The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 07, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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jivclui 11 uuut ucLween
Harry Wills
And Tate Put
Up Hot Bout
By Oeerre Berts ;. " '
JACK.. DCMP8CT Rttd have no fear
about loein: bis crown.
ThUfvwM the. opinion of the (004 fistic
followers. Jammed Into every avaOabl
Book of the hfllwsukle boxing coram ls
son arena Friday alsht, who witnessed
tlAtrr whose akin ia raal black.
aa4 BUI Tata. h la not quits so
dsrk, battle It roaada ta a draw.
Ac alnst Dempsey ' WQi chance
seem vary alight becaoaa of ... his
apparent lack of resourcefulness,
his frequent wfldnesa and hie tend
ancy to loaa hla head, la which caaa
Dsmpsry would parhapa tear him to
places. Tata might havs a better chance
bees use of bla masterly boxing- and defensive-style
and hla cool head. But It
la aJtoiher probable that Dempsey
eoald , batter hla way through the de
faae of either one of these men In a
few round a.
The battle and It wss a battle, pro
vided yon Uka to m a defensive bat
tler Uh, Tate, lock horns with a tlxer
Uke mitt wlclder Uka Wllla aaw both
sea at their beat.
. Tale, who towers above Wllla. pot np
splendid exhibition of the manly art
Throughout the II rounds hla brain
worked like so moth machinery. Not
once did he lose his head against the
tclpna swinging and rushes of Wills,
who tried hla hardest to put over a
knockoat punch. .
Virtually an the leading waa dona by
Wllla. With another battler of Tate's
style la the rtag. there would have been
no battle.
The colored heavyweight championship
of the world waa Involved. Tate waa
Introduced aa the colored champion of
the world by vtrtoe of hla foul victory
last alonday afternoon. By hla holding
Wllla even. Tate retains that title In
the opinion of hla manager.
Paddy MuUlna. who takes care of (
Wills' purses, etc.. had a different
pinion. Mulllns claims that Friday's
bout was a return engagement and took
the "place of Monday's bout.
' Aa far aa landing the cleanest and
hardest punches, Tate had It over Wllla.
wot WUla waa entitled to the draw
decision because ha waa the aggreaaor.
lie did moet of the leading, though
many of hla left hooka for the head
and right swings for the body went wild,
while others were blocked.
Tata showed to a big advantage In
. the fifth. 4lghth and ninth rounds. In
theee three rounds, he showed punching
ability, even dropping Wllla to one knee
la the ninth round with a right to the
head. Tate half pulled Wllla to. hla
feet. WUla kept covered during the re
mainder af the roand and Tata, though
ha tried, waa unable to put hla man
WUla pounded Tate'a kidneys with his
right from beginning to end. How the
Teian stood up under the punishment,
which waa delivered with all the power
WUla possessed, la pussle. Those kid
ney punches must have hurt Tate, al
though ha kept a smile on hla face moat
ox the time.
The fens war with Tata, that 1 the
majority at them. They were pulling
i or mm ana ne won many rrtenoa oy
hla clean fighting and breaking and
stepping back out of the clinches, while
WUla stood still several tlmaa and
shored Tart away from him Instead of
slapping back himself. Wills fouled Talt
a couple of times, but Tata only amlled
and kept on battling.
la the first round. Tate had a shade,
landing as vera! punches to the face,
while WUla played for the body. Tate
missed a terrific right to the head aa
they went Into a clinch and WUla opened
hla kidney attack.
Hound two waa about even and waa
tame. Tata laying back and Wllla doing
the forcing. Tata had a shade In the
third by landing when WUla rushed into
' The fourth round waa the first In
which WUla had a shade, WUla reached
the head with lefts and rights, but the
blewa did not seem to hurt Tate. In. a
rally at the eloee of ths round. Tate tried
for the fas, while Wllla still tried, to
land hla body blows. Wills fought like
a tiger nmu round.
tn the middle of the fifth. Tate started
an onenaiwsv that kits him the round
by a wide .margin, lie landed a stiff left
when Wllla missed a right and followed
It up with a left and a right to the face.
"t before the bell be landed a stiff
right uppercut that, carried much power
nemna it.
Tata had a very alight ahade In the
sixth. The se Tenth waa even. The sev
enth waa the poorest round of the bout
aaa. the teas commenced to hoot them.
, In the eighth Tate blocked a couple of
in neoas at tne outset and In an ex
change connected with ft left aa Wllla
landed ft light right to 'the body. WUla
landed a left and Tate shot back with an
uppercut Tate landed a solid punch be-
. tow tne neari at the, belL
The ninth saw Tata again on the of
feaalve and ha bad ft clear ahade at the
. belt. lie aeat Wills to the floor with
a rta-ht to the head, but Wllla hong onto
Tate'a arm and raised himself np and
Immediately covered an to nroteet him.
salt The tanth round saw Tate full of
confidence. He boxed cleverly and eare
fully, never taking any chance of let-
tiuis cunnci WIW ft WUd swing
Ajrs OEt Bear roa sorer -
. ' The bout aarehr rave tfe - ...
. for their money, that U those who paid
to see the first bout and the hundreds
, of others who claimed tickets on the
1 honor system tnaunrateo tv Wan.-.-
Moore.whea the tickets were paaaad out
for the eeodnd battle.
Four rattling rood preliminary bouts
werestajred. La the last preliminary
George Brandon pounded hit way to ft
Victory over sticker Demo. ferui
had Dempsey la a bad way several Umee
by his hard tana blows. Dempsey want
to the mat twice, once In the second
roand when a stomach blow caused him
tn alaim a foul and again la the third
trom right to the-law.
Johnny Fagate sad Frankle Ritchie
boxed ft four-round draw. Bud Oliver
waa two taexperteaeed for Ernie Dwap
sT, who scored a technical knockout
la the first round. Oliver took
eownt of cine twice.
"Scrappy? .Smith, after taking right
th chin. laid down on, the mat and
was coo sled Out and when Referee Lout
tit finished ha nodded M head and de-
dared. "I are going to fight soma mora.
sat sot tonight.' Ueaa Cartwrlght waa
nia opponeet. t
The action af the sClwankle eornmta-
sioa la restagtnv the contest won many
It was announced that Wllla and Sam
Xangford would furnish the mala event
c ths smoker to be staged Jaaoary IT.
I . - . ... . "
Carpentier to
Seek-Second Go
adea, Jan. I. O. . SJ
Oeergea CarseaUer, Praack heavy
weight shamalea, declared la aa la
terrtew today that ha will ckaaasgo
Jack Demnsey, Americas tftle-helder,
ta a retara seat Is the avast that ha
decisively defeats . George . Cook of
Ass trails, wsea they meet hare tala
jaoata. -
0. A. C. Wins Game
From Whitman Ty
Spore of 36 to 18
LKOE. CorvalUa. Jan.
Agricultural coUege defeated Whitman
here Friday night In the first game of
the conference basketball aeries by a
score of 18 to It.
The Aggies had evervthlnr their n
way In ths first half, scoring St points,
whflo the visitors were held to J field
goala and t free throws. In the second
half each team scored 11 points, the
Missionaries outplaying tho Aggies dur
ing this period. Stinson and Rlcherta
wars the stars for O. A. C Richert did
not aUow his 'forward a ilnru ii.t
Rich was the backbone of the MUsionary
. 'i? t" met again Saturday
night Tha lme-up:
"w c ::::::::::: kna
5r?.' -BO Cisndi
Klrbeita LG Chandlar
RalMtttntae -For O. A. C Saunders, remlty.
Sf E: ,or Whitmaa. Sehrrfader.
Poiaui senrad fi Union 17. E. DTD fl. BMte
. Bern 2. Ittca 12, ChaodUr 4. Sehioeder
Illinois Swimmer
Sets New Record
Chicago.. Jan. . (X N. fiA n.
world'a record for the 220-yard free
style swim waa set by John WelsmuUer
of the Illinois A. C. In a moet between
the L A. C, Northwestern U. and Great
Lakea A. A. In the L A. C pooL Wela
muller made the distance in 2:18-S,
clipping 1-6 of a second off the former
record. The L A. C won the meet, tak-
mm xirsx piace in every event.
Beaad 1
Wllla an Inf., .. V.
out of his corner with his muscles plain
ly iwiicning- wim eagerness to ena mat
ters. They met in the center nf the
ring. Tate did not back up, as expected.
nut stood his ground. Wills vainly tried
to feint Tate off balance, but the big
fellow Wouldn't bite. Willa rnnrh
Tate's ribs with a right and when they
clinched Wllla pounded Tate's kidneys
with sledge-hammer righta. Soon after
they were broken Tat shot hia Innr
left to Wills' face and crossed his right
me ooay. rate rusnea wins to the
ropes, but the exchange waa futile. It
waa Tate'a round.
, , Bona i
Tata atnek hla ion left in Wllla f
but failed with a right. Wills missed
with both lefts snd rights, but pounded
Tate severelv In th hack u tkr
clinched. Wills seemed too nuar. and
all his most effective punches were
either blocked or rendered useless by
Tate's stepping Inside of them. Tate
aooea two more lexts to Wills' lace
uat before .the belL . The round waa
lams and about even. -
Boaad I
Wllla rushed from hla corner and
swunr for the law with his left, hut
Tate blocked it Two more lefts of the
same kind missed as Tate steoned back.
Tate shot his left out and WUla head
waa rocked. WUla tore in only to be met
by two more rapter-ttke lefts. Wills
couldn't avoid that long left. WlUs
swung his right to the side, but Tate
bent with the blow and took the sting
out of It Maddened, Wills missed a
terrific right swing and Tate laughed
at him. Tate had a shade.
Wills pounded Tate's kidneys as they
rams Into a clinch. Welts began to
show on Tate's back and it waa a ques
tion whether he could stand this fierce
body punishment So far he had not
winced once under it Finally Wills
reached the body and face with two
rignt noons, and Tate put over a Ught
left In exchange In a head .to head
voUey. Tate seemed to have the better
of the exchange. It was Will's best
rouna so rar.
Tale took the ara-resalva. TT knneViwt
WUla to the ropes with lefts snd rights.
a ngm 10 tne necs shoos wills up.
WUls appeared to be bleedina at the
mouth. Wills missed two s wines, but
moment later nut a left awinr to
Tate'a neck. It didn't hurt apparently.
Tate closed In and whipped his left to
the nose and as they clinched he lifted
hia right to Wills' eye and the letter's
head bobbed us like a rubber ball. In
the breakawav. Wills landed on Tate's
law and the latter staggered. It was a
foul and the referee warned WUla The
mow was a repetition of the foul which
won the previous fisrht for Tate It was
Tate a round by a wide margin.
Wills was now doing the backing up.
Contractor, Seld
For Labor Statute
Violations, Freed
Astoria. Jan, T.-J. H. Tillman, con
tractor, charged with violating tho state
labor laws by working men on construc
tion crsws'mora than sight hoars a day
aunng ins paving of ths Seaside high
way last summer, waa dismissed from
Justice court hero Friday. Ths court
held that the prosecution failed to show
that Tillman had a contract with the
tats. The case opened with the stats
contending that no emergency existed
at the time of the work. ,
Ths defense .held that aa emergency
existed. In that traffic between Astoria
and 8eaaide might have been ahut off
by the closing of the MelvtUe cutoff and
beach detour by weather conditions.
Talk Is Revived"
I By Vaiswsti Berrtee)
Ban Fraaeisre, Jaa. T. Neither Tad
Joaos, Tale football ooach, nor any Cali
fornia alumnus was able to confirm the
report that Tale would visit California's
now stadium on next New Tears day,
out au concerned admitted that such
game had been . discussed favorably.
Center college already has been invited
to play at Berkeley oa December 3. '
-j . ,
41 ; Gamp Bennlnf, SI
Michigan, 17; Michigan Aggies," 2L
Pittsburg. 44; Marietta, 25b
Missouri, X7 ; Drake, ZS.
Lombard, it; Parsons, 1L - v
The Battle Round by Round
1 ! i
Colored M
Back Tacoma
I Ball fSjfiad
CHOTJLD ths proposed plans for the
consolidation of the Western Canada
and ths Paclfie International circuits
Into a elaaa B league go through, William
H, Klepper, president of the Portland
baseball team, win back ths Tacoma,
WaalL, club. . ' j !
Details of the eoxnbmlnsr of ths two
leagues have not been worked out In all
details, but. according to plana, Tacoma.
Yakima, Victoria and Vancouver will
form ths western end of the league, while
Edmonton. Winnipeg, Calgary and Sas
katoon win form the eastern half. ,
Provided the league Is formed, ths Ta
coma club win be under ths management
of Tealey Raymond, who last year won
the championship of the Pacific Interna
tional circuit for tho Yakima club. Ta
coma will be used as a farm for the Port-.
iana ciuo. ',
I BlUy Burke, who Is considered one of
the best trainers of baseball players in
the Pacific .Coast league, who was with
the Seattle-.dub last year, has accepted
terms to filHhe same role with the Port
land club this coming season, 'i Doe
M elide, who waa with Portland, will like
ly worK unaer McCredle at Seattle.
j Burke, who is an old-time 'boxer, ts
worth hia weight in gold to a ball club,
because of nia ability to keep harmony
among the bail players. " -
I The secsring of Burke rives President
Klepper about everything that is possible
to get out of Seattle, gavs the ball park
and totem poles.
f'Oui Fisher, veteran catcher, was
granted his release Friday to accept the
berth as manager of the Oklahoma Citr
j3uh Of the Western league. '
I' Fisher, had Klepper tried to force his
Sale, would have enriched the Portland
club to the extent of $1500, but It is not
ths Beaver prexey's policy to retain play
ers who can better themselves by secur
tng managerial positions.
LThe decision to let Fisher, who signed
i. a free agent, go is directly opposite to
the play adopted by the Seattle club,
which is trying to force "Duke" Ken
worthy to remain with the club, although
he bad an agreement that he would be
free should any disagreement come up in
iTjuni u nia saiary.
Tate's wonderful blocking and
biiu general aelense anrl ho a
Wills pusxled, and he didn't know what
ri to' t J1 ,Pked a1" left to the
i ?!JSd.a8 Ply dWhed Tate rammed
wmT'C"5 riBht MPPet to the eye and
W s knees sagged. When they broke
wuis waa bleeding profusely from the
JT""seu eye. wius ieo with left, but
U was partly ineffective, aa Tate
stepped back. Wills lunged again and
missed he fell to the ropes. Tate
a w.,TrmM at fronds t the
ringside Wills looked anything but a
cnamDion in thl mnmt iv .
Wills with both hands just before the
eCAs, ,
Willi! fTllklsWsrf st t nA ffts.v.
S1? 1fl Weeding eye. That left
held Wills at bay., As they dosed.
. . -r "V iwv wva a-save buuiuhcu
wius resumed his tattoo on the kid-
"J'f- , aie s Daca was mil ot welts and
ruptured blOOd TMwl lunn tn ,w
binder the skin. This continued kidney
puaisnment was terrific in every clinch,
Vf Tat? was tiu ng despite it.
WUls missed a right book and Tate
b tabbed him with a left Wills was
KSr n the aggressive, but waa doing
little damage. Tate kept the .gore
flowing from Wills bad eye. WlHs may
. BOSBd 8
L Wills, missed with both rirhts a.nd
lefts and as they clinched his tattoo of
Tate's kidneys sounded all over the
arena. Wills was fighting roughly and
the crowd booed him. Wills missed with
left and Tate shot a right to the heart
that made WUls step away, f i WUls
rushed and pounded the kidneys. ! Tate
missed with a right uppercut, one of
his few wasted! blows of the fight.
fwunu rr ium per naps oy a enaae. -
! . . Bossd t
! i ate resumea the aggressive with a
smile. Wilis seemed to be the wearier
Of the two. . Tate rashMl In with
lefts to WUls swollen eye. another left
to Wills' nose and a right uppercut to
w ins- ear; wins was itsocKea down
and Tate half picked him up. all the
while smiling at the crowd.- WUls .was
staggering: ana beran to so Into a tow
crouched cover-up and turn his head
away. Tata tried his best to finish
WUls, but the latter kept himself weU
protected until the bell came to his
rescue. Just before the bell Wills again
fouled Tate. Tate looked at Wills and
laughed just before they went to their
corners. .
I 'Bossd irL
' Tate Amd to ?aa1 that ft ttt
fight safety tucked away and was rest
ing oa his laurels. Neither did Wills
appear eager to Uka a chance m this
last round. They sparred at long range
wiutout aamage to either, ana as they
cjosea wuis lambasted Tate's Kidneys
with three or four ' resounding right
swings, wills got to the body with
right and Tate retaliated with a left
to the sore eye. The men refused to
snake bands aa the fight ended, t .
Lolo Pass Highway
Project - Approved;
Auto Men Sponsors
WaQa Walla, Wash Jan. 7. Expros-
slons o fun. approval for the plans of
the American Automobile association for
falsing finances tor tho Lolo Pass high
way, which wUl open up a direct roots
over a transcontinental highway
coast points, were voiced by the mem
bers of tho Tri-State Automobile chin.
Plans were discussed for upkeep and
Improvement of the park and: bulletin
boards, oa which advertising space
merchants la to be sold, win be used ta
Obtain rands,
! The dub members favored placing
small charge to tourists for camninc
privileges In the park whore tourists re
main ao unusual length of time.
New 490 Model C875
F. O. Be Portland
t I"
14th and Alder Sts.
eavies a
TEW YORK, Jan. T.-TJ. P. At least
A v two fight crowns will bo thrown Into
tho ring at Madiaoa Square Garden this
month. - Battling Xovlnaky la giving Gene
Tanner of Greenwich Village a shot at
the American light-heavyweight crown
next Friday night.
Jack Brttton. kine f tfu wtn
defend his Utls against Dave Shado of
oan sranosco on Jaanasy M.
iNsw York. Jan. t. L. N. a Fred
FUltOtJ. heaVTWeiirht of RwhMtr Wtnn
haa signed to most Bartley Madden ia a
12-round boat at Madison Square Garden,
oa January IX. as the first step in his
campaign to force Champion Jack Domn
sey to most hhs. -. -., ... "
.. . . OssaasBSsBsans'
- -v 1 '.. '""."'!
Oakland. Cal. Jan. T eaM.
my Peisinger and Buck HoUey have been
Kgned for ths main event at next week's
uuud snow in uakiand.
Indianapolis, - inal i trr ' v
SfJ?1 ot boxln te IndianapoUs started
wlU the appointment of a special boxing
awnmtaion by Mayor Low Shanks. Tba
new body, which wUl seek to encourage
matches here. wUl have charge of all
fight arrangements.
New Tork, Jan. 7 U. P.) Miks Me
TWe, leading middleweight contender of
thia country, today was considering aa
trf?'00!!0 go over to England for
rireJrJEhU' The National Sporting club
has offered Mike that sum to meetJohn
ny Basham. Boy McCormick. who recent-
(R-mwF?4 .by 3o Beckett, and Ted
(Kid) Lewis ia so-round eonteata.
Atlantic Citv: J. x t. n
Willie Allen won from Bobby Burns in
eight rounds Friday nighW
-..... g
Oklahoma Citv. D Irish " Tstwa t A
S.) Mark Holt knocked out Kid IGeorVe
la the second round uor
- - e-agsaaas
Terrs HautA. Tnd t
Bud Taylor. Indiana. r,3ZLt 't'
pion, knocked out Solly Epstein of Io-
'""""u ooui lnuraoay night.
Drastic Changes to ,
Be Made m Golf
Chicago. Jan.
changes in golf rules likely will result
at ths annual meeting of the United
oiaica uoir association hers January 14.
western officials predicted today.
Discarding of the TJ. a fi. a' it v.n
and ball out of bounds rules, calling fori
uivr oi Biroite ana custahes, was
expected. Formnlatlon of new stymie
rules and the rule regarding an unplay
able Ue also will be given consideration.
Zion City Overseer
Torturing Girl, Is
Charge Being Made
Zion; City. HL. Jan. ri. a -r-
dependents" of Zion City, comprising the
faction opposed to the Church of Zion,
planned today to appeal to State At
torney Smith of Lake county, in their
efforts to rescue Miss Gertrude Do Man
uelson, who, they charge, la held captive
Miss Manuelaon.- knMw
SF.- Devona, a former apostle of Zion!
is undersoine "the wont fitm . vit
degree" in an attempt to wring from her
a waicBsion lo&x. sne has violated cer
tain church laws, according to an affi
davit made by Rev. Thnmm n KTi.n.
of the anti-Zionist Grace mission. Hs
says me giri'is bordering on madness
from the treatment accorded her. '
Devona, the former apostle, was re
cently excommunicated by Wilbur Glenn
Voliva, head of Zion.
Student; Fractures
Ribs While Coasting
Washington State Collect. p,,nm.
Jan. r.--Charles Gibson 'of Benton aty
h ... uK ius uospitai in a critical
condition as a result of a coasting sect-
, j - esaay n!?nt' when a bob-
b wiui xs men struck a telephone
pole. Gibson suffered several hmt..
ribs. M. A. Anderson5 of ta rrent ..
fered a leg injury.
Orchestra .Leader
Now at Labor Temple
Labor TPl:
The management of the Labor Temple r Anditorium takes .reat pleasure in -being
able to announce to you their weekly schedule of dances every Moil.
Wed- Thurs. tod Saturdaj, ! Actatooir--Ladies. 2:tlemIrfBo7.
Every Monday Night; Bargain Night,
Admission 15 Gents
" Beginniiig Monday, January 9, 1922
Come one, come aU and dance to that classy, jazzy "NelsenV Orchestra,
Enjoy our bargam iiight. The floor lias been refjnished and is now better
than ever. Plenty of fresh air ventilation and a courteous cpmniittee wS
wait on you. t f r , " ; - ,
The Temple Is Yoxilrd
Don't Forget tKe Place Fourth and JcfferscnEnlrance
v cn Fourth - ... ' . -
Babe Hermarfi
Loses Fight to
Andy Ghaney
Bv Wecthreek
rptNG SIDE. Madison Square Garden.
U-l. New Tork, Jan. Li-Two of Johnny
fOIbane'n most Impatient challengers for
jthe featherweight title had a fight here
uituu Anoy unaney or Baltimore
ived as the teadlnsr challeosr. win.
g the decision over Babe Hennas of
a . lTTaaeiaoo. a olavmato. of
imposy and a touch slnrrer. Chaaev
nthoxed ths coast hoy most of tho way.
Jthough Bermaa'a haml man. k
hey did land, were more spectacular.
umped louder and did more damage.
Too decision raised a terrible m
from tho gamblers, bat to a disinterested
rings id er It was fair enough.. Chancy
poked Herman with a solid jab aU ths
way snd usually followed this punch
with short rights to tho head. Bo never
had Herman in danger, but he was al
ways piling np his points. The seventh
was Herman's best roand, and Chaser's
worst, for It was then that Babe smacked
Chancy on the chin with a wild left
!and flipped him dlssy against tho ropes.
snoo um vm another lea as be
OCT. ' ' - ' .
But. even ao. Chaner kent on shaetinc-
or vie nee wild, ms ieix. as was hart.
at if these bouts are scored on agates-
ivBneaa ana mows tnat land, no was
di aiaeraceo.
i onaney nas rougnt &Bbane two OO-
laecuaon boats. iR
iW. S. C. Line Coach
To Be Married Soon
Washington State Conem. -porbnan.
uan. 7. The engagement of Miss Mildred
Perry of Spokane to "Hack- Appelqulst.
Blatant football coach, was announced
tat a surprise breakfast given by Miss
tr-arry to ner sorority sisters.
ansa Ferry Is active In Journalistic
(work and college circles.
Harry A. (Hack) Appelouist of Mar-
Kms wss graduated here In 1C. Ha
played tackle and guard on the Cougar
in isu, isla.
Hobuiam Gun Club
Reelects Officers
Hoqulam. WashA Jan. 7v AH 1921 of.
fleers of tho Hoauiam Rod and Gun club
(were reelected ss a meeting held Thurs
day nignt. Results foUow: Frank
Thomas, president j Ernest McGee, vice
president; Clarence- Morgan, treasurer;
F. W. Mathiaa. secretarv: O. ttriilru.
Albert Rockwell. Richard; Behm, f L.
NeaL Albert Anderson. L. a. Davidson.
Edwin Davis, Charles Re is, Joe Guisel-
pan, v. xb unornerg ana. Aubrey wan
pThreats of Death
Necessitate Guard
For Roy D. Haynes
CaJheagol Jan. 7. fT K. s. wic
effort to provide for the personal safety
tof Roy D. Haynes, United SUtes pro
Ihlbltlon commissioner, will be made upon
wnrai nere toaay, as the result
uireaieung letters said to cave been
elved by Haynes.
According to Sherman A.. Cuneo.
puty commissioner, seven letters
eatenlng death have been received
Haynes. All of the letters were oost-
rked Chicago. Postal authorities m
enaeavonng to learn their source.
Haynes Is expected here today to
personally direct a "clean-up" of al
leged wholesale violations of the pro
inioioon law.
New York Auto Show
prowd Is Gathering
New Tork. Jan. T. TO. P.l nnn4r.
fof auto men from all parts of the coun-
Kry were , arriving nere today for. the
btuto show which opens In the Grand
ajttenirat . paiace tale afternoon. .
.. - V'- .
urke Si
THS Christian Brothers ooQegs Mldg
X eu made U aeven straight. Friday
aicni wnen ussy defeated the Peninsula
Park boys for tho second time thia
son, toe.. Callahan. Steach and Tem
ple starred for tho winners, and Johnson
awa tuem Played best for tho losers.
Dewey MrTonrhlln of tho Parifta rjmtai
eollege,. who. coaches the three college
KiuBwa, is wuung to pit his Midgets
against any 100-pound team la ths state.
aa jest aigars same tho tasma lined
opt,' v ....... ..... .
.-.?Odela, rv, Mmssasi yam.
pw ii.........r.... t4
Jrrffr i'j..8 i
V '.
PoITman. Wash-. Jaa-'twra. w.k-
ingtoa State college treshmaa V-rrtKa'l
team defeated the Pendletoa high school
five Friday night. IS to M. Pickering
u bcoshi starrao ree tKa i.n.r.
while tho Cramer brothers did tho beat
iuayinar ior ue Pendletoa team.
ThO St. Johns ' Bachalara Ka.V.n
qalntet defeated the Orient team Friday
e,v vnni oy a score of 14 to-IX,
wa reoa-hly Played. The,8t.
VDa. mubm, company, and not the
Bachelors, were defeated by the B..B.
uwnnauca) TSUrsaay Bight.
CentmHa. Wuh. jran. " -rv r
fraUa high school hssketban rive won a
tost game Friday evenine n ik a.
mory floor from company I Tank Corps
iioqtnam. waslL. Jan. T rt mw
'Mum team, under ea ted in th
mvmmaum. AnnTsoay night defeated Ho-
naiam ugh school. 17 to 22. In the
opening gams of the season. The high
fchool led at tho end ot tho first half.
mm uw louaw men came back and slipped
The Anabel Preahvterian nnlnt. e.n
before the fast Highland Rantirt ..
TTWMoay nignt on us Franklin high
Coor,.il to It. Bartosch, by his guard
inc. and Morris, by his shooting, starred
for Highland.- For Anabel Vsrley was
the big star.- Both teams are ta the
Sunday school Lightweight league.
5!. ' . Anabel
mwrrie 4 ..r. ...... . til CH,iu.
bnssrwooa . e r?. tv-v
STu"' -O McCani
it Ran.
Spare. i) Varley
Willamette Five to
Play Alumni Team
4 '
Willamette Unlversitv. (him n.
J- .Bearcat win meet Bearcat Sat-
" " mrsy live
meet the alumni. What ....
held by the Varsitv In rati in
offset by the alumni In knowledge. Har-
viu iitaois. is. one or the .f.
hoopstera developed at Willamette : Los
lie Sparks, who played on the same
team, and Jackson. Wanata and n
of last year's quintet, will likely make up
This game Is just ths beginning of a
very active season.. The first conference
game will be played with Whitman at
Baiem. January 12-11. The following
wto Mino win meet the Bearcats on
the local floor for a two-gams series.
Multnomah will stack up against ths
varsity live at Portland January IS and
will journey to Salem for the return
game on February S. Dates for games
with O. A- C and University of Idaho
are sun hanging fire. .
Portland Golfers -
In N. 0. Open Event
Sad Franclseo. Jan. I. A trie of Port.
land goKars William Hanley, . profes-
wonai or ue wavertsy eiub; Forest
Watson of ths Wavar1evJuK mA
Griswold of ths Portland Ootf club
JTS . . . in " mornln la the first
half of ths 71-hole medal competition In
the Northern California bpea' champion-
-uj uu uunameni. . .
. Hanley waa paired with Jofin O. Lev.
inson, while Watson .and W McEwan
J" " togetner. GUswold pUyed
Harold darks. . - " ..
Jim Barnes bad Jack Neville' as his
partner, and F. A. Kelea eland iti.
Jock , Hutchinson. Martm Watson, for-
. waveriey protessloBaL played
e.uiBi at. ouina.
SATURDAY,- J Aim All Y 7.
Yanks Belease " """
f Kid .of Ibssers "
To Vernon-Club
Hsw Tors, Jaa. U The Tasks
have released three players to the
Tsrsea eiab ef the coast ktaoe,
esaatar Uses sal fer Cataher Sevens.
aesi taer aeealred a year are.
-Felasa B a irks, eatfleUert Jesse
-ye, Btteher. and JU7 rraaeh,
eiraats to. tho
- tho Iwnorted mIa v. ...
was termed the bonk by Harry
"thing to It.- said Frasee, The feaort
rK. Mtmjt . - .
of Boston real estate saea was
were to do sold to a
QUcaro, Jan. T. (TJ. P.-rWdeats
'. both the MaUan-l -T .I7
luea met with Judto K. hf. Laadis ta
Peeial session here tedav to thra-a mm.
J ock Hutchisbn and
Traube Leading in
Open Golf Tourney
8aa WraneiaGtt. t rrr v v '
..-u-i ww .oca: UBionmsoa were tied
w m um iMorutara cauforala open
sou cnamuonahir. at iv.
wur ptaj-. jona Black of Ctareeaoat
m avoao nenina. Jtm
raaaso ninth with 111.
HstChlnsoB -eraa mb-4n.
, 4 w.m. rmmw
" wr e aiir aaa Baraos with Harold
Of ths Oreanei ) f m-s r.-i
siooa rwentietii ik...
vniww rmrMoam at fsa
Watson tortv.rrmt trr
In todava Oa '. ..
Laphanv Hanley wUh NaeL and Oris-
Multnomah Hoopers
10 n&j 'O'.Toniglit
The VlnltfiMMAti A . . . .v , . .
......... um Auueuc cino
baakethall oulntet will nlav the tltkr.
mij or jreoa team tonlsht on tho dob
wr. ion win n lk. riMt H . .
the season for the elnh m it-K
will start at I U9 o'ciock. .
Coch Dewey Is andedded sboet hla
ltne-un, but Will viraKaMv
hers of the squad aa opportunity to ear.
.The elia-ibilltv-ef ni.-.- o t... .
and Wapato Of the clubmen waa passed
..vj, it am waaemaa. chair.
man of the P. M. a. m4.m
mlttee, and they wiU appear ta the eon-
Arm Your Coin-to Earopm?
, Or thm Orient r'
- Or 'Around 1km World f ,
War sot sat
rats kUoftasUaa
axjriul txavh. tmxxa
BansaB tfrf i
nocNUittAg ... , a. 17 pais aw. as
ut Lonsatai
see t
ts aw. o .
ra" c4 .tt:::;;:,2i-s. :.t
wovssiLLosi r.. r-"
saaaoa ....r" V. mZZ'.m '
Now York - Vigo CSoeJa) H...
t otiaooaaaia.Toa-: eTastTte
inn . lu
t '"rmisi
I- eo Angeise. Baa
11 i. ZrY1" via wo rLnaoaa
IMflO-tW MtmmZ -
1L " --Portland
LSVTOH au..Jta It
J.y.-.-"''' "
COLD HABBOB .....yeb. It
m Third .treel"
at sm tunas i -y, -. . ,-- i,,,t
aesare ao
SWe Pmmr
r- , ' ' TmmMmWQWTMTtOm cav -
a . BSS. essaW aosasMl'
a 8. ULS VEOaJB..;...v.J- I sV al mJLBTOLM BAlUKA..yob. 14
'.X ' bangliaV.latila, Honkoar.': V
s. a west Heat.:. ...... Jan. xt j aa vrxrrA...iT . riT
For rnrthor .latormstkm reanUnt lUca raua. iU; 'i&ii' u T TBAyVlO
BBBT, M-2S Beard of Trade BM. rorUaad. Or, er Aoterta Bnipptac Cow
Astoria. Or, or B, T, Johns B Co. Central BMf, Beattie, Wash. -
r Honors Soon'
y Jack Yvkxk " '
al Reea Bn il - wjtu-. '
TVTPir TORK.' Jan. tUt a ) Benny
- "" w" sex nia lonc-covoted
chance at tho vwU i .i..ul a.
ptoashlo- before asaar --- aaw
This was the 'm-uu. i .v."
fovnds ta bealac eirclee here todar. to,
towiaa- ue berlal r th- v.wITTZ V
meter Tex Blckard.- and Biilr utheoa.
- -il- manager.
. The world's tiglitweirht chamaioa has
rot boxed at Median, fin. llTl
sofao Boaths because of dirfarsmoss bo
tweoa RJckard. Qibsoa aad btmealf. Now
thatthe storra doods have blown over,
he wUl defend his llfktwelcht title s .
.w. ..iw m n sue rasas win
slca to battle Jack Brttton tor ths weV-
"sm crown. '-.. i
-Briooa will defend his UUe aralast
tjebeet mea ta his elaao.- said beany
htsrraa. his taaaarer. today. Ue has not
eeea Wie beeaoas ho eoesa't want to box.
bat becaase ihore have bosa ao sood
matohes la !ht vt. -
. ? Shade la the Garden
uue mooia. aaa ho will asset other eeeV
tenders so fast as Oj want te oorae.-
WsiIssJd!1 BM XOBrr
woru box Barrrow ;
TTiat s'a a m rv.r. . .
SbdOt a lot. ka ti . .TTf.
sooa runt tor Benev - -
surprised if the match Is taade la tho
ear rarare. Brttton snaaa kia am.
Plata rust the etber a., ww..-. VTTiTT
hf r. Rickara Mrk -7 .w. . . . . m
welfhta ta tho wortd aad he wooldlaka
v any oroor.w
Siorxaa. Who eras mm Wm. - - - . .
l tho trZmTZ
wf yV?.that t trTI.
was over the jadlac at htadisoa Boaare
Garden seine months aeoT ""e
. "J11" Todres are ao.
". IT UIO DO Xing' .
-ma iw ncstars aad
Oiioam. r . m v. .
Miseeo of Norway. Uterrjjonal pre.
...m.,, mm hhui osamptea. win oaa
(or the United Btatee sam weak tm Jem.
peas ia American UUe racos. hia
gar. John IHtsrsraid. ssnonnoed
1 Ptustfigwr and Freight
ftm.,i-m s. rr-r
.-.. vv-i aw vsuf ornla
rtettra SaOlar ta Bah r-iHsss
Lee Asreiee aad das Zihm
tsavs BssjOTb 11 drTa. as,
SS. Admiral Erans Jan. 7
SS. Semator - - - Jul 14
SS. Admiral Erin - Jjm. 21
j MrmrT Barereer Tssresfles
. 'OnmWayFtvti-;-San
Francuco . .
Lob Acceles - . . $4X00
San Die to - . . - . . S4S.O0
!. Jfi -ad Bertk Iadnfed
it' sssa-Bsa--OBa
Fast Trpm-.pacinc Passtn
MrrjJd Frtight Servicm
i TsBebswa, Base, nssraafc
Besriess sad Baaui
SS. Bay SUU JvCl
35. Keystone Stat Jan. 14
SS. Silver State - Feb. 4
; Bar fan Jalensstlea sypty ad
101 TTurd St Cor. Star!:
Baa,aa-a Bar - e. - - - -
..r Terk. Caeeatal - - -
Isteraatteaal Verea
tay. 1
eeeeaa aaa
Astoria md way points
. , 'V ' iTUsti MavtM
wusii acsrios
i mt 1 .1 , '
t AO ana aad
riBB iJuBaoi war. axes aorxs
I - i eel . V , , . . -
f tk v. 11 I r
siesta mas.u. 27 iT-rZ.' e?ti.i aad
sVB Caw e
roUikd..hta Boete. V-hTII
'saw 14 Jan. tt
BTIO SB . . e. - ' " w sob,
I r
rw rr-fc
Batik ::;:::;?:
iotaaaUo. Appty to J '
v.- r -.
w . -v .ua assi
: Colombia Pacific Shipping Co.
! Direct Freixht Barrios vTChoos Trsjsatupnioat '
. . PORTLAND - - " ,
okoWiaL, Kobe. Shsmrhai, .Tsinrtao,
TienUia (Taka Bar). CHlnwanrta n.b..