.-v. TIIr OREGON " DAILY-JOURNAL; PORTLAND,- OREGON. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 k ,( .1. .. a This Betel ha Iteea thosuucbry cleaned and owned and operated .y Aaae cans; tlM beat ss -i W ia the eity for rale charged etaasnt lobby, elevator service, elwaya lota of hot water, free i be thai rata tOo, 74a.' $L 1 ttparial .Mas to V;. permanent matt. FJW. F. OODDARtV. Malt i CALL at T. If. C. A.' to ee. (roe list of 'aeadarat I priced room for year men m all Bart ot the r'.'-ah. including mm it tha Central T. M.' C. i A., vtia telephone la each raoav apaat bath and Hub facilitW. ! HOTEL ' NETHERLANDS. 12 12th at, at i Washington -Brick structure .center e Port land busin and aoeial activlti. respectable: i ' apnUaaj rooma; $3 weak; $1 a day up; with pri vate bath, 82 day. , -. LOVKt.V FURNISHED BOOM I!T UOWmN n, V H.Y.. KVtKYTHINO NSW AND CLEAN. Bfxtll I.OCAHON. 233 Jf. 318T., CORNER NOHTHRtT. AUT. 688-28, -HWTET. FRANKLIN , - Waaungt at 1 Jtij. It Lea by tha- week 15 V. and up: hot and coll running water: bat water (.vieatlng t i, tub and shower bath. LEAS ANT. warn auit of 2 room, in (it private ettfna ad roanectmi bath, in ejoe la west Bid prUr.n hous. $39, i kaia 2844. after 6 o clock, -! NICELY furnished . rooaa, . ate heat, iota of sot water, neat aod clean, In baantiral none. Easy Walking distance, between . Taylor and Salmon. g6 14th at. I Hotel Medford i-JSL Tww Blacks ffnaa flam I Tea n4 an. fa a weoa op. Mat and cold water fa Sargent Hotel Hawthorne and Grand.- H. K. and ng room, hot and eold water, steam beat. E. 1. HOTEL ARTHUR 170 Uth at, near Uarruoo. Clean, modern mo me py nay. week or month; reasonable ratea. PUTT ATI! BOOMS WITH BATH. SECOND FLOOR. ALSO BASEMENT SLEEPING KXJM. MEAtl BATH. MA UK HALL 81T0. 70S WASHINGTON. PARKVIEW HOTEL. Ml Montgomery at., oar. W. Park; rooaa and boards- rooms, with hath and without; litahi - iur iwa peqpie; reason oic. i a - 0TEl7AK- . 1854 6th at. Warm, (leanest avdera - roaou hi city for la.aa-araea. atlnea fftereoai ac nnywr. prop n nor. DENTLY HOTEL New awMzamccti ecaUally toeaiad. hot nd eold water, ataaai heat, teaaonabla ratea. ' HOTEL OCKLBVT ItmTfwa tt 10th. tl a day. weekly f and ! fro pbaaa and bath: Kartat tad airy. rart-U Hall . w iarior ana rwniahad ilaaplag rooma, bath, ataam heat. , wot ana now water; aa wiaa ana up. Hotel Helvetia S48 848 Salamai Third. Modara 75e op. Weekly ratea. JiOTIL OHIO, 888 mat. Cor. Madiaoa . Rooma 60c up, 83 wtek hp; H. K. rooma; hot aod eold water; ataam heat. ElaraUaT aerrlre; other modem eonrenirDeea. . HOTEL HARRISON J Qeaa farnlahad room 81 week, SSe to BOo par Bight; atory brick building. ' 408 Front Matthiesen Hotel ItMma BOtpday up; 83' wut apt clean. Bcht, hot or eold water, ateam heat g04 Colombia. TUh SOULK f, ' Btmday ehl ' f all yoNi can oat 11th tt ehiekeo dUanra 76c. waak day BOc; t, eooked uk mo thee oooked, 181 WASHLNOTON HOTBl, 12TH AND WASHINGTON STB. AttraetlTa rooma and sail at reaaoaabla rats y week or month. HOTEL HARDING . l Grand art. Steam heat, hot and raid water' la room, clean and respectable plane; 88.60 and as jsiCK eiean aleeping room and 1 large room with kitchenette: close in. west aide. 83 18th at. N. .; - ' BBOTOR HOTEL - N. Broadway, new and modern. Tale locks OB doors, Jl day and up, 85 week. Prirate hatha, tire ST. PAtTL. 130 , or. AMt. A ESV SPECTABLE downtown boteL Rate 75 up. PrWate bath tl. Special rata taT week or month. ONE LARGK SLEKPINO ROOM. SUITABLE "OB TWO: RENT REASONABLE. 808 11TH ST. MARSHALL 2003. MANOR HOTEL 371 MORRISON . Housekeeping and sleeping rooma. Mar. 2B08, - THE BARTON, 453 ALDER ST. " Clean fumlhtd rooms, f 2,00 Per week aod ac Also light housekeeping. . LAKGK outside room, .ateetn beat, walking dis- tanoe. Call Bdwy. 840 after 8 p as. FURNISHED ROOMS j PRIVATE FAMILY 301 FIN EXT furnished fronT auiu; S-Uo single rooma; plenty of heat and hot wstsr in noma; aJeo new; close to baiDea center; teaUemea prafe ad. 321 12th. at,, cor. Clay NICBXT furaied modern room, best, eleo- - uuriiy aoq wis, plenty 01 not waiar, waia ing distance, clean, reasonable; aduUa, Phone East 848. 683 E. 8Ur at. ; LOVliXT,;i larg. quiet aleeping room, walking distance, to eonpl 840,.one 330: busineas . people preferred. 881 Larch at, in Ladd's add. Call' East 8778. TWO lovely rooms, : elooe ,in, near Broadway bridge, free nae of phono, bath, alao piano, A real hoes; meal it deeind. 417 LhrratM. Ert 8875. i ' BEAUTIFUL fun -d front room, weU heaUd, plenty hot water, narlor, piano, laundry; home prt.uiea, aaufc leaaimaaio. sseui seas, so 24 th. LARGS- front room with d retain room, twin beds, heat, bath, phone; meals If desired; ia beautiful home, close is east aide. 411 Cook ave. 823-10. VERY aioaiy furnished rooms with two meal a day to person employed; references ex changed. 78 Lucre ti Plac.aear Everett at.. Nob Hia ' BiASOSABLE-WELt FURNISHED "ROOWS IN REFINED HOME. ALL CONVENIENCES. vONB 38 ATTIC ROOM. 84 N. 21ST. COB. VtaCVERETT. WALKING piSTANCE. 4 VERT exclusive, newly furnished, high class ' I neighbor auod 12th and Montgomery atda) , phone, bath, electric rights. Private fam Uy bnt no children. Phone MsrthaU 1790. 1 KXWLT renovated room, heat and hose privt srgsai breaklaat if desired; on or two gen tlemen preferred, 882 Thurmaa at. Phoa Main 5t)8. . FOR RENT 2 nicely furskhad room, with or without ra rax, verr ruaonshla. in Irvine- tOB. at B8S4. 441 I 16th N. CaL mota- in or after 8 p. HICELT tarnished aleeping mom, walking !di taaca. Phone, bath and us of piaao; furoaoe heat. Suitable for 1 or 2 people.: Marshall oto: too jonuson. TO RESFONSIBLB-t-A front room, heat, light. oaia; waiting uaoa; nttrenca McbaDgad. bo y. awoo, S NICE, deaa aleepia room, very reasonable' 973 14th st. Phono Maia Geatlecnea preferred. - VlADUiON Near Broadwav; furniahed rwni for aw nUewtea: abaoiutoly cleatn: rent 84 a week. Phone. Marshall 1377. 831 Madison at, 1 . 110 A COMFORTABLE loom ia a lovely mod era homa, homa privileges, gang if den red Tabor I860. . i PLEASANT, well tarnished room, rsesonao' . W. 4. maa omsWed. nsoie to 410 Salmon at. Marshall IP2. - 1 . .; THREE aic beated rooms to rent; au home privilege, reasorubl real, Pboee East 7410. 484 Kerby, between Rueaell ad Page. 1 JCLWLT furnished (rant room 33 week, with ass of bath, pboao. Three blorka from audi tonnm. 408 Soaih 2d, Maahall 814. I LlGHT, warm, weU furnished raooms with al eove: hot and eold water; oa Laoretia street; aaaUessen. MarshaU 3680. . W ARB, coiy rocm lor young woman, ia pri apt; walking dlatanoe; phone, path nd li vU a dry privUrge. C. S. prsftrred. Mar. 1132 NICKC.T furnisheS front room, pleasant, wain heated; ha 2 windows; ia modera Irvtnrtoa he . close to ear; heme privileges, S W EUFURN iSHlKD hoata, walking distance; men oaly; good lo cation. 12 E. 16th t East 2T. N K'i'Lt ITRNISHED room ia modera hoi heat, phone and rtvilrgea; Koso City Park, H block from car. Phone Tan. T378 siaOJUOOU. wita pnveu family; tang beat aasa lady ptaferred; releiano exchaagvd. CaU Tahor 3352. , "KICK front houoakeeping room, eiectncily and . gaa. furniahed, 34 week; also aleepiag room ; walking distance. 361 17th, eoraor Cahlmbia. 1KONT double Boom, twia beds, suitable for two rtau s stoee et. OOM lor 1 or '2 men, reMoaabl. with at' witbeat heard. 1T6 lTth. j f&VLNGTON hosne. eicaly torn iahad. Urge front Toeaa. Call morning and even Iocs. East 6814 ; ICELY famished room, light. hs4 and pW; t walking dutsnee. East 642C ilOlDERN apstaira froat room. ,. Emeaoa, or. Oth. 4 bias N. Alberta, . i CLEAN room, home privilege; fa. 473 "To parsoa wearing to be c' Taylor ;.tM CLEAN, warra room ia home. eaeiUaJlv keeted. sea iitn, aear Maia. DfiivK'll5f1-iSLSTrB0NT B0OM.710O-; -.. '.,. '"" . . L. . Jefferson. Choice encea, waUang distance, FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel KLKVEJSTH Orr VTABfflNGTOW lSwUaml'a - hiarh-eiaaa dowatowa lawiaatiaJ krtaL a (ira yoa the comfort ef borne. AiwarMa and Bamnean' eta a. Rata aaaannabla. Bnoaa and board for rbOdreei at the GnadeT- aon-YMt niuaery; epeoai aUcaUoa to bottte f cd bahiea. fcaet 14. TEAU beated mnau and board,- hone enekSm. htrf room, with tleepist : porch, aaiubte for . 10 Salaaoa at, oppoaiht U nltacaaah chik Mate 7j3. - - BOOM and board for cample or 2 ot)enS wha will appreelata a good hone. Beat of bona aoofetna; and ery oonvaniewea that aaakea a howio oopifortabla. 414 Market at. BOOM aad hpard. Ho to 40 scr mmfri 3 aaeaai a a7 , waiainw anaraiaieu .. S78 Roaa at - - . - IN NICK qoiet reaidentiai hotel, 10 ana. frora Meter A rraak'a.- aS loth at., ear. of Martet. Maia 81. BOUM aad board for four men, if two oroupy one looai yUet (root room; boa coQlUac. T42 B. ltk , LARGE front ' rooov piano; laxd if daeiredT 831 WiUiamr are. TWO beautiful room, clot in; beat, bath and phone; dianar jf deaired. Broadway 1. r3E " RENT Lanre fruot room, board tt de aired, wmlkine distance. 828 Clay. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 ROOM and board tor omroie er t aentlessen who will apwraeiato toed beano; piaao and erary eonecoieiMio that Dkakea a home coeejort aMe. 48T Eart 84th 1 Sellwood 70. JflCK room with board, 88 a week; alao large attto roosa with good bed and board, 88 a weak; home prinleaaa; aentlaiBea preierred, A68 joUnaon, Rroadway 18o3. KOOat and board for gtcOemen. Tory rri la. Walking diatanoa or 1 block from car, Phrnie, ate, iBoiodod. uae of ptaao. Call PIUTATK HOMX FOB CHIXDRBS 8ETWKES AND 7 T&AR& WOODLAWM 1509. BOOMS TWIN BEDSf HOT WATER, WAI INW DISTAXCE; BOMB COOKING; AUM) 1 ROUM COTTAGE, WEST BIDE. PHONE BBOADWAt 4838. ROOMS 815 AND n MKAL3 $5 A WEEK UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 7T MAR aH ALL, MAIN 4878 MCELT fureUhed, largo, clean, warm room; genthuaea preferred j all home prirtlegea, home omkJngi nan b aeea ta bo aupreciatad. Eaat Bol8. WANTED E WARM. MODERN BOMB, ONE OR TWO CHILDREN TO- BOARD. ACT. B18-74. 88 N. 88d. , WANTED Children to board; good nfereneee: under 9 yearn girl. 6120 86U at. 8. B. Phone Aat 828-84. BO Akl BOAkl -fiO A Rt' 01 Itb.1 plaoa to- aat. 188 N. 23d at. Mar- lb all FOR two young ladiaa; piaao, homa prirUeges; walking distance; very reasonable; alao table board for two. 488 Market at. Main 5823. oi.tfon.Mi room tor geuuecaaa. to nunnte walk from town: home and pnTUeees: 38.1 j month. 688 Brerett. Phone 625-20. NICELY furnished room, with 2 meals: teleehone and home privileges; 12 min. from heart of city. Taaor 7 saw. CIET and-refined offer room and board in Irrington. Phone East 7783. or call 455 E. 14th at. N. ROOM for ytmng man in small print family, with two meals; home pririleges; use of piano. One block from eartine. Tabor "203. BOOM and board in prirate home; nice cieaa room; beat home cookmg; oentral location. Call East 8B8. WILL aire mother's care to 1 email child, t per month. Call East 73 or 883 E. 11th. WILL (ire beat of motherly ear to am child. xsnor vo BOARD and D ilesasnt home ; piano, garage. wain. 098Z. ROOM aod board. 435 Mootgomery. Main Too 1. ' CLEAN rooms, board, or room with hotMekeep- m pn leaea. moaern nome. stam sza. WAN tUb A child to' keep; tnd care. Sell. 2231. ExcaUeat bom RELIABLE Christian woman will car for child la my own nome. Aat. B22-11. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED s 304 CHEAPEST ROOMS IN . TOWN Light housekeeping and sleeping, clean and homelike, walking distance, ' 2.60 per week and op. 283 Colon. ?., 1, blk. south of Hawthorne. - . , : LARGE 1L . rooms for rent, furnished and unfurnished, 82.60 par week and up, at 704 tlsrrard at.. University Park. 2 house from Fifh itreet, east tide. St Johns ear N1CELT furnishod suite, H or 3 rooms, honao keeping rooms, at 408 N. 18th St., cor. Up shur. .Rata by tha month 33 and ap; free te pboru), lath and pool table. Bdwy. 1648. FOUR room, modem, lower apartment; newly tinted; iui table for draasmaker; rent 822, in elodee gaa range, light, water aod garbage. SiV Stark car. S3 V E. 80th at WILL IhIr; E my 2-room apt. with working pri; gas, light ana Beat fumis&ed: 312. 60 a month. 73 E. 28th N.. do to Crystal Laun dry, mm osoi TWO nil .o newly pai ape red rooms, atov heat, hot water aiwaya tor eauia and laundry; sic, let place. Adult only; walking distanc. 653 Flsndera it 2 LARGE light housekeeping rooms, stove heat and stuming water; also one sleeping room with ivory fnrnrtare. 808 Grand ave. B. Phone East 8728. ; Ff'RVISllED C rooms, elecuio liakts. ti.tt, aad up; 2 desirable rooms, with wster, and two beds. 328 H lt. bet, Clay aod Market st. FURNISHED H. K.. very nice front parlor, kitchen, aleepaif Porch, 383 per month. 162 22d st. N. ; . TWO Urg rooms, modern, light, wster, bsth and phone, furnished, 322 and 320 pec mo. 331 Thunnan. Bdwy. 4822. ' FURNISHED. 1 or S hooMkeeping suite. Call motaii Dga er after 5:80. 431 B. Ash near Tth. ; ; 6nE 2-room suite, nekt, clean, walking distance at 810 K. 8th tt. 1H blk. aonth of Hw thorn a; no children; free light, phone, bath. NICE H. K. room and kit eoette. tint floor; phone, eleetrie lights, hot and cold water. 848 12th. Marshall 3S3B. TWO ROOMS, furniahed complete tor h keeping. Walking distance) Adults. Also gar- age, 11 E. 14th at. N. 1 OR 2 H. K. rooms, also sleeping rooms, clean, overythiag fartushad. walking distance. 603 8th at.. Main 1688 FOR RET 5 weeka tor price of 4: 2 large furniahed housekeeping rooms, 82.50 to 34.50. Alta Vista. 16th and Petty- - - --- - TWO housekeeping rooms, .modern, ateam heat. pleasant location, eaat side; rent reasonable. A fa one tingle room. Woodlawn 1184. TWO H. K. rooms, 816 a month. Call after 10 a, m. - 427 Montgomery between 11th end 12th af TWO furniahed housekeeping room wtth kitchen ette; lower floor-; bath; phone; oa Brooklyn ffaritno. Sellwoed 12BB. - ' 323 12TH ST.,' 1 clean outsid room for h. k.; tight, heat, bath, phone, laundry privilege. with rent 318 GIRL wiahea room mat ia modern flat, walk ing distance. 15. MarshaU .1119. 354 CLAT -itaversl aai urnished houeskeeping too; adults. Call today. 3 AND 3 housekeeping apartments, very reason- able. 882 H K. Bqrnsida and Grand ave. 2-ROOM apartment and 1 sleeping room, reao uble and ek l ta. 643 H Washington. i"6tSEEflS5 room. .Wtrkiry.--'figw - gas, beat 320 .month. 1047 Oorbett at. 1AND 1H. L rooms, right dowatowa. Cheap rent 255 6th t ATTRACTIVE 2 JTZo as,. ii" T. beat: all ceavoaieaees. 632 Thnrman, FOR BENT One room ior light bouek)i. 1717 PofSamoath ave.. St Johns wrlia. 2 AND 8 room h. k. apt., sink. a. aad e. water, elec.. phena. Adnhjs. 306 UtK HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS LTNFURN1SHED 305 tXR RENT 2 anfarnislird roon, trance, bath, walking tiTtanco. rivate en- 2 CUT. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 308 THREE nicely famished housekeeping room, aa g aad floor, private froat end back entrance, treat roams, facing street : last like home; entirely to yoa naif ; ksht and water famished; ga for cooking; 320 aaonth. 193 K. T41A at. N.. M-T oar. JUST vacant. 2 very fine rooms, large aad dean. ta tuce reaidenee, good lorsOoa; phoae, light and w tatj adulta only. 933 lateraUt are. Woodlawn 4851. 41 H 18T ST. Nroaly far. A room H. K., waikiag distance, tree light, phoa. bath and hoas pneilaee ; very auiuhl for family; per month. 827.60. WALETXG diataace: 3 far. light H. K. noma; private bath, gaa, phone, electro light and Piano, Ouiet loeatioa aad meat rlaiiraHa . Bant 1 mi. aan va k 4 FfteMtD a. a. room. ba.L. ar-sirs. I ' e" mota; a b. nek froea r'raaa litt I hisb. 4003 324 Tabor. Ji. Mr J Howard-, cooking A To Every Everybody has some want or don't want; advertise it the cost is little the 'results usually large.. Journal Want Ads ALL CLASSIFICATIONS One Line One Time One Dime THERE'S A STATION IN T0UB NEIGHBORHOOD ) Over a Quarter Million People Read The Journal EveYy Day and Nearly Half a Million Every Sunday 2 LINES 1 TIME . . .20c 2 LINES 3 TIMES '.. 50c 2 LINES 7 TIMES gl.00 . ALL ADS LESS THAN TWO LINES WILL, BE COUNTED AS TWO LINES H.'l 'ittl IH! I ' I 'I , , , 1-IT' liililH'Ml!illliHKliiii;ii FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM3 FURNISHED ANT UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 FURNISHED H. K. room. 1 room with kitchen ette, hot and eold water, elect rio light, steam beat, private bath, ga range; vralking-distanoo . 800 Chapman, cor. MUI. 2 OR 2 furnishod H. K. rooms, walking dis tance. Beat reasonable. Will car for children through day. 620 Belmont st. . between 16th and 17th. Eaat 1183. TWO very nicely furnished housekeeping rooms for rent; clean aad homelike; 325 per month, mclrjdci heat, light and ga. 468 10th t THREE ROOMS, upstair, partly furnished; 2H i block from Alberta oar Una. 1136 E. 15th st N. 2 LARGE housekeeping rooms at 504 E. Oak bet 10th and 11th at 319 per month. East 2586. TWO pleasant front h. k. rooms, newly tinted and papered. Two adults. 875 Hawthorne, cor, of 28th. 822.50 Two extra Urg h. k. room for. 2 or 3 adults; very desirable; walking distance west aid. 373 14th t DESIRABLE furnished H. K. rooms, heat Kgbt and phone, reeaonable; adults. 690 E. Bara- 240 MALLORT AVE. 1 nice front sleeping room, a of kitchen if desired, near 2 car llnee. 4 llOUSEKEEI-LNG rooma. ejos in. light-nd clean, modern kitchen, sleeping porch; rei- eranee. East 6881. LAftCE front room, lighi bath and beat and privuege of housekeeping. Nicely furnished, west tide. Mar. 486. I'OUR furnished ' housekeeping room at 1771 Kiakivou. Rose City Psrk. Tabor 12. TWO tarnished K. front rooma, modern, west aide, 86 weex. i" t ris at. 1 VERT large modera houxsaeplng rooaa. trot floor. 240 13th at SINGLE H. K. roosa, mtahl for bachelor, $3 per week. 154 N. 18th t 334 CLAT Several nnfurniahed housekeeping rooms; adult. Call morning and evenings. HnTTKEKEEPING roosa tor font. 500 Haw thorne ave. 2 CLEAN furnished housekeeping roomsT 15 1 E. 11th St.. nhon SeUwood 1503. SINGLE housekeeping rooms. 87 E 7th at Phone East 8798. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Mabelle Apartments 414 Jefferson at 11th at; on and two room famished epartmeata, modern, rent ree a oie. Guild Apartments S room aad 4 room furnished apartment 394 Guild. Maia 8700, THE OROVER 11 a a- a. Klcerr furnished 1 and 2 re i honekeeylng apt.; tow rates. Maia 9068. FTRSI8H& I room apartments, all newly dse- o rated, sarae. Bght aad clean, walking a tence. Free heat light and water; 863. 16 B. 16th t 1 - j Guild Apartments 3 room and 4 room furnished apartment. 394 Guild. Mala 8706. , . DAVENPORT APARTMENTS ' 605 Jotfertoa t. For rent two room far nished apartment prtvata bath ; alao larwiahtr) aouseaeepHig room, jaaia mh. - ,- : -ffiB ALTa - " ; B maa ramled aaartment with trrivate bath. Hght water and testpoan In a, 680. 682 Eaat A-tn. - - . 2-ROOM furnished anlt.. Orst class, much ebeap- er than eaa b had for mas oa west aid, easy walking dasotnee. 418 E. Cocck gad 6th. SAVB. 810 wtootn oa 2 room furnished apta.; - steam heat, private hath, 10 minute ' wa 443 Clay near 12th. . 4 CLEAN. unnyv rooms private bath, finely furnished, near ear. 781 w Overtook blvdL, or ph ie Woodiswa 493. - COZT FRONT APT.. 2 PEOPLE EMPLOTE t; - REFINED FAMILT. 680 DAVIS. NO CHILDREN. CALL AirTERNOON. 823 MO. 4-ROOM apartatrnt fumisoed; gsa heater aad Wood lawa ear. PhoBa.Weed- lawa 1180. 688 Dakaa . ITSxISafcB partmeat for Manthall 3666. not, c4 621 Timrmto. 1 .AND 3-room furnished apartments. 816 and ap. 480 vk Belmeat t UNION ATE. soo sUiaworth. fur. apt. 334 80: all eompsFia; coacreta building. ' 6 BOOMS, dose ut. Hght and deaa; refereaoaa; Protestant prefer 1. East 6931. A DOUBLE aad a sing. h. k. apt. 441 aih t. well furnished; esr'.ine. MODERN apt. linac room. iaerna porea.'ltatX kitran partly laaaA Btte. NICE BOX "Tastes Like a Date A delicious confection, packed one dozen in a box, and is one of Oregon's choicest products. You'll think they are simply wonderful and you'll be glad you took advantage of this liberal offer of The Journal. v FREfe This Thursday and Friday AT THE JOURNAL BUSINESS OFFICE Cash Want FOB NEXT 8 O' DAT' 3 JOURNAL Wlllillli.HillSiliinllllllil.lllllliiSn.lliillliiJIiiliW FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 JUST OPENED Two 2-room- apt., 322.60 per mo.; 8 2-room sot.. 325 uer mo.: 1 3-room apt. with private bath, 835 per mo. AH outsid rooms ib tnorougmy moatin otag.; - i w furnirnre and carpets; light nd beat furnished. 643 Upehur. cor. 20th. ' LINCOLN APARTMENTS Completely furnished 2-room apt., $30 to 840. including Bfiht and pbone; most be seen to be appreciated. 4th at Lincoln. Matshali 2583. Leeds Apartments Fireproof building, modern. ! and 4-room apartments. Elevator service. Close in. Caa Marshall 8597. 4- THE ELMWOOD i Strict rv fint -dsns 2- and S-room apartmenta. completely furnished; some with Oriental rug and period furniture; 5a ana JO. : tia xuta st... Msin 6600. THE EDENHOLMcMscket 2 and 3 room furniahed apts., modern conven- iencea; private baths ; 325 to 386 per montn. Bellingham Apartments 421 EAST MORRISON BT. 1 and 2-room suites, H. K. rooms, reasonable, FOR RENT Completely fursished1 4 room apartment, private bath, 83C per month, including telephone, hght and water. .Can Wdla. 2138 1 v ALICE COURT Available Dec 6 and 15. attracHte 3 room. Dutch kitchen, bath, phone. 2 bed. E. 8th and Bgrntide. Eaat 8566. 1 Kins: Albert Apartments 2 and 3 rooms, fumiflhed, strictly modern, tile bathe, elevator. 11th at Montgomery, slain sa. 2-room" Nicely furnished apt: Very tight gas. electricity, water, heat ; west side. 403 JEFFERSON ST. furnace Westminster Apts. 3 and 4 room apt., with bath, alao 1 aleep ing room. City heat Main 65S2. a, . - APARTMENTS -- UNFURNISHED 308 IONIAN COURT 1 anA fVmch 8 room modern H out aid sunny room. West side; eloa in. Newly tinted. Adults. Broadway 2761. The American Apts. 4 and room modera apartmenta. tut nd Johnson. Bdwy- 8360. QNTj. 2. 8. 4 and 6 room apartments; electric Ity ga. fireplace, furnace, lawn aad fruit 388 Grand ave. N. SeUwood 355. S-ROOM new unfurnished apartment Thnrman street 714 FLATS FURNISHED 309 ""kbb lurnkhed flat, log TLU UailL, Bear 84th. Call Tabor 10 35. FLATSUNFURNISHED 310 MODERN, clean. caeerfuL 4 room, sleeping poreh, bath, front balcony, fine view, private furnace. -tu ent, west side walking distance; reference. 464 HtK rtret near ISth. tr'Ol'R ROOMS and fWiiiig porch, ttrictly mod era flat disappearing bed. 83 H Fremont Take Mississippi ear. PVtne 386-42. 325. rirainiM.K 1 lo..r flat, with or wfth- out Baavgs. So e furniture. A. 544-3a J1S."- AND " 4-room t-ts; 325. T- adult. Ca 510 E. Clay, Eaat 5212. MODERN 4-room lower flat; linoleum oa kitchen floor; chwa ia; adult. 891 ivy t $18.50. LARGE upper 3-room Cat 651 2d st; ' water mchided. Main 1696. S ROOM lower flat 420 Stanton tt HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 B ROOM bouse with yard 109x106 ft 663 Amherst at Kent bit, Fred S. Williams, 506 Panama bldg. B-ROOlf cottage. 318. 264 Porter at. 4th. Pay rent at 318 Beard of Trad bide Main 7452. 32 - ,l2TrI St. ,N. 9-room house for mat 2d floor faraiahsd for B. K. Vacant about Dee. 15. A-l ground. Waal some werk daw rent Tabor 18S8. caa ansty oa TO RENT 2 mom bouse. 552 East 16th. eor- iter Weebeoek ave. Inqntr 493 1st 3 ROOM boose, basemen " wash tray, fire place, fnmaee; oa ear line at 6312 4 1st 8. g. 6 MALL kpt house far rent. -WoodAea SIII; Partly famished. FOR KENT 5-ooa a bungalow. or 414 Bn Hot street Call Cot i7 OF 11 Ad Patron FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 SPRINKLERED .WAREHOUSE on" tracka-. do your Store your goods with us. Lot n moving and parking, CLAT B. MORSE, Bs'a Broadway 3470. PIANOS mored, 23; stairs extjn. 81 each flight; 30 days' free storage pa all household goods; furnitar moving. 1 ton truck, 82 per hour: large track, 62.75 per hour. We are experi enced and re good packing. CaU-- Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer A Storage Co., 104 N. out st upen onnoays ana evenings. PIANO red 22. stain 31 extra each flight: furniture moving, 1-ton truck, 31.75 per hour; large body truck, 62.25 per hour. We are experienced and hsv rood batting. Call iMy end Wignt Trsnste , alway open. FOR SALE or rent on lease, 7 room boose, sleeping porch, cem. basement, wash trays, fur nace, nice twn, fine neighborhood, 6 blocks to Laurelhurst park.' Tabor 5501. Key at 196 E. 30th st FIVE-ROOM modern cottage, newly done over, large garret, good neighborhood, best car se mco. Inquire 898 Jarrett street 8 blocks north of Kiilingswortb, 1 block east of Union veane. 320 HALT ACRE. 77th t. tensed, 6 room house, 2 barn, garage, electric lights, gas, etc.; 2 blocks school. Owner, 42 E. 27th S. Montavilla car. Three months' rent advance. FOR RENT 5-room modera bungalow, large - rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitch en. Marsha U 1682 , after 5 :30 p. m, FOR RENT 6-room house, lot 100x100. nice garden and fruit tree. Rent 840. 36 Eat 29th at., near Stark st Tabor 6602. ELK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 15 Days' Storage Free, wyimttnre moved for lea. Broadway 2443 FOR RENT 5 rooms and bath, large grounds. 322.60. 282 E. 58th vt. N. Key at 206 Morgan bldg. WELEN moving, city or country, get the best at low est price. ' Green Trans. Co.. Maia 1261. 202 Alder ut COTTAGE. 5 room, bath, new paint ta; close in; 826. 351 E, Clay. " HOUSE on Marquam hill 37 per month. ET noire 163 1 room 12. FOR RENT 7. house. 364 - Id. In ouir 366 8 ter bens UK move furnitur o! 8 5 room bouse for 310. For further fnfort nation. Maia 6290. 6 ROOMS, modem. 1 blk. W-S ear. 82. 551 E. 33d st Bellwood 274P. HOUSES FL?RNISHED 312 FOR RENT Well turn isned 6 room house, fir? 'pieces, furnace, all conveniences. Council Crest district-; adults, $63. References required. F-971, Jou-nai. - . STRICTLY modern 6 room and dosed in sleep ing poreh, furnace, ft rap lace, narawoea noon, paved street: Reed college district Vary de sirable. Marshall 1696. WILL share my modara home with congenial coupl who caa give reference. Aat 821-69 evenings after 6 FOR" RENT 6 room modern furnished "bunga- low, garage and fumaea. prefer adults. Kef. iwuired. at 850 per month. Woodiawa 6819. BOOM furuished house, on Iry at. near Union ave. Bent 340. Call Auto. 620-68. evenings A. 628-41. FCUNISHED 5 room bouse, 21st aod Lai road, MUwaattt. Or. J. M.-StarM. DESIRABLE 6-room cottage, famished, only t S bloeks from earitna. E. Alder at DESIRABLE 5 room cottage, furnished. 2 block from ear. 1211 E. Alder, Bear 45 th. FOR RENT Partly furniahed neat 4 room oot tag. Mt Scott district Call 629-62. WELL furnishede modara 6-room hous. elosa ta. 111 80S Cook at, II . MODERN furnished cottage to rent Eat 1802. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE r FOR SALE 313 MCE 5-room Cat for rent. 320 per month and furniture, for sale, aesrty.new;. vary reasonihi. 87 tattle sc. aear Mill S ROOMS. H. K. ail tacetC good place fox boarders. East 020. ... - S BOOM hoose, furniture for aai. 154 E. Ut STORES AND HALLS 314 - BISiT LODGE HALL FOB DANCES 12 ht Willisnas ave. Finest hardwood fixdah fsoar, all accommodstios Piano, phoa. Wood iawa 896. Thorn a Dymewx, aST L'nioa ave. It. FOR HaOiT tarae e 24x60 Hood St.. Bear Carnther. FOB desirable apace n fbeoe Broedwy Tia. STORE ROOM aad basement for rent Burmide. Bdwy. S006. .' 434 STORE fog rant- Call 154 Fourth street. t If A TOXIGHT, OB AST TM " T0 ' MORROW Ay ( Theaat - JOURNAL WANT 'AD DEPOTS WiO Take Toar Little Wait A ' for Tha Joaraml at Tbcaa - Law Kataii O-VF TIMS. JPF.& UPCE 16 THBKB TIMES, " - Ja ST2r ' . Ww : All Ada Ion thai t Uses wH1 1 . eoaated a S liars. - (Coast alx ordt ta the Irae) . Prwaalans wMl aot a pi a oat at Waat Ad Depot, bat year receipt for ad front aay of these Waat Ad ftatioa ill he honored aa 8atar daj for a are miasm at Ta Jearaal Baalaeas Offie. - jotjbkAl WA7TT AS SErOTS A. W. AQea. 18th aad Lorejoy Arbor Ledge Pharmscr. 1ST Oieely St Beaver Pharmacy, 660 UaaaUa Aw , SeBwoad' Brooklyn Fhan aeax. Fovea at HO wankie St. -Bnah Pharmacy, Comet 11th tad Ifoab- gooMry Sta, W. C Church, Druggist. Oaiao Ave. at S roadway . Clark Co.. 28th and Buretid Coleman Dreg Co., B. Burnaid aad Grand Ave. Cotel Drag Co., Fint aad Shermaa - Coach Pharmacy, SIT MiaaiaaitaA Are. , Cuirin'a For Drug. St. John Dieksea Drag Co., E. 86th and Stalk Eagle Drug Co.. 1373 Hawthorn IL L. Fs.rly. 72d aad Sandy Foster Road Pharmacy, 6146 Foster Bd. Frederick C. Forbes Drug Co., Eaat Morrison and Grand Gel man A Bsdar Drug Co.. Froat and Gibba St. ' - Eswthrvrn Pharmacy, S6th aad Hawthora Henry K. BoeeaorT. Dn iggkA, Corner 20th and Hawthorne Highland Pharmacy, 1000 TJrdoei Ava K. Katxy' Pharmacy. 5S08 7 2d St S, B, Ealty Drag Co 1921 Hirbmood ak Bnniyaid Km ton Pbn ney, Beitoa Ejllingtworth Drag Oa, Miartaippi aad Eiliingrorth Ave. Kell Drag Co., E. 45th aad Bstaont , Maplewood Pharmacy. Eaat 4 lag aad Holgate atarquardt Bros., Union aad aBg worth Mstthien Drag Star. RusaeQ St. aad William Ave. Man Drua Store, 6th and Ht4soa Saw Mt. Scott Drug Co.. Lent Mob Hilt Pharmacy. Com eg Slat aad Glitan Sta, Orlando Phsnnscy, Cor. 20th aad Wash. Pioneer Drug Co. Comer 3d aad Barm ode Sta. Portsmouth Drog Co., 610 Lombard St Potoffie Pha nnaej Dr. S. Miller, Prop.. Broadway aad GUsta Sta. Rich Cigar Store. C-r. 6th aad Wash. Richmond Pharmacy. 87th end Divistoa .Rose City Park Pharmacy. 87th aad J Sandy Blvd. Simmon A Heppnar, Cents RumeQ aad Albina Are Stout-Lyon Drug Co.. 3d and Morrison, The Drug Chop, E. 80th and GBaaa University Drug Co., 684 Lombard Vernon Drug Co., 17th and Alberta Bt Westmoreland Drag Co.. 1881 MUwaa. kie St. Wilson Droc Co Cor. Corbptt and Hamilton F. U A. Wikum. DrnggMf Ooraer 13th and JeffeiBcn Phone: Mala 717S or Aat. S66-61 Down To wi Lor st Ion Open Klgt aad Day Seven Days a Week . for Toar Coavenience. Rich's Cigar.Store V. E. CTU 9. WACU K E. Cor. Ulll t llrWiit Cor. A3TD STOUT -LYONS DRUG CO. -. E. m MnQRICflm E. Cor.- uu iiiviiiiiwvii Cor. Ad, will ia called for ap to 11 A. M. for lasertioa In that day' paper. FOR RENT OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 STORE room, suitable ior grocery, berber hop, bakery or card room; near new Montgomery Ward and American Out plant; 80 months lease, famished light, hot and eold water; near to restaurant and cafeteria. Will rent reasonable. Call Wilson's cafeteria, 26th and Upshur. DESK .room, with telephone sad Tenogrphlo " ervico- Phone Broadway 3718. . SUMMER RESORTS 316 FURNISHED 5-room coUase. 47 E. 15th N. Price 332.50. Phone Eaet 8715. WANTED TO RENT . HOUSES 361 BENTAL BUREAU List yom bouse, flat and apartment with as; qtrirk results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE, LOANS SECURITT STORAGE V TRANSFER CO. 68 Fourth at, opp, Multnomah Hot Phone Broadway 8713 WANT SMALL MODERN BUNGALOW, BEA&V ON ABLE, NEAR CARLINE. AUT. 612-44. BUSINESS PROPERTY WANT ground floor space near Broadway aad W ashington, at least zoxiuu. ior immeante or future lease. See Wilson, 712 Lewi bldg. Broadway 3363. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 BUSINESS LOT WITH FLATS SOxlOO. on E. Bnrnside aad E. 8th, with two building of 2 flat each, ia fine condi tion. Frice cio.uuu. HENRY W. GODDARD. Z43 Stark Bt APARTMENTS AND FLAT , PROPERTY 402 327,000 FOR a fine fireproof building, with atone oa fink floor and office rooma ' and apart tnents on second floor. Fine bsse ment Steam heat Income of 68200; eery easy tern. 838,000 A fine brick apartment house, on west side; lot 60x100; now leased for a short term. There are 19 apartmenta. Half cash, babao term to suit 342.000 for a fin 3 -story brick and steel constructed fireproof corner building, with 8 (tore oa the fint floor. Office -room oa tha second aad third floor. There is a fiae, well ventilated basement with aa A-l ateam heating plant WU1 oonseder good, city property up to 810,000 aad 816.000 Term oa una Balance. A fine west side eon ler apattzaent house with a net ineome of $19,000 per annum, only $125,000 and easy terms, It will, pay you to investigate this. P. L. Blanchard, Realtor 401-2 8 wetland Bids. Karanall 829., LOTS 403 lot Buyers' Special A few choice lota oa south slope of Council Crest at only $200 per tot Some of these ara on hard turf are pavement and paid for. The an act. bargsinsi They are fust Christmas present st 6200 each, but they go. Make your selection rtT' W. C. BECKTELL, I 1317 Nexth astern Bank Bldg. . 4 1RVINGTON DISTRICT ' $780, $100 cash, (10 monthly, paving, side walk, eurbe, avwer and water m aad paid. 1 Oik. to ear, aad school. Tbis Is real tin. JohnsonDodson Co. 688 N. W Bank Bldg. ' Main 8787 100x100 ALBERTA CAB $560 Including memiinnia . $8 down, 88 month. t '.beautiful lieinteita ; abottld ' doubsa la price before the 1925 fair. H. W. Cs , 1219 w. W. Barm bldg. ", , , 7" -" frrYfc LOTS 3700 EACH 22nd at, near Sandy. Thi price tacladr all Baprovemeat. Sea tnefn. . - ' i- T. o. sum, p-o t-tiast. vtas. iOxfcf FATED STREET 1400 FATED STREET Or win seU em term. 8450: 620 down. $10 month. Alberta ear. st Baab bMg. ttr r i 1 4 1 a V ut . " w- HAVE eecaat tot ta different put of city. I Will build house, yowr owu pkta, 1516 fint payment k tac monthly. Pboao Maia 3551. 8 LOTSrDivoa-aesr 43d, vaio $1500, pta city lien; want aaller' eoatract or sTroeery store, i. H. McMahon. 3606 E. AM. Tab. 6361. LOT 50x100. with arage saaat sail . A ... 89A- -aa ,'a. .-. .. . REAL KTATE-FOR SALE - LOTS 403 BOSS CTTT PARK LOTS - 3423 80x100, K. 8th at. carba and walk. 3.100 50x160, K. 49th at, e era, curb aad walk. - 600 60x100." B. 4th at, cernar. w erm. rurb end wIVv 8678 50tHM. E. 66th at. paved. U im- 1 pro team paid. 37uo 50x100. E. 46tb at, paved, all improveraenr rsud. ; : 8700 80x100, B. dTth at,; larao, lmprci iments psxt 3160 aoxioo. m at, pared, all tatprc as lent -rand. HENDKRSON-BAXKUS CO., 628 Henry Brdg. Bdwy. 6784. 3 LOTS, -earner E. SOUl sod Weidler; U im proaienia ia. and paid. 6850 .each, . Owaar, East 82SO. - HOUSES 404 11300 BOSS crrx . . This is a teal bsra-ain in a arw S rooaa baa- galow. on fun 60x100 ft. lot. This plaeohas a good garage with cement , drive ey. Large Imng and dining room wilU hardwood noors and bre plaeo. . Dutch kstehe wired for eteetrit Taaga. breakfast nook and all modern built-in. 2 bed rooms ana .ieniDg poreh. 81600 wtB aaadi. i J. Ia BARTMAX COMTAVT, 8 Chamber Co , Bid 1 Branch Offiro 43th and Beady Blvd. . Tabor 2.32. ; Step TTsat Ecit - : ' - , FURNISHED . :' Boa City bungalow, & . rooms, alcrp ing porch, hardwocd floors, fumse. ge raga, modeea in evary rsspeet, with very fine rurmtnro. Move right in. ONLY 33730 COMPLETE. ' . . . . Marsh & McCabe Col 22--4 F AILTNG BLDQ. MarshaU 8883. . Evening Tabor 436. -SPILT TO BS DUBS' I 100 to 3300 NVESTIGATB Bigg. Better. Hon lot . uae Money. BEDIM AD BI.DO. O0-, PORTLAND OR, K. Ilia aad Market. Pbse Bast Sll. Dowatowa aslss eifma, Coeamoa wealth bid. 6th sad Aakeay. Phew Broadway 4863. A REAL HOME BUNGALOW S rooms, 2 bedroom, fireplace, farnaoe, hard wood floo .JJutch kiechaa aad htwakfast nook. Ma attic, aic easy -ten; corn sr tot; 1 block from aar. close ha. Price 86000. jCatt after 6 a. at,, Mr. Col, at Tabor 6814. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS - Broadway 4781. 416 Hoary Mdg. GRAB HOLD 6 150 Down. Total nrice 31130:. 1 acre, uQ nouea, ciuci bD mwv. 6300 Down; total price 82200; Si room mod- ern plastered house. : 3700; Down; total price 82630; T -room mod . . era bouse and garage. . GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 631 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 1370. BEST BUYS IN PORTLAND West Sid, close in on Sixth street. 7 room, semi-modern bouse, 83300. easy term.. ' West side, 9 room model house, excenent ira-w, close in, big ineome, partly furnished, $4500, easy tennt. Hawthorn dUtricV 2 6-room flats gppraiced 89000, noa-raaident most seiL. ill take 66000, good terms. DrBOISy 804 Spalding bldg. BONUS ACCEPTED BOSE CITI BUNGALOW .. This lovely Rose City 6 -room bungalow can be bought for 65250. Large living rooms, fireplace, hard aod floors; 11 built in, furnace; corner, with all improvaueat in and paid. Will accept bonus. ROBNETT A McCLURE, Realtor. . Marshall 8282. 802 Conch Bldg. BUILD TO SATISFY Before letting eootnet ta build your borne, tea u. Wc will str you money - and show yoa real construction. - DEAL with sn ex-service maa; soldiers givea every consideration. ROBNETT A McCLURE. REALTORS,' Marshall 8292. 302 Couch bldg. FOR SALE 6 room hoVam. in fin condition, and two fall lota, 100x100. on west aide, eloa to earline; ail -improvements in aad paid; gaa, electricity, hot aad. cold water; fiae bath, .all kind trait, grape and berries. Tbii it fta view property and a iplendid bargain for $2850, on easy terms. CaU at 224 Froat it, er call Maia 7806. ALAMEDA DISTRICT This is a better buy for $8500 than you has aeeu in tha city of Portland; 0 rooms, fumaoe, good basement : comer tot fruit lawn, ' donbl. constructed. 31160 cash, bl. term. ' ROBNETT A McCLURE. Real ton. 'Marshall 8292. 302 Conch Bldg. IRVLNGTON 3650U TERMS A small down payment secures tins new buna low; finest location, best of material and con struction i 3 rooma on tint floor and two finished on the second; oak floor, fnmaca, fireplace, leves lawn- concrete drive, an rax. 1. R. HAIGHT, Realtor 82T Board of Tnde. Broadway 2046. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW 5 rooms and Urge attic, garage.: farnaoe. light fixture and window (hades, hardwood floors thro ax bout nice breaklaat room; on a aifihtlr lot: 210 E. 43d t- near Royal court. GEORGE E. WELLER, Owner and Builder 226 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 6231. Tabor 1950. . 8-ROOM bungalow, oa earline. all finished aa nutaidav aoma finishine on tha inside to be dorse; living room 12x22 feet; connected with' ewer; nice lawn; lot aoxiov; tireplaoe, gaa arm electricity ; need money and will sacrifice my equity for 31006 cash,' balance $684 on tot; everything la and paid for. CaU Auto. 636-84. 6 ROOM COTTAGE: CORNER LOT 83000 Good 6 room cottage, 8 bedrooms, electricity, bath, nice condition inside and out naa corner tot 60x100, city lien all in and paid, on Cleve land ave.. dose ia. Price $8000. $600- caah, $25 month, 6 per cent j r . J. W. GBUSSI i J $18 Board of Trade. ' Main 7452. A TITLE Inkunae Policy a go ran tee by a rrsponaihl company that yoa will not, aaffat km oa account of the title to your real aetata Whea yoa buy reel estate act a Title lasaranc Policy, sio abstnet reguijvdj. TiUe A Trust eom peny. . ' BY OWNER. $3000 WESTMORELAND 8- BOOM BUNGALOW; LOT ' 60X112; 9 FRUIT TREES. LOTS : OF BERRIES; 1 BLK 8. TO BELLWOOD 'AR, STORES, SCHOOL: IMMEDIATE POSSESSION; $2000 CASH, BALANCE EAST, 681 SOUTH AVE. NEW $2360 Thi 4-room bungalow will b ready for occupancy in a few day. It i Bp-to-the-sol ut and a real baraain. . ' . W. M. Umbdecsstack At Co.. 210 Oregon Bdig. K roadway 1658. 1 - HAWTHORNE ' BlftTRtCf Re -room modern hoe, sleepiag porch, fun basement furnace, ia first-elas con dition ; close to ear, paved at. on K. 85th st 34760, ern oa. This is a big ralaa. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165 H 4th St MUST BE SOLD Br owner, attractive 8-room aoma. East Bnradde, eiosein, fin loeatioa, doable construc tion, hardwood floors, box - furnace, also income property. Caah-$1000. : Mrs. Blha, 888 East arq n. Mominga, szg-ia. ; - ST. JOHNS ' 5 room modern bungalow, Inearly new, -83300; $300 down, $2 month; half btock R. k?' GATEWOOP A CO.. 165 H 4th St 7-ROOM 'MODERN HOUSE 80x100 ft of ground, 2 blk, from carllne, all for $3000. $500 oaah, $20 per month. . STEWART JOHNSON 813 Northwestern Bank; Bldg. - HAWTHORNE district. room oungstow. 4 2d , t. 1 Vk block from ear. BOxlOO lot; (3000, (604 down, 688 per mouth, anoluding in tt rest Pbon Aut 616-64.' r .eE Triuf BargaiS BfcFbfea T6 BIT Beautiful, modera 8 -room buns slow: lot 100X 90. pared. 609 E. Slat at,- xlustli gold or rented. , ' 1 ..!..,: . BEHIND every poBey at Tiu incurs nc at a depotxt with the state 7 Oraaoe to prouet yoa againat torn, yet it a cheaper then the batret method. ' Title A Treat eom Peny . 4,XAUREIf RSI ! ' ' ' 'U Homellk and attractive- 10-room boos, wear park and oar: will lea furnished or anfumhhed, for 1 year. . For appointment call Tabor 7128.' g -' BEST PART OTliLLWOOD ' -4 room and kiteaenette, full let, paved street Thi it a rant-saver. See tt. $1(80; $500 cash. Wm. Willing, Beiiwaed 1160. ' . , WE AlAVE already examined toe title to your property aad eaa asm yoa a Title Inaunnc reliey without delay. -Title A Trust ccia wy. TWO-ROOM bona. lot lOOilOO. $50 do a. - pajmaata. Why pay , rent? .604 Buchanan bMg. ':. '"' :' ' ' ."' :' ' . t I FOR SALE A fnrnishsd modem bunga- , wit- n. . sow. M hms w aiww i , . bbi is. Wdln. 634 - Pnee $2359; EVERY parehaaer af real at w aaootd bare bW title tared. Better be est than o y. Title A Tt t compear. ; I COZY t room home Bear Jefferson High. Bar tin. Owner. Tbof 38T9. -'' FIVE-ROOM b'HMe, lot- loOxlCtf, . 8200 stowa, payment. 604 Buchaasst bldg. REAL ESTATE 4tDR SALE - - HOUSES - ' - 404 FV.RWS'AiXT,-, l.8f WTkU : . , PKRSOXAHJf APPRAISJCD ' ' LARfJKsT HOMU SELLER IN AMKRIfAV 1 . 1 20 Pboeins ohs eg Ho se fee- SVale- ataka yoar doea 44 Sales a at Toar Serrire. ..... i Open iLTening Until 16- 33330 HAWTHORNE REAL TIARtJ AfN ta a big amdera home, RIGHT ON CARLLNE; Belmont t ' ' PENraSTJLA SACRIFICS . 8300 Dowst 600 Dowaf " 41 82650 3S0O down! FORCED BALft of one . . of I'enituula moot delightful bungalow, in a real ideal setting of Watlfui shad v aad froit trees, spick aad trnnl ; lares combmatioa living and dining room, ... wait Dutch kitchen, built-in, airy bed ' Mom; lots of fruit. Dower, etc; Omsk . : are. A8K, ABOUT TUldl 4 -. We Have 1260. ' V '.... Ibotgraphs of Home for Hal In Our office, -Every Iiwtrsc 4, Heme of Every kvbvdl H" dred that you caa hay oa ama& down f ' - monts. ... . vv . f TRANK L. McGClRE, To Buy Tour Homa, kteaiior. AMnatna Bide.. Kaia 1068. Jld tt. Bet. Wash. nd SUrk. Host Sell , Ut BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW c ."; Bust nee demand that I go East at once. Will give tomtom tha boy ot thatr lite ia - my a room bangalow. with full floored ttw. . reinforced ooaoiete eonstructioa, pabbl dsh -finish; sot built' to eaU, bat designed and. , built for a own bona. . Exoeptionally largo and axueetivo living room, massive fireplace t'ngliah dining room, oomplet bailt-tn kibaa. en, breakfast room, 3 beautiful bedrooms, garage to match tha hoaaa, If yoa are ia the market tar a real homa at a- moderate price, drive oat to EASIMOREX.ND to day. 1631 x. tad at . Tarn place ia open for tapeetkai froat 1 p. m. to P. at Owner can be reached bf eeni SaUwoad 11 or MarskaU 2245. Sacrifice. Walking Distance .: . $4250-Easy : Terms 1 Sig rooms, modem, full cement Basement Fox furnace, laundry trays, hardwood (loom; eloa to Meet bridge. . ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR, C Board of Trad Bldg. . Broadway 87. Evening East 296 L Star Sales Service ;t 8UNNYSTDB A splendid 6-room bungalow, gunroain, , Dutch kitchen, paneled dioiiic room, cameut t basement furnace. . SACRIFICE FOR 83806 Small cash payment take it OWNER MUST BELLI STAB REAL ESTATE A TNT. CO , ' Bealton. 612-513 Wilcox BWf. Maia 5604. - Evenings, 819-97. ' REAL HOUSE BARGAINS LAURELHURST, new bangalow, 8 room, with room for 2 mora; strictly mod- . era; garage; 86500; good terms, WE8 BMORELAND, new bungalow, 6 rooms, modern, paved at. $4000; 6769 - 4tow n, balance easy WESTMORELAND. 8 room aa houai; paved at; lot 78x82x100 foot, eorntf, $2000. $500 down. 822.60 month. , RICHMOND. 6 room modem, bow. paved atiwet, aear ear. oa 3 5th at, $4000, terms. . B. at. OATEWOOP A CO., 16$ 4th t JUST completed modara i-room tteos with all conveniences, hardwood floom throughout tha bouse, tile bathroom with shower, double garage, located fat best part of Latuwlhurag aear perk. For appointment eaU Tabor 606. A. Pajuuea. oontraetor aad builder, - R6sfc fit? T" BONUS AND SMALL PATsfENT 64200 NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH FURNACE AND GARAGE: VERY LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH OAK FLOOR, HKE PLACE, BOOKCASES, 3 NICE BEDROOMS AND SLEEPING POBCH, DUTCH KITCHEN WITH BREAKFAST NOOK. PRICED FOB A QUICK SALE. ;- - v.- R. SOMERVTLLE. BDWY. 2478. 820 V. 8. NATIONAL BANK BLDQ. WEST SIDE, 85000 7 ROOMS Fine investment Lot oa 4thr aid worth $2800; bouse baa furnace, fireplace, etc: full 50x100 lot tt block from 23d st. cor. ia Nob Hill district A rental property ft will Uk rare of itself. Can be bought for 8500 down. We've seen nothing as good from every Mead" paint for aome time. ' We win show you, J. It HAIGHT. REALTOR. 827 Board of Trade. - ' Bdwy. 2043. 4-room with deeping porch. Creplaea, aoma built-in, furnace, full or merit basement, garage, larr tot' apstaira rented for' $40 aar moo la, Prm $3800, Terms. Johnson-Doason Co. 888 N. W. Bank Bldg. Msin 8T8T 4 ROOM COTTAGE FURNISHED Near Franklin high, full lot. . Thia is a warm, eeiled little home with extra large loom an fsir farnitura; will htp beat tha mat meat $2300, $254 caah, balaoo $29 per mantt in. eludinf internet ' , - Ralph Harris Co. 816 Cnamber of Commerce. Main 6624. $400 WILL HANDLE b 100x100 tot with 2 room houee, near Ah - Worth are.; bath, ( toilet, hot water tank. rak. 8 water heater and elaotria light. . Win aeea about $75 to finish house. Price only $1460. . DEKB A POWNDEB - 1213 N-W. Bank bldg. Marahan 924 A jswvt-it" tvio-irr. A""etr.r.r.wl Wffl take ear And $800 aa first paymaA oa my beautiful S-room modem bungalow, located : la tha heart of Rose City district. All Boom down hav. hardwood floom; A bedreoma up. Double garage. Only 6800 dewa, bat aaay. Baa : thi t once. Aut 210-88. 31000 IRVLNGTON This it a beautiful homo la tha best distrtatj very feature modem; oak floom, furnace, fire place, eon terete garage, extra large ale j ing ni t double (iceprng poroa. so i so. -eaey r - J. R. HAKJHT, JUAiil atjivc 827 -Board of Trade. Broadway 204$. 6. ROOMS and aleeping Doroh. xarsre. lot $0x 100, paved tnt W alnut Park. Why pay reat whea you eaa buy thi for 84760. McGEE A DENNIS " 909 TJnton Avenue N. Wdla. $684 .... $3500 - -j Will take 7 -room hous elea ta Sanayatda aar. Rents for 845 at oath. Sell oa easy tarn, Aato. 228-71. NEW 4-room bangalow. Dutch kitchen, fu3 bathroom, electricity, gas. Price 82209. 1249 Wilbur at Wdla. 1090. - TIT LB Bo ibatntet to raquired. TrUe A Trust 5 SMALL house and to. KendaB atatioa, erase bridge, first road aa left first hews eel Wb Tbor 4606. t. S-ROOM, modern house for axla or la, 1 aero of ground. 2 chicken hem. Z blk. to ag 605 H East Morrston. - - ; ,. GET titie bwursoc laatmd at aa aaetreet I a euieker and cheaper and yoa am abaolstaiy gainst error. TRw at tt t eom ny. ,OSE CITY, snooeus, 6 room bungalow, at 68 it aw fwus at. St.; osa u a a, ra i, aeB. -ewaer.Eem 2299. - - CLOSB pmor real astita seal rlthowt aaaaytnt detail by atiag a TiCa I era ranee Petiay. Aa btnet Teqtrh-ed- Title A T t com peer IRVLNGTON New, modem 6-room wett-buiit - buagalow , jot completed ; ' peie 86890. Vk ' cash, phone' Woodiawa 6321, owner. WHEN yoa trcB-. your aav tha ttoa xoun v I Get a Title loswr ace PwUey. TiUe it Trot en W any. blrgaia ilONTAVILLA Tba biggest ia aUy. S rooms. Owner. Kast OIB. $-R. It. C. P. euaaatow: saon fteefor caah; 34730 or best offer. Owner. 061 E. 8lt N. jgtlNGTON Only 34650 for lovely , -r . . w... &aiK FlTaVROOM house, lew Franklin high. $309 nandle. -d mo. ou nucnanan cf. f-KOOH. modem Itous ia Hawthora, 6ams aajr Call Akt. 2 2 8 -7 1. (OanUatmd aa Pastow Irm Paoel aia ii .mi I If aeceaaary, WTl help yoa .payment. . .. ,