The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 04, 1921, Page 16, Image 16

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See Also Page 9
See Also Page 9
! W W- 1 ' i
f"yf The Qualtty Store or Portland
J f I ; ' '!' BUY ' "
, now;
Christmas Sale of
"7." "" "' .- . w ' J f.'-.r-'" i
.'. .- . . 1 ; ' .. ! . ! .-
. "Buy the Box9
The ever welcome gift of hosiery
can be secured to special advan
tage in this holiday selling by the
box. Sheer silk hose of wonder
ful fineness textures like
moonbeams for eve n i n g;
heavier weights of firm, even
weave in street shades ; swagger
sports hose- all good kinds are
included at advantageous prices
by the box. Men who purchase
hosiery for gif ts--and theinnum
ber is legion rwhT receive very
special attention and courtesy
f r om o u r admirably efficient
3 Pairs Hose $3.25
Heavy weight silk, hose with
bock seam, semi-fashioned, leg.
Lisle tops and soles. Good col
ors. Pair- 1.25.
3 Pairs Hose $4
Women's pure thread silk hose
with mock seam legs, lisle tops,
heels and toes, Black, white and
cordovan. Pair 1.50.
3 Pairs Hose $4.50
Women's silk hose with mock
Seam legs and lisle tops. Lace
effects' in black, cordovan and
rust Pair 1.65.
3 Pairs Hose $4.75
Women's light weight Sirk full
fashioned stockings with lisle
tops and soles. Pair 1.75.
r 3 Pairs Hose $5.45
3 Pairs Hose $4.75
Famous "Burson" silk stockings,
with; lisle tops and soles. Drop
stitch, effects in black, white and
cordovan. -'Pair 1.75.
3 Pairs Hose $5.75
Women's full-fashioned silk hose
with lisle tops anil soles. Black,
cordovan, African brown and
navy. Pair 2.
3 Pairs Hose $6.50
Women's pure thread silk stock
ings with mercerized lisle tops
and soles. ' Black and white.
Pair 2.50.
3 Pairs Hose $6.75
Women's light weight full-fashioned
silk hose with reinforced
tops and soles. Black, white,
cordovan and navy. Pair 2.50.
3 Pairs Hose $9.45
Women's silk- hose with Ksle
tops and soles. Mock seam legs.
Embroidered ' clocked effects In
black, cordovan and navy. Spe
cial, pair 2.
. Meier ft Frank: Main Floor. (Mall Orders FlUed.)
Women's full-fashioned silk hose
with lisle tops. Embroidered
effects In black and cordovan
with self land white docks. Pair
V: 3 Pairs Hose $8
Women's medium heavy full-fashioned
silk hose- in -black' and ' a
good assortment of colors.
Pair 3.
3 Pairs Hose $7.50
Women's full-fashioned silk hose
with lisle soles. Black, white,
gray and cordovan. Pair 2.75.
3 Pairs Hose $9.50
Women's heavy weight full-fash-
toned silk hose with double gar
ter welts and reinforced feet.
Black, white,- cordovan, gray,
buff, fawn, etc. Pair 3.50.
3 Pairs Hose $7
Women's fine quality silk-and-
wool hose with mock-seam and
seamless legs.' Heather mixtures
in combination colors. Pair 2.50.
3 Pairs Hose $6.75
Children's wool three - quarter
hose in heather mixtures with
plain and colored striped tops.
Sizes S to 10. Pair 2.50.
Christmas Sale of "Vanity Fair'9
Silk Underwear: Perfects
Delayed Shipment Just Received
Pyralin Toilet Ware Sets
At" a Third Less
"The Gift Supreme" it has been called, this beautiful ware which
so closely resembles natural ivory. This is an exceptional oppor
tunity which brings a limited collection at a full third off the reg
ular prices. Reductions apply to these Items;
plain ... 1, ;
Military brash sets, convex back, were 16.50, now 11.
Military brash sets, concave back, were 20.00, now 13.34.
Toilet sets, were 45.00. now 30.
Toilet sets, were 60.00, now 40.
DU BARRY, .Vj' i V.
Military brush sets, were 21.75, now 14.S0.
Military brush sets, were 24.75, now 16.50.
In Addition at Our Regular Low Prices
we have most complete 'assortments of Ivory Pyralin so that selec
tions may be advantageously made here of individual pieces or
complete sets of plain, decorated, shell and amber Pyralin.
: Ivory stocks now in enlarged . quarters. Main' Floor, Central;
" Mier a rrnk'; Mate Floor. (MU Order KUted.)
90c Glazed Brazils 44c
Less than half price for 2000 pounds of Brazils glazed in pure
cane sugar, honey and corn syrup, Backed in one pound
boxes. No deliveries. : . I
Main and Ninth Floors, Basement Balcony.
Lustrous silk undergarments for intimate gifts to be prized
by women of refined tastes. Vanity Fair glove silk under
things at underprices the most appealing bits of lingerie
ever seen with an amazing propensity for wear.
The new Silk Underwear Section In its holiday quarters on the Second
Floor will be dedicated In a memorable way with this special selling.
800 garments Every garment PERFECT, mind you each looks easily
twice what it costs in this sale and each is actually J 1.00 to 4.00 less
than usual, with Vanity Fair quality unchanged.
Glove Silk Vests $1.95
Regularly 3.00-13.50 each. 400 bodice top vests in regular and extra
sizes, with self shoulder straps. -
Knickers, Bloomers $2.95
Vanity Fair glove silk knickers In flesh color, regularly 4.00, and sports
bloomers in navy and black, regularly 5.00. Also included are almost
50 glove silk union suits in flesh color, reinforced, with self shoulder
straps, regularly 7.00.
Meier Frank : Second Floor. (Mall Orders Killed.), .
We have a large assortment of aprons suitable for practical Christinas gifts?
Dainty Swiss and lawn aprons with lace and ribfoa trimming. : Also maids'
and waitresses' aprons in plain and tailored styles. . -
Prices are very moderate, ranging lrora 59c to 1.93.
Meier & Frank's : Third Floor. (Mall (Orders Filled.)
A New Assortment of
Hand Embroidered Models
Half Pricfe
Beautiful new hind-embroidered pieces just
for Christmas gifts. A manufacturer's discontinued
scarfs, centers, rugs, spreads, luncheon sets.
All at half price and even less than
Meier Sc. Frank's: Second Floor. (Man
received by express fine
models. Pillows,
children's dresses, etc
Orders Filled.)
New Lace Camisoles $1.39
Verv snecial values at.ll.39 New lace
shadow and plat, vat, combined with beading ana
Camisole Tops 79c
Good looking camisole tops made of plat. vaU
with beading and ribbon, j
Meier & Frank's : Main Floor. (Mall:
shadow laces combined
Orders Filled.)
Slippers occupy an important place on the
Christmas list, being suitable for every mem
ber of the family. Stocks are the finest In
oux history and prices the lowest in years.
The new pair will be -warmly welcomed if
chosen from these. , ,
"Daniel Green"
soles, all colors.
felt slippers with comfy
Pair 12.25.
Quilted. satin boudoir slippers with comfy
soles 2.50, with leather soles 2.75.
Two special lots" of men's leather slippers
in Romeo, Everett and Opera styles, pair
$1.95 and 13.35. '
A. special lot of children's felt slippers, short
lines in sizes 4 to 7, pair 59c.
Children's Juliet and Bootee style slippers,
blue, old rose and taupe, sizes 4 to 10 2
pair 1.75, sizes 11 to 2 pair 2.
Meier ft Frank's : Third Floor. (Mall Orders Fined.)
of imitation cluny.
Bath Robes,
breakfast coats, sweaters and other
are ready in splendid new assortmen
The price range is exceedingly broad,
ture can 1e gratified.
easing, gift garments
on the Third Floor.
that every expendi-
Blankit Bath Robes
in new models ani colors offer attractive
selections at 6.95!up to genuine Pendleton
robes of pure fleecy wool in wonderful Indian
designs at 25. S
'ast Coats
and slip-overs f Corduroy make up -a spe
cially priced group at 5.95. Good colors
and some are embroidered in contrasting
shades. t
Japanese Kimonos
of exquisite - silk 1 beautifully embroidered.
with Voluminous Jap sleeves, may be had in
all pretty shades lit the special price of
'29.50. -
Sill: Sweaters
of exceedingly higl-grade sorts, generously
cut, in plain and fancy weaves are offered in
attractive tuxedo ilmodeis in two specially
priced groups at ? 23 ana f 37.50. AU colors.
Mela- Sl Frank's : Third Floor.
t !MaUOrderFUled-
. Bring the Kiddies to See
Santa Claus
Good old Santa will meet little tots in his
Christmas House from 10 to 12 In the morn
ing and from 2 to 5 in the afternoon. There -can't
possibly be a mistake about what your
Christmas stocking will hold if you will come
down town tomorrow and tell Santa just
exactly what you want.- ilf you are too bash-,
ful to tell what you want you can write Santa
X letter and tell him everything.
7 A Present
for every child under 7 accompanied by an
adult who visits Santa from to to 12 A. M.
, Meier A Frank's ; Si it h Floor.-,
,$49.50 '
Holiday Apparel Sale
Donning new apparel adds much to the holiday spirit and it . will add immeasurably to
the enthusiasm to find such values as the Fashion Salons now offer. Prices in many
cases are notably lower than, they were until now and new additions to stock insure
larger assortments. . 7
Sale of Dresses
The social activities of the season demand fresh
and becoming .frocks. Busy women will appre
ciate the helpful character of this speciaL' selling
which offers frocks for every occasion at these
prices for a limited time.
AH of these dresses are taken from regular stock
which assures one choice of all the- fashionable
styles; and trimmings as well as guarded quality. '
2001 Coats 849.50 :
This holiday sale , offers to December shoppers
choice of an extraordinarily fine .assemblage of
coats at a price that is astonishing, quality of the
garments considered.
The most fashionable models of pollyanna, nor
mandie, marvella, bolivia, silver-tipped bolivia with
large collars of caracul, natural squirrel, Scotch
mole, wolf and other modish, thoroughly dependable
- r-
All Our Plush Coats
Are Reduced
New lower prices In effect! tomorrow range from
itS.75 to 93.75 price were 12S to 125.
Mtter & Frank's : Fashion Salons, Fourth Floor.
Christmas in tlie Baby Shop
Listed briefly are a few of the scores of suitable Christinas gifts-to be. found in the
Baby Shop." ' . 'i ' J
Hand Embroidered
Hand-embroidered, white nain
. sook dresses, infants to 2
year sizes, 4.95 to 18.50.
Hand - embroidered f ertrudes.
. 2.59 to 4.95.
Hand-embroidered 'flannel skirts,
gertrude style, 2.95 to 8.
Hand-embroidered sheets, 2J9
to f2.98.
Hand-embroidered short cash
mere kimonosK 1.98 to
Hand-embroidered carriage
Hand-embroidered pillow slips,'
2.95 to 10.50.
Hand-embroidered crepe de
chine shoes, 98c to. 1.25.
Other Things
Long kimonos of cash
mere, 4.95 to 18.
Hand-knit and crocheted
sacques, 1.25 to 4.95.
Padded crepe de chine and
satin robes, 9.95 to
Ribbon covered carriage
clamps, 98c to 1.50. '
Fancy coat hangers, 25c
to 3.
Hand painted record ooks,
moire covered, 1.25 to
Bubble sets, 75c and 98c.
Fancy powder puffs, 50c to
Bath toys, 50c.
Teething beads, string 75c..
Leading straps, silk with
embroidered designs,
Meier & Frank's : Second Floor.
Novelty bath towels, 2.50.
Novelty bath sets, 2.25.
Comb and brush sets, 75c to 7.50.
Hand-painted rattles, 59c to 2.50.
Fancy carriage straps, 1.25 to 4.
(Mall Orders Filled.)
1 h
Gift Watches and Clocks
That It Always Pays to Buy at Meier & Frank's is, of course, true at all times, par
ticularly as to value. And, though equally true as to assortments and the assurance of
right quality at all prices, it is not always that wevcan demonstrate these advantages as
we can at this holiday time. Because it is nov that people come in large numbers and
put stocks to the test And it is now that tie Meier & Frank stocks pass every test with
flying colors.
A dependable clock is a splendid gift. It is an essential
and always appreciated household possession. Particu
larly if it be chosen at Meier & Frank's
Seth Thomas clocks have been keeping time for American
homes for more than a hundred years. We have' them. So also
have we Ansonia and New Haven clocks and Waltham clocks in
every type "and size from the useful little traveling clock, to the
noble hall clock and its beautiful soft chimes. ' Prices to suit
every pocket book. Many beautiful mahogany clocks are in our
displays. '
Watches for Women
Wrist -watches put together by " the most
skilled watchmakers so that ; they are not
merely an ornament but dependable.
7 and 1 5-je wel gold-filled, sterQn g silver, 1 8
karat white gold and H-karat gold cases. All the
approved skapes- octagon, cushion, tpaneau and
round. Plain and engraved. Fashionable znd accur
ate. A, wide range of prices all moderate for the
quality.' " ' "V . . , .
"' Meier Frank's t Main
Watches for Men
Waltham, Elgin, -Howard, Illinois and
Swiss. Watches of tried and true good
ness such as men who want trustworthy
servants like to have about them. Watches
that are real friends and that if given only
reasonable care will return dependable serv
ice over a long period of time.
Prices are' moderate. . '
Floor. (Man Orders Filled.)
J f