FRIDAY. ! NOVEMBER 23. 1821: THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 19 CURRENT ninnrn tVtNI5 EFFECT UN HISTORY OF WHS SEEN The paradoxes and apparent Inconsis tencies of the ancient historians, sacred and profane, aa wall aa modern wrtu may h explained and reconciled by to ting back to original sources and Inter preting them In th light of th period. Be definition of terms aad tha motlva- tlona of currant events, said Richard F, Mhols. praldnt of Read college, to day In a discussion of tha "Llmltationa of tha Ancient Book" at tha opening aeaalon of tha seven tee eta annual meet Ing of th Pacific coast branch of tha American Historical aaaoclatlon at the MultnomaH hotel. Literary canona controlled mora than a regard for strict historical statement In th writing df the gospels and class ics, he said. Other feature of th opening session war a paper by Ralph H. Luts of Stan. ford university, telling of tha Hoover war collection at Stanford, of Import' ant historical documents bearing on tha World war and an Interesting story on th part played by sheriffs in tha time of King John and their responsibility for soma of tha causes leading to tha struggle with th barons which cul minated In Magna Charts. Olive Kunts of Reed college read an essay on Tiberius Caesar, be iast of the Roman republican At tha afternoon session Northwest history was tha principal topic dls russed. 1evl E. Toung of the Univer slty of Utah told of th settlement of tit great basin by th Mormon people snd "Jay's Treaty and th Northwest Boundary Oap" was treated of by Bam oel r. Bemls of Whitman college. Rob ert M. Oatk of Willamette university described th first Indian school of tha .North wee L .. Manifestations of party llf in tha British North American colonies was th subject of a paper by R. C. Clark of the University of Oregon. HEAVY GALE HPS CA OREGON (Cnetinoed Pross Psge Oh) velocity was recorded and tm day before 4 miles. Reports were not being ob tained from Tatooeh laland today, indl rating that tha atorm was so heavy there that wires were tern out. The Willamette river at Portland con tlnued to fall gradually today. At I o'clock this morning th flood was at the 1S.8 foot level, which Is a fall of one and one half feet from tha crest. Tha river will probably go below the Tond stage of It feet Saturday. An extremely heavy rain fell on the .city early this morning. A total rainfall of .lT--f an Inch was recorded in one hour at the weather bureau. Temperatures In Eastern Oregon and Washington continued to moderate to- Bf.SCHCTFS PAHK!GER ABE BEl.tO CABEP TOR The Pallea. Nor. 25 Word reached Tha Dalles that tlha 'passengers from the North Bank train for Bend, which haa been stalled In the snow about 1 miles south of Mauptn, In the Deschutes la Mud Hollow. Just south of Kufus, which 4eflea all effort at penetration. HI ATT KAI9S ARE HOW FOLLOWING AT ROOD BITER Hood River, Nor. tS.-With heavy rain now falling and with the mercury at II tha snow has now hardened sufncl ently to make travel in th back country possible and a -number of ranchers are out to secure supplies. Tha roads are gradually being opened up aad by tha and of th week connection between tha rural districts and city will be estab lished again. Work on tha O-W. R. A N. railroad is progressing, but several days will elapse before rail communications to Portland will be established. The steam er Teal arrived Thursday morning. bringing local residents, who had been snowbound west of this section, about tons of matt and the first newspa piers since Saturday. The boat will maintain a trl-weekly service from now on. Engineer Collier of the highway de partment returned Wednesday night from a trip over tha enow to Moeier tunnels and reports that drifts of over SO feet deep make it impossible to open tne Highway until steam shovels are on hand. W. Bealey and D. Olel of the Pacific States Telephone company arrived here Wednesday night after a very hard hike from Corbett and reported conditions along tho highway and railroad even worse than expected. Mile after mile of polea are down and in a number of places the drifts range from 15 to 40 feet deep. In spite of the snow having seiuea. wnere granulated ice ran down tha mountains the drifts appear to be almost of solid ice. As far as could be seen, there had not been many dirt or rock slides. They saw 12 cars at Eagle creek deep under the snow, but all were In good shape except for the tops of which had broken under the weight of snow. The rangers were looking after these cars.. Further east 20 cars and four trucks were also In good shape and apparently in no danger from slides. I The deepest drifts are at Shellrock mountain. Between here there are no Indications of rock slides. At Trout dale, a one foot section of Ice covered phone wire weighed 140 pounds and miles of wires are down. Over 100 men are at work on the railroad at Multnomah Falls and but alow progress is being made. It was reported Thursday that four section men had been lost in a slide, but officials state that although the men have not been located it Is hoped that they will return to the main gang. They have no evidence of a new slide having taken place. The first train from Portland over the North Bank railroad naased through Underwood, Thursday raornlnt? at 11 o'clock. Telegraph service Is maintained to Portland by way of Spokane. S50VT DAMAGE HEATT llf DISTRICT ABOCT MILTON ii i ran. mov. zo. The heavy snow damaged the electric light plant flume above Milton and as a result schools were closed. The snow caused much damage. Several buildings fell under its pressure. The roof of the Valley Fruit company's new warehouse at the state line caved in and the Walla Walla Val ley Railway company sent heated refrig erator cars to care for the apples. Joel How-ten's new automobile was damaged when the roof of his garage gave way. A bam on the Knight place at Sunny side fell. The west porch of the Lamb Fruit company's warehouse went down and the coal house on the O-W. R. & N., belonging to the Shields Packing House, collapsed. Disarmament Will Be Considered at Toram of Students MARRIAGE LICENSES Waiter E. Erickeoa. 2. 651 E. 2 Ota sc. - Mary Erettler. 10. fits X. 20th at. Onnand .Palter, local. Wilmar Apta, aad Merle W. Bloere. legal. 103 Pacific St. red T atanswtren. legal. 138 k. zvta st and EeUa A. Eeigler, legal. 1674 Belmont sc. Lawrence T. Wehriy. IS. 883 Everett St.. sad Gertrwde M. Dyer. 11. 82 EUa at. EOu J. Foagren. 21. aw 1. rsruaaa, in aad Gofcbe Rankin, 18. R. 1. city. Jaaua IT Cur. leant. Harrisons. Or., sad result of a recent assembly I Mata Basalts, segaL 12 Kamaaswoetk are. University of Oregon, Eugene, Not. 15. As talk by B, F. Irvine, editor of The Ore-1 p tT i tTTsUe avZ gon Journal, a series of forums will be I i3o? liTSty1' " held for the purpose of discussing phases Ant-ast Stefan,' ft. 787 Beed st. aad Amelia Aff , n . Ta 1 1 1, !.... n .... A lUCMK 21. ZAI B SlTTaX I I ! ments. At the first meeting Tuesday, Ul, asdslto SSi Jsgni. 874Thnrsui. Dean H. D. Shsidon of tha school of I Saaauai O. Grikbte, keal. 41 54tk at., and xlun&rlnn will Aimmmm Rnrim nf tu KiaHM. SSS K. SOtk. the Conference on the Great Social Quea- CarW. lwl. 0 Jth at. and Etama Uons Facing the World." &SiT BanaT teal. 117 iaUaa are., and Irvine a talk stirred the students to I Rnth Hvkim koi. 17 Julian arc. such an extent that virtually every dis- Henry B. Chase, tecal. Lebaooa. Or., aad cusslon group on the campus has given OSj-jS"! .Sti - al special emphasis to the disarmament I Laaii. h. wi ti Hniw. question. r - I Lester Ei Laitrits, fecal. Milan, Wain., and Faculty members have sent a telegram I Borne M. Hamebaek. w su to Washington urging mutual conoes-1 T5 " fi "' " eitj. and Efria V. Bpickler, 2. oty. WEDDINQ OAED EKGEATEBB W. G. SMITH A CO 111 Morgan Bids. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 i kTRIN" At tha raidenoa. 661 East 5UsZ north. Not. 14. gea G. ktrria. aaed SS rear. beloved aaabaod of Halea Mrria. father of 'fl- tuua ana Margaret Mynn, Motaar-ia-iaw ol uscar v. Boras aad Joha McCarrM of this city and Otto HakWh of Pandlatna. Or. Deceased as a member of Portland council Me. 7o, Knishta of Cohtmbna, and Portland kidce Mo. 141. B. P. O. Elks. Faneral-wai be bold from the raddeatisl ranrral parlors ef Dttanins A Cain, Monuon. a. at itn, amtarday, Ivor, xo. Mil m.; taeaea to St. Boss's ebaich. East 54th aad Alameda ata. wbere rwrriem auas will be offend at 9:30 a. nt - rrKnds tantrd ta attend. Cancmauit serrtfes Boee City Park cemetery: - - to Washington urging mutual conoes- e- 5.8i sion, reduction of armaments and utmost I Baymond A. Bataa, SS. Y. M. C A. pracucai puoucity ax tne conierence. Police Scowl at Parents Who Left Child in Machine THORPE la this city, Noreniber 22 Eutsne l. Tnaroe. aaed 87 ntn. fanaband af K. . Thorpe, father of Banaford and Hotter 8. Thorpe, all of tnk city; member of Multnomah eaatD Ka. ti. w. u. W.. Maecabees and Greaoani trance ! roneiai enu take place front tne eon- eirstory ensnol ef tne Kast Side Funeral Lhree ton. 414 East AMer street, at 2 n. ss.. featorday, aoeemoeT xa. c neaaa mnte- Concladins aarr ices at the Portland Crematorium, under the anapiees o Maitnoroab camp So. 77. w. O. W, ANDEUStSON In this city. November 24. Joae- nhine Andenon. and fil nam sir. nf A u I Anderaon. mother of Al-rin and Gladys Anderson aiunrva xiaurn oi oraaa itapuu, Mich. Tba funeral aerrlcea will take nli fmm the conserrstnry chapel of the East Side Funeral in recta ta. 414 Kast Alder street, at S :S0 n. m. Baturaay. NoTember 26. Friends invited. Be- mains wui be lorwarded to.Parken Prairie. Minn., BIRTHS AkHfc!A To Mr. and Mis. T. Asaoina, 294 U"illtm ?CriSer 8. a son. BOTDSTON To Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Boydstoa. 1082 East Lincoln. November l. a eon. RIFONKR To Mr. and Mra F. K. Biel 1485 East Beveata aortn. aeveeaser IV. tit-si TV al fl 1 nlfl DnKnw DhttBAn was IavH I ATrTl . -w. " rc" raTra-T. U. .J If- WOliam Clem. 4409 aione in an automooue 1 nuraaay nigni 1 nixtr-thud S. EL. November 10. a daat&tsr. BALDWIN To Mr. and Mra. P. M. Maldwin. aaj ata - - aaA iHlre . . . a. A a wm 1 . AUNTua. r PfpTlWr eW. UMUUU. parents, air. ana aars. tjenson, us VBH OCT To Mr and kit D. Z. Gay. 670 East Street, wenz to a picture snow. I n-rim. November 15. a daochter. "He was asleep when we left and we LaMASTEB To Mr. and Mrs. B. B. LeMaster, didn't want to wake him up." said the " rortytnim. novemoer a a oausnter. father when he called for the boy at the police Station. EOWDES To Mr. and Mn.'0. Bowden, 6609 After two persons phoned to the police Fiftr-aUbth arenas. November 17. a daughter. that the bov. cold and in tears, was alone COTOXZAKITI To Mr. and Mrs. A. (jotomann Y-Z. rTi V;rT.,i i ht CABLASCIO To Mr. and Mrs. D. Carlaacio. "' I 4 Oft East Forty-third. November 17. a eon. bought him some chocolate, 'iney tnen 1 Klrf To Mr- ana Mrm. vUlliatn Euk. 453 East went to tne station, wnere we ponce 1 F.irhth November 9 matron cared for him until the arrival CBOOK To Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crook. 271 vi. 1 aaat Bventy-um nonn. novomoer 19, a Scowls and short, hut vigorous, lectures I m.;HKS rn vr. Ur. wniiam b. Huabaa. by the police greeted them. I 217 East Berenty-eishUl, November 21, a son. HcFEBON i-To Mr. and Mm Wallace 8. Mc- S0LDIIE3 Elf JOT FEAST w V.on- Brenty-eienta nonn. ovem I DCT IB M. BOH, Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 25. Nothing GAT To Mr. and Mis. & A. Gay, Silverton, was lacking In the Thanksgiving feast I kjJwani-To Mr and ilr! J. Kawono. 45 t nioa avenne north. November 13. a son. TOMMA9 To Mr. and Mrs. I. Tominaa. Vem cnia. Or.. November 14. a daoihter. COWNE To Mr. aad Mrs. Geonte W. Cowne, 1181 Kerbv. November 15. a son. TAMKIN To Mr. and Mn. M- Tamkia, 624 Tha-d. November 18. a danz titer. FGBD To Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ford. 78 EA Salmon, November 8. a smash tor. DQcmvc, 1 At residence, 2S4 E. 16th st. mary r-rancea Snerret, ased 60 year, wife of the late Daniel T. Snerret and mother of Mia. O. C. Hoff, Harold. Baymond and Louta owm, swer 01 nannan and Bell Carty of this city, aunt 01 aart Keber. VancouTer. Waah. Faneral will be held from the late residence 8atrday. Nov. 26, at 8:45 a. m.. thence to si. ram enuren, E. .12th snd Oak ata., at 9 a. m., where requimn mass will be offered. rnenoa invited. Interment Catholic cemetery, Taacouver, WMn. served to the enlisted men of the Fifty- ninth infantry Thursday, as the menu will testify. Each company served near ly the same menu and the tables and mess halls were tastefully decorated.- The paper napkins bore pumpkins, turkeys and a general Thanksgiving design. The menu cards were ahjo decorated with MAYOB To Mr. and Mia. E O. Mayor, 388 BOOK OF GREAT WAREHOUSE, FILLED WITH APPLES. FALLS White Salmon, Wash., Nov. 25, The apple warehouse of J. E. Slade at Husum, said to contain thousands cot boxes of apples, collapsed under the weight of ; tee and snow. The North Bank statfon at Lyle went down and river ranven. sinew Saturday night. several small Buildings here gave way beln cared for, at nearby farm houses, I " f the old White Salmon reser .h.w-a thev were taken by i J aoaneae voir collapsed. rrt wnrklna- In from tha south. Between four and five feet of snow Aooarently no attempts are belne fell here and a record was set with 4.68 made by the North Bank to dig out tha three trains Imprisoned on the Bend branch, because of the more pressing necessity to relieve conditions on tha main line. A North Bank rotary plow worked across the river from The Dalle ill day Thuraday. hundreds of people reminders of the day. The menu served D company follows: Oyster soup, with oyster crackers; roast turkey, oyster dressing; glhlet gravy: cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, candied sweet potatoes. creamed peas, celery, combination, salad, crab salad, cocoanut layer cake, choco late cake, ice cream, assorted pies, ap- Dles. oranees. crapes, assorted nuts bread, butter, coffee, sugar, milk, cigars and cigarettes. Dishes were refilled as emptied until all had been satisfied. CLAIMS CHAIR PRIZE Mrs. Lloyd Morris of 1473 Minnesota avenue, who was awarded a handsome easy chair during the Industrial exhibit at the Livestock exposition at the booth of the Associated industries, has claimed her prize after several days' delay, due to the notice going astray. tra. Morris appeared at the Oregon building Thurs day and proudly sent her property home to heighten the Thanksgiving celebra tion in her household. The chair is woven from Oregon willow and Is an at tractive advertisement for Oregon made goods, which Associated Industries is championing. Eaat Tweatr-aeventa north. November 14, daughter. DEATHS UAY Elva Day. Good Samaritan hospital. No vember 21. 42 years BRUHBATJtAH William K. Brombanfh, 1056 LKDVTNA In this citv. Antra Idrina. arrd 69 ream, late of 1071 East Harrison street, beloved wife of Joseph Led Tina. Besides ner husband she la survived by two daughters. aime ana Mary Bontty: one son. Anton Led Vina, all of tins city. Funeral services will be st P. L, Lerca funeral pariom, Esst Eleventh at euvuhiu, aa a p. m., Saturday, ifnenda in- vtteo. Classified ads phoned The Jour nal before 11 i. M. will be pub lished, the same afternoon. . - - you can't come to The Journal business office phone your mad.n PLENTY OF CBTMBLET la this city. Nov. 23. James 8. irumoiey, seed 56 years, father of T. of Eaet San Pedro. Cat; A. K . S. K.. Errin. Catharine and Marietta Crumbley of this city. l ne innenu mice will be held Saturday. .Not. -'. at ii:au a. m. . at linley mortuary, Montcomery at 5th. Friends inrilnd. vn- cludins services Portland crematorium private. umit nowera. I HECSTIS In this city, Nov. 25, John Heustia. aea 1 9 yean, beloved father of Mrs. J. P. Burns and Barry H. Heiutu, both of Portland, and three grandchildren and 4 freet-frand-children. Friends sre invited to attend the fu neral service st the chapel of Breese A Snook. 35th and Belmont, Sunday at 10:30. Services will be under the auspices of the G. A. B. In terment at Hubbard, Or. M 'IN TYRE In Una city. Nov. 24. James Mcln- tyre, aged 79 yean, beloved husband of Laura Mclntyre. lather of. B. E.. T. A and W. H. Mc Intyra. all of Portland, and Frederick Mclntyre of Boston. Friends are inTited to attend the funeral services at the chapel of Breese A Snook, Thirty-fifth and Belmont. Saturday, Nov. 26. at 2:30 p. m. ANGERS TE IN In this city, Nov. 23 Mary C. Angerstein. aged 59 years, mother of Mn. Gertrude CemmacJc and Paul Anger&tein. The funeral service will be held Saturday. -ov. ze, at 3:JO p. m.. at rniiiry mortuary, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Con cluding aerrice at Portland" crematorium pri vate. MEAD In Borneo, Mich., July 24. Mary Amelia J. Mead, aged 56 yiars, 9 months. 18 days. The funeral services will be held BUILDING PERMITS Tark AD -GIRLS Every day Always ready To take your litde "Oassified Ad.n By Phone Main 7173 or A 560-51 For the Daily or Sunday Journal One Line One Time One Dime FOR RENT 2 B. Taard TMS awesl has be l) in iil eassssrf as ks tae OKy tor sates ehasssd. 1 is set kb. Irvstnt samca. oosars fees el V wsAac. tmm hatha. Bataa tOa. U- , Svaoiaa saass w GORDON HOTEL IT Vest (Mft A " Maes Itl asw mialussa. waS Bahtad sad kMtaa, simfcia BOT S r aaaa or aaaa sad aU la awM . IjssbiiSia, . .ss, near Oraaa. tALL SS.T. If. CL A. s sao tsaa Ut mi saawS sSnaa sini s far T is sasa fes afl Barm f ens sBj. awJsaSsst sawsss a Uas Csssaal I. Ma d rtak faruic HOTEL mirijrt WasSlartrai wneS vata bath tt day. 124 lath si, 1 a 4 sm, -MOTEL. rULSELEs at UtJa,- tha smsh U wata. Sargent Hotel OSS trtacf aad mwr IX and Le.ejey Maa lis t itisjiss aaaa. si tnruy. fanas aaat. muun nsaw. goad rarauaara; ajaa anassaaopias- saasa wath astraaawvaa ; vaJKus dMaaam. M MTavaoa st. Mass 44SU . LAEGE. eaaerfnl tmwlwoaa. aw ektaaa sooa ramnara, nuance seated, sons bis tar . 15 ssr weak; ab stssihsr asssa, 4. Walkusg dnaanoa. T4 Heyt at. , ?AH13f(rm5 HOTEL X2TH AAD VAaHEvTON ITS. - Atrracove HOTEL, HABiXNv; 8a Grand ava. gtamaa aat. water ia wwisaa. ak H and m NICX 2 -room bonsakaepans auha. g n a faraitara. as sad aonk stan. taiuk karet. not aad caw water, bath r Qay 1 A at IU41 ILABGB, aieaa allaying sooa, ktrge claaH. gmmi ronutara, warn and s fi iHHi . sirs has ta ro; g an tie ana a'aiel SIT S. lTtb sS - Ben Hur Hotel Osatmliy LOST AND FOUND 108 LOST Black onys bar pin with apray of flow ers tn pearl: lost in shopmng (Batnct Wednes day morning; reward. Mr. H W. Fnea. Broad- way a or 85 4th. BICYCLE Uken by miatake from in front of Journal of nee. Please, return ta Journal cir culation Dept. Beward. Victory bicycia No. 14788. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 East Madison. November 21. 85 yaari; lobar I Saturday. Nov. 26, at 2:30 o clock p. m.. at pneumonia I uie residence runerai panors oi nateer i:. nen- McMILLRN -ChTitinn. McVUlan. SOI Miller, worthy, 15S2-15S4 E. 13th t . Sellvxxxi. November 21. 58 yean: carcinoma. rnenoa ioiiibl luternuni Mi, aeon MORCXM Alice Morcom. Good Samaritan hos- COTnetgrT PitaL November 20. 45 Teats: ileus. I JOBES In this city. Nov. 23. at his late HCTCHINS Charlea Hutchins, Glenn Haven I residenee, 1101 E. Paris st- Allen Read Beat San., November 22, OS years; endo-1 Jobea, aged 41 years, husband of Sarah Blanche cxnKtu. , I and father of Euher Allen Jobs and sun of ATKINSON Elixa Jane Atkinson, 1009 East Mrs. Esther Alien Jobea. Toe funeral serr Irving. November 21 82 vein: MeAriti. I ioes will be held at the Grace Memorial church CHRISTENSEN Martin. lSga AUantit- No-I E- 17th and Weidler sts.. Saturday, Nov. 26 t ember 20, 63 years: myocarditis. MEETING NOTICES 102 At, -KATiirrn twvpT.k a O. N. M. S. Stated' session Saturday, Nov. 26. at 8 p. i Pythian bVdg.. W. Park and Yamhill sta. visiting nobles cor- aiany innted. By order of the potentate. HUGH J. BOTD. Recorder. Inches of moisture In 24 hours. Mope is expressed that school may be reopened Monday. here HOTHOCSE9 ABE CBCSHED Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. 25. Dam- ape amounting' to 120,000 was suffered by the Walla Walla Hothouse A Veare- watcninc tne nattie witn tne arirts rrom i taDle company, owned by F. E. Mojon the Ore-con tide. It was reported in nier. when six of the com Dan v 'a hot Tha Dalles that another rotary, working houses collapsed under the snow and from the west en a. haa reacnea wnite it large quantity of lettuce, nearly ready raimon, waan., an waa neauins wfu for shipment, was destroyed. One sev -y '- enth of the plant was put out of com inasmncn aa tne rotary at tnia eiia i mission la only a few miles from Lyle, it is probable that a lew nours win MOISTURE MUCH NEEDED IRdn tk mAm ltfIA C 1 M PArl ff mn I w a. K- . . saws aaa mrmm-mr -..-w a.v vv j nRHnfl NOV Z!l vThA mrttotllPa rtd. barfing slides, direct; pomrnunlcatlon BultInc from snowstorm was much between Portland and The Dalles may , ,,! " "" ........ .v iDuck huntinsr on the lake anrl marEh rAR9E50EES AWAIT TBAI5S has been excellent aa thmiBanda nf We. Scores of passengers af here await- I were driven down by the storm ing the first train west, in the mean time, however, ewryone lm anxiously I HIGHWAY IS REOPEXED awaltTng ,the arrival of the steamer! Albany. Nov. 23. Hla-hwav traffic h. J. N. Teal, which left Portland Wednes- tween Albany and Corvallls was resumed day nlsrht and which was reported at Thursday when the Willamette receded Hood River at noon, but which had not to the 20-foot leveL The river is still reached The Dalle Thursday evening, falling. The west side route via Suver xna Teal is bringing much neeaeo looa and Independence is beins used. vuirvirev kiiu awv sal u i a vaiuiiK llai I . waiting. Including a number of automo- 8X0W TWO FEET DEEP biles which were marooned here while I Milton, Nov. 25. Snow reached aa route to Portland. I depth of 24 Inches here. This was the The second of the rotarles working on I first real snow storm In six years and the eat etd of the O-W. R. A N. trouble I never In the memory of the olJest In rviumea to xna Lmiies i nuraaay alter naoitam nas mere oeen Burn a quan- noon rf repairs, but tne rirst one. which I lity at this time of the year. waa brought back: early Wednesday to have a broken wing fixed, has egala lOECHAEDS HARD HIT I gtne west. WA8HOTOAL HEIGHBORHOOD j. r. U Brien. ronerai manager or the I Washouaal. Wash.. Nov. 25 rMr O-W. R. A N.. -Thursday afternoon was trees In orchards tf this district were r dot tan ie oe sun at me east ena or hardest hit by the recent atorm m. lumbia blvd. bet f'envrtck snd Denver, builder V 1 rVrhuvn. 15000. L. J. Cleland. erect residenoa, 1109 Glen- wood ave. bet. E. 36th and K. 37th, builder C. Goldenberi. asu. Hug estate Erect store and residence. 269 Hooker, between 3d and 4th sts.; builder. A. Wrirht- S1SUU. Enkea City Dye Works, Inc. Kepair carpet cleaning. E. 3d and Ash sts.; builder, Wm. v.t sAnOO. M. E. Churen itepair cnurcnioso run. st. between Lombard and Vanderbilt; builoer. T. Loomis. 350U. f. D. Green Erect residence, 1181 E. 9th St.. between Killingsworth and Jarreti; hnilrler same ss owner. $2000. I.ndwic Olsen Erect residence 497 atn st, between Brasee and Thompson sts. ; builder same as owner, SsOUU. A. Steinberg Repair tlats, 053 otn St.. be tween College and Lincoln sts.; builder, J. C payer rTirnace so., iau. at 2 p. m. Interment in Kiverriew crTn-t?Ty. TWEED In this city, Nov. 24. 1921-, Carrie Tweed, aged 66 years, mother of Km est Tweed of Washington: Mra. F. W. Falk of Halaey, Or.; Stella Tweed of San Francisco. Oal., and Anselta Tweed of this city. Remains will be shipped to Silverton, Or., by Edward Hoi man A Son, where aerricea will be held and interment made. the blockade In the- Columbia river gorge near Vlento, directing operatlona He was Joined there late Wednesday night by Division Kirrrnear Williams, who had been at the west end and who traveled afoot over the drifts and slides from Multnomah Falls to the east end Williams made a personal Inspection prune orchards were destroyed, while tit others the damage ranged from 25 to 70 per cent. Prune orchards owned by L. f Russell. William Woods and W McCalllster suffered severely. Many trees were uprooted, some were1 broken off and nearly all were stripped of lLrnba The sleet storm was the most severe m , - . I a mtv k 7. z!Zr:,zi i ,rr vzl .r.r"."9 in this district English . " I walnut trees were also severely dam IZi hrTwaTk. wrougn lor actd. On the Cochran A Dobbs ranch, aimoaT, tare weeks, four miles east of WaehougaL a large vimstiiiv.i swew fEBT I nr tree leu across the barn, demolish At the present Urns. O'Brien reported, U. tha rotarles are engaged with an ob- I , atruction of enow and lea almost 2000 1 ! STOCEM 131 HARD HIT fees lng. which In places Is 40 feet deen. Boardman, Nov. 21. The storm hit Maintenance crews all Wodnaaday 1 v""""!! Ru v,.i umi uaru, especially Bight and Thursday worked to remove a rock elide, which came down in the rork out about MM) yards west of the o.w.rH, m. railroad station here. Huge boalders tumbled from the ore rtpitous walls over the tracks as a re sult of action by water from the melt- thoee who had not. pompleted housing arrangements. HEDS ATTD CRUSHED Arlington, Nov, E The sheep sheds of WUbur France of Rock Creek, who is axtenaivaly engaged In winter sheep lna snow and. after sntach hlaatinar has feeding for sheep owners, collapsed un- boen resorted to, the wrecking crane was dr their burden of snow Bjinday and rauea to arag tne boulders out of the onaay mgni ms large oarnwent oow way. The nam was cleared araln Thura- under IU buruen. ' aay nignc 1 .It rained Intermittent! Tt..,rl.. I C. H. PUECELL LEAVES The first train through tn Hand niwer I C, H. Purcell of the federal bureau of left here Thuraday morning. It was a BUI0; road Thursday night for nixed train, with pasnrnsnre and freight, I Omaha where he wlU attend the meet aad pulled out just before o'clock', tak. I Ing of district engineers of the bureau tng much needed supplies to the oity 24 1 public roads, and also the meeting of mf sion 35e, committee. WASHINGTON CHAPTER NO 18. B. A. M. Called convocatioh Uits eatnraay uternoon and evenine. E. 8th and Burnside sts.. at 4:80 snd 7 :30 o clock. B. A. degree. Visitors welcome. Bv nniee K H f Tie evening se&ion will be presided over Dy comp. p. M p. g. F. Ball. BOY QPACKEN BUSH, Sec. GIL BEAZEE GBOTTO Stt 65 Informal dance date changed to Friday. Dee. 16. 1 Pythian temple. Members of Maaonio and Eastern Star fra- tenuUea are invited. HARRY A. MeRAE. Chairman. POBTLAND chapter No. 97. O. K. 8. Social club will give a dance and card party at W. O. W. ball. 834 BusseU. Saturday eve., November 26. Masonic and East ern Star frienda invited. Admis- Including war tax. Special music ACME BEBEKAH LODGE. MATTHEWS Nov. 24. at the Uie residence. 581 Third st. tTeuenck D.. aged 69 years. husband of Boss Matthews, father of Lawrence Matthews. The funeral service will be held Saturday, Nov. 26, at 1:30 p. m.. at Finley'i martnary, Montgomery at oth. Friends lnvited. Concluding service Riverriew cemetery. MORCOM The funeral services of the late Alice Morcom will be held Saturday. Nov. 26. kt 2:30 p. m., at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment Rose City cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 DO YOU WANT TO I .EARN THE AUTO MOBILE BUSINESS r Why not spCnd a few months this winter tn our school and prrpara yourself for a gona tab when you graduate 1 Ws teach ail branesvs of the automobile, tractor, battery and txr business. Dsy and svening tltsses. Expert in structors, lowest tmUon fees of any standard recognised school, thorough practical instruction ; not a book or theory school. Lergett system of practical auto and tractor schools in the world. L.ile membership tree. Our free em ployment office helps you to a rood noaition. Wa have a plan whereby yon can earn while you team, information and literature upon re quest HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE AND iKAtrutt outturn, 7U, Hawthorne ava. aad os i uas si rorusna. WHT EE OUT 0 A JOB OR WORE AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION f A Ws have helped hundreds of our sradastas to positions psying frosa 8200 ta $swe asr month. If you wul call at Vnion ava aad Wsseo st, snv day (except Saranlay) at ie a. nv or I 80 p. av or sand for oar big 186-page FREE catalogue, you will readily 5ITUATIONS WAJfTTJ) MALE zSlliy?. paexTlEw b6txL' gRS Misami ry at. sec. 1 osas..vtth bath ass BOOF ATTENTION BBADT BOACH wa paint aad repair rasa's Tabor (21 Woodiaa PAINTING. paperbangln. farm tare swpalraal astdT rannatbed. Pneea raasosabas: teed. Shop 1365 Hawtberae era. Tabor 120 or 1T2Z. HOTEL, HARRISON LEAKT roofs skillfully repaired aad caioted: retemcea: nonarada ala satianed - 20 years' expericsce. Mala 871 or Mala 1894. Priees tba lowest. HOTEL BASICS 288 w 8th st, Warsaasu eksaa rooms ia oity far 88.8 A HJnj t. psPfjyrtsyOyr. LIGHT, airy rocsa. xiitaMe fee A -mt esnpJoy4; sal SMe; prrvata. mn eoamsvs. mu kiarhaU 1486. CARPENTER KaUmataa gives oa repair work. roirfs repaired sad saraga built, Sbop. 1867 Hawtborne. Tabor 1260. DENTLY HOTEL pi method- Gentleman established office ia Portland. wants connecuaa with I 1-AHt.c clean, airy G 79. 284 4th Btrsa Bsw minsgi mesit; eewtra&y WiJ, awe aad cold anter. siaam beat raasnnabie raiaa. reesa. with Urea elaahaa WI1X. furnish kits ana build your own terras. Main 85B1 rloaet snitabw for anaai ks i n on Jmnul M,Ml.iri ImbIus 1 V t &0O I H aflnhIl 9111 for WANThU Cawmeals't. dig by contract; al- HOTEL OCKLEY brick for sale. CsO Oolnmbia 874. - . .V . ... . . ftOOM BESHtNGLEb .p Trna1 bait lJtYt TZFUl BeBed emnic. a y. It . f- tree tbos, at teth, hgat J PLASTERING dons, plala and timatea furnished. East 8180 or Mar. 26. HARDWOOD floors, by erences. East 8T10. day or erawract, Bef- PAINTING, papsrnsnging and tinting: akss re- pair worg. Beiiwooq Z8SB. CEMENT work, SeUwood tl. all - kiaea. First class asUy. TEAMING, PLOWING. EXCAVATING 240 EA8T 8TH. PHONE EJ8T 110. ACCOUNTANT Bookkawpsr, aaperienoed. crae ita, eollectikma, eoTrespondane. N-T73. Journal. iso-page ikk; catalogue, you win readily it i t.i. , .i , , 1 i swwa understand wh, we grsdoste avTra studenU who A"L,k a-, a??4 dUTriB fo lB I Walnut Part, --- --- I IUHI actually make good than any auta school ta trie L. o. Be convuseed. Maao a investigation or write for oar FREE NO. . ADCOX AUTO AND AVIATION SCHOOL UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. IF T0T7 are really interested and more pay, write tot my FREE 7 2 -page. EXPERIENCED stenographer vsnu work to da STENOGRAPHER, one yeaPi experience: knowledga of boofckaeptng. Marfhall 8188. BASEMENTS. ORADINO. OENX TEAMING: contract or day work. Aate. 822-83. after A SmJATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 HOTEL BlaCaJltONaT ' Elevewtb aae Slark Modern rooaaa, elevatar eervaca. 'eekly rataa. Central locatton. ' FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY SOI FINELT famished rront suite ol Anns ansbosaar: aksa stasia hot and eoM smtarj plenty of baet: ai eiose to bnsmesa center. 821 12th st SLEEPING roosa sa private taatils. suoelr faiw- osb lor ass aad wita ta tve ear ttaaa Vf aad sue large uting boom with riK hp-lack. 3 BLEEPING HOOHI. aiTTABLB i(Jl TWO OB MORE. MEN; VIEW OF CITE AftD MOtNTAINg; Oj RAGE MAR8HA1X 813. WANT a girl awewaea 13 aad li msm "3 at and atuaettve eJ)ws 3163. THIRD AND SALMON MAIN 807 umstrsted Book ef Facts. Hundreds of eate- asobtla opportsuitias ezplsiaad. Pictnrea af stndents gettins practical training. Tells haw you can earn room and board whUa learnkas. Tells of wonderful Los Angeles eOmate Shows how you csa do like other man fraa II ( II yaais oi sgs wno are now enjoying salaries an to seuu a monta. Because or tnM traiaass. 1 sena tms oooa ruts to anyone interastsd. write i. A. uosenkrsna. Proud sot H. 842 A Fignsroa, Los Angeles. in owe office, eapahle of srriuag Utters with- ont dictation. Bdwy. 374 8. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wanta hoa cleaning, washing or other work : good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6808. EXPERIENCED woman waats day work. 8371. East NIC ELI farsusbad large I net raves. aWa swgie osa n msdim taaaa oseae sa Eaan asw. 234 K 3rd st. North, eornar MsJvaesnaaT Ti.r .ii- ..... ,. . i.i.. ln (1 mea, ena la. 1 block ear; anas iiinal i 118 E. isth. cor Aider. J O. O. V., meets the second W. F WHEALDON NEW TODAY 50 FOR RENT and fourth Saturdav of each I nth at L O. O. F. temple, 1st and Aider I All Odd Fellows and Bebekaha. atranem I m ciij, are welcome. JENNIE PRTTCHABD, N. G. BEBECCA GRAT, Secretary. BEGTTLAB maetine tmiieht r1A24LALO . Jriaar tt O. O. P. tempi. 7 :ao o dock. Election of of ficers. A terse attendance of taw members is requested. lOnS" U. J. JS.UK.NKhE, N G. East Side Funeral Directors F. A DUNNING, INC. "The Familr Bets the Price. 414 EL Alder St Pboae Esst BE Breeze & Snook FUNERAL DIRECTORS 35TH AND BELMONT TABOR 1258. SMALL third floor iliianis raoaa. asitaate fo working aaa: welkins distance: 66 Me su uulli wants ganersj housework try day oe- Nour. I egg w est nanoyrs. ac a htur. tail Mas UofT. East 4479. RELIABLE womaa wanta day work. East 22 4 g PLEASANT rooaa osst beard: all 366 E. 3UUi at. ivtiaaea: vsk ear with, ws of sisaa Tafcwr 331A DRESSMAKING Z58 MGR. Dunning & McEntee Morrison St. st 12th. Broadway 430. Aot, 346-68. Lerch, Undertaker EAST ELEVENTH AND HAWTH0E51 PHONE EAST 78L FINLEY'S MORTUARY West's FTNKST BUSINESS COLLEGE En roll any time for all Business Courses, includ ing comptometer, stenography, banking, book keeping. . NIGHT SCHOOL 86 a MONTH. nee Cstalogua Address 4th Pbone Main S0. LINK'S COLLEGE DTE1NG. .modeling. rahWac. ahwraojona. oksetina. able prim Taa Cabtaet Pisaimskliig Par- tors. 424 MoTTfren, psr 11th. Msia 128 OOMFOBTABLT fwrntaaad rooss la new Oat. 310 per month. Cog. 11th and ' Bn 8606. I NEATLY fanuahecT i DTETNG. cleaning. modeling, raoning, alterattona. pleating, rea sonable price. The Cabinet Dressmaking Par lors, 424 Morrison, near 11th. Main 1823. easy walking Taylor sad Salmon. 213 14th Addr "Th School of Quality" Day 8"hool Night School 407 Morrison Pone Broadway 6083. THE GLAD SHOP 1 s specialty. Moderate araass. Mag. Mam 8864 FURNISHED slesijlug rnssa. rnsaks tasaOy; saatlesaaa nrafarrsd; fraa pboaa. 273 14th 'St. cor. Jefferson. Mala t6 alas, evening awwasl7 1,TH T Modern, hot, enki water; raaas ss. 1001 Broadway I lm Ferk. waJkmg aho- iw; men oeuy. POSITION FOB EACH GBADLATst MONTGOMEST AT FIFTH. MAIN t. ALISKT BLDG., 8D AND MORRISON I DO expert lad tea aad gesrta' tailoring; cut Sams any fashion: samfacooa or D. Maabin. 243 8th. HEMSTITCHING, aay eolor. Be yard: eattoas eovered. pleaUng, aeaBopina. ZOB Alksry bads. t- I COCPLB baa auea wwraa rnssa, evrrrtntBg cites back. I and new. connecting bath, S3 78 weak. 831 "" Clifton st Man 4010. gear W. Park. NURSES 257 NOB HILL. WELL-KEPT. ATTRACTIVE ss J i t. ear, aeerq. waismg i COM FOB TABLE WINONA BEBEEAH NO. 209. L O. O. LODGE F., will runerai parkin with all MOLEB BARBE1B COLAGB will teach you the Privacy of a borne. lth end Everett sta the trade in 8 weeks; receive some pay while NCBSB with haapitai traiaias. 34 a day. Ant 614-TO. light. Call 1 8880 room lor oea or two. bstk. aa. pwiaa. waisung nittsara hold ita venlae M.tin. . a ' - learning; poetoons securea. Oregon 5 Kanhm henk KlHff I " lua a , uiuepeaueui lunvnu us- I men rcorive Slab air. P. m., r naay. Nov. 25. Kenhm henk K1H "T" aji nerjesana eoraiauy in- VLITE K KOPP N CI W. HODSON. aacretarv. rectors. Fanerals 8To aad up. Waahingtoa St Ells it. Main 2691. Aut 818-45 k-gue. 234 Writs or call for oata- Bnrnsirte st. FOR RENT COST mean for ngtrt breakfasts oatsMas got, btork fross car; 812 a saoath. Tsbee 8878. FURNISHED ROOMS 300 'ONE SUITE OF TWO BOOMS IX THE JOCRXAL BUILDING All the modern conveniences and all high-class tenants. One of Portland's best known buildings. BESTS REASONABLE. Apply t 8aperlateadeBt ef Jeer sal Bsildlif, er Fhoae Mala IKS f-. 1 n.;rtinp S-gW ttF9infcVII MEN. women, liwrn barber trade; wagea while R. T. BYRNES 'e8TABL?SHMEMT Barber CcJleg.. 238 Madi- FLBNUSUED 310 10th st, FURNISHED HOLSEXEEFING ROOM! bslaasw Carasabia ssxt Oar. IsT wnrat faauis. uaa Tabor SOT W. M. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114. em wfm.t. m WooOm 220 S-..y jg! A. R. Zeller Co.AVBnst M. M. decree. Yisiune breth-l GIari;ael,UUImLW stain aiai always weteome. By order I Ohv"63 ComrT Third snd Clay. uuson. secretary. RUG CO. NORTHWE m afurnoon the ran FEED L. OREGON LODGE NO? 101 F. A A. M. Special munieauoB Saturaay at 7 p. m. Work in the M. -M. degree. Vis- . IU CT IU TTIi qmillBIIJ U. . . WCU. If I order of the W. M. LESLIE 8. PARKER, Secretary. SCNNTSIDE LODGE No, 163. A F. A A. M Special common- nieation tha Saturday at 8:80 p. m.. Temple. 39th and Hawthorne. Work in M M. degree. By order of W. M. C. P. JENSEN, Secy. BEN HUB COURT NO. 9 meets this Fndav evMiana in A nee hall. 56th I &U and Pastor read. ML Scott car to Archei Place. . P. LORSEN. Serihei ENTERTAINMENT. REFBE8HMENT8. MES- RAUKS CHRISTIAN SP1K1 TL AIJBT 1 CHCRCH. 81 UNION AVE N.. 8ATUBDAT EVENING. NOV. 2. AT 8 OCLOCE; 25c EMBLEM JEWELBT a specialty, buttons, pins. charms. Jsoger Bras., lSl-isa otn sa. MONUMENTS 106 OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS OXMXJTT MEMOaUALS CTettRQ AWHE STS. PMOWE E.743 son st. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway TelerrtDh Institute. 434 Railway Ere bangs bklg. Night classes. HELP WATrrED MALE 201 EXPERIENCED salesmen for sratchea and dia monds. Apply Friedlandern. 310 Wsahing- ten st.. rnaay per ore :u a m. SPECIAL edition advertising solicitors Christmas Grange number. 209 Btock Exchange. A 1 EXPERIENCED machine man for farns- tnre fsctory. E. 10th. cor. E. Lincoln. WANTED At once, two men to learn vulcan izing and retreading. 432 Hawthorne, S-IOiTriGI rt A VTskrVT FIRST AT I meals tf desired. uviLiUuni a uii tatlor I . ;,., . . .. . . Atom hat boS awl mid water fa, .11 1 .limn laisaow nma,' w wivaont Swara. Beasonabie rates. at Bring distance 413'Eossst, HOTELS ROWLAND. ANNEX. MARYLAND, VUIUL3IA. Z07-Z11-S 4TH ST. BATES. T8e. 31 PEE DAT. WITH BATH. 3L58 DAI UP. ROOM AND BOARD 302 as. hot, SALESMEN WANTED 202 FLORISTS 107 FLUFF BUGS DEATH NOTICES 103 Made out of your old worn-oat carpels and rug-a. Save halt the price of a new rue;. Use woolen doth Ins? 9a 12 Ruga atemm-cleanetl, $1.50 East 3580 188 East Eights the state highway engineers at the suns place. Be win return about De cember IS. mile west of here. The passengers were traanerrea to a boat at Hood River. wrtwivew wry journeyed to Portland. nernee was restored on tha Onnrfan ana neppner tranches Thursday, . the I GABA0E AKD CAES EC&x muea trams ea both of these branches Vancouver. Waniu. Nov. SS. A Pre, raachlnr the mala line of the O-W. R. A thought to have been caused Xr defective v " r. . ueo?ct W1U 1. west-1 Wiring, degtroyed the garage and two rorn swnuwum. automobiles belonging to K. Noreelius. usw ismoas misea train on the I Thirty-first-street and Kauffman j-aniae ocaacB, lamuiarty known as enue, Thsraday afternoon. The loss k. Cxi-- uu womewhere will approximau $1000. with no lnsnr- vuvnvr Because ox a suae CARPETCLEWINTGI it hubs OTaasi QLissts. nwi Mattretaas mads ever. Feathers Wswoveted.l ll kin oe ngw MATTsttsscs far salcI FLUPP ttUOS woven frsea ess ear set Furniture upholitsrsd and nealreS. Tsmtisrery rMiens Csst SCeC. PIONKER MATTRESS A CARPET CLEANISia WORKS 10TB E. Unsoln St. Bat. BT-0T FLUFF RUGS Made frees AO Bhads ef Old ' ge QnaBty. Bervlca aad ORE (MM PLUPIt RU 40. esM K. etar SV wak is 781S OWEN At the home of sis daaghter. 428 East Hraadwar. ovemoer za. josnna at. Owen, aged 88 years, father of John B. Owen of Mendota. CaX. and Mrs. Cora L. Marshall of this citv. The ressains are at tha conserva tory chanel of the East Side rueeral Directors, 414 East Alder st The funeral notice will si pear in a later tssne. WILLIAMS In tha city, Nov. 24. 1921. New ton G. WBHams. seed 88 rears, late of Pateros. land; L. B. Williams of Yakima, Wash.; O. H. i Wilhams and Mra Lee Cooper ef Pateroa. Wash. The body will be forwarded by Chambers Co. ta Psteios. Wash.. lor interment tn Beaver Creak I cemetery . SHELLBNBABGEB Nov. 23. at the late resi dence. Til Marshall St.. Charlotte, aged 43 yean, wife of Weston G. Shell en barger. mother of Marion, daaghter of Mat Ellea Retertaoa ef , ladenesiaeace. or.: ssstar of Mrs. Ota Hasaloa I of Seattle. Wash.; Mra Alts Craven and Mrs. Eva De Witt of Independence, or. The ream are at Vi nicy's mortaary, Montcosaery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. LARGEST RETAIL FLORIST IE POBTLAND 48 MORRISON K Bet IMw.v. srxi Pars Max. SOT EDO. STBAUS8, Mgr AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN Have Drooosition for von to inereasa soar mrnthly income from 8200 to 8400 per ssonta. will not interfere with your present position. niggest opportunity ever ottered in portisad. Call in person st room "D." Portland hotel. rTway ana sstnrasy only. Maxwell Hall ".2, rnratshed sleeptag raosas, bath, si hot and sold water; 14 week aad an. THA SOULI Bandar chicken dinners 7&c week dan BOe. sQ yoo osa est. oooked like mother eosasd. 181 11th st Matthiesen Hotel r 80s aay op; 88 week wp; dan. Bght, M wateg. staass beat. 304 Ciilessliav Minl AC-A 124 H. ith At I1VKI iUCUIUlU Corns Gbsaa l2K0 Two Monks frosa Deiss Tka and ss 14 a week pp. Hot snd ooid wssrr ta each roo NEWHALL HOTEL Nortonia Hotel BUT ENTH OPT WASHINGTON Portland a high-cJaas dowalowa isai lialisl ws civs yea the enssfaru of Aai'rvan and wurai see ptsa. Ratsa STEAy UaUd rooaa. ana Uard. Woaae eokma. ktrge rocsa. wrth i Us nine norrh. esnSshla S. 380 Salssea St.. oppsaue Maltaesaah ekab, Msht 8732. MARTHA WASHINGTON HOT El. for girls st saoderata, ratsa 880 10ts at ansa izsi. 402 modern: E. Washington st, earner Grand ava; oatssoe aieepmg itwsaa SALESMEN to aveaJera. Gnarantaed salsrv i week for right sua The Bid oth svt.. New York. N. T. Hotel Helvetia cover local territory selling 1 roeans T8 ap. Weekly 'rataa. , 8 too per haras Co.. ZOO and rvnl Deaigna 88 Large liotboases. No Branch Stores. 28 Tears oa Morrison st between 4th snd eta. Tel Mem 7708 HOTEL BRREKLE 10 Teisd St 10 GOOD agents tor sUs hosiery: can soaks 83 I rataa. Centrally located. ..U . I ill WUftV, BOOM esst board, ile to 840 per sneak a ear: walking distance. sts stosa st. BOARD- AND ROOM 888 Ownaa Mats 83"t ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 A-Nfl BOARD PRrVatE ftUft-T BPT OP- MEALS. HEAT AXD HOT. WATER. raTkb krisnxisiA itiar 3388. LARGE airy s6om" 288 rrom. CoT Booaas 80e aa. 88 was mrt: U K HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 1 . sod eold wstsr; staass beat. Elevatar service; other modern eosrvewJreeee ELOWEBa EUK ALL OCCASIONS ERIENCED GLOVE SALESWOMEN: manent positkm. good saiarv. Charles Berg. 309 Morrison. ANT OIBL ks I narration Arm' Alexander - sta P e N y Baarne bone Main 84 60 W 4737 "Ws WjU Please Ton." TAMH1LL st TENTH. WANTED SALES LADIES for dsi ' n . .. ' inw maOO Janwssl. aiui in s r lower anujp good soprs "TofJaad'i Piustesalve rVsris- sional work. fli i mm l Vrt AQ f WutMM Mate TStS, T. C Lake, Mgr. Oth snd Aide. HOTEL HARRISON Osaa tarnished mesas St - - aa. aa is. par mar; a story sanes asnMnsa. 40S toena spoil to the I stTiHMAEE. WASHINGTON. 00ft. I1 Bosaa. Msyfsir aad I .. "'"j-j''sd. I sad rooss LOVXLT ioxaisW WUh board, pinsiat aesne 'OWast ear sarviea. Iliaikirsi mr Bwanyndo oatvflS East TarWr. Aetsv 11 87. ONE LARGE soosa. aaitahla toe 2 saea; ssse 1 staass sanea: eansen: all k iish ini.fsias. Sa . arealy beano. 1847 E Oth st N Wdla. 2100. HOME tor kevaads ev tbase who want to- gat well aad era well- . aahsa werv - I S2S.W. Broadway. 'Wear Ctey. Mara SMI. WANTED Two ansa for ast ' dag for gaankM yast off Brsplaas; right ha tosra. CaB 81 a with . Se7 2. D-M car. GOOD soprano and alta wanted for local aro us mulsia . evarvthlna new aad aieaa. snod hssatiM- N. Slat, tome Northrsm. A eta. 888-28. RECTOR HOTEL" LIGHT. Iowa. 843 Event. 28. Tsa Srioele watt frasa Pboae A art 8 28-IS. .WILL baasd asss or two C. A sssi ignis. Has a Jener eww. Prtoe rssmskss. 2870 at svaantngtoa st WANTED Cook. Pbofte Woodlawn 2788. 24. Mary a Linnea Floral Co. rtowers snd plants fresh from oar M . Reott 1 PLUMBING done very repnsbie by the bee. greenhonjw at lowest orleen S72 k Mor. 822-18 I or pyane.ioo. anto. " MABTDI-AVORBE3 06., florarta, iS4 Waah P A1NTLS G. kslaomiaiag. isape, hanging done Mats 288. A-1280. sTowers lor aH I " y--estastieaBy arraagad, I IE TOO want beilt-ia fistans, caphoards, tabssa. FOlEEaTS In this city, Nov potassxras, wue of - S. PMnemna aad 1 . I As-..-. a w-Av.f ! mother of Jsgses H. and Harriett Fntheares of I LAE k A1W rUUWU 1UB "T "-ssaaasaa. isus jhj. mmmwmam miw suriuHT uotno oog I montns oia. leet snn tail ward Hoiasa A Sea. 3d and Sahnoa sta I tipped with white. Sell. 3340. 688 Weod- onew os rgnevas awr. I ware are. t X. Broadway, new aad aaodera Tsk toAa I IN LOT ELY, basse wil take 3 asr 4 eassaa saea. oa aoors. l ear and sn. gp weefc PWvataSymtha 8. MANIHD HATC1 sfi SIlUAllVJWa wanm WAIX al..siMw.N a aw a aa. ifOBEiao I BOOM AND BOARD kg private feasor. Bu iki'iring ens sseeptne Tensas. Msr. 2308. evoking end pnvfleeas; 1 bkw frosa Bo-e THE BT. PAUL. aFKtTAIUJt t Private bath 32. the barton. 488 ai Ocas fnraishad re nans, 12.80 per w eweptne reiana. Msr. 2308. I evoking end prtvtWss; 1 bkw froei Bo-S . 138 dth ewe Ahi- VyglCHy ear. 83 E, 18th at. East 14ST. niby 1 Aea22L? ami T&ZVZ aTbstw! IMT- Ahss hgbt boas i keeping mntftaAt Ma hmna 111 S BMhwti., mt November 24. arnsdenck Joeaph Thesnaa. aaed SPECIAL NOTICES 101 1 B. JEeBer Co., ia charge. NOTICE thissda 1 wi not be ro-jORTON la this city, Nov. 24, George M. soon-ibw for anv debts eoatracted hv say wife. 1 Orton aged x, years, tste ef Zal jk Oak st ialia Ev AXtvma, a she has left my bad ana I The sesaains are at Fin ley a aaortaary. Meat- board. - J. A. ADAMS. J gosnnry at Btb, -Rotme ef foacrai ksneafter. LOST Pair of shell-rimmed glasses Wednesday evening on down town streets buteucn S and ! dork. Finder please call Automatic 833-43. SMALL parse containing 820 bill. 83 bill and eftaage. on Greshaa car leaving 1-30 lest Sunday. Bdwy. 4728. ; LOST Pais of isi lia 1 1 jsoaaewhere brtweea laatniu and tioyu Bewaro. Alaia 3 lis. etc., call Anto. 31T-87. tfcXf W( idlrt. 8241 ; CARPENTER asss eoatswctar..oeetBa, aaytbitsj tne pwiwmg nam run svsst wees.. 1 -A -.. . . .. OUTTEBLVO and furnace repainnev all gjhds 1 'ii.'ZT' iLiZm st 'iLZZ1LZi CsO WdTa SI 78. 1 BO A B D AXD BOOM lee a Mule sul at 443 HOTELjralT 12.U at Btash Bates 33 per wvk wp. Owtralty torghsSV X 28rd St. sheet asetal work. Tabor 7884.' CONCBEil jwortng 33 be per ween. 171 9. 17th st 1078. BOOM AND BOARD tor two swosaitsj ' s ilir 823 aad 830 sera. Weediawa 883S. WANTELi Two yownc'sMa to raa aaa ksaia, ' privet fasalrr. CaU Tsawr Met. BOARD aad wwv prsrns oritn it work. Call 80, liJO. after I a al ' - sa- v ; -.-Z 1 s-TT. eANUOR.aad' fnmace aaaa; had ywara' expert- Brwcial PerssanesH Bates Frees 30 Fef Wee. swaie. mil, jonrnai, I VICE mmiim awsaa treaa 312 Aa He mmmtTi RTREETEB A POINLEETFR. I bat water a'wass far baths and hsesm wlk tamtscape oaroenera. - eis. nag gsstsans; ssce, eaet pises. iistlss Asssrlraa family. Woediswa 8 S3. i WA.MKD One or two school cLsktrsa ta beat of care. ' OeUssuS 8834. R-.j . w . a i i i v lu. mve nsutr s eat te in .1 calre ia ey ev anev. TVS leett 4 73-8 t C sm isma gas feisswasj Fmmi s e