The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 07, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1222.
PaHfle OM Itacbut Taiiors
-Jaawar- 10-11.
. luii EMail nrfmn aae
era' i iirtinna. Jtmff 3 t ST
robbed him of $15 Friday night. Per
alt went with Martinez to a room at
lltft third street north, vber tlx rob
bery occurred. - The room was under
th name of Pedro Aleala. who told the
polk that he had befriended Marlines
D-aVjtwo days previous and that he had not
seen him since. Police believe that Ai-
. ami-., rfvuj is i. i. . t r - 7 -
Umm . ssaaanf esaistaaaa. CornJBi, Hair I berr.
SO ia , . .. I rtehiu. a... v.-..ri a... ...
AitoZTVuiT" "0"- SheaarTfl A.t. B Ltae. Portland.
Aactaa. Ortfar Dattaaf Wsrkssa. sra-d Ms. I Hal taeniae Fails alTtatoa-Leave Port
Apt"- - .-. I land 10 a. m. and 4:30 p. in. dally and
-r.r!T,T fr.I'. t 1 11 OS n. m. Saturday Sundays and boll.
it k, ii , I oays oniy. ieav - jtoiunpiu a aus
Tt-s I lantitata af naakiac. jaw i i o a. m. ana mn, aauy ana p.n
, . . . , I Saturdays. Sundays and holidays. An
Hats-sal imiian af PmlaeUa 1 Eeteofttil I K..t I jam from and arrfwa at
the new Auto Stage Tormina! Depot, lit
Yamhill street, corner 01 Park street.
rtotkvM w4 rtrtoittr T-atbt and rtuada. I ft. P. A ft. Train Chaises The Port,
New Thone Books .
I Come Into Greneral
Use at i Midnight
If telephone users depend upon mem
ory or refer to the old directory tor
numbers after today confusion in serv
ice la sure to result in the Portland ex
change, according- to warning sent out
by C X Hickman, commercial superin
tendent for the Pacific Telephone Tel
ecraoh company.
At midnight tonight " approximately
MOO telephone numbers will be changed
in various sections of the city, , Nine dis
trict offices of the company will be af
fected. ' Of the large number of tele
phone numbers being changed 4500 are
rato; fr.r-.iM uri-, wfAv . i,.-: r--; -,r - z . in me aowntown secuon wnere neavy
La Wllt.. Twtotlt anal BU- I - - - - I UtmAm ar. Ml-rijul
rvrUaad, atotamoaf to 3A.
Or. J
promptly as possible, there will be Inev
itably some delay in service.
The new directory will also change the
automatic dial codes for operator to 0
- .-Iv4
art-. pr-aMr asww - -" Hickman said that unless reference is
,-atn-tt, wto. I ll.," " .enLf rnade to the new directory which has
WEATHER COHDITIOSS v.;i, ..r- iIi been placed in the hands of every sub-
mm pi is -v-valla -Alaska aae Wf I 7? , m Portland at 7 "SO a. m. I "cribM" for beginning Sunday, there
C-ATIi srUN-7. caw--. aad .,A7r Ttt N I Jffl wU1 T calls for old discontinued
Th- .ss-ataii.t the eaanw- ta w--t-4 nstaad of 7 J5, and, local No. I wiU . .n1 whn. tH hM
a. - - a,.a. - - - - - is ual I laval Van Bl T wa tn-k I . rasras'l jfae- nv KI1 i - var -
-L- rtw. " h ik .w la Oractw. I nn.A- I been Instructed to complete such calls as
r ' -- -.-t - i pa nuuw arang we sysiem.
, ua r-r ana - " 1 . ., . .
piii at Montane, Iowa, Tiim im uammmM. i wiaaiaia ntaaw ifar-asriy aaewn as
Th h-a-to ratafaii r-poru4 - imT I aral Alto Bs IJnes) PerUaas
t H-v ori-aaa. La. T 4,..T"V'l I EU Helens alTUtoa-Xeav Portland
irTTTir S riiniir a2 31 10 a. m. and 4:14 p. m. daily and U;1S
: - u-. w.ti. r no, i p. m. naturuays. mtnaays ana noiiaays
1:1 p. m. dally and :! n. m. Satur
days, Sundays and holidays only. . All
ears heated. Leave from and arrive at
the new Auto 8tags Terminal Depot.
51 Tamhlll street, corner of Park street.
Phone Mala MIL Adv.
Skats Scare Prowlers -Two gunshots
frightened away two prowlers from the
residence of A. P. Weaver. S89 Eugene
street, early Saturday morning, weaver
heard a noise outside his window and
after calling to them he brought forth
the old musket Neither bullet took
effect. It Is believed.
If. WAI1T K OF :
(Coatbnwd, Frank Para Foorta-a)
meetings will continue
throughout January.
every evening
i Portaaa: n
to--. TT p- m. f--aay.
. a . w-4- leo nrr e-nt.
PiMtoMatina !- Jamarf 1 ' I J
tot- aai-i.l l.ST MlMa: aeftcVMvy.
A "
(aero). The Information dial code on
P." m. at"uaVr ndayTand hoUdVy. ,1"?'" Chan from
I ovf w miv DUMua
Tea p.
Latin Eequirement
Is Dispensed With;
! Choice Is Optional
Maa. i
RufTato,-N. T........
Vmnmrt. Albarla .....
(tiiaaaa, Ui. -
lww, Coto. '
- Maim. U. .
Ondje rtU. Kan
, fet-M-aaa, AliMrla ...
iliiiinw, Tna
lUbma. Moat. .
'HaaalaM. T. PI
Hw-, So. Mak
Jtaaaaa, Akwka .. ...
Kaa-aa CHl. Mo
Ii Ana-taa, Cal
Ma-ahfMd. Or.
Madnra. dr. . ,
Maa-afcta, T-aa.
Moana. TUk
N-a rl-aav la
N-w Tark. N. T
Karl Hmd. Waah....
. H-7 rkttto. N-h
Okiaha-aa City. Otis..,
pfe-Mla. Aria
Wtaan. Pa.
Pa-aaMa Idako . . . .
r-rUaaa, (It
rrto-a Alha-t. Saak. . .
Raaaanrs. Or
Itfla-aU. N. M
St en 'al . . . .
- . I Mia, Ma
St Paul. Mtna
Man tka (It,, Utah.
aa ix-aa. (1
. Saa rraaHarn. Cal. . .
n-tt)a, Wwh
Whurfclaa. Wr . . . .
KSka. AWka
, aroaaaa. Waah
'TaaM, Alaaka . . . .
Tatewk lalaiat. Waak.
' Tnannah, Ma
Talilaa AImU
Tiwmwt, B. O
Walla Walla, Waah..
W a-hai-isa. P. C. . . .
Vttlltatoa, N. D
TakHwa, Wah.
No longer will the Portland ' high
school girl or boy be compelled to go
through the Gallic wars with Julius Cae
sar and to delve into the orations of Cic-
. I ero; as a college entrance requirement.
Lim-iacw wn-joa -nm..ra- tAtin a- a Minniilnnr .tnHv in th.
I . 4L. Ta,ata, aWI-u. I
I .al- H- kaM ITall at a --.t-.U- I OV. Kl.vvi j VWUll-o, WCM XC1AIWCU
when XI studenU received their diplomas f1' f J11 Superintendent
from Trestdent O. W. Elliott at the First f "7 "'6n n P
pals. As an optional study it is retained
for all those wishing to take a classical
The college preparatory course in
Portland schools has hitherto included
three years of Latin together with two
years of French or Spanish, . or else a
four-year course in Latin. Collesre en.
Portias d-ITa where Bai Leaves Stage trance reauirementa onlv ttiRltit nnnn
aepot, far ana xamnuv nauy, ., inree yeaas or language study.
11a m tiMl 1 x zh t a TAIL a -an i .
' . . . :. , ' .. I ine moamea preparatory course
SrTJ. " adopted Friday, will go Into effect at
waw i triA iscrirtniria- rr tha maw a v
I arvPa.MMMB va. ms9 ucn ISi Ub AICJa..
Store If Sessel Several suits of un- I fan the resmlar hieh arhnni rdnrw will
derwear were stolen from the store of I include one year' of civics. In compliance
Methodist Episcopal Church South. B. F.
tJlMtlkey delivered the address.
01 aether Are- Stows While the family
J I was away burglars entered the home of
03 P. ,N. Wolfer. 1M East Twenty-sixth
o I street north. Friday and stole a gray
lilaiil of rlAthas fl nA IvA nalra of ahoea.
A radical change in the Sunday school
program of Westminster Presbyterian
church is announced for next Sunday
morning. The school has become so
large that it is imDractical to have all
the sessions meet at one time. Those of
high school age and older will meet at
9:30 a. m.. while the balance of the
school will meet at 4 and :30 n. m..
thus meaning that the church will be
in use practically the entire day. Dr.
Edward H. Pence will occupy the pul
nit at both services Sunday, and the
AiQiiartet choir will furnish soecial music
ur. ti, u. Bowaun will occupy tne tun
Preabjtema eharch pulptt sundij. Tha foilow-
iat apeeial tsasic will be ciB: Meroinc. orcaa
prelada, "Noctanve." (Frimil : aaartM from
"Christmas Oratorio." ( Saint-Saena) : Quintet
from "Christ mat Oratorio." (Saint-Sams). Tha
regular quartet, Mrs. Secentea, Uiaa Wylie. Mr.
Tonne and Mr Wtdennr. wul be assisted br
Lua rranoni remmoro. eonuaito. rosuww,
Adadob" (Ulrich). E-eninc. organ prelude.
two eomnoaitious by Ghaon. (a) "Can labile."
(k) "Oflertorj": anthem. "Sartor A tain to TO
Dear Name." (Llewellyn): solo by Mai asq
Wylie; recitao-e and ana from Tne M emu ft,.
(Handel) ; postlude, "Schene Symphoniqae,
( Miller V.
Monday at :S0 d. m the 8unday workers
will meet for their monthly dinner in the church
ae. Tuesday the Mea s club wul meet ax a
m.. when John Gill will sire as illustrated
address on "The Birds and Fishes of Oregon."
Refreshments and a social time win follow. Dr.
Bowman will giro his second talk on "Tha Per
sonality of Jeans" at the weekly amgregitional
dinner Thursday night.
Dr. Waiter Henry Nugent, pastor of Central
Presbyterian church, will deiirer the charter day
address at Pacific university. Forest Orova, oo
Tuesday evening.
Calvary; Presbyterian .church has arranged with
Dr. B. B. 8utcliffe of the Moody Bible institute
to conduct Sunday serrieea at 11 a. m. and
S:30 p. m.. the later service being a Bible study.
Communion will be celebrated and new mem
bers welcomed Sunday morning at the Fourth
Presbyterian church.
Members of Kenilworth Presbyterian church
have signed up to give a certain pertion of their
time, as well as their money, to the work of the
Six bovs will be elected Sunday from Mispah
Presbyterian church to attend the educational
and religious banquet to be given by the presby
tery of Portland at Fourth Presbyterian cnurcn
next Friday night.
Dr. B. B. Sutrhffe win eonduet the Thurs
day night prayer services at Vernon. Presbyterian
church for the next three months.
The Moreland Presbyterian church, formerly
the Spokane Avenue church, vacated Its build
ing during the past week and will worship Sun
day in the Seuwood Community hall
M. Wax. 2S1 Front street, early Satur
day morning. Entrance was rained by
forcing the front door.
Fortlaed-Tmssseok Cadillac Stage
o I Stag depot. Park and Tamhlll sts. daily
I at S :15 a. m. and 1p.m. Special arrange
ments made for fishing parties. Main
lll. Adv.
Str. America St. Helens via Columbia
river. 1:30 p. m. daily i 11:30 a. m. Sun
day. Alder st dock. Main 33ZJ. Adv.
with recent legislative action.
j a
Surprises Burglar
At Safe; Gets Away
: 111, to Conduct
Pinochle ' School
"Baker. Jan. J. Proving that some
people may be down but never out.
Victor Bart, a popular Baker high
school lad.' who on account of seri
ous spinal trouble was placed in a
plaster cast for . six months, has
sent out information that during
that time he intends to open a school
for poor pinochle players.
Policeman Denies
Heddefly Killed
By His Revolver
Earl Jackson, co-defendant with Will
iam D. Morris, policemen, sued by Mrs.
Lena A. Hedderly for S75M for the
death of her husband, Robert W. Hed
derly. caused, avers Mrs. Hedderly. by
shots of prohibition agents in a raid.
today testified that he could not have
fired the bullet that hit the bootlegger.
"I did not shoot at Hedderly as he
passed in- 'the automobile, trying to
make bis escape, but fired my pistol
high over his head."
The case, which is being heard in Cir
cult Judge Galena' court, was continued
at noon until Monday, when additional
testimony will be taken.
Attack on; Death "
Penalty Measure
Made: for Erby
Salem, Jan, T. Tha abolition of the I
death penalty was written Into the bill
of rtghu-by the people of Oregon at tha
election of November S. 1914. and can
not be. taken therefrom, according to 1
attorneys - for Elvto D. Kir by. . con
demned slayer of Sheriff TO Taylor, who
filed their brief Friday la their appeal
of Kirby's case before the snpreme
court. - ' .. -
Klrby. who was to have been hanged
December 3, waa given a reprieve until
February 2 by Governor Oloott, when
his attorneys filed an appeal with the
supreme court, attacking the conatito-1
tionality of the act restoring capttaj
Once injected into the bill of rights
a provision cannot unoer any orewm
stances be subtracted therefrom. Kirby's
attorneys contend. Even an attempt by
the maiority to chance tho fundamental
law In violation of. tne seix-tmposea
restrictions Is unconstitutional, the brief
holds. t
. The brief also maintains that the
legislature exceeded its grant of power
when! it proposed joint resolution No. I
as an amendment and referred it to the
plebiscite. In that the "amendment" was
not an amendment at all. but an en
tirely new act. repealing the then ex
isting statute and creating a new stat
ute in its place.
r-vort of praeeenns day.
Ceaeert st Xsa's eerf The young
woman of Hrgathae class. First M. E.
church, will give a concert at the Men's
Resort Saturday at I p. m. The young
women will put on an entirely new pro
gram for their first concert of the year.
MSB's Resort Speaker Rev. Boudlnot
ftoalry will be the speaker at the Men's
Resort meeting Sunday at 4 p. m. The
Hurst sisters will sing duets. At 7 :30 p.
m. Rev. Lvt Johnson will continue his
Bible lecture and on Wednesday night at
I o'clock the young people from Sunny-
Ids Congregational church will hold their
monthly meeting at the resort.
CelsaiBla Stages (Fornterty known at
Ssesara't Aste Beg Uses) Portland.
. Astoria-seaside dlvlaioa. Leave Port
land 1 -.30 a. m, lo a. nv, 1 p. nv, 4 :1B p.
m, and 11 :3e a, m. Leave Astoria T :1S
a. nv, IS a. nv, 1 :10 p. nv, 3 :10 p. m, and
:lf p. m. Direct connections at Astoria
. to and frora Seaside and Clatsop beach
polnta AH cars heated.' Leave from
and arrive at the new Auto 8 tags Term
inal Depot 351 TanaMll street, corner of
Park street Phone Main MU- Adv. .
letter Leag Flsed St Lester Long.
167 Vh Williams avenue, was arrested by
' , Lieutenant Balsiger of the fire marshal's
office, on a charge of putting ashes In
, a wooden container. Municipal Judge
George Rosaman placed a S3 fine against
Long at the trial Saturday morning.
Cerssikla Stages (Term arty kaewa as
eenevrds Aste Set Uses) Portland
Hood stiver eJvttos Service temporar
ily discontinued on account of sno
. drifts on the highway. Resumption of
ai slue will be announced In this apace.
phono Main Sail. Adv.
I1M Bobbery Reported Tslesfor Per-
alta. baadquartsrs company, Vancouver.
Waah reported to the Portland police
. that m Mexican named Marlines had
Disturbed as he was endeavoring to
work the combination of a safe in the
weafH.rtl Be oor foot specialist oMc8 ot Dnlon Avenn market. 817
X-ray service free. Knight Shoe com- I Union avenue north, about 9 -.30 o'clock
pany. Morrison near Broadway. Adv. Friday night a member of the burglar
Portlasd-Salestt-AthssT Leaves Stage fraternity fled through a rear' door,
depot Park and Yarijhlll, every hour which he had left conveniently' open,
from 7 a. m. to 1 W Fare, ILSS. Entrance had been gained through
atam hh.-aot. smashing a panel of the door. L. Bur-
Tke Pott System for Feet A scien- bank, an employe of the market had
tiflo treatment for broken arches. 711 gone there to complete his work and
711 Broadway bldg. Mar. 1317 Adv.- surprised the safe cracker. The intru-
SalemMIUt City Stage Connects O. der left in such haste ho failed to take
E. trains Nos. S and S for Mills City. I a nasniignt ne had been using.
Joseph Hamman. Salem. Prop. Adv.
Start 19SS Blgkt use South port clean
coal. Edlefsen's. Broadway 70. Adv.
T. Maa ton White, 449 Sherlock bldg.
Christmas Offering
Made for Near East
Cash contributions totaling $2466.24
have been received ai the Near East
relief office from the Sunday schools of
Oreetm since the last report was made.
The First Christian Sunday school of
Portland has been promised 50 addi
tional on condition that a minimum of
$1000 be raised.
The report to date as announced by
J. J. Handsaker follows:
Pint Methodist 3787 (incomplete) . First
Presbyterian 3406 (incomplete). First Congre
gational 3432.25. Westminster Presbyterian
3210.94, First Baptist 3103.87, 8unnyside Con
gregational 3185, Wood lawn M. K. 313S. Kera
Park Christian 360. Heppner Federated 3187.10.
Heppner Christian 853.37. Knterpriee Federated
360, Astoria M. E. $51.65, Wagner Orek $3.25.
I Sams Vallev 32.03. Waterloo Liberty Union M.
E. S40. Mount Zion Baptist 36. Laorelhurst
Erection I Conrrwational 32 1.5 ft (additional). Merlin
of a modern church edifice at East Eighteenth I Bastist 37.50. Hillshoro Conrreratiooal $18.25
and Snann streets is eoutemDlated next soring. I Trinity Presbyterian 330. Sorinrbrook Friends
The old building was aoad to the SeUwaod ax- I s 1 &. Hosier t;hnstua (.ou. jugin i;nnsuan
arene church. I 85.16. Mehama 81.50, North Bend Presbyterian
Tomorrow night in response to many requests I go.2. Aloany ututeu t-resoytenaa lao. tuia-
the .choir of the Mount Tabor Presbyterian I boro Christian 321.50.. Ockley Green Evangelical
church wul repeat the Christmas cantata "The I $41.55, Stanfieid Hops Presbyterian 55, Muit
Mm r :inrv " nan- th. .rr .nlouta who I nomah TJnited Presbyteriaa 88.40. Banks M. E.
sang Christmas night. Last Wednesday night 811.42. Kenton United Presbyterian 340, Drain
the Women's society gave a complimentary din- Christian 320. Waveriy HeighU Congregational
ner tc the choir in appreciation of their splendid 32.60. Wasco Christian 6. Jennings Lodge trace
ivrvvw in rh music Tomorrow Congre-ational 812.50. Berkel-y 35, St.
.h;. -knn.h til .h. N.w Year Michael's 322. Second German Baptist 821.70
communion and reception of members. West Astoria M. E. 340, St. Marks KPcopal
tv. ,1.- .1.1. rut. I 35. Jasner 85.20. Gaston Congreeauonal 311.
Park Men'. Commnnitv clnb will be held Jan- Montavilla M. K. 333. WendUng 35. Dufur
uary in Rose City Park Community church.
Dinner will bo served promptly at 8:45 p. m.
and then a short busin-sa session will be held.
after which a social hour and entertainment has
been arranged for. All men in ,thia community
are invited to come and enjoy this evening of
good fellowship with their neichbors.
United Brethren
Fourth TJnited Brethren church. Tre-
mont station, will have the privilege
Sundav of listening to its new pastor,
the Rev. B. Ross Evans, who with his
wife and two small children arrived In
the city Thursday from Los Angeles.
He comes highly recommended and in
tends to pusn tne woric vigorously, ine
All Riverview Lot
Holders Urged to
Attend Meeting
51,650 Acres in
I County Reclaimable
Stub Line' Mills
Get Rate Equality
Hoqulam. Wash., Jan. 7. Grays har
bor county contains SteaO acres of
swamp and overflow land which may be
reclaimed under federal legislation now
under way, according to official figures
comniled hv tha ststA rertnmatlnn
Lumber mills on short line railways j lctu Th0 county Is exceeded in reclaim
will obtain the same rate on lumber able area oniy by Skagit and has an
ahlpments to eastern points as mills on I f tWs sort equal to the reclaim-
...... 1 able arid lands of Yakima county.
tne transconunenuu unes. ucb1"""1!; i Whatcom county ranks next with 50,000
February 14. according to a message i acres.
Friday afternoon by H. E.
343.11. Swedish Baptist 842.70. Lincoln M. K.
350. Green Union $25.57. Birerview M. K.
83.20. Malin Shasta View 84. Helix Baptist
Siz, Amity napast siu. Amity netnoaim
S29.B1. Orems - Citf Concresational 325. En-
aene Junior Beavers 315. Helix Christian 82.50
Mist 510. Montavilla Christian 32B.S1. Tangent
Community $3.50.
Install Pastor at
Hope Presbyterian
Avoid Ckreaie tB-Bealtb
Sanitarium and office. . -'
" BealU . .T.
weeks '
sway '
If sywtpterna af sew
ered vitality are oot
corrected, chronic 111'
health usually fol
lowa. Bv the very
nature of Its funds -
menial prindpae tho '
MUk Diet Treaunent
arouses the b a e I o
force f tecmae-v
through the greatly
stimulated blood
stream and the vast
ly Improved function
of body organs. Self
accumulated toxic
products are eltmt- -nated
and a f Irro
foundation e s t a b
llahed for. a new and
higher .standard of
The Moore SaUuLiriura
323 Hawthorne, at tTta
The Vogue for Simple IAneo
Next Monday. January 9. at 3 p. nv,
in room A of the Central library, s
meeting will be held of the lot holders
of the Riverview Cemetery association.
This meeting is called for the purpose of
hearing a report of the committee which
has been examining into the affairs of
the Riverview Cemetery association with
the Idea of taking necessary action
thereon. The question of the contlnu- I Beauty of fabric and charm of line
ance of the irreducible fund Is involved I are the only requisites of present-day
and.' in fact the policy to be pursued I faabiona, which, unlike the fashions of
hereafter in the conduct of the ceme. I other times, stress the elaboration of
tery will probably be determined at this I afternoon costumes and demand sim-
meeting. The president has issued a I plicity. on the othes hand, fo evening
notice stating that he particularly re- I wear. A single spot of color and a Jew-
quests that ail oi tnose interested be eled girdle take the solo responsibility
present I for. decoration in this very lovely dance
or dinner frock of citron chiffon velvet
corded at the smart low waist line with
linked and' Usseied Jado which Is re
peated. Just below the left shoulder In
11 ID Klv 1 1 motif. The low arm hole of flesh colored
moux. The lo warmnoie may be dts-
ROAD SHOW I a-ulsed bv a camisole of flesh colored
'".oroaoway at Taywr. -are zom tnlle. the Informal tea hour at
baimIvJ .rrTW stock hom this type of frock Is -ualry
eompany in "Penrod." Matins WailnsarHy. I CAartnlng If worn With long mandarin
Sacarday and Sunday at 2 JO; evwaaaa st aleevea of chiffon or crepe marocain.
LYRIC Broadway st Morriaoa.
Change in Passenger
On and after Sesdsy. Jsasary ,
changes In time will be made by the
a P. At & Ky. on tho line oast tat
Portland as shown below :
Local So, 8. for Lyte. vrffl leave
PerUasd tiM A. M. lssuad of ti$3,
with eorresposalag caaage at all
Local Us. S, for Fan arid r. wDI
leave Portland 4tU F. X. Isatead of
iiM. with eorretpesdlag thaagw at
an porata.
Limited Ho. 4. teavtag Fortland
til A. wta stoy signs! st
tsBss, .
Say 91 5
Cuticur a Talcum
Always Hedthfd
Comedy eompaay la Tha O
Matinaa daily at 2 p. as.
PANTAGES Broadway at Alder. H5gk-elaa
vanoevuw-ana pootoptay laataras. Altai aeua
and evening. Program changes Monday aft-
LyrVj MwAeal I which may flow loosely or be caught
nana Tasar. u a snug oaura at we wtw.
at i aan m.
(Copyright. IMS. by The Vogue IV. Haw Terk)
Pastor of Detroit
Wires Receipt of
Call by Baptists'
tiounsbury. general freight agent for
the Union Pacific system. At present
Kelso, Wash., Jan. 7. The Kelso
Uon points before the through rates are
Attempt to Bribe
' Officials Charged
An effort" to bribe Portland customs
officials Is. charged against seaman
aboard tho Japanese steamer Keifuku
Mara by George TJ. Piper, collector of
customs, after the officials found liquor
aboard the vessel Thursday night The
alleged offer was made when the officers
started removing tho whiskey from the
vessel. Piper said. Mo arrests have I
been made. The liquor is now In the
customshouM vault
Louisiana night next Sunday evening.
This Is the third In the series of state
meetings. Rev. E. K. ' Reisner will
preach and an address will be made by
a former Texas resident
The Rev. James Alkin Smith will be
installed as rjastor of Hone Presbyterian
Rev. Mr. Evans has just graduated from I church at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon by
the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. He I the nresbvterv of Portland. Rev. Wal-
succeeds Miss Leila Luckey, conference I ter H. Nueent moderator, will preside.
supply pastor, who has been transferred I Dr. H. L. Bowman of First church will
hv the blshon to the Uazelirreen. Or.. I nreach the sermon : the Rev. David A.
United Brethren church. I Thompson of Mispah church will charge
Th evaneelistie urogram of the Ftrst TJnited I tha naetire nrtrl -the. Rev. Kdward H.
Brethren church has started and will continue pece of Westminster church will charge
mg emphasis m tha evangelistic line, announces I
Dr. Byron J. Clan, pastor. iwo nuoweek I , v, .
meetin-s win be held on Wednesday night at INTEREST IS BIBLE CLASS
the church, when the pastor will speak, and on I The enthusiastic gatherings at the
Friday night in some home. Portland union Bible classes, conducted
The Rev. E.0. Shepherd, pastor of Third by the Moody Bible Institute, Indicate
United Brethren church, is conducting evangelis-1 tnat the popular exposition of the Bible
. . !1 j . has not lost its aiiracuveness. un jyion-
inter as the speaker. The, bishop asked each nlngs the class" are held in the White
man present to win one man to church. The I lempw , n rjLiaj mrauuvu. m..
men voted nnsnimoosiy to snpport any evan-1 o cioca in ms hbmiuubki ,
gelistic program that the official board and I church and on Thursday evenings in the
pastor would put on this winter. The club is I Vernon Presbyterian cnurcn.
to Da Known as tna u. a. Men of Alberta, I kM
ADDRESS OS DITIXE SCIEKCF. Ttefnre the Realization leaaue. 148
John Dew. tutor of Bible law. will de- I Thirteenth street- at 8 n. m. Sundav.
liver an address In the First Divine I Max Wardail's book. "Personal Ascen-
Science church at 11 o'clock Sunday. I dancy" will be reviewed by H. Edward
Francis Rich ter. the organist, will com- I Mills, in the series of constructive psy-
mence the morning service at 10 :65 with 1 chology lectures being given Sunday
special music I evenings by the league.
mil. Directioo Ackermaa Barrhv vaaos
villa and picturas. Aitaraooa and evaning.
COLUMBIA Sixth and Stark. "Doat TaO
Everything.' 11 a m. to 11 n. m.
LIBEBTT Broadway at Stark. Richard Bar-
tnlem-aa In "Tol'abla David." 11 a. m. to
ii in a i a wire acanowieaannsr reoaint or a
BiyOU Washbigton at Park. Anita Stewart rail to the Dastorata of tha White TwrrmU
in "Her Mad Bargain. 11
11 P. m.
BLUE MOUSB Br-anth and WaaUagtaa.
Harold Lloyd la A Sailor Mad Maa, 11
a, m. to 11 p. as.
ia"Thi-hS?f 11 tnTrJ"-? ." rtrnt Baptist congrega-
rBOPLES West Park st AUec. D. w. Grtf- -J00 moeung. stone U pleased with
nth'e "Way Down Bast." 11 a a. a tho tone of Dr. Tillers' reply and antici-
ii p. m. patos ho win accept the call whoa a
.rJnSL- . ,rTh lttT reaches him giving aU the details
CIR(rtar 1 VaahJmgSa." Xi n "ld "
White tn "Any Wife" 9 a. m. te 4 o'clock aPly moved by the offer to corns
the following moraine. West
was received Friday afternoon by U. W.
Btone, ehalrmaa of tho pulptt committee,
from Dr. T. J. VUlers of Detroit Ml-h .
who was unanimously called Thursday
Foundation Goal Nearing
$. $ a It It H et ot It t
Donations Are Pouring In!
Hope for another' "Oregon First"
record In tho Wood row Wilson Founds,
tloa fund have not boon abandoned by
tho state loaders and county chairmen
of tho campaign. Those who Intend to
ambaorlbe to the Wood row Wilson Foun
dation fund are urged not to delay with
' their suha-criptlon. no matter how small
it may be, bat to encourage those who
are soliciting -for the fund by giving
them their Immediate subscription. The
-Mbav-rlpUo may also be taken to the
Iambernvana Trust corn pany, where the
FowndeUon has a window.
"This donation is for tho Woodrow
W liana Foundation, . which honors the
boat saaa who ever served the United
i Btataav la tho message from Oliver H.
p. Beegre of Roseburg. a pioneer of Ore-
a-oft off 1843. and who will be 80 years
aid oa his next birthday.
1 Another contributor from outside the
state sends his donation because he be
lieve In tho movement but does not
want publicity. Another contributor,
who Tbauevos In tho principles of the
fovndatlom .and the ideal of our admtr
' ante ox-nrea4dat says : "1 am sure that
If we had more men like Woodrow
Wilson this old world would be a better
place to live in."
A taleeram from John H. Rmttti-
chairman for &atsep county, states that
his committees are busy and have their
quota half raised.
A number of subscriptions received
Friday at campaign headquarters In
cluded . those from Mrs. Fred Vogler,
George W. 8tltt N. A- Leach. J. W.
Oanong. P. W. Smith. William Kerr. H.
C. Burch. Shad O. Krants, Mrs. Mary
Wells Byrns. Grower C Blacke, Mitchell,
Or, and Oliver H. P. Beagle.
Seattle, Jan. TTJ. P.) George E.
Ryan, vie chairman of tho Democrahtc
lute central committee, has been ap-
pointed King county chairman for the
Woodrow Wilson Foundation. Ryan, m
turn, has delegated to Henry 1C. White,
former commissioner of tnirnigraUon fori
Washington, tho active superviaion of I
th work in Kmc county, whoa quota
m th run ts tooa.
Want Every Woman
in Portland to Know
Laundry System
It is what the women of America have been wait
ing for.
"WHY," you ask, is the NU-WAY System
making such a hit with the housewives?"
"Because I have a special family, finished ready to
wear laundry system that does all your washing and
ironing without laundry marks or tags.
"Because, by this new system, using the latest
methods and equipment, I can return your laundry
to you in better condition, and at a cost 35 to
40 less to you than any laundry in Portland.
"Because this work is charged by the pound and
not by the ptece."
I want every woman in Portland that wants better
and cheaper laundry work to
and I will explain my NU-WAY System thoroughly.
I Mat Today, 2:15
Tf e TONIGHT, 8:15
lumbermen Tnut Company Bevnk
Portlanti, Oreroti. V
Gtteraenr 4iS closed find 1 for Woodrow wtlsmi
rowadirtoa f and. ' please tend certificate of membership to the under-
aicaaa at tat louowinf aaaress:
saaaasaas itimttint.
CKy State.
Mike checU to Woodrow Wilson Foundation. Lumbermen Tnist
company pana, Broadway and oak streets. Port land, 1 Ore ton. t
Phone East 3738
468 Hawthorne)
Wllk i
A Serwaaa Frers) Start to Flalah
A4 It Par rit War Tax. "
ae i
T091GHT AT 8:8
aad Clay Phewe Taia 738
B nun- rnicE
j Demand
I Real
in Your
Inferior plumbing
fixtures are always
costly. While de-
Zk fects may not show when ptrrchased they will appear
p later on, resulting in increased repair bills and incon-
d Get a dollar's worth for, every dollar spent buy, our
p guaranteed to give: satisiaction.
S For sale hj I-eadinc phinribcrs
il a a 8
S V 8tM24- Front Street 5
jfc , VUs&syVw H IHleA lv8avtwt,tgt Htvg
asaaContlnna-ss 1 P. AC to 11 F. AC tsa-sT
Msati cam rntruava
aD mi a -wunaow laiaf
"XCBOKS OF hO-nrrg sKX7TLAjrtr
itiM ansa- tsi
, THE SsAWfl CvP TM1 UtT
I TboUal Tatar to Fas ,
iTThe Cenixu .Taker
A Treat foe the w Tea-
84 1U-X -Malaga
'. I. .