- THE' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ! OREGON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1921. 17 TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 1 MILE FROM COURTHOUSE 2-ser tract, Wonderful soil, 6-room modera bana-alow; til kind of onthriiluing, family or chard, assorted berries; elas to echoed ud elm trte station: elMr of imaikrmw; price (5500; wtfl trad for Portland property; w bar a large lwt of exchangee and ran get a deal for you if , ycrar proposition la legitimate; (In a a trial. Be Mr. Stephen with - . - 733 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WILL TRADE W ar prepared to ttnon a trad fat jeOi Brine la yout proposition and w wtllmtch yon on amtbirif merit; lota, boo, acreage farnu. stacks of merchan dta. X. E. 8.. 712 Coacb bid, CASH and good homo in Dallas, Or., for Port ' land born or equity fai on. $3000 to $5000. 874 E. tii N. Phono East 8747. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 FOB SALE AT A MACBLFICK - Modern 8 room hotwe. East Vancouver, ffMh., practically m, bath and full be-, mcnt eoer to gang.; fruis, flower ami ber new; -acr lot, City water and tight. Good arhool, church and store close. Price $4000. T right parti, 1500 aril handle, with liberal 'term oa remainder. Might consider trad for amall Improved tract.' Address owner, A, It. DAVISON ' STEVEN SON . WASH. I HAVE on More building, room bouse, 4 room bungalow, on about 9 Iota; good in come. Will take good acreage or farm to $G0o0. balance mortgage at 7 per cant. Call owner. Wllnon, Bdwy. 8363. FOS SALE OR TRADE FOB SMALL- FARM or house in city 480-aT wheat ranch, near Almlra, Wah. A. Reimkka. Hermistnn, Or. WANTED--REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 CUSTOMER with sdtne rjuh and soldier's bonus want a fir or u room modern bnnralow with fireplace," priced under $5500, from liaw thorne are. north; Including Koee City and Alameda", with all utreet Imiiroeementx in. CO. $1$ Chamber of Commerce. Main S624. ; I HAVE THE BUY Kit 8 j 'I hare a waiting Ut, for shack from $1000 ap to- modern places to $3500. Call me up. 1 will eome and inspect your property. A. K.0SOVAC, 410 Oerlinger bldg. - Marshall $401. SHACKS WANTED We need some SALEABLE SHACKS for im mediate sale. Demand increasing. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 22 Btark at. Main 6794. WE' HAVE eastern bnyera for Portland homes. a your price ts -right we ran sell. ALEXANDER REALTY CO., INC. JT92 Title aV Trust Bldg. Bdwy. 8580. WAN'T S or 6 room bunalow, near Franklin hfaib. T-324, Journal. ' ACREAGE 4SS WANT SMALL PLACES, CLOSB IS Improred places with buildings, oa good road, ckne to electric transportation and Portland. SmalL ptytuent down and owner to accept soldier's loan. John Ferguson. Uerknaer bldg. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WANTED TO BENT SMALL PrCF.3 - Hare seTeral people wanting to rent, acre ' age or small farms, close to Portland pre ferred; soma people will bay the pisrc , . after leasing for year or more; we make . lota of sales tliia way ; will buy equipment if priced ntrlit. JOHN KKRGUSON. Oerlinirer Wdg. Tiniest Fsrm Dealer on Pacific (Vast. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 SOME HEAL BUYS Real- bargains in grocery stores, will inroice, and the fixtures are priced right Here is one of them. A real buy, good location and clean auwk, doing over $100 per day, MS 00. i . HEHK 1H ANOTHKR Doing better than $100 per day, $2500. ONE MORE ' . Grocery and moat market, $2200. Sereral others at- different prices. McUEE aV DENNIS, 96'9 Union Ate. : N. Woodlawn 5684. Wa SeU iJie Earth, INTEREST in fine transportation business: trucks operating to all good towns out of Portland: about. IV0 tons of freight daily and husineas increasing rapidly; require $1500; inventment carries with it a month- ly salary of $150, and percentage of profits. Sea Mrs. 'Albangn. '. JOILM FER(;CSOV. Realtor. OerUnger Bldg. cli-:aln', phessini;, dyelnc; On accrfuut of- sick new, will sell for less than intoice of equipment ; business on fine barns, making good money. Price $1100. 7 IS imm mug. ? NOTICE NEWBKRCl.'OREiJdN IJttlx capital Urt you in hiunnem; will clear $8000 yearly. Investigate. 900 First at, Newherg. CA L'TION. BUYERS Before eloeing a deal of -- so-called interest In mtabliithed real estate biuuucuB, get ad rice of Portland Unity Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 19Q3. ,- Printing tor Less Pyder Printing Co. - Main 3e, 192 ti rt. Would you pay $100 down to get into sa hon , orahle. money making business r Nona better. Addrei J-194 Jonral. - FOR MALE Candy nianutarturlng outfit in stalled, for sale rcry rmuonaMe. ff interested, tnqwre H41 I'Htock block, o. A. f'ota, manager. v FV1KNT SHINGLING DEVICE Double srscil.y of shinnies. Will sell patent or half - isr-eit st sacrifice. 718 Deknm bldg. price's. Acorn Trr-w, 280 WsKhincton. nr. 5th. IF YOU want a aararn come in an,! u. n. W bats aome good buys. 314 Stock Eich bldg. . i 1 WfiULD you psy $IU0 down t get into a good first class buineas, a mooey-makerr W-792, Journal. RESTAURANT outfit counter, Ubies. chairs io , boxes, range, silver, back bar. complete! $850. cost $1000. f,Q4 Buchanan bWg. ' IF YOU want your automibile refinuhed, we " will sate yon money T-)S3. Journal. ' Call tlstenport. Main 4891, for appointment DANDY west nnle rciUumnt; will take car as part payment. 814 Stock Kxch. bldg. IF YOU want your oar refmisbed I wilt, me : yon innv., Atldress H-78S, Jonrnal. $400 BUYS half interest in good busine. 314 Stock Etch, hltlg HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES - FOR SALE 502 . BECCB COODARn WIST1KS YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR If yon want to start the new year right, buy one of these: 1 , - 18 mom., otec stores, in batinees dis trict; $2500, terms; transient and yteady. First time offered.) . 10 nom well furnLhed. $165 ft. ThK Ihchides many things not usually- sold j with rooming house. . 40-odd rooSBS. with street Jwbby, Rorth . western best Se as. 4 4 room, not medern but good lease and real iniiney-maker. . J00 niims and oter. You can clear an independent fortune In this plsoe in 8 year.- 7 SO rooms oa one flooe, with lea or " the fair. If yoa bate $1500. M m ; show . you this. ' . J. BRUCE GODDARD : 501-2 Coach Bldg. 20 ROOMS, honsekeepingt aU full. in. - UMialty kik-J furniture, practically new; absolutely, no junk; immaculately j-lean; re-. only $75. ;n' lease: net income 185, and can be uMreased; 2500 bandies. Mrs. Athaugh, with John Fergaaon. Ger linger aMdg. , S EAST, Nla moms and IDE SNAP 2 -ikeping rxrrebrsi new tiptop ehaiwr rent 140. ir, - eteryrhmg ra rnrt $1000 srttW) Si! RY. KXTH. rsh, for few d. nlv. Bt.lar. ;- BDWY. 6S08 20 ROOMS., k k fnrnitam, cent $" 42.100 to hsmiK' , good lwatlon. beautihiJ 5, 5-ytar leaw, nets $150; mall balance. Will trade t email pUceC 21 8 Ky. Eich. bldg. Bdwy. 0-lK 14 ROOMS. aU h. k electric lights, sror , heat rent $i. FuU price $1000. (tee Mr, . turne. . f . j. w. car as i, - r - 1 Board of Trade, - M,m T4S. . ' ' SNAP " r IK roiir,-. b. k., fine tamitar, walking dis- taeoe, rent $100. can get leaa. Will aacri fie ?pt re-. Be surw aad see) tliia, IM RT. KXCH. BLlKi. BDWY. ,08 3 bat waiung li-t: 1926. Owner will Pric $5000. .604 nntMi 24 m.n ttiicruinan bldg. 19 ROOMS. biwseae.v.a: good i furniture: ' . Walking dwtonc. .cheap. By owner, 98 E. 12th rt. - . . i , MOTEL, 48. rvmeiM, north - end. leaee 1926, . ntsw fuU. eieanng wAOO month. - isn't be ,at for that kacaooa, . 604 BachsuuiB bklg. ... - HOTELS AND ROOMINC HOUSES, FOR SALE ' t 8M THOMSON " THOMWON, BFULTOTW ' LEADING HOTEL AND AFAKTMISNT: - liUV&U BROKERS . ' 44 -'."rooaa- modern brick . hotel, grind, HIM, rent 3325. nets nearly 8500. I aome private bath. Will sell on easy terns or trade as .ai(r hotel with $2100 will handle; leaao orer the fair and tarnishing of 27 rooms, mostly apartments, rent 8125; unuxusl oa this small lnresunent 26 sleeping rooms, good lease, rent f 200, fumi-hed throughout with the beet, most desirable; 39099, part Unas, t - Wo bate many others listed and would be glad to bar you see our , tile. Wo can. locate yon right ! CARS AT YOCB BEBVICB 82w Hfe-NRY BLDG. BIOWY, 4680 APARTMENT HOUSE, .24 rooms, all modem; 61 ROOMS, an Kowwkeepiog; rent $125 per mouth, with aae; good income. . Pries $4000. J j. -r ' . '- ;. ' '- ' 14 rooms, floe luratibo, good income; nut $4. Price $2000; terms. . SO rooms, all aoaselceeping, good loca tion, cteere $22.6 aui kng )vasi priee $4500; term. . See W. S. WATSON". Witil 0. W. MILLEKHIP. 165 hi . 4th at. Main 3275. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 5S0 HAVE $5000 to buy a business, preferably grocery. , Dialer' opportunity innted. J-105. Journal. DO YOD want to sell your nusineas; want a partner. Sea aai 504 Buchanan bldg. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 60r CITY LOANS XO'COUMISSIOX Oa improred property or tor imprvTemeat parpoees. The best and easiest method of paying a lose ss oar asonthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 86 montlis, or $21.81 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months, pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Lee. as of other smounts in earn, proportion. Repayment Pntilegea. IQUITABLB SAVINGS at LOAN ASS'S 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. $300. $400. $500. $750, $1000 AND CP. Lowest rates, quick action; pay 100 or mors any interest date, Gordon M origin Co., 631 Cham, of Commerce bidg. Main 1870, $300. $400, $50O,'$70w $1000 AND CP. Low rates, quick action, (red W. ttcrmaa Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. BUILDING loans oa enr ano suburban prop- en j ; asoney aurancea as wore procreeses. w. ' O. Beck. 218-216 Failing bids Mam $407, $20l0 TO $3000 ON ulTY rKPEKTY. I r RED 8. WILLIAMS, 506 PANVAMA BLDG. BEE OREGON tSV. AV MOkTOAGE CO., 219 Lnraber Eashanee bldg. BUT GOOD SECURITIES AND MAKE IX1AN3 Lee Patrnport, 612 Buchanan bldg. $500, $1000 and op; T; aa rdlapel WsrdT 407 8paktlng bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 1 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY ! IjOAXS HIDE ON Automobiles rCKNTTTJRK, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL. ESTATE. BONDS OR ANYTHING OP VALUE SECURITY TSUALLY LEFT IN TURK POSSESSION ' Also Salary Loans Part oil a x jtt nrnnr v nw fxi&fry unTVB WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAYMENTS I TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OH ON ! rCRNITL'KK OF AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS ARK TOO -LARGE, WK WILL PAY THEM TUP. ADVANCE YOU MOKE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOTJ CAN PAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT , YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) DEKCM BLDG.. 3D 806-807 AND WASH. SALARY LOANS SALARY i WE LOAN MONEY 1 to salaried and Worklngmen on their personal notes, Raies reasonable, easy payment. NO SECURITY NO INDOR8ER Call and Investigat cur modern money lead ing methods. All bnfinww confidential. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY ( Licensed) 218 Failing Building. MON'El TO LOAN Money loaned on household goods or mer chandise placed in storage with us at a regular bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO, 4 th snd Pine st Opposite Muttncasah HoteL . Phone Brosdway 8715. MONET To LOAN On houwhold goods at bank rates. ALERT TRANSFER CO.. 209 Oak St $100 TO $2500: quick action. A. H. BelL 231 Si Morrison tt.. rooms 10 and 11. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 WE BUY first and secona mortgsges and sell ers' eontneta. P. B, Bowmsa aV Co.. 210 ensm of com, bidg. Main aoae. I BUY seller's contract. 1 paper; funds In any clients. Roy H. Keasy. amount Intested for 712 Lewis bldg. 41ASH paid for mortgages and sellers contracts on real attat in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Nobla, 816 Lumbermens bkg. . WILL bny BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i4U7'ir '?Vnt rvL TiT.d wait; repairs radiators and bodiae, Liberty radi t.rfirdon, 681 Ch, of Com, bldg. -mtor for type4 o fiLn ltork mortgage. MONEY 'WANTED 6S1 WANT $4000 on highly improved 40 acres in edits of citr, value $20,000. Wilson, Bdwy. ? 303. " WANTED $1000 1 year, 8 ier rent and bonus; chattel mortage on . property worth $3500. D-542. Journal. SEE OREGON IN, MORTGAGE .210 lumber "exchange bldg. CO., HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 CROWN STABLES, INC. HORSES. HORSES. HORSES 150 head to pick from. They are for sale, hire or exchange. Don't believe all you hear and only half you see. but come to the Crown stable and ba convinced that we bate got the best horses and the be-t prices. If we can't boest we will not knock. Hate any kind of harness) and wagon that you are looking for. Hate 150 set of new and secondhand harness, ancle and double; also 12 new and second hand saddles. Everything guaranteed aa repre sented. Phil Sweeter, president. 2S. Front st. - Notice to Farmers j We have 22 bead of horses and mare weich ling from 1300 to 1700 lbs., from 5 to 10 yrs. old. blocky build and sound; price from $75 op. 20 sets" of beaty work harness. We hate got to sell this stuff before the first of the year regardless of cost; com -tnd look before yoa buy V. ft. Stables, 365 Union ate. S.. cornet of Stetens. 10 HEAD of bones and mare ' weighing 1 100 to 1600 lbs.: will sell very cheap to make room for shipment to strive after first of year; new wagona and harness at reduced prices. Key stone Stables, 381 Wster at, cor. Montgomery. 2oOO-LB, .uv-i.ii. jr.AJi tor . guaranteed gcod . worker. Also several other cheap bores. i mi aad wagon, of all kinds. 240 E. 8th. i war Kara of Main. TEAM of naaras, 2800 lbs., barness and 3 V4 ineh farm waaom Woodysrd, corner 50th and Hawthorne. iV , i i . DOUBLE team $3 day. ragi team $1.80 da. 646 Front st Mala 220. : . LIVESTOCK 701 EN cows, ail just Iresn, large 'Guernsey and Jerwys. 4 to 6 gallon milker, some test 5 to 6 per cent butterfat W ill sell or take beef cattle in exchang. 1128 Macadam nL. South Portiaad ear. a end C. to.'X, block uaUa, , 1 bloek east 2 FKKSH cows, Jersey4ueney; 1 buck Jersey, - taberculia tested; heavy milkers; text 5.4 lt Scotti car to Trrmont station, 4 blocks south to 65th ate., 1 west to Tlt r. GUKRNSBY-Jersey cows; to sen: 1 block' eoutii p depoK Muwauk. U- A- Smith. Oregon C:ty car; ...;.,, , . JERSEY COW. rast freh. 6 ralloBs; also good family cow and calf, $65. 'Tuberculin tested. 240 E. Sth. enr. Main. .. CALVES WANTED MARSHALL 2178. I'REStI Jemy-Hoiatetn. $74; family Jemay, $35. 963 Powell talley road. 5 BIG dairy sad family cows, to be fresh In a - few day. 41 E. Aih, WANTED Beef, teal and nogs.' Tsbor TS82, r POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 I I l-fcETS ( laving Nana presents; 200 guar anteed thoroughbred B.- Rocks, W. Ighoras. Anconas, Whit yondottta. It L Beds, Black Mnorca, $125. $t.45. Com or writ Leroy Wfairhlon. 595 WUliam ate. FOR SALE 12ft W. L. tuMu ai Mi-h- isa i . f1" . Phoa Auto. 840-3. , Call veiuiw a a, m, s . i POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 - Fresli Eggs for Less- La Grande Creamery Co. l- POBTLjLjnvfl (trr.r.rQ agents ww r.ee VB 6PEKB S ; Willamette Valley Fresh l Graded Eggs ! riBBT ASD TAMHUX, 8Tg. I OUB. Rhode lalaad Beos are nnei celled ft yoQ want color, eggs and typo. They are afl Hogaatzsd and trap-oeeled for egg prodnrtfcm. rrnaeo your orders aow tut aaxly baby chicks and hatching eggs. Sold oa a moaeyback goaranteo U yoa ant act attfefbd. Some cock erels for a let , Rhode Islaad Be4 Vann. Boots Boa gQZ. Portlaad. Or. , Progressive Hatchery Baby ehicka for 1923 from atihtr ft. C. White Leghorns, K. L Beds and Barred Bock: all pure bred trapnested or selected stock oa free rant. Aiao pedigreed batching eega and baby chicks. ' tiuu woodlawB J4S5. BABlt CHICKS avn II ATfxiTKrt v.nr.a Tom Barron. Engli-h ft. C Whlu Leghorn nn winning birds, at the Pacific International poultry show egg-laying contest. 104 dia coont iij 1000 lota.- McKenna Park PaoHry farm. McKean ate. and Lombard sta., Port land, Or. . RARV BEDLCED PRICES oa WblU a-PrtO 1 " Leghorns. Beds, Barred Rocks. sff-fflV " Wbita Bocks, Mlnorcas and! as- aV eonas. - Booking orders aow. Posts! secures FREE catalogue. Write -today. C. Ji. SEEDHAM, SALEM, OKEGCN. 1921 KEESKY brooder store Nelson, 44th and Ainsworth. $30, A. A. Wdln. 31717. PETS; DOGS, BIRDS, ETC. 703 SPEEDWAY OCAI.TTT Pedigreed police dog puppies that will soaks good. $50 up. Max. Muller, 26S E. Bdwy. East 278. ST. ANDREASBEBO rollers, wonderful sinigers. Imported birds. 227 M Wsahington street. Main 6221. room 414. BEACTIFCL HarU mouoUin roller, in full song, reasonable. East 5586. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE S00 When pnrcbaed from us are GUARANTEED the aama aa new Buicka Tba most DfPOBTANT THING to consider ta the purchase of a REBUILT CAB is the RE- bPO.NSlttlLlTX of the SELLER. Howard Automobile Co. Largest Diatributors of Automobiles in the World, ! ! "-"Alder at Twelfth St. Broadway 1130. I Used Cars ! TO BE 8OLD AT SACRIFICE THIS WEES Do Not Consider Price Until You I Hat Seen the Car. ' pparson touring .t TS Studebtker 4 cyL, fine running condition. . ISO Magwsll toonng, fins condiUon 200 250 250 275 350 350 250 375 if"""11 roadster, fine ahape '-aoiuac, una towing car . Maxwell delitery Bulek, .4-cyl Ford bug. practically new . Ford roadster, lots of extras Maxwell touring, oterlmuled ....... Buick light six, 5 cord tires ....... Esti. a tounng, 5 cord tires Franklin touring, in fine condition... Nash sport model, lake new. II. C. S., 1921, real value Willy-Knight, 1921. almost new 650 8 "0T 750 I .snap Many Other Can of Standard Makes From $75 to $2000 CO. 530 ALDER ST. AUCTION SALE ! i. OF AUTOMOBILES THURSDAY EVENING, DEC. S9( TO Lmfge Conskignment of Mostly Lata Modrll i SALE STARTS AT 7:30 P. M. JAKE'S AUCTION HOUSE ji Cor. 6th and Eterett ate. ' Phone Bdwy. 2329. M. B. FISCH Radiator, fenders, bodies, hoods. r-:-i:-i-rg 1 tanks, repaired and remodeled; -anst-aa I aoto sheet-metal work s specsaltf. T 105-107 N. 15th St , r itiyney nrmuwaj a-EavW. I THE FENDER MAN ; ridwy. 8-214. 80 . llth st, near Burr-ana. BROADWAY TTBEKHOP " BROADWAY AND WILLIAMS AVE. TIRES. ACCESSORIES, OILS. GAS, CRANK CASE FLUSHINGS TIRE SERVICE LlRadiator 357 BCRNSr.DR. 1922 HUFMOBILB, demonstrator. $1300; ful ly equipped; bumper, Gaberfal snubbers. cord tires, automatic wmd-hield wiper, extra tires run less than 3500 miles, city driven. Call K. IX Bean, Bdwy. 217. WEAVER TTTftS COMPANY FEDERAL TIRES OREGON 'VULCANIZING CO. TIBE REPAIRING S33-335 Burusjde at Broadway, ; iis podou TOrrTtixa nan ana Car has new top. good tires; baa b-eat T nntahed and. is in tery fine mechanical con- uiiHio. riircta' to sen; will take Ford trade and gite terms. Tabor 6184. in WB HAVE wj slizbUy used spolighta, bump ers and other accessories that are a good aa new for sal cheap. Open . evenings i and Sunday, Talbot . 4 Ca7, lac., . E. : Ankeny and Grand ate. i ifXlRD CARS RE-COVERED, 813 CP' ChetroleOi re-eotered. $20 and an. I NEW YORK AUTO TOP CO.. 153 E. 8tb 1st PUT ateel teeth in your old flywneeti crank shaft turning, eyL grinding. H. B. Blaak, marhin shop. 534 Alder st Bdwy. 2681 I WE TE1R w 1 1 W AutoWrsrkin A&FJim$t BroVd, Sa' aFfu J2L tXZr 1Tt Browdway 8284. Mail cedars filled.' ! ! V ELIE -UX 1 rand new, just from factory: big discount terms. ' Owner, Main 1428 1917 FOKD. completcTy rbaaletl, axeettCBt Condition, aoock absorbers, spotlight and nrnnr other extras, $216. Phone Kast 65"!. 1918 DODGE too no, ear for sale chee.s xooting and at dupos of ear; tery baa condition; terms if desired East 8420 - Auto To;$s .n"abi."pric!pt2l Saftaon rt. between 6th and Broadway. OVF.RLA.ND 80. good rubber and top and1 fa fair condition all the wsy through i $145, tern If desired. East 8118. CASH paid for old can, condition no obiect wpart for all makes ol ears. ThoeapsoB A ITelly, 448 FUnders. near llth. Bdwy. 8603. '21 FORD touring, -extras, $355. terxas. G. Tbcmpson, 87" Basseil at East 8298 t ira9a alter S.- - . : i ninti ,,L' U . j.-Ll-. FORD, toonng. 1926. demountable rim, shock .abrbexs.t,nw tire.: $100 cash. SaavB anc easy: laoor isoj. E are thoraughly prepared to build to okder track, delivery and roadster bodies. B . Bndy Top Wk. 845 Wms, ate. B. 1198. 1921 FORD TOURING, in A-l cooditioa. some tontct. " 240 E. 8th. AUTO tops recovered, curiam repaired. B. ft. Body At Top Wk.j $4 5 Wat te, R 119H, li" YOD want your ear refintabed I will gat - yon money. - Address B-769. Joama!. ! 1919 DODtiK - dehtery. in good eonditaon. $495; terms given. East 8118. NEW Bri-vo sedan, never ased. $1000; terms. East 3158. ,'...3 $100 BUYS-Chetrolet touring, in good nxaaj ishape. Phone owner. East 178. CARj WANTLD. 6th aod Eterett CAk.3 WANTED, 33 Ctuatta E AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 ! Save That License Fee If yon pka aa exchanging your present car for another, either new or withaa tba next 12 months, aaake the exebanga bow and sato the license money aa your oht ear. W hat aa unusually fine stock of ased can and yoa hare, WW WW., MWV MWI .1 . HI, TltHi wa bar eter offered. - Sixes, foam, roadsters n4 tourings. Most of them orer hauled and re built Coma and sea tisean. v 1918 Brfseo S jmm, 1919 Mitchea 6-paas; 1919 Olds 8. tosring ...I 408 ... 750 ...800 ... 450 ... 850 ... 1500 J w l ora toaxing . . . . . 1917 Mitchea - ft-pam. ... 181-7ofdan Sport Maria 1919 Brtasoa 5-paas. . ... . . . 650 j iv 1 1 stitcbau 6-paas 1918 Brisooe 5 -pan. 1919 MitchaU 7-pas. '.IV.'.'.'.'.'.lk 800 1000 ii i-aiee a-peae, w...- 1919 Yalie L, 1921 Jordan 7-pasa. ... I .......... . 1916 Packard Twia Six. T-pass. ...... , 1921 MiteheU 5-pasa. ...i 1015 Cadillac 8, 7-paas. I 1918 Studebaker 7-pua. i., 1918 Mitchell 5-paas. ...I.... 1918 KitcbeO. 6-paat. ..4.,... 1920 Stuta 5-psja. EAST 'TEEMS 700 2500 1650 1350 750 875 850 950 1750 W baDdl our own nniee m.iA tn.v. charg for brokerage, just simple 8 per cent in- j tcrest, oa moat contenieat; payments. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. 88 Team In tb NorthwesL MITCHELL. JORDAN, BRISCOE CARS. Broadway at Eterett. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY BARGAIN BASEMENT We bat for aale bare, not wrecked nor worn out cars, but those wt bat a yet not rebuilt Wa offer real bargains. ; Buy jotar ear now for those weekend camping trip next spring and summer. You will not hat the present selec tion much longer. 1920 Ford roadsters........ $300 and $275 1918 Studebaker, a tery fin car...... 150 1920 Chetrolet Baby Grand touring 435 1917 Model "N" Hupmpbila touring 350 1918 Maxwell tourings ..... from $173 to 225 1917 Studebaker coup 425 i Dodge Brotners touring 235 IV li Dodge Brothers touring 1918 Dodge Brothers tourings and road- iters from $450- to 500 1919 Dodge Brothers tourings and road sters from ...$500 to 600 1920 Dodge Brothers touring 675 1918 Dodge Brothers screen delitery..... 400 1918 Buick ''4" delitery . 240 COVEY s MOTOR CAB COMPANY 21st at Washington sts. Main 6244. Open Sundays. 1917 Ford roaster, new tires $145.00 1916 Ford rnadter. tall delitery. . 95.00 1916 Ford Touring, Haas, shocks. . 125.00 1918 Ford bug 135.00 1918 Ford touring, extras 195.00 1919 Ford touring, starter type... 225.00 1920 Ford touring, starter, extras 325.00 1917 Chetrolet touring 145.00 1917 Maxwell touring, good shape 145.90 1917 Dodge touring, snap 385.00 1917 King, 8 touring, new tires. . . 250.00 1918 Dort touring, new tires 350.00 1917 Buick touring, rebuilt 375.00 (65 cars to pick from) VRANSON'S USED CAR, ETXC. Union At, and Baalmont St, Upstairs DELIVERED ERECTED STAINED 10x16, $55. Other prices in proportion. East 8866. 299 Weldlex. new Te YEAR END CLEAN CP Etery used Ford in stock has been tnned and repaired and the price cut to a point that will call K,rnH linnm 1 all tvn . models included. We guarantee to aata you money. Liberal term. WUiLUK U HUGrlSON CO.. 60 N. Broadway. Broadway 821 "Hughaon" Ford Corner" "BUILT TO ENDURE" Portable and Permanent $48 to $300 '' Beat Sectional Gsrag Built on Pacific Coast. REDIMADE BLDG. CO., PORTLAND, OR. Fsctory E. llth and Markets Phone EaM 8114. EXTRA SPECIAL 1917 CADILLAC EIGHT TOURING In excellent condition throughout new top, paint good, tonneaa. trbtdrliisid. wind-deflectors and other extras. This is a real buy at $978, liberal terms if desired. Talbot At Casey, Inc., m. Anxeny anq i.rana st. TWO LOCATIONS BROADWAY AT ROSS 2 blocks east of bridge HAWTHORNE AT UNION Expert radiator and body 1 pairing. Phone East 8498. RADIATOR BEBVICE CO. WE WRECK THEM Hicnest casn pne paid (or old cars, condition no object , AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., Third and Glisan. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 REBUILT ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO PARK & EVER ETT STS MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 EX, 74 FACTOR 1 special touring sidecar, fall equipment, extras. Flrstl reasonable mifw. v.wu or writ imvenporu ,'iu ntata ss,. Salem. MOTOR CYCLE? AND VARTn. ALL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand are. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 FORD OWNERS Ford eterhauled $20.00 Rear axle otcibsxtleal 6.00 Y sites graaad, carbon removed ...... 3.0O Traassnissioa relinrd (Scandinavian) . . . 4.78 Magneto recharged 5.00 We hand-bp pistons, scrap bearings, etc. which insure. perfect tanning motor. G In Ford psrts only us-d. All' wots gnarant d. GUARANTEED AUTO BEPAIR CO. - 880 Front St. Co. Jefferson. BATTERIES RECHABG ED ITTo 1.S0 L-25 FORD MAGS HFCHARfiFfi LABOR, FEB HOUR................ P. O. GARAGE, EAST 4461. 880 UNION AVE.. 1 BLK. N, BDWY. Auto & Truck Repairing don at your own or my sang by expert mechanic.' Marshall 755. FIRST class auto repairing at your garage or mine. 81 per boar. Phone A. 216-88. 128 E 3 2d. corner of Morrison. B. J. KOFF, automobile and general raeehinist aow located at 612 Jefferson. In Journal Garc bldg. Call Ant 636-59. AUTO reganring at your garage, my private shop. Wont guaranteed. Tabor 1146 or 220-12. IF YOU want your automobile refinixhad, : Will save yoti money. D-988. Journal. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRITER3. Latest r Swaaai aad T paavrngan aare. Boocts, Wess- cvw. vrow juanarta; reaMaaaai rates, aaya. aighta, weekly. CITY GARAGE 133 12th W Tserwee Washiaatoa aad Aider Bdwy. 840. OREGON USED CAB EXCHANGE ; New ears for rent without drivers: roadsters. . bib aonpea aaa touring can. Keasonabi mtea. Opca dny am Buia, 2a Glisan at bet Bnsini bal-iiniiYb BdwV SSfta ' oenpes and touring can. Reasonable rate. Open end ,6th v Bdwy. 3593. OARAGES AND PARKING 807 WE have room for a few more cars inr de3 storage for $4 per month. Maia 2897. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 650 CABS WANTED FOR CASH . I trill pay cash for tax light lata model cars. Mast b ia food coexiiUoa and cheap. lo talk all ch Phone Ant 513-67. MURPHT MOTOR CO. - CABS wanted to wreca; part lar aB ear fa leas. ft. Ac S. Auto Wracking Co., lata sad Alder- Broadwsy 636. - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 GET your furnao pnvperiy cseened aad wwer aanled; dsa t wait Call Leosara, Aot 826-, 1. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 00 Sewing lachine Emporium Machine, sold' for lam. Sa ageOB) Uaannteed aseel ata . farm aad iwaatm for an amkea, - Michlnea ran lad Sf.in Sill ' A . ISO 3d Near Taylor St. SHOWCASES NEW. CSK AND MAD9T TO ORDER Bay. aall. eachange ased Cash Registers, Sealaa, all kinds Store Futoms. Oar xoouo: Profit.- il,'11 Seles, Small 248 Wsjhington st Mar. 2438. P"AT-a 1RAU1.1U cot o Sibloco Pipeless Furnace 576.90 SI3B SI 152 , ft8,::fricrt any, regardlaes of price: ear record 100 per eeftt: operated successfully where others hatw failed; aak for refemiees; success due to improred principle - of exsastractiaa; best guana Ja 'or durability and rat nits. ; I. T. Woodruff. 1291 Mallory ate. Woodlawn 2108. CEBA1 CHESTS ORDER WOW FOB CHRISTMAS Direct from fsetnr f m,, Imm. - - and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings: lai tnat mfe. Ia7l.. M . a a latest designs. Write for catalogue. vnca sua- oaya ana eteBings. J- W. HTGGTNS aV SON. iaiZ-ie-18 E GLISAN. TABOR 808 Electric Fixtures Bay direct from factory show room: finest abctm. aU stylss: ear one-third. Oomlud as samps; yoa are under no obligation to bay. STANLEY LL'Tr, 207 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG Third and Stark Ss. Bdwy. 4258. WE SAVE T0TJ MONET Boos wiring, fighting rtr tares. electrical repairing rap pliee. Third Street Ekctrie Store. Z24 Third at. Salmon. Mala $01. SEE OUR "ALL-IN-ONE" PIANOS. WONDERFCL1 THE LATEST i THE BEST I Just think for a snug apartment Piano as well as phonograph and player piano all in onej beautiful mahogany, small aixe. Oregon EUers Music House. 287 H Washington st, just below 5 th. SAFES Overstocked with new and second-hand J Second-hand safes hate all been rebuilt and are use new. At reduced prices for next 10 days. Your own terms. Call and see or writ as new. before you buy elsewhere, and sate money. N orris Safe & Lock Co.. 105 2d at, Portland. Or. VERY fine Kimball organ, cost $175 when new; owner moved away and offers it for only $45; pay $4 a mouth if you like. Also very lotely Estey organ, the $150 kind, for sale at only $40. Older models, good playable condition, $18 to $26; get a start in music; one of these organs will do it. See or write Oregon EUera Music Htm ... 2d floor Etiera MUsio bldg., 287 Vs Wash. DESKS DESKS DESKS Etery size of fist top desks, new and ased; tables, chairs, filing cabinets, dictaphones, safes and safe cabinets. Our prices the lowest, our aertice the best D. C. Wax, 24-26 N. 6th. nroaqwaj ziaa OPEN etenings during December, aa Ideal Unas to do your fjnmmst shopping. Mlller'a Big Little Jewelry Star Balls for Less. Gifts That Matt to Majeatio Theatre, Washington and Park Sta, Sewing iWachines We bate the largest stock of ased Sewing Machines in the city. Com pare prices. We rent and repair. 1 TO Q A A- - V.,m),tll ' BEAUTIFUL dining room furniture, 54-inch table, 6 leather seat chairs and buffet for lain at half Talue, $165; pay $15 month, 5 per cent off for ca-ih. See G. B. Smith, Eilers bldg. Phone Main 1123, . Electric Motors TtflBebt. roM. renteA am Walker Electric Works, 418 Bara side, corner 10th. Broadway 5674. Independent Printers Beat work, prompt delitertes at leas cost Let a astamat your next ion. Smith Printers. 11 M. 6th st DOORS, windows, lumber, meidings, mill work, glass, roofing and botbed sash. See onr odd stack of msh and - doom for prloes. D. B. Scully Co., downtown lumber store, 171 FRONT ST.. bet Morrison . and Yamhill. Main 4213. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRAD It MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Sells lor Less uitta mat l-ast. Next door to Majestic Theatre. Park and Washington Sta. ALL kinds of beaters rebuilt good aa new; aold at tery low prices; all kinds of plumbing coils made and installed. Rnud water heater $10. Others at $8. East 4137. East 5590. Inter ested Stove Co.. 129 Union ave. LADIES. LET THE VOGUE sell your misfit or slightly used garments. We hate a nice line of party dresses, suits and coats; reasonable. 4tii floor, 403 Alisky bldg., 3d near Morrison. Main 8132. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought sold, exchanged and repaired. Port land Cash Recit r & Stale Exchange, 226 Stark st bet 1st and 2d sta. Mam 5334. X.MAS SUGGESTION Mink, skunk, squirrel and other fur chokers, $15. The Fur Shop. 615 Filers Music bldg. Wash., bet 4th' and 6th. Main 6424. LARGE coal heater. $10; waierpower washing machine. $10: extension dimng table, cheap. Will exchange for wood stove and folding kitchen table. Wdln. Oo.'i. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. wbolesale; 1-light chain. 3 light fixtures, $3.75; Xmsa tree light outfit, $2.85. We do electric wiring. Reliable Electric. Union at RueiL East 3080. . ART GI.AS3 LAMP SHADES Panel spotlight lenses, glass specialties. Portland Art Glass Works. 543 Madison, cor. 17th. Main 9392. SELECT green slab, pwnry of inside wood. $5.75 per cord. Special prices on carload. Fine block wood. $7.25 per load. Apartment hi,us trade solicited Call East 7020. THE PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP, 245 Alder fit, for the next S day sells its greenhouse plants at Vt price. Birds, baskets, rases and I others reduced also. ; , HOT WATER TANKS 50 gal. $7. 40-eaL $9 tested and guaranteed: store and furnace coils : gas heater installed ; expert plumbing repairing. Efljst. Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st K. 8516 VM1Y an eterUutung aggravation Dy a leaky roof Why not a permanent and comfortable roof! We repair. Rubber Bond and rejuvenate all kinds or iesy roots, wont gtiaranteea. pnoae Bdwy. 7 AGATE JEWELRY, largest stock in city. Also special orders. Ht really msDufartnr jewelry Van Dusen. 453 Wash, st at 13th. 10 DROPHEAD seain macmnes witn attach ments. $20 each: portable electrie mac bio. for rent; sewing mac tunes cleaned and repaired. E R. Stren, 152 Grand ate. East 2359 AUTOMOBILES. MtTOkCrt r.ES, LAUNCHES or boats ere seoarate clessificatioiia. A Ian. liFtfng will be found vnder thee oifferent cJasss- f icsuons. FOB SAL'S One Manning kerosen burner, regular retail only $30, now $10. Apply at pwa qui sr. am, oikf. ask lor jo. BUGS washed on your- floor with Hamiltoa- Beach eleotnc carpet washSTr; also cleaning don,- East 404$; ATTENTION Fur akin and bide bought or tanned. west Coast- TanaiBg Co., 892 T- nico ate. senwood 230. SCO BUSINESS CARDS 5 n ROSE CITY PRINTERY 9 ft IG' Z4S wastiington Street Bet. Second and Third. LICENSED indepeedeni electrician vim a rooms for $12, 5 rooms $20, and gas ran teed to pass lnsnertion. Woodlawn 8791 DIEBOLD safes: new and secona band: special prices. Paci1e Scale A Supply Co., 48 Front rt Hrnedwae IBB6. FOB SALE On showcase 10 feet: one 15 feet tnree fine wall cases, ell suitable for mot any one. it. i. Terry, l E9 Broadway. Dentistry ZTM1& Wltboat Pain. Lata Her Bterklow MeUwd. 12x18 C. AV P. JOBBEB with counter, fountain, brake and . 1 h. p. d. e. motor. 8450 L o. b. Portland. 249 Washington st BLEACHED laundered flour sacks $1.20 doeien. add postage for maiL Saowflake laundry. so neimoni ELECTRIC fixtures for 6 rooms $15; big selec tion oraer -nxrorea, z7 unamber at (Jorxt- merce bldg. Brosdway 4253. AGATE JEWELRY ,of quality. Lowest At tan iKisens. 4aa Wastt. at. at 13th. FCLFF RCGS AND BAG BUGS WOVEN OREGON FT.UFF BUG CO. TABOR 7814. tiAYTON butcher acalee for sal at $16. Used mourns. vu tvio k. fcverett. FOB RENT Electric tacuum cleaner. 85e pat :' uay, oeoverea. ' ' wain. txa. 890 ROTARY White sewing machine, like new. $30. Storage, 114 Union ave. near Alder. ONE-MINUTE e let toe washing machine, $35. STOVE made. repairing, suae relined. new East 5042 paru STOCKTARD MANURE. $4 A TON. DEXIVr .ERED. WOODLAWN 2363. LADIES' USED APPAREL secured from w 1 (owned women; attractive nooea. Tabor 2825. so: $y XJ empiayeO. - ' w . ehines ebaw FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 90O HEATING atotav $8.50; 4-btiruer gas rang. tu; ciga otea fa rsnr. fti.ao; woco and coal range, $20. Expert stot repatriac. Braoklya State Sboxt, 558 Pwil st Sell. S051. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 UPKAN, WOLFS as CO. GREATEST . PIANO AND PHONOGRAPH ftALB Inckndea thaa saw (uanoa, renewed and Wed Piano, aod ponographs: ModeOa plarer and bench... ...... 4. ..,$395 Smith aV Barnes, upright 815 Heine apright. good condiUon.......... 105 ftben. iaraw, mahogany.. ... 265 KimbeJL raacwed oak .......... ... .4 895 Ramea Bros., quite new. ......... j ... 495 Fmncto Baooa, fio aiahogany......... 435 Sterimc. fio ton tii Fay cash or $2 to $13 a month. , v REDUCED PHONOGRAPHS Brunswick No. 7, mshogany ...... , . .9 90.00 Stmditara Melody .,...7.......... 112 25 Btraditara Harmony 125.00 Columbia, goidea aak, vtswd .. 75.00 Victrola XL saahegany ............ , 140.00 - Pay cash or $3, $5 aad $8 a aumth. Tth Floor, Waahiaton and th StaL CLSaBaNCE SALa VacTORY BKBLILT . XXl I'SED PIANOS $ 900 Btginway ft Sons, mahogary ....$395 $ 900 gtesr Sons, aikwion oak 495 6 750. Kraoich ek Baca, goldea oak...i 815 8 57 fiobroeder Bna, funiad oak,..., 365 I 9?? &eed Son. grand in upright. . . 595 8 850 Kimball, large, mahogany 293 f.?60 Tnompsoa player piano 498 J1050 Singer player piano, oak 695 8 900 Thompson player, oak 695 a 185 Burden parlec organ ......... 88 8 98 Earboff parlor organ .......,... 28 8 75 Packard parlor organ 18 Terms $10 to $25 cash. $5. $8. $15 month. CNCSCAL BARGAINS XN USED TALKING aauu.KS WITH KtUOlUlS Victor, small, with 8 used records.....,! 29 Columbia, small, with 5 used records. ... 80 Victor, with 10 nsed records ........ .4 40 Victor, with 10 ased records 65 Victor, cabinet with 15 ased records.., 110 Path, cabinet, with 10 awl records. ... 90 Brunswick, cabinet with 10 ttsed records 75 Sonora, cabinet with 15 used records. .150 Soanra, grand, with 25 used records. . . . 290 Sonora, portable, ased records . 40 $5 op cash, $8 and up monthly. 8CHWAN PIANO CO. 101 10th St. Cor. Stark. Phone Bdwy. 1678. A DANDY Piatana piano, cost new $875. not a mar on it, can be bad for only $400 cash an easy tune payment Beautiful bench and 42 new mue roll included. A-k for the New Orleans Isdy's piano in our resale department Also a beau tiful Thompson player-piano, just like newt only $470, terms $15 a mouth. Oregon ESleT musio House, second floor Eilera Mu&o bldg. Take, eletator 287 H Washington below 6ta. Phone Main 1123. $2350 CHICKERING LARGE PARLOR. GRAND PIANO, DULL MAHOGANY, WONDERFUL TONE AND CONDITION, ONLY $775. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT? TAKE A GOOD UPRIGHT IN PART PAYMENT. THIS IS THE GREATEST GRAND BARGAIN IN PORT LAND. BROKERAGE CO., 811 WOB- IM11.K num.., Tlilxt i AND OAK. FOUR highest gradE pianos, repossessed from dealer who bad them oa sale; regular $500 instrument win be closed at leas than deal.r' cost 8268 to cat shipping expense south. Liberty uuuua, casn or easp payment plan. $15 montn. See Eilers, second floor E iters Musio bldg. rimng aiain x l za. CLOSING OUT, JAN. 1. 122 FIXTURES PIANOS FLAYER PIANOS PHONOGRAPHS Tn , V I,- I, , w". . . HAROLD S- GILBERT, 384 YAMHILL ST. KIMBALL npnght can be had for great deal lasa thaa present-day price, or only 8285, On ey payments of only $15 a month. Can maks still further discount of $25 for til cash, Sa Oregon TRilers Mode Hmu. m. trance ana el cm tor 287 Washington st. BOY SCOUT drums, made just like the profea- u.w it. ii ii.a. niui univi U1UU1 UJCie. fB.UU, $7.50 and $8.50. Three sizes. . Jr. W 149 6th St PIANO BENCHES W are closing out nice new and thvA AnM. piano oencnes. many at Hair price and even less; also uaeu player-piano bencues; prices $6, $4. $2.75 each. Oregon Eilers Music House. 287 Si Washington. t f FOUR apright pianos. $125 to $175. Smith V Barnes oak case, Leland walnut C E. Byrne mahogany. New England rosewood: fine condi tion. Terms. Why pay more? Brokerage Co.. nil w o reenter eidg. BEAUTIFUL Estey piano, as good aa new, wVlik wf., IRtll -. .V. , . . . " ..m ,. wuow vwov ab uie lu'iuij uuw- adays; owner says slaughter for $215 in order w vj un.:M, , ui wm sen oa time pay- Vnenta for $235, $10 per month. Sea EUera, wv'ai HWI .iiriv muMj IUU. VIOLIN -student's utfit includes violin, case. www, ixjtuei ana extra strings, .is. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., . ' 149 6th St. KINGSBURY PIANO, included in our Btary aiano neouce naie. A snap. SEIBERUNG LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. bet Wash, and Alder. ESTKY piano in mahogany case, lata style: splendid bargain at $245. terms. 0. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St BUY, SELL OR TRADE PHONOGRAPHS OB RECORDS NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. MAIN 4495. PIANO TUNING AND RE FINISHING. Expert workmanship guaranteed. 8EIBERLINU LUCAS MUSIC CO.. izp atn St., pot. wan. ana AJrter CONN G met. Saxophone, all gold, beautifully eugraveu, . ou, verm. G. F. JOHNSON CO. 149 6th St PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING" Any make. All worx guaranteed. SE1BKRLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St, bet Wash, and Aider BVKSCHER C meL Saxophone, all gold, ar- uh uituei. einir. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 th St REMINGTON PIANO, $285. Used a time. Oak case. Terms given. 8EIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. bet Waxh. and Alder. short GENUINE Bush & Lane Diano userl shout 1 month, can't tell from new. with bench, only 4ZS on easy terms. Brokerage Co., 811-12 Worcester bldg. STHINWAY PIANO, $150. Old style. Terms given. SEIBERI.ING LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 725 4th St., bet Wash, and, Alder. WE WILL trade you a new Victrola r Cheney phonogniph for your old piano. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.; 149 6th Rt MANSFIELD PIANO, $L50; walnut cas bargain. Terms given. SKIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC -CO., laa atn Bt.. net. wtiii. and Alder. A FINE small grand piano, a wonderful buy for vvvtf. one ovuy ar, uiu, price. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St STF.INWAY PIANO $450. See it and be con vinced. It is a real bargain. Terms given. SEIBERUNG LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. bet Wash, and Alder. KRELL piano in walnut case. $285. buy. terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6U1 St. A $Tood 8 UPRIGHT pianos, $100, $125 to $225, on easy terms; many standard makes. Why pay more? 311 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. SPECIAL Christmas oirer: $120 Grafonola and 10 records $75. Empire Transfer. Broad way 155. : 8700 HOBART M. CABLE, walnut guannteeu poititly like brand new. at leas H price. Brokers Co., 811 Worcester bldg. PIANOS moved $3, ground floor. Work done by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Trans. Storage Co.. 104 N. Bih COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH $18 SKIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. bet Wash, and Alder. JESSIB FRENCH, beautiful dull mahogany esse. less than half price. 311, Worcester bid.. 3d and Oak sta. $725 BUSH A LANE, plain case, dull mahog any, leas thaa half price. 314 Worcester Drag., aa ana usa sts. PIANOS MOVED No mars, ao delays. $2.50 first and second zon, stairways $1 extra. Eilers. Main 1123. PHONOGRAPHS for rem. bet makes, rent ap plied on purchMe. - Harold S. Gilbert 884 x imiiiiL W EG MAN piano. woaderfrll tAne dark r-t - only $200. 311 Worcester bldg., : 3d and ink sta. PIANO WANTED Pay cash - for good used 6650 McPHATL upright piano, wonderful tone; 4225. 811 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. PHONOGRAPH repairing, springs 20c ap; part wholesale and retail. 648 Wash. Bdwy. 2044. FOR 8Af .E Nice violin and bow. Very reason abte. Phone Mam 5923. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 DAVENPORTS - MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLES W are manufacturers of overstuffed daven port and chain; we have a few samples which w WiB aall direct to th trade at greatly red need prices! aota terms ta rnsporsubl parties on these close-oats; many stiles and assortment af cover ings is denim, mere a. relour, tapestry .and mo hair. Phone 635-27. Evenings and Sunday, labor 6797 or 35-27. , MICHAELSON-MAYSON. rNa' 6438 Foster road. ' 1 SOLID OAK bbxary table, 1 oak Wker rock er, 1 leather can rocker; anap. Call Wdia. S3 74 or 187 Far . FINE heater, ewnrolete; wood or coal; good lin ing; cheap. 468 Park st 002 TRADB IN YOL sV OLD FURNITUftS FOB XEVV W wiB make yon a liberal allowance for your old furniture an trad for new, and If desired make -term to suit mat ;. Somebody can st th pice yon. on aot want ? M - - 188-190 wwjlT ST. - SAVE MONEY Try ear mam dept if yoa want ta bay at sell boa bold goods; reduced freight rata ta aoat aU points' ta star through pool tan, Expert parking, repairing and refinishin. Money eaansd aa ajsod ia - stung, v Fireproof storag. law loewtaitc tatas. . SECCBiTT STORAGE TTtANSFrTR Ca Ji 68 Fourth at, onp. Multnomah HoteL Pnc-n Broadway 8719. FOR SALE OR RENT TTrTEWRITERS 90S REBUILT typewriters, aa rmos Tor sale, rent xehaag. W ar xclaiv dlatTfbutors at Corona, portabla. 359 omnxilat with carryina cas. Supplies and repairs for all make. Ureaaa IrnewTiter Co., 94 Firth st, Main 8468. ALL uakas guaranteed on year. Barn iw-o stmcted trpewriters on oast New pric list Wbolesal Typewriter Cat. $21 Waatungtoa st. BEPAIRIKG a specialty. n euimatas; rantals; Suppliea, bay, 1L each, j add. aaach. repaired. Typewriter In-pectkm Co.. 3 H Stark. Maia 6849. SMITH PREMIER, juat Overhauled. Urgaaa for - cash. Tabor T288. SWAPS 2S PIANO- FOll ' Vlt'T'KOLA Nearly' ' awT $206 Vktrola and 80 reeorvU; owner want to trad for food used piano, Splendid opportu nity for anyone owning a silent piano. Call exchang dept., EUJasrs (phone) Mam 1123), second floor Eilers Musio bldg. Entranea and elevator ZK71 wasmngton st SQUARE PIANO Must be reasonably goal condition; wtO - trade talking machio and raonrda. Bent imroeaxaielt. Ask ifor Smith. at EUera, phone Main 1128, second floor Kupts Miiwe bldg.. Wssmmrton st at 4th. OVERLAND model 4)0 to Vxchang for a lot or equity In Woodrawn of Albert. WdJn. 1B83. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 9501 WANTED Peopl of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash pric for SMoad-haJid boaseaold goods. No amount too larg or toe small. Prompt attention. N. M. BEATER, Phone East 2203 148 BnamTJ St BECOND-HAwTj CIX)THLa BUYER METER. TUB TAILOR, pay mora for Second-Hand suits, shoes, overcoat. W call day M eve ulna. Marshall 1329. or 253 Madiaoa erreet near Third. DIAM0ND8. old gold . and platinum bought Mail ordem Baliabl astimatea, G. Cramer, T18 Selling bldg. Main 6028. CALL MAIN 1318 EXPERT TAILORING Highest prices tor used clothing. 159 W. Perk, cor. Morrison, ' We call any time. WILL pay .h for shoemaker's Singer sewing mchm. W. RorrJ. 1239 I to. PROFESSIONAL AND A00OUNTIN6J BUTTERFIKLD. auditor and uacoaa tea aaa lyiit 205 Artlssn. bldg. Bdwy. 6094. ALTERATIONS ANO TAILORING Regal Cleaners TT8bTlRl: Soldiers' overcoats dyed blue or bUck, new buV tons. IS.tO, Mail ordem eoncitod. 127 14. 6th, ATTOBWtV S. W. EASTMAN. lvry and notarj pub lic. 828 Chamber of Com me re btog. blank book martEWa DAY IS BOLMAK. WC, 108 84 t. book aMBafactorsr. A-6183. Mala 168. CAT AND DOtt MQ6PITAV LOPE CITY VETEB1NAUY UOSPITAU te. 7tb and Grant. Both pboaa. Da igbt service. Three selerlnarta euiwoesofsiarr ttt B, LOCtSE COxC ascaptia cniiopodist, 44 Morgan bldg.. Main 4998. CHIHOPBAOTOB6 HEALTH ta, disease. Dr. McMahon tMcMan). 12th year. Seven postgraduate rercn eonrses. Ertended time. . COAL AND WOOD " 12 IN. OR 16 tS. WOOD LOAD UJ& Heaty dry block..... ,....$8.50 Country slab g.oo Dry i cord wood.... 700 Bock Springs-Utah or Monarch Coal prompt Delitery Phone East 231 Standard Wood Co. - $4-PER LOAD-$4 ' IN TWO-LOAD LOTS 16-in. fir bfock and slab mixed, ran partly dry; guarantee 114 cords to the doubl lod; dual to 192 eubk) feet; 84.50 for single loads. All kittdi of dry wood and coal. OREGON FT.' EL. Wdln. 4102. OF THE BEST IN Cord wood. Oak' and Coal AUTOMATIC 619-84 FOB PABTiOULAB i CRKSTON FEED FUEL CO. 60TH AND POWELL VAU.EY ROAP IiighGrade Coal ONLY $11. PER TON. DELIVERED All Clean. Domestic limp. High in Heat and Low in Aalt, BEST FUEL CO. Phons K 192- . HENRY DIXON Old growth fir cordwood. $8 per cord: sec ond growth. $6.50 cord; large maple, dry. $8 cord. Wdln. 1137, , - NO. 1 FIRST GROWTH WOOD $7.00 NO. 2 FIRST GROWTH WOOD $ 00 SECOND GROWTH WOOD. $6.00 MAIN 7691 DELIVERED BLOCK and blab mixed, partly dry, $4.50 per load, reduction in 2 load lots. AU kinds coal del from car at reduction. National Fuel Cot, Fast 2041. BOXWOOD $3.75 per load, delivered immediately by Fulton Wood Vxt.. 1261 Macadam. . Mate, 4173. BONE DRY block and slab. 18-in, $5 50 per load; big load of planer trimming $6. Gall Wdln. 5904 or 1133 Montana ave. DRY box wood. $4.25; block and slab. $8; planer trimmings. $5.50 load. Woodlawn 8040. COAL roTrjro! Protipt delivery. OREGON FUEL. Wdln. 4102. RED Ball Fuel ai Contracting Co.. -dry wood, $6 a load. 274 E. 9th st Phon . East 6581. DRY country slab and eordwood; heavy green country slab aad block wood. Utah Kong eomL East 3B51. CORDWOOb No. 1. first growth, 87.80; No. 2, I 86.75; delivered on west (id except Portland n.ignts. wain. 4os. NICE '16-inch slab, $3.75; beat, slab, seasoned, beaty or grsded, $5 load, anywhere: bargain. Dry 12-16 inch country slab. $7.25. Sell. 1769. DRY -wreckage wood, slab and block wood. I "rices reasonable. Taylor Fuel Ca, Bdwy. .WW. V, Hi . EIHtiT growth fir, full cord. $8, large or small order solicited, prompt deUtnry. - John tear- 1 . L. nrji n u .1 , 254 6. Wuin. 140 Weil, num. 00 , rswrfmnrxnA 7- 87.6W. $8 oord. W. Side U)rQWOOa nd Port BU Main? 6066. SLABWOOD CuaUy slab delivered at!" 84.28 per cord. Bdwy. 486. : NORTH BAN KFUEL- Wood . and coal: small orders solicitea. Aut 826-86. 689 Unshnr. OLD growth fir del. any part city, 12-ia. or lu-m. at fN.7 per corn. k. iizs. DUY cord wood urn highway, 6 and 9 to! from center of eiry. Main 6066. ' GET our price on fir, oak and ash wood; we de liter from timber. Robertson Friel. East 1728. COAL. $1 a sack, delivered quack aaywher ia etty. Phon Broadway 84 23. FIRST GROWTH FIR DRt " $7.50PEBLOAD. WOODLAWN 2368. WOOD at wholaiwle, "ear lots or by "thai eord. i atKtr lias. GtXf) dry slabwooa, S3 aad 65.59 par ' oord. East 1897, " " "; hli load block and slab. 84 a load, in 2 -load tots, wain, wzi w wain, laoo. S01 OLD irewth. bcnie dry. ifTSO cord; NoL s ary.. .iv cvra. AUU QlSMli, ' A-l FIRST growth fir at 67.60 par orl" Phone Main 7257. ilBST growth eordwood. 88 card. aVliv-i 1 - wottaiawn, aid ra. nearaorrt. Ham. 6812. GOOD, beaty country slab, $4.50 par curd, d"M r-d- Main 8241. MARSHALL 2643 4-fooV block" wooa'aiuf 'raiC roaa ties: amo snort m-tnen block. OANCtRO) MISSTREIUVg" THE DAN CM STUDIO -809 IV tram bldg.. Wash, at 81 Clss Moo. say nd Thursday eve. Child re Sat 10:39 a. sa. MUStO 6CMOOL6 AND 7tOHI8 - VulCK jtnxlucuon, l-uropean and merieaa ,i study. H. Bourn. Marshall 2553. . - HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED-JIJRNITURE SS2 Owl Furniture Co.vobwIon W4 waak your used furtiftur,- atetna, earpeta aad pianos; we- pay th Mgbeet cash prirea. 1 and 18 FIRST ST. Call Mate 4627, M. R. S EATER Bay th beat aa well a cheaper grad af . end band furniture. 286 Grand ate,- Aut 232-58. WK buy ased farnitur. stotas, ete. Raiiabl FamitBT Co., 208-208 2d. Main 7808. WANTED T buy aecond-hawd fnmitur, Call -Main 4197. Night phone Ant 860-87. PERSONALS 075 FORM PLAYING teat he either classical or : rag and jaxa in IS liiwim. beginners or aV taaeed. guaranteed. Open evening. Piano for practicing. , Demonstration free. Water man Piano Scnonl. 819 Columbin bldg., tt Biroft tnaatra. - . LEATHERLIFs! baa bast regards for its pa tron, anil some hope for thoa who at yet strangemx Anything that's leather, A man at 819 Oak 'st will teU you. That LeaUierUfa. $1 GETS both leet MM up at Dr. Eaton's, ta CHIROPODIST aad ARCH SPECIALIST wta ftewaa't bait yoa. 8 yrs bar. Exam. free. Groe Tbsatr bldg., llth at Washington. B wsy 9824, MADAM PATENAUD SYSTEM i Benson Hotel, for treatment of th swabs aad kin. marcelling, hairdrassing and mamaurlug: eapert operaiora. Broedwsy 411. ; SPECIAL aai Vlt-O-Nct Electric Blanket. Pads, Dr. G. Lock. "Kxclusit Ruht1 Treatmeats, 70S Dakum, Phon Bdwy. 1037. urticient bale people Wanted. K'fflJL'LllD'lhkiJka On Week only, aft beanty work, ineradiaf Nestle permanent wave. Main 8166. ; BERG SNA RAXDALL. trainsd nurse, give bwst team batbsT axasaag and electric treatment in city.- 515 E wetland blag. Open evening. STEAM BATHS. sees and eieotrioal treaa- ment by skilled Bdwy. 8414. voo Jjoaum Mug. ITJPERFT.UoCs BAIU, aaoiat, warts, removed by 18 needle method. Trial free. Joakt Fialaa, 614 Bnh At Laa bldg. Mala 4668. CHIROFKACTIO. ateam natha, . ecwutifw ma - sag and reiluoiag. Graduate nurs assiataat 74-0-6 SeiUng-Himli, Main 7786. bO. MARIE FLLNr, '8e0 1st at..' drug'iaas pfay iaa; electrie treatment for neuritis, rheussa- vjsm, sciaoca, all aens ana pain. ALASKAN beaded moccasin,' Indian made, can on purcnaseu at 44 vt aningtoa.-jt ; ail eo vi, iiii pq miraseana, fa.ov to f .ov. DB. BOBT. FISHER. chiroiMMUst aad arch tp. maiiai, moveq to 7I Heaum Bldg. I ntirVAP Consul ia Man free. Bdwy. 4893 IMWJfl 4Q4 Securities b,d$., 84 6th t MASSAGE, betas, kidney, rnenmatlsaa; both sjt. suna norenaen, ooa ranama wo. 7 JBARN hoOD T R A DS evenings; besuty cul- tur. Midsme ttirtw, marsnaij ito2. DR. B. F. UOYT. scienu&o chiropodist without pain, DSH otn St., roiwa 401. IKiwy. 1408. SPECIAL SALE Vit-6-Nt blankeU, pads, treatanents. 708 Dekum. ! , Dnrl weight by a sure and Main 1394. x-v nvv baaithful method, BUSINESS DIRECTORY WU8IO 8CH00t6 AWfeW 7tCHtM PRACTICAL harmony, piano, violin, mandolin. guitar, narxio tnstructlona, ktot lleUMck, u a IBOI1L T. SL LAWSON. 20 years- expenence, piano la son yawe hoxn 61, Ante. 648-16. ' , L CARROLL DAY, teacnw of veac and ntaawT laa n,k m bim.. .in DcarriaT DR. B. a WRIGHT Sd floor. Raleigh bide, ear. 6th !' " and Waahlaaton ate . ' Mara 8119. ' A-Slltv Dentlstrv - a. v?. keanb, at-Ii i.T ,MH Washinttoa ft wrtbcTlt Pain. Latest Nerve-Blot king Method. KLKOTRIOAL WORK Motors Rewound AND REPAIRED, Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS Phon 627-27. 226 Main ftt Western Fluff Rug Co. - tXr"B- RUGS FOR SALE ' BAG BUCft WOVeX Oki Carpet Mad Into New Fluff Ttun Bug and Carpet Cleaned and Dyad tr Call and Dell tor I Alt Work Guaranteed Try Ut 84 and 58 Unka At. N. East 631. Rag Rug Shop MAKERS OF QUALITY BAG RUG ft. CARPET CLEANING AND FLUFF BUGS. 655 E. 20th at Hellwnod 8088. OLAZINfll - WINDOVv GLAZING, showcaeea repireL lSl 4th st Phone Manna 11 2821. fiRimA a nr. ivmnivi.. TEAMING, grading and excavating. Call East k. em, ue.i, aiswuiana, . HCMaTITOHINa "8fA"fflTOflFREr On hemstitching. Mail order prompt aUenUom, THE PETITE SHOP "nuk 821 . W. Bank Bldg. Main 4986. Buttons. Buttonholes, pleating. Braiding, OvtTOWETWI8T9 OCT af th high-rant distiiot Sate money on your glasses; MJft . "penetiee; sufxler - - - -, ivw in. Phon Main 2124. Tboaaand r"""' pairona consult tlr R. n.l CmIm,. . . . . aa free. metnst - ' wuv.,uiau, euw luei.i. s lus ' CHAS. W. GOODMAN. 209 Mrruoa St., bet Front and 1st tVHT viv uc,dw. 1 1 ' Glasses in gold-filled frame ftt, tad to your eywa a.60; dcmbl fnriwlta TI aTB mm at - ! . . f a'"' 4TVwW ftFTHMfti: pbsbIUbV aetioti gnats rrteed. Dr. a. B. Hurwitx, as. tomHrbt, 928 lsTat Mste 481. TJffTJsr a.- a.-s,s "' ' '. ' 111 Jimnml lMa i iir.ns sie ao natter eregtaetea mad than ta. ttase mred by Bunennein, the veteran cvti- . astaraotiow tnar- anteed 226 Ifmrim ,we C " It. TLfcfcll' .A . . i -T .... Jwnan'i?. 467 K 87ti TwoMTr J S rLIFTo. pstntlng, p.wn7rirTn . s.ui croaaway 4414. Woodlawn 9.9 stia a ....... t. ft, G0LLBIBG, patoats. traowss.ra. ' S "ants, aio Chamber of Com mere aidaL PiPft Wf-rAiRtNaV n OltlDf? iaanmliwd L. 8 1, i inri-J Ptp..oe7 .zTea, hi. k A. ibll,utc Office practise only. PLUMAIN8) i-iT 1 "a rimaa . LOW nnose oa all kinds piomuiug irl, m figar oa your ntaiteUoaa7AmSSa? Co.. tit nin ... tiT.Tr: 'brts rhi,-. ... ... .... . ainsseii. m i the m i teLiv1Tc767nrTr THE IRWLN-HODriON COMFANT a or vvasorngxoei.. Broadway 3144, A-l 8 ' WOOr BtPAIr.lNtt UOOFS reshinglea and lepaiied aud ,,C with roofing paper.. Main lgaa CO're4 HEET WITSt avOWK MULTNOMAH SHEBT , METAL WORKS Booftaa. gntteriiut nourfag. Jobbf-. ... . gwceral repairing pbv Broedw,. 2 228 Aat?' tf4AAFKR And BfoRiks ' H'ULBY mifsFEfl- I - TOBAGB COMPANY ' ; ftHIPPlKQ PACKING MOUSa Tr .-. FliBNITCBE MOViXG, tCTt ri ?i 106 FOCBTEENTH ST. - PHOKft I .1 SECCBITT ftTOftAGl A TRANS FEB CA ' rVekmavMoting Btoiag. ' ca ' MONEY LOASE ON G4XUW lit TT1ai 93 Fourth at, ovp. Multr-caaaa hotaL0 rhan Braadaay 1716, r . ALWAYS PICK THE UEai HtL8KHoJ ft " UOODft SPKCIAL18T 8UnT sbtppm .ad awtteg; bora and aauaaaTaZ atel raw to Q points. . , ; C O PICK TBANSFSB A 9TOIUGB Cn : ti ted Pine te. : Broadway 898. .i a A Oregon Transfer Co7 41 Gbaatt BrarTwcy JJaf DRAYAGB BTORAlial ' Four Wsmbe-a a Terminal Track L- II MADuTi 212 rNION AVE. K. EAST 8R08 Wat BEDUCED FBEIGTJT BATE to all point oa ? hoassbold goods. Pacific Cm. Forwardiaa Ca- 9 Lb. and Hoyt - Broadway 70S. .