18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1S2L SPECIALTIES R1JS IN STOCK MARKET (Wall Street Journal Financial Ravkr") ' Sew-Iork, De- IS. (C. P.JI Openinf prfcs a the New Tark flock exebant today ' war tttti chanced from the doss of Monday. Oil warn firm and th early sales of Bojal Datrfc srrra Kv 5S. VrxWn PetrolOTm was ' -nrhssfwl M 115: Independent ansa tm ' fractionally hitr. ' Steal common, however, waa off at 83. ' v , Shorts la General Electric art atill knn -- bard time of it, , , . Anwi th rail. New Haven acted the heat and all of the earlv aelee were mede it 14. ' A ( the early featsre were: Houstoin On which made a new htb for the year ahoe 2; Repiogle Steel, which m i; 21 to SO; Chile Cornier, which waa taken In W block! aa 4iieh WIS. and a general flrmnesa in the rubber a roup. Kelly-Springfield waa the leader in this 1 class and got abort 43 before the end of the first boar. , , , Imgular trading to earl dealing waa fc ' lowed by etrengtii in many bvuea, especially ' aoiiper' and oil. Hon ton Oil moved np potnta -t 83 H. Oneral Asphalt roae 1 point to lit and Mexican Petroleum adranced 3 M, points to 118 H. The Bobbers aJao ahowad atrength, V. . Rubber marring up 1 point , ' Oile featured the second boor and Mexican : Fetrolrwm ran np to 118 Some nptnwo bears t were buy boring in their abort enutraete in the Ooheny hwoea. Pan-American "B" got up to 60 and Fan-American "A" above 65. Houston met ' profit taking at 83 4 and add off orer a point, but moat of the other oile got into new high gtvand on thia more. After the early trading In oils, which earned Mexican Petroleum close to 121. tradmg atufted to other gtonpa and Baldwin waa ran up to 7. ' If the dividend ia tncluded. thia la brttrr than par of the etock. Some big Mock of Itah were : taken at 65. Part of the recent boring of cop per.. stocks ha been baaed oo rumor, that some of the big producer were talking merger. Independent steel did UUle. Otis led the New York market today with ' Ifrxican Petroleum the feature. On a large turn ever th- stock got above 120. np drer 36 pointo from the Tsars low. The Pan-Americana acted w-.. -.ni-ni-riw the "A" stock Houston Oil ran up to a new high price for the rear and there waa also an excellent demand for Parifle oil, such a PaciHo Coal Oil and some (the lower priced uaues. tm k annfnmant ng. Baldwin jso mads a tew high price for the year if the diridend to tnrd- Steel aeoompliahed Utile. The rails ere quiet with the exception of St Paul pre ferred which broke to a new low price for the . iDoe) to, favorable world development at Wash fceion . and firs of the rear interest and di ' widend rmrmenta. settlement of the Irash quee- .veien. hit money, upward movement in sterling, Imnmvwnsnt in the Conner situation. Steel merger Seeotiatxms, 830.000.000 contraction in loans last week, continued demand for investment se ' aurittee, favorable trade and labor outlook and ' pUier favorable developmenta, many brokers are Ho looting for a strong market right through lieeember. t'p to a week or so ago these brokers .were predicting a weak and irregular market for - he latter half of the month. . f j Th market closed irregular. , r-0REIGX GOVEBXMEJTT BONDS rurnisbed by Orerbeck 4c Cooke company, Board of Trade building: Bid. Belgian rest 5 84 Belgian pram. 5a 70 Belgian fvss. 1945 103 Belgian 8. 1B41 104 .Belgian 6a. 1925 9S X Brazil 8s. 1941 104 British 8s. 1922 420 ' British 5s. 192T 410 .British 5a. J92 410 British vky. 4s 320 British lef. 4a 298 Bordeaux 6s, 1934 86 H Canadian 5a. 1037 93 Vt Canadian 5a. 1926 96 C anadian 5 Ms. 1929 97 Vadin 5a, 1931 93 'Canadian 6 Ms. 1937 90 Chilean 8. 1941 1U2 Pnrrencv Denmaak 8s. 1945 . . Tsan. Muni. 8s. 1945 Jrench 4s. 1917 ... JYrnch St. 1920 . . . -sev Jrveneh Bs, 1931 French 7HS. 1941 . .Franco 8, 1943 ... vW, lermsn W. U 5s . . - Berlin 4a .Hamburg 4s JIamburg 4 S aipsig 4wt 'Ielpng 5s - Munich 4s Munich 5s Prsnkfort 4a . . , Italian 3a, 191 33 Japanese 4a. 1931 72 Japanese 1st 4 Ha, 1925 88 V, Japanese 2d 4 H a, 1925 ..... 86 Va Norway-8a, 1940 108 V, Hnanan 5Hs. 1S21 9 r Russian 5 H a, 1926 2 JRnaatan SV,,. 1919 10 "Hwtse 5Ha. 1 928 95 V4 Swiss, 8s. i40 113 H -11. K. 3 H a, 1922 99 K. 5V.S, 1929 97 Vi K. 5 Ha, 1937 94 Vi 6 107 107 60 68 H 69 94 99 4 6V4 5V4 6Vs 4 V4 6 7 6Vi .V. V. Asked. 69 75 104 104 K 95 V, 104 V 430 420 420 330 308 86H 94 Vi 96 Vi 97 93H 92 102 Vi 8 108 108 52 70 Vi 01 94 99 5 VI 8Vi VI 6Vi 7 7Vi 8 . 9 8Vi 80 72Vi 87 V4 87 109 Vi 14 3 15 oa 1134 99 97 95 STANDARD OIL (Furnished by Overbeck STOCKS A Cooke Co.) Bid. .Anglo. i.. 21 Vi , t heasehrcurh ; 180 Cheeeebrough. pfu- 10s Kursk 78 Helena, rora 40 tales. Old pfd. 102 Ulena New pfd 100 ,-Illinois Pipe 153 , Indiana Pipe 81 r Northern Pipe, ex. div 93 vOhie- Oil 266 -renn. lies 13 Monthera Pipe . 77 South. Penn. Oil........... 315 S. O. Calif. 91 Vi .8. O. Ind. SW S. O. Kanaaa 570 . fl. 0. Kentucky, tx. div 485 B:0. -!. T. ; 875 S. O. .Ohio,. 390 . O. ;Ohio. pfd... .......... Ill S. O.iN. J. .............. 180 A. O. .Nebraska. ........ . . ... 160 Ask. 21 190 106 81 43 105 105 160 83 97 270 17 81 220 580 445 380 400 113 iio" COPPER AND OIL 'SHARES ADVANCED IN NEW YORK. TRADING r:jgigss STRENGTH SHOWN 1 UNEMPLDYMENT Sales. STOCKS - Expn High. Lew. I Bbv 800 1500 600; 1800 200 lAdama 100 Advance baa 1 do pfd. 600 Arg. Che os. ...... 3400iAiax Bubber. 600Alake Uold . '. 200tA)aaka Juneau 2500AUied Chem HOOiAlha-Chalasera 400 do pfd. 2 00 Am. Beet Sugar... .... Am. Bosch ....... 300Asa. Can Co 200 do pfd. 1200tAm. Car at Fdy... .... L do pfd. Am. Cot Oil i do pfd. ....... Am. Drug 8ynd . . . -4800 Am. Hide at L. . . . 20O do pfd. ou Am. see SeoOlAm. Int. Corp.... Am. unseed ..... do pfd. Am. Lor a t do pfd. Am. Hf. Razor. . . 600, Am Ship aV Com. . 450O,Am. Smelter 100 do pfd. 800j Am. Hnuff 1200Am. Steel Fdy.... 4700iAm. Bugar loo 2 BOO 2100 4001 1700 8000 ZOO d66 6600 100 1500 3001 200 13300 19100 2200 700 4600 1200 600 4700 2300 6100 600 400 3700 200 6500 3700 1900 8600 6800 100 00 do nfd. Am. Sumatra Am. TeL aV TeL . . . Am. Tobacco do "B" Am. Wool do pfd. Am. W. P., pfd. . . . Am. Zinc Anaoonda Associated Oil Atchison . . do pfd. Atlantic Coast line Aa Uulf W. .. Baldwin Loco do old. .- Baltimore A Ohio . . do pfd. Beth. Steel "B" . . . Booth Fish B. R. T Butte C. A Z Butte it Sup. Burns Bros. Caddo Oil Calif. Packing Calif. Pet. do pfd. Canadian Pae, Cent. Leather Cerro de Pasco . . . Chandler Motor . . . Chicago at N. W. . . Chicago GL W... do pfd. 48p0 6800 11800 11600 700 200 3100 8300 2800 11800 51 30 20 59 39 89 28 33 96 148 22 50 29 19 57 38 89 28 32 95 147 22 26900Chili Copper Chino C. M. St. do pfd. Coco Col C. & 0... Colo. F. A eOOjColo. Southern 4200 Colo. Gas & Elec 2500 Columbia Graph. Con. Cm do pfd. .... Cities 8 ye. Bankers,' Corn Products do pfd. Cosden Oil C. B, L P do A pfd. ... do B pfd. Crucible do pfd. ..... 800 Cuba Cane 1500 do pfd. 1100 Cuban Am. Sugar 200IDeL A Hudson . 1400Dome Mines .. 700 DeL A Lack 1300Darison Chem. . 2800jEndicott Johnson eOOOJfcrie 6001 do 1st pfd. . . 100 do 2d nfd. .. 10300 Famous Players. . 13 00 1 Fed. Ming. A Smelti 4800 da pfd. 1700 Fisk Tire 100 Gaston Wms. 600 Gen. Cigars ...... 1300 Gen. Electric 5600 Gen. Motor .... Glen AMen 16400 Gen. Asphalt 2100 Goodrich . . . . . Goodyear 400 Granny ,. 800 Great North. Ore.. 3600 do pfd 200 Greene Cananea . . . 20O Gulf S. Steel 1100 Hask Barker 10700 Houston Oil 1700 Hupp Motor . . Illinois Central .-. . 800 Inspiration . . . . . Int. Agr. Corp. com. 700 do pfd. 200 Interboro 100 do pfd. 1000 Interstate Callahan . 1500 Int. Harv 400 Int Merc. Marine. . 3400 do pfd , . 14 69 76 41 81 59 99 4 6 47 89 114 34 64 M 30 S 116 134 129 1103 13 49 99 90 86 88 33 97 86" ' 53 58 7 7 6V 19 119 12 69 44 83 121 31 86 48 67 9 16 15 20 20 33 43 56 23 41 65 3 13 57 74 40 28 57 97 4 6 46 89 113 34 53 84 29 116 134 128 82 103 12 48 99 90 88 88 32 95 '85 52 58 6 6 5 18 115 11 69 43 85 120 80 36 47 63 6 16 14 28 19 31 41 35 25 41 65 3 1. 93 34 32 66 7 15 14 107 18 111 63 80 11 16 io 78 13 42 10 68 143 11 42 68 37 so" ' 31 76 28 48 81 83 11 92 33 31 64 7 14 13 U7 18 111 52 80 10 16 10 75 10 38 10 68 141 11 42 66 80 "29" 31 75 28 48 80 81 11 40 36 1 3 7 83 15 66 39 38 1 3 6 82 15 65 50 11 15 SO 19 ! ' 58 39 ; 69 28 83 33 95 147 114 22 46 I 14 58 75 41 31 58 99 112 4 6 46 89 110 34 64 84 29 116 184 128 82 103 28 13 48 99 90 86 88 82 96 103 35 2 58 6 6 18 118 11 69 44 85 120 31 36 48 66 6 16 15 28 19 31 41 55 25 41 65 3 93 15 23 92 A 109 84 31 83 71 66 88 7 15 13 106 I 18 110 52 80 10 16 10 77 10 40 10 68 142 11 42 67 "4 36 12 28 31 75 28 48 80 82 11 99 39 7 SB 1 3 6 83- STOCKS Nickel II 5 900' Int, 3 -00. In L Paper . . . . .1 do pfd. 6800'fnrmcible Oil 2600;Ialand I hi . 600jjewet Tea 1200 K. C Southern 200 K. 8. South.' pfd.. 41lfO'Keny-Spruvgfield .. 9900 Kennecott 6100 Keystone) Tire . . . 1400 Lack. Steel 900. Lee Tire ....... 170O!Labich Vat SOOILorillard IKj Lm Theatres ... 800U N. 14ixt Marland Oil 500 Mar Dept. .Store 8'OOiMex. Pet. 1600 Miami . llSOOjMid. States Oil .. 8000'Midrale Steel 600IM. K. T. "Wt 500) de pfd "Wi". 100; Mont. Power 1400 Mont. Ward l&00Mo. Pac 800 M. St, P. A 8 S 500 North American . . Nat. Biscuit ' High. J Low. 1 .Bid. 13 121 13 541 63 lOOOiNat KnameJ 5 00 Nat. Lead 2400 Ner. Co. 6600iNew Haven 200, Norfolk A West. . . 4900!Nor. Pac Nova Sco. Steel . . N. T Air Brake. . 1100 N. T. Central OlOO Okla. Prod, ref 3 00 Ontario Silver SOOjOntario A W 600OtiS' Steel . . -. .IPacilie DeV. . . . . Pac Gss A Elec. . 600IPunta AUegre 19300Pacifie Oil 50400jPan Am. Pet 6500 do "B " 600 Penn 2200 Peo. Gaa 1700 Pere Marquette . . . 10001 Pure Oil 700jPMllips Pete 30OiPierce Arrow 500 Pierce Oil 900i Pitta. Coal SOOlPitts. A West Va. do pfd Pressed Steel Car. . Pullman 4300Rr Cons. 9100. Reading 1600 3400 900 12 2 12 . 24 53 43 27 12 46 29 59 162 14 108 2 103 121 27 15 28 8 23 59 13 IS 44 ii ' 87 15 14 97 80 200 9000 200 Remington . . . Replogle Steel Republic L A do pfd. -. . Rep. Motors 8900 Royal Dutch Oil. 200 Ry. Steel 8pg. . . 3400 Stand. Oil N. J. 7900 Sears-Roebuck . . 1200 Shattuck, Aril. 400 Shell T. A T 15500 Sinclair 3600Sland. Oil Cel.. IStand. Oil Ind. lOOiSloaa 8bef 4200ISOU Pacific . . . 600Sou By SlOOiSou Ry pfd 1400 11 2 11 23 53 43 26 12 43 29 67 152 14 108 25 (400 115 27 14 23 8 33 69 12 ,17 44 39 86 15 13 96 79 74 3 4 2'' 29 46 57 51 33 58 21 40 33 14 13 65 25 66 108 15 72 28 53 St L A S V Stromberr Carb 1210018 tudebsier . . . . . . Swift A Co . . lOOITeno Cop A Chem 15400Texaa Oil , 1000Texa Pac . . . . . 4100ITex Pac C A O. I900Tob Produeta . . 3600jTran Contl Oil , 2500ICnion OU Del . 13001'nion Pac .... 40011-ntted Alloy . . 600 United Drug ISOOlUnited Food Prod . 400!Cnited Fruit 100 1 United Rds of N J 100 1 Union BAP... 7 7 00 1 United Retail 8 tores! 3500U S Ind Alcohol 7900 TJ 8 Rub 117 S Rub 1st pfd 6 52 93 188 57 8 39 23 92 90 80 119 .1 46 73 3 4 21 29 45 57 48 S3 D6 21 39 33 14 13 64 24 66' " 107 15 71 28 52 6 51 93 186 65 8 39 22 91 89 38 79 18 44 f 21 Vi 21l 21 i I S3 80 63 12 2 11 23 63 41 27 12 46 29 68 152 14 107 25 102 121 27 28 8 28 59 12 17 65 44 126 40 86 15 13 6 79 24 60 73 3 4 21 9 7 65 28 46 59 L 51 S3 57 21 39 33 14 13 64 24 75 65 17 13 71 25 27 53 86 6 51 93 185 56 8 39 32 91 89 31 79 18 45 IN COPPER PRICES 2700 17100 600 S600 400 300 5700 "ioo 1400 100 600 150O 500 4306 200 800 100 200 1400 V. S. Smelting C. S. Steel do pfd. ....... Utah Copper Va. Chem. do pfd. Vanadium Steel . . . Vivandou Wabash do A pfd. . . . . . do B pfd. Wells-Fargo Western Pac Western Union . . . West'bouae E. A M. West Md. White Motors Willys-Overland . . . do pfd. Wilson Packing . . . Wootworth Worthington Pump W. A L. E. White Oil 81 'io 47 23 29 59 11 19 127 23 70 10 127 7 70 52 41 55 89 84 113 65 29 72 33 6 20 18 92 81' 9 80 'io 47 23 28 58 11 18 126 25 68 10 126 7 70 67 39 54 36 83 112 64 29 72 32 '6 20 18 92 50 9 5 28 126 44 7 12 28 124 44 7 11 97 10 47 23 28 !? 19 28 Vi 25 69 10 126 7 69 62 40 65 98 38 83 112 64 29 72 32 '7 6 20 13 67 17 92 60 8 89 6 29 28 125 43 7 11 , Sew lock, Dec. 13. Copper stocks in this country continue to decline steadily with strengthening of price. Manufacturer of cop. per products also have advanced their prices. It forecast that some pf the stocks marked for export wQl be need in local consumption before there is much general production from tlie mine. MACHTXEBT Chioaco. Dee. 13. The shop eenptoves of the Chicaco A Korthweetem are eomidenag a proposal from the management to cut the work to four-day basis with a full foree rather than to run a longer time schedule with leas than foil emr employed. AUTOMOBILES Boston, Dec IS.-, Distributors for the Nash automobiles, in New England sold twice aa many ears in November thia year aa in the twrresponding month last year. So far sales for spring delivery are greater than they were last season in February. San Kranaix-o, Dec IS. Some of the deal ers in low-priced automobiles report business good, but this is not the general rule. Regis mHm ar tar the vear in thia state to taled 620.297. a gain of 41,000 over mat veer.. STKHi Lomlon. Dec IS. The Welsh tinplate mills have resumed operations on about a 60 per cent basii . Only 70 of the 500 blast fur naces ia Eric land are - ia operation. srPArr New Tork. Dee. 13. Japanese purchases of t.nilf , hemp ia strengthening the market of H.t Mnmnrfit. seeordine to rt ports received in this market. Spot price show but little eharma here, owing to desultory buymg by cordage manufacturers. rvtAr. Tihnra. TW is. The coke ' market is dull and prices are difrlingly tow. De mritm th reanmrrtioa of hundred of ovens in i,. rLnnnii.vin riisenr.t- onerstors are pec mitir Trade 'ia extremely lisht. Sixteen plnts of the H. C. Frick company are in op eration and 1624 fumsrea ar gotug. miTT-HING St. Lonia, Dec. 13. Manufacturers of men's elnehinz have announced reductions of from 50 to 15 per cent on spring goods. nnv GOODS Philadelphia, Deo. 13. As a result of failnres of several small dealers, kral department stores which have bought up bankrupt stocks have . wt Afferinv hareaina in men's and women a ear. with the miblic reepondinc quickly to bargain prices. One store sold 8000 imita tion near! necklaces in two dan at 95 cents each and then marked np the price of 83. Ke fas. Dec. 13. Raw fur price have hit. aa manufacturers are de clining to make purchases at the high price, i BEANS r.rmrA -JtarMdi. Mich.. Dec 13. Growers have averaged a return of $40 to 348 an rr hn. this season, and the Mwhi- ... ratiu- Rrehanee nose asserts this state now has paused California hi bean production. ruc-vfir AT" Akron. Ohio. Dee. 13. The National Sul rfm. mmmBf H. determined upon the erec tion of plant here and has purchased a site. About 260 men will oe empmjeu. COTTON .Fort Worth, Dec 13. The Quarantine en forced by Louisiana against Texaa cotton be cause of the pink boll worm ha resulted m intensified anti-insect campaigns throughout the cotton fields of this state. WEW TORK BOSD MARKET ntniibl hv Overbeck A Cooke Co.. Board of Trade building: Bid. Atchison GenL 4s 85 BaL A Ohio Gold 4s 77 Beth. Steel Kef. 5s 9 Cent. Pacific 1st 4s 8 a St. Paul GcnL 4 s Chicago N-W. GerJ. 4s L. A N. Uni. 4s New York Ry. 6s , Northern Pac P. L. 4 s Union Pac 1st 4s U. S. Steel 6s , Union Pac 1st Ret 4s .. Southern Pac Conv. 5s . Southern Pac Conv. 4a . Penn. Conv. 4 a . . . 102 82 87 23 84 88 99 83 97 86 93 Asked. 85 77 89 82 102 Ex.-Div. 1 per cent tEx.-Div. 1 per cent. Total sales, stocks, 933,200 shares. Total sales, bonds. 316,982.000. Boise to Have an Agency of Federal Reserve Institution Boise, Idaho. Dec 13. William A. Day. dep uty governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, is in Boise to supervise the establish ment here of an agency of the Salt Lake Federal Reserve bank for Idaho. Boise bankers hsve asked for such agency repeatedly. The business to be handled here, which is only a part of the functions of a branch federal reserve bank, will be in charge of 0. H. Brown and L. W. Ander son, who win be acting directly under instructions from the Salt Lake branch in providing the cash requirements of the member banks in this part of Idaho. Money and Exchange New Tork. Dec 13. L N. 8.) Call money on the floor of the New York 8tock Exchange today ruled at 5 per cent, high 5 per cent, low 5 per cent. Tune money was Quiet. Rates were 6 s 5 per"cent- The market for prime mercantile paper was quiet. Call money in London today was 2 per cent. Sterling exchange ws easy, with business in bankers' bills at $4.17 for de mand. Demand sterling closed at $4.17; franca, .0807; lire, .0464; marks, ,0055 ; kronen. .1915. Penn. 1st 4s 86 Ches. A Ohio Conv. 6s 85 Oregon Short Line 4s 88 Allied Packers 6s 51 Am. Can 7a 90 Am. Cotton Oil 6s, ."2 2 Am. Tobacco 7s. 1922 100 Anaconda 7s. 1929 .. 99 Anglo Am. Oil 7s, 1925... 105 Armour 7s. 1930 102 Cudahy Pack. 7s. 1923 100 Gen. Elec Deb. 6s. 1952 95 Kennecott Cop. 7s. 1930 ..... 101 Pac Gas. A Elec 7s. 1925... 99 Sears Roebuck 7s. 1927 . 99 Standard Oil CX 7s. 1931.... 105 TJ. S. Steel 5s. 1951 101 Westinghouse 7s, 1931 105 West. Elec 7s. 1923 103 87 25 84 88 99 84 87 94 87 85 88 52 94 96 101 102 105 102 100 96 101 IOO 99 106 103 104 PACIFIC COAST BASK STATEMENT Portland Banks Clearings. Mon. ... 5.773,808 Balances. Mon. ... I- Clearings. Tues. .. .273.666 Balance. Tues. .. 1.555.988 8.741.615 3,229,62.9 tt,4S8,737 1.130.70 Banks Spokane Clearings, Tuesday Balances, Tuesday ....... . . . . Tacoma Banks Clearings, Tuesday Balances, Tuesday ........... Seattle Banks Clearings, Tuesday '. . Balances, Tuesday ........... Oakland Banks Clearings, Tuesday - San Francisco Banks Clearings, Tuesday - - kes nnoeies awuu 3 1.519.86 368.348 680.784 51.445 $ 4.965,17 858,154 $ 2,606.000 $23,200,000 NOW DECREASING f L. (. McKenna Special Cormsrioisdent of The Journal. St. Paul. Dee. 18. The naemptovment situa tion, which has been a thorn in the side of business, ia rapidly improving la thia section of the -Northwest. There are nearly 9 per cent more worker employed now than oa Novembjse- and this resumpaon of acavvtr ana ramus bnving power ia aiding the holiday trade to in crease retail sales. The state program for winter highway improvement will involve the expendi ture of $4,500,000 end will give employment to 7SOO men for three months. This work win begin at once, aa the last of the contracts was let last week. Wholesale .trade has sagged in the last ten days, but is expected to pirk up immediately after me Hobdays. . some lactones ana jonomg bouses report spring orders already beginnjog to come in, the volume of new business compar ing very favorably with that of last year. The strike -of packing bouse employes has re sulted in an almost complete tieup at local yards, as it is estimated about 2700 workers are out Killing was retarded at the two largest plana and cattle receipts fell off sharply. Msil order houses report business quite sctive. recording best conditions in the rural communities where farmers are selling small amount of grain and benefiting from improvement in prices. SHORT TERX SECURITIES -Furnished by Clark, Kendall A Co. Price Am. TeL A TeL. Ss. Oct. 1922 100 Am Tel. A Tel. 6. Feb.. 1S24 Armour Conv. 7s. July. 1930 Anaconda Cop. 0s. January, 1920 Belgian Gov. 6s, January . BcthL Steel 7, July. 1022 Bet hi Steel 7s. July. 1923 Canadian 5a. April. 1928....; Canadian 5s. October. 1931 Cop. Exp. Assn. 8s. February. 1922... Ccp. Exp. Assn. 8s, February, 1023... Cop. Exp. Assn. 8s, February. 1924... Cop. Exp. Assn. 8a, February. 1925. . . Cudahy Bkg. 7s, Jul. 1923 Jap. First Ext 4s. February, 1925. Jap. Second 4. July. 1925 Southwestern Bell Tel. 7s. April, 1925 Standard Oil, N. . 7s, January, 1831. Swift A Co. 7s, October. 1925. . 99 102 102 96 100 100 06 95 100 V31 102 104 IOO 87 87 101 107 100 BUS NESS SHOWS A SLUGGISH TONE ty M. .' LaurrmeA ef The Joarnal Commercial snovemeats Special Correspondent Pittaourc. Dec 13 la the pjtaburg district remain distinctly rtcular. eofieetion being spotty and ia aome sse tiens dependent oa industrial operations. Gro crriet'ars moving abacgiahly with th beat de mand being recorded for fancy good and holi day specialties. Trad is apparel for either men or women is anything but brisk as the weather ha had a decidedly deptaastnc influence. Price nutaeements ; an being offer to atimnlat buy- There ia ne appreciable teaprovesnent in the demand far mill supplies but orders are better dis tributed and consumers' supplies are low. Ma chine toots remain Quiet The most important business factors her thia weeav nava been toe announcement -of steal eoi pany mergers and th csnaolidatioB ef the Arkansas tias, Tranacontinentai Oa! and Stand ard OU corn penis to develop South America properties of the two former concerns. The steei merger is considered virtually settled by coal steel men. Th Joeea A Laughlin interests here, it is understood, hsve refused to join. FOREIGN EXCHANGE SATES ,- Corrected daily by- the (oreiga exchange, de part avewt af tbe United State National bask. Qaotatieae below (except pound sterling) ar oa th basts of 104 tuut foreign currency. , . Opening Bosnia) rate aa bank traraactiona: ..,.. 1 'Draft-.- :' Cable-' Par Check. Transfer.. , Value. Lea, sterling.. Pan, francs. . i BerUn. mark. , . Genoa, lire. .... Athena, drachi t 4.18 , 8.06 . '.53 . 4 67 4.2 Copenhagen, kroner 19.16 Cnristiania, kroner 16.10 Stockholm, kroner 24.36 Hongkong, Currency- ..... 64.80 Japan, yen...... 47.75 ShanchaL lasts. 76.00 Canadian dollaf discount. 9 par cent 4.1 j i-16 .63 4 63 4.28 19.15 16 15 . 24.40 64.TS " 47.90 . 76.30 4.866 33.81 23.61 19.30 19.80 26.70 26.T6 24.79 Tbe market ta-ea-poted to traeraate along ef the movement of th last tew da ye. , Pa moos Player baa declared tbe regular uarvartr $2 preferred dividend. LIBERTY BOKD SALES (Reported by Overbeck A Cooke Co.) i Open. High. Low. Ctoee. aa oo Libertr, 8s . Liberty, 1st 4s Liberty, 2d 4s -. . . . . liberty; 1st 4 s . 9T24 9740 UbertyjZd4a . 9AA4 9700 liberty, d 4 9664 9796 Liberty, 4th 4 . 9720 9746 Victory 4 s . . 10000 1000J Victory; 3s ...16000 10000 530 9630 .... 9710 .... 9670 720 9T20 4 RSW 9694 9792 9710 9726 998- 10002 9998 10000 Secretary Mailt appears finance committee and aree relative to interest pavmenta i tefunding bill be t basin ted. sef e aenats reatrictiea forstgn General Electric ntsnt t PitsfieM. tnorease optratiaBs 16 per cent from sow point : Employes to receive 6 per rent sap plemetuary eompenatioa. . Ratheaan finds moratorium or long-time credit to Germany sut of queatioa at Lundoa and bo relief possible except oa very sever Twenty ladastrials -eO.63. op Twenty rails 7438. off .10. 4T. The Marland Oil company, for nine months ended September 0. report net Income, after expense and fixed cUarc.es. of $i.003.132. Federal Reserve Cash on Increase C. S. Rubber 7a, December. 1923 100 7t30 a NET Northwestern First Preferred Shares Aa Investment of $15.04 will se cure an Interest-bearing equity in tbe name of whomever yon mar designate an Ideal Christmas gift NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. 10TH AD WASHISGTOS STS. Light H eat Power Give i i ivraenas Aggregate increase of $7,400,000 in federal note cirrulktimi- . . .nin.t . rwlur i,.n of $24,600,000 in deposit liabUioea and gain of 1, 600,000 in cash reserves, are in dicated in the federal reserve board's weekly consolidated bank state meet issued at the close of business on December 7, 1921. Th state ment show, a further rise for the week from 72.7 to 73-1 per cent Government deposits are given $6,400,000 larger than the week before. Reserve depuuts show decline of $29,900,000. Other, depos its, composed chiefly of non-membere' clearing account and cashiers' checks, show decrease of $1,000,000. j 0 For Investors, that has proven successful J months trial subscription free The Rose Investment Review, riu Hash f d monthly, describes a mcrhod oc snwescma that has pi oven taccessnl by actual use. Learn hew ro make your aaonef earn and multiply. Tske your brat step toward tw-'l independence today by wrvbn for your free copy of L K. No. 255, ROSE & CO. ntVESTHEKT SECURITIES SO Bromd SA, Now Yoe-katy This is one of the finest western corporation loans in which this bank has participated for these reasons, among others: ettr THIS 400,000 bond issue offers, fr security thin most silt edged mortgages. ADDED opportunity for profit is offered by the proviso for calling in bonds by lot it IDS plus interest SINKING fund requirements mike for a reidy market and steady price, in case one should desire to dispose of his bonds. 15-Year 8 First Closed Mortgage Gold Bonds TEXT BOOK of WALL STREET 1922 gUtteaa now ready far free distribution McCall, Riley & Co, Stock fa -bange ef Mew York 20 Broad St, New York We Own and Offer: Clearings, Tuesday ..S16.566.015 v ' Fore! Exchange Market. --.New Tork. Dec. 1. (TJ. P.) Demand .sterling opened today at $4.18 H: franca, .081 lr 'lire. .0464: marka. .0034. . lvwer. The whole list waa . This Bureau functions to pio tect the Public and the reputable merchant from all questionable -business practices. Report your suspicions to us. .-" '"Sw Chart for Services. Mi-Better v rJUSINESS ! irUREAU. 'of the Portland Ad Clnb Wwy.' 260S." 308 Orc.on Bid. 1 1 Stka.' Bomsia, Csrctom, Craim, Eta. Jlw-317 Bord of Trad. Brtdiag Pyerbeck&CookeCa DIRECT ; PRIVATE WIRES ; TO ALL EXCHANGES r t tt.aiMra Cakago Avar . at intaa V l,rrsaoau .af UM rra ' Caiea aw laca Co, 10-Year Convertible Sinking Fund 74 Gold Bonds . Dated Dec. t, 1921. Due Dec. 1, t93l. Semi-annuaf interest Feb. 1-Aug. i. Den. 1000. Sinking fund first five years $506,250; next two years $1,012,500; next two years $118J50, annually, to retire these bonds, by market purchase or call up to I07y and accrued interest. These bonds are convertible during the life of this loan up to Septeniber 1, 1931, into common stock of the company at the rate of twenty shares of common for each ft 000 bond. Bonds to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. WILSON & CO., beef and pork packers, have twelve meat-packing plants advantageously situated within the United States and two plants in South America, owned through subsidiaries, and operate there a third plant in which they have a very substantial interest. Net sales of the com pany and its subsidiaries have" increased from $55,000,000 in 1903 to over $370,000,000 in 1D20. The business was begun 67 years ago. The volume of business1 for 1920 done by this company has not shown any material reduction, although the sales compared with the same period for 1920 are about 70, which is explained by the fall in prices of pork and beef products. " The purpose of this issue is to reduce floating indebtedness. The sinking fund pro vision for retirement at a premium by purchase or call of three-fourths of these bonds prior to maturity offers opportunity for a very large interest return. With the return to nomal market conditions the privilege for conversion of these bonds into stock of the company may. become very valuable. Present book value of. stock (exclusive of good will and other intangible assets) is 85 per share. j Price: 96 and interest, to yield a minimum return exceeding 8 Wit-out Deduction for Normal Federal Income Tax up to 2 Freeman. Smith & camp Co; LvMaERMgNa BiDw. Portland ImnwJtatrly that sub scription books were opened this issue wan heavily oversubscribed. HFTM y5g5fflTT5v MOM " ??1LJ I tfe rwar We will reserve these bonds for you for delivery later or . for payment on the Partial Payment Plan. YIELD DUE 5.50 Whatcom County, Wah., Road, 6a 1924 to 1928 6 Qty of Molalla, Ore.,! Water, 6s 1930 to 1937 7 Saver Lake Irrigation DUt.. Ore., 6a . . .1926 to 1946 7 Slide Irrig-ation Diet., pre., 6a 1933 to 1938 5.75 Province of Alberta, 6i - 1941 6.40 Province of British Columbia, 6 1926 5.70 Province of Manitoba, 6s 1946 6.50 Province of Saskatchewan, 4 1923 7.25 City of Calgary, AIU School 6a 1923 7.25 City of Edmonton, Alt a., 6a 1924 7 Greater Winnipeg Water DUt, 6i. . . . 1923 6.70 Swift & Co., 7 : 1931 8 Van Camp Packing Co., 8a. 1941 8 New England Oil Refining Co., 8. . . . 1931 8.25 Charcoal Iron Co. of America, 8 1931 6.10 Swiss Confederation, 5 1929 6 UP Kingdom of Norway, 3H 1962 WE ARE ALWAYS PREPARED TO BUY GOOD BONDS, OUR OWN OFFERINGS OR OTHERS G. E. MILLER & COMPANY PORTLAND! SEATTLE SECOND FLOOlt Xortflwtsttrn Baak Bailding PORTLAND, ORE. MAIN 1S Coburn Bros. Cattle Co. Callable at 105 and interest Dated Dec. 15, 1921 Dae Dec. 15, 1936 Den. $100, $500, $1000 8- Price 100 . To Yield OVER 700,000 ACRES are owned or controlled by this great company in Arizona, which, with Us 31,000 head of cattle, and pledged bonds, are, on conservative estimate, worth $2,000, -000. We have DEPRECIATED this figure, however, on valu ations1 of SPECina TANGIBLE and EASILY LIQUIDATED ASSETS to $1,101,000. This figure REPRESENTS COMPLETE DEFLATION and means that the Trustees could, at any time, realize approximately THREE TIMES the amount of this bond issue. . In addition, the minimum sinking fund requirements call for a payment of $10,000 in 1922; $15,000 In 1923; 25,000 annually during 1924-1925 and 1926; and 30,000 annually from 1927 until maturity. THIS BOND OFFERS AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR BOTH LARGE AND SMALL INVESTORS. It has our heartiest approval. , We urge our clients to make immediate reservations. The average herd increase annually is about 6000 calves. The sales of market cattle about the same. This means that the herd remains constant, year in and year out. Phoae, write, telegraph or rail personally and place yoar orders or teeare oar circular rally describing this Issue. LUMBEEMENS BROADWAY and OAK "JVST A REAL GOOD CAW Mr. and Mrs, Oregon VVf.4. We offer subject to prior sale and change in price: Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. lOsYear 8 Sinking Fund Gold Debenture Bonds Dated May 1, 1921. Due May 1, 1931. Redeemable after 1922 at tto and interest on' 30 days notice. These bonds are the direct obligation of the company, and constitute its only funded debt, apart from a closed First Mortgage of $30,000,000, due May, 1,941. Fon the seven months endisg September 30, 1921, Net Sales were 62,421.179, and! BALANCE AVAILABLE FOR INTEREST WAS 6.838.486. MAXIMUM INTEREST REQUIREMENTS ON THESE BONDS AND THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS AMOUNT TO 4,600,000. PRICE 99 J AND INTEREST TO YIELD 8.05- Write or phone Bdwy. 3l"l for complete descriptive circular. Bond & Goodwin Tucker SAM rkAMCISCO K(OSKtTIS UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK sUmOtNC PORTLAND - ' LOS AKCCI.CS SIATTU Seoood Issue Commou Stock i ' . . " 1 Present Price $12.50 Sold injlots of ten t share and upward on an easy Partial PsymentPlan. When you consider investments you must bear in mind two factors Safety and Div idend Possibilities. W. C. Durant's new enterprise offers an investment attaining both factors to the highest degree. Safety, because of its being guided by the foremost people in the auto mobile world, who have spent years in this business and command by their prestige an important share in the world's business. That is the standing of our organization. Dividend Possibilities! The art of marketing a meritorious product efficientjy, which art is only obtained with years of experience. We have been highly successful for the past five and one-half years and can look forward with confidence to many future prosperous years. Convince 'yourself! Ve have prepared a booklet describing in full our car and our organization. Thia is jjours for the asking. Clip out the coupon and the next mail brings it to you. Durant Motor Company vof California 103 7 Northwestern National Bank Bldg. Telephone Main 5804 Oregon Journal srOA 1VLU INFORMATION CLIP A MAllm r4w.nfteM , Address.