THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 15 NEWiYiEAR'S GALL FOR TURKEYS IS NOMINAL IN PORTLAND IE TO BE FRIDAY, DECEMBER . 30, 1921. MADELN Tide at Astoria Sataraay Hlph Water - Low Water 2 :28 a. art 7.8 ft 1:19 a. m: S.4 ft 1:52 p. m.' 8.9 ft. 8.57 rx m. 0.1 ft Seaside High water 9 min. earlier. Seaside Law water 21 min. earlier. BUTTERFAT PLACD) JN A FRIDAY dairy trade Batter. Eggs Cheese Cube Extra Select Flats Portland itc San Francisco ..... itc Chicago 4ec Hew York ........ 41c Lot An relet ...... 41e Seattle 40e itc 4Se 43e 74e Me See lie fie 21 Vie Mtte iieii Prop of 6a a pound in the price of butter tat a annooncetl io the moraine edition of The Journal became generally effective at the opening . of the Friday trade. As stated there j was n chance in the price of batter. Drop in butterfst is timply preparation of the trad for a sharp cat In the price of butter , which will not likely became effective until the comic week. A Monde ie a legal holiday he ckung win not likely occur nntll Tii.ul or possibly Wednesday. In other word, the price of fat has been placed to the low level where creamery inter ests ean compete 'with the foreign butter. 1 thoog they are not willing to lower the price of batter until forced to by actual arrival of the foreign stock. r)mall Tolame of Australian butter was re cently received here by one local firm, but it oast x more money than the shipment which is ltte early in the coming week. Then Aus tralian butter will be delivered freight aud dot? paid to local wholesalers at 36 o a pound. I Those desiring special information regarding any market should write the Market Editor, Ore , son Journal, eneluains stamp for reply. .j .EGG TRADE SHOWS 50 CHAXGE Market foe eggs Is showing, practically no chance here. with, loading (. o. b. buyers bid jding SSo for current receipts. Sales are shown ist 40c foe these smong wholesalers, with can ,ald as low as 45t4o a Uin CHEESE TRADE STILL IS ACTITE Tillamook continues to receive inquiries for snore cheese than It is sbls to supply of the fresh make, according to word that come frtym there. Local demand is still very good at former prices TEAL PRICE 8 TILL AT HIGH MARK Market for country-killed oelvta remains at the high mark generally for. uuaiity offerings, with occasional purines Ho above the ex treme quotation, ilogs are sbout steady st a prices. SUGAR PRICE AGAIN DIME DOWX Refiners of the PsMric coast ahnounre a farther reduction of 10c per hundred pounds m all grades of sugar, cfti-rtive at the own ing of the Friday trade. This is in aildidon to the previous decline. The new basis for bast granulated is $5 NO. . 0RA5CES CLIMB, APPLES MOVE Further advance is being quoted for or anges by the California inoperative growers, and this is torero g a dull tone in the trade here, with a consequent Increase in trie de msnd for apples, which are now very low priced. The new top for large oranges is ' $6.60. BRIEF SOTES OF PltODlCE TRADE California vegetables reported in during the day. 1 Angeles lettuce st 'SS50'4 00 crate. Onion market la inclined to . show stronger undertone. i, California spinach offering at $3.50 In bushel hampers. - Demand for honey slightly imprcved, but stocks are heavy. "WEATHER KOTICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather bureau advised Friday: protect shipments during- th next 36 hours against the following minimum temperature : Going north to Seattle. 32 degrees; nurtiieart to opokane, 18 doerees; cat to Baker, lti de grees; south to Ashland, degrees. Minimum temperature at Portland tomorrow flb.jin 3 dagreea. . WHOLESALE PRICES IX PORTI.AITB ' These . are prices retailers pay wholesalers, except as . otherwise noted. Dairy Products BUTTER StUing price, box' lots. Cresm wry prices: Print extras. 44e for plain wrap pers; cubes, extras. 4041e lb.; dairy, buy ing prim 24 fc2fle lb. BUTTERFAT Portland delivery basis. No. 1- grade. 3c lb.; No. 2, 34c; country stations, S43llc lb fur No. 1 grade. CHEESE Selling price: Tillamook, fresh Oregon fancy triplets, 'J9c lb.; Young Amer icas, 80c lb. . Price to Jobbers t. o. b. Til lamook: Triplets. 20c; Toung Americas. 27c. Selling price: Block SwLs. .ancy. 36 0 38c; Limbarger, cream brick. 28(3 10c lb. EGOS Buying price. Front street: Cur rent rraelpts 35c dos.; henneries, 40c per dos. ; candled, selling price, -45(4(lc doi. ; select, 47 SOc dot.; pullets, 42 43c dog. - EGtiSh Association prices: Select, SOe dot; firsts, 48c dos.; pullets, 4 Be dos LITE POULTRY Selling prires: Heavy .hens 2.1t2e lb. r light hens 17t418e lb.; springs.2021e, lb.: broilers. 2t 9 30e lb.; oU 'roosters, 10c lb.; turkeyi, dreesed, 40 41c lb.; live, 80c per lb."; ducks, live. 25 27c lb.; dressed. SOe lb.; geese, live, 20c lb.; dressed. 2S30c lb. Fresh Vegetable and Fruit FRESH FRUIT Oranges. $4.50 .54 boa: bananas, 8H0o lb. ; Unions. $4.75 4.00 esse; grapefruit Florida, 8 307 0O. BERRIES Cranbririts. local. $8.50 7.00 hex: Eastern. $20.00 Per bbl. DRIED FRUITS Iates, IJ.lllK 7 110 Dox; fl: black. $8.00 3.25 uer 25 1b. box: prunes. 70s and 80s, SO-lb. box.' 7 He lb. ONIONS Selling price, to rets uer: Local. $4. 60 W 5 00; buying price. $3. 7 5 4 00 coun try: garlic. 10(sfl4fl lb.; green oiuons. 40c doaen bunches. 1H5TATOK8 Selling price to retailers: Oregoa fancy. J2.00 per cental; buying price, country. $1.00 91.50 per cental; Yakima best. 3.00fZ.DVPer cental; sweet , poLawes, t 'tgE?ABLIS String beans, 12 He lb.; beets. $2.50 per sack: cabbage, SS34C lb.; leUuce, $2.75(4.90 Crate; ecn.lant, 15e lb.; paranipa. $3 50 sack: greea peppers, 40e lb.; tomatoes, California, $4.50 per lug: horserad ish. lSe lb.: sprouts. 17 "4 e per lb.; artichokes. 1.T5&1.83 dos.; cauliflowete.S3.50 crate; cel ery, 85c $1.00 dos. A 1 t l-T-r ojjiixrmiui uui $8.003.25; fancy-. 4-tier. $2.40 150; choice 4-ier. $2.00. APFfcf S urueys, extra raney -uer. $3.25 44,75. fancy -uel. ..av; cnoice -uev. APPLES Delictcns, extra fsney 4-tier, $3.50; fancy 4-tier. $3.25; choice 4-faet, 'PPLES Cooking stock. 75e9$1.50 box. Twenty-fire cents oft sll sbv on 150 and 113 sixes, 50c off nn 175s and smaller. COUNTRY MIAT9 Selling price: Country 124 12 He per lb- for top blockers about 13 4o loo lbs., nesvy stun lees; veai. top, about 80 to- 100 lbs.; 13cl5Hc lb.; heavy stuff less; spring Umbo. 13 14c K. SMOhXD MKATS Hams. 27 0 3 6e lb.; Weakrast bacon. ; S3 45c lb. PAl slINU HOUSE MEATS Bteer beef. ' lit 12 He: heifers, 11c; cows. 10c: lsmbs, 15 v)19e: wethers, joe; ewes, lusyize in. " LARD Kettle rendered. 15 Ho lb., tierce beau; compound. 13c lb. Fish and SheHTIsh FRESH FISH SUverside. 23e per lb.; halibut 20c per lb.! sturgeon. 1720o lb.: black cod. 109 lie lb.; basket kippered cod. 2.25: iine rod. 8c lb OYSTERS Eastern, gal. $4 90; Olrmpia. eo.w ass,, ea.siv , pjui. eiiw, ti.u. asaall $2.50 doa. Hops, wool ) NWs BOPS 1921 crop, netBlnal. l20e IK HIDES Calfskins, 10c; kips, 56c, green hides. Sc: galted. 8 4c lb. . MOHAIR Nomrnal. 15c lb. ' TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow. Se: No. 2. Se lb. CASCARA BARK New. Se: aid. 8 He lb. WOOLrWillassstte valley coarse. 10 12e; wssdium. lTSlwc: fine. 34925c: Eastern ,,l.v- 1 1 is IK , BEANS Small wTUle. ' $5.83 ; large white. 33.85; pink, $4.00; Bm. $8.00; bayou. .63; rest, $8.00. HONKT Case, $8.00. , RICE Japan style; Nov 1. ; Bin Rose, 74 lb : New Orleans head. 9 Ha lb, COFFEE Roasted. 17 H C 29e lb. ta sacks SALT Coarse, H gr., 100s, $15 50 too: EOt, $17.85; table dairy, 50a $27.50: bales. 3.60 4.00; lancy tabla and dairy. $34. $0: lame. $24.60 ton. - - ...... 61GAK Cube, $4.93; fruit and berry. 33.80; yellow- D, $3.20; beet granulated, 91:60; extra C. $3.40: golden C. $3.30. CANNED MILK Tails. $3.15; baby sixe, 34.93 ease: Eagle. $9.75 cats SODA CRACKERS In bulk. 14e 0 NGTS Wahrats. 82 9 34c lb.; almoads, 34 927HC lb.; filberts, SOe Rv in sack lots; psmiruta. 11 H 12 Rv; pecaav 826 Jb.; Brs xils. 18 920a St.; chestnuts, jspaisss. 229 34 Us. . ' Itop. paJnt. Oils WIRE NATUl-i Ran nrlna. 14 K W : I , UNSEED OIL Raw., Usnw ' Sc; ketU LOWER BASE POTATO TRADE IS INAL Market for potatoes is somewhat mixed In character in various American primary and Job bing eenfc'rs but the undertone of the trade ap pears slightly more hopeful foe the movement although not much change is anticipated in rallies for a while st least. Weather condition in the East are now such that it is impassible to ship without expensive preparations while oa the eoast the movement is held back somewhat by the fact that the trade had previously overbought its immediate requirements. v - There is practically no carload business shown in this' territory except st very low prices and most rroweri are not offerinc. Primary markets reported as follow : Portland Practically no wire inquiry; grow ers not disposed to accept prevailing prices of fered in nominal way at (1.23 for No. 1 Burbanks. Takim Market continue to reflect dullness with much poor stock being offered wor what ever will force a movement. Grand Rapid, Mich. Hauling light. Light wire inquiry. Demand and movement light; market slight!; -stronger; prices slightly higher. Carloads f. o. b. usual term Cadillac rate. Hacked Round Whites. O. S. grade No. 1. very few sales. Grand Hap ids section, $1.50 (1.33 per cwt: Cadillac section. $1.55 per cl Greeley, Colo. llaulings very light sccdont weatner. Hotter inquiry. lie mend moderate; market 'firm. Waconloads cash to growers Backed Rnrals and Pearls. C. 8 grade No. 1. 80c , per cwt. Moit growers holding tor higher prices. Idaho Falls. Idaho Baulings moderate. De mand and movement good; market steady. Wag-jnloads ess hto grower Sacked Rurals, 80c Der cwt: Kusseta. 81.00 (a) 1.10 ner cwt Minneapolis Light wire inquiry. Demand and movement slow; market firm; very few salsa. 8andland district Carloads f. o. b. usual terms, Minneapolis-St. Paul rate, sacked Round Whites, U. ri. grade No. 1, el.45ttl.SO per cwt.: Red River valler noints: Carloads f. o. b usnal terms Moorebead rate, sacked Red River Oblos. U. B. grade No. 1, 1 car. 11.30 per cwt. Presque Isle. Maine-Practically no hauling account weather. Light wtre inquiry. 1-Keznano and movement slow; market unsettled; very few saiea carloads r. e. p. usual Terms. sun Green mountains mostly around 1136 pel cwt Mast growers holding for higher prices. Rochester. N. T. Practically no haulings se- eoxint condition of market and weather except small amount being hauled on previous contract Gsowers holding for "higher prices. Better wire inquiry. Demand improving ; movement very slow; market steady; very few tales. Offerings very light Carloads f. o. b. usual terms; ISO-lb. sacks Round Whites, TJ. 8. grade No. 1, mostly $2.60 per sack. Most stoppers holding for higher prices. Waupaca, Wis. Carloads f. o. b. usual terms; moderate wire . inquiry. Demand moderate; movement slow; market firm: prices slightly higher; sacked Round Whites, U. S. grade No. 1, I1.7QW1.75 per cwt Warehouse to grow ers practically no haulillgs; demand and move ment slow; msrket steady: little change in prices: bulk Round Whites. 17 8. grade No. 1. at Wairpaca, $1.00 per cwt; other Wisconsin points $1.00 1.25 per cwt Prices Are Higher In Cotton Market New Tort, Dec. 30. (I. N. S ) The cot ton market opened firm at the beginning of business today and prices sdvsnced 10 to 21 points. flood cables, with reports of big busi ness at Manchester and buying for Wall street. New Orleans and Liverpool account, caused the early flurry. Commisaioa houses were chief sellers. Later trade was barely active and quo tations were about 0 mints above initial levels. The market showed a firm tone during the greater part of the la&t hour, closing barely steady at a net advance of 19 to 29 points. Spot cotton was steady today, 35 point higher at 10.4 0. No sales. Month Jan Mh. May July Oct Open. 1KD7 1SS5 1M0 1791 1700 High. 1914 19'Xl 157 109 1725 Low. 192 178 1838 1783 1708 Close. 1907 1895 1850 1800 1718 DAIRY PRODUCE OF THE COAST San Francisco Market - San Francisco, Dec. 30. (U. P.) Butter Extrss, 40c; prime firsts, 38c. Eccs Extras, 48 He; extra pullets. 45c; un dersized pullets. 43c. Cheese California flats, fancy. 21c; firsts, 20c Los Angeles Martlet Los Angeles. Dec 30. U. N. 8.) Butter, 41c Eggs Extras, 50c; case count. 48c; pullets, 48c. Poultry Hens. 27 31c; broilers, 40c; fry ers, 33c Seattle Market Seattle. Wash., Dec. 30. (L N. S) Ecgs, select ranch. 50c: pullets, 42i344c Wc. Cheese Oregon Triplets, 24 25c; Young Americad, 30c. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST San Franolsoo Market Saa Francisco, Dec SO. Potatoes Rivers, fancy, $1 75 (a 2.00; choice Burbanks, $2.00 2.25; Netted Gems. $2.00 2.25. Onions Per cwt. brown, common, $8.50; cold storage. $3.90 0 4 25 . Lee Anoeies Msrket Los Angeles, Dec. 80. (L N. S.) Pota toes Lugs, 90c ( $1.00; Stockton Burbanks, special brands.. $2.60 & 2.75; others, $2.23 2.50; Idaho Russets, best $2.25 2.50: rurals, $1.90 2. 10; locals. White Rose, $2.00 92.23. Ssatlls Market Seattle. Dec. 30. (I. N. 8.) Onions Ore gon, 55Ho lb. Potatoes Yakima Gems, $38.00 42.00 per ton. Xew Tork Batter and Eggs New Tork. Dec. 30. (L N. S.) Butter Market easier. Creamery, extras (salted and unsslted) , 38 9 41c: do firsts (salted and tin sal ted) , 35 M0 4c; do higher than extras (salted and ansaltsd) , 89 9 42c: state dairy, tubs. 29t40Vse: ladles, fresh extras, 31932c. ' Cheese Market quieter. States Whole mailk, specials. 21Ve2Sske; do fancy. 20 4 ( 22c; do lower grades, 16 18c Wisconsin Whole milk, fancy Young Americas. 2 1 4 22c State --Skiros. specials, 15jl7c: do choice, 11(9 14c; do fair to good, 810c; do lower grades, 47e, i Eirgs Market easier and unsettled. Nearby white, fancy, 74c: do brown, fancy, 53 9 55c; extra. 51 52c; firsts, 4 5 4 Sc. Milk The wholesale 'price is $3.37 per 100 pounds of 3 .-per cent milk, within 200-210 mile zones. w Tork Metal Market New York. Dee. 80. L N. 8.) Copper Quiet; spot, December snd January, offered, 13. Lead luiet; spot December and January, off ered, ,4 . JJ offered, 4.82 H ; 'February, offend, 4.-85. Winnipeg VYneat Optioni Winnipeg. Dec 30. Wheat: Friday Thursday Open Close Dee 1084 106 H 1081a May 113 H 110 H July 110 H 108 H 113 S 111H Sew work Potato Market New Tork. Dee. 30. (L N. S.) Potatoes (In bulk, barrel or bag) Market firmer. Near by white. $2.25 9 5.40; Bermudas, $4,00 0 iq.O Xew York-London Silver New Tork. Dec 80. (L N. S.) Commer cial tiar silver r Domestic, unchanged at 99 He; foreijm, "4 e lower at 64 c. London. Dee. 30. (1. N. S.) Bar gilTer, 4d lower at 344 d. Xew Tork Sugar and Coffee ' B."1Z. Vr . -LkILS v'J' nZZ l ' snwwm. 34.8094.6 Coffee No. 7 Rio, spot, 99Vte; Ko. 4 Santos, 12 H 9 12 44 a San Francisco Turkey Market San Franesieo, Dec 30 - Live turkeys, young. 4042c: old. 37 939c Dressed turkey, young. 60 952c; old. 47 949c San Francisco Cask Barley San Francisco. Dee. 30. (C. P.) Barter Spot feed, per cental. $1.25 91.30: hipr"g. sv -v. Chlcaro PoUte Market Chicago. Dee. 30. (I. N. 8.) Potatoes. Receipts, 23 cars. Northern Whites. $2,90 9 2.25; Idaho Russets. $2.2592.43. boiled, bbls.. 9c: raw. eases, $1.04; baOed, cases, $1.03 tat , " .r - GASOLINE Iroa barrels. 26c; eases, SB He sal -. ...i - . . FUEL OH. Basis. $1.83 barrel. WHITSt LEAD To lot. 13e; TOO Bsv. TURKEY DEMAND IS VERY LIMITED By Hyrnswi H. Cohan Front street is todsy racing one of Its poorest turkey selling periods tor a number of years past Not only is there a fair volume of sup plies, but practically no demand is showing. , Nominal business in fanrr dressed ratters has paased here during the last 24 hoars around 40W41C generally with a Terr limited volume of 42c business. The latter is Bow too limited to consider as a real factor. Retailers stocks, carried over from Christ mas, are quite considerable, and as they stand to lose, considerable money on such supplies, there is very little incentive to purchase addi tional stock. Snipping business for the New Years trade ts the smallest known1 for many years in : Front street turkey trade. Kntire poultry business is rather slow with only a limited dfsmand for chickens, ducks or geese. Bales of lire hens ire shown in a small way s round 17 18c for lightweight .stocks and 25 26c for heavyweight, with fryers or springs around 20 21c. generally. Dressed geese are moving in a way around 25(30e according to quality, while dressed ducks show a movement around iOc. Wheat Values Show Declining Tendency; Other Grains Follow Chicago. Dec SO. (L N. 8.) Demand for wheat was inactive today and trade .was prin cipally local in character. After a lower start the market recovered around mid-season, but tain sagged off near the close. The com market was nervous, with shorts buyiaz in sufficient quantities to prevent sharp declines. Oats trade was dun. with prices following the action in other grains. Wheat closed 2 to 3 cents lower; com, un changed to c lower; oats, He to lc lower; provisions higher. Chicago, Dec. 80. (L N. S.) Wheat trad ing wis moderate in volume during the fort noon, with values showing a tendency to de cline. December wheat started lower and May c off. On the break, however, the msrket ran into, buying orders. Cora' opened He lower for December and He off for May. Oats followed the trend of wheat and eore. initial prices He lower for December and un changed to He lower for May. Provisions started lower, reflecting the weak ness in hogs. Chicago range by United Press: WHEAT Open. High. IiOW. Clone. December ...URH 113H HOT, 110 May 116 118H 113H 115H July 106 106 H 102 H 104 CORN December 48 4S 46 47H May 54 54 53 53 July 56 56 Vs 54 H 55 H ' , OATS December 34 H 34 H 32 H 33 H May 39H 39H 38 H 38 July 40 40 39 39 H RTE Dee 82 H 83 81 H 81 May 90 H 90 . 87 H 88 B BARLEY May 67 H PORK January 1495 LARD January 857 870 855 870 May 800 907 895 807 RIBS Jarraary 777 777 770 775 May 792 797 792 797 Cash wheat No. 3 spring, $11 5. World's Wheat Shipments World's shipments of wheat and flour, in bushels : Week rind mff Dec 24. 21. 5,672,000 772,000 816.000 Week Ending Dec. 25. -20. - 6,661.000 From U. S. and Canada Argentina Australia Others 24.000 Total 7,260.000 Total 8ine July 1, '21. 6,685.000 Same Period lASt Season. 234,940.000 39,244,000 13.582.000 1,776.000 C 8. and Canada 238.621.000 Argentina 16.183.000 88.912.0U0 2,692,000 au imis Others Total .296,408.000 2S9.542.000 Chicago .'Dairy Prodnee Chicago. Dee. 30. (I- N. S.) Bntter Re ceipts. 4247 tubs. Creamery, extra. 40c; firsts 32H39c; packing stock, 2023c F.ggs Receipts, 402 cases. Miscellaneous, 40 42c: ordinary firsts. 37 39c; firsts, 42 He: checks. 28 30c; dirties, 80 32c Cheese Twins, new, 20(8)21 He; daisies. 20 21c; longhorns, 20(21c; brick. 1920c. Live poultry Turkeys, 88c; chickens. 20c; springs, 23c; roosters, 16c; geese, 21c; ducks, 26c. 5em Tork Poultry Market New Tork. Dec 30. (L N. S ) Live poul trr Market firm. Chickens, 2 6 (ft 3 6c; turkeys, 3845c; ducks, 3U32c; fowls. 2430c; roosters, 17c: geese. 23s26e. Dressed poultry Market weak. Chickens, 19 43o; turkeys, 30 as 54c: geese, 2030c; fowls. 15 32c; ducks, 24 35c Dried Frnlt and Beans New York, Dec. 30. (L N. 8 ) Beans Market earier. Marrow, choice. $5.75 6.00; pea, choice, $5.15(5.25; led kidney, choice, $6.75. Dried fruits Market firmer. Apricots, choice to extra fancy. 25S3c; apples, evapo rated, prime to fancy, 1 4 1 8 4 e; prunes, 30s to 60s 9 V 16c. 60s to 100s 6 10c; peaches, choice to extra fancy, , 13 4 ? 20 He; seeded raisins, choice to fancy, 144 15 He. yew Tork Wool and Hides New York. Dec. 30. (I. N. S.) Wool Market firm. Domtio fleece, XX Ohio 23 .1 Sc. nulled (scoured basis) 18 67c Texas (scoured baris) 40 75c, territory staple (secured) 65 85c Hidsa Market firm. Native steers. 15 &e; branded steers, 1 5 H e. MinneapoIIs-Dulnth Flax Dnlnth, Dec. 30. (L N. S ) Flax Dec, $1.97; Jan., $1.97; May. $1.98; July. $1.98 ; track, $1.98 2.01; arrive, $1.98. Minneapolis. Dec 30. ( 1. N. S- Flax. Dec. $1.95: Jan.. $1.95: May, $1.98H; track. $1.96 2.02H; arrive, $1.96 Vt 3.01 Vs. Minneapolis Wheat OpOons Minneapolis, Dec 30. Wheat: Friday Thursday Open. Close December 126H 124 H 126 Mav 123H 1214 1234 July 113 117 119H Liverpool Cotton Quiet Liverpool. Dec 30. (L N. S.) Spot cot ton opened Quiet Prices steady . Sales, 6000 bales. American mid. fair, 13.81; good mid., 12.11; full mid., 11.71; mid., 11.36; low mid., 10.16; good ord., 8.61; ord., 7.68. Futures opened quiet Ifew Tork Cottonseed Oil New York, Dee. 80. (C P.) Cottonseed a January. $8.28 8.29; March. $8.73 8.73; May. $8 .96 8.97; July, $9.20 9 3.21: August, $9.30 9 9.33. Liverpool Wheat Higher Liverpool, Dec. SO. Wheat closed 54 d to Id higher. Com, Id lower. HELD FOR ST. PAUL LARCENY Stephen Oliver, age 24 years, was ar rested Thursday afternoon by Inspectors Gordon and Leonard at the Maryland hotel. First and Madison street, on a telegraphic warrant from St. Paul, Minn, where he is wanted on a charge of larceny. He admitted taking $70 from a room-mate there a short time ago. CHILDREN PAINFULLY BURNED Donald, Dec 30. Two young children of H. Corbett were painfully - burned when the younger. In a high chalrfaU on the hot stove and the other attempted to extinguish the blaze, being .burned About the hands and face. Mrs. Corbett rtinguiahed the flames. Neither child was seriously Injured. THIETES TAKE CANDY 1 Thieves who entered the grocery store at 434 East Burnside street early- Thurs day morning stole a .. large amount of candy, nuts, tobacco and two hams. En trance asa gained through an unused door. -'-, , WHEAT INTERESTS T FRIDAT 'WHEAT TRADE Bid. Loss. Tr. 8go. APAR III VIEWS Hard .While $147 te Soft White 1.M ie 1.55 wmte Clnb 1.M ft Ui Hard Winter l.7 te 1-ie "forth era Springr l.ef Se l- Red Wall 1.82 le 1.47 j NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS , Compiled by the Merchants Exchange; Cars Wheat Barley. Flour. Oata Hsy. Portland. Friday. 103 8 8 1 ear aeo. ... 33 Season to date.20O64 Year ago 8823 Tacoma, Thursday 23 Year ago. ... 4 Sea -on to date. 6670 Year ago.... 3051 Seattle. Thursday 108 Year ago . . 6 Season to date. 5340 Year ago. . . . S040 ... 5 137 1301 172 452 4 10 997 209 1 B09 557 "2 550 318 1 1 91 76 "i 78 45 1 89.1 539 3 1 1S4 1345 171 199 285 964 273 1014 The government report issued Thursday has left the wheat trade in its usual state of un certainty after reading the official estimates of the department of agriculture. This was in dicated late Thursday and early Friday in the Chicago trade with shsrply fluctuating vslues. Locally the trade is somewhat uncertain as to whether the government report ts bullkh or beartih, and this has left the market in a condition where there is little desire on the part of buyers to bid higher, while growers I felt the reverse and believed that higher prices should result Considerable foreign business already con firmed by exporters remains to be filled on both the Atlantic coat and on the Pacific as wall as Gulf ports. In addition to this there is much business in sight for Europe and Asia. Already there is a noticeable decrease in the movement of wheat to shipping centers. This is new indicated on both the Pacific and on the Atlantic coasts. Foreign wheat markets showed the ssme perplexed tone that American markets indicated for the day. Noticeable increase In demand for mill stuffs is indicated here. Not only Ik there a rather liberal Pacific Northwest call st the moment, but California is seeking additional stocks. No change in mUlstuff or feedstuff values. W HEAT Crab. $1.09: Bluestem and Baart $1.18; Bed Russian, $1.04; Turkey Red. $1.08 m i.i5. FLOCB Selling price, mill done: Patent $7.00; Willamette valley brands, $4 88; local straight $5.40; bskerar hard wheat $7.05; bakers' bluestem. $5.55: bakers' valley, $5.80; grshsm. $5.60; whole wheat, $5.80; Montana spring wheat patent. $7.40 per barret Price for city delivery 15c extra, suburban 20c extra. HAY Buying price for old crop: Willam ette timothy, fancy. $12.00 15.00 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy. $19 00 per ton; clo ver, $12,00112 50; straw. $6.007.00; al falfa. $1 5.00 P 15.50 per Xaa. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. Ka 1 Calcutta. 7e: domestic, 7c in carload lots, less amounts higher. MIILSTUFF8 Mfflrnn st mill sacked, ton lots, $21.00; carloads. $20.00. OATS Per ton. buying price: Feed, $26 0026.50. BARLEY Buying price: Feed, $24,00 9 24.60; brewing. $26 00 28.50. REED Btipying price: Red clover, 1516e; aliHe. 14c; vetch. 3c lb. . FFEDSTUFKS F. O. B. mills: Rolled barley. $34.0036 00; whole barley. $32.00; alfaLa meal, $23.00; coconut meal, $28.00; eracked com. $35.00; whole com. $33.00 per ton. whole oata. $34.00; rolled osts. $36.00; feed wheat ' $42.00; ecrstch feed, $44.00 ton. Merchants exchange bids: WHEAT Dec Jsn. Feb TT.M whit. $1.07 $1.07 $1.07 Soft white 1 06 1.06 1 06 White club 1 06 1.06 1.06 Hard winter 1 07 1 07 1.07 Northern spring 106 1 06 1.06 Red Wlla 1 02 1 02 1.00 No oats, barley or com bids. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Chleaoo Hoes S7.7B Chicago. Dec. 30. (I. N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts 56,000; uneven. 35 9 50c lower. Bulk. $6 50 7.30; top, $7.76; heavyweight. $6 50 6. 80; medium weight, $8.737.10; light weight $7.10 9 7.35: light lights. $7.50 7.75: heavy packing sows, smooth. $5.75 6.25; pack ing sows, -, rough, $5.25 5.60; pigs, $7.25 8.00. Cattie Receipts 8000; mostly 25 50c lower; cow stuff steady to lower, bulls and best calves stronger. Beef steers, choice snd prime. $8.65 & 10.00; medium and food. $6.25 8. 75; good and choice. $8.00 10.00: common snd medium, $5.50 8.00; butcher cattle, heifers. $3.50 8.00: cows, $3.25 6.00; bulls, $3.60 5.75; canners and cutters, cows and heifers. $2.253.25; canner steers. $3.004.00: veal calTes (light and bandy weight). $7,00 0 9.50: feeder steers, $5.00 6 50; stacker steers. $4.25 9 6.40; stocker cows and heifers, $3.00 Sheep Receipts 10,000: generally steady. Lambs (84 lbs. down), $10.50 911.75; culls snd common, $8.00 10.25; vesrling wethers. $8.00910 50; ewes. $3.506.00: culls and common, $2.00 3.25; feeder lambs, $9.00 10.75. San Francisco Hogs $9 San Francisco, Dec 30. (U. P.) Cattle Grass fed steers. No. 1. 6 6 He; second qual ity, 4 5 "4 c ; cows and heifers, 4 4 5 H c ; calves, lightweight. 7 H 8 H c H calves, heavy, 6 8 He Sheep Lambs, 7 H 9 8c; wethers, 4 4 H e ; ewes. 2 3 c Hoes Hard grain fed. weighing 100-172 lbs., 9c; over 800. 7c Kansas Ctty Hogs 37.40 Kansas City. Dec 30 (I. N. 8.) Cattle Receipts, 1500. dulL Steers. $.007.60; cows and heifers, $3.50 6.75; stocfeers ana teeners. $5.5096.50; calves. $8.00(88.75. Hogs Receipts, 2000. dull; bulk of sales, $7.O07.23; tops. $7.40; heavies, $6.90 7.20; lights $7.107.40; mediums, $7.00 7.30. Sheep Receipts. 2000, dull. Lambs, $11.15 ; ewes, $4.25 9 4.75.' Denver Hoes S7.1 0 rwH.- t. an i t- r i r.iH. T? eeipts 600; stesdy. Steers, $6.00 9 7.00 s-eows and heifers. 4.00 9 5.75: stackers and feeders. 34.60 m 6. OO: calves. $6.00 9 9.25. Hog Receipts 400; 25c lower. Top $7.10; bulk. $6.75 7.10. Sheep Receipts 2200; steady. Lambs $10.00 10.25; ewes, $2.50 3.25; feeders. $8.75 9 9.50. Omaha Hons 87 .15 South Omaha. Pec. SO. (I. N. S.) Close Hogs Receipts. 12,500. Early sales to ship pers, 10c to 15c lower; weakened, mostly 35c to 50c lower: bulk. $6.40 6.85: top. $7.15. Cattle Receipts, 11,000. Beef steers. 25c or more lower: best$U4.50 : beeves. $7.50: she stuff. 15c to 25c icver; veals, steady; stork en and feeders, unchanged. Sheep Receipts, 5300. Few choice fat lambs to shippers, steady; others 15c to 23c lower: bulk. $10.25 10.50 ; top. $10.85; sheep extremely dull; feeders, strong; top. $9.60. $9.60. N Seattle Market Seattle. Dec SO. (L N. 6.) Hogs None. Cattle Receipts. 98; stesdy. Prime steers, $7.00 9 7.50; medium to choice, $6.50 7.00; common to good, $5.50 (6.50; best cows and heifers $5.00 9 5.50; prime light calves, $9.009.50; heavies, $7.008.O0; bulls. $4.75 9 5.25. $7.257.55: fair' to good, $6.507.25; cull lambs, $5.0096.00: yearHngs, $7.00 7.25; wethers. Bant $6.00 9 6-50: wethers, heavy, $5.00 9 3.30; ewes. $4.73 9 3.25. Judge Jones, First Kelso Mayor, Is 92 . Nampa, Idaho, Dec 30. Judge J. G. Jones, first mayor of Kelso, observed his ninety-second birthday anniversary at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Fouth, In West Kelso, Saturday. He was born December 24, 829, In Hills dale, Columbia county. New Totk. He came to Cowlitz county from Kansas in 1881 and located lirst on the Coweeman, where Jones bar is now located. A few years later he removed to Kelso, and waa chosen mayor when the town was incorporated, later serving as Justice of the peace, He is a great great grand father, aiid has 60 living descendants. MAT HEAD CHAMBER Spokane. Washv Dec 30e-Frank J. Walker of the "industrial bureau of the Spokane Chamber of Commerce, and ac tive during the last year- ia the -promo tion of-home iVidustrtes campaigns in the city,1, probably will toe the 1922 presi dent of the- chamber.' according' to in formal reports among leaders - of the organization, .The election of the prest- dent for next year will talcs placWan- SELECT HOGS 1 035 IN ALLEYS FRIDAT LITE STOCK TRADE Portland 9-Ji- $ 7.7i $ 1.00 Chicago ll-7i Omaha 7.U 78 18.S DeBTer 7.18 7.88 18J Kansas City 7.48 7.8 i San Francisco . . . M 8.88 I Seattle 78 75 So market. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN Hoes, cattle. tJaives. bneep. uars. Friday 157 201 Week ago S ... Two weeks sgo Pour weeks ago . 859 183 Year ago 204 . . . Two yean ago . . Three years ago .1285 219 Four years ago .1338 353 241 105 283 40 88 2 1 14 None 20 5 Cattle and hogs formed total arrirais at Korth Portland Friday with nine loads reported in for the day. Hogs were stesdy with on a load sold st a premium of a dime, cattle were fclow and inclined to rule weak, while sheep and lambs continued on a nominal basis. In the hr alleys one lot of fancy ituff sold st $9.85 st North Portland Friday morning. There was only a small run of 157 head re ported in the alleys compared with 59 head a wet k ago and none two weeks ago. General hog market range: Prime light . 9.00? 9.25 . 7.506s 8.50 . 6.509 7.50 600 7.00 . 8.50 0 9.00 . 8.50 8.75 . 5.00 6.50 Smooth heavy.- 230-SOO lbs. Smooth heavy, 300 lbs. up Rotuh heavy Fat pigs . . . Feeder pigs Stagj . Cattle Bids Are Week In the cattle alleys bids were weak at North Pcrtland Friday. Fair run of 201 head was shewn for the day but traders were' not inclined to take hold except at price concession. Bids were down bat official general prices were not chsnged st the opening. General cattie market range: ...'.$ T.00 7.75 ' Choice steers Medium to c W steers 6.50 7.00 , Fair to medium steers 6.00 W 6.50 Common to fair steers 5.00 6.00 Choice cows and heifers 5.50 6.00 Medium to good cows and heifers 5.00(9 5.50 Fair to medium eows and heifers 4.50 5.0. Common to fair cows snd heifers 8.50 0 4.5 Csnoers 2.50 g 8.50 Bulls 3.00 4.25 Fair to good feeders 4.50 5.00 Choice dairy calves 8.00 10.00 Prime light calves 8 00 9.00 Medium osht calves 6.00 f 8 00 Heavy calves 5.00 6 00 chMM fiitustlfwi Nominal I With no fresh srrivsb for the day. Friday's sen.atf market for sheep and lambs at North Portland Under the new senate plan duties Will was inclined to rule on a nominal basis at be rated on valuation placed in the previous prices. market- United States. Under the present rat- Bestea.' mountain lambs 8 S.50S 9.00 inga dealers and Importers reap as high Fair to good lambs 6 00 1 8.00 j as 300 per cent This is particularly Beft Tj imps 1 1 1 1 loSI I bS I te in the case of glassware- from Jap East mountain feeder lambs 6.00 7 00 j an. An article costing 80 cents gold. Light yearlings 6.00 J?? with added freight, duty and plus tax Heavy yearlings 5.00 6.00 . r j uno Light wethers " X" Heavv wethers 4.00 5.00 Ewes . 1.00 5.00 Thursday Afternoon's Sales STEERS lo. Av. lbs. Pr'ce. I No. Av. lbs. Price. 6 986 $ 6.0 ! 16 1136 $ 6.50 7 1005 5.50 I 4..,-1350 6.73 3 853 5:23 I COWS 1 600 $ 2.00 3.... 770 $ 1.75 1 1210 2.5(1 1 660 4.00 1 940 2.50 1 1120 4.25 1....103O 3 00 1.... 970 8.25 1 87H 1 75 2 730 4.50 1 1 940 3 r0 1 960 4.T.0 5 ... 90 4.25 1.... 850 5.00 1 1020 4 00 1 910 2.5() 1 1160 3 50 1....1140 4.73 1 950 5. OH 6.... 1008 4.00 1....1080 3.75 4 115 6.50 CALVE3 1. . . . 310 $ 4.50 I HOG 3 1.... 190 $ 7.78 1.... 190 $ 7.75 1.... 530 6 00 3.... 353 7.50 17 244 9.00 4 235 9.00 2 130 8.75 24 175 9.25 5. . . . 144 9.00 4 197 9.25 3 173 9 25 5 1S 8.50 2.... 330 8.00 1 160 8.50 1 9 226 9.25 1 240 8.75 1 7 . . . . 225 9.00 8 137 8.75 2 175 9.00 2 250 9.00 10 199 9.00 5 286 7.50 4. .. 157 9.25 2 105 9.00 14. . . . 151 9.25 4 840 8.25 4 175 8.50 2 2H5 8.75 1.... 340 8.00 4 262 8.75 G 192 9.25 5.... 890 6.00 2.... 400 6.09 2.... 110 8.75 8 85 8.75 21 111 8.75 9 133 8.75 4V.... 153 9.25 25.... 128 9.09 7.... 170 9.25 3.... 280 8.75 1 . 270 7.75 1 . . . . 370 6.25 3 173 9.25 4 215 9.25 4 195 8.25 LAMBS 1 90 $ 8.00 BUCKS 11 133 $ 2.75 I ' Friday Morning Sales HOGS 8 75 9.00 'XX, No. 102. 5. Av. Lbs. Price . . . 191 $ 9 35 . .. 282 8.75 No. Av. Lbs. Price. 4. . 2. . 212 $ 9.35 .225 8.75 Naral Stores Market New York. Dec 30. (L N. 8.) Turpen tine Savannah, 75c: New York, 82 He Rosin Savannah, $3.95; New York, $5.80. Vaissn t Nrm Tassels mm Da Curacao ..8. F. and way ... Jan. 1 Florence Luckenbach. .New Orleans. .. .Jan. 2 Mississippi ..Seattle Jan. 2 Multnomah San Fran. Jan. 2 Rose City .San Fran. . : . . .Jan. 2 Montagu ..Yokohams Jan. 3 Admiral Sebree San Frsn Jan. 2 Moerdijk Rotterdam . . . . .Jan. 8 Kinkaaan Maru .....Miike Jan. 4 Theodore Roosevelt. . .Antwerp Jan. nf.v. New York Jan. Aroma Msrn Kobe Jan. Admiral Evans . ..H. Inego 3b way. .Jan. Borgland Chrietiarria . . Willpolo New York Derblay Tacoma Holland Maru .... . .Mnroran Edmor Cetm Tuscaloosa City ..... Seattle American ..New York... Nysnxa New Orlesne Mexirah Boston Colusa Seat Cape Remain ......Baltimore ... N'eponset Seattle Fuku Mam ..Kobe Howie Hall ...i.'t, Seattle West Henshsw San Fran. . . . Ha ttie Luckenbach; ... New Orleans. West Calera .... i . . .San Fran Jan. Jan. .Jan. .Jan. 13 .Jan. 15 .Jsn. 15 .Jan. 16 .Jsn. 16 .Jsn. 18 .Jan. 20 .Jan. 20 .Jan. 20 .Jan. 20 .Jan. 23 .Jan. 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 27 Crasler Hall ........ Seattle Jan. 28 St Joseph . ..Seattle .Jan. 81 Te From Partlafi' easels Santa Inei Seustor Tenpaisen Maru . . Hannawa Margaret Coughlaa West Kader TO! ..San Pedro.... . .San Diego. . . . ..Japan . . Europe . - Japan ....... . .Orient Data . .Dee. 31 . .Dec. 81 . .Dec. 31 . .Jan. 1 . . Jan. 2 . .Jsn. 2 . .Jan. 2 Ceorgina Ralph ..San Fran. Willsmette Ssn Pedro, Jsn. 2 Davenport San Pedro Jan. 2 1 England Maru . japan , Jan. s , Barrymore . .Jan. S Curacao . . .s. F. and way. . .Jan. 4 . . . San Fran. Jan. 5 ...Rotterdam Jan. 7 ...San Pedro. Jan. 7 . . . Australia ...... .Jan. 8 ...Japan : .Jan. 8 . . .Japan Jan. 8 ...Orient Jsn. 8 . . . New York Jan. 0 . ..Manila and way. .Jan. 17 . . .New York Jan. 17 ...New York Jan. IS . . .Orient Jan. 24 . . . England Jan. 24 . . .New Orleans Jsn. 27 ...West Coast Jan. 28 . . . Australia Jan. 81 Rose City Moerdijk Multnomsh . . . . Tomiura Maru . Scotitnd Maru . Brazil Maru . . . Kifnku Maru . . Wfllpolo West Cslera . . . Tuscaloosa City Steel Mariner , Fuku Maru . . . Howick HTI . . Oaster Hall . , West Henshsw West Keats . . , an par Bert Drydork Oregon Fir ................ Orecoa Pin ............... Harvey West Ksder Terminal No Yores Msrn . 8t Helena Kureha Maru ........ Margaret Coughlan . . . . Tenpsisaa Maru England Maru ....... Hannawa Alrsrado ............ Trinidad Johan Poulsen , Georsina Rolph Panta Inei . . T. 8. Loop Santa Alicia Davenport ...... . . lowan Keifuku Maru ........ Brazil Maru ......... Las Tegas West Keats .......... Kiso Mam .......... Bai 1 1 aiuie ...,.,.. Swifatght ........ Tomiura Mara ....... . . . . Terminal No, 4 , Southern Pae. .... Terminal No. 4 Peninsula Lbr. . . . .Terminal No. 4 ........ Vancouver Tongue Point ......... Westport Couch , . . Fosters-Western Westport Tongue Point Preseott ....Terminal No. 1 .... .Penin Is Lhr. Astoria .... Terminal No, 1 ...Terminal No. 1 ....... .. . Harvey ......... Columbia North Bank .......... Astorsa i euro ......................... et. Helens O lease ,.,.............,.... Wffibrtdce Cehio . . St Helen eeBuana jsarw. ............. SOLD AND POT ON THE DALLES Negotiations are on and wHl probably be closed late this afternoon for the purchase of the steamer Madeline by The Dalles-Columbia Transportation, company from the Harklns Transporta tion company for service on the route between Portland and The Dalles. It is the intention to place the Madeline on a round trip a day schedule, sailing from Portland, at night and from The Dalles at noon. The steamer Madeline was formerly named the Joseph Kellogg and for years plied on the Cowliti river run. She was purchased from Kellogg by the Harkins Transportation company last spring and PT lni va renairs majle. wni n e ac- piace a in nigni service oetween non land and Astoria. Ice in the Big Eddy let go Thursday afternoon and at daylight this morning the heaviest part of the pack had passed Crates Point, below The Daliea, without any sign of a jam. This will clear the river witnm tne next 36 nours as lar down as the mouth or the Willamette. With the locks being able to swing clear, i traffic to The Dalles will be resumed;?, Sunday. BEARD FINISHES VALUATION FOR DUTIABLE IMPORTS John A. Beard, chief examiner in the office of Customs Appraiser E. N. Wheeler, has returned to his duties after three months special service as a valu- ation expert acting under the finance committee of the United States senate. ti j ,-, Beard was assigned to California, Ore- SOU and Washington and was one of ( 50 valuation experts from the customs service to be appointed for special duty under the senate committee. Duties are now rated on foreign val uations. The object of the report of valuation experts was to appraise the valuation In forelem countries, add the freight, landing charges and overhead ..... ... . . and fix the selling price on American sou. lnia is unaer tne new vaiuauou i j plan of dutiable imports new before the 7 " r - - - - J before the consumer at a vluation of : $3.00. Beard stated that all reports had been forwarded to New Tork and should be in the hands of the finance committee of the senate by the first week in Jan uary. THREE FRENCH LINERS BOOKED FOR LOADING AT PORTLAND The steamships Sonora, Texas and Montana of the French line. Societe Gen- RUN 5.00 eraje Trans-Atlantique,' Portland load 4 73 inS for porta in Europe, Atlantic side, were announced yesteraay Dy tne txen eral Steamship corporation, agents on the Pacific coast for the French packets. The Sonora sailed from Bordeaux on Christmas day and will be due in Port land for February loading. The Texas and Montana will follow along a month apart, the latter being due here about the middle of ApriL First of the French line steamers to call at Portland will be the Mississippi, which will be due January 2. The steamer St. Joseph, now 30 days out from Bordeaux, will be eecond of the line, making two sailings for the month of January Steamers of the French line will accept freight for the West Indies and Northern Soutli America. Freight will be trans ferred at Port de France. Island, of Mar tinique, and through bills of lading issued. BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL COMMODITIES ANNOUNCED Following the cut of several days ago on iron and steel from Atlantic and Gulf ports, the New Tork conference made a sweeping reduction along the line of all commodities as announced yesterday by J. G. Euson, agent of the Luckenbach line. The cut will run from 35c to 50c the hundred pounds. A clean cut of from $1.50 to 75c a ton was announced on limestone, whiting and barytes in carload lots. Reduction in carload weights was also announced. FHirniture was reduced from 24,000 pounds to 16,000; glassware from 30,000 to 20,000 ; blinds, doors, etc., from 30,000 to 24.000 ; stoves, ranges and parts from 20,000 to 16,000. WEST KEATS BRINGS CARGO TO PORTLAND FROM CHINA The steamship West Keats of the Co lumbia - Pacific Shipping company's North China line, Captain G. J. Linnan der. docked at Municipal Terminal No. 1 late last night after completing her 510 mile voyage from Dairen, Man churia, in lSVi days. The West Keats has considerable woo! and woolen carpets upon her manifests along with a shipment of Russian furs from Dairen. Captain Llnnander 6tated that this was an exceptionally quick voyage ; ha Pacific considerin? the time of the year. The West Keats will dis charge all her cargo at Terminal No. 1 and Immediately start loading for ports in South China. PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY PRESIDENT IS RECOVERING Seattle, Dec 30. (U. P. ) H F. Alex- n n To r 45-. fit sa m Vi t n i' "l " . "IT, r I company, wno was uuten to iseaiue vjt-n- j eral hospital yesterday afternoon, ioi- lowing a severe attack of stomacn trouble, was reported greatly Improved today. , It was stated at the hospital that Alexander probably would leave within a day or two. $lJti9.15 HIGHEST BID ON FORMER GERMAIN UNER New Tork, Dec. 30. (I.N. S.J The lowest of eight bids received today for reconditioning the steamship Leviathan, former German liner used as a transport ship during the war, was $5,595,000, made j by the Newport News Shipbuilding ana Drydock company. The largest bid, $10. 350,(15, was made "by the Warw ick Ma chinery company of Newport. POSITIONS OF VESSELS Radio -reports frees North Head give the po sition of the following vessels -at 8 p. nu, De- Sierra. Astoria for Eeriinjham, 75 miles north of AsXoria. Emeat H. Meyer, Saa Francisco for Grays; Harbor, outside of Grays Harbor. i Harper, San Pedro tor point v eus. ami naura from Point Wells. ! Alaskan, Han Francisco lor Seattle, ISO miles south of Columbia riser. Montague. Kobe for Portland. 375 mues from Columbia river. .. West Cxrote,- Portland fee Yokohama, 2049 mile west of Commbia river. Keystone, Yokohama tor Seattle, 350 miles from Seattle. West Jappa. Yokohama for Vancouver. 371 allies from Flattery. -, - NO CHANGE LN RATES New-' York.- Dec;' 80, CL Si. &) No change showed today in grain rates and the market was standing steady. Off shore quotations remain unchanged. General cargo was steady. Quotations ; Ocean steam) grain, steady ; United Kingdom. $3.65g4.fr9 ; Germany, 14 cents ; France, AO., 14 -cents; Med., 21 cents ; Holland, Amster. and. Rot, 14 cents; general cargo, steady. News of the Port Arrivals December 30 Oleum, American .steamer, from San Fran cisco; oil. Keifuku Mara, Japanese steamer, from Ma roran; ballast Departures Dstsmaar SO Kobnn Mara, Japanese steamer, for Kobe; wheat and flour. MARIJfE ALM AH AC Weather at Rivers Mouth North Head, Dec. 30. Conditions at the mouth of the river at noon:- Sea, moderate; wind, east, 1 mile; weather, cloudy. Portland humidity at noon, 81. DAILY RITE It READINGS 8 A M.. Pacific Time. rmatiila 25 10 3.0 0.00 o .oo 0.04 0.001 0 on R:var lJrlTemp'tures fiJj f - , .j I- -11- g I O I 29 17 48 33 45 29 (M 31 Eugene Alb"i' 8.0 8.7' 2.6 3.8 0 20 12 I 13 0 0 '0.1 i o Oregon City. Portland . . . I 4.6 40 1 36 Rising. RITER FORECAST The Willamette river at Portland wiTJ re main nearly stationary during the next two or three days, except as atrecteo ny tne uae. AT "W ORLD'S PORTS . Astoria Dec SO. Sailed at 5 a. m.. steamer Steel Seafarer.' for Sew York and way ports, I via Pnget Sound and San Francisco; sailed at !7a. m.. steamer Ryder Hamfy, for San Pedro; .4. . st-mei Halco. for San Pedro: arrived at 9.30 a. m.. Japanese steamer Scnflsnd M ni from Robe. Astoria Dec 29. Arrived at 1 and left up at 2 :20 p. m., steamer Celilo, from San Fran cisco; arrived at 1:05 and left up at 3:40 p. m., British steamer Barrymore, from Seattle; left up at 5 p. nv. Japanese steamer Reifuku Mara ; arrived at 9:30 and left up at 11 p. an., steamer Oleum, from San Francisco: arrived at 11 p. at. Japanese steamer Tomiura Mam, from Kobe. Kobe, Dec 25. Arried. JPf "'fme! He nan Mara, from Portland; sailed, Japanese ltJ,, xum. from Portland, for Yoko- hams Falmouth. Dee. 23. -Arrived, Greek steamer Iolcns. from Portland. Balboa. Dec. 28. Sailed, Japanese steamer Seine Maru, from Norfolk, for Portland. Cristobal, Dec. 28. Sailed, steamer Robert Adair from Portland, for Boston snd way porta San Francisco. Dec. 28. Arrived, steamer Lehigh, from Portland. Maine; sailed at noon, steamer Jeptha, from Portland, for West Coast porta: arrived at 2 p. m.. steamer Rose City, from Portland; arrived at S p. m.. Norwegian steamer Hanna, Nielsen, from Barry, for Portland San Pedro Dec. 29. Arrived, steamer Santa Rita, front Columbia nver; ssiiea. swwuier k , for fisn Francisco and Portland; arrived, "X"-. lVi. f ru,ln,bia river: arrived. ! ..n,M AHminl Rvana. from Portland, for San ! Triem- arrived, steamer W. A. Lookenbach, f PneiinH foe New York and way porta. Hnll I)ec 24. Arrived. British steamer Cardiganshire, from Portland. Glagow, Dec 25. Arrived, steamer Penn ,.l,.t,i. fmm Portland Rotterdam. Dec. 24. Arrived. Dutch steamer Veehtduk. from ponianu. v .Miiwf nc 29. Arrived. Norwegian steamer Baja California, from West Coast for Portland. rw 0Q Arrived at 10 a ra. steamer Curacao, from San Francisco, for Coos Bay and Portland. Cristobal. Dec 27. Sailed, steamer Eldorado, from Portland, for New Orleans. Honolulu. Dee. 29. Arrived, Japanese steam s?r Texss Maru, from Portland, for Japan. San Francisco. Dec 80. (L N. 8.) Ar rived Dec. 29 Rose City. Portland. 2 p. m.: Norwegian steamer Hanna Nielson. Cardiff. 2:58 p. m. ; Tiverton. Tsroma, 6 .05 P m. BaUea Dec. 29 Jeptha. Valparaiso. 11:55 p. nv , British barkentine Amy Turner, Coos Bay. 12 15 p in. ; West Faralon, Honekdhg, 1:10 p. nv: Admiral Dewey. Seattle. 3.20 p. m. ; gas schooner Stockton City. Santa Crux. 4:35 Arrtie. Fort Brace. 4:00 p. m. : aso- bile City. New York. 6:05 "p. m. Arrived , today PhylUs, Los Angel , 1 :-0 ' a. m. ; Jo- n", n zTsT a m.:" Sea 'Foam Los Angeles, 3:40 a. m.; Wm. r Hemn. Los Angeles. 4 a nv : Admiral Sebree, Los Angeles. 8 a- m.; Pasadena, Albion. 8 IB s. m. ; Griff co. I -os Angeles. 10 a m Sailed today Frank H. Buck. Monterey, 6:55 a. m.; British steamer Wsikawa, Sydney, 7 a. nv: British steamer City of Naplea. LerUv. 7:40 a m. - British steamer Esther Dollar. Singa pore, 8 45 a. m : F. H. Hill man. Lo An- ZknVvC Dec. 30-(L N S.)-Ar-rived Baja California, from Central American and Mexican ports. 7 :4 0 am. ; Ed ward ImA enbach, from New York via Portia mj, 6:45 a. m. Sailed Fustiimi Msrn. for Manila, 10 a m. Arrived Dec. 29 Forest King, from San Diego, 11:20 p. ro,: Pacific, from San Pedro, 11:30 p. nv; Koki Mara, from New York, 5:30 p. m. ; sctioomr J, Vf. Clise. from Winslow. 1 :30 p. m. ; Nome . Ctty, from San Francisco. 12:30 p ra.; lighthouse tender Heather, frera se duty. 11:45 L a Salted jj 29 Northland, for San Francisco. 10:45 p. m, ; West Jessup, for Dairen. S p. m. Sick Japs Detain Vessel at Astoria Astoria, Dec 30. The presence among the crew of two sick Japanese resulted in the delay here Thursday of the Jap anese steamer Brazil Maru. After fumi gation and observation of the sick men, she will be allowed to proceed to Port land. One of the men aboard was par tially paralyzed, ,'iile a second was in a fever and rash which the quarantine officers feared might be contagious. This man is much Improved and the vetisel will be allowed to proceed. Dodges Tree Limb, Crushed by Trunk Aberdeen, Wash., Dec 30. Believed to have thrust his head into the undercut of a falling tree to dodge a falling lamb, Henry Harju, about 38, was killed at the Saginaw Timber company's camp, Thurs day. Harju's head was crushed between the falling tree and the stump, and though no one saw the tragedy 1t is be lieved he could have so placed his head only to dodge a missile from above him. He had no relatives in the United States. EXPECT 300 DELEGATES Spokane, Wash., Dec 30. Three hun dred delegates were expected to attend the convention of the Spokane Commer cial Travelers today at the Davenport. Don't Fall to Get Year New Year's Punch (Six Flavors to Choose From) Rainier Distributing Co. (I. Brain, Pres.) 144 FIRST ST., NEAR ALDER S. 8. WEST KADER JSJt, 2 & 8. UAS VEOAS... ....... ..Jan. 23. Shanghai, Manila, Hongkong ... ft a WTEST KKATS..i,,i.:..-JB. 17 f . S. VlNITA...t..'.l.r..:..tUb. 17' For further Inform ation regarding space, rates, etc, apply to TRAFFIC DEPT, tr-(Zt Board of TTa Bldg Pertlasd, Or or Astoria Shipping Co," " v " Astoria, Or, or R.' T." 3ns a Co., Central Bldg Seattle, Wash. " - ' BRIGHT FUTURE IN STORE FOR DAIRIES Oregon Agricultural College, Conral lia. Dec. 30. A bright future was pre dicted for Oregon dairymen by Dr; Hector Macpherson of the bureau of markets at O. A. C at the Fanners week general assembly. He predicted that the dairymen will form an organ! . zation to take the place of the Oregon . Dairymen'n Cooperative league. The immediate future is chaotic, he ad- ' mftted, but the movement is not going' t to J;do-n" by any means. Eight reasons for failure of the league, as given by Dr. Macpherson, were: Im possible marketing situation for fresh milk and cream In none 1. delay in get ting a decision on the marketing agree ment, financing of the by-productn cor poration, poor management, defects In the plan of organization, keeping the membership in the dark, organised op position and storage problem. MEMBERS NOT SATISFIED a " "The league was first Incorporated five years ago as an association ofs dairymen producing for the fresh milk market of Portland." he said. , Th ef fect on the Portland market was almost immediate. From the prevailing price of $1.60 per 100 pounds for 3.8 milk, the or ganization waa able to bring the prioe up to $2.80, and, somewhat later, 33.20 per 100 pounds. "In epite of such manifest advantages. dissatisfaction arose. The league at this time had within its membership only 75 per cent of the dairymen contributory to Portland. The league set the price of milk, but it did no by keeping some of it off the market and selling It at butter fat prices. This lowered the averago net prices received by members. OUTSIDERS GET BENEFIT "The consequence was that outsiders, who assumed n6ne of the burden of the stabilisation of pricer received from 30 to 50 cents a hundred more for their milk than did the league members. Hence, the man who produced 30,000 pounds of milk per month for the Port land market, sold through the league, when he compared his check to that of his neighbor, who did not belong, con cluded that it cost him from $100 to -$150 a month to belong to the league. "This constitutes one of the funda mental causes of the dissatisfaction among members and the large number of desertions from the Portland none. HEADS FORTUNATE, Y1EW "From the very beginning the league has been unfortunate in it, choice of managers. Four different persons have wielded the authority of manager. Each change was made with a view to better ing conditions, but contrary to, expecta tions, things have gone from bad to worse. "One of the principal reasons for the lack of a frank relationship between the league management and its members lay in the fear that such Information would be effectively utilized by the enemies of , the league to discredit the organization. From the very beginning the league has . been subjected to the severest kind of opposition." . i Dr. Macpherson blamed Portland dis- tributom and a larke milk product com- ; pany for much of the opposition to the.: league. Find Body of Man Missing From Home Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 30. Search for John M. Harmon, residing near Sif ton. resulted in the finding of his body Thursday afternoon about a mile from his home. Indication were that death was due to natural causes. He had left home Wednesday afternoon to chop wood near where the body was found. His failure to return prompted a search being made. He was about 65 years old and leaves a wife. " SALT LAKE PLAYER HELD A quantity of moonshine and 350 bot tles of beer "were confiscated by federal agents Thursday afternoon In a raid on an establishment at 392 ' Eugene street, where Lu E. Edwards, Fred R. Arndt and Fred Burns were arrested for vio lating the prohibition laws. Edwards was formerly a member Of the Salt Lake tall club. TRANSPORTATION Passenger and Freight Services N. T. TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON castmaniA Decsi AQUITAHIA Feb. 7 fee. 2S Mar. XI . X. TO UUEIt-SIOiUvvIv st UVLtUliUb ALBANIA Jan. 14 80VTHIA Jan. 26 Ptb. 2S Star. 12 N. Y. TO HALIFAX. PLYMOUTH, CHER BOURG AND HAMBURG SAXONIA Jan. 1 Mar. 7 N Y TO LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW ALGERIA Jan. 1 Fst. XB Ape. 1 ASSYRIA Mar. 17 H. T. TO QCEEN8TOW-N. LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW - CAMS ROSt I A Owe. SI N Y TO VHX. GIBRALTAR. NAPLES. PATRA8, DCBHOVNIK, TRIESTE, FICME ITALIA Jan. BOSTON TO LONDONDERRY LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW ASSYRIA Feb. 4 Apr. 1S May 23 PORTI.AND, ME., TO HALIFAX A GLASGOW CATURMIA ., Feb. 18 Mar. SO CASSANDRA Mar. I Apr.11 For Information, Tickets. Etc.. Apply to Local Agents or Company's Office, 621 Second Ave.. Seattle. Phone Elliott 1632. AUSTRALIA HEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SIM Vis Tshm and Raratiav MB anal Paatwafss Cervue frsn Si Frarwtsc ewary ts Dew, union a. a. oa of mw Zealand, SSO CMor4a St. wan Fr is an ASTORIA AND WAY POINTS ivwr irRnef l. DaSy (Kssssa Saturday) 7 .SO . as. Splendid sleeping scer.mssoditlis. Conner am Mads for All North and.BosxOj Bsa Potirta FARE 32 EACH WAY. SS-40 ROUND TRU. Aldsrt-Slrset Dock. Bewy. SS4B THE HARKINS TRANSPORTATION OO. A NORTH CHINA LINE Columbia Pacific Shipping Co. .Direct Freight Service Without TrannhlpToaat '., : ; .-Portland . v v:- v- :'- TO ;y ' Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai, Tsing-tao, Tientsin (TakuBar), Chmwangtao, Dairen f r