20 THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER IV TS21. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 TCT YOUR HOME NOW 120 Photographs ef Homes for Sal. Lergsa Home Seller tn Mmn. li aicsassry. well help you auk your dowm psysteat. Open Evennigs Until 0. - j 49 Salesmen at Your gervtce. NEW ALBERTA tISTTNGr 12250 ONE OF THE MOST ABTI8TIC LITTLE BUNGALOWS m all Alberta ! - Built along typical California lines; liv- ins ami dining, rooms'' extend across foil " ' front; one toner bedroom; nice kitchen. f, bath, etc.: close to carl easy term; ' BRAND NEW. Bee thfs. K. 27th at. HAWTHORNE SPECIAL I 4 10 DOUBLE STAR. Here's a dandy 6 room bungalow in Hawthorne ; ha everything ; built-ins; cheery fireplace; 3 ' Ian bedrcoms , with 'roomy ctoaeti; i Radio fumeless gas hearing system ; fall '"' - -cment basement: pared street: Madison - leirrrt. A WONDERFUL BUY I SEE JT TODAT! HUNDREDS OF OTHERS ALL PRICES AND TERMS JSVERY DISTRICT IN TUB CITT See FRANK I.. IfcOCIBE To Bay Your Home Realtor. AblDfton Bids., Main 1068 l Third St.. Bet. 'Washington and Stark Star Sales Service WOO 10 ROOMS $8000 Well constructed double flat of 5 rooms each, double plumbing-: only 8 block to ear. A HOME WITH AN INCOME. Terms. 1600 DOWN ,4-ROOM BUNGALOW, east front lot. enamel finish, doable constructed, tapestry paper, range, curtains, linoleum ; 1 block to car: sidewalk in; 100 feet to pavement 13700. Terms. 11600 SIX BOOMS 11600 A cozy 2 -story cottage, clean and neat, -60x100 lot. plenty fruit and flowers, screen, shades, etc.: Montavilla, 2 blocks to car- Terms less than rent. STAR HEAL ESTATE A INT. CO., Realtors. 012 513 Wilcox Bldg., ' Main 5604. Evenings 819-07. IRVINOTON BUNGALOW i MOST COMPLETE NEW HOME - In this lovedy home you hare six large, : cheerful room U 6n one floor, with aU the rlassy built ins one could desire. Hardwood pol ished floors, old ivory and tapestry papers. French doom into dining, also into library or drn cosy fireplace, wonderful Dutch kitchen, with Pullman breakfast -nook, hot air furnace. Urn floored attic, ears (re; fine location, 1 block from car; $7800. It will be to Jour advantage to look through ' this lovely bungalow. D. W. ALTON, AUT. 329-19. Hawthorne . ROOM BUNffALOW ONLY 83400 ft beautiful moms down, with East ern oak floors, fireplace, buffet, book cases, plate glass windows, 2 bedrooms and sewing room up. Cement base ment, furnace, Dutch kitchen, ga rage: 2 ft blocks H-A car, 5 blocks school. This is a real home at low price.' Marsh & McCabe Co. REALTORS 822-3-4 Failing Bldg. Mar. 3993. - Rose City Park ; Laurelhurst If you are going to buy in either of these peemlar districts, you owe It to yourself to in spert our- listings. Those who want to seU naturally list their property with us. No ob ligations positively. . ACJEEPE.CO. w 1 tVtWli LArRELTTCRST BUNC.AIOW I.OVRI.Y NEW HOME This rery complete and lovely new 6 room Vangalow is located right along the beanUful bwngaknrs of Laurelhurst. The moms are large and well lighted through plate glass windows: old Ivory and tapestry paper, hardwood poushed floors; all the clever built ins. tile fireplace, fine -"Dutch kitchen, with the best ever breakfast nook. Fox furnace, pedestal lavatory and floor tub; garage, nly 86850. Buy and move in for ' Christmas dinner. D. W. ALTON, ACT. 329 19 86350 CLOSE IN BUNGALOW $6350 1 Have just completed a nifty bungalow at 707 t E. Pine at, near 20th. Has large Living room end dining room ia front, 2 nice airy bedrooms, break, room, large kitchen with plenty of cup- boardsr-broom and apron closet, attic large enough for 3 roosns, hardwood floors ,.throughr.u t. Kumace. G a rase- Light fixtures and windw ' shades.' Motor out today and look it over. It is ready to move into. V GEORGE E. WELLKB 226 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Tabor 1.950 , Main 5231 - Sellwood f -'. $4i5s$.50 Cash j NEW BUNGALOW STYLE. 6 ROOM 1 BEDROOM DOWNSTAIRS, 2 UPSTAIRS. h.wtt.1. biwupvt THIS. IS WELL-BUILT. eDN HARD SURFACE STREET. CLOSE TO " CAR'. ALT IN JOHNSON. REALTOR, " BOARD OF TRADE RLDU, POHNK BDWT. 37. EVENING E. 296L .., 0 $'.'50 $205032650 - WEST OF MOUNT TABOR a l u. ft ennm homiiu only 1 block rtv.d ear; walk and sewer in and paid: .1 fina iwiiwsm. Diaaterra. r-auirai i", 'ditto. J. A. Wicktnan Co. REALTORS. Quality Homes. 22 Stark t Brcedway 6794 SPECIAL . j PRICE $3823 TERMS J Maw buiMmg. up to date, one and one-half blocks of Jloae Cisy car on 42d at. ready for eeenpattoa as about 10 days. Paving and sewer "mid, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, old ivory finteh, for talt by .owner; wiU come to your been, and take you oat and see this aew home - wow under construction in my ear; yon can t ahaohVmt this new bungalow anywhere in ck 1 cit T for ksa than $5500. ' Call Bdwy. ls. is rmJi ama and 4 mom truncal' sit Scott cerune; a? iruis - acre in berries: chicken ' house. " price $2800. Main 7030 or East 8592 . evenings. , START A STORE NEAR SCHOOL A desirable comer lot - near public- school, where small store would prosper: no near com ' petition: this is a reel opportunity: will sell tot for 8600. W. M. I'mbuenstock ek Co.. Broad- way 1653, 2tO Oregon bldg. ALBINA DISTRICT " 3-room modern house, city imp. I" and paid. . aaar Jefferson high; in first dsss condition and a anap at $3150, 8500 down. 393)4 Wil bams see. Wdln. 1371. ! IRVIN'CTON DUPLEX " Exceptional home and income: heart of trirt; 18 rooms; choice buy; 19 per cent; e-fily 8H560. Owner, East SOW. dis tor 4 ROOM bouse, stucco. I blk. car. wash trays. baths, toilet, -gas, elect, paved stsv, cor. all paid; swell place. $500 down, peym 504 Buchanan bldg, . lYtfStKft DEAD- estate must settle up; 4 MxlRO: 8 room house: giving hoase away fruit trees: $100 down. 613 me. 504 Buchanan -hldg. I ONLY 31050 for a good 6-rooaa cottage, near school and car, on good street, tan o.s Tester road. Lsnrrlwood station, MV S. earj k IX R 1 am boss, ia Hawthorne. I bik. to oar; every modern eonvenieace, in tip top shape tr-Tougnout. Only gsawo.' nv xaa-n. . ai7o RO.HK CITT PARK DISTRICT 4 -room haitgakrw with floored attic, Dutch kitchen. 6PX10O lot: terms. Tenor aaew. j : .' aUs&o i&TIngTo.V his. i 6 mora bung., 'modern; garsga, IruTt paved , sta. Msis 4803. Tabor S104. I . L . tlrtfti&rtjkU aoaseaeepiag tooma, gas. waikmg oistsncw. Tree ughta, beta paoae; reasutisliss was. e.v ie asorrwon. '". '" 1 ' " lasso vfcw -t Anr.Ttsf iiAye" .' 1 i " ' Bungalow. 4 r.j full plumbing, brkst. raij gar- s ; pareq sr.; rerms. stain eytia. . 872502 fine flats, close in. awar 'tSLh s IsxTis; inc. 390; terma, Maia 4303. Tabor ei vvi. ; ' , - " ' I 0 ROOM HOUSE, lot 190xl0. 8200 down. aymeeta, - , 604 Bnrhanaa bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 IRTTNGTOS : - '.'..! FTNB KEW COLONIAL A moat delightful and cheery new home of T rooms, located right in the cream ef Irring ton, surrounded by lovely new homes. The rooms are large- and delightful. Linn; room 14x34, tile fireplace, plate glass windows. French doom rata dining also mis (west hall; -fear fine bed room up. hardwood polished floors throughout ; finished old ivory and tapestry paper, cove ceil ings, fine furnace, ceiled garage. This is a bom yon would desire to ova; J J 000, reason able terms, Move right in. D. W. ALTON, j - . , . - Aat 329-19. i ; . : : s East Your Christmas Dinner ii This Pullman Bungalow FURNISHED COMPLETE and the prettiest 4 room bungalow you've seen. It has full ce ment baaemeent, with waab trays, fine) furnace and winter's wood in. Garage, fine cbickan house, beautiful shrubbery. -Just what you've been lookiiuF for,' and offered away below value by owner, who has been transferred to another city. See it, corner Holland and Union avenues. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5654. HOUSE BARGAINS IRVINUTON 3 rooms and . sleeping porch, hardwood floors downstairs, full cement basement and. besting plant; garage and abundance of flowers. Price 36000; liberal terms. TRVINGTON 5 rooms, heaU&g plant, dull basement with wash trays,-, cement sidewalks and street pacing in and paid for. Price 14000; liberal terms. Webster L. Kincaid - REALTOR 401 Lewis Bide. Phone Broadway 4T3S. NEW BUNGALOW On Fremont near E. 15th at. X., 5 rooms with large finished attic and breakfast nook, fireplace, , tile bath, complete kitchen, ample clothes and linen closets, finished in old ivory, hardwood floors in Urine and dining rooms, buffet, bookcases, French bevel plate door, price 35550, 31000 cash, 335 monthly and interest; allowance made for furnace. i JOHNSON-DODSOS CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8T87. Hawthorne Bungalow f ONLT 34000 810O0 CASH Wondetful 6 rooms and bath, breakfast nook,' steam heat, lovely built-ins, nice large lot, fruit, berries, lawn and flowers; very close in,! leas thsn 2 blocks to Hawthorne are. Surely a great bargain. In desirable neighbor hood. Shown by appointment -only. Tabor 7547. NOB HILL DISTRICT $12,000 Strictly modern 7 room residence, in excellent condition; garage, on Nor throp st Full kit. HEN BY W. GODDARD. REALTOR, 243 Stark street Main 831. "BUILT TO E.NDUBB" $109 to $3000 INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better Houses for Leas Money. REDIMADE BLDG. CO., PORTLAND, OR. factory K. 11th and Market Phone Eaf 5114. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW We have one of the best buys in Rose City Park for $5250; 5 rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-ins. full base- merit, corner lot, all improvements in and paid; $750 cash. bsl. very easy terms. ROBNETT McCLURE. Realtors. Marshall 3292. 302 Couch Bldg- BUILD TO SATIlsrL Before letting contract to build your home, tee us. - We will save yon money and show you real construction. DEAL with .an ex service man. Soldiers given tvery considera tion. ROBNETT k McCLURE. REALTORS Marshall 3''92. 302 Couch Bldg. EX-SERVICE MEN We have some real desirable modern bun galows ready for immediate occupancy. Very reasonable terms. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? Ree our plans and up-to-date ideas. We can help ym finance. W. M. t mbenrtock it Co., Bdwy. 1658. 210 Oregon bklg. , NEW. modern bungalow of & rooms and break fast nook, finished attic, hardwood floors throughout, lighting fixtures, tapestry paper in all rooms, old. ivory enamel finish, shades Fox furnace and garage; buy this and have Christ mas dinner in your own home: price $5850. 496 E. SHth st N. Builder on property. ROSE CITY $4050 ATTRACTIVE NEW BUNGALOW WITH 3 BEDROOMS. LARUE LrVDiG ROOM. HREPLACE, DUTCH KITCHEN. BREAK FAST NOOK. 2 BEDROOMS FIRST FLOOR, ONE ON SECOND. ALL THE BUILTINS, ALL COMPLETE WITH GARAGE AND FURNACE. EASY TERMS. K SOME RY n.I.E, BDWY. 2478. LAURELHURST . Just completed, new 6 room bungalow, pol ished oak floors throughout old ivory enamel finish, pretty breakfast nook, tapestry Wall cov erings, nifty lighting fixtures, pedestal plumb ing, shades, furnace and larace: a real buv and s borne that you will be proud to call your own; price ooat. 47 Meikle Place (42d st) near Couch st Builder and owner on property. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW Just completed a 5 room bungalow at 210 E. 43d at, near Royal Court Has 5 rooms and large attic. The bedrooms are large and plenty of windows, hardwood floors throughout, nifty break, nook, garage, furnace,, light fixtures and window shades. If you sare in need of such, get in touch with owner and builder for a snap. pen after noon. Tabor 1930, Main 6231. 5 ROOM COTTAGE, MINNESOTA AVE., $2000 v,ooa a room eottaae, good basement natn, electricity. 2 bedrooms, near school. Price $2000; $500 cash or will lake $650 lot and $400 cash for equity, balance $950 at $25 per month, including interest. J. W. GRUSSL 818 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7453. BUILDER has just completed Beautiful home, ready to occupy, large corner lot, imp., aU paid, nne of the best neighborhoods .in Portland, full basement French doors, hdw. floors and all the builtins, garage and, furnace. Price far under value. Come ootand have a look at it 877 Woodward avenufr Phone Sell 2859. 8-ROOM bungalow, on carhme, all finished on outside, some finishing oa the inside to be done: living room 12x22 feet; connected with sewer; nice lawn; lot 50x100; fireplace, gas and electricity; need money and will sacrifice my equity for 31000 cash, balance 3534 on lot; everytmng in and paid for. Call Auto. 636-84. REjAL VALUE Must sell my 6-room home, lot ROvlOO fin. fruit trees, berries, shrubbery, near Glenn Kavn school, in 8 2d st; price 82600, terms like rent: una at an exceptional bargain. W. at. Umbden stocfc A Co.. 210 Oregon bldg-, Broadway 1658. ! 3500 ROSE CITY $4200 ATTRACTIVE S LOOM RiTNOA- l.OW LARGS LIVING . ROOM, FIREPLACE. HARDWOOD FLOORS. BREAKFAST NOOK. ROSE CITY park ; " New 5 mora buncalow. birdaev. mania flnnra. 3 'extra rooms in attic; garage; half block- from Sandy; 5250; term Call 317-55 after 6 p. m. 3 ROOM plastered house, lot 92x100, in Rose uty onrtct i-nce sihuo. $soo cash, bal ance $20 per month. Mar. 3331. EQUITY in 2 lota, 3 room house, bath, gas in street; wouia rent, isiw uoston sve. 6 ROOM medera houseboat rurnished. Break fast nook. Sell 8512. 44 Holes te Moorage. ACREAGE 405 TOO MUCH LAND TOO LITTLE CASH WILL SACRIFICE For $600 an acre and ap we will place you . on a to 5 acre tract of Willamette finest bottom soil. rich, sandy mam, fully cleared, on electric railway and paved high way, about one-half hour from Portland; many fine homes there; others planned, A REAL SACRIFICE SALE j FOR A LIMITED TIME v Call at our office today, learn more about this. PRICED LOW. TERMS FAIR. Fair Exchange Realty Company I 202 McKay Bldg. Msm T47g. 9 ACRES. 1 in cultivation? mooi & nn smn. low, good barn and family orchard; 10 miles to Portland, on paved road. mil. te ry. eta. Will conasder son. trade. At. 3. Edwards. 480 11 ACRES. 6 acres cleared, balance easily cleared; all level, tillable land, oa good grav eled rood, quarter mile from elertrte station and " 2 sail,, oat; fenced; large bam. wii. tuTO, nan case. Bieuea. stain atwO. "ICreS Trt irk. " Alberta ear. Kennedy school, eity water! no ' R, W. CART. iai9 Nj W. Bank bldg. 'aRK TRACl1 I'n' ivn'itiiriiTr 230 ft west at ,42L famne aonth- on Atheria St. Price I1M8. Burn barrain. See it. Phone star, aan. Jkcob Haas, 403 Stock Exch. bldg. FOR SALE 50 acres, creek. ? aulee aooU ef wiwnan. ysTur, Taeon ""25. FOR SALE Acreage tract from 1 to 0; half ' suvev. mo txtweea cariinca. Kast 1773. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 ' SMALL PBCXB RANCH, ' 10 acrea, 15 mile from ceater of Port Is ad, on good rocked road, on mile from pavement 4a anile to school. 1 mil to eiectne statsoa: blark loam soil, all under cultivation: over 3 acres hearing priss , orchard, -100 pear trees, 73 petite prune trees: 3 room bouse, barn, garage. 8 chick en houses 14x22. store bowee, woodshed, etc. Pnoe 83000. 3100 cash. Con sider good security and small amount of . WELL. LOCATED CHICKEN RANCH . " 4 M acrea. 5 blocks from station, Orecon City line: rocked road; $ Marks to school; 13 beannc fruit trees, 20O strawberry plaBta, 1 hk acres under culti'stkm. ail can can be farmed; well, spring, water piped to 8 room boose: barn, chicken house This is an exceptionally good chicken loca tion. Price $2100. ,81220 casiv 11 acres, 8 miles from Forest Groves aS ran be farmed when cleared; H sere logan berries, acre strawberries. H acre grapes, 2 acrea apples, pears sad prunes, all hearing; 1 mile to-webool, graveled 'road; 3 room bungalow, barn, 2 chicken houses. Price 82000, 31000 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. - Gerlinger Bldg. , WESt SIDE : Choice 1 H acres, near in, oa Salem Elect-. $1000; small payment down. baL 110 per month. Call 600 Deknm bldg.. 11 to 1 p. m. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 FOB KENT Fire room good house, 6 acres cultivated; fruit, berries, pared road, close is. Tabor 5223. FARMS 407 SO ACRES. 35 miles from Portland; 1 mile from good town, with high and grade school; good fences; 12 acres under cultiva tion; red shot soil; 70 acres can be farmed: large family orchard; 4 room house, barn, -large chicken houses. Included with place, 2 cows, 2 heifers, team, 225 chickens, plow, harrow, cultivator, disc, wagon, harness, feed, etc Price for everything. 300; large cash payment. 20 acres, east of Portland 20 miles; K mile from electric station and good sown; 3 acres under cultivation; all can be farmed when cleared; good loam soil: woven wire fences; well and spring; bouse, 14x20. Price $1600, $200 cash. Consider vacant lot in Portland up to 32000. 8MALL FARM BARGAIN CONSIDER HOUSE 14 acres. 10 mile from Portland, on macadamized road. 35 feet from pavement; 10 acres under cultivation, balance first growth timber; 65 young bearing fruit trees; best of loam soil, small house, barn, chicken house, some tools. Price $4500, clear. In Sunnyside district. Consider house in Rich mond, Waverly or Hawthorne for full amount A very favorably located farm. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Gerlinger bldg. MUST, SELL QUICK 100 acre farm, all in cultivation. 3. houses, barns and outbuildings, stocked as follows: 8 cows. L heifer, 2 calves, 12 pigs, 2 tows, 1 boar. 0 chickens, 2 ducks. 1 Fordson tractor, 2 -bottom plow, 1 McCormick binder. 1 spike-tooth harrow. 1 tractor disc. 1 cultivator. 1 De Laval separator, 1 mowing machine, 1 bayrake, wagon, 14 -in walking plow. 5 tons hay, 1 ton oats, silage ia silo. Near Portland. Very easy term. . Will accept Portland property as part "payment V. W. SABZN, REALTOR. 1032 Union Ave. N. - Wdln. 589. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH 354 ACRES $14,500 125 acrea grain and hay land; all good soil, plenty of running water; modern 6 room bouse, big bam. other buildings, 16 milk cows, nine 2-year-old heifers, 85 sheep, 45 tons of hay, homes, bogs, chickens, new farm tools, everything to run the place. Will take house up to $5000, located near Corvallis. SUTTER & MANBOUIES 593 Vt Williams ave. Woodlawn 1371. 44 Acres Eagle Creek Right near station at Facie creek, 10 acres cultivated. balance easy cleared; fine soil; $100 an acre, easy terms. Jacob .Haas. 403 Stock Ex. 20 ACRES, all cultivation. 3 miles from Forest Grove. 5 room buncalow. hot cold water, bath, partly furnished; 'barn. outbldgK. ; silo; team horses. S cows, 1 hog. 50 chickens, 20 tons hay. silo filled: lots of turnips and potatoes; 5 cords wood in shed. $7500. Terms. B. H. Stewart, 1MK 4th st Main 6275. 62 ACRE8 Washington count,-, i mile of the inland loop highway. 6 acres in cultivation. More easily cleared. 2 acres bearing orchard. House of 8 rooms, far barn, no rock or gravel. $1760, V cash. BaL 6 It. 325 Lumber Exchange. Main, 1538. 80 . ACRES. 23 in cultivation, $2500. $1000 cash. 40 acres. 4 in curtivatJ. . good bldg., $1500, $1000 cash. SO acres, 16 in cult Lot of cedar and fir. $2500, $1550 cash. Investigate. 325 Lumber Ex., Main 1538. A No. 1 ALFALFA RANCH. mut be sold within 10 days to the highest bidder. East 6631. FOR RENT FARMS 408 100 ACRE FARM All in cultivation,, fully equipped, stock and equipment for sale. This ia a good place and close to Portland. W. W. BAB IN, Realtor. 1032 Union Ave. N. Wdln. 589. HOMESTEADS 410 COPY govt map snowing Western Oregon homestead lands. $1. Our charges are rea sonable and our services the beet on locations. References given. at. I. ANDERSON. 302-4 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland. ' 160 ACRE relinquishment 39 miles from from Portland; some good timber and springs; A-l soiL Price $150. 68 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. TIMBER LANDS 411 WANTED Standing timber for cordwood; not - far from railroad. Woodlawn 2363. 833 Mallory ave. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 WHAT WE WANT We want to trade a 40 acre ranch for g home in the city. We want to trade an 81800 in a modern 5 room bungalow for a small business in the city. - Quick Sales Co. 406 Couch Bldg. Aut 511-09. TRADE! EXCHANGE! TRADE! I am going to trade MY EQUITY in 8 room residence for auto or FORD SEDAN. See Mr. Washburn, with L E. SPENCER At CO.. 517-2g Chamber of Commerce bldg. WILL TKADK We are prepared to arrange a trade for you. Bring ia your proposition and we will match yon oa anything that has merit; lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. E. B, 3.. 713 Couch bids. EXCHANGE OTFsCB Oar services are ready for every ex change proposition of merit ROBNETT 4V AtcCLTJROB 302 Couch bldg. Marshall 3293. TRADE FOR AN AUTO 6 acres unimproved on the Base Una road, 7 miles from Portland. C. W. Millerahip, 165 4th. Main 5273. 160 ACRES near Albany, 85 acrea has been 'tuied. ia acres good land, plenty of water, clear of debt Wast a bouse.' Main S20I. WILL TRADE clear land free and clear for your city lot and take subject assessments. Write, er see Straiten, 217 Ahmet on bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 TO EXCHA.NUK BIO WHEAT RANCH 2000 acrea, 20 miles west of Condon. Ot. In Fary Canyon. 700 acrea ia fall wheat. 700 acres to be summer fallowed la the spring. 600 seres pasture. Ranch is well equipped with stock and machinery. Plenty of water. Price $40 an acre with everything. $38,000 equity. Will trade for ralley or coast ranch. Long easy terms cat balance- A good chance for some one to make money. Owner, Boa 284-. Condon. Or. FORS4ALEOR EXCHANGE By owner, for city property. IS acres 11-year-esd commercial orchard, near Lyle. Price $6000. Insures independent Sviag. D. L. McLeod, 204 Porter st . MUST sell or trade for stock and lease ef small farm by equity ef $1330 ia modern 0 room bungalow. Wdlru 6493. WANTED REAL' ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WANT 4 or 5 room boose op to $3000. from 3300 to 3500 down payment $30 mo., in Rose City, Sunnyside. Hswtuome. Union are.. Williams ave. distorts. Main 4059. " WILL trade car for good lot . in Sunnyside; t nana lev, m nrst-elasa condittoa. Bdwy. 4570. WANTED Best house that $2009 cash will buy; aw agents, . P-853, Jifsj , - J WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WANTED la ; Sunnyside - or Hawthorne) dutnet. 6 room modern home, for 34500. Soldier's bonrt only available. ROBNETT at McCLURE, 802 ; Conch bldg. Mar. 3132. WANTED 3 room homo ia Sunnyside. Hawthorne or hit. .Tabor, for 33300. 8400 eaib BOBNETT & McCLURE,. 802 Couch bldg. Mar. 8292. MUST HATE MORE HOMES HAVE BUT ESS WAITING We want houses in Base City, Piedmont, Haw thorne, Westmoreland sad on West Side; guar antee Quirk sale if priced right. T. O. BIRD. S2S Chamber of Commerce. REALTOR Marshall 1029. BATE two buyers for 3 room bungalows ia R. C. or Beaumont, not over 35500. If yours is for sale, call Monday or phone Mar. 2245. - DERB POWNDER, 1215 K. W. bldg. Marshall 2243. WE HAVE a party wita 31500 cash who wants to get a house of 6 or 7 rooms, in a good district. Will nay about 35500. ' ALT IN JOHNSON, Realtor. .Board of Trade Bldg. riione Bdwy. 37. t Evening East 2981. HAVE a number of clients who wish to buy homes on the east aide .Can give yon quick results if price is right. Phone the number of your house and I will make a persons inspection. 3. F. HILL. 696 Williams ave. East 268. HAVE small acreage lust off Base Line road. which 1 win put in, plus some cash, as first payment on nice xrvmgxon Mm or o room moa era house. 1136 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 4179. 8 HACKS WANTED We need some SALEABLE SHACKS for im mediate sale. Demand increasing. - J. A. WICKMAN CO. ' 262 Stark at. Main 583 and 1094. HAVE a 5 -pas, automobile, good condition, late model, will trade as first payment on 5 or O room modern home in Irvington, Boss City or some other good district 1136 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 4179. HAVE $1600 equity ia 6 room modern home that is worth $2400; I will exchange for 1 or more good lots in Hawthorne. Bdwy. 4879. WANT lot in good location, value $1000. Will trade light 6 ear. 633 Railway Exchange big. ACREAGE 455 WANT SMALL PLACES. CLOSE IN Improved places with buildings, oa good road, close to electric transportation and Portland. Small payment down and owner to accept soldier's loan. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. WANTED Close in improved acreage tract i-an mase a qtucs sale lor yon it prut u ngnt. J. F. HILL '696 Williams Avenue East 268 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 100.00 Weekly j 'own ble through our exclusive repre sentative plan. Fastest selling Ford acces sory on market. "Masco" Splash Fender for front of Ford car eelunioatrs rattling of front fenders, preveenu radiator, lights and front of car becoming mud splashed, induces greater vol ume air into radiator, reflects lamp's rays onto road in night driving, beautifies linee of car. putting Ford car in higher priced class. The Ford car, being the only car without a splash pan protection, every owner wants this essential attachment Anyone can attach fender in few minutes. Retails $6.00. Send $4.00 for agent's sample and contract application for ter ritorial rights. (Jive references. Mayer Anto Accessories Corporation, Manufacturers, 333-335 Washington st, Buffalo, N. 1. SEE THESE BEFORE BUYING Have good list of cigar, confection ery, fruit, light grocery, soda fountains and newstands, good locations, comers. Office buildings and hotel lobbies; good leases; reasonable rents; prices ranging from $450 to $5000. V. IIEORGE, 525 Railway Exchange. Main 2996 GOOD CAFETERIA Well equipped, marble topped tables, good location, lease over fair; seats 100 ' people; doing good business; rent only $200; price $4500. terms. V. GEORGE, 525 Railway Exchange. Main 2996 8AVE $20 to $30 on finisniiig your car now; we are going to refmish 50 automobiles in any desired colors as many colors on your car as you want with the highest class material and work that will please the most exacting; the tops and cushions redressed complete, from be ginning to end for from $15 to $20. Finished the way you want it finished. We are in position to turn your car out at once will look like new beliere us. Satisfaction guaranteed. , Address X-767, Journal. GROCERY store, living room, rent 330 Price $950. Grocery store, 2 living rooms, furnished. $30 per day business; rent $25. Price $1500. Grocery store, 2 living rooms; ' bargain at $1600; rent $40. Grocery store, doing $100 per day; rent $100: 13 -living rooms; can rent and leave the store free of rent; price $7000, $5000 caeh. ' LINTON & WELCH. 418 Railway Exchange bldg. $2100 A fine restaurant in a live town near Port land; seats 55 people; 8 sleeping rooms in con nection; all well furnished, including an electric piano; rent $75, with a 5 year lease; price for all, $2100; some terms; worth $4000. LINTON ft WELCH, 418 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Plumbing and electrical business in a small town In Eastern Oregon, right in the heart of large wheat and fruit Country. No opposition; plenty of work all the time, with good opportunity to extend; low rent; stock, tools and service car. all go; $2500 cash will handle; deal direct with owner. Write FX-980, Journal. WOOD BUSINESS If you are looking for a good business sn vestigate this. Have my own boat barges, shot gun, saw arid everything that is necessary to lay wood down in Portland for $2.50 per cord. Also contract for logs at 25c per cord. 607 Couch bldg. NEAT little restaurant on North Third sr.; rent very reasonable; lease; good trade; only $500. which is about $200 less than cost. Mrs. Albaugh. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. WOOD AND COAL A cash business; bare track, wood saw and plenty wood; old established yard; fine location; good profits; price only $1150. Room 401 Dekum bldg. PARTNER WANTED WITH $750 For a legitimate auto painting business; equal interest with experienced partner; can soon learn the work under his direction; each draw $40 week salary, also profits.: Room 401 Dekum bldg r A tONFECTIQNERY, soft drinks, lunch, csrd room, etc; fine location; takes in $135 day; net profits easily $60O mouth; have good lease. m-o iu-g. i.aii room i mnm bldg. j CONFECTIONERY and cigar store, west side. ; -- nit,, uig iraae, clean stoca; no overhead; a good paying businesa for man or woman to step into; cheap; come end see UNIVERSAL SALES CO.. 602 Ry. Exch. bldg. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called interest la established real estate business, get advice of Portlsnd Realtw Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1902. WOULD YOU pay 8100 down to get into 'a good first-class honorable business a money maker nose better t Address this office, H-993. Journal.' GROUND floor real estatae office, well located, good opening for live partner to secure one half interest very cheap. For interview address M-321. Journal. ; . BUSINESS CARDS 2 fl W( AB nrinrlns now at smu 9lesllJ prices. Acorn Press, 280 H Wasbirigton. nr. 5th. HO fOU WANT a real grocery? Here is ooang eiuvi aaiiy tor $3000, 718 building. $1200 BUYS grocery doing $20-$30; 4 living rooms, rent $30. ' Terms. BUSINESS SERVICE. 718 Defcmg bHg. SECOND-HAND store for sale, rent $25; lady cannot handle. . Inquire 1959 E. Gases. Monta villa. ' JT Printing for Less Bywer Printing Co. afata 6686- 102 3d st SPECIAL for sate, soft drink sad card room; No. 34 North Second st Bdwy. 1097. Own er wants have city. ;. - RESTAURANT outfit range, counter, tables, chairs, back bar, cash register, complete outfit ff'-'i. pqcnasia OIOC - LIVE grocery store, living rooms, modern; to- vfsce sicca, aiwow. r-os ri orbs ran bldg. FOR BALE tmch master. Ill 34 st. FOR SAU Cafeteria, good : over fair; terms, 200 Cob fixtures. BUSINESS OPPORTONITIES STORES. ETC SOO RESTAURANT en Washington street doing good business; rent $40; price $1500; $900 cash. Waffle- house, 6750; $406 cash. Restaurant, well fwrnbhed, toed location; can get lease; -price 61600. - Cafeteria, rood lease, cheao rent $73 day: bargain st 85000; 32500 cash. LINTON WELCH. " 418. Railway Exchange bldg. - CONFECTIONERY and pool for sale cheap; good location. 383 E. Bamsde. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE - 502 Thomson & Thomson ;, Realtors 1 T LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKERS 84-mv. all strictly modem apta : brick ' ttldg.; lease ever the fair; rent $365; hie income; $10,000 cash required. . , : - i j i- . " 80-rm, transient hotel, steam heat, about half with H. and C. water; 5-rr. lease: rent $300. Nice clean ma; makes big money. $8000, best of terms. , . B t ' " 21 rma.. all apta.:' lease: rent 3115; , good income besides nice apt . good loca tion. Price 33250. best of terms. 48 rma, modern brick hotel; good lease, rent $250. Well famished, good location. Ground, tiled flcor lobby, automatic elevator.- $7500. CARS AT TOUR SERVICE i 628 HENRY. BLDG. - BDWY. 4880. GreenRose & Co. 8 ROOMS, NOB HILL Good location. Nicely furnished. A real home. . Snap for someone at $850, with terms. . ; 19 rooms, dose in. Excellent furniture. Always full. $et 3175. 82200 to handle. .. 28 rooms' oa one floor on the East Side. Newly furnished; 12 transient rooms, bal ance in apartments. A good net Rent only $70. $550. 16 rooms for $1750. Lease. Rent $50. Needs cleaning; then Is ready for a Quick profit $1000 to handle. GreenRose & Co. 401 Failing Bldg. Broadway 6150. , s s 44 ROOMS ALL OUT8IDE One of the dose-in corners, on busy street, well furnished, always . foil and A waiting list Special price or will ex change for a larger hotel. See us Monday. 52 ROOMS MOST APTS. 16 private i baths, 4 sleeping porches, walking distanpe, nicely fumishei Splen did .buy. FOUR-FAMILY FLAT , Comer lot iclose to St Helens hall, sep arate entrances and furnaces. Non-resident owner; can be -bought right Derr & Pownder 1215- N. W. BANK BLDG. Mar. 2245. $4700 THINK OF IT! 54 rooms, all house-i keeping: walking distance; cheap rent; clear-: ing over $30O per month . $7000 Strictly modern apt house; private! baths in all apartments; rent only $150 month, $400 8 rooms, housekeeping; rent $25. We have setae excellent buys. Come in and; seejus. : ; LINTON & WELCH. 418 Railway Exchange bldg. ) T A BARGAIN I 81 room apartment, best location in White) Temple district, I walking distance, hot and cold water in most rooms, lias 4 year lease; wiu net $300 per month; 63000 cash will handle. Wm. A. Hughes Co.. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 6808. j 8 ROOMS, Nob Hill, slelning rooms. 5 ' rented: nets $30 per month with pleas ant living quarters for owner; rent only $40. $1500. liberal discount for all cash. Mrs. Albaugh JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. TRANSIENT HOTEL ' j 28 room transient hotel, brick building cots, ner location, always full; has lease at $75 per month for five years, netting $225. Fries $5500. $3500 cash will handle. Wm. A; Hughes Co., No. 218 Railway Exchange bldg; Broadway 6808.; I 99-KOOM apartment, -close in, four 2-room apartments, one sleeping, 2 sleeping porches i new carpets, good furniture; rent $40, good lease; fine curtains throughout: price $1200. j AUSTIN'-O'LEARY REALTY CO., 335 Chamber of Commerce bldg. NOB HILL sacrifice, 12 rooms elegantly furf, nished. mahogany overstuffed parlor set' ivory bedroom sets, clean as wax; owner wishing to leave city has reduced price from 33000 to $2600. BARRAND HEALTY CO.. 349 Salmon. I WE HATE many buyers for hotels and apartment houses. List your place with us if you want to sell quickly. Our service will please you.. Wm. A. Hughes Co., 218 Railway Exch. bldg. Bdwy. 6808. WHITE TEMPLE SNAP T 11 rooms, housekeeping and sleeping, good furniture, walking distance, private' bath for landlady, rent $40 per month, will net $80:; price $1400, best terms. Wm. A. Hughes Coj, 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 6808. 20 -ROOM apartment White Temple district;; rent $120; three-year lease, clears $185 per month. Price $3300; good terms AUSTIN O'LEARY REALTY CO.. 335 Chamber of Commerce bldg. s 6-ROOM fist, dose in, west side; extra good furniture; neat and clean; rent $30. Price $800; $475 cash. A good home and income. , iJ. W. GRUSSL 31 Board of .'Trade. Main 7452. A NIFTY PLACE ; 12-room apartment close in, beautiful furni ture; one-year lease; full price, $1000. AUSTINO'LEARY REALTY CO., 335 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HAVE hotel in Castle Rock. Wash., doing good business. On highway. 26 renting rooms, 5 for family. Will sell cr part trade for property in or near Lenta. Castle Bock Hotel, Castle Rock. Wash. -: 22 ROOMS. $2500; 5 minutes to Bdwy. and Wash., gas, electric; rent $80; income $260 per mo.. $1500 down. baL easy payments. No agents. Sellwood 1271. BARGAIN 12 rooms -and garage, housekeeping, extra good furniture and good location; 2 baths. Don't fail to see this. Price $1150; cash to handle $800. Wm. A. Hughes Co.. 218 Rail way Exchange bldg. Bdwy, 6808. I 9 ROOMS, fine, modern, corner house, large yard, big porches, oak furniture, nice carpets, lovely location, clean; snap, $900; terms, $500. Room rented. : Garland. 201 3d st 25 ROOMS, .brick hotel, good furniture; rent only $65; will dear over $150. Some buy at $2650. Good terras. 223 West Park. Mar. 3388. : 10 H. K. ROOMS, dose in, good farnituse. - neat and clean; will clear 875 per month. above own apt Bee thia at 223 West Park. Mar. 33s. i NOB HM. i 13 rooms of beautiful furniture, housekeep ing and sleeping, with lease: nets 390 and lovely apartment for self. Be sure and see this; $1800 cash, small balance. Wm. A. Hughes Co., 218 Railway Exchange bWg. Bdwy. 6808. j APARTMENT bouse lease and furniture. I will lease for 5 years 4 7 rooms, mostly 2 room apts.. west aide, and sell furniture reasonable. S-19S, Journal. 9 ROOM rooming house, clears 3100 monthly. White Temple district, $ 1 1 00, some terms. 718 Deknm bldg. - WANTED To trade for rooming house, west side, my 6 room house: have equity $2000; rents for $25. Wdln. 0493. 11 ROOMS, downtown. H. EL, rent 350, in come $116; price $1375; $800 cash. 255 6th-st No agents. Marshals' 2558. ! 0 ROOMS and fine furniture tor sale; will maike terma: flat for rent Call between 10 and 5. 881 5th ave. 16 ROOMS, all full, clears $130 month. White Temple district Z600, 810OO bandies. BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 Dekum BHg. 24-ROOM apartment house, lease 1026; mod- ern, nck, will build 24 more rooms; 43000 price; nest Buy in city. 304 Buchanan bldg. BJTEBSIDE HOUSE 1054 laacadam,' Jan, T; 40 room. . Bdwy. 3 1 34. BUSINESS OPPORTWOTIES, f WANTED 550 NEED SOME CASH Do row want to sell roar basin a partner? - BUSINESS SERVICE. 718 Dekum bldg. NEED SOME CASH ' i Do yon. want te seU ! Do you want a part ner! Bee as. 'Business Berries. 718 Deknm bldg. DO YOU want . te sell your partner. See us. 004 Bnrhanaa bkbj. WANT grocery stock, will trade light 6. oar! as part payment.- 831 BaHway Exchange bldg- i . FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 $500. $1009 and apt ; ae sad tape. 407 Spalding bmg. - r Ward. $2000, $1000. $50A to loan., tea, eccsiiUF J. Haas, Atag, 3324. - - - FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 ' CITY LOANS SO COMMISSION oa improved pnspeny e far PBipeseC The heat aad easiest .saethod of parts loan is our monthly payment ptaa. 833.20 per snonth it 80 saoatlsv. or 021.34 per ateaU for 00 saonths. or v glft-17 per BBOOth tot gaoaUsv pays a ot giuuo sod mrerest, - Lotas of other amounts in tame piugvattkm Repayment Privilege.. XQTJITABLB SAVINGS ' LOAN aSIH 243 Stark 8 w Portland. Oo, 3300. $400. $500, 8759. 31009 AND CP. Lowest rates, euick action; pay 100 or mora any interest data, Gordon Mortgage Co 631 Chare, of Commerce bldg. Mala 1370. 8500 TO 6700 to loan on real estate, L. E. - Steihanetx. 496 Gerlinger bldg.. Stain 6091 or Tabor 3224. ? 8800. 6400. $500. $70. $1000 AND CP. Uem rates, quick action. . tied W. German Co.. 732 Chamber c Commerce. Mara 6445. BUILDING loans on en? ana suburban prop erty ; geoney advances as wore progresses, w. O. Beck. 215-216 Failing" bldg MS am 3407. C2oOO TO $8000 OS 1TT PROPEBTT. FRED 8. W ILLIAMS, 606 PANAMA BLDG, BEE OREGON EfV. eV MORTGAGE CO.. 210 Lumber Excnaags oiag. - MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 CHRISTMAS MONEY WE LOAN MONEY To salaried and working men on their personal notes. Ksree reaeonaoie. . NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES NO PUBUCITSX NO SECURITY Call and investigate our modern money lending metnoua, COLUMBIA BISCOTJNT CO.. i Licensed I 218 Failing Buildine S. E.' corner Third and Washington streets. MONEY TO LOAN Money loaned on household eoods or aae ehandise placed in storage with ua at a regular nana rate. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO, 4th and Pine st Opposite Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON Automobiles rTJBNrTCRE. PLtNOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SEAL ESTATE, BU.t US OB AMTnlAU OF TALCE -8ECCBITY USUALLY LEFT IN Y0UK POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLB ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY, IF YOUR PAYMENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES QB ON FURNITURE OF AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS ARS TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM CP. ADVANCE TO" MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY, AND YOU- CAN PAY C3 IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 806-807 DEKTTM BLDG.. 8D AND WASH. MONEY To LOAN On household goods at bank rates. ALERT TRANSFER CO.. 209 Oak St $100 TO 82500; quick action. A. H Ben. 231 Vs Morrison st-. rooms 10 and 11. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 CASH paid for mortgages and sellers- contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregoa, H. E. Noble. 316 Lnmbermena bag. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sell ers' contracts. F. E. Bowman A Co., 210 Cham of Com, bldg. Main 8026. HAVE patented toy hoop, "a novelty'' and a winner. Want man of ability with finance to market same. X 364. Journal WANTED TO BUY Sellers' contracts and mortgages. Inquire 325 Lumber Ex. I BUY seller's contracts, mortgages, automobile paper; funds in any amount invested for clients. Roy H. Keagy. 712 Lewis bldg. WILL buy small seller's contract or second mortgage. Gordon, 631 Ch. of Com, bldg. MONEY WANTED 651 WANTED $500. $750. 1000. $1500, $2000, $5000; have applications for the above amounts, first mortgages, interest 7 and 8 per cent J. F. HILL. 69 v Williams Avenue East 268 WANTED $2000 at 7 per cent on resi dence property, vaJaution $5000. See Mr. Case. METZGEK-PARKER CO., 269 Oak St WANTED At once. $3000. at T pet cent first mortgage on city property, valued at goooo. w-iai, journal. . WANT $4000 on 3 buildings, all rented. 7 per cent interest Call Wilson. Bdwy. 3363. WANTED Private loan cf $2000 on inside property. Z-3H. Journal. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO, 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. $700 WANTED at 8 per cent, en fine 100x100 comer, Bose City Park. Tabor 6559. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 TEAM of mares. Well matched, weight 2700 lbs.. 7 snd 8 years old, harness and farm wagon. I hare amoved to town and must sell to stop reed bUL Can be seen st U. B. ts tables, 303 Union are. S., cor. Stevens st Inquire for Buyer's team. 3000 LB. TEAM, well mated, half brother and sister. This team has never been abused and are young and gentle; good harness and wagon if wanted. 240 East 8th, comer Main. $55 MARE. 1300 lbs., guaranteed good work er: also 1100 lb. mare. $25. Several other very cheap horses, harness and wagons of all Kings. Z4U Hi. etn, cor. Maui. DOUBLE team $3 day, nngie team $1.60 day. 646 Front st Maia 2208. LIVESTOCK 701 NICE 3-YEAR-OLD Hotetein cow, milking 5 gals., fresh 3 . weeks; one Guernsey, to freshen Dee. 28. Price $75. One red t Dur ham and Jersey, fresh soon. 381 Wster, cor ner Montgomery. 7 COWS; must seU. $40 snd up; Guernsey and Hdstein; no reasonable offer refused. 1 blk. south of S. P. depot Milwaukee, Henry Smith, Oregon City car. LARGE Guernsey cow, just fresh, 5 gallons, fina heifer calf; also 2 Jersey cows, just fresh, heavy milkers, tuberculin tested. 240 E. Stb, cor. Main. ONE of the nicest, big 7-gal. cows in Portland, coming 6 years old, due to freshen 19th; priced very reasonable. 381 Water at., cor ner Montgomery. GENTLE cow for sale, cheap, coming fresh, $45. S. B. Shank. Gilbert road and 112th st, Lents. FOR SALE At a bargain. 10 head of horses. weighing from 1300 to 1800 pounds, 4 to 10 years old. Call at E. 9th and Flanders. HORSES for sale, . oire or vxciungv. Sold OB commission. Keystone stables, 381 Water St. foot Montgomery. Marshall 3515. CALVES WANTED MARSHALL 2178. SLY fresh cows, take Kenton . car, go north to 1650 Interstate ave. FOR SALE Two fresh cows, calves by side; heavy milkers. 100 E. 0th t. Nl MILK GOAT. Toggeuberg; gives 3 qts. when fresh. Full description. Ant 64Q-41. TWO nice Jersey-Guernsey cows, fresh, 365 Union are. 8., cor. Stevens st FOR SALE Good cow, ehesp. Msin 2505. WANTED iWet. reel snd noes. Tabor 7831." POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 100 WHITE LEGHORN full grown laying pullets, $1.50 each: 150 young W. L. hens, Hoganised stock, heavy laying, guaranteed, $1 each; Barred Rock and R. L Bed puUett ready to lay, $1.50 and $1.75 each. W. L.. Barred Bock and R L Red baby chicks. Orders now for choice dates. J. R. Maguire, 787 Oregon, 2 blocks north. East Z4tr. snd ssndy. THE PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY BABY CHICKS 8. C White Leghorsa, Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks from pure-bred stock; trapnested and selected for egg production ; all breeding stock on free range ; pedigreed chicks and hatching rasa. 1534 E. 12th st. N Woodlawn 1485. 350 WHITE LEGHORN yearling bens, all through moulting and starting to lay, Ho ganised. heavy layers, $ 1 each ; 100 White Lex born poll eta. roil grnwa and stylus, s each. - L. V. Hunt, 205 E. 23d St. S blocks north of Bandy road. DIRECT FROM THE FARM Christmas Poultry DRESSED TURKEYS. GEES. DUCKS. CAPONS. CHICKENS 600 EAST DAVIS. " W. L. PUIXETS for sale; also some cocas and eoekerela for breeding. Kendall station, first brass to left on first road to left after croming bruise. - Tabor 4SOS. 2 DOES. 1 back. New Zealand Red, tine peU; also coop. Mar. 2816. - FINE R. L R. pullets, some laying, reason able. Tabor S "FOB SALE Thoroughbred B, L Reds, Scvan- ton strain. 6119 64th st S. E. Ant 620-OB -T PETS. DOGS, BIRDS. ETC. 703 BLACK and tea pupriy $5, leaving city. Lenta. ' VJ212 sift at s. E. YOUN4 watchdog, good breed, very reasonable, aise rhiraens Woadiawa ZLZ7. PETS; DOGS, BIRDS, ETC. 703 - A REAL I.IVK CHRISTMAS PRESENT ' CANARY ?&nUJg AND PIGEONS What would be appreciated more than a pretty canary singer or a beautiful, pair of white fan- tail niceona for- Christmas! . Coat to war store and, choose your' bints while we have a large selection. Reasonable prices. : Oldest poultry and pet stock supply house ia the Northwest Portland Seed Co., 160 Front st - BOSTON TKKRIEai. texosle, BETTY JANE. 13 moa the old, fine specimen, weight 11 lbs.; baa screw tail and perfect head; house broken. From championship stock. - A wonder ful little- dog, for breeding. v Photos Wdia. 1147 or call 1003 E- 10th N. MALE BOSTON TERRIER PUP, SIRED BY WALNUT DUKE. 600 E. DAVIS. CHRISTMAS gift Imh-tarrier or Boston ter rier puppy, .reassouable. - Tabor $156, FOX TERRIER pops. 6 weeks old. taaW$10. CsH Woodlawn 824. BACT1FU1 Harts mountain rollers, in full song, reasonable. ' East 5586. PEDIGREED Boston . terrier poppies, $23, at 87 E. 27th. X. East 2678. FOR SALE, canary birds, guaranteed singers,' $8 each. Oregon, Seed Store, 22 Yamhill. AUTOMOBILES FOR -SALE 800 1 AM ROT HAVING AUCTION SALES " , v BED TAG BALES OR, MAKING BOOM FOB KEW CARS OR OFFERING SOMETHING FOR NOTHING TO MISLEAD YOU BUT OFFER THS BEST CAR VALUE FOR THE LEAST HONEY CALL AND SEX FOB YOURSELF ApperecB touring , 8 75 Ford touring, overhauled 160 Studebaker 4 cyl., fine running condition. . 150 Maxwell roadster, fine shape.......... 50 Cadillac, fioe towing ear. 250 Maxwell delivery . 275 rtutck. 4-eyl. ,. ... 850 Ford bug, practically new.,,...,. 850 Ford roadster, lota of extras.. 250 Maxwell touring, overhauled 875 Buick light six, 5 cord tires. ........... 650 Eaaex touring, 5 cord tires ............ 850 franklin touring, in fine condition...... 750 Bcripps-Booth coupe. a snap Naai sport model, like new. , H C. S.. 1921. real value, - WfUys-Ksight 1921; almost new..,. snap Many other cam of standard makes From $73 to $2000 C O. Bleasdale 630 ALDER BT. BDWY. 1832. used cars and fords Now is the time to buy. while the market is at its lowest 1 GENUINE BARGAIN'S! Open' 'every' evening and all day Sunday . Cash or terms. 1917 Ford roadster ....8245 1921 Ford roadster, starter 400 1916 Ford touring 175 1916 Ford touring ' 195 1918 Ford touring 215 1918 Ford touring 265 1918 Ford touring , 275 1918 Ford touring 295 1920 Ford touring, starter 365 1920 Ford touring, starter 413 1020 Ford coupe 475 1!)L'0 Ford coupe 525 lO'.'O Ford sedan 565 1920 Ford sedan, with .extras ........ 615 1918 Ford panel ' delivery ...... ...... 195 1921 Ford truck, starter 795 1918 Chevrolet touring 275 1918 Chevrolet touring 335 1916 Studebaker touring 125 1917 Olds eight touring 465 1917 Overland touring . 233 1917 Overland panel delivery 185 1910 Maxwell touring, bargain.' 135 1919 Chalmers touring 965 1920 Chevrolet baby grand 723 Open Evenings and Bunds ya ROBLN'SON-SMiTH CO. Sixth and Msdison. - THE FORD CORNER AT . BROADWAY AND DAVIS Get that holiday spirit and buy her a Ford Coupe or Sedan and make her happy. The last word in comfort and class. Used ear specials st the Ford Corner: 1921 Ford Sedan, demonstrator: .perfect 3 -speed transmission; over $300 worth of extras, a $400 saving. . . .$!" 1020 Ford Couiie, every -possible accessory. $ 5 2 5 1920 Ford Coupe; just overhauled; some value $500 1020 Ford Sedan, fully equipped: a buy. $550 1921 Ford touring, demonstrator; save $100 ..v..' $495 1920 Ford touring; just overhauled ,...$373 1920 Ford roadster; fully equipped. ... $330 1919 Ford touring.' some buy . . $223 1918 Ford touring,- mechanically perfect. $185 1017 Ford touring, jrwt out of shop .$163 WM. L. HUGHSON COMPANY, Authorised Ford Agents, Broadway and Davis. Bdwy. 821. Open Evenings. 1915 Ford roadster, good tires $110 1916 Ford bug, a dandy 125 1916 Ford touring, extras 123 1910 Ford roadster, tail del 150 1919 Ford touring, extras., 250 1920 Ford touring, .starter.., 325 1920 Ford sedan, extras 665 1918 Maxwell touring, rebuilt 285 1917 Chevrolet touring 145 1918 Dort touring, first class 875 1917 Buick 4 touring, rebuilt 875 VRANSON'S USER CAR EXC. Union ave. and Belmont st Upstairs. "SANTA. CLAUS AND HENRY'S 170UD" Th. Ford sedan or coupe makes the ideal perfect Christmas gift You pay for it during 1922. Order now: we will park it at your front door Dec. 25. Open Evening and Sundays, ROB IN SON -SMITH CO. Pixth and MadWon ' Sts. M. B. FISCH Radiators, fenders, bodies, beads, tanks, repaired and remodeled; goto sheet-metal work a specialty. 406-107 M. 16th 6t Pttone BROADWAY 2299. THE times have gotten me on the run and 1 must sell something, would rather sell my atttcmobile than my home; it's a first-class Hudson; good as new: might use good small cat as first payment X-857, Journal. WEAVER TIRE COMPANY FEREDAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO. TIBC REPAIRING 883-836 Buna-ids at Broadway. 1922 HUPMOBILK, demonstrator, 81260; ful ly equipped, bumper. Gaberial enubbers. cord tiros, automatic windshield wiper, extra lire ; run less than 3500 miles, city driven. Call K. L. Bean. Bdwy. 217. ESSEX 6KDAN, LATE .MODEL In finest of condition, all cord tires. This car is a big bargain. Will take small car as part payment, balance easy terma. Phone Tabor 1542. OVERLAND, model 90; run 12.000 miles and in yery good condition. Leaving town and must sell quickly, $475 will buy it. Will dem onstrate after 5:30 p. m. Call Tabor 7302; 540 East 41st st MUST sell my dandy 1918 Willys-Knight tour ing ear this week.' Looks and runs like new. Take 3495 if sold this week. See car st 00 Broadway' and Ankeny at Pine A. Phone Bdwy. WE WRECK THEM HigiMst cash pries' paid fox old cars, condition no object AUTO RKCXVVSTirUCTiON CO.. intra ana triisea. 1920 FORD coupe, wire wheels, over 8200 worth of extras, in excellent condition; will sacrifice for- one half of original coat; forced ssle. Main 7393. FOR HALE Oakland six. or trade for Dodge roadster or touring. Will pay difference. 607 Hudson, cor. Oswego. St Johns, from 8 to 0 weekdays, ail asy Bungay, 1920 FORD touring, speedometer, one-man top, large wheel, foot throttle, starter, etc; 8885. terms. Billingsley Motor Co., Hawthorne ave. at Stb. East 7. 1919 DODGE roadster, just repainted and over- hauled; shock absorbers. Dumper, good urea. Will trade in Ford and aaske terms. Phone Cate. East 803, . - . LATE 490 Chevrolet touring, good condition, - only $120 cash; balance $13 per month; real bargain. Phon Tabor 6985. CASH paid for eld ears, condition bo object parte for all snakes of ears. Thompson at geliy. 448 Flanders, near 11th. Bdwy. 8508. 1920 BUICK . Moat sell; will not refuaa gay reasonable offer; terms to responsible party, asain saaf. 1910" MAXWELL, good running order, good tires, electric starter; snap, $100 cash. Bdwy. 203. 414 GIHean at, 1920 FORD coupe, fine condition, $100 worth of extras. Must sacrifice, $433. Bom terma, East 3138.-"'-', -f J--". Auto Tops 0mttl Salmon st. between 6th and Broadway. 1922 OVERLAND FOUR, used 6 weeks, per fect condition;' $875 cash. Wdln. '1147. 1919 CHEVROLET, by owner. $325. WiB give-terms. Best 6577. : Ua-Ed WANTED. TU AND EVERETT, AUTOMOBILES--TOR SALE SOO j se And We Furnish the Upkeep Money! Read These Next Paragraphs Very Thoroughly FIRST WE ARE GOING TO LICENSE ALL CARS AND TRUCKS FOR THE YEAR 1922 AT OCR EXPENSE, ' 0 SEOOSd W ARE GOING TO GITB TEN (10) HALF HOUR SERVICE COUPONS FOR EVERY $100 Of THE PURCHASE PRICE or ANT CAR -OR TRUCK, WHICH WE WILL REDEEM IN CASH FROM ANt AUTOMOBILE DEALER OR GARAGE IN ' OREGON OR WASHINGTON. Come in and Let Us Tell You of Our Plan LOOK "EM OVER. THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OP THE MAN! MAKES: OTERIOJffi, MOON. MITCHELL. CROW ELKHART. STAN LET STEAMER, CHEVROLET, LOZIIR, CHANDLER. STUDEBAKER. MAXWELL. DANIELS, H. C, 8.. TEMPLAR. LEXINGTON. STCTZ. COMET. PREMIER, BUICK, WE ALSO HAVE THE FOLLOWING -TRUCKS: OLD HICKORY, GABY. MORE- LAND. . KNOX. REPUBLIC. FULTON. FAGE0U INDIANA. STEWART. BUICK, . MAXWELL, FORD. YELIK. COMMERCE. AV RBURY. AND THEN SOME, PRICES WILL BE PLAINLY LETTERED f ON EACH WINDSHIELD. Don't Forget: MYour Own Terms in Reason" GET IN EARLY WHILE THE STOCK IS COMPLETE. THEY WERE TAKEN ON MORTGAGES AND WILL BE SOLD ON MORTGAGE PRICES, AMERICAN WAREHOUSE A BALES CO. 415 E, ASH ST.. COB. E. 0Ttt " PHONES: EAST S510-851L OPEN SUNDAYS "BUILT TO ENDURE" Portable and Permanent $45 to $300 Best Sectional Garage Built on Pacific l ia,t "II REDIMADE BLDG. CO., PORTLAND. OR, factory E. 11th and Market Phone East 3114. 1920 Bt!KX touring. I have a splendid 1920 Buick light 6 for sale with 5 almost new over sixed tires bumper, spotlight windshield wiper, mirror. Motor is in wonderful shape ' Might consider light car in trade. Terms. Call Main 6754. e FRANKLIN 4 pass., series 9-A. newly painted; fine mechanical condition; cord tires; a classy ear at a anap price. Must sell, 8950: would Jnake some terms to responsible party or take light ear as first payment. Phone Tabor 4459. 1918 BUICK 6 touring car, in finest condition; Just newly painted; the equal of a new ear at the low price of $750. WW take Ford as Part payment See car at HO Broadway and -Ankeny at Pino s. Phone Bdwy. 1828. NEW CHEVROLET CARS, CHEVROLET PARTS AND CHEVROLET SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE AT L. Y. R1LUNGRLET MOTOR CfV ' Hawthorne Ave, st th. Phone East T. SAVE ON NEW FORD f I have three deposits en new Ford sedan and I coupe. The people plserog same eannot take- delivery snd will discount their deposits Boer- 1 ally. Cell East 8118. Mr. HarriT aioea- . 1918 FORD ROADSTER " I With box behind seat: in eicentinnaJlr Kna, '- condition; new tires and shock absorbers: other 1 ' " '-'" "va gauvsy, ge-Lraavrx trv-ga , Diufrr extras; must sell quick; easy terma if desired. Marshall 8148. BAi'Xi 1CK " city, 1918 Overland 00 $265; recently overhauled; In good conditio,. Owner. F. C. hteidle. Call Marshall 6684 ere nlnga. 1920 FOKO touaing with dem. rims, aoeed ometer, shocks, good condition, $395, terms. Biliingaley Motor Co.. Hawthorne ate, at 8th. East 7. LATE model Buick light 6, guaranteed mechan ical condition ; new tuns, new top; a anap at $975: $400 cash, 10 months to pay balance. Can use light car in trade. Call 824 38. - 1920 BUICK light 6 touring at right price; will take good light car in trade: my car is in first clam condition and has pew tires. Call Tabor 8548. i WE ARE thoroughly prepared to build to order truck, delivery and roadster bodies, - B. B. Body ,sV Top Wks., 845 Wins, are. East 1168. 1920 CHEVROLET touring with lot of extras.' $430, -terma. Billinggey Motor Co., Haw thorne are. at 8th. Esst 7 ' i 1917 FORD touring car, in dsndy shape, for $150 cash. Beet bug in town. Call Broad- Wsy 1823. ; ; ' -. , SPECIAL Late model Ford sedan to be sold , at public auction to (he highest bidder Thura. night at 7 :30. Jake's Auction House. Bin-Everett. 1929 FORD touring, just painted, look, lake aew, good rubber, good condition, $323, at B B. garage, 1st and Harrison. H 5-FASSENGEH Overland, spare, spotlight tools, most sell gt sacrifice. $$00. will take Libejty oends st'par. 1047 Hancock st '. FORD roadster with box back of seat, aew rubber, sore cheap at -380. Woodlswa 8634. ' ly ' Phone, FOR a real cash bargain in 1916 privately owned Ford touring call East 895$. - r: FORD coupe, shocks, natural wood wheels other extras: will sacrifice. Woodlawn 1714.' .- 1618 MITCHELL ia fine shape, 6 pas- $400 .cash, bargain. 638 E. First it ' - 117 7-PASS. Chalmers to trade for Fe-t lSlO K. K Ttaoor 8854; .. 1 1 1 "1 11 1, Hiacftc Iliic!srot,,IOD,.are!,wdito, --. newt. 1 en in a , Beet, Tenth and Salmon. CLASSY BUG body, top and wiiKLliitld. for ' sale cheap. 84 5 Williams. - East H9 - - CABS WANTED. BDWY. 8329.' ".' FOR free used car information, call Bdwy. 1$2T. ;'. t Continued an 'allowing pagei . ! I .1 W at - .1 at! ,. t