The Astoria chamber) sought informa tion in the hope that Oregon grain deal- Locomotive Crane Willamina Veteran Heard of Hangings While in Service Astoria. Jan. 7. Jerked Into the gears of one of the locomotive cranes used in unloading' coal from the,. Norwegian steamer Hanna Neilaon. Bdward Erick- eon. . $6, . was .instantly killed -late this afternoon at the Port of Astoria ter-1 WHlamina. Jan. 1. Among ex-service minals. Erickson was v tending the I men whose experiences overseas leads nlggerhead on the crane -when, in some unexplained way, he -became en gtea in tne, movmggears. - He is sur- vtve4 by hia wife and nine children. PLANNED BATTLE BSBSSaaaSBBBS-SBBS-SSBBBBSBBBBBBBBBl V - - Soldiers Come. From 'Vancouver to Clash -With Broadway Dance flail "Gang". Malady Takes Son of Astoria Timberman Prompt nee of boots and fists on the part of half a dozen uniformed and plainclothes men from police headquar ters prevented a battle at Broadway and Main streets ' Saturday night at 10 JO between the Broadway dancehall "gang" and about 30 soldiers from Vancouver barracks. The soldiers came across the river en masse, drawing canteen checks to pay their carfare. They came with the avowed purpose of "cleaning up" on the gang, which they charged with mal treating a soldier Friday night At 10 JO, the soldiers, who had spread out over the downtown district began . MARY GARDEN . f i f'Let Them Come and ' Get , Me,". Is Diva's Defiant Reply to Threats of Death. them to support charges preferred by Senator Watson of Georgia is F. A. LA Viotelle, who was a member of Com pany B, BSth Engineers, In France. He says that be neard of many soiaiers being hanged at Is-sur-Tille, where, ac cording to evidence as reported in dis-1 congregating in front of the dance hall. patches from Washington, prisoners I The presence of so many soldiers bad were executed without court martial. larounsed the suspicions of the police. The Willamina veteran said : I however, and several extra policemen The war department haa announces 1 were on guard at the door. that only one soiaier was nangea at i -we know what you are here for." one Is-sur-Tille. Maybe so, but week: alter I policeman announced. "The Question is week on Fridays our top sergeant came I are you going to get out peacefully?" into our Darracas ana toia oi ine scnea- i The soldiers didn't move. They an- to Vladivostok. council of churchea of the federal Coun cil of Churehea of Christ In America, for a ausTtwn for a aecretary he gave them . McAfee's naiav . McAfee knew ' aolhlnf of the proposition, nor waa ac quainted la the alighteat degree with the work In Kansas City until tha Ofrer was made. McAfee came to Portland la Aprft. Irl. aa reliirtoua work director of the Portland T. M. C A- after havtna been ran; to us Work director and student army training corps supervisor in T. M. C A. war work Western department with headquarter at Camp. Lewis. At CAXP LEWIS MeAfee was retlgious work director at Camp Law la while tha Ute A. M. Ortlley waa T" secretary there. It was through Ortrtey that McAfee waa brought to the Portland Prior ta his war work McAfee waa vniveraity student pastor at the Univer sity of Washington, anar prior ta that ; held a similar position at the Univer sity of Colorado, Boulder. Colo. i Acceptance of the Kansas City call ' br McAfee Is a distinct Ine to the Pace Tea, Cuiaaaa ToT Piaaaoa Seetioa S. Pace lO. Aulamatlve Seotioa t. Paces 1-4. , On the Plear tU Tke Week la Societ? BeoUoa . Pates 1-4. 'i Club A flair Beottun 4, Pain ft. Tee Raaha ef Maria Seetioa 8. Pate 2. Paternal Section . Pate T. aswtteaS Tetsnne Seetioa 4. Pica S. la Portland Schools Section 2. Pate 4. Woman Takes Poison After Domestic Tilt After swallowing a quantity of poison 1 Saturday night as a climax to a series o disagreements with her husband, Mrs. A. H. Smurr. 804 East Broadway, re covered under the ministrations of a, city physician. Smurr, whd applied to the emergency hospital for aid. said he and his wife had had several quarrels in the last two months. Seetioa 2, Pane 5-7. SeeaHoa S. Paces 1-ft. FenUrea "The Psaos By Bay , Bt.nnard Baker Sea -' km 1, Pare t. ' . - Bhw Iaudasra Lew Section a. Pate 4. What Taay Bid at 21 season 2., Pars 4. Lessons hi Golf Section 2. Pace . Motor OOinc Srrtasa Section f . Pate 1. -Uaaria Inteisstiac Seetioa . Pate X. Beastifal OoM ec Baker (Pictorial) Section 7. Seetioa t. Pates 1-8. 8eetk 8, Pates l-- Astoria, Jan. 7. A swift attack of infantile paralysis took, the life of Rob ert Moores Kinney, 3-year-old son of t' r uledeckUeparUes- which were to take peared leader They didn't know just what to da erator, , noay night. Th chUd was I place In town. "We were all told that ill but eight hours. Physicians here are I we cooJd go if we wished. I never went quieting the fears of parents, declaring I for I was on dutv at nieht but many no reason exists to believe that the easel of the hova who did eo told me about era wouiu oe aute io maraei some oi i may oe ine lorerunner or an epidemic them. the cargoes ror trans-lr'aciric shipment Europ e Must Be Own Savioi Lloyd George Realizes Fact Then there was a Gash of slickers as the police cleared for action, and they charged. They kicked and cuffed and struck. The soldiers didn't fight back. The odds, including the members of the Broadway "gang." who stood back of the police, looked too formidable. The soldiers ran. The trouble started Monday night A soldier returned to Vancouver saying he had been robbed of 120 at a dance in Portland. Wednesday night four sol diers attended the Broadway dance. Out on the street, about 11 o'clock, accord ing to the soldiers, they were stopped by a gang from the Broadway and they were challenged to select a man to fight with Sammy Gordon, local lightweight The soldiers said It was Sammy Gordon. One of the soldiers. Loyd R, Scott ,1s said to have accepted the invitation end the other soldiers declare be knocked Chicago, Jan. 1. (TT. P.) Mary Gar den wasn't a bit scared tonight by threats of death made against her, ap parently by a mentally unbalanced woman. The directress of the Chics go Opera company said . so herself. "If they want to get me they know where I am." she said, while watching a performance of "Madame Butterfly" at the Auditorium theatre. "Let them come, and get me. Just let them try,' she shrilled, defiantly, and added her favorite epithet for the writer "the pig." While "Our Mary" talked, a private detective, hired to guard her, walked up and down outside of her box, two other plain clothes men, assigned to watch for her safety by Chief of Police Charles Fitzmorris, stared at the thea tre door. Another private guard sat with her chauffeur In her $12,000 auto mobile standing at the curb. Out on Chicago's "gold coast" where Mary occupies an apartment four detec tives guarded the four corner of the block, while a fifth paced a beat la front of the apartment door. Misa Garden had a personal confer- Washington, Jan. 7 -CW ASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL) The Newberry case approaches) a dramatic . climax In the senate Tha stage la being; cleared for the appearance of Newberry himself, probably on Monday, and upon the way ha conducts himself, tha re- ' suit Is expected to turn. For Newberry it will be a trial supreme, a trial both of nerve aad nerves. He has bean forced : to speak tn his own behalf, been use there were too many senator refusing to vote for him If be read no defense. He cannot merely read a prepared speech, which was prepared several day ago and refuse to answer questions. That would be aa fatal aa failure te " speak. H must pass through fire. As It stands, the result Is doubtful. Some of tha organ las tloa senators who have been counted doubtful win be glad to vote for him to "give him the benefit . ft ik. Annit " f H-w mmv If ha maVaa a fair showing. They will not be bard to satisfy, but there are others who de mand mora than a perfunctory or even perfervld geaeral denial. He oruat eat- . lafy them that be waa aa ignorant about . that Michigan campaign. feds friend have oletmeitTbut which the rrtoenc o -copiously dispute. ., BOLD YXOST XXPZCTZB a -: Tber Is a poaetbtUty that Newberry will pat oa Vuch a front that lb most doubtful votes wfU turn la hi favor, but the Indications are that he cannot do so. He I not a skillful speaker and be kaa mod to answer ta tha record. -Tber ke -another - possibility that be will snak such na unfavorable Impression that there will be a stamped away from him. A fair . estimate ts that neither thing will happen, but that senators wCl f oi- ' low their predispositions, each senator for himself, picking mbm reason or pretext, . as the case may be. for following hia natural bent on the broad question aa ta -whether tha Newberry moneybag cam-. pelgns should be condoned. That, will - leave the outcome doubtful. OTBEft nrriXE5CES Tber ax other Influence, of course, such as tha understanding- that President Harding would Ilk to see Newberry re main In the senate and the effect opoo the political future of senators who have to run for reelection this year. The let (Concladed oa Pass Tea, Ccrssia Tbrse) M NARCOTIC 5 RAID TAKES PLAGE Federal and City Officers Swoop Down on Section of Chinatown Near Police Station. Prime Minister JUoyd George's em phasis cm the necessity of Europe help ing itself without depending too much on - America is looked upon here as a direct sequel of the Washington con ference. The British, representatives Contract Awarded For $30,000 Garage - s- " ' I. Contracts were .let Saturday for the erection - of a garage 100x100 feet ' In . dimensions on the west0 side of Four teenth street between Alder and Wash ington for A. H. Kerr. - Cost of the there have not failed to keep the prime minister posted on the Official views of the American government .and. It Is sig nificant that in the very first speech he has mad to the supreme council he has recognised the practical aspect of America's position and urged the French and other continental ; nations to set to gether on a European plan that will Fun Wong Hung, TL, was struck down I merit outside' support ntr &2!LI52 HOOT OTT mS - Thirty-fifth street The aoddentnoc! ?f ,el1Brtish government was told In curred at Second and Oak streets. Hung! formally not very Ions ago by Secre- as taken to the emergency hosoitaL I tary Hoover what seemed to be eseen- where it was reported his leg- was trac-1 tiIr economic reconstruction apart lured of course, from tha vital ojoestion of ra ; By David Lewrence tOepyritnt 1822, by The Journal) Washington, Jan. 1. Economic reconstruction in Europe cannot come too Boon' to please the United States government and, while the issuance of an invitation to America to attend the bi economic conference to be J down nta opponent three times before held in Genoa, Italy, implies very little at this time, nevertheless opinion I he finally got winded and was pounded is crystallizing that the real plan for world relief must come out of French 1 Into helplessness by his more experl- and British diplomacy. duced military and naval armaments. Mr. Hoover explained bis views orally at first and then summarised them In writing for the British as folows: structure is estimated at 130.000. Aged Man Knocked s Down by Automobile enced opponent Friday night there were three soldiers In the dance halL Just at closing time they got Into an argument with some Jewish boys as to the relative yalue of Jews and sen tiles. One of the soldiers "Economic recoverv of the ntntM In I came out badly beaten. When they re- eaatern and anthMutimi inmn imA I turned to Vancouver, the soldiers there consequently a considerable fraction of I are said to have listened sympathetic- our own and of world commerce) is de pendent on each state erecting: "(1) A balance In taxation and ex penditure. . , ,,7(2) Currency" reorganisation and stabilisation. , -W) Wise control of their exports ana imports. rj(4) Credits tor reproductive pur poses. P EXT ATE CAPITAX FEARFUL .. :Tt is hopeless that -private capital wfU extend credits for exports to these state u.t iOencloded on Face Six. Catena One) ally and -sworn vengeance. Milton B. Macintosh Violated Mann Act Swooping down upon drug vendor of Portland' Chinatown.' federal and' city officers engineered Saturday night the second largest nego tinted seizors of narcotics in the history ef tha Padfla . coast . Contraband with an estimated , ' wholesale value of $2( J50 was seised. - Chin Chung- and So Hoo, described by police aa the two most active and pow- ence with Chief FlUmorria tonight re-1 "ful operator In contraband drugs on' gardlng- the threatening letter, revolver I the coast were arrested at Second and - and box of cartridges which she received, streets, across zrom tn pouo sxa- Denial was made that she had ever tlon. received a bomb, but It waa revealed that first step to halt the activities of she had received many threatening let- narcotic ring In Portland were taken 1 . ter recently, and has been guarded for month ago. when Patrolmen R. XL Bur many month a dick and W C Schacfer of the polio She paid little attention to the other narcotic squad centered their atteoUona letters, not even reporting them to pub- na Chung and Hoo. These investigator . lie officials, but It was learned ah told wer reinforced a week ago by a fed- authoiities of the communications la rrai squad, which Included W. C Mo- which the writer expressed the "hope of Carthy. Harry Haley, W. V. Morris aad seeing' ber body floating down the Chi- Brown. t rrrer soon. SQUAD TO TAKE ALL One operator nought out the two si-' leged drug vendors In the north end and,, posing as a customer, bought cam pies ox tli druga Then be Informed tha tw ' meet him further p- buy their whole IM.00 ' worth of druga The two complied, aad arranged to meet the supposed buyer at ' the Shanghai restaurant.. Second aad Oak eweeta Lain Saturday night Chang aad Boo. appeared and met the officer ta the res taurant which was crowded. The oper-J. a tor, satisfied that the two men had with them the quantity e aarootioa, gave a signal and police stars flashed through the room. Chung and Hoo ar held without ball tn' the city Jail, charged with violation of the Harrison act j ',. Seattle. Jan. . P.) Milton B. Macintosh, former director of the for eign trade bureau of the chamber of commerce, was today fauna guilty on tbree counts in federal court by a Jury's verdict of transporting Agnes Campbell from New York. August 10. 1120. la vio lation of tba Mann act Lottie Pickf ord Weds Mary, Doug There; hsW Ex-Wife Felicitates Los Angeles. CaL. Jan. 7. ftT. p.l Lottie Pickf ord Rupp, sister of Tattle Mary," - waa married 'to Alan Forrest Fisher at the First Methodist church of Hollywood tonight Those present were Mary. Doug, Jack. Alice Lake, Mabel Norman d. Al Roeeoe. Be be Daniels, Chester Conklin. Charles CanCeld and wife. Harry Cohen and Mrs. Charlotte Pick! ord mH the mother of the bride. - Eddie Sutherland was best man: Mary I "POPE"" ALL HI OH GZADZ was matron of honor. I Examination of the se!sd aareotSca A (wedding dinner was served at the disclosed "I ounce of cocaine of Jap- . Ambassador hotel, after which the couple aMse maaafactare. known as "A-l crys- left for a honeymoon to aa ua announced taL" and given a wholesale valuation of destination. t2i.2S0. and IS tin of opium, known as Ann Little, a picture actress (Mrs. ue "Rooster" brand, made la JaAooa, Fisher No. 1) sent the foUowing message china, and the best amoklag opium anada. , to risher . -I certainly wish you and xb opium I valued at l.0v0 wboisaaJe. . your new wife all tba happiaea la the , ortd. Alan." (OoncSsdad en Pass 7ea, Ccrascarsnr) , . i : rv