The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 07, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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lf$ All Ht and If All Trnm
BRIDGE OK THJC OODB To . restore .
th (imooi Bride of th Oods. over the
Columbia at Cuud Locks la a bow pro
posal The rro"ct ta Illustrated and de
scribed I la Th Sunday Journal automo
tive section.
xx- No;.2e2. pTsar'ss-
BBnaaaBBoaBBannBasm- naainn i i
President of "Irish Republic,"
. ' Losing Bitter Fight in Parlia
ment, Resigns Treaty Is
Adopted by Vote of 64 to 57.
.Dublin, Jan. T. (U. 1.) The Dai
-reaaa tonight voted IU . approval of
tee pnn treaty with a rest Britain, as,
UMtahing aa Irtoh free stats
The lon fight over the cmpact cam
" " the Ulan rata parliament,
by a vote of 14 to IT. adopt a reeolu
tfcm a favor of raUflcauooa of tha con
part Mpl at Downing street December
mona de Valors, whom opposition
Um treaty waa defeated by seven
wmwi ma rwpitlioa ITO
fardiataty after thai raault waa mada
The no tin for approval, which waa
. tatredoced by Arthur Grtinth. founder
of Has rata, road;
"ItMnrvad. that tha Datl Cmnn ap
proves) of tha treaty which waa signed
by rapr n tali res of tha BrlUah gov
ernment and Sinn Fsio tn London. Da.
Cswsber f, MIT
There waa tojofcxag throughout Ire
taait mm tha aews waa Cashed from town
DeAusj waa throw into a turmoil of
xrUmmmat. OeJebrattona of tha Dall'a
' actloni war tempered by fears of cItII
Tonight" rota aiaauta tha aaUbUah
aaant of tha Irish free stale, for um
BrtUa parBaraaat baa- eJbwsdy green
fonaal approval and a a no an pad Ita read.
ba to ratify tha acTaamaL
' Tha vote followed la lone and fnrtoaa
aslamentary batUa which waa marked
y inajDiiiarwaaa and vtoienea of debate,
That as u i Ml r fiMa La w
MIctmcI CoEtna, aofnmander ta chief of
" m-hhi rrouojumn army, aad lUchard
Jfstoahy, chief of aUff of tba 1. R. A-,
and Arthur artrnut, founder of tha Hon
tbtn, - i .. ; I .
-Tha appoalUoa wait Jed by Eamonn
X V alarm, -praaidant at tha Irish ra-
ahlte. '
Tbo treaty waa ala-Md bi London. Da-
partlanwot ! daya later.
van awt Daeamborf
1 but waa unable i
b raaeh an Ml auiitant. djoarnmeat
waa laaan mw Um cntlatmaa and New
Toafs holiday and it rero evened Jaa.
Rrttadk partlamont U1 meat January
St. to anaet ladalaUoa oraatlnc tha Irlah
State wtthia tha BrlUah cmptra.
Tha traaty . raaraotaaa Ireland dominion
atatoa. bat Da Valern protested ajrainat
tn daaaa contaJnbvr tha oath of aUa
danoa to tba Knkllaiii klac. Thla claaae,
la Valor contended mada BrlUah aub
Jnrta ant af Irlah.
Ilarry Botand, who acted aa aocratary
tm Dm Valare, dartnc the lattar'a mert
aan trip, took a landlna- mart tn tn.
nM amlnM tha traaty.
Tarn eppuead to raUflcatlon becauaa
Uta treaty la contrary to ovarythlna- 1
1 for." anid Bolaad. -American
aa rasa T, CUua Oaa)
Uraaroa City, Jaa. 7. A decision of
Chrewlt Juris Camefcall this arwnonn
pswa Um WUIaawtta rtver north of the
snap isa i a truin to eonusMrctal Sainton
fhrttinai as he sustalnad a demurrer ' of
0artw. OataS la which tha mttn nf
tha stnta flan wardes. ctoatng tha river.
waa ai mesas.
doalng af Um rtvsr last May led to
w arts re batwami tha fish wardan'a m..
asd Ore coo City eommorelal flsheraaen.
In whim tragsdisa ware narrowly avert
ed. Oaten waa arrest ad and tha case was
appealed from Um JatfUce's court, dates'
attorneys aVranarrcd to the snares, aa-
um ilea wardaa had no au
thority ta etoss tha rtver to Oswego, as
his ardor directed. 1
-Ws shall sppasj to Um supreme
sourt las mediately.- said rvri r kw
maksr, stale fish warden, this afternoon.
. -- w me
Ctarkamaa count v eirrnit nt
- Tha ruling closing tha Willamette to
aacnmsrrial flabsriiMm. was mads by the
bum iisa nunqiBMa last May.
Icq Glazes Streets;
Rain Clouds Hover
Coldsr waatMov .
----- - acain
ssnt thar marenry below tba ) freeslnjr
poist and transrormsd ths streets In all
reaMeaual sactloas iwlth an Ice glass,
visited rortland this morning. The
wsatlMr bureau recorded a minimum
v. ura;rea. ttklU Is pre-
dicUd for tonight and Sunday and with
tha temnsratnrea rMuinin iA ,k
- mw t'lvrv IS
a bars possibility that snow may fall In
ewis (ubu-kis ok tor nana.
: " 'i.l
Saturday Industrial
Page New Feature u
A page devoted exclusively' to
lb manufacturing and Industrial
Interests f Portland and Vicinity
urtll be a feature) of They Journal
rery Saturday. tglnnlnK odgy.
Ton will find, this constructive
f eat uro on paga . , ' ,
aartlawMQt ! dara iau. .TIJW?VJoe tht Ruaala WUT meat tlw
Jail Harbors Blind Trespassers
CHARLES A. BISHOP and Oscar X. Jobnsoiv, who were arrested on charges of trespassing
when they refused to leave the premises ofthe Oregon Employment Institution for, the
Blind upon demand of the uperuitendent, after the state board of control had ordered them
ZZ utT J!f f yZ id to the schooL' Bishop and Johnson were re
moved to the city jail after being housed at ths institution f or several days. 4 - v -
V " til-. J
; I:
- .r"Wii'',iWfcll',,,a .j. nil ninrinriiitf-sjui. i i if um. M
By Wafeh V mar
UORea riwa Staff
Ta, TaNlooUi Lenin, pne I
the dictator of Russian revoluUon aad
hsad of tha soviet government, will I
0noa. at an' aoondmlo conference In
S. at is Msaiimlii , miihMiM in 1
srcn. uoya ueorge beUeves.
. pown or u aupreme
ST. U Prtlctpatto. to ! the pro-
I m a ' .
v cuniweiwi ana mat Laania and
iDQiicnerm. pja roreiga minister, will
limmr In mm
The omclal InvlUUoa to the United
Rtatea to nartlclnaiA. In th rv
fareiwe, which wUj seek the beat meth
oda of economic rehabilitation of Eu
rope. waa tranamltteil ia Wuhiiwtm
day by Amhanador Harvey. ;.
wnue um uenoa onference la Intended
to be atricUy an. economic one, at which
ma uwun states la promised . politics
win not be discussed. It marks the be
innlnff of a new political era. tn Eu
rope. The line, which, since the war.
has divided Victor and nnmilahui i-
to be eliminated for tha first time.
The Preach still Insist the reparations
questions will not be discussed 'there,
but Lloyd George, ha vine triumphed over
tha French view in securing approval of
tha conference, win undoubtedly suc
ceed la having Um question of what
Germany can pay. Interwoven with' other
affairs, laid before the delegates at
By A. L.. Bradford
Waahlnarton. Jan. 7. m t t u-
blocking la Um arms, conference of an
agreement to limit land armament and
" mmaa sgminsv rsaucing oennaa repa
rations stand aa Um principal barriers
to American Dartlctns.ti in tK n.
natlonai economic conference called to
meet in Uenoa tn starch, it was learned
here today on high authority.
Instructions to convev ths
um American government to the Eu
ropean pronators probably will be sent
to Qeorge Harvey. American
to Great' Britain, now aHiwitn. k
. r -"
voaierence aa an unorndal ob-
errvr. arxer tna receipt of Um official
invitation to thla conntrv tn nl
Ive part In the Oenoa meeUng.
The United States. It was learned,
does not desire to participate In aa Ku
ropean conference unless Um nations of
wps UMnaaecvee first evtnce a sin-
.government believes are Um real, deep
" oi um cnucai international
conomic situation.
Slayer Eats 'First
Meal in Nine Days
or tha first time tn !ne days.
Charlea Weslvy- Purd In,, charged -with
the double murder of his former wife
and her lover, baa eaten. He was able
to tske very light breakfast Saturday
morning on his cot tn the emergency
hospital. Purdin la recuperating as
rapidly aa could be expected from his
attempt to commit suicide, by taking
ran. and aa soon as he la able be will
have a hearing before Municipal Judge
Oeorge Rossman. - f .
Seattle Man Guiltv
In Mann Act Charge
f' - :
; Seattle, Wash Jan. T. (1. X. &
Milton a Mcintosh, former director of
,the foreign trade, bureau of the' Chamber
of Comnte'ree here, was found guilty to
day in federal court on a Mann act
chame Involving Atm CvnpbeU of
New Tork dty Clarence Lr Reamea.
attorney for Mcintosh. eared -en ar
rest of iudgment until Ftruiry
w um oc exceptions is ... pea -f0? j,
new trial,
2BHndMen f.nilMTV IIDfitn m
Find Friend
In Rossman
Too proud to beg. o poor that they
Cmcd stjarvattoa. and
helpleas because
they are totally Wind. Oscar L. Johnson
and Char!, t. j Vk..-w
tUtion for th Piling ti
tution . for, the Blind. MtuMUi,
seet, a place of refuge from winter's
Wot, cold and
Wet, cold and himerv i.o .-
In arm. stumbled- Into the doorway : of
the instltutloh. to which they had been
directed; In November: thanking God for
a --us ven. jjsagerijr they absorbed the
bodily comforts denied. to them ta the
outside world.
. The darkness af thir isD. v
almost light.
They" were In no ordinary . charity
home, but an emnlwman lniti..i.
. .u u 1. u
as its name ImnlUa a ni.M .v
- If ii i nude UICJ
could tave while waiUng for such tasks
mey oouia niixui. That was a bl
neip to their morale and a sustalner of
SUI' UMV cnilM nnf Mmal I. !
no me. "
- . i"-"i ii uie
,'F. I. Myers, superintendent, was de
termined that he WOUl1 J. lift W rn -u..,.
reea to star at the Inst I tut inn nni..
uiey were properly qualified under the I
law. ' Althoutrh hllnrt hlmif I
was thoroughly
familiar with the
Myers ascertained that one of the
pair had been ' a resident of the state
for' :an insufficient - tenet h nf tim, tn
claim state aid and that the other- was
not even a citizen or the United States.
So- he ordered . them . out. . .The- state
board of -control . threatened tn .withdraw
state funds, for the support -of the in
stitution unless be did. Myers said.
. The two blind men refused to leave.
It would mean groping about the streets
during .the day and crawling under any
shelter they could find at night.
Myers, In order to get rid of "them,
swore out a warrant . charging " them
with trespassing. They were arrested
and, today were arraigned before' Uf -nlcipal
Judge Rossman. . ;
The police court became the scene of
a pitiful wrangle. On one side were the
two blind prisoners, knowing that iliey
wanted only enough to eat and a place
of shelter ; on the other, the blind super
intendent with his attorney.' Frank Hotter.-
r. '-;; , , t -
The attorney explained that under the
law the blind pair were not entitled to
Oregon 'n' helping ; band. " Clearly., he
pointed out, the two were trespassing,
for they did not -leave when so ordered.
The lawyer would have said, more," but
Judge Rossman. brougttt,. the ajgupaent
to an end. - . . -s , ', ,
"ru discharge these men. ; Tou ought
to be ashamed for turning, then out-"
Myers and his attorney -walked away,
the other two stumblinir after. They
had not been' trespassing 'in staying at
the institution, the Judge ruled, so they
could .return. Unwelcome perhaps,' but
curses with food and shelter. are better
than nights. In Uie streets.;
PeUtiohNiillify H
Verdict in Caise of
Mrs. Pette Denied
v ;S... ssssasMsMsaaa
San Francisco, Jan. T.--L S.
A petition sought tn federal court here
to have the conviction of Mrs. . Louise
Peete, convicted of the slaying of Ja
cob C . Denton, Los . Angeles mining
man. -set aside because of the alleged
uncbnatitstionsllty of the California u
providing for a thirteenth juror was
denied by Judge aL T. .Dooling today
v hen he r sustained a demurrer to the
petition interposed by "the state. : i J,"
- D.' B. Chapin, attorney for Mrs. Paete,
immediately snnounced he would carry
me case to xne united States supreme
Whether .Um upper Cohimbla rtver
highway will be cleared of its snow and
ice -and opened to travel soon by force
ori beUif It will continue nlocksd until
renwval. probably wm-TM-dirtretnmed-oy
tne poara of county .commissioners Mon-
ay. v r., ry-z
A tentative ; estimate' of fhe .cost of
clearing the . highway now is in the
seiBnoornoou oi ti,wu. setween Mist
falls and the Hood River line are
series of drifts from 20 to 88 feet in
depth. The cost of cutting 'the road
inrougn tnem is added to by the fact
that the snow and ice 'muse rv i-a rfA
back" soma dlstaruvi snil " Hiimnai - . i
can "hot be thrown over the side' owing
to tne proximity, of .railroad track.
By worklnr a force of an man it'ia
esomatea mat it will take st least in
days to. clear the road from Mist falls
to Oneonta. This calculation is based
on the work of efficient men. . After
reaching Oneonta there are further big
drifts in the vicinity of Bonneville and
Eagle creek. The drift have hMvtm
almost solid. lce.
A cohsideratlnn vhih ku Am
the board of eountv mmm iKKlnnar-a trnm
opening the highway is the possibility of
miotner Bionm arier it nas been cleared.
blockinK it Sfsin. In m4LM tv..
expenditure would have gone for naught.
Between' the Multnomah boundary and
Hood River the road la also nWa-ait
but ' UM State hlc-hwriv1. MlrrhrnlaSltn a
ready to" -proceed with the clearing as
soon as Murtnomah county takes .up Its
section. : The commission has taken the
position - that it .would h nidm n
open Um Hood River section untiV there
was a prospect or a through road, .
. Business men -of Portland have, oi
the representation that the closed condi
tkm of the hhchwav - is dlaoourairinar
luurw u-aiuc; circuiaxea a pettuon ask
ing the board of county coBunissioners
to take steps" toward opening , the road
ins cost is not pronioiuve.. , . . ; .
This petition, which is hsina-. seneraltv
sbrned wUl-be presented to the board
saunasy ana acuon urged. - .
&pqrt Firm Fails;
-ooard of Creditors
Titkas .Oyer ;Aff airs
NsWtTisrtr. Ii n ' t Ml XT e a
itors" committee was today appointed
to take'.over the exrtbnjrinss. 5
ChUds sc Joseph, which finds Itself 'tn
1 ; . " IWIL
Qhancisl ' dlffkultW - :tk u.ii,-
it ilifriiiitLa - t,.
mc rancem arer listed at approximately
$T,000,000 and the assets at about tS.BOO -
000. Most Of tha' assarts ir lit k.
of merchandise at. foreign ports. The
eoncern-did i s," lam exanrt huriiuM . t
the EasU ' Asia Minor -and Africa and
was-, agent, tor um ; iBternatlonal -Har-vester
company, Deere, A . Col Remington
Tvnewrlteri emnaitT'. firwviTM TiM m.
Rubber company, and, the Willys-Overland
company.. , j;j . f
ueorge -Aicnoi i neads the . . creditors'
Committee. -Which .. slsn InMnAaa nnn.
sentarivesf the -National City bank
sou; uo. unner. oanK pi India. 7. .
Britain Is Willin'c
;-To Make Sacrifice's
.-- By Frank E. Mason - .
tonnes iranns. , Ja Yt -t- '
in ceanectton with- the annrma vmwn
Hmfarar.a: K. rr,.w :..::r, .
- u munii otxereo, to amCri-
ce snuun 13Z3 share of German
Semnity on . condition the allies -agree
t fi -rft ii. an . .
"-- euq oejnsnas upon
ucrmsny. . ssntaiH w to receive
per, cent of the ISia indamnlty. .
Senator Townsend of Michigan
Opens Defense of Colleague in
Senate,. Calling Auto Magnate
"Widely Advertised Pacifist?'
By J, Bart Campbell
Washington. Jan. 7. L jf. S.1 An
httack on Henry Ford sirnaJlzed the
opening of the defense of Senator Tru
man p. Newberry of Michigan by his
supporters m the senate today.
Senator Townsend ot Michlsan. K.
bcrry's Republican colleague, criticised
roro as a "widely advertised ntuifiat
wno was urartea as a senatorial candi
date by former President Wilson.-
Townsend pictured Newberry as one
who from "purely patriotic motives"
had reluctantly consented to oppose
Ford la the Michigan primaries of lilt,
"because of the hostile feeling existing
a uie -uine to ora psclrlsm.
"X had no idea thai in, ,nMi n .n
maeity and hatred could go so far as
that which has been displayed by some
senators ta .their abuse of Senator New
berry, Townsend continued.
Townsend registered a vigorous denial
of Ford's charges that Newberry was
personally responsible for ths Tiiii.
ture of nearly $200,000 to secure his nom-
mauon. , ct
"Amona the thine-a' which Mtui w,n-
slderabla feelina- atraJmrr f i- i-
MicKtgan was his advocacy of the Ver
sailles treaty," Townsend said. "But
the- Versailles treaty had not even been
heard Of In 191L when Senatnr K.k.mi
became a candidate for the senate." ln-
wposea senator Walsh. D.. Mass.)
We were still at war then."
"Well. I'm mciwlv r-itin u. tt
- 1 . I Ul u
subsequent advocacy of the' treaty In
nuuiissn, iownsena answered.
Cannot SSS What anrllyvln k-
- 1 waassaaauvu Vllfn
Versailles treaty has to the Michigan
k "i j unpsign oi uit, waish re
marked, -i-
8eBator Caraway Ark.) sought to
ask' Townsend a question.
. - will yield for a question, but not
for aa argument by the senator from
Arkansas.!. Tosmsend aalil "T ii.
tene4 In patient -silence thai ' far to the
naanwwHLwiu wmcji certain ssetaaasa
oo, ura-otnex side have sought to tra-
uw waror ixewberry. and X don't
(Cooolmitd oa Pig. Taw, Cohnsa F1e)
WashSnfirton. ' Jan 7 a v
, . . " "vu vj UlC
srs SB was. s Vis UlC
proposed abrogation of the preferential
contracts between transcontinental rail
reads and .foreirn atMrnahin
i vwuiJflUUQ
has been deferred until January 24. The
ini4Diieineiii is to give ofttciais' of the
i-un of Ereattie aa well as. representa
tives of mmrMrfial hni1i.a .ni v--
buslness organisations in Seatfle an op
portuniry to oe neard in opposition to
lbs canceiisuon. -. ,
Chairman Albert p. Lasker of the
shipping board, commenting today on
uib iwa ui ins press ana puDilc , or
aesxue nave aeciared tnat abrogation of
the contracts would destrov ths Puret
Sound port, said : .
"We , don't wish to destroy any port,
and so I have notified all parties ta in
terest that we will explore the represen
tations made to us at an open hearing
on January 24.
1 have asked the members of the In
terstate commerce commininn f a - mMt
with us at that time as well as repre
sents t ive a of the railways. I believe that
"e . inierstate commerce commission
may be able to coomrat with na in
solution of this important problem that
will be satisfactory to all America."
Two Packing Plant
J$omb Suspects Are
Nabbed in Raid
Kansas Citv. Kan J n 7 it m c
An alleged plot to dynamite the if orris
Co. packing plant here was being In
vestigated tvr boIIm tnHav T .
captured In a raid by riot squad, were
Andrew Oreska and Tony Waselvickh.
both of Chicago, were Um ring leaders of
I Zrf 9Uc5 w,r " lng leaders of
band- Chief of Police Zimmer de-
M1 were brought here to take
I cnarge oi operations. Plans h.f h.
I fnaila In h. It. . i . . . .
1 , Zl XT' . , u
DlSht chief stated.
" J mm ii n t, Llltl ....... aniwi,.
Search Of the ansrtera inmnM h w.
men revealed an alarm clock and timing
mechanism in a trunk.
Poison Peri Letter
' Writer Threatens:
Chicago, Jan. T. TT P.-A writer of
poison pea letters who has terrorised
wealthy society matrons -of Chicajro's
"gold coast" today Uireateaed thelife
of Mary Garden, director of the Chicago
Grand Opera, company. -.
Miss Garden received a box containing
a , revolver and - ad-r oa.a.i-. .
1 . " r -"rw nrxriages
writer-said she retained three cartridsss
Z alodtrUnn
I i m I . wwwa um
TnTe.aU ' .
Police ChsiestorrhrMssGar!
I dsn.
-Why- the ir.- ws ti'jL
Q-M '
o a r , .. - . , .,
Hoot Resolution. Condemning Use
of Poison Gas as Inhuman and
Pledging Nations Not to Use!". Z t.
U r ii j l n i .
It, Fully Approved by Delegates
By George B. Holmes J
Washington. Jan. 7.-(L N. R ,Pm. I
son gas was banned today by the five
great powers of the world as an inkn.
- - j KmTn no laiormaaosi re
man and Indefensible weapon of war. I rardinar tha kk.i n.i
The resolution, fathered by Elihu
Root, condemning the use of gas ta
warfare and pledging the powers not
to utilise it. was naased with tha
full approbation of all the powers la
today's secret session ta Um Pan-American
The signatory powers not only bound
themselves to abolish the use of gas, but
the y also agreed "to invite all other
civilized nations to adhere thereto" to
the end that the ban may ultimately be
incorporated Into international law.
There was some discussion before the
resolution was passed, but in Um end it
was adopted unanimously aa proposed
by Root yesterday without tha modifi
cation or amendment.
After Um gas resolution was adopted.
Um powers began, consideration of
"humanising" still another Implement
of modern warfare the airplane.
The subcommittee annotated to ex.
amine Into this matter rendered a
lengthy report, but no action was taken
on It, and consideration went over until
next Monday. No formal resolution was
presented today placing restrictions
upon the bombing of fortified cities and
non-combatant populations, but the be
lief prevailed that at Monday's meeting
such a resolution will be proposed, fol
lowing the general line of the action
that has been taken on submarines aad
Washington. Jan. 7. The committee
of naval experts attached to the arms
conference has definitely agreed to scrap
tne loitowmg aatueahips of Um
oreauoBugnr ciassi - Tne Minnesota,
m - . . r . - -
Michigan?. Louislsna, Kentucky; Kanems,
GThn-&cncur. itcfrth Dakota.
rwtl-rJT : i. - aw.rr
New Jersey- Ohio, Rhode Island,' South
Carolina. -Vermont, and Virginia
in moarr ramnna nf tha wanhlna fa
ths Ponnaottmt oUni . XA . .v..
around Um "world when the Roosevelt
administration gave; Japaa an object, fes-1 raised In the senate to Um new met
son. as to Um value of warships la set- framed to scrap the Anglo-Japanese al
tUng diplomatic disputes. - - 1 llance and- preserve -the peace -of ths
x um lamoua ulttuu, wnrcn saiMQ rrom
uie racmc -coast to reinforce Sampson's
fleet at Santiago in Um Spantsh-Amerl
can war. has had better luck. Rhs ia
known as an "unclassified" vessel and
not included with tKa ' ntK.p
Are ad naughts. - . ,
The Kentucky ia ens of ths- naah
which double turrets were first' tried.
The eight Inch gun waa superimposed
over the twelve Inch gun In separate tur
rets a plan which was later abandoned.
The committee of naval experts expects
to complete its work tomorrow. With Its
report will be filed the capital ships
which outer nations will be obliged to
scrap unaer the Hughes agreement.
Los Angelea. CaL'. Jsn. 7 ttt t
John P. Cudahy. alleged "balking' bride
groom," who was nowhere to be found
yesteroay. tne day set for his wedding.
Is ta retirement- due tn tn haaitk v.
brother. Gerald, informed newspaper
men looay. iuuany was to have mar
ried Miss Louise Chenler Francis, St
louis society gin.'
wnen rumors rainari nt.- k..
the bridegroom-to-be had dropped from
airht na hla aufrllm. .... ui arw- i -
- - a c aa iaa c rucif
anu ner mother. Mrs.- Arthur Osreseha
Francis, also quJetiy "disappeared" When Balfour announces that Great
At the Miramar hotel In Santa Monica Britain will accept a reservation to ex
it was said that Um Francis party had elude Japan proper, be probably will
gone "touring." Newspaper men asoer
tained that the touring had been con
unea to the inner' recesses of Um
rrancia apartment at the Mir a mar.
"John has not been well during the
two vears ha arant tit Oaliromi. -
aid Cudahy said today, in explaining
ma orowers narrowly averted wedding.
"He has had two operations recently.
am aoctors advised him that he hadn't
recovered sufficiently to nrxrry. ' so be
didn't. . That's all there Is to It."
Arthur O. Francis, father of Um bride-
lo-oe. sata today that be. Miss Francis
and her mother would finish a brief
vacation here and retsrn to St. Lou to.
2 ftominent Lumber
Men Seriously Hurt
LM'AnnlM Til - a V it ta a !
Winiavm K. Cooner tsf ra ihmu. .i
M Angeles and
T. J. Hughes of Milwaukee,' Wis, both
wioety anowa lumeer men, -were prob
ably fatally Injured here today when
tnetr automobile was struck by aa In-
terurbaa car.."- ! -
McNarv Will Join
. Farmv Conference
a HV a. L. ".-. aa.
of Agriculture Wallace
LTTZ. ""7
' ' v f
Col. Leader
Colonel John Leader arks ta Lar'.. ....
In Australia aad Vw ..i. ...
the auspices of the EUlaon-White Chau
Uuqua, has sued the Smith Weekly, an
AustralUn newspaper, for 10. 000 pounds
as damages ta a libel suit, according to
Information received by Mrs. Leader.
iD wmui Weekly, according to In
formation received by Mrs. Leader.
i -"-"v srucM aiiegmg tnal Colo-
i1 Lder wa a fraud and an lmper-
SOnator. and that he had neme ra. .
oMter or "rwI overseas. ,
aTValVasvl T -S a , . . .
. U1,M nts lecture tour for a fsw days
h um case, h also tow her
I that if ha pahlai V... I. j v .
money for lawyers- fees, but thus f sr
!Jr-w f 'p n" fecelved no t cable,
v.. vT" atter
ran. v . .. tmutlu COB-
. . .
StsteT fru,,' war.utg33
vere engagementa to vhwT U wu
gassed and wounded as an officer of the
BrlUah armv. Colon, t ..a
signed to the University of Oregoa as
J" mainjciior : ana trained many
Portland and Orrrin man tnm Ae
wa,w m taa
the national army.
subsequently he went into business
ta Portland and was aligned tn Um
lmPOrti nS and aflMrnaa anb a.a.
several local financiers. He started for
UM -South Seas last autumn, with the
expectation of spending several months
ta lecturing. He has been writing a
series of Interesting travel letters to
' journal, reiaung asxpetiences and
Mra. Leader has been living at Um
Mailory hotel, but to now stopping with
sirs, ueorge uerttnger at 104 Taunnaa
By Herbert W. Wan
Washina-ton. Jan. T fT7 t
Britain will accept an American senate
reservation on ths fntMiAMr ra,.teia
treaty excluding the home land of Japaa
um um pTotecuve scops of Um pact,
it was learned today oa high British
authority. . .
This decision on ths cart af rii.i.
will make possible a prompt ratlfica
uos ox us treat hi tha mmh
4 vi ... -' '' .' - -
i ooservers sera ttaivava
m svuow, wmen sr no
'rS J" Brl tlsa-wore
I responsible for tn dmiM ai.s..
J tr tba loterpretarion that- U ln-
eluded the main . island of Japan, aa-
that none of the signatory now. re
I WOUld obiect ta s auiata a a... n
I aneet virtusjly the only vital objection
I rafllK.
I ja paw imntri
. Japan elreadv In tnrheanai utu
Uons between Secretary of State Hughes
ua AmDasuuior tuuaensrs." ha a ap
proved exclusive of Japan proper from
the Protective fearnraa a tVa
In fact, this Interpretation aroused s
most as muca opposiuon ta Japaa as ta
uw senste.
The United States, of courss. ta wtu.
ing to accept the new interpretation
and France ia said not to be cottosiiMd
either way.
It IS Probable that Arthnr 1' TtatfaMa
bead of Um BrlUah7 delegation, soon will
make an official announcement of his
country's' changed position. -
The close worklna- uranramaat .
Hughes - and. Balfour to reameanairsia
mors than aar othav fau4Xa In.
cess of the conference.
While fhe ' treaty was beins' naamaH.
ated Balfour' made ' U plain that Aus
tralia aad New Zealand desired Um con
ttauance of the AagloJarauese alliance
Unless some provision were made for
protecting these two island dominUans
of Britain. The treaty with Ita ntaraaa
"insular dominions", clearly applies to
these two islands.
Then, apparently- feeling It mls-ht be
somewhat of a blow to the Australian
ana hw Zealand pride to be mere or
less singled out for the protection ; af
forded bv ths treat V. tha Rrltlrf.--,,.
gested that the mainland of Japan be
1 innn iuia avpf oi
inuuuea witmn tnis scope of the treaty.
I To this all the nostra arrwH
stats that s complete agreement oa Um
point hss been res chad srith representa.
tlvee of Australia and .New .Zealand. -
During the last week. It was learned.
Balfour has been . discussing the uee
rton with 81r Robert Pea, roe. Australian
tlelegate. and Sic John SaUnood. New
Zealand delegate, and their assent to
he new interpretation hss beea obtained.
Henry Ford's Offer
.tor Muscle Shoals
Is Best in Sight
Washington. Jan. 7-L N. liesry
Ford's offer to buy the great- Muscle
Shoals nitrate' plant, complete the
Project and thsa onarala It at ill . I -.
ths most AMinrhfi, H . w
I deDsrtmsnt has ts raali ta
I dlcated by Secretary of War Weeks to-
wiwwinf s wnguty oonrerencs with
Charles C Tinkler, president of the
North American Constraetsaa company
of Sea Francisco, who Submitted a pro
posal. ,
Citv Council filfirlr
Celebrates Birtlidav
I r aaea
Dig unitxs, veteran clerk, of u cty
ZZ.?t2--ninth btrth-
I day today. . Grutae has beant i. ha
Wr. or um city. gear,
a s!."' 5.r mr " rears
and dtirinar that tltaaa k.. . a
' '
Itm All Htm end It m All Tree
THE WKATKER Toairtit and Soadar. .
. rata t taeraaaiairty aowtharrjr wtada. . - --
MlaJiaam tcmparatorca rrklay:
Portland M Nw Orleaoa ,
fU, S ' N JToHi ...... U I-
, lxo Anrela St. Paul a ,
1 osj TSfStHs a irwt
rraHM riva cists
Mrs. AJmi Wurtzbareer. I Who
Killed. Mite &t Chemawv Ai-
. lowed to Plesrl Riiiltu nA !e
. . ww,, , - . a m
( IvSn nJanetenartilaa Caataaaa
T . "'MSjiiiei wcuwuwca
Despite the possibility of leniency at
Um hands of a Jury for Jtming a bruut
husband, Mrs. Alans Louisa Wa
entered a plea of guilty UUs mors tag be
fore Feders Judge R. A. Beaa to vol on- -
tary maaslaua-btor ated at as ta
10 years ta some federal artooa wkica the
attorney general may designate. V ,
'Mrs. Wurtabarger bad previotfy
pleaded pot guilty to a feoeral grand jury
tadictmeat chsrgtag first degree murder.
She was permitted by Judge Beaa to re
tract that plea oa the racemrasa&alloB
of United States Attorney Lester W.
Humphreys, - - -i
Mfa. Wurtxbarger k!Ked her ambaad.
Andrew J. Wurtxbarger, with a bsuamer
arty Sunday morning. September ' 4. as
was tying ta his bed ta a cottage e
av v,ncaBwa laoiaa reatrritlon. Be
cause the murder was committed ea fed.
ral property. Um case was traasf erred '
frcm the Marion county op arts to the
federal coert here.
The sentence to the maximum nndsr
the law for manatanritlM aaut aw.
Imum for second decree murder. ' Mrs,
wuruDarger nag requested that she be
aiuvii m me state r illsaiilei at
Salem. Humphreys said he baa ae rec
eetmendaUoa to make, an th s.ra
ears inquest baa beea wired Um attar. .
seoear ai. Mrs. Waabarger desires
to stay la Orearon. as she came here sev-
sru ywars ago for her health. She to
auffartng from asthma.
. Bert Haaey and' Joba' Coruer. who
feprseeated Um womaa, charged Wurts
berger with cooeteuUy "burins; kto wife
This was especlarty true la a personal
way. they charged. , Warubarger was
also . charged. with publicly sicstng ber
ta Um steeaach and back, and ertu beat,
tag her over Um head.
About aa hour before the murder' be
truck her as bard la Um aide that a rib
wee broken, said bee attorneys.
The attorney! aaid there was no Ural
Jwuflcatloo for the . killing, -betii.
raged tfcs-t Wunsberrrrs . constant
Utreats to wife and ner twou.
drea. and eu cdrMtsot- ahasw and mis
treatment, 'brought about a frne at
jutad which prompted the act
Humphreys recited ths - Incidrnts esi
thettua night leading .p te the klfltag.
which were accepted by Mrs Warut
barger'a auoraeys.
gives xntntrx sewtesce . .
-U. jmttouacinr twaUs- Judge Beaa
saa:k. .-.- , - , . .
ta accept tag a plea of vol on tary mas
slsughtsr. although thero are very
pon ctrcumstances Indies Una- thu
might be degree muroer.
because no aJtercaUoa was taking stars)
at the exact time ths blown were struck.
The evidence might be siuTictent to
raise Um qoestlon of baaaslaughter.. It
is always an tmniaaamst sn l.
- r . wmi ,u awn.
taetra -a A-rjk . . .
ff llZ nJ- The court would gladly
.et that duty pass If possible. The mini.
ssmience atwwed la this court for
conviction of second degree murder to
10 years ta mi arm la (hla w
closely on seooad degree murder ' the
court will Impose that sentence." '
Jest before asp Inn is waa mm aieil
Mrs, Wurtxbarrer told the Judge throcrh
ber attornsrvs rhat k. .v . a " .
bad COtaa. lint aa : kn. a
murd when Wwrtxergor choked her
auui au oouKurt nraaUM, aad tba
aid tf ft a TTT--"
ber nephew, tn ,sa ad Join leg room -be
would kill her. .. -But Ezra won t protect
you tomorrow night, nor your two ehil-
drea either. ka ta -" a.
three teosd. . ; , . .... '
The two cbJldrea referred to. war b
a former husband. Miles, now r-and tes
ta New Mexteo. Mrs, Wajrtsberger has
been married three Usneev Her first
nuaoaod died. . , .. . ,
Following Um tnarder Mrs. Wurts.
berrer awakamad tKa .ia... - . .
oompaatod by him visited her daughter's
"" " Batem. ana ns sxtrrritdereel
"ereeU to the sheriff of Marie Bounty.
By rUreeee Psbsee -
-Tokio, Jaa. 1-o. P.K The Japaa
government has foe-war Jsal a as..,. .
test .to -um Chita govs. naeut against
Its scttaa la publiahlag dootstaevrts d.
st rued to show : am etfargwA - m na o
3 mmeT9t agreesneot. -a ' '
"The) Protest includes a redenlaTof xbo
Chita -xpossi - saads at Waetilagtoe,
and wsrtMd that tsetrotistiotM with Um
Chita gevaruuioat wouid be dMcoaUaaed
if Tsia hoods do net cease." . 4 .
J ' . u '
Fined 5100 and Sent
To JaUfor Five Days
. .'.. .
Kooert iJercoyer mast spend five OS re
ta jail aad pay a fine of IU because of
a mlxsp Friday night wtta a Bnotarryeie
peed cop ow LMvtsioa street. P&tr4maS
Rags 9" undertook to totrrrpt Pereoyer-s
aatofuobUe which be ' said was bet eg
urtveu recklessly. Wbea Um fnotflrycM
swung ia ahead or tne car. IJvrcoyer
mecbtae went Into the dJtca. . Rsgae
said be fnctad several empty bottles w-Ka
l""""'"" nawa.
odora. Tne rme was . for
driving." the evidence belrr
magistrate fos the city.-
hlbirlcei taw breach,
v .
j .