The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 15, 1921, Page 19, Image 19

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Batter Krr CtMW
Cabe Extras. Select. Flats.
Portland lie SSe We
Chicago ......... 44e ,49c 29e
Haa Fraaelsee.. 48tte SSe 3IMr
dew Tor ...... 46 He JSe . tSVie
Seattle ......... lie S4e 2Se
Las Angeles ....lie 88c .....
. Because of their skat-age holdings, tome of
the creamery interests ar very mtick inclined to
faro an tum in the price at fresh batter
here hrraapeetrre of the fact that no edranc is
resTl narrate rr here at the anuBt
- L'tUinitf another Portland paper to spread
propaganda that butter ia so abort bare that
local interest ara a ruble to fill their order, the
one In charge of the attempt to adranc butter
are tearing dp atone unturned ta forae their way.
They make the claim, which i not a true one.
that California interest hare boea aakad to ahip
of the shortage ia the South.
Tbis ta one of tha moat barefsced propaganda
stunts that At local trade tea known- for aofne
Uma. The fart of the matter is that Portland
baa for aome time bean shipping tube batter to
ether point alone the Pacific eoaat. The tav
elooed California. It amB on tne other hand
tbat California waa setting eo mack of it hoe
arxi foreign batter that it mined the standard on
cub extra from 92 to 93 tears ia order to
ehat out the Portland stock front tint trade.
Tha raising or the standard wa in itself a eon
faeeion that mauler 2 aeore, which ia almeet
unireiraliy eoiuidered in the extra eta, waa in
auchy4uppl that it was bothering the importer
and ipeculator.
Recently, boweaer, there has been slight
decrease in the home eutpwt, bat thia should not
be taken too seriously (warn ooaaMerahia Cen
tral Oreeoa atouk and offerings from Idaho bare
been noted here. In fact food ooM)e cube
that will score (0 to 93 are beine eetored from
Idaho et 40e with rather fair atock scoring 89
brine offered at 3 So a pound Portland.
- Nevertheless, manipulating intereeta may fame
e ria hera such aa ia being forced in other
market where cold atorace parties abound.
Those deeuint aerial information retarding
any market should writ Market Editor. Port
land Journal, eacieelne stamp for relr.
Trade in the local en market ia badly spotted
aa to price.' While in spots th market shows
extremely quiet. - No general price chance indi
cated except for -currant receipta
General eheeae trade ia steady, 'but farther
ed ranee are noted for navburger. On the other
band, (Tram brick la weaker and fractionally
lower throughout the country generally. No
change aa Tillamook.
Retailer are not eleanfnc up the wholesale
market on. country killed hogs and the trade is
alow around 12c for extreme tops. BererMa of
country killed' hogs liberal. Veals are tinner
i or quauu. i
Market far turkey is ecaroelj starting and
the tone Is arraUo. Purehaaee of dreaaed from
trie-country are generally at 40a for fancy stock,
but aa high aa ale Portland haa been paid.
He Dine price to retailer generally around 40 0
42o pound.. Be lectio na axe bifher.
Beeav of the Terr liberal stocks retained by
killers, the receipt of considerable dreaaed stock
and accumulation alone the street, lire chicken
prices are generally lo a pound lower for the
aa , ,
Orapefratt ia lower et $7.25 for extreme
quality, brands.
rVtatoes and oaioas rery quiet at local pri-i
msry points. i 1
lfopa are unchanged at 18 20c. with Halted
trading i
Beard ty eontfnusa la entire fresh fish jrade.
' eriu 1.1 MM a ...
tect shipments during the next 80 hours against
the following minimum temperature : Going
north to-Seatile. 10 demee: northeast to 8rjo-
kaae. 30 degrees; east to Baker, 20 -negroes, and
south te Ashland. 28 degrees. Minimum tem
perature at Portland tomorrow about 32 degrees.
These are prices ! reiaikis pay wholesalers,
extent as otherwise noted.
I Dairy Product .
- R UTTER Selling uprice, box lota: Cream
ery prices: Print extra. 44e for plain wrap
per; eubes, extras, 80 041 lb.: dairy, buy
ing price. 24 0 25 lb. -
BCTTEHFAT Portland deRrery. basis. Nr.
1 afade. 42e lb.; No. 3. 40e; country sts
Uon. 40A42e lb. for No. 1 rndo.
CHEESE Selling prior: Tillamook, fresh
vn-egon taney triplet. 20e rb.; Xoung Amer
icsa, SOo lb. Prio to Jobbers, f. o. b. Tilla
moofc: Tripfrta, 2c; Touni Americas, 2Te
SeUing price: Block Swisa, fancy. 838e;
ljmburgsr. 30f34c lb.; cream brick. 28 y
Or ib.
KOfSn -Rujinr . price. Front stree.-t Cur
rent receipts. 4 3e; hesries, 4 8c doe.; candled
selling price. 447o dox. : nelect, 47 SSe do.;
pullet. 45e per dns.; storage. 26o per doa.
iXKJS Ateoriation pricea: Select, SSe do. ;
tint. 48o doa nutlets, 4 5r dt a.
LITE' POULTRY j Seilinr priees: Heart
hen. 2 So lb.; light bens 17le; epringa,
20 W 21s lb.; broilers. 2S30e lb.: oM ToxZ
era, lOo lb.; turkeya,i dnased, 4042o lb.; lire,
e lb.; ducks. 2tte lb.
Fresh VeaaaxMse and Fruit
FRESH FSTJIT L Oranges, 33.00 62J
bni: banaaea. 8Hfe lb.: lrnvm $4.75
,( grapefruit. Florida. 84.23 7.25.
BaTRKIES Cranberriea, local. 8d.00 9 7.00
dox; uKem. 2i.uu -iJ.oti per barrel.
IHrl FKTTITH rat l.l nn fit, 7 An ..
figa. blsck. 33.00 3.25 per 23-lb .boxi
.hih fy SOU OVS, OU-1D, DOX, (SO lb.
, WWXS geiUnglpriee to retaQer.: Local.
34. BOMB. 00: bunna Drice X.I 7X Ki nn
try,; '"!, 10&16C lb.; green ouion. 40c
- l-OTATOES ReTllne mUi
Oregon Jancy. 32.00 per cental; buying price
country, 81.78 per cental; Takima best. 32.00
W2.10 per cental; sweet potatoes, 4H5e
per lb. - ' - y
"L-I.E;TLKSstrt,, "He "J-:
beet. 32 00 per sack: cabbage. l2o lb.;
n-v.Mo,. o.; esapianr, i ao lb.;
parsnips .33.50 sack; green peppers, 10c lb.;
tomatoes, t'aliionua. 84 50 rer m: mimnVin
2ej3He-lb.; squh. 23Me lb.; honerad-
w. iot io,; sprout, Jse l0, srUchokea. 31.78
doa. : cenlil lower, 31.78 3.50 doa.
APPU';4 Soitaenbom. ntr him A H
3S.403X)0; fancy 4-tier. 3.405.50;
choice- 4 -tier. 32.00. -
.APrl,5?e.r" Winter c4uans, extra fancy
4-tier. 3200; fancy 4-Oer, 31.75; choice
a-ucr, 91 du.
APPLES SEMleys, extra fancy 4-tier. 82 33;
fancy 4-tier. 82.80; choice 4-tier, 31.75.
i-ruw jonainaaa and Bpttsanburga. un-
WTappea, ti.wu,
; APPLES Delictona, extra fancy 4-Her.
laxt a-u-r. sa.iio; enole 4-Uer,
.83.00. i
, APPLES Cooking stock. TSe 0 81.50 box
Two--fi cents- off all above on 160 and
sisea, sue eu en 1 1 3 ana sraaiier.
COTWTRT - MEATS Seulns price: doantry
iMea. 11 U W 12o per lb.; (or top blockers, about
w w fv. orTy stun te-; real, ton,
about 80 to 100 lb.. 14 014 He r Si
hoary stuff lees; spring lambs. 130 15e lb.
SMOKED SEATS lis ma, S7e36e lb.
break tt bacm, 23 0 45c Ib.
PACKINO HOUSE MEATS Steer beef. 13e:
heifers, 11c: cowv 10e: lamb. 17 019c:
LARD Keule nded. ISVib to., tterce
wewsjaai, waaa,. n sjins. wJ tu
ritsX. aVxrwaf Mraaalrlsa.
:-FZT!?& i4c: n-
es 4vtK, .uiimii, sieysuc: aiaek cod.
100110 lb, baaaet kipperl eod. 2 S5; Lag
iS0 It - ay MUBk
. How, Wool an. Hides
MOHAIR Nominal. 15e ft.
So. 2. 2c. . ! - - -
r.SOARA RAKE New. 5: oH. u, iv
WOOL WUlametta waller. eT 10. 1 2c:
Also Other Poultry
Ship to arrive LVc, 17 to IS. For
New Tear's,. Dec 27-24.
1 Freat St, Portlaad, OfC
tr -. r
v Ml SSUI VW .
Jack rabbits? are m arrtrir. from
Centnl Orejron in rafber llbwal iopptr.
Thr are ahowtnf ratlier food QtutUt,
moat of the lacks being; fatter, than nor
mal for this period. Most of tho ra
UUera ara svjlUnif 60c aitch. ,
Efforts are being; made to force eon
aumera to pay more Ior their fresh
bntter fat order to allow speculators to
rrab greater profita on their coid rtor
age stock. Thera ta abaointely no rea
son why butter prices shoold t adraxtoe
at this Uma aad eonanmers ehouid make
tbia plain to sellers who In turn will
repeat to makers.!
Limited supplies of Columbia river
smelt are comlnaT forward with sales
around SQc a poun4 in the retail shops.
Aside from sole and a very limited sup
ply of salmon and halibut, all fresh,
fish is extremely scarce here. Freeh
crabs are practically eat of market,
but a few axe still available In atorace.
Quality fair.
ConB timers should carefully examine
boxes at apples from top and bottom
before making payment or accepting- de
livery because of the cfferlne; hero of
much stock that la scarcely fit for the
cider plants. Do not' accept wusmr
stock at alL It is contrary to law for
dealers to sell sucb offerings except
to cider and manufacturing; plants. It
will be found generally that there is
something; wrong- with applea that are
too far below the regular price quoted
in the stores.
Retail pries in ertvate stores:
ECO select, seoe; pallets ' 1
Bntter Fresh creamer?. B0 0 Me
8almoer-20e.a0et kalibwi. Slu XOe- miL
10c: sturgeon. S5e h.
Flour Best Uocai patent. I1.9D 92.00 per
an, v ids.
1 oa toe Rnrbanks. 12 50 sack.
Onions Be ponnd.
Tamhill street crioaa:
' Vegetables Cabbagr, 2Ule lb : Cauli
flower 18 20e head; earroU, 5) bunch: let
tuce, lOo head; dry onion, 6e Ib b turnips, 4e
m; sppiea, oc la. t tomatoea. lOe lb.
Honey Comb. I8e: aaart. 7 Oe : Dint. SSe.
PoarnrjF Beary bena, S3e: hsht hena. SSe;
wemra, soc; mraeya. as assoc.
cttutr esc la;
lb.; J1
lSe lb.
Injunction Remains
On Chicago Board
CWeaaTo, Dee. 15. (t N.I 8.) Judge
G scrw Both ,ln eiraoit court today relsted te
dnwlre an injunction, restraining i members of
the Chicago Meraantile Einhange-f-the "Batter
ana icg Bcejd-' from dealing Ira "futons'
in eaaa. i
Th Injunction. granted Tuesday, in re
ajwnee to a petiUoai filed by Barney Kauffman.
s dealer, had ' halted speeulatioai sad ued ax
ttade opetationa of (ha exchaaga.
Judge Buah set next Wednesday! a the date
n a aeanng et tne lease.
San Frenelsoe Market!
Ban rrandsco. Dee. 18. (U. Ft)
uxxraa, se; praae nrsta, esc
Eegs--Extraa, 65c; extra firsts.
puUeta, BlVie; extr first pullets,
sized' pallets. 49c I
flnts. 44a.
84 Me; extra
ale; under-
Cheese California flats, fancy, S3 t; Snts,
ilC !
Seattle. Dee. 15
p.-r-ti. . a. -Egrs Select
ranch. 52 0 54c: Dulleta. 4S0 44eJ
Butter City creamery. 43c: brieka. 44e.
Cheese Oregon triplets. 24 025c; loong
ABiencwj, 0VC. I
Los Ann Mart,
Loa Angeles, Call Dec. 15. i L N. S.1
Butter 4 So. I
E(ga txtras, Bsc; cast coast SSo; pallets
62c. j
Poultry Hens 28 029c: broOetrs 3e: fry-
ere soc
Seattle Market L
em KAILU. Ik j
oesree. tree id. 1 1. rv. mi
..Potatoes Yakima I Gems. 388.00042.00 tea.
ui wiiaaai asarae
- Loa Anaeles. CaLi Dee IB. (T V a .
Potatoea Lugs, 9Oc0 31.00; Stockton Bur-
oansa. nest, .svx.T: poorer low aa 82.00;
Idaho Russets mostly 82.00 02.231 nuals most
ly i.UV.
Tfew Terk
: Batter and Egg
15. t Jf. &) B
New Tork. Deo. 15. L Jf. S.) Butter
Market easier. Creamery extra (salted and na
sal ted) . 44Ueile: enanurr ifirtta
and unsalted). S7H044Hc; orssmery higher
inu ezma (saitea ana unaaiteai.l 4SH048o;
state dairy tubs, 89 044c; Roorated extra,
ladles, fresh extra, 83 0 3Sc j
Cheese Market, firm. State, whole milk spe
cial. 21 023 He; whole milk fancy, ar. run.
20 H 022c: whom milk, lower grades, l01fte
Wisconsin, whole milk fancy Tonne Americas.
21 . 022c 8uto7Takima. specials, 15017c;
akima, choice 11014c; skims, fair! to good, 8 0
10c; skim, lower gradea, 4 0To- I
Eggs Market easier. Nearby white, fancy.
7So; nearby brown, fancy, 68 0 66a; extra, 59 0.
60c: firsts, 6O0 65oT J W
UOk The wholeaBle prio is 89.37 per 100
Pound of 8 per cent sulk, within 200-319.
oui soui
9 yroi Clot
Camp WU Clote After Lea Baa
Salem, Or.. Dee.1 IS. After jit year of
operation the Bpaulding Loegtng company here
ia preparing to clone its logging camp at Black
Bock, according to announcement of C. G Holt,
logging superintendent for th company. The
camp haa yielded an output of approximately
200.000.000 feet of timber during its opera
tion. Equipment used at the camp ia being
transferred w Grand Bead for use ia the new
camp being opened by the Spaulding company
aa tost piaca.
CMeago Dairy Prod ore
Chicago, Dee. 1S. L N- S.)-i-Butter Be
oerpta, 4026 tuba: creamery, extras, 44c; firsts,
34 -4 042c; packing stock. 38 025c.
Egg Receipts, !268 cases; - misceXlaaeoua.
46 0 47e: ordinary firsts, 42 044c; firsts, 48
04 9c; cheek 28 0 80c; dirties, 80 032a
Cheese Teana. new. 19 He; daiaiea. 19 H
0 20c: Tonng Americas, 20e; Lowhorna,
20H 0: brick. 170 18c
Lire Peultry Turkeys. 37c; chickens, 18c;
prhrgs, 21 He; roosters, 15c; geese, 2 do;
Ltverpooi Co teen steady
Liverpool. Dec. 10. (L N. S.) Spot cot
ton waa tn fair dan pi, today.. Prices, steady;
tales, 6000 balea i
American mlddlinc fair, 13.19; good" mid
dlings, 11.44: full StiddUng. 11.04: middlings,
10.64; low middlings, 9.64.; good ordinary mid
dlrocs, 7.89; ordinary middlinga, 7.14,
Fttbarat opened quiet.
lrew Tork Wool and Hides
New tor. Dec 15. (1, N. S.) Wool
Market tteady. Domestie fleece XX Ohio, 23
03Se: domestie pulled, scoured baaie, 190
67e; domestie Texas, scored basia 4O075e;
iiwjrj eupie, scoaiwa Basis, se ej 86c.
Hkiee Market deu. j N a tire steer. 15;
viBiHirM aHeCSCwa x wQ. ; f
ITew Tor Poartry Market
?.rT- . 13. (L N. g.) Ur,
.vi.r7 seerava cirm. vnjrxent, 22 0 33c
'uJr. 45050c; duck, 22 0 25ek fowls, 240
3 3c; roosters. 15c;gcre. 28 036c ?W
rrreeasd peultry Market firm. Chick em. 20
044; tarkeya, 35 0 tie; reeae, 22 0 85c
fowls, 13 0 JJc; dueka. t80cT ""Sc
C tsaasm tea- IAm Kaa. ea IO. T T
" -W--a-as, . eTe V AeafJ f gam.
nBaS8Zf,5. ! TS9 whJte,
Jt$.!k i;t-0,J
TO i Hew Orleans head. SHet-Ba
wttbj&amHti. 17 H 0290. i ckt
w v t was. . - i
SALT Cnares. U
60a. 317.85; table
33.5O04.OO: fancy
iurnn. 526.50 toa.
LJ. Vt, J1S.60 ton:
dairy, tOe. t2T 60: bales.
, aoa -ana sairy. 34.60:
T20: fraitj and berry.
$0 05; yetlew D,
: beet rranlted.
Wen O. 34-68.
85.16.: baby sum,
rase, !
85.85.- extra C, 35.43: snide.
" - i aae. i a rasa.
C HACKEES In balk. 14e ib.
miiJ.Tsw""'""'i"t4e ib-.-'almoeds. 24
27H.1 fUbarta, Oe ia each fc72rnrU
llH012e; pecaaa, 3JC. Bratik. leTerSO?
eaoataunv Jagaeee7330jl4c. W-9o.
' ' wwfwaV twmretrVit OtV j"
hc15? K'-IUw' ": kettle
cases4, ,. -. $1.,4; boiled.
GAfK)UXaV-lro. bhm, 26e: Uses. 88 He
- r1' OIL Basi. $ bM.
WHITK I.KAra To. i-.. ,
By Myasast H. Oeaea)
CauBriaataoa is now erasable of preerowa re
port printed by The Joaraal that considerable
foniga bwsinees bad again deeetoned ia the
prune market at both Orrfoe sad Calif ortua
Saea eoanrHiei at now gfrea by ts Ore
si Urvwera Ceuaeiatlra anriatien.
Latest drealeomeata in tha orwae market sre
each that it is quite possible that the entile
marxet ot ins worM Via be ear of guppua
befora the next crop ta available. Stecka of
prqaea held by eeeesratire orgaaiaatioBa along
ta Pacific atop sre dwindling eery taut with
practically aa entire cleanup is this territory of
trait smaller than 30a to 40.
Foreign demand haa bisa eeneraTJr for tha
smaller fruit and thia has cleaned np both Ore
eoa aan uanioraia surpia stoeai. rraaeaa
ttecks in both state are betow th normal.
special educes iceeired from New Terk ay
Tne . Journal M'-ate that the trade here it
till nswilline to war tha Brines daaaaaded at Pa.
eifie eoaat primary poaita, slthoogh auch actios
amy be f eased aa soon at ape stocks are atoee
generally cleaned sp,
A statement of tba Otstoa G rowan Coonenv
or aasociatioa foBows:
"FwUowing a qaiet market period, the Ora
enw Qrowera Cooperarire aasoeiatioB haa sold
three quartets of a million pounda of prune to
foreign markets ia the last three week.
-eneraJ kUnsger Fauhrs f tbs aasociaHon
m thaS bat a mall qnawtity of prunes ra-
kta ia tba bandi f inil.niiiti nr Miieei
ana that bat a small qaaatitr oi prune ta the
Morthwast it wnaotd tt the present time. The
taeoemtioa has sold out all of its IuKaa prunes
smaller than 30-40 and other tine are greatly
The California. aw-i.Hn. fc. n... mT 9A.
Oe and 90s, 100a and 130a and the bullish
sttitade of the independent packer of tbs South
indicates that their atock art limited.
jnougn gtia Coast artoaoen ts "a strong
froaa the ataakDeint Of mm heall ee-
ern boyers hare not raapeaded aeeordincly and
adeieee from tba Saat indicate that St k not
tikel that th, saaraet wiB trawsthea materially
till after the Brat of the yest. It is sxpeetsd.
iiowerer, inat naac wui resume acCr buying
earlier than Banal this year sad there k ererj
indaeatioB for aa early cksea-ea of the entire
Chlsin Haas 9730
rH rw. , . h
vwwu. w. it. . D-1 txoaw ne-
eeipka, 47,000; fairly setfr; steady to 10c
lower. Bulk. S6.6t0T.15: ton. T SO- hean
weight, 38.8507.00; medium weight.. 38 90 J
I,19: Jxt -wassht. 37.0007.40; light light.
87. SO 0 7.50; heary packing sows, moota.
35.50 0 0,80; pecking sows, rough, 35.35 0
8.75; pics, 37.25 0T.5O.
CattJ Receipt. 14.000; steady to lower.
Beef 8 tears Choice sad prime. 39.00 010.25;
stadium and goed. rood and
cheiee, 90.500 10.80;- ecasmoa and medium.
15. 51 08.80. Butcher oattie Heifer, 33.30
8.71; cows, S3.25.90; balk. $3,680
? 13. Csnnets sad cutler Cows and betters.
81.7508.35; eaaaer steer. 83.7503.73: veal
ealrat (hght and handy weiarht). 97.73 010.25;
feeder steers, 35.00 0 7.00: stock ax cows, 84.28
0 6.00; ttocker cow and heifers, 33.00 0 3.00.
Sheep Receipts, 23.000; slow, about 25c
tower. Lambs (84 Tba. down! . 89.73 Im 1 1.25:
lamb, anil and eonunoa. 87.6009.50; yearling
wewera,; ewes, S3. 00 0 5.50:
ewea, ealra and contmon, 31.SO0 2.75; feeder
Mian, eawe a? 1V-2S.
Omaha Hoot, SS.SB
South Omaha, Dec 15. (L If. g.) Cat
tle Receipts. 4000; beef steers and she stock
slow, bidding lower. "Bulla atroac. Veale steady;
etockere and feeders eready to weak.
Hogs Beoeipts, 6500. Mostly tteady to 10c
lower; bulk, good hogs. 36.20 0 8.50; top.
Sheep Becetrt. 7B00. Lambs mostly 25c
top. 810.50 to shhwers: bulk of lambs
to packers. 39.75 01Q.25; sheep and feeders,
No Denser Hog Trade
Dearer. Dee. 15. Cattle. 1500 atiwrTr
tears, $5.00 07.00: eowa and heifara, 33.50
B.-iid; stockers and leedera, 55.00 0 6.23
calTea, 36.500 9.50.
Hogs 1000. No trading.
Sheep 4100; market strong. LaJubt, $9.00
w.o; ewes, 5a.2504.5O; feederv 98.250
k ansae Cfty Hoot $8.85
Eansta Oty, Mo., Dee. 18. L N. 8.)
Cattle Receipt. 6000; extremely dull 8teere.
36.00 010.00; cows and heifers, 33.50 0 5.00;
stockers and feeders, 36.00 06.85;. calTea,
37.00 0 7.50.
Hogs Receipta, S000; duQ. Bulk of sales,
38.60 0 6.80; top. 36.85; heartea, 86 60 0
6.75; lights, 3.67006.85; medium. 86.65 0
6.80. q
Sheep Receipts, 6000; active. Lambs,
110.00 010.18.
No Seattle Stark
Seattle. Wash., Dec 15. (L N. S.) No
H restock receipts today.
Salmoa Seavses Opens
North Bead. Or.. Dee. 16. The season for
fishing for cteelhead salmon has opened here
in earnest, with goed catches reported. The
season for chinoek and aUrersides just closed
has been a eery good one and fishermen all
had good catches.' The Coot Bay fish & Can
ning company shipped about 801.400 pounds,
valued at 817.708. This total consisted 7f
chinook, ailrersidas, halibut and other deep tea
Dried sad Beast
New Tork. Dec. 15. (L N. B) Beans
Market weak- Marrow, choice, 35.75 0 6.00:
pea. chase, 35.16 0 5.25; red kidney, choice,
$7.25. s.
Dried fruits Market firm. Apricots, choice
to ex-fancy, 24033c; apples, erapo rated, prime
to fancy. 14 H 018 He; prunes, 30 to 60s.
6 H 016c; prunes, 60s to 100s, 6 H 010c;
peaches, choice to ex-fancy, 13 H 0 20 He;
tended raisins, choice to fancy. 14 K0 IS He.
Copper Merfer Talk
Xew Tork, Doe. 16. fD. P.) A propnaed
merger between Anaconda Copper and Amer
ica Brass was mid to hare been dlacuated to
day at a meeting of the directors of the latter
company. President Brook or ataxrd he will
make an official statement later in the day.
Vsval Stores Market
New Tork, Dee. 16. (I. N. 8.) Turptn
ttne Sarannah. 74e; New Tork, 81e."
Boain tJaTsnnah. $4.00; New Tork, $5.30.
Hew Tork Metal Market
New Tork, Dee, 15. (L N. &.) Copper
Quiet; spot, December aad January, offered,
Lead Quiet; spot, December and January,
offered, 4 He,
SpelterQuiet: spot and Tiecember, offered.
$4.85: January, offered, 34.90.
MtsseaneUs-Dalsth Plax
Duluth. Dec 15. L N. 8.) Flax: Dec.
31.92 H; January. 91.93: May. 81.93 H: July.
Minneapolis. Minn.. Dec 15. (I. N. S.)
Dec. 31.89; January, 81.89; May. $192;
track. $1.89 0 2.00; arriTs. $1.89 01.97.
Wow Tork-Lesios Saver
New Tork, Dec 15. (I N. g.) Commerda
bar silrer: Domestic wa unchanged at .99 He;
foreign was c lower at 63 He.
London. Dee. 15. (L N. S.) Bar surer wit
d lower at 93 d.
Saa Fraa Cisco Barley Optioss
Baa FVajictseo, Dea, IS. Barley dosed,
on:. TeaaBihe salee at 1 1 ok. sr.. i
at 81.26 H. " '
MlasesnoUg Wheat Op Host
HirtntapoHs. Dec. 15. Wheat:
Open. Thura.
May .
July ...
...116 119H
...117 119
...114H 118 H
Wiaalpes; Wkeat Op ties
Winnipeg. Dae. 11. Wheat:
v . Open. Tiran. Wad.
PnAef 102 104 192
r 106H 108 106
Jmy "1.. ies 107
5ew York Ssfar aid Coffre
e.3.. TB!t:-,IeL, 1 . quiet: ww,
83. 1 7 5 : refined. ewarU - granulated, 85.20. .
Xew Terk PoUte Market
, TortU Dae. 18. (L N. R.) Potatoes
(ns bulk barrtft ar - bag) Market nominal.
01900 2-23 06.40; Bermadat, 84-00
Xew Terk Cottoateed Ofl
5?vlit9-2 Jeauary. 68.1608.24; May.
8.S88.0; Jaly. 19.00 9.02. i
Ferebra Wheat Market -
IJrerpeoi. Dee, 1 5 Wheat closed Hd or
le hwheti rorm, d higher. - -
e no Aires. Dec 13. Wheal epeSed sa
ehsngtd; eora, Vic higher. -
, -. a
Bid. Biae. Tr. are.
Hard TTblU ...$L07 ,le $l.i
Soft WhIU 1.91 le ISi
White Clak ......... IM le XJU
Hard Wlater ........ Ml le IAS
Kortkera Sprtae; ..... tJtt le IAS
Bed WsJU ...... ..I. IM le LS
j Wheat. Barley. Fkear. Oats. Hay.
Portlaral Thara. lit .. 31 7
Tear age 30 1 3 1 5
Season to date-.1870S 183 11ST SIS 888
Tear ago 4051 160 42 SOO 1103
Tarrana Wed. . t 0
Laarago. ... 9 1
Season to data.. 8264 82 814 83, 4T4
Tear ago 2958 44 490 70 SSO
Seattle . Wed... 68 . . X I
Tear ago... , 3 5 S
Season to date.. 4730 124 1239 281 909
Tear SCO. . . . 2926 163 1S7 239 8S
Crawnlaiam that paochaas ot foodstuffs, sad
aim isHy cereals and flour, made by Anorrroan
rebel aasociaooae tr keing made within def
nite caiques, and that the tTerage wheat telle
and Hour miller cannot participate ta the baaV
aees. despite tne of ferine of roods aa lower
prieaa, hare baa aad ara Mam beina; mart ia
that territory.
Complaints are made that an Eastern bouse
was recently established here to "skim oft the
cream ot tne local taaaiss py seewxtng tae
relief badness throwsh allied rh-ma. It Is
churned that it ia impossible for any except
certain firm to secure say of tbia robot trade
and that the people are paying the bita
It appears that while considerable foreign
relief business i peering in this- territory, pro
sneers era forced to sell at lower prase than
formerly, deseata the strong deaaaad. Concen
tration of the relief burines la few hands a
mid to be the cause. The question is .being
asked at to whether relief funds sre charged
full nine on such lower priced purchases.
Hera and there appeared spots of bullishness
in th wheat market, but generally speaking
the big bear etiqae is doing aa it fdeaaea in
the making of ralaee. When it gets ready to
slaughter the bearish lambs, it will do so, and
no sooner. It can make more profit by keep
ing the trade guessing and establishing a gam
bling spirit and mark taaa by feltewiag trade
WHEAT Club, 81.08; Braestem and Be art.
8L18; Bed Suauan, ILO4 0LO5; Turkey Bed,
FLOUR Selling prtea. Bad door: Patent,
87.00; Willamette TaUey brands, 34.80; local,
straight, 35.40; bakers' bard wheat. 87.05;
baker' blnettem, $5. it; bakers' valley, 35-80;
crsham. 33.60: whole wheat. 15.80: MoBtant
spring wheat, pa tecl $7 40 per barrel. Price
for city delivery 15o extra, antrorbaa 30e extra.
HAT Baying price for-old crop: Willam
ette timothy, fancy. 412.00 015 00 net ton;
Eastern Oregoa Uxaotay, 411.00 per ton; tlorer,
812.00012.50; straw., $8.00 07-00; alfalfa,
315.00 015.60 per tea.
GRAIN SACKS Nominal, No. 1 Calentfaa,
7e; domestic 7e in carload lota, las amounta
MJLLSTTJFFB KrUrna at miO, sacked, ton
teta $20.00; carload, 319.00. .
OATS Per toe, - buying price: Feed.
826.00 0 26.50.
BARLEY Buying price: Feed. 324.00 0
24.50: brewing, 326.00 0 28.50.
SEED Buying price: Bed defer. 15 016c,
shake, 14c; retch, Se Ib.
FEKD8TCFF8 F. 0. B. mOla: Boiled bar
ley. 884.00 0 86.00; whole barley, $31.00;
alfalfa meal. 339.00: eoeoaaut meal. 328.0O;
cracked corn, 339.00; whole com, 336.00 iwr
ton: whole oats, 333.00; rolled oata, 336.00;
leed wheat, $42 00; scratch feed. S4S.00 tea.
Merchants' Excnange bids:
. 1.06
. 1.06
. 1.06
. 1.06
. 1.02
Hard white .
Soft white .
White club
Hard winter
Nor. spring
Bed Walla .
No. 2 gray .
No. 2 gray
Standard feed
No. 8 E. T. hipment . . .
Selling of Wheat and
Weather Conditions
Cause Lower Start
Cuicago, uec. 19. u. . o-i , c.
was light throughout the sesMon today, the mar
aet aarancmg ai sue ckw. iu. w
sarded aa a natural recorery due to rastneted
... ... . J T : . .1. . 1 ... nn-
wmn atuer Ul steaujr aecxiucs u tuw
There was a limited trade fat corn, but the tone
of the market was buoyant. Ostt trade waa dull
for the most part, with the finish slightly higher.
Wheat closed lHc to lHc higher; com. He
to e higher; eat. He to He up; proritiona
tteady. .
Chreago, Dee, 15. (L N. S.) Selling en
eouraged by a forecast of unsettled weather con
ditions in the grain belt, with rain and snow
ta many sections tonight and tomorrow, caused
the wheal market to ease off slightly at tha
opening today, the July delivery leading the
decline at e lower.
Corn started unchanged to a snaas mjgner.
Trading light.
Oat opened practically nachanted. Trading
was almost featureless at the outset.
Provisions were inactiTe and steady to a (hade
Chicago range by United Press:
Open. High. Lew. Close.
December 106 H 10$ 106 H 10S
May Ill 112H 110 112H
July 101 H 103 H 101 H 103 H
December 4H 4i 46 46 H
May 62 H 83 H 62H 63
July 64 64 54 54 H
December 31 32H 81 32H
May 37H S7H 87 H 37
July 88 38 H 37 H 38 H
KTB ' "
December. 8t 814 80 814
May .- 88 88 87 83H
May 58 t 58
January. . . .
832 . 85T
895 000
January. .... ... ,,.
MCaah 'wheat: ' No. 2 red, $1.09
Cotton List Lower
Due to Late Cables
New Tork, Dec 15. (L N. S.l At th
opening of the rotten market today December
wa a pointa mgnar IM otber aumtb S to 7
point lower. Owing to depreseioa to late cable
there was considerable telling, led by Wail Street
tad the South and wire houses Foreigners were
iK. Wm K,. a. -U- , , . , .
cm u we 11m e
minutes the hat wst dowa 1 to 1 points.
The market reacted under proi-takingin
the bvte dealings, but the elose was steady at a
net snrance ot a points to a act decline of
Spot cotton wss quiet sad unchanged today
at 18, Na salsa
I Open. High.
January 1742 113
March ......... 1745 1759
Hay 1722 1734
inlf 1684 1694
October r. 1625 1682
1773 1776
Marshfield. Dec 15. Trie TJ. s. de
stroyer Wickes will arrive here today
With K Crew tf radio ernartw fa eels.
prate completion or the new radio com
pevsa station located on the spit north o
tha entrance of f!nns Kaw Tu .i.d..
is in charge of X. It. H01. who will have
crew of five men. It will soon be put
into contents 00.
GROTTVDrT amp WT.rt awn
ChaUiam. hla. Dec 15. (L N. S.)
The 8hlppinf; board steamer Schodack
was floated today, after ebe had
trrounded. em 'Stortehorse ShoaX The
veaae Is reported to be undaroax-ed. aad
proceeding; to Vineyard li&ven ca route
to New Tork. . -, , - -. -: .:
Hef. Steers. Lambs.
Ferttasd -4 tJti TA S lAt
CUettgw .....i IM HAS IMS
units .......4
DeaTer ..4
Kaatat City .4
Seattle .1
lii ....
13 AS
e ... e
He trading.!
Hose. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Cam,
Tttimday. . . 43$
Week ago.. 165?
1 weeks ago. 837
4 weeks ago. 1325 -
Tear sen... 707;
3 years age. . . .1
years ago. 944
4 years ago. 98
Six feed of teextoek. prirtcnelly for part
em, aame to Narth Portland Thnraday. Hogs
were eooaiderad weaker, cattle anasinilly steady
aad sheep steads, t
LAcai pscsmg tnteresu was Import twin rrom
Nebraata and Sooth Dakota am ttttinr to hard
en the price ha
they are sthiag eataet
here. Becaoa eft
published that. 2fto prieaa hera are 35 to SOe
too low, the powers tha be, bare cut the
price here 26c. with extieme tops at $8.28
tnunoay. ;
That thia aetirm ia Mil fast aswaits tha
general trend of ttate AmarUma aearket la ta-
dicated by the fact that Chicago ia bokiin
at 87.50 for toss sad it - cceta fully $8.60
to bring hogs to Portland from the Midwest
butlers are leadrag ne euwuragemept what-
erer to the home hog Industry, in fact, aB their
actjona of lata bare been awtuiast thai raisins
of bjaga here. Four loads of Midweek, awina, a
total of 861 bead, war wreuaht to North
Portland far local paeken charing the day. By
"educing vahMt here while the Etet remains an,
they temporarily stop the little killers from
Purchasing elsewhere. This Its res the entire
trade here at tha mercy ef th big feUeen. It
M noted tnat deemt tlieir lower rHm m See
hogs they are net inclined to drop the price to
There bat been mora or lean talk laramtl
among hog prodaoer f eatabhshine a eoorjera-
uee prTng piaat la (act. a nunucipal paca
Plant is planned in order to sire praducat
what they are at afi time entitled ta.
Gaaeml hoar mark. &am
Prime hght .... i ........ ,
Smooth heary. 230,300 tbs..
Sasoeth heary, 80S lea. up..
,.$ 828
.. 7.36 0 7.75
.. e
15 f 7.25
eueaarn nesiry ............
Fat can .1
S.26 0 e ss
. . s.e0 s.zt
.. 8-00 0 8.2S
.. 4.00 6.00
Feeder pita
Staca ;
OattM Weeelpto Absent
Its carload aaaooHea ef eatale eeaee tn Mli
Portland for the Thnraday trade. Demand an
peart quite tteady, but pries ate aosuaaUy bald
tt the former level.
General cattle market ranges
Choice steers ... S S.S60 TOO
Medium to good steers ........ 6.00 0 6.69
Fair to medium steers 8,50 0 6.00
Common to fair steers 4.50 0 6.50
Choice eowa and heifers 8.000 6.60
Medium to goed eews sad heifers 4.500 S.O0
Fair to medium eewa aad heifea 4.00 0 4.60
Common to fair Caere and heifers 3.00 0 4.00
Cannera i 1.75 0 8-00
Bulls 1.75 0 8.00
Craoe cows and heifer. 4.75 0 5.25
Fair to goad feeder 4,30 0 5.00
Cheiee dairy calces 8.50 0 9.00
Prime Usht caJee 8.BO
Medium tight calam ... 6.00 0 8-00
Heary Cairo 8.00 0 6.00
Shtep Oontrotltrf by Peekan
With preeent stocks ef sheep and Iambi tu
Uib tamtory eoatroiled by the paekera or inter
ests closeiy slued . wtta tnem. tnara kt a
si Don ta noia a toil to price or tnis commodity
at North Portland. Killer held down the price
et tames until tney aeeuied wast they astdtd.
General thsen said lamb market:
Best east mountain lambs. .... .9 8.090 8.50
Fatr to good leant 6,00 0 7.00
CuS mmba . 4.00 0 6.00
Best valley lama. . 7.60 0 8.00
East mountain feeder lamb.... 6.00 0 7.00
Light yearlings . t.00 0 7.00
Heary yearlings I 5.00 0 6.00
Light wethem , . S.00 0 6.00
Heary wether. . . 4.00 0 6.00
, 1.00 0 6 00
Wednesday Afternoon Sale
No. Ara Iba Price. 1 No. Are. Iba
12 962 $ 8.25 I 4 1025
4 960 MO I
$ 5.00
. 950
. 930
. 770
$ 4.25
1. .
. . 980
. . 996
. .1080
j uttr
-50 $ fj.50 I
6. .
81 S
94 $ 8.50
160$ 4.S0
... 125 S 4.00
. . . 140 4. SO
Are. lbs.,.
Are. lbs. Price. I No.
... 930 3 C.25 I
. . . 80 8 8.00 I
104 8 0 f
189 8 8.00 6..
670 6.00 ..
190 8.25 9..
h 1..
125 3 .2S
193 8.26
20S 8.25
Ckleage Potato Karket
Chicago, Dee, 15. (L N. 8.) PoUtoee
Receipt. 28 can. Northern Whttea, 81-05 0
1.80; Idaho Rural, 31 80 0 1.90.
Thompsbn Eeturning
From Finance Postj
Relief Is Too Slow
Washington, s Dec. 15. (WASHING
W. L. . Thompson, Portland banker, who
haa been serving as Northwest adviser
to the War Finance corporation, left
last night for Portland, stating that be
will not return to Washington
It Is understood he has been some
what disappointed In the slowness with
which relief has been extended ' in the
Pacific Northwest but feels that or
ganisation and principles have been laid
down upon which assistance ahould be
steadily forthcoming. ,
A. L, Mills, president of the First Na
tional bank of Portland, stated tn The
Journal Wednesday that W. La Thomp
son, vice president of the bank, had
severed his connections with the War
Finance corporation and "would resume
bis duties at the bank about Decem
ber 20.
Eates Are-Cut on
Eleptric Service .
In Cottage Grove
featern, Dec. li Efiectivs December 20,
patrons of thai Cottage Grove Electric
company will be able te buy electric serv
ice with a .rate approximately 15 per
cent lower than that now. in effect ; Aa
order issued by the public service coro
mlsniou today declare the present rate
schedule to be "unreasonable, vn jost and
di scrim 1 na tory ." and fixes a schedule
under which the minimum' charge for
both residence and commercial lighting
metered sewvacac la redooed from 3L50 per
month tat 8L25 per month, with propor
tionate reductions for additional service.
Increased' efficiency of the plant and
reduced opearatjrie emets ttrae larmely to
cheaper fuel available ts back of the re
duction, in rates, which followed an in
Testigatioa Instituted on the eons mis
sion's own motion.
The steamship Walter A. LAtckenbach
of the L.uckenbch line, today loaded and
cleared part cture at Terminai Na t for
Atlantic porta. For Boston the craft had
on board 100 bales of wooL Tor Phila
delphia, aha carried 18 batear of wool.
is Dalea of waste paper tvnd 33 cases
of canned fruit. For New Tork there
waa only srerieral caxBO. , The bis fredrht
er later left down for Astoria, where ahe
will ioad s. quantity of canned salmon.
Rush service waa placed en the vessels
on berth at Terminal No, 1 yesterday te
make a fairway for craft due: tocvisht
and tomorrow. The last ot the lumber
for the steamship West N omentum. Co-lumbia-Pacific
SUpplne- eomnanv. was
rafted te the oD dock where it la belnc
toavaeei oy amp sung.
The steaanahlp Uberator. of the At
lantle Gulf Pacific, after beine; held
in the stream tor berth, worked etraisrht
throorh and left a small amount of In.
bound and loaded general c&rfo tor tha
-uu. -me steamahip Virrinlan. Colum
bia Pacific Shlppina; cocapavny. wrent
into the baa-th occupied by the liberator.
After dlscharg-tng paper at Terminal
Na 1 the Swedish mayorship Pedro
Christopheraen, got away with a part
shipment to be discharged at BeatUe.
Following- in turn will come the steam
ships Andrea Luckenbach of the Luck
enbach Une; WlTlfaro. of the Williams
tine, and the M. G Brush, of the Nawsco
: Norton, Lilly A Co. announce the entry
to the Columbia river field of the steam
ships City of Naples and the Karpanga,
both opera tins; on first voyages for the
El let-mans Wilson line to Pacific porta.
The City of Kaples will he ready to load
a part cargo of lumber for the continent
at Astoria on Saturday, but will not
come to Portland; as there la no in
bound or outbound showing; from thia
The British steamship Karonjra is due
In the river December 28 and will come
to Portland to load outbound cargo.
What ears-o haa been spotted for the
craft has net been announced, but will
consist of pa reel lota,
Norton, Lilly A Co.. operating- the
Isthmian line steamers, will have a fleet
of eight vessels between now and the
end of January. The Mobile City for
the Atlantic side and the Steel Worker
for the Continent will make December
Por January roadine; three will take
cargo for Europe and three intercoastaL
Washington. rc 15, (I. N. S.) The
gross tonnage of the American merchant
marine increased 17 per cent during the
Qscal year ending June SO, 1921, the
commissioner of navigation stated today
In his annual report to the secretary of
commerce. On June SO, 1921. -the mer
chant marine comprised 28.012 vessels,
with 18,282,136 gross tons. The Increase
in tonnage during the year waa 1,958,114
gross tone.
Of the vessels in service June' 20, the
report states, 8951 were In the foreign
trade, 21,478 were in the coasting trade
and 888 were engaged in fishing. The
tonnage of vessels registered for for
eign trade Is almost 11 times larger than
in 1914.,
During the fiscal year 13(1 vessels
were built, 380 vessels were loet and
218 veasels were sold to alien flags.
New Tork, Dec. 15. (L N. S.) No
change appeared today in ocean grain
Quotations for the United Kingdom or
the Continent The market holds steady
but offerings are slow. The general
cargo market is steady and quiet Quo
tations are: Ocean (steam) ' grain,
steady; United Kingdorc 8 shillings
pence and 4 shillings; Germany, IS
cents ; France (Atlantic) 14 cents, (Med
iterranean) 21 cents ; Holland (Amster
dam and Rotterdam), 14 cents; general
cargo, steady, quiet
The Japanese steamer ' Talkal Maru
Was released Wednesday afternoon by
the United States marshal on Instruc
tions from Federal Judge. Bean, after
the owners of the vessel filed a 82000
claimant's bond to cover the 81875 libel
action which Charles Lands berg has
brought against the vessel. Landsberg
is seeking damages for Injuries received
November 28 at terminal No. 4, while
working as a stevedore. He alleges his
foot slipped through a hole on the deck.
which was cohered with a thin piece of
Officers and crew . of the steamship
West Nomentum were signed on before
the shipping commissioner yesterday for
the voyage to the Orient in the service
of the Columbia Pacific Shipping com
pany. She will be commanded by Cap
tain John El Wikroan with the follow
ing deck officers: Paul Weber, chief
officer ; G. F. Krbe, second officer, and
Chester T. Wrucke, third officer. Wil
liam T. Ormund will have charge as
chief -engineer, with Paul W. Boehncke,
first; Harold K. Webb, secoireV aad
Philip A. Ovenden third assistants,
Sidney Ashton steward and William F.
Johnson radio.
Clayton Jones, son of W. J. Jones ot
the stevedoring firm ofi W. J., Jones and
son, left last night for San Francisco in
a call to the bedside of his father, who
has been ill ia the Stanford hospital in
the Bay City. Mr. Jones senior was re
ported kW early yesterday 'morning.
With passengers and freight from San
Diego and way ports, the steamahip
Senator arrived up at terminal No. 2
Thursday morning. She will sail for
the south Saturday afternoon.
The steamahip Rose City of the Ban
Francisco A Portland Steamship line
will be due at Ainsworth dock late thia
evening front San Francisco, with pas
sengers and freight- She will sail on
Sunday morning at- II o'clock. (
The tanker Frank G. Drum arrived up
and Is discharging fuel oil at Ldnnton.
The steamer CaUlo of the McCormick
line is booked to sail for Saa Pedro
Saturday. .
stadto lapoeta from Wertk Read jw the peat-
tton of the following eiiiut at 8 p. ta,
Dscember 14: '
Hsrtwoed, San Ttntia?o tor Grays Harnor,
illS miles south ef Grays Harbor.
Bawraresv Ban Pedra tor Beilinghsm. 149
mSea roath of ' Columbia rirer.
i Multnoaeah, Baa FmncisLa for greet (A, 180
tafia from Eraretx,
Admiral FarragTit. geatOe tog &aa FrtBrtita
376 miles from BeatUe.
Wahkeeaa. Saa Pedra for Grays Barber. eanV
atSe Oraya Harbor bar liabt.
Base, encltered isetswle Tiltamoofc taarVae.
PrendVnt, Sa Fnaenre far Seattle na Tie
toria. 82S milm from Beattla
Frank O. Ih-um. Monterey for Piartland. S88
" aorta ef Monteewr.
Araloa, San Prancasoo far Baynaond. 24 sail as
rrom ean rranctsca. i
Setms City. Saa Pedre for Sobs, 280 ml! ex
west of (Un Pedro.- '
... Breed Arrow. Shaachsi for Saa Fraackeo, 198
Tides at Astermv Friday
. High Water. ; Low Water.
1:5$ a, rrb A J ft T :30 s. m. A4 ft
l:lt p. m. 10.2 ft. : p. m. ft
Seaside HIh water nine minutes
Seaside Low i water tl mlnotas
earlier. . ''-'..! -
Stiles Watt Of 8SS FTtiafisre. '
Watt Osiers. Saa Pedes tar fan Fraackero.
228 miles treat Oaa Franciaee, 0
K. J. Banaa, Saa Padre- tor athwlmand. J40
atHra from Pkhiaoiwl
Harry Lactenhach. Baa ' Pedre fe Pails-
eVinoia, SOS milea. aouth of Saa Pedro
La Ptaeasttia, Port Saa Lata far Tasamttrer.
943 mOaa soots of Vencearrer. -
Hellyweed. Ban rraacisoa tec HoaolulB, $26
tuHea saath ef Sai fajsciseo.
' Richmaud, Pert Ban Lnia far Foktt Wells,
641 mile from Paint Weil.
. Saau Croa, Pasta Areaaa, 1098 taOse seoth
at 8aa Prancaaeo,
8priagfWki. Gray Harbor tor Saa Fedre 80
fculea south ef Urays liarbor.
Capt. A, P. Lnosa, restated tor JaaTbnVmd. 40
Atlas. Saa Paalra, tee Aateata. St aaltaa Berth
of Baa Pedre,
Kisderdyk. for oVthamptoa, mOm south
at Baa aTvanctaea. ' -
Robin Adair. Baa Francdaeo for Saa Pedro,
110 aatleBorth at Saa Pedra. .
Stoat Worker, Ban rTsnrns tor peeOtad. 60
mfiat north et Sea Franetsca,
Admiral Beans. Ban anciee lay rTllntiagton,
9 milea toata ef Saa Franrieea.
Coraeaa Eureka for Saa Fmacaaca, 128 miles
north at Saa Fmscaarav
Br federal Wireless:.
Lymes Stewart, SsatUe for Oksm, 148 anile
irons menae.
Wast Cbepeka, Ban Pedra tar TirarAsra. 19T3
mOas weat at Saa Pedro.
Colombia, Saa Frsacaeco far Betimoru. 278
Bluet south ef Baa frafxlte
Ainu, does lor 8tk Pedro. 1800 Skflea west
et Saa Pedra. .
Claraaaoat.. Baa Peare tee Craja Inuwaar. free
ssfle west mf Saa Pedro.
Uarrard, Las Aageiat - FvsaiitMe, eft Santa
Tale.' Saa Frtaeitoe tax A tares. TO aUtot seoth
ef San Francisco.
La Purisiaa, Partlaad tor Oaeum. 565 miles
from Oleum.
Oleum. Eureka for Port Saa Ltd. 297 mile
north Port 8aa Luis.
Quinault T scorns for Saa Pedre, 20 miles
north Saa FnarJeeo.
Boheatiaa Club. Honolulu' fair Ban Francisco.
Dee. IS, 8 p. m., 1634 milea from San Francisco.
Pin Tree State, Seattle for Tokeeama. Dee,
13 S p. aw, 912 miles from Brattle.
Sonoma, gas Freneiece for Sydaey. Deo. 18,
aeon, 2ii mile south Honolulu.
News of the Port
Tia way port, fists saner aad aeosraL
Bote City, AmeJtoaa tteaaaar, (rom Saa Plaa
eltpo, passrogen and general.
Frank O. Drum. American steamer, from
Monterey, oil.
Low Ninliaia. Mis eeslaa steamer, from Saa
Francisco, rrailitt.
Virguusn. Amertcta tteajser, froa New Tort
and way ports, general
Payartyret Pacacnber tS
Walter Lock enbach, American steamer, for
New Terk sad Philadelphia, ria Astoria, gen
North Bead Noon Wind northwest, four
miles; tea, smooth; weather, dear.
Portland humidity st noon, 68,
8 a m.. Pacific Time.
BUrer gat Tesap'tatm
,h S Sl "k
taxatilla ...I " I 7. 3 1. 610. 001 451 80
Eugene .... 10 4.8-0.2 0.00 4 41
Albany 20 S. 9-0. 1 0.00 48 28
Salem . 20 5.6-0.60,00 46 3
Oregon City.. 13 6.6-0.10.00 ........
Portland ...j 15 1 T . sj 0.3 0 .001 46 85
-() Bise. V ( ) Fall.
The Willamette rirar at PorrJaml wffl remain
aamrXf- stationary during the next two or three
nay, except, -as aitectaq ny tae taaa.
Astoria, Dee. It Left up si midnight,
steamer Frank O-'Drum, Sailed at 2 a m..
steamer Wapama. for Saa Francitca sod Sao
rearo, arnred it I and left n at 6 a. m.
steamer FtareL from Ban Pedra. tor Wauna.
Arrired at 6 a sv, Norwegian, staamer Lens
Aieasen, iron saa e-rancaeeo. Arrired at 8:30
and left np st 10:15 a m., steamer Bote
ctty, rrom tlaa randsco.
Ban Fnnelscot Dee. 15. Arrired at 8 a
m., staamer lewan, from New Tork for Port
land. Arrired at 9 a. m., ttoamer Curacao,
I rom roruaao'Tia Coot Bay and Eureka.
Astoria, Deo. 14. Arrired at 1:40 and left
up ax s p. m.j steamer Virrtnlaa, from Kew
Tork aad way norm via Pusat sound. Ar
rired at S and left op st 10 p. ra., steamer
senator, trom Baa Diega and way norte. Sailed
at 11 p. nu. iapsneae steamer Maadtmn Maru,
for Japan ria Puget sotrnd. Sailed st 9 p. m.,
eiaeiiner um rvaisia, tor nan eraneiaco.
Ban Fraaeisee. Dec; 14. sailed at 10 a. m-
Dutch steamer Kinderdijk. from Portland for
Europe. Bailed at 2 p. m., ttoamer Steel
Worker, from turn Tork for Portland. Bailed
at 4 p. m., steamer Admiral 'Brans, from Port.
land for San Pedro and Ban Diego. Arrired at
4 p. m.. steamer Brush, from Portland. Main.
lor rnget sauna ana rorusna. Armed, txeaswr
capt, a. luoaa, from PorUand.
Dublin. Dec. 18. Arrired. Swedish motor-
snip Bueno ayres. rrom Fort la no.
Ban Pedra. Dee, 14. vailed, atoamar Ken
tuck iaa, from Portland for Mew Terk and way
ports. Sailed, ttoamer Arwidaie, from Portland
for Saw lock and Boatoa. Balled, steamer
lowaa, from New Tork and way ports for Saa
Francisco and Puget sound sad Portland.
8 oattie, Doe. 14. Arrired, Danish tuoterabip
Chile, from Portland for Japan. Sailed at aeon.
steamer saooue vity, lor roruano.
Tatoosh, Dee. 14. Paased out at 11 a, l
New Tork, Cherboarfv BeerrhtBajtsai M. t..
Urerpool; Philadetohxa, Uverpsel; Mew Terk
Boston, Asoraa Naplsa, Uaaea; Mamtroal
Quebee. Lirerpeoi.
Hew Tors Plymoutb. Caarbourg. Antwerp,
New Terk, Hamburg, Lftaaa, Uansis.
ilnnnicAn IiItie
New tork. -Cherbenrg. t Haatbare. Dasxte.
OaMa lUta, Narnburg, 8140.
Par tstlisgt and. ether tofermatlsa apptf
la teres tJoaal nereaatile maxiae Cs
Letal aaseris or Ooenpsriy's OrTlas, O. P. SAf.
"T. JVf-e. ewtanat Are, SaeiUe
Wash, Pwsos ssam 148.
TO - t
M. BOLLAM, Agent
. artABTgrt itimes
Let, OaRy (Kicept gahsrear) 7tS0. fs,;
Bnientua turpi ng
Made for AB North aad sVsaia
Aleartreet Dock. . dwy. SS4S
Lttearubur .kerwiea between PcrrtUnd,; Pniladelphia. Boston, New '
Tork and Loe Aria-elan. San Fraaciaco, Portland. Orea-on; Seittle and
Ktot" el?snels1nl CnU KopUl tlaatJe A Western . S Ca'l
. Portland
B.FSH - Dae. tt
LEHIGH Jsa. 14
WEST ISLETA .......Jea. U
- ; For Failber bfbnnatJrm Apply ta t , t
' . THB APM1BAL LLSB. Pactfle Coast Ageeto v
891 TktrC Street Pkeae Xala 82S1
steamer MundelU. for Cava harper aad Co
ham baa lire. . ,
Aberdaea. Dae ? 14 Arrfved. Rellea trnea .
Bulk 4 p. m. t Saa v Jacints - from Haeeemev .
SO sv m.: Helena frora Saa IVaiicisco. 11 a.
m.i TuUeaaleae from Baa Francuoo, 10 a m. ;
Hoqaism from Ban Francisco. 16 s- mv- Bailed.
Tantalanaia for Baa FraxKjise. sooe ; Spring
field for Portiaad. llama. noonJ Defer Gctv-by
for Saa Pedra, neon; Oregoa fcr . Saa redro.
Baa rranetar, lass. 1 a t L nt S. 1 Ar-
rired todaylT. & g. Qiiiscy, Ererett, 4 :50
, , a . .. a - B
aw aa-i so waa. raiaaaeipKua. a:iw a. aa. i v. o. a.
RanrahanarA. Saa Dieaa. S :6tt a.- a. : Cwraeao.
Portland. 8 a ta. Sailed today d. SL
BULmaa. Lo Aagem. 920 a. ta. .
Vetaelt to Arrrre
Daisy Mathews ...... San Fran ......Dee. IS
Winters ...........New Terk. . . . . .Dee. 16
A. F. ljackahek.... Philadelphia ....Dee. 16
Willfsro .New Tork... ...Dec, 18
.......... .Twceana ...... .Pre. 16
Mtnneaotan .........New Terk. .... .Dae. 16
ram? ,.... New Terk. ... . .Dee, 1 T
........ ...Partlsnd. Ma ..Das. IT
Daisy Putnam .... ..Saa Fran ......Deo. 18
Teanalma Mam . , . . .Lrrerrwel ,..,. Dee. IV
hwukrwers ...Tekohama . ...De. 1 9
rl. Crama. ..... BalttrAore ...... Dae. IS .
Santa Rita .........San Fraa . , .. . .Dec 1 9
Brsml Mara ..Marwraa .......Dea 10
Jeptha ...... . ....iPort LtaVow ...Dealt
Kobaa Mere ...... .Otaru ......... rwec, 1
Spain Man ........ Muroraa .ns, J -
Scot land Mara Mwraran -.!... -Dea. 90
Steel Seafarer New Terk., ... .Dee. 2
West Fsrreka ......Antwerp ...... .Dec. 30
Red Hook . ..... fan IHere. Dee. 2 0
Baletor ............ Saa Fraa. ..... Dee, 1 1
Mewaarae .......... Toknhsma .... .Dea. tl
Weat Katan . .
Baa Krao...,..reo, 38
Admiral Erant
.San inego ...... Pee, 28
. F. sad Way , . . Dec 22
Maiaeaa ......Deatt
.Taeom ...... .Deo. 38
. Philaoelrjoia ....Deo. 18
. Murortn ...,. Dec 1 6
.ew Terk..,,,. Dee, IT
.Kew Orleans. . . .Dee. 29
Curseao ,
Enrland Mara . . . . .
Darbiay . .
Ketfukri Vara
Florence Ltrrkenhach .
wrxrm LocsenDaea
PhnaderpMa ...,
New Tork.
. . .Jam.
. . .Jan.
mmasaa Mara Kobe ......
Ta Petty. Frew rsrtlaad
Ttssets eat-. Dais
Saata AHcAa Saa Padre.. . . ..Dec 19
Texas Mars ..... W. Orient ...... ..Dec IS
Nebraska ........... Rwmne . . . . , . .Dee. IT
Liberator ......... .Bal timer Dealt
viest i tyots ..Manila sad way. .Dee, IV
nsoems ...bsn raB Two.
Willamette .. ......Saa Pedra. ..... Dee,
Oaeralaa Riihm ...v.Saa Fran .....Dae.
Cattle ... Saa Fraa ...... Dee. IS
Annette Kerob ......Saa Fraa ......Dee. 18
Rante rtiieaJia ...... Rurope Dee. 18
Boat Oty ...... i.. Ssn Fran Dea 18
Mobile Clt New Tork Deal
Malta Mare ...Europe ..Iicl9
Pedro Chriatopherroa . . Europe ...... .Dee. 1 9
Antrree r. Leeseenea . ew rara ...... lata. I a
Steal Worker ..- New Terk Dea. SO
Tnrae Maru ........ Jtpea ........ .Dae, 22
Mundette New Tork. . . . . .Dee. 22
Steel Seafarer ew Tork. . . . . .Dee. 23
Sweden Maru ....... Orient ....... .Deo, ?S
Karens Ham Orient ....... .Pec 38
West Kstaa Argentine Dea. X4
Lrrtee Nielsea Japan ,..Dee24
Admiral Ertat New Tork Dea 34
...Sir Iaem , Pee. 1 4
...New Tork.... . Dee. t4
. . . S. F. end way, . .Dae. 84
Bed Weak
. . . i . . Montgomery
. . . .M. Paeifte Lee.
Oregon Fir .......
Oregon Pine ......
Taikai Maru ......
Malta Mara ,
Texts Maru
Wast Cayote
Weat Kader
Tpres Mara'
Pedro Chri ntopheraoo
Johan Poulaen ....
Kttreha Maru . . . . ,
Santa Alicia
Annette Ralph- . . . .
8wedes Bam .....
E. H. Meyer
Liberator ........
. . ,
. .
-.. - - Harvey
. ...Termiaa No. 4
......... Qtrttor
west Ore.eLbr.
.... Tsiminal No. 4
....Terminal No. 1
. . . Ternusal Na 4
e e a .
........ St. ' Hersa
St, Hasan
Terminal Na. X :
, Vestport
......... Westrmrt
. . . . . . .Tengue Point
. . . .Boa- Pas, SHling
. . . .Peninsula Lbr.
........ Clark Wiltoa
i . , . . Terminal No. 1
.....Terminal No. 2
.....Tarmiaal Na 1
, Wauna
......... ainsworth
. . . .'.Sou, Pte, Dock
Rem City .
Luite Nielsea
Marsh field. Or., Dec. 18. The schoon
er William Taylor sailed Wednesday
from Coos Bay direct for Japan with
1.200,600 feet of cedar logs and lumber.'
The shipment was mads by Daat 4
Russell, and the lumber and logs were
purchased frorri the Oregon Export
Lumber oompany. ' Two ' other vessels
ara tn the harbor loading for the orient
Arm Your Going to Europt?
Or th Orient?
Or Arotmd thm World?
Why not gat expertenoed aad
rate tewwrstrna n-ata etaa whw ana
ttBSWiaws a tint sate" saw Kami fanaf It
of bis patxotml . ,-,
aSeeare mUamtkip Beaervatlesa aa
Pkeme MsnkaU 8ft , .
Passenger and Freight
Service to California
Tkroith SaOlBft ts Kan FraseUea,
Lea As relet aid Saa Dtege
Leave Kaatclpal Deck He. 8, 3 p. sa.
Senator . , Dec 17
Admiral Evans ... Dec. 24
Senator .Dec 31
Aad Every Satarday Tkareaftet
IrocaZ Service to Marshfietd,
Eureka! and San Francisco
SS. Curacao, 4 p. m., Dee. 21
Every Fearteea Days. Thereafter
Fast Trans-Pacific Passen
ger and F reiqht Service
Tokoksms, Kobe, Skaagaaf.
Hoagkoar aad Manila
SalUag rent Seattle
Bay State- ... - Jan. 7
Keystone State - - Jan. 14
Silver State . . . Feb. 4
For fan tatsmatloa apply a8-
Atl itaird a5U Cor. uk
Phoae kfaia 8881 , .
If fU (?
From Trom Frtw
lrjrtland. Me. Boston PhUav
WF.ST TSLKTA-.-Dee. 16 Pec 17 Dec St
COLD HARBOR. -Dee. f 9 Jan. 1 Jan. 6
SPBI5GFIELD ..Jam, 11 Jam, 18 Jam, 18