18 THE OREGON DAILY JOU RNAL. PORTLAND, OREGON. . ' THURSDAY ; DECEMBER' 8, lSkU. CONDEMNED A s r: 0 MI TRIES SUICIDE f Salem. Dec. 8. For I the third time an nee hi Incarceration la the state prison . here early In October, Abe Evans, sen tenced to die for the murder of James Doran in Wasco county, attempted to take his own life again this morning. ; .. Tearing- his mattress pillow and under wear into strip, he had improvised a rope which he had noosed around his heck apd looped over 4 steam pipe In his cell on murderer's row. When the guard ; found him dangling at the end of his makeup lp rope 'at 6:30 o'clock this morning he was all but unconscious. A special guarVJ is on duty on mur derer's row night and day, visiting each cell every 15 minutes, j so that Evans could not have been hanging more than a few minutes when discovered, it is said. . j Both of his previous attempts at sui cide have been by similar methods. Evans' was sentenced l:o hang on De cember 2, but received stay of execu tion until' January 10 ljor the purpose of , perfptlng an appeal (to the supreme court. He has repeatedly told prison guards that - he wanted to die and have the-nrrierl nver with and Is said to have "opposed the move) to appeal his case to the supreme court, which is be ing arranged by his wife. FOHKIGW EXCHAKGE RATES . Corrertl daily bx the forrign exchange de-pnm-nt of the I'niud Statts; National bank. Quotations below leicept Uie pound sterling) are qnM-d on the basis of 100 units foreign Ctm:nz nominal rir on bank tranacuons: Ij.ftiri l.b". sterling. Kram-s. iv-isn Marks. Genoa 1-ire. . . . Ath-m r Drachmas . . openhaeeD ' Kroner . . . . 'ir.tian K rone Stockholm c Kroner . . . . Honfkonr Cnrrenry Japan Ten . . Shanghai--- Tu! Iraft inwolta H 4.08 7.54 ..'.I 4.30 M , 4,13 18.85 14.45 24.00 54.1.1 47 9.1 7.'. SO Cable Transfer ! $ i4.0R 17.55 ! .51 4.31 ;4.i 18; 90 14.50 2. 45 54.40 48.10 I rg to Par Value I 4 S88 lB.S't 23 81 19.30 19.30 28.70 26.70 26.70 th fine hoar. liat as hicser. Demand 0774; lire. .044 .10S. - That at a sew hi. at aura. 4 lOtt .0051 hi The eatba fraaes. Fsrelga Goveraaieat Boss raraiabad b Overback aV Cook eovapany.. Belgian Bast S ..... Belsiaa Prem. 5 . . . . BeKiaa 7 Ha, 1946 .. Belgian sa, 1941 ... Besziaa Sa. 1923 .... Brasfl 8. 1941 .... British 5a. 1922 .... Britiah Ss, 1927 .... Britiah Sa, 1929 Britiah ray. 4a Brrtieh tef. 4a Bordeaux Sa. 1934 ... Canadian Sa. 1937 ... Canadian 5. 1926... Caaadiaan 9V4. 1929 Canadiaan 5a. 1931 .. Canadian 5 Ma. 1927 Chilean 8a. 1941 ... Denmark 8a, 194S . . Dan. MnnL 8. 194S . French 4a, 1917 .... French 5. 1920 French it. 1931 French 7 Ha. 1941 .. French 8a. 1945 .... German W. L. 5i Berlin 4a Hamburg 4a . Hamburg 4 Ha , licipKic 4H I tpos 5a ......... Munich 4 Munich 5a Frankfort 4a Italian 5s, 1918 Jap 4s. 1931 Jap. 1st 4 Ha. 1925 . . Jap 2d 4 Ha, 1923 .. Nonraay ot. L940 . . . Russian 5 Hs. 1921 . . Russian 5 Ha. 1926... Russian 6H. 1919 . . Swiss 5s, 1929 Sm 8s. 1940 U. K. 5 Ha. 1922 ... U. K. 5 Ha. 1929 ... U. K. 5 Ha. 1937 . . . BWL AsK. 60 . 62-. 6s es 104 H 104 H 104 H 105 95 H 95 -04 194 H 414 420 403 413 406 416 820 830 295 803 H H 86 H 94 S3 6 96 H 97 H 97 H 95 95 H 91 93 102 102 H 108 JOSH 107 107H 46 47 64 H 65 H 53 56 95 95 H 991a 100 H 3 4 4 5 4H 5H 4 H 5H 4 5H fi 6 5 5U 6H 8 5H H 33 34H 70 H 7014 8H 88 86H 86H 108 110 14 16 2 3 8 10 94 hi 93 H 113H 113H 99 H 99 H 96 97 94 94 4 PACIFIC COAST BASK STATEMENT -Canadian dollar discount 0 per cent. XKW- YORK BOSI Furnished by Orerbeck A ! Board iS Trade building: Atrhiaon fienl. 4 i Hs t. ft Ohio iold 4s ...... j Beth. Uteel Itef. 5s J Cent, raoifle 1st 4a St. Haul (Jenl. 4 Hs Chicago N. W. lienl. 4a I N. 1'r.i. 4s New York Kjr. 5a Northern il'air. P. I 4a . I ninn .Vtr. 1st 4 s I'. 8. Stl 5s I'nion I'ac. 1st Ref. 5s Southern ,1'ae. Cone. 5a d.i 4 ! i Parrna. (onv 4 Ha ', ' Tenna. . vt 4-Ha he. A Ohio Con. 5a i Ore. 8ho Line 4s MARkF.T Co'ke company. Bid. Asked. 85 85 14 77 H ,77 8914 89 Ta 82 82 H 6.1 H . 65 H R2 .... 87 88 H 24 25 84 84 H 88 9 98 H 83 84 96 87 4 87 !3H 94 87 "6 86 88 Portland a anas 1921 5.965.996 1.594.099 4.476.183 863.053 S, 199, 680 1.039.345 4.904.088 721.956 1920. 6,700.876 '1,393,138 5,036.876 ' 1.118.413 ,5,096.509 724.816 5.398.996 1.094,701 .8 1 Cleartngi Monday. . I Balanars Monday . . Clearing) Tuesday . . Balances Tuesday. . . Clearings Wednesday Balances Wednesday Clearings Thursday Balasoea Thursday Spokane Bank Clearings Thursday Balance Thursday tattle. Banks Clearings Thanday ......... Balances Thursday Oakland Bank Cletrinis Thursday an Francisco Banks Clearinga Thursday . ...$22,100,000.00 Lea Anealoa Banks Clearings Thursday 313.934.284.00 Taooma Banks Clearings Thursday 3 432,016.00 Balance Thursday 69,643.00 616.463.00 579.328.00 4.638.807.00 786,837.00 .138.000.00 SHORT TERM SFXUBITIES ( Furnished by Clark, Kendall foreign Exchange Market New' York. Itrr a if! n rv. 1 aierliog openrd today at 4 07 : francs. .1)756: lire, .0431: marks'. .0031: Dni.h k. .1885. Demand sterling morcd to 14.08, up. V in Amer. Tel A Tel. 61. Oct, 1922 do 6s. Feb.. 1924 do 6s. Aug., 1923 Armour Conr. 7s, July, 1930 Anaconda Cop. 6s, Jan., 1929 do 7, Jan., 1929 Belgian Cot. 6s. Jan.. 1923 Beth. Steel 7s, July. 1922 do 7s. July. 1923 Canadian 5a. April, 1926 do 5a. Oct. 1931 Cop. Ejp. Assoc. 8,-Feb.. 1922 do 8s. Feb.. 1923 do "8s. Feb. 1924 do 8s. Feb.f 1925 Cudahy Packing 7. July, 1923 Jap. First Eit 4 Hi Feb.. 1925 do Hecond 4 Ha, July. 1925 Southwestern Bell Tel. 7a, April ,1923 Standard Oil of N. Y. 7a. Jan.. 1931. Swift A Co. 7. Oct. 1923 V. 8. Rubber 7s, Dec.. 1923 Col Prica . . 100 99 . . 108 .. 102H , . 102 H . . 97 , . 95 , . 10O14 . . 100 H , . 96 . . 95 .. 101 . . 102 . . 104 .. 104 . . 100 86H . . 86H 101 108 108 101 DRIVE; AGAINST MOTORS IN THE EARLY NEW YORK' TRADING GENERAL LIST IS 1930 104 OFF AT OPENING . ' V; ' '.- (Wall Street Journal Financial Reriewi. New York. Dec 8. (C. P.) Opening prima en the New York Stack Exchange wrre hula changed from Wedaesday'a. list. Steel eoamoa was off at 88 and independent sUel ware fractionally lower. Tire atoeks ne3d np during the first few minutes. Famous Players led the apecialtiea with early aale aboea 72. Northern Pacific made a sew low so the destine at 80. which compare with the recent higb at 84. Canadian Pacific waa off H at 120. The St. Paul issues and Penniylraaia wen etiO heary. Traders aold- stocks abort almost from the outaet, but many lane rallied sharply around 1 1 a. m. The recorery waa most pronounced in tha apecialtiea and bis block of Faanoos Playen werw taken aa high a 74. Chandler made aa early low at 47. off nearly 5 point from Wednesday's high. Selling was a reflection of the uncertainty that exists as to the action direction will ' take 00 the diridend at the meeting scheduled to be bekl in the next few dajrs Tha market quickly recovered from the drire against the motor shares and during the re mainder of the forenoon a strong tone prevailed in moat of the active issues. The railroad atocks ahowed a better tone, St Paul common selling at 20 and the pre ferred at 33 H , while gains of about one point were made in tha standard railroad shares. U. S. Steel moved up from 83 to 83 and Republic Steel recovered one point to 53. BfudebakeT and Chandler rallied about one point itom we low level. Pittsburg Coal became the market leader to ward the end of the second hour, selling at 65 . up 1 net. Quiet accumulation has been going on in this -stock for several months, but it has only been this week that the stock liaa flroken away to any extent A representative of . one hruse remarked that the next 10 yean would witness great progress in coal. Steel stocks did little durins the morning The New York etock market today was obliged to absorb a ,lot of profit taking and this, com bined with soma fresh short selling by profes sionals, gave the general lut a somewhat heavy appearance. Specialties in many instances failed to go off with the general list, however. Some sharp advances occurred in Famous Players, May Department Stores, Com Products, U. S. Realty and Pittsburg Coal. A' leading financial mteraet comment on the market position aa follows: . The rank and file of trader expect a big reaction and have been talking about it for the last two weeks. Perhaps it is due, if the extent of the rise in securitie over the last 10 weeks alone i-i considered. But 1 have made careful study of the position of the leading brokerage bouses and find they are not carrying any big line of stocks. In other words. I do not think the public has come into the market in any extent a yet. which; means that stocks are still in the hand of the important financial in lc rests wno nave Deen accumulating them on the decline of the last year. Cnder these con ditions. and with no public to clean out, 1 do not expert any aevere decline in the market for some time to come. Once the public come? m to any great extent then we can talk about a drastic reaction in the market." 4 LIBERTY BOND SALES (Reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co.) Bid Liberty. Liberty, Liberty, Liberty. Liberty, Liberty. Liberty, Victory. Victory, Open. 3 Hs 9608 1st 4s 2d 4s 1st 4 a. 9760 I'd 4s. 9730 3d 4s. 9780 4th 4 . 9762 4 ...10000 3 s. . . . 9996 High. 9610 9766 9740 9786 9772 10002 1O00O Low. 9550 9742 9716 9760 H746 9994 9996 Close. 9580 9732 9712 9742 9720 9764 9750 9994 9994 tfiant movie combine admittedly under -way with proposal to make Postmaster General Haya its bead. New York Herald ao mi a off ?4w. It- V When You Are Up Against It You Do the Best You Can! and that is exactly what we propose to do! We are caught with an overtsupply of CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE on our hands, so we are going to Break the Buyers' Strike! if prices and merchandise will do it! Here are some examples of what we propose to do and now are doing: I Ivory Py-ra-lin ONE-HALF OFF! Nothing reserved. We include the famous Du Barry pattern. Genuine French Ivory (synthetic) ONE-THIRD OFF! ALL DOLLS ONE-HALF OFF! We will sell you a Dressed Doll with hair for only ?5c! All Correspondence Tablets 98c Here arc values up to $3 ! An ideal, practical gift for school children. Fancy Box Stationery Including such standard makes as Keiths'. Whitings', White Wykoffs', etc. at Ridiculously Low Prices ti All Leather Goods ONE-HALF OFF! WE ARE DISPLAYING A FULL LINE OF GIBSON'S GREETING CARDS AT RIGHT PRICES BEFORE 0!Q TOCR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING, SEE rs AJTD SATE MOJfET BTTT HEBE TWO FBESEVTS FOB WHAT TOU CAX BUT OSLY OJTE FOB ELSEWHERE! 1 N?rern Pacific Phar. Perkins Hotel Pharmacy .1 f i- nal WALL STREET QUOTATIONS Furnlabed by Overbedc a Cook Co Board ot Trada B'illdlnjc Salt. 500 500 STOCKS Ada law Era, ! Ar. Cheaa. . . . Aju Bobber . . Alaaka. Gdd 1800 zoo 'l600 100 1100 7000 1500: 100L&laakrJttBaai SSOOlaUied Chen. ... 6 lAlba-Onalnwr ao pfd. !Aaa. Bact Socar. . .Am. Booca la. Caa Co. 4o pfi ...... m. Car Faj . . do of d. . . 500 Am. OoC Oil . 2O0)Ab. Dnis 8rnd. . . 100 Am. Hide A. IAbr. lOOLaa. Ic SOOOfAm. Intl. Corp. . . eOOOiAm. lameed . . . . do . pf d. ...... 1400 Am. Loco. . . . . . do pf d. 300 Am. Saf. Raxor. . 600Am- Ship a Com. 5700;Am. Sm'It. 500 do pfd. SOOlAm. Snuff 1400 Am. Steel Fdj 4000 Am. Sugar 500 do pfd 2OOIAm. Sumatra GOO J400 400 2800 10OI Am. Ttl. ic Tel . . Am. Tobacco do "B" , Am. Wool do pfd. lOOOiAm. Zinc . . 7300 22001 100 200 12500 Oil Anaconda Associated Atchiaon do pfd Atlantic Coast Line . AU. Gulf A W. I. . Baldwin Loco do pfd 3700 Ballo. Sc Ohio 400! do pfd. 2300'Beth. Steel "B". . 700iB. R. T 2000;Butte C. i Z llOOjButte ft Sup.... 1200 Burns Bros. 700:'adilo Oil SOOiCabf. Packing . . . .... do pfd. . SOOOjCanadian Pacific . 5300iCent- Leather SOOiOrro de Pasco. 6600 700 00 200 2300 1800 1 1900 13500 2700i 400 100 1O00 1400 3000 500 200 400 9200 4000 5700 r.oo 1400 6800 itoo 500 BOO 300 C. Bank P. ... pfd. . pfd Chandler Motor Chicago & N. W . . Chgo. Gt. W do pfd. Chili Cop Chino C. M. St P do pfd. Coco Cola 0. & O. Colo F. A I. . . . . Colo. Southern . . iCol, Oaa & Elec. Columbia Graph. . "on. Gas ICona. Cigars do pfd Contl. Can "itiea S. V. IJorn Prod. do irfd. Coaden Oil C. K. I. A do "A" do "B- Crucible do pfd Cuba tCane cio pfd ICuban Am. Sugar. . 3U0DeL & Hudaon. . . 300'Dome Mines . . . . . 700Del. ft Lack.... 5600IaTi9on Chem. . . . 200Eiidicott Johnson. 6800iErie , 3000 do 1st pfd 700 do 2d pfd. . . . 1200, Famous Players... 100;Fed. Mm & Smelt. I do pfd. ....... 600Fisk Tire. .... 100'Gaston Wms. OOOjGen. Cigars.. 1 000;Gen. Klec ... i ... . 13600iGen. Motor..;.... Glen Alden ...... lOOOOlGen. Asphalt. 1700joodrich .... jGoodyear 400jGranby . . . : 3100Great Nor. Ore.... 5900!Greta Nor. pfd 400iGreene Cananea . . SOOIGulf S. Steel 1000Haak. Barker 1500, Houston Oil .i.... 800lHopp Motor ., 1000,111. Cent. ... OOOilnspirtaion lint Agr. Corp., c. . 300 do pfd. "SlafSO i ! ' - 5T 56 38 37 H 80 881a 281 28 4 94 145 H 144 ... f . . . . . 21 SOfc 5H 5 58 H 57 71 71H 40. 3 H 31 31 8 "7 "i "i 6 6 45 44 80 88 115 115 34 33 54 53 85 85 32 31 116 115 133 131 129 128 81 80 104 104 13 12 47 46 '6" 89 85 85 .1 31 31 94 93 36 '35 53 53 57 56 7 7 o ; 5 17' 17 AID 114 11 11 70 70 121 ii 30 28 34 34 48 47 68 67 7 7 17 17 12 12 27 27 20 19 33 32 39 37 57 5 25 23 42 42 64 64 4 3 92 92 20 20 "47 " 46 34 24 91 88 '34 '33 32 32 88 , 87 75 75 64 63 88 88 7 7 16 15 13 13 107 106 19 19 11 1 111 52 50 77 76 1 1 11 17 16 lli 11 741 72 8 8 io' 16 69 68 137 136 11 10 43 42 66 65 35 34 27 " " 27 ' ' 31 30 76 75 26 26 46. 45 80 79 79 78 12 11 100 99 38 37 '37 87 I Low. I Bid. M 31 58 19 ' . 33 37 87 28 33 31 94 143 113 20 3 58 71 39 31 57 97 111 4 e 45 88 114 33 54 85 31 115 132 128 80 103 i 12 47 100 89 84 88 31 S3 102 35 52 56 7 5 17 115 1 1 69 83 120 29 34 47 67 7 17 12 Sale. I 8TOCS3 1 High. Low. Bid. 19 32 38 56 41 64 3 92 20 60 46 24 90, 107 34 32 8 75 63 88 7 15 13 1 106 ; 19 110 50 7 11 16 11 73 7 29 10 ' 69 136 10 43 65 34 11 27 31 75 26 45 80 18 11 97 37 7 37 2100lBtrrboao BOO 4o Dfd. 1 100 Int. CaUabaau... 1 0O0 Int. Harr 1 800jlnt. iter. Manna. 35001 do pfd. ...... 1000 Int. Nickel.. 1200Int. , Paper 1 do pL 65OjInYicible Oil ... 3100 Island Oil 40OJawal Tea 700K C Sou thorn. 60j do pfd. 200 Kelly-Springfield SSOOiKenneeott 7 00 Keystone Tire ... 2100 Lack, steel SOOjLee Tin 470o,Lehign Valley ... 200 LoriUard 1400jLow Tieatre .. SOOiMoriand Oil J 600 May Dept. Store . !25400Mex.L Pet. euUiMiami 7 bOO Middle State Oil . 4800 (Mid rale Steel 900 ;M. S. ft T I do pfd. iMont. Power . . . . 2700;Mont. Ward .... JOOOiMo. Pac. 2500i do pfd. ...... iM. 8t- P. ft 8. S. M 600;.Vor. Am INau I Bincuit . . . lOOj.Nat. Knamel ... 1000 -Nat Lead lOOOj.NeTada t.'on. ... 1000.ew Haaen . . . . 600.Vorfolk ft W... 1130..oT. Pan. lOOjNova; Scotia Steel N. X. Air Brake 1S00X. V. OnUal .. 1300-Okla. Prod, ref . . Ontario SiiTer 1700jOntario ft W . . . iOtis Steel 90OPac Iey 4 0O;Pac. Ga ft Eire l00Puuta Allegro . . . 4 700Pac. Oil 5600,Pan Am. Pet. .. 400 do B" 6600 PennaylTania . .'. . 3600jPeoptes Gas 1000Pere Marqnette . 2200Pure Oil IPhilUp Pete. ... 700jPierco Arrow .. . 4 700rl1erce OU 150O)Pitta Coal 6OO1 Pitta, ft W. Ta.. I do. pfd 4 00 j Pressed Bteel Car llOOiPullman 900 Hay Coos. 7603Reading JItemiitgtcm 1300iReplole 8teel .. 2700iKep. I. ft S. .. . i do fd 100Itep. . Motors . . . . 7U00Uoyal Lutch Oil.. 50OjKy. Steel Springs 2000ISun. Oil. X. J. . 5000 Sears. Roebuck ... llOOiShatfuck. Arix. . 200 Sliell T. ft T. . . . 4300Sinclair 400jSun. Oil, Cal. . . IStandard Oil lnd lOolsioss-Sheff 7000lSou. Pacific .... 3 S 00 Sou. Hallway 13O0I do pfd. lTOOi.St, L, ft S. F. . . iStroraberg, Carb. 26600istudebaker .... Swift & Co. ... 400;Tenn. Cop. ft Chem. SlOOOiTeia Oil 500Texas Pacific . . . . 2".0O!Tei. Pac. C. ft O. ODU 1 ON THE INHRFAS E New York, Dee. 8. The ad vane in the price of crude rubber baa brought with it an increased inquiry from tire manufacturers, who are preparing for production to meet the spring trade. Akron, Pec. 8. Tire production here is re ported on the increase and manufacturers say they eipect a real spurt by December 15, with a decided increase in the number of men employed. Inyentories of all finished tire goods are lower throughout the country than at any time for two years, and dealers must restock to meet the demands of the spring trade. . NON-FERROUS METALS Kansas City. Dec. 8. Trie expectation that a cut in freight rates will shortly go into ef fect ha tended to depress the sales of lead and rinc in the tri-atate field", as buyers are holding off to lake advantage of the cut. SUGAR New Orleans. Dec. 8.- Granulated suar is telling on plantations at 4 cents a pound, the lowest price the staple has brought in many years. Despite tYen this low price, planters are finding it hard to sell. WOOL Boston, Dec. 8 The demand for wxJ hos iery ha been so great this ncinter that cotton milt men in this district are experimenting with French spun worsted yarns in the toi -r of working out methods of malting this charac ter of goods. COTTON Philadelphia, TVc. X Wearers and knit ters here are well supplied with cotton yarns to. run throozh December, and buyers are hold ing oft. Cotton goods mills are operating at 60 to 65 per cent of capacity, with orders ahead for six weeks. GRAIN Toneka, Kan . Dec. 8. The Kansas state board of agriculture estimates the present con ditions of the wheat rroo at 58.6 per cent. the lowest ever reported for this time of yewr. This situation is due to lack of moa-tnre. CORKS Baltimore. Dec. 8. The Spanish-American Cork Product company, whose plant, was re cently destroyed, ry fire, has acquired the Spanish-American Cork ft Specialty company and will take ow at onct, the plant of the latter, which is being expanded. HIDES New Tnrk. Dee. S. Trade in the local mar- krt for hides s ery sluggi-h, but the market for packer hide is firmly maintained. Re port from Buenos Aires record sales ot fngo- rihoo ateers ax from . to o.iu, Argen tine currency. . BUTTER AND EGGS Chicago, Dee. 8.- Butter prices here are holding fairly steady, but the tendency is to ward lower rather than higher figures. Eggs are in seasonal condition. SHIRTS j Kansas City. Dec. 8 -Aa advertisement in local paper by a local haberdasher, offering ehirta at fl each, has brought tho dealer an order for a shirt from Lundon, England. COAL AND COKE PrUsborg. . Dec 8. The H. C. Frk-k com pany has announced tn resumption ot several hundred mors onae turn aces m toe uonneUa Tille district, bringing the total ovens tn op eration to over 4000. Many additional men were pat to work. CANDT Sew Orleans. Dee. 8. Ererr randy fac tory in tha city - is running full fore and orertime to soppr th holiday trade. Sale, while not up to those of last year, compare favorably with previous season. PAINTS Philadelphia, Dec. 8. The anaker of white lead have given guarantee price to extend to February, and tbi ha aided to stabilise tha paint market here STEEL Pittsburg. Tc 8. I-oeal makers of east iron pips report mere buying by publie stil ttr inter ta and increase in the voiume ot inquiry inmaiiia, material to be delivered, in lSOOTob. PrcxMfas SOOOITran. Contl. OU6 2700iUnlon Oil DeL . . . SlOO'Cnion Pacific . . . 200IUnited Alloy SOOlUnited Drug . . . . 600;fnited Food Prod. ROO United Fruit .... 3200jUnited Rds. N. J. Union B. ft P . . . 1700 United Retail Stores 2 900IU. S. Ind. Alcohol 6800U. S. Rubber . . . 300 do 1st pfd. . . . C S. Smelting. . . 8200;U. 8. Steel 500 do pfd 5600;utah Copper lOOIVa. asm. 2500 Vandiam Steel . . . , 200:Vivandou 300; Wabash 700 do A pfd 3001 do B pfd j Wells Fargo .... 300;Western Pacific . . 200 do pfi 500Western Union . . 300 West ae. E, AM. 11 00, West Aid eOOlWhite Motors 3 500 j Willys Overland . , I do pfd. 300 (Wilson racking . . . 300 Woolworth lOOlWorthington. Pump aoo;w. ft L. E 1200iWhite Oil Total sales Stocks, 315.900,000. 659,100 aharea; bonds, NEW INCORPORATIONS Salem, Or., Dec. 8 Articles of incorpora tion were filed with the state corporation de partment here Wednesday aa follows: Kathryn Coffield, Inc. Portland, 325.000; Kathryn Coffiield, Sadie M. Callam, Frederick M. DeN'effe. Morey Investment company, Portland. 200 -000 ; B. W. Henry, A. G. Barry and R. A. Leiler. United Army Stores. Portland, $50,000; J. T. Conway, 14. S. Conway and I. H. Sroat. Alpha Sigma sorority of the Unrrerity of Ore gon, Eugene, Elizabeth Kessi, Jane Hudson and Wanda Daggett. Kappa limits Phi fraternity of the University of Oregon. Eugene. Delbert V. Hill. Robert Me Connel and Howard K. Bailey. Prnnission to operate in Oregon has been granted to the PittabUrg Plate Glass company, a Pennsylvania corporation, capitalized at $37,500. B. F. Donohue of Portland is named aa attorney in tact for Oregon. Washington Olympia. Warn.. Dec. 8. Articles' of in corpnraxiow were filed with the secretary of state W'eone-day by the following companies ; Colorado Investment company. Seattle, capi tal stock 33000; H. C. Brooks, Stanley. Wash., and Blanche I-' Brooks. Snyder Motor Car company. Olvmpia. capi tal stock 310.000; A. J. Snyder. F. B. Baar fctad and C. I Snyder. Seaboard Endurance agencv, Seattle, capital stock $1000; A. Shemanski, Jaccb R. Hill and H. A. P. Myers. Plat corporation. Aberdeen, capital stork $10,000. to engaze in the bunesa of nln ina : B. H. Bennetts, F. H. McCready and Iliil R. Ike. Success BHSiness oollegc. Seattle. capital tnck $10,000; P. D. Rooney and IVank A H. Hilton Fuel SavT comrwliy. Blaine r.ni Ul Ktk $500.1100 K. HQton, Elia Allen and C. M. Jones. U. S. Machine and Engineering company. Taooma, changing name to Birchfield Boiler company and inTeng capital stock from $100,000 to $1.'.0.000. Frenbath ft Caseoijme. Ific.. Kennewick. changing name to Gascoigne ft Fjfe, Inc. yew Jewalry Stora at Oatauio OntarisOr.. Dec 8. W. L. Heaeltine. late M Baa Fraacaaso, ia egweirnt a watch and ewelry repair shop in the Moon bsriVfinr next w the Ckstt grocery.- Heaettjnw has Bnicbaasd tha- Braaifl rveaieara in Sieetaidw addition and TEXT BOOK of WALL STREET 19 CdlUwai now ready for free distribution McCall, Riley & Co. Members Cinl ilHail Stnek l-Traaaa-a eg Mew Tark 20 Broad SL, New York ri 1 1 , 4 4- 3 5 5 i 82 81 83 13 14 14 4 63 63 11 11 11 52 32 62 , 95 12 11 11 5 2 2 Ilk 11 11 e4 24 34 33 33 53 43 41 42 25 25 25 11 10 11 46 44 44 29 28 28 59 58 58 153 153 153 14 14 14 23 26 26 99 98 98 113 111 112 25 25 25 15 14 14 28 27 28 1 1 1 2 58 14 1 13 13 18 18 18 46 46 I 46 I i 69 45 44 44 126 42 42 42 85 85 4 14 14 14 13 12 13 98 97 97 80 79 79 25 25 25 60 74 73 73 33 3 4 21 ' 20 21 -i 9 8 i 7 7 64 i 64 I 63 29' 29 I 29 46 j 45 45 52 I 51' i 51 47 I 47 46 33 I 33 33 56 55 56 22 21 21 371 36 37 31 14 14 14 12 12 12 65 I 64 64 26 i 27 25 j 75 661 66 65 108 107 107 14 14 le 72 ?0 71 j 24 26 I 25 25 53 ! 52 52 I 88 6, 6 6 49V, 48 48 93 I 93 93 186 183 183 56 55 56 7 7 7 38 3K; 87 22 22 j 22 89 !s9 89 87 38 3S 38 80 79 79 19 18 18 47 45 45 ' 22 21 21 32 SO '79 79 100 100 100 10 10 10 ,47 46 46 23 23 23 29 28 28 59 58 58 10 10 10 1 9 1 8 1 8 127 126 126 25 25 25 69 68 68 I 10 10 10 123 122 122 7 7 7 69 52 52 52 38 36 87 54 52 52 99 98 98 34 83 83 83 113 113 113 61 60 61 ! 29 29 29 32 31 31 7 7 7 7 7 7 I 21 20 20 13 13 13 17 18 17 17 57 57 87 91 91 90 49 49 49 8 8 8 ' 40 40 40 6 5 5 28 29 28 29 125 124 123 43 43 48 7 7 7 12 12 12 Decline in Demand For Lumber Products From Western Mills . Declining demand for lumber prod net at Northwest mill is reflected in report from 103 mills tn Western Oregon and Western Wash ington, oontaintd' in the bulletin of th West Coast lumberman' association for the week ending December 3. Production for the week totaled 60.21S.0S7 feet; ahipments aggregated 55 395.960 feat and new orders totaled 46,172. 192 feet, according to the report.. Production for the week was 18 per cent below normal. Of the new business received during the week 43 per cent, or 20.852. 192 feet was accepted for future delivery try water. Coastwise and in tercoastal trade totaled 13.136,292 feet and ex port trade amounted to 7,713.000 feet. New business for rail delivery amounted to only 844 ears. - - Cargo deliveries for the week amounted to 23,- 683,960 feet, or about 43 per cent of the to tal ahipments made. Of this amount 17.124,710 feet cleared for domestic market and 6,361,250 feet was in export shipmenta. Rati trade deliv eries totaled 1057 cars, according to the report. The unshipped balance on the books of th mills totaled 87.964,513- feet in the domestic cargo trade; 70.035.670 feet in th export trade. nd 2S07 carloads in the ran trade. the first $1,000,000 wait of Una pro ram and Portland investor ere responding eagerly to the attractive" stock proposiooa we at putting up to them.' A featar of th peasant : flotation ha been the large number of , email inventors. We ha made & jr for: the wage earner fa invert in ear company by making th hsitial payment tor each har ot slock "very naall and Permittma; in m tor to eomtiWW shetr pure! am a a teriea of monthly m tellmenle, Sew Trk Potato Markel Sew York. Dec. 8. L N.. 9-i Potato fin bulk, b Arret or hag) Market dull Ner by white, $2 00 5 50. I "JV5TAREAL GOOD CAR Do You Know? enterprise? That we have already over twelve hundred satisfied part ners associated with lis in this Are you one of them? Smaller Investors Kespond Quickly, Says Stock Dealer J&mea G. Tavarr-v stock sales manager for the Northwest. Electric company, is in the eity. Tavaraa handles the stock sales for all public utility enterprises backed by the Fleiscly hacker interests of California. "You can't put on a new payroll without 1 relling stock." say Tavanss. "For a time ' during the war we had little to do. an noth ing in the line of ntiblic utilities was being financed, but the demand for litht, lieat and power lias grown no rapidly o! late uiat we have been forced to work overtime in order to keep pace with the growth of business. Northwestern Electric is demonstrating its con fidence in the Portland field by outlining a 35.000,000 development program for the next four years. Ve have already ttarted m on ' COMMON STOCK NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC $12.50 Per Share PARTIAL PAYMENTS Sold in lots' of ten shares and upwards NO PROMOTION STOCK ISSUED DURA NT MOTOR GO. Of riLIFOELSU 1037 Northwestern National Bank Bldf., Portland, Ore. Main 5804 OAK'ANO, GrLlFORMi A rOR WU IN FORMATION CLIP & MAI C When you have bought bonds that you believe are safe and Mr. Wiseman, whose judgment and integrity are an unknown quantity to you, tells you you ought to trade those bonds for something he has that is "better for you" Stop! Look, Listen What's the answer? You thought what you bought was g-ood when you bought it. You bought it from some one in whom you had confidence. Before you nuke aa exchange investment, be sure you are making; a real investment. Con Suit somebody that you believe knows whether the proposed trade will be good for you or .not. This is a great "day for the "trader" who is versed in all the wiles necessary to trade you out of something that you be lieve is good into something that he y is good. His par ticular forte at this time is. to exchange short-term bonds for "permanent" investments. Look out that you don't trade for tomethin; that it to per manent that you will never get your money back. Certainly this is the time to make long-term - investments, but don't trade good bonds for prospect propositions. If you want to speculate, do your own speculating. Don't put your money in a "security" unless you know that it has real security behind it. You can obtain the informa tion you need. If you don't know where to go for it. come in and discuss your investment problems with us or make an appointment with us by tele phone or letter to call upon you. When we know what is best suited to your require ments, we will recommend either keeping what you have or making such changes as we believe most consistent with your needs. May we hear from you? Freeman, Smith & Camp Co. Lumbermen Bldo Poutlano Harrvtv . OrcgpB Joarnai Municipal and foreign, government fJ 55 Bonds Yield to U The market is being rapidly swept clean of strong issues carrying good yields. We have only limited amounts of these offerings. Issue Due Bend, Or., 6s WM Clatsop County School Dist. 10 6s... 1041 Idaho Falls. Imp. 6y2$ 1P30 Coos County 6s 1923-27 All Are Income Tax Exempt Yield 5.50 William Hanley Co. 7Js 1924 Argentina 5s 1349 r.50 7.55 LUM BE RMENS BROADWAY and OAK Safe Deposit Boxes Municipal and Government Safe Deposit Boxes Ul II 'j ' 5 -MJ I Tine Printing ; ii in Christmas Is Near Bay a Baby Bond for your ck3 dreai. I most haTe money. 1 nave 90 One - Hundred Dollar Bond. To th firs? SO people pure has la; aame I will discount to net pvrchaser 10.. Bonds ere eligible for savin, banks and trust funds and ere ap proved by the Corporation De partment of Oregon. CALL 1216 CASCO BLDG. - Out success is based upon achievement F.W. BALTES & COMPANY Printers '"i SI : E Stocks. Bonds. Cotton, Grass, Etc. 316-317 Board of Trade BoUdi., Overbeck&CookeCa DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES takers GetEeare Beers el BONDS. City of Buhl, Idaho General obligation 6 Gold Bonds Dated June 1, 1919. Due serially as"below Principal and semi-annual Interest payable at National Bank of Commerce, N. T., office of City Treasurer, Buhl, "or at office of Morris Brothers Corporattlon. , Hall bonds. 1931-l3f ; Drpk bonds, mi-19!f; Impror. bonds, 19X0-19X3 1 'i bonds, ltaa.jtsgi City Fire St. lalrwork fZJt to $.! 17.14 to H.S0 7.l to UJ 97.43 to 9SJJ TO YIELD 64 "0 INCOMK TAX TO PAT Financial Statement Ass. vaL (I31S) $ 927,533.52 Heal val. est ' 3,000,000.00 Bondvd debt. inc. this issue , 19.000.00 Less -water debt -. 134.000.00 Net debt ., 65,000.00 Buhl, population 4I00, most modern and prosperouK eity in eastern Idaho, lies in the heart of the Twin Kails Irrigated district, with 95.000 acres of hisrhly productive land immediately surrounding, where agri cultural crops are heavy and profitable. Buhl is the heaviest wheat shipping center in this section and has great grain elevators and flour mills. It has 3 banks, several hotels, municipal weter and sewer systems, power and lighting' facitities and good schools. Its principal streetst are paved. These bonds are recommended as an amply streets are paved. These bonds are recommended as an amply . agricultural district. AMONG OTHER HIGH-YIELDING BOS DN OS OUR I.1HTS ABEl I'Port of 'City of Prinevllle, Bay City of Helix, City, Or. ;. Or. ... Or. General Obligation. Special Assessment. 6 City of Kelso, Wash. ? eoaa spring, Idaho - tNo. Vancouver,-B. C ... Prince GeoYge. B. C City of Regina, Alberta Canadlas. ...... 6 1925-33 .I5 198 6.00 19a5-38 6.00 19S5 6.25 192! 7.00 1923 7.25 1930 7.00 1923 7.00 Denotes tlOOO Ienomination. Denotes f'.OO Deinomrnation. 5 Denotes )100 Denominations. TELEPH05E 0B TELEGRAPH ORDERS AT OUR EXJPES8K , MORRIS BROTHERS CORPORATION Tele. ? Bdwy. 2151 MORRIS BUILDING 309-11' Stark Street, Portland, Oregon Tele. Bdwy. 2151 Trees rye Its Lrr'SBBftasis ; el leftree e aat fanuhr aars Inn rruitkuad. , -.. j VaUSnC.