The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 06, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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All Her end lti All True
v: THE -WEATHER Twitthf! Saturday. '
; r ncetriontl rain : winds mostly westerly.
"Mltolraum temperature Trureday: " -'
, 'Portland,,....... 14 ..New Orleans tr
f PocaUilo .......' 4 New York ...... SC
- , Los Angtlesy... Br, Paul !
f All Htm and If a All Tm
Cohan, famous on old Broadway, is a
pathetic exile. The story thereof t one
tf several highly cotorTnl features in
. Th Benday Journal unuumwit sectioa.
1 ""t r
VV "MO 981 wi a Sanwd-Claat Mathjc
Policy in New $tep
To Establish Order
Until Change of Heart
Comes to Old World, Is
-By David Lawrence-
China and
Break Off
1 "Cof.kt,.ltif2. kr TIM Journal)
,j Wsshlngton. Jan. . America' atti
tude toward the economic relief of Eli
tes has bees -(Wen to Ambassador
. a, Harvey for presents'
-., tion to the supreme
i council. It consists
In brief of an expres
sion of willingness to
5 listen sympathletical
. hr la hit Dronoaa!
r .Ui European nation
', 'may offer, but re-
; serves the right to
.approve or disap
prove, participate In
or stand aloof from
Ue plans that may
be suggested.
Talks which this
correspondent has had with members
of the cabinet alnce the session on
Tuesday, when the greater -part of the
discussion was about the European eco
nomic situation, lead to the conclusion
f that Uvs Harding administration la not
going la tell Europe what to do. but is
coins t wait and see If Europe can rec
' egnlse its own shortcoming's and show
the world- that It la ready to overcome
i The- viewpoint or the American gov
ernment la simply thla: The arma coa
- ferenc was called at Waahli.gton In the
hop that a reduction of armament both
en land and sea would bring relief to
America's overburdened treasury and
woeld at the aam time start Europe
, . toward a balancing of budget The
y United States fett that armament waa
the root of the whole bualneaa and that
trhtnti could not be stabilised until
Murope roagnlsed that Germany Is up
sgalnat It and cannot pay all the rep
arations France. la demanding of her and
thai Europe herself cannot tegin to oai
' a nee buna-eta until the Immenae expen
dltur for military and naval armament
la atopped.
. , Th L'Alted Mtatea aovernment
amased to nnd aome of the nations so
fir'from aeetnc a eolation of the eoo-
.-- nomto altaatlon aa to b actually pro-
. poalng an locreaa In naviea. un xop
f thla came fiance to argue that tha
lead armament QuestloA couldn't . even
. be laWen up.
IOICID TO Bran tHirs
Surveying Ue altuatlon at the cabinet
' . meeting, member of the administration
' earn t lb conclusion that America
h4 done her part rn taking the laltlatlve,
" fad ahowi th world wUllngneaa to
cut her navy to tha very lowest poaelbla
baals. and now1 waa being foroad agatiMt
Iter will to build shlpa- for th next two
' years so aa to match th desires of the
t her nations.
Instead of an ImmedlaU reduction,
there In. la faet.' nty future llmlta
.tlon, Rut. aside from that., tha dlnap-
polntment la moat keen over th Euro
rtan Idea on land armaaienc Aa cab- memnera here see It, Europe has
about l.t'XVOoO men under arma for a
total population of If 0.000,000 people.
(' I'etand 1 a Inn baa 400.000 men In her
' army and haan't begun taxing her peaa
i anta Her receipt are only 20 per cent
; of her expenditure. If tha ratio of men
1 br.der arma to total population - were
maintained In the United States as ln
' Europe, the equivalent would be about
. S.OOO.ooe men m the American army,
accord in f to estimates made by Amer-
tcan official.
- , 8o the' wpole question Is a revolving
One. . There can be no stabilised ex
change until there la credit. There can
, bf no credit sKtr m If there la no bal-
anclngof budgetM. There can be no
balancing of budget until rigid taxa
tion la applied and until military and
naval expenditure ceaa. There will b
, belther of these latter thlnxs until Eu
rope recognises th unfortunate truth
that ah cannot be expected to recoup
her war loaaea out of bankrupt Germany
. und that the war lasted too long and too
r , much was destroyed to expect Germany
, lo pay for th war in th aenae that
' Jench atatesmwi are leading their
' twople to believe. '
. i Th United Ktatea government fur
Ithermor. dlerlalraa responsibility for the
- (present conomlo situation In Europe.
iNo preaaiir has been exerted for the
'payment of th war debts and no re
. ueat baa even been made for Interest
; payment a. Tha French, for Instance, do
not Include their war debt to America
. J in their Hat of published liabilities. It
waa pointed out by on member of th
'cabinet here. Th French refer alwaya
t a political debt to America "due to
Th imbreairlon given- la that
Delegation Seeks Cooperation of
Portland Chamber of Commerce
in Columbia Basin Irrigation
Plans; U. S. Aid Is-Needed.
Waahington..- Jan. ' . U. uP.) The
virtual Chinese ultimatum that Japan,
by not' later than this Afternoon., agree
to China' terms for the purchase of the
Kiao Chow railway in Shantung
rejected by. the Japanese today,
Only mediation by Secretary' of State
Hughes and Albert J. Balfour can pre
vent a break, Hope of Fettling" the
Shantung problem bang on the railway
Despite Report From Committee q""u;
That It Be Continued Elihu toV Britl8h deleKation at .th arm
i nai ii uc wuiiui.ucu, kiuiu i coBference jnjterg.ojy oppose to the
Root Introduces Resolution
A$kin? That It Be Abolished. ;Jp during the Worid war. in this
MSMng inai ll De ADQllSnea.! amtaam deleaation. amiarenUy has
Reconstruction ; of . Europe Is ; in
Hands . of Allies, Lloyd George
v Tells 'Cannes Meet; ; Declares
Union of Nations ls Necessary.
Ths great inland empire of the North
west today reached to Portland, the
gateway city for its products.' that 'it
might receive a helping hand inita ef
fort to take the first major step toward
developing the Columbia Basin Irriga
tion project. '
Thla plea for cooperation in the recla
mation of the largest project In the na
tion waa made ty a Tfroup of Spekane
Business men who gathered at a confer
ence with' the directors of the Chamber
of Commerce and members of the agrl
cultural committee.
Spokane, the "hub" of the inland em
pire, wants Portland to organise a com
mittee which will coordinate with the
committees of Spokane, Seattle and Ta
coma In seeking; the solution for devel
opment problems in the reclaiming of
tne z.oou.wq acre arid tract lying along
the Columbia river in Washington.
In addition to this, . Spokane wants
Portland to contribute $3000 to a gen
eral fund of (25,000 which will bring
General George Goethala of Panama
canal fame to the Northwest, bo that
he may survey the project and determine
the most feasible method of ; developing
It. Already Washington has contributed
lit. 500 of this fund.
The plea waa made on the basis that
the products from this great area would
pour into Portland. The speakers were
Oeorg A. Phillips, president of the
Chamber of Commerce of Spokane i N.
W. Durham of the Spokane Spoke smazv
Review and chairman of the Columbia
Basin committee, and J. A. Jford, gen
eral secretary of th Spokane chamber.
The purpose of the visit to . this city
waa explained by Phillips as follows:
"The development of this vast project,
which urveya show to have j 1,751,000
acre below the 1700-foot level.' involves
such, a large amount of.'TTKuiey .that ,it
can be handled, only through federal aid
funds. Such' fund are soon lo be made
th support of .other conferees. ,
"We can't go back and recreate his-1
tory,". said th British spokesman. "We
have got to deal with th situation as
it exists. The 21 demands are not on
: i. i .V- , 'jTTTT. - , . r'. -r
Caaaes, Jaa. tiV. T J Th TJalUd
States will a larlted . by ta allied g.
prena-eoaaell 4 take axt ta aa latar
By Harry, L. Kegers
Washington, Jan. . (I. N. S-l-r-Poi-
son gas aa a weapon of warfare is going
on trial before a-Jury of five power thend of tt nference and our j aatloaal eoaf ereae at Geaea dariag ta
i.... u . r.fJ :to e f'.' ft;;? ttnUwtMlgki XiHt Tte sayreiae
guards 'tor c-mna in its u-anstuon iroro
imperial form of government to a : re
public. If this matter is not on the
agenda,' it 'does pot interest us.'
here, and it may meet the same fate
is the submarine despite th unanimous
teport'ln favor of It retention by tha
sub-committee of expert of all the
Elihu Root. In today's meeting of th
full naval committee, introduced a reso
lution staring, in effect. . that as , the
use of poison' gas had met with' condenv
hation ,by all the powers it should be
abolished entirely.
I Italy Immediately coincided with
Root's views, but the other powers ob
jected and the schedule went over un
til. tomorrow
eeaaeU tali afteraeoa, followtag Its ae-
eeptaae la prlaclple of Lloyd George
proposals for tarh a. coafereaee, voted
to meet at ta Italian elty aad lavlt
th former . eaeaiy states of Germaay
Austria aad Baigarta as well aa ths
raited States .Rasste also will
vlted to send represeatatlves tf th soviet
government ceaformt t certain eoadl
tloas, amoag them gaaraateelag - tb
Kaitlaa debts. ' -
By Fraak Z. Maioa
Cannes,- France, Jan. 6. I. ,N. S.)
Recognition of the. Russian soviet gov
ernment, by thd allies was urged by Pre
mier Lloyd George of. England In
I speech before the inter-allied supreme
Withdraws ResiMatiori-
urnvm rte tr r i 1 i t.v v i. ...un. a
iwho announced his resignation today and then hurriedly
B .. 3 " . . , . -
witxiorcw- it wncn prospccts or a Tote on xne insa trcaiy
tomorrow teemed brighter. vHe'was "charged with grahdstand
ing" W ArtntiriGriffitfa.-1 ? ' - .l -
. - v
' -ft V V" X iUi
I'm no longer a gentleman ' from
Contrary to widely nubllshed renorta. Indiana, but a resident of Oregon," de-
ihM lunr m ttuilianlr In thla I clarjxf H, R K Parker nw natnr of
nmltto. r,A , th. th. I th Vint M.thnHlat TOniacnnal church. I council IQUay,
United States, Great iSritain and France, shortly after he arrived" In Portland 1 KJi TlZ WlT "
throughout th deliberations, have been this morning with his family. "I am f f6 . Mo,!OW 7eKme,.,1.l!I
v. .uovw u.w t-,.v. sK..."- I with
I came here to live ana to work." I , . ' " . ,
. .. .... ... ; . , i in i tie near lasl ana unu
adouc u; leaamg aietnoaists. greeiea i wu. annther"
Dr. Parker, and nis tamity at tne union
station, including Bishop W. O. Sbep-
ard. Dr. W. W. Toungson, Rev. .F. M
(OnattMad oaj ISm $ teat era, Oluia Oaaf
principles to be applied to Chemical
warfare. Any. differences of opinion
which may nave developed resulted from
the attitude taken by Italy and Japan,
the two nations which admittedly are
wanare. . , I odist church. Rev. D. Lester Fields of -
ADTISKD ABOLITION I Mount Tabor Methodist church. . Rev.
Widely nublisbed renorta to the effect! Frank Moore of Epworth. Methodist
that ;- the conference would restrict, if church, M. A. Zollinger, chairman of the ;
not entirely abolish the use of gas, un-1 reception committee, and G. F. Johnson,!
doubtedly had their origin. it was ex-1 Amedee Mi. 'Smith and Ir. Richmond
plained. In tlie fact that the American I Kelly, the pulpit committee which was
advtsory committee bad recommended I instrumental In bringing Dr. Parker to
such abolition. : This committee, however, Portland.
f.n - i. . MAMwiHtH A erouD of nrominent women also
0i m rive leaaing power. wno report i i,i aire.
dltectly to the full conference. ' i i Mrs, t Parker : was. charmed, with the
St Louis. Jan, . (L .. N. a Its
cashier, A. O. Melnlnger. missing for
two days, and an apparent shortage
Impending big enough to wipe1 out Hi
capital and surplus, the affairs of the
Night .& Day bank were taken over to
day by State Commissioner of Finance
J. G. Hughes. - : -
State bank examiners have been at
work on the bank's ledgers since
Wednesday and since that time Melnin-
ger has not been seen at the bank. Ef
forts to get in touch with him proved
unavailing, according to Henry H
Hohenachlld. the president of the in
stitution. . Former Governor Elliott) W. Major an
nounced that he had asked the William
J. Burns Detective agency to apprehend
Premier Lloyd George assailed, the as
sumption maintained in. some quarters
that Britain is . not suffering aa much
from the' war as some other countries.
'The suffering is not all recorded by
evidence of material, devastation ter
rible as it was." declared Lloyd George.
It may be ' that -the assumption that
Britain is suffering less than some of
the others arose.' from the fact that our
budget was balanced. But we have the
heaviest taxation In the world in Brit
ain." ;. ' n-t
. .The British: premier appealed for al
lied cooperation: saying:.
i fma.- ' t i " ll. ' .i
I- Of the two nations which dissented 1 western spirit -dispUyedV both in Port" Important 'since 'the ! armistice, end th
Somewhat' trom be,faWtjf' vlbw. Italy i land auid- Sookane.- . Last nliht -during 1 dedaiocia will . Be -ymrr far'.reachln'.
stood w Ibnjresf f oyhb aboimo d pol 1 'ti-0mMPai. tmUx I Fjfmutaiest -necessary r&i tafeJ niust
son gas, it wTj giau, coiepquig"uiay I waai entertolned 1 oy' PiatrictvCTperin-1 b thre etaeg- enaMeratiKnsT'''
ehemlca) warfare is not-only. jnhumane, i tendenr Jsf.- VL - Jpnaaad ,av frouy .of i -yirat-A eneraHaa reetitent.- ttnlon i
vvi mil n u nui kuhxphi m wnuw igpoMIlJ jsetnooistsr7 - '. t I If nC8saiy. f: '. . ; ;
a wave oi; fon gam: iiperawa upoa.i-f tut .Paar nas iJever'beejl -west of 1 rSecond--The alllea must makd sllow-
avoraoie wina, ino iiaiuwui conienoea. i ..Mississippi Wver before. His tlratl ancea fdreach; other's' viewpoints.
i nira inere itnusi- oe restraint re
(ardlns the 'vanquished powers.
"The vlctdrs' cannot.' ' escape' the re
sponaibility for reconirtrucUon. It they
do i try to .escape it- they will vbe .eon.
demned by the voices of our own coun
tries,' ; - . -
: "There will 'be. much more danger, of
Bolshevism if the allies fail to revive
Europe than in propaganda . from. Rus
sia. Cessation Of Russian - propacanda
In the east a. condition-for any
agreement, reached With Russia.
. Reverting, again to Britain's suffer
ingsthe premier said the War cost the
nation 100,000,000 pounds sterling in
pensions and another 100,000,000 pounds
as, the result of unemployment.
Lloyd George continued :
"Germany's, capacity to pay depends
entirely upon reatoraOon of her fereisn
i "i I
Syu&Miie?." .... '-' '
talght not- only penetrate to th inner- I th. wt ri, nnta fa.
KiiV vorable, he said. Mrs. Parkef lived ltt
ght: very U'W oir-torwreak tcs Aigeles for shoH;timb -ith her
, voc among vUIages of women, children Dar-nt- -h said.
and other non-combatants.
I The Japanese delegation also empha
sized the alleged inhuman side - of
chemical warfare.
i The American position, which Is con
curred In by the British and French dele
gates, is
. 1. Thai gas Is an accepted weapon of
. r t a political
lho war. Th
I ,i (OawiudH
ra MlaatM, Ooiama Tim)
Wireless Telephone,
Sent to Old Flame.
Might tleach Wlfey
When a man puts his wife on a boat
for a trip to Hawaii or any other place,
for that matter h had better not try
to send a telephone wireless to an old
sweetheart. ,
Word has just been received by the
Northwestern Radio Manufacturing
company In Portland from the Mutual
Wireless company In Wailuku, Maui.
Hawaii, that a message sent by the
Portland radio telephone to Berkeley,
CaL, was picked up by the island sta
(Concluded on Fags .Maetcen. Colomn Tutoi
The children Eloise, Carolyn, Theo
dore and Mary Elisabeth were all anx
ious to find out what Portland looks
like.. They slipped far enough , away
from their parents to peer out the doors
at the Union station and catch a glimpse
of what was on the outside.
The three older children expressed an
Interest in. the Portland schools and
wanted to know -when the next term be
gins. Theodore, the only boy, said he
( Concluded en Pace Six. Colomn Two)
T T T" 1 XT T11
rienry rord lNow Diiuonaire
n n - -9i tt t at n t m
Gash Close to $145,000,000
By Alias L. Beaiea
lateraaUntMl New Ruff
HirrrahC IS33, iDtoraatiatMl Nawa Svrrlral
Detroit. Jan. . L N. a) Henry
Font, begin th New Tear with the
greatest, amount of Cash In bank that
any human being ever had. A few years
as Rusaell Bag, with tl0.000.aoo or
ti-.0oe.ooe In ready caah, used to have
this distinction.:
' Tw days ago th General Motors
frexnnany announced that It had In bank
i t4l.00e.000. Henry Ford's bank balance
i today Is in txcwa of tl31.000.00O. He
I himself does not know within $5,000,000
! r tlO.OQO.ono of Vw much actual caah
I h has at th moment because he has not
! taken th trouble toi Inquire of bis aoa
VAml, b trcMurer, since th fore
going flguras were given to him a few
weeks ago, ,
This baUnc today," said Ford, "la
probably between t Hi, 000. 000 and 1U,.
000,000. r
Henry- Ford la a btlllwnaJr. In re
ply to a question, h told m today that
M had o doubt that hla holdings, based
upo their earnings, could b capital-
laed ard sold for a bill Ion dollars.
Mr. Ford gave me thla information
bermua I asked hire for It. - Neither hla
'salsd aor his conversation runs to
money. I am sure money means less
to him than to any other xtch man whom
I have ever known. . .
"All the money that comes to me
goes Into new Industrie,' Ford said. "1
never Invest money In 5-nds or any
thing of th kind. What I want la to
ret chance to go to work at Muscle
shoals. v
"I see th government la going to have
third bid for Muscle Shoals, by the
way. i I wonder If th politicians are
playing their old gam of complicating
a situation for th purpos of killing a
plan by delaying action upon It. .
-Well. IT they keep me out of Muscle
Shoals. I will try to ret a - chance to
put aom dama. on th Mississippi. They
cannot keep m out of all th water-
site in th country I am going to get
In a number of places. It Is to the
public Interest that th wasted water
power of thla country should be saved,
nough waterpower to going to waste
to beat, eaok and furnish light for all the
people of th country. -"But
I don't want Muscle Shoals
any other big- powersUe for the DUrnos
of owning it. If I get Muscle Shoals I
shall contrlv a plan by which it will
eventually - become th property f tb
government without cost and serve the
people forever while bringing profit to
. tn government. ...
Deep In" a ravine back of "Burlington,
accessible by only one rocky and dan
gerous route, Deputy Sheriffs Chrlstof
f ersen. ! Bee man and . Schlrmer Fridav
found.: the largest still and the most
Complete moomshlning outfit ever dis
Covered in Multnomah county.
The deputies spent half the day mush
Big over the" snowy hills. They were
Working on a -rather indefinite "tip"
secured at the sheriffs office. Finally
they' chanced - upon -the cabin occupied
by "Jack Johnson." They saw suspi
cious tracks In the new-fallen snow,
leading away from the cabin, and they
believed they had come to the right
place at last. '
I "We know you are moonshining and
We want to be taken to your still, one
of the deputies said. Johnson' nodded
his head as though to eay. "kismet and
followed the tracks, for a quarter of .a
Tile down Into- the" ravine. " j
There, under a large canvas, painted
green and with; leaves glued on it to
camouflage it from above, they came
Upon a 75 gallon- still. r our huge vats.
Containing 450 gallons of mash, were
Simmering .from heat supplied by piped
steam. Water was piped from a stream
in the ravine. The deputies couldn't
take the still eut'ot the ravine, so they
demolished it with axes.
i T , . i . -.: i ...
; wunuoun, wicrti uuicii uciore utsixm
Judge Deich later, said that his father
Was a . moonshiner in Kentucky and
that he took great pride in making an
Absolutely pure article Johnson was
fined tOW). , : ' ' '
During the day .and in the same series
Of ravines the deputies came upon a 35
gallon. Btlll owned by Fred Faeh. It was
half a mile from the larger. stllL Faeh
Also pleaded guilty before Judge .Delch.
He was fined JJ00. ,
Confirmation of
Aitchisonls Again
Blocked in Senate
.... j
. - - r
i t
President 'of -s"lriih .-Republic
" Withdraw 'Resighilion When.
.Promise- That Daif Would Yctt
Peace Ptct-Tomorrow
r ''- 1
- . ' '
i " '
r i
- t.
1 1 j-'xea im wA,jvJ W . M&'Xl'e-t
(i l i.! ' "
. i -".-'.. - ..... I "-"'
(CanehKled ea Pace Ninetwe. Colaran Thre
Washington; Jan. . (WASHINGTON
flrmation "of Clyde B. Aitchison for re-'
appointment on the interstate commerce
commission, was again blocked at the ex
ecutive session of the senate last eve
ning, this time by Southern senators who
resent the failure to name a Southern
man : to one of the vacancies. Hall of
Colorado also remains unconfirmed.
La Follette objects to both Senator
Trammel of Florida, who made the at
tack on Aitchison yesterday : Fletcher
of Florida, and Simmons of North Car
olina also voiced opposition, while Cum
nlns and MeNary -urged confirmation.
The difficulty of securing a quorum pre
vented action. MeNary gave notice he
would ask for a vote at the next execu
tive session. Because of the Newberry
case : another executive session is un
likely for another week.
Ex;6ovemor May
Succeed Penrose
" -' -.
Pittsburg. Pa., Jan... (TJ. P.) Bar
ring an eleventh hour change. Governor
Sproul will - appoint ex-Governor Edwin
3. Stuart as United . States senator to
succeed th lat Boles Penrose, It was
learned on reliable authority here today.
i :
Oregoniansrive -
vAt National Capital
Root Proposal, to
Outlaw Submarines
Approved by Powers
Washington. Jan. 6. (L N.," S.) The
last of the Root resolutions, virtually
outlawing the submafne as a 'weapon
of warfare against commercial .: vessels,
was adopted by the five powers this
afternoon. ; j
. The resolution adopted s today makes
the commander of a submarine who at
tacks a merchant ship in - contradiction
to the rules of warfare, a "pirate" and
liable, to punishment by death. The fact
that I the submarine commander may
have' been ordered ' to Attack merchant
craft by his government dif
ference, under the terms of today's res
olution. He ,1s personally responsible
and -will, be held auch ; by the powers
signatory to the agreement here.
Washington Jan. A WASHINGTON
sell Hawkins sj ,Jt,.W .Hagood
Portland : and " George F. t RodgerS of
Salem are late, arrivals at. the capital
from, cwaron. ' . i v-- -.
Storm Hits Coast, ;
. Swings Mo Canada
- The storm , which swung- Inland ' from
the North Pacific ocean Thursday after
noon kicked up a gale of. e mile ve
locity at. North Headuluring the day but
is now well Into the Interior- of Canada.
accerding to the -weather bureau map of
conditions. . Farther out at sea the storm
was heavier and the sea b rough today
akmg the coast.- Occasional rains and
westerly winds are ; following -in -the
fwake of the storm for Portland. - ;
on i
- ' t i if .'i.H'i- -.1, .
--.) jJe t -. j . ' J t " -, ,.1,.'
t Dublin.' Jan. - k i- Eamoei d Valera.
after presenting his resignation as presi
dent of th IrlsB rtpubile to the Dail to
dsy, withdraw it upon th condition that
. voltlw Ukia at thr puct treaty .
with. England tomorrow. . ' - .
In his speech of . resignation.', which .
carried with Itfth dissolution or his
ministry. De Valera declared that he
would only rentals at the head of Sine
Fein affairs as a "republican.' Later
he agreed' to -rbmain 'aa president 41 a
vote were -take, temerrew. - -4 - -
BTptMf: BESSJOX rOLlOWB.;- . ," ,
Earlier In-th day to Dal bad tf
juected- - De . Valera's alternative , pro
posal, which' he submitted to take tb
place of th treaty signed 'at Downing. '
street. -
A- stormy Session of th Daft followed -
th withdrawal tef De. Valera's resigna ' -tion
after it had- been tendered so dra
matically. ' u-.. : t --
Arthur Griffith charged lhai De Va
lera was seeking as unfair vet n his
own personalityt
I'm sick of tthls wrangling, -replied
D. Valera. "Whatever happens. Ill go .
back to privets life." .-
I wlu never be a British subject. De
Valera exclaimed. Indicating-hla belief -
in treaty was About to be rattned.
"BULLIES BL AX ED ' .' .' "'
In the. excitement . that .followed ' De
Valera's announcement of hla -reaizam-Uon.
Collins., Griffith and Burgess, cabi
net ministers in the' Dell government,
bitterly, attacked their, leader.
It was claimed that D Valera bad
not' th right to resign la this manner
and dissolve his -cabinet.
Michael -Collins elalmed ' It was most
unfair and ut pf order. . .
Thre or four .bullies are .-trying to -
run the Dail a Ire an on Tammany Hall
principles.", P j declared. - -
A1I efTorts to reaca a compromise la
Dail ' IStreann upon- the ' Irish peace
treaty-,. haVe fafled; It 'was announced
early this afternoon. - i i.'
Wtii'j.'teMfMiU CT-i'De1! Valera .'U
bbtwd ft saW upwort for new fx-
noui -document Ne. T.- trur 'ruTTportc;
f the -ertttuU.Trtali treaty w i kd t
break' ths deadlock: -and acw accept,
an of Use London pact. -- '.- ' -
thur .Griffith, polntad .out that relertloa
of the Xiondon '(treaty and th subetlto- .
tton pf th De ryaler treaty would not
bring peace to Ireland "because the Brit-'
Ish government . would not ' accept , the
Sinn ' Fein document. They warned ' tha
treaty, opponents that Ireland must ex'
pect & renewal jpf warfare It the London
treaty Is .turned down la favor, of 'docs
ment No. X. j - ' " .
Some supporters of the treaty spoke
bitterly ' of o1d un ' and women sod
college professors among the opposition
who would not !hav any lighting to do
In the event that war was resumed is
Twelve men of the Columbia river
district will attend the meeting of ship
ping and commercial . officials at San
Francisco to consider the plan of launch
ing a 130,000,000 coast-wide shipping
corporation, it was - announced today.
The selection was made immediately
after word was received here that San
Francisco had been chosen as the place
of holding the meeting and that January
19 was the date selected.
The time arid place were chosen after
Consultation with - the officials of the
northern port cities, it' was announced.
The Chamber of Commerce today an
nounced the following' names of Port
land delegates to-the conference : Isaac
D. Hunt. H. - B. Van Dwser, Peter Kerr,
J. C.AinswortlvJ. N. Teal. W. B. Ayer,
Frank M. Warren and John Btirgard.
The Chamber of Commerce at Astoria
has been asked to'name a ninth member
of the committee' and others who will
attend in an. advisory capacity are H. Ik
Hudson and W. D. B. -.Dodson of Port
land and Roger D. Ptnneo of Astoria. '
'Seven .coast ports wilt be represented
at 'the meeting 'and 'shipping board' of
ficials will come from Washington to
attend. ; " .
A permanent organisation of shinning
board operators and agents . has been
effected by representatives; of all of the
coast companies meeting at' San. Fran
cisco. ' Aid of the shipping board will be
sought to have rates fixed which will
Insure .. full cargoes . back . from '- the
Orient.' - --.t '.-, . . '
' Los Angeles, 1 CaL, Jan. . (UJ.P.)
Society was abusz today with news of
the disappearance of John P. Cudahy,
son of the millionaire- Chicagp . meat
packer, and Miss .Louise Chenier Francis
of St. Louis on 'what was to have been
their WeddlMg day. ; .
' The eagagernrnt .was .announced ' by
Mrs. Arthur -Oaresch Francis, motner'of
the. bride-to-be, at. 'the' Hotel .Mlraroar;!
Santa . Monica, last month.-'.' ISuptials
were to have taken, place late :ht De- '
cember. At vkt time, however, a post
ponement "for a ; few days", wasi an
nounced. - i " r. - "X ... J
In the" course of the "few j days'
young. Cudahy. left his afpartment at the
fashionable Ambassador hotel. . He gave,'
no forwarding address, .hotel' attaches
said. V ... " ; V - .
It waa rumored that he waa . "hi re
tirement" at th home tof .friends .who
are conceallnghls whereabouts.'; '
While . the search . for. young Cudahy
was going on. in secret. Miss Francis and
hp mntliw aim diaaDDeared. . .. '
They have - gone touring," was . the
announcement at .the Miramar jtoteL
The hostel ry'B:1lned to furnish theta-
Gerald Ctidahy. his brother, members
of tJveVSWtft famay. -inBllonaire meat
packers; " and rnumerousr other Wealtny
ChlcasreanS.,' who.' came there to -..attetid
the wedding .are taking .prt ; in me
search for .the alleged balking orioe-gTOOiti-to-be.
a . r
Vote-Pairing Bar in
Senate 'Procedure Js
f; Borah
. Washington." Jan. ',. 07- P.)--An
amendment .to senate , rules, to, prevent
senators from ducking" votes was pre
sented today by Senator Borah, of Idaho.
It-would prevent reeognltioa of ''pairs'
between the- Senators-when . ens bt. ab
sent, unless hla absence was caused by
Under present customs,. a senator, de
siring -to avoid - a vote "pairs" himself
with anoUier senator, m that their votes
offset -one,? another.-. When, one. et the
paiT is absent, ;the other does not, vote.
Toklo. . i Jan. ' :, P. Viscount
Shtgenobu Okuma, ' former premier of
Japan. ; died here .today." The- Viscount
Okuma. who - was prim 'minister and
foreign minister durlne; tho war, was
yesterday reported to be' suffering from
a serious illness, j.
SiiinotOil Measure
:- ti j a. a
v "... r H.SNHll IV rtK a LK
".Washington.-Jan.. . (WASHING
Ths senate has passed .the 8innott.bin
to', autborise the secretary of- the1 In
terior to extend time for firming wells
under .oil permita ; Two other .Slnnott
bills .were, favorably . reported' from th
senate committee on public' lands.. . One
adjusts ' boundaries " of "the . Deschutes 1
national ' forest- by " exchange ' of lands
within the ' forest, or withm six - mllea.
And' the' other gives . homestead" resi
dence' credits fo former soldiers absent
while ' undergoing hospitalisation.
: - '-' - . -
Mexico CityJ Jan. . C fit.'-P.V-A,
former Philadelphiaa and America a
dtisea, ,T. Dostello.--was today reported
to have' been kilted and mutilated by
bandits at his -reach It tniles from th
capital, on Wednesday evening. : James
Pelley, . his ' partner, .was ' assisted . by
Mexican employes to escape. . f
Military! Attache' at
Moscow Assassinated
Rica. Jan. - f.L - N. B. Colonel
Avtachonls. lJUiuanlaa military attar he
St Moscow, nasi ben aasassnnaUd. said
a dispatch from! Moscow today. ,. - . ,
Catcher Gbis Fisher
nfed :Measerby
Portland Magnate
Gusi Fisher, veteran catcher of the
Portland Beavers, was- given his uncon.
ditional. release .by President Klepper
today so that he might assume the man
agement i of the Oklahoma City club f
the Western ..league.
Fisher "signed with. Portland, as a. tree
agent; i tad President Klepper declared was pox tbe policy or tne. .port
Land club tVliotd players under contract
who bad a chance to better themsetve.' F
; iiepper, wane, in I no cisi. sma w ukict
to.rtheiDes Moines dub.' but Gus balked
at accepting;, the transfer, and wben he
received the offer -as manager he Imme
diately : placed - lb matter before 'Klep
per and was gran lea nis release. ' x-
-" . : - !
Launch Gets on Fire;
40:Leap Into Water
Pans p
uu f of tHe first
ijt.:tors' of the
:cxonilfenceU;: i
iHtiS efl3heiost imp or- .
t San Pedfp. CaL.- Jan.- il L X.1 8J)r
Forty ( sailors of the -battleship New
Mexicowtere'-obliged to- leap Uto .the
water, today, to save tftelr lives 'when.
motor-boat on which they were 'return
ing, to -their ship caught fire. from the
bacLXire'of 'Uie boat'a engine. ,
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