The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 22, 1921, Page 20, Image 20

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    Timrr im i rn in
inntLMitu in
' (Br Universal Service) 1 .
' - Columbus, Ohio, Dec 22. As a result
ot a ffas explosion and fire at the Wright
Mora Wednesday, three women are dead,
many others are Jn hospital injured.
Some may die.
The explosion wrecked the first floor
' and part of the second and third floors,
while the store was filled with Christ
mas shoppers. The Wright store is a
ready to wear department store. The
build ins u recently given a new front
and generally overhauled.
The explosion occurred at 4:30.
The police and fire departments have
been unable definitely to locate the
cause of the explosion but the opinion
vit held that it wax due to a leaky gas
furnace. The explosion occurred In the
basement and lifted the first floor up,
tore Into th.e second floor, and then pre
cipitated the maim of goods, debris and
a mass of humanity to the basement.
Some of the victims were hurled to the
- .A few doors away is the Ohio depart
ertent of health and from it came a corps
of physicians and health workers. They
gave first aid.
Many Jay on the street awaiting aid
until city ambulances could remove
them to hospitals.
The firemen rescued the clerk$ nd
customers from the second and third
floors by ladders. Meanwhile the leak
ing gas Ignited, but the flames were
speedily extinguished.
Old Fort Vancouver
Flag to Advertise
. Centennial in 1925
Ranck is the custodian of the old Hudson-Bay
flag which floated over Fort
Vancouver up to. 1859, when it was re
moved to the headquarters of the Hud
son Bay company at Victoria, B. C. The
flag la 12 by 1 feet in size and the
central device Is a large shield. In
the center of the shield is a red cross
of St. George surrounded by four small
beavers. An elk stands on each side
or the anieia ana a Dove a rox is standing
on" a hunter's cap in red. The background
of the flag was originally white, but is
now yellow with age.
When Ranck visited Victoria last sum
mer he saw the flag and succeeded in
Interesting the manager of the Hudson
Bny company In the centennial cele
bration to be held in Vancouver in 1925
and ha presented the flag to Ranck to
be used for advertising the celebration.
'Hard Boiled' Smith
Is in Mexican Army
New Tork, Dec. 22. Lieutenant Frank
T). ("Hard Boiled") Smith, known as
the "most hated man in the A. K. F.,
row Is a colonel In President Obregon's
army in Mexico, according to a dispatch
from El Paso, Texas, to the Stars and
Stripes. r
Wilson Foundation Quota Iiarly
Oregon's Quick Response Expected
"I expect to receive a telegram before
the formal opening of the Woodrow Wil
son Foundation campaign notifying me
that one state baa already secured its
quota, and that state win be Oregon."
There was a ripple of applause when
the chairman of the national committee
in charge of the Woodrow Wilson Foun
dation campaign made the statement as
quoted at the recent meeting of the
committee in New York, said Dr. C. J.
Smith, reporting to the Oregon execu
tive committee at its Wednesday eve
ning meeting. He has just returned
from New York.
"He did not get the information from
roe, saia ur. smun. ni iaim evi
dently was founded on progress reports."
Enthusiasm for more rapid progress
In the Oregon campaign grew out of the
Wednesday meeting. While It was
agreed that there will be no cessation
of effort "until next July, if we don't
get the quota before that time," it was
also the unanimous belief that before
Woodrow Wilson's birthday on Decem
ber 28 the entire amount can and, if
possible, must be secured.
After his experience t the national
committee meeting, when he was named
one of the committee on permanent or
ganisation. Dr. Smith was prepared to
state more definitely the . reasons, for
which the Income of the Woodrow Wil
son Foundation, which is to consist of
$1,000,000 or more, will be made.
"An award might be given the author
of a series f articles that' contributed
to the happiness of many people," he
said. "Or it might go to a governor
who had established prison reform, or
to the mayor of a city who had brought
about municipal reform, or to an edu
cator who had accomplished school
reform. It might go to an individual
who had. performed distinctive service
for human welfare, or to a group or
club that has done some outstanding
thing for the benefit of a district, the
state or the people of the nation. The
jury of awards is to be appointed each
year 10 by the trustees and 15 by or
ganizations designated by the trustees:
Thus the Foundation will sterve its pur
pose to stimulate genius, perpetuate the
principles of Americanism and champion
liberty, democracy and peace."
Lumbermen Trust Company Bank
Portland, Oregon.
Gentlemen: Inclosed find $ tor Woodrow .Wilson
Foundation fund. Please send certificate of membership to the under
signed at the following address:
Address .
City State
Make checks to Woodrow "Wilson Foundation, Lumbermen Trust
Company bank, Broadway and Oak streets. Portland, Oregon.
Bend. Dec. 29. Six weeks' trapping
southwest of Bend will net Bob Lewellyn
clone to $1000. He brought 40 pelts to
Bend Tuesday, including 'a silver fox
worth more than 8400.
Levi Bobbins, One
Of Four Brothers,
Pioneers, Passes
Molalla, Or., Dec. 22. Levi Bobbins,
pioneer rancher of Molatla, who crossed
the plains in 1852, died Tuesday In his
home at the age of
86 years. Death
came suddenly
from heart disease.
His wile, three
sons, L. W., O- W.
and Everman Rob
bins, all of Molalla.
and four daugh
ters. Miss A p h a
Robbins. Mrs. W.
A. Shaver and Mrs.
W. P. Kayler, all
of Molalla, and
Mrs. P. J. Kayler
of The Dalles, Or.,
surviving. Funer
al services were
held this afternoon
in the home.
Mr. Robbins was one of four brothers.
all past 80 years, who crossed the plains
in 182, and is the first to pass. Several
sisters, all more than 70 years old, are
W f -CSV.
fer 1
A . ijg'.-al'- - 1
k r 1
Babies in Waverly
Home Will Receive
Gifts From Santa
Picture a Christmas tree gaily decorat
ed and burdened with and surrounded by
toys for tots from 6 months to 3 years
Sixty baby faces glow with glee and
happiness. Some are having their first
Christmas. Others, perhaps, remember
that of last year. The toys are theirs.
Santa Claus brought them.
This will be the scene Friday after
noon in the nursery of the Waverly
Baby home. "Happy Jack" Walker will
play Santa Claus. The toys he will de
liver will be donations from Portland
citizens. A goodly supply for the ba
bies has been received, but more would
be welcome, provided they are given in
time for the (presentation Friday at 3.
Washington. Dec 22. (I. N. S.)
ThSmas J. Smith of Spokane. Wash., was
today nominated by President Harding
to be. postmaster at Spokane.
Dividend Declared
By Power Company
Klamath Tails. Dec. 22. The California-Oregon
Power company, with offices
here, declared a quarterly dividend Tues
day of $1.75 a share on preferred stock,
it was announced here by J. C. Boyle,
local manager. The total dividend was
838,850. he said.
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Call Pacific Long Distance or Dial 211.
The Pacific TdephoM St Tdefrapk Company.
..-: 1 .V." T."-.V.-S.' .1 V - .V,"-'- .v-c ." C
m. . s
- Walt Street Joamal Finudal Review
Sew York. Dee. 32. (U. P.i HeaniHM
ebumcteriaed Um indaatrial Bit at tbv apm
ins "f ttw New York Rtork exdianca today.
The Maine which started in Um lat trading
on Wednetdar was concentrated oo a number
of - actiTe sptcolatira iwc. which ncided a
point or mora before soppott waa bmL Aa
piialt dnipiwd H to' 4H. bat innwdiatclT
rallwd aboa 5. Mexieaa Petrolenm sot
below 112. Fames Ptayen below 77. and
Steel common below 83.
Kollowinc the aellinc presmre in eridence at
the atart of tradinc. a ratlyiog tone derektned
in tho industrial a roup in the firnt half hoar.
Stocka which had been under sreaaaiw nond
reooTcries. AspnaK ran up a point to 65 1 .
Mexican Petroleum rallied to 112. Bald
win to 95 H from 94 . and Steel corn men
to 83.
With the .e iception of Americas Tcomotire.
Com Product and a few pecialties. the market
did little in the third hour. American Sugar
made a new high for the year at 102. Aa
far aa Corn Product i concerned, the beat
opinion aeems to. be that the big rise of the
month haa been largely at the expense of
hort interesta. Tptown traders hae been
bearish on Corn Prwiurta ercr since it bmke
through 84. Texaa Gulf Sulphur maSe a new
record high aboie 38,
Shipping Mocks in the main were firm. Ma
rine preferred held op well around 63. Uanne
will not earn ita preferred diridend thia year,
but ahowa a nobstantial aurplua.
Burna Brothera mads a new high for the
year at 122 on the Dow J one atory ahowtog
that injunction proceedings, which hare held up
the merger with the Farretl company, had been
ettied privately.
The decline on industrials and oils con
tinued, with the main pressure on tho Mexi
can oils, all of the 8tandard Oil issues, rub-,
hen and some of the rpecialtiea. on the New
York stock exchange today. The pulling of
American Locomotive to a new high price for
the year waa a sustaining influence for the
other equipments. .
Rail were steady, with the exception of
Rt Paul, which made a new low price for
the year.
Vx nntil Wednesday bear attacks on the
market covering the last month had been un
ssoeeasful. although most commission houses
for orer sii weeks hare btea predicting a re
action on the general list.
The important financial interests, however,
seem finally willing that the bears can have
their way for a while, and today's decline was
accelerated by the catching of many stop-ions
orders placed slightly below the high prices
of the previous session. The decline was or
derly in most place.
Harrison Whitney
Succeeds Corbett
c. , SX
" i narrisoti A. Whit
ney was elected vice
president of the Ore-
.1 M. t 1-
"J ty company at a meet-
; ing of the board of
"v X. directors ot the con-
oeedinf H. 1 Corbett.
Assets of the com
pany -will amount to
approximately $300,
000 at the next an
noal meeting, which
will be held next Feb
ruary, according to a
statement made by
Secretary S. S. Mon
tague: A steady in
crease in business b
shown from 1910, the
receipta for that year
allowing an aggregate
of $126,000.
Stock M&ig?r
Stockholders of Ajax Rubber are being
asked to attent a special meeting tor tne -pur-nose
of authorizing S3.000.O0O mortgage 15-
year 8 per cent bonds and to ratify a change in
capital from the present authorised 400.000
snares ot Sou per value to auu.uuu no par.
Worthless stocks and bonds delivered by
corporations are deductible in income tax.
Cuban-American Sugar company, year ended
September 80, shows net lota, after charges
and depreciation, ox h I .rtv , t a l . comparea witn
$11.00 a share earned on common stock in
previoue year.
Twenty industrials 79.01'. off 1.28.
Twenty rails 73.95. off .62.
Bank of Encland rats unchanged at 5 per
Car loadings for week ended Ieeember 10
were 7S2.92S, decrease of 4328 from pre
vious week.
United States farm exports in November
valued at S151.32O.O00, decrease of (31.
518.O0O from October and $129,158,000
below November, 1820.
Steel trade organs say, although demand for
steel pnxbtcts slackened further dnring last
week, producers see encouraging signs sod ex
pect better business early in 1922.
-National City Oil company and Chase Se
curities corporation offer today $30,000,000
American Sugar Refining 15-year 6 per cent
bonds slightly under par. price to yield 6 to
6. 1 5 per cent to maturity.
FWnished by. Overbeds Cooke Co., Board of Trad Building
Advance Hma ; .......
Arr. Cbem. ..........
do. rfd- ..........
A)ax Rubber ........
Alaska joM .........
Allied Cheaa. ........
Am. Beet Sugar
An. !
Am. Can Co.
de. pfd.
Am. Oar At Fdy.
do. pfd. ..........
Am. Cot, OU
da pfd.
Asa. Drue; Syod.
Am. Hide a Leather . .
do. p.d.
Am. Ice
Am. Intl. Corp.
Am. .linseed 4
do. pfd. ..........
Am. Loco.
do. pfd. ; .
Am. 8a f. Rasor
Am. Ship. A Cora.
Am. Smelter
do. pfd.
Am. Steel Fdy.
Am. Sugar
do. prd. "
Am. Sumatra . . ;
Am. Tel. it Tei
Am. Tobaejo . .
do "B" ; ;
Am. Wool
do pfd.
do p. pfd
Am. Zinc
Associated Oil '.
do pfd.
Atlantic Coast Line
AU Gulf W. I
Baldwin Loco.
Balto. e Ohio.
do pfd
Beth. Steel 8 per cent . . .
do "B"
B. K. T
Butte C. a Z
Butte a 8up
Bnrns Bros?
Caddo Oil
Calif. Paccini
Calif. Pet
do pfd.
Canadian Pacific
Cent. Leather
Cerro de Paaco
Chandler Motor
Chgo. 4 N. W
Chicago Gt. W
do pfd.
ChUe Cop
C. M. St. P
do pfd
Coco Cola
C. a O
Colo. F. a I
Colo. Southern .
Col. Gas a Elec
Columbia Graph
Con. Gas
Cons. Cigars
do pfd.
Coat. Can
Cities Serv Bankers
Corn Prod.
do pfd.
Cosden Oil
C. R. L a P
do "A" pfd
do "B" pfd
do pfd.
Cuba Cane
do pfd. .
Cuban Am. Sugar
Del. Hudson
Dome Mines
Del. a Lack
Davison Cbem.
Endicott Johnson
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Famous Players
Fed. Ming, a Smelting. .
" do pfd.
Fisk Tires
Gaston Williams
General Cigars
General Electrio
General Motor .
Glen Alden
General Asphalt
Goodyear , ,
Great Northern Ore. . . .
Great Northern pfd
Greene Cananea
Gulf States Steel
Haskell Barker
Houston Oil
Hupp Motor ,
Int. Merchant Marine . . . .
do pfd.
International Nickel . . .
International Paper . . .
do pfd
Invincible Oil
Island Oil
Jewel Tea
K. C: Southern
Illinois Central
Higw. j Lew, j lw
.....J 11
39 2 2
68 57
14 11 15
58 ST 67
88 ST 7H
28 27 2T
34 38 33
33 S2 32
144 143 143
23 21 21
46 45 43
4 - 4 -
14 14 14
59 58 68
73 73 73
40 39 39
33 31 31
102 o iei
4 3
43 42 42
88 88 87
33 32 82
53 40 61
81 80 81
3 1 N 80 36
113 113 113
132 130 !S0
128 12 12
79 78 18
12 12 12
48 47 47
; 103
92 91 92
8 85 85
90 89 89
31 80 80
96 94 95
35 34
58 55 55
6 5 5
18 18 18
122 120 121
12 11 11
69 69 69
48 46 47
ii 119 119
30 SO 30
34 84 33
49 48 48
64 63 64
6 6 6
15 14 14
26 26 26
18 17 17
30 29 29
41 40 40
55 55 55
25 24 24
65 65 65
I 3) 3 8
92 90 90
21 20 19
98 96 97
110 109 109
87 35 88
31 31 31
5 64 64
6 8 6
13 13 13
13 13 13
106 104 104
' 18
117 116 116
53 51 51
79 78 78
10 10 10
13 15 15
12 12 12
' 67
,139;136 138
11 10 10
i 42
65 64 64
I 35 34 34
26 25 26
75 74 74
28 28 27
79 79 79
77 74 73
11 11 11
14 13 13
63 61 61
12 12 12
52 51 51
12 12 12
2 2 2
11 10 11 t
23 23 23
I 98 , 97 97
High. Lew.
S. M.
Int. Agr.. Corp.,
lnterboro ,
Interstate CslUhaa . . ,
IntemaoouU Harvester
do pfd. ..........
Kelly-Springfield . . . . .
kennecott ...........
Keratoae Tire ........
I-ck. Steal
Lee Tire ............
Lehigh Taller
Lt nllard
Ie Theatres .......
l. a ?r. .,
Martaad Oil
Ma De't, Boxes . ,
Mex. Pet. ... ,
Middle States Oil .. ...
Midvale Steel
M K. A T. "Wi" ....
do pfd. .........
Mont. Power
Mont. MTgrd.
Mo. Pac
do pfd.
m sc p. a
Nor. Am. . .
Nat. Enamel
Nat. Lead
Nrrada. Con.
New Harm
Ncrfilk a W
Nor. Pac
Nova Scotia Steel
S. 1". Central
Okla. Prod, ref . .......
Ontario Silver
Ontario a Western
Otis Steel
Pacific Dee
Pac Gas. a Eiec
Punta AUegre , .
Pacific Oil
Paa-Amn. Pet,
do "B" ..'.
Peoples Gas
Per Marquette
Pore Oil
Phillips Pete.
Pierce OU
Pitt. Cosl
Pitts, a West Vt
do pfo
Pressed Steel Oar
Ray Cons.
Replogle Steel
Republic I. S
do pfd
Rep. Motors
Royal Dutch Oil
Kyi Steel Springs
Standard Oil N. J
Shattuck, Ariz
Shell T. A T. . .
Sinclair . .
Standard -Oil Ind. . .
Sloes Shef
South. Pacific
South. Railway
Stand. Oil Cal.
St L. a 8. F
8tromberg Carb
Swift a Co
Tean. Cop. .a Chem
Texas Oil
Texas Pacific
Tex. Pae. C. a O
Tob. Products
Tran. Contl. Oil
Union Oil Del
Union Pacific
United Alloy
United Drug
United Food Prod
United Fruit
United Rds. of N. J
Union B. a P
United Retail Stores
V. 8. Ind. Alcohol
U S. Rubber.
do 1st pfd
U. S. Smelting
L S. Steel
do pfd
Utah Copper
Va. Chem. .'
do pfd. . .
Vanadium Steel
do A pfd.
do B pfd
Wells Fargo
Western Pac
do pfd.
Western Union
Westincbouse E. a M. . . .
West Md
White Motors
do pfd.
Wilson Packing
Wortbington Pump
W. a L. E
White Oil
Money 5
89 I 88 88 i
1 1 1
4- " 8
-5 5
64 64 64
42 41 41
24 24 24
15 14 14:
44 43 48
38 284 28
57 66 66
18 13 18
108 108 107
107 167 106
112 110 111
26 25 23
13 13 13
26 26 i 2
60 58 48
13 13 13
17 17 '17
45 45 45
43 43 43
36 36 36
14 141 14
12 12 12
97 97 69
78 I 78 78 .
1 22
73 72 73
8 2 2V
21 21 21
11 10 10
5 4 5
27 27 27
46 45 43
61 50 50
46 45 4A
33 33 33
61 60. 61
37 33 36
13 13 13
12 19 10
23 24 24 tt
108 107 107
14 14 14
72 72 71
24 23 23
25 25 25
52 60 60
"7 "6 6
50 49 49
181 178
58 67 68
8 8 8
38 38 38
21 21 21
87 86 86
79 78 78
18 18 18
92 91 91
35 34 34
80 77 77
10 9
45 45 45
26 24 25
28 27 27
68 62 62
10 10 10
19 18 18
125 125 124
71 69 69
10 9 9
122 121 121
70 69 69
53 52 52
39 88 88
54 53 53
100 99 99
83 82 83
I 61 61 6L
I 27 27 27
. .) 67 65' I 67
31 31 31
6 6
20 20 20
68 68 67
4 48 49
6 5 5
28 28 '28
629 29 28
44 44 44
10 9 10
5 0 I
Total sales stocks, 723.100 shares.
Total tales bonis. 117,332,000.
Ex-div. 2 per cent.
Furnished by Overbeck a
Board of Trade building:
Belgian rest. 5s
Belgian prem. 5s
Belgian 7s, 1945
Belgian 8a. 1941
Belgian 6s, 1923
Brazil 8s. 1941
British 5 s, 1922
British 5. 1922
British 5s, 1927
British 5, 1929
British vky 4
British ref. 4 s
Bordeaux 6. 1984
Canadian 5s, 1937
Canadian 3s. 1928 ,
Canadian 5s. 1929
Canadian 5. 1931
Canadian 5s. 1927
Chilean 8s, 1941C
Denmark 8s. 1945
Dan. Muni. 8s. 1945
French 4s. 1917
French 5s. 1920
French 6s. 1931
French 7 s, 1 94 1
French 8s. 1945
German W. L. 5s
Berlin 4 s
Hamburg 4s
Hamburg 4s
Leipsig 4a
Leipsig 5s
Munich 4s
Munich 5s
Frankfort 4s
Italian 5s. 1918
Japanese 4a. 1931
Japanese 1st 4s, 1925 ...
Japanese 2d 4 a. 1925
.Norway ss. l40
Russian 5s. 1921
Rnssiaa 5 a. 1926
Russian 6a. 1919
Swiss 5a. 1929
Swiss 8s. 1949 .
C. K. 5 . 1922
U. K. 5s. 1929
C. K 5s, 193T
Cooke com pan;.
Bid. Asked.
64 68
72 75
104 104
106 107
93 95
104 104
99 100
428 438
423 433
422 432
329 389
806 316
86 86
93 95
90 6
97 97
95 95
101 102
8 10
108 109
107 "167
49 50
72 73
60 62
45 .95
99 100
4 5
4 5
3 6
5 6
5 6
6 7
5 6
7 9
6 8
35 36
73 74
87 87
86 86
109 110
10 14
2 3
12 15
9.1 93
113 113
99 10
99 99
93 93
(Furnished by Overbeck a Cooke Co.)
Atchison GenL 4i 85
Bal. a Ohio Gold 4s 77
Beth. Steel Ref. 5 0
Cent. Pacific 1st 4s 82
St. Paul Genl, 4s l
Chicago N. W. GenL 4s 83
L. a N. Uni. 4s 88
Northern Pac P. L. 4s 84
Union Pac. 1st 4s S7
U. S. Steel 5s 99
Cnion Pac. 1st Ref. 4s... (.. 83
Southern Pac. Coav. 6s 95
Southern Pac. Conv. 4s 86
Penna. Conv. 4 s 93
Penna. 1st 4s 86
Ches. & Ohio Conv. 5s 84
Ore. Short Line 4s . . 88
Allied Packers 69 54
Am. ran. 7s 90
Am. Cotton OH 6s. 1 924 .... 95
Am. Tobacco 7s, 1922 .... 100
Anaconda 7s. 1929 100
Anglo-Am. Oil 7s, 1925.... 102
Armour 7i, 1930 101
Cudahy Pack. 7s, 1923 100
Gen. Elec. Deb. 5a, 1952 96
Goodrich 7s. 1925 97
Kennecott Cop. 7s, 1930 101
Pac. Gas a Elec. 7s, 1923 100
Pac Fruit Exp. 7s 103
Sears Roebuck 7s, 1927 99;
Stan. Oil Cal. 7s, 1931 105
I". 8. Steel 5s. 1951 100
Westinghouse 7s, 1931 105
West Elec. 7s, 1925 103
Furnished br Overbeck a Cooke Co., Board
ef Trade building: Bid. Ask.
Acglo 17 17
Cbeestbrough 180 190
do pfd 104 107
Eureka 79 81
Galena com 40 42
do Old pfd 103 106
do New pfd ; . . . 100 103
Illinois Pipe 155 160
Indiana Pipe 81 83
Northern Pipe 90 94
Ohio Oil 270 274
Venn Mex -...'. 17 19
Southern Pipe : . . . . 79 81
South Penn 0U 200 210
S. O. Calif 91
S. O. Ind 86
S. O. Kan. 570 680
SV. O. Ky 433 445
8. O. N. T 366 370
8. O. Ohio : 390 400
3. O. N. J 178
S. O. Neb. 160 170
Livestock Loan Co.
To Make Dividend
At a meeting Tuesday the board of directors
of the Great Northwestern Livestock Loan com
pany voted to pay the regular quarterly dividend
for December 31. This is the fifth Quarterly
dividend paid by this company since ita organ
ization in June, 1920.
The company has come to the assistance of
the livestock industry of Oregon through loans
aggregating many thousands of dollars to re
sroosible livestock men, thereby making it pos
sibte for them to mature and finish their stock
for market and save their breeding herds.'
Shipbuilding' Pays Dividend
Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 22. T N. 8.)
Directors of the American Shipbuilding company
here today declared the regular dividend of
1 per cent on the preferred stock, payable
February 1 to stockholders of record January
14. The regular dividend of 1 per cent
on the common stock an dan extra, dividend
of 2 per cent were also declared payable
on the same dates.
...- '-- ',.
evidence in the abaci ssutet here. It hi re
ported that $1.50 is the top price for plate.
Wire is seUinsr at 83.60. afceeC bmra at 830.
and aw Us at $2 76 naaav Piatemakera of the
Kas are ansa to be urxvemwMing iiusourg
noes. ChKmgo, with a freight advantage,
bookfaw a asm nert of nine for Ife South
west. U tanks are in demand.
New Terk. Pee. 22. 'The International
Paper company haa brought its rtrodwtion of
all elawas of paper to about 1000 toes daily,
an increase 0 apyjrorimatelv 20 per cent
Milwaukee, Dee. 22.- The Wisconsin Rap
ids and Birow division of -the, Consolidated
Paper eompauy, which have been working only
part time for montha, bare resumed nnder full
srhtduie. Arrivals ot Canadian palp made
this possible.
, citro'cs FRcrrs
Saw" Francisco. -Dec. 22. Orangvw are bw
tng treelT from the Northern California dis
tricts. The erop is of fine quality . and the
market is good.
Pittsburg. Dee. 22. Chain stores here are
offering soger at S cents a pound as a leader.
Prorident. R. I . Dee. 22. The bif arstal
plant of this sections are worfutg on very
abort time and expert to continue Una policy
nntil after the first of the year. Aa improve
ment is expected in the spring.
Fort Worth, Dec, 22. Auto ancveeory deal
ers report that . November waa the best month
in their bus nee In the but two- years. De
cember, however, started with light demand.
Chicago, Dee. 22. The'ltaiher market here
js strong and active, and some bugs orders
have been pieced for delivery nert year, al
though the larcest dealings have been for im
mediate delivery.
New York. Dec. 52. Cylinder oil tkw may
be hsd here at 20 ecnta a gallon and there
is considerable pres-ure to sell, although export
inquiries have tended to check aharp declines
in prices,
Fort Worth. Dec. 22. The -entire consign
ment of blooded Texaa stock which waa sent
into Mexico aa an exhibit baa been sold o
Mexican stock growers.
St Panl, Dec. 22. Prices paid for live
stack to farmers for hogs and cattle have ad
vanced since the beginning of the paeking
hoase strike here. A scarcity of poultry has
eaased an advance ot prices for fowls.
New Tort. Dee. 22. The market for tic
here has advanced sharply in win pa thy with
the higher tone in London.
Stamford. Conn., Dec. 22. The Tale A
Towns company will shortly establish a branch
factory in Germany to take advantage of low
German production costs.
Indianapolis. Dec. 22. There are 6300
miners at work and 124 mines operating, with
not more than 1500 to 2000 miners idle, in
the troubled Pittsburgh, Kansas, district, ac
cording to a statement today by International
President John L. Levria.
St Paul. Dec. 22. The Minnesota By
Produeta company, makers of coke, have re
duced prices $1.50 a ton, making the retail
cost of coke 814 a ton. Officials of the Com
pany announced today they believed freight
rates on ooke would be reduced next year and
they desired to get rid ot the large supply on
had. which totals thousands of tons.
Corrected dally by ,the foreign 1 exchange de
partment of the tJnited States Nati tonal bank.
Quotations below (except the pound sterling)
are quoted on the basis ot 100 units .foreign
"""AtSi. nominal rstea on bank transactions:
T Draft.
Lbs. sterling. $ 4.20
Paris Franca.. 7.93
Berlin Marks . . 5 3
Genoa Lire... 4.49
Athens .
Drachmas .. 4.15
Kroner 20.11
Christie Die
Kroner . 15.68
Stockholm , , ,
Kroner .... 24.92
Currency ... 55.23
Japan Ten. . 48.00
Tar Is . .
.. 76.90
Cable Par
Transfers. Value.
t 4.20 $ 4.866
7 94 19.30
.55 23.81
4.50 18 3U
4.18 1930
20.16 26.70
15.93 26.70
24.9T 26.70
53.50 .....
77.20 .....
8 per cent .
Portlan Bants
Clearings. Monday..! 6.269,791
Balances, saonaay..
Clearings. Tuesday.
Balances, Tuesday.
Clearings Wednesday
Balances Wednesday
Clearings Thursday.
Balances Thursday.
t 6.825.058
- 2.064,423
Spokane ant
Thursday . . . . -.
Tacerna Banks
Thursday . . r
Seattle wanks
Thursday . r
San Francisco Banks
Oakland Bank
Los Angeiss Banks
Thursday . V
f 1,169.673
i 448.633
t 5,254.106
$ 2,023.000
Money aad Exchange
New Terk, Dec 22. t N. 8-) Call money
on the floor of the New York stock exchange
today ruled at 5 per cent: high 6 per cent, low
5 per -cent Time money was steady. Rates
were 56 per cent The market
for prime mercantile paper was stesdy. Call
money in London today was 2 per cent
Sterling exchange was heavy, with business in
bankers' bills at 44.1 9 for demand
For January Investment
Reported by Overbeck a Cooke Co.
Improve Telephone Service
La Grande. Dec. 22. The new telephone
exchange of the Home Independent Telephone
company waa placed in service Sunday, and
today La Grande a enjoying the best phone
senile in ita iustory. Tne new exchange has
a semi-automatic switchboard costing $25,000
and the cause of numerous complaints of poor
sei iu is considered entirely removed by the
-scrapping of the out-of-date exchange.
Ferelg-a Exeaaage Market
See Ted, Dee. 22. (C. P.I Demand
starting opened today at $4.20 ; francs, .0794;
ore. .0444; marks, .0035: kronen. .2022.
Demand sterling closed at $4.19; francs.
$0.0789; lire, se.0442; marks, f 0.0934 ;
Danish kronen. Jti.2020. .
Telephone Cent pan; Granted Franchise
Walla Walla. Wash.. Dec 22. Bv a vote el
37 t 1 93 by the voters ef thia city the Pacific
Teieprtons as letegxepa company was granted
new 26-year franchise to operate here at a special
efertic held Tuetday. .. Lass than 19 par eent of
tne eocng popmiatioai ot tne city expressed a
preference at the polis. ...
Centralis Baaks Chese
Centra Be. Wash., Dee. 22. The city coa-
vfcisatoa hs designated the three Centralis banks
as cepaaitonea for cavfoadv ' -
Liberty 8 s. . 93.24
Liberty, 1st 4s
Liberty. 2d 4s
Liberty, 1st 4 s 96.10
Liberty. 2d 4 s 95.62
Liberty. 8d 4 s 97.80
Liberty. 4th 4 s 90.10
4 lis. . 10O.02 100.04 1M.2 1011.04
8s..lOO.OZ 100.04 100.02 100.04
Catkler 1$ 111
Dee. Dec. 22. M. R. Cetherwood. cashier
ef the Oregon Lumber company, is ill at his
Cheap buildinga are temporary, and '
all aive way to permanent struc
tures aa cities stow. It is bo longer
a question ef a few doll addi
tional expense for new baHdinnra.
tne main consideration being; to em
ploy aRilt and materials to create
and erect structures that shall bo,
enduring. Expedience has like,
wise developed the same sentiment
in the public mind in regard to
pavement ; the best, namely. WN
renite-Bitultthic, being generally,
conceded ma , the cheapest la the
Ions run.. . . -
THE FIRST OF THE YEAR bring, its interest,
dividends and other profits. Then comes the
problem of reinvestment. Present indications
presage even higher markets with the coming of
the new year. Anticipate your requirements by
making your selections now. We'll set aside bonds
ordered for January delivery if you desire.
, 7 ,
It Means 7 or...,..?
Special Assessment Boaas Income Tax Exempt
Buhl, Idaho, Sewer, Imp. Dis. No. 4 .
ttRexburg, City of, Idaho.
ttRidgefield, Washington, City of. .
Soda Spring $5 Idaho, Sewer fo. 2". .
Soda Springs, Idaho, Sidewalk No. 3.
tSt. Anthony, Idaho, L-LD. No. 1 . ; .
tt Vancouver. Wash., L.I.D. No. 161.
t Vancouver, Wash., L.I.D. No. 161. ,
t Vancouver, Wash.,'L.l.D. No. i6t.
tVancoaer, Wash., L-LD. No. 161.
Vancouver, Wash., L.I.D. No. 16! . .
Vancouver, Wash., L.1D. No. 173.
sw '
. rarity. Prlee Yield.
1929 10O.OO 7.00
1930 100.00 7.00
1932 100.00 7.00
1929 100.00 7.00
1929 lOO.OO 7.00
1930 100.00 7.00
1922 98,98 7.00
1923 98.09 7.00
1924 97.28 7.00
1925 96.50 7.00
1926 95.78 7.00
21-32 - 100.00 7.00
.Denotes Fractional Bonds.
(Denotes 1200 Denomination.
Denotes 81000 Denominations.,
t Denote 1MH1 Denomination.
Telephone or Wire Orders strOsr Esaessc.
Morris Brothers Corporation
Xenis Bids-.. SM-lf ft Lark Street
. Bdwy. Sltl
V. Shannon
Siwriai Correevoadeiit of The Joamal "
Xew Orleans. rec. 22. Tbe aether which
eottnn prina reaeivnl with the annensnasnant
of the final fovemmertt ficurvit en ykJd and
acres re had "a at rone effert on business seos)
dittons In this section this week Merchants
as well aa farmera declare they hve suffered
severely as a remit ot the discrepancy of
per Burst hetween the preliminary rnvrroment
estimate and the final fievrea. and tbe depart-.
' wnmraiv is neina; severely entirtarn.
Many vnercnanta Hv tHi,. ,
hih ririred rotton houtrht as a of rnv
ernmeot cotton eaUmats of a 6.500.000 nas
cmp, and ,tUey declare the losses due to tlte
drop h price which has' since taken r la-re are
restricting business.
too majority of those who have enUon. hove.
sorer are determined to hold it for hicher pnees
it tt is hnnanlv noasibki The nru
that the RrnittF will prod ore only about 8.
000,(100 bain from 32.800.000 acres, whioa
in former years yielded from 11 H to 18 V..
minion bales. The oondltinn whine, eanit
thia small rror. mainly boll weevil destntetkm. i
proouse to continue in 1 922. thee cvuntenrf
and the, an confident that, eventually tlx J
m secure a mor.ii metier price for the staple.
Calderhead Will Go
To Rate Conference
Olyrania. Wash., rw 2"rfnM tfca n.
quest of ' Northwest shippers tn send a repre
sentative to attend the hearings of the inter
atate commerce commission being reopened on
lanoary v. uia warnnurton department of
public works haa appointed O. O. Caldermvad
rate expert, who will leave ahortlv after Jsnti.
ary 1 for Wasliinrton. I. C Uaahno on th
reaajusunent or eu rreignt rates are due on
March 1. 1027. and result from the expira
tion of the time fixed tn the 1020 Mnanr
tation act. which r,qhired the interstate com
merce oominiseion to fix rates for a period of
two years front March 1, 1920, which would
yield a return to the railroads of A t4 per
cent. Northwest shippers, fearing that condi
tions in thia section bearing on the proposed
readjustments might be. misrepresented if eoae
one in authority were not at the hearing te
stats their case, asked the pubuo works de
partment to send a representative.
It is very simple
to earn 6 to 8
while saving if you
only know
as m
how to do it
We have clients from
the Pacific to the At
lantic who buy high
grade bonds from us
on the Easy Payment
plan. Ask. us about
It. You'll like it
when you, see how
easy it is.
LuMSCRMtNt Btoa Portland
IFTH BpfiillFswV PHONl
. STARK Setpe 740
r-. cl. - , va
Safe De p o s i t B oxes
For Investors,
that has proven successful
J months' trial
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The Rose Investment Review, published
monthly, dycilbea .a method Inveecing
that baa pruvtn successful by actual wae.
Learn how to tnalce tout mooey gem
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f. w.l independence today by wrhrnc
for your free copy of L No. J55.
IsX SO fSroastl 2tW INarW yorat tITT sA
Utl Editlosi
now ready for free
McCall, Riley & Co.
Mesabera Ceaawlidatad
Stock Kicoaoge ef Mew Yark
20 Broad St New York
TT is a business
investment and
not an expensive
outlay to let us do
Fe W. Baltes
& Company
irnnters ttaiauwsnw
Stocks. Boads. Cwttott, Grain. Cta.
.16-317 Board ol Trsde BuUdiBf
llasifeers Caafagw isoarS Trade
CsrtwsaeaSgBU f Leg M Bryaa
i Calcace w Itxa .