TUESDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1S21. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON. io OREGON APPLES CONTINUE TO LEAD HIIESSSB III EQGTRAD1NG TTJE&DAY DAIRY TRADE Batter . .Err ClwM -- , .-, sake extra select,'' flats. Psrtlaad ...... Me tte Chicago ..'......w.'.itg - . i . Je NW York .........48e . , 88 tlHt fcaa Fraaeiseo .....4 e 2S Seattle 4te Me IM La Angeur ;..... we ..... - EH MitttMtiiiM to" reflect ntiWi bet the trade 1 ped.1 Quotations w new Mm realised Cor all aetoj; ta fV nt of the MiM a4h wwit appoer M M U 4 0M below the tttIMM tow, aWed were ojMted -the aeaieiejios nn hag4 at 65 tar TJy morning, bat even tWt' nMin vdN M indicated. Bome af the prirstr-' firms weiw ashing a simitar prim tfnrnf th da, with palMa eeaaraily at 45e dw. later is th dr tb associa tion out selects 2 to 63k. first 2o to 4 a od . pallet 1 t 44 a So. , Along Front street era mrhet aeeumulattosi fir Warning acute. There eiw tocwMlni' r rtwJsfrem- near-by point and hennery whrto ax Htm ottered M low M 61a a dose.! al though report lnlieate that some bujria wa don la select nl mix colors doww to ((to wt Other firm ere kiaf 5S 0 98 foe , & ... Wa S i1a fa iLn. A Swan. ward tread. Nw York has ebown lika fcvrteatioe, bet Chic baa baea ftrpM. wit values up fraeoo or en, v These desiring special tnforanatiew ierng any market eheuld wnto the Market Editor, OiaaoB Journal, Inclosing Hamp (or reply. BTJTTER TRADE HAS STEADY TORE Market for putter ha a eteaa ton Vmarly, erlta Bale af eube at maintained pries. City vsamerie are asking 40 to 41 a pound for their extrea. while fle appear to be about the top lor cone try stock. CTOCKEX DEMAITD IS STEADY Demand to ehiekent rem the front street trade. Rereii and a general elssnnp tf offer maa4 (or ehiekena jremaina (arorabl ta npta are ran ) iriacs ia ahowa at ami a general ciwiup m vmnnn w foil nrii... Tnrkan 4oniinua in small auBBtx aa4 aaflaeted.. SUGAR PRICE SCDDEJTliY LOWER -Cat of SOa per hundred pound wig an. Maaced ia the price of all gradaa of refined agar by local Jobber, fallowing a aimUar ent by relneriea. Tba aew baeia for Can granulated - H00 PRICES ABE SHO VYI3CJ A 10S8 With aharpr lower price ' in the Breetoek market, local packers annonpea a cut of lo Ja the price of hega at II a pound, wml aleng Vreat atreet aale of - eouatry killed ara ahowa aa low w la - Veal about gtaadr. wO?riojr SALES of limited yoltme ;tine, amriiiB to W. L Bwaak. generU aellinc repieeenriiiTe of tire Confederated Ontoa Grow ar' i xilitinn talaa to earload lota are ahowa at 14 I. e, a. atatioa, but baaiaaaa is cenfiaed , .to eoaat poiaU. BRJEY VOTES 09 PRODUCE TRADE Jap 'oraage are lower. Sweet potato galea at 4 H 6; cellar atock to be higher. Florida grapefruit price, about 2Se lower. Local ceieij la (air aunply. with aale 60o to f)a doaea, . Carload aunptte acsaawato lettuce effering ; ale 42,50 crate, Uu aad baB been ar higher; white un MAt, , i. i . WEATHER NOTICE YOR SHIPPERS The weather bureau adrbwd Taeaday: ' Protecf (mpmcate aunng VP nest 99 hour afaingt in ; toUowiiifl minimum temptratunai Ooiog aorth r SeaUle, M defreea; nonhaaat to iipekane. S deeree; eaat to Baker, 24 degTeea, and loath to a.hl.aA 3 degree. - Mipimum temperature ' at fttrUana tomorrow about 40 degree.. ... -i 'i I i tMtHr . WHOLESALE PRICES T3f PORTLAKD The ar aciee retailer pay wactaaalai. escept a otherwise noted. ' Dairy n eiiiwt ' BtTTTaVRr Selling- price, box lots; Cream t try prieaa; Print Mtraa, 44o for alaia wrap per; cube,, aitraa, II 041a lb.; daairy, buy v. ing price, 24)25o lb. BfjTTKRTAIWPBrUemd Ufeere naeia. M. 1 erade. 2e lb. i Ka 2. 46ai aountn ata- tlana. 942 lb tor Va -Trade. CHSKSK---fieUing pHo TUlambak, " freab. urageei raney wipiem, aw 10.1 xouaa mar ' ieee. SOe lb. Priae to Jobber, f. eT b. Tili monk: , Triplet, 26e; Young 4mervwa. 27e. buu( prtce: Blocs nwua, lancy, iifliie; Ltmiunr, 2$ 10 U. j cream briek. 10 0 iie. - ' IXMS8 Buying pries. Front atreet: Cur rent receipts, 43a dae.i aandled, Bailing pnae. 40 1 its peg doa. select, SOWIOe per do,; pnlleta, 4 Be per do.; storage, 88 per doe. KGGS AnocUUon priceaS Select, SSa da,; flmts. 4te do, i pullets. 44a do. LIV POULTRT SeUiug price; Heary neaa, Ce lb. ; bg hena, 10o in.; springa, 20o lb. j broiler, 28avS0o lb.; old rooster, 10 lb.; torieya, dreaned. 82 18 lb.; lira, 2Ie lb.; dneka, 202o lb. PreaN Veeetablea and FrwH FRESH k'Bl'ITH Urangea. .25 S.TS bo banaaaa, lh lb. kmone, 4.70 T.n raaei grapefruit, tHorlda, tn.ya.00. BERRIKS Cranberries, local, 5,IO0t.BO , pea; Heatarn. 421.00 per barrel DRltU FBUITS Date. la.004IT.00 box; ' fga. plack, 13.000 25 per 2S-D. boa; . prunes, to ana sua, oo-to. pox, i hi id. tf tun 1 neuing priee io mauee e. aa . II 11.1 aa . ytaajrUo. 10014 to.; greea' oatai, 40 doaea POTATOES Sailing priee to rata Den: Cragea faaey. 1.00 per cental; baying prio enqntry, 1.74 peg eeatal; Takima beat, 12 00 1.10 per cental; sweet potatoes. 4M0Be lb. ; VEQaTTABLXS String beaaa. 10 lb. beeta, 1.00 per sack; eabbag So per lb.; carrot. il.5 aaoki celery, Tc0$1.2t diw. crplant. 15 lb. Mttuee, 41.24 per dnC; panaipa, flia sank; trera pepper. 10 lb.; tooiatoea, CaHfornia. $2.40 0 4.00 tug; pumpkin. 2 0 2 We ib.1 aaoaah. 202m Tb.: horesradiah. lao Ib.1 eprouta, 20a lb. j artichoke, 41. 60 . doe, t cauliflower, 41.790 2 40 do. . , APPLBrVmrasBburaa, ectra fancw 4-tler. 13.50 0 2.75; fancy 4-Ur. 5S-40 03.50; e-uee. as ao IVPLEa Winter ' Banana. ' aertm fane 4-ter, 42 00; Jaaei 4-Uar, 91.79; choice 4-tisr. 1 1 oo. APPLBeVOrUey. extra fancy 4-tier, I2.2S; ' faawy 4 tier. ta.BO; choice 4 tier. 41.75, APpLES-JoaaUus and. aVpiUenborga, uu - " wrappedV 41.50. t APPUE3 Delictom. extra faatry ,4-tJer. 1.40; t faaey 4-Ucr. ,U.2i 4oto 4-tir. 1 rtar jrAVmaHna etook. 750 41.50 bee. i - Twenty-frre weata ff all aboea aw 150 aad 14 it-- BM 0(1 on a OU smausr. COTJNTBT afYATS SalUat prio: Cauatry hncs, 12 per lb. for top blocker about m tn 1 KA lb., hear stuff lens: reals ton. i;V about 40 to-100 Uml. 1414 014 per 4b., " Jff toM. eVtamba, II 41 1 5s la. - PACNOboIif htEATS Steer beef, 12; kbm Hi 1 1 . lAei lamba. 12 017a. '" LAKD K-ttie renderea. 15 Vie lb., tierce bams; compound, lga P&BSH PISH Sararaide. 1901SH: ' halibut. 1401SOI srareeon, 1T014; bUck b, 10011 lb.; basket kippered 44. HM; lint eed, e lb. , OYSTERS lutrm, gal.. .o; orympla, S4.00 gel.. H-40 pint; acaba, large 4S.74, , anal! $2.50 do. - , - - Hap. Wool and HI :i Hflf-ll!l eiwpv cluster. 24 lb. HIDES CUIskins. 10c; kjp. 100; greea ajeea. : aauao, ej in. MOHArR Jiominal. 15c IK TALLOW A UBXaoE X. 1 tallow. 8c; J'V i CASCABA BiM-Hw. lei eld. SHa m. - dhrm.. 14: tin. SO to.; Sagtara Oregonr . toAO i)ff(t ljkf Small whit. 45.45; tana white. 14.85; pMc. IJ.JSi Imu. 14.00; bam. IJ.75; 1 ONKX-Jae. t4.IS0S.IO. BICS -Japaa style, Ko-I 1. So; Blaa Roa. T lb.; New Orleans bead. IVa ! tXJITEt Boaetod. 1TV02 ta aaeka a -dram. 40s, 417.85; tabla dairy, 40a, 427.50; bale! 44.504 00; fang -Ual. ami dai-y. fS4.40; - Hunts - a ... , Br?OAB---Cbe. rr.20: tram and barry. J08; fallow D 5.40; beet gruumtod, -. ! 1.85: extra C. 45.6St mldea C. II.S&. - . . . CAN .N SJ JUL lUK-Tia, .ll; baby gtoa. , "g.ee -as; ugw, .! ce. . OOA CRACK K&9 Ia balk. 14a Tb,' : irT Waiauta, 42 024 lb; almonda. 24 07 Hp: fUbena, . 20e ia sack W; peanwta. V JU4 IS; pecsea. ; SeT BraxUs. IS m 0c - abaaaul. Japaa-w. 22024. v . 4k M-L Ola : LINSEED OIL IUw. bhla, SJc; kettlt M1NL WICIt ' "' Br Bru H. Cobob - ., Cona-qmoTB vr cpertenctnaT 4 iff lenity In aaetrriBa; frwah aaJrnori in tba mArkeU at thia tim bcea-uaa I atb-r conai ttons and tha inabiiitr of flahennen to operate in the raging Columbia. A amaJl amount of fraah aaJmon la beins offered bat th beat of this ia paid at. 20o a pound. Slock of flnit-claas frozen aaJ mon are vrr liberal In wllty, UiJf off ering U of unumially rood quality, Tha avarar oonaumer ahtoa at the men Uon of eold atorara atpek. tuit rcmalna a fact that tha baat of bcf ia held in Um coolera.for aome time In order to put It tn th beat possible condition. Err prtcea ara down to 60c generally for best quality In tha retail ahops. with puuet atock at 50c, Cm tha pubiio mar ket tha price ta down to 67a Xor eel acta, but. in reality thia Indudea everythlns excepts pnlleta there. , gome of the downtown markets aa well aa larger suburban ahops are cut ting the pries of fresh pork In answer to, recent oecunea in tne wnoleaaia mar ket, A further drop of le for pork was announced by wholeaalara . during h day. Pon't fonfet you are entlUed to uii drop likewise. ' HetaQ price tn prtrat rtoraas J-aleot. 40c; pallets. 50c. H utter FT-eh ereamery. 605Se. Salmoa 15W20; balibut. S5e; perch. 10c; llour Bmt local patent, 11.9002 00 per mo, s ids. Potatoes Borbankt, $2.50 per tack. Ouions6e lb. TamaiU street orieai: VnnUhlee Cabbage, t To,; eauanower, 10 0 30 bMd; earroia. t bunch: lettuce, loe neaii; ary onioe. c lb.; taraipa, 4e lb.; applca, 4 lb.; tomataea, lOe tb. Honey Comb, $; qoart, 70o; pint, $8c Poultry iary hen, fir: light hens, 24c: broilen, 9e; tuitsy. 410(0. Krga Best, 47 doaea. ' Bute 48 lb.t eottaea ehaa-a. ISa n Lest we forget. The price t sugar ia down SOe per bundr4 pounds, poo Viet your dealer WTk at. ... . Chicago Market Is Boosted Upward by Minneapolis Prices Chicago. Dee, 8. (L N. B. ) OaUid Inter, est in wheat we leaking today and support gireq by local tradei waa not sufficient to keen th market up. Early buying strength faded after id-eesoa and tb clone waa lower. Com and oeta followed ( (mad in wDaat with trad moderate. Wheat closed t VI 0 $e lower; eora Hil He lower; oais m 0 7k towsr; prortsioB irregular. . v-tucago, pee. a, it. . o.) Higaer wbeat nrlmmm la UI.MUtl. I I . I . tm iiiiiHifNHia iiuiiwnwi aiArae. oare ai tha erjMiin today aad prioea were 44 e to He up and 14 to higher for July. Trad waa V.mrtana4awfl mmraailw.m ..m..aJ Ttl a) iwu-aieai awPJUIiaml Basuinsj Cat OOPH -vBd pricm imt aatiVaAtd to He lovr, Th ;Otvrji mrud ir-ticil $asch4sacd with Umit- aVl fPmyie. Proriioji wer iav&rm at th (tart but the WHEAT fmnmwa Uia.lt Lew. Close. 10H 100 11214 11214 10114 10114 4414 48 6814 5314 44 544 82 i 82 S7 87 8SH $8 81 81 tt 87 S8 ;r',.. . 1S20 ' 455 885 879 745 ... 780 Doe. 1121. Haiti May ...... July ar 71 103 H 10414 .COBN 48 49 64 64 55 H B514 OATS .; 82 82 8814 '3H S3 .8814 STK 4 84 U 90 X 00 POBK- - Dee. July" 0a. Vf.v July Dec. Hay Jaa. . LABD 840 ribs' Jaa. .. '860 7 BO March Jan. blaroh .... T8S Cash wheat hard, $1,111. Early Advance Is Marked in Cotton New York. Dee, 6. (t If. 8.) Th cotton market opened firm today at act adrancet of 84 to IS points. - Urerpeel waa sharply higher o th- settlement of the Irish QuesUtm and this caussd th aptnrn here. Tile m.4lA mmamA am Ik. 1... . r. ... bandy steady at a net ad rue of to C ""-"-. .owuju was uuiei, ill soma higher at JT70, No salea. , " v . Month Open. High. Low. Close. Jan. 1745 1750 1723 1723 Mch. .. 1740 1745 1720 1722 May 1700 1718 17 1848 July 1680 1672 1654 ' 1654 Oct 1610 1615 160O 1594 ! 1780 1755 1730 ,1739 Chicago Dairy Pro dire ; CWea0. ., 6 - (I.N. 8.) Butter Re ?pU'..1i'6.8 Creamery, extra, 42a; frista, $B041e; packing atock. 230 25. . i-xra Keceipta, f795 cues. UiaceUxneotn, S2 0 44o; ordinary Crata. 44 0 5Qe; first. 54 0 pee: liackav28 0 8Oo; dirtie. 80 0 82! , Chins Twin, aew, le; dauoee. 1814 0 14 Jtc; Toung AJnencas, II Vi longharas, I e. lira PoalUy - Turkey. S2e; cbJeksas. 19; awjae. 22; roosten, 15o; geese, 24s; duck, ' Dried Fralt aad Besas ? Kw Yorh, Dee. 6. (L N. S.)eBsans easy; rrow, choke. $8; pea, choice, 3.25; red kidney. $8. r Dried Fruita Market eniet: apricots, ehaio to ex-fancy, 84 033: applea, eraporated. prim to 'OfT. 144tii8lie; primes. 80s taT 60s, 9 m 0 16c; prune, 80a to 100a, 6 010c; psach. cboioa to ex-fancy. 18 020 14 e; seeded raisins, ahoice to fancy. 14 014140. HlBaaanoIit-Dalatb VIat Puluth, Dee. 4. (L N. S. Pli; IJ 8414; Jan.. $1.84; May. $1.8714; Ju li'ISS w-Sm; If Inneenali. VTW. a it v a Dee., 417; Jan.. $1 74 May. $1.84 V : track ana arnr. $1.8014 01.8814. Chicago Potato Jfarket Chicace. , Dws. 4. Potatoes Receipts. 8$ ear, HKoia ronad. $1.40 01.75; alickigan. 41.6J01.75: Minnesota. $16O0i.Mrae4 Blrer. $1.50 0 l.aoTldaho Bumeta 7$2.0 ??j2, Bed McClarea, $3.10; laiota round, 11.6001.64. , - c Kerw Terk Sagar and Coffee Krr Tort Pec 6.-(U. p.) Sugar IhjII. eyTso ' rWUd' l tran Ulated, $4.20 Sow York-Leadea SUrer New TotavDee. . (X. N. B.) Commercial WhCT,itrr'.,t V 8aa Fraadsea Market f Saa rmncWoo. Dec . (D. P.) Petateee Oasc-m Cryst wax, 54.00; brown. $4,000 - . m , San Yraaetsea Poultry Xarket San rraaeiseo, Dec 4. (a P.) Poultry Saa Praadtce Barley Market. Baa Fraactoea. Dec , Cash bariay Btmt ff .Pn oaaul. $12 01.90; ahiypug. Uf 0 . . TTew York FoUU Verket . Kew Terk. Dee. 6 I N. 8.) Petahiis (Ia balk, barrel or Mirkst atoadx: aaarbv wiuto. 41-00 0 5.6oT w7. aearoy OAaousMr-twtm bbm.. See; eaaes.. SI 14c FtTTL OIL Basis, SL.M bN - 12 k1 iJALW Toa lot. II: ' 80S lb., E f Hymn H. Oehea . Oregon apple eonctau to mad tha London market for the eartotias bast adapted to Una state sad the highest priee ta tha world 4 atfH being recelred. Vary strong ton is show in the London garkt fee Oregon spplea, but there m toeresaing atrenatb noted at LsrerpsoU with pnees aUghtly higher and indie tiag ionber ad. ranee,- ., . . , m. At the moment Um ar.il la eimrl . the best foretga market for apple and higher pttce ara ahowa there, atthenrh this pisy ia a meaamr be axpiaiaed by Urn fept that bettor aualtty-J aim vail were, " TJomeatic tsarkets ar inclined to show earn fin in awangt at potata aa at tha Karkma. put thie conditio apneas mote the result oi a lack of new arrinale thaa anytMng else. While saga storks of p)s era bold ia th SMtar warehonaj, th alack rue of sew ar rirale m ereatuig tmarered eonditione at the moment. - BritoJt arena . market hew, prieaa beinf uaseu avow as ine rams ox a amuinx; ' UTKBPOOL Tariety aad Grade - . from ' Price Yellow Nwuwa: , - trtrafaacy..,.,..Or. ...... 41.00 0 8 t xtra-faocy,.,.,..Wah. , 8.00 0 8.68 Fancy .......... .Ore, , ...... 2.8008.20 Fancy ,.Uh. , ..... 2 800420 esT .....t.ai. . . Kj graae., ..Ore. . O frd., Wtoh. , O rad.. ....... .Cal. . . - 1 ' LOh'PON 2.80 0 8.20 2.8O0S.2O S.8O08.SO 2.800 $.20 ret tow nawtewB AQ gradea ,..Cai ,43200834 . S.5408.P8 . 8.20 0 $.64 Aa gradea, Ore. .. . . All (radea. . . . wmn. . . , UVKBPOOb Jonathan i fSACf ........ Jonathan: All gradea Wtoeaap: Fancy Winesap: Al) erade Bptteeebnrg: Kxtra faaey.,.. C grade'. tfA... ....12.807-0 B. ObA. er a UTBPOOI . . .Wash. . . . . . LONDON .-. , Br. Col . . . , LIVERPOOL .ss.ee 08.20 .$2.80 08.20 .$U0 03.39 .$3.00 0 8.59 . 2.90 03.04 . 2.7(h2.90 .'.Ore. ..Ore, ...Or. . , . AXERICAJT . LIYESTOCX PRICES L . Ohleaa Mega 1M WW. D0- ,. 1L N. 8.) Hogs Be, STJPt?? J"' otiri 19 025 higher. Bulk, .75LOO; top. $7.25; heary weight, $.Ta' mn !ty i.Ia.f9Kat - 'a'". 46.80 0 7.PO; light weight. $4.90 0 7.24; liht Hgbts. 47.00 ertSS; j pwini em, RBonn, ee.uveyO.Du; pack, jwr.aow. rough. $5.7404.14; pigs, $0,900 T.ao. Cattle Receipts. 13.000; dull, steady to low. Beef teert, choice ad prim. 48.25 0 11-00; medium and eonel. M liat T. li.hi. wisbt, good and choice, $8.89011.00; na. am anil njiit l(. I E A A fiK. v... .1 .. , . 'f".-eo 0 8.75; eow. $$..904.28; buK 44.1906.00; eaaaen and cutler. eow and oeuera i.g we.; oaansr teera. $2,74 0 $.751 real cal re (lht and handy weight) , 4 S.TS 0 9.29; feeder stoeea, 84.60 0 4.60; stacker Vfrt; 44-76 0 6.40; atoeker aww aad bufei. $3-1409.00. ao,,T""B"e tohT. IS.oOO: generalry etroeg to r?iu".a,r-. me . aownj, i.i 11.00; lamb, culls and commoa. 47.00 0 7.50; rsrling wthm, $6.5O0.6O; wa. $2,000 60; feeder lambs, $8.25 09.40. Kansas City Moat 44.70 Kansas City, Me.. Dec N. 8. ) Cattle Receipt. 7500: market aetlr. Steers, at A A att a O w . a . m A.oaLn o-vu fJU-Otli COWSi aUlO fAallieTm, f .UU fJBB f .OU ; Iftockers ao4 ftxfer-, $4.i0 f .25; otaves. 19.1)0 CP tf-vOe ' Hog Reoerpt, 7600: sctire. Bolk of sales, 44.5006.65; top. 46.TO; heaTies. 46.80 6.65. Slice p Receipt, JOOH; market dull. Beat lamos, se.ooey e.so; wetHers, $7.00 0 8.00; ewes, ea.ov ey e.vm. - OeatUe Hoe. S8.7B Beattw, Deo. 6, (1. . 8.) OatUe Re enpts, 800; steady. Prirao ataera. 86.0048.90: m odium- to choice, 95.004.00; eommoa to gooo, .uusya.ou; aaat aow and betters, 84.28 04.75( medium to ehoiee, $8.50 0 4.00; oom- food. $2.40 0 $.60 r prime light ealrea, fl l?f 84.0007,00; aU. Hogs Bee'eipm, 800; lower. Nat, $8.28 0 a.TSi moota heanea, $8.0008-60; rough .u"e.i.vu; pin, e.vutav.uo. Sheep Beaelpts. noes. Oenwar Hoe, 9S.7S Denver. Dee. a. ID. V r,.n. B.ijij. 1100; strong Bteert, $3.006.5; eow gad heifert, $8.(008.00; stock rrs and fasdan. $4-50 06.24: ealraa, 46.60 04.40. HoeBaoehHB, 1100; lQo lower. Top, $6.75; bulk, 44.1006.40. 8htw-Eoeeipt, 1700; higher. Iasaba, $8.50 w ; ewas, a.wueye.z; lesd. $7,40 0 WW" eiaaa M M South Omaha. Dee. 6, (L N. g.) tir. (took close HogeKeeeipts, 5500. Steady to 18o lower. Bulk light butobera, $8.85 0 8.50; bulk. 45.75 06.40; tops, $6.60. Cattle Receipt. 4000: beef steers and she stock. slow, early aale weak to 25e tower; bulls ana Tenia weal : nocsrr ana teener, steady. 8 beep Receipts, $000 ; lambs. 26 0 6 0c high er. Top Itmbe, $10.15; sheep aad feeders. taaay. L POTATOES AL03TO THR; COAST OS Knaatet Maraat Log Angel, Cal, Dee. (t . S.) P- tatce. lugs.Oc0$l.OO: Stoektoa Burbaaka. SV.3.0!;.' J.ai "w 42.85; Poorer, tow a IS XX ? , i' uw "mteti, f..; Bttral. . ' eattle aUrtat oeawe, -uaa s. (A, N. can. 4 44 a 5e lb. , Potatoes .Takima Gem. $38.000 42.90 ton. Ifew York Batter aad Errs ZZ I r L N- B-) - Better Market barely steady. Creaynery extra (aatted and nnaalted), 89 048e: creamery, higher than extra (salted and nnaalted ). 4 T 04 914s; tUU dairy tuba, S20 4So; reneemtad fresh extras. 84 0 S5e arke atsady. Btata What aiilk P1 J',2 ; ""hoi milk faaey, arerate 2"V.20r ,: hol . 1 rde7 1 018c Wisconsin Whole milk, fancy Young 204 023. Butte gkiaa. specials, J 17:- 1 ehoie 11014c; akims fair to good. 801Oe; aktma, lower . grade. 4 07c , sgsMarbet gteady to firm. Nearby white, Mc?fir ?&trn' Te"85 " Milk Th wholesale prio 1 83. ST per 160 rraini o. a xwr eent anus, witnia 200-210 mile Feed Bids Sought Th U sited atataa army fat daeertiaine for bids on forace. bMa to be ommad in eattle at 11 - December 1. Wanted are 818.9 ton hay. say cone oats, as tone-straw and in to be uwd at th army peats in Seattle, Camp f1. "ft Storena, Vancouver Barracka, Fort rriaui. eon iwvm ana Oregoa Agricultural Sew Tort Wool aad EUti New Tork. Dm $. (L W. !wji Better demand. IViinMri 23 038c; domeeito. polled, eound' basis. 18' aejwtas, J$vJs 4yQJO, 07; Somestm Texas, scoured basis. 400 76c territory staple, scoured. 55 0 8 5c . HUea? Market firm. Katie (teers, 19; branded stotra. 190ie,- . 1 in . 8SJ ..j i.. j UtaaeasmUe Wheat OpUoat aauaeapous, Uoo, .9. Whest: - .'l" Tate. Hon. rmber 121 1S7Ht 121 May 12ti 117 120 July .......... 117 lit 11T Perelrs: Exchsag Hsrket ' w K,T-l2iJ P Demaim (tar. !l70?-arfm!4,i,0,: -0748J hxe. Demand sterling adraneed 1 patois today, ematog at $4.04. the higsset sine l.l$T i i Kurtg BetigBS PotiUoa , J Salens, to. DetXved A. Earta, general nsgee of the Fwodueere Canning V Packing company here sine its eswaajaatioa last May. ha rwuraed to atoeote hia aatuw time to b ax ttastolkrmmg and fruit huar-jtsTT; V i . Llreryeol Cotton Steady- " r -LH?4 irt' W.R P enttoa Wet t opsams today. Prices were ataads aale. 500TJ baisa. VTT mma? am?m Ki ,jirt 18.48 good all, II.T85 ,0llSrS?fIli88s Inary. T.28. ' 1 Futures epeawd ataady. ! AmatlM Wheat Higher w.rL- v Wheat elomd hither; com. 1 higher. - ; If ; ' 5 rWlBBlpeg Xsrket ! Winnipeg, ,De. i Ne wheat jeeouat of a houaax. , . . , Llrerssol Wheat Market ' ! LiTwpool. Doe. 4. Wheat dosed unr banged to Id lowoc... Cora, aac hanged to led . 1TSHAPPL ALL OTHERS IN EUROPE JAP PURCHASE OF WHEAT CONTINUES TUESDAY WHEAT. TRADE .'- .a-:--'"!';.M: 1-" .vYe4Vf " . ' - Bid. Lose. Ago, Hard waits., ...... ...81.44 Ja $1.41 Soft Wklt I.N ta Ce Se 144 130 UU 1.44 La White etak . i . .... ... 1.0 ' Hard winter ......... 1-45 ?(ortbra apriag .....1.94 Re Walla .......... 1.44 KOBTRWEST CBALX RECEIPTS tar Wheat, Bvlay. Flour. Oats. Hay Portland. Tons.. 74 S 4 1 t year axe. ... 3 Seaaeu to 4t.1724S Year Sfo.... IT8T Tacoma, Monday 74 2 - 128 1110 lit a9 ..j 70 T80 42 454 1 12 8 IIS 1143 141 178 17 08 08T 493 tig "it 49 xear ax.... i easoa to date. 8979 Year ago.. . . 2923 SestU. Monday 40 Year ago.... - 4 Season ta date. 4360 Year axe. . . , 28ST 429 Stl 367 814 344 rTotwitlistandiac the erraUs ton and lowet arire tor optioaa at eastern center, market for wheat continues actire at Pacifio Keethweat primary point. Lirerpool waa lower, but Ar. gennn snarsew were atfoer asrutg we earry Continued baling br Janaa is confirmed. d errit all efforts of exporters and th Japanaa tnemseiTea to seep tnetr aeanoe train eoeom. ins pubhe. A number of month ago attention to the hug buying by Japan waa called ia thi department, saw of which was thsa ignored by other papers. Now all leading publications of the conairyc are printing startling report of what Japan has purchased, uew which Th Journal presented month age. At practically ao tim thi aeasen has Japan bets out of th swart, dasplt all statement to th contrary. Tb JB hare played the gam ahiTlfully and. while moat f the Brad had th impresatoa that they were trying to resell th wheat already pur. chased, derelopmenta of 1st judicata thtt for every 1000 bushel aokt by the Jsps nearly 10.000 bushel were purchased. Th altered aeiiing by tha Oriental waa, tharafa, nothing hot a bluff, to hid from tha world tha baa stocks of foodstuff that Japan, was unulaung pa to pee sown tne price. MQlstuff. feedstuff . and coarse grain ar unchanged. Floor indicated a etosdiar tone dur ing th day. WHEAT Club, $1.07 01.08; Blunter and Paart, lt.16 01.1: Red RuaaiaA. $LQ4 0 LOo; Turkey Red. $1.10 01.19. FLOLR Selling price, mill door: Patent, 87.06; Willamette valley brands. 44.89; local, stmight. 44-40; bakers' bard wheat. 87.05; bakers' bin extern, 9865 ; bakers' valley, $9.80; graham. 95.60; who wheat, $9.80; Uon tana spring wheat, patent, $7.40 per barrel. Price for city delirery 15c extra, suburban 20c extra, HAT Buying prio for old crop: Willam. ett timothy, fancy, $13.00019.00 per tout Eastern Oregon timothy, 918.00 per ton; dorer. $12.00 01290; straw. $6.00 0 7.00; alfalfa. $15.00 019.90, per too. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta. 7e: domestic, 7 in earload lota, lea amount higher. M.ILJTmr8 Millrun at mul. sacked, ton lots, 120.00; esrtoada, fie.oo. OATS Par ton. buying aaa so 27.ro. price: Feed, BA&L9TY -Buying price: Feed, $24,00 0 24.50; brewing, 526.00 0 28.64. SEED Buying priee: Bed doeer, 15 0 16c; atoike. 14e; eetaa. Sa lb. FEi;nSTUFT"8 F. O- B. mills: Boiled bar. ley, $34.00036.00; whole barley. 431.00; alfalfa meal. 439.00; coconut meal. 428.00; cracked corn. $39.00; whoW corn, 436 00 per ton; whole oats, 433.00; rolled oat. $36.00; feed wheat. $42.00; scratch teed. $43.00. Regarding the Japanese purchase of wheat the Chicago Tribune "says; "The hoar 7 buying of wheat by Japan is a mystery to' the trade. .- Th rumors of that country preparing for way r generally believed to be roat rumors." t Merchants Exchange bids: WHEAT December. Januarj. 1.08 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 10.0 7.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 Hard White . . . Soft White .... White Club .... Hard Waiter . . . Ncrthcm Spring 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.00 K4 wslw .. . FED OATS No. White .B7.00 No. 2 Cray 26.00 . BARLEY Brewing .x 24.90 Standard Feed 24.00 CORN 4 No. 3 E. T. shipment 23,00 IfEW YORK BOITD MARKET (Furnished by Orerbock Cook Ce.) Bid. As Atrhiaon CenL 4s 85 H 86 Bart. Ohio Gold 4s 7T 71 Beth, eteel Kef. 6t. ........ . 89 14 81 Cent. Pacific 1st 4t 83 $9 Chicago N. W. Qeni 4s. ...... 88 HB I. A N. Uni. 4s , 87 tt 81 New Tork Br. 5s 25 , 26 Northern Pacifio P. U 44 Union Pacific Jt 4. . . . . U. . Bteel oa ' Union Pscifie 1st Ref. 6s. 84 outhera Padfio Cenr. 6a, . . . . 95 ... do 4s .77,,,.,... 8114 82 Penna. 1st 414a 87 87H Chea. A Ohio Conr. 5s 86 14 . 86 Ore, Short Un 4s 8814 8914 Allied Pecker $s... 61 82 Am. Can. Ts ... 80 94 Am. Cotton Oil 6. 1924..... 9514 964 An. Tobacco 7. 1922 100 101 , Anseand 7s, 1929 14)114 102 Angle-Am. Oil 7 H , 1929 ... . 109 103 Armour 7a, 1030 163 102 Cudahy Pack. 7a, 1923 10014 )00 Gen. Ele. Deb. 6a, 1952..... 9614 9614 Goedrich 7a, 192S 97 08 Kennecott Cop. 7s. 1330 100 10114 Pac. Gas A Elee. 7s, 1925.... 08 ... Pac Fruit Expr. 7a 106 109 Seara-Beebuck Ts, 1017 100 100 V. S. Btoal 6. 1951 96 99 W'estinghous Ts, 1931..,.'... 165 105 West Km. 7a, 1925........ 104 104. DAISY f S0DUCS ,QF THE COAST an Premise Market San Praamiaea, Dee. 6 (U. P.) Batter Eitrs. 45; price firsts, 41 c; firsts. 41a Ess Extra. 49o; extra, pulleU, 90s; extra Cists, pullets, 44e: underused pullets, 40c Cheea California tut,' fancy, 22a Seattle W arf rt Seattle, Wash., Dec, 6. L N. g. Eggs Belect ranch. 43 0 44ei pullets, 45s. Butter City cnunery, 43c; brick, 44s. Chess Oregon Triplets,: 24029c; Yoong Americas, 80c. Le angolas Market Los Angelas. Cel. Dec 6. (1. N. B.) Bat ter 40c s t oEx Extra 62c, ess taunt, 5; pUletS, Poultry Hens, 252Se; broilers, 40c; fryer, 61a. STANDARD OIL STOCKS Reported by Orerbeck Board of Trad buCding; Cook ooapairy, Asked. 21 190 108 88 47 106 106 83 24 99 S84 18 91 228 a a 590 445 892 410 11$ 180 Bid. ........... 21 180 ........... 103 Anglo . . . . . Chacaebrougk do pfd. . Jrn,rtI t t.. 83 com. sa do Old, Dfd. 1... 102 do New pfd 102 IffiBois Ftp .............. 82 Indiana Pip ...a. 21 Northern Pip ............. 96 Ohio Oil .. 280' Pean. hi ex. . ,., , ... 16 Southern Pip .........I,. 87 South Pean. Q0. i... 922 IS. O. Cahf. 89 H. O. Kansas ., 879 S. 0. Kentucky 439 n, O. New York ..'..388 8. O. Ohio 400 do jpfd. ............i.. Ill S. O. Sew Jersey Jersey...... 18814 S. Nebraska ......... I .. 176 ' Money aad Eynkaara New York. Dee. ,-(L N. 8.) Call money on tba floor of the New Tork atock exchange today ruled at 8 par cent; high 5 per went; low A; per eenU Time' money was Quiet, Rata were 606 per cent The market for prim mercantile paper waa quiet. Call money in laomton today waa 2 per asst. Sterling exchange wa etroeg with business ta beakers bum at 84.08 for demand, FTV . . Rew York Poaltry Market Kew York, Dee. 4 (L K. 8.1 Ljwj poul try market aciir, CUekwa. 24 0 85e; fowis, 10028c; turkey. 39045c; reostem, 16c; duck 24 0 S5e: geeee, 310:6c DreaswJ pxmltry market atetdy. Chickene, 20 04e; fowkt J.S034e: turteya. 26 0 98c; duck. 250 See; geese. $0 0 80. . jv ' - v - -i 1 ' J,,-' Ifew York Metal Market New Tork, Dee. - (L M. g.) Copper: PSlta; spet. Den. end Jan., ottered. 13, m Ifad etaady; spot. Dee. aad Jan.. eflerad. Ppelter Firm; tpot. Dee, and Jan effered. 4.B0. . ArgenUae Caxroes Higher -Lrtwpool, Doe. t Cargo of Arrmrtm wheat, old crop sdwwed 1. Argentin freight d higher for Jaaaary compared with December srreL . .,..... .. . CANADIAN CATTL E TUESDAY LI TEST OCR TRADE Hers. Steers. Lantkc Portlaad .....$J f 4.54 f fji Caleags ............ 1H 1LM 1LN Omaha M0...I., v ie,H Kaapas City ....... .70 $M Dearer .......... s.78. . tJt v' S4 aaatu . . . . .. . . s.ti - J - . Ho Btsrket. POKTLAXD LrTTJUTOCx- tt , Uoea. nstMa. rWt-M. tin. rie. Tuesday .i.... 25 868 43 -843 29 Week ago 189 438 21 , $ . 1 win ago... s .-, a week ago. . . ... 93 Tear ago 288 4 ... 883 8 2 year we. . , , . Son . S year see. . . 944 149 4 339 11 4 year sew... ,, 14 lit - T ... Hogs weee slow aad Ssprsm, aattM daw bat ftaady, while bee indicated aa attire tone. Csadia eaUle wee reosired at North IHrrfiaad Tuesdayv ........ Of the total ran- af get bead in the settle eMre ""i. rvnmmr weeoas Hmrains, ate . - v' v toe isurr eesoani f head, -or two ear, waa atteaat ta tfifaeais ttiTL. era, Th Canadian eattle cam from Hisk niTer, iiarr anej were ratner tsir onaiity. T1!r,.',,J".,",.,,ri' V-ding- ta thi dirtooa, the Myr4r4V inlMHn m. laam laneV -.A dVa. L4M-W fimiSmaei . . General cUi market run: Choice steers .............. .g I NI 6 86 Medium to good steers. ; , 8.80 0 6.00 Common to fair steers. 4.000 8.00 4.76 0 1.1 es & a i vnuro. cow na aeuer. ....... Medium to good cow and heifer g.rs0 4.2 8.00 0 1.73 1.75 0- $.04 Common to fair cow and heifer Ttnll. 1,78 0 s.oq S.TSak fit Choice eaws and heifer nana 4.800 8.04 8.96 0 i.eo m.Mm s en Choice dairy calre. 11, uani caires. Medium tight calre 0.00 j s ou. 8.900 6.00 ttaary cal res , . .... Bwlna attuallon Stow Onlv a emATI mm a eaa E,J a. .... hog alley at North. Portland for the Tuaaday mnmine rAm K . a. kH.l -v tile market indicating aisw ad weak tone with buyers not inclined to bid atoadAj tap. OTuvnu w airui raaa; Prime light .,..8 T.T5 0 8.24 Smooth heary. SSO-800 am.'.:' 100 fill Hmooth heary, 800 lb. .... 4.00 0 TOO 090 i.S I J.J4 0 8.S8 T.T9 0 8.00 4.00 0 t-0i Fat pig .. Feeder pin . Stags . . , . anaaa Trade aetlv- cnntie with former prices fully "vnt.ainH East of mouptaip lambs. , , '$ Fair to good lasah. . TOO T.T8 $.80 0 6.00 8 00 0 9.00 6.90 0 T.39 6 00 0 9.99 8.60 0 4.60 4.50 0 5.50 4.50 0 5.50 S.50 0 4.50 1.000 4.00 fjuu iamb ..-.,...,.,.v.,. Best.eaUey tomb Lieht yearling Hesry yearlings ....... Light wethers Heary wether .............. Ewe ; STEERS No. 5. 12. 4. 6. 6. 21, 10. 8. 9. 6, 9. 22. 23. 12. ... 8. 9. 5. 81. 4. 28. 25. 8. 4. 29. 9. 11. 9. 12. 6. 8. Are. lbs. Price. No. Are. lbs. . .1020 894 $ 4.88 SB. . 2,. 18.. 7.. 11.. 6.. 6.. 10. . 17.. 15- s 5.6 886 6.00 . .1055 ..948 ..1142 . . 778 . .1078 . . 965 . . 861 ..1075 895 X1010 6.00 4.80 5.75 5.00 5.25 6.25 6.9 6.25 A 00 5.23 4.25 4.T9 8.00 4 21 ' 8.80 8.50 4 64 - 5.50 6.08 6.25 6.25 6.75 5.00 5.00 6.ra e.QO 1.50 ... 852 ... 888 ... 828. . . .1072 ..,1215 ...1134 ...1240 '.,,1068 ... 908 ,..1165 ...109S ...1040 ... 830 ... 933- ...1034 865 .- .1000 ...105; ...1188 ... 930 ...1075 ...1074 ...1026 ... 915 ...1112 141 ... 640 1 ...1075' ...1070 ... 785 1220 ... 878 ...1046 ... 875 ... 981 : ..1005 ...1140 ...1080 ... 972 .,.1145 ...1150 ... 887 ... 334 1 ... 880 ... 206 ,,, 841 ... 110 ... 342 ...1850 1 ... 920 ...1210 ... .1010 ...1413 ...If tf 4.50 4.00 5:30 6.25 6.00 8.00 6.85 6.00 4.50 5.75 4,25 6.50 47 6.60 6.50 25 ' 5.25 8.0O 6.28 6.00 6.25 6.65 5.85 6.00 6.00 6.00 22..., 1058 2.... 985 25.. ..1122 5..,. 978 20..., 958 22.... 95 IT. ...1125 20.... 1155 S5....1213 9.... 856 11... .J052 15. . . .- 930 2. ... 905 24..,: 875 12.... 848 12.... 1147 it.... ass COWS 4.25 4.65 5.00 4.50 4.00 4.50 8.85 5.00 4.25 4.50 5.00 4.60 4.65 4.60 8.00 2.25 6.. 6.. ..1048 .. T60 .. S85 . . 960 . .1150 .,1090 .. 925 .. 905 S.TS 4.60 4.00 4.-T5 S.50 S.00 9.00 8.00 6.00, 4.75 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.35 15.. 2.. 11.. 8.. 8.. si. IT. 41. 6. 7. 2. 2. 10. 4. 2. 14. 21. 1 . 3. 8. 1. 14. S. 1, s. 1. 1. 2. 7. 2. 4.... 945 19.... 955 2.... 1145 1 8.... 1000 4. . .,1115 ..,1000 SOS CALTXg 4.80 6.50 9.00 4.00 9.00 4.50 2 . . . . 195 255 825 110 286 8.00 7,00 T.00 9.00 7.00 19 ... . .ll'.I". 14.... BULLS 2.75 8.00 I 8.00 I 1....1920 1....1250 $ 8.00 8.25 , 8.94 1 S.29 T....1S65 1....110 770 1....1IT0 a.uw 11:1 8.00 8.90 sis ...1750 ... 490 ... lf MIXED CATTU 5.00 8.90 80 424 8 8.29 460 f .... 679 HOGS GOME TO ALLEYS DECEMBER 10MG sou 8.00 8.00 8,25 8.00 8.00 8.25 Y.60 8.00 8.... 1ST 8.00 S.00 8.00 8.24 5.88 8.28 8.00 8.00 S.2S 8-00 4.35 8.25 7,85 S.25 T.0O 14.... 105 16..,. S5 "71..,, 171 26..., 245 j 9.,.. 144 ! 6,... l$4 8.... 148 8.... 103 11...-. 177 9 :::: .III S.... 260 5.... 160 !,... 156 4,... 147 11 ,130 $ ' 800 V.... 268 .... 291 7.75 129 7. 25 8.21 S.00 8.28 8.25 8.29 8.23 f 25 4.55 T.45 8.25 6.00 8.2B 8.25 lot 7.85 7.60 7.40 8.25 TT.... 195 LAMBS H:: 8.. 8.. It-. .. 63 $ 6.50 I 1.... 7$ 6.75 ( ST..',, EWES 70 68 8 T.00 8.00 .198 $2.60 I 17.... 130 $ 4.50 Ill" 4.00 j YEARLINGS , ..143 $ tOO Tveteay Montlaf gales STEERS 82 $ 4,80 PrJoa Na f.. 1.. 100.. 40.. 44.. IS.. Ar, Iba - Pr. J No. Aab. . SOU 1.(11 I HUM - 120 kV S.79 T. .. . 88 6.75 101.... 64 4.50 301.,,. 91 1.T5 MIXED SHEEP 109 $ 4,25 I 91 49 48 t 7-60 6.75 8.7 PACIFIC COAST BARK STATEMXKT INrttond Bank-" v 1921 1920. aearing Monday.. $ 8,946.998 $ 6.700.876 Bamacea Monday.. 1.594.099 1.393,153 Clearings Tuesday.. 4,478.188 8.086,878 Balancea Taesday. . 868,053 1.114,41$ Spokane Banks Clearings Tuesday ,..,...,,..,,$ 1.863,118 Baisnree Tuaaday - 634,643 , Taporna . Bank . Clearings Tuesday ,.,.,.,,.....$ ' dffS.151 Bamaoea Taeaday . 48.762 - Trail r Bank Clearings Tuesday 4.961.875 Balances Tuesday. , . . . . . ...... . . ; 792,484 San Prstacleso Sank " -' - - Gearing Taaiday ........ ,..,.1)0400,000 ctosimtd Bank Cmsriacs Tuesday ...... ;...$ 2,121,000 C3earias Tuesday ............ .$14,828,893 LIBERTY BORD SALES ' ' Sportod by Orsrbeck A Cook Co. Open. Hish. Iw. Close. Liberty, SHs..., 9440 9644 9619 9610 Liberty, 1st 4s.... 9T54 Liberty. 2d 4s .... .... 0742 Liberty, 1st 4s. 0790 9794 9773 8743 Liberty 2d 4... 9770 ,9770 9744 9744 Liberty. 84 4K. 9819 '9820 9790. 9790 Liberty, 4th AsS79S 9800 9774 9774 Victory. 4 . ...10000 1002 999S 10000 Tiatory. 8 .... 999S 10O00 9994 lOOOS ' 8l Frsiclseo Darter Market . Baa x-Tsacssso, inc. . iJecemner oarlcy sloasd SL20be 1.39a: Max. SLS6b0LSl ia. I:::: !? 14.... 106 2 195 14..,. 109 21.... 218 48.... 192 0.... 281 10.... 213 2..,. 183 54.... 148 6.... 282 .... 170 .4,.., 820 13.... 118 24.... 158 6.... 152 St.... 150 ..., 173 18.... 809 6 251 4.... 224 9,... 28 H IAPAII LISTED FOR Four new JaAeae steamshlpa hy been added to tag. list of vemaaU for Portlarttl leading and tJl ara Jtvr Le-. cerobeV clesjraji 1 Thjsra Bps, elation as to what carwo will be cap. Tied aqd tha porta of rjesttnatlon. All veala ar eaat poundV three, front afure-i ran and tna f rota Tokottame. Craft placed ej Ust thlg rnortiliif are tha steamships Brasll Mam. Liver, pool Vans, Spain Maru. all from Mi roran, and tha Sweden. Mara from To kobama. Ttney will all arrive within a week and the major portion of the cargo will b lumber, : Tha off Shore lumber trada is trtcraaa Ing both to th Orient . and the Wert Coast. The Pourlas Fir company la out for business. Suxuki 4 Co. and Mitsut s Co. are loading owners' account. WIN cos, Bayea A Co. ara tn with four was. sals, mixed argo,i Wheat and flour ts bought vp long and the lumber ship ments will b tba next big lot, Tba con. ferenoe rsts. es Jumber, regular lino steamships, Columbla-PaclfiQ Shipping company, colds firm, but tha rate for sign bottoms ara landing for is not an- novnoea, - - HORWEGIAH LOADING GRAIR FOR LATlS-AHBKICAir PORTS Tha Horweglsn steamship SlpsJoa, Northwest Saipp&g cpmpany, of which, A. C v Btubbe is asent, and operating under the house flax of tha Latin. American Una, is loading grain at the Globe mills. Her . cargo will b dis tributed between Mexican. Central American , and north South Acbexican porta. Tha steamship Bsja California wCJ ba Uia running mate of the gteamshiB Slnalca in tha trade as tar as ICcuador. and tba steamships Remus and Regulus wfll operate for tba same agents and tha sun Un to the west coast of South America. Portland trada between an Soutt, American ports ; is gTOWlng. The Oregon-Paaino company, representing ins T, jk. at. una ox wapanee ataam. shisa, is operating a regular passenger and freight schedule through- Portland to tba west coast as fax as Valparaiso ta Chile. The General Steamship com pany is operating a regular line to the west coast and also tha straits as wall as Australia, . YYbeat. flour and. lumber ara tba . principal commodities. MOT0RCRAFT SPRINGS LEAK; PTT? TS AT ASTORIA PORT Astoria. Dec. "Damaged while cross ing- the Grays Harbor bar Sunday mom ing, the motor schooner William Dono van commenced to filJ with, water when shp got to sea aad put into the Colum bia river Sunday night with almost four fet Of water in her bold. She wag brought safely to the Astoria port tor minals, where she will be held for or der Captain Malmagren. in command, says tba vessel sailed from Grays' Har bor about 10 o'clock Sunday morning, In crossing the bar tha craft struck heavily, opening her seams. The ship's master also reports the Swedish motor. ship Canada and S, Japanese eteamshlp were passing out at the same time aad .that they both mere4 to strike heavily. As soon as his vessel met the aeaa out side the harbor she began to take water rapidly. TTie pumps were unable to keep pace with the water rising ia the bold, but the craft was In danger daw spits bar cargts of lumber and Captain MkUmagren feared storm, so be put into the Columbia river as soon s pos sible. , In the smooth water at tha port tar minals the Donovan's pumps ara able to keen naee with the water, thenath It la 'entering the hold at the rata of about four Inches an hour. The underwriters are holding the vessel here for inspec tion and repairs. 8HIPPIKG BOARD SHIP BOKTTA 8IGKS CREW YOB TRIP WEST The shipping board steamship Bonlts, Columbia-Pacific Shipping company, for the North China line, signed oq a craw this morning and wttl be the first of the fleet to leave for the - westward. Wish tha exception of Paul Peterson, chief officer, who was shifted from the West Cayeta. tha old crew will go cut with minor changes in deck and engine room, Tha Bonita will finish and clear the lat ter part of the week. Three ether vessels of tha North China lino In port are the West Kader. Wast N omen turn and West Cayota, The lat ter 4s on drydock and will be ready for sea next The West Kder is dlscharg. ing a heavy shipment of wool at Ter minal No. 1 and will await her turn out. GRAYS HARBOR IS MAKIKG MARK IY LUMBER CARGOES Aberdeen. WaslC Dec . Grays Har bor has established ana of tha highest records of lumber shipments by water of any point oa the Pacific Coast This has been accomplished the past six months,. during which (5 of the largest lumber, carriers in the world haws en tered the harbor and cleared. This record Is interesting when compared with, the record of 1020 when only 11 Teasels of similar tonnage arrived herw. During thia month li big freighters are scheduled to come here and tha bar. bor so far has been visited by three of I them now loading, one of them, the Agariaaie, now leasing cargo oi Deiweea 10,000,000 and 12,000,000 . shingles for th Atlantic Coast. . . STEAMER TEAL BRINGS ' IX 81 STALLED ATJTOS Inbound from The Dalle and way points, the steamer J. N. Teal landed at 8:15 last bight with autos which have been stranded since tha first break in the storm two weeks ago. Twenty-one machines were put ashore at the foot of Taylor street The steamer left The DaOes with. About 40 machines, and picked tip one or more cripples, on the way down. The major portion of the automobiles - whose engines, could bm turnsd over, were put ashore at Van couver, the owners limping into port via the Interstate bridge. 'The Teal discharged at Portland and loaded 23 machines for points- above Tha Locks. Outgoing machines are for peo ple desiring td get to the interior. The Iralda la having steering gear In stalled and will not sail until Thursday morning; ... -,- .---. BATE HOLDS STEADY ' - ' New York, Dec. 8. I. N. S- Grain and general freights held- steady today. Offerings are light and quotations re main unchanged.': They are : Ocean (steam) grain steady; United Kingdom 3s 4d ; Germany 15 cents ; Franca (At lantic) 14 cents. (Mediterranean) 21 ARB YOTJ LOOKtlTG YOB A DE FJCSDABLB PRODUCE DEALER! -Veal Batter . Pork - Cheese Poultry Eggs - Heaey '- - Any Frodaet - ' ' Ask fr laviesS saetkod ta rtsr pOUitry 931 meat Shlpmeat. -r RUDY CO, K9 Treat SL . Portlaad, Or. 1 BOATS Tides at Aitorta Wsdaeeday High Water. Low Water. . tS3 a. TrWT.l ftf ; ' fat pC bw . txuo p. tjCs.1 ft -. feasideHlga -water - minutes emrUar. " . I fiejHdelyw water 21 minutes earlier. - v : ' ; ' M cents Holland (Amsterdam and Rotterdam) 14 - cents. General cargo steady. - . SHIP IJ4 DISTRESS Saa Francisco. Dee. . 4L N. 8.) The marine department of the Chamber of Commerce received a report today that as unidentified vessel is ill distress off Point Conception on tn Southern Cali fornia coast, ?Hv-i "fi t -r, ' BsH.eU Baaambw : : v Rosa Pity. Aaaenoaa msamer. from aaa Fran. etoso. psmsnr.r. and general. Kasha. Ttin wsslsa ataamar. for Basitb jam iasa ports Seaeral. Curacao, Amanraa temr, log, Sa francie TEur aad Ceo Bay. pamecw and sea. "praak C. Dras,. Amfica" etoaater, for Baa rraacMos, palkat. . , . , : M ARIRR ALMAJf AC Vortb Head. Dae. (.(Wiiin. .1 1W. - ----- of tb rieer at aeoa: Sea. amoeih; wind, aeoUi- s mum; weataer. lewny. PurtUad idity si yoa.: DAILY "WYER R8ADl!fG9 r: S a m.,- Paeine Time.. - US iiTsmB'turei IT 1 4I 'V 9 1 I Umalill:".? Euaea , . .. Albaiw..;., 4. TPS .4.0.00 HT a s-a .7,00 56 64 11.2 ,T.eo .8.0. eo Baiem .... 11. 88 9 Mseoa gtty. IS. 4 0. 110.00 9i serwana 18 el-2 4 '0.00 i) rus, ( i to: RIYJta FORECAST . TJ! Wdswc" riear H Peetiaad wtn eoatiaa u au nsring we ae pre or tares asya AT WORLD'S PORTS , Astoria, Dee. 6 Railed at 1 a a, atoaaaaf DserfUlO. for New York aad way perta. Ar. rtred tt 8 and left u at 10:90 a. sa.. steamer Boa City, from sa Fraaeiaee. Arrired at f a, sTBimar ijoroora, ma roio. -. Baa JVaariscA, Deo. 9. Saiied at 18 a. m. Steamer Virginian, from New York lor fori land rtoPuge Sou ad. Arrired at 8 p. m.. taamer Tamalnaia. rem Columbia riser. Sail1 Hip an., stcsmer asuaurai airana ror ron, land. Bailed ills ns.. aieama KmtalnA Lsiek. eaUaeh, frem New York tor Portland, Sailed at 8 p. m,, ataamer Darsajpert. for Cohtmbi riser, Astoria, Dec 6. - 8aiW SiSO p. av, Steamer Admir! Sake, fee aaa Franc iaoo. . gaa Pedre, Dec, 9. Arrfed, toajaer WtU hfia. from Portland for New Terk aad wax ork and way A . iMrZL porta Arrired. steamer Cant. A. P. Lacaa, from Pertiaad and sailed fat PortU.nA Amwd. Steamer YMsnfrem Portland tor Europe. g-miaualpttia. Dae. .Artd, staamer Jan laMUenbscn. (mm PerUanO. Saltos. Edward IauawnbecB. to Portland. Ymtoria. Dec . 9.-riad. British atejasf Kobe. Dae. S. Arrirad. ataaraar Tas Taaaa. fiem Portlaad nt Yskohsms Sailed. Jspanei ateaaaer, BoaUaad Maru, fee PotUaii. Port Tiieiiemiii. Dee. 4. Arrired. Preach stajmer Moat eerria. frees Marseitlre tor Fort. .London. Dye, tArriTed, swttoir flTaridan, from Portlaad. Bhaexhai. Dee, g. Bailed, etojaier-Weat Keata, for Portwnd. Soathamptoa, Dae. g, M Aulieet, Brtttsk staamer Moliere, from Fwtlaad far Glsagow.' , . Aiitw-rp. Dee. 4. Arrired, ttotnar Celestial, from Portlaad for Antwerp. swini Dee. 9. Arrired. -taamer H. B, Orwr. fee Portlaad. Ey-r-tt. lmo. 4. SaiJn. aooa. Pnteh stesioet Eemdiik. for Pojiland, . . .1.- Baa Frtwiao. Do, gnrleed a 0 a, as., steamer Hollywood, from Portlaad tor AwCrali, Amred ttU t., fMaae- CaUa, frost wv Rsymead. Dte. aWArrlrad Tt-mmwi. fasm Saa Pedr-, ll;80 a aa, Sudowaa tot ateroea. from Nsw Tort, 4 p. sa, Saflad- bhatta. Yog wan rwuKiara, :u p. av; motorstito Ujaad. f.Tfon, 4;80 p. m; Deerfield, for New J.. SiSO p. as., via Portlaad i Pacifio Hare. " svoosL iw sa as-1 vape aaeary. for New ". :oo a. as. i wuiiam j Jsdra, ;$0 P, nv; Mmgea Maru. for Eobe. e.ew a. to. xooa. lor eaa tTaansoo, g:pe P, m.; Araioa. for Baa Franclson, 4.30 p. sa.i kloreaea OUna. to Baa padre, T a. sa. 1 Ho. emn, fee Ban Ped 8:89 p. m. Hslena. for TTULNSPyRTATIO?r New Tark. Cmsrbaara. Bammamseeu M. V. fAearpaoli pklbiaslihis. Uara-mi New Tat Setas, Assrea. aptos. . ammsj htaatiaai, sew JvJtWff'-- Antw-rpi eflnnir Hew lark, Cajsrbewxs, nies. rweas, Osata Stoto, Mmabmw. ftg0, . , Pay aeSlnei - eanar bwiimatlia asarr IsterwatseaaJ MercajsHla Martae Caw' cam, o. 4V aaa, aCtaTaww tvssb,' eis its. NEW YO-HAVREr-PARIS C?L"..tvii P-1f Mil rea.tt nvvesittusj ,.,... we. i lb aavoia ........ ewe. ta r-aa.li Mar. 11 IA LONRAIMK Pee. S1 .m,t Mar. 4 t.S TOURS IN g .JanwY Fab. 4 ..an ... ROeMAWSEAM dsa. 17 i ....i- Pjr?A'--Vi CSp)e-H.wr. LE04OLoiNa ................... .aw, a IA SOUBOOelkiiS 5 T6URS IN . AJjCERJA A MOROCCO Selllne tew ktordeeua ar Mareaiiie , Ttowa and Feur Wee SSotar Trtos ' Wfrtta far Irrtareetlee asacHatie IKArwtuea, rwsasl -- Faelfl Oeeat ant. 409 Cherry C Saeru. er tecai etnee, . " SrW XkklABB aB OtrTN fSAf tm Tabftl aad ftaratoea, M store wt rn a Premmn aessy gg SIOR 4.1, OO. OP RgaT ZBAUtBBV . BSO Atollfarwto fa, Ban Pa ASTORIA AND WAY POINTS ; ' mtnts wrvioi LP, Dafty ffsaspt gatsrsay) 780 P, St, BpleaKtid sliirln) sinnmmmtslliiaa. Mad far AB Wert aad PANS Bg SACK WAT. f8ao ROV00 TRIP. AlderStraat Dock, ' ; Bewy. S14B THS MARKINt YKAHSPOSfTAYIOS) t0? News of the Port , ziarows. nooai sajraaoao. foe aaa Feara. 1 Taboa. for ban Pairo, p. m, i Yaroi Man, (rem Portland. 1 ;30 p. m. khanlei n Iaia. 4 .,i.Al lr.d u.m. Rapsre tetween Portland, Mamet Phltedelphta; Boston, rfew York aodJLos Angeles. San Frandsco, Portland, OrcVon ; SeaiUe and MOtoit' at5eiel?m fi. 0rV AU" ATB0 yjfP , - aTPOlaa ' . Portland ARTIOAS ..DEC 1$ BRCSH ...DEC, tt LEHIGH .....Jaa. 11 ' rpr Further Infonnatian Apply t '.,-jt-. - THR ADBIRAIi HJJS. PaciXle 4eat Ageste ;.'"-' ' ltl Tkird Street - - rt . - fheas Malt S .. . .... . a an Pcdnv' t-,30 p, .; KVnye- Xttrn, fw aeb. 8:30 r m motmeiktn 1 amen, fc-r M Pedro. 8:30 p. . FAilrd rMe. $ - b-nala. toe Seattle, noon, Atased leo, $ . ifaprina field, from Seattla, S S avt Proridcacia. from Tacoeaa. 2 p. as. '.-f . ? . , POSITIONS OP ' TESSRL8 a y i Rsdia ranerta from North Heed ate th aa Hoa of the f oUewisg vaesei. at 8 S t., Decem ber 4: . .... . v . . . Admirsl Sebree, Astoria for Lo Aagel. 80 dies aoatlr of OnhimM rtre. Admiral Goodrich, Beettl fog Baa yraaeisr, 834 mile from San Fraaciaro, - stainiar.-Saaitla for Baa Kranciasa.'' 529 milel - from Ban FraneiarA, : - ( ' - . Rose City, can Frandara tar Portland, 114 mile south of Cotoaabia near. ' atoreew JC Baste, ar nar Par Saa -a ro. 199 mile from neaur. - Ordota. Hilo. fur Astoria. .121 SbDsB from Astori. Xatrasr Baoy Rsplared ' . - A k tu. a r. k.n. a m aunt swasrm tara at- the mouth ef the Ooluipbi nr. ha been repleeed ia pesttlaa M the hghtnonsa. toneer afaaaaniia. It w 4nwa about tbeee-, auarters-ot a mil trem ( positeoa by a receet 1 storm ad it f als location wa ewnaidsred daaxt . gwroua, aa vessel turning apoa tt would bar -j atraek lb south Jay. Bsmdiik .,,,,ourrtm ...iteo, 8 - Admiral Ersa i,,,..B. r. 4 ,,,lma. City of Npje,..,,,.aattl ..Dec 8 Tmeespart .Saa ,Pra, ..... nee. . Br Wcneata .. ........ .San ,Fra......De- Mobile City .Seattk) .pea. J, - Kohua Mare Kobe .Deo. 10 8snt RoaaBa ...., feU!e .Dee. 10 WillameU ........ .Baa a. . , . .: .Dee. 1 1 . Dekotaa ... ..... . . .New Tork. , , . . ,1m. II , Peikis ...........Eureka ........Ttae, II, Nebraska ........... rsenaa ...... .Dee. 1 1 . IHssy Mstkew Ban Pre. . , , .Dee. 12 Red Hook v,v. ...Ban Die, .... .Dee, 19" liberator .......... BaJtlmora .Dae. 12; Pedro Ckrtstopharaoa, . Chrisusuia . . . , . Dan, 1 3 . aiisosapr .,.,. , ..norosiag ,,.,..iiw, it. Virwinisa ......... .Kew ork ...... Dee. 1 4 Meat Cervla MarseUJea . . , , . .Dee. 1 4 I Arugaa .rMrtian. aa, .,lo. i a, W. A steal ixorxi Hinneaotsa Biimbu i nraaii Maru ....... .Muroreo ,.,, , - two. i Spain Maru .Muroran- ...... ,toc. IS Rsotland Hara ...... Mtrroran ,a,,..Iee. 20i " Seieie ..,.,..,....Bsa Praa.T.. . .Dee. St Brwak ............ .Philadelphia .,..D.tS Sdw. LAckeabark . , , . p luladelphl ,,,Dte,f Te Depart Pram Pertlemf e , Va. ' . I ' 'rwtA ;'-'- Sinalea .West coast ....Dee. Cureeao ..,.'.. .....Baa Fran.,..., .Dae, Lewi Lorkenbseh ...New York., ....Dee, Erie marai ......... unMi ....... .iiea. Chim Austraaa ...... baa, Onto Hare ,..... ..Orient . .......Dec vtnito ..rrorw ui ,,,1.. s Texas Mara .... .'.'..Orient ....... .Dec '8 Malta Mra .kuror- . Ikoe. 8 a obaca, ...New Tt.,...ue. is e w-S B w v - V - err" at w Z Z. ca.;::::::B-o:r:":tZt S Taikal Marg .Orient ., ...... Dee, Gaargina Relpk . ....Ssn Fr9, . ,,..pc 10 D-r,mk Hara Oriet D-o, ' -Mobile Cltr ........ New Tork. .... .peo, 13 West Nomentum North Chin.. . -Dee." 1 2, laiaailBarw (li.MMV",.,,""":. 5l ; Rose City ,.....,,.,Ba Fr. , . . ...tie, i, Kst tickeunaek ....New Tfk,,.i,,,Da. '9 Yayoi Mara Orient ....... .Dee. li Baiki Msru . ..... .Orient ....... .Dee. lis, msaoaaas ara viram ,,.,,,.,ijei ii Nebraska .Europe ,,pa, IS t West Cayot MatiUaaad way. , Dae, IT Vpania ........... Kan Praa Dee. 1 J W. A Luckanbach. , . New Tork. .... .Dee. 7 Red Hook ........ .New York. .. .. .Dee, 1$ -. Andre P. Luctnbsch . NewTotk . , ,,Da Z3h Vseeaj to Per : ... - .... . . , Erriken Alhins, - Ohia Hsra Columbi Oregon Fir N. Pacific lr. Oregoa Pin .......... . , . .Terminal Na. Ai , Woedarra Terminal Na,, a? OoaxH ' . t ...,.. ... .Trmini N. 4 Ttikai Hara Moatcomary, Yinita Bastsrs Wasters' Texas Msru . i ................... . Irringl- Malta Mare ,,..,.. .Amu. Ca Co NieU Nielses ............. .ava Pea Bidinc. Chile , TUrvey - Denmark Mara ............... Meatgrnnerr- Saiksi Mara .Terminal No, 4 , Ysyai Mara ............... .Wast Or. Lbr. West Nomentum ..'.,.'. .laawa-Paulsea. Stnafca Meraey' Erie Uru St. Heteaa" fMandasaa Mara ................. : , Albar " west ( ajote ........... , .. .Terminal e, lV' West-Kader ................ lamea-Peulasn,' ' Roe City , . , Ajnjworth Georaisa Boluh . i.. ... . .-. . . ., . . . Ciuchr' Ordor , , .tarmiaaj; No. iKninija ................... Astoria An automatlo cash, register Invented, by a Boston men for streetcarg makes change when coins of larger value than tbe regular fareare dropped into it. : i TRAXSPORTATIOJf Arm Your Going to Europo? OrthmOriwnif -' Or Around j lAor World K Why sot get exteertanced aad ansa, rat trtrnoatlosi trans oske who ass travalad aataamlvoip for 14 (hMtj of RIB patroasf k 1 . . .' . - DORSEY B. SMITH .MAJTAflEB .. :;; efOUKNAl. TRAVEL BITRLMJ LM BROAD WAT. PORTLAKD, OR. Phaae MartaaU U7t ti(cgmf.lSH! PaM$ng9r and Freight dervic0 to California Tsreask Ranis gs ta Saa Praaci,ea, Lo Aagei aad Saa Dies -Leave Masicipal Deck St. 8. 4 P. ss. Admirkl Evans .s.Dec 10 Senstfor ',. ..... . Dec, 17 Admiral Evans ... Dec 24 Aad Every Saturday Thereafter - Local Sorvicoto Marthtield, Euroka and San Francisco SS. Curacao. 4 p. m. Dec. 6 Pares facials Berth aad Meals Fast Trans-Pacific Passen ger and Freight Service Yokohama. Hebe, Shanghai, Hongkong and Manila Sailing front Seattle i Pine Tree SUte- - Dec. 10 Bay State- . - Jan. 7 Keystone State w Jan. 14 ; Cor fan lafonaattoa apply at : ' iui 4 turd Cor, durk . . rtetf Mala sill . 1 14, ff If I 18:Cn ffeNi ! (1 ( iiii if , , WESTROD9D T7 . " .a'TotJj , Trent r PVotb Fortland, Ma Boston Phils, WF8T TSLETA...Dee. It Dee.l Dec.lt COLD HARBOR.. Dee. t Jas. 1 Jaa. 8 SPRI5QYIELD.taa.lt JsB.lt Jan. 11 s