THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. FRIDAY,- NOVEMBER 25. .182L VICTIMS' BONK r IN 'BLUEBEARD'S'. S MURDER VILLA . . 1 1 1 WILL SPEAK HERE FOR .. NATIONAL BUDGET PLAN By Jladaas Hawlej t aiUd Nana Staff Corrmpoudent, farts. Nor. IJ. jrhoae were fragments ef human bones, riot canine bones, that the police found Irj the ash heaps at tbe Gambia villa, whjire "Bluebeard" Lan dru la alleged to pave murds-red the II r women who save jhm their love. Thla was the (testimony of Doctor I'aul. a Btate expert, railed Thursday In the sensational itiurder trial at Ver sailles to pupvortjthe state's claim that It could not pror! ties poMttive material evidence of the fleath of the women, because Landru destroyed the bodies In tne atove. Anions the an Ir. Paul found, ac cording to his cl.iiim. hundreds of frag ments of human structure. Including HO from human skills. 47 from human teeth and 65 fromj human hands. These relics were discovered In three places en the Uamhlas lrt.-Ue and the doctor aid they proved jhal at It-ant three per sona had been diposi of there. CHEERIl L AT JllKMT Landru at rrt cheerfully countered the claims of thp state regarding- the discoveries on trie) ash heaps. That was when experts said that fragment of corset stays anid btiUona had been found. - rbntt. Unlil Lnnilrit nnnrhal- antly. "I burn! noma rubbinh." But then came, a Doctor Kilns; to tes tify regarding ejtperlments In burning sharps' headin sating that his testa had convinced him It were possible to ineln crate a human bojrly weighing 100 pounds In 24 hours. The bones discovered showed aliens that an axe or saw had ten used, the doctor declared, and . chemical analysis; of the soot from Lan ru'a chimney supported the claims of the state regarding the fate of the Landru'a- final reply to all this expert and apparently quite damaging testi mony was the cl litn that the police had planted the bon on the estate after his arrest. -WHOLE DAT (iRUKNOMK Ths day was tie most gruesome' since the trial began, filled with references to kails and bonea and the reminiscences of various expert touching upon past murders of mnrp or lees celebrity, but uniform ghaatllnrsa. Moat of the tljna Landru aat In seml- ' torpor, occasionally opening his gleam In r black eyea ti slara at a witness. Landru. aaked about the purchase of a saw, replied : I "Oh. I know what you mean, but taught that saw to cut off a bar of t ate. You'll rind the bar cut." Ilia counsel drew from one expert wit ness the admlssan that not one of the boner definitely proved to be human rel lei. had been sawed. Tbe only bones wfclch appeared to have been sawed might have beenj animal bones, the wit ness admitted, and there the attorney eloaed his case far the day. Non-Pariisan League To, Meet in Spokane j Spokane. Waits.. .Nov. 25. The Non- Fartlaan. league of Washlgton h called a convenpon to be held In Spo kane, December 13 and 13. Already Alakt t . i maw I Jrtrwan It. i lrrt m net In irm . have been set Idor the period between December 13 and 15 In Spokane. The Farmers' union the Washington-Idaho Wheat Qrowerd associations and the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance com pany are to hold sessions. f - r f- : s -1 " V ',- '- f;-' r ,',"1; "' ' I 'i ' ' i. ' ' - r, . ' ' ' ' :: '"'-: . yy'-y -y y'v:"'::":.v ' 'a ' " ' ' I r " I 7 "$ .V;? JOHN T. PRATT TO SPEAK HERE FOR NATIONAL BUDGET SPECIALTY .SHARES A RE GENERALLY HIGHER AT THE .OPENING OAS STOCKS LEAD. MAKING NEW HIGH John T. IVatt, nationally known phllantliropiMt and business man, who Ih coming to Portland to Kftoak in behalf of the Dawes plan for a national budget system. Boston. Nov. 25. (L N. S.) Freder ick Dickson and John R. Watts, editor and business manager, respectively, of the Christian Science Monitor, today tendered their resignations. An nouncement by the trustees stated that they, and Dickson and Watts would co operate with the board of directors Iir.! FOLLOW IX Q OPERATION lUUe. Nov. 65. Haxel A. Warmoth wife of Kd ward IN. Warmoth. died Tues day at Salem hospital, following a minor operation performed five days' before la survived by her husband, her father. Grant Taylor of Halsey, and twfe staters. MM. O. C. Bramwell Brbwnsvllla and; Mrs. of Kugene. f of Charles Whltlatch lOVL 1 00I5O FOE FrOITITE lnspe-tor l'owrll will leave early next 4eek for Keddijig. CaL. to bring back Be a Lesmiester.t who escaped from jail br a short time ago. Lesmiester was .arrested In Redding and Is being held for Portland authorities. $100.00 ' Refund EdMr and Business Manager of Monitor Send Resignations In connection with the publicity cam paign of the national budget committee, a non-partisan organization of tax- prayers which is conducting a trans continental business men's tour to back the efforts of General Charles G. Dawes for a program of national economy and lower taxation and to mobilize tax payers : " in the principal cities of the United Staites into a "budget guard." John T. Pratt, chairman of the commit tee, will address taxpayers of Portland Wednesday, November 30. Edward Cookingham,' president of the Ladd & Tilton bank, is in charge of ar rangements here and will name the "budget guard," meeting place and addi tional speakers in the immediate future. Governor Olcott is honorary state chair man of the national budget committee for Oregon. The mayors of Dallas, Pen dleton, Roseburg, Salem and Bend are honorary city chairmen in. Oregon. Pratt is a brother of Fred B. Pratt, son-in-law of the late W. S. Ladd of Portland, and is prominent In New York as a lawyer, business man and philan thropist, being one of the family which founded and maintained Pratt Institute of Brooklyn. Prominent among the men who are directing the organization's fight are: r.eneral Charles G. Dawes. Chief Jus- tt William Howard Tart, Henry u. i . . Stimson, former assistant secretary ui war : R. C. Leff ingweil, former assistant secretary of the treasury; Judge Alton B. Parker, one time candidate for pres ident; Paul M. Warburg, former chair man of the federal reserve board ; Ben jamin Strong, governor ot uie ieueii reserve board of New ions, ana ur. Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Colombia university. WALL STREET QUOTATIONS Furnished by Overbeck Jk Cooke Co-, Board of Trade Building I STOCKS Hiah. L. VA Lord Douglas, Friend Of Wilde, , Sues for False Death Report (By United News) London, Nov. 25. Lord Alfred Douglas, &n friend, of the late Oscar Wilde, and son of the Marquis of Queensberry, who has brought a libel euit against the Evening - A, v. haMa ftf An ohituarv con- ""'"k nected with a false report or nis ceaui New Tort, N. 25. (U. P.) Gaa stock led the New York Stock Exchange at the open ing today. Consolidated pj made a new high for the year at 49 X, np 1. People's Gas held above 58. Among the specialties, Darison Chvnical touched a new high for the year 1921, shortly after the opening a bore 59. Among the ice stocks, American Ice common made a -new rec ord high abo?e 74. There was little chance in the rest of the fist. Reading was fractionally higher. The first sale of Mexican Petroleum vas up M, at 1 1 4 . men reacted. sugar stocss were sugnuy tower. Bails were taken in hand in the early part of the second hoar and leaders were Colorado Southern, Missouri Pacific preferred, and South ern Pacific. At 128 Union Pacific got into new high ground for the year, as did Missouri Pacific st 471a. Colorado Southern at 43 compares with a low for the year of 27 4 . rrencn city bonds broke badly on announce ment of a new offering totaling J22.779.300 of 6 per cent gold bonds for the cities of Uarsailles, Lyons and Bordeaux. Colorado & Southern was the feature of the rails , in the second hour, selling up Ii to 45, a new high for the year. Accumulation in Colorado & Southern has been noted for some time and been accounted for solely by the earn ings position. Common should show around 12 a share for the calendar year. . Davison Chemical sold off oVer 5 points to 54 Tbe whole market became strong around mid day and Baldwin got within a point of the year's high. Mexican Petroleum, which had ap peared heavy in the first hour, suddenly ran up to 115, which is within If of the month's high. Steel common got aboTe S3 and Gulf States alsc got into new high ground on the more abore 49. Steel and equipment stocks were helped by the Dow Jones story of increasing steel rail and car orders and inquiries. The street has it that there ' has been a large increase in short interest of Mexican Petroleum oier the last week. A prominent operator is supposed to hare pat out a large short line and induced others to selL Notwithstanding this sell ing the stock has failed to giva way to any extent- The market closed strong. While tome of tbe specialties that had featured recent market ses sions sold off rather sharply on profit-taking, the general list on the New 1 ork Stock Exchange today gave a good account of itself. Rails were firm throughout the session, with a 'number of issues at a new high price for the year. The bear crowd is baring a hard time of it just now, and its raids so xar hare been disastrous to the raid ers. While the market has had a big advance in the last six weeks, the persistent attacks by pro fessions has kept it in a strong technical position. witn tne exception oi some ot the t rench city bonds, the general bond list was strong. A complete reorganization of the edi torial staffs of all Christian Science publications Is In prospect,. Judge Clif ford P. Smith, chairman of the Chris tian Science Publication ccrmpany, said today. Judge Smith denied that there is7 any truth In a rumor that publlca- at in pmirt at the opening of the case and participated in the discussion of whether or not he was a moral degen erate- Women have been excluded from the jury because of the character of the case. Th defense nleaded that, with the ex- tlon of the Christian Science Monitor I ception of the report of the lord's death. would be suspended. The directors hope to reorganize with the least possible amount of friction," said Judge Smith. "They trust that the trustees will have the courtesy to resign. New editors will be elected." Poker Loser Makfcs Kick, Winnings Are Returned Equally Each man for himself three men sat in a poker game Thursday night in a North End notei. iacn .man was after his two partner's scalps. But the pace was too fast for V. E. Sutherland, who finally left the game considerably "cleaned." Sutherland complained to the police and the, other two men, George F. Swan and David Hays were arrested. This morning the three FOREIGX BOXD MARKET (Furnished by OTerbeck & Cooke Co.) Bid. Belgian rest. 5s . 60 do prem. 5s.... 65 do 7 hii. 1945 104 do 8s, 1941 104 it .tmnio mud a hv the News were true. The obituary' lamented Doulas, savin? that he was from the best satiety and showed brilliance as a poet, but laz-irt essential attributes. It declared : "Charity, which is most fitting when speaking of the newly dead, urges that much should be forgiven this poor man, who Derharjs will be remembered, only because of the quarrels and scandals in which he was involved. It w?s great to be born a Douglas, but the family inher itance had gifts from the evil fairies as well as from the good ones." The obituary, continuing, said that marked signs of degeneracy had been noted in the house of Douglas, and re called Lord Alfred's alleged relation with the noted writer. Wilde. Counsel for the plaintiff admitted that Lord Alfred "had been misguided enough to become the constant companion of Wilde," but maintained that in England "a man is allowed to repent the follies of his youth." agreed to a readjustment and an win- I The lawyers pointed out mat uougias nings were returned. Charges of vag- was only 24 years old at Wilde's deth, rancv broucht in the municipal court savine he was ashamed of the letters he wrote in defense oi wnae in conuauuu with the latter's conviction in 1895. do 6s. 1925 Brazil 8s, 194 5 British 5s, 1922 do 5s, 1927 do 5s, 1929 do Tky. 4s do ref. 4s Bordeaux 6s, 1934... Canadian 5s, 1937 do 5s. 1926 do 5 tts, - 1929 do 5s, 1931 do Stts, 1927 Chilean 8s, 194 1C... Currency Denmark 8s, 1 94 5 ... . Dan. Muni. 8s. 1945. Frerfch 4s, 1917 do 5s. 1920 do 5s, -1931 do 7Hs. 1941 do 8 German W. Berlin 4s Hamburg 4 s do 4 4 s IeiuBig. 4&s ...... do OS Munich 4s ........ do 5s Frankfort 4s Italian 5s. 1918... were continued Indefinitely. , during the first 7 daya ot our big season's clen-up sale, announce-.. . 'Vneirt of which will be found on! Page 4 of tllils paper, and In ad dition to our tremendous price reduction on used cars. $100 cash lll b allotted to each group of teh consecutive purchasers, to be refunded to some one ot the ten as determined and designated by the group wliemselves. WhoGeks the Money? This question o cioo will be settled at 8 every evening. 10 MAlj SALESROOM COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. II9T ASD; VTASHISGTOX 8T3. Tacoma Resident Is Kidnaped. Robbed By 2 Men in Auto Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 2b. (U. P.)- Kidnaped from the street here 13 days ago, robbed of $184, held a prisoner and fed only on bread and water, was the strange experience related to the police today by A. W. Sweider, a foreman In the Northwestern Woodenware plant, following his release from a box car in Centralis. Sweider told the police that he had j been invited for a ride In an automobile by . two men and that he had later been blindfolded, robbed and placed in an abandoned shack, where his abductors visited him daily and gave him crusts of bread and water. Yesterday, he said, he was again blindfolded, carried to Centralia and placed in a freight car, where he was discovered In a famished condition early today by a Centralia policeman. Wedding Secret Out; Box of Candy Tells Its Part of Affair M. H. Gibbons, in charge of products of the forest service, has been absent from the office all week. This morning the service employes received from him a box of candy, with the advice not to look for him until they saw him com ing. Incidentally, they learned that some time, somewhere in the interim between the present and last Saturday, he was married to Miss Lillian E. Peterson. Gibbons confided not in even his most intimate friends. 96 102 402 391 391 308 283 88 92 X 95 97 94 Vi 90 103 6 107 106 V, 45 63 55 95 1945 101 S L. 5s 21 3 3Vi 3 '4 3 3 34 5 4 31 hi Ask. 64 69 104 104 Vi 96 Vi 103 402 hi 401 401 318 293 96 97 4 94 92 v Jap. 4s. 1931 70 Vi do 1st 4 Vis, 1925 86 V. do 2d 5 Vis. 1925 86 Vi Norway 8s. 1940 107 Rusfian 5Hs, 1921 loVi do 5 Vis, 1926 3 do 6 Vis, 1919 13 Vi Swiss 5 Vis. 1929 96 do 8s, 1940 Ill V. K. 5 Vis, 1921 94 do 5Vs, 1922 99 do 5Hs, 1929 96' do 5J9, 1937 94 9 107 Vi 107Vi 46 64 56 V4 96 101 Vi 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 7 5 32 V4 70 Vi 86 Vi 86 Vj 108 16 4 IS 96 H 111 Vi 100 99 96 94 Aoams Kxpeaa ......... Agr. Chen. i . . A tax Rubber . . Ahv-k Gold Alaska Juneau Allied Chem Aiiis-Chalmers do pf 4. Am. Beet Sugar ....... Am, Bosch , . . " Am. Can C . do pf d. r Am. Car & Ftty. do pfd. Am Cot. Oil do pfd. Am. Drug Syni Am. Bide & Leather . . . do pfd. Am- Ice Am Intl. Corp. Am. linseed do pfd. Am. Loco. . do pfd. Am. Saf. Razor Am. Ship & Comrc. Am. Smelter do pfd. Am. Steel Fdy Am. Sugar do pfd Am. Sumatra .... Am- T a TeL Am. Tobacco . - do "B ' Am. Wool . i do pfd. , Am. W. P. pfd. Am. Zinc Anaconda Associated Oil Atchison - . . , dq pfd. Atl. Gulf A W. L Baldwin loco. do pfd. Bait, t Ohio .do pfd. Beth. Steel "B" , B. R. T Butte C, i. Z Butta & Sup Bums Bros, Caddo Oil Cal. Packing CaL PeU do pfd. Canadian Pac Cen. Leather ....... Oerro de l'sco ...... Chandler Motor ...... N W Chicago Gt. W do pfd Chile Cop Chino C. M. St P do pfd. Coco Cola C. & O i Colo. F. & I Colo. Southern Col. Gas & Elce Columbia Graph. Cons. Gas oCns. Cigars do pfd. Cona Can Cities S. Bankers Corn Prod do pfd. Cosden Oil C. R. I. & P do "A" pfd do "B" nfd Crucible do pfd Cuban Cane do pfd. Cuban Amn. Cane.... DeL & Hudson Dome Mines Del. & Lack Davison Chem . Endicott Johnson Erie db 1st pfd do 2d Dfd Famous Players Fed. Ming. & Smelting. do pfd. Fisk Tire Gaston Williams General Cigars General Electnc General Motor Glen Alden General Asphalt Goodrich Goodyear Granby Gt. Nor. Ore Gt Nor. pfd. . Greene C&nanea Gulf States Steel Haskel Barker Houston Oil , Hnpp Motor Illinois Central Inspiration Int. Agr. Corp, c . . . . do pfd. Interboro do pfd. Tntrstjii (allahan . . . International Harvester do pfd 1 Vi 54 8 V. 29 " 1 V, 49 36 i'Sia 11 58 76 37 64 41 V 31 33 V 117 125 121: 27 11 Vi 45 V 32 97V 11 Vi 56 73 Vi 37 Vi 4 41V si V" 48 32 Vi lev ' s 54 35 83 28 33 31 88 Vi 138 114 22 43 SVi 11 56 75 37 33 60 Vi S 109 4H V . 41 83 31 Vt 53 . 84 32 V -lea. 1 8TOC 1 High. Lew 1 Rid. ..I 12 & 12 56 Oil. . 26 11 44 31 95 55 11 63 13 13 I 73V 73 I 44 43 ii" iie"; 32 31 '4o" ' '45 18 18 12 12 27 26 23 hi 22 37 36 38 37 59 5S ::::: ::::: 64 I 63 I 4 3 ..... " I '34 'S2 54" 83" " 8 j " 8 " 18 17 109 ' i07 li 19 112 111 . 77 '75 12 1 1 7s .18 17 135 11 64 74 49 78 10 37 81 1 15 1 16 124 125 121 121 7S 102 26 11 45 98 87 86 31 96 103 37 52 55 9 5 17 115 13 72 44 82 118 31 33 46 68 7 18 12 26 23 37 87 59 24 46 63 3 i 94 21 60 45 23 88 108 34 33 83 72 64 63. 7 17 14 109 18 111 54 77 11 17 12 69 8 34 10 60 1134 ,134 11 44 64 30 13 31 34 74 24 48 79 78 10 96 37 8 40 2 5 6" 77 101 12 3 2s" ' 14 4S 'si"' 148 28 116 25 15 v 15 42 14 '99 79 26 57 3 21 11 3 24 24 9 42 i" 147 '28 113 25 15 i" 3 13 42 13 97 78 23 37 11 63 73 45 77 10 37 39 30 46 52 47 34 58 ' 22 36 13 13 lot. Merchant alarim. do , Pfd. Int. Nickel Int. paper do pfd. Invincible Oil island Oil Jewel Tea K. C Southern 0V1 pfd. Kelly-Springfield . . . , Kennecott , Keystone Tire Lackawanna Steel . . . Lee Tire , Lehigh Valley Lonllard , Loew Theatres .... Maryland Oil Mex. Peu Miami Middle States Mid rale Steel M. K & T do pfd. Montr Power Mont. Ward Missouri Pacific do pfd M. St. P. A S S. M North American National Biscuit National Enamel National Lead ........ Ne rails Con. New Haren Norfolk A Western Northern Pacifri Nova Scotia Steel N. Y. Air Brake X. Y. Central t kla. Prod, ref Ontario Surer Ontario it W Otis Steel Pacific De Pac. Gaa A Elec Punta Allegre Pacific Oil Pan Am. Pet do "B 1 Penna. Peo. Gas Pere Marquette Pure Oil Phillip Pete Pierce-Arrow Pierce oil Pitts. Coal Pitts. A West Va do pfd. Pressed Steel Car Pullman Ray Cons. Reading Remington . . . Replogle Steel Republic L A S Rep. Motors Royal Dutch Oil Uy. Steel Spg Standard. X. J Sears Roebuck Sliattuck. Ar.x. Shell T. A T Sinclair S lands Pi Oil I 'al Stand. Oil Ind. Sloss Shef Sou. Pacific Sou. Ry do pfd. St. L. A 8. F Ktrcmberg Carb . . . . J . Studebaker Swift A Co. Tenn. Cop. A Chem. . . Texas Oil Ttxas Pacific Teias Pacific C. AO.. Tobacco Products Tran. ContL Oil Cnion Oil DeL I cion Pacific , I'liited Alloy United Drug Cnited Food Prod. . . . I'nited Fruit I'HSted Retail Stores . U. S. Ind. Alcohol U. S. Rubber do pfd. V. S. Smelting U. S. Steel do pfd Utah Copper Va. Chem do pfd Vanadium Steel Vivandou Wabash Wo A pfd do B pfd '. ... Wells Fargo Western Pac do pfd Western Union Westinghouse E. A M West Md White Motors Willys-Orerland do pfd Wilson Packing ...... Woolworth Worthington Iump. . . W. A L. E White Oil Money lotaJ sales stocks 700.000 shares. 12) 12 VANDERLP BACK 21 53 12 56 5 11 3 11 24 51 40 24 43 13 57 148 114 28 113 25 13 24 1 2 5 15 1 4 67 42 121 41 81 13 13 98 79 2 57 73 3 4 21 8 8 AND OPTISI SOUTHERN TRADE AT A STANDSTILL New Tore. Nov. SI. Frank A. VaayWrfip. the financier, k boane from Ewop with a com plete new pata for the settlement at Cwror' f ma octal dtbt to U Cnited Stataa. Tfca paa will b revealed ta Ma pe before tbe Koo nlr r4nli hr Maodav sight. Mr. Vanderlip rrturaed Tharxlay after touring Eunww for fin month uTeaticaLnc ecoeom-c evnditioft. Daring hi trU? he tamed wtth prae tirally aU of Um maa promineen m gonrnmewt and fmawrial cirri on Uw continent and. as a remit of his study of condition he naa worked ont a definite program which he hclierea point the way tm the aruiement of the debts of btllum of dollar owed by the aUwd nauon K Ui country. Tbe pal J embrace u rawora- two of economic atabihty m Quartets now l-1 It lint from commercial paralyna ana oaprn by the prapert of bankruptcy. The Vanortq plan na wmm odbuiuo priTately to a Bomber of the mot prominent financier of Uw world and to att 10 oe r- trtW by them a tbe moat interesting aotubon ol the situation which ha been offered nnc xhr wr ended. Mr Vindrrno told tlx Cnited New: The latted Stale is so-well off a com pared with suffering Enrope that them 1 aoatid reason for crory American to give thanks be cause he an American and can bre in Amer ica I belie we hare area th worst of oar troubles in the I'nited Stale and that the pro mt condition arc relaueaiy temporary while Europe troubles are deep and lnng If I. Special Corrmpandecit of The Jnarnnf Kew Ortnaaa, Ker. S3 Trade ta Urn Sent at a ctaadMll awaaiaa another adV ta the print of retton. Dnnnem and slewing down of bonnow I espx-ud la con Una Lati! there t a rb la eotina raises and a nr demand fox ramber. The great reerenl o trade canat Hetniiw nd October en Owe 0 the adranre la cocum rem and in nl foe lumber. White pr-coa we nng- th t ta merchant and small buyer of tbe booth tank a large part. W tbe mm -tv wf tbe hand of th pnatnurr at from lk to 32 1 mu a nonnd. WlJun the W ni wrka 11 a in. mi eeau prand. or 323 to 10 bale as a reanlt the rorb th bought nima aoorr huge I ire or w&it aaul ranr again and mart of thrm an Itrtrr coane MtannhU haanr t waning f a tfce awn to get back the moory they hare twd up m cotton. Ledb.g banaera of taa fVmih are looking to tSe rrofrmr an the rxtartm f ermameeu to adjtux w rfir that tAe "wth can market it mm t mu!r4nry prim The aanaoaily warm weal her ha miartervd with retail trade la th rttna. 30 45 50 46 34 57 2' 36 13 12 63 63 " '73 '71 'si' 40 47' 45 23 '23" 91 87 !;! STEEL COMPANIES A LITTLE WORRIED 80 20 49 23 75 " 9 ' 46 25 30 60 10 21 128 ' 72 120 83 112 58 32 79 J 194 49 fihi 74 9 32 7 22 90 34 57 21 36 32 13 18 59 25 72 62 108 14 73 24 22 00 7 46 RU 175 64 7 35 23 90 87 40 80 20 49 23 30 73 98 9 48 25 SO 60 10 70 iio' " 82 112 57 32 25 29 59 9 20 I 20 125 128 25 72 11 120 63 40 49 94 33 83 112 58 3: 75 32 7 7 22 14 64 20 69 89 47 10 38 5 26 28 123 42 7 13 4 By Font O. "SoLaln nnerfal CorraniorKlent of Tbe Journal Philadelphia. Nor. 23. It is hoped here that lira construction of merchant eemrls will take 1 he ti lace to a larae extent of the naeal building program which ha kept the nana of in 1 aria- ware basy for years if th limitation of arma ment program as now outlined goes Into affect. Including the 1-eaxue Island nary yard tbrro are seven big shipouilding plants in this terri tory where tire capital ship of the American nary which will cost S160.yO0.0O0 when com plrted. ar under construction, as well as a sup ply ship for Japan. It would be a arrer blow to this industry here if Secretary Hughes' pro gram ia adopted, a then are alM two ararnal here which urHly arms, ammunition, clothing and other supplies for tbe army and nary. Steel plants also would be affected, a United Slates Steel, II id rale and Bethlehem companies make armor plate and the latter two manufac turing gun and projectile as well. The steal rompanie pin their hope for future buaint howerer, on a reriral of building throughout the country and on Aknand for steel passenger ar irora tne railroads. r Retail buying at the department atom here continues to be large and tbe holidays trade inrea promise 01 being very satisfactory to mcr chant. 31 ' 7 21 89 47 47 r 27 '27" 29 28 42 '42 8 7 13 13 5 14 Philadelphia Enjoys Good Retail Trade PhUadeliJiia. Nov.- 2V The eolnm of re tail trad in th city a regarded a ettraordi nary in new of the number of persons nnere ployed. One steel company, aorwially earner in r 60O0 man. now has bat 1 SOO on the payroll nd thla ratio k a fair rianmle of u in aome other plant, yet ih rr-rnre of lm. u amaaing One tiplanatxm that many of lb buyer art women ho are now employed in office and stnrea Another rir-lanaunn u tbe conntry around Uie city n more nrwpr-rotu than Philadelphia and that lihrrml edrrrtnans campaign har attracted baytn frrwo many milea around. rUruigs aocoanu withdrawals ar exceeding new deposit by ahuul il'00 000 a month. NEW INCORPORATIONS Wawiln oiympta. Wash.. Sot. 25 ArbrVa of hv corporation were filed with the aearrtary of state on Wednesday by the following KiBraaw Arguetite Product company. rVeaUi. capital ttnrk S230.0O0. to manufacture and artl prod uct under lb Arqitett-Lindaay formula m F. A. Lindsay, A. IL AraarU and E C. Kilbourne. Washington Cooerbdated Oil comranr. Spo kane, capital stork I5O0 OllO; uaoarporatora, A. I). Lorraine, George 11- Banburn and W A Clench. Washington Trangt oompuy. Rmttla. card ial stock f 10.000. motor unaapnrta-aon bau nrsw; Uacorporator. Claude Van Warn. Cor A. O liar and C. 8- Mart. New Machinery at Beaver Cement Plant Gold HOL Or.. Nor. ?s a u.b. n noist locomoare crane is being uetalled at the nearer 1'ortiand cement Diant hare for tha rn-1 mary parpose of handling lime rock for storage purpose. The hoist, which was bought in Se attle at a cost of about SI 3.000. is being et up on the ground at tbe main plant conven ient to the unloading mfrrbariisrn where South ern Pacific cars deliver the lime rock loaded at the Bearer Quarry at Zacher. three mile mt of the main plant. Tbe locornotiTe hoist will be equipped with a longer bourn and a elam- fhell bucket. Shipment of Bearer cement oontinne nretir strong, de-mite the bad weather which slowed down building on the coast, and the opening of the plant here for acne production will be earlier than expected. Tho plant will probably be in full operation shortly after the first, of th year. WEALTH AT TRIAL Spokane. Wash., Not 23. Approximately 1100.000.000 wm rrprwerited la tha audi ence which Wednesday hoard UaUmnay m tl-e iMy-Herla Injunction cae in Judge Hurwa court, according to an ret 1 mate made by a prominent mining man. The ermrtroon was crowded to capacity wtth wealthy oprr-lor from the Coeur d'Alene during th second day of th trial Among the awlatoe mi MrW Sarah Smith. plaintiff with Eogane Day. Klinx to restrain th Hecla director from mating hail-lnteraxt parenaae of Ua Star nun ing propertwa near Bark. Idaho. on-Callable STANDARD OIL STOCKS Furnished by Orerbeck A Cooke Company.) Bid. Ask. Anglo 18 19 CLeesebrough 180 195 do pfd. 104 107 Eureka 85 87 Galena, com 47 49 do Old pfd 104 107 do New pfd. 104 107 IUir;oi3 Pipe 172 173 ladiana Pipe 82 83 Northern Pipe 92 96 Ohio Oil 285 290 Penn. Mex 23 25 Southern Pipe 90 93 South. Penn. Oil 233 238 S. O. Calif 90 S. O. Ind J 87 S. O. Kansas 590 600 S. O. Kentucky 433 450 S. O. N. T : 380 385 S O. Ohio 400 410 S. O. N. J 175 S. O. Nebraska 175 185 STEEL COMPANY on WORK Ex -dir. Would-Be Citizen Jailed for Perjury A mandate for the commitment to tbe county Jail of Olaf Hauge was received today In the United States district court. Hauge was convicted of perjury in con nection with his application for citlien- ahip in which he swore that he had never claimed exemption from military Man Skiis Twenty Miles, Then Hikes To Steamer Landing J. F. Kummel, in charge of planting for the forest service, has returned from Wing River nursery, where he was snowed in during the storm. Kum mel had fanned to come back Monday. On Saturday morning it began to snow and it - was Sunday evening beforo it ceased. The snow lay 30 inches deep on the ground. Kummel skied to Carson, about 20 miles, spent the night there, and the next day hiked over the snow and ice to Stevenson, where he spent Tuesday service during the late war, wben it was proved that he had claimed exemption T On Wednei; J. hVWrTon on the grounds of being a- Norwegian. I t rri. th. wn!r, Hauge appealed to the circuit court of appeals which affirmed the decision of the lower court. the boat that carried the passengers of the marooned Northern Pacific train near Cook. FUNERAL COMPLETE easaiT. Two auToa. Miaitti, tmaaLmin. QUTalOf BOX, navt maaaia, avail mai ajo. Tteta. k.OVI,,vS Of CMaPCle 111 iller & Tracey laaseand rd faM OUaail - WvaSMIMOTOr AT U.a ,! , mam ta1. S1a-a4 E. C. Erickson Paid Brief Visit, by' Son EL C. Eiickson. check scaler for the forest management department of the forest service, is receiving a visit today from his son. A. C. Erickson. district at torney of Flentywood. Mont, Young Krlckwin and Deputy Sheriff A. J. Sauls- bury are on lh-ir way back from Sacra mento a here they went to get a man. At Sacramento they found ibeir man had several things to settle with Califor nia authorities first, so they left him In their hands. Tbe Montanans will return to their home tonight. Fall Strawberries Grow in New Jersey (By Cnited News) HAmmonton, N. J., Nov. 25. George Buck enjoyed the. luxury of fresh picked strawberries with his Thanks giving dinner. He picked quite a quan tity frojn his garden this week. Some growers report a number of peach trees in blossom.' a most unusual tbing for this time" .pf the year, and due to the warm weather. SEW YORK BOTfD MARKET Furnished by Orerbeck A Cook Co. Atchison Genl. 4s BaL & Ohio Gold 4 s Beth. Steel Ref. 5s Cent. Pacific 1st 4 s St. Paul GenL 4s Chicago N. W. GenL 4s ... . L. A N. Cni 4s New York Ry. 5s Northern Pac. P. L. 4s . . . Union Pac. 1st 4s U. S. Steel 5s Cni on Pac. Ref. 5. . . . Southern Pac Conr. 5s.... Southern Pac Conr. 4. . . . Penna. Conr. 4 s Penna. 1st 4s Ches. & Ohio Conr. 5s. . . . Ore. Short Line' 4s Allied Packers 6s Am. Can 7s Am. Cot Oil 6s. 1924 Am. Tobacco 7s 1922 Anaconda -7s 1929 Anglo-Am. Oil THi 1925.. Armour 7s 1930 102 iiwiny rac s 1923.... Gen. Elec. Deb. 5s, 1952. Goodrich 7s 1925 Kennecott Cop. 7t 1930.. Pac. Gas A Elect 7s 1925. Pac Fruit Expr 7s Sears Roebuck 7s 1927... Stan. Oil CaL 7s. 1931. . . C. S. Steel 5 1951 Westinghouse 7s 1931.... West. Elec 7s 1925 RESIDENCE IS BOBBED A fur cape, locket, bar pin set with sapphires and diamonds and - several other small articles of Jewelry were stolen from the home of J. S. Cormack, 414 Fjist Fortieth street north. Thurs day nighL The burglars used a Jimmy. CHCRCH DEBT WIPED OCT Aberdeen, Wasjv, Nov. 25. Members of St. Marys Catholic church will hold Jubilee next week Celebrating the wiping out ot all. the debt on the prop erty, valued at 160,000. TWO PLATOON PLAW rP 1 Centralia, Wash., Now. 25, At the city election December S, a two-platoon sys tem for Ihe Centralia fire . department will bo voted on. : - .:' , .- . - , . . ' 1 THIETE9 STRIP CAR Silverton. Nov. 25. Monday night the garage of Nelson Brothers In the Silver- ton, Hills was entered and a Ford car was stripped. , Price tags for goods to' be sold in stores can be marked at a speed of 3606 ati hour with a now electrically operated macnine. t , Bid. Ak. 83 S3 76 77 86 86 79 79 67 87 I 79 86 87 25 28 81 83 86 86 98 98 81 81 93 93 ,86 87 91 85 86 86 88 87 88 50 50 86 89 95 96 100 101 100 101 103 104 102 102 100 100 50 53 97 97 100 100 98 100 98 99 100 100 106 107 96 97 . 105 105 103 104 CHICAGO DEALERS DRUMMING TRADE Receiver Appointed For Montesano Mill Montesano. Wash.. Nor. 25. Rinrnntn proceedings againt the South Sid Lumber company of Montesano were started in the Mil .en or court thi week and J H liJum of this city has been named rereirer with a bond fixed st 115.000. No rcbedul of as "t . or liabilities has been fIWi ret. .rr Elfbrandt of Montesano la rjriAmt nt iha mill company and th atockbolder are moally local men. The mill ha not been ODcratina for aereral months. Steubenrille, Ohio, Nor. 25. The Mingo Junction plant of he Carnegie Steel company, near here, will resume operations next week, after an idleness of orer eight months, accord ing to an announcement by G. E. Wisener. up?rinteodent of the Mingo Junction and Sell aire plants. LIVESTOCK Seattle, Nor. 25. The decline in packet? demand for prime hogs and lessened public buy ing has resulted in the lowest hog prices recorded here in 12 years. Top prices for prim light hogs range from $8.23 to $8.75 per hundred pounds; smooth hearies from $7 to $8. These prices compare with a range of $10 to $12 in 1914. COAL SaTannah. Ga., Nor. 25. Preparations are being made here to -handle half a million tons of American coal through this port for Cuba in the next year. f FRUIT I .e wis ton, Idaho, Nor. 25. All prrnous rec ords for apple production in Idaho hare been broken this year. It is now estimated that the apple movement will total between 4700 and 5000 cars. , SUGAR New Orleans, N'or. 25. Indications point to a long sugar grinding season, possibly extending into 1922. The weather has been laroranie. the sugar content of the csne Ha ring oeen benefited by the cool weather. Ad rices from other sugar growing countries indicate the sup ply may fall short of the expected totals because of the drouths. LEATHER AND HIDF.S Boston, Nor. 25. The pronounced demand for cheap shoes is ha ring a strjug influence on the leather trade here, inducing a more active demands for side leather and the cheaper grades of upper and sole leathers. Hides are strong and leports indicate both South American and domestic markets are well cleaned up. By A. D. Welton Special Correspondent of Tbe Journal Chicago, Nor. 23. Buying by dealers is slow ing up in this territory. They desire ta hare inrentories as low as possible by January 1. On the other side of the equation, retailers in many lines are ha ring a successful season with aa'.e in excess of those of la-t year. The retailer hare discorered that they cannot afford to ait and wait for business but must, go out and go it and salesmen in many line are unusually actjre. Some firms which hare not had men on the road tor tire years ar starring toem out again to arum up trade. Manufacturer are reducing cost and adding to profits by study of more icienUfic methods of production. One manufacturer of specialties reports tnat witn 280 men he is turning out lareer quantity of good tnan with 4 20 a year ago. mis prices re down SO per cent-nd he turning out 65 per cent of capacity. A mal ot wasning and ironing machines is running at 70 per cent capacity with 55 per cent of capacity lorce employee. The building trades labor difficulty still officially unsettled. The credit situation easier bnt there is a smaller demand and larger clamor from those in distress. Idaho Baak Closes Idaho Falls. Idaho, Not. 25. Th Stat bank of Idaho Fall eloaed Its door thia morn ing on order of th (lata bank examiner. It is one of tbe oldt banking institution the state C. K Turtle, formerlx of th New England National of Ktnai Our a premdent. Tbe deposit ar $400,000. Slow liquidation on paper ta girea a the earn for the failure. The bank wa not a member of tli federal remrra LOGGING CAMPS CLOSE DOWK Silrerton. Or . Nor 25. Tha locrlnc eamns f the Silnr Fall Timber oomoanr hare eloaed down on account of the snow and henry ran :n the hiUa. About 100 men oaar. from the woods Tuaday and were making their way to 1'ortiand for tha holiday. Bred sport Iatolvearlei Reedsport. Not. 25 Two Reedsnort eornor- atioru bare petitioned to be decaired innlrrnt- the Reedxport light A Power entnpsn and the Reed.port Warehouse A Supply oomraay. The former haa liabilities amounting ta $12.- UOO. with asset of $23,000. Tha feuer claims ineU of S1S.OOO and liability o( 111 000. BUSINESS TOPICS C7 Money and Exchange ew Tor. Not. 25. (L N I I r.ll nnnOT we iioor -pi in .irs I org atocg exchange to- oay ruieu a per cent; high, 3 per cent: low ' t it rrnt lime money wa quiet: ratea were 5 1 5 per cent. Tbe market for onnt mciiju pawr wa num. Call nnrt ia 1 Bordeaux Lyons Marseilles 13-year gold 6's at 86 J $100. StOO. $1,000 Cill or rhone aaouMO noo lutaasatss B lsmm Fmtm a no Brans WIT BTa Freeman, SMITH ft CAMP Co. a a I S3 bankers' bill was at $3 for demand. Drastic price cuts made in British steeL Interstate commerce commission orders sweep ing investigation of all railroad rates and pas senger fares and will hold bearing December 14 to consider new cuts in tariffs LIBERTY BOND SALES Reported by Orerbeck A Cook ooara oi iraa Dauaing: Liberty, 3 s ... Liberty. 1st 4s. . . Liberty, 2d 4s... liberty. 1st 4i Liberty, 2d 4 Liberty, 3d 4 s Liberty. 4th 4 s Victory. 4 s Victory, 3 s. . . . High. 9630 9530 9590 9556 9696 957 8 9998 9996 Low. 9386 9522 8550 9526 9662 9550 9990 9996 Close. 9614 9560 9530 9570 9546 9686 9572 9996 9996 PACIFIC COAST BASK STATEMENT Pnrtlend Bank 1921 Monday e'earincs. .$ 4.274.666 Tuesday clearings. . 3,231.786 Monday balance. . . 950.488 Tuesday balance . . 378.086 Wednesday clearings 4..SS..S0O Wednesday balances 1.305.017 Thursday Friday clearings . Friday balances 0.516.823 1.822.189 mall Bank Clearings Friday Balances Friday Tacoma Bank Clearings Friday Balances Friday Spoken Banks Ocarinas Friday Balance Friday Oakland Banks Clearings Friday . . San rrancraoo Bank Ciearrags Friday am a 1920 $ .146.82r 6.400,484 1.835.563 1.581.592 5.945.412 1.097.302 Hobday SHORT TERM SECURITIES Furnished by Clark. Kendall A Co. Price. Am. TeL 4 Tel 6. October, 1922 100 Am. TeL & Tel. 6s February. 1924 100 Am. TeL A Tel 6s August. 1 925 .... 10' Armour Conr. 7s. July. 1930 102 Anaconda Cop. 6, January. 1929 101 Anaconda Cop, 7s, January. 1929.... 95 Beth. Steel 7, July. 1922 10" Beth. Steel 7s. July. 1923 120, Canadian 5s. A-rril. 1926 9.i Canadian 5s. October. 1931 4 Cop. Exp. Assoc. 8s, February. 1922.. 101 Co Kid. Aaaoc. 8s. February. 1923.. 102 Cop. Exp. Assoc 8s. February, 1924. . . 103 Cop. Exp. Assoc 8s, February. 1925.. 104 f udaJir Packing 7. July. J wa i" Jap. First Eit. 4, February. 1925.. 86 Jap. Second 5, July. 1925 86 Southwestern Hell leu is. apni. u;.i. . ni Standard Oil of N. Y. 7s, January, 1931 107 Swift A Co. 7s. October. 1923 10 I". S. Rubber 7s. Iecember. 1 923 .... 99 C. g. Rubber 7 4s. August. 1930.... 104 Foreisa Exchange Market New York. Nor. 25. l P.) Foreign ex change opened irreajular today; sterling. $3.99 ; francs. .0698; lire, .0409; mark. .0034. Demand 'sterling closed at $3 98; franca, .0691: bre. .0404; marks. .0034. Twenty industrials 7 34 up .13. Twenty rails 74.10 off .10. HossewlTt Charge ProflteerlBg- Chrrago. Not. 23. Statistic etlrx4 Kr. Oiow a small decrease in the cost of food, but house wire demand to be ahown. declaring em phatically that some price now in effect r plain profiteering. - They eit the fact that while nogs are selling at 7 cats a pound, ham u priced at 40 to 30 cents mntut i th. shops. - -T J I J ft i . IaJ -. i . ii a f . i is?--. rixr, u III '? II vatM iVC-." n X. i 81 Arrangements completed by New Tort bank ers to offer at 86. $22,779,800. 15 year 6 per cent bonds of Lyon. Maneilkss and Bor oeaux. Bank of England rate unchanged Union Pacific shows sain m net earnings. American Locomotive gets new orders for en r-res. FOBEIGJT EXCHARGE RATES r.orrectea daily oy the foreign exchange d parunent ot tne United State National bank. wuotanon DeKw (except the pound sterling ) are qumea on th bass of 100 umU foreign Opening nominal rate? on hank transaction Orart table Par im-i sterling. 3.:w i- 6 :! 34 4 I9 4.Mi 18 45 14 13 8,732.806 2.524.571 6.51 4.391 2,183.433 486,640 7S.49S 2.277.559 1.049,038 Clearing : Friday S 2,163.000 t29.100.000 BUSINESS SUNSHINE Spokane, Wash- Not. ti. Ship, mentu of western pine lamber from tbe Inland Empire eyreeJrd the eat In September by nearly ena. feet, areordlaa; to flrsres annosnrad b) -mill operator. A total f t$. 1.8 feet of pine was shipped In September and the eat, made Wy SI mills, was fc4wn.48 feet. In Sep tember, 19SS, 9&vaS7 feet were KBlpped from this district from a total of mjll.saa feet.- v Pa iv- Franc i Berlin-MarKs . . . t.rnaa 1 ire . . . . Athens Oracl'mas . '.pr n hageo K ron . ChritiaDiaKroa. . Storkholm Kroner. 23.4 5 Hnngkong-Cux'ncy 54.65 Japan-Yen 4 7.95 Shanghai-Tart . . 78 00 -Canadian dollar discount inn 7 m) 34 4. to 4 113 is.ia 14.20 23 SO 54 90 48.10 78.30 9 per cent. $ 4 k 66 1 9 :to 23 SI 19. SO 19 HO 26 70 26 70 26 70 Idaho Town Under Rabies Quarantine!! Boiae, Idaho. Nov. 25. The town of Star is under strict ouarantin. ' tions. issued by the stare board of ani- I tnai industry, on account of rabies. The quarantined area is a clrcla with a tx mile radius from the town. No don will oe allowed to enter or leave without a permit. No unmuzzled dogs will be al lowed at large. All domestic animals are to be closely watched ah thi. t. tis-cessary slncv a rabid coyote u killed on the streets nome days ago. Re vera! dos and a cow have- been killed on account of the dlseane and several persons are taking treatmenL Motion pictures of highways and high way building in the United States are bing used in a good roads campaign In Argentina. Lob g. Bell Completes Sarveyt Kebtt. Wash.. Not ?S Th. I ..... n-n i H. ber company is completing its surrrying oprra tiorut in its timber holdings In weMern l,ewi county this week. One crew wa iwid off today and the last crew in, the -field will complete It work Satarday. Working condition hare hen ery disagreeable following the heary storm, when more than a foot of ocw fell, and one or twa aections of timber were left ansnrreyed. The topographK snrrey was the moat complete ever made in tbe Nortbwmt, and a ktrge crew of men will b busy in th offices ta Ka all winter esmpietrag taa topographii and gabaf Stocks. Bonds, Ctstto. Crass, tU. 31S-317- Bomrd of TrasU BuiUisig Overbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES . numbers Cfeteaga BaarS m Traaa . Carrasaaadaau f Aragaa Mryaa , , v, Sfff INI . Saskatchewan LONG TERM BONDS ' D?ted ot, 1. 19tl Dae et. li, l4 These iTc non-callable gold bolds are the direct and pri mary obligations of the third largest Canadian Province and of the heaviest producer of wheat. Between 700.0O0.000 and 800.000.000 bushels have been produced tn Masks tche van in the past seven years. The unimpeachable- security iack of these bondu and their our life make them an un - iHually attractive investment PRICE 97 AND INTEREST CIt-KENBALL & CO. INC. riflhond Stark Streets 1 &ownmriyn'-MU"iopu; axnusm- r- fP7t i a ... ....... $15.821ta