The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1921, Page 16, Image 16

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    r 10
v FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 25, - 1921. .
Speedy Oregon Team Defeats Multnomah Squad , Portland Scholastic Squads Beaten
Oregon! Beats
Multnomah by
Score of 21-7
nadian middle weight
wrestler, who will meet
Oscar Butler in catch-as-catch-can
bout tonight in
Br Georr Berts
Tlf ULTNOMAII CLCB'S husky rrid-
11L nm frf(tllon bowed before Ore-
ton s flaht and determination In the
Turk day football rlaaate en Multnomah
field, 21 to 7. The outcome of the battle.
which afforded plenty of thrills for loma
thousana fans, was a blir surprlae. for
Oregon waa the under dog. aa It has
been In all Ita .other games this season
The rlubmen outplayed Oreaon aa far
aa gaining (round In mid field, but
teemed unable to break through when
. yardage was needed. Multnomah gained
211 yardfl from scrimmage and Oregon
A bewildering forward paaa attack
that the clubmen were unable to fathom
waa the direct ruuae of their downfall.
Despite the allppery ball. Oregon' aerial
attark almply amept the Cardinal and
White playera before It.
To "Shy" Huntington belongs the
credit for the victory. He took a bunch
of green materlail and moulded together
an aggregation that will be heard from
when the moleskin are removed from
the moth balla tiext September.
The offenlx- of the heavy club team
waa atopped by the scrappy Oregon for
warda time after time, especially ho
during the final quarter, when the club
men had Oregon backed up against Ita
goal Una three tlmea.
The outstanding stars In the. Oregon
lineup were "1 flunk" Iatham,' Chapman
and Captain' Mart Howard.1 Howard
made two tourhdowna by snaring for
ward paaaea over the goal linen, while
Latham pulled down a couple of othera
that put "the Yellow Peril" In position
to acore.
At the outeeti there waa an exchange
of punta. after i which Multnomah made
yardage twice, but the Oregon line held
and Multnomah waa forced to punt.
Chapman returning Steers' long punt to
, the club'a 39-yard line.
Johnaon aklrted through tackle on
Huntington's new formation, which the
rlubmen seemed powerless to atop, fflV
11 yards, and then Chapman shot a paaa
to latham whlcft netted 33 yards. Three
Hna bucks and a forward pass gave Ore
gon first down on the club'a l-yard line,
' and, after Workman had smeared a paaa.
King dove through the lino for 3 yards,
and then, on a shift play, which drew
the clue's defense to one side. Chapman
shot a pass to Howard for the first
After tha klckoff a series of penalties
cost Oregon 10 yardfl and Multnomah 20.
Taking the ball on the club'a 40-yard
line, on an exchange of punts, Oregon
atarted another offensive, which re
. suited In Johnaon lunging through tfte
Tina for a touchdown. Howard com
pleted a paaa for 11 yards, and then
King and Johnson smashed the line for
, yardage. Latham dropped back to punt
formation and shot a pass to Chapman
, for IS yards, which put the clubmen In
tha shadow of their goal posts. On the
third down, Johnson scored the second
Pelouse returned the kickoff to the
club'a Ja-yard line and line smashes by
Steers and Butler resulted in yardage In
three downs. Orejron was penalised for
, offside play and the club smashed its
way for yardage again, putting the ball
on Oregon's 2 1 -yard line. A pass gave
tha club first doiwn and then Oregon suf
, fered another penalty. This put the
ball olf the collegians' 6-yard line, from
which point Butler smashed through for
a touchdown, but It waa disallowed and
the club penalised 15 yarda for holding.
The club, resorted to passing, but Its at
tack failed when Johnson intercepted a
paaa behind the goal line and then
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Cougars Win
By 14 Points
Won. Lost. Tied. Point?. For. Az'nt.
California 4 0 0 8 17 10
T. R. C 2 1 1 I
Stanford 1 1 1 !
O. A. C. 1 1 1 !
Oreron -
Washington ... 0 S 1
Oregon waa penalised IS yarda for
holding and, after gaining about 10
yarda, Buffered another holding penalty,
which forced Iveslle, who Waa rushed
Into the game despite his broken thumb,
to kick out of danger. He punted to the
2.i-yard line. The clubmen ripped off
yardage In three downs and Steers
atepped through a big hole made by his
mates for about 13 yards. Butler then
smashed through for a touchdown and
Hirers converted.
, Rhortly after the atart of the aecond
half, Howard completed a puss for 21
yards, but Oregon'a affensive was
topped when Ilolden recovered a fung
ible. The Oregon line held when the
Club attempted to errimmage knd Ore
gon took the ball on the club's 48-yard
Howard completed a pass for 13 yards,
but fumbled the ball when tackled.
Latham recovering it In a puddle of
water. A penalty ot 15 yards forced
Oregon to punt.
Moat of the scrimmaging waa In Mult
nomaas territory In this period, but as
tha quarter ended. Faulk recovered a
fumble on the club's 22-yard line.
In the fourth period, the club's regular
barks went tflto the game again. The
Club punched away at the line, but waa
Unable to gain consistently.
After an exchange of punts. Faulk re
eovered M fumble on Oregon'a 37-yard
Una, but lost Ihe ball on downs. Faulk
recovered a blocked punt, but could not
get up ateam. being tackled from behind
n rtia i-yard line. The club line failed
to break through the stonewall defense
, and loat the ball on a paaa over tha goal
' Una.
Multnomah took the bail on a puni
and Latham then intercepted a pass,
Oregon punted and the clubmen nearly
blocked the kick and Howard recovered
tha ball on the club'a 30-yard line. Lath
tun complelftJ ia 25-yard pass and another
aerial ahot to Howard gava Oregon Ita
third touchdown.
The clubmen recovered a fumbled punt
Juat before the and of the game on
Orecon'a 20-yard line, but they lacked
Iba punch to make yardage.
Tha gama ftragged a bit In the final
quarter, but It was oy lar tne most
spectacular big game played on the field
thla season.
Several Multnomah playera showed up
In nna atyle. but they lacked team work
and, with thai t-actflc Float gama staring
than In tha Ifaca, they will have to do
soma hard playing to perfect their f
fenaive, j
Faulk, and Holden played rreat de
fensive game, while Alex Donaldson
. and Blackwell broke Into tha limelight
ptYtral tlmea, Oram and Loughlln. two
- of Oreton'a acctmd trtngera. ftUyad well.
Mian School
At Mem Salpm 7. Uncoln (of Portland) 0
At Vaneouter Vancoarer 27, Commerce
(IortUnd) 0.
At Castle Rock Cutis Rook 0. James John
(Portland) 0.
At Everett Eerett 48, WashinstSti (Port
land) 7.
At Kngrac Euxme 80. Franklin (Port
land) 0.
At North Bend North Bend 1 , Uouase
Grur O.
At Nampa Caldwell 7, Nam pa 6.
At Oorrallis CorrallU 7, Albany 0.
At Medford Ashland 12. Medford 0,
At Grant Paaa Kueeburg , (JranU Ps 0.
At Centralia Chehalu 39. Centralia 0.
At Aberdeen Abereen 20, Hoquiam 0.
At Wallowa Wallowa 6. Enterprise 0.
Padlfle Coait
At Portland On-ron 21, Multnomah club 7.
At Seattle Washington State 14, Washing
ton 0.
At San Francisco Pacific. Fleet 14, Olympic
club 7.
At Spokane Montana 0. Gonzaca 0.
At WaUa. WaUa Whitman 13. Idaho 3.
At Astoria Astoria 34. Arleta (Portland) 0.
At Caldwell Coliefe of Idaho 28. Montana
Wealeyan 7.
At Taeoma Collect of Pucet Sound IS, Wil
lametta uniremitT 7.
At Oregon City Albina (Portland)- 3, Ore
gon City 0.
At Oregon City Oregon City high, 7. Golden-
dale Wuh. hub 7. ta
At Portland North Portland A. C 12.
Highland 6.
Middle Watt
At Wichita Fairmount 0. Friends 0
At Hastings Wesleyan university 14. Hast
ings college 0.
At Halina Betnany in. Kansas weaieytn o
At Ottawa, Kan. Baker 27. Ottawa 7.
At St. I-ouU 8t Louis university 0. Wash
inaton university 0.
At Tucson Cniversity of Arizona 110. New
UrTiro Miliary institute 0.
At College Station. Tela Texas university
0, Texas Ag. M. college 0.
At Georgetown, Ky. Transylvania 14, George
town 0.
At Cincinnati Miami IS, Cincinnati 7.
At IVnver -Colorado 10. Colorado Mines 7
At Colorado Springs Colorado college 28
University of Denver 21.
At Salt Lake Utah Aggies 14, Utah univer
sity 8.
At South Bend Notre Dams 45. Michigan
Aggies O.
At Athens Ohio 0. Marietta college 0
At lAwrroce. Kan. Missouri 0. Kansas 15
At Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska 70, Colorado
Aggies 7.
At Dub aqae Colombia 48
riaon 7.
At lh-n Moines Drake 21. GrinneD. 0.
At Omaha CrrUditon 19. South Dakota 0.
At Springfield. Ohio Northern 7. Witten
berg 0.
At Atlanta Georgia 28. Clemson 0.
At Birmingham Alabama 7, Misaiatippi A.
M 7.
At Tampa Rolling 3, Birmingham So. col
lege 0.
At NashviTle Tanderbilt , Swanee 0.
At New Orleans Center 21. Tulan 0.
At Raleigh North Carolina State 6, Mary
land State college 6.
At Morgantown. W. Ta. West Virginia 0.
Washington and Jefferson 13.
At Lexington TennessM 0, Kentucky 0.
At tireenvile. S. C. Furm&a 28. David
ton 0.
At Culver Culver 7. Rose Tech 7.
' At Springfield. ' Mass. Springfield 0. New
1 Hampshire o.
At Carlisle Bnrknell 21. Dickinson 0.
At Incaster Franklin and Marshall 0. Get
tysburg O.
At Allentown Muhlenbarg 8. Ursinus O.
At Pltt-burg Pittsburg O, Penn State 0.
At lietroit Detroit 21. Vermont 0.
At Baltimore Johns Hopkins 0. Washington
and Iee 7.
At New York OlgaU 21. Columbia 14
At Philadelphia Cornell 4 1 . Pennsylvania
cnlTerolty 0.
At fUltimon Maryland A. North Carolina
staU .
OEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 25. Getting the
aj Jump by scoring two touchdowns in
the first quarter. Washington State col
lege defeated the University of Washing
ton team here Thursday. 14 to 0. The
victory gives the Cougars second place
n the Pacific Coast conference race.
Moe Sax. the Portland boy. who led
the Cougars to a victory over the Oregon
Aggies, was more or less responsible for
the defeat of Washington. Aided by
splendid interference, he skirted around
Washingtons' ends for gain after gain
and Mike Moran smashed through the
line for many big gains.
After tl.e first period, the Sun-Dodgers
braced and held the Cougars and made
a couple of long gains through the Pull
man line, but were unable to gain con
sistently. Greene, the colored star, made
a 35 vard run and Johnny Wilson reeled
off 20 yards, but each was stopped by
Sax. -
A mixed attack by Sax, Hickey and
Moran resulted in the first touchdown
three minutes after the start of the
game. End runs and line plunges by
Winans and Moran resulted in the aec
ond touchdown.
Line-ups :
Wash. State. TJ. of W.
Hickey L E Wilson
Hamilton L T . . . Clark
Dnrrwsrhter L G RoBge
Ininlap (C.) i C Haynes
McKay R G Hobi
rrnntnn R T Ingram
Bohannon R E Porep
Sax Q Hall
Mr Ivor L n (C.) E-kman
Winans R H Greene
Moran V Whitman
Washington State 14 0 0 0 14
V. of W 0 0 0 O 0
Touchdowns Moran 2. Goals- Sax 2.
Substitutions Washington State: Hanley for
Hockey. Meeker for Hamilton, Kramer for Durr
wachter. Sandberg for Moran, Huffman for Mc
Kay Zaepfel for Sax. Loomis for Hanley. Jenne
for Winans, Skadan for Mclvor. University of
Washinaton: Penry for Porep. Galligan for
Perry, Quaaa for Whitman, Tinling for Ingram.
Four Squads
In East Have
Clean Slates
By Jaek Veloek
International News Service Sports Editor
NEW YORK. Nov. 25. The question of
Who's Who in Eastern football Is in
a hopeless muddle today.
Four teanM Penn . State, Cornell, La i
Fayette and Washington" and Jeff?rson
remain undefeated with the season over,
and supporters of each eleven are claim
ing the title for their favorltes.
Pittsburg'a feat of holding Penn State
to a scoreless tie In a sea of mud at
Forbes field Thanksgiving, day put a
blight on the claims of the Xittany Lions,
for La Fayette and W. & J. both defeated
Pitt by one touchdown.
W. & J. and La Fayette both scored
victories over Lehigh and BucknelL and
the former eleven beat Penn, while the
latter trimmed Syracuse.
Perm State, however, has a better rec
ord. Lehigh fell victim to the Lions, who
have also defeated the Navy. North Car
olina State, Georgia Tech and Carnegie
Tech. Th tie game with Harvard and
Pitt takes the edge off State's claims, and
impartial critics are agreed that there is
no such thing as an Eastern champion.
Cornell, with a total of 392 points
scored this season, and straight victories
over St. Bonaventure. Rochater. West-
err. Reserve. Colgate, DartmotrTh. Colum
bia, Springfield and Penn, has a good
rftord, but no real claim on account of
the class of teams encountered.
While speculating on what might have
been, football fans in the Metropolitan
district were interested today in the ar
rival of the Army football squad from
West Point and the doings of the Mid
dies from Annapolis.
fJEW YORK, Nov, 25. (L N. S.) Joe
ll Lynch- former bantamweight cham
pion, "will try a comeback tonight.
Lynch will meet Midget Smith, ..the
mauling little Jersey man, in a 10-round
bout. The belt Tex Rlckard put up, em
blematic ot the bantamweight title, ia
still held by Lynch and will be at stake
tonight. Lynch did not give up the belt
to Pete Herman when the New Orleans
lad beat him. because the boys boxed for
the International Sporting club.
Philadelphia, Pa, Nov. 25. Lew Tend-
ler knocked out Manuel Aaevedo in the
second round Thursday night- Willie
Jackson knocked out Billy Angelo in six
rounds. Tim Droney won a popular de
cision over Pete Hartley in eight rounds.
Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. 25. (L N S.)
Charlie White knocked out Freddie Hill
In the third round Thursday night.
Buffalo. N. Y., Nov. 25. (Tj. P.) Bat
tling Levinslty and. Bob Roper fought a
slow 10-round draw here last night.
Neither man seemed anxious to gain the
Pittsburg, Nov- 25. Because Johnny
Ray, local lightweight. Is suffering with
a fractured rib, his bout with Rocky
Kansas December 2 has been canceled.
Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 25. Joe Dunn of
Portland will box Harold Jones here De
cember 1.
Whitman College. Walla Walla, Wash.,
Nov. 25. A 40-yard forward pass from
Captain Ben Comrada to Hal Holmes,
substitute end, and a 20-yard run by
Holmes after catching the pass, gave
Whitman a touchdown against the Uni
versity of Idaho eleven here Thursday
before a large Thanksgiving day crowd.
Tnis play was made when Whitman was
apparently defeated with only 3 minutes
to play. Irving's place kick in the second
quarter having given Idaho a 3 to 0 lead.
1 wo minutes later noe, wmuuau qun -
terback. nlunged off tackle and eluded
the entire Idaho team tn his u-yara
run to another touchdown.
Whitman showed greater strength at
advancing the ball than did Idaho but
costly fumbles gave the ball to Idaho
three times when the Missionaries were
within scoring distance. .
Captain Comrada, Roe, NorriSj Shep
herd and Heritage starred for the Mis
sionaries with Whitcomb being the Van
dals best ground gainer. Idaho excelled
at Forward passing, but was inferior to
the Whitman men at line plunging and
SDokane Wash.. Nov. 25. Gonzaga
university and the University of Mon
tana football teams played a scoreless
tie here Thursday on a slippery field
The local eleven gained at will but their
offensive waa checked at critical times
bv fumbles.
Sullivan of Montana attempted a place
kick in the final period from th& 21-yard
line but failed.
Pittsburg, Nov. 25. The University of
Pittsburg and Pennsylvania State college
played a scoreless tie football game here
Thanksgiving day. Thirty-five thousand
spectators saw the teams struggle over a
field that was ankle deep in mud.
Pittsburg outplayed her -rivals and
recorded four first downs to her op
ponents' 1. The ball was in the center
of the field when the final whistle blew.
Because of the slippery condition of
the ball both teams made numerous
fumbles at critical times, both losing
several chances of scoring.
State had the best of it in the punting
department, but this advantage was
overcome when it came to straight
football played by Pittsburg. State has
not lost a game this year. Because of
this Pittsburg had the short end of
the betting before the game started.
kiclftng off. The first big thrill came
when Kaw, finding a big hole in Penn
sylvania's right side, dodged by Miller
and Wray and dashed 39 yards for a
touchdown. Kaw also kicked goal and
made the score 7 to 0 in favor of
Cornell. A few minutes later Lechler
went over for a touchdown right through
center. Kaw kicked goal.
JThus ended the first period, with the
score Cornell 14, Pennsylvania 0.
Each succeeding quarter seemed to
outdo the previous one in the way of
thrills and brilliant plays on the . part
of Cornell.
Tacoma. Wash.. Nov. 25. The Willam
ette university team of Salem, Or., was
Mount Mor-' defeated here Thursday by the College
of Puget Sound, 18 to 7. Willamette
seemed powerless against tne attacs oi
the Sounders' backfield, . which gained
yardage at will.
(By United News)
South Bend, Ind., Nov." 2. Notre
Dame swamped the Michigan Aggies
Thanksgiving day In a one-sided affair.
The score was 48 to 0.
Notre Dame played the well known
rings around the Aggies and piled up
touchdowns with ease after sensational
runs and forward passes. Full back
Wynne, and Castner, right half, com
pletely bewildered the Aggies with runs
which took the ball over the line early
and often.
I By United Newt)
Lawrence, Kan., Nov. 25. Kansas uni
versity staged a comeback after succes'
sive defeats In tw6 previous years, when
she defeated her conqueror, Missouri
university, by a score of 15 to 9, Thurs
The Tigers' contested the game
throughout but failed miserably in the
final quarter when a pass was fumbled
on their own 15-yard line which might
have pulled the game out of the fire for
a different ending.
Zero Hour Awaited, by Warriors
It H H It K It
High Loses
At Everett
EVERETT. Waah., Nov. !4. Everett
high school's football team clearly
demonstrated that it rightfully can claim
the 1921 Pacific Northwest interschol
aatlc championship when the Washington
high eleven of Portland went down to
a 41 to 7 defeat here yesterday after
noon. The visitors were outclassed in
every department of the game and, save
for a momentary lapse in the final quar
ter, the locals' goal line never was in
The work of Halfback Wilson was tha
feature of the afternoon, the Everett
player circling the ends and forward
passing for all he was worth. He made
the longest run of the game when he
dashed 63 yarda on an end run for a
touchdown early In the contest. The
Portlanders seemed to lose themselves
after Everett had made a couple of
touchdowns and they did not play to
gether as a team. Their work in the
fourth quarter showed that they had a
lot of stuff, but Everett had more.
Mautx scored the only Washington
touchdown and Liebe kicked goal. The
MVtrst ffte Vi7ritt waa m a A m thuclv
r,i.n .v. wii.s. i th- -.f LJ furnish the arauseroenJl tomorrow for
uiks wu,n (V. . I the lucky 45,
By Beary L. Farrell
Unitad Praaa Staff CotrespoadeBt-
ftTEW JTORK.Nov.25. Strutting around
ll two hotel lobbies In natty, trim-fit
ting uniforms. Uncle Sam's two quarrel
some nephevTwere giving most of New
York today air she couldtsee of the Army-
Navy game.
The West Point cadeta and the mid
shipmen from Annapolis had gathered
around their camps waiting for the
whistle blast that sends them .into the
annual battle tomorrow that :0tXMVfans
wantea to see ana couKJn t-
The predominating talk around both
cjunos was not so much "Who'll In?""
aa "Where can I get a ticket" And
both neph$ws had the same answer for
both "We don't know."
To keep what little composure that re
mains after the worst rush of their es
perlence, the veteran world's series ticket
handlers of the New York Giants lockel
doors today and hung out signs that
there wasn't room enough in the Polo
grounds to park a? hat.
All that remained for most of New-
York was to carhp around the hotel lob
bies for a look at the boys who are going
period, Wilson two more in the second
and the same number in the third.
Michel who did the converting of goals
after touchdowns missed his only effort
In seven tries, in the first quarter.
Vancouver, Wash-. Nov. 24. Minus
three of their star players the High
School of Commerce football squad
came here Thanksgiving day afternoon
and then went home with a 27 to 0 de
feat charged against them at the hands
of Hap Miller's Vancouver high repre
sentatives. Marcus Schneiderman,
Davis and Keppinger were out of the
lineup but the visitors gamely stuck to
their posts and tried hard to overcome
the handicap.
The locals counted their first touch
down in the first four minutes of play
but they didn't get near enough to the
Commerce goal again to register any
points until in the third quarter. Then
two touchdowns came and the final six
points were chalked up in the fourth
stanza after Coach Miller had sent In
his second team to battle the Portland-era.
..000 tlcketholdera.
Navy officers, from durnltaxie with
the braided caps down to enatjma just
ou a year, circulated around Army
headquarters, willing to take a general
or a shavetail for everything he had at
to S and some 2 to 1.
rLiNErrs announced
Without the fleet-footed, line-crashing
French, the. experts figured the Navy
close to a 2 to 1 shot to win.
Tha Navy squad, numbering 40 huskies,
slipped tn ye teed ay and got wet work
ing out for an hour on the Polo grovnda.
The Army delegation arrived this mom
Coach Folwell of the Navy announced
his lineup this morning as follows :
Ends Parr and Taylor.
Tackles King and Weidern
Guards Carney and Frawler
Center Larson (C).
Quarterback Conroy.
Backs Ehler. Barchet and
French was not In t' e following line
up announced by Coach Daley of the
Ends Storek and Myers.
Tackles Mulligan and Davidson.
Guards Breldater and Qarbiach.
Center Greene (C.i.
Quarterback Wilhlde.
Backs' Wood. Lawrence and Smy the.
In jig time. The game was Eugene's
from then on. Eugene suffered two
Injuries, one man having his teeth kicked
Grants Pass. Nov. JS. Roseburg won
from Grants Pass Thursday. to ,
scoring In the third quarter. This gams
completed the local football schedule.
New Orleans. La.. Nov. 25. Center col
lege added another victory to its belt
Thursday by defeating Tulane, 21 to 0.
Bo McMillan, as usual, starred lor the
Colonels, scoring one touchdown and
kicking three goals.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 25. Nebraska
Cornhuskers outclassed the Colorado Ag
gies here Thursday, 70 to 7. The visitors
were outweighed, but put up a struggle
against heavy odds.
Castle Rock. Wash., Nov. 25. James
John high of Portland and Castle Rock
high battled to a scoreless tie Thurs
day afternoon in a game played In a
driving rain and on a Slippery field.
Several tlmea each team was within
scoring distance. Brilliant playing fea
tured the game. In spite of the bad
Philadelphia, Nov. 25. Eddie Kaw was
the heero in Thursday's gridiron classic
which resulted in a Cornell victory over
the University of Pennsylvania by the
score of 41 tc 0. Five of Cornell's six
touchdowns were made by this great
Crimson halfback.
The score was the heaviest ever made
by an Ithacan against a Red and Blue
eleven. It was the first time since
1915 that Cornell has been able to hum
ble the swarthy sons of Pennsylvania
and only the fifth time in the 28 games
these two teams have played.
Cornell won the toss and elected to
defend the west goal, with Pennsylvania
Morgantown, W. Va., Nov. 25. Wash
ington and Jefferson's strong football
team administered the first defeat West
Virginia has suffered on its home field
here Thursday, when it defeated the
Mountaineers, 13 to 0. The game was
played in rain and on a muddy field.
Denver, Cok., Nov. 25. University of
Colorado closed the Rocky Mountain sea
son with a clean slate by defeating the
Colorado School of Mines, 10 to 7, in a
thrilling game Thursday.
Centralia. Wash., Nov. 25. Chehalis
defeated Centralia in Thursday's foot
ball game, 39 to 0. Four of Chehalis'
touchdowns were scored by superior
playing while the first two were the
result of flukes.
Salem, Nov. 25. Playing on an ex
tremely muddy field the Salem hleh
scnoosv eleven defeated the Lincoln high
scnooi squad oi Portland on Sweatland
field here Thursday afternoon by a score
of 7 to 0. The lone touchdown of the
game was scored in the third quarter,
when Salem found an opening In the
visitors' line and carried the ball through
a ragged field for 15 yards. Numerous
fumbles featured the game.
Eugene, Nov. 25.-7-Completely out
classed In very department of the game,
Franklin high school of Portland went
down to defeat before the Eugene high
school on Hayward field here Thurs
day, 80 to 0.
Eugene received the first kickoff and
with perfect interference placed the ball
behind the goal posts for the first tally
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Make certain that all replacements srs mads wtih
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(33311 G& 333
Eddie Hearne Wins
250-Mile Auto Race;
Average 110 Miles
(By United Xirws)
I .os Angeles. Nov. 25 The champion
ZoO-mlle' international automobile driver
over the Beverley course lives here in
Los Angeles.
He Is Eddie Hearne. driving a Deua
enberg, who nosed out Tommy Milton
in the last 50 miles of the event Thanks
giving day.
Frank Elliott finished third, Roscoe
Sarles fourth, Harry Harts fifth and
Jimmy Murphy, winner of the French
event recently, sixth.
Sarles was a contender in the race
with Milton until he waa forced to the
pi Li in the ISOth lap.
Pacific Team Wins
Football Honors
Pacific University, Forest Grove, Nov.
25. By a Bcore of 14 to 0, the Pacific
university Badgers clinched the North
west non-conference championship in the
game with Chemawa Indians on Mc
Creedy field Thursday. The game was
marked by slow playing, owing to the
condition of the field, which was a verit
able duck pond.
Chemawa, during the first half, played
a better game than was expected, put
ting up good; defensive work against Pa
cific's heavy line. The half was ended
without either side scoring a point.
"Ink" Wolf bucked the line four times
for a touchdown in the third quarter and
kicked the first goal.
Fowler, at quarter, and Frank, at left
half, starred for the victors. Blackman
played a brilliant tackle in flashes, scor
ing a touchdown for the crimson and
black In the last quarter by catching a
forward pass over the line.- He kicked
goal. BitUes starred for the red men.
A post-season game may be possible,
says Frank; probably with come Call
roraia scnooi occidental, famona or
Whittier. A game with one of these
schools may be scheduled about New
Year's day. ;
ill u it A Ha
I SOW OS.' v '
Amcrtcan ItifU Rtmgm
430 Wash. St.
Gram making considerable yardage in
the final period.
Oregon. fo.
Howard LKR
Ratd LTB
r shwws u;r
lughhn C .
A Shields .RTil,
Van der Ah RTL
r.rown BEL
Crapraan Q
Johnsoa IJtltL
Kitig RHL
Latham - F
8ubatitutioB Oregon :
Cram for Kins. Reed (or Leslie slerfitt for
Hcward. Panmos for A. Bhirlda, Howard for
Morntt. Jerdaa (or iotinoa. Multnomah
Donakfeen for Pelouse. Cook for Workaiaa. Put-
to for Stean, Brigf for Butter! Uortmaa for
ljoa. statn ror, liuooa. Bauer lor Brxg.
wauwr lor narna.
Score by periods:
Orssoa T T 7 SI
Jinrwoaaah a 7
Torbdaaaa Or oa: Howard 3. Johar
"""coal kicks Caaranaa 1. 8 tsar 1,
Of mat Ban LMsa. rrferee: Gcarsa Dawey,
asuwaiKajpa voMsaaa, ba4 Hnnsna,
Multnot tah
Ltslit for Beed,
Oregon City, Or., Nov. 25. The Al
bina and Oregon City football teams
staged a punting, duel the first two
quarters of their game here yesterday
without either doing any damage, but in
the third period the Portlanders man
aged to work the ball to Oregon City's
15 yard line. It was then that White
stepped back and place-kicked for the
only score iof the game. Final score, 3
to 0. Bums, Teager and O'Keefe starred
for the winners, while Garland and Stone
played good ball for the locals.
the prevailing low price of wool
means a big saving for you
in this unusual sale :
Light, medium and heavy weight Overcoats are included
in this sale. Every coat is handsomely tailored and beau- '
tifully lined see our big assortment at
and if we do not happen to have just the style of a cpat that'
you want we will take your measure and make a special coat
to your order from any of the numerous patterns we are show
Ifs at its! best right now- and good
shells wilt help you fet your share.
We have the popular U. M. C. Shl!s
in all the favorite loads.
Backus & Morris
We have some coats as low as $20, others as high as $45, but
our big assortment is at $25 and $30. "
Entire Woolen Mill Bid. (S. W. Cor.) Third and Morrison
SU Xsa Wmrth. -, t