The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 06, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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By Jena Gtelincr
' - tTnttsi Km Staff CormmadeaL
. i., Waahlneton, Dec t Picketta 1 le
i - gal. but tbere most be no violence or in
.' ., tbnidaUoa; la compaction with It. Wlwrt
ther is, tt Is th "dutyf th courts
ta Issue Injunctions. ?
- This, la effect. Is the opinion ef th so
prem court of the United ; States,, in
decision which prmlaes to have far-
reaching' influence on tutor labor trou
ble. -Th opinion interprets labor sec
- , Hons of the famous Clayton act, and for
. th first time lays down principles that
th court tbelleree should govern legal
n 'regulations of Industrial disputes.
The court roes out of Its way to de--'
clars that labor has a. right to organise
. and a right to strike, and right to
propagandise.' I
But it tells how these rights should be
The case was that of the American
! Dini t fvuoann against in J.n-vaiy
- Trades Council of Illinois. I An injunc
tion against picketing was Issued In 1914
in a lower court, on the grounds that the
council' and individuals wr prevent
ing non-striking workmen from going to
the plant. ' Appeals brought the case to
the high tribunal. j
" It .is clear that congress wished to
- forbid th ns by the federal courts of
, their equity arm to prevent peacable
persuasion by employes discharged, or
expectant In promotion of their aid of
' the dispute, and to secure them against
Judicial restraint In obtaining or com
muni eating Information In any place
wher they - might lawfully be," said
Chief Justice Tart, in discussing the
legal restraints against using the InV
- junction as set forth in the Clayton act.
However, the opinion was expressed
that, if. the methods employed by work
. unjustifiable annoyance and obstruc
- . Hon" it Is the duty of the courts to limit
what the "propagandists'. do to prevent
: new Infractions and violations of the
.: rights of the employes and employers.
' "In going to and front work," the
opinion said, "men have a right to as
' free a passage without obstruction as
th streets afford, consistent with the
rights of j others to enjoy the same
privilege. ;We are a social people and
the accosting by one of another In an
Inoffensive way, and an offer by one
to communicate and discuss Information
with a view to Influencing th others.
are not considered as a violation of that
thera rights.
"If, however, the offer is declined, as
it may rightly be, then the persons Im
portunity, following and dodging, become
unjuatificable annoyance and obstruc
tion which Is likely soon to savor of In
' timldatlon.
"From all his-the person sought to
be Influenced has a right to be free and
the employer baa a right to have him
iree. , . s ' i
" ' The court said that In the present
' , case three or four groups of picketers,
' consisting of from four to 18 In a group,
. mad up a picket 11a. , Assaults, and
violence resulted.
"All information tendered, all argu
rnents advanced, and All persuasion
under such circumstances were Intimi
dation, said the court i They could
. ..'not be otherwise. ;'.,., - ..-..
- Iro Kioto eci 4 'r v . ;)? ; -?;
"A restraining order against picketing
- will advise : earnestly i advocates of
labor's cause that the law does not look
with favor oa an. enforced discussion
of the merits of the issue between in-
, dlviduals who Uriah to work and groups
- of those who do sot, under conditions
which subject. the Individuals who wish
to work to a test of their nerve and
physical strength. and couraxe."
Then the court told what it thought
would be proper picketing In the exist
ing situation. No attempt was being
.r made. It was said, to establish a rlid
rule. The picket at each point of Ingress
' or egress In th plant In question would
have been Justified In the court's view.
. Others should have been enjoined from
, loitering about the plant The pickets
. should have th right of communication,
but with the admonition that appeals
. should not b. "abusive, libelous, or
threatening. Further. , that ..' pickets
soouia approach woraera singly.
Chehalis, Wash., Dee. ', - Toledo
i voters are deciding today whether
) cows shall be permitted to roam Toledo
i streets. They are also i voting on two
j councilmen and a treasurer. Candidates
for councilmen are: Progressive ticket.
jura. u. is. warren and Roy C. Moflttj
Citi sens' ticket P. C Meal and J. W,
....-. Sohults.
State Inquiry Into
Celilo Wreck Will
Be Made Wednesday
The DaBes, Dec O-The public service
commission of Oregon Monday advtaed
Coroner Borget that further inquiry into
Umt O-W. B. N. wreck at CeUlo win
be made la Portland Wednesday and has
invited the Wasco ceumy officials to
b present District Attorney Francis
v. , Galloway also proDabiy arm auena
th hearing. -V-:--: ". ' -
The coroner's Sury wlu . consider a
transcript of th testimony i taken at
the railroad hearing last Friday and
probably return a verdict Coroner Bor
get said, although It fe vossiM that fur
ther -oral testimony will be demanded.
All the bodies of th victims of the
wreck, with the exception of the man
who was killed while beating his way.
have been taken away from The Dalles.
The body of McBride, th Catted States
marine killed In the mail car vt No. u,
was sent to San ranclco 8unday to
be accorded a military funeral. '
- - -, : s '
An Inquiry to determine the causes of
the wreck which occurred on the O-W.
RAN. at Celilo TkHrsday win be held
in th Portland offices of -the public
service commission beginning at -1 JO
o'clock Wednesday mornmg: j Members
of the public service commission have
called upon witnesses, railroad officials
and Wasco county authorities to be pres
ent for the meeting.- - 'j J
Portland Journal
In Big Demand as
First 'Mafr Comes
Prlnevine, Dec. . The first mall to
reach Prinevllle from outside Central
Oregaa after the Ueup of th Deschutes
branch November 19, arrived: Thursday
afternoon, routed through! Shaoiko,
staged to- Gateway and brought on by
train. The local postoffloe was literally
swamped with mall. There! were not
nearly enough Portland journals to sup
ply th demand. Copies of Th Journal
were delivered and sold at usual prices
while a premium was demanded for
other papers. Everyone was anxious
for news from the outside.
During the week of the storm Prine-
vllle's minimum temperature was SS and
maximum Si. Virtually no snow fell
but severs! times heavy rain occurred.
Marshfleld. Dee. tV-C A' Smith wUJ
take over bis timber, logging and lumber
manufacturing properties tn Coos county,
January ;-"'5Por several yeara .these
properties ' have beea tn the bands of
receivers.; The .Coos Bay Lamber com
pany la the general corporation in which
the various corporations are operated.
Th recovery of the property by Smith
eomes after several years f financial
fic-hc much of th cm under unfavor
able circumstances, but he has finally
succeeded tn making a complete reor
ganization and has refinanced bis hold
ings. ' Th former bond Issue was some time
ago reinstated and there were left un
secured creditors to be paid before the
receivers could be discharged. " An en
tirely new bond issue has been floated
and all of the bonds refunded and the
unsecured creditors and (everything paid
by means of the new bond Issue.
Xetaus or tn diaraiszuu or uae receiver
sbls and transfer of the property back
to the original -owner -are expected to
be perfected by the first of me year.
This year the camps and mills have
been operated for seven months under
the receivership through permission of
the court. - .
The nroperues Involved in the receiv
ership are th two largo mills In Marsh
field, the logging operations of seven or
eight camps around Powers, vast timber
areas and real estat holdings and two
The new bond issue Is for J7.000.000,
which will pay off the balance due on
th former 19.000.000 issue and the unse
cured creditors. This totals about
17.000.000, and the company win have
ample working capital.
C A. Smith will be the president and
fh activtos head of tn concern
will b In control. . v
Redmond. Dec.'. Fred Stephens, ar
rested her on moonshine - charges,
burned away the wooden doors of the
Jail and escaped. Stephens resides on a
ranch 13 miles south of Redmond.
Redmond. Dec i .Redmond's first
mall since the storrl arrived .Thursday
night by way of Shaniko and truck to
Madras. During the storm Redmond had
warm winds and the weather was balmy.
About half an Inch of snow feu, which
soon belted. ." '.. . -: f J. ..
Film Corporation
Merger numorett m
Hollywood Circles
(By United Hewt)
Hollywood. Csi. Dec . Intense x
cltement was caused throughout Holly
wood late Monday by a rumor that the
Famous Players Lanky corporation, the
largest film organization in the world,
had rained control of the Metro Pictures
ccrnoratioa and the William Fox Vaude
ville company. It ftiso was saw. wiuw
less, apparent confirmation, that the
Goldwyn Picture corporauoa was ar
footed by the merger. v..,. 'f ' i' '
The studios affected, refused to com
ment on the consolidation, rumors of
which created a mild panic la HoUy
wood. A t. '
- Adolph Zukor, said to. have engineered
the deal, is In New TOrk jcity.
$80 Stolen From
. Roseburg Bakery
Roseburg, Dec i. Some time Sunday
night the Oregon bakery was entered
through a rear window. The thieves got
away with $80, which the proprietor.
August Beck, left la the cash register.
Officers are of the opinion local persons
are responsible for the robbery.
Boy Fractures Arm
in iootoau
Football Claimed a poet i season vie-;
tim Monday during recess period
at the Olencoe school when Donald Gor
don, knocked down during a scrimmage
between two impromptu teams, suffered
a broken arm. Ha was taken to Good
Samaritan hospital. Gordon, a pupil of
the school, lives at 759 Kast -Yamhill
street --
All Day Banking Service
Saturdays Is Convenient
for Many Business Firms
Partictilarly During De
cember. - - I - -- - !...' ..... ! .:. ;..
With every effort bent toward keeping- business at
peat loid durtai this month. With two Saturdays
preceding double holidays, It U easy to understand why
The Broadway Bank Is
Opening Accounts for
Those WIto Wish to Take
. Advantage of 10-Hour
I Saturday Service
' Tker are ether advantages, tee, ra saaatar he
Breadwaytj . k ,si
' t hterest paid oa regular sarngr aeemrat. -1
Jaterett pala rpeeial Mrtirs aceents, ivbjert to
. cherk. i-.;. - i - i ' i ' i d-.vf , -i.
t X eiarre mads for eolleetloa ef oat-ef-Uwa checka. I
, Ke charge aiads far ekeeliag aeeoaata, whatever th ante
f balaaee - .'.''" - f;
I ' M
. Ill
StalOpeim Motor 'I
Iiicense Department
At Police Station
- Through aa agreement with Chief of
Police Jenkins. Secretary of State Koaer
has establiahe3 at th polio station a
branch office of the motor vehicle di
vision of the state department, wher
applications for motor vehicle licenses
will be received. This is for the purpose
of contributing to public convenience in
the obtaining of licenses. Up to Decem
ber 15, applications will Toe received and
forwarded to Salem, whence th license
plate will Issue. After December U, the
license plate win coma directly front the
Portland office. z .
Motor , vehicle owners are urged by
Secretary Koaer to put In their appli
cation aa soon as possible la order to
avoid congestion and delay.
Body of Soldier in
".Lost Battalion" Is
Sent to Pendleton
Pendleton, Dec . -The body of Robert
F. IngaDs, a member of the famous "lost
battalion.- win. arrtv- in Pendleton De.
cember 10 from France, according ; to
word received here' Monday from the
graves registration bureau, by the sol
dier's widow here. The funeral will be
held under the auspices of the local post
of the 'American Legion. Perry Idleman,
commander, ingalla was the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Samr Ingalls of Pendleton.
Private Ingalls was a member of Com
pany M. 308th regiment of Infantry, 77th
division. He was wounded October 4.
1918, near th Ro mange cemetery, add
died six days later.- His death was
brought about by shrapnel wounds in th
chest Hi remains were interred at St.
Menhoul on the Marne. France.
Klamath County j
Full of: Bodzersji;
r ; Jail Is Too' Small
t- " - - t- t . i i .. -" V V""
Klamath Falls. Nov. CWhat to do
with the growing number of prisoners
resulting from liquor raids which have
become almost a dally occurrence Is the
question ptrrs'lng city and county offl
dala, The citjr. Jail has IS prisoners,
with thi probability that' proposed fu
ture raid will bring ia as, many more.
Ia. Harrison and Gusale Blade were
arrested Sunday night by a policeman,
disguised aa cowboya. They are eaarged
with posse using Uauor. When Garry
Garlow was taken in another raid h
broke a bottla which the police alleged
contained liquor. - -' t;
Saturday- night Morris Johnesberg. a
rooming boos proprietor, was arrested
a a federal warrant and a quantity of
alleged moonshine and a barrel ot mash
ware seised. . -i . . .. "
,Medford. Dec -Amateur burglars
broke into th garag Of th George I
Trelchler - Motor company Saturday
night, gaming entrance through a bade
window, and removed the cash register
to the workshop, where the drawer was
Jimmied, although the register was un
locked and could have been opened by
touching the keys. They were rewarded
by 37 cents. , . '
Company Wins Fight
On Compensation
- Washington, Dec t, (L X. 8.) .The
Western Fuel company of California
won. Its suit - In the 'supreme court
of the United States,- contesting the
applioatlon of the California workmen's.!
compensation law to admiralty cases.
The company has been, assessed for
$10,000 damages for the death of a work
man killed In the hold of a vessel load
ing at Oakland, Cat . " . '
Rates of -Associated
Dairymen Are Higher
That Regular Market
Astoria, Dee. . Th lower Columbia
bia Dairy association, composed of mem
ber of th Oregon Cooperativ Dairy
men's league la son S, has Issued pay
checks for Its first monta of operation.
These are based oa a prtca ef S cents
above th local market cents above the
Portland figures and 9 cents la excess
of th Junction 'City quotations, Mark
Johnson, president of the association,
announced Mbnday;'-
Johnson pointed out, ta a letter ae
oompaayiag tb checks, which are based
oa a prie of t eanta for buttcrfat,
that this high prie is tb result f but
em month's operation under to intra
son management aad Is dua to a coop
erative organisation.
- Milton, Dec - A Brotherhood of th
Presbyterian church was organised here
following a banquet tendered, the men
by th woman of th church. Officers
chosen were: President, 7U B Kicker;
rice president. C S. Cheshire; secretary
treasurer, W. C, McKlnney ; committe
to draft constitution. Jama Kirk, T. A.
Williams and ' SURmaa Dempsey ; pro
gram committee, & & Shield and J. A.
O linger. N - ' ... . -1 1 ;
McAdoo Says U. S.
Must Enter League
To Guarantee Pacts
Tuba, Okla. Dee. AWT. N. S-
Kvestoany the United States will have
to become a member of the League of
Nations, , according to William Gibbs
MeAdoo, former secretary of. the treas
ury, who la In TttVsa for a abort visit
McAdoo indicated that it la bis belief
that the disarmament conference will
really accomplish something, bnt to be
effeetiv. th decisions reached must be
guaranteed by the entrance of the Unit
ed States Into the League, because, he
pointed out decisions mean agreements
and agreements between nation eaa be
handled best . through th League.
; Cafhlamet' Waafa, !Dec. . Th Wah
kiakum County Teachers' Institute was
held here with ,fS teachers attending.
Mrs. loevpUne Corliss Preston, state su
perintendent of public Instruction, and
W. C Wier ot the state normal at Bel
lingham, spoke. . . .
Kelso, WaslL, Dec. CArthur Mayclin
of Shanghai, son of Mr, and Mrs. Will
iam Mayclin, died in a local hospital
following an operation for appendicitis.
V was S3 years of age.
Safe Proof Against -Unskilled
: Unskilled yeggs battered at th door of
a safe in tb Gunther King company, 146
Jage street, either Sunday night of. Mon
day mortilng. but failed to fain entrance
The combination knob was pounded of)
kpparentiy r by sledge hammers. Th
door, however, was not budged. Several
months ago this safe was looted ef sev
eral hundred dollars after it had been
blown open. ,. .. r
Centralia. Wash Dec . Local
schools, are observing Education week.
Friday will be Patron's day. v; Al
A Tip
l i t
liy "far.
The Romance
of Oriental Rugs
F YOU could but know the
Ancient history of Oriental
rug-makinrj: tie wealth of
symbolism and -story bound up
in each rug and the infinite care
put into each detail, you would
love them as we do.
May we have th pleasure of
showing you some of our
exquisite rugs and carpets, '
so suitable for Christmas
Oriental Rugs
Alder at Ttenth
STORE hot been in business
here for many years and has ol-
ways lived up to their promises.
always been oar motto.
i ii j
You no doubt huve heard that before, but on account orV circuihstmcer
whicB we have no control, it has placed us in a position that we cannot help but do as our creditors
dictate. We have placed our entire' stock in the hands of sale experts with imtnirtions to ELL
SELL SELL regarrlless of former prices in order to meet ourblHs. If the lowest prices in the history
of the KEYSTONE won't do it that will mean the erbd of anouSer blghlaM jewelry store. ..
It makes no difference where
yoa trade, we must give you
lower prices to save this store.
Creditors want their money i
we .must give it to them by
January 1st or go out of bus
Our Entire Stock
of Cut Glass
Half Price
Manicure Sets
We know of so Item that is more
acceptable for a gift than manicur
ing sets such as we carry tn stockv
Pearl, Pyralln and French ivory. :
The prices quoted below are less
than wholesale.-
13.50 Manicure Sets, (1 JQ
1 Cut tO . if wAexO.
6.00 Pearl? "" Haadtek, (f O QK
Cttt to ..... . . .. ... 0-le7J
10.00 .Pearl Handles, Qff QQ
cut to . &0i0
;,iv.?"J7' S6.48
15.00 Manicure - Sets, fgg
Hollow Ware
17.50 3-piece American Sheffield
ChocolaU or coffee set,
20.00 4-piec American Sheffield
uVtV; a. V- 'M SX2.48
6.00 American Sheffield Cream and
augar set, QO QQ
CUttO 'ii '. . . . ..... .. JPUeOe
4.00 Bread Tray, cut to.. . ,$1.89
. 6.00 Bread Tray . ... . . . . .S3.4S
10.00 Bread Tray ; . . . 1 . .$6.48
1.25 Salt and Pepper Sets.. 69c
2.00 Salt and Pepper Sets.. ..98c
3.50 Salt and Pepper Sets. .$1.98
5.00 Sandwich Plate, QO.QQ
- American 5heffie4, cut to 3iVO
2.50 Jmerican Sheffield Qf OQ
' C2lUds Cups, cut to. . . OXeaW7
3.50 Jlmericxa Sheffield Q-j QQ
ChDiTJ Cupn cut o...iiDJO
$ 8.50 grades cut to $4.89
$10.50 grades cut to $6.48
$12.50 grades cut to $7.89
$14.50 grades cut to $8.85
You'll Be Surprised
Roger' 1847 Hollow Handle Knivs
tnd i HoUow Haadl
Forks, per set......
u. $6.48
At Almost Half Price
25.00 Diamond CI A OK
Rlnr Cut to .... . . tDlVD
35.00 Diamond Q rjfT
Rlnf cut to. . . , . 3 A7e I O
47.50 Diamond COQ K(
lRlnc cot to ...... I)wOul
60.00 Diamond QQQ rjJT
Rine cut to DO7 I D
150.00 Diamond
Rinf Cut to .
!'. . S10.89
26-plece Oneida Cotumuhity, Par
Plate, 4 jcnlTes, 6 forks, 6 teaspoons.
6j tablespoons, butter knife : and
surar shell cat
1.75 3-piec chad's set..... 98c
1.00 Roters teaspoons .... ,.48c
6 Rogers', knife and fork CO
sets for only ....... m. q7
We Have on Hand a Large
Stock of f
- Rogers 1847 and .
Community Plate
J Sflverware V:
It Wfll Pay You to Buy
It Here
8 Day Mantel Clocks, yi
and hour strike. Guaranteed
perfect time. $6.50 Regu
lar. Cut dj-l QQ
to ............ tPXatO
i : 'i ;' - - -
4.50 i Genuine U (J0 QQ
Tausca cut to . . ... w&?Op.
7.50 La Tausci Ot I7D
cut to ............ ve U
12.00 La Taflsca &f QQ
24-iach kntV cut to DUOe7
15.00 Delta
to . .
25.00 Delta eat
to ' )
f.!.?.'.... S8.89
10 Alarm Clocks
cat to...
I2JS0 Alam Cloakt
cat to .......... ,
WED. 10 A.M.
W Hav Oa Only at ta Ptic
55o.oo Ceafs Diamond Ring:
Almost one karat, Q-f Qrj
cat to ........ OXOiUU
ip' I,
1.00 terular atfto - 292
2.00 reralar cut to 89c
3 to 4.50 reralar cat to. $19
- Vz And Hour Strike
Guaranteed Clocks
$100 Regular. (fcrT OA
Cut to ........ tD I OU
$14.50 Regular. TQ AQ
Cut to fbuAo
$17.50 Reg. tO ylQ
Cut to ...... vPXaWafirO
$25.00 Reg, QQ
Cut to ..... fDAUaOi
Fountain Pens
Solid Gold Self-fUUnt FOUTfTAlN
PEKS, values to 3.00, HQ
cut to
2.25 1 4k Solid Gold Pen Points.
patent self-fillinj !- ?" A Q
tt derice,.catto .... OleftO
3.50 Gold Pens, cut J Qg
46.50 Gold Peas, cut gg
84)0 Gold Pens, Cat Qg
1.00 Always Sharp Lead Pencil.
moanted In nickel CQ
finish, roar choke UOL
------ - - .i, .-1 . , ( c
10.50 Gold-FiUed younf Man's
Watch, guaranteed 1. CQ
timekeeper, cut to.!.. tDtJeOe
10.00 Cltla Watch; QTJ QP
perfect time; cut to U OO
17.50 tlrlfl'WatcK; faaranteed
20.00 Ela Vhla Model Watch
cat C"M QX
- 1-
M.S0 Boy, oqa
Watch. ............ 07L.
A Small Deposit
Will Hold Any
Article Until
Christmas .
- 9P.MV
Comer Fourth and Wcishington Streeto
! i 9 P. hi :
3.50 Wrist Watch, aolld nickel
case, for boy or girl, : 1 89
cut to .............. .
4.00 Girls' Wrist Watch (JOJ ff
cut to .... .v. . . ... . . &JU90
12.50 Guaranteed Gold-Filled Wrist
ZT.."!...: S6.89
17.50 Guaranteed lS-Jewel Wrist
cut to . . . . .811.89
20.00 'Elgin Wrist Watch. Guar
anteed perfect time) 2 43
A hrgc assortment of White Gold
Wrist Watches at very low prices.
Here U one item that every man is
well acquainted with, the price.being
established for a great many years.
Yoa have six different styles to
select from. -; " -
Regular 5.00 Old Model
1 AQ
jcut to JJXe'xu
Reg. 5.00 ImproTed ?0 AO
Model cut to ...... tDaWeeVO
1.00 Genuine Gillette
Blades cut to, doz.. ... . . .
cot to
4.00 BELT, Sterfing Sil- t Qpj
er Buckle, cut to..... tDle7eJ
2.50 grade, cut to ... Ol&O
4.50 Grade cut
10 A M.,
A Small Deposit ,
Will Hold Any ?
Article Until ;
Xhristmas J '
i w i' ii i i