The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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- I f All Hmtm and If All Tram I l JJ L MVTI IK I K H SZVNTn - KM M jT IJN t" V ( All Herr and If All Trum ,
I news of the theatres and people who f C- ArsK V VvV.A.d -Xy A, k y X 11 VCfiffUM0l5 TnT i .VyOkSA jNCA V- A Y A, if ' ) Mlnlmtempriturr ThnrwUy: ' ' ?
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H JournaJ dr. ma sction 1 a review of rtn- - VJ, '''" HocataMo M New York!..?!. M
VOL. XX. NO. 223
Eatrrad Bcroa4 CIm MtUrr
t PortoHe. Portia ad. .OntA
Portland, Oregon, Friday evening, November 25, 1921. twenty-two pages.
Ynaiaa rwl
mtM rut pibts
Boat Rescues
Travelers at
The Dalles
Decision of Conference Asserts
System of Extra Territoriality
Imposed on Republic to Be
Wrong and! Must Be Abolished.
Bj or ft H. Holme
. tVuhlnrton. 5Jov. 24. (I. N. 8.) A
Jrllon waa reached by the conference
jxwr. meetlnc In secret session here
today, that tha. system of extra territor
iality tmpoad upon China by the treaty
power la wrong and should be abol
The etra territoriality system under
which forelg-n nations have set up their
own courts and exercised Jurisdiction
over ther own nationals on Chlneee soil,
will not be abollnhed Immediately, but an
agreement waa reached that It will grad
ually be abandoned as China displays an
ability to handle such matters herself.'
A resolution waa drawn up and was
approved "In principle" by all of ' the
posers assembled. It was learned, after
peechea had beert made defining each
nation's poult Ion on the question. Spokes
men for the Chineae delegation made a
lose ardent plea for the abolition of the
Today's decision constitutes at 1 it a
"moral vktoty" for the Chinese. They
pleaded for the abolition nf the -system
at Paris and were turned down.
The results of the decision, however,
will not ho apparent at once, it In under
stood. While agreeing to the principle
of abolition of the system, the powers
concerned wilt snake an Investigation
of China's whole Judicial system before
(CoarhKfctd ea Pis Two, Contain Four)
By Ellis H. Martin
.iBtenaUinmai Hew Bulk fttaff Currapin4ent
an Francisco, Not. 16.- The defense
of Koacoa "Fatty1 A r buckle this after
noon made new fight to get Into tes
tlmony allseed statements of Virginia
. Itappe, for whose death the film come
dian la being tried for manslaughter.
which. If admitted, his attorneys claim
wilt show that thaaexonerated Mm from
tr. Vf. V.. Rumwell waa the wltneaa
through whom they hoped to get their
testimony before the Jury. They , failed
when they placed oeorgw niennon. a
hotel detective, on the stand, to Intro
duce this Una of testimony, but they
hoped through certain medical note
made by Dr. Rumwell to show his tes
timony waa admissible.
Two medical experts who testified
far tha defense regarding bladder rup-
tvree took up the entire morning session
of court. They were Dr. Lloyd Bryan
and Dr. O. F. Hhlalds.
, Dr. Bryan gave expert testimony on.
rapture of the bladder the predispos
Ing cause of Virginia Rappe'a death
Me stated he had treated four such
. naaea.
One of these, he stated, waa a case of
spontaneous rupture. He described the
cam In full. His examination and cross
examination were brief.
Dr. (thlelda, San Kranctaeo physician,
laVowed htm on the stand.
In qualifying aa an expert. Dr. Shields,
It developed, holds a congressional
modal and two French decorations for
medical service during the World aar.
Ha declared It was possible for a healthy
Almost aa picturesque a scene that
of the fortune seekers' arrival at Nome
in the gold rush days was the arrival
at early dawn this morning of the
river boat J. N. Teal, the first carrier of
any kind to arrive from The Dalles di
rect since Saturday.
Jammed on her decks as she steamed
ap to the old Taylor street dock waa a
motley crowd of passengers, eager to
set foot In "Portland and joyous over
their deliverance from the storm coun
Thera were business men from the
East, "farmers, women and children.
stranded salesmen and train crews. Some
bad been snowbound in The Dalles and
way points, others had been working
digging away snow drifts in the gorge
Many were passengers from the Kast
who arrived In The Dalles Thursday.
Oqly women and children and a few
fortunate men had berths. The others
crowded the boiler room and cabins.
Workers and train crews pickeoV up en
route had no difficulty in sleeping on
the floor and In chairs.
"It waa a long, hard trip, but we were
all glad that we were on the move.
saW George K. Bingham of Portland, a
passenger who had been In The Dalles
since Saturday.
"Passengers were piled in everywhere.
Everyone tried to get In the warm boiler
room. I had r.ever before seen such a
Jam on a boat.
"Besides a boatload of passengers we
d , all the automobiles that could be
packed on the lower deck. They be-
onged to motorists who were stranded
n The Dalles.
'At Bonneville we picked up a train
crew headed by Frlnk Krutalnger, con
ductor. Food vaa miming rather low
there, he told me. They were eating
salmon trout taken from the Bonne
ville hatchery. Virtually all the salmon
trout In the hatchery were suffocated
to death when ice formed over their
wlter beds.
"We took on board a damaged snow
shovel at Multnomah falls. Four shovels
have been put cut of commission there
by contact with rocks in the slides.
There sre 375 men working on the
slides at Bonneville. We unloaded pro
visions for them."
W. S. Raker, a Portland Insurance
man, was another or tne nomeoouna
passenger on the Teal. He left his au
tomobile embedded ' In a snowdrift near
Bonneville and said It might stay there
all winter, judging from me quality of
Ice and snow that holds the grorg, la
a frlgjd grip.
Few people who have not been there
can realise what an unusual snowstorm
raged through the gorge 'Said Raker.
"I doabt If eref such a term has hap
pened before. Hard dry sleet, not pack
ing but rolling about like sand, later
packed into sheets of Ice six Inches or
more In thickness, makes that region
extremely difficult to navigate. I was
marooned since Saturday, spending a
night or two at a goat camp. I cer
tainly got a good kick out of it."
Wreckage Indicating Foundering
of Sea Eagle of San Francisco
Drifts Into Sunset Beach;
Craft Caught in Terrific Gale.
Governor Olcott Stresses Two
Vitally Important Problems to
Be Considered by Legislators;
Early Fair Vote Is Sought
(CenclaiM ea Pat Two, Column Hm)
Marines Who Shoot
Hoboes Not to Be
Evea Reprimanded
Washington, Nov. 13. ( I. .V. S.)
There Is to be no courtmartial or even
a reprimand for the marine who, while
guarding the malls, shoots and kills
hobo. . On Ithe other hand, he will be
backed UP to the limit. This waa an
nounced today at Ike postofftce depart
ment. "Kvery hobo is a potenliaj mail rob
ber. aald Colonel frl H. Shaughneasy,
eoond assistant pootmaster general, to
day. "Marines art ordered to challenge
aay person loitering on. In or near a
mail car."
Astoria, Or., Xov. 25. (U. P.) The
Red Stack tug Sea Eagle, San Francisco,
has foundered on the coast of Northern
Oregon, off Sunset Beach. She carried
a crew of nine' men.
This was the word given out today by
Captain Wicklund of the Port , Adams
life saving station, following the finding
yesterday of a -portion of the tug's pilot
house on the sands near Sunset Beach.
Cabin furniture and a pair of oars
marked "Sea Eagle" gave additional
mute testimony of the vessel's fate.
Patrols are combing the sands today
in an effort to discover further wreck
age or the bodies of members of the
crew. Little hope is held here, that the
tug weathered the terrific gale which
had raked the coast up to a late hour
last night.
The oars were found Tuesday, but be
cause of the remoteness of Sunset beach
In winter time and the consequent inac
tivity of the coast guard, a report was
not made of the matter until late Thurs
, .Wicklund expressed the opinion that
the tug had encountered a severe gale
Monday night, when the wind blew 84
miles an hour. Failure of the tug to send
out S. O. S. messages is accounted for by
the possibility of a small vessel of this
size getting into distress and founder
ing before the radio could be employed.
The Eagle Is understood to have left
San Francisco last Friday for Coos Bay.
As far as is known here she has not re
ported at the Southern Oregon port and
(Concluded on Pace Two, Column Three)
Although the North Bank railroad
was released Thursday from the snow
drifts and ice barriers which had held
it paralysed since Saturday, ihe O-W.
R. ft N. continued to battle the tie-up
today with little prospect that the line
on the south bank of the Columbia
gorge will be opened before next week.
Snow plows working from the east
and west on the S. P. A S. released
O-W. train No. 11 at Lyle Thursday
afternoon an"fi the passengers wer
brought to Portland at 6 :20 p. m. The
Oregon Trunk railroad will likely be
opened for service today.
On the O-W. two rotaries are war king
east Just beyond Oneonta gorge and
two more are working west about
Wyeth. Slow progress Is necessary be
cause of the danger of starting slides.
Train No. IS left for the East today and
will be de toured through the gorge via
the S. P. A S. Another O-W. train will
leave at 8 o'clock tonight for the East
Full passenger train service Is expected
to be resumed Saturday. The S. P. A
S. has resumed full passenger service
and will start some freight moving to
Washouts have been repaired on the
main itne of the Southern Pacific, which
Is still unable to give service over the
Moialla branch. Mills City branch east of
Albany and the Sheridan-Willamlna
Salem, Or., Nov. 25. Formal call for
the convening df the state legislature in
special session on December 19. advance
of which was given in a statement from
the executive office Wednesday after
noon, was Issued by Governor Olcott
this morning.
The call sets forth for the considera
tion of the legislators two problems :
FlrBt Submission to the voters of the
-t-ite at the primary nominating election
next May the matter of whether the
state of Oregon shall, by genera taxa
tion, bear a share of the burden of ex
pense of an international exposition,
proposed to be held in Portland in 4925.
Second Consideration of legislation
for the preservation and further protec
tion of the state 8 public highways.
The first problem involves the levy
ing of a special state tax for the crea
tion of a fund of $3,000,000. spread over
a period of three years, Jor the support
of the proposed world's fair.
The second problem is twofold, includ
ing stricter regulation of the speet" and
weight of freight hauling motor trucks
j :-. 1 the licensing and regulation of auto
mobile stages, busses and "jitneys" us
ing the public highways.
In order to assist the legislators in
the preparation of laws covering this
latter problem and to expedite consider
ation of the same the governor has
named a committee to prepare bills cov
ering these two features for submission
at the convening of the session. This
committee consists of Sam Kozer, se
retary of stal ; Fred A. Williams,
chairman of the public service commis
sion ; John B. Yeon, member of the
state' highway commission ; Frank M.
Warren of Portland and Ed D. Cusick
of Albany.
Expressing his belief that "the leg
islature should confine -itself . to the
topics suggested to. 11! the governor de
clares : "I am certain , Ihe public will
Heavy Gale
Whips Coast
Of Oregon
Astoria. Nov. 25. Blowing for a com
paratively short time, a southerly gale
reached a velocity" of 88 miles an hour
at North Head Thursday night Like
the others of the serie. of blows which
have occurred during the past week, the
storm broke suddenly and, with terrific
fury, reaching its climax and dying out
A weather disturbance rare in the As
toria district struck the city following
the southerly gale at 5 :30 o'clock this
morning. It was followed by a terrtfic
electrical storm, accompanied by torrents
of rain and hail. The lightning flashes
endured for a longer period than in
similar storm for several years.
This morning the weather at the mouth
of the Columbia is unsettled. The barom
eter is fairly steady, and North Head re
ports a 25-mile wind blowing from the
south, with the sea rough. Another hail
and electrical storm' occurred at 9 -.30
o'clock this morning.
HIROHITO, crown prince
' of Japan; who has been
made ruler of Japan in
place of his father, the em
peror, who . is mentally and
physically incapacitated. Hir
chito is 20 years old.
More Effective Cooperation in
Farm Organizations and Stand
ard Policy for Rural Schools
Are Among Coming dear's Aims
The storm which has moved In from
the North Pacific ocean almost every
day this week with a blow at the Oregon
and Washington coasts took a swing to
ward land early this morning and worked
up a 68-mile gale, retreated to its ocean
haunts and is expected to move In again
late this afternoon.
Storm 'warnings for all Oregon and
Washington coast points were continued
today. At 8 o'clock a gale of 38 miles'
velocity was blowing at North Head sta
tion, j
The sea has been worked into heavy
rollers by the storm which has been
hanging persistently off the shore for
four days. Thursday a gale of 64 miles'
Extension of aid for the formation of
more effective cooperative farm organi
zations throughout the nation and a
study of the operation of rural schools
for a standardization policy, will be the
(Concluded on. Page Nineteen, Column One)
With the resumption of the ' oublic
hearing of the school district properties
department before, the properties com
mittee at the courthouse at 7 o'clock
tonight additional testimony will be
Introduced by Director Frank L Shull
in support of the. several charges filed
against the conduct of the department
Indignation over the disclosures.
brought out by the testimony Wednes
day, indicating how affairs of the prop
erties department have been operated
with a high hand and for political ef
fect; has been general, and the.hearing
tonight is expected to be attended by
fully as large representation of the
general public as jammed into the room
and adjoining corridor at the first meet
ing. The entire evening will be given over
to hearing the rest of the witnesses in
connection with the charges made
against the properties department Next
Wednesday night will be given over to
the defense, as directed by John Collier,
The committee of properties, headed
by George B. Thomas, . to whom wit
nesses Wednesday so often alluded, both
directly and indirectly, is conducting
the hearing. Thomas has said that the
whole matter will be threshed out, that
there is nothing funny about it that
all the witnesses will have their say. and
that the defense will present its , case
Wednesday night, when he is quite sure
everything will be explained.
( Conclnded oa Pace Seven. Column Oa)
San Francisco, Nov. 25. (U. P.) The
tug Samson; owned by John Kiernan of
Portland, operated in the lumber trade
in this section, which left here on No
vember 17 with the barge Washtucna
in tow, for Reedsport, Or., has failed to
arrive at that port, according to ail
vices here today. In a fair sea the tug
should have reached port November 20
or 21.
John L. Burns, jointly accused with
Dan Casey of having murdered James
H. Phillips, special "of ficer. after a box
car robber near Mocks Bottom - on.
June 14, waa on trial today In Circuit
iudge Kavanaugh's court with his wife
and a nursing baby seated beside him.
At noon the jury was practically
complete. The state had one preemp
tory challenge left and the defense had
"Would the fact that the defendant
is married and has a family sway you
in returning a verdict?' asked the state's
attorney of prospective jurors. "Or -would
you be Influenced by the fact that he
was a steady -employe of a rftilroad
company for IS years." ' v
Casey, who was arrested with Burns
in Buens rooming house, was found
guilty of murder in the. first dejgree by
a jury Wednesday.
Germans Ready to
Flock to America
Washington. Nov. 25. 1 1. N. S.)
8ixty-one thousand Germans are await
ing entry to the United States as soon as
the American consular service in Ger
many is set up, it was announced today
by Assistant Secretary of Labor Hen-ning.
Accused Tongman
Released on Bail
Hughes -Had Cajial in Mind
W H at ' x at at at at
Limit of Ditch' 40,000 Tons
Joe San, Suey Sing tongman, charged
with murder in the first degree for the
shooting of a Hop Sing, was released
from the county jail this morning by
Circuit Judge Morrow on $5000 cash bail.
- San is secretary of the Suey Sings
and is said by the district attorney's
office to carry the tongs checkbook.
Cash. Liberty bonds and Thrift stamps
were deposited tor the bait
Release ef San , on bonds supplied by
Allen and Moor of the Golden West
hotel was originally asked by John Col
lier, attorney for the Suey Sings, but
District Attorney Myers refused to give
his approval.
"In fact" he told the court, "a good
enough bond could not be given to cause
me to approve the release or a man t
charged with murder in the first degree."
Jndge Morrow then refused to accept
the bond and the cash was raised.
By Daila Xawreaee
(OrjrUht hs Tha Jovrnal)
Washington. Nov. Ji. The real reason
fee the proposal of Secretary Hughes
sad the American navy that hereafter
ae battleships shall be built by any
nation larger than Ji.POO tons Is just
(priming to the surface. The United
States dooa not wish have any battle
ships toe large to ge through the Pan
ama can at Before the present confer
ence) waa convened and the armament
raca waa at Its height there waa talk
( ,000 and an.oeo ton battleships to
be built by Japan, i This would have
been met by the construction of Amer
ican battleship of equal aise, but these
vessels would have been valuable to
the United States only la the Pacific
where they would have had to be kept
sooat ol the tint. .
American naval policy, at least for the
present contemplates a fleet divided be
tween the Atlantic and the Pad fie and
n or tha chief values of U canal la
that strategically it gives the United
Slates great defensive strength. The dis
advantage ot having vessels in the Pa
c'fle which must round Cape Horn, waj
conspicuously Illustrated in the Spanish-
American .war when "Fighting Bob'
Kvans made hia memorable trtn from
Pacific to Atlantic waters to assist the
squadrons off the Cuban coast ,
The Panama canal is , able at present
to accommodate vessels with a displace
ment of 40,000 tons comfortably but the
engineers who built the ditch did not
contemplate the ships-greater than 110
feet in width. There are now vessels
aifoai a large as utin so tne Hughes pro
posal ai recta only the future. It reads
as follows: i
"That no capital ship shaU be bftilt
in replacement with a tonnage displace
ment or more than xa.eoo tons.". -
Mr. Hughea gave no reason or aryo-
(Cosdeded ea race Seven, Colasm Thraa)
The Samson is owned by John Kier
nan of Portland and has been engaged
in towing lumber barges between the
Umpqua river (Reedsport) and San
Francisco and San Pedro. She is a
wooden tug and was built in this city
in 1898. She is 110.4 feet long, 25.4
feet beam and 15.6 feet depth of hold.
Her complement calls for 12 men.
Girls Comb Paris
And Mob Mere Men,
Looking for Mates
Paris, Nov. 25. (U. P.) Luckless
men scurried to cover today when mobs
of French girls combed the streets for
husbands. - ,
It waa Saint Catherine's day. the tra
ditional time for unmarried French girls
who have reached the age of 25 to go
out into the highways and pluck their
husbands from the pavements.
The affair as usual started out as a
peaceful parade, but the first good look
ing male to appear broke up the pro
ceedings and started a riot in his direc
tion. It was more violent than usual today,
because the ladies completely outnum
bered the men, due to war losses. This
advantage prevented the men from mak
ing any defense and they wer carried
off bodily.
There was no question of being able
to distinguish between the married and
unmarried men.
"You can tell by the look in their
eyes,', one of the girls explained.
Investigation of
Governor of Porto
Rico fs to Be Made
Washington, Nov. 25. (L "N. S.) A
formal investigation of charges made
against E. Mont RellY, governor of
Porto Rico, probably will be ordered
within a short time, it was seated au
thoritatively today. Unless the inquiry
develop! new evidence. It is expected
the adfninistration will sustain Reily
Inasmuch as all charges made against
him thus far are considered of a po
litical nature. It is understood, how
ever, that Reily will be advised by high
official-to use more tact in his work
in Porto Rico.
Reily, whose removal from office has
been asked by Porto Rican Resident
Commissioner Davffla, called at the
White House today.
Governor Reily will probably confer
with the president Jater in the day, and
discuss with tha chief executive . his
recent troubles in the island.
Reily laid his case before the presi
dent this afternoon during- luncheon and
a two-hour conference. He refused to
state, however, whether he had cleared
up the issue with the president He
said he would makeno public reply to
the accusations made against him.
f v -! '
I - J 4
l -
(Concluded on Px Six. Cotnma One) ' i,V'si; '
. - - i- . :
r fy - vr'-e i
Balfour Calls
Crtmn Prince. Hirohito Named
Regent of Empire Because of
Emperor's Serious- Illness)
Youth Faces Weighty Problems
By A. L. Bradferd
Washington. Nov. I. Crown Prtncw
Hirohito has been made regesl of Jspan.
Definite decision to name the Xl-year- , ,
old crown prtnee as the bed of the -
Japanese empire has been reached, the
principal aedegmtes here wera tdviacdl
Prince Hirohito is being made regent
because hia fdher. the etnperor, la la ' '
such a falling state of health that be caa .
j no-longer make any attempt to discharge
the duties of ruler of the empire.
It has been reported that the emperor, ''
Toehlhito, has suffered a complete men
tal and physical breakdown that his
mind Is failing, and his body ta par
tially paralysed. Several tlmea be has
been declared at the point of death. '
The decision to name Hirohjto recent
reached in consultations between
the empress and the aldor statesmen ef '
Japan and the crown prince himself.
The authority ol the emperor's name -also
probably wlQ have to be given to ,
the appointment
The youth assumes office with Japaa
in the throes of many important changes.
The Japanese monarchy the oldest la
the world-Ms being forced gradually to
respond ta the spirit of liberalism anJ
democracy which is slowly sweeping the
Not many days ago Premier Hara. the
strong leader or tne Japaneoe govern
ment was assassinated. Now Japan ta
participating in a groat International
conference which probably will strip her
fleet of many of its proudest warship.
and which, will subject her plana and
dn Wilson
Capital Gossips Speculate
Man's Dea'th Laid
To Excitement Over
Duck Hunting;Trip
Klamath Falls, Or, Nov. 25. Ex
citement inspired by duck shooting at
Tule lake Wednesday caused the death
of 3. W. Banta, 72. . widely known
rancher of Dairy, who died while asleep
early Thursday morning at the home of
Martin Stoehiier at Dairy. Earl Aldrtch
accompanied Stoehiier and Banta on
the hunting- trip and -occupied the same
bed with Banta at the Stoehiier home.
" The. body was brought to Klamath
Falls by Deputy County. Coroner X A.
Towey, where an autopsy performed by
Dn T. C Campbell revealed cronic val
vular heart troubles Banta is said to
have been under high excitement while
ened his death. He is survived by hia
wife andMoifr Wlihanv both of Chico.
Stepfather Is Killed
After Punishing Boy
Spokane, Wash., Nov. 25. Resenting
punishment Robert Ford, aged 17. shot
and mortally wounded his stepfather.
Charles B. Smith, Monday night, at the
Smith farm, near Worley, Idaho, ac
cording to reports received from Coeur
d'Alene. Ford is in jail at Coeur d'Alene.
Idaho. Following the , shooting the
youth drew a knife and stabbed tiie fal
len man in the back, it la alleged.
Longfellow's Last
Surviving Son Dies
Boston. : Nov. 25. (L N. S.) Ernest
Wadsworth- Longfellow, well known' aa
an1 artist and the last surviving son of
Henry Wadsworth Ixmgfellow, the, poet,
is dead here. He celebrated his seven
ty-sixth birth anniversary last. Wednea-
huntlng. which Is thought to have-hast-1 day. The Materhorn." "Misty Morn-
tng and a portrait of hia father were
amotsg.. Longfellow's best known works.
Craig -and Premier
Confer Regarding.
Peace in Ireland
London. Nov. 25. -(U. P.) Sir James
Craig went into conference with Pre
mier Lloyd George today to bear the
"alternative" proposals of the British
premier for Irish peace.
Sir James will carry the proposals to
Belfast, where they will be placed be
fore the Ulster parliament on Monday
or Tuesday.
Craig was closeted with the premier
for an hour. So statement was issued
after the meeting was concluded. Craig
said he would leave for Belfast tonight
Arthur Griffith and the other Sinn
Fein delegates to the peace conference
were on their way to Dublin today.
Washington, Nov. 25. (T. N, S.) Con
siderable surprise and a -flood of -speculative
gossip was evident in diplomatic
circles here today when it became known
that the Right Honorable A. J. Balfour,
bead of the British delegation to the
conference, was received by former
President Wilson at his "S" street home
a few days ago.'
The visit of the veteran English states
man marks the first departure" Mr.' Wil
son has made fftom- hia- policy of not
receiving foreign'' visitors here to attend
the conference. ' This policy on the part
of the former president waa atributed to
his fear that his opponents might raise
the cry : of "WUaon meddling" in the
conference. '
Marshal Foch, Premier Briand and
a number of other distinguished foreign
visitors have called at the Wilson home
in the last few weeks, but none of them
have got further than leaving their cards
at the door. '
Balfour, however, was received by
the former president in his study and
the two had a long and intimate chat
it waa learned .-today. .
In British quarters the visit of Bal
four was described today as being
"purely social" Balfour's secretary
said that the veteran Briton had called
to renew the acquaintaVe begun here
in 1917 and extended when the two
worked so long together at - the Paris
Balfour's visit caused particularly
keen speculation in French circles, where
it was remarked that Mr. Wilson had
not either received Marshal Foch or
Premier Briand.
' Mr. Wilson Is known to have reported
to intimate friends his Tears of France's
imperialistic ambitions" and their possi
ble effect on 'the -peace of the world.
While still president, he spoke pointedly
about "militarists being . In control of
France." ,
.- There waa a great deal of speculation
today as to whether Mr. Balfour's visit
was not made the occasion for a talk
on French politics, as Balfour and
Wilson hold distinctly similar views on
the matter of France's policy in Europe.
Washington. Nov. ta. TL N.
President Harding and Secretary of ,
State Hughes conferred for half an boor '
this morning on tha course which the
Washlngton .conference la taking. .
Upon leaving the White House. Secre
tary Hugh as said be would sot attend
today's cabinet meeting., and went SU
rect from the executive offices to the
Pan-Americas buUdinc to attend the
secret meeting of the committee oa Far
Eastern affairs.
The secretary of state declined to
comment on his oonfereoos with - the
president It was Indicated, however,
thai officials are net disposed to regard
reports of friction as serious.
Harding Declines to
Abrogate Treaties
Washington. Nov. 25. (1 N. &
President Harding will not abrogate the
commercial treaties with 21 nations re
lating to reciprocal shipping agreements,
as provided in the Jones merchant ma
rine bill, it waa learned at the White
House late today. Tha president, it waa
learned, has been advised against such
action and will so inform . congress.
Wood row Wilson when presidenfrefused
to abrogate the treaties.
Hugo Stinnes Back
From London Trip
Berlin, Nov. 2S. L, N.J a Hugo
Stirmea, Germany's financial and Indus
trial leader, returned today, from . his
trip to London. No announcement- was
mad regarding the results of his visit
Persons living outside - of Multnomah
county 'who are seeking divorces cannot
bring their cases into the circuit courts
in this judicial district, according- to an
opinion today by Circuit Judge.. Tucker.
Judge Tucker gave . this opinion in
dismissing the case of F. B. Cox against
Frankie Cox. both residents of, Umatilla
county. -
The circuit courts in Portland have
been made a-clearing house for persons
from other parts of 'the state who wish
to avoid divorce action in their own
communities, the Judge said : '
"I do not believe that it is lawful for
them to waive venue to bring their cases
into another Judicial district
Divorce costs should be borne by the
home county of the persons seeking di
vorces. Furthermore,- when a divorce
suit hi begun in a court- in the partici
pants own tows the district attorney
has some chance to detect collusion."
Prominent Capital
Social Figure Dies
(St rsJUd -Saws.)"
New Tori. Nov. ;S William C. Eua-
tia, SO, ' prominent - figure in Washington
social and diplomatic circles, died of
pneumonia in his 'room1 at the Belmont
hotel here at t p. tn.. Thursday. He was
taken- III five days ago while on bis
way from hia farm at - Leesburg. Va
to his wife's estate, at P-einbeck-pn-the-Hudsbn.
The body Willi be taken to
Washington, where the funeral su loee
will be.heM Satsrdar. - - -.
Japanese Liberals
Urge Giving Up of
Korea, Shantung
Washington. Nov. 25.' (L N. a)
United States senators and uiuainsBUMii
today beard two members of the Japaa
ess parliajneet7urgs Japaaese evacua
tion of Shantung. estabUahment of
Korean independence aadwJapsuir se par
ticipation tn world disarmament The
speakers were the Honorable D. Tagawa
and T. U ye hara. the Japanese liberals,
here to observe the disarmament conference.
Fisherman Drowns
In Columbia' River
Beaverton. Nov. 85. The Southern Pa
cific electric trala. bound for Beaverton,
struck an auto truck owned and driven
by Frank. Stow of McMinnvllle at the
atavia- road crossing this afternoon and
C S. McGee.'a passenger on the truck.
was seriously injured.
McGee's back waa wrenched, his haods
wer cut and he was badly bruised. In
ternal Injuries are feared. Stow escaped
with a bad shaking op.
The men ere rushed to Beaverton.
where they were given attention by Dr.
C U. 4!ason at the station. They will
be taken to their homes In McMlr.nville
this evening.
Stow said that they sere rounding a
curve and be did not hear the warning
belt . He absolved -the engineer. Clay
Dimmy. of blame. The truck waa de
molished, E. Bendy was conductor on
the train. ' . -
Astoria, Nov. 25. A midnight ptsage
into tha Calumbia river from the can
nery wharf at Altoona, Wash., cost the -life
of Chris Hauke. for ! years one f
the beet known fishermen oa the towwr
Columbia- rtver, late Wednesday night
His body waa recovered by grappling
Thursday. Hauke had been In tba eaaw
nery bunk house with several other flab
ermen. Ha stepped -outatde for a mar,
ute and a heavy splash told the others
or his falL His body did not come to
tha surface.
Asquith. Pleads for
Debt Cancellation
Newcastle,- Er., Nov. Zi. (I. N. S.)
Revision of tha allied, reparations demands.-
cancellation of tbe allies debts
and of the continental debts owed Erg
land sad removal of all tariff walk,
were demanded by former Premier As
quith tn his keynote speech before the
animal cotrventioa of the Liberal party
here today, . -
Senator Capper
Commends The Journal
' "When yon urge the business
men of Portland to cooperate with
the farmer and provide him .with
credit for handling his grain and
help him to get it to market on a,
profitable basis you are speaking
not only In behalf of the produc
ers but you are rendering a great
service to business fit general."
writes Senator Arthur Capper et
Kansas In a letter to The Journal.
Aa editorial written on the sub
ject by Senator Capper for Th
i Journal will appear Sunday oa the
editorial page.
State Road Map
Ft Motorists s
For the Information and eon
venlence, of motorists, s large road
map of Orecon. showing the loca
tion of the principal high wars sad
those which sre paved, will be the
front cover feature of The Sunday
Journal Automotive Section next
Sunday. , ' ... :. j ;." ;
- r v i 2 - -