The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 24, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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' With th Ortgon Electric out f th
running bwiuM of brMg waahouU on
lh fUntUm. th Southern Pacific
trains from th nouth were crowded
Wednesday with homo coming atudents
from Votrt Kugene and Corvallia. Extra
roarhea were carried.
tirldga destruction made it necessary
for lh Southern Pacific trains to de
tour at Albany via the Yaquina line to
Oonrallla. theme to Or linger, not con
iWK.tlng wth the majn line again until
Ha I em was reached. This caused a de
lay of more than two hours. Regular
trains from the Houth were from three
to four hours late.
Itepalr of the bridge on the Santiam
msf be completed today, say .8. P. of
ficial and trains operated without da-,
tour by tonight.
The Houthern Pacific night train to
Marahfletd. taken off the run, las Tues
day bei'iuM of the washout near Jef
ferson and utoritiJ around Coos Bay.
will ge Into service again tonight.
. Th only Houthern Pacific trains In
Oregon which will not be In operation
by tomorrow will ho the Canby -Molalla.
Albany -IVtrolt and Sheridan-WMIamlna
lines. These lines are badly affected
by washouts
. Oregon Klactrlc officials hope to have
most' of their trains running by Sun
day. The worst destruction was In an
embankment washout In the Santiam
. valley. Two hundred feet wYll have to
he replaced. Trestles are being built,
however, to carry traffic until full re
pairs ran be made.
I'p to the gap on either side of the
Santiam and between Albany and Ku
gens Oregon Klectrlc trains are In full
Churches Have High
Praise for Japanese
Writers at Parley
It was an, ominous thing; that Admiral
rtaron Kato told Japanese newspaper
correspondents at the arms limitation
conference In Washington to "be still"
when Uiey attempted to propose a liberal
policy on the part of Japan's delega
tion, but It wsa an encouraging thing
that they had the prompting to do It
Such was a declaration of a special com
mittee of the Portland Council of
Churches, headed by Dr. E. O. Slsaon,
wtych met Wednesday afternoon at the
Oregon hotel.
The committee In tha name of Port
land churches will send a resolution of
encouragement to the Japanese newspa
.per correspondents, and also to the
American newspaper representatives who
ar attending the conference. In the lat
ter Instance, the desire of the commu
tes la to Indicate that the employes of the
country ate looking upon the ' confer
ence through the newspapers.
Boy Scout Ideals
.''Will Bejeatured
At Supper Monday
The meeting of the training class In
boy leadership for Boy Scout leaders
will take the form of a supper to be
given Monday evening at 6 :30 In the
dining room of the First M. E. church.'
Twelfth snd Taylor streets. Dr. Karl
R. Abbett la chairman Hi assistants
re: M. T. Blakeslee, Oeorge J Colton.
Sam W. Raker. Hugh Henry. K. B
Cram. Hex I Morse. Clifford K. HaVey
a ad r. B. Van Nice.
Reservations should be made at once
by telephoning Boy Scout headquarters,
slain 133. Pr Charles MarCaughey, new
natar of (Vnlrnarv.tVllhur Xf V
church, wilt speak and Fred Klser, the
scenic photographer, will tell what the
Hoout leaders can dn to heln nreaerv
our forests. A representstive from the
slaiamas will slso seak. Music week
will be stressed In the program.
Ex-Policeman Fined
For Liquor Stunt'
. Ivan K. Clayes. ex-pollceman arrested
the night of November 7 on a charge of
violating the prohibition ordinance, was
fined IJOO by Judge Roes man In mu
nicipal court Wednesday. Martin Bla-
Slch and Jake Radevlch. arrested with
Clayes. were fined $100 and $25. respect
ively, on the sans charge. Clayes, who
was under suspension from the police
department, said he had got wind of the
liquor deal and. In order to get back In
good standing, had bargained to take the
liquor, which vii confiscated at the
time, with the Intention of bringing It
and the dealers down to headquarters.
Clayes appealed his sentence.
acmct ttt Rvoom vauntino
To The
r 1 1 1 i sitl Sis si i if i iTi f i i IT ft f ills
Cuticura Talcum
is Fragrant and
Very Healthful
1 A Gala Event With Each Department
Eight Days of Matchless Bargains!
Participating and Contributing a Full Quota of Unrivalled Values!
Bigger and Better Than Ever!
Sale Positively Ends Saturday, Dec 3
MEvery Winter Dress ,
Without reservation or exception every bright, clever
frock in our entire stocks is reduced ! Dresses for every
occasion ! For street, for afternoon, for evening wear gen
erous reductions afford unusual savings !
a Remarkable Group of
Delightful Silk or
Wool Frocks
Year End Sale !
Lowering of price, but no lowering of quality
or style standards in these splendid frocks!
Canton Crepes Crepes de Chine Satins
Tricotines Poiret Twills
Every trend of Fashion is represented ! Every
size for misses and women!
Navy- Black Brown
Kverv Silk Frock Is Reduced!
Every Wool Frock Is Reduced !
Every Party Frock Is Reduced !
Our Entire Stock of Furs
50, 33y3 and 25 Less
The most "treasured of all gifts a luxurious fur; And here are fur tre
mendously Veduced just in time for holiday giving in time for cold
weather, weir one-half, one-third, one-fourth less!
Make Your Holiday Selections Now While Stocks Are-Complete!
Here are a few of the tremendous savings-.
1295.00 Squirrel Stole $147.40
1200.00 Australian Opossum Cape 100.00
1200.00 Skunk Scarf 100.00
StoS.OO Mole Throw. .'. .$ 52.50
$215.00 Fitch Collar 107.50
St 10.00 Wolf Scarf 55.00
Si 25.00 Wolf Scarf 62.50
$ 5 5.00 Wolf Scarf 27.50
89.60 Fox Scarf 44.75
Every Fur Coat
Every Plush Coat
For This Event We Offer
High Grade
Year End Sale !
$97.50 Lynx Scarf 65.00
$43.00 Stone
Choker 33.75
$32.50 Fitch Marten
Choker 24.35
$49.50 Fox Choker .... 37.15
W a n SB ST V
mr. vim i
M-ua :
Rich, luxurious Coats that you will
wear with a thrill of pride soft,
warm Bolivias generously full or
t r . " j . i
nnin fir- tii r Tnmmn mnnir imrn
plain jl xui luiiiiiivu iiiciiijr mill g "5 .
cuff trimmings of mole, wolf, Aus-
tranan opossum, nutria and beaver- f
ette. Solendidlv tailored hand- 1 1
r j
somely, lined!
With New York in the midst of a
garment strike with high-grade
merchandise at a premium these
reductions in luxuriously warm, en
veloping Coats is almost phe
nomenal ! f
Every Winter Suit
Every Suit Included Nothing
Excepted or Reserved!
Every one a high-gTade, fine garment
offered at lets than the wholesale cost and
in many instances at less than manufac
turer's cost!
This is indeed a sale without a precedent!
Such drastic price cutting has never been of
fered prior to January, when the season's odds
and ends "left overs' are offered for
But here are scores of stunning suits de
lightful, new, seasonable many of them in
stock but a few short weeks delightfully fur
trimmed,' or conservative and dignified modes
that may be worn into the late spring offered
in November when holiday gaieties demand
a smart wardrobe
At Half Price!
$115.00 Suits now $57.50 $69.60 Suits now $34.75
97.00 Suit now 48.75
95.00 Suit now 47.50
89.50 Suits now 42.50
85.00 Suits now 42.50
79.50 Suits now 39.75
59.50 Suit now 29.75
49.50 Suits now 24.75
39.50 Suits now .19.75
29.50 Suit now 14.75
A Reasonable Deposit Will Hold Your Fur Selection Until Xmas !
A Special Group of Coats at
Specially priced for this event are splendid Coats of Bolivia and
fine Suede Velours fully silk lined a variety of clever styles
plain or fur trimmed blues and browns. Year-End Sale $27.50
$ 55 Peco Plush. $43.95 $485 Hudson Seal 363.75
$110 Plush Coats. $88.00 $175 Muskrat . . . 131.25
Many High Grade "One-of-aKind" Coats
Reduced During the 12th Annual Year-End Sale!
Silk Hose, 95c Pair 3 Pairs $2.75
(SubsUndtrcla) First Grades of This Hose Sell at $2.00 a Pair .
Because the manufacturer found slight imperfections in the weave we are permitted
to offer these splendid silk hose, (substahdards) at this remarkable price 95c.
Black Navy Brown .
Entire Stock of Blouses Reduced!
Every trimly tailored blouse every delightful silk costume and dress bloute
Two Extraordinary Groups Featured!
125 Crepe de Chine and Georgette Blouses at
They originally sold as high as 16. 95. A splendid array of smart styles
fine materials delightfully trimmed.
100 Blouses Superior in Style and Fabric
They were priced as high as ft 0.00. Every charming blouse mode U rep
resented fine georgettes, crepe de chine, satins. Unparalleled values!
While They Last!
A Sale of
Colored Silk
Year End Sale!
Be prepared for the rainy
days ahead !
And what more suitable for Christmas
giving than one of these splendid silk 'um
brellas with fancy white rings and han
dies. white ferrules and tips.
All the new umbrella shades to choose
While They Last!
Two Year-End Sale
Petticoat Values
You Cannot Resist!
All Jersey Silk Petticoat
Such splendid quality of jersey some
i .......
Exceptional Jersey Petticoats
Excellent heavy weight jersey silk with
many styles of fancy borders.
A Year-End Sale Event in Millinery
that Shatters all Previous Offerings !
$T.50 $g $
All our Lovely New Fur Hats are included!
Not one of our Trimmed Hats is reserved they're all included in
one of these three groups hundreds of lovely models to choose from'
At $5 Are Hats That Sold Up to $12.50
Smart, clever models every one new and charming J
At $7.50 Are Hats That Sold Up to $17.50
Fur-trimmed Hats, and many delightful, handsome models!
At $10 Are Hats That Sold Up to $25
Exquisite Pattern Hats delightful cloth of silver and
gold Hats lovely fur-trimmed models.
Values Are Truly Extraordinary!
Extra Special!
Every Sale Final
No Refunds No Exchange
Vanity Fair"
Silk Underwear
is Reduced!
No finer silk underthings are made
than these absolutely first - grade
"Vanity Fair" silk underthings lus
trous, heavy silk, special reinforced
features, dainty styles all contribute
to its popularity. Uncqualed for
$3.50 Vanity Fair Vests 32.35
$2.50 Vanity Fair Vests $1.50
$3.95 Vanity Fair Bloomers. $2.65
$5.00 Vanity Fair Bloomers. S3 .35
$8.95 Vanity Fair Bloomers. $5.95
$5.95 Vanity Fair Chemise. .$3.95
$5.50 Vanity FairUnions .. .S3. 65'
$6.96 Vanity Fair Unions ...$4.65
Separate Skirt
is Reduced!
Smart stylet in new separate skirts of
fine quality fabrics ia clever plaid and
striped effects. ,
124-128 SL .TH 371
i '
m -9