DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. THE OREGON TUESDAY,. DECEMBER'-' G, i:r. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE HOUSES i 404 EOSE Cm PARK DISTSICT ' New Bungalow 1 - ' A THTT attractive, doable umIwUI rem. plete with bei-dwood floors, finplae, finished in Ivory aed whit, tapestry tw. A teaUy raed , mini -reagaiow. , unkt oovtrocUoo. ROSE CITT PARS . f Rooms and Sleeping Poreb ' (50OO - , ' Owa is an-doo to Mil, base the low priee. Modara wltA bard-rood Oaora. In- place and for- BOSK CTTT P. Under Construe tioa 15450 A nifty 5 roam bancalow wtth hardwood floor, fireplace, furnace, carafe. One of tha finest lo cation in Bose City. BuUt along' modern line, A real, ap-to-det boaM, and welt built, flea thai LATJEET-HTTRST 858SO A apfendid bungalow built br ana af Port- . Ind boat bolides; corner lot; all aseta, paid. Wfty aot ftra this to your wua lot fjimstinaa. LAUBrTLHTJEST teaoo Reduced (ma (7260. A new bauigakrw of en - during eoutroctioe; 8 room: a bom yon will - be proud to own; modern la etsry way; very liberal tanas. 1 AC..TEEPE CO. v, .'OCAtTOOS A IN5UOANCC TfO trtJix. T - IV. dorr Alio SAitpy 6Wl Vt A.V . TABOR. 955 ROSE CTTT j 5300 IiOWV CL08B IN . 55000 ATTRACTIVE 5-HOOlf HOMTE WITH FURNACE, GARAGE AND . 8 LP. PORCH. FIREPLACE, BOOKCASES. BUF FET. DUTCH KITCHEN. 2 LARGB BED BROOMS. EXTSA LARGE CLOSETS. FULL . CUUiNT BA8F.MENT. LAUNDRY TRAYS. R. SOMKBVIIXFi. BDWY. 2478. " 820 tT, 8. NATIONAL BNK BLDG. . M0NTAVILLA F oar-room modem bones, fall cement basement, full plumbing: sear ear; 52200; 3600 down, balance easy. Fire-room modern bungalow. In fine con dition; cement basement, first, cement runway, extra large lot; 53000; term. Tola is a big value. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. WH 4th St. VACANT ALBERTA HOME ! Six nice rooms, big basement with furnace; substantial Heme, newly painted inside; clean and ready to occupy ; close to Alberta car; a good boy; (2700. 5500 cash. - I UfllireJi Harris Cn. Xa-"-- a wa a, - w. 0 1 6 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. IRVIXGTON DISTRICT Kaw 6-room bungalow with large finished at te. This la ml -slue. (5560. $1000 cash, $35 monthly and interest. : JohnsonDodson Co. 53 N. Vf. Bank Bid. ' Main 3787 BUILDER baa J net completed beautiful hone, I ready tr occupy, large corner lot, imp., all paid, fine of the beat neighborhoods - in Portland, full basement, French doors, hdw. floors snd all the buUtina. garage and furnace. Price far under value. Come out and have a look at it. , 877 Woodward avenue. . Phone East 2859. . I - Furnished Bungalow ! Only $8300, (800 down; has fireplace, laun dry trays, full basement and built-in. Lot 60s 100; good district. 1827 K.j Flafedeta. . or Tsbor 7547. I Why Pay Rent? ! (500 down takes a lorely modern home in Vancouver are., cIom in, psved St.; full baae rtmt, built-ins; 53150. Mr. Butter, 693 tt Williams are.. Woodlswn 1371. MONTA VILLA HOUSE BARGAIN- . Modem bungalow, & rooms on first floor, large dormers. Can hare 3 more rooms if desired. In first-class condition. Near car; 76th st: (3500. terms. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165 4th St SPLENDID LAUBELHURST BUNGALOW of 7 rooms, corner lot: pries 37600; will ex cbange equity of 64500 fer modem country home of 7 or more looow. RALPH IIARKLS COMPANY ,StC Chamber of Commerce. i Main 5624. AN ABSTRACT of otw a not a guarantee of ,! your title; it is merely a history of your title. A Title Insurance Policy is a guarantee of your title. Therefore, when yon bay property get a Title Insurance Policy. Mo abstract required, Title A Trust company. I BARGAIN IN ALBERTA 6 Room, modern honse, corner lot, 40x100, 300P, $500 rash. This la a real Zmas rift. McGEE A DENNIS 069 Union Arenoe N. Wdln. 5684 ONLY 62200 Kms 4 room modem Bungalow, rail lot B Ox 100. Dandy basement and chicken boos. Only $600 down. baL $20 month, including 8 per cent Interest See this right sway. Auto 210-88. DON'T OVllRLOOK THIS aVaWlMtV A ("IMMsm mAriaM Kasmaaaa -aaaa Use, garaga. trait trees; $300 will handle it, balance like rent See it 1622 E. Glhaa at eonMir 6''d.. Tabor 4 372. erenings. NEW BUNGAJXIW enrner lot 13HSU asitn wftl n. voai quickly, this is a'unap. ' ' W. H. ROSS, I ! 1100 N. W. Bank Bids. ' WEST ALBERTA STREET . ' 8 -room cottage, lot DOilOO feet, pared ; street, 81550; 635.0 down. $30i month; fur nished 81700. I l t R. M. OATEWOOn A CO.. 163 H 4U St BY OWNER NEAT 7-ROOM UOCSE " Lot 50x100. full basement, cement floor, fur nace, traya. electricity. 2 toilets, garage, dose in; pnoe reduced to 34000, V, , cash. .Phone Woodlswn 8321. , I CENTER ST., NEAR SELL WOOD CAR 6 rma.. modern, full cement : basement, full lot. fire fruit trees, chicken run, ' cement garage. Investigate. $3600. Term jWm. Willing, Sell. 1 160. i W S CAM sell, trade or rent your borne or tana. Give us a chance. elcGEB A DENNIS 6- t'nion Are. . Woodlawn 5680. A TITLE Insurance rouey.at a guarantee of the - title to your home. Wben yon buy your home bsre tbe title insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title tc Trust company. COMFORTABLB HOME 4 rooms, plane red, good plambing, school cloat; equity 8900. Consider auto as part bal ance (1000. easy payments. 6404 70th st S. K. MUST sell my 5-room bungalow! comer i pared streets, garage, full bastmient, 8 cords wood, laundry trays; neatly tinted. See it at 1070.K. 18th N.. 1 block to Alberts r. MCK new 4 -room house, ground 100x100; xt?.ooa hu (100; $100 down, bal ance $10 per month, - T DRAPER, 40 Board of Trade Bldg. 4-KOOM. furnished house, pared st. 10 minutes from town $3800, good terms, i MoGEE A DENNIS 069 Union Avenue N. Wdln 'ks.s.4 WBEN yea get a Title Insurance Folic. oa do Bet aeed aa abstract of title. One pre ra turn pan for sU time. Title A Trust company. 6 ROOM modem home near Broadway; lot SOx i lliS; garage shop hold 6 care oa lot: anan ,$4500. Autp. 331-23.. i TnjaTlBsaanee toe mooera way of haadlina - titles to reel eatate. Quicker, easts lessud BO abstract required. Title & Trust company. ACREAGE 405 'NEWEKi M'lilRW IV" I 1 0 acres in cultivation, running 8 n trait trees; on the pavement. It , etneuj cooice nemeaite. gauno, terms. ' NEWBERG HIGHWAY . 1 , f acres in cultivation, 2 acres blackcaps, 1 acre auavrberriea, 1 V acres red raspberries, ' 60 young prune trees; oa the pavement 83600 , $1600 cash, $200 per annua ouw. ' , ALOHA I i.i ct cultivatioa. near station. $1800. $8001 cash. 320 month. Would take lot for (SOv and (20 month. 92D 8TREET 10 acre. 4 acne in ctUusaUon: 6 acres tim ber aad pastare; city water, gaa, electric lights: Jib out city limits. (3500, terms. k. M. GATEWOOD A tXJ.. 185 Fourth 8t Alt ACREAGE BARGAIN in PORTLAND ON CARLINE I Two aad one-third acres, within 1 $ min- otee ride of the center of the city: most .- tsnproveisvanta ia; on Gladstone ave. 82000 Mala tle.8, jMr- liwa' a ACRES BEAVERTON DISTRICT ,AU in eulnvatioo. eery sightly and best of . ?oU; ,wov wire feaoe: youaa orchard; buUdina.: 1 aide from eiertrio stotioa, 10 miles from Port land, . Price 33300; 7terms. laCEDDEMANN. COMPANY' 013 Chamber of Oomiaerce. 20 ACRki Oosa to highway. Uve towns and work; awod auto read all winter; snap at (1830 la-naT Take the profit that 1925 i briniui ..... ' INTERSTATE LAND iCOT 248 Stark St . , f Main 6429. C.Nki atVCRK. small houae. 71 fruit tree.; 2 milei fraaa city luaua. close to ar;T(l500; (250 cash, balance easy. tUittUt WELCH. ' 4 78 Railway Exchange Building. , Va ACRE8 to acres; Alberta 'ear; Keaaedv . J tsde city; 850 down. 810 mositn. R. w. Cary, 1819 W. W, Bank bldst blX ARES near Greaham. aear elertrie hj goed soil; a rood boy st (450; enly (73 oowa! r.i. iW Ajoarg es XTeue mag. 'J4 J'-K HLF ACRE TRACT; hlAlX "-... , . awsex 177. ORSaU,S----Aereae tract from! 1 is 1- i r sss ail. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 ' ' tTJT PACTFIC highway -I arrea, 11 goilea from center of Port' land. $ acres under eulti ration, all can be farmed whea cleared; good loam anU: aewv attractree 5-room plastered bungalow ' witA 2 porcnea. peasant baeeasent aad wired for eleetneity; garaga 12x18: only 1 H xeiles from important city. Price (4200, (1200 cash, balance easy terms. Consider Portland noose of less rsioe. Discount for a , ' ' - ' OREGON CITY LETE ten, I blocks from Oak Grove. S blocks to ' school, all under cultivation, -A-room bouse, gas in honea. eleetrie hghts available, chicken, park, woodshed. ' Price (200w. terms.- Consider leaidsine la Port land of greater value.: BIG 'ACREAGE BARGAIN One acre, on paved road, all under enTti vatioB. 2 blocks from station, Oregon ; City line, close ia; temporary bona, large enough for 4 rooms. Price (1S50. (760 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, GERLLNGEB BLDG. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. West Side We have 13 acres Bear Mnltnomah on the Garden Home road, with paved road in front of property; city water, city fas, c carfare, dose to station. 20 minutes from the city. No bridge to cross or downtown congestion to be bothered -with. - We can make you e good price on this in one piece or will divide to. suit. A suggestion for your benefit if yon can get a few of your friends Interested in this after lookinf the land over we can nuke you 8 good price on che 15 acres. Get in before we platt the tract and have -to raise the price. Reverman Investment Company 210 Lewis bids. Broadway 2954, Sundays and Evenings, Automatic 824-10. BARNES ROAD ACREAGE 10 acres. 9 in cultivation, near Barnes road, 2 H miles west of business section of Portland: sightly, well drained, on skkyllne boulevard; Bull Bon water; electric car service. Price reasonable. EA&LEY ROBINSON RPOONER CO., REALTORS, 712 Coach Bldg. Broadway 6785. CHICKEN RAn'CH". ALL EO.IJIPPED WITH CHICKENS AND TWO PIGS, for sale at a sacrifice br owner; some terms. ! D. J. O'Connor. 8008 2d st ; Mt Scott car. SUBURBAN HOMES i 406 SUBURBAN HOME 0 acres in cultivation, high and sightly, lota of fruit and berries; 5 room honse, plumbing, electric hghts, fireplace, bam, chicken bouse, near Willamette river, paved road. 20 minutes by auto from city; walk ing distance to carline; (6000; (2000 -down. (1000 per year. This is choice. R- M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165 H 4th st A BARGAIN Beautiful 1H -story stone house, 7 rooms, all modern convemencea. acre, 26 minutes from town, on Oregon City, ear. 3 blocks from Pacifio highway. Owner, Oak Grove 11-J. EXCEPTIONALLY good buy in Park rose, acre and modem home, garage; terms, Tabor 2676. FARMS 407 30 ACRES, ' 55 miles from center of Port land ; road paved all tbe way except hi mile which is macadamized; good wire fences; bearing orchard; 21 acres under cultivation. 0 acres pasture; all can be farmed when cleared; good, pew 5 mom .plastered house, bam 60x80,' garae, chicken house, woodshed, etc Included with place: One team, 2 cows, wagon, buggy, cultivator, plow, mower., rake. etc. An exceptionally productive piece of land only ti mile from highway. Price (6500, 82500 cash, balance easy terms, 6. Might consider place near .Warren and Swedish school. IRRIGATED LAND 40 acres, south went of Redmond. Or., on The Dalles-California hie-way. all can be farmed. The juniper trees and sagebrush have been removed; wire fences: paid-up, perpetual appurtenant water right for 80 acres: cement cistern, shack house. Price (1200. (500 cash. Personally injected. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. GERLINGER BLDG. I Arrest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. A Few CowsA Meal Ticket while you make a start I own tlO acres, all good aoU. within 2 H miles of good town, river- and highway; hi mile to school on good county road, running water, fine springs; large house, some outbuildings. 540 per acre. Very easy terms to the right man. See me at once. JOHN A. MEIS8NEB, 821 Gaaco Bldg. DAIRY FARM EQUIPPED 80 acres second river bottom land, 60 cleared, new bungalow, large barn and new silo and poultry house, plenty spring water, all necessary farm implements, grain seeded for 122. Excellent potato soil, 4 miles from railway station, good roads, 10 mike Portland. EASLEY ROBINSON SPOONER CO.. -ResJtnro 712 Cwieh bldg. Bdwy. 6785. 22 ACRES, all under cultivation. 8 acres -- .vajveu wua www wi re. a mom noose with woodshed, new barn, hog and chicken house, 2 good wells, on pared road. school; telephone and electric light line; 83800. j aueuat owauwn. OA a 1. OW at. x wtuiw, vrr.. note I nooo. DANDY COUNTRY nntlE 4 tl ae IM M mirmmt imw Kma - - X 4 Tim mi lunjM. ,a nr. mrA ItMHu. young orchard and abundance of berries: thickly settled enHimnfiitv tt.a R on - iiraa v. will handle. STEWART A JOHNSON, 815 Northwestern Bank bldg. 8PLENDID PUGET SOUND DAIRY FARM AT big sacrifice; 160 acres: 60 seres cleared, bal ance pasture, timber; 6 miles Beilingham: paved road, running water, .excellent soil, good build ings. Ideal dairy farm. (17,000. en terms. Write Brisbin. Smith A Livesey. Beilingham, Wash., for particulars. 15 ACRES with good 6-room bouse, 4 miles , from Whitwood Court on Germantown road; 1200 oords fir wood, first growth timber; (3500: terms. F. M. Mites, 609 McKay bldr. Main 13HU. FINE DAIRY FARM 06 acre. 92 cultivated, fine 8-room noose, hot and cold water, bath, fine large bam. 2 alios, outbuildings. orchard, living water; 311.500; terms. Dubois. 8.04 Spalding bldg. NEAR HiUsboro; fine' 10 acres, all cultivated. 5-room house. -rood bam, chicken hoosea, out buildings, orchard; only $3000; easy terms. Dubois. 804 SpaMing bldr. 160 ACRES. 2 miles of BattVecronnd. 10 acres cleared, running water: only 860 per acre: very easy termar John C. KoraUi. 804 Spald ing bldg. FOR RENT FARMS 408 FARM FOR RENT PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE 14 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 73 acres, 80 acres , in cultivation, balance extra good pasture, running water. 4 acres bear ing orchard: dandy sew bam, 4 room boose, plenty of ontbuildincs, crops are all in ; 5 dandy cows. 1 heifer; team of horsea, 3 brood sows, 80 chickens, wagon, hack, mower, rake, plow, bar row, cream separator, lot of small tools; 2 tons oats; enough hay to last till spring, j Price 81500, including rent to March X, Kent thcre- aiter taav per year. STEWART ft JOHNSON. 816 Northwest Bank Bldg. HOMESTEADS 410 COPY govt, saape aaewnir Western Oregon boavtsteed land. $L Our charges are rea sonable and ear ass-vice the best ea keatiooa. Iterances green. M. J. ANDERSON. 802-4 Bailwsy Exchange bldr.. Portlaad. TLMBER LANDS 411 FOR SALE 15.000.000 feet fine timber. TiV kuaook county on Nebaiem riser; dose price if sold quickly. N-786. Journal, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ! 413 TO EXCHANGE 11-room hoaee, f iimaee, ' 4S roosa suites, 1 8-room suits; 3 sets plumbing ; good tooaUon; all furnished; good income, $1(0 per month. Price $0600. - Take small house to $3500. balance long time. M S 6 3. Journal. southern California." ; ' property to exenanae for Portland. We have asset any siae exchange and will be glad ta bare yea call and tell as what you want I ' . . Til Lewis Bldr. BroadwaT SS62. 7 BOOM bouse and store building, on cor-" ner lot on Union ave. Good for 8100 a atonth t dodos. Take smeller place ia taut naymsnt, fH BRACE. 814 Coach Bldg. Mr iiat, take old bouse, aeeoing r pairs, cee a r"1 oitririt, for acreage Bear Salem. HX-766, Joarnal. 1 (MALL aareaaw mai coustn er wai achange. - See aw for lai-m. nicnsras, gog Cc-och BMg. MY LARGE list of exchanre and enrvesrioBd JjaaMee KM to trade year property, ae matter where locmt Brace. 14 Coach bide. WILL give lot ia City Park for first Can iwdiav TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 DO TOO WANT TO SELL OS TRADE Wt can sea or trade anything yea have, , have, some of the best farms fa the state on, easy terms or we can trade yon one tor your city property. e aiso nave same good city uiupeiti- to tot ranches. If yon want a mcfc. Quick Sales Co. ? 40( Couch bide V Ast 611-09. TEN ROOM HOCSB INCOME 885 MONTHLY AJTsngedfor housekeeping, all fnrriMhed. C8x 100 ground, 1 block front ear. in industrial dis trict in South. Portland. Price 8520O. Will take small plaaa to 83006. . Bee Mr. Stephens, with h. . -- . ... . 1 7 : V 733 Chamber of Commerce. 299 ACRLS. 4 mike from town. mile from school, on i good new mars dam road, about 100 acres river bottom, balance rolling. 235 acres in coltrrstian, balance timber and pasture, 75 acres fall crop in, family orchard, 2 fair hoosea, 2 barm), running water and city main. Price (16.500. Will take small farm to value of (8000. STEVENSON A KTJLTY. s McMimsviUe Nat Bank Bide. MclOniiTiDe, Or. FOR a reasonable equity in. a home will trade 134 acres of good land on the Sumpter Taller railroad. 28 'miles from Baker, 3 miles from railroad; 40 acres of standing timber: baa run ning stream and 2 springs; would make fine farm. Deal Quick, for I have got to have some j place to pore. Call at 1258 E. Yamhill. WILL TKADK We are prepared to arrange a trade for yon. Bring In your proposition aad we will match you on anytMns that has merit; lota, houses, acreage, farms or stocks o( merchandise. E. R. &.. 712 Couch bldg. TWO STORY brick bnlldimi, Vancouver, Wash. Will take house in Portland In rood location, as part payment Call Tabor 6057. 5 ACRES, Isjst out of city limits; 6-room bunga low, basement and full plumbing; facing macadam road; fine garden land; lota of fruit Price 37500. (2000 mortgage 6 per cent Will take small house and cash or 2 small houses for equity or take 7-room bungalow. M-356, Journal. EXCHANGE OFFICE. Our eerrices are ready for every ex change proposition of merit BOBNETT A McCLtTRE 802 Conch bldg. Marshall 8202. FINE trade in valley stock of hardware and furniture store, building and dwelling, trade for good house and lots; Alberta , district pre ferred. Value 34000. WX-753. Journal. OREGON land for eastern property, you? Brace, 814 Couch bids. What have 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 FINE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Over an acre with store building, 6-room house, 1 1 miles from Portland, including general merchandise stock, filling station, Republio track, doing business of $100 per day; for sale, or will exchange for small improved acreage near Portland. Price (7500. HENRY W. GODDARD 243 Stark Street 18 ACRES. 2 acres strawberries, 3 room house, good bam, fruit house. Price (1800: 3800 cash and 2 years on balance At Falls City. 7 room bouse with 4 bedrooms, basement. foJO lot Price 33000. 1008 E. 32d N. WiU trade for acreage near Portland or Vancouver. Mrs. May Gouriey, Camas, Wash. R. D , box 60. FOR SALE A small farm. 120 acres, 50 acres in wheat, all fenced, no buildings, 1 -mile from Columbia highway and 5 miles from The Dalles, or trade for modern house in Portland, KX 3'J4, Journal. T R A I IK vnnr ear for & f,m- ft. . .-.-m ISA m. acre. 6 miles from Newberg, f 1 500 caah.f ' us tit car up w eouu. u. it. vvstson, n l Newberg, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WANT SMALL PLACES. CLOSE IN Improved places with buildings, on good road, close to electric transportation and Portland. Small payment down and owner to accept soldier's loan. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. CLIENT with capital wants to invest in some in come producing business building. What have you! HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR 243 HUrk St. Main 831. WE are in need of houses aad lots in Piedmont, Kenton and Alberta districts: clients waiting. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. HAVE a client from tbe east who wants an apartment or flat buHding; if you want to sell yours, let me know. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR 243 HUrk St Main 831. HAVE a number of clients wno wish to buy homes on til a esst side. Can give you quick results if price is right Phone the number of your house and I will make a personal inspection. J. F. HILL, 696 Williams ave. East 268. WANT Went Side house, need not be strictly modern, but want full lot, well located: win exchange East Side flats, difference to be ad justed. HKNRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark Street I WANT to buy for cash hotel or apartment honse from $8000 to $20,000. Write me at Benson hotel, riving your lowest price and loca tion. Barnie Willeta 6 OR 7 ROOM house. $3000-84000. $300 down, balance small monthly payments; own er only. F-940, Journal. WANT 4 or 5 room house, $500 down, (30 mo,, aroond Alhina. Kiilingsworth are. Phone Main 4659 WANT nice 5-room bungalow . iu good dUtrict, with garage, preferably Hawthorne district HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark Street WANT modern 5 room bungalow. $3000- MUUO; nave 6-cyL car. run .2000 miles, balance cash. C-180. Journal. HAVE clients for lots in Laurelhurst. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. ACREAGE 455 WANTED Close in unproved acreage tract Can make a quick sale for you if price is right J. F. HILL 696 Willi sms Avenue Kast 268 FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 SMALL FARMS WANTED We are having many calls for small improved farms with stock and equipment, located not too far from Portland oa good road, that can be handled with a payment of around $1000 to $1500 rash. Get in touch with us at once, F. L. EDDY. REALTOR. BITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-2-.3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE clients for several moderate priced email farms or acreage with buildings within 20 miles of city. Guaranteed quick sale if price is right wl A. MEISSNEB , 821 Gasco Bidg. I WANT 6 to 20 acres within 25 miles of Portland. Most hare some improve ments. Give description, price and terms first letter. I mean ba&isess. J-547. Journal. j WILL- buy small rancn south of Portland. Write, giving all details. U-772. Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC 500 FEDERAL TAX EXPERT tarns audits: reasonable monthly rate. Mam 931 $650 LIGHT grocery delicatessen, apt Jioose district Rent $20. Real boy for man and wife. Can at 407 McKay bldg. Printing for Less Bryder Prmttne Os. Mam 6530. 192 84 at. FOR SALE Cheap, good ahoe repair shop, good Joeaiaoa; cheap rent, with living rooms. East 3779. 31100 GROCERY and 4 living rooms, east side; business 625-835 day. . BUSINESS SERVICE, T18 DEKUM BLDG. FIRST data shoe shop for Electrically Box 0111, coatppea. iioing good aiiraoa, ur. $450 CIGAR, osndy stand, busy street You can torn this at a profit Call early at 407 McKay bMg. - - CAFETERIA, low rent, . heat, water, clearing 3350 mo. West tod. - 664 Buchanan bldg. A LADY PTtner wno eaa invest (400 ta laoadry a v-1 o . , journal. CONFECTIONERY doing alee business, Lenta; (700 aandle. 604 Buchanan bldg. . &ESTACRANT. 189 2. 23d st (1500 Reasons fer sale. See owner. GROCERY wilt invoice stock, sell tUtares. cleaa stock. 604 Bachanaq bldg. WANTED Man to take aa interest ia auuxaas lactory. - a-9b. Journal. - - j EUSHVESS OPPORTtnSTTIES STORES, ETC 500 SATS (20 to (30 eo fini-hinf, year ear bow; we ere going to refinitih so eutooaobika is any desired coins , as many colon on your car as you ' want with, the highest class auterial end work tint will please the xeeet exactiac; the tops aad enefaione redressed complete, from be giiHiine to end for fmm SIS ta (20. Finavbed the way you want it finished. We are in position te turn your car ant at ones win look like new believe as, : Satisfaction guaranteed. - . V Addreae X-T67. Journal. f WAIN TED Sales manager to travel aad ap . point agents , and distributors (or ear new visible gtsoHne and oil measure for oil ir"t" aad dealers. Bug prbtit to dealers; also self starter for Ford cars "that will atai-t"; .man witA money to in vest can make a fortune eat of DARNALL DICKEY INDUSTRIES -Boom 627, New Richmond hotcL Seattle, Wash. RESTAURANT SACRIFICE Good business, 845-875 per day: rood lease, fixtures and location; price i; some terms. fnone 2906. 525 Jtailway Ex. THE MARINE LIFE SAVING A EQUIPMENT CO., a (250,000 : Washington corporation with two marine ways and machine shop, needs an. office man, mechanic and secretary-treasurer who can make an investment with their services; .big - wages, steady work. Daman Dickey Industries, room 527 ISew Ti.Kw,rt,iH hotel, Seattle. Wash. HALS' interest in machine abop in rood town close to Portland;, doing a thriving business. Owner has other interests and must sell. WILLIAM Aw HUGHES CO. 218 Bailwsy Exchange Bldg. Broadway 6808. AN OPPORTUNITY Te start a Ismail store near public school. Hare desirable corner lot where general store would prosper; no near competition; in city limits. W. M. Unmdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bid-. Bdwy. 1658. WST SIDE garage, dose in and doing a good business; storage alone win more than pay the rent; sells gas, oil,' etc. This will stand a strict investigation. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Broadwsy 6808 WE have a building. 21 rooms, over 4 store," lot- lOOHOO, on busy street, close in. -will sell for (27,500, (3500 cash, good terms. In come over (600 per month. SQUARE DEAL CO.. 154 E. 6th. E. 7389. FOR. SALE AT A BARGAIN BEST LOCA TION IN CITY: UP-TO-DATE LUNCH COUNTER, CIGARS. CANDY AND POOL HALL. ADDRESS M. J. CLLNE. ABERDEEN, WASH. GROCERY Clean stock, invoice about (2000, Fixtures and furniture (850: living rooms; cash and car ry business; about 350; best east aide location. UNIVERSAL SALES CO.. 602 Ry. Ex. Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE A Bntter-Kist popcorn and peanut roaster. Cost over (1000 when new; will sell this machine cheap, or trade for anything that I can use. Addre 1397 Eaat 27th st N.. Portland. Or. CASH BUYER I want a small grocery with living rooms, in good res. district (1500 to (2000. See me today don't fsiL UNIVERSAL SALES CO., 602 Ry. Ex. Bldg. ' ,.,1.111 AX 1.1V11,S Cash and carry, good location, long lease, low rent cash sales (75 per day, fixtures 3400. Owner going east 693 is Williams ave. Wdln. 1371. WOULD TOU pay (100 down to get into a good first-class honorable business a money maker none better T Address this office, H-993. journal. WE have an A-l proposition on Yamhill st It will nav von to mveetibrste tnis nniisnsl Kn. at 82000. UNIVERSAL SALES CO.. 602 Ry. Ex. Bldg. CAFETERIA (550 cash will buy nice clean little cafeteria. Established 10 years. A bargain. Call 407 Mo Kay bide. IMPORTANT Do yon want to sell your cigar stand? Bee me today. I have cashi. UNIVERSAL SALES CO.. 602 Ry. Ex. Bldg. BARBER SHOP, confeptionery, camroom, five rooms; will sell stock, and lease or sell build ing; fine sawmill town. Ed Wilson, Mineral. Wash. HAULING CONTRACT Good lumber hauling contract goes with purchase of .truck; re quires 81000 to handle, balance easy terms. Mr. Kilton, 4 30 Burnett st prices. Acorn Press. 286 hi Washington, nr. 5th. SELL half interest woodsaw, wards to saw for plenty work. 504 Buchanan bldg. APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 MOST attractive west side apartment site with best view and walking distance to business lliKtl-ief 7 J . ,K nlaina aM.a . 1. , . ' , 1 avaawaa, auaawu 1111 nmifc llT Up-tO- date 2 and 3 room apta showing large net re- v in -otiuj'-iiu nam reuaoie party witn $15,000 for half interest and msjiagement of same. Smith A Griffiths, arehifeets M.e a ? 7 a WANTED Apartment of 12 to 20 rooms, on which Scan apply first mortgage of 31250, bearing 8 per cent; must be reasonable and not lnilaSed in ru-ic Mm,, ut. 50 ROOM APART. HOUSE, lease 1926; brick .ld-; income 5450 mo. (11.000 handles. 504 Buchanan bldg. fiem. 30 ROOM APART. HOUSE, lease 1926 "good Jrtn. clearing (250 mo. (3000 handles. asv-K tiWAiauiQ num. WANT TO SELL 5 ROOM FLAT" PHONE BDWY. 1353 HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 BARGAIN RESIDENTIAL HOTEL 41 rooms, center of city, hot and cold water in all rooms. 10 private baths, tele phones, dandy furniture, always full; best If""?'. cle 3375. Price $10,000; $6000 handles; good terms. AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO.. 835 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4 4 -room apartment house: malic elevator; private baths; 6-: lease; rent 325; west side. 525 Railway Exchange. Main 2996. 1 DTlT BTTV 12 rooms in the 'White Temple district that 1" "i aww or oeu-er. naruwooa lurmture. RearranBe the furniture and yon can take a profit with a quick sale; 82200 with some terms. 401 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 6150. A NIFTY PLACE 11 room apartment very close in, good mrnitore, furnace, elect and gas; absolutely clears 8100 per mo., besides 2 room apt for owner. Price 818.00; $1000 hH- AUSTIN -O'LEARY REALTY Ca. 333 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WE SOCIALIZE in rooming hoosea, hotels, and apt ' houses. Would be pleased to hear from you if you wish to list er find a location. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664 820 Lumbermens bldg. HERE IT IS Your ripportunity to make some quick, easy money; 16 rooms that can be handled for 31000 down. Go in and clean it up and then take your profit Has a lease aad the rent is only $50 401 Failing Bids. Bdwy. 6150. WHITE TEMPLE 12 single h. k. rooms, with a net of $150. We will prove the net The furniture is extra One; $1700 down payment, 401 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 6150. AN EXCLUSIVE LISTING 120 rooms, corner brick. Nortliwestera heat lease over fair; full price A23.500. terms. This place can be made to pay 33000 profit Buy now, as hotels are going up. . rinVLCK Wl'UAiLU. 501-2 (Xfflch BMg. tF YOU want a fine place to live, some srofes aional man's office and residence or a good boarding bouse, I have 22 rooms.- good farm tare, netting me 8175 per month aad 4 nice sunny rooms for living quarters; eorne and in spect 1 and buy from owner. 49$ Yamhill st THIS IS A PEACH OF A PLACE AND CANT BB BEAT AH prrrste baths, a regular little apartment house; -lease; sorely home and good profits. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 601-3 Conch Bkig. 64 ROOM APT. HOUSE IM Tided into 1.2. 3 and 4 room apta.. very nicely furnished, S year leases; rent 8275; nets 8600 or better; priced at 320,000; reasonable terras. 401 Failing bkig. Bdwy. 6150. NEWLY FURNISHED, 12 BOOMS. MODERN Nob -Hia eSstric $1000 necessary. ?. BRCCB GODDARD. 601-2 Coach Bldsv 14 ROOMS All H. K: elec. hsnts. store heat; - rent (60; full price (1900. See Mr. Carrie, , 1. W. GfiCSSL 818 Board of Trade. ' Mate T45. 15 V'ERX well unu-hed at. T reamsi net ia- come batter 226 12th. No la. Owner. 10 ROOM looaung boose, extra fine furniture; clean $80. 7l Dekiim bidg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS AND ROOMING. HOUSES FOR SALE 501 Resident Hotel' Right Down Town - r . - 44 yooras, all outside roomsa, fornJah lags ia rood condition, good lease, necting 8500 per amenta; owner wants a .larger place. I have a real price oa the above for Quick sale. r Derr & Pownder ISIS N. W. Bank bktg. Mar. 2245. 10 ROOMS, housekeeping. Nob Bill, clean aad ataractive; furniture and ruga rood; rent reasonable; ((0 net with 4 nice rooms for owner. Price (1300. This is mack less than other places of the same char acter. Mrs. Albaugh. JOHN FERGUSON. GerBrirer bldg. BUSINESS OPPORIUNTTIES WANTED " 550 APARTMENT HOUSE WANTETi Hare client wanting lease and furnishimri: win go io tiB.vvw, pay ana iron eioou to (10. 000 cash; if yours is for sale, call at once, Mr. Tfiaw 001 A. M-KENNA ft CO. 82 Fourth St Main 6871. WANTED A furnished apartment on the west . aide with good furniture and good location, between 82500 and 84000; no agents.! L-735. Journal. I WANT lease oa an unfurnished apartment, 20 to 40 room; can furnish references and security on lease. L-734. Journal. NEED SOME CASH? Do you want to sell? Do you want a part ner? See us Business Service, T 18 Desrura bldr. WANTED FOR CASH Hotel, rooming house or apartments, 34000 to 87500; pay cash. 226 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . DO YOU want to sell your nuainess: want partner. See us. 604 Buchanan bldg. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION Oa improved property or for 1iiiiiini aaal purpose. Tbe best and easiest method of paying a loan is oar monthly payment plan. (32.26 per month fur 36 months, or (21.84 per month for 60 months, or (15.17 per month for 96 months, pays a loan of (1000 and interest. Ixstns of other ' amounts ia same proportion, ' Repayment Privileges. XQUTTABLS9 SAVINGS A LOAN ASSH . 242 Stark St. Portland, Or. (300, $400. 500. $750. $1000 AND TJP. Lowest rates, quick action: pay 100 or more any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Cham, of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. $300, $400. , (500. $70w. 81000 AND UP. Low rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. BUILDING loans oa city ana suburban prop erty: money advanced as work nroensssea. W. O. Beck. 215-216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. $2000 TO 830OO ON CITY PROPERTY m vt - rr ' , , . .. . r. . . . . . fim" p. tt lui-iajio, pop fA-AMA &lLH. $500, $1000 and up; 7; no red tape. Ward, mi Bpaiaing piag. SEE OREGON INV. A MOttTGAGB CO 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. MONEY TO -LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOAN 3 MADE ON Automobiles FURNITURE, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS OB ANYTHING OF VALUE SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAYMENTS TO OTHER LOAN mwPANTfS nn rwr FURNITURE OF AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS T AKUi TOU WJS WIU, FAY THEM UP. ADVANCE Y0n MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN PAY C8 IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICEN8ED) 806-307 PEKTM BLDG.. 3D AND WASH. SALARY LOANS, CHATTEL WE LOAN MONEY on abort notice to salaries to workingmea on their own note Weekly, emi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAffiU NO TNDORSKB ABSOLUTELY NO SECURJTT We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc call and investigate columbia discount co. (licensed 218 failing Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ehandise placed in storage with as at a regular bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 4 th and Pine st Ormosite Multnomah Hotel, Phone Broadway 3715. MONEY Tx LOAN On household goods at bank rates. ALERT TRANSFER CO.. 209 Oak Bt $100 TO 32500; quick action. A. H. Bell, 2314 Morrison j st. rooms 10 and 11. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 AM forced to sell ' all or part of 20 shares Northwestern Electric Co. 7 ner cent nre- ferred stock. Will take 94. P. O. Box 298. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, 816 Lumbermens blcg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and ell ers' eontrscts. P. E. Bowmsn A Co., 210 Chant of Com, bldg. Main 3026. I BUY seller's contracts, mortgages, antomobile paper; funds in any amount invested for clients. Roy H. Keagy. 712 Lewis bldg. WILL buy small seller's contract or second mortgage. tiordont 631 Co, of Com, bldg. MONEY WANTED 651 $4500 LOAN WANTED New, modem S-room. beautiful tiled - bath and shower, sun parlor, breakfast room, hard wood floors below; strictly modem; furnace. 858 E. 30th st N , Alameda Park, half block to streetcar; worth $11,000; fine residence dis trict Will pay full commission. E. A. BAKER, 1206 ) Northwestern Bank bldg. TELEPHONE; MAIN 8002. WANTED $500. $750. $1000, $1500, (2000. $5000; bve applications for the above amounts, first mortgages, interest 7 and 8 per cent. J. F. BILL, 69j WilBarrs Avenue East 268 WANTED To borrow $1000. excellent col lateral. Miller, 625 Morgan bldg. Main 205. SEE OREGON INV. At MORTGAGE OCX. 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 CROWN STABLES, Inc. W have 139 head of horses. Most of these have been re tamed frrm eontnu-t work on ac eount of the weather and are all for sale. AQ are good work stock; eome look a little rough, bat they are ycHing arvi guaranteed to be as we represent them. We also have new and second hand harness, wegoas and grading tool, plows, barrows, etc. Phil Soetter, pres.. 283 Front st aAS MY lease has expired 1 am offering for -ale one large young team of registered Belgian mares; one of the finest teams in the state, for (700. One small horse weitrbing 1150 for (50; one registered Durham bull, milk strain, and 2 good cowa, for $65 and (50. I live 2 miles west of Oregon City, lust beyond the West Linn trammsT school. A. Pressey. U. S. STABLES Honea for tale, hire er exchange; ha mesa aad wagons of all kinds. 365 Union ave. aw. ooc Stephens st Q. D. Williamson & Cilass FQR SALE at bar-rain, good young team of mares, w-aghiag 2SOf. Good heavy harness and farm wagon. Just amine to town, will ell very cheap if taken soon. Take South Port land car to Grrm-r st 780 Front Mrs, Walker. TEAM, weight 2600 It., harness and wagon, to i changs for light aatoeaobile or aiilch eews er wbat nave yon? Aut S24-88. TEAM, weight 3100 Iba., sound and tnie, bar nem and wagon, wul gell --jotiabie. (7th St Foet Co.. corner 43d are. Mt Scott car. FOR SAlaK very --heap, young mule team and' harness, welching 900 each; good team. Ia or chard. Smith Portland ear. 783 2d st TEAM of mares, 2800 pound, harness and 3 wide tire farm wagon; $185. Woodyaxd. oor. Soth and Hawthorne. FOR SALE At a bargain. 10 bead of borse. weighing from 1300 to 1800 Iba., 4 to 10 years old. Call at E. 9th and Flanders. TEAM farm mars, weighing 2200 lbs., and harness, $86. or trade, for good milch eow. vo-u. are-., sat. ex-ocs car. WORK HORSES verr cbean. Mitusir- -r to Tlimsi'll st. walk 4 blocs op to Co suae r- caai coart. Mi aez. art tsaorner. HORSES for -ale. bin or exenanre. sold coauaia-noa. Uyoae stables, (81 Water feat Maritr ornery. Msnball 8516. "DOT ELK ta- kX ov. snn. tl.aa oj. 646 Fnrat st Maia 2208. 2400 POUND team, harness aad farm wagons. $110. 1304 Hawthoroe a-&. eoc. of SOtbT HORSES AND VEWCLES - 700 FOR fiALE Team Jtonaa. vbine about 3400 lbs., about yean old. with good buttefaaia habeas, price 3250; pair horses, weight about 8300 lbe., about 8 years aid. with rood atb chata harness, price $250; these horses are right out of work and la rood shape; pair of Shim auras, S aad T years old. weight SO00 lb., well asated. tnae and rsrtle, prise 3275: team Per iaraa horsea, 4 and 5 years eid, weight 2800 Iba.. soond, true and gee tie. price 8323; team eiinky-bui.t bays, weight about 2600 lbs., gen tle, smile or double, price $17$; brirwa horse, about 8 years old. weight 1800 lb., for 80; yssanc Fineherow mare, well broke to worn, bttl blemished, weight 1850 Iba., for 375; 10 bead of horses and mares weighing 1000 ta 1600 lba pnree $25 to $75 ; harness and wagons. - Keystone Stables j (8 l v Water St, Comer Montgomery. I HATE a well matched team of black bo rasa, and 8 years old, weight 2650. fine farm team, blocky built. I have moved to town end have no farther use for them. Can be seen at 865 Union ave. S. comer , Stephens st Inquire for Lin's team. LIVESTOCK 701 2 EXTRA-GOOD Guernsey eews. fresh, with calves, heavy milkers, teat 6 . 365 Union ave. 8.. cor. Stevens st FINE young Jersey-Durhams, fresh and heavy springe ra, good condition, 345 te $75. 741 E. Ash. FRESH cows, 3 to ( gallons; take Kenton oar to Interstate sv go $ blocks north. 1(50 Interstate are. FOR SALE Just fresh Holstein eow, heavy milker; also 3 short aprincsrs. 1967 E. Stark st. cor. 78th. ' VETERINARY, DENTISTRY By experienced veterinarian. Call East 8 PIGS, 8 weeks old. $4 each, deli Tared. Loois nieisen. sjoroeis. w. 60 ANGORA GOATS CALL AT X0. 0 EAST 9TH 6TRKET 8. YOUNG, gentle Jersey Durham family cow, $52i 368 EL Madison st. S. GOOD milch cows to trade for anto or what have yoaf Davis. 630 E. Stark. CALVE. WANTED ' ' MARSHALL 2178. WANTED Beet, veal and noea. Tabor 7888. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 BABY CHICKS FOR 1922 GREATEST OF ALL LAYING STRAINS By our . thousands of satisfied customers we have proved that we supply some of tbe best baby chicks offered to the people of the Northwest from O. A. C strain. 221-300 egg line. Place your order now for spring delivery, first hatch February 14. Portland Seed Co, Portland. Or. THE PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY BABY CHICKS S. CL White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds aad Barred Rocks from pure-bred stock; trspnested and selected for egg production; all breeding stock on free range; pedigreed chicks and hatching ergs. 1534 E. 12th st N, Woodlawn 1486. 1922 BABY CHICKS These chicks are from - trspnested ped3greed bens, which are every one layers; strong, vigorous chicks guaranteed and at a price everyone can afford. Get our catalogue (mailed free). Send at once. STONE'S POULTRY PLANT, OORVALLIS. OR. BARRED ROCK and B L Red pullets, begin ning to lay. ci.au ana si.73 each., j. It. MuGuire. 787 Oregon St.. 2 blocks north of 24th ana sandy. FOB SALE Best Barred Rock cockerels in citv St Andreasherg roller trainer and singers, rab- mi nntcn. a. w. kLrupke, 1203 Clinton at lsoor SB is. WHY NOT raise black Siberian hares? Reen tered stock for sale. Buy young stock now for spring nreeaing. mono Cot, 982. AM DISPOSING of my highbred White Angora and New Zealand rabbits, cheap. Ceil at 867 Wesdler st 150 YOUNG White Leghorn laying hens. Hogsn- uca stock. l eacn. I. u. Manure, 787 Ore- gon St.. a bloeas North 24th and Bandy. BEAUTIFUL Saanea goats. 2 milking. 2 hall- uwwa; srsno lor ies ii orn cnicxens, or pnono, graph. A-577, Journal. YEARLING hens snd pullets. SI each. Ken dall station, first road oa left, first honse oa left Tabor 4808. !5 B. L RED pullets, Raney's laying strain, $2 eacn. l-aa vtooaiawn 93 00. SCRATCH $2.40 CpipTii Egg Mash $2.25 delivered. 1 awCL? Woodlawn 4344. WISH to communicate with party who ander- swnas caponizing. Taeor B869 PETS; DOGS, BIRDS, ETC. 703 THE B08T0N KENNELS OF PORTLAND 407 Ainsworth Ave. Woodlawn 5284. Pedisreed Boston Terriers exclusively; 7 beatt tiful puppies 2 months old; males for service. LLEWELLYN setters: 2 males 8 months old, 5, 6 weeks old. Farm machinery, eta. Call Sunday or eTcnings after 6. First house east of Gilbert station. Greshsm. Or. ST. ANDREASBURG SINGER AND 2 FE MALES, ALL YOUNG. , 600 E. DAVIS. LLEWELLTN setters, S malts 8 months old, five 6 weeks old., farm machinery, etc Call Sunday or evenings afUsr 6. first houa east of Gilbert station. Greshsm ear. NICE pups for sale, 2 mouths old. collie mixed, sale. $5. 4100 61st ave. 8- E. Take Woodstock car. BOSTON TERRIER puppies, pedigreed; sire, Wheatland Jackie; dam. Lady GeraJdiiie. East 2978. THOROUGHBRED English Bull Terrier pups for sale; 4 months old. Call Wdln. 3356. YELLOW SU Andreasburg rollers from Hth ported stock, females. TeL East 4175. ST. ANDREASBURG rollers, guaranteed pun stock. 1774 Bandy bird. Tabor 2078. FOR GIFTS Angora kittens, 4 weeks old. $X50 escn; wui aeuver. Z.-1S4. Journal. THREE pointer pups for sale or trad. Wood lawn 781. FOR SALE Tbaronrht-red ana j-edigreed Scotch collie puppies. Tabor 6874. PEDIGREED white Scotch or.) lie poppies. Taborj 6036. C. O. White. 187 EL 74th N. FOX TERRIER puppies; sell cheap. 349 E. 7th. st AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 PORTABLE GARAGES finest quality, 10 x 16. 346. 'actory. Ask tbent our louses, (150 ind up. MILLMADE CONST, CO.. Wdln. 2413. MANY BARGAINS ia Used Hups, Dodges. B nicks. Fords, Maxwells and other makes. Low pricea, easy terms; no brokerage. See MR. MOUNTAIN. AT MANLEY AUTO CO.. ,11th and Burn-dde Sts. M. B. FISCH RacTiators, fenders, bodice, bonds, tank, repaired aad Rssodeled; auto sheet-metal work a specialty 106-107 N. 16th St rnoBe BROADWAY 2290. BRING YOUR WIFE TO THE AUCTION Lots of light can of all siaea and makes, in cluding some high-cisss make, at your mea-cr; eome and take advantage of the ohter fellow's loss; lots of homes made happy thraoghi the pox obase of ears at the auction. Sale crxnmeccas at 7 :30 p. n. Thoibday, Dec 8. Corner 6th asd Everett sts. i Studebaker, 1922 This ear W a light 0 model and baa newer been oat of the warehr-ase, carries full factory ruarantee; no riiawnnsble offer refused. For further information call at 630 Alder st MUST sell my 1922 Buick light six touring. run leas than 1500 miles, at discount; just tbe same aa sew car; most see it to ar-preciai it height take good Ford or Oil iiniut ae part py ment Can Tabor 8548 evenings. 1920 HTTP. pass, $900. $300 cash. baL (50 per month. Call Tabor 2652. 1922 HUP demonstrator. 6 pea., folly equipped, cord tirea. I bare ran this ear 2300 miles. sU city driving. It is fully guaranteed. Yoa can arrange easy term. Call Mr. I-eliad, Broad way 217. A SN AP - Pay m $125 down and drive ay 1910 Max- wru A-l jcti-3y baL 20 months. Ante 210-38 1918 OLDS 8. 7-pearsngiT. model 45. This ie a very line ear a fia sitpe thmogheat Can aeo car at 432 Stark st Very low price and easy term. - Bdwy. 1572. . 1920 FORD coupe, forced sale; will take $4tS; terms easy to reliable party. Main 7395. 8 PASS St-debker; dandy aliape. geod Unm. as nss ecu: za csaa. east 25. &TOP that aaw top leak. Black Dock leetiag StatioB, AntereM, 10th and Salax-a. - 1017 MAXWELL - $160. 160 Las: TOURING, good a aview opsfaira, : AUTOMOSILES-l-rOR SALE 800 BENSATTONAL ; SEASON'S CLXAN-UP BALB Or CSKD MOTOR. CARS KO? B FlOGKESS Save by Bayiac Now. Prloas Have - Reached the BoUoaa of the Market, O0Y15T BAYS ' The pubHo rerassa to become excited ear red ink and flashy headlines They ' want facta. They aajra Do interest in snare claims. Thar Want eat pricea. , . TsU them that we understand a sale to arsea real cut prices, aad that a sale wits oa tost be yast what It aeeauv - : . ',' HESS ill THB FACTS Our osed ear reJunxe ssolvrtely controla oar ability be accept trad mm new ear bnsinssa. Whea our weed ear liu lasss slows down, our new car bosineat is se npusly affected, and we eaa better afford to give tha public the benefit of our ac cumulated used -ear stock at a great deal less than cost than ww eaa to held it onta early spring, whea we feel that tbe osed car market wiU be .better, and ta tha meantime deprive oursetvee of new ear business because of ear inability to HERB ABE THE PRICES AND IHS PROOF We fed that the pnblSe ia eery skep tical l-ssrarding salsa, aad especially auto aaobue talea. Used motor cars have no standard of rshie, no lot price like new ats; so, la fast, it difficult to teO wben the prices are actually eat la order to prove, to the 'best of ear ability that this is a g-mnine cut-price sale, we bad reproduced ia our original annoanee rcent. copies of which are oa display at orrr place of btisinees, two of oar former classified advev-tisementai one of October 0 and tbe other of Nor ember 12. which show' the level of prices at which we have soki 71 osed cars during the last 00 dart, gg well aa the pricea era have reduced them to for- this kale. AH osed Cadillac win be adtd at red no- . tions proportionately as great aa these shown in oar adverti-a-mmta. Undoubted ly this ie the logical tune to boy one of . Umbo . desirable car. Most-of ear ears are Corry i-ebuiTt and parantoed. Some are high-grade "AS IS" can. AH are priced so low ag to demand immediate action. This sale will cause us great finaci-al loss, but all we ask is that through -rear quick lei into to car call you profit in equal pf-c-rxxttoa. By all means take advantage of this op portunity; let nothing interfere with this chance to get real Oovey Motor Oar Co. merchandise while! oa sale at such as tounding reduction. SALS NOW IN PROGRESS Bring Small Cash Payment With Too. Ixig Term oa the Bahtnce. Ea-snernbex. If Covey Doea It He Dose B " Pig''! , COVET MOTOR CAB CO. Opes r?v-nings and Sfitdaya BOTH ADDRESSES Main Plant and SeJearoom 21st at Wtah ingtoa St Braadway Used Car Branch 28 and SO North Broadway. C. G. Bleasdale Appenon touring ....,.., Ford touring, overhauled .i , Studebaker 4 cyL, fine ranning-condition . , Maxwell roadster, fine shape. ......... Cadillac, fine towing car............... Maxwell delivery .................. Ford bug, practically new. ... Ford roadster, lota of extras Maxwell ti irint a ,1 1 nA $ T5 150 150 250 250 275 850 250 875 .. 650 .. 850 .. 760 a snap Bulck light six, IS cord tires. ........... EasHT ta-uirine K eneri Hm Franklin touring, in fine condition enpp-Booth coupe ............ Mars1, srwvr mnAl lib. a,a WiHys-Knight 1921; ahnoat new....... aaany otoct earn oc sranoara msAee From (76 to (2000 C. Q. Bleasdale 630 ALDES st. BDWY. 1862. AUTHORIZED . FORD CORNER AT BROADWAY AND DAVTS Bugnson eomnan-r are of ferine SS -aa-Mss-B Honed Fords for your approval at prices reduced to clear inventory for the coming year. T nis xs wnat you naive Been waiting lot. 1920 Ford coupe, excellent condition. . . .$475 1920 Ford touring, just overfaaolede $75 1821 Ford touring, fully equipped. .... . 400 1920 Ford roadster;, splendid values 860 1918 Ford roadster, excellent condition... 279 1917 Ford touring, a good car for tha ' motley 175 1916 Ford delivery, some buy..,.....,., 125 1920 Ford ton truck, good body 825 1918 Oakland 6, a gift... ..... 275 1918 Bnick 4; take it for...... 250 Terms 575-3100 down, bal. hke rent WM. L. HUGHSON COMPANY, Authorized Ford Agents, Broadway and Dari. Broadwsy 321. Open Ereninrs. 1(14 HTTP. MODEL SX $860 Elec. lights and starter; small first payment, balance 12 equal monthly pay ment. See this, car if you. want a car for rough, hard work. MR. MOUNTAIN. AT MANLEY AUTO CfX. 11th and Burnald Sta. "SANTA CLAUS AND HENRY'S FORD" The Ford eedati or1 Aan-ss mil.. th tdj-al perfect Criristma gift Tou pay for it during 1922. Order now: we will nark it at your front doer Dec 25. open JS-wninga and Sunday, ROBTJSON-lWrrH CO. Sixth and Madison Sts. 1018 DODGE. $600 $200 cash, bslsaca 12 monthly py- mentsv Call B. HIT. j Ask for MR. MOUNTAIN. 1010 FORD TRUCK 8285 x TERMS. CALL WDLN. (850 LATE FRANKLIN MODEL 4 passenger runs and banks like new- h wirs wheels with spars. 6 oord tires, bumper, front and rear, also spotlight . Will sell if taken at once for 8700 less than new ear. BRALT AUTO COMPANY. Broadway VOL 601 Burtuid at, : $300 CTtAXMKRS TOURING CAR In rood mechanical condition, rood paint and new tire, new top. A snap at doable the price. J BRALT AUTO COMPANY. Broadway 901. - 601 Ban-aide st. 1917 CHEVROLET TOURING 5150 Car is ia fine running order; new paint Jnat what yoa have been looking for. A good car and vary small coat. 434 Stark. Bdwy. 1572. NEW SERIES CHANDLER COUPE 8750 This car baa been privately owned aad has bad the best of care. Fine mechanical condi tKm. finish like new and dandy robber. Can arrange term Call my home. Wdm. 8168. BUICK. 1920 light six. in fine condition aad appearaaoe. five eord tiree, other extras; must aeD; wiU eonavder light car. aa part payment WocdlawB 154$. 1 WE WRECK THEM tor okd cars. -ndrtr-a bo object AUTO. Rr-OONSTRrCTIOir COt. i aim ena unms. 1920 FORD sedaaV, fine shape, starter, He mocn table rims and other extna. (450 each; eaa arrange terms at align Uy higher figsraa. WOM. 111. man nninRTi-ii nsa ! Starter tne. New tires. Etcell--Dt -nerJia-ai-eal condition. Terms, ManhaB (148. 191""F6RD fOCRtNa"'426d" Ftee mechanical abp. Almost new Good paint Some extra. Ca arrange term. Call Wdln, 5095. ; 1918 FORD touring car (175. - This car is ia very good shape; good ttreg; aame extrsa. Terms. Call East 6186. AUTOMOBILE pain ting. 616 ax tf-odera shop In the Nertli-wt Anto Sales Co.. 9th and Coaf-h. 1 as: Bdwy. 664. CASH paid for old care, coastitioa ao object parta for an -nakca ef caza, Thcoipson Kelly. 448 Flsnpers. near 11th. Bdwy. 8608. FORD tooring. good tires.- rana Ca- a aaaa at (100. East 6259. 1918 OAKLAND ( touring;' will trade for Ford too tr-ack er bgct deli-eery. Maia 7895. CABS WAITED. Bdwy. 2629. AUTOMOSILE-FOR SALE 800 : Splendid Values in Light Sixes We have s-ame e-c-apHrinaTfy ftee rsugjams ta light sixes, -refinasisad, everhsnled and bard to tell from new,. Cane down aad trade in your light car aa eaa of these nod eixes. mad -rat er that it wiU be a pieasur te own. drive and ride in. We sake convenient terms with no cliartrea for brokerage, Tbe beat alaa In the eily . at the to-reat --srioaa. 1018 1917 191T 1918 1010 191T 1918 1010 1920 .1918 1910 1931 1910 1021 1916 1918 1918 1010 Olds 0, tearing Mitchell. 5 pass, ... Mitchell 5 . "! Jordan Sport Marina Brtvcce 6 para, .... Miteba.ll SH .1 a 860 . 050 . 1500 4 4 g aj , .f 4j i 5 800 650 1000 1160 700 800 2500 v Asa Briscoe, $ raw. saiwaeu, 1 Liberty, 5 rsur. a Velie ... i,Ml,N V Packard twin siz."f sjicmil 9 CadiUae .. Btndebaker alita-Ju.li K 1850 . -V" 750 870 850 50 MitcbeU, 6 Mitchell, Lewis & Staverv Company $ TEAKS K THE NORTHWBST BROADWAY AND EVERETT ST. loitribtttora of Mitchell, Jcsrdaa and Brir-aaa -Car, Howard Automobile C0e Am a SATS INVYXTMEST1 We GUARANTES every BUICK w REBUILD the same at we do a aaw car. ; WHY TAJUB CHAXCZSt Bay your BUICK ear from fbe Howard Automobile Co. Pacilio Coast Distrrbato-, ALDEB AT TWELFTH . Broadway 1130. USED CABS AND FORDS Now is the time to boy, while the s-4- it at its Icrwestl G1CTU1N19 BAROATNSt Open every evening and aA day 8iday. Cash or term. 1917 1921 1916 1916 1918 1918 1918 1918 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1918 1921 1918 1918 1916 1917 1917 1917 1916 1919 1920 Ford loa-tatm Ford roadster, starter . .... Ford touring Ford touring .............. Ford tooring , . , . Ford touring .. ......... . Ford touring ............... Ford touring Ford touring, starter ....... Ford touring, (tarter ....... Ford coupe Ford coupe ............... Ford sedan Ford aedsa, with extras Ford panel delivery ........ Ford truck, starter . . Chevrolet touring .......... Chevrolet touring .......... Stodebakar tooring ......... Olds 'eight touring ......... Overland tooring ........... Overland paael delivery ...... Maxwell tooring, bargain..... Chalmers touring . Chevrolet baby grand Open Evenings and fiandaya ..$25 .. 400 .. 175 195 .. 215 .. 265 275 295 .. 865 ..415 .. 475 625 .. 663 .. 016 .. 195 .. 795 275 335 125 .. 465 .. 233 .. 185 ,.135 96 .. 725 ROBINSON SMITH CO. Sixth and Mad! Radiator 8EBm"pany "Yes. indeed" we eaa repair that laaky -er daaiaced radiator, fender, er body as good as new. Coc. UNION AND ' HAWTHORNS EAST 8498 MAIBOHM SEDAN NEARLY NEW 6 PASS. SEDAN; ONLY RUN 300 MILES. WILL SACRIFICE CAR FOR QUICK SALE. WILL TAKE SMALL AMOUNT OF . CASH OR LIGHT CAR AS FIRST PAYMENT. PHONE BOYCE. BDWY. 1614. I 3425 HAYNES 5-PA8SENGEB In dandy condition. This ear is wort $800 of anyone's money, but we art going ta more it at $428. BRALT AUTO COMPANY. Broadway 901. 501 BamxMe st 1020 FORD ROADSTER $360, terra Firestone deenoun table wheels. 6 tine, good shape. Call Wdln. 8950. WEAVER TTfta COMPANY FKBEDAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING OCX. TTBS REPAIRING! (38-886 Bom-ode at Braadway FORD TRUCK. (185 i . H a-mij, ww- auu gr-na nras; runs ana Doa r good. Term Call Wdln. (960. BUICK SEDAN T-PA8S.. BEPAINTED; HAS 6 CORD TTRES AND IS IN PERFECT CONDITION. THIS CAR MUST BE SOLD; MAKE ME AN OFFER. CaCARRANGB TERMS. PHONE .BOYCE. iSio HUPM'6BILe ToCrIJJc CA la tbe finest of m-chanlcal eonditi--B. Has the original finish. Looks just Hke new. 6 eord tires and ether extra. A fine ear at the right price, on easy terms. Phone East 1962. BROADWAY 1166. Radiator Btrl'sipsL 1920 DODGE touring, in A-1'eondiuoa. equipped with tmrnrhsr arrant );-., ..j . . l.i 1 w . 1 - '-. - i.a - ' waaiv Terms if dMirwl Phnu UaJl ivae r-.n i fore 10 a. m.- 506 Si E. 22d st south. 1920 4-00 CHEVROLET st a real bargain; perfect mechanical condition, nearly new tires; no raasotiable offer refused, aa must have the money; terms if desired. Tab. 8913. H. C. S. 1921 This is a tegular ear, cord Urea. Coma quick if yon want it 630 Alder at DODGE touring, in first class oondiiioa, with good tires, brand new Pentasot top; looks like. -lew a rwl rtmm. . H mmwm U711I -1 1 lit t qnick sale. Term Main 6754. . 1920 Nash sp6rt ifObH: "T I nmt aai-ririe this ha.KrMl a - Ionks like new and win gaarantee ouadltion. Must salL Will consider term. Mar. 8148. - CHEVROLET touring, very latest design, Po7- a csflDDi B- IAIM1 .rotTS new CS-T. -Alil oeriskleT Ford or Chev. in Trade aad give terms on bakuaoa Pbo-ie K. 17. , OVERLAND 1920 pare, tounng car. lieena-i 78892, to be sold in the city of Portland December 7; foreciosare of aiortgsre to tatiify i. Conls-tn. mortgsgee. Broadway 678. 1918 BUICK light aix. 7 tmmwto, gua-antana. new tirea, ne Snap buy at (860. Phone Tabor 4459. Ant a Tt-m " nvm - " if"-' at reasons oie prices. (26 Baaaqa ST-, perween eta ana Broadway. 1921 FORD TOURING, in A-l eoaditic-a. only run 00 days; trill giva terma. , East 1962. MUST aacrifios my Stuts ehumy, win wheals bumper, spotlight, icord. tires, folly equipped. : OsU Tab. 61 84. " WK PUT steel teeth ta year old flywneel-, crank abaft ' turning, eyl' grindihg. H. B. Black, sT-acMna, sr-op. a,, ajoev g-i. -sqwy. zeai. 1921 FORD TOURING, starter, demountable - rims ana extra; gtUO; wlii lake Ford ia trade. East 4376. " WB TEAR 'ens op and sea tee piees. Portlend Aato Wftscking Co., 681' Alder. Bees 17tlu Bvadwty 6254 Mart orders fined. 1910 FORD TOURING: he chocks; (126. 1 ftO Union ave.. upstaira. 1917 DODGE, in good eonditioo, ((SO. 1684 r ranees ave., oear sotn at. CARS WANTKPJ Cer. 6th and Everett (OenUruted m Fc41ewUt P-sn) . - i - - . 1 ' "...