G THE OREGON' 6AILV, JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON- THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1S2I. BOARD OPPOSES BOOK CHOICE Bl TEACHING S TAFF , Opposition to the seleeion ef text book for use la Portland school by the teaching- force was expressed by sev eral" ef the school directors Wednesday , - jjdght, previous to the adoption of a t resolution submitted by the committee On education, that teachers indicate to ' the board their .first, second aad third chokes, but that the final choice of all - books shall be made by the board Itself. Textbooks on which the contractu will expire next spring are spelling, music, language and writing In the elemen- ,-. tary schools, and commercial. English. French. Latin, history mathematics and science in the high 'schools. GKOTJT PRAISES PL AX Superintendent Grout praised the sys - tent last used, whereby the teachers did the selecting-, by first, second and third choices. He stated that while the book -.agents did not like the plan; that the - books selected were amons the. best ever adopted in the Portland schools. He - further stated that the teachers got enough benefit in looking over the books. equal to an extension course of one year, and that after .adoption there was no lost time through the teachers familiar ising themselves with the text. Director New ill said that the system of letting the teachers choose the books ! was regarded by superintendents be had met at the National Education associa I lion, as a huge joke. Director Thomas - r accused the teachers of trading votes on texts. . All the directors, however, agreed to t r the teachers indicating a choice, pro- - Tiding the. board had the final word. BBICK CONTROVERSY f The James John high Bchool situation . again came up with a communication -t from the Standard Brick Tile compa ny, a competitor of .the Forest Grove concern'.' , J A history of the case was presented to the board by the committee on prop- - erty. showing that the board had defi nitely agreed to use the Forest Grove brick, partially owned by Director J. E. Martin's son. Contractor George I Back er eon has objected to the use of the For est Grove brick because of its being higher in price. A later question arose i as to whether a sufficient amount of , bricks from the Forest Grove concern would be available, and the board in struct! Igackson to order the bricks and, to -require aja indemnity bond from the Tina against its failure .to supply the required number. Director George , Eisman aeenped Isackson of not "shooting square, and of asking for a $15,000 Indemnity bond when only $7M or WA worth of brick was involved. Tsackson. some directors claimed, wishes to use an Inferior brlok from Spokane.- BELL OFFEB ACCEPTED The board agreed to accept proposal of Cries A. Ben. vice president of the Hawthorne eetSfte. that the district pay 12000 to the Hawthorne estate for 25 foot strip adjoming, the Hawthorne estate Joining with the board in the dedication of this with another 2i-foot strip, making a 60-foot street, extending from Twenty-ninth avenue southeast, to Division street, provided that the Haw thorne estate Join with the board and other of the 'Community in opening Twenty-ninth avenue southeast, between East Fifty-second street and the city limits east "). : . The Very Rev. R. T. T. Hicks of St Stephens pro-cathedral, was reproved by the Janitor of Lincoln high ' school for smoking in the high school building, it was brought out following a protest to the board by Dean Hicks of alleged poor service, discourtesy and inconven ience accorded the young people of his church who held aa entertainment in the auditorium recently. , , C- C t MBS A&K KKJECTZD :? " . Director Eisman requested that the Janitors be Instructed to use softer handling methods, eves. with; preachers. ' Captain George Kdmondstone, super intendent of , properties, was halted in his attempts to purchase typewriters, because of bis not having- referred the matter to Superintendent Groat or bis assistants for approval. , The bid were ordered rejected. Edmondstone claimed the business committee, composed of Di rectors ' Woodward aad 'J Eisman. :l bad given nim authority to purchase . the machines, but this Woodward denied. The board will hold a special meeting next Tuesday night at 7 o'clock. Wapoiilnpiry Ended; Evidence Is Sent to Washington fv-'-y-M I,, Taking of testimony in an investiga tion into the conduct of Dr. N. E. Way son of the United States public health service' was concluded here Tuesday evening and the evidence submitted win be forwarded . to the surgeon general S ,ilWa- iWL. with THE COLD VA .ILLLUJ. INSTALLED IN ONE DAY PAY NEXT YEAR . Your Own Terms CALORIC PIPELESS FURNACE CO. 314 Stark St. Main 7654. at WashiiitoiU4yAccerdlne to Ir. Hugh de Valin and Dr. Xuncan McCalman of the public health, service at 'Seattle, ' who ond acted the investigation, the nature pf the evidence taken will not be made PUbliC. ! .- M,, ,-: : ; - : - ? - The isveetia-alfoa' eC Waysoa has been under way here for two weeks and was the result of charges brought against Waysoa by Ralph Horr, senior vtee- eoBmsader .ot . tttm Disabled American Veterans of Ue World War. Horr cited several cases of alleged cruelty and indifference to the needs of disabled veterans who had applied to Dr. Wayson for medical attention, as a basis for ate cfaargas - . -- - .JL- , ARSESTED L HOOSSHDTKaV John Kebus was arrested. Wednesday by Deputy Sheriffs Beeman and Wolffs, following a raid on the bouse at 2SS Mill street, where they found a JD-gallon still. l gallons : eg - mash- and five gallons ef moonshine. c - '-" -- Factory-4o-Consamer Holiday Special 250 MEN'S ,. WHITE SHIRTS ads ef 1st ported Ox ford Skirt ing, Heavy Reps, Best Selsette 22. 35 This Wnk Only " . SUes It te 17 SOT MOKE THAN THREE TO EACH CU8TOMEK LARGE SHIPMENT New Silk Shirting JCST ARRIVED SHIRTS to Measure $3.50 Up 48 Hour Service 4201 WASHINGTON STREET Between 11th and 12th ttrett PHONE BDWY. SS2S. opcn cvcRiaas until xmas Try a Stout -Lyons Drug Stbre First When on Your CHRIST MAS SHOPPING TOURl A "As YOU Want It Men's Suits Cleaned NO BUTTONS MISSING . At the House of ' ikfJOt; QuaHty and Service Phone O-O rm a. .saSBsasiBaBBBrvsBsaakata .4 Ideal s&y VTtVvV ldeal JUNIOR A S SHOE SHOP C Christmas Special 10 oj?0-f Children 's Slippers De Luxe and ' I :M All Children's Hose For Your Convenience, Open Evenings KNIGHT SHOE CO. 342 Morrison, Near Broadway gouge uf ualftp 6HEEKFIELD PDHCRASES BUILDL-3 FOa $147,500'. Georce X Greenfield, shoe merchant. (yesterday completed the purchase from ' the Pel low estate ef the class A Cvs ' story building on. the west side of Fourth street; Just tout oc uve Hooey man Hardware company's store. The building occupies M by loft feet ot. t round and the consideration paid was irr.iM. The tw lower Doors are ased by tlM-Ooodyear Sltoe Company aadT, the Oregon Bag at Saltcaaa oonipamy. but as- soon ae the teases expire tlte new owners will rem ode) the building. lore t n e r hai From Oresoa Journal, Sept, 17, 1S1. THE REASON After months of negotiations with our new landlord, we were unable to -get a renewal of our lease at a price that would enable us to continue to sell footwear at the same popular prices. We have decided to CLOSE OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK, rather than move it. We have marked prices so low that we will have to move nothing BUT OUR NAME As soon as we know we will announce our new location. BRUCK & STONE, Prop. Goodyear Shoe Co. BRASS TACKS i - . -.j ' They Have Bought Our. Building But , '-!' f " - We Are Selling Our Stock Ladies' Napatan Packs Double Soles and Full Bellow Tongue S-inch, former price 10.00, Jf now OUeD 12-loch, former price 2.50, ' QO M CT v; v ..2Oe4D 15-inch, former price llS.00, dn OCT now 97D Peters' Ladies' Lace Shoes, top grade, oak soles. Good yer welted, mSlittry or low heels. Black - kid, brown kid, brown calf. AA to E, Regular sa a, vivfrii Vdua V?,:S6.50 Men's High Boot Full Double Soles and -Nothing . ; Better t2-inch Chrome kip, former . QQ ACT Price 12.50. now... O.ifD l$-inch Chrome kip, former 0"s A A E? price $15.00. now 3XUeK Napatan Packs 8-Inch Packs, former price ?0 tTiCT 12.50, now ,l. bO,UO 14-inch Packs, former price ti sa sr $ 1 5.00, now ............. $lUo75 MONEY BACK If Yoy Are Not Satisfied With : Your Bargain ir- 149-151 Fourth Street Black Suede "Mary Garden" Ladies' Dress Pump, low French heels. New, style. ?:;. S6.70 Same in black kid. Patent Colt. strap -pump, hand-turned soles and low leather French heels. Reg-- Brown or Black Kid Ox fords, Goodyear welted oak soles, military or low heels., tverular It 0.00, Same in black or brown calf. , AU siaev Men House Slippers at Less Hum Cost' ' Men's Brown Calf BLUCHERS Two Full Soles Best oak fanned leather Nothing like it in Portland Same in single soles, all sizes Men's Norwegian Calf Brogue Oxfords, extra heavy oak soles. Extension heel. Regular - Jjr Qf 13.00, now DDOU Ogden l.ooo-Mile Shoes, fn tan lotus calf, fiber middle sole to exclude water. Reg ular it 2.00, dvr rrr now DleleJ Ft K. & L. Lotus Veal, English lace or blucher, heavy single oak soles. Regular 8-50, AfT tD".UJ now Box Calf Dry Shoes, with double oak sole, ork welt, leather lined, with closed tongue. Regu- f QfT lar t 0.00. now " tiJUsOO Boys' and Children's School and Dress i Shoes t - - n-: ri ; ' uvnci sicca auaua I Before the War Only a Few Shopping Hours Left Till CliristmasT-This Store Will Be Open Evenings Till 8 MEN'S HIGH GRADE 39c NECKWEAR95C FIRST, SECOND AND ALDER STREETS MEN'S Dress Shirts TREMENDOUS BIG SAVINGS ON DOLLS IMPORTED SLEEPING! DOLLS$3T)i49 This Is an exceptional special. These Dolla are completely dressed. Val ues up to 15.50 QD ffaVTff f ttm.Tar mar a w-e, a m Mo Reserve, Every Pair on Sale. DOLLSgflg A Doll that can taV. Dressed very neat and a wonderful attraction for the little girls. Former price J7.60 IMPORTED DOLLSS-d .23 $3.39 $2.19 these are dressed. Take advantage of these bar rains. Very handsome Dolls, movable eyes. Sonne' of BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS CANDIES&NUTS i - at Our Store and Save Money Fancy Broken, Cut or Satin Mixed Candies Pound V,: Our Special Mixed Christmas, Candy f-;V 3punds 50c Vogan's Scratch Chocolates 2pound 30c Fancy Mixed Nuts 4pund 95c Brazil Nuts Special . . WOMEN'S SILK HOSIERY . vr ' rr a. Women'i Pure Silk Hose, a Pair women s isuster wown U'ure r m era m Silk Hose. Double heels and 5 f O toes. Elastic lisle tops Colors black, brown and whJte. Ail sises. " Women's Pure Silk Hose, a Pair These are heavy weight and ex- 4R eTh eellent Quality. Silk with Pla- rtl mJJ tic lisle tops. Double heels' and tees. t t HANDKERCHIEFS at Special Price WOMEN'S FINE SWISS. HDKFS 15c WOMEN'S FINE SWISS HDKFJ5 25c look AT THESE prices EXTRA SPECIALS ON DINNER SETS A o-PIECE r tSET Wow" and SAVE ' ,'" 1 Bet. Morrison and Aid; MONEY: 1(0 UfiUHlKQ SCO, if BaJj iiiMaMBMsa1anBsaagaaaM-La-iji i i. ,mm mmu iL n i in, auisUL f',7- J"1' "" f rffh ifft SS-ste M j& II a o-PIECE" SET Only 60 sets left. They must ro at the rock bottom price. We are BTOing f clvS you the benefit of our lees. These sets sell regularly up to $12.60. Now' Is the time to take advantage of this wonderful bargain. These sets come In Blue Bird. Gold Band, .and .other attractive patterns. Deliveries made to all parts ot the city. Out ot Town Mall Orders filled subject to stock on hand. TOY BARGAINS TOY CEDAR CHESTS l .Oft Genuine Cedar Chest, made ex- -T i 1 actty like the large ones, and,- 1MI they are large enough to be use- r fuL Regular price 6.2o to S6.M. v Us Special -.. NO. 1 ERECTOR SETS C1' -lC Regular Price $1.50. 4XX Gflberf s PUZZLE SETS $-1 - Q Regular Price $1.60. 4 tj) A.ii7 TOBACCO SPECIALS! CIGARETTES Camels, Lacicy Strike, or Chesterfields, a &- Q? PXUcJ a carton . ........... . Prince Albert, 16 oz. Glass ti-t i Jars PlaDU Velvet, 16 oz. Glass Jars . . . . . . . . . We carry a complete line of Cigars for Christmas at Reduced Prices. $1.40 SLIPPERS , FOR THE WHOLE FAMiLY K Women's Felt Slippers Purple, wine, old rose, ' navy blue aad ether col- V gT I ers In the assortment. Padded, chrome' soles. Values to 11.7s. Special.. .29 WOMEN'S FELT SLIPPERS 1 i $JJ0 Assorted colors aad aereral styles la this sample line. - Val ues up to 11.75. Special while any remain CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS Flam colored felt with leather soles aad felt fillers. All sizes. . Regular IX3& values. Special.. MenV Leather Slippers $2.35 TURKISH ! BATHMATS Regular 12.00 -alues. Spe cial for Christmas sale, 08e. These will make very acceptable gifts. " 98e MERCERIZED PLAIN AND ROUND SCALLOP TABLECLOTHS .75 Also at f 2.49, 12.75. Heavy excellent quality. "Pretty patterns to select from. v FANCY TURKISH TOWELS - Here you will find an ex-: oeptionallr rood selection of Towels In pink, bine or gold oomblnation . bor ders. Hpeclal. ...... ...... We GROCERIES At Money-Sa vingf Prices i I 4 r