The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 07, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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f at i . i. , ... - - -
; B b rfVaat. Ha ckrfnl aa 4
kw aa jua woau ear tM aa n
J tr waaf aa nuadat mofnina
. t lb Jcaraal auuj..c tireadaAf X
V'T t Portland. rfea. ' '
Lui-awl .1 ix aaaarfliaa at anlaad Otae-taT
fot ir tua laraaali.Lba ami aaoonil
nm ....
fll'U'iM.A iU-Uul .11.. lllMHlM atO-Sl.
nTTrrvir rrsrrrnsrsrn EEFfftsESTT-
TTV Baataata A KanwaaT C., Braaawtek
biitMias. : rule imw, Hn Tort;
' AU.IVf bwiHIrtt, CTiraa. y
j TXirTflTcbAST fcfcl'RasENTATIVl! W. B.
' 1 Bra nr "., KiulMf aatktias. Baa fn
TNVa ImiiM toudtne, LAS Ateaiaa;
I-oat-UtaUisaecar taukflna &rUk.
,. W ratw a4.atH.iA eosy waiee) H wM
lilMMibk 11 aW will Bat twin
may Uwt mb any W ataraiatat raadiaf BaU
A4aael tarne.
gt'SaChirrkW BArts,
y f'amvr, City M Cacatry.
Om veak. ;-.... .1 I Pm smith..., .
OwMk,.,w.l .! I Om weak... ...I ,01
' f"ia aiofita . . . . .4 I
r rmf. .,.,..
BU aMetlM.... .!
(Without uedarV 1
ra yr . 00
n Bnth . . . . I J
Taaaa aanaUal . .. 11
Om Binnth . . .
(Imry VVadBaatayl
Am mr,,,,.I.At
Sis MUa. .AO
. Tbaae rW Apply
Tata atonta. .
Om Bannlh...,
Om rr...,
auatha. . . . . 1.TI
ThfM BKMttha... 1.04
Om jam $1.80
ll Ua Weat
; . !
TOW A farmer vrt un&bl to bay plows beeauso there Is no market for
beeaiiB tbet Is no market for' plows
Tbs .granaries t the country af flowing oyer with, tho prodoets of
the farm bat thero are people wb6 are hungry. ; ."Warehonees are stored
with manufactured goods, which cannot be sold, yet there are people who
are in real need of these commodities. We havs the finest factories in
the world but many are wholly or itartlally-idle, and there is unemploy
ment among those wtty wish to exchange their services for tne proaucts
which are stored in the granaries and warehouses. l
CbaraeterixaUon on Judicial Lines by
an Oreron Editor of . Portland In
Contradicting Anpacta GreAt Body
of the City' People Broad and
Helpful; Others, $w but In-
. fluentiU Seeking Only Their - .
. Own Personal and lmme
. - diate nds;, SUU Other .
. laders of State
wide Vision.
Mformidshte cliff of great height and as
erect as a wall. At the bottom of the
precipice are caverns that once were the
abodes of men. : The entrances te the
cave, for the most-part, are far the form
of huge defts in the rock from M to CO
feet high. v v-:;.v
Letters' From the People
II" f Ouiwinimtimu Mat
L : I KarU f.
"The Oregon Country
We're going to have a lot of beautiful
weather next summer. - .
The trivial adversities that upset rar
bnsgUiations are, after aU.- responsible
for most of our worldly woe..
-Camels drink wine relislonsty.'
a headline. No wonder they can go eo
Meg without water. . . . - .
e e
Th meanest thine anyone has said
About Hard inr. If Hi true. Is that he's
on Newberry s sloe.
e e e -
Ifoonsalne drinkers are finding new
places to caCbe tbetr wares ta asa a
chair seats, and evea In their graves.
w m w
Tseoina man Is nolttlral rulde to Sec
retary Mellon, the papers say. Mellon,
thereiore. ougnt to get some bouna aa-
vice, as were, 2
Now that Tate and 'Wills have settled
their differences for a rolden considera
tion, the rest of us can get back to dis
cussion of International disarms meat.
The favorite avocation of early morn
inr motorists 1usf now is orstory and de
bate with slippery streets, fractious rear
wheels and unyielding curbstones as their
up these
about all
Some eeonle are ae hard
dsys that H seems as though
they caa Afford to pay is a oompUmeat.
Aiainee rieoorn.
a m
; . O&BUOX i ;
Dnrmr'lia Enyerte's Cre depertmeett
respooaed te ) aierma hat the Ure
loss was leas than tM.M.
Out of M Jurors draws) foe service
Ralaa t Ew'jni potnta farniahMi cm apHpa
U.h. - ka fh1. a.
nai Oa-r ar Ira(t It yoar aaatofftaa W snt
A BKffJW-4r rffwn. t cr 2-aat ataiara ahU
M warlii Maka all waiMBineat paraWa t
Tm J -a -ail l-aaltihlni (JoatMur. rottUaA.
f .a?
ts The JToerml for
tmhlk-aJKT am tfaia HiihiIhaI aaeoid be anittaa
aa all' om sWW mt the pa-Mr. lhaaait not laimil
m the ajtoria Bsdset. 1 80 wed in leacta, and boa be am4 by the
Portland !- not had a. some f fhs wntr-.,A-! LJ?S te, a futt ss-t aems-
We are told that the reason for slowing up of industry and trade Is I papers, in a fit of temper, have eharged.i' 1 ' -
overproduction, but why should vBrproduction produce want? We are neither is she such a state bene-1 .-; NAMEa 09 wmimi wivrrn' nome; yet 11 wouio seem mat rum waiuugn bukuiu icsuii u between." 1 signed A. Discouraged New York Oirr
more oroducU for home consumotion. I Aa tar ! the twoti of Mnlbtonuh I rtU disclose he idenUry to The Jownal.
TV. mI.. r. -..-. 4n H mM nf nlontr anil thai rvftrftdox of noVertv I Mimtrr are eoneerned. thev in not 1 her COmmUnlratiOO Will be published. It
cauBed by:abundancs ar. economid problem, which tW wisest student, 1,, WeX't VSStJSii9&&
have failed io solve. Although students may differ as to the causes which thetr atatade toward those things de- applies to the letter signed -Consamer.-produce
these-aectillar conditions, all are agreed on this one point. " aired by other sections for their ad- received today. Names of writers are
i. MA i.. a,ia k, tv. ..tai .ViancrA nf ooTr.Tnnlt l vancement. It is useless to deny this not necessarily for publication, but The
. , . ' . - , !,-.: I-iw, r, Jr.a. UtUtude. The vote of Multnomah county Journal must know who all persons are
but Through a medium of exchange called money.. This requires the fixing oa --j-ores in .upport of the unlver- to whose comm. in trat Ions it grants space.
Ota price on eacn commoany peiore u can oe panerea, or oougnv ana atty. agricultural college, normal schools,!
sold, aa we call it. If one stoud of commodiUes is low in price it has the Eastern Oregon state hospital, rood! . . AUTOMOBILE LICENSES
the same effect upon trade as a sroali volume of those commodities. I !?? tie . Rooeovelt : mghway and ncar Owner Objects Both to Amount and
, , . . 2 , . isunuar measures us a matter 01 cora I to Manner of Larrinar
That Is to say. for Durooae of trade it makes no difference whether I i . I t .lo manner ui xsvymg.
a -man. has one .bushel of wheat valued at S2 or three bushels of wheat I tion 'that the rank and file of Portland I Prairie City, Jan. 4. To the Editor
valued at II per bushel. The total buying power of any group of citizens voters have been progressive, broad and of The Journal I notice quite a hit
. When one group of people who produce a particular commodity suffers
through sharp price declines its buying power is reduced in proportion to her attitude toward the remainder of alone In that belief. There are trucks
to, the decline in price of that commodity. When one group of people is ".T t . I rouna ere stanomg m.tas garages, ti M Fr. gvyv. who nrobably
. . . . . Iher citizens but With certain Of her in- have talked tn the ovnere and the aar I Mr- ra .V: srm"' M.
xorcea out oi toe maraet inrougn reuucea Duyiug power toe wnoie coun- l fWntial cltiEens. a eomnarativelv amalll ,, .v. h, T I knows more fir is tnaa any ouier www.
try suffers, because it interferes with trade or barter, and the harm to j group numerically but a powerful bodyjor atesdy work for them, aa SIM is too I ln -0,reBOf,fvta Tdaia SWUhT U
trade is great or email depending-upon whether the group thus forced!1" - i much license to. pay. It is the same - Z nloaeer teacher of Eastern
pui ot mmari s Brek r . Portland has citizena prominent and faV " "t Vv 1TT,,1 Oregon, hut has never lost her interest
That group, of citizens engaged ;ln agricultural pursuits buys directly dominant ones whose leadership Is re- m mSS ill m the youth of the state and has been
and Indirectly 60 per cent of the manufactured products of the nation, sponsible for the prejudice which unde- ZLgl tbln the neonle of anr other many r? whlch l?I!cl Jr!:'
and any appreciable shrinkage in the farmers' buying power naturally tZ ' TkJ fZTTjr
results in a large shrinkage in the consumption of manufactured products, and . aelfish leadership, one singularly But one question I would like to have the children and in lodge relations has
With these thouehts in. mind it must he aooarent that onr whole svateni lafkine? in th breath 'of vision which answered is this: When license on Ford taken her all over the state. She has a
Of barter is thrown out of Joint because of the shrinkage in the fanner's Kraape the almost axiomatic truth that touring cars was S3 and other cars in warm place for newspaper men and
" " " " T , i .Ti,, TT, ' -he serves Portland most who serves the proportion,- It was put to the vote of newspaper women, as her daughter. Mrs.
buying power and those who are anxious to stabilize conditions through aUte j- They have at times almost! the people to double that auto tax. Issue Edna S. Morrison, is telegraph editor of
the resumption of trade and industry will do well to give heed to the farm-1 ruthlessly disregarded the sentiment of I bonds and build these post roads with I the East Oregonlan,
er s economic problem, it is useless to expect prosperity In the cities otner communities in meir eagerness to i w money so raise a. it was ngured see
until .rA.narit h Kaai r.atr.ra1 tn, ,, tr, i iwin unmeoiaie gain tor uiemseives ana mat tne auto tax would pay those bonds I John McEachern. durintr the World
' . . I l,.l, itv Tavr rxr.Tir.onr1 .nt... 1 In as. vno m w -w a a M TnV. n.. VI 1. I . , , . -. . I
prises ana projects tor tne ouuams up I way is one 01 tnose roaaa. The idea l mt thA rtramn
shivering at home without fuel or I General Goethals necessarily will J of other parts of the state because they I was all right, and it carried at the polls, I
food and here these fellows, Who command the attention in congres- eonceivea tnat mo preeuge ana property out we naven t the roads. Maybe they I j. m. Hamley. maker of prize saddles
aueht to have some sympathy for a sional circles that the survey 1 , " " , , vt "7" "J ... I ttI1J """B- awouuerwaeu. for the Pendleton Round-Up. Is down
man out of a job, are trying to heat serves. ' In tSealootlcUo
UP all outdoors. The Columbia basin project should proud position they nave looked upon aouhied. or ral t ik n trT M. L. Watts, wen known resident of
. It begins to took Hke the lerlstartrre . k.TV arIcrTTl
would aave to meet again te fiad eat "?r'"f illL. ? ""J c1Hrh
what they did, whew ttoey did meet. " "J -a X atteea are Aaarned
Uedford MaU-TribuBav
a . 9
ear widow av
Klnetv ationa aitd anlta araM aaarti'
Peoola of little raith. never do mnch I la the YamKin nam a4M, r nr
tmless it is to back and fill and ebase I the quartAv bawriainiag October 1 ase
atemaaaves around ta a etrcka, it Ml -'-r December SL
r.c wblhv.. I k.- rt Vancouver. R C
that are erentaaily achieved. 1 1- Y - rm--
"AAAT imiTVH. rA-4- . I M,,.t, ...n . - 111 n.
Tboaa tblnkina- of tnduhrinar ta he40-l Kev. JaL R. Gailaher. aaartaaiatv tfJuid
ups ta PorUaad ahoald pauea sad- eoa-l when a rua carried by ast sew was
aider. They might get where they raa I acctdentaUy dawharged, is iweovertrg
not get to the worlds fair la Bet-i and aU danger tram blood polaoaiag as
ter be good for a few yaara It's going I paAt,
m oe a great iaur ina cajiau vv & jr. OUtoe water died TnuliT al
through iron bara-Woodhdra lndepea- Hiih-3re tfS tnn!TlTEW
her U wbea aa aatsntobUe ta which ha
A Maaaaehusetts cow has been ' di 11 eoUi1 -
covered with a record of slightly better
than lit tons of mux in a year, but net
The BoothKUy Lumber company
record gts only fourth place ia the m- u Jaouary 1L raae ahirixS
ulna , ThM. ttvaa. mai Imm ku 1 IOCS from tbo caasns abeva WaaaAiiaa.
aSed." aad no one ie surprised te Uara I At preeet ii mea are at work bucaiag
that all three are racwo Coast animaia I ax taiui
Eugene Register.
about the new automobile license -law.
IT aVI.l. 14 l-.A a W a
The trouble with Portland with respect I Uiul " "a
Random Observations About Town
John G. Wyers aad Mrs. Wyera are
here from White Salmon, Wash, and
are at the ImparUt, John aad Tune
Wyera have been at White Salmon since
time whereof the memory of man run
neth not to the contrary. Tune Wyers I sworn la aa the first policewoman at
operates ue Trout Ajaaa araga, aa ata I hmmu, vavi.
his father before him. Some years ago I David AukL sales manarer of the Me- w
Tune decided to fire a 'stage driver who I hawk Lumber company mill at Donna.
had been oa the run many years and B J-ane counqr. baa riled suit sgainet
who had been employed by Tune s i'Mrol.h'ri lL - AulL Eu-oe baaker.
father for years without number. Tune "A rec4TeI' i'poimd tor
called him Into the offtcaand said. "Too :
. Tt . iwi Frank Datct. ana tt Warina) tantt-i
are wea. liw anver. a lormer I r. ui njuint. m .Ti iZ Tr j.iT C s TZCiZ fi
dent of Holland, looked at Tua. toler- nTrhTanoyte U
artrwij, wu v wiui tne state insurance epartment.
wow wueu a want to quit my job. a i nas resumea employment wtu the state
have decided to stay." Aad he stayed. I accident commission.
A telegram has been received at the
office of the adjutant renermJ from -
General Brers of Salem, to down from :Z?ki femUwa SSLrlf
nirf.n.i w..k vc. , I Arthur Fliklai, rormeriy a reaident of
his time up there being mayor, surveyor.
The roan moved on and out of know no state lines. It proposes the 7,,ff S"Lf Ter TJlS Uer care In proportion, and this year Athena, is at the Benson.
elokt DarKana if Via 1 a i Yi Oi 4hi I lo i a ) AAA AAA e w I --a ,uuuw avva awaaoa I -Ww!.-- v0 f wa axva eatl . 4- V 1 WWW
Perhaps if be had had the reclamation of 2.000.0W) acres of land upon toeTlan cr
e wnicn success aemanas ne 1 capable of st
would have stepped up and asked of ,500,000. The plan Is an in-
Wbat 4 a b't for if sol U bU tht
earat kM aifflaalt lot aach atbart
f- - O aorta EBot
m v- . ... ... 1 1 "r"" , . . witK.,t mm. E. U acaim, art. i 1. nuuawi
uui.ia.uve wuitu suvceaa ucmaaua 1 capaoie 01 Bustaining a popniauon I chattels, as something created to main-1 TT ILT iLl .v. . . rr " and Mrs. B R. Wallace are ruests of
tain and Tnultlnl-r th rlonr and renown t"" " w w j
' 1 b,Ani. th Vn v. 1 1 A n - . st . 1 lub rwuauu.
Mrs. C II. Castner, well known club
woman, is down from Hood River.
H. A. Goodman of Tillamook Is
guest of the Oregon.
e e
Mrs. J. Graham of Salem Is regis
tered at the Oregon.
e e
J. Larkln of Blind Slough Is stop-
1 - -a 1 HMinis in rnsnra ina 1 insn aia T-aaaa ear n put
. 1 n..t .v. in tt v,. 1 i,t .or me toro ana master. 1 ' . -r -- -
iUi - -"- , -yuauuu lwr luc wrejvn country 01 otvlfi, narta nf tar v 3 a wny nasn t it required the same vote to
his muttered comment remains, today to build for ths great Pacific rtehta but these men mid not them. the last two license fee raises?
When buildings are torn down or Northwest of tomorrow. j- Other sections have had hopes and aspir- my P". 1 ehould like to see
supplies of what U ordinarily re- - The survey commends itself as an f"OM' "T lem measured bj I l"fro' TZ!, .."L. i
garded as waste wood are made intelligent program, well worthy of StUA
available, why not notify the Salva laid from this city, which will ad- vance their own estate, but have met u taken away from me, and by law, at
tlon Army or the Public Welfare 1 vance in power and prestige with wlth indifference and opposition from " A car Owner.
( A LX the deadly devices of the last I bureau, or dron a nart of a truck-tlvi-v atn nmA in Tn I Portland-Interests.
a , - 1 ' . .-w...rf b.w " m u mv . u w
t " - war, accentuaiea oy luturs
discoveries of science, will be used
la the next war," said Professor
load off at some door where warmth, land Empire
is lacking?
pLarwla. Internationally known chem-l WHAT ABOUT THE WOMEN?
, i.r T ..ui. v. . I
IN PORTLAND there Is a municipal
wood vard. which rives three meal
tick at s and one bed ticket to unem
It is futile to deny all this. Many I Alarmed at the Sudden and Deep Drop PinS at the Oregon. A 1. V. . I rt .Ha thU. M ITmm I
TTora ia a nu nt tH ,ot mXntl,- I IcncwledpB th nf tr,o atntomrt Hillsboro. Jan. B Tn th VVHtnr jCure iu saieiu is a KUCH Ji
.V. V 9m w Wi V OUV1UU" 1 " " w I " -"V. uuiwi v. I
. . . ... . I More In Astnrlo hou v. tnn The Journal Tb Jmimal ! I tne vregon,
eive ana Duraen-oearing nusDand: ; TL . "r a " 'rrr' 7. " .r.
He lives in Missouri. Without com-1 nrnvin,ignDm T. . ,v, , I mcnri n- - , .... Robert Woirr of Medford is scouung
plaint or back-talk of any kind, at a prevent any industry from locating here and equality. Kindly Inform us what Portland I or af ew daya
cost Of IL25, he put an advertise- or a1 amp rrom stopping here lest I conaiuon is maung for the great slump
1st, who Invented Lewisite, the dead
; llest poison ever known. He added:
I . Nations will fight te a finish with those
t AU: "and Su, rSS.J MAll"eUn.em' meat in the tocaf newspaper . ?t ,A tXT
weapon once adopted and found effecUve p'".- enno ,or tnree ounel- th-t hl wnuM A.V. " " ""T U sojourning at the Oregon.
ef hemes warfv, great charity ball is to be given a
I . LAWisite was the poisoned gas with The Auditorium,
.1 waicit ameriea, near tne ena or tne xjja wooa yard is not charity
; lata war, eipeaea 10 Dia nsr way xt reals en the principle that the
to Berlin.. It was.belnd, tnanufac- an works for , what he . gets. He
j tared at. the rata if; 10 tops a day ,, his three meals and hie be4
! weaooa once adopted and found effecUve P'ya men exenange tor tnree t,mt .,m ' . ""u1? wnicn, 11 11 aarea, wouia nas taaen a u cents a dozen cut within resort, la solourntne at
hsrawas work. To help support It, a Vicing that his wife would take move the capital to Portland, and aU the past 80 days, with avery indication U a.
w - I IH BWflSni1IS T'wa.m iriatfl MVt ADO BaH Baa I HT ThA BTQra l as VI tlitlnnn - - .,aiiMiull I that A Malla 1 .1 1 lit Aea . . I . . . . .
wiwMMta,. fuv Aiuuiiifoa tvuu J.U1 j wt niouiuuuiio, xi uuA UxJ-i vei iljt I vav ucuxjr ucuuiie wui ZOliOW. Ar I VV. i ijoOte OI rtOftHllMF IS & JjrOrXletnfl
tearanc with which some husbands I w poiutenuarye it is tne spirit tnat I consuiDers getting- the benefit? Bank- visitor.
sraeH Kav 4- I wou.ia mtenor larmers passage ruptcy ior tne poultryman impends tm-
" ww, I roaaa TO their markAt nlai, an .v,b. a Mm, tla nwirU1ri i n . . j 1 r a u-i. -a ,
. . . , 1 ' ,vv. av bV.iutuuu ,b aUJU.iW. A3 LUCrC I Wm f . -(li V111. U,,U0a UUKUCJ V4 aSW4W
V"' mi. . mors Uirect route miEUt be bUUt from I a combine Of the cnlrl ntnrasrm Il..t. I I- at tha Oreiron.
, When ths armistice was afge4. It was I ad thereby , maintains -ki aelf. V "
! a secret tha a. but. tt U khawn now , . ' j irpHERE is no mors Plcturesaue fig
. . - i i turvh . a . - . . . .
Bt what about the unemploye4 . V a -.vlr '
is no municipal
T that every living Ihint tn ths Qer
i . ... ..i. . -
man capital eeuid nave peen smotn-i WOrnsn? There
I ;
ered to death by Lewisite In a single wood yard
nignu a aosen Big oemoi of ins yesterday
Rortla.nd anmm v,aw tyi A a t.nj 1 m . v. Al i.v. i .
- . motw w wuilOi I v " ut?u W1U1 CnBBD TYW T1 I .
area. It is the spirit that is "all for I unload to consumers at hi a-n nrit I Charles' Buraa-raf. Albany architect.
-oruana. ana tne rest of the state be I W. J. C I la registered at the Oregon.
aamnea. i Al thai aeason ef tba nap ts.-. w
a slnmp in tha price of eczs, do to tha in-1 It. A. Thomas of Bend Is a guest ef
We who live in other narta of UM??7, .wraje. P""?" the Benson.
' V1V i. "A.: "V state and narti.larW thT ! I ."1 A . . . IiJJ. " I
Otr I ID oatwa Pt piOW wneans, , '., ".,. : 'v. , . It r, ".r E".5T "? PPnat M x- TT W mnina of Pendleton I. at tba
I npn ia w mt w. . ,k v . i - . ...
Mrs. Ix B. Randall of Salem is a guest
the Portland.
Ed Boquet Is here from St Paul and
With tha era teat inereua in production known I is at the Portland.
F. S. K 11 bourne of Roseburg is a guest
of the Portland.
M. E. Dunn is down from Lexington.
. .. . i inai anniv BPaarw ni vav nir.n . i aa ri m rtr- i ... i j j .
ror them, una annua I ireureaoive weignt oi tms so-called Port- 1 omucr ior oat egra. because of Its own abort I
T r r. -vrvTT- ayey -TI s ,- I -J t '. . I nrnr1nrfinn K'ao Vaa Vk a ajj I
a . a .a m, i riiw. i i lit i in nruirv a va rnoo vrav a i.taHnu i " va ww auta asi seauni mm 1
at ine police tuuioa wir ' - zzrjz rr v from ite immediat. hn trrirw .n- i
T I is a .Mllllavw aawa -a abaa M saaa Va eaaJ I LXIO KLUIUOB Oa WIS miflSTUlliaa CTOlin nA 1 .v- il " . . ' T I
' . , . B . . W I Paxkenham'a 10 000 seasoned troons beins the attitude of aU Portland, where- Beault te a aerm drop in prices there? "hS
v kind At vara- at manV t acaennam; a .0,909 BeaBOnOU WOOPS lo w- ha va nvlr... - .v- u -v.- -jr I
i horrible gas woul4 hats don the employment
5 terrlbVs work. ... I for work, an
rrofeaaor Lewis IS Undoubtedly I other r,lar.a and tha iwillM Hitlim ln a y interior. Dumber OI. raw fairmindedness and coooeratlve snirit of W extnma tiaatportAtion chAnr.
t eorrec ta Ws soscluslon that Lewta-Ua. one of her last hops-. - n vrw.tlw British into the J,
ite or even some deadlier form of V 8hs had sven gone fc th.-Qrtl. P"101!" u u Qttu. atarai
-gas win b used la the next war. I restaurants. There the Dronriators 0Yejr ,0Q woU Jackson s loss was m Portland who are not in avmnathv . a. to ooid toao asterat knoekia. pri.
lltun... wtMrnmrn n.tll I , - - , , . i . I I Seven killed and six wounded. History I with this other mnn. hut viin order to fill op thtlr plAoai with cheap (toff.
. , ---ri hi isvun ti w, VIII Pe HU1II I Pill net 1 - - . Z ' . . - ' .1... r,!::". . 7 I tha te erarralT troa at thia m. T . f..
they beoome obsolete. eause at II and the mother ef three aftoyds scarcely parallel ta mlliUry 7' .fr"" destiny ues in earl, to .tor. w. u therrtu kVra ta rd
tNapaaaltv bnnwa an law l.t aa. .vna v v a t. w w i exploits. ' - tjwiuun ana Development 01 the condition lust 10 ions. Uareh And April Are
imaauii auvwa n taw. n.nj n'l CUUdren BhS hadH t IBS iresn and! ' ' I territory Of Which aha ia thA
tlcn with its back to the wall will I youthful aonearanea that such es-l I As a statesman with A sincere de- and financial center, and who are active r001"1 price, drop her then a
lutchataay means for -arlnf Uself tabUshments wBt as an asset for on maasea and an Wta thjto aftort. to promote good feeUng ! u0Ta4Ttnte k ia-JhX
.... . . m 1 v , 1 a 1 a ai j f . , a v 1 atiiu itia m wnrir sa mnn ty rha i,n 1 , - - j-
from COIUnCtlOa. At SUCH a time BO I Inereasin tha. number nf thalr- rua. I tensity 01 patriotism, tnat 1 .,- I. :r r: ""w-a -- Au.arop oeeaaat ! tae Tact Uiat the Avence
wgreesnent about use of weapons ta tomers. They want young girls with unds, he remained for 10 years More power to these men and m hn only one or two eata. of ar. a week
likely be kept, aa was overwhelm, bright eyes and pretty faces. 1 1"16 Poplarldol of his countrymen, their tribe increase, for the state and r,!L," !Tir?le tbe.l5,i'li. krw!!!
tagly proten ta th. lata war. when 'a ,oo4 mSi women are walklni hd rendered other Pb- kpam of u .
every Important pledge ta the lnO the hreets of Portland these days, e 6erve conteatrwith cholas wtterue of jeousy and TO eaj--mu
vi ajajrwameni was orvaeo, i eagerly ana anxiously applying atl'" ' ",nuKn v:- mo v-
It U no secret that tha genera offices and in bualnsss nlaoaa fori tempted domination by finance oyer
staffs fa every civilised oountry have something, anything, to do. Often ffal' f the republic entitles
their chemists feverishly at work in I there are. children at homo who seed td th endurtnr respect of -the
a V at. o -A' 4aa aaAj.AA aa awaaa aa a.11. aa I a a. a a. a . . a.. T I A 1M Afca-I a aa aa. -x.Anta - ;
yn wiiur. w yrvuuvi m vTiw tne tnmrs IO DS DOUfnt wiin I -r-. r-
. A tA AVI aW W la - I' ..... ... . I I. TlMJla 4. aa..
-WvSBe aVVUw aVe . Vllf
danger signals of history.
Orecon City pratonera aarviar JaO aaa-
bmeM (or violaUon af city edaaaaona.
wui nerearter be rorros to work ja the
strveta An old erdtnance nessi 1 la
U? gives the authority.
Arltatloa baa botw atartrd by Rood
River RepubUcaae to oerure the eaadt
dacy of George R. WUbar for ouit
senator rrom iiooa Kiver and wi
counties, although WUbur is a
Mra Claaberh N. Corkiar. wife of
the Rev. T. J. Cocking, fornkrriy active
la police work la Portland, has been
newspaper owner and editor and doing
few other odd chores of a similar
Mra H. S. Johnson Is
Mitchell, ln Eastern Oregon, .and ia
domiciled at the Cornelius.
e e e
W. A. Case la down from Pesdleton
for a tew daya
Una county, waa listed erronaoualv aa
a draft evader from this state.
The South Side Lumber mill of Monte
san will be sold st public auction Jess-
here from I TT 24 "r tee receiver, J. it. joartsoo.
Whan eoRinleted. the Fort Walla
Walla hospital for the rehabilitation of
former service mea will be a 12 40-feed
Sheriff Forsyth of Doagtas eowaty,
found guilty of asaaulting 1. P. Kb sea
during a liqaor raid oa his store, was
fined i ana costs.
There are SSSO dwellings la the city ef
Walla Walla, accord lna to a bulletin
Issued by the federal census bureau. The
Nolen Skiff of La Grands Is here for
day or so and Is registered at the
Mrs. R. A Rudd of Pendleton Is here I number of f amiiiea u hit.
vuuung ineaas.
e e e
F. W. Harris Is here from Oakland,
a a
Malcolm Palmer, of Jordan Valley Is
at the Imperial.
There were It? fatal accidents hi the
logging industry of Washington during
the year ending October 1. Compenea '
Uoa allowed amounted to ZS0.01.
The proposed Volunteer Park resir
voir tn Seattle wUl not bo buHt. tae
sunreme court. In aa Inlantioa Bolt.
E. E. Aupperle of Newport is taking I havinx declared tt a puhlie tnetiaee.
In the eights of the city. I E. U Krench. director of the state
- I department of agriculture, has hareed a
Cella Foster la here from John Day I quarantine order acainat ail oeod Pota-
and la greeting old-time friends from I toes from Calltorala, because of eel
Eastern Oregon,
Mrs. H. D. W. Pineo of Hood River
ia a visitor ln Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. a M. Bohler of Eugene I tchee river.
are stopping at the Imperial.
worm and moth.
Jacob Hardung. Dryden ereharelBt.
Is dead from injuria a as tain ad last
Tuesday near Dr; den. wUea his auto
mobile plunged lii feat iab the Weo-
A decraase of S per eawt la the area
sown to win tar wheat la the stale
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Shedon are reals- I waaainxxon mis year is snowa in a re-
tared at the Imperial from Ltoodon, Or.
L. D. Porter of CorvaQls Is at the
port made nublto by the federal b areas
of crop ostlmatea
Havinc been cruelty beaten bv her
husband, Mrs. ltte Browm. U. of Ta-
e lathed her WTiot with a safety
D. E. Slervln of Tangent Is registered
at the Cornell ua
e a e
W. M. Hamilton of the Capital City
is a visitor In th metropous.
a a a
Guy R. McDonald of The Danes la a
Portland visitor.
e e e
By Fred Lockley
Portland's New Life
From, the La Grands Observer"
A deaeeedAst ef iwratlunt ef pioaaara, who
te sow piooeeriar oa ha an aeeoent. i tha
Far North, writea to Mr- Looklty t ttd about
th nusrahoDa of All taeat for baa rm and of hte
own. Mr. Lockley (enaroaab' acta that dehshUol
laaaanneat batora tha raaaert i" .'""a
great killing power than Lewisite, money that the, mothers are seeking
That ano of the competitive races gichance to earn. 1
that if going oa ta' preparation for Are there not employers who can
the next war. . - 1 make room for one more ? Is tt not
She Is no longer the sleenw Tm-ti.nM
of the of a few years ago. She ia a
H wa I awaka humdinger of a citv. Tii. d
the head of tha old United States I SSShaHS! wiln tai lt
1 1- I taJa that between 500 and 1000 homes
. n taitrta u imuiuwjo I r. nmr in m.,r o.
. -...vwimui,uU1i, oiores
Agent Insists That Company Not Con-1 "bo will beyond doubt thaak aha for tt,
spicuous in Slurring Rulea tn v. tK. omm
Durkee. Jan. 4. To the Editor of The I , " , v. . T,m. t the Arctic
Journal Referring to the Celilo railroad miTyou will cross the UaU of their
YntllX dlfffr w.ita son. aadandsons In all parts of the
seven seas and from Siberia to the Ar-
.am, v.. . rm T4jbrt TTnffman
&N. employes are degenerates so t ar fj j ww, partners on the East Ore-
cf the article appearing In yesterday's
Journal, in which he assumes that O-W.
Was. then. Will eventuate into itllllkelv that a Ufa Una thrown, ant tn I honorably purposed. He determined 1 are busy, banks are busv. hotels are
moet horrible form. It will not be) those who Want work so badlv mav to rescue tt from knavish hands. He ,Kverywhere one turns there is
a conflict between armies but be- be bread cast upon the waters that I n Pure merit t th headship .an
tween; peoplea Airplane carriers will return?. or tha taautuuon. . ... from the country has wbe carTfui or he
laden -with volsontd gas bombs and I What a Aran thino- tt u whan I But long direction of the pulse of 1 will lose & leiT OP 8.n arm in rrnooin or
Afsokraalatalf tT wf1 Tfal ATftm thtfal MaWlTa... WAT K A Wan waTAnwIr Sk V A a i busineas throueh tha bank: lone deal. I the streets. .
-,wr - . 1 -""v ww 1 ' " -'""T 1 Tl, K. 1 - .
STOuni will sail , over wide areas, work can nowhere find work to dot ?g With men of mnuenoa ta Tegisla- UwmT ot & g 5un, 'aVebeftl?:
dropping gas and sxtlngutehlng life How especially tragic it is whenlJn wno 4d his influence as he and -evervthina- i
1 In evfry form without regard to I ths futile search Is by a mother ori j heeded theirs, loaf Independence of pessimist has been black-listed and the
wnetnar tne victims are naDea in 1 wnarrr critinran bm riananri.nt 1 uivise vicissii.uues wiura.KweD most 1 aw-aci.- oiuni u au over tne town.
arrna aid men and woman or the In. - 1 11 men prudent, bloated him into a . " ",cr' loc o exposiuon
- I 1 . - l.ttlV Mil. In r. , LJ. , .
n v"j a etue issue, rvrv
land is good and getting better. Is it
as the book of rules Is concerned. If he nlB p.ndi.ton. I sold my Interest
is as wen posted on railroad accident I o.,i.a .- nr aoid fcia
ainu cane w - -
posted on railroad accident
statistics as he is on the book of rules
he will know that there are few rail'
a,d8ifJi!.Uit?d. SS t have notl Tr Blllrmore, Alta.. under date
S.eaU auvaw VI aw BCllUUn BlV,t,IUCUka UC Taawa 1 1AO Ua. Vat
to the violation of the rulea and special W4 ' r a i
lne tractions, either directly or indirectly.! .rwar Fred Tha Journal containing
doubt very much if there is a railroad I Truik Mr Bean came
in the world that la manned by men of j to tand moralng and awakened a
the character he ascribes to himself. If J flood of old memories of Oregon and
mere is, it is aunosi immune rrom BCCl-1 th. Wait
nates- ef hospitals or orphan I Soma- people like to say they are I national boss.
asyluma , ? I nevr influenced by advertisements.
It will be a rain ot death , from But, Just the same, publicity which
the sky,. Whole countrysides will is advertising paid -for aad unpaid
be exterminated. Even the, plants for--U probably the ipost potent ta
asd growing crops la ths meadows fluenie ta human affairs. Teu make
aad fields will shrivel aad perish your trip by rail largely on the ad-
under the withering touch , of the I vertialng: pf the line that most ap-
poiaoa, . . I peaied to you. TThe' purchase of
. That ta why there Is vital need el I your house f urnlehlngs, your break
sgreements aad understandings and I fast food. the - phemograpn, ' your
settlements under which It .will - be I wire's shoes and most of the things
provided that there shall b no naxtlUaed In your Jlfe ,1s largely, deter
war. It li amaatng that under the 1 mined by advertisements.
revelations and absolute proof by
science of what another conflict Willi - COLOSSAJL IRRIGATION
mean.' neanut stataamaa la aver
aUoa wUl eiuibbla, Juggle 'words aa4 PORTLAND'S.', attention" was fo.
play th demagogue with the most I eused yesterday on the Columbia
tremeadoas Issue ta the history of J hasia project through tha visit ef
t man, - JPpokane business men. whose mis-
I - r im'" . 1 ; I "ion incinaes a request trial Portland
" A typewriter has that which" llf el J04? with .?'? ot Washington
He assumed to dispute With the possible she does aot need the ontaide
White House the . issue Of what country to make her a great city?
should ha the, financial policy of theBurly support from the state will
aUows .0 man for the blurring ot Ue? cl 8tk. Tacoma
his mistakeaa-1 hack spacer I"4 Betu to financing s, surrey
S IS mutaaes e aaea spacer. 1 , t. vv n.!...! n
" . m riv,.y, smmw aailV TT .
n..t.i. KiilliA .a .v.
HHATK-q ALL OUTDOORS 1 Tanal The sum fFittm.'lFSLl
' '- 'I b.l.l4. '' UAH taa , -M-m. .
0 L.woova a irqsMlw . f--vWW - WailwUlX KTeabU
M1 nf twelfth abi, through the cooperation of the
Hit Wednesday workmen en- state of Washington; and the cities
gaged in demoUshlng an old build- of Spokane and Tacoma, The bal-
ing bunt a roarlag nro of debrl thatfaaef f 15501 is aought from port-
containea consnjarauio ajuanvity oil land and Seattle, i v
good wood. . , .1 Such a Burvey, Is of double signif i-
From the street a shabby, worried I cance. It will lay the ground work
looking rain watskll grail armloads j foe tha Intelligent proaecuUoa of tha
go into the flames. "To think." he J project la the years to come. Its
. . muttered that my wife and kids are J performance by such' a man as
republic . As head Of the bank of
the United States, ho assumed to di.
reef congress as to financial legisla
tion, a function that constitutionally
belonged to tha president ' and his
cabinet, T anhiO'o his ends be
carried commerce into politics and
polities into' commerce. .
He grew purse' proud, unscrupu
lous ajid venturesome. He hired
senators to act as counsel for the
bank Ho loaned money freely to
congressman. He ; advanced large
sumg- of bank funds to newspaper
editors, accepting printing presses as
security. He adopted many agencies
for oatro of -congress and public
sentiment ta his great conflict with
President Jackson for re-charter of
the bank, f It was the power of fi
nance, directed by a single brOUant
mind. diEpdting with the government
itself ta the direction of tha financial
policy of tha oountry. and using ia
the contest agencies pot criminal but
easily understood as menacing the
public welfare. jV;A?
It was m CriUeai period 1 Amari
cn national life.- The history of it
and : of how Jackson overthrew; the
rising power of money In national
aifaiew Is a chapter that should be
kept fresh In the public mind aa a
warning ot where danger lurks.
be and, in fact, is limited, with wheat
and livestock at the low prices. Her in
visible crop, whatever lt is, seems to be
taking care of her. Portland wiQ likely
have her fair by herself. It is a cinch
the state as a whole will not veto to in
crease . taxes a single penny, and lt
should not.
Judging from tha Portland activity,
Portland does not need the state help
for her fair, so here Is wishing her fur
ther success in all her undertakings so
long as ahe does not ask for taxation of
the cow country..
Curious Bits of Information
Gleaned From Curious Places
Bacusse-Rousse, at Mentone, France,
Is ah ancient dwelling place where bones
of people of the Paleolithic or Old stone.
age were found. In the museum of
Monaco there are skeletons ot this an
cient people which give an Impression
that they were brutish creatures, apelike
and uncouth. : The Red Cliff skeletons,
as they are called by the English, after
the English name for the dwelling place.
show, however, the Characteristic tea'
tores of the bones of modern mea and
women, differences being - very alight.
Tha skeletons show some peculiarities
ta the shinhone, and the,. bones of the
face are flat, the nose broad, the forehead
tow aad the jaws prominent. Among the
skeletons at the colony of Mentone is one
of aa old woman whose body was found ta
the deepest part of the cavern dwelling,
and who, therefore, may be assumed to
hve belonged to the earliest or most an
cient of the Inhabitants. She had around
her forearm two bracelets made of sea
Intereat and went to Canada. By to
day's mail I received a letter from Bert
dents unless caused by other defects than
lit nncla. John Stanley, formerly of
Wallowa but deceasea tnese uvo or iu
If he is eo fearless, why did he not a a-1 ,. n th. rr first oroa-
i .v. 'nZ- a a fc i. w w . pectors at Canyon city, tie
of the railroad for which he works? ;ifHw or rruk afcBean. Joan
C R. Gerry, Agent O-W. R. A N. Co..
friend of Frank McBean. Joaaoin Mil
ler, Brents and Overholaer, all old-
timers in Canyon .City, wnen joaquin
Miller was at my house ln Pendleton in
June, 1907, on his way then to pay his
From the Eaaana Guard
The editor ef the Medford Mail-Tribune i la visit to "Canyon City, he learned
is writing editorial correspondence fori thst John Stanley waa my uncie. ana
his fmm wanine-tnn vh.v.' h.1 kindlv inauired about him. Stanley had
Went to feast hla hunerv evea on a Re-1 already proapectea in .jauuoriua auu
publican president and get-a foreign I Miller afterwards went there.
bt. ianvAria. .t tb. national My maternal grandfather, Jerry Stan-
Is the following : ; - ley, waa wiia one si i
"StanfieM Isn't here, and hasn't been ' l aiissouriaus .VT". .
here much since his election. The re- " IMS. Tney went .oown iino jkussiawppi
port is private affairs, particularly the and across tne yua or aiexico ra ru
sheep market, are demanding hie at- ma. They walked across the Injnua,
t.ntion - , la distance of 28 mUea. carrying all their
Should think the emergency tariff on 1 telongings on their backa Another boat
wnnl aiwt loan, tn ahna-rAw.i-a ataiM WU WA1UDI on mo rauiic aa iu uw
mik. tbinwa mk auw fnr tv.. n9tn- v.i Isthmus to carry them to San Francisco.
could droD ln and answer roll calL A I r rem tnere tney went iw ui iww w
lot of us took a chance tn voUng for Bob Mount Shasta and prospected and , mined
anrl wonld like tn u. hfm rt hnaw a. I tor IO mvnua f uiuuik tci uua btwh.
the job. , i I ta that district, and becoming homesielc.
ne ana a larre party aiariea on ue
TT,-1 T. ca C. k return trip, as they naa come out. t-noi-
... j". wuvtt wojst Mere attacked the party on the way flows
the coast and many of his meisbbort
It dont alius do to under-fljrrer oa I .-a a aa ... v.-ia .
wb e"emJ e,aor 3JrJ Stewart Ka. off Acapulco. At Panama doaens of
down oa the SouUh Fork of Sandy, east otbWs died of yauow fever. The rem
of San Antone. Texas, about the time cant of the party was glad to reach
Kutnenora is. liayea made th Whita Missouri alive. Stanley brought home
House dry fer the first time in hisfry. but little of the glittering gold which
w " utmMim. hcv au oovtra i had lurwd aim away, out-oa ma return
aad nuthin to be afeard Of. Then be I ho 'fanM a bmwn-evad. anburn-haired
met up with on ia his corncrib one I baby girl, born four months sfter -his
momin and kicked said bear so his I denartnra tha vear before. She rrew on
ribs cracked.: and Jerrjra No. U boots I to become my -mother, at the age of
was neavy. xnat near aian t run outer I tl, at SummervUle. Or.
the open door at that, bat started in I v - .
on Jerry and 'most tuckered him out in I "As I think of those woaderful days
three rounda When Jerry got rid of that I marvel at th migration and move
bear he didn't have so much close as 1 moots which take place la Just two rest
the law allowed and ha was -mighty I less family of pioneers ia the - United
glad to eat salt pork 'slid of bear I States. - My grandfather Stanley, tor in-
raaor blade and a In a serious ooaoiUea
la a Tacoma hospital.
Dr. E. M. Bona; health offlcor ataa
Walla Walla, has reaaowed th emaUpex
baa oa the publio ooaooia aad aUewad
those who refuaed to be vaccinated to
return to their studies.
Damages estimated at tO.OOe were
caused by a Ore starting from aa as-
IraAwa la ti. ttK.1tna. Kf mi ..
E. A. Murphy of Grants Pass Is so- Srjokan Wednaadav nlrbt. Forty ruesta
Journlng at the Portland. I escaped la their aright elothing.
I TV hswlw rt . ana. WIIm.. m V..
E. Lindsay of Grand Roods la a guest I been frozen te death near tha haaA.
of the Cornelius. I waters of the Tolt river, northeast of
Seattle, has been identified as that Of
George Kenyoa, a veteraa proarpaotor.
Harold Price of Tacoma ared li.
r ay die of scalds received from hand
ing a bonfire. He uaed kerosene, which
spilled on his clothes aad caught fire.
His playmates poured water over aim.
scalding him severely.
East Tennessee, la 1800. When he was More than a score of King county em
it years of age his people moved to pl?y" dropped January 1 aad the
Boone' I.lrt VMtn.k. aCr. k. ... . salaries of many of those retained ware
rVL" "ck. Kentucky, where he was cut troa S to 10 per oeou In eonordanee
.ju.miv ...u companiga m aii -ar-with deer east a bad rets allowed by the
u. . vava & mmj acuwounau , knera wera I ooanty AfwTn TlfTntrS
no scnooia in ics he came farther I
west with tha lrreslsUbla tide of aetUe
wm.iv aau iimvmn ai in.nmw, aaoui , . . . . .
w . .... . .. in, ivrwi rttio. atiioa in , li itt i , .
wocra, in aa. ne Bimet my frana- porta 23 Inches of saow La " dtr aad
- "rf i . .m. m mvmm .wu.i U.M I 9 at AYStCAUXU.
performed the same peregrlnaUona from! Tha hodv .f Ttaiah nd.t
n-ginu that hU family had performed I was recaoUy klUed in aa autoraobU
i comma; from Tennessee. Then, in I accident at Kant. n. rrvavrav Via at a. q-j-4 waB.
1S63, they and all then- family except one I at HaUey fer burial.
married daughter came across th plains Reports fUed with th b areas of pubs
and settled under the shadow of Mount! accounts show that th bonded debt t4
Emily, la Grand Rond valley. My Boundary county, Idaho's northernmost
mother walked much of the way across subdivision, ie 171.000.
the plains, owing to the heavily7 loaded But II boys aad girts last year were
wagona. seat to the State Industrial acbool at
au janiaoay, a muea amauer Bomber of
"In the same year my father, William! V-TITI .77. . 7' T . . VT ...
Huffman, then a young man of zS. drove acres Verad ml .llnTA 77
an ox team. wallUngj pMoJJ, W T-JlS. xlng.
inilw of tb way. from CoancU Bluftw.! bids beli BUcbtlr 1oy tbi pnXmU
avw, IA AUgUll, A-vf-w. ABtSa MfT lU. vaiyoj,
y ara. he prospected every mining die- Fisher A Sawyer. U. a farmer, who
trtct la Nevada. Idaho and Oregon, fin- waa kicked by a horse at St. Maria two
aUy settling- In Grand Ronde In ISO. - weeks ago and two daya later became
a a 1 imoontooBA, oiea nrrnanent j- as a re-
-As I followed the dog .led lata the ttiiot.bU Wu 1 ;
Arctic oU fields, my mind Involuntarily I n rArsoa of Everett O. PoU
reverted to the mlgraUons which had uy kUW abea sTtoioliad a
UkeJLp,f?.iB y own lmmedUu fn- him. The little fallow aaratchlac
Uy from.ltao to lit 8- How many foot- bis father cut wood oa a "'"f'H aeax
rrlnts had been left en th Western his home.
bamUpbera, from Panama to tha Arctic! Who IS profaaeota tnai.. .... . ,w -
circle by Jerry Stanley and his descend-1 University of Idaho, were aleeplnr
ants? And it is no more not one-1 Wednesday nhrht. aa unidentified rob.
f .nth .. muh n.rhana nf mlmllm ..ill bar entered the t.niverltw . rluk A
pioneering than thousand of other STti. .ivS 91 ,a0ues of
.. .m v... .mA ...v. it I aU uetr vaiUAbias. . .
aevxaa aa-ao 1 1 v w y aauas u aa wAtviiBut ave inuivij
rtaet xaa moes CbnatiH (Cae. i
"A. fne mwaelf. T am far fiaanlarl PraeUOB OI CUtUna th llLUa ulna.
trudging behind a dog sled. Bleeping at ? "r"bftwen here aad Meaier along
night la the eiderdown sleeping bag. the Cofumbla BJvar hignway for Christ
brewing a pot of tea and warming a caa tf 0l.b PPed. Many of
of pork and beane on a Are of twlga. tbf T?LTnM x effloe
than in a comfortable home and among t state sigh way commisalon, are
m9 AaaaaW faalei AW al laoaa. a . . M mmm tV. a t i'
the narrow lanes, at the farm. . " w aoca maraet
t a ( iumit w b w arum uus my ana out
V think the only man in the world I them.
I envy is Osuma, a diminutive Japanese I Beauty Is one of th aaaeta of the -
who baa been In the Ikorth for 20 yeara I highway. Just as taaanttil aw srttstic
Latst winter, after making a record trip! masonry la th bridge and alona the
from Edmonton to Fort Norman with I avadea. The trees alone tha bhrbwaw ta
his dog team, alone, he was not content I Wasco county are all too few. This
to come back. M00 miles, the wsy be I stretch of the highway la where the .
went In. He west oa to the mouth or I treat transiuon rrom tae forests of the
the Mackenzie, then skirted the Arctic Wee to the open country of the East
enast of Alaska right around to point i taaes piace. - me trees gradually become
Barrow, thence acroes couatry Irotn I more buibctous aa one proai aaato
Eskimo settlaaTvest to suttlewiant. and
came out at Nome In March. Ia his room
oa Powell street, Vancouver, last Bum
mer, he told me of that wonderful Jour
neyenough experience and adventure
for a classic volume and yet it Is ae
more than others have done. As' he
swept bis finger around the abore line of
th map ot the Arctic, aad looked at me
with soft, beaming eyes, my very heart
envied the marvelous and wonderful
panorama of the North which those mild
' stance, was born , tn Cumberland Gap, evea had looked upon !
ward, antil. below Hood ninr v.
forested hills idee are reached.
Most of the trees, tt is aaid. are
being cut from the little natural parks
la the vicinity of Rowena loop, it t.
a sin to despoa thee little greea epoU.
Cutting of the trees is robbery robbery
of th beauty of the highways. There
Is a state law against vandalism along
this public road, and It should be Invoked,-if
Bweeseary. to stop tha practiea.
i nert axw ptency or other places
ChnAtmAi tree may be evr.