:s : THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING.' DECEMBER , 4, 1921. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 1- S1UXX. SOKES OS EAST TXS1U 1 jrarrr' hawthorns bunca- ' low. ir. wa .wuirf .., i ' imh hardwood lloora. fireplace. .- my buitt-ia feature. Datck - j I kitcbee to white enamel, 1 bad- -! toon downstairs tad 3 bedroom, bath aad aeeapmg porch trp. Full eMMot tufxit, furnace And ?,V . nlry traya. . . Will wbMx . Ml M V U $00 M rt -,1 ,, sunMBt .......... ., L'i BIT. BOOaT COTTAGE ea earner. " Mr.latmr ecfcooi aad walk- ' tug distance of Washington luck - t . . and Benson Polytechnic, 6 blocks 1 - from Bandy ,.....$367$ I I BICHMOND BUNGALOW, oil- : T ere. rooms. 40x109 lot, fire- ' paves, built ta features, eooeret ' " Waaameat. ea IM blf St.. $3909 BOSS CITY BUNGALOW.. rtrirOy ' . sawdera, 4 room and iImpW . ... pesva, 60x100. stmnd aR newly N ' . seeded; hardwood floors, fire - ,; place. tonM, every bmltia fee- . tore ud Dutch kitchen, win for 'y:x leotrio luiet old ivory And. , , . white enamel finish; garage wit .y.t cement Doo and driveway ... .$.uw VODETt BUKOAtOW OTBB LOOKLO 1BVUJGT0N. 5 rooma and topta" porch, full ermaat baaement. pipeleM tnr naoa, Dntrh kttcbek, hardwood ' fkmn; ftpuhed ta whit with - - tepaatry paper; S block from Mr, hi block from pawmaat. '. as Qna ttraat ,.....$4100 54 TXHT ATTBACnVB BOST5 CTTT . ' BUNGALOW oa.Eaat 824 at. v N.s atllrtJy awdero. with 5 1 roooui Dutch kitchea, brrak- WT fait nook, and aaarr. boUtia . , ' featan; ffawplaoav ba'rdwood . . .' finm. whita enamel ad old tnty ' ftniak throuihouU 'Up try paper, full cement baw- , lent, fumana and laundry traya. Ctn.ce, wits cement lioor and drieeway ................. 15700 . i ! . i. AT f 4h 09 TANCOUVBR CARUSE ASD I B. KloBCTr nr., a room t banxalow, 50x100 corn or lot; V pared utrert, modern, 2 bed- .. monu, bath, Dutch kitchen and I combined lirroc and dininc room, -full bawment. fuvplaca, built ia .j,.,, faatorea and a large porca. .13600 f BOOM COTTAGE Vt 8CKNT- T 8irE. 4 rooma and bath down- " , ataiiv 2' bedrooma up: newly painted and 2 room papered; ..J fruit tree la yard; near, car- line ....$2600 l - B.ICHAFD VT. Sf AST, BEAITOB. f: RITTKB, LOWE At CO., W;.' 201-J 3 S-1 Board of Trade bide Jall and are our diiplsy of homes IT with pbotoa and description. EAST SIDE OFFICE OPEN TODAT Bay your wife a florae for Cbrfetmae. si Beta are some splendid buys. loTeaticate. ft- 4 63800 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT .j A very attracttTs, double con structed buncalow, complete w.th t hardwood Iloora, fireplace, iratcn kitchen, breakfast nook, axprnxiTt tapectry paper. beauOIul lichtui( , fixtana. Near Sandy. paTinc audf T sewer re id. Term. 63780 ALAMEDA DISTRICT Bonus 4 loaa acoeptrd. Fire room bunava- 1 low wiui iirepuioe, mnun miu KUHe,. amjuiu. wmi. a m m. Owner lekTliK city and must sell. ." i Term. IS000 ROSE CTTT PARK Fire rotms and sleeplrur porch. A splendid '' home, located below the bill, com- .-4 plete in ewy way. A GOOD ,A ' BUT. Inspect this, v 66460 H08E CITT PARK A down- right modejei bungaiaw, complete . with furnaoe and (arag. In the -. I - very choicest location in Rose -T , City Park, Exceptionally well -"1 eoastrarted, and all the classy , lines. N earl rig completion. ret yon ARE GOD0 TO BUT IS " BOSK CITT PARK OR LAURELHUR8T. BY ALL MEANS INSPECT OUR L1T INOS Cf ADDITION 'TO OCR DOWN TOWN OFVICB, WE MAINTAN AN : OFFCB AT 40TH AND SANDY. WE ARM INTIMATELY IN TOUCH WITH THH BEST BUYS D THE8B DI8 ' TRICT8. Ii TOU ARB GOING TO BUILD . TO SELL, WB WUA BE GLAD TO ,4mE YOU THE BENEFIT OF OUR ; KNOWIJ-.IrOK ALONG THESE LINES. . SUGGESTING THE TYPES OF HOMES MOST READILY SOLD. THM SERV- - f K'-E 13 GRATI8. . 69860 LACRELHTTRST A bancaknr of , class and distinction, built by one " - of , PorUahd' baet builders, lo- ! eatad oo beautiful corner lot -.) with an asseanaeisu paid. . Mod--t f ' era tn amy way. ' 66200 LAURELHURST New. Baady - i for oociipancy. Lines of class and distinetioa. A substantially -f , built borne with all the Important i little reflnemenu that one expects k. ! to find in an expeBeive Irons-slow, , . ! including tile bath and til dralnr i board. Of course there is a , nrage. Oak floors throughout, , " WT! HAVE ANY NUMBER OF OTHER BPIJCNDID" BUNGALOWS IN LAUREL- HUIUJT UP TO' 816",000. DRTV'E OUT TO OUR EAST SIDE OFFICE TODAY. Sunday,.Can Tabor ;;a.c.teepecq - t V PCALTOQS A isriuOANCC 270 m&x, ct rf.X 40T wo tvxm .Ta 3042, 'ZAjEr TXBOB. 95S6 '"-j t Zonvai it- rRVtNOTON BUNGALOW ' CLASSY NEW HOME - ! Btx large and most cheerful room - jfi,u ! wtth a large floored etao, hardwood poi . Ished floors, old ivory and tapestry paper, Cx bath baa tiled Ooor. ssrulary tub and perleatal lavatory. All the meat desir tlabiw bufrt-laa. plst. gUaa windows, r- Freneh doors into dining, also French doors into dea or library. A charming rXeand well oocutructcd bungalow, one tSodt from car. $8000. Ready tor . . amiUpaacy the 18th. - i D. W. ALTON. , f- AUTOMATIC 320-19 -," 1' 2 HOUSES AND STORE $3280 " 1 house af 8 rooms and t house of 8 rooms: ; atom ea street; lot 50x100: income property at a real bargain: owner eanaot give proper etesntioa. ao cut the price from 8700V for k quick sale, cash or terms. . 400 Firxt St., or aee . Ur.: GoUateia at, Simons' store, 1st and Alder - r wo aavuie.- COUNCIL CREST 82700 $500 DOWN 7-room home,' furnished, 2 alee tog porches. furnace, basement, 126x50 ground, tree asd f rait. -iota ef grapes. . . " ...Hnw n-i ...... .n BU. lUKHl OBil.JB.Vl I n. UtklVa 104 Fifth St. Mam oso VAr-AX-r a -rj-wiu ur-aiiiiw Wflth ene-helf sere af enwirwi. eloae in on Vaunt Scott car. Pretty, modem bnosalow. Jaat tht place to get your start is Ufa. Bee A aad aoto tht price only gouw, won asuw Ralph Harris Co; $16 Chamber cf Commerce. Main :Ti624. SS2S0 Alameda Park i nftas-nicaT offer in this section " " BRAND NEW ARTISTIC BUNGALOW! . Double const'd. buffet, brkfsL room, shower bath, tiled bathroom, loads of built-in, fi replace. WHI, ,11" ' IIIWW. - aw. aauxiweod floor. funtetdoublegarage. terms. U. .-. GOl-DavA dasu I steal tori Ablnrtmi BMg. Main 4808, ' -. EX-SERVICE MEN Wt have aome real desirable modern boa- gejowa reaoy lor - immmiate eorupaacy, reaeoaable term. - ARB TOU GOING TO BCILDf See our pbtua aadi up-to-date ideas. - . W aaa help yott flnanc. I W. M. Imbdinstock St Co.. in ArMcn Rkic. Broadwar 185S $3600 PENINSULA PARK DISTRICT . , 8650 CASH- - ' - Trmr nam . buncalow. hvimr room, kitehen. breakiast nook. 2 .bedrooms and bath, full aeeaeaeas. lamsw, njiv-ii Inrinenrl.l innsnn lfl. aee, u vx aivr Sir TWI -"- MATV tftl S- W- .BA??.ffr:.-. : T.T.:..! t.'uuu mw iH .uAin sr-hool. 8S00 cah. PMITH WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCHANGE rR50MS7Tathrf5aphTmhtn7-w COXY 5 iroom hcene near Jrffaaoa High. Bar ivory, cios to car. schoJ: garagei a waadyl gam. Owner. Tabor 3879 -good bay at S2700. $259 down. , MR. BRAD. 420 Henry Bldg. liiVINGTON Only $4650 for lovely S-room Boatav "f'-tt district. Xuaat gvia, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Star Sales Service 11600 SIX BOOHS ii too 2 atarr rattan. remodeled and aewtr Minted BOi 1 o -ut with fruit, berries and ahraboary; looey shad; 2 blka. to HI aac Ina asm toea (est. $1500 ON PAVED STSEET I1IM Nice S room ewttas-e with aoacnta foamd- datioa. 3 blka, to MA est. All tmpreee- aaata n aaa paid. $3o eaaa. $l par so. CAN XOUBEAT TUJ8I 8300 10 ROOMS fSflOO ' TES. gIBt DOEBLS FLAT, DOUBLE PLLMBLNO I traya, dveika to. tt bias, to AS ear. A fin uvestoxent. A HOKE WITH AM INCOME J! Terms. 2750 POKTLAjm BLVD. 275 room extttaee, Dntek kitchen, fin 0x100 lot good tardea trace, ok Dela ware oft PUd, bltd. Small cash aaa eon aider trade. . , . -' fssoe 6TT?rrgTT)B jissow A 8ACKITICE BrJeadM: mom huinkia. ana mom. Dnteh kitchen, ouuaiit baaemea, paneled l traja. lurnaoa. $309 CASH i ' ' S rooea cotters, concrete foundttioB. large rooms, full lot, flowera and ahrubbery and fruit, full phuoMnc. near AB carline and echool; 62100. Its worth Bora. Termf tn anit. - Star Real Est.& Inv.'Co. REALTORS. SIS WILOOT BLDG. Alain S604. Sun. aod era. I1-T. 4200-BOaS CITT 14206 Thie is a ml bamia ia a aw room bun- I ralow, oa-fuU SOxliK) ft lot. This pUco baa a food f araca with cement driveway. Large liriof ana dlmnc room with hardwood floor and tire plsoe. Imteh kifchew- wind for electric ranae. breaktast nook and all modern built-in. 2 bed' rooma and aleepinc porch, f 1S00 will handle. - j. U BARTHAS COMPANY, Chamber of Com. Bldg. Branch Of Geo 45th and Sandy Bird. Tabor 252. IAC RELHTJB8T BtTNALOW SOMETHING TOO WILL LIKE Thie is a lovely new home) of aix rooma with oak floor, old Ivory and tapestry paper, pute class windows, French doors, all the desirable built-ics; all the rooms are large and most cheerful, fireplace, furnace,. garse. Ia a lorely location. 67000. D. W. ALTOV, . AUTOMATIC 329-19 KO ABSTRACT IS REQOIRED IF YOU GET A T1TLK INSURANCE POLICy. ' Title & Trust Co. TITLE AND TRUST BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT 83150 TERMS ttoderu 4-room bunsalow. axcalleeit eondirion. 12 bedrooms.. Dutch kitchen, east face: fruit: I close to new city park and golf site; valuable in- i vestment aiinci HARRY BKCKWITH, REALTOR 104 Fifth St. Main 6R63. 4 BOOM COTTAGE VURNISHED Near Franklin high, full lot. This ia a warm ceiled-little home with extra large rooms and fair furniture. -t will help beat the rent man; gzsuu; x.'ou cash, balance 5.0 per month including Interest. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6824. A HOME AND AN INCOME Three houses on- one lot. earner, all im provements in and oaid. Houses are mas tered, have good plumbing and art in good repair. Rental 662.60 par month. Can sell these at 84200 and give some terms. It's a good buy. Let us enow you. Geo. F. Crow, with Albert tiama, BUI ALlsatMlppt avenue. Wdln. 1201 $4OO0$SO Cash - 7 rm. attractive home: like new: 4 bed eh.: I den, full cement bas't; enamel plumbing: ta pestry nee, garage, soxiuo corner; all paved aad paid; 9 blocks Irvington car. G. C. GOLDEN B ERG (Realtor) Abtngton Bldg. "38 years in Portland." 86500 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW Havm been transferred to Francisco must sell new 7 rotm bungalow; five rooms on first floor, 2 furnished en second. First das throughout, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, cement basement laundry travs. all kinds of bnilt-ins. Beautiful lawn, cement drive and s-arace. Small uown payment ana any reasonaoie terms, wooo- iswn ozou. . $48S0Irvington tits. 6 room artistic btmz built-ins. etc.. full lot 8 fruit trees, cement garage, block Irvingtoa I car; terms. G. C. OOLDENBERG (Realtor) "85 years in Portland" main 4808 WILL sacrifice beautiful lrrtoprton bungalow, 81000 under market. Absolutely up-to-date. Oak floors, farnsca, fireplace, French doors, large, light bedrooms, with lots of closet space, and a big sleeping porch: fine garage, with full concrete drive. I win take $1000 down and tase easy monthly payment. Main 233. FURNISHED BUNGALOW Fivt rooms and slaenin porch, all oa one I floor, fi replace, furnace, buffet mahogany and wamnt furniture, brass beds, -cement basement. cor. lot, 50x100. AH imp. in. paid. " Only hiod. Trrmi or eesn. Aut. ZlO-38. $47S0Piedmont Dist. Fun., firepl, hdw. Coors, . atucoa bungalow, stain asos . G. C. eOLDENBERG (Realtor) AbtegJJWgv "85 years in Portland.' T0CR-R0OM burigalow, nica floor pUn, plumb ing, oasemeat. good lot. Dear ear; ejejsoo. caaa. aaiaaoe monttuy. JohnonDodson Co. 638 N. W, BANK BLDG. MAIN 3'. 87 $37dJCook Ave. Snap 6 r. tmieal Queen Ann. Beet home, eioee, in paved St.. terms. O. U. I. OLD E BERG, Abirorton Bldg. MAIN 4 803.. TABOR 8 104. WOODLAWN 8 ROOMS VACANT WIDOW. MUST SELL All large roomv Bedroom downstairs. Full basement. ' 8ix 50x100 lota. Fine shrubbery. All varieties fruit tree and berries. $5000, szotm, paL easy. Msr. 1022 r Mar. 2103. i 831 75 BARGAIN 4-Room, modern bungalow, has fireplace. fun cement baaement furnace and garage. yLot 50x100. 1500 down. bal. 825 month. See thi' at once. Ant 210-88. ' ARE YOC GOING TO BUILD! See . our artL-tle new ideas. We are in a position to finance reavtonably. W. M. Umbdenatoek Co., 510 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 1058. ALBERTA 84000 The beat - value ia the city. This ta a aew. I up-to-date . 5 room bungalow.' all modem eon- veuiencea; easy term, w. H. I mbderutock I I '.Ill , - kM. W.I . 1 . . U 1 - - J v-'nn .... m-j. .vuo. NEW 4 room -houee. eabArece' baeeaneat. lot 60x100. sidewalk and street all - paid 1 tor, ia- Rosa City Park dUtrict niu take lot M Prt payment. ome eajh, balaac easy Urma, I "wner. w-1 ao. journal LAI RF.I HCRST Hamelfke and attraetiv. lO-roonV hoaasa. aeaw I para ana car: wm tease rurnisnea or unrurainea. tor l year, ror appomtment eair Tabor 7123. NOTICE R. C. P". 5-room bunjmknr. oak floors. rurnace, gas 'rsngt. gas neater, enamel fra W. cornea- lot 3500 cash. , 64500. term. Th. ; S5SS "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN "TT IS BOBBING UP EVKRYWHERI I&AU.IiaiS SVAIUJUS l.'-.l I SMTTH-WAGONER CO. 8TOCK EXCHANGE CALL 8uaday, New bungalow, ready to occupy. Paved street Combine tioa Hrrne-diaimt room- Hardwood Ooom. Large kitchen, t bedrooms, fall j basement, attic. l-jgw K. Aider. EVERY mrcbaser ef net emte attoold have hie title insured. Better be safe thaa eorry. Title TruM eompeny - WILL SACKIF1CB beautiful' 8 room bungalow. $4356. Call owner. I nor T3T. IFOR SALE At a sacrifice, saedara Berne ia I Vancouver, Wash.; choice property, oa ear fine, I J. S. Brewer. 108 Grand ave.. Portland. Or. I FOR SALE room furnished medera bung; 1 low. 2 blka. to ABerta eat . Pree $2889 I tarma. wuin. oa. I '- ''aas : auura, !. wows, enu ezw I month. im modem boue. CaB W I day. 407 Oswego at. r-none col 14S1. Droserty aad eaa ieswe sow a Title lannan J rolicy wtthoot delay , Title Trrrt eosspeey I UNIVERSITY Park, 9 room boom, lot 66 2-8xt saw. on sT"i ti.vw. in. -t i I .-ROOM th u. $2250. $320 duva; Albert ear. Xiiv a. au a. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ONLY $500 jDOTTN ssst aide naldevsML T ma house 4 aedrooau). linieiwsmean all ia aad paid car. This it a very gooa, proposiaou a ta acaaw has hardwood floors, furnace, 1 fireplace. There- ia alee a garage: lot lewd with the street; lanmiiwt may be Baa. nw eauy $$00: farlhermore. appa ttas aayestt ea 6800 we win givw you a deed to the utupeaty aad tat back awHtgagea lor tha dilleranoa. V. I HASTMAN OOMPAVT. Cbaaaber of Cbas. Bids. i . Mafc 208. 65660 IRFINGTON DISTRICT 6S550 $1000 CASH. $38 MONTHLY AND INT. New buncalow. 8 looms aad breakfast aoek on first floor. Urge) living and dining rooms ful lena-Oi of aonae, hardwood floors, fireplace bookcases. 2 bevel French! piata mirrors, ex cellent bath, tile floor, complete kitchea, fia fchad ia esA Irorr end tsoastrr DSDer. 2 large bght bedrooms with smpla aloeot rooaa, bugo i wna ssanary traya, full 60x100 lot with all improvements nua. jm aioek te ear, owexs to acoswi. w bkvs- to new . eatv nsrk. eurrounded by at erai new home. This is real 'value and mast be aeea to be appreciated. Call today 03 rnoit sc.. net. E. 18th and 18th eta. N. Salesman-wiU meat yon from 10 a. m. until We'bave others ia this learnt locality. Johnson-Dodson Co. 683 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8787 ' KEW LAUBELHURST BUNGALOW . $9500 I 87TB AND WASCO Large earner vWw lot. east cxposura, ojgrs pleta hi every detail; cedar clothes press, tiled bath, re reined tub, pedestal lavatory, ahowrr, laundry etrata, meet the latest , whim. A 15iS living room, 13x14 din ins room, with large plate glaas windows, together wit It French doors and a most individual fireplace invite eriticiam. - Two bedrooms. 12x16 and 12x1$, afford space for twin beds. The kitchen, with its white tiled drambnerd, cupboard apace and a ' breakfast.nook made coxy by the morning sun. aixP its casements i opening to the street, appeal to the bousewife. A double - garage complete with wash rack and horn bit. Open for inspection Sunday" : 1 to 6 pi m. week days. Phone Bdwy. 8164; ve oinga. j'dla. 188. 627 Henry bldg. HAWTHORNS DISTRICT BUNGALOW 88250' j' . J Coxy 5 room bungalow;, bag large light 'living mom and dining room with . hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet. Dutch kitchen, two bedrooms, bath and - breakfast nook on first floor. Cement basemeot with furnace and' laua dry traya. large attic, paved street. Very easy terms: accept aoldiera' bonus. ' J. L. Karnopp & Co. Main 675." 319 Railway Exeh. bldg. BOSS CITY PARK $5300 $509 cash, $50 . per month, buys that new bungalow you haws been, looking lor. Living room is 28 feet, 'extending the full width of the house; beautiful dining mom with French doors, eove molding i in living room and din ins room, two lane bedroom with paaa ball into the bathroom, buffet kitchen with breakfast room, cement baaement, large attic, laces east on corner lot with pavement in and just one block from Sandv boulevard. We think it ia a real bargain you look at it and tell us what V Willi,, HILOJEK EttUB.. KeXltOT. -211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86, Branch Olfioa 60th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 8485. citIy ROSS $4750 $500 CA8H-$50 MONTH Bung slow, modern, 6 rooms; paved St. ; ts block Sandy bird. Can apply bonus. $4500 $500 CASH $25 MONTH modem 7 room home, 80x100 lot; fruit trees; Bear good chool. $3300 $500 CASH--$25 MONTH 6 room modern; corner lot, Chas. Ringler & Co. 225 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK Icj t sil 5T50 $1500' Cash Beautiful 5-room bungalow situated oa 6 2d t below the hill; living and dining room across the front of bouae, 2 large bedrooma, large bath with clothes chute, roomy kitchen: with all builtina; breakfast room, cement basement, garage with cement floor and repair pit: this ia the most ccgnplete house ia the city for the price. UiLLEK BB08., IKeeitors 211 Railway Exchange Bide Mala 86. Branch Office: 60th snd Ssndy Blvd. Tabor 8485. MAKE! US AN OFFER OWNER- HAS SENT CS jWORD TO BELL HIS NICE HOME AND I BIX LOTS ON EAST SIDE. ALL KINDS OF SHRUBBERY. FINE I .AWN. Toff CAN BUY THI3 P LACB- FOR ALMOST WHAT WAS PAID FOR THE STREET IMPROVEMENTS ALONE. LET TJ8 SHOW IT TO YOU. AND MAKE A BID ON IT; THE HIGHEST BIDDER WILL GET TT, i MAIN 1628 SUNDAY. OR BROADWAY 943. i UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO. 284 OAK ST. " . R68E CITY PARK NEW " ' MUST SELL TODAY WILL GIVE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Beautiful modern bungalow' on 43d at., below hill; large living room and dining room across front of bouse; large plate glass windows, large den, sun parlor, breakfast room is t dream, with beautiful French doors; hardwood floors through out: recessed tub and pedestal lavatory, 8 bed room, double garage. Sacrifice price 85850, which is $1500 below eoaL Phone for an ap- potntment. Tabor lata. CLOSE YOUR REAL ESTATE DEAL . THROUGH OCR ESCROW DEPART MENT. Titie & Trust Co. Title Trust Building MODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE Corner lot 100x105. tn 60th tt, yost 10 blocks south of Divisioa St., ta the best section of Franklin high district; price reduced to $5500: will trade my equity of i $1800 ia this property for; a small bungaj low in good district and assume any differ ence or allow liberal discount for cash. Telephone. Sunday, Automatic 610-24 or, Mcndaj, kUxa 7163. Owner. 82500 I ' TOUR OWN TERMS. IK WITHIN REASON Buy this near 5-room cottage ia Mt, Soott dis trict; good bathroom, gaa and electricity, nice lot. with beautiful anaoe tree: no eitv hena to as- rame; will consider a good lot at part of .tint payment. ' ' i. U HASTMAK WarASI 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 208 1 - wavr ennn a rrci w ri .k beautiful 2 room cottage, modern, haadaomoly furnished, for only 32758: will tak automo bile as first Payment and easy term oa balance. or will take small eaah payment aad give easy terms. Party owning this piar toe nng etty. This at Jbargain; better aee tt iquicK. . ALKXiNDEB BKAL1I UU, 702 T1U sk Trart Bldg. Phone Broadway: 6586 ' "nvew'rose City bungalOw 8 room modem buncalew. large living room Dutch kitchen; latest bath j .hardwood floors la gvery room down; 4 .bwiooms op; doable garage: fireplace, buffet and furnace. Will take $809 down aad auto up to $500 as first payment., BaL easy. Bee taxs at once. Auto. 2i-aa. , . " kEW LAUKELHURST , BUNGALOW T 6 looms aad large attic, gangs, furnace, tight fixtures and window ahadea, hardwood floors throughout. Bice breakfaat room: on a aiehtlv lot: 210 E. 43d st. aeor Royal court. UEURGB K. KUJUi, uwBtr ana tsouaar 226 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 6231. Tabor 1950. Bungalow Bargain - 6 rooms and bath, paved street Bear car and achool; very easy term to reepoaertbl party. Tabor T84.T. - - - - ' . - NEW $2560 . This ! 4-room burigalow will Vt ready for occupancy ta a few days. & as ajp-to-the-miauta and -real. Mrgaua. - . . as CmbewawAek 4V Co. 219 Oregoa Bd)g, Broadway 18. i yOUR REAL IStATS BOND - Yoo. should scad fas your tappliestioa a that it eaa be taken care or ngnt away. -; -i. CONTRACTORS BONDS NOTARY BONDS SMITH-WAGONER CO. . STOCK IX. A TITLE iBsanaare roary ss a cuaraamw of the title to year heme. When yea any yoar rev the title aware. Title s Trg-t coTnregy. IUi sell at sacrifice $648 equity est S room forxusBed bouso. h aiosnana ave. , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ONLY $4000 $890 DOWN ' See S-moar kamgaW ia Boa City, ew aaeat - baeeaiaut. finrplaoe, bookc, buf fet, fine oak furniture. This ia a reel aoaMi varything coca. ' : tTXK CORNEB 199x109 - 9-roos buncalow, sewer, paved at., fira place. anokcaena. buffet. large, airy rooms, fruit i trees, garage; west bAJTxia of th weak. 9-ROOM KESIDBNCE 82949 ONLY 6459 DOWN . 50x100 lot cat paved at., aewer. sH paid, - u am lit basement, tray. S bwJiuuaia upetairs. block car. W are thai vacant for quick sale: Teal Tama. MANT OTHERS Mirsh & McCabe Co. ReaJton 822-6-4 Failing bldg. atarshaTl 3988. Eveainga aaU Tabor 486. IBYTNGTON" HOMK NEW SQUARE COLONIAL One' of the most- complete aad higb 'elaaa hemaa id irvingtaa. There are 7 . large, cheerful rooms, plate glass win dows, oove eeilinas. French doors, hard wood polished floor down and up: tile fireplace, also tile floors ta bath: furnace . and garage. Located in the cream of Irvingtoa wtth beautiful homo surrouadr inga. $9000. Reasonable terms. , D. W. ALTON. : AUTOMATIC 328-19 ROSE CITY PARK 8509 DOWN ' New S-room buncalow, all the latest bmlt-ina, hardwood -floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. ' full ais lot, oa the pavement, 1 block from Bona City ear; price 84300. BooneCIearwater 606 Couch bldg. Main 6201. JUST completed modern 8-room house with, all conveniences, hardwood floors throughout the house, tut bathroom with shower, double garage, located ia beat part of Laurelhurat near park. For appointment call Tabor 6094. A. Fejunea. contractor and buuoer. riVB ROOM BUNGALOW $2800 ONE-HALF ACRE Oa 60th ave. near 62d at. Plastered, bath and toilet, hot water tank. AH ta A-l shape; basement, cement walk,- graveled streetf good soiL Just the plaoe for garden and chickens. Very small payment down, 826, including in terest. Bee Mr. Jones. F. E. BAWMAN & CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME WB ARB OFFERING A FINES. MODERN 7 ROOM HOME IN THE VERY BEST PART OF IRVINGTON. ON A 60x100 FOOT LOT, HIGHLY IMPROVED, TWO COMPLETE SETS 01" PLUMBING. TWO FIREPLACES, DOUBLE GARAGE! CALL FOR APPOINT MENT AND' BEB THIS PLACE; 31500 WILL MAKE THE FIRST PAYMENT. AND TUB PURCHASE! PRICE WILL BE GIVEN IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. , SUNDAY PHONE MAIN 1628. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT ft TRUST CO. BDWY. 043 - 284. OAK ST. BES BtSS N PORfLANTJ West aide, close- in on Sixth St.. 7-room semi-modern house, $3300, easy terms. West aide. 9-room modem house, excellent view, close in, big income, partly furnished, aann asst. trms- Hswtiome djatnot. 2 6. room flats, ap-i nraised - 80000. non-resident must salL will take $0000, good terms. DUBOIS, 804 Spalding Dwg. REAL coxy 6 room home, near FrankHa high, dandy fireplace, large airy rooms, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, beautifully located on a hard sur faced itreet, 1 block from -the Hawthorne ear. New and in good condition. Price $3750. VERY EASY TERMS. Call East 2725. ALAMEDA PARK Five room bungalow, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, old ivory and tapestry finish, French doors, glass hardware, attic, - furnace, cement porch, garage. SOxlOO-foot lot, all hena paid; go350." terms. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787 SCNNYSIDE BARGAIN SEC ROOM HOUSE IN EXCELLENT CON DITION, LOCATED ON GOOD SIZED LOT. lUTl.il KITCJhU?l, MLL tEMJUil BASIS' MENT, DOUBLE PLUMBING AND FURNACE. PRICE 64500. SUBSTANTIAL CASH PAY MENT. R. L. McGBEW 1089 HAWTHORNE AVE. TAB. 8802. VACANT ALBERTA HOME Six nice rooms, big baaement with furnace, substantial home, newly painted inside; clean and ready to occupy. Close to Alberta car. A good buy $2700. $500 rush. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. ' Main. 5624. BUNGALOW IN ALAMEDA DISTRICT This is a better boy for $3600 than you have seen in the city of Portland; 5 rooms, furnace, good basement, corner lot, fruit, lawn, double constructed. $1150 eaah, balance terms. KOBNKTT MoCLURE. REALTORS, Mara hall 8282. 802 Couch bldg. BONUS accepted' Ttnait CITT HOMK Rose City, can be bought for 55250. Will ac cept bonus and 55UU cva. KOB1SETT t MOULWKIS. KKALTUH9 Marshall 2292. 302 Couch Bldg. EKAL VAI.ITB Mast aS nrv 6-room home, lot 50x100. fine fruit trees, berries, shrubbery f near Glen Haven uhJ mB9 IH 9 f, n (i ftAt-ms lik rent This 1 an eapapuonai bargain. W. M. Uaxbdenstock at Co., 219 Oregoa Bldg. Broadway 1658. $4gSe!lwoodSnap TtRAVn NF.Wr 8 ROOMS. FIREPLACE. BUILT-IN S, HARD SURFJCE ST., FULL LOT, IT'S A JEWEL. BLOCK CAK. TklKMS. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. Ahington Bldg. "85 Years in Portland." Main 4803, ROSE CITY . 4200 w.fTERVICB MEN. APPLY YOUR BONUS ON THIS ARTISTIC 5 ROOM BUN GALOW. PRACTICALLY NEW. GARAGE AND FURNACE. FIREPLACE. WIRED FOB ELECTRIC RANGE, FINE LSJCATIUJI. i R. SOHERVILLE, 8UWI. 2418. 6 ROOMS, good plastered house, modern except beta tub; ruu cement Basement; a iruii trees snd small fruit: bed. dresser, range, new inlaid hnolsvim: sewer in. paid; shed for car. Must ell q.uick. $1950: $650 cash, balance $20 per month. 8 per cent int.- Owner. 2177 Wil lamette Blvd.. gt, Johns IRVINGTON, $5100; easy terms. Oak floors. furnace, S bedrooms. East 6765. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 PRICES CUT ONE HALF v 3 to 10 arre tracts td toining ' ML Hood electric line. This is splendid nil: 8 to IS mile from city limits, on hard surface roads. Terms verey reasonable, ' W.; M- Umbdexutock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. - FOB SALE 0B BENT v WD1 sell oa easy terms or will rent nice new 4 'room house aad 2 m acres of rich land oa Barr roeoL STRONG at OO,,-606 Cham, of Commerce, SUBURBAN ACRES Free level cleared acre traces facing pave ment, lees thaa 9 miles exmrthouse; sell aS or part. Also 4 -acre ircoded tract ad j casing for sale cheap. Owner. 626 Henry hMg. 114 ACRES, 2 blocks ouUde dtyTImlta of Lent. Boost stmber on irooa tor aoem $200 down, baX $15 per muoth. Inquire 43d and Basdaaore eta., iJeaumont rarimo. : V : 10 acres wxst Side , , $1600 EASY TERMS ' 12 mfiea out, maia road, beat of soil, ao hiU ssoo. eiemiu. orcnaru. lesoea, anscK. J. C COBBIN CO ao-o-T tewia Kiag- SIX acrea, a good chiokea and berry ranch. near eJestrie Una, good spJL , Cood buy at a, lit noes t - DRAPER, 408 BOARD OP TBAPB BEAUTIFUL 20 asmr Oraaea C5tr. best asO. rraam. rertly improved, aadiwmxeiiered. Da- Tide; give 19 acres awesj lot $$509 rcaitionre Owner, 141 E 6th w. ; - ONE aad three tenths acrea at Ruby, oa XTout- oal. eteexrie. aay xerma.-. -STRONG A CO.. 909' Cham, of Ooanaeree, IDS small farms aad acre trace, east for good errs ta small Bosses. Parry Aawacy. Milwaa- asa, vr. r-neaa ia FOR SALE 20 creek. 2 saiies south ef Greenes Owner. Tabor 8849 or Tabor 6925. FOR SAI RAI.P' ACRB TBACTt SMALL fllalkr AeUJl. --.,autax Ai REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 CHEAP ACREAGE. CLOSE ET 15 acre, oa good road, eloet to Ca hrmbia Highway, 9 mflea east of PorOaad limits: all eoltfvabsd aad goad, wraduo-tivw,-rrrer bottoea land. Price 8250 per ' acre: 8180 cash, balaaea to 19 eoual semi-anEnal payments, . . This diked fend aad the diking charge m about 850 per acre ia add-Don, with 18 years ta . which to pay. Cloee to electric end ateaaa traaapoitatuei, high and grade srhnoia. ' 10 . acTea, 18 mfleg from eanttr at , Portlaad; good anacadamised road ia front and an etda of property: mil. ta echool; good loan soil; 2 acres wader enlavac tioo. balaaea ia brush pasture; all eaa be famed when aleered; ever 1 00 cords flat growth fir wood; 3 room boost with pipee in. Price 82100: $509 cash, easy tarma. biapeRed by Nelaoa. . kcras, 11 sirjeg from center cf Port land. 4 mfla to electric station, $ blocks to school; 9 acres under eultivatioa; all eaa be farmed when cleared. Very at tractive 6 rooaa pi if Mini bungalow with cement baaement, aleepinc porch, etc: email bam, chicken house. Price $4500, terms. Consider house ia Fuhvnn or Cap-; ltol am to. $2500, balance easy terms. Ask for Mr. . -Kemp, V - , TN MARION COUNTY, OREGON T 19 acres, ' mile from railroad - and . good towu; with high 'and grade echool; woven wire feaaea; sandy nam oil; 2 acrea under eultiration. baiaace seeded to grass aad ha some small stamps: 4 room cot tage, chicken bouse, 8 large fruit trees : for wood: good rocked read. Price $1600; $300 cash, balance 6 years, t. CONSIDER SOLDIER'S LOAN 6 acres. 2 milea from MeUina vOle; wire fence; 4 a acrea under ; cul tivation: all cam be farmed when cleared: 2 wells: dark loam' toil: $ room house, . barn, chicken house; included with place: ' team, cow. .plow, harrow, cultivator, wagon, hay. feed. etc. Price $2000; $700 cash. Consider aoldier'a loan. See Davis. ON COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY 10 acres, right oa' highway, 2 H milea from good town; mile to grade achool, 1 mile, to high achool; 4 acres cleared; 4 room house, chicken house, good apring, never failing creek. Price $s75 ; $300 cash. Clatsop County. Oregon. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified list. Acreage Snap- . 5 acm, all excellent loam soil, all in cultivation except H acre, "2 acres strawberries which produces over 3500 per acre annually; large orchard of peaches, apples, cherries, etc.; raspber ries and) loganberries; fine 7-room bungalow with fruit cellar, large living room and bail tin kitchen, good chick-' en house,, good barn, . well and out buildinga; all tools and implements go with place; Vocated on fine road just outside Vancouver; this place is actu ally $2000 below value; investigate thia at once; price $3400; very easy terms, The R. S. Thompson Co.- ..REALTORS 4 11V Washington St. Vancouver, Wash. West Side We have 15 acres near Multnomah em the Garden Home road, with paved road in front of property; city water, city gaa, 9c carfare, dose to station, 20 nun. from the city. No bridges to crass or down-town oonceetiau to be bothered with. We can make you a good price oa this in one piece or Will divide to suit. A suggestion for your benefit If you can get a few of your friends interested in thia after looking the land over we eaa make yon a I good price on the 15 acres. I Get la before we plait the tract aad have I to raise the price, Reverman Investment Company 210 Lewis Building Broadway 2054 Sundays and evenings. Aut. 824-10. UPPER PORTLAND HEIGHTS ACREAGE Look over these fine acre tracts Bear Council Crest, on the Doaeh road; every tract tacea on this fine road; no rough er steep land; aome cleared, some in beautiful trees; just the right size to make so attractive Dlace. only lieuu I to 81800 for aa entire aero with city con-1 venipnoea. These tracts ars going fast and a number I of nice houses will be built in the spring. Don't I delay , if you want plenty of room for the I hilcLren without the constant worry of automo-1 bile hsxards to them. Excellent environment I at the outgrowth Not Portland Heights. An hv I specboa of this property will mors than, pleas I you. . J. U. KAXN1CX 517 Ahington Bldg. - Main 1260. VALLEY LAND AT ON ALA SKA TEN-YEAR TERMS WORK In the Nenwaukum valley. Inst southeast of Chehslis, 20. 40 and 80 acre tracts of prime silt clay loam. Mostly valley and low level bench land, - sis to 830. one-tenth cash. Un usual low price for land of thia type in this well known snd partially settled, tana and dairy district, Many advantage, does neighbors: roads; schools; railroads; easy to start. Steady work close try at muis or camp, uur Dmncn office at Onalaaka open -Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. - UKiHAK PAKIIKW LASU CO. 1008 American Bank Bldg., Seattle S. 10 and 20 Acre. Tracts $25 Acre Up . $10 down and $3 per month buya a acre tract 11 thia addition of 800 acres. down the Columbia river oa the Oregoa side, dose to Columbia highway and river: fin transportation, railroad, river, auto atage ana trues. seauaiiu laying lano. free from rock or era, el: aome tracts have beautiful view of river: there ia also some with streams. Fine location for rhirknna, dairy. Denies, rrult and vegftaoiea. CHARLES DELFEL. SIS Railway Exchange Bldg, WASHINGTON COUNTY CHOICE ACREAGE 4 acres near Hulsboro snd highway. 5-room house, barn; $3000, $500 down, balance month ly payments. 20 seres, improved; boose, barn, feed. 4 eows. team, farm implements: $4850, $500 down. balance monthly payments; 9 miles from Hille- boro on rock road. . ' 12 acres, improved, boose, barn. 1 eow. near highway, $5200. . $2500. down, balance monthly parnvnta. - A. XAASKY. agffent for Witchhsael LttQt Farms. Office. Hiltboro. "B. 2. Phone 88R4. one mfle south Witchhaael station. 13 Acres POWELL VALLEY ROAD ' 800 feet on paved road. $ miles from 82d St.. cultivated; house ' barn, orchard, etc Fine for subdivision. Adjoining selling for $1000 per acre. Will accept .best offer within reasoa. City conveniences available. This is your oppor tunity. Mar. 3324 or East 1364. BARNES ROAD ACREAGE 10 acres, 9 in cultivation, near Barneas road, 2 tt miles west of business section of Portland; sightly, well drained, en sky-line , blvld.; BuR Rub water; electric ear tarvioe. Price reasonable. EASLKX ROBINSON SPOONER CO., REALTORS T1 Couch BTdg. Bdwy. S785. err. acres Oregon electbjo -Good 4 room bsuse, fine barn, chicken houMS. -ete.: beawtlfnl sbade trees. 6009 atraw berry plant, other berries, all Mads of fruit. near school, Tt mile to rtation. Most, settle tat;, $3750. Will osider boflus part pay ment. Mar. 324 or last 1364 BEST VALLEY LAND ' - -- SOO FEB ACRE s ' 103 acrea, loam, an under plow, level, l atS Pacific highway paving, 2 miles Gervsia, 85 Portlaad. Price cot tor Quick saf to save mort gage loreetoaure. a. p. ana r.iectnc J. C. CORBET CO., 805-9-7 Lewis Bldg. 869 LOCATES YOU 19 acres good bad. easy clearing, handy to B. R. stadon. school, etc.; 89 miles from Portland. Price $600; terms $60 down. $10 BMothly. LTJEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 CbambT of Commerce Bldg. CHOICE ACREAGE Two seres on bard-surtace road. Jennings LiOdge. all in exutnattoav eicctrio hahta, Wat gas-; will divide, EABTI-lWBISSO-aPOON-ER CO. Tl Couch Bldg. -; , Bdwy. 4785. $200 DOWN $20 FEB MONTH T i Ben is a Christmas gift for Ton: A new B- iwoob hem aad 2tt auows of rich eeU'eeevrred with timber. ; Yea win km at faai to boy. Price $1600.''-" -;:.-.,:.,.. STRONG aV CO., 60S. Cham, ef Ccmerre. : CHICKEN . RAX CB . . xneome 88 to 810 per day; 1 milea to center or etty. race $azaw, easn. Main 1459 koo or eveniar. - --- : -- . - : . WA.M LLI io esase, sent, exchange or par- - enase oa easy term, oy traiaetl aad ex perienced fMT-hardit. anotxt 19 acrea orohrrd. equipped .with, aoodrrn boilfling, oa good road. Tabor 2380. FOR BALE By owner, good ckme-ia acreage, . clataa. Tcnaa. Phone East 619. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 AWAY FROM CITY CARES Ob where soa eaa Hva in tht even, krhetw you have room for chick eaa aad Lroea. Drive out aaa joca toese tracts ar; they are alt good buys. - Yob will 1 acrea, cleared. Base Line road, Just kst f Beokley are. $1150. I aara. OOeaa avav. last aaat'af Baok- ley Ave. $509. 19 axrysa. SectloTi Line load, east at Barker. $4500, Cleax. 19 sans. Barr road, fust east of Buck ley ave ia timber. $4000. 19 aoraa, dear, out Base Line road. Bookwood. $3500. - -- S acrea. New Hunt PsA. 12509. 1 'ana ta Waabeiries. 82d at. Just aorta of PowaB Valley road. $1000. 1 soa, Seotioa Una road, just east ef 2d St. Sooth aada. $1019. - 1 acre, 27th. ave.. ta PTyrnptoa Aena, tort eaa of 82d at. Cleag.' $860. 1 acre. Buckfey ave., near Powell Val- , lay road, fax timber, $1000. r 1 acre, on Powall VaDey road, about . mOa east of 92d ft, $1260. Covered with beautiful grove of trees. : acse, Tsmtsnt ltk. 6509. 1.15 acrea. Base Line read, just west of ; Barker road, oa the south side. 81126. e m acres, gssa una xuao, near vara ex. $2150. .. 2 27 seres. Barker road, attar Base Lisa load. $875. 6 acrea. Barker road. Bear Bectioa Lin. road. $1780. ... 1 4.S7 acres, out Base Line road. $1350. See ws for term. R. H. CONFRKT, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Oregon City Car Line No Silver Thaw Here Build to suit yourself. The following three pieces of acreage are real saapa for cash. No terms or trade. 4 scree, on good graveled street one block from station. Meldrum district: dec- tridty and gas available. Wonderful soil and location. Price, $2 100. '2 acres, right on ear lint at station, Meldrum district; all cleared: gas and elec tricity available; extra food- soil. Price $1900. 1.93 acres, 1 block to paved highway ea good graveled street; 2 blocks to station: gss and electricity available; choice location. Price $1600. Also have acreage cleared and in cultU Tattoo, dose to carline, from 6450 per acre up, Liberal terms. ' If you want improved acreage along the carline, w have a number of placet listed, tome strictly modern, with a wide range of prices. Come out and let as show you. Freytag-Meeds Co. ' GLADSTONE. OREGON. Oregoa City. Carline. 10 ACRES $3500; good ovpoi'laiiHy for berries and chickens, one-half milt from town, high school, churches and cannery; V dea red, balance stump pasture with running water; new bun galow, barn and other building. $1500 down, bal 6 per tent; might trade, ' . ' 6 acre on pavement, In high state of cultivation, dark sandy loam soil. All in excellent fruit and berries, ap ples, pears prunes, cherries, loganber ries, strawberries: Cood 5 -room bun galow, barn asd chicken house. A dandy little country home underpriced at $1950. Atkinson & Porter 703 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. one acrJb ALL CLEARED CITY WATER AND GAS 850 down, balance 810 pet month! Right miles from center of city, fin est shot . sou, I dose to car, highway and store. Price $600. B CONE-CLEAR WATKR 6201. 500 Couch Bldg. $50 DOwjN.' $15 MONTHLY 106x141 snd a! substantially built 2 room cottage, near Courtney atatioa oa th Oregoa City line. Thia la la s new platting ana you have river front risbta and mivileces in con nection with this place. Priced at $900. as arwsesmasaw- yyt If .W1 9$) RAI-yOatal ' 732 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, I 6850 ' Quarter acre, 4 room shack, aome fruit and berries, dote in, small barn, good ga rage aad well of water. Accept lot or Ford to 8300 and 8100 cash, or will sell for -lass for cash. East 4855. CHICKEN RANCH 64000 Nearly 7 acres, all in cultivation aad crop; on good road. 8 I miles from Portland; fair building, about 400 hena, X oow, 4 tone hay. Price $4000. j e LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. $18 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. m ' ACSB to arrest 859 down. 819 month Alberta ear. Keanedy school, dty water.- no tew lament Why! buy ordinary lots farther not ana (ay big taxes ana assessments! &. W. cary, 1219 W. W. Bank bldg. ONES ACRB $500 This is aR under cultivation : dose to GIB is station on Mr. uoed electna and hard turface roads, T30 down, $1 a. per month. W. M. Cmbdenstock at &ol. 210 Oregoa bldg. Bdwy, FOR BALE or trade . for Portland residence nroDerty. 60-acre: much ia Joseohine co.. Or.. 80 acres eultivatea, orchard. ' good building. plenty of water and outrange. . For particular call Main 3954. Address 1084 Water st Portland, Oregon. i 10 ACRES $1300 Practically all rood tillable land whan cleared, '2 acres eleared ; good cabin. Located 80 miles from Portland, i mile front station: terms $200 easn. beiaaoe easy term. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NINE acres, Nov 11 soil, new 6 room - heus and ouUmildings) 2 acres loganberries, 28 miles from Portland, 1 mil from achool snd station, all in cultivation. A fine home. Will give terms. Call at 867 Beach tt. near Union. FOR SALE Acreage tract from i to 5; half price, terms, east 171s. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 IDEAL FOB SUBURBAN HOME IN CITY T ! : LIMITS - j, At country prioea. We have several desir able acres oa SZd street near Oileaa at.. 2 biecks from city car line. Baal easy term. W. M. UmbdevxAxk ft Ccw- 210 Oregon Bidg. Bdwy. 1658. I ' BY OWNER. 19 acrea, new dooble-etrmatrBeted lots of fruit all kinds, on hard , roed. SH aulas east of Lenta. May ovae ataau Boose or .gooa ear (most atarm in spection) ana some sata as lint wpuu. : 4. a. soita, k. r. m 1, pormnq. - PARKROSB TRACT Four room booe. only z Bioccai trom car. only gZ600. See A. H. BirSaU-Gil Co.. 216 N. W. Bank bidg. T FOR SALE Situated -at DonaH. Or ea Ore- son savecno. ix room oungaiow Botat, nam, woodahed, root beoae, hot aad eoid water, bath, toilet, elertrsj Hgfata. fruit, fine gardetx. Income ' property. 1 Beeooabie terms, Grsatt- noasay za ivy at,' pnone East 2 BARGAIN Beautiful 'ltt-tory atoao 7 room, all medera eouveoienoes. ' U. 25 minBtes from town, on Oregon City car. blocks from FtdQa highway. Owner. Oak trove li-j. .1 809 DOWN. 8215 a month, traya nio. room pteatored t raise and H aere outside erty Bmits; caeep : taxes, city water, -gat gad 19 blocks to aerBne, Lts. Will; fkt good k otts, . vw, . .11. .1. rnra a X x OO. St. ACTKES. ail is woltiratiim, rieh soa. Beat, seau nouse ana garage. ijapttai Bigaway. Price 62509. tarma. Sea A. K. HiU. 429 Lauav t ning, -j . v, FOR farms, aatreagaa aad eaatiful aoburbaa hemaa. betweea Portlaad aad Orawea dty. see parry Aawacy. ax u wan are, or. fnoo. 1 1. CHOICE 15 near Vancouver, good imnrovo- ' meat, uarsaiu. . $3eHH. Aexept or cheep aoto. Owner, 141 E. 99th N. FOR SALE Five seres, 9 room modern bun galow, ISO bearing fruit trees, good 1 buiid:ngs. Terms. Phone East 1773. EXCEPTIONALLY good buy ia Psrkroae. scrs aad nulnm home, gacage; terms. Tabor 261 e. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES 40 9 acrea, 8 miles frees center ef PorV land; all under tuUivttion; H mile to electric station aad school; 79 bearing fruit trees; 8 roam "plastered hoeae with -cement foundatkm, barn 16x26. garage, ehickea house, . Price . 88000. dear, huge . eaah payment. '- Consider hoeae la tuborba ef Portland log same satoant, will not ' CONSIDER SOLDIER'S LOAN " 4 9t acrea, located 10 mOas tooth f tht center of Portland; dost to eiectria station aad ' achool; all under cultivation; dark loam anil: ea aero berries, fruit tree: hooae of 8 lam rooms; bare 20x30, two abed 14x10, ehaekea Una, woodshed. eta. Price 83200. clear; $600 -.iArr soldier's loan. . AT TIG ARD. .OREGON , 4 acrea. ea good rocked toad: 1 from station aad school; 1 block from Capitol Highway; all under eultivsiiont aark loam aotl: fruit trees and bemee: $ rooaa houaa, woodshed. PDoe $2500; t large esah payment. - OCTSTDE CTTT LDfTTS ' Nearty one aere, ' twoaiimlwi street; under eoltivatioa; good aoil; exty . water, gas ia street; So emnmntatioa fare;,, ala. eloee to city ' earilne. Price $000; ; $185 cash, balance $10 er month, at tatereet until Jury, 12S. See Newsaaa. , JOHN FERGUBON, REALTOR, GERLINGER BLDG. - Over 500 email places near Portlaad. . . Get ear extensive rlau fieri . bsta. Half Acre . Modem S mora house, garage, plenty fruit lust outside city limits, $3000, $250 eaah. 1TI llTM t9 fJOlta. '. Quarter Acre Oeod 4 room honae. Bear Mnlt aomah atatioa. $800. $160 eaah. balance $16 per month. NOT MANY LIKE THESE Peterson & York 437 N. W. BANK BLDG. , MAIN 8005. Garden Home Tracts ".' 20 acre $S25 per acre v V, acres. $875 per acre 614 acres, $376 per aere acres, fine new bungalow under construc tion. 2 mm chicken houses, sew barn, farm machinery,-horse, $ cows, 100 chick ens. all lor $6000 : easy terms. All of the above within 19 minute' walk to Oregoa Electric elation, board walks, ail ia cultivation; no gravel, no waste, lays -beauti fully. Get into my auto aaa let ms snow you. only su minutes our. o. st. nirt-ni REALTOR. 610-11 McKay bldg. Main 6229. 2 Oregon City carline Joins it. Fine location. A-l soil. Will tell an aeay terms or cash. The price is too cheap to mention. 9 Acres on Highway H milt to town and high school, good plas tered bow lots of berriea. $&ono terms A. J. BOCKHOLD. with A. O. HOW LAND. . 620 Maia St, Oregon City, Or. ' 601 Swetland Bldg., Portland. Or. " $3600 ALOHA STATION Little home ranch of 6 acrea: 6-room houaa. Dntoh kitchen; large new bain, hog house. chicken house; good water system: also city water and gas m front or door; .family orch ard (bearing) ; located on macadam road, dose to state highway aad achool. 6-minuto walk to S. P. ' station, about 25-miaute drive to Port land; widows home, must sell; eaah 8500, bai aace 880 monthly. M. E. DeJoice Co. 221 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1681 $300 '- CASH On acre and new 4-r. bung. 2 miles from 62d at. on Powell Valley road. All ia oultivatioa. Price $8000. '' - $200 Cash. ' One acre and. old shack. Price $1460-- Also acre tracts without buildings, same location, $1150. $160 down. ' 814-Couch bldg. Mam 7036, E. 3592 veilings, $2060 CHICKEN' ranch! Buber station.' Beaverton. 1 acres, a 4 room cottage, shingle-boarded sidlrig. city water and gaa. large modem screened in chickea house equipped for 400 chickens, 10 rows of different kinds of berries, 00 feet long; orchard (bearing), ln duded in above price are 86 chickens. Located on splendid gravd road, only. 4 blocks to sta tion and highway. Cash 8500. beiaaoe 820 per month. M. E. BeJoice Co. 221 fletiry bldg. Broadway 1631, S Acres 8 room bungalow. 2 miles from Oregon City. oa good road. All la cultivation. Price 63700; good terms. Set me for bargain. : . E. E. Teeple T19H Main St, Oregon City. Or. From 1 to 169 aere tracts, dose in. Im proved or unimproved, any price and tarma. gee Jerry Hemmingway, 608 tt Main st, Oregon CMy, Or. $100 DOWN, $50 every 3 month, buy aa sere all la fruit, loininx city limits eon east. No city assessments. Savior E Smith, $18 Ry. Each; bldg.. Mar. 2687. FARMS 407 DAIRY FARM READY TO MOVE ONTO AND MA KB MONEY 268 scree, pert of which is fine bottom land, under cultivation; all fenced and cross-fenced, improved with' large. 10-room plastered boose, large bam with stanchions for 85 tows, other cood outbuildings, aR painted and in good condition: water piped to bouse ; dandy fish pons- close to hooae, lost a few hundred feet to school and good gravel road; stocked with 80 food cows, 4 heifers (i and 2 -years old), good team, th reaMng machine, mower, rake, binder, seeder, potato punter and digger, gas en gine, feed aniD, disc, plow. 8 wagons, 2 seta harness, cream separator, boggy. Price for everything $16,000, half cash, all tht time wanted on 'balance. STEWART JOHNSON $16 Northwestern Bank Bldg. : 160-Acres-$6500 All Cleared Buck loam sofl. - aD ' level, not a stone or travel. Subirrigated land, water from .6 to 10 ft deep; fine soft water. This is all fine s fialfe' land; about 25 acres now ' ia alfalfa, 9 room house, bam brtth sheds, hog bouse, ben house, cellar wood house, sertrral good wells. Place) all fenced. Oa main road. 2 tt milea ef Corral. Idaho, and carline: 8 mi Irs, of Fairfield, Idaho, the county seat and' shipping point. Tbis a oa Big Camaa prairie. The very beat of land; $5 to 40 bo. wheat, 60 to 70 bo. oats on this sand. Fine stock country. Worth $10,000. Owner forced to sell, s be lives here. Win take 80500; $2009 down, bal. at 6. Her. Is a money maker. K. P.' Elliott ex Boa., 7th and BiaxB eta., Oregon city, or. no trade. T 10 ACRES EAST 07 G RES HAM. ' New., barn,- new poultry honae. new fence, large S-room honae. woodshed; good team, wagon, hameea, plows and other farm tools; 2 dandy cows, 1 heifer, brood sow, S pigs; 2 big fat apt; abont 990 chickens, mostly White Leghorns; 4 eerws potatoes, 1 aere kale, 4 fax eaover; year's wood trot; $ tons of bay. Price ia 46500.. WO! take house aad lot fax Port land ea trade to $4000, STEWART at JOHNSO . S16 North WBStarn Bank Bldg, DAIRY FARM EQUIPPED S9 acrea second river bottom land, SO efeared. aew buncalow, large bam and new aUo aad poultry hovjse. plenty soring water, all aeeseaary farm implements, gram seeded for 1922.- ExeeOeat potato oil. 4 exiles from railway atatioa, good roads. 19 miles Portland. EA8LKY ROBINSON SPOONER CO., - Realtors ... , " T12 Coorb BtdgV--wy. 9786" ' LOOK1 AHEAD ' IT yoo an wis, bay land Bear new pro posed highway at only $39 aa acre: whea high way ta eoaepleto will he worth aanoa aaors; got Johnson-Dodson Co. ' 633 Morthwestem Bant Bldg. Mala $787 B-PI-ENDID PCGET SOUND DAIRY FARM AT tot sacrifice; 169 aerea; 90 acne eieerea, bal- axics pasture, ember; a milts xkUingham' paved road, t-uening water, aceUerA aoil, good btrild fnr. ideal dairy fans, $17,000. ea terms. Writ Brfcbut. Smith A Livesey, Belling ham. Wash., ror parrxr-ntara. - - - : 59 ACRES oa Barr and RociwoodV. goads. miles, east of city limits; no gravel, acre orcusra, gooa pniwmgs. plenty 01 watcg, l I s A xailor. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 Clarke Co. Properties W. have a aswtaal bargain ta a S c, tract, eery dost to Vancouver; all improved, family tgchard ta flat shape, watered by food waB; buiek ing aonaiat of hoeae, bare and large Chinese, heoeei about 209 ehickeas . tad good Mlectiea af hocaehotd for- . Mtore go with this place oa haivj tnrface road, dose to suburban tie. tne anef oary a few saiantes' drive troea Vaaeoaver; the price is $2309. toaae tarma, aata balaxiee at 6 pec eaed. - V 20 Acres--$28S0 . ' AS.! . vTstico, S more prae- t " 2?U,w,Td' P10' bruah all deaned : from balanoe; food fences; 4 teres tall ff d i sere kaia. 1 acre re-, tstoaa. hay ta barn, plenty af weed out, v exoaUeat we a, fax young family er - ehard; sobstaatiat bone with 4 Urge rooms, some .toosehotd fnrdtare; S tews. 1 aoraa, ckickens and farm im- '" plemeata; located 6 14 miles from Le, Center. Waskv. Ja wall settled see tiaa, just mala troea achool ; ae rock or (ravel in soil; this is one of ff'.hest bargains, and tf yoa have 61500 ia eaah it will pay yoa ta ia--Tastigtta , j-... , .;; 1: Jim Bat at "B 't - rind of Clarke county farms, well worth the price asked, aad it will pay any prospective buyer to talk with : I ALBERT MILLER ' ' -i '"" ' ' ' itb . f Percival & Watts j 108 WEST SIXTH ST. I Vaaoouvsr, Wash. . No. 5S-Beautlful Small Farm. Close in 84 acres, exrier-tiooaily fine anil, 49 axtrea In eultivatUio; timber for domestie oat; s fine trout stream through place; 1 acre bearing prunes; large orchard of aatorted fruit : prone dryer; good ftve roorn haaaa, good! bam. large modern chicken hooae and park, implement shed, 2 dairy cow, heavy tana team, wagon, harness, boggy, plow, harrow mower, . rake, diao, 2 cultivators, cream aepen tor 6 tons hay, train, potatoes, 2009 feet good lumber. , 12.000 kale; 14 : a. bow seeded to crop; all email tools, to gether with range, heater, kitchea table, dining table, sofa, roctel seven dining vastus, eeue- swaj oeas, apruiga, nat euramiiuL. al na, ahsdes. kitchen treaanre, large otuiboard. fruit Jars, ; lamps, duhts, crock a. On mil trom town with an rural d vantages; adjoining highly improved farm la thick ly settled community. This is with no nosptioo the best buy ia Soothwast WsahlngtoB. Price 86300. Term. Thompson. Swan & Lee, I Realtors i - Third aaa Maia av. Vaaoourer, Waaa. ! ForSaJe ! Fruit Orchard Tea acres. 100 oherry traea, ITS Peaches. 61 walnuts. 12fi armW 4sS pi xuoerta. 4, acre currants, all bearing. Small boea. la good shape; dorp well and windmill. Psvoe InraUed on good road. mile from , city limit of Vancouver. Price 82600, $1000 cash aad long time en balaaea. Trim place Includes farm equlptscaut, Columbia Investment . j Company REALTORS j . 497 Maia St., Vancouver. Waaa, Borders oa river, fine dairy ranch, 69 acrea in cultivation, spring and river, fruit for family , oa. 10 room modem bouse, bath, 2 sinks, hot and eold water, wash trays, air preaxur. water arstem. full cement basement, bsro 42x72, eon ens te basement, buildings new, 20 acres in clover, cows. 3 horse, 8 heifers, 1 fuU blooded Jersey bun. new binder, new mower, diss, drill, diao harrow, 80 head goats, l $-.nch wagon. on plow. 40 tons of clover and Ttteh hay. 100 bo. oats, 85 acres in crop now. 15 cords of wood cut, cream separator. On mala bard ewr. wnu wwuic exauoa, close to Portland. Price 817,000; $9000 eaah, bal ance easy term. This tt aa ideal farm or daixy WM. M. PMITH, with A. C HOWLAND 620 Main St. Oregon City. Or. - "Let the World Go By" You eaa be sore of a good living If you buy this 90 acres, 18 in cultivation. ' bal. pasture, 7 room hooae, 40x40 bam, ; and outbuildings, 1 acre family orchard, rasp berries, lofaa, etc ; living stream through place; good spring; only 2 miles from Spnngwstor, Or.; 1 mile to achool. ehorcb, tore, ta. Price $4500, $2000 mtg. doe in 20 years. Would 00 miliar reside noe ia Portland for equity. JOHN A.. ATEISSNEB. $21 Gasco bldf. A Few CowsA Meal -; Ticket : 1 . Wails you n-Akt a start. I own $0 sere, all food toil, within 2 miles of good town, river and highway, tt mile to achool; 00 good county road: running water, fin spring; large hooae, some outhuildrDga: $40 per acre, very May terms to the right . oee me si euoe. I JOHN A. MESSNEBf 821 Gaaeo bldg. i NEAR THE DALLES 125 seres. 100 acres tillable. 60 earn lw erjtfvsiioii, good well and creek, 7-room , house, wblch would -coat 61200 to dupUcateV small bam, chickea house and large root cellar, 9 mile from towu oa a rook road. $2250. $1069 cash, $300 yearly, - . . 1 TRW ggK!aA!iw 4sr T82 CHAM. OF COM. FOR SALE, aheap if takes sooa; 240 acre oairy rancn, is muss irom Msrshfield, Ore., on Coos river; good roads, good team.J young horaea, Jiwtock hay, mrge new bam, 7 room boots (furnished! . bath, eold enrlne dry, piped to hooae; chickeoa, orchard, berriea, all tana tools neoaesary; about 8 soiDion ft. tuooer; nest of soil; anything will grow. Abstract goes with it. Pries 69300. 84000 eauh - rest terms, or 53000 eaah or will consider nice acme or imall acreage ia or dose to Portlaad as part fj'r-v. Lur particulars writ Oscar Ef Cad- 13 acres Sear th b "s tbeetSa'rI tftik 14 MILES FROM PORTLAND! Good $ room bou.-t and baaement,! barn, garage, poultry houaa, woodshed, ink aad berries for home ose. 2 oowa. lot. of chickens, tools, etc; 4 tows of bay. winter's wood.' kale, beets and potatoes. Oaly 64000, about H eaah. W fll consider house and lot Km to $1600.. 1 r i ! STEWART 4V JOHNSON 615 NorUrwestem Bank Bldg. j - IXK5ANRFRT1T I.AVn Land tultablo for growing loeanhen-Ue gsa !fH 'Wh' " bnT tf-ti Blast tt to k auuernes ana maxt It wont $1000 tar tOTtf Where eaa yoa do betterf See as at ones. Josinson-Dodson Co. - Tin , Amiiit. sTJiqy, jaara 91 57 . 22 ACRES, all wder eolUvatioa. 8 in grain, an faaeed with e-ovea ware, 9 room house with woodshed, new bare, bog and chickea beaxae, 2 good walla, ea paved, i-nad. $ miles from MeAIirmviUe, Or., ax niile from achool; leiephon. aad eiectria Hbt line; $8800. Sea owner, August 8 wanton, 2 x. m 4th t. Portland. Or.. Hotel Hood? ! T !" 14-A PRUNE ORCHARD ' Worth $12,000. Will make $6000 aext year, hat variety ef fruit, 60 bearing walnuts, food T-mom farm house with bath. Will set with srrxall ptyrnent down. Bent terms oa baL for 69000. That s a magv See Rock st 408 Cooefa Bldg. - f 260-ACEE game farm, about 80 deer in park. A fine sponaman borne aod a finer farm, right in the heart- of game country, t Trout stream en1 place. - New' log anangalow en piece east $3900; hot aad eold water, bath and toilet tn house,' Price 369 per asm. Oak; Came r arm, uays creek, or. 29 ACREA. HIT J,RORTk tltxao. Flrw-clae aoil, aearly lereL ereak, aoed- 9 room a ion. barn. 16 aerea caltlTatad, good axatxxra, 400 eords wood, Itt mO eariine. Only $1400 eaah. D. M. atoChesaayi 429 Henry bldg. . " 160 A. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 86. a!" under plow, ahack, bam and other small buildings: T5 a, tiBshaa. 76,000 feet sew timber; thwgle asm ea pise goes with it: -win sell cheap for eaah or will trade; consider email ear part pay ment L-891, Journal. ONE of tho best 114-eero farms in WUUuv ecte valley, only 18 mile Portland, on fine reed, aearly all fa wultivation, good buiildinr. Priced away, below sutrounditig fsrma! WiU eoneider smaller fana lor pact or dty1 proxs, aaxx. D. M. MnChaaraw. aUa Besww .