The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 04, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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Washington. Jan, 4. Here arc torn
spllaters caught from the tlmbar of re
cent oonsraastunal 4aba.Ua dealing vrtth
tuneiy topic. i
iiiuw tv.ii Vitus i mi
RspreeeataUvo R- Xlnnesota I el
New that the' packers" control blU la a I U
lew, and by It the federal trad oommla-1 K
atoat and Its tnertmlaaUng evidence I a
aeralest Uia pulnn eliminated, the pack I A
Ketchikan, Alaska, ;
Boasts Population
Of 5300 Persons
Ketchikan. Alaska, has an Increased
population or noo over last rear, says
C T. Gardner, supervisor of the Tongnss
national sorest, woo is spending a detail
f if days M the district forester' of
fice. . The popuUtloa of U!0 wu 2800.
but whan another census was taken In
1)21 to see if there were, sufficient peo
ple to inatall a chapter of the Elks lodxe.
tba figure lumped to U00.
Tha town la waiting for a revival of
tha Cabins; industry, which slumped last I
year, and tha resumption of, the lumber
Industry la dependent upon fishing, since
tha output of tha lumber mills la large-
ljr used locally for boxes ana piling:
.The first pulp and paper xactorv the
Alaska. Pulp and Paper company, oper
ating at Port Snettlsehan. baa suspended
operations because of the large overhead,
making It impossible to produce at a
profit and ship, the raw product to San
Francisco, the headquarters of the com
pany. . ' (.,.
Operations win be resumed as soon as
a larrer amount of machinery has been
-Installed which will reduce ; overhead.
The Alaska American Palp and Paper
company will commence operations on
Shrimp bay, S mile from Ketchikan.
soon. ; : h - -
Doctrine of Thrift Has Big Appeal
Journal Savings Campaign Popiilar
The owners January thrift earn pal r"
bw started off with a rash. It bids fair
to surpass the nfg sucoees of December,
when hundreds of new savings accounts
were opened at the Lumbermens Trust
Company bank. A large ' number of
Journal readers clipped the coupons that
'!-4 - 1 i i
editions of The Journal, and many Jour
nal readers visited the Lumbermen
Trust company bank this moraine; to
savings accounts. ' . i :
-t fully expect that the number of
savings accounts that will be opened
daring The Journal's . January thrift
campaign will far exceed that of De
cember," said Cart Detertnc eashler of
the beak. The reason for this." aald
Mr. Detering. "la that the people are
waking vn to the fact that today's dol
lar, if saved. wUl hare a much greater
purchasing power a few years hence.
The first of the year w always a good
time to begin) savin, and this- will also
ttnd to increase the Bomber of new ao
counts." -s
Have yoe got the thrift habitT If not.
this is the time to acquire it. In order
to simplify matters for yo The Journal
prints herewith a thrift saving coupon
that la good for M cents ta starting a
savings account. All you need to do
to ello the coupon. Take or send It and
60 cents to the Lumbermena .Trust Com
pany bank, at tha corner of Broadway
and Oak. streets. The bank wUl credit
you with tl on a new savings account. .
The ceepona will be printed Uf The
Journal again tomorrow and will be good
ta starting . a savings account uaUl
dosing- time at the beak gmturdsy.
The Journal has arranged with the Lumbermen's Trust Cotnptnv
Bank, Broadver and Oak street, to help every Journal subscriber and
member of hi: family to Start a bank account '
This coupon Is.worth 50c to you now and It.OO tf yo save regularly
every month for tlx month.. Take It to the Lumber mens Tre it. Com
pany Bank and you can open a It.OO savings account. - .
Each depositor will be loaned htst tit sartorr bank.
are are ' seeking to. destroy the eonseot I 'A
eecree aroena wnicn ue control ou wmsi r-
framed. Congress In : passing this .so- f?
.... . . . i . . AW. I 'A
caiten parser' control set roneo on uw a
iwa..l iImma 1 9 m An mi .Fnn th.A I TA
r id ins now it win no be very ions'
'even years at their present rata of turn
ever until the pack are control the wnoie
food business of in United States.
Representative Orlf fin. D.. Nw Tork
Ke eanal In the. Untied States pays to
r. There was an old sarins thst
there were four reasons against e par
eel poet. They ware the American Ex
preae company, the United states ti
the Adams lvx press ana vresv
sod's Kane-ess. Mow. there axe 00 rta
sods why the crisis do not pay, and it
torn take a Hat of tha railroads of the
United Btaiea you will find those reasons
In detail.
Senator Harrla, D., Oeorgla I grew up
M a part of the ooontry devastated by
and i symaatnise witn tne people
of. those in the condi
tion la which they find themselves, but
Vythe people are not going to cohaent to
those debts being canceled, and I think
the eooner those who owe us this money
understand that we era not going to can
cel those debts or shy part of them.
the better It wilt be for those countries.
gusisla sJ Ti I rat Tlsasnsn flTTl V
e aJawigsU aw g- VHwWBf, rti v
should a man In my state be required
to pay three times as much tax aa a
li Tins' In the District ot uxumoia.
In order that we may relieve the man In
the District of Columbia T It is en in
famous outrage, tf I may be permitted
to. sey It. to require people In the states
to pay Usee for people nere.
Senator fletcher. D,. Florida Tne
federal government ftwitrote the affairs
ef tha District, actually owna at least
hsJf. If not more than hall, or tne prop
erty in value, and pretty nearly In ex
tent That property la not taxtd at aiL
It wduld be wholly unfair and absolutely
unreasonable to expect the taxpayers of
. the District to bear the entire expanse.
Senator Mr Nary, FU Oregon I be
lieve, and I think any senator who gtves
it any thought will concede, that the
people of the District do not pay half
the taxsa that people owning property
ta any of the states And municipalities
pay. This waa a sow pasture before the
government earns In with its activities,
and It a the government activities and
Investments that have . given private
. property Its value. I think the people ot
the District should give the government
a subsidy Instead ot having their taxes
paid by e,pproprlatlonai out of the federal
treasury. j
Representative Hudspeth. D., Texas
I was. a superintendent, of a flock of
Sheep for eight years. That Is what they
call It now, bttt In my day they called
them herders ahd "paseoraa." I waa
7 barefoot most ot the time, but U I had
, my choice to go bach to that flock of
sheep en the honeycombed hills of West
ern Texas, I think I would remain right
here, and I hope the people will respect
y say choice.
- Senator Heflln, IX, Alabama This
man Newberry bought a seat in this
body. You might W around and say
be expended too murh money, he re
sorted to this method and that which
' wag represensible, but stripped ot all its
tneke-ecreen devices, he has bought a
seat in the senste and tha Question-ts.
are we going to become a party to the
crime T
Senator Moses, R, Kew Hampshire
, Truman II. Newberry waa then as now
a man not given to self -glorification,
modest, high-charactered, successful In
the business world and with a fine ree
' erd of public service which he was at
the moment enlarging by donning for
the second time the blue of the navy
He was on duty In a distant stags'; he
waa engrossed In theTesponslblUUea
which .his position laid upon him; he
was not seeking political preferment; he
was striving only to serve bis country
Representative Larson, D., Oeorgla
Judge Lndie holds another very re
sponsible position, supreme umpire of
the baseball league, for which, I am In
formed, he receives a salary of I42.SOO
' a year, aa addition to his salary ot
tl&td a year as district Judga. The press
ef the country Indicates that he la giv
ing a great deal of attention to the po
sition which pays the most money
Representative Mann. R, Illinois I
, go te a baseball game whenever there is
a chance for me to do so. I love to see
It played. 1 know It does me good, and
I It doee the ! little fellow good
from the time he Is four years old up to
the time he plays the game and then,
' In after years, to look at It. And some
of the old togtee here ought to go
the . game Inatead ot putting In their
. ' time here attacking Judge Landls.
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given On All Charge Accounts If Paid in Full On or Before the 10th of Each Month
Quality First!
An Inferior article costs more in
the lour. run. Why take chances
hop here and GET THE BEST.
1 T
Mail Orders
riven prompt and careful attention.
Out-of-town customers are urged to
make full use of this service.
All Lebanon Turns
Out for Funeral of
i Mrs. Sherman Miles
Lebanon, Jan. t. The 'funeral of Mrs.
Juantta Miller Miles was conducted here
Tuesday afternoon. A short ceremony
waa held In the Fresbyterlan church, of
which Mra. Miles was a member. Mrs.
l'ee. onl dsuehter of former Internal
Revenue Collector Milton A Miller, was
bvrit a. id U here and waa killed Bat
urUy rvfiiint: iAr St. Helens in an au-
tor"rb!te accident.
She waa the wife of Sherman Miles.
banker of tit. Helens, and is survived by
-her husband and two children.. Mrs.
Miles was a member of Marguerite
. chapter N SO. Order of Eastern Star,
'The entire population of Lebanon at-
tended the funeral. The mile-long route
between church and cemetery was lined
with automobiles. The service was reed
fey the Rev. John, J. Co noise.
Among those attending the funeral
from Portland were Mrs. Effie Montague.
eisteT of Milton A. MUler and aunt ot
Mrs. Miles, Mr. and M re. Thomas R
Many from Salem, Albany and other
valley cities attended.
Sherman M. Mile passed throuVh
Portland today on hi a way to 8U Helena,
remaining with his father-in-law during
the morning. The rather and husband
of the accident victim have received
messages of sympathy from every cor
ner of the state and front the .Eastern
and Southern states. Sherman Miles
waa accompanied to Portland by Dr. J,
U. rtynn ef St. Helena.
Every Article Reduced Si
Groceries and a
Restricted Lines
Drastic Price Reductions to Clear the Stocks of
Women's Dress Skirts
We have too many Skirts. The
stock must be reduced at once and
order to ret results promptly
Bath Robes
Second Floor Not since before the war have Bath
Robes of this quality been offered at such a low price.
Made up in heav. blanket material in a targe assort
ment of beautiful new patterns.. Roll or square
collars. Several styles. Clearance Sale price Otl
we have cut prices to a no-profit
basis. Here is an excellent oppor
tunity for . women who have need
for an extra Skirt or two to buy
here and make substantial savings.
Dress Skirts
Second Floor This special group
embraces a wide range of desirable
styles in plaited and tailored effects.
Navy blue Serge and many beautiful
plaid and striped patterns. Smart
up-to-date Skirts with narrow belts
and fancv sockets. This season's
best colors. ' Priced low &f AO
for Clearance Sale at tMieaO
Women's Dress Skirts
Special $9.98
Second floor Every Skirt in this lot was formerly
marked to sell at a much hieher price. Made ud
in superior quality Tricotine and Serge in the wanted
colors also a large collection of the fashionable
plaids and stripes. Some are in the tailored effects.
trimmed with braids, others in box and knife plaited
styles with fancy belts, fancy pockets, tfQ QQ
etc. Priced for the Clearance Sale at tDaJeaO
I . 1
, . 1
Clearance of Jumper Dresses
SECOND FLOOR Smart, becoming Frocks for Misses and Women at prices which mean unusual savin vs.
Just the thing for mid-season wear. Two special loU included in the Clearance. Come early for best choice,
Women's Jumper Dresses
Second Floor Of excellent quality wool Jersey in
desirable colors. Straightline styles with narrow kid
belts or tie sashes of self material. Long sleeves
and sleeveless. Patch pockets. Braid
trimmed. Priced for the Clearance Sale
",i $9.98
Women's Jumper Dresses
a? .
aecooa rioor inese irocxs are made up in extra
quauiy wooi jersey m such wanted colors as rose,
Sorrento, green, henna and sand. Low neck, short
sleeves, tie belts, patch pockets. Braid d1 S rvo
trimmed. Priced for Clearance Sale at tDJ-e-wO
Clearance of Notions!
10c Trouser Hangers at 7c
tSc Curling Irons only 12c
toe Leading Lady Hair Nets
in blonde, browns, black, 5c
-Pocanontas Toilet Pins 4c
All Notions at Clearance Prteee
lie Kid Curlers, special 17c
35c Magic Hair Curlers 27c
Sc Ribbon Wire at only 4c
24-yd. Roll Cotton Tape 25c
Phoenix Hairpin Cabinet 7c
Defender Safety Pins at 4c
Velvet Grip Combination
garment and Hose Supporters
for boys and iris 3 to 12
years. St. 25 values only g9c
Blocked India Tape, bolt 4c
Spool suit, black, white
and colors. 50 yards for
Furniture Clearance
Choose Now at Big Savings
SALE of furniture
now In progress
has already estab-'
lished a new high
mark for Tolume
of business. Peo
ple are quick to
distinguish real
values these davs
and have found by
mmnirlini that
our prices are the lowest to the city on quality furniture.
Extraordinary Reductions On All
Bedroom Furniture
Dresser, made with cane In
sets in mirror stand, 2 4x3 O-lnch
beveled mirror, 20x42-inch top.
New low price QJO Aft
54.25. Sale price taieVIU
138.75 Dresser with 22x28
in. mirror. Priced CQQ HK
for Clearance Sale wOO. f D
$340 Dining Suite $210
Cromwelllan Dining Room Suite in mahogany veneer. 60-tnch
Buffet, 8 ft S 4-inch Table, S chairs and t Arm Chair. A Splendid
example of the Furniture maker's art. Regular COIfl flfl
nrice for tMt tulte 1 1340. Clearance Sale nrice 0lAeVVJ
ST - - -w w
Furniture Department, Fourth Floor
835.75 Dresser la pleasing
design. 22x28-incb oval mirror
and I8x384n. top. COQ f7K
Clearance Sale. atO-Weltl
837.50 Dresser with 22x18
inch round cornered mirror end
I8x36-in. top. On CQO Kfl
special sale now, at OOiieUU
A Mighty Clearance of Men's Shirts
Involving the Greater Portion of Our Splendid Stocks
Unlike ordinary Sales, because every Shirt in the offering is from
our own regular stocks, and not jobs and special purchases made
especially for sale purposes, You may choose from famous makers as
Arrow, Savoy, Bates Street, Rotary
Shirts of dependable quality as every man knows who has worn
any of the above makes. The only reason we quote such low prices
is to cut down our stock preparatory to inventory. Whether you
have Immediate need for Shirts or not it win be greatly to your ad
vantage to lay In a good supply at this time for the savings wiU more
than compensate you for the money invested. Every Shirt la the
Sale is carefully tailored and full cut We know they will please jou.
Made Up in Dependable Materials
Madras, printed madras, percales, repp and madras with silk
stripes. Large assortment of patterns in all the most wanted color
combinations. AH-have soft cuffs. Sizes range from 14 up to 17
Mail orders filled while quantities last Priced for Clearance Sale.
$1.50 Shirts
$2.50 Shirts
$2.50 Shirts
$3.50 Shirts
A Splendid Opportunity for Every Man to Supply His Shirt Needs!
Clearance of Corsets
Clearance Sale
0d4 lines and broken sizes in
women's high-grade cashmere Hose on
sale at 20 per cent off regular prices.
Both plain' and fancy Hose are included.
41.50 Cashmere Hot priced $1.20
82.00 Cashmere Hose priced $1.60
82.50 Cashmere Hose priced S2.00
$2.75 Cashmere Hose priced, $2.20
83.00 Cashmere Hose priced $2.40
83.25 Cashmer Hose priced $2.60
13.95 Cashmere Hose priced $3.16
Center Circle,
OWK Coffee
29c lb.
No deliveries except with other
grocery purchases. OWK Imperial
Roast Coffee, 3 lbs. for OQA
85c or prlcd per lb. at e7l
60c Tea 39c
Choice of English Breakfast or
Ceylon. We reserve the right to
limit- quantity to a cus- OQn
tomer. 60c tea, pound at OIC
Royal Baking Powder QQ
50c size priced for sale at OOC
81.45 size priced special $1.25
Fourth Floor
Two Corsets for what you would ordinarily pay for one! And
Standard high-grade Corsets of dependable makes not Job lots. Ifs
a Sale that every woman might well take note of, for It brings news
of Important savings. Front and back laced models v in styles for all
types of figures. Broken lines and special numbers withdrawn from
our regular stock. Included in the sale are
Gossard Bien Jolie -La Camille
AdalineOWK Special Corsets
Corsets, special $1.25
Corsets, special $1.75
$ 8.50 Corsets, special $4.25
9104)0 Corsets, special $5.00
815.00 Corsets, special $7.50
818.00 Corsets, special $9.00
Corset Salons, Second Floor
Annual Clearance Sale of China
Third Floor
As we carry the largest
and most complete stock of
high-grade China in the
Northwest, bis Sale offers
tn exceptional opportunity
o make, your selections at
ihe most splendid of savings.
WARE (Except Miatoa's)
Pottery, Vases, Jardinieres, in the CLEARANCE
Brasses and Smoking 5u in the CLEARANCE
AS Snverwaro (escape contract taos) Reduced
Sterling S3ver Ten Sets in the CLEARANCE
--Ceke Baskets, Carving Seta, sa the CLEARANCE
AH Electric Lantne (except Maada) REDUCED
Basement Millinery
Dollar Day"
$ 1 ( Tarns and Scarfs b
I bine, taupe, tan, green,
JL ( and various color combi
75 Women's Trimmed Hats In a very Special
offering for Dollar Day. Smart styles lor sport
and street wear. Velvet, felt and leatherette.
Wonderful variety. Values up to 83.98 included.
Un trimmed Hats velvet, velveteen and panne
velvet Turbans, rollbrims and some la large
shapes. These Hats formerly priced to 4.69.
about 200 in this lot Red,
orange, white, pink, etc-
combinations. Values to 12.98.