monday; : January- 2, 1922. THE ICE III COLUMBIA Efi CLEARED STEAM ass or m RUMORED Ice conditions In the Columbia have cleared and Dm ittimtr I raids of The Dalloa Column river lin wUl reiumi Operations TumkU; mornlnf. proceed ing' witfl puwnitri and tipma freight Ice was reported In tha upper baala of tha locks of the Cascades New dsy but this was blasted out and the fairway la clear. JThe steamer Madeline. rtnUy pur chased from the Harktna Transporta tion com pan, will be ready to proceed on regular achadule Wednesday night The Madeline will make the round trip day. aallinir from Portland at 11 p. m. T laavlna; The Dalles at coon. .U!l ,tmr N. Teal has been tied up for repairs and win be returned to erytae within a week. For a time aha wiu run wild, cleaning up the conges tion of freight n the middle river. - With three steamers on the run be twees Tortland and The Dallea, teanr boat business on the river takea on an d Uma aspect. For a rear the toot tl "iw" w M Bot dl"turb Undere " " "ul conamoni nave chanred with three boata on the run to Tim Dalles with a possible extension to Pasco and Kennewick. Cir TOlt B04TMEI QCTTl' ...'. , STRIKE XEXACE9 ; i.W Tork. Jen. iitt to..- boatnien in the New Tork harbor threet h?c?m. tntl inaY as crews "na lhterlng firm. MHVT! cx term Workmen aui-. rii(., . - Went of the Masters' and Pllota aaeocla- 1" "age scale, revlaed ownward, had beoome operative Jan- Tleee at Astoria Teeasar : ", High Water.- - Low Water. 4:19 a. in. 7.9 ft isss a, m. 1.4 ft :47 p.m. T.S ft 10 :U p. m.- U4 ft Seaside High water nine minutes earlier. Seaside Low water 21 minutes earlier. '. News of the Port arrivals lanaenr 4 tomV Wx , " " -TT i arrivals )mn g Wank n ' Thm -' . Cavtoce; oiL . im eonu: earn in transit. atonuga., Amerteaa steamer, from Orient; fenerai. 4 City, American steamer, from Ku ha. M.' 9amr An Imb . . w terry; ballast. Pepartaree January 1 Waal gader. IbutWb . . amnl. T"' BirTTBwi, Britiab ataamer, for Japaa; floor and wheat. Atlaa, Amarioaa (taaater. for Saa rranciaco; Weather at Moath of Bivtr - Mortk Head. Jan. I. Condi tiona at the BBmUaWlT ft T TIM nil hla 3 - wind north l(ht adlaa. roruaad hamidity at Boon St. DAILY RITES READINGS a a. . J in nary 3. ' ttlona. . V Hnitht Cli'nra RainiaS Tha Dallaa H 2.5 I -0.4' I 00. 0' eaaa .0 00.0 .S t .e o.a .oi o.a .06 a 4.4 ... .T4 itu. - TaK : av; Admiial Enaa, Lea - i: Zoreka. :S0 . aaiwa. 4:0 p. aa. jBauaa Jaamuy Is TaaaalpaJa. Grajra Halfeor. a. nvl in Tiiiimali PnrMamtl I-ln k Miaaw. Poact Boand. tiSO a. m.1 Raae f5tr! f?".!? a. avs Admiral Finaawt. U Aai, S:80 n. a-i Ibicii. Poet aoUKt. 8:10 fc ?': e- 1jm 'Wake. 4.10 p. au - . aa, rnaco JanTi ( 1. K. R) Arried tnaayGofctoa Stat. Manila, 1:4 a. .: U A. South. Coos Bay, 4:05 a. aa.; Coartoa Ga10 a as.; S3 Lobe. Taaooanr. (2i a. aa.; aaonko Han. Hoacaoag, g:40 a. aa.: ReeaaieinB, Brookinta, a -.49 a. ak POSITIONS .OF TESSELS ' Sadie report froaa Jierth Head (jr the peaitaea ot the toflowing yeaaeai at 8 a. aa. Jenaary 1 : Coazet. Seattle to Kobe. ISt BtOaa froai Port Townsend. Wapema. Seattle to Saa Francijeo. 10 taOea oath Goluabia river. 8nator, Portland to Saa lfniai In . 4S1 Ilea north Saa Francisco. " Winaaaette. Tacoaaa to Saa Franciaeo, J7S miles front Taeoma. BantiiMai, ForUasd to Bedoode. 84 Bt0 Gtnrgina Rolph, Portland to Saa Fnadasev S mile aooth Colombia rirer. 7; Wtunaait. oeatue to Baa Pedro, 19$ suits MUDDLE IS LAID TO SLIPSHOD METHODS (Contimied Proa Page One) TKAMftHIP MOlTACTK RRI!I6 COPBA CAttOO PR OH ORIENT Inbound from the Orient with 4000 tons r copra the ateamshlp Montague raachad the rtver all o'clock this morn ing and wUl bertV at the new dock of the Portland Vegetable Oil company Ute this afternoon,. ,Ttt Montague la the laat of the ahlp Plng board vraaels to. onrrat Portland under the flag of the Pacific Steamship company. Admiral line, and at tflaeharge will proceed to Puget Hound for operation out to the Orient Under the same flag. ALL Al.n THE WATERFROXT a.T1, n,"'-a nelson with passengers and frelM the steam-hln Itose ritv nf "rn.i Portland Steamship UfT.?-.U,"',h l A"""orth doca e'e Utia afternoon. - The steamship Plorence Luckenbach aervlee Is due to rearh Astoria thl- aft- TdVmUi'nV-1 Trm,n ' N- 1 Tha tanker ank O. Drum Is dis charging fuel oil-, at Wlllbrldge for the AesoctaUMl CM1 company. RITER FORECAST The WHTamerU Rreer at Portland wffl remain nearly stationary daring the acxt two or thrae dayi exeept aa affected by the tide. AT WORLD'S PORTS Artnrla. Jan. S. Arrired at 1 a, ra.. ataamer Montaraa. from Yokohama aad way porta Bailed !)L3 m - "teajner West Kader, ' f or North China rwrta. ArriTrd at 1 and left op at 2 JO a- m. Xsrwedaa at4aaar Baja California, from Taooma. Baa Pedro, Jan. 1. 8aild Bteaoier Weat "a. from Boeoos Aires, for Saa Francisco aad Portland. Astoria. Jan. 1. Bailed at T:0 last aisht. steamer f. fl. Loop, for San rraaeiaco. BaihtA at S 13 a. m., staamer Senator, for Saa Fraa rtare. Ban gedro and Ran Diera. Sailed at :I0 a. m., steamer Geortina Ko)ph, for Ban rVaiwiaro. Bailed at 10:15 a. m., steamer Santa laws, for Ban Pedro. Arrived at 1 1 30 a. and feft tip at 13:40 p. m., staamer Prank U. Drum, from Uariota. Left np at last "Irtt steamer W. B. Porter, from Monterey. Bailed at 6:0 p. m., British steamer Barry mora, for Yokohama aad Kobe via Vancourer. Victoria, Jan. 1. Bailed at B a m., Prench tmmer Mimiaaippt, from Yanooursr for Portland- , Port Townstnd. Jan. t. Arriyed. Japanese steamer Ynree Msra, from Portland for Japan. Seattle. Jan. 1. Armed, steamer AlTarado, from New Orleans Tie Portland. Ban Pranrtaco. Jan. 1. Bailed at S a a . stearnrr Multnomah, for Portland. Hoanlulo. la SI. Sailed. Japanese staamer Teiaa Mara, from Portland for Japan. Cristobal. Dec. 30. Bailed, steamer Atlanta City, for Ban KTancisco. Lelth. Dec. 10. Arrieed. Swedish motorahip Boenos Aires, from Portland. New Tork. Jan. 1. Arrived, steamer Ken turkian, fmm Portland. . Ban Pranctaoo, Jan, 2 (I. N. 8.) Arrired Jan. 1; Admiral Parrasnt, Seattle, 12:05 a. m Idaho," Lea Anfelea, 3 :25 a. m. : TJiaaUk, Ball kMian. 4:5 a. ra. ; Arctic, Fort Brass, 8 a. m. ; Tale. Los Anseles. 0:15 a. m. ; Uelene, Bedendo, i". in a. m. : nsmar, Manila, 1U:BB a. m : Usrhmcton. toa Anrelea. 1:50 p. m.; Mayfair, ' OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, POILAlIDe OREGON " : . , - ' ' to - .. ..... . ., 7" . . '. e - : ....... .a which - waa I governor aa ug raeaaure actually peasedV sowerna, , other oaiissioss rorsn JTernor Olcott declares that his knowledge erf tbo situation U confined to Ue contenta of the enrolled bill, aa fDad with him for - his consideration. With the lerlslaturei adiourned anct clerks of the sessioa departed. h points uw uere is no one left to whom he could- return the measure for correction even should he be disposed to go ftaek ot the enrolled bill Itself In an effort to ascertain the , Intent of the law makers. ' r The same alip-ehod methods, which are responsible for the omission of the saving clause from the election bill, are also responsible tot steunerous other omissions and clerical errors which have. been discovered la creations of the spe cial sessioa and which appear "to have been more numerous in the session of last week than common. , OJTE EKSOS CORRECTED Through an error, credited to the en rolled bills committee of the house the same committee which is chargeable with the omission of the saving; clause from the election bill there waa left out of the completed copy of thla same elec tion bill the clause referring- to the people house Joint resolution No. 3, in volving an amendment tp the constitu tion of the state of Oregon providing for an exposition and financing the tne election macninery would be auto matically halted by the, provision of the Din Itself. .. . COST TO B f 1S.M tsui it is not were ana tne governor declares that he has no occasion or ex cuse for going back of the document as presented to him hi order to determine the intent of the lawmakers. , Should he sign the bill which he now has in his possession there will be a special election on May 1 next regard" less of the status of the exposition meas ures, which constitute the only 'valid excuse for such an election. In the event then, that these two measures are found to be invalid and are thus re moved from the special election pro gram the voters will have nothing upon which to pass but the referred measure Involving the right of the voters of Linn and Benton counties to vote upon them selves special taxes and bonds for the payment of certain old debts a Ques tion of interest only to the two counties involved and not sufficiently important to Justify a special election at an ex pense of 1 15,000, which is provided for In . the election bill. QUESTTOH IS RAISED On the other hand, should the gover nor veto the bill there arises the pros pect of two important exposition meas ures to pass upon with no provision for a special election at which to pass upon them. Opinion among attorneys here is di vided as to the effect the Intent of the lawmakers in a case of this kind, as evidenced by the amended bill, would have upon the Mil as finally enrolled. Some there are who hold that the evi dent intent as expressed in. the bill which was actually passed by the legis lature, governs; Others contend that the enrolled bill, bearing the signatures of the president of the senate and speaker of the house and filed with the This omission, however, was discov ered -before the measure had been sent to the governor and was corrected by the chief clerk of the house. In the original " bill this clause is found with an ink mark run through each lineevidently Inadvertently, tor In tne margin adjoining the clause Is the word stef which -in the parlance of a proofreader means "let it. stand.' la addition to tne "aer there appears an "O. K." But apparently the clerks on the enrolled bills committee are not skilled in proof reading or were in too much, of a hurry to get home to bring their skill Into play, for in spite of these markings the clause was omitted from the bill as it came from their hands. Again. In house joint resolution KoT s the bill ss it came from the enrolled bills committee omitted entirely the sen ate amendment providing for a distribu tion among- the varioua counties of the state of a portion of the funds proposed tev be raised by the tax oa gasoline. -HA8TB CAUSES TROUBLE This .omission, while chargeable di rectly to the house enrolled bins com mittee, is more properly chargeable to the slip-shod methods employed by the senate committee on roads and high ways and the clerks of the senate. In the ordinary process ot lawmaking an amended measure is sent to the com mittee on engrossed a ma, where the amendments are incorporated into the original measure. In the haste which characterised the last days of the spe cial session when this measure was up for consideration the bill and its amend ments were sent directly to the desk clerks from the senate committee, and then, under suspension of the rules, were brought up for third reading and final passage. ... . . EFFICIENCY IS DEXAXDED After It had been passed by the sen ate, through resort to appeal from the decision of the chair, it was sent over to the house for concurrence in the sen ate sjnendments. Appended to the sheet of paper to which the senate amendment was attached, but hidden by the amend ment Itself, waa a notice to the effect that th!a ; amendment has not been en rrossed." . This hidden note evidently escaped the eye of the boose clerks aad WMnmitteemen 'until after the bin "had been enrolled, when It waa unearthed and the bill corrected before being sub mitted to the governor. With these three glaring errors on earthed to the two most important measures of the special sestrion. there has arisen in 'state cap! to! circles a de mand, for a more efficient handling of saris lation at future- sessions aad some plan whereby the confusion attendant upon the closing days, when errors are bound to creep in, might be done away with. ; . r v : .. : " Month's , Increase ; In Lumber Cargoes 1 Is 16,000,000 Feet Astoria, Jan, Lumber shipments tn cargo from the Columbia river during December were ltO0O,Me feet greater than In November, according to statia tica of the Astoria -customs houses The Portland and ! Astoria districts partici pated about evenly tn thla Uscraaae, each territory shipping about a,5O0,0Ot feet more during December than - In the month pnrvkMss, ; Ths mills of the Astoria shipping dis trict sent 17.111.0S1 feet of lumber oat -on 44 vessels. Mills of the Portland die- ANNOUNCING KEOPENING IX" XEW ; LOCATION OF I-' r. i LANDIS SHOE REPAIR SYSTEM SAVE MONEY BY LETTTJfO TJS REPAIR THOSE OLD SHOES They win leek like new ones sat Jast think of the bit sarlag. Only high grade, work dene. . . - . ... . .- . . , Men's half sales aad heeU sLSWTadieV malf soles SUM Rm.ker heels See A Trial Will Convince 211 Third St., BeL Tayfor and Salmon Also 154 Second' St. Bet, Morrison and Alder trict durtag this period shipped gZ.443.t4S feet aboard U vessels, making a grand total of lumber diapatcsed la csxrge frees the Columbia rtver during Xeeem- her of msO't feet The grand tetai for November was 1X7.M feet ; " HOTEL CHAJTGES HAXDS Centralis, Wash, Jan, X. Louis Sonny Saturday - sold the Huh City hotel to August and Camelle Onset brothers. The eonalderatlen was 17004. FUNERAL COMPLETE two airree, uet. SMALsnaa, SMrreiog let. naes en. rwacaav aoT nose, eaaaas SAAsaa, wag . Itliller & Tracey laLaflA mVaiaakeBsaaaiS sTlaaaBBtaiaBBai wTtoTeTeweje"wi -w iVfIBjBwn aVvtnHsej w.AHiMToi at svxa saa us sesn. sts-ae - - - . . li.afcv 't00 ARONSON ' Washington at Broadway silversmiths Jewelers 5 Great January Sale Diamonds Jewelry, Watches, Silver, Leather Goods, Toilet Ware, Umbrellas Begins Tuesday Morning, Jan. 3 TiipUMrtixurr,c.JRAORDINARYl vALUE-GIV1NG FROM ONE OF von,vnRTHfSTS- F1NEST JEWELRY STOCKS! IN THE MAIN lUU WILL HInD Reductions From 25 to 50 and Every Article Reduced! .J f Pnnf - 1 1 . . (Contract merchandise alone tTrrentA OK th tapTp? VX2xNt2E,RFUL BARGAINS WOULD TAKE TWO PAGES nnhnlrSillnAR BE SURPRISED. FOR YOU WILL vr fY tu SDd' rIETREPARED TO BUY F0R YOU WILL BUY! NOTE WELL THESE REDUCTIONS, AND THINK WHAT THEY MEAN TO YOU All Leather Goods ONE-HALF OFF! AH Beaded Bags ONE-HALF OFF! AIl Our Ivory Ware Including DuBarry ajid 1 rtrrsin ONE-HALF OFFI All Table Larnns ONE-HALF OFF! AH Our Umbrellas (Men's and Women's) ONE-HALF OFF! Our t Jo Umbrella $1.50 . Our $ S.oa Umbrellaj $2.50 Our 7.50 Umbrellas $3.7$ Oaf Ito.oo Umbrellas $5.00 Our llJ.Jo Umbrellas $6.25 Our flS.00 Umbrellas $7.50 Our 17.30 Umbrellas $8.75 Our 120.00 Umbrellas $10.00 AH Our Gut Glass ONE-THIRD OFF! - , ' .AH Imitation Pearl - Beads Fancy Beads, Genuine Amber 'Beads, and Genuine Ivory pesos. : 1 - .... ONE-THIRD OFF! Big Reductions From Our Already Lowest Prices on Fine Diamonds Just thinkl Although our prices on diamonds already are the lowest, we propose to give additional discounts during this rreat sale. If you have longed to own a diamond, there will never be a better opportunity to buy! Come and seel a Our Entire Stock of Sheffield Hollow ware ONE-THIRD OFF! Reductions average about one third in our fine Plated Flat ware, in which we carry the following popular patterns: Georgia and Sheraton in Com munity; Molly Stark in Alvin; Carolina in Holmes & Ed wards, and Jamestown, Crom well, Louvain and Queen Anne - in t$47 Rogers. . All Humidors, Poker and Dice Sets ONE-THIRD OFF! Wonderful Stocks of Watches, Wrist Watches and Clocks At One-Fourth Off! Here are Examples of Some of the Reductions: , $35. Either-fitted Suitcase for $17.50 $125 Leather-fitted Suit case S62LSO 50 Beaded Big $25.00 US Beaded Bat S12.50 10 Leather Bag. .T.SS.0Q 20 Leather Bag... $10.00 13.50 Collar Box. . .S1.7S AH Odds and Ends in Sterling Silver ONE-THIRD OFF! !HIE,R?"S SOMETHING AT ARONSON'S THAT YOU HAVE WANTED TO .OWN, NOW'S THE TIME TO COME AND GET IT! PRICES WWKMOWl THIS is an opportunity for home owners and home makers to buy hirmture of lasting quality at the most tempting prices. This stock U recognized as the largest and the best in Portland. Wc offer you unre- ouiwiu vaivias uuui its wuuucnui variety-ai uic lowest prices 01 Tne year All Our Furniture, Rugs, Draperies, Heaters, Ranges and Home Furnishings Reduced From 10 to 50! (EXCEPTION A jew contract goods, which the manufacturer does not permit us to reduced in price) "" A random list, from hundreds of similar bargains! Buy furniture now and save! Our usual liberal credit in full force! Cour teous service!. Deliveries as prompt as tremendous output will permit! Welcome to all, whether customers or visitors! 4-i h Beautiful Living-Room Pieces at Deep Reductions! , $375 Mahog. De Luxe Davenport, velour uphol.. $250.00 $195 Velour Overstuffed Easy Chair..... $140.00 $180 .Velour Overstuffed Easy Chair ...S115.0O $ 85 Mahogany and -Cane Rocker....... .5 55.70 $100 Mahogany and Cane Rocker 67.50 $150 Mahogany and Cane Rocker 98.50 $167.50 Tapestry Overstuffed Royal Easy Chair. 105.00 $ 53 Tapestry Overstuffed Rocker....... ....... S 37.50 $150 Mahogany Settee; half price $ 75.00 $160 Mahogany Settee reduced to S 95.00 $ 40 Mahogany Chair reduced to J ' 32.50 $ 85 Mahogany and Cane Chair only $ 55.00 $110 -Mahogany Rocker ; tapestry seat and back.. 56.50 $110 Mahogany Chair ; tapestry seat and back. . .$ 56.50 $47.50 Mahogany Chair reduced to ft ,33.50 $ 60 Mahogany Chair; tapestry seat and back. 30.00 $ 35 Mahogany Rocker reduced to 28.50 $135 Tapestry Overstuffed Davenport S 97.50 $105 Mahogany and Cane Rocker . 65.50 $ 80 Fine Mahogany Rocker reduced to .$ 61.50 $100 Mahogany and Cane Rocker now. ........ I .$ 62.00 . $110 Mahogany and Cane Rocker for Jj 67.50 Walnut Bedroom Suite Bed, Dresser, Dressing Table. ' Regular price .148 Sale $98.00 Walnut Bedroom Suite William and Mary design. Regular price .735 Sale $445 Pull sise Bed, Dresser, Vanity -Dresser, ChiTferobe. Walnut Bedroom Suite Queen Anne design. Regular price J77S Sale $495 Pun slse Bed, Dresser, Vanity Dresser, Chlfferobe. ? ; Fine Ivory Enamel Bedroom Suite Regular price S605. Sale $36650 . Pull size Bed, Chlfferobe. Dress er, Dressing Table. All Our Bedroom Fumittrre Is Offerexl at a Redaction During These January Sales Odd Dining Pieces $1T5 Mahogany Colon CO ft lal China Closet .'. OivU ITS Mahogany Colon- Cii Ul Buffet OOU 1345 Mahogany Co- tO3ri lonial Buffet OaSOU $147.60 Mahogany qq Cfl Colonial Buffet. ..OJ70eOU 1225 Oak Early Eng. 1in lish 'Buffet 1 1U Linoleums Reduced During January! , Walnut Dining Suite Ten pieces. Regular price 1671.50 Sale $425 Extension Tabte, Serving Table, Buffet. China Closet, Carver, five Diners. r 1 Mahogany Dining i ,- '" Suite Made by Cowan Regular price $1028. Half Price $514 Extension Table. China Closet, Buffet, Serving Table, Carver. Diners. . Jacobean Oak Dining suite Regular price ISM Sale $442.50 ; f Seamless Velvet Rugs In tail else. Regular price SCO." Sale $4625 These are best qualities wool velvets. Tales advantage. Seaml&s Axminster Rugs In 9x11 sise. Resrular price S 41.60 Sale $3450 Seamed Axminster Rugs In sxix slse. -Re ruler price 117.10. Sale $2925 Tapestry Brussels Rugs In 9x11 sise. ' Regular price 130. Sale $2150 . Grex and Other Grass Rugs In 9x12 slse. Regular price f 20. . Sale 512.75 Others at 1140. Bed Davenports . $265.00 $287.50 $325 Mahogany Bed Davenort, velour upholstered $375 Mahogany Bed Davenport, velour upholstered . Odd Bedroom Pieces Half-Price! 12 00 Ivory Enamel e ff Dresser OlUU 170 Mahogany aOC Bed OOO 1150 Mahogany Chiffe- &7C robe ...93 I1S0 Mahogany Triple Mirror Dressing Table Tr ior............. o $14fl Mahogany Chiffe- 11SS Walnut Van- t'T'T Ef ity. Dresser 9f I.OU $190 Mahogany Dress- QC er. large anirror W7u $176 .Walnut . CQ7 CA Chlfferobe....... dOfeOll SS Mahogany Triple Mirror tor!!..T...S32.5X) L uiension 1 rsuxier. (jnina Closet, Carver. & Diners. Dining Tables for Less : in 'the January Sales ; tl02 Golden Oak Dining; C7ff Tables 18S GoMen Oak' mnlng 'etCfO Tables" 0O Many others at similar reductions.. Entire Stock of Dining Faraitare ' Suites and Single Pieces Deeply Reduced During tW Janoary Sales'" Sale of Book Gases i at Lower Prices . $76.50 . S98.00 $129.50 1100 Mahogany Book. Case I11S Mahogany Book taee...... 1175 Mahogany Book Case...... For big bargains at a very small outlay, visit our basement section devoted to USED FURNITURE Scores of pieces st fraction of original cost! Henry Jenning & Sons- .Washington at Fifth "The Our Entire Stock Silk Lamp Shades and . Mahogany Lamp Bases at Deepest January Reductions! 5 Wood and Coal (Heaters at January Prices! $55 Heaters now $45.00 $44 Jleaters now $37.50 $32 Heaters now $28.00 $30 Heaters now $24.00 Many others at deep reductions. Extremely Low Prices . on Best Lanes of USED RANGES . Gas Ceal Weed ' . Fine Gret6nnes Regularly tl-Za to I1.&0 Tard Sale 85c Yard! Fine Cretonnes ! Regularly J$ to si Tard Sale 55c Yard! Voiles, Scrims and Marquisettes Reguarly 15o to 40c yard. Sale 22c Yard! All Draperies, ladading Fia SiDxs and Damasks, at J an nary Sales Prices AH Reduced White Cotton Blankets In Mxlo size Regular price !.te Sale $3.45 Pino Quality long staple cotton. Fine Plaid Blankets - (Part wool.) . In MxlO sise. , Regular price la,T. Sale $55 Fine White Blankets In eexso slse. Rerular price W.Ta." Sale$45 Silkoline-Covered Comforters (Plain and fancy borders.) ; , Regular prices IS and It. V . Sale $325 Home of Good Furniturew ; Henry Jenning & Sons , WashlnSton at Fifth .