"FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30,' 1SZI. 18 rttiS UKISUON UA1L.Y JUUKNAU FUKTL.AN 1, OKxSLrUlN. FDR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 AMERICAN HOTEL. 83 North Third it . Thig boM hu been thoroughly cleaned and ta Bad and operated by American; the bent arr-riee in the city for rates charged : elecsnt lobby, elevator service, slwsra lota of hot water. Iras baths; rate 69c. 76c. SI. Special rataa to permanent roesta. , EDV. . GODDARD. Mgr. CALL at Y M. C i, to m Ire Bet of mod rata priced room for 70 max men in all parts of the city, including rooms at the Central X. la. C A., with telephone in each room, shower baths and dob facilities. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 12o"l2tA. st Wuh fogtotv Brick structure, center of Portland's Imainess and social activities? respectable: spot less rooms: 53 week; $1 a da; up; with private frith, $2 day. Maxwell Hall Farniabed Bleeping rooms, bath, stetuu beat, hot and eoid waT; $4 w?etr and up. Hotel Helvetia 244-248 Salmon it, near Third. Modern rooms 7 oc op. Weekly rates. . HOTEL HARRISON . Clean furnished rooms $2 peek. 85e to 30a per night; 5 story brink building 408 Front. HOTEL BAKER fiftsht. Warmest, .cleanest modern rooms in city for 86, other rooms with private bath Sargent Hotel' lUvtborne and Grand. U. K. and Blerin tootna, hot and cold water, strain beat. E. 281. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 FINELY afuminhed iron I suite, also single room; plenty of beat and hat water in moor, nice view, close to business center. 821 12th st. ccr. Clay. BEAUTIFUL furnished front room, well heated, plenty hot water, parlor, piano, laundry; home privileges; rent reasonable. Main 1311. 283 N. 24th. COMFORTABLE furnished room on carline for working girl, reasonable. Wdln. 3038. NICELY furnished, clean sleeping room for one or two adults; heat, electricity, plenty of hot water, walking distance- l'hone East 348. 683 E. Stark. 4-ROOM airtme.nt, clean, beautifully funtashed. private bath snd entrance, including light, gas and beat; private house. 16 E. 16th st. No children. Kent $80. DESIRABLE room with homo priviWes, walk ing distance, for girl employed .Main 3018. : t NICELY furnished rooms with or without board, home privilege. 741 Hoyt st. Main 6094, WELL furnished, clean, warm room, with large enclosed sleeping porch; always hot water; gentleman. I.ncretia st. Marshall 368 9 . v TWO separate, large, well furnished front rooms, leat and phone, large closets, walking distance; C S. -home. Kaat49H2. WEST SIDE Large, beautifully furnished room in modern borne; furnace heat, hot water. phone: talking distance. Main 1980. 2 -feLARGfc-, clean, cheerful rooms witn furnace beat, well furnished. $5 and $4 per week. 755 Johnson. Sla n 3731. VERY desirable room tor gentleman, modern in every respect; reasonable rent; close in. 806 Belmorrt t'hone East 1202. FRONT Bleeping room, well furnished, down ' stiirs; "furnace heat; suitable for 1 to 2. 404 Taylor. ' SMALL, neatly furnished room on first floor, 3 brocks from Morrison st, $12 a month, work ing man preferred. 225 W. Park st. C'NE furnished room in new bungalow, ai! privileges. Phone Auto. 216-33. home FURNISHED front rooms within walking dii tance, also near four car lines. 265. East 3d N". ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON Portland's nigh-class downtown residential hotel. We give you the comforts of home. - American and European plan. Rates reasonable. GtJNDEUSOX-Y09T NUBJeRT ' Room and board for children at the Gnnder-oa-Yoat nursery : special attention to botUe-f ed babies. East 154. MARTHA WASHINGTON Room and board for girls; moderate rates, 380 10th st Mar- sball 1251. CHILDREN TO BOARD School close. Call 188 East 44th st, Sunnyside car. 1 M blocks aouth. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 NICE warm rooms, with or without board. I home privileges, piano; fine home for people employed; 3 blocks to Williams ave. car, 1275 Williams are. PRACTICAL nurse and husband will take 2 or 3 convalescents or aged people in their com fortable home on E. 27 th and Stark sts. Very reasonable. East 4222. BOARD and room witn private family of 3; newly furnished, large sunny rooms, walking distance, bath and telephone; price reasonable. Address 612 Madison, west Automatic 522-13. ' WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Charming modern home; large front room with wonderful view; - one .gentleman, 350; two, 385; 2 meals. Mar shafl T46- SLEEPING room for genueanan. 10 minute walk from town; borne cooking, privileges; 336 a month, Ji52 Everett Phone Ant 525-20. . WILL room and board gentlemen who appreci ate good home cooking; $9 per week. Au tomatic 525-51. BOOM and board for one or two wlio will room together. Cheerful home. 1197 E. YamhilL B. 8. Car. EXCLUSIVE HOME OFFER ROOM AND GOOD HOME COOKING; NEAR MCLT- NOMAH CLUB. BROADWAY 4314 KOOkl -with or without board, very reasonable. home cooking, walking distance; on car line. SeUwood 2898. ATTRACTIVE room with fireplace, suitable for 2 young men, walking distance, near car Bne. East 8813. FOB one or two girls, home privileges. Irving ton. dose In; Broadway car. East 6502. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 SCTTE OF H. K. ROOMS. FURNISHED 292 Vi RUSSELL EAST 1562. TWO furnished bousekeeiiing rooms, clean and newly tinted; beat, light, bath and phone furnished; laundry room; $23 per tronth. 427 rL- 2 1st st. corner Vaughn. P. 51, 01. 4 NICELY furnished rooms i except bedclothes and dishes) ; fine view, quiet convenient place to. live; at 620 Broadway drive. Inquire 326 4th st Phone Marshall 3672. NICELY furnished suite. 2 or 3 rooms, house : keeping rooms, at 409 N. 19th st. cor. Up ahur. Rates by the month $8 and up; free tela phone, bath and pool uUle. Bdwy. 1546. LARvtE front room $18. Three room suite Lpan?'' H on street floor, cheer fully furnished: 4 minutes' walk to buainoa 306 4th t . - v. v CHEAPEST RtKMS IN TOWN Light housekeeping and sleeping, clean and homelike, walking distance. $2 50 week and up. 893 W Union ave.. 1 block sooth of Hawthorne. FOR RENT Four flight housekeeping rooms with kitchenette; linen furnished clean each week; gaa, light, steam heat, good basement to wash in. Also 4 room apt Wdln, 4 54 5. -JP. SLEEPING ROOMS, good heat LEf?lSli room' 2 80; single H K. room. ...bWreei SEVERAL 1 and 2 room apartments, clean and well furnished, larse enough for 3 or 4 : men employed preferred; $6 and 37 weekly. 168 10th. FRONT parlor and sleeping room, . used of kitchen; phone, light and heat famished. 59 N. 2th near Washington. H. K. ROOM. 3d floor, 310 a month; basement loom; yojr own blanket; $8; close in. walking distance. 262 12th. Marshall 4236 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $3.50. 4 iTTb ' . week; -room with kitchenette, light bath and phone free. 295 17fb st Main 7853. FREE RENT 5 weeks for price of 4;2largt furnished housekeeping rooms, $2.50 to $4 50 Alta Vista, 16th snd PeUygTore. ' BEAUTIFULLY furnished housekeeping rooms! reasonable, walking distance. 497 Clay. Main 3 BOOM H. K.. dean, cheap;' everything fur- ,.fhwl 114 Decatnr at. St Johns. Col 1 1 27, j THKEK-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ING APARTMENT. $20. 22Vi LARRA- JEK. KAST SS71. . FURNISHED h. k. rooms, suitable for family. 4 44E,Oai at East 1136. I TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; gas rang. . t'ght and sunny, running water. 214 18th. - . Ji'CE- bght famished housekeeping rooma 564 Irving st Bdwy. 8952. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooma. good for - baching, very rewnable. 803 Main st HYLAND rooms. 204 V 4U at. furnished H K rnrans. reasonable rent ' LARGB housekeeping rooma, close in, newly . tinted, reasonable. 139 Page st. . FL RMallED h. llxvfo t ea agul iwt FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 ONE CLEAN' 1L K. ROOM Cat for cooking, electric ligbu and fuel for beating tarnished. WOODLAWS 2662. LABGE front room with kitchenette, 823; also small sleeping room. 693 E. Madison. East 8911. HAVE one H. K. room; just right for one per son.. 812 per month. 9 E. 7th, bet An keny and Ash sts. TWO furnished rooms or light housekeeping; gat and electricity furnished. Wdln. 1488. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 3 OR 4 room furnished flat, practically new, private bath and phone; adults only; furnace beat; also gas Water. 1608 Huron St., near Columbia park. Columbia 784. TWO lovely furnished corner front housekeeping sooms, well heated, plenty hot water; gas range; modern borne. Main 1311. 283 -V. 24th st NICE, large front clean, for 1 or Quimby s'sst II. K. or sleeping 2 persons, low rent room. 608 2-ROOM. suite, newly tinted. Dutch kitchen, gas range, private bath, light, heat, walking dis tance. 830. 360 Chapman st. CLEAN H. K. OR SLEEPING ROOM Gas light and phone free. 605 6th st Main 3589. THREE roomi, nicely furnished, furnace beat, fireplace, ue of phone. Irvington; no objec tion to small child or doe. Wdln. 1371. LARGE unfurnished rooms, just papered: elec tricity, running water and gas; walking dis tance. East 8387. 173 E. 7th st THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, every thing furnished, rea-sonable rent Call to night or Sunday before noon. 266 Cook ave. TWO suites of light H. K. rooms, furnace heat, electricity and water free. 1461 Oakland ave. Wdln. 805. NEW LOCATION H. K. 1 and 2 rooms. 52d E. 12th st N.. Rose City carline, walking distance. NICE clean housekeeping room-; furnished, new ly tinted, walking distance, reasonable rates. 46 Union ave. N. 2 ROOMS nicely furnished, downstairs, (16 per month. 507 Mississippi ave. F0K KENT Single houaekrepiflg rooms 810. 465 E. Ah st. cor E. 8th. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 THE JACKSON 51 Vi Union ave. X. 3-rorgn apts., $30 to $42.50, brick bldg.. prirate bath, steam heat, phone service. 15 min. walk to 5th and Alder. Rot City car. East 2846. ATTRACTIVE high-class modern apartment, kitchen, bath, sleeping porch, partly furnished; adults; references. 260 Knott st near Williams sve. THE EDENHOLM co'rU 2 and 3 room fnrnLshed iDta.. modern contpn- I iencen, prirate baths; $25 to $35 per month. Maibelle Apartments . 414 Jefferson at 11th. 1- and 2-room fur nished apartments, modern; rent reasonable. 2 and 3 rooms, furnished, strictly modern, tile baths, elevator, 11th at Montgomery. Main 330. BelHngham Apartments 421 ft EAST MORRISON ST. 1 and 2 room suites: h. k. rooms; reasonable. MUSIC TEACHER WILL SHAKE APART MENT. GIVE LESSONS. USE OF PIANO, TO GIRL EMPLOYED. WALKING DISTANCE. REFERENCES. MAIN 3018. Leeds Apartments Fireproof building: vnodern 4-r:xjru apartments: also sleeping rooms; close in. Marshall 35Jt7. 2 ROOM furuihed apartment, sink in kitchen ette, furnace, light and ilione. west side, close in, good locality, $25; no children. 60 N. 21st st Main 522J. CLEAN 4-room apartment, matched carreta anil draperies, 9-foot windows, 3 clothes closet". h ,t water heat, fireplace, first-class brick apartment, $75; adults. Marshall 2381. BEAUTIFUL large front parlor room, with kitchenette, hardwood floor, piano, well fur nished; facing park; good heat: walking diatauce, $33 per month. 393 W. Park. CLOSE IN Beautiful "Peter Pan" bungalow apt for the Newly Weds; move in todav, on Alberta car. Inquire 4614 E. 41st st ; Wood stock car. DENNISON APARTMENTS 3 rooms, private bath and phone. 546. 1027 Belmont Tabor DAVENPORT APTS. For rent, 1 singla hou.sekee.ping. Price $15, including gas and light. Main 5433. FURNISHED 2 and 3 room apartments; abo one nnfumkhed 3 room apartment. 1578 V, E Glisan st Tabor 7025. NOR HILL APTS. Clean well furnished front 3 room apt, top floor with mountain view. Marshall 267. 2-ROOM apartment, licht phone, watur. prirate entrance. 632 E. Morrin. between 16lh and 17 th. THE! 4IKFFERSON.A.N 16th and Jefferson. large 3-room mite; outside first floor; usual conveniences ; Reasonable. BANNER APARTMENTS Twoiroom furnished apartments, steam beat ed. outside rooms. 4 89 Clay st Mar. 2074. CHATEAU BELLE MAE 2 rooms and bath, walking distance, reason able. 414 4th st i CLACKAMAS APTS. For : rent furnished 2 room apt., steam heat light, water and tel. 272 H Williams aTe. FOR RENT Ccnipiete furnished 5 room apt $25 per month. Call Wdln. 2138. $32 A MONTH for 2 room stiam-beated fur nished apt. 402 Vi 3d st 2- ROOM housekeeping apt; phone, light, hent. furnished: close in, reasonable, 293 H Weidler. 3- ROOM apartmenf, private bath, mostly fur nbhed; rent 825. Call 680 Milwaukie st CNION AVE. ana Kiiungsworth. fur. apt. $24.50; all complete; concrete building. 3 ROOMS and bath, furnished or unfurnished. Imrfey Apts.. 308 Stanton st APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 303 4 ROOMS, modern, newly tinted, bath, gas range, good location for dressmaker, $20; in cludes water and garbage. M. V.- Stark to 'u t r.. noui su MODERN 4 room flat near Piedmont car bams. Wdln. 4389. FLATS FURNISHED 309 FINE modern 5 room flat h7 new. Til ie"- atneted district, east side; beautiful porch and garage; adults with references. Everything seu- arate, 4o ail mornings. are., near Failing. 800 V Patton The American Apts. 4 and 5 -room modern apartments. Twenty first and Johnson. Broadway 3360. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 MODERN, clean, cheerful, attractive 4 rooms! bath, sleeping porch, front balcony, fine view, furnace, private basement, walking distance, west side: references. 464 Hall t. near 13th 2 LARGE outside rooms, newly tinted; light and water, furnished, $16. 69 E. l'2d st 4 ROOM water. furnished flat; turnish the heat and 394 Firgo near Union Ave. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 H K.M.M1K1) 2-room house for housekeeping, electric lighta. gaa and wood stoves. 6311 48th ave. S. E., comer 64th st. opposite Baptist church, north Arleta station, Mt Scott car. Couple or adults only. 3 DOOM cottage, clean and modern. 10 min utes from Washington: on good carline- free phone, water "and garbage. Also 1 h. k. same location. Particulars phone Wdln. 530. FOR RENT 3 room house with basement house partly furnished. Gas. cold and hot "f". 3 ohicken hou,w and woodshed. Call Ant 613-90. LiE htl nkT moilern h'1"'. furnace heat Adults with references, E. 39th near Laurel hnrst park. Tabor 385. oI.-FOr.R Rt1 COTTAGE. 130 SEVEN BOOMS. WITH GARAGE. 350 Nr 3, P. R. R. Shops. Call East Vm VI I) V . t ii-i, c . . " . " ' - 'amiiy nouse, electricity, gas. "IstM S eTts"11 ?"; ,duU onJ' 762 E. MODERN home, 8 rooms, handsomely fur- ease n mo. or longer; references; attractive location. 5 ROOM modern, with-, electric "washing ma- i e,v mumn, at Multnomah Main 4253. Mrs. Ryan. stauon. i " . FUBN1SHED "Htage for rent modern. 5 menu. 6 ROOM modem house. 303 Sacramento 335 month. Phone East 8809. N WELT furnished 6-Wxnn cottage, stove teaf adults only, $45. Tabor 5943 335. MY HOME, to responsible adults, refer- . sr. let r.. otn st, . FOB. RENT Six room rnrnished house. 835 a month 883 F. 2tl st. S HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 FIVE-ROOM bungalow: adults only; rent $25. C-ai! At. 620-88. or evening, 628-41 I as. T VT-t.a w m a. ". ' " M " ' ' "' 1 ' FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 WE SELL THE EARTH 4 -room npper flat, E. aide, good location, $30. 5 room Oat at 35Uj and Tamhill 830. 6- room modern bouse, furnace, fruit trees. 100 xlOO lot, partly furnished; Sellwood, 1 block from car; 840. 7 - room house, paved street. 1 block to ear. 835. M'GEE DENNIS. 969 Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 66S4. WK FELL THE EARTH PIANOS moved. 83; stairs extra, $1 each flight; 30 days' free storage on all household goods; furniture moving, 1-ton trucks, 82 per hour; large truck. 82.75 per hoar. We are experi enced and bare good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer ex Storage. Co., 104 N. 5th st Open Sundays and evenings. bl-KINKLERED WAREHOUSE on trackage. Store your goods wtih us. Let as do your mc-ving and packing: CLAY S. MORSE. INC. Broadway 3470. 4 54 Ghsan st BEACJTFCL WESTMORELAND 5 room modern bungalow, fine condition, 1245 22d 8. E.. 835 per month. Will lease. Adults preferred. NEW cozy modem bungalow, furnace, garage pared streets, close in. Bdwy. 2261, morn ings. MODERN" 7 room house, Portland Heights, 775 Creenway ave. Take Council Crest car, 840 month. Marshall 2075. ELK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 15 Days' Storaga Free. Furniture moved for less. Broadway 2443. WHEN moving, city or country, get the b4 at lowest prices. ' Green Trans. Co.. Main 1261. 202 Vi Alder it MODERN 6 room house, thoroughly cleaned, close in; adults only. I 385 Grand ave. 8. East 1390. COTTAGE 6 rooms, electric lights, walking distance to town. Reasonable rent. 312 20th. WE move furniture of 3-4-5 room bouse for 810. For further informstion. Main 6290. $30 867 FRONT. 323 848 Front: all modern conveniences but furnace. Marshall 4440. $25 A MONTH, brand new, modern bungalow. Sell. 2939. COZY Hawthorne bungalow, rent reasonable to steady tenants. Mrs. Orr. Main 9121. 5-ROOM cottage. 188 E. 18th sL N. Inquire 268 Taylor st. NEW Woodlawn bungalow. 4 rooms. 707 "Highland st, near 18th., 340. Main 8998. MODERN 6-room house, hot water, heat, rent 840. 308 Grand ave. N.. East. 2093. 7 ROOM modern bouse, unfurnished, 840. Jarrett. corner of Main. Tabor 6063. 482 HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 MIST SELL THIS WEEK A dandy 5-rocm lower flat, completely fur nished; furniture all good; dishes, curtains, etc , included; ready to move into; $475 or best offer takes it 195'-, N. 16th st NEW furnishings of 7 - room good hegnd and some income, for quick sale $650; terms. Phone Automatic 525-51. FOR SALE Furniture of 4 rooms, house for rent: 3 large lots, plenty of fruit 2819 58th st. 8. E. FOR SALE Furniture like new, of 6-room flat; fine corner flat for rent; a real opportunity; no dealers. 635 E. Madison. Phone East 5705. FURNITURE for sale, 6 room flat for rent. including winter's fueL 327 Mill st Main 5471 STORES AND HALLS 314 SPACE in store for rent Iesirable for real estate, office or other small business, on Union ave. Phone East 5042. NEW built store for rent, in good location. Call 821 Thurman st STORE 34 19th cor. Washington, west side. Store 10x20 siae. Reasonable rent FOR desirable space in fireproof warehouse phone Broadway 3715. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 SHARE half completely furnished office N. Vi. Bank bldz. Main 6409. DESK ROOM, with telephone and stenographic service. Phone Broadway 3715. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS 350 BY young married couple, room in private home ; home ana kitchen privileges, close in; man sleeps days, must be quiet; place in yard for Ford bug. Main 1311. ROOMS AND BOARD 352 BUSINESS man wishes room and board, private. Grand and Morrison. Answer with price. V 6, Journal. APARTMENTS 357 PARTLY tuniLiied atartment, one large or two small rooms and kitchenette. Close in. A ycung couple. H. B. W. 230 2d st HOUSES 361 RENTAL BUREAU LLst your houses, flats and apartments with us; quick reeults and good tenants. PACKING, MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 63 Fonrth st, opp. Mutnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 3715. REAL ESTATE: FOR SALE LOTS 403 CLOSE your real estate deals in our Escrow Department. Title & Trust Co. TITLE & TRUST BLDG. GOOD UNTIL JAN. 1, 1922 TWIN 8700 LOTS ROSE CITY PARK All street improvements in and paid, includ ing street, sewer, sidewalks, curbs, water, gaa, electricity. See these before buying. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 628 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4754. FOR SALE Two houses and lots, close in; free from incumbrance, good condition, semi-mod em, cheap for cash or reasonable terms; also one new nearly modem house, full basement large double garage; large lot; cash 33300, or I terms $3300. Party e-ck, gng East Inquire a0 1 Arte 1(1,1. aT,A t v...... u:..k BARGAIN Corner lot 50x100, northwest comer of 76th and Shaver sta., 2 blocks north of Sandy road, sidewalk and curbing in and paid, some beautiful trees; low price and your own terms. Owner, 509 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 1963. Business Lot, a Corner Northwest comer 28th and Alberta st. 40x75, paving paid. $800. Can't beat this. Jacob Haas. Marshall 3324, East 1364. WESTMORELAND $700 19th at, 150 feet south of Tolman, facing west All improvements in and paid. H. G. Nieman. Sellwood 2219. BARGAIN 3 lots N. W. corner E. 80th and Weidler, $50 each, near car. all improve ment paid. Owner East 3380 BIG BARGAIN IN LOT Only $400. near Laurelhnrst sidewalk and curb in. 1 blk. to car. Call owner. Ant 215-26. EASTERN owner sacrificing 2 big lota near 54th and Lincoln sta. paved and paid. Tabor 2934. HOUSES 404 WEST SIDE SACRIFICE MUST BE SOLD 21st st, close in. 10-room house, good con dition, 7 sleeping rooms, furnace, full cement basement, east front 50x100 lot Only $6500. 31500 cash, balance 825 gnonthly. T. O BIRD. 526 CHAM. OF COM. PENINSULA PARK DISTRICT 4 rooms and breakfast nook, bungalow. 2 blocks from Mississippi ear: modem every way. full basement and furnace, wash trays, 2 bed rooms, no incumbrances, east front; easy terms, 33500. A peach. Owner, Wdln. 1755. $100 DOWN, $23 ma, until your bonus comes, will bay 4 room house, modem; paved sts., all paid Price 32500. Swell buy. 504 Bo chsnan bldg. - WHT PAT RENT! Only 3400 for good 50x100 lot with teat house: sidewalk and curb in and paid. Aut 215-26. FURNISHED 5 ROOM BUNGALOW Completely furnished modern bungalow, 80x 100 lot: fruit trees. lawn. A real snap. Broad war 3383. ; 5 ROOM modem house, by owner; every mod ern convenience, with furnace. Located 422T ' 65th st S. E. . 3 blocks north of Arleta station. Real bragain if taken at once. 3300 DOWN, balance 825 month, takes our 1 room bouse on paved ft. sewer connected. 1 b!k. frrm car. Price $1600. 593 4 Williams ave. Wdln. 1371. AN ABSOLUTE SNAP Alberta. 5 room .house, with garage, on paved street, near car. for 33000; terms. Call Main 94 72 for Mr. BerleT. ! PORTLAND HEIGHTS vw property; owner "mam -room eungaiew not quite finished. 32oOH; terms. Bdwy. 2770. SMALL. HOUSE;, fnniirare; 80x185. SIol pi-. . Jtt gcott ear. C-ROOM bunaalow. 3 blocks from Albert our; bargain. Woodlawn. 864 Classified ads phoned The Jour nal before 11 A. M. will be pub lished the same afternoon. If you can't come to The Journal business office phone your "ad." PLENTY OF AD-GIRLS Every day Always ready To take your little "Classified Ad." By Phone Main 7173 or A 560-51 For the Daily or Sunday Journal One Line One Time One Dime REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale LARGEST HOME SELLER LV AMERICA Personally Inspected Personally Appraised If necessary, we'll help you make your down payment. 40 Salesmen at Your Service. Open Evenings Until 9 $5490 $500 down! Here's a wonderful home bargain. In Hawthorne district, con venient to Franklin high school; 6 room beautiful 1 Vi story semi-bungs -low, with massive builtins, hardwood floors fireplace, furnace, convertible sleeping porch, etc. LOOK THIS UP! Eat 52d at $500 DOWN I $500 DOWN $3790 A REAL SNAP in a cozy, homty home bungalow of 5 rooms with every rea ture you'd wart for comfort; clever builtins, 7 0x100, with worlds of fruit flowers, etc. A PARADISE OF YOUR OWN. Hoiladay st. $500 down; $300 DOWN! FI'RNISHEDl $1190 COMFORTABLE Mt Scott cottage or 4 rooms, furnished, 2 bedrooms, close to car, woodshed, berries, etc. 8 7th st. WE HAVE HUNDREDS OF Homes in an parts of the city that you can buy on easy terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To But Your Home Abington bldg Realtor. Main 1068 3d st. bet Wash, and Stark. Note: Let us put you on our mailing list for "THE McGUIRE SYSTEM." a live Real Estate Digest EX-SOLDIEi;' SNAP ROSE CITY BARGAIN ! $300 CASH $300 Owner leaving city, your chance to buy a real artistic California bungalow on your own terms. Ijirge living room, fireplace, French doors to den, beautiful hdw. firs. Modem Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fine sleeping porch, attic and garage. Full French casement windows, pergola porches. A beautiy! R, SOMERYILLE, Bdwy. 2478. 320 U. S. Nat Bank Bldg. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS 81850 Neat 3-room plastered cottage with concrete foundation, full basement, hot and cold water, sink and patent toilet; 3 blocks from car; all kinds of large assorted bearing fruit trees: chick en house and run. berries; ground 87Vixl0O; $250 cash. $15 monthly. v . niaw v i "-i fa-i ir"lir. rrf s j ktl.Toaa 732 CHAMBER OF COMsMERCK WHY not be in your own home for New Tears? It will add to the pleasure of liv ing. Just look at this nice 3-room bunga low. 1 acre, equal to 8 city lota, fine lawn and choice fruit Only $2000. I have many other large and small homes, city and suburban. J. B. HOLBROOK. REALTOR, 214-215 Panama bldg. 32800 FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW ON SUMNER ST. NEAR B. 13TH Hardwood floors in living and dining rooms, kitchen with gas range and Rnud heater, lino leum in kitchen and bath, disappearing bed in dining room, all built-ins, full cement base ment with wash trays. A complete home at a bargain price. All improvements in; lot 33 Vi front . UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. Bdwy. 943, 284 Oak St BUILT TO ENDURE' 3100 to 83000 INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better Houses for Less Money. REDIMADE BLDG. CO.. PORTLAND. OB, Factory E. 11th and Market Phone Kart 3114. Hawthorne Bungalow SACRIFICE 34200 TERMS Modem 5' rooms, attic; 1 block from car; paved st A pick up. Will be sold on first inspection. ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Bdwy. 37. Evenings E. 2961. SUNNYSIDE HOUSE l70n 5 rooms and sJeeoinc Dorch. Center ' of Sunnyside just off carline. Usual plumbing. gas and electricity basement: owner leaving city; 8750 cash and 325 per month, including interest at 6 per cent JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg Main 3787. 8 600 3100 CASH. 2-room shack. Vi acre. 950 -3200 cash, 4 rooms, 47x100 lot 1350 $350 cash,. 5 rooms. 40x100 lot 1500 8300 cash, ' 5 rooms, 3 lota. 2000 $250 cash. 5 rooma, 95x126. alley, 17 fruit trees. 2850 $500 cash. 4 rooms, 40x125, alley. FRED V. SPEAR. 5520 65th st S. E. Aut 619-19. DIRECT from the. builder. 5-room home: best finish: full cement basament, hdwd. floors, furnace French doos. breakfast room, all built ins; splendid garage; Ipt 146 ft deep; close in, near 2 carline; $1000 under price. 877 Woodward ave. Come out to see ft Owner, Sell. 2859. , ROSE CITY $4190 Easy terms, attractive 5 -room bun galow. Urge living room, fireplace, hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, fumaea and garage. Ex-soldiars, see thisl R. SOMEHVILLK. Bdwy. 2478. A SNAP if taken at onoe. By owner. 7 room house, strictly modern; 5 lota, garage, S wal nut trees, 20 fruit trees, all kinds of bulks and shrubs, 3 large chicken runs, fenced, 3 chicken booses, open front; 1 block from ear; right to city; $2800. easy terms. Wdln. 5885. WANT TO MAKE $500! Don't overlook this: Five room hoaae, bath, etc ; cement basement, some furniture, new garage: 3 huts. 25 fruit trees, berries, near Woodstock ear; (11 goes f'-r $2250, eaiy terms. 5910 59th ave. East 4853. - N1W bungalow, 7 nice fruit trees and berries, 1834 Barrage st. St Johns oar to Losn bsrd. See owner. "i - SMALL boose and tot. Inquire at Kendall sta tion; crass bjTdaw. ftrst road oat left, first est text. . -oer suat REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ALAMEDA DRIVE $4100 Ton will be delighted with this wonderful bungalow home. A real nifty bungalow, planned by one of Portland's best house architects, built by a builder who knows how to build. Complete with hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace. Easy terms. Really an opportunity A.-C. TEEPE CO. DCAtTOOS A INSUDANCC 270 STKBX- CT I V 40111 A.N0 SkkTOY rOTeiilS AVOID all trouble in closing your real estate utqus uy using our tscrow Department. Title & Trust Co. TITLE & TRUST BLDG. G RO VELA N D PARK BUNGALOW Five-room bungalow, oak floors, fire place, furnace. quiet, a complete kitchen; in fact, is well planned, ideally located; move right in; garage. Imp. paid. One block to Hawthorne car. Price $5300. $1000 cash. DERR 4 P0WNDER 1215 N. W. Bank bklg. Mar. 2245. $250 CASH AND TERMS 4 room house having modem conven iences and in good condition. 80x100 lot, 10 bearing fruit trees, good chicken coop and yard. Close to car and school. $1600. Call Mr. Young. Otto & Harkson 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6398. Star Sales Service $200 TO $500 CASH We have a special selected list of homes which can be purchased on very easy terms. Ask us! We have what you want! You get "Star" service. STAR REAL EST. & INV. CO. REALTORS Open Evenings Until 9. Main 5604. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. $150 DOWN and easy terms buys a 5-room house newly painted outside and now be ing newly papered and painted inside; everything to be in first class condition by the first of the year; close to downtown district on macadamized street; modem: no assessments. Will sell for $2100 if taken at once. Call Mr. Young, Main 6398. DO TOTJ LIKE A FENCE? Large comer 100x105, on carline, 6 room house, fireplace, pipeless furnace, ce ment basement, garden, fruit trees, chicken house, garage. Owner will sacrifice his equity for 31500 cash. Call Main. 7763 or Ant 610-24. MODERN" IRVING TON HOME Q Seven rooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, elegant condition, also maid's quarters on third floor: 81500 will make the first payment Will only quote price to those interested after they have seen it Reduced U, a snap if sold at onoe. Lot 60x100, double garage. UNION SAJ-E DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. Bdwy. 943. 2S4 Oak St ONLY 83100 BY OWER NEW. NEW, YES, ALL NEW A new design, a new kind of bungalow, 4 rooms, basement, bath and breakfast nook. Mr. Newlywed. this is just what you want Odd but attractive, different from anything in town. Don't fail to see it Seeing it is wanting it $500 eah. balance easy Aut. 215-26. $300 CASH $300 $4100 Attractive 5 room bungalow, prac tically new. hardwood floors, fireplace, fine buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 2 large bedrooms; close to Hawthorne car. A good buy on your own terms. B. SOMERVILLE, Bdwy. 2478. 31' L. S Nat. Bank Bldg. WALKING DISTANCE EAST SIDE $3750 5 large, light rooms and large attic. Semi-modem house. Entrance fr. n two streets. 50x100 cor. This is a close in home; $750 will handle. JohnsonDodson Co. 638 N. W. Bar bldg Main 37 87. VACANT Sunnyside E. Yamhill. Near 25th St Six rooms, 3 extra large bedrooms, enameled plumbing, wash trays, in splendid condition. Can be handled by soldier's bonus; $3800. easy terms. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. BUILD TO 8AT1SKL .Before letting contract to build your horns sea vfs. We will save yon money and show you real construction. DEAL with an ex service man. Soldiers given every considera tion, i ROBNETT & McCLURE. REALTORS Marshall 8292. 302 Couch Bids. FOR A SALESMAN- who has an auto mobile and who is willing to work we hav a good opportunity in selling real estate property. A live office, good list ings and cooperation. Call at once. 314 Couch bldg. MUST BE SOLD By owner, attractive East Bnrnside home, close in, fine location, 8 rooms, double con struction, hardwood floors, furnace and fire place; cash 81000. Mrs. Bliss, 383 E. 3d at N. Phone 328-13. COZY NEW BUNGALOW MOVE RIGHT TN 8750 CASH Westmoreland, finished In ivory, every mod em feature, beautiful lighting fixtures, garage. Payments like rent Near ear, 17 th st. Mar. 1022. Sell. 27 OS evenings. MT. SCOTT BARGAIN" 2 lota, corner: hard street; 8 room bouse, concrete basement; 2 Mocks to ear; lota of fruit and flowers ; eiee trfeity. gas; modern; $2000; terms. Ant 426-33. NEW 5-room doable constructed bungalow. Lan retharst; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, attic: 83100; terms. Dr. J. D, Doback. 171 Broadway DANDY 5-room bungalow, close in. fall attic snd eanent basement, on paved street, 1 block to car; only 33650.. Ant 228-71. 3 KOOM boos, needs fixing op. 4 lots. 80x160; cIom in, $100 down, 315 mo. ; Good buy for working man. 504 Buchansa bide UONTAVTLLA Only 83000. exaawy bungalow, avid laws. Ovnea-. East 3016. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 BOSE CITY PARK $5500 Folks, here is a real classy bungalow, double constructed, ideally located below the hill, in the choicest location. Hardwood floors through out, furnace, fireplace and garage. Asatsv paid. Inspect this. - A.C. TEPE CO. UMHSOsJZ, r aA.W TA.bOR.95SS FU RN ISHEJI 33600 PRETTY PULLMAN BUNGALOW The prettiest 4 room banaalow you've seen; furnished complete; full basement with wash trays and furnace, and winter's wood in; ga rage, fine chicken house, beautiful shrubbery; offered away below value 'by owner, who hag been transferred. Terms. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. $4300 84300 $4300 84300 ALAMEDA PARK Nothing like it for the price in any of the desirable districts. It's a wonderful new bunga low consisting of 5 rooms and breakfast nook. You can have possession New Year's. J. A. Wickman Co. QUALITY HOMES 262 Stark St REALTORS Bdwy. 6794. ROSE CITY For sale, by owners, new 5 -room bungalow, hardwood floors, tapestry paper. French doors, fireplace, buffet, built ins, large bring room, wardrobes, full basement Call Woodlawn 63S9 or Tabor 8271. ACREAGE 405 ON PAVED HIGHWAY One acre. 1 H miles from city limits, all under cultivation, a few young fruit tree's, some berries, 3 room house and pantry, city water, gas. small barn, . ga rage, chicken house. Included with the place: Cow, 35 chickens, garden tools and some furniture. Only 5 blocks from station and school; good car service and low commutation fare. Price $2600, $1000 cash, balance $20 per mouth, 6 per cent ONLY 12 MILES FROM PORTLAND Over 6 acres, on macadam road. 1 mile from, Oregon City cariine, Vs mile to school, all under cultivation, 16 bear ing fruit trees, raspberries and grapes. New, attractive 4 room cottac:e, on ce ment foundation; bam 16x26, chicken house and runways Price $2800, easy terms. Acre tracts near Milwaukie road, 1 mile from electric station., good rocked road, city conveniences available, all under cultivation and best of soil. Price $900 per acre, very small payments down. Also 1 acre with small house, $1000, small payment down. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR Gerlinger Bldg. BE INDEPENDENT : Own an acre where you can raise chickens and garden, just ouhnde city. Low price and eaxy terms. R. H. CONFRET, REALTOR. RITTER LOWE & CO., v 201 2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Alberta Street Acre 250 feet west of K. 4 2d st. facing south on Alberta street Sure sacrifice at $1050. P. Haas. Marshall 33l'4. 2 ACRES, I.EVE'.., CLOSE LN. ONLY $750; TERMS. MAR. 796. FARMS 407 ONLY $800 DOWN 22 acres, 23 miles from Portland. 1 Vi miles from good town with high school. 2 acres under cultivation, 15 acres can be larmed when cleared, good dark loam soil, cr-ek on place, over 500 cords of first-growth fir wood, bearing orchard and berries, 4 loom liou-e. barn 26x40. cliicken houst. Included with place: Horse, cow, chicken, harness, plow, har row, buggy, stump-puller, household fur niture, bed. couch, table, 12 chairs, steel range, heating strive, cooking utensils, etc. Price for everything $2100. YAMniLL COUNTY. OREGON 24 acres, on rocked road, 2 Vi miles from McMinnville. 1 Si acres under culti vation, all can be farmed when cleared. gol family orchard, 6 room bouse, large bam. chicken house, etc. Included with place: Four good ww, young team, plow. etc. Price $6500, terms. Consid er Portland house up to $3000, easy terms on balance. Will accept soldier's loan. THREE MILES FROM PORTLAND 25 acre , on macadamized road, Vi mile to s. 'lool. woven wire fences, 6 acres under cultivation, all can be farmed when cleared, balance easy clearing, good loam soil, 1 acre ' raspberries, rural de livery, cream route, etc., shack house. Price $3500, $1000 cash, balance easy term. Miclit consider house in Portland for full raise if pricd right Afi for Mr. Davis. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR Gerlinjer Bldg. FOR SALE The finest dairy farm in Tillamook county, high-class buildings, electric lights, city water, everything modern ; close to Tillamook city. Will consider city property in exchange up to 50 per cent of purchase price. Address Ji-HS i . journal. 250-ACRE valley ranch, stocked and equipped, all seeded, on hard surface road, good build ings, f nut, b,erries, immediate possession : to exchange for Portland property. Price $27, 500. Will assume. 415 Ry. Ex. bldg. Bdwy. 3400. 100 ACRES, 35 cultivated, good land, fine tim ber, 4 springs, bldgs., 1 miles of town; team and 4 coss; ca-h and terras. Box 4 4, Scio. Or. FOR SALE 20 acre apple and prune orchard. One mile to R. R. station. No bigs. T. E. Alex antler, Monmouth, Or. . FOR RENT FARMS 408 100-ACRE dairy and fruit farm for rent; good buildings, with running water; 7 acres or chard; cheap for 1, 3 or 5 years; 2 miles from Woodland, Wash. Phone, write or see Earle D. Bennett Woodland, Wash. GOOD farm for rent: buy stock if wanted, 160 acres; owner, Y-10, Journal. HOMESTEADS 410 COPY govt maps snowmg Western Oregon homestead lands. $1. Our charges an rea sonable and our servi-es tbe best on locations References given. N7 J. ANDERSON. 302-4 Railway Exchange bldg.. Portland. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 JUST WHAT YOU WANT 40 acres near Eugene, Or., all in cul tivation; good house, large bam. fenced and cross fenced, plenty of good water, on fine road : school just acroas the road from the place, 15 minutes drive to Eugene. Will trade for a good house in Portland if location and price is right We also have lota of other property to trade for Portland property. If you have a good house equity we will give you a trade for it Quick Sales Company 406 COUCH BLDG. AUT. 511-09. WTLI. TRADE We are prepared to arrange a trade for you. Bring in your' proposition and w will match you on anything of merit; lots, houses, acreage, farms, stocks of merchan dise. E. R. S.. 712 Couch bldg. -2 ACRES, best location Garden Home; modem 5 r. bung. Exchange for city home in good district. 314 Couch bldg. Main 7036 or East 3592 eve. CANADIAN FARM 320 acres, well imprrved, running creek; equipped, ideal for general faoming ; cash price $30 per acre: exchange for city, farm or acre age here; owner here now. C. Cole, 426. Lum bermens bklg. ' 160 ACRES good land. Wasco county. Trade for equity in house or auto. Main 7036 or East 3592 evenings. EX CHANGS OFFICII Oar services are ready for every ex change proposition of merit ROBNETT & McCLURE 802 Couch bldg. Marshall 8298 TO EXCHANGE for valley property. 40 acres in Southern Idaho, under irrigation: part m alfalfa; fair bouse, bam and other buildings. 3 horses, 1 cow, 1 calf. See owner, 716 W. Charleston st. St Johns, Portland. Or. GROCERY STOCK 81250 Want house equity for part or all. or will consider late model auto for half, balance cash or terms. Tabor 6048. 40 ACRES 20 ACRES Unimproved. $30 per acre; exchange for lot or lots. C. Cole, 426 Lumbcrmens bidg- $600 EQUITY in 4 rm. bouse; trade for business with rooms. X-379, Journal. " HAVE lot in choice residential district of Los Angeles for Irringvn residence. Bdwy. ,8363. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 TRADE tor Portland property. 4 acre, partly improved land, at Btaytom, Or. 2-835. Joor sl. U. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE1 Modern 8 room bouse. East Vancouver. Wash., practically new. bath and fall base ment, concrete garage; fruit flowers and ber ries; la-acre lot City aster snd light Good school, church and stores cloee. Price $4000. To rictlk parties.. $500 will handle, with bberal terms on remainder- Might -eoonder trade for small improved tract Address owner. A. I. DAVISON STEVENSON, WASH. FOR SALE OR TRAPE FOR SMALL FARM or house in city 4 80-aere wheat ranch, near Almira, Wash. A. "Reinikka. Hermiston, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 IF TOCR LOTS are in good district, free and clear, priced right, see us. Our cooperative plan will sell them. ROBNETT 4 McCLURE. Marshall 3292. 302 Couch Wdg. SHACKS WANTED We need some SALEABLE SHACKS for im mediate sale. Demand increasing. J. A. WICK MAN CO. 262 Stark st Main 6794 WE HAVE eastern buyers for Portland homes. If your price is right we can sell ALEXANDER REALTY CO., INC 702 Title A Trust Bldg. Bdwy. 5586. I HAVE $2500 to pay down on a $4000 bun galow in Rose City Park between 38th and 4 2d streets. Will pay $40 per month on bal ance. J-553, Journal GROCERY STOCK $1250 Want house equity; must be in desirable lo cation. Tabor 604 8. 50x100 lot on Mount Tabor carline. Hare good car and cash. Broadway 3363. ACREAGE 455 WANT SMALL PIECES. CLOSE IN I Improved places with buildings, on good road, cloae to electric transportation and Portland. Small payment down and owner to accept soldier's loan. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WANTED TO RENT SMAIX PLACES Have several people wanting to rent acre age or small farms, close to Portland pre ferred; some people will buy- the place after leasing for year or more; we make lots of sales this way; will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlfnger bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 FOUR HAULING CONTRACTS Starting Jan. 1. now open for reliable par ties who can make a small payment on a new 3-ton truck. These contracts run for one year, with privilege of renewal, and will stand thor ough investigation. Will be" sold this week. Act quick. 4 30 BELMONT $1500 A NICE little grocery store with two living rooms, furnished; good business, cheap rent All for $1500. At invoice, a nice groce,ry store with 5 living rooms, about $2000 stock, fixtures very rea sonable; will give some terms. LINTON & WELCH. 418 Railway Exchange Bldg. FUR SALE Complete modem chiropractic equipment, in cluding Sorenson cabinet, adjustable chair aDd all the other necessary appliances, all practically new and in best condition. Also complete equip ment for beauty work. A splendid bargain. M 301, Journal. FOR SALE Plumbing and electrical business in a small town in Eastern Oregon, right in' the heart of large wheat and fruit country. No opposition; plenty of work all the tnu, with good opportunity to extend; low rent ; ' stk, tools and service car, all go; $2500 cash will handle deal direct with owner. Write FX-9S0, Journal. RESTAURANT, good location, seats about 40; cheap rent, brick bldg., $1000, terms. If you want to buy a restaurant see this one, doing $7-"- ,er day: good fixtures: price $2100. We have restaurants from $500 up. LINTON & WEI.CH. 418 Railway Exchange Bldg BEST BUY IN PORTLAND Have grocery' and confectionery on best east side corner location, doing excellent business; 9 living rooms furnished that almost pay the en tire rent. This is positively the best proposi tion in the city. If you have $1500 "cash. Wilson. Broadway 3363. t GUN store and postoffico, fine bklg., in a valley, good fanning district; take ranch for part; in voice; clear. Garage, lot 1 00x1 10; floor soace 60x100; tools ; lots of cars atorti ; sell cheap ; cash or terms. Box 22, Scio, Or. A GOOD live pool nail in a good IScation : do ing a nice business. Inner must sell by first of year. Price $1000. LINTON A WELCH, 418 Railway Exchange. Main ,2995. LOCATE AT NEWPORT, OR. Cash grocery, fish, fruits, prominent location, light stock, fixtures, only $200; best of pros pects for future. Address L. C. Smith, New port. Or. CLEANING. PRESSING, DYEING Owner will sell at a sacrifice : business on sound basis, making money; $200 a month saved besides living; equipment worth $1500; pnee 81100. 718 Dekum bldg: BARBER CHAIR Old-fashioned but excellent condition, uphol stered in leatherette, suitable for chiropractor, osteopath, etc. Bargain. $10. E. H. Botte- miller. 751 Thurman at 23d. $3000 BUYS one of the best garages on west side, fully equipped; South Bend lathe, acetylene welding, drill press, etc. Well worth investigation; terms if desired, BUSINESS SERVICE. 718 Dekum bldg. CAUTION, BUYERS Belore closing a deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg Phone Broadway 1902, ONLY restaurant in a good sawmill town, with room,; also modem bungalow, new. Good reasons for selling. Clover Leaf Cafe, Power & Power. Ridgefield., Wash. Printing for Less Ryder Printing Co. Main 5530. 192 3d st. Would you pay $100 down to get into an hon orable, money making business! None better. Address J-194, Journal. WOULD you pay $25 to $50 down to get into a good first class honorable business; a money maker; none better. Inquire at 4022 4 2d st S. E., Portland. Or. GROCERY STORE $1000 or invoice, rent $20 month;. can get lease. Doing $35 per day in good district 593 Vj Williams ave. Woodlawn 1371. NICE little restaurant for sale; just the place for man and wife: have to sell on account of sickness: $456 down, balance monthly. 354 Hawthorne, owner. GARAGE, west side, fully equipped, including Cadilac louring car, storage for 18 car, $1100, $600 down. 306 Cham, of Com. bldg. Multnomah Realty Co. GOOD business opportunity, must see to appreciate; Must be a bustler; need some money. W-1S6. Journal. MILLINERY stock and fixtures. $500; rent $35; Washington st Leaving city. Phone Broadway 429. MEAT market for sale. Good east side location. can be improved, reason for selling. L-96, Journal. CON FECTION ERT Cutest little place in town. $850, from owner; no agents. Main 931, FOB SALE by owner, new doughnut outfit do ingbiness in storeroom and 4 living rooms. wkl?cir $iJ5o prices. Acorn Press, 286 Vi Washington, nr. 5th. WOULD you pay $100 down to get into f-JOd first class busaness. a money-maker! W 792. JoumaL $ O WN ER Candy jobing business and auto mak- ing $8 day, going East, must sell, $2 Op ban- d'es. 504 Buchanan bidg. 12 ROOMS, beautifully furni.-b.ed. west side Sice income; lovely home; price $2000, $1050 cash. Owner, Mar. 416. UPHOLSTERED ice cream booths for 3 tables and 2 61 bole chain drope chandeliers. East 4 878 evenings. ' j IF TOU want your automobile refinished, w will save you money. I-983, Journal. MEAT MARKET Cho eest location; a good i business for right anan. 51-370. Journal: TO SfclJ. YOUR BUSINESS Call Davenport, Main 4891. for appointment RESTAURANT Price $60O. outfit comjilete, co 504 Buchanan bldg. $1000. IF YOU want yi'i money. your Addr car reiini&hed I will ess H-708. Journal. , FOR KALI: l.uncn counter. 191 3rd st. FOR SALE Carpenter :Hp. 261 11th st HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 14 ROOMS H. K. ; walking distance: iurn.ee heat electric lights; rent $40; good net. Price 31500; $1050 caeh to "handle. 218 R Iwav Kxcli. bldg. Bdwy. 6SQ8. 48 -ROOM HOTEL, North End district clearing $SOO mo.: lease 1926; place full all time. Good place right parry 504-' Buchanan bldg 7 ROOMS. 1st snd Jefierfon, cheap rent; dandy transient; KKI furniture, $250 takes it Bdwy. 2617. - 24-LOOM apartment bone, iea-e waiting lst. 504 Buchsran hidg. 1926 ; has HOUSEKEEPING make me an offer. rocmt, good furniture; 527 John-on st j 18 ROOM rooming house lor sale. See owner, ' at 23 Vs Grand sve. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES A FOR SALE 502 10 ROOM. Nob Hill; most attractive home; fine location : all full and waiting list:, ettra cood funiituiv including eteetrio' washer, vacunm cleaner, lirafonola, etc; income over $175. $1650 handles. MRS. ALBAI GH ; t John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldev " GIE years' lntse on 1 1 room residence suitable for apts. or rooming house; wet side apt house section ; a high grade place; will clear $250 to $300 Main 3604. STAR REALTORS, 512 -IS Wilcox Mug. 44 ROOMS, housekeeping and sleeping; brk-fc bldg.; steam heat; lease to 1926. This place show a net of $500 icr mo. and is ail excellent buy. For further information call 213 Kail, way Exrh. bldg. Bdtrv S()S. ' - 6-BOOM flat close in, west side, extra - good furniture, neat and clean, rent $30. 'Pries $800, $473 cash. A good home and income, J. W. GUUSSI. 318 Board Tif Trade. Main 7452. SNAP SNAP - $1300 $300 tash handles this 11 rooms; housekeeping; electric lights; walking distance. See us today sure. 218 Railway Kxc.h. bldg. Bdwy." 6808. APARTMENT house. ' 54 rooms, all hdufekeev. ing. clearing' better than $300 per month. Rent $150, with lease. A sure snap. LLN'TOS & WELCH, 418 Railway Kxchance Bldg. 13 ROOMS, housekeeping and sleeping, gwxl furniture, clears $110. Price $1830. $1000 will handle. BUSINESS SKRVICE, 7 1 8 DeRum bldg. HOTEL 39 rooms, well furnished, a real money getter, 5 years lease, brick building. Prica $7000. $5000 down: Jap considered. : 84 Salmon st. 44-ROOM aftartmnt. mostly 2s and Ss, good location and nice .-lean place: lease ovet the fair. Price only $1500 Good terms. 214 Railway Exrh bliic IMwv. 6S08 FOR dl'IChl SA1.K High class rooming ani boarding house, splendid location on fine pay ing basis; good proposition for right party; $2O09 will handle, no agents. T 7. JournaK AJURTMEVrTTrrovUis, lease 1926. good in. come. 5ti4 Buchanan bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 IF YOU want to eU your biuunera or secure A partner, so us. Business Service 718 DEKUM BLDG. WANTjEIi To purchase an interest in " good f'.r irtjftir&nce h!,inM- pnt.li.4onf ial VT?' Journal. Q DO TOU want to sell your business; want 4 partner. See us. 504 Buchanan bide FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 WE have a large amount of money for good residence loans. Mortgage Guarantee Co, 91 FOURTH ST. CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property or lor uoprorentB8 purposes. Tbe best and easiest fme&od of paying g) loan is oar monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, at 821.81 per mouth for 60 months, or $15.17 pet' month for 96 months, psjrg g loan of $1000 and Interest Loans of other amounts in same proportlossj Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASS'S 242 Stark St. Portland. Or, $300. $400. $500. $750, $1000 AND CP. Lowest rates. Quick action; pay 100 or mora any internet date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Cham, of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. $300. $400. $500, $70u $1900 AND UP. Low rates, quick action t Ted W. Uermaa Co. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. BUILDING loans on city ana suburban prop erty; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215-216 Failing bldg Main 8407. $2000 TO 30O0 ON lITY r'POPERTT- FBKDS. W1LLL4M3. 608 PANAMA BLDG. I SEE OREGON PJV A MORTGAGE CO.. 31 Lumber Exchange bldg BL"YiOOD SECURITIES AND MAKE LOANS Lee Davenport. 612 Buchanan bldg. $500. $1000 and up; 407 Spalding bldg. 7; no red taps. Wart MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON Automobiles FURNITURE. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE SECURITY USUALLI LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAYMENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OB Of FURNITURE OF AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAT THEM" CP. ADVANCE TOU MORE MONEY 19 NECESSARY. AND YOr CAN PAT US 1! SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO 8UII - YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN-CO. (LICENSED) 806 307 DEKUM BLDG . 3D AND WASH. SALARY LOANS 8ALART WE LOAN MONEY to salaried and workingmen on their necsonali notes. Rates reasonable, easy payments. jh- V I I tCCl'DITV VI. TV Tu . CJ L-T Call and Investigate our modem money leodV i ing methods. All business confidential. COLl'MBU DISCOUNT COMPAUT t Licensed) ; r 218 Failing Building. "- il MONEY TO LOAN Money loaned on household goods oi chandise placed in storage with us at a regular bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. 4th and -Pine st Opoosite Multnomah HoUL Phone Broadway 3715. MONEY T-J LOAN On household goods at bank rates. ALERT TRANSFER CO.. 209 Oak St 8100 TO 82500: quick action. A. B. Bell, 231 Vi Morrison rt. rooms 10 and 11. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 en eon tracts. F. K. Bowman A Co.. 21a)H 3 Cham of Ccm. bldg. Main 3026. I BUY seller's contracts, paper, funds in any clients. Roy H. Keagy, mortgages, auto mob amount Invested f 712 Lewis bldg. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers" con! on real estate in Washington or Oregosvj H E. Nobis, 316 Lambenti eca bk. ? 80 ACRE relinquishment for sale by John Lar- kin. Carrolls, Wash.. B. 1 . box 27. iS WILL buy mortgage. mail feller's Gordon. 63 1 contract or srroni fc! Ch. of Com, btdgj ff MONEY WANTED 651 f WHEN yon loan money on real atala amyl a title insurance policy from - f- Title & Trust Co.; ! ; 91 FOURTH ST. :f WANTED $6000 for flats: good security Journal. 5 years for building ol and interest. -714, GOOD I sellers contract: will discount 10 pel i cnt Z-71H, Journal. BEE OREGON" INV MORTGAGE 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. CO, HORSES AND VEHICLES 70C 10 HEAD of horses and mares weighing 1 1 'K to 1600 lbs.; will sell very cheap to mak, room ,fo; shipment to arrive after fictft of year new wagons and 'laroess at reduced prices. Key stone Sublet, 881 Water st., eoT. Montgomt ry ; 2800 LB. TEAM for $85, guaranteed gooT v I workers. Also several other chean ftor ' Harness and wagons of ail kinds. 240 K. 8th cor, cf Main. . FOR SALE St a bargain, lo head of bor-ee . weighing from 1300 to 1800 lb., 4. to M ? years old. Call at E. Bth and Flawters. J: DOUBLE team $3 day. siugie tram $1.80 Saf ' $46 Front st Main 2208 ' f $4 0 TAKES 1400 lh. work horse, half block south of Russell. 810 Kerb f FOR SALE Two u-ams of horses weigh: in a.-t'Kj ins, a vrtm inquire 333 r.. Kelly. RUBBER Ure b y; will ed rhesp or , traJ for snytliing I ian us. Aut 624-M8 : "HEAP team of wt-rk her Phone East 8873 LIVESTOCK 70 FOR SALE Fre h .lor e Itrick, K?ntf n tstlon. 47 , E, Ki CAI VEs WANTED MARSHALL 2178 " WANTED Beef, veal and hogs. Tabor T832 (Contlmraw on FoOowsns Pwg it . '