sXtURDAY.v DECEMBER 3.. 1221. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON. 11 SEEK TO PREVENT ' AUTO PARING AT To cooperate wKlt the postal depart ment of the federal corerntnent, the: city council " will consider an' 'ordinance at the meeting' to be Beld Monday, prohibit ing parking of vehicles In front of the various tub-station. Mayof George I Baker 'announced this morning. ; I i In a commanlcation to 1 the mayor, John ML Jane. noatmaater. asked that sucrr an' ; ordinance be 'passed so man tracks would be able to back up to' the stations for loading; and unloading. The necessity of facilitating; postal service during- the holiday Season was pointed ' out.-;.- . V . Jones stated that there had been con siderable trouble at station G, Fourth and Oak streets, where a particular citi seu had persisted in; parking his machine and -refused to move it at the request of the postal officials and the marine sen try. stating that he was "a taxpayer and eould leave his machine anywhere he pleased." '. According to Mayor .Baker an ordi nance prohibiting parking at the sub stations will be drafted and presented at the adjourned session of the council jrned Monday, CUT BBPAIB PtA5T MASKS 8AYIHO.ON HAWTHORNE JOB Despite the! increase in the coat due to having to pay -double time for Sunday work; the municipal paving plant laid the payement on the east approach of tlie Hawthorne bridge for II cents a yard cheaper' than, the contractor for the west approach, A. G. Johnson, as sistant commissioner of public works an nounced this morning;. To complete the ssork ton time tha city nlant had to work Bunut;. -fane yaruaate cost OI uia W41 approach according to R. G. Dulin, su perintendent of the plant, was $1.84. while the bid of the. Warren Construction company, for the west approach was tl.t5. E ilHIlIIJIH BI. ilTI IS APPKOTEDj SUM IS 18771 'There bains no remonstrances filed against the assessment the- city council Friday approved the levy of 18772,86 to pay for the cost of improving j East Nineteenth street from Alberta street to Prescott street The tax was declared due. by- the city auditor and notices to the property owners Involved were mailed. COFFEB HOUSE LICENSE IS UBASTED BT MISTAKE I REVOKED . Due to an oversight on the part of Joe tfiitthlnann Via A t9 tVi 1 lAn a Kiipmh the city council had the task Friday afternoon of revoking tha license of Gus A Merkuris, 28 North Fourth streets tor the second time; Merkuris' license was revoked at the same location September I on the charge of allowing gambling In his shop. Wednesday he obtained a sanitary per mit' from the health bureau and upon pt-esentlnr It to the license bureau a permit was granted to conduct a coffee house. Realising afterwards that be bad acted contrary to an order of the ooun- clL Hutchinson presented an ordinance revoking; the license. The council action was unanimous. Woman Accused of Burglary in South Once Banker's Wife Los' Angeles, Dec. I Taken Into a Justice court Friday for arraignment on -charge of burglary, Mrs. Etta Bella Hell, S3. Identified as the divorced wife of a wealthy Chicago banker, fainted twice during the brief court pro ceedlnga Mrs. Hell, once socially prominent in Chicago, was ordered held on $1500 ball for a preliminary hearing Decem ber 12. The district attorney's office announced that several additional com plaints, may be filed against Mrs. Hell. , While, the court arraignment' was in progress, frlendr of Mrs. Hell, through attorneys retained in her behalf, Instl tud legal steps to have the accused j-oman examined by the lunacy com mission. At .the city jail Mrs. Hell pleaded wlta police matrons to be allowed to have her 5-year-old child with her in .ait , Mra. Hell was taken into custody Thurs day by the Hollywood police on a charge of having robbed the - home of Samuel- Wood, a motion picture director, after she, had. been employed by the family as a maid. Mrs. Hell was arrested in Chicago a year ago on a similar charge. She was said to be a victim of kleptomania. Eailroad Absolved Of Blame in Fatal Ked Bluff Mishap , San Francisco, Dec I. The report of the boardoi inquiry in the investiga tion et the crossing accident near Ger ber November 80. which caused the in stant death of 10 Red Bluff high school students and fatally injured four others, was mads publio Friday. ; , The' board found that the driver of the high school bus. a 17-year-old stu dent. In attempting to cross In front of Southern Pacific train No. 15. had failed to take any precautions to see If a train were approaching. No blame was at tached to the train crew or to the com : pany. - The board of inquiry was composed of Southern Pacific officials and resi dents ot eu jaimc . , , Deadly Explosives Boston. Deo. t N.' S.) A clack canvas bag containing a quantity of explosives was louna today on the steps of the Par km an bandstand, id Boston Ccmmon, According , td the police, the bag contained a variety of explosives, sufficient to blow up several buildings. The bar and its conttnta were sent to state cnemist waiter Wedgr for ex amlnatlon. . . .. . Willamette River Above Rood Line - Tfc .Willamette river bad risen to the 1 8-foot stage, or - ene, foot above the flood line today, but E. L. Walls, district eat her forecaster, predicted that cooler weather In the yalley had checked the rise and that the' flood would begin, to fall Sunday. The Columbia river is rising steadily.. Wells-forecasted con tinued cool weather for several days.. Dentists Emphasize Importance of Care Of Children's Teeth Importance of taking; care of chil dren's teeth was discussed today at the final session of the twenty -eighth an nual convention. Oregon State Dental association. la addition to 200 dentists, a Urge group of physicians specializing In the treatment of children were pres ent for the session.' ;. The ' morning session opened - at t o'clock and-Or. Percy R. Howe of the Forsythei institute, Boston; opened the discussion with an address on ' Diet and the Effect Upon the Teeth." Dr. Howe said that little attention had been paid to children's teeth until recently and now the effect of proper diet was fully recognised.' : i X P. Idleman spoke on "The fveed of Better Dental Service and Equipment for State Institutions"; R. M. Graves of Eugehe delivered an address on "The Incentive Essentials and- Appeal for Better Dentistry,' and C. V. Little of Albany spoke on ;Our Task." At the afternoon session the discussion of papers anji.clihica was scheduled to occupy the ; program with a business session concluding the convention pro gram late fn the afternoon. ! Friday nfght the annual dinner party of the state association was held in the main dining room of the chamber. About 850 members of the association and their wives were present. Having for its work the coordination and stimulation Of all Americanization work being; done in the city of Portland, the Portland! Americanisatlon council came Into being' Friday at a meeting; of the informal Americanisatlon commit tee which has been meeting- occasionally for the past year. The meeting was held at noon in the rose room of the Hotel Benson. Lawrence R. Wheeler, representing the City club, who has been chairman of the committee, was unanimously elected president of the council. Other officers chosen were: 'Vice president, Judge Joseph Kanzler; secretary, Miss Anne Mulheron ; treasurer, H. J. Langoe. Rep resentatives of organisations doing Americanisatlon work will constitute the membership. Meetings will be held the first Friday at noon. ' BEPOBTS IKCOTJRAOrSTO Encouraging reports were given by the various sub-committees of the original committee. Judge Kanaler reported that Mayor Baker had been asked to desig nate an' Americanisatlon week when Americanization programs will be given at the various civic clubs and women's meetings' and when a public patriotic meeting will be held with naturalisation ceremonies. .1 The council voted to request the mayor to name the week of Washington's birth day as Americanlsation week. J. C. Henderson, executive' secretary of Com munity service. reDorted progress in the work of a survey .among the large em--. ployers of labor I to ascertain the num ber of non-English speaking employes. Mrs. Lee Davenport said that practi cally all of the city has been assigned to different groups of women for the sur vey to register the non-English speaking people with a view to enrolling them in the night schools. Miss Ida Lowenoerg, head worker at the Neighborhood house, said the afternoon classes for mothers are flourishing, the enrollment growing constantly. The mothers bring their babies and small children and they are cared for during the school hours by a nurse. E1TK0L1ME1CT OYER A. M. ! Gray, superintendent of night schools, said the enrollment In the schools lor foreigners now numoera mure ui 500. F. W. Jark, Americanisatlon secre tary of the T. M. C. A., said 60 new pupils had been enrolled within the past month, jars. Mary aaauew oi uin T. U. said her organisation is conducting a night class for Orientals In St Johns and for Italians in South Portland. The work of the D. A. R. at the Brook lyn school, where an afternoon class for mothers Is conducted, ana at me lerwu Uger school where a night class is con ducted, was described by Mrs. John Hall and Miss Kelly Fox. H. F. Kalvalage" spok efor the Knights of Columbus and B. B. Goodman for tne u nu rux. Japanese Pointsf to . T 1 Tl 1A itaciai iiquainy as Conference Issue I -; - - Washington, Dec . L N. S.) A strong- appeal for racial equality end a warning that above all issues now be fore the conference that of racial equal ity must ultimately be the only real so lution of international disharmony, was made here today by Sennosuke Yokota, president of the Japanese .bureau of leg islation. . : Yokota declared that America alone can solve the great problem of mankind . that of racial equality because "the creator had beatowed such special bless ings upon the American people in the richness and varied resources of her vast termory. . . 1 1 1 r Train Robbers ! Kill Detective Peoria. 11L, Dec. I. N. S. Fred Wells of Galesburg, a detective on the Chicago, Burlington Quincy railroad, was shot and killed in a pistol duel with freight I train robbers In the railroad yards here early today. Arthur Kirch r. said to be the leaaer or tne robbers, was wounded.-;. ,-i . ' mao SITED FOB DAMAGES . Vancouver, Wash.. Dec. 3. O. G. Wil liams filed suit Friday against W. I. Scheets and 22 other members of local 779, International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers, asking; 311430 damages.- The complaint allege that Williams was operating- a crane In the shipyard of the G. M. Standifer corpor ation at a weekly wage of $37. On Feb ruary 19, 1921. the local onion adopted a resolution statins that he was undesir able to work with . and must be re moved from the job as the anion men considered him dishonest. - . ITTO ACCXDEJTTS FAT AX . . . Salem, Dec. J. Two fatalities are in cluded ! In the list of 11 accidents re ported to the state Industrial Accident commission for the week ending; Decem ber 1 H. C. Neal. policeman, McMlnn vtlle, and Thomas H. Howerd, powder man. Vernoaia. w CITIZENSHIP VORK fS COORDINATED BY PORTLAND COUNCIL CHINESE VHD SHOT ANQ KILLED WHITE Harry Chin and Jim Km, Suey Sing gunmen, were indicted this morning by the Multnomah county grand ' jury on charges Of first degree murder in con nection with the killing of John Stevens, white man, at Second and Burns! de streets, November 1ft. : Kee And Chin were out gunning for Ing Sung, a Hop Sing;, according- to the evidence, and Stevens got In the way of one of the five bullets - that were fired in the affray. Sunr was wounded in the leg. Stevens died immediately. Kee and Chin were captured several weeks" later in a private home in Thur man street, where they were' in hiding The two men were indicted for assault with intent to kill in connection with the wounding of Sung. C KL Mageske was indicted on charges of forgery of a $1200 note on C K. Mageake, 'October 29, 1920. John Hays waa indicted for alleged assault with a dangerous weapon. He is said to have entered the garage at 717 Hawthorne avenue, October 5. and asked Arthur Haynes for work. When Haynes said he had no work. Hays demanded money, it is alleged. Haynes refused and Hays la charged with haw? ing; pulled out a gun and opening- fire. He was pursued down the street , and finally captured by George ShobeL tailor. He fired several times at hls pursuers. Haynes was wounded. . FAIB3I AW FOTJTfD GUILTY OF MI8C05DCCT TOWAKD GIBL Robert Fairman waa found guilty Fri day by a jury in the court of domestic relations of contributing; to the delin quency of a 15-year-old girL He will be sentenced next week by Judge Kanaler, Fairman confessed to being one of the four youths who held a party on a house boat October 29 with three girls. He de nied improper relations, however.. Fair man was end on the second football team at Benson Tech until suspended for tak ing; part in this party. When first arrested he pleaded guilty, but later changed his plea and demanded a jury trial. . During the trial he main tained that he hadn't known the meaning of "contributing- to the delinquency of. a minor." He thought that was just keeping- a girl out late, he said. The other young men said to nave been m the party were George Peters, Edwin Davis and Ray Sheard. Traffic Accidents Make New Record; 2 Dead, 133 Injured Traffic accidents in November reached the highest total ever recorded by the police department A total of 1473 accidents were reported. For Oc tober, 1364 accidents were reported. Oc tober's total was the highest ever re corded up to that time. The records of the fall and winter months of this year show a steady Increase In the number of traffie accidents. Out of th elarge total for this month 133 persons were ' Injured and three killed. Those killed were Mrs. M. Flels ohauer, Mrs. Carrie Spencer and Thomas F. Day. Carelessness was given as the cause of 10S9 accidents. ; . " ."f- During the month 1072 persons were arrested as a result of traffic acci dents. Fines collected in the municipal court in connection with traffic viola tions reached $3069.60. In his report submitted this morning to Chief Of Police L, V. Jenkins. Cap tain H. K Lewis, head of the automo bile division or tne police bureau, states that 1109 accidents were between two automobiles. In 143 cases, the acci dents were between automobiles and streetcars. 'Oregon Rose' Urged As Melody for All U. S. Public Schools Efforts are being made by Mrs. A. A. Cook, manager of distribution of "Beau tiful Oregon Rose," by H. Edward Mills, which was the official song of the 1921 Rose Festival, to put the song- into every public school in America. Through the county superintendents. Mrs. Cook now has the song in 29 of the 36 counties in Oregon. Five of the teachers'' institutes have taught the song to their teachers. Mrs. Cook plans to write to each state superintendent of Instruction in the United States and to get Oregon senators and congressmen to take these letters to the department of education for its approval. ''Beautiful Oregon Rose." was also the dedicatory song of Roseway. It is being sung- during Music week and also Is being orchestrated under the direction of Harry Oliver of the Rivoli theatre. ' BUILDING PERMITS D. C. Frsasr. sraet reridenes. 485 Librrty at between K. 6U and K. 8U sta bmldar. BUM: 13500. V. 1. ficitnisdeskamp, ercet store, lgSS Sand baoMTi4 between 7 2d ssd TSd an,; bonder, Jah-m yiiajiiii. tTOOA. - .. ' Imperial Boeet asaocistioa. reaair Ihotel 103 Biosilway - betweea Stark sad .VaaniostoB btBlder. Lomi Bros. : 85000. Portland Tiwt Co.. ereet reJese. 1830 . 2th St bHweea ' Victor and Glen wood; bender. B. F: Paod: 82500. - - .Portland Trait Co.. erect readenoe, 1S1I K. 88th at. bstsoaa Vkrtor and GUawood baUdar. B. r. Pond:- 82SeO. -. - . - - C at OptkU erect ree4deaee. 738 E. 5tl tt between Klickitat and rmaoct ata.; baBdsr, U felt FBrtaas:, 82500. - U J- Jabasan, erect isaMeiies, 543 R T9th at. bstwera Hnlixlsy sad Mattaoaua; boOder, ni 82B00.1 V Star Bos rseterr. erect hoot factor." 1484 Kaeadsaa . between Tsnaoau sad . Kabraaka: baildtn. T. J. A . J. gheavnm; 11500. i- Brtsekerrmff. erect residence. 866 E. 81st at bstseeu Skldysu and Saady bxjoleyaidi 7J2rri9ts.I3irts.eatJL MARRIAGE LICENSES Bobart K. Mortoa Jr.. lecsl. 184 MiaeMeata wset aorta, son atsrxnsats WyeotT. fcsal. 701 Waahiaatoa ttrset.' ZzT' Jatm W. Bearfiel. fetal, tastm Or, and Le ersaia U HnrVlteMoaa. lasal. 11S4 East Stephana Joseph W. Taber. 31. lxa Aaselea, CaU and Kkaaor A. Howlaad. 22. 442 HoUada aa. .Albert K. Chapwiaa. total. PorUaad. aad EUaa- neui jaauaen, tecai. romasO- . Barassad A. Mirk ley, legal. Trontdale. Or. mag mia suioro, lesai, raa uas v 1 a-ZAViitVi - CaBO KNOBATsTBB W. a UOTB A CO Sit Botraa Bids. BIRTHS LUMXiKKN To Ur., aad lr C. &. Laad. rre, ass 31. 24th. Ko. 27. daucfattr. CHLAR To atr. and Jtra, TJwa VhlmMk 803 .. W. 25tb, Kaw. 37. a aoa. HURT Ta Mr. and atra. r. T. Hart, 304 GERTa o li'r. and Mrs., Wa H. Gerta, FCJISHIRU To Mr. aad Mra. S. rajiabirav ei r. ajui. no, sz, a aaacnier. 11CIED BIRTHS KUSSt'N Ts Ur. B4 Ma -I A. K TJ B. 8th N., Nor. S, a soe, FlTSKJUaA I.D T Mr. sad Mia. E. Gv Ftta Iftald. 1230 Pbotct. Ho. !. a soe. DEATHS its Biers, 889 Zftrcaon. Deo. 1. 71 jrmn. n AKDKH.SON Asses A. snrtinw. 8S Mav stnm. use. 3. IS jua hraorAm DCKLAP AfBas Daalsow Psttoa Hooks, Dee, 2, $ yeuv , vtlTuiar fnsof ficieDey. -UTTUi John LiuM. Good Ssawritaa aospi 1 tal. Not. 80, TS ysus. apoplexy. IXONARD U. Leosaid, Psttlaad Vad . ' teal hespitai. Ic 1. 0 yatn, heart dis- FBICB Ebsa D. Prios. 818 at 89th. Bov. . SO. S3 w cnwrml tubvrruloKBL PEXDEKGBASS Chu. M. reodeicnus, 1034 8. 14tk N.. Dm. 1. 19 m Mnhi-itj BAKEB Elssnon Baker. Albrrona Kerr ' Home. sen. 9. S SMntns, sepoonuv MARBLE flelea EtItb HoMey Mixble, E81 K 31V -ot. 80. 11 amn. dipbtWis. CBACSa Weatad Knw. Derr asaatorhua, No. t9, 9 yearn, eardio-vsenir diaeass. SPECIAL NOTICES lOM TBCSTEK-S SALK. , Ct. THE CIRCUIT COURT OF" THE STATE .OF OREGON. FOE THE COUNT! -Or MULTNOMAH. Albeit B. Bidfxway sad & A. Johaaon. i PlaiBtiffa, 8. at Haaa aid Mlnorra F, Maaa. Us wife; 3. & Maaa and Alberta C. Maaa. hie wife; the flxst bational Bank of Linatoa, Orecon. a eotporatiBB; tba fiat National Bank ot Scappooea, Oretoa. s corpora tioa; A. - T. CamptoB, Haroid Hookem, Anna Lembeck Engeidineer, Martin Dorhori. Lewla Osberc Un I. ..v. Paw VmrnA Uill U7 r.Mn beU. H. C . Hunt. John A. Joaea, Mrs. Mae Clark; waaoa. John P. Rood a, E. E. Wat, U. O. Maaa, T. N. Mass, Mrs. Fred Byere, at. P. Maaa, Zona Zearta aad C C. Osier. DefeBdanta. ' Notice . is hereby rl ree that tba anaVnianad Tratea will aeU at ppiwVa auction to the hie beet bidder for eaah, on Monday, the 18th dajr ol December. 1821. at 1ft o'clock a av an said day, at 91 Mr Fourth afreet. Portlaad. 'Oregon, all the toUowiac deseribed prupertj held by it aa trurtee. pnranant to the decree ot the abors eatitled suit: ITEM 1. Klamath County Timber Land Souths! quarter of northwest quarter, east one-half of southwest Quarter aad southwest quarter of southeast quarter of taction Bios, township forty one south, rants thirteen east Willamette meri dian, coatainias one hundred sixty acres, mora or lass, appraised value $800. i ITEM 2. Columbia County Iicnita Claim Undivided one-fifth interest in northeast quarter, east one half of north want Quarter, northwest quarter of northwest quarter and northeast Quarter of southwest quarter of section nine, township three north, rant" two wast. Willamette meri dian, containing three hundred and twenty acres, mora er leas, appraised value 83000. ITEM 8. Unsold offiea furniture of &. M. Maaa. an. Braised value $28. USJi 4. Claim for furniture acid 8. M. Mann, but unpaid for. appraised value $158.10. 8. M. Mann doctor bills (unpaid), $90. T ITEM . Wbitwond Court Five A era Lota 1. 2. 8. 4 and in block 0, Wbitwood Court, in" MuH- Boaaan county, uiecon, appratsed value 82000. ITSat 7. Btubbe House Lot 1 in block 5 of Clark Terraces, in Multnomah county. Orecon. ap praised valua $1400. ITEM 8. Parkburat Addition Lota Lot 5 of block 8 and lot S of block 7 in Parkhurxt addition in city of Portland, appraised value $800. - ITsJa . Robertson Property Lota S and T in block 7, lota 1, 2, 3 and 4 in block 14, all of block 38. all of block 2S and all of block 28 in townaita of Bobertaon, in Clackamas county. Oregon, appraised value .$3600. ITEM 10. Sorenson Contract South one-half of south east quarter of section twenty-five, township two north, mag two west. Willamette meridian. exeepoag ten acne lying in a square in tne northwest eoraac of said eighty acres, appraised value ssuoo. 1 Tract with a eon tract of sale dated September 30. 1917, from 8. W. Mann in favor of B. E. Borcason, principal $841$ and interest thereon from March 2ft. 1918. at 2 per oent per an num, appraised value $4200. nr. j n. Corselioua Past Ten Acres- South one-half of east one-half of sou thwart Quarter of north- arest quarter ot section twenty-firs, township two nortn, range two west. Willamette mendiaa. appraised value $SOO. rvjur 1 z. Union County Timber Land North one-half of northwest quarter ssd southeast quarter of northwest quarter tad northwest quarter of northeast quarter ot eeotioa thirty-three, town. ship , five south, range thirty-eight - east. Wil lamette meridian, containing' one hundred sixty acres, in Union county, 'Oregon, appraised value 88UU. ITEM 13. Peterson Contract Tracts thirty-five, thirty- six, thirty-seven, forty-one. forty-two, forty-three and forty-nine of Chebalem Mountain Orchards, in Washington , . County, Orecon. containing thirty-four and twenty-nine hundredths acres, subject to contract of sale dated February IS, 1920. in favor of Alvin E. Peterson for tlx thousand dollars, on which amount ia due prin cipal thirty-five hundred dollars and interest from March 1. 1921, at T per cent per annum, appraised value $3500. 11 EM 14. Beach Lota Lota 6. 7. 8 and 0 in block IS. in Beach addition to Ocean Park in Pacific county. Washington, appraised value $100. 11 aoa jo. Maccabee BoDdtng Stock Certificate' Bom ber twenty-nine of Maccabee Building Associa tion of Linn ton, Oregon, for twelve shares of par value of tea dollara per share, appraised value iu. ITEM is. Certificate number twenty-one hundred twenty- three for one hnndred share of the Physician' Chemical and Drug Company, in name ot 8. M. Mann and indorsed in blank, with par value of one dollar per snare (incorporated in Colo rado with office in Chicago, Illinois) , and certificate) number twenty -00 hundred twenty four for one hundred abarea of tha Physicians' Chemical and Drag Company, in name of 11 1L Boeber and aaaigned to B. It Mann and in-, darted ia blank by S. il. Mann, appraised value $1.00. ITEM 17. Certificate number three for twenty-seven shares of St. Helena Realty Company of par valua of ofi hundred d -Uars per share, in name of 8. M. Mean aad indorsed in blank, appraised value $1880. A more particular description of each of tha said properties will be furnished ujfen applica tion for same by any interested anaer. This sale ia made ' pursuant to aa order. Judg ment, decree and order of sale made by the circuit court of the stats of Oregon and county of Multnomah. This notice ia dated and first, published oa the 19th day of November, 1921, and the last pub lication will be en the 17th day of December. 1921. TITLE ASP TBU8T COMPANT. Trustee. HA RET L. RAFFETT, Attorney for Trurtee. NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE A sale of unredeemed pledges, oonaiatlng of watches, diamonds. Jewelry, gooacs. typewriters, ate., win be held at 894 Stark street. Portland, Oregon, oa Tuesday. December 8, 1921. Sale starting at 1U a. m. arucisa w oe aoia rep- re.ented by pledge numners: 444, 1149. $821. H7, 61. 6808, 7897. 7808, 8039, 1 82o8. 8840, 8894. 845, B30Z. . BSZf. BS9S. BS9I. VH. . 9101. 9119. 9291, 9807, eS8, 9403, fi68. 04, S87Z. SS3S, 1U911. 10015. 10022. 10085, 10038. 10049, 10058. 10088. 10084, 1008O, 10110; 10140, 1S142. 1144. 1020S. 1U234. 10241. 10245 10263, 10279, 10298, 10812. 10318, 10873. 10338. 10841. 10847. 108S2, 10369, 10877. 103BS, 10400, 1040T. 10444, 10440, 1U43K. 10487. 10488. 10489. 10487. 10483. 10498. 105ie.l522. 10584. 10581. 10583. 10590. 10616, 10628. 10650, 1069, 10775, 19782. 10753. 10761. 10764. 10770. 10772. 10776. 10780. 10782, 10788. ,10790. 10795. 10799. 1VSU2, 10BZ4. 1083S, 10811, 10000, 1USBZ. 10881. 10R98, 10911. 10919. 10935, 10958. 10974. 10982. 10986. 11007. 11015, 11207, 11044, 11043. .11051. 11069. 11070, 11079. 11092. 11098. 11117. 11141. 11151. 11187. 11226. 11258. 11261. 11843, 1184$, US$8. 11865. 11874. 11407. 11420, 11433, 11440. 11458. 11459. 114T5, 11504, 11583. 11038 11544. 11648. 11557. 1153. 11566. 1169, 11571, 11578, 11580, 11587, 11598. 11668, li:i2. 11718. 11768, 11771. 11777. 11782, 11792, .11795, 11884. 1IS85. 11889, 11910, 11916, 11947, 11958, 11U1. 11995. 1002. 12C09, 12019. 12024. 12030, 12052. 12058, 12060. 12098. 12094. 12095. 12108. 12118. 12188. 12162, 12168, 12168. 12174. 12176, 12180, 12188. 12192. 12194. 12202. 12232, JZZSP, 12240, 1ZZ41. 12254. 12Z55, 1ZZSS, 1269, 12280. 12281. 12283. 12285. 12289, 12287. 12298. 12310. 12827. 12334. .12336, 12337.: 12839. 12840. 12346. 12858. 12367, 12381. 1240$. 12406. 12408. 13416,12420, 12424. 12426, 13480. 1J481. 12447. 12454, 12466. 12469. 124S8. 12604. 12606. 12607. 1Z50SV 1Z518.- 1ZS18, 125Z7. 1Z5SO. 125SS, 1J549. 12577. 12591. 12596. 12597. 12609 120. 12622. 12631. 12637. 12640. 12652, irJ, IZOOT. 1ZDOZ, tZSOS, 1ZS1S. JZ0B, 12698.' 1269$. 12700. 1270 L 12712. 12134. 12748. 12750, 12751. 12752. 1276$. 12767. 12770. 12775. 12776, 12790. 12801. 12808, 1281. 12812. 12819. 12822. 12824, 12831. izsasv izsa izs54. lzsis, isaas. izaoa. 10248, 1118711887. 12141. POKTLAND BiTMEDlAL LOAN ASSOC1ATTOX. -- , u. aim atarnBaa." Maaa gar -. lata T. WDsoa. Aoctleane. First Pnbliesrtoo, November 29. 1921. HAVING sold my grocery buaineee at 207 N 18 th at., PorOand. Oregon. I win not be responsible ror any debts , contracted alter Una date. Moembe the firt. " NELLIE JT. G1DDISGB. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN xy I hereby aaaoaaee that I wilt not be ressoeauMa for airy oeoia wioea may oe costracted by wife. Mm. Mary Borica. B. M. Borick, - 50 FLUFF J1D6S Made oat of your old worn-oat carpets and ruga slave half the ' price of a new ruaC Use woo seal clothing .- , - . 9x12 Rage sbMHcIaameV f 1.50 East 3580 IBS East EUhth CARPETCLEANING RCriTTIHO, RELAY IMG. RESIZtjo. ETC. 41Z Ftuas ST. AM CLCANEd. S1-SO Slat tiei lee ansae ever. Fsetners Reneialed. a Li. HINDS MCMf amATTRE8IS far SALS FLUFF RUGS avavaa from M oarpau. Furtiltuee tiphotrtapwd and -repairs. FIOMECR MATTRC8S OARFIT OLaANiNS WORKS -1071 E. Lincoln St. AuL E37X7 FLUFF RUGS Hade frata AU Kmds ef Old Carpeta For OuaBtA Scrvioe aad Keoaoeay. ORKisON FLUFF U4I CO. ISSa C. Stark at. Take- 7814 MEETING NOTICES 102 SUNNTStDB LODGE No. 168. A. P. A A. M. Grand enter al. V7 tainment and ban at City Aod "aeyTt toriutn Saturday evening. December k S. at 8;15 o'clock. One and one- i. i :n . , .'.11 . TKUUK.UJV, ins BtlUn dancing. Admission to both, 58 centa. In fcnnal The public in welcome. r SUNNTglDE BCTLDINO FUND COMMITTER WOODLAWX Lodes No. 171. I. O. O. F., meeU every Monday evening at J. Ill .VWtV Vl,h.. w IsO-O.T-, W-elCOJMa R. Vs TAPP, EMBLEM JEWELRY, a specialty, buttons, pins. sgT nroa, i a l-i 33 eta st. CARD OF- THANKS We WIk to ezpreai our thanks to tba G". ,,-. W. B. C. Sons of Veterans sad many friends for their kindaeas and e""-ioience during our recent bereavement. ' " Mr. and Mrs. Kdpir W. Phmpa, ' DEATH NOTICES 103 l ORBES The remains of Frank Forte, who died on the atearaer West Cayote, are at the chapel of Edward Hoi man A Son, Third and """"a m-reew. mooes of ipnerai later, POULflON At Lle. Wash.. Dr. AaHiw j Poulaon, November 18. 1821. Bemaina are at the chapel of Edward Rotman A Son, Third and Salmon streets. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES " " 104 DUNXAP In this city. Deo. 2. Agnes H Iunlap, aged 89 yean, beloved mother ef Fred a and Edward A Dunlap of Portland, (eorge T. and Robert L. Iun!ap of California Pcneral services will be beld Monday. December p. at 2 p. m. at the Laurelhurst Methodist chorch, 63d street near 4 2d avenue. Internment -u.wn.nuu, muoni. rnenas lnvnea. ITIamm receireil. t K i i . Miller A Trace. . ANDERSON -At the residence. 808 Missouri avenna. Tlnvmh,, e a agedlSyeara, beloved danghter of Mrs. Carrie uiaiw, nwr or aunnie Anderson. Funeral xrvwes will be held Sunday, December 4. at Sam. at the ehapel of Miller A Tracer. Remains win be- forwarded at 10 a. m. to Napa Tine, Wash., where aervioas and interment will take nlace. BUNGE la thia city, December 1, 1921, jane snd Mra E. J. Bunga, Friends and aoquaint aaces ara reepeetfully invited to attend the rri """ o. oau at in enapei ol Edward. Itolniaa A Son. Chird .. aad Salmon streets, Tuesday, December 6, at 2 p. m. mienrnm rmeiiiew cemetery, COLE Dee, 1. at Celilo, Or., Jiok Cole. aged 5 years son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ColSJf'tA,nltaru0T- To wnkina will be for warded by J. P. FInley A Son to AmityT Or., where services will, be held at the First Chris- uan enurcn at lo:au a m. Friaads invited. Concluding servica Amitr im,trr CARSCA LLEN In this city. Deo. 8. Helen iicaiieo, ageo 4 years, wile of A. A. Cancallen of Eugene, Or. The remains were f i -rliwt Au4a j Cl- . a r . . Son to EuMia, Or., when mmitm wlU bt ieia iDQ inTJTment. matae, WAIJL.LNG lec. 1, CeUla, Or., LsottimlZ. u..ii.M .mu. ,o i. .. . , , . " o isn, ma oi jonn w. Walling. Tba funeral service will be held Hntuiav TW. A Id 111 -. . i. . . ChrMian church. Amity. Or. Frienda invited. """um"! "ii Amny cemetery OBETE The funeral aervkxi tnr Pan a- Hmm tat. ... DImmM. ttr-..l- . bekt Monday, Dee. 5, at 10:80 a m., at luuejw mortuary, monigomery at Ota. Fnenda invited. Concluding service lit, Scott ceme- McDONALD The funeral service for Anna McDonald, late ot 1486 Mobile St., will be Pulley's mortuary,- Montgomery at 6th. Friends ui.ibCftfe IAIIKIUI1UI BBCTXCe nSS UIl tery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 &S0K TBTBD AND 8aUfO MAIN 607 East Side Funeral Directors r. a. dunning, era 614 B Alder St. Phone feast 88. SNOOK WHEALDON FUNERAL DIRECTORS SUCCESSOR TO a. vivn' BELMONT AT 35TH TABOB 1258 Dunning & McEntee Morrtaoa at. at 12th. Broadway 489. , Aat. 648-68. Lercha Undertaker BAST aXFVKXTH AND RAWTBOBJfB r-atuna saar vsa. PINLEV'S mortUarY MONTGOMEB T At FIFTH. Mant UcENTEE A EILERS, funeral parmra wita all tne privacy at a noma, iota sad Kvarstt ata rnone uroaoway xiss. -ant. asi-ss. atlLLEU A tBACSy.' aMepeaoent funeral dC rrua raatnu ava ana ap. wasamgiBa at Era t. Main 26S1. Aut 818-45. f f DVDNPS NIW EtStftENCB IV I e D I Caf E8TABL18HMANt V1 wmiana ava. - Vfoodlrea 220. A. R. Zeiker Co Phone Katt 18 A CHrovsrAA TJNDEBTAKDfO COs Mala 4163 L7XVV W wF 1 Ceraer Third and day. MONUMENTS 109 mm BwavawataSSaaTaTaaaV 3131 OTTO SCKUMANM MARBLE laCwOa LTHTRP APiWC yrs, 540IICTt3 FLORISTS 107 aaa rineal Dealiaa S Large Bathavises, . Ne Bra nek Stores. 28 fFZnZZZ23 tteea 4 th aad eta. Tek Mam 7T09. FLO WEBS FOB ALL OCCASIONS L - Main 4737 0 Will Pleaae la iakhhiv gt tenth. Smith's Flower Shop Flow ia for All rail aaiiwai UalB 7218. T. C Luka. Mgr. 6 th and AMafc. IsABTUI A FOBBwa fXV noma. 854 aagtoa. Mam 2. A-12S9 st'iarj sat aa asiaeinai emit its ily axisaarvl. NEW TOO AT EPRUG CO. It Jiv L. T e , stL g-',-- - -in aw il J 107 LARGEST RETAIL FLORIST VI PORTIA SD 4$ HOBBleOS Bat. Brtwy. and Park, aaaa. 847 EPO. 8TRAC8S. Mgr. Unnea Floral Co. aad Dmnta fveaat froaa wear St . Renm Sveenboage at lowest prices. 871 H Mor. S8-18. LOST AND FOUND 10 TBS following artidea ware losnd oa the cart of the Portland Railway, Lfajht A Power Co.. Iaaomber 1: 28 nmhrellaa, S iron ban. 4 hnch bozaa, 2 parses. knives, aeefctie, scarf, 2 pr. X agi giovaa, 2 books, ariaaorv 1 pwateeeard boxes, cap, raw. S pr. t agi. rubbers, blueprmt, 8 packages, anat, eweraua, basket, pipe. Owners may obtain aame upon proper aieatifinitiaa at rmt and aider at, station. BILE umbrella. steel handle with silver inlay; full bus encraved oa handle.. Tdephoaa Tabor 8458. BlVekle reward. j IX)ST String of small pearls ia downtown shop, ping district Finder will receive Ubesal re ward. Kat 884. LOST, from 800 E. 73th S Uttla fox tenia, white, black and tan, name Frits. Return to above addregg or phone Tabor 19. Reward. . SMAUi biack coin purse, by office girl, ea Bdwy. ear. $11 currency, $3.60 in silver, ear tocketa, bag for nmbreUa. Call Main 778ft. LOST, purse- containing money and paper, around the Dekum bldg. Bevtrd. . C. E. BJag. 817 Ueknm bldg. Bdwy. 4103 LOST Purse, ia Kerthweai Electno or telephone oniee. fieaa return to 427 m eta. ataia i sow. tcewaro. FOUND, a pair of taa kid giovea Office of . Pw.r. FnniltnM mI ,m! IT a mKi 1 1 Main 465. FOCND 42d and Ainsworth, 2 bay horses and i mars, z -year-eld, 1 has bell: wiU be sou tor reeo cut nee, a, at public auction, i p. a LOST Mate Airedale dog: eoQar and brass iocs; tag on collar teat; reward. Tabor Sell. LOST Black Cocker spaniel : dog. 87 Bast ilia h. aaoor o. LOST A Delta Gamma pin. gold anchor set with diamond. Main 8892.' LOST Pastmastei-'s jewel, name W. MeGran die; reward. Call East 4796 or 536 Kerby. LOST Gamma Phi Beta sorority pin; diamond setting, tail aat 2807; reward. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 WBT BB OCT OF A JOB OB WOBK A All PimSKPSiIk POSIIKMI W have helped bwndredi of ear graduates 8504 saw ava aad to peanaons paying nan zou to month. If m will eaa at "Jiuoa Warn at. Ml day ( except Bataeuayi at is a, - aa, - a 8 :80 Bv an. ar Sand for sot big 112-page FEES catalogue, yoe will teaduy Vndantand wiy we graduate svore gtsdentt who aetoally rnaka good tbaa any aat acaool ia the u. S. -Be cuailnoea. suae a pemoaai lnrestlgatiun or write tag aw FBCB beok ADCOX AtTTO ATO ATUT10 SCHOOL UNION ATM. AND WASOU ST. SPECIAL OFFEB SATB 325 Lean anfa hojdneaa. Con rata now within reach of alt As a special Cbrittmas and Mew Teart offer, we are allowing s 825 essh discount ea all courses during the month of December. Enroll early, as the offer will not bold good indefi nitely. Thorough, practical instruction in all department. Expert instructor Day and eve ning elsases. Largest syatem of practical snto schools in the world. Life membership tree. Get your application in early by writing or calling at HKMPHILL'8 ATJTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL 707 Hawthorne Ave., and 831 Oak St.. Portland. Or. AUTO men wanted In Los Angelea . Fine, mod weather now. J oat like summer. Big de mand for ignition experts and mechanics. LEAfiN THE TRADE THIS WINTER. Prac tical experience under expert instructor!. Only short time, red aired. Low tuition. Took free. Earn loom and board while learning, uur Dig 72-Dase. iHnstrated catalog telle all about splen did opportunities in this busineai. Explains sow you learn sol quickly. Tel it lite ttone men 10 to 60 who have made good wits national traiaiaa. Send for your oopy of thia FREE book today. No obUaaUoo, A better job and more oar e-usranteed ia auto work. Write J. A, Bose&krsinB, 842 S. Figaaroa, Loa Angelea. Cat. 100 ran now secure full aviation instruc tion, including flying, front the most cap able instructors for only 8200; former east 8500. This bustneas has a fu ture second to none aad you owe your self at least as inves tigation. A d d r e s Orecon, Washington A Irieha AlmUna Cj 214 8pa3ding bWg.. Portland. Oregon. Wast'a rrvrnT Ttnursum rv.r.t,;a roll any time for sll Boaiaeas Counes, tnetaaV las eamniAnte UMiwranh, k. mk-i t. tuw a i keeping. NIGHT SCHOOL $6 a MONTH Free Catalogue. Address tA saw Momsoa, Phone Main 590. - I f Mfr2 BtrsiNESsf I-4i irk 7 COLLEOB "Tha School of Quality" T)a eVhanlNirh SKI Address 407 Morriaoa Phone Broadway BOSS. POSITION FOB EACH GRADUATE ALIBKT BLDG , 80 AND MORRISON OLKB BARiifcR COLLU wiU teach you the trade in 8 weeks: reoeive soma na whil. learning: noairioni secured. Oreaoa a aiiln mea receive stats air. Writs ar eaU for eata- K-gne. zs BnrnsMe st MEN, women, learn barbjpr trade; wages while ' learning. Oregon Barber College. 288 Hadi. yon t. MISS MATTINGLY'B Private School: elharthaniL syjKwiuuig. n ieia at,, near Jeiieraon ; anrou any ome, nay ana evening. Main 8398, LEARN TELEGRAPHT Railway Talegmpb laetitnta. 434 Railway Kzehanaw bide. Kiaht Classes. HELP WANTED MALE 201 WANTED Local agenU outside of Portland to sell Whits Wisard washing compound; make Clothes spotlessly clean sad whits without rub bing; contains no iye or injurious chemicals; samples furnished. Writs to White Wizard Co., ass k. waapingron at., yoruana, ur. EXPERIENCED feeder Wsnted for cutting and ereaaing department, Columbia Paper Boa Co.. East 25ta aad nowaday ava. aivrvTta Mivti. mm4mimA "mJ.m 1 r.n between 8 and' 9 a m. only. 298 H Union are., asa tor t. at, moo. WILL take buiiduig and repair work in esobaage for first naymeat oa close-la aenaga. Mar- ball 796. MEN to know we sell beat slab wood from-eoaatry mm. 84. do per com. Taoor buz. SOLICITOR for cleaning sad dye wars. 194 W. Ptrk. ' GOOD aeeond tenor and baas wanted for local piuieawmai wot. iwa 1 mora piaa DT TOU are iamreated aad would like to learn enmmercial art drawing, call at 819 Dekum bldg. WANTED At once, two men ta learn Tukan- uing ana retreeaing 482 Hawthorne. SALESMEN WANTED 202 SELL guaranteed specialty to trade er others; bis demand. 211 blob bids. AGENTS WANTED 203 BIG money for agents, good commissions sad no lavasttaent. lsg.uirt aweaiagj at 47 J fi. Clay at AGENTS Big enaamiaakm,- take orders, silks. www am wwisB wswr, i .lanmin, V1 rt oeeier. noqmam, tt asn. - - - HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 WANTED Aa honest girl for general house work; light washing; moat love children. CaU m peraoa. 479 is. stn at. w. - WANTED Two bright youag Jadias to eta oa nomea Phone Frsnklia aotel. goosi 118 ror appomrment. Salary or eommhaaon. taw Sarratioa Army Bescwe Home. Mayfair a Alexaoder ata Phone Main 8450. D-M car. sad TflVTTP ta hiwiwrt airt fra limnil hiinm work. Cant washing: mast love shildrea. Call m pawn, tie s. tn at. n SEVERAL good mdy aiagers wanted fog local ladier enonaa. Apply 203 Tilford bldg. WANTED. to d eD 24S9. iwt ara laasreatea ana weald like to learn eommeretal ait drawing, eau at 6 19 Dekum bldg. WANTED Ntafcappeartng young wonsan " lot t-nrwanas apeaaity. Main 1734. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE x 20S WANTED Salealadiee and men to aeC hous- notd Becaaauy. ualli Bunday mm Monday- Phone. Main 1479. ' 650 V FLORISTS IELP WANTED WITH 208 INVESTMENT ftiMlUi A good hoat man . as rtartuer in a basin that pay 878-SlOtt a week. Small aaaoant of essh taeuired. , Call roost $1$ Frank lin hotel, from 9 to 4. - ---. SITUATIONS WANTTDMALE 2SI .. LKAKT BOOKS FkiUfaHv veneind aad iJ - f m haadreds of aatnfmd ettstoaaen; SO Veara experi ence. Main $71 or Main 1. Prion the lowest. R. 8, Co., Inc., i2 B. of T. bWg. BOOF ATTBNTTOS .. BRADT A ROACH W fata and repair roofa sad knew ham. , Taber 621- Wood la wa 465. PAINTING, paperbanginc. farmenre repaired aad refiaMMd. Prices reasoaabie; work caaiaa teed. Anon IStft Hawthorns ava. Tabu l$ee or 1772. - - CaBPENTEB EnHmatee airea ea repair work. routs repaired aad strata await.. Boon. 1867 ruwtboraa Taftor I see. aliT metal work, famacea, stoves, gutters, fenders, radiators, eta. Phone E. 885. 811 a. trvmg at. WASTED, by unemployed ez-eamce ma a. work of as kind: noaost. reliable aad Steady. Can drive any make car. Tabor 178. SHINGLING, leaky roofs patched, gutters re- peirea, emmneya renasned., Marshall 1078. PAPERING, painting, mode finishing, floor reiinnnea. eneap; get my pneea -lau. 8258 BANT years repairing autua; will work as cheap m your ga"re er mine, proaqway mo WANTED Cesaaaola to dig by eontract;. alas wwm ror wbjs.- van Joiumoia eia. - BOOrS BESH1NGLED Boned cornice a specialty. East 1201. PLASTERING done, plain and oraasuntal, Es timates fursmhed. East 8190 or Mar. 26. HARDWOOD Ooeo. by day ar contract, . Bet ran stiw CEMENT work, all . kiada Firat elam aalyT Selhvood 919. BASEMENTS, G RADII t. GENL TEAMING; eoowmcs or oay wore aace. ozz-ss, arter a. PLUHBINU don very reasonable by the hear T oy tae joo. auto, aoj-ot. t Tiirt . i m i- it 1 p tty etc.. call Aata 817-97 CARPENTER aaa contractor, in being, anything in Tne pi'roinf nne. rnone aaer wqsn. GUTTERING aad fnrnaea renairiug. all kinds aneei ami wora. laoor iooa CARPENTER wants work by .day or contract. rim eiasa wont, wooaiawn zbs. tAPERHANGING. fatting, painting, engine! work a apeeuity, work guaranteed. , Bdwy. 2825. WANTED Small aet pooka, audita. stateaeuU, ' beJaaees, reasonable Marshall 6666. Apt 24. CONCRXTB pouring by mscmae: general ee- mailt work. CaU Sell 1480, after erej p. sa FAINTING, interior demrtung and all ef iU erancnes. aast 4Z04.. SHIN GUN O and repairing of roafa Phone taa I4i8t. jjrown. STREETEB A POINDEXTER, Landaeape Gardeaeri. T. 6979. TEAMING, EXCAVATING. PLOWING. ETC. EAST 210 240 E. EIGHTH TBUCK hauling, household goods, long 3Is tance er contract hauling. Eaat 8798. CEMENT WOai Satisfaction . guaranteed. Wdln. 5241 CABINETMAKER wants work setting up or repair wora. cast so to PIANOS, phonographs and furniture refiniabed; wui cai'. w. 4. Morpny, Mam S47 ALL kmdt of hauling and daUverisi lor I ton irucg. AUt 0Z8-44. HANDT - man. .. carpenter work, aninallng. odd jo bft; reasonable ehargea. woodlawo 8225. PAINTING and tinting, good Workman; baa toots WOW!.- BS. I2HS E. lTth tt. N. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 BI YOUNG woman, aituatlon as aasiauot oook or waitress la logging onion, state wages ia first letter. ; Address Mrs. Jeanaette O'DeO, miktj, ur.. care L. w. ITce. EXPERIENCED stenographer daairea poaitlon. aii neu. aaa. EXPERIENCED woman would Hke day work! Phone evenings, Aut 620-86. WOMAN with a bore- 4 and 6) wants work ia children bone. -S-185. Journal. EXPERIENCED wwmaa wanta day. work. East SSTZ. DRESSMAKING 256 DTEING. cleaning, pressing, dieesmakina. ra- modeliag. ralining. alterations, pleating, rea soaabie prices. The Cabinet DiwiwiiiaHng Par lors, egg Morrison, near lltn. Main 1825. DRESSMAKING, brassieres personally fitted for : scous -women, mra. o. a. amiva, WulB. ii, imi urana ave. n THE GLAD SHOP- Dressmaking, evening gowaa a aneria irx asnoaraia nnfii linn iiiii.iimwM puts. smsia ta.t. , , i . . . . THE DOROTHY RHOP Luncheon sets 5e vard. Mail orders anncllaA 1008 Broadway bldg. M. 6478. SUSIE BUCKLEV With Paris Hat Shoo. Hematitenine.' bnttona pleating. 887 Aider at. Main 8078. SEWING by the day. Can furnish many city reierencev Main 3184. HEMSTITCHING, any color, 8c yard; buttons cot req, piesnng. scalloping. 209 Anaky bldg. mOMSTITTHINli fa n.r -! IUU ttematitcnrng, 717 Broadway bldg, NURSES 237 PRACTICAL puree, a good housekeeper and sewer, wants work py day. M-857, journal. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 HOTEL BAKES. 288 m 8th at,. Warmaat. cleanest modern rooms in city for 85.80 week. Misses Pitersoa A Bhyoa, proprietors. ( , DENTLY HOTEL dth'street Mew management; centrally located, hot and cold eater, steam heat, xeasooahi ratas. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrtaoa at 10th. - 81 a ear. week 88 npi isee p-one ana cam; ngnt aoa any. HOTELS ROWLAND, ANNEX. MAETLiND, VD3GLXIA 207H-211H 4TH ST. BATES. TSe. 81 PER DAI. WITH BATH. 61-60 DAT tTP. - Maxwell Ha!HSVVsd tVu mttted kwijru.g ffootm. MtA. tiiw htat aaAdl 4fkall ffMtiHf! 4 .taesssiifc at-am tBfa. HOTEL 'NETHERLANDS, 126 12tk' St., at Washington Brick atmetnre. eenter of Port. land's bum neat and social activities, respectable; epotieea rooms. 85 week, (1 a day up; with pri- vam paw, gs oay.- ; Hotel Helvetia 246-248 Salmon at near Third. Modem rooms 75e ap. Weekly rate. .. HOTEL OHIO. 66 Front. Cor. Madiioo Boom 80e up, 88 week up; H. , K. rooms; hot and eold water; steam neat, Elevator earnce; other modern eonvenjeneea, HOTEL HARRISON Clean farniehed snoms 89 waak. SBe 6w per sight; 5 story brick b-ikna. 408 rroat. HOTEL FRANKLn : Waahtngtenwat JlSta.. Bates by the week' 85 aad up; not and" eoid running water; hot water neaong irwa, tup ana tnewer batn Jlatthiesen Hotel' Ro-ma BOeaayup; 88 iwia opt clean. Beht. aoa . or com war, l un neat, jeve voiumoia. LOVELT FURNISHED BOOM TN MODERN HOME. Et E RT THING NEW AND CI.EAN GOOD IOCATION. 856 N. 3 1ST., CORNER mjoinnir, at-tx. oae-za. THE SOULE. " iMh.. MV k A4mum es k JL IA. all yoa eaa aat, aooked like mother oookei. 191 lltn st. WASHINGTON HOTEL 12TH AND WASHINGTON KTS. Attnettve-rooms and auitea at reaaooahla sate ey week or month. HOTEL HARDING. - 88 Grand ave. Steam heat, hot sad eold water in roams, ekna and respectable piece; ...wv hi ly. - . - - - WANTED Congenial : girt to. shere two- room apartment. . Ca Mais 8264 evsainaa er Sun- oay. SLEEPING room for vent. aWa ant. s-m noa ana pra- waier, i p r nmnta. ! a.ieieu st. rnoae Maranan 3T1. ; - - BECTuB HOTEL . tJm. Bratdway, netr and modera Tale tee V en poors. i flay and up, s weak. Privatebatha, 0!B LABG-B Bl.Tfmfa BOOM ' SOTTABLE' --Tin. awv: sut KEAOJiABLJS. . 309 u in nr. MABUnAtlj ZUUS. - AlANOR HOTEL ) 271 H MORRIAOX7 tl H-aaekeeptng and sleeping ro raa. Mar. -25frS, THE BARTON. 456 ALDER feT Oeaa faromhad rooms. 82.6 per week aad nt- Atoe hgfat svrnsekeepmg. HOTEL TAIT 12th at Stark na aitaMa rnama. EleTator Bate. 35 per week up. . Centrally located. SBW PEBE1XS BOTEL - -Washing ton snd Fifth Street. Special Permanent Bates From 66 Per Week. 8 COZT baaameat . rooma, also 2 large rooms; store i it. an. aan- saw NICELT furnished sleeping room on Rridce u-amrer cariToe. inquire at e iirand-kve. N LARGE eutaide room, steam heat, walklns dl tancsv , Call Bdwy. 6409 after 6 a. m. . FOR. RENT' rURNlSIIID RQC!S 3C3 AME R It'AN-HOTEL mmw wwph wnMisir nwapi'i a"a i waved and operated by Americana. The beat seme ia the eity for rate cliarged. Ekcsst fcmby, elevator swrvtre.. always ktg of aet water, free hatha.. Bateaf-dttw. 78. 61 8pecaal rates ta penaanevt raeeta. tW. r. 8QCPABD, Mgr. 1 PARK ROT XX. aiCOALli. WASH. Modem. 2-eiory. firepcxxif sew betiding, right at cirie center. Stractlr clean. Reduced price. , ana nose m awnea ana conducted ay as asaer- TART. KEAB PACTTTO TTIOrTWAT CALL at T. M. C. A. to see tree Bat el mod-rate Priced rooms for yeans mea ta ail parts et the eft?, including toema at .the Central X. M. C A. with telephone la each roam, ihiwet bath aaa cmo ismions. Hotel Medford gJHrtSJ- . Two blocks frost Depot . T5e sad up. . 64 a week up. Hot and cold water la each room. Sarirent Hotel Sawthorna and Grand, t a. BL snd aUerlag looeaa. hot and aoM water. 'steam beat, .!. ;i;H0TEI! ARTHUR ' 178 11th at., near MorriHon. Clean, modern rooma by day, week or month; reasonable rates. Ben Hur Hotel VtVke? . - Centrally located aad modera: Staam beat, hot and cold-water; reasonable rates. I Private booms with bath. " second floor. also basement si.kkping ROOM. NEAR BATH. 708 WASHINGTON. MARSHALL 6170. ' ! PAREVIEW Hiitkl 886 Montgomery at-, ear. W. Park: room and board; rooma. with bath and Without; auilahW for two people: reasonable. THOTEL HRTSON Ctaaa fnrniahed teems 88 we,. 85o t S0 par augntt sesry onca OttllQmg sa8 a-font. 1HE ST. PAIL, 180 4th. eor. Aider. A t SPBCTABLB downtown hoteL Bataa 75e m. Prtrate bath 63. Special ratea by week or month. FURNISHED ROOMS - i PRIVATE FAMILY 301 REASON ABUE WELL"' H-lllstTETTTlTMnis IN REFINED HOME. ALL CONVEN IENCES. ONE IS ATTIO BOOM. 84 N. 21 ST. COR. EVERETT. WALKING D13- TANCE. JTNELI fumished f nasi suite; also single rocnu ; i plenty of heat and hot water in rooma; aloe view; dose to .nslnaas sentar; geaUrmsa y.mgiiwA. aaa ma sw, owr. iiay. MCEX.Y furnished modern roan, asa aleo : tricity and bath, plenty ef aet water, walk lag distaaoa, clean, reasons Us; adults, Phooe East 848. 688 E. Stark St LOVELY, large, uiet sleeping i-oea, walking diatanos. to couple 640. oa 630 1 bualne people preferred, 561. Latua sa, a Ladd aoo. tail uart ztt. tWO lovely -tooaa close la, neat Broadway - hridge, free was of phone, bath, also piano. A real home; meals if desired. 417 Larre, Kaat 83T5. BEAUTLFLL furnisned iront room, well heated. , plenty hot water, parlor, pis not iaandry; home privileges; rent reasonihla .Main 1811. 383 . zstn. LARGE front . room with . drawing room, twin beds, heat, bath, phone; meals If desired; la beautiful home, close in eaat aid. ' 411 Cook ava 828-10. ' SEASONABLE WEUa F0RN18HED ROtlMS ! IN REFINED HOMK. ALL CONVENIENCES. ONE 88 ATTIO BOOM. 84 N. 8 1ST. COW. EVERETT. WALKING DISTAWCB. 3 WELL-rURNlgHEb bearoom la modem noma, warning distance; men only; good k- ratlon. "129 E. 15th at. Eaat 6827. ' MCELY FURNISHED room in modera horns; hasA phone and hosts privileges Bos City mra. piocs ire i car. tncne Tap. 7579. MICE, clean room, suitsble for S persons; good furniture and modern eoavenieaces; .aluo a rlngie room with aame privileges at 88 per weak. ' nz9 Everett . . . . KEWLT reaoTsted room, heat sad home priti- - leges; breakfast if desired; one or tee gen tlemen preterrad. 892 Thurmaa st , Faoo Main 6598. , I FOR RENT 2 aioaly furnished rooma, . with V. VlUHIWI without gang, very raaaonablav in Irrlcg- -East 6884. 441 kV 1U . CL mora-. or after 6 p. m. . ton, inn REFINED lady to share amaa cottage, sepanta bedroom, homelike place, alas- 1 front room so imoie ror genac en. eew ateya et. PLEASANT, well furnuhed rouea, reasonable to man employed. 410 salmoa at . Manual! 1020. . ' ; v.. : - ..- (NBWLT furnished front roams 3 week. wiX h use or batn, pnona. Three blocs from guiDV' tormm. 4o pontn zo. Msrsnaii si 4. LIGHT, warm, well 'furnished rooem with 1 eove; hot and eold water; oa Laicretla street; gentlemen. Marshall 8689. WARM, cosy loom for young woman, in pri rate. Ifw, H, wbhiki uwwnw. IIA SI UQ' dry privuegea, v. n, preierred. Mar. 1182 NICELT furnished frost- room, pleasant, well . Beaua; nag a wiaoowa; is mooarn imnyton home, close to ear; home privileges. East 4773. TBVINGTON horned nicely furnished, large front room, wi morn is Ban eren lags. 4un osit. NICELY furnished reonv. light, heat aad oboes: wataing qiaoioca- aesv. eijie, -- - - MODERN ' upstairs rent room. 478 Emtnos.i VW. WM ... AJII NICE Urge front sleeping room. " 82.50 per. week, including ngnt. B8 Qulmby at. CLEAN roam, home pruileges, for - pemun wanting w oe eioe ia. ti Baylor at. ONE., furnished cooan, 610 a monUi; sea tie-: men only. ovo aaontaomeiy. NICE light room, light, heat snd bath, 68 Per. b ima. Mma nine. yg rarso aa. FURNISHED lower (root room; very reasonable for two.- a.H East Aan. Phow East 8828. MCE , clean furnished roeta. walks'" disunca' 428 H Mill at. I - NICE iront bedroom, sveatad, eiaaa U,'reas-s aDie. v ilia sc. - ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel ; U ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON ' 1 Portland a hlgh-claaa dowatowa madentlal" hotel. We give yea the eomfortg ef Aorne. Amerieaa and Enr-peaa plan. Rates rsaao-able. STKAH heated rooms and board, home enoaitig', .large room,- with sleeping porch, suitable lev 8. 6&IH Salmon at, oppostta Multnomah dub. Mtm 578a. BOOM land board for couple or, 4 gentlemen -w wui -ppre kim w a go oa .nqme. -Dm Of heme eooking sod every convenience that gaakea -to is comiorxaoie. tii staraes as. BOOM and board. 3o to 60 nay montbTs meals s flay; waBing distance. Phone Bast 2580. 878 Roes st. . . . LARGE front room, piano; board a deairad. : 821 WUliamr ave. ' ' -, TWO beautiful rooma, cloae In j heat, bath aad phone; dinner tf desirsd. Broadway 1995. t FOR RENT -La-re front room, board If de sired, wafting di-'tance. 629 Cfty. j ROOMS AND BOARD ' PRIVATE FAMILY 303 room' and board for couple or a senile men wbo -will appreoiate a good betas; plana aad every eonvenieace that makes s heme comic t able. 497 Esst 84th St. sellwood 2270. PRIVATE BOMB FOB CHILDREN BETWEEN AND, 7 TEARS. . WOODLAWN 8608. , , BOOMS TWIN BEDS, HOT WATtR, WALE'. ING DISTANCE; HOME COOKING; ALSO -WM COTTKIE!, WEST BIDS. . PitONJS. BOARD BOARD BOARD . A good place t eat. 1S3 N. 23d t lit hall 2775. WDLA. aive mother's lo. and aara ta children la my own home. Call is see sse. 881 Mailory st. Take, WttlUme ava ear. WANTED E WARM, MODERN HOMB, On'K - OB TWO CHILDREN TO BOARD. AUX. 616-74. 86 N. 23d. : -- . '. -j : WANTED Chfldrea to board ;.. good retaresoea; under 9 yean gitla,, 88.0 86U st, B...E. Phoae As. 626-84T ; 6LEKPING room for geatiemaa, 10 minates' walk from town: home eookiag and srivileget; eaj a montn. - noa r. Tffy mono p--."i. NICELT furnished room, with 2 meals; telephe-e "and home Trivilege; 12 tain, from heart iof , dty. Tabor 7849. BOOM for young maa In smstl private ismy; .with two meals; home prrrileges; use of piano. One block from carline. Tabor 8202. BOOM ' and board is pri rate home; alee clean, room; beat hams tanking; central locatioav 'Vn frf aat j - ROOM, and hoard tog 2 . ox 3 gentlemen. wi-r ing. (flilance or one block .from ear line; aame privileges. - Call Fart 8537. WILL give .mother' can, ta aouH ehiidraa IS my home. 72 Everett Ant. B 29-02. fOB ' UENt Nice " clean ' reoina ' wita ' board! Home cooking. 167 K. Sd N. East 88 s4. ft ILL give best ot motuerly care to amaS elud. Tabor-940. .- , r ------ ' Wdln. 5932. CLEAN rooms board, or room with h-iiasaaea ing pririleien, modern home. Main 8828. WANTED A child to keep. Lxceiieat borne 1 and care. Ben. Z4l. RELIABLE Christian woman wui care fog ctu.d i in my own home. - Aut. 623-11. .. CARGE. bright front room,- v-ilable1 fur t-we gen tlemee. ' Bt akfat srd din:ier. aia,y 82f. . tCortUamaal am roiHetlna Pal