THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 24. t82L 18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL- PORTLAND, OREGON. "rSs R RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 c mnrxLcuD WAraocs ea Iim. peew its wit aa. Lit CLAY. & MORI; wa 1 LaHgK e-rooat but, with ueeping porch, eb- alutety nrodeva, inun, nreptece. flam, a tapestry Pepw ul tlntux. garage. JIM taty, ine ib, wr nr. o pw ntoaia. J. It. HAIGHT. REALTOR -tT rVw.r4 of Trad. B.)wy 2048. HOUSESFURNISHED 3 1 1 hi mm xiiHL .eetrie light, cm. bath. 4731 44Ut et f . K. Arlet at ow Buwt ebereh, aorta. ML. SeoU ear,' To couple, or Jolt eay. ROOMS or Bar, finely farnavhed, farnare. firrotac. fx or etovm. nerdwooa noon, pn vale bath, hale, enameled kitchen, swell neajh- MfSrmL 1197 CUarland Woodlawn 6936. wTlX I.CA8K my arwly furnished house to reeponaibve couple. Apply between and 4. Itrnt (40. 94 k. Olat K. N. Tea Hi ear. ft ROOM bungalow, la lrvtngtoa (or rent to rurty buying beoleum and drapery. East 347 4 MOOM lunkM mun fur rent. 920 Mal )ort av.. 2 bfuota wot of Union. Inquire fleet, hawae earth, 4 R06M. well (amiabed. garage. Will ex r change for board (or lady employed and girl 9. 64$ With at, 8. K. 4 ROOM h.u-w, ntorly furnished, electric light, an 6U Johns ' ctrllne, (23 month. 1410 GrWry, earner Drknia aw. ITJItNIrUI ED Clean, eaoueru home. golden oak farnitaie. good ruga or would rent partly furnished. 945 '.. Franklin t HOt'ME furniture lor rent or Mia ra..naile; , ailavtoa style; complete. Phone Aula 628-48 f 44 l Yamhill at. W. rtk-NLSHtU hnuMi. 7 roome. ebeolutely mod ern, very deairabie; Reed mlln and Frank ly high dtatrtrt. Marar.aU K.96. tROOf boa. (40, modern. 1137 E. 18th t N. Alberta, car. Call after 6pm U HOOK aback, partly furnulird, no cbildno ( a Tmrn 4U09 76th it F, it'K.NISHEU. 6 rmm bouiia la tt condition. 00 Arnl Tthw Htoa. TVH-fAJU.T hotw on ML car, near 8. P . .hop; adult) Hcmln, K't B13 tH WIST 6 rnou modern bouw, with arae. U rilnton '.. for Hth. $la WON TH Fwrnuned 4-rocjm liouta. not axwlern: ml wcoit car. cant pnm. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 I imnu H. K.. aood tumiture. lane yard. Imi lufuri. eJean In and oaL cheap rent. aar elnae In on rwt aide, on carline. This ii nod hnrne with Nnenme: 1450. Eat 755. kVH KENT (n aarluvi, rood 8 room modern I bmaa (or 120 r month to people buying fflmilnre: ntne, ean. din. nu.iw. ST" K(KJ houa. US: ood furniture (or aale. -mil rim. Maia 72UA. Jlnlitilt.N lower fmn flat, rtnt 120, furniture (nr aale, .U nnif omeryBU fV'C-BOOM cotue, runt $2S. (unviture (or aalettUini dutwnoe. aim rrw mu n. STORES AND HALLS 314 BES1T UUit ktALi. F6R bASCi:S II WUIiaau are. Fin eut hardwood finish Door, all aermmodatinnt. llaniv phone. Wood Uwa Thomaa lymaVit. 911 tnlon are. N. FUR 4etirabl epeee ia oreprooi warthooje phnne Brnadwer gTla. lLAl.F of aur for rem, mitable for iowelry or kindred rmtnee. N "'h 1IAU, HIUKK (r lew. two-ilory. 228 i Mnrrfann. Maeahall 4440. loo IMIiN AK. N. Mlor !5i.W; unit . I baeement: eonrrete noor. i-nnne raw ejo. rlVoRh r)R kF.ST. Call 1S2 Konrth at. FR RKTNT Wturrrorm. 2i0. at 627 Hood. OFnCES AND DESK ROOfil 3" 15 at ORE mom aultable for enmry. barber ehop. bakery or cart! Wra ; near new lamtrroery Ward and Amriiraa Can plant: 80 month, lease. . fnmiahed llaht, ht and rold water; near to I reauarant and ear.una. Mill rem .reaaonaDie. Call Wtlann cafeteria, 26th and Cpoanr. QriIC horn office room, furaiahed. cloee In:, beat, taa.. Cau at oil ice is, miti mm aa. KH KtNT. deairabia neak apace with phone. With or wlthoat, dwk. '212 Hallway x- ' ebanaa bkl(. Mam 91. ItflNT half rompletely (umlahed mot desirable fk In n H. Pank Md(. Main au. ti X H at rwm. witS teicpbooe and eunocrapala ' aiVw. rnoae Broadway alio ; MCW atore (or teak food location. 821 Tuur- ' a - , : WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 WAtTTCT Tasaaa- and board for two small .colored children. Tabor $616. HOUSES 361 tKKMTAL BIHKAO LM ynur houses, flats and apartments wfth asi antek raulta an1 gnoo tenants. .irvivn ynvran UTOR AilIC T.OANS Mater a. IT T 'htoiuob TRANSFER CO. $$ Fourth st.. nop. Multnomah ilotaL rhone Broadway 971$ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 " I RTuTir Inn,; k W. comer lth and Alder. SO.OOO Mpiar ft Henta $250. No posts. efrt ltsnt . trlephene 711 sin 694. r- ' LOTS 403 31.50 Weekly-82d St. Hare's a bargain in a 50x100 lot faring on $5d street (raved) ; a good location (nr a home, v would maka a batnrae site; the price is only $v.5n ray $15 tash and $6 a month. See Mr. C.m. rowTK A Klfira.MAN MAIN 6550. 20 Chamber of Commerce BWg. "375 CashaPrice $350 1 ream aback. Bull Run water, 50il00 lot. rina to Lenta arhool and 8c rarline; remember, iHe prtre la $3 56 buy tbia and start a bom ofr ymir own. fte. Met. Flvnn, COMTK KOHLMAN MAIN 6550, 204 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Z F.ventne. call 3257. ' . 'Ilt 8X aI fUat 63d at near Gllaan. 50x100 atenta raid: mnt wdl at $430. wi th $50 djowe y 165 are. (or aal afKMara. 210 Oragovi bids Bdwy CORNER aOstM) lot, with gang, (or sale "rhaap Mutt U at once. By owner. Phone Mar. 331. i MCE lAT m Laurell.urM, 167 ft, frontage ww Randy blv. Call Bdwy. 3413. room 7 LOT 100x100. corner 6lin and Feat Davis eta. $Sf0 reoh. S K. Finch, Tabor 4349 evee. HOUSES 404 "RKsY ' RbY" IN "PORTLAND ''Only $3J&0, 61 ronea modern houte oa Mallory sea, Full be tenant, fir place, floored attic Ornamental sad 'fruit treat, 3 blorkt to school aad ear! . $500 down, 593 t Williams gva. Wdln 1(71. I " Vi'AlAt'T PAKE BARGAIN . . BtrVtly atoderb T mom bungalow, corner lot. larega, at a bargata prv. W. w. SARIN, Realtor, 1033 Vaina Ave. N. Wdla, 689 BALK Almost aa err. 4 rm. house, fur- BO foe .2200, !$600 'cash, balance easy pay maata, Aapty ea ptaca, 424 and Holsaea. F. tuewart, j ALAMEDA PARK . t fanaa, atncthr modem bungalow at the ejtcht prtre, with) erat W. fV. R.VRCV. Realtor. 16(1 raloa Ave. N. ' wdla. A MM"6 a RlHiM' rliSMa; Oa earwer lot, tmprovantenta la and paid. awe tlarr 'rp reg nn ana jerreraoa lug a. W. V. fJABLN. Realtor, I6SJ rei Be. N. vli Cn. K8. EKRT pacrhaarr af real rtaal. aaouid have ha tita. tawaraa. j awttar ee safe tnaa aorry. Title eX-Trwat roaicana. lltoQM anase. 'tineiy tarnished. 6 lota, saodera .aetewaiaeaa, j garage, ehirkevi house, lauadT tray: raaye to aHKooL Tabor J12. A I OII 6 ruoai aaaamlow, garag.. lot 100x100, fruit tree, ana eemaa. beiwea two earttnaa. ftamia (or ewwk sale H 99I. Journal jOb rmaf real eaUta oai anusawt aanoying aWkuki by aatea a Title lamraaea Policy. Mi ah net itaelnd Tltas A Tnm coairaay LNIIDK HAWTUORNrl boat, ami huo eoraar; price $1230 eaah; every iatp row meat w ant pat 223 K (7h it WHK yea rare laiarta. Ge a Title laaanata Policy. TaUs far TfwBJ Tvtgsw'peJ, RALfcV $ room aaaai-bangalow cottage. - atodera. sii-b. Pnca $30AO. TOR HALE i ia 'atuoera nM, Caraga. W4 Ov0. Ignnd loeatioa. Wdla. 613. IU k, C P baaaaiow: eacnfio. (or cash' -64TC ar beet offer. Owner, 661 WL 6t.t 4 JMM r-r-a. iwatMd. lot leOatoO; $ $-0 aaiipsi aoa giarmaaa saufc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 LARGEST HOMESELLER IN AMERICA 1209 photographs of Hoaaea far Sale. PmaaU Ineverted. Personally Appcaiaed. Onr Office Attorney Haodlaa AH Details. We aaieguard your erery lntercM and, pat you ia hnmediata touch with tbey . home you are lookinc for. If Bin wry, wa ll help jro" aaaka your down payaacnt. Open aeaninfs. Forty 8alaiiDeB at Tour Berrfee. raVIXGTOM BCSGALOW 13790 A BrNGAIOW OF THU BET TER CLASS. 8U well arranged rooms, artistic and iorltlnf in iu cordial hoapitallty. Fleaaina. quiet tooca, of tray enamel throachout. Larr Urine-room with fireplace mnd book caaea. beautiful lichtinc (isturaa, auperior plumbinf and heatinc aya - tern; lawn, rYae: near ear. A HOME OF CHA RUING UOSPI TAXJTT. Weidier at. , ALAMEDA PARK $4950 THE KIND THAT FINDS A READT SALE. A beautiful 5-rooBt just like new a bnncalow, eontain Int eTerythinc hardwood floors, ajiaasiTe built-in features, cheery fireplace, Dntch kitchen, bis double sleeping porch, indirect lishling sys tem, beautifully kept lawn, solid ce ment drireway and garage. East 2th at. 'rose city park I J 490 Or. 15750 furnished. One of the biczeat bargains in all ROSE C1TT. bix room subatantiaily eon structed, attractiTe, ultra-modern home, scmi-buncaJow type; hard wood floors, fireplace, solid paneled dining room with masaire buffet, whit Dutch t kitchen with innu-' A block i f 1 I handle. ta merahle built-in, den, aentral hall with linen closets, 2 lavatories, hrubbery. garage. B. 36th st. THIS IS INDEED A. WOBTH WUILE HOME. ROSE CITT $4280 A WON DERFTJTJjY ATTRATT- IVE BCNGAIXIW VS TMti ItBAKf OF HOSE CITT. On pared street, Just 100 feet (rem car. Has hard wood floor, cheery fireplace in br ing room, paneled dining room with maaaiTe buffet, old irory wood . work. clean ideal white Dutch kitchen, 2 nice airy bedrooms, lawn. tree. E. 6fth st. XOU'LL WANT IT FOR YOURS. ROSE cm $4190 A dainty, soft gra bungalow beautiful, in ROSE CITT PAKIL. Contains & airy rooms, with bean t Kill built-in bookcases and buffet; a Dutch kitchen that's a peafect model of cJhTeoieisce ; furnace, rlecping porch, pergola, etc. THH MfT ARTISTIC GEM YOU'VE SEEN. E. 60th at HAWTHORNE HOMES $6400 IN BEAUTIFUL. LADDS ADDI TION'. I'ortland's close-in exclu sive residential district, within easy walking distance to heart of city. A lovely 5 room ultra-modern bun galow, hardwood floors. unusual built-in features, PIPELESS FUR NACE. Maple st. IS THIS THE ONE? $5750 HAWTHOIUCB ARTISTIC PER C.OLA BUNGALOW of 5 Tooms. Hia everything that heart could de sire hardwood floors, etc., mas sive built-ins. furnace,, fireplace, ga rage, beautiffl lawn, shrubbery, etc. E. Salmon st. HAWTHORNE $3490 $500 down. THIS IS A BAR GAIN OF BARGAINS. A distinct- . iva 6 room HAWTHORNE HOME that is a SACRIFICE 8 ALB. Hardwood floors. cheery living room with fireplace, very artistio paneled dining rovm with massive leaded art glass buffet, complete I hitch kitchen; 3 sunny bedrooms, one of which ia convertible sleep ing porch: furnace, beautiful fruit treea. shrubbery, tte. ONLY $500 DOWN FOR A HOME LIKE THIS. E. 52d st IN GROVELAND PARK. EAST TERMS ' $3490 HERE IS ONE OF TUB BIG GEST BARGAINS IN HAW THORNE. It is aa attractive, substantially built 6 room,' mod em. 2 story home, with every mod em convenience. In excellent con dition. Just newly tinted, through out Upstairs has 3-'liht, airy bed rooms with plenty closet ' apace. Full basement, paved street, - cement walks, sewer in and paid. ?A sac rifice ttV CAN HAVE VERY EASY TERMS IF YOU HURRY. Arnold it. BFHW ARK A FEW MORE OF OUR MORE THAN 1200 HOME BAR GAINS CALL MAIN 1068 AND ONE OK OUR SALESMEN WITH AN AUTO WILL BE vON THE JOB." ONLY $330 DOWN " $2250 TT Wn.L WORK HARDSHIP ON THIS FAMILY IF THEIR LITTLE HOME IS NOT -SOLO BIGHT AWAY. THEY NEED MONEY and are sacrificing for it. A neat, comfortable, 6 room home JUST EAST OF LAURELHURST. Has large living and dining rooms, 3 light airy bedrooms,- white enamel plumbing, electricity. gas, paved street Cor. E. Oak st $330 down. ALBERTA HOMES $4490 SEE THIS ALBERTA BEATJTI , Fl'L TODAY. Our appraiser is enthusiattio in his praise. A homey, ideally pleasant 7 room BUNGA I I 1W with all modem feature attractive built-in labor-saving con veniences, furnace, fireplace, linen clone ta. pretty full mirror dbor, 2 mnny bedroonu, 2 of them being downstain. Gss ranee, heater and lmileum included. E. 23d at HANDY MAN. IKK! $500 DOWN $50O DOWN $2150 $500 down. HERE IS A REAL SNAP FOR YOU. Good, substan tial home. 6 rooms, light, large and airy; 3 large, sunny bedrooms, one downstain; full basement with laundry trays, cement pillared front porch, full lot KUlingsworth are. WAVERLT-RICHMOND $4190 BROAD. LOW. HOSPITABLE LINES, of this beautiful bunealow are but keynote, to the charm and com fort within. THE HOMI EST HOME IMAGINABLE. Com htaaiion 21Hxl3 living and din ing room with massive' buffet, cheery fireplace, hardwood floors, eovo ceiling and paneled, inverted lights, ekeau vhite Dutch kitchen. nice white enamel bath Between 2 airy bedroom, deeping porch, wide sweep of lawn, gardes, her nia. EL 47th at, . FRANKLIN HIGH $500 DOWN $500 DOWN 9ST50 $306 down. A beautiful gray bungalow, oun tan ient to FBANK MN HIGH SCHOOL, on herd aarfaced street. Has hardwood floors, pretty buQt-ina, firepiac; rloae to oar. THE CHEERY BUNGALOW. 67th at MONTAVUXA 12100 $500 down. A "STAB," BAR GAIN. Look this rn today if you want a real snap in thia district. Cray little 5 room, warm brown, bungalow, full-width froat porch, aaodera eeaveaueacea, 3 airy bad rooms with large closets, foil base ment, ONLY $300 DOWN. East - 63d ,efc t "call main toss for prompt errvice regardirig inf.imatiii about the hoxues ailiaitatid in this ooi tmt Farts pearteooa aateaaaea with auto always at your- eernee. FHANK L. McGUIRB r To .Buy Hour Hocao. REALTOR ..- ' Abingtoa Bdg. - Uaia 1068. Xhard tU Set. WaihingtoaV And, htaik. N. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 LOOK these few over. If you dont see an what you want here coma ia or phone $5500 Good term; pretty Irving-toe, 'gaaou acSai aan 'jtn puaiq 'aoralono - and bath, French doors, tapestry paper; strictly modern: right oa Irriagtas car line at 7S2 . 15th at. K. Drive out and see this or call us for appointment. Beautiful Laurelhurst Fire rooms, also breakfast and music rooms, built-in bath tub, etc.. hardwood floors throughout, solid brass hardware. Where wilkaTOu go to beat thiaf Price only $6750. Excellent terms. Only 63600 for this pretty Alberta, bungalow: five race rooms all finished ia ivory ; attic with stairway, full basement, donble garage. Surely a bargain. Best terms. . Good 6 room Alberta, bungalow, closein; a splendid buy at $3250. lake good light car on this one Have others to bade for can, lots, etc Our listings are very complete and wa can give you the best there is for your money. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO.. a 218 Railway Exchange Bfcli. Broadway 6808. WE 264 FEW good buys in Piedmont. Here is one of - them: a room brand new bunealow: hardwood Eoors, breakfast nook, Dutch kitchen, 2 nice sleeping rooms, bath, a large porch. lot BOx 100, wiUi a double garage. Paved street, lor $6000. 61000 cash will handle. 6 large rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood noon, fun basement, corner lot 75x100 ; ga rage, tiled bath room, shower bath, all for $6000, 61000 will handle, this week only. 6 room and lane attic, full basement. to car and school. $3000, $500 cash will 6 rooms, lot 50x100: fruit trees. H block pavement, 1 block to car. all for 62800; good tarns, balance per cent. , Met; EE DENNIS. . ' 869 Union Ave. Wdln. 5684. CONV. TO O-W. R. Jf. SHOPS NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH BRAND NEW REDUCED TO $5000 A dandy 5 -room bungalow with 2 fur nished rooms in attic, very large living room, breakfast room, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, all built-in features, $85 kitchen range, linoleum, extra fine bath room fixtures, 50x100. block car, 18 minutes from Broadway and Washington; only $1000 cash; see, and you'll buy. G. C. GOLDENBERii, REALTOR, ABINGTON BLDG., 106 H TfflRD. "35 Years in Portland." Main 480S. ROSE CITT $4750 $500 CASH $50 MONTH Bungalow, modem, 6 room; paved st; H block Sandy blvd. Can apply bonus. $4500 $500 CASH$25 MONTH Modem 7 room home, 80x100 lot; fruit trees; near good school. $3300 $500 CASH $23 MONTH 5 room modern: corner lot Ch&s. Risigler & Co. 225 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY $3750 FORMER PRICE $4750. THIS IS A 5 ROOM MODERN BUNGA LOW AT 705 EAST 60TH ST. NORTH. THIS 13 ON A PAVED STREET TWO BLOCKS NORTH OF SANDY ROAD. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. W M. UMBENSTOCK A CO., BROADWAY 1658. One Full Acre Of .the finest soil for fruits and flower gardens and a dandy little modern 4 room bungalow (brand new), in Irvingtoiaj Park, at 3-d and Zionn streets, &ioerta car; easy terms. . J. O. fcLROD. Owner. 283 Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. WONDERFUL VIEW $4750 TEEMS 6 large rooms on 1 floor, well lighted; fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-ins. ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR. Board of Trade Bide. Phone Broadway 37. Evenings, East 2961 ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW SNAP Seven of the dandiest 'rooms, large and well arranged; select material throughout, best grade oak floors: good looking from outside, snd the interior will make you want it; double garage. Two blocks to car. On E. 45th st N. Price only $6300. DERR & P0WNDER 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 2245.. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW A real, cosy 5-room bungalow in paved street. full lot, oak floon, enamel finish, fine fireplace, concrete basemeat, large floored attic, large breakfast nook, lots of light in all rooms, bnnd new; owner must sell; $4150, with only $500 down. J. R. HAIGHT. REALTOR. 327 Board of Trade. Broadway 2045. FOR BALE, on Vancouver Heights. 2 lot. 8 room house, sleeping porch, flowers, 16 large bearing fruit tree, apples, pears. Peaches, plums, cherries, strawberries, gooseberries, loganberries. blackberries, currants, big woodshed, chicken house, garden, workshop, on improved street, fine view of river and city. A bargain at $2600. G. H. Louis, owner, 3101 E. U St., Vancouver, Wash. LAURELHURST New 6 room bungalow, modem in every de- Thi is near the car and nark and a house that you will be proud to own. " 'pen losw your inspection. .47 Meikle Place t42d st). near ioncn at. v ,nrr urn conuer f, .iui. HERE'S HOW t1".n down. $15 monthly: total price $1150; 1 acre planted, small new nouse, cniexen nouse, paved, water, gas, etectnciiy; oo cariy. GORDON MORTGAGE CO., 631 Cham. Com. bldg. Phone Main 1370. ROSE CITY PARK Rrand new. 5 ran. hdw. firs.. fireplace French doors, breakfast nook, large attic, cement basement, raved St. 1 blocks nortn oanay oiva. on 60th. tvul roaxe a oanay nome. uon t pass it up. $5500; $1500 cash. Wm. Willing. Sell. 1159. i AN ABSTRACT of title a not a guarantee ol your title; it ia merely a History oi your uue. I A nue insurance xoucy mm a .uuutc. w title. Therefore, when you buy property get a Title Insurance Policy. Io a Ds tract requireo. Title ft Tmst corapany. WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD 8 room modem house, 2 sleeping porches, all builtins, full basement, lot 85x85. all improvements in, facing river, beautiful view; $6500. good terms. O. W. Miller ship, 165 H 4th st. Main 5275. ONE, of the best buys in Hawthorn, district !in 9 room house, sleeping porch, garage, beautiful home. Lot SOxJjOO. $6000, $2500 leash, $50 per month. 154 E. 6th st. East 7389. .7 ROOMS WEST SIDE $3500 Fun f.OTlOO lot in paved street. 1 block to car, fireplace, full plumbing; lot alone Worth the price ; good terms. J K HA 1,111. SLAljlUU. 327 Board of Trade. Baoadway 2045. CKT RF.ATIY FOR THE FAIR 10 room house, partly furnished, at the low price oi (3oo. wim terms. . ty. D.UL1, aetuur, 1032 rnion Ave. N. Wdln. 589. BEHINn everr doDo of Title Insurance at a I oWoMi. with ta. axaza or tjregou to . preion i you against loss, yet it is cheaper than the abstract method. Title A Trust company. PIEDMONT BARGAIN Rrand new 6 rooms and sleeping porch, $5009. easy terms. Owner, 1430 Mississippi ave, Ken ton car. . 1200 $300 $400 DOWN Choice of S newly completed 4 room modern bungalows, macadamised St.. large lots, 80x100. Mam ayuti. -oo Morgan piag. AJITLE Insurance roncy m a smarantee of title to your Borne, v nea you oar your mme have tbe tiU tnaurro. tsetter oa ait maa aotxy. Title A Trust company. - ALBERTA DISTRICT R room bungalow, near car, school, stores, (3500; $1000 down. baL long time. Owner I on ground. 1016 E- S3d st, ft. I SMALL house and lot, Kendall station, cross bridge, first road 04 sen, tirst nouse on. left. I Tabor 4808. fiJCT Due iBnumoce triwn ot u iwuki. fa enxicker end coeaper ana you era aoeoiutaty I awotecirt. aa.- ' "-n.UJ. S xtAr ajicauy axamusea ana uue to crooerty aad caa aue yoa a Title Insurance Pel icy wtthoot delay- Title A Trust company. 5 BOOMS, modern, cawe to arranaiin garage: (sow nanqiea, a-u aiiaua. uyt rhanan bldg. WHEN roa get a Tit aneannee Policy, do not seed an anetrart ot sue. use aninai pay for all time. Title as Tmet eompany. t-Sn ittii t or vnt Wv T ronm kau niabed. with enclosed aleppinx porch, modera I Electric acra loganberry field. Would eoa towKinina: fontace and garajre. East 6565. I aider good machine as part payment. Kcason- ii.,j " -j " k i i- Ctl.AOi 1111, awiM" iw r,nifw. - I . . . , i , ' S. 70th at, N.;. street paved, Pheae oworr. I rORsaaaa farms aad acre tracra, also for East 2290 TIT LB Iwaura-c. mvwa ttmejtnu rnooe, hacaam . , , ao abstract at reauovo- - aiue at arua cuaar t m $ ' , , , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 LENTS MT. SCOTT CAB. $120O-$2OO down New 3 -room cottage oa oOxlOO lot, street; living room and j!wg room combined, Dutch kitchen 'and 1 bedroom: balance $13 a month and favierest- $2800 $500 down, balance Jiie rent 2 -flat Duilaing, r rooms ana bats up, a rooms and bath down, cement basement; street improvements all in and . paid; now bruu-irie- 134 wiojithrv. down tracts $4500 BEAUTIFUL. WESTMORELAND 2SS Choice 60x100 lot. lacing east; a rooms and breakfast nook, tapestry paper in living and dg rooaas, fireplace, built ' ins, hardwood floors, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays; all street imps, paid in full. All of our advertised UstinES arc PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERMiNALLT APPRAISED. hare HUNDREDS of good Home Bargains 1 See 3. A. W ICEMAN CO.. REALTORS. Shortest Way Home," Stark St Main 583 and 1094 I HATE on of the most artistic bun galows in -all Row City Park! Ex terior of beautiful soft gray shingle with pergola and lattice; interior is immaculately finished: house is buflt only two years; 5 rooms; very pretty combination living and dining room with bnilt-m buffet, and arch with bookcases: white- enamel very handy Dutch kitchen; 2 nice big bedrooms and sleeping porch; full basement; gas floor heaters; beautiful yard with roses, lawn and shrubbery; paved street, sewer and cement walks in and paid for. Ia heart of Rosa City. On 50th st ; price $4190; can give terms.' An exception al buy. Sacrifice sale. Call East 5223. evenings, between 6 and 8. LAURELHURST Just finished 2 bungalows in good location la Laurelhurst, with 5 rooms, large attic, bseak. room and bath, hardwood floors throughout, gar age, furnace, light fixtures and window shades. Price 206 $6250; 210 $6000, Located on 43d near Laurelhurst are. EAST 20TH AND PINE Just finishing a 5 room bungalow, at 707 E. Pine, that is entirely modern, with attic large enough tor i rooms. Has mltv break, nook, hardwood floors throughout, garage, furnace. light fixtures and window shades; in fact every thing to make a nice home. Motor out today. Builder aid owner ou the property. Price $65f 0. UEUBUE E. ELLEK. Main 5234. Tabor 1950. WESTMORELAND 5 rooms, strictly modem, hardwood floors, French doors between living room and dining room; buffet, fireplace, with furnace; entire bungalow finished in old ivory; lot 50x100 and garage. This bun galow is located in Westmoreland on 17th, only two blocks to cariine. Price $5000; $600 cash, bal to suit RIely & Qustafson 1203 Yeon. Bids. Marshall 1456, "BUILT TO ENDURS" $100 to $3000 INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better, Houses for Less Money. BEDDIADE BLDG. CO., PORTLAND OR. E, 11th and Market. Phone East 5114. Downtown tales office. Commonwealth bldg. 6th and Ankeny, Phone Broadway 4333. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5 ROOM BUNGALOW 2 LOTS ONLY $2100 TERMS Good furniture, gas heaters, new $100 gas. range, good basement, built-in, cement walks. DANDY LITTLE HOME. Marsh & McCabe Co. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3993. Evenings, Tabor 436. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. $2000 $200 cash, $25 monthly, buys 4-room double constructed plastered bungalow, modern plumb ing, never been occupied, lot 50x100, about nail way out on St. jonns line. RtAlTOM 732 Chamber of Commerce. $400 WILL HANDLE 100x100 lot with 2 room house, near Ainsworth ave. Bath, toilet, hot water tank, sink, gas water heater and electric lights. Will need about $75 to finish house. Price only $1450. DERR A POWNDER 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. 1RVLNGTON Story and half bungalow, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays, ga rage, full lot in finest part of district; $6750, $1000 down, easy payments. J. R. HAIGHT, REALTOR, 327 Board of Trade. Broadway 2045. Horqes in Restricted Districts. NEAT LACRELWOOD COTTAGE $500 down, balance monthly, total price $2650; seven-room modern house and garage, cement basement, in perfect condition through out. GORDON MORTGAGE CO... 631 CK of Com. Bldg. Phone Main 1S70. $300 CASH $300 CASH See this lovely 5 room bungalow in Rose City district. '. Fireplace, hardwood floors, tit pes try paper, breakfast nooea all built-ins, $4300, $300 cash, balance easy terms. BOBNETT & McCLURE. REALTORS. Marshall 3292. 302 Couch Bldg. 4-ROOM bunealow. iust completed: double - constructed, cement basement, fire place, full attic, built-ins, bookcases, Dutch kitchen; 2 blocks car; west slope Mt, Tabor. CLOW REALTY. 1131 BELMONT ST. AUTOMATIC 233-39 A TITLE Insurance Policy a guarantee by a responsible company that you will not suffer loss on account of the title to your real estate. When von km real estate get a Title Insurance I xnlu-v. Ma ahatract reauired. Title A Trust i company. WALKING- DISTANCE. $3000 8 rooms, large living and dining rooms, fur nace, fireplace, full basement, wash tray, best construction: $1000 casn. balance like rent, no mortgage. Vacant small lot. Mar. 1022 or Sell. 2706 evenings. 'all'LB insurance is tbe modern way of handling atlas to real estate, ymcker. costs less snd no abstract required. Title A Tmst company. 2-ROOM houee, furnished lot' 75x100 In quire at 7402 5 2d st S. E. Mrs, Hollincs- ACREAGE 405 5. ACRES, 14 miles from the center of Portland, west. 1 mile from electric sta tion and school; all under cultivation; 4 acres loganberries. 12,000 strawberry plants; 3-room house, bam 20x30, chicken bouse 18x70. brooder house, wood shed. electric lights; garden tools and some furni ture included.' $1159 cash, balance terms. Or will turn this property in on the lease and personal property of larger farm, 10 ACRES. 2 mOes from .station, east of Salem: all under cultivation; good rocked road; best of red shot soil; well adapted for berries. Price $1500. dear, $500 cash. Consider 2 lots in desirable location in northeastern part of Portland and assume up to $1000 or $1500, or consider small house and assume. VERY SMALL PAYMENT DOWN ACRE TRACTS NEAR MULTNOMAH On macadamised road; best of loam soil; no rock nor gravel; close to electric line; (ye commutation fare, good car service; city water, gas, electric lights: nice, sightly ground. Offered far below value, on easy terms. Will sell H -acre tracts. JOHN RERGUSON, Realtor. Geriinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive . classified lists. ON SMALL CREEK AND BLVD. I $25 down. (7.50 monthly, bun a tract of 1 1.79 acres of land on Terwilliger blvd.. ex- 1 tenaea. i ie gmies irom city limits, on west the lor chickens, hemes and fruit; price 1 v I I 733 Cfe&m. of Comv HERE'S HOW 61 acres at $250 per acre: near electric ttin mmI hirhnv. 3 miiea out- a . , GOKDUW HUH 1 UAl,h uu, --. i sat rhaiw. Com. bldg. Pboee Main 1370. 1 r..wxf t-t-t. P If ,. ,rh your 1 httle, with or without irrigation, runt 1 hichwav aad railroad, at backwoods prices. I in mMn. fcoutheru Oregon, tee owner, now High; I city ior tew aays. s-aau, Jisinm. ou - i ACREAGE SNAP Only 4 500 per acre; easy terms; 2 H acres,. aB in cultivation; near Barr road and Buck ley ave. E. B, S-. 712 Couch bide., call Broadway 6785. yoa pre - fvar. I FOR KALE, situated at Donaid, Or., ou Oregon Ac. able terms., airs, gntac aterrwr, uonaia, ur, hays ia small homes. Parry faery. Milwae- iaxtaham. Gwoet. Taoot 361S or labor REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TO VACREACST 405 Nortli Portland Acreage On COLOMBIA BOULETARD, at XL 2th st-, north: convenient to Alberta and Wood lava can; SUNDERLAND ACRES. Choice as zo acre tracts outstae city nmits low taxes S400 to 6600 per acre: 16 per ceat balance annually. Few dandy 1 to 3 acre left; beautiiul nomesnes. EUtOU at lttxf.K Stark at. Broadway 1188. 6 ACRES. 1 acres cultivation, balance pasture, timber: fine creek: all fenced; rood house, chicken house, 1 cow 40 chickens, some furniture; 1 H miles from Estaeada: $2100: terms. C. W. MiUcrahip. 165 H 4 th st. . SUBURBAN HOMES 406 COUNTRY HOME ATTRACTIVE 8 ROOM HOUSE 'Snadona llvfhs! room, with fireplace, paneled dining room with beamed ceiling, hardwood floors, built-in kitchen, upstairs S large sleep in. rooms, with roomv closets, bath. etc. maid's rocm on 3d - floor, full cement basement with laundrf trays and furnace, double garage with cement floor, large grounds, shrubbery and na tive tree, located on the Evergreen 1 V athmg tn aide! hiffhvrav. commanding a view of tbe Columbia river and city of Portland. Sacrifie price for cash, $6000. J. U HAKTMAN UUarA.M, 8 Chamber of Commerce bide. 208. Just Look at These, Mr. and Mrs. liomeseeker Beautiful 7 room residence, with 1 H acres, 'equal to 12 city lota, of lawn, flow ers and vineyard, oa the electric car and only $6500. . 1 have many other beautiful suburban homes from $2000 to $6500 each. 3. B. HOLBROOC, Realtor. 214.-215 Panama bldg. WHY pay agents commission T Buy rrom owners. 7 modern bungalows, pavement, aty water, gas, 1 mile out of city limits, 1 to o acres cultivated fruits and berries. Tabor $267 oi Tabor 5317. Tabor 3152 TOTR nrmnrtnnitr In noaaesa a beautiful bungs low. 8 rooms first floor, furnace and fire place," 20 mint out- choice ground. Will take exchange for part, lour own ume on d lance. F-4l. journal. HALF acre cleared, fenced, small unfurnished livable house, well, some (nut, near stores. church, school, station, good car service, near bathing beach. Small payment, terms. Writs 200. Oak Grove. Or. A REAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Terms, monthly: anything of value down: 4 hnnA 1 I7S0- 5 . $550. In. hnnse: 5 a. $ 175b ; 9-r. house, $3650. Owner, Marshsfl 796. FOR RENT, 5 room modem house at Metxgrr, Or., $25 per month. Inquire at Mercantile store. Metxger, Or. M FOR farms, acreages and veeutlfnl suburban homes, between Portland and Oregon city, sea Psrry Agency. MDwsnkie. Or. Phone 19. FARMS 407 30 ACRES, 2tt miles from The Dalles, Or.; wire fences; 12 acres under cultiva tion; 14 acres mere can be fanned; lots of good pasture; good well; 2 acres bearing orchard ; peaches, cherries, apples, pears, prunes, grapes, etc.; 4-room house, bam 18x34, woodshed. Included with place: good team, 2 sets harness, wagon, hack, plow, harrow, cultivator, tools, wood. 8 acres fall wheat, etc. Price for everything, $3300, $1300 cash, balance 5 years. 40 ACRES, Columbia county. Or., 2 miles from good town and station; mile to school, free bus to high school; wire fences, rocked road; 10 acres under cultivation; all can be cultivated when cleared; bear ing orchard ; small house, good bam, chicken house, etc. Included with place 1 cow, 25 chickens, 6 tons hay, plow, tools, furniture, etc. -Price $2800, $1500 cash, balance 4 years, 6 per cent. Incumbrance $1275. Included in price. Inspected by Mr. Kemp. JOHN RERGUSON, Realtor, Geriinger Bldg. Largest farm dealer on Pacific Coast. Over 500 small places near Portland, Get our extensive classified lists. LAND AT ONALkSKA, WASH. IN THE NEUWAUKUM VALLEY TEN YEARS TO PAY WORK The Carlisle-Permell . Lbr. Co. prime lands just open to settlement in 20, 40 and 80 acra traces. Deep, productive, clay loam, mostly bot tom land. Conceded to be one of the largest and best agricultural and dairy land districts in th? state, onalaska is 15 miles by auto south east of Chehalis; good schools and roads, stage line, two railroads and a big payroll. Steady work in mills or camps if wanted. Prices $10 to $50 per acre. See the land or write Seattle of lice for appointment. Write for literature. GRAHAM-PABDEW LAND CO.. 1008 American Bank Bldg., Seattle, (Branch Office Onalaska) . 00 ACRES. IV. miles from Oakland. Or.. 25 acres in cultivation, balance own pasture and timber. 4000 cords of wood, 5-room house, bam and outbuildings: team of horses, wagon and iresn cow; (3UU0; terms; consider good car and some cash as first payment. C. V. Millership, tso yi tn st. 20 ACRES loam soil, 8tV cultivation", hay and grain, orchard, fair bouse, large bam. wood shed, granary. 32 head cattle, 7 milk cows, chickens, all crops, machinery go with ranch for (12,000; ranch alone $10,000, 5 per cent dis count if sold by December. Ebner Wright. Half way, Or. XEWBERG ORCHARD HOME 20 acres. 5 acres bra care prunes: a good large houi and barn. That is priced right at $8000. with terms. - W. W. SARIN. Realtor. 1032 1'nion ave. north. Wdln. KR9. CHICKEN RANCH 6H acres, all cultivation, 14 miles from Portland: 5 room bungalow, newly painted and papered; good bam, large chickennouaes, family orchard, email fruit, $2800; terms. C. W. Millership, 165 H 4th st . A REAL BUY 98 acre farm at $60 an acre. If you are looking for a bargain, see Ihia. W. W. 6ABIN. Realtor. 1032 Union ave, north. Wdln.- R8. FOR SALE 20 acres, creek. 2 miles south of Gresham. Owner. Tabor 8648 or Tabor 8925. FOR RENT FARMS 408 HOG RANCH FOR RENT Modern hog-feeding plant- eauipped to feed over 800 hogs, with tanks, cookers and feed ing convenfkhces for the purpose o( feeding swill gathered from hotels and restaurants. Everything IS' on the place, so you can begin op erating tomorrow;. B. F. Brandon, Portland, Route 1. Ant 646-57. t HOMESTEADS 410 COPY- govt, map snowing Western Oregon homestead lands, $1. Our charges are lea sonable and our services tbe best on location. References given. M. J. ANDERSON, 302-4 Railway Exchange bldg.. Portland. FOR A GOOD RELINQUISHMENT OR HOMESTEAD IX)CATION SEE E. W. HELM. 422 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 LOT 50x100 at 22d and Preston, all im provements paid, price (700. clear; 1 Dodge car. price (875. Will give as 1st payment on 5 acres with a small house, on good road, within .20 miles of Portland; price of 5 acres Hot to be over (3500. 1 60, acres in A pplegate valley. Josephine county. Oregon; to acres bas been cultivat ed; price $1600; dear; will give this land and $400 cash in 1st payment for a house or bnngalow in Portland, not to exceed $3000. . ; ALEXANDER REALTY CO.. 702 Title A. Trust Bldg.. Entrance 8 4th. Phone Broadway 55 86. WE CAN trad, your property whether it is large or email, city o country, located heat or in some other state. - Come in and give us a description of what yoa have aad st Ul snatch it with something yon wank ALEXANDER BEALTI UO.. 701-702 Title A Trust bldg. Entrance 89 4th at. WILL TrimDB We are prepared to arrange , a trade for --yea. Bring in your proposition and we will match you oa anything that ha merit: lota, houses, acreage. farms or stocks of merchandise, fc. "it. a., i 12 of Conch bldg. t on EXCHANGE OFFICB Our ar i ilia ar reedy for every s . proposition of auenfc. '? BOBNETT A McCLURE 302 Conch bldg. Marshall 32t in Want Improved Acreage Ooee to station. Have modern city , home, price inauv. v 4i liumoerwiega prog. TO EXCHANGE, fine valley farm or timber land lor eyy aasvoenee bp to aao.ow $18,00, K-379, Journal - WILL ex chance my comer lot for a good car. See Boebm. Umbdenatock A Co.. . good Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 165S. WHAT hawa taa of value la or near Portland 923. 'leal Ftieo $8000. Wriie 486 B, 2 1st at. to oner tor M acres, I mi. a. vr. ox EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 - rWK " ABB HEADQTJ ABTERS X ' w " FOR TRADES - IT yen want to trade year city arop erty of any denii'ma, saw aa. W. caa get yoa. a ejuack deal Wa havw lota of sand ia both larga and small tract to trade for city property, Wa also have soma city property to trade (or land. -Let's let together. Wa also have cash buyant for firat-elaaa apartment houses on the wast aid if tbe price and locatioa are right. Quick Sales Co. 406 COUCH BLDG. ACT. 511-09 87 ACRES 80 miles from Portland, house and larga bare : river bottom land that does aot overflow: will trade for timber or acreage i either Oregon or Waenmgtoa. CHARLES DELFEL, 118 KT. KL BLOWl. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 REAL ESTATE MAKE OFFER Store building 20x44. 1130 K. 13th st. N" 3 blocks Alberta car: well settled district: must be sold: lot worth 1700; will take stock ofrocenra, rooming House, acre- ace or lota. Lock box 11 a. Lent, rtaooc FOR SALE OR TRADE Store building ana) 3 room cottage la good business location. I a v T0 Mississippi ave. Woodiawa 4612 WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WE-WANT YOUR LISTING Pfava a eaah bnver who knows value, wants suburban borne, a to 3 acres, well located. Phone or write and we will look your place over at once. " J. Lv HARTMAN WVl'tM, ft Chamber of 'Commerce bldg. Main 208. ANXIOUS SELLERS. LOOE1 I have buyers for 5 room bungalow near Peninsula nark, with 82000 cash first payment. Rose City, 61500 easb; close in east sue. eiowv oasb; wast axle, aa casn. Me oava plenty oar ers but no houses. See us at once. T. O. BIRD, 526 Cham, of Com. REALTOR MARSHALL 1022, WANTED SUBURBAN HOME Neat, attractive piaoes, priced $1300 to $4000, preferred. It will pay you to sea us first, we are already in touch with the buyers. A. K. Hill, Realtor. 426 Lumbermens bldg. RELIABLE. PERSONAL BERYICE HAVE customer for building with around six 4 or 5 room flats, or apartment house with something like 18 or 20 2 room apartmenta. on west side: if you want to sell, price it right and we can handle it for you. HENRY W. . G0DDA&D 243 Stark 8t Main 831. WEST SIDE houses or Oata wanted. I specialise in handling west side property and have always buyers to clow a quick deal, providing the price is right. JOHN SINGER, REALTOR. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WE HAVE several clients wanting nice bomea. from $500 to $2500 down. Phone us. we will do the rest THOMSON THOMSON, REALTORS, 620-21 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4880 WANT 6 or 7 room residence in Nob Hill district, from $8000 to $12,000. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR Main 831. 243 Stark St WANTED The best 4 or 6 room bouse that $300 down and $30 per gnonth will buy. Irvmgton or Hawthorne. Main a06. WANT hi. acre or more with small bungalow, Capitol Hill or Ryan Place preferred. See K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. WANT 3 or 4-room house in Mt. Scott or Montavilla dist. $200 or $300 down, $15 mo. rnone Mam 4eau. WANT a modem 4 or 5 room bungalow in Sellwood. $2500 to $3500. If priced right It sold. Wm. Willing, yell. 1109. WILL give lot in Itoee City Park as first pay ment on a room modem house. Phone Wdln. 3069. WANTED Income property up to $20,000 Call SeU. 683, OUR client desires home in Woodlawn district Marshall 3292. ACREAGE 45S WANTED Within 15 miles of counhoue. 10- 80 acres, prefer some standing timber arid buildings; must be well watered and on good road; will give good trade on acreage 7 nulea south of Salem; let me hear Irom you. John Lundcren, R. 4. Aurora, Or. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 $2000 Real money maker, does $70 to $125 daily bUEinesa: can t be beat - $1550 Invoice, fine-, established trade; does $60-670 daily; 7 living "rooms. $3000 buys grocery doing good business, with a living rooms, furnished heady to move into. Consult our ht for other bargains. BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 Dekum Bldg. AUTHORIZED FORD AGENCY Near Portland; large building, fully equipped 70-car contract and located in good territory rent only $50 per month; a splendid opportun ity I or we ngnt party. B. W. THORN E, At Bank of Gresham. Grethsm, Or. WHITE TEMPLE 21 rooms, housekeeping ; 1 and 2 room apart. ments; hot and cold water in all rooms; rent (100 with lease: net $190; $2500 wal nan- die. Wm, A. Hughes Oo., 218 Railway Ex change bldg. Bdwj-. 6808. FOR SALE Auto repair ahop, centrally located on west side, equipped for doing All kinds of repair work 3-year leease, rent $200 per month; price $5000. terms. See Wm. A. Hughes Co.. 218 Railway Exchange bldg - Bdwy. 6mm. HEART OF CITY 42 room hotel, brick building; downtown lo cation: Northwestern heat: electric elevator, phone, hot and cold water in all rooms; (8500 will handle, balance easy. Wm. A. Hughes Co.. 218 Railway Exchange, bldg. Bdwy. 608. GROCERY BARGAIN Fine residential district, borne ewaers lished 8 yean: will invoice $3000; receipts $100i rent (25; fine fix turns. We also have several other good stores. Mar. 2010. 212 Board of Trade. AUTO LAUNDRY Well advertised: little place; good Price $100. G. C, ULRICH A CO. 602 Stork Exchange bktg. HAVE an Oakland and a Chevrolet in good con dition: have no ure for both; will give some body a good trade. What have youf Bring it in. LINTON A WELCH. Main 2993. 418 Ra:hway Exchange Bldg. UP (or quick aale. clear atore. soft drinks, card room and lunch counter; naa barber anop and shoe shine stand in connection ; good chance for one who understands the business; oail after noon. 108 N. 6th at. FOR SALE Garage and repair ahop, on high- way at six 'corners, good location; gas and oil; will lease building. GRANE BROS. ROUTE 4. SHERWOOD. OR. WILL give long leas on cash and carry gro cery enoceaaton in new an to eta re terminal Address T. R. A PC legate. Eugene. Or., fcmeed HoteL . GROCERY store. 3-year kaae, rent (13; 'I liv- ing rooms, furnished ; snap at (1000, terms. LINTON A WELCH, Mam 2995. 418 Railway Exchange BMg.. (600 WILL give live maa k intereat grocery boat, doing (100 day trad mi with farmen up. down, river; nothing like it in country. 604 Buchanan bldg. CANDY AND CONFECTIONARY Two real classy neteea. UNIVERSAL SALES CO.. 602 Ry. Exch. Mdg. GROCEltY: will invoke stock snd fixtures about -61000; good locaticm. 40 Buchanan Dlog. 500 AD prinnoratwar $lae50 prices. Aeom Prees, 286 Washinttaw, nr. 6th. GROCERY doing (100 day: will .invoice tDek. sell fixtures: clean stock; tors aa no weuia-ee grocery: round $4000 504 Buchanan bldg. WANTED larUer' able to finance patent crude oa mixed with water, atoom zav aanr wcrth hotel. WOODY ABD. 2 trucks, yard full wood; plenty orders: least: will invoice .place. 604 Buchanan bldg. . LITE vraodyard. tracks, yard full wood, plenty orders: lease: will invoice; shout (Zuu. 604 Buchanan bldg. WOODSAW man will aell hi interest, (350; wood Tarda to saw for; plenty work; maae gooa living thi. winter. 504 Buchanan bldg. WORK for yourself; small capital required; aa tHAd wood working plant, doing good business: cash or terms. B-430. Journal. DO YOU WANT A GROCERY t va-j, hen avvm at in voire. $900 and- tm, . tNIVERSAL SALES CO., 602 By. Exch. - bldg. ONE-THIRD interest in goad manufacturing b-uameae, 82VVO. P Iranian preterreo. im, Journal. ' NOTICE POX1L HALL MEN 1 he. 1 rood bvrjm. (2000 UP. TTNTTTR8AL SALES CO.. 602 Ry. Exch. RESTAURANT and bakery oa good corner, do ing good bosineea, kmc aae; price $8(0. Phone owner. East 8043- Printing for Less sTyder Prhrrmg Cm ' Mem 663C 192 M To buy ot sell stoega or eooda et ment, see Hnear Ford 216 A Moaner, brokers. 08 Mc nay pwig, at. ma FOR HALE Candy kitrhew m Leota location. 8814 92d at. S. R WANT as aeU furniiar of a real estate oflaee i o- 3, bajxaim. J-3S5, Journal, BUSINESS OPfKJRTUMTTES STORES, ETC KXCLUS1VK USTL4,3 Oa TALL a, I Oar linnias owmlnaift are pan "wily tn artad and aonraiwil ev aa Xpert, W'K GUARD THE INTKRKSTS OF BOTH BCTKR AND SELLER WITH KVERY PKAA A.LTIO.N. It will pay row to Tiait aanr effk Year tuaa will aot be wasted. GET YOUR SAMB ON OCR SERYICK LIST. Sew r. C Marshall, wava . FRANK, la, St'UCUi-aV. SOS Ablagtoa hid. Maia 1668. Jhird at bet, waahjaftna and aark. I BATS the haat buy is the aity. Aay eaa aookatg tar rood bays ha ra tea hag eaaa apartment noaeea, giucaiaaa. t raanurian. j raatdeacaa and acreaga, cuena and ace me. stranger, and get asad right, . SQCABJt DEAL CO., 1$4 E. 6th at. Bast T$8. RESTAURANT dosng $6s) pee day, beat ocatwa in city;. cheap real; price $1300; $600 cash. Waffle aad htach counter. Aotar aice beiiaiaa. cheap rent: prtre $760. $4S0 cash. W"eU-jwtpfed raa.maut. 4 -year lee an. rant (173: cheap at 6J400. Cfterena, doing $7$ per day. rood Vraaa, cheap rent; prW $5000. $2500 cash. LINTON WELCH. Maia 895. 418 Railway Exchange Bldg I WANT to do bawa wuh a aaaa having $5o0 to invest in marketing aa inveatioa that has been proved a success; have turned down aa offer ta ted eutrtxbt (or $1 .( i Uia tm aa aeaa- ruta bona fide pewfmattMa: agents Bead not nt- qaire; lie air cauy if row wieaa IMSmi Call from 10 to 12 a. ax, or 4 to a. m.. Kooat 316 Bocbanan . bldg. , 3 CLEANING AND PRESSING West aide location, ease, at, brick VaiaV tng. low rent, well astabhahad; repair wart it desired: priced for immediate aaaa. $400. 4? ERR ak POWNUEM. 1213 N. W. Bank Bldg, Mar. 2243. WHITE TEMPL& 13 rooms, housekeeping ; stove heat, electric lights: rant $42.50; eat $80; $1000 will han dle: small baatnra. Wm. A. Hushes Co., 218 Railway Exch. bldg. Bdwy. 6P0B. APARTMENTS FOR SALE S01 A CkACiLUUACK. LNVESTMENT Apartaaent house alia, 100x100, vary doae in. Tbe best bargain Wa Portland. No aeiay ta getting ia touch with us. A. Kaannar. 410 Oerlinger bldg. Mar. 3401. APARTMENT house, 30 rooms, low reat. leaaa 1926; good furniture: beat bay In aty (or fair: good money caa be made. 504 Buchaaaa bldg. HOTELS AND ROOMLNO HOUSES FOR SALE 502 GREEN-ROSE A CO.. LOCATED RIGHT PRICED RIGHT ALL HOUSEKEEPING TERMS 21 rooms, close to library, good run and furniture; net income $200 f might take a rood hght car and some cash or improved acreage on a car line in oa thia one. 17 rooms ta the White Temple district; furniture is very good and place is ia fine condition; a real money maker; net income is $173. 11 nicely arranged rooms, close to busi ness district; the furniture w (air; the place is neat and clean; nets $76. 19 rooms, eloae to public library, excel lent furniture; one of the cleanest and beat in the city. 9 roorna, very well furnished, good class of tenants; cant be beat (or it sue; nets $75. 7 rooms of very fine furniture : wall lo cated; in White Temple district; acts $73. GREEN-HOSE A CO.. 401 Failing Bldg., (d and ejfsahingtoa. Broadway 6150. . 14 ROOMS, part housekeeping ; splendid fur- nitnre; very dose in. alwajs full; good home and good net income; rent (70; $3300, terms; discount for eaah, 15 rooms, aleepiag; good residence dis trict ; beautiful, large rooms; fine place (or boarders, bat good income as sleeping rooms; $3500. terms. 12 rooms, extraordinary farnllnre; very . best beds, bedJing. etc; very attractive house and grounds; (3500. 82 rooms, part housekeeping; en Wash ington, itrert ; always full: nets $165; caa get 5 yean' leaae; $4000, some terms. Mra. Arttaugh. JOHN FERGUSON. GEBLLNGEB BLDG. FOB IMMEDIATE RETURNS LIST YOUR apartment On". tea, boteat. lasts ana rooming nouses. Personally inspected and appraised by an expert. Personal eemca guaranteeing sat isfactiou. LIST YOUR BUSINESS. Ready eaah buyers waiting. All Inform. Uon treated confidentially. Broadway 17( FREEMAN-SMITH. REALTORS - BROKERS 630 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BRICK hotel. 38 rooms on oaa floor, good furni tare; nets good income; 5-year lease; rent only 3300; price $8000. terms. Modern hotel, 4 2 nice rooms. 6-year lea as good location: price (12.600, SSOOO eaah. 4 4-reom hotel, hot and cold water, ateaa beat nets (400; pnca (i500, (4000 casn. LINTON A WELCH. Main 2995. 418 Railway Exchange Bldg 135 ROOMS, fine comer brick, cue. downatain and lobby, fine furniture, hot and cold water in all rooms; rent (430 per month; lease over the (air: be sure to see this one; price (20.000 good terms. WM. A. HUGHES CO 218 Railway Kxchanre Bldg. Bdwy. 6na 22-ROOM house, well furnished: makes (200 profit, which ran be increased; price (3600 Bom terwi: near Y. VI C A 14 rooms, furnace Beat, caeeee locaonei (2350; terms. Some others st $1100 $560. BUSINESS SERVICE. 718 Dekam BMg DON'T MISS THIS " 14 rflnmi honaekeeDing : goad f umitnre : blocks from Washington at-, down Iowa: rent (40; nets $80; fix that np aad make aoate money; (1050 cash, email balance. SEE WM. A. HUGHES CO. 218 Railway Exrhang. Bldg Bdwy. 60-. 40 ROOM HOTEL, WKIX LOCATED: GOOD CONDITION: 6 YEAR LEASE: REASON ABLE RENT: GOOD NET INCOME. GREEN-BOSE ft CO . 401 FAILING BLDG. 3D AND WASH. BROADWAY 61(0. rtHNISHINGS and lease of excellent pt.. 23 aptA. netting $600 per month. 614.OO0. (60410 eaah will handle. Thi at the best buy in Portland: worth (3OO0 asora than th. price asked; exrluaiv. with thia affirw. aad other ber gs ma. 419 1umle I lu ia bldg. Wiwalow 'o NOB HfLL 1 5 rooms, fibs -furni ture. Boas arwly tiated and vaainted: corner houa. liieanfnl Lawn: tha at soraething very nice; (1(00, aaaall baiaace. 8KB WM. A. H I l.Hts 141. 21 -Railway Exehaorw Bldg. Bdwy. ttllt l 22 ROOMS, all herawAvwtag, (1500. Best buy ia city. Don't fail to aee thia SQUARE DEAL CO.. 154 E. 6th. East 7(89. NIFTY LITTLE PLACE 12 ananmrvjt- hniaw lung ana in. income $120; not $40; aico aad clean; (500 will handle. . AUHTIN-OLKART REALTY CO.. 335 Chamber of Onmsnrrre BMg. 18 ROOMS, all hoosekeeping, gaod locatioa. rent (50; only (2200. am term; a wonderful possibility for the right party. US TON A WELCH. Mam 29. 418 Railway Exchange Bldg. 24-ROOM modern apartment, private bath. mlranSd faraac. nifty and clean : 6-year trans ferable lease; aeU $170 per month: price $3000. terms. ACSTIN-OT-EART REALTY 0.. 8(6 Chamber of Coeigarrra Bldg. HOTEL 82 rooms, best locatioa ia city: real only $190. with lease over (air; price $5300; big income. LINTON A WELCH. Main 2993. 418 Railway Exchange Bldg. a lot 12 ROOMS. 6 aptA. ckae in. reat $70: ni income, orice $1875. 820 Lnmbermeas bldg,- THOMSON A THOMSON. REALTORS Leading hotel, apartment and ropminl honja (stokers, Cars at your emea. 620 HENRY BLDO. BDWT. 460. has 15 BOOMS aaseptng aad hnoaekaeptng. Nob district, rme (. gaod knriims. pnca eeiev 320 Lnmbermevw bldg. 16 ROOMS, all beosrkaeptng. eaoae in. weM mat reasonable: making good moatey. aiaoo. fevaaa. C. W. Milierahip, 165 to Fourth at, Mtn S27. Id ROOMS, rent $40. good aocauoo, price 820 LamlwiuMas bldg. $930. TO bay or see H, W. land. 201 Third, eor. Taylor. 11 ROOMS, aaeereng aad boueeheapinc. Nob district, price $1850. 820 Laaaberawewbldg. bvdg. BUSINESS OrrHDRTUNTnES WANTED at. HAVE $&00 to (104X to inveat aa good Bcea. WTBat Stave year no agastm. a - JewrnaL . IsO TOO - want to aed rear aartwrVe: See aa. M4 Baebanaa Wdg. good UE ta aval your place et oniinea. Cmtwcaal Kale. Co.. OS By. Free, bldg. tvAKTiMIa A fina raaaa hence abae: 1 ee -chair; good ascaUoa; choap rsst, Bdwy. 2$09. BUSINESS C0TORTUNITIES WANTED KS0 ' Universalr-Sales Co. Have eaah eaywra tar the lulliatai: Want thiaa cagar eturea. Waat gvuewry aaaraa. , Waat taniaiitflo aaorea. Waat caialacia. eWaaaara. wa at eawe. an? By ajieh. KWfc PARTf with 6100O aaak at eqaivaieaa a teat e avlhae caatpaigB (or the beat head Or ea ttngusther Bead, taaderwrltacs' QemfWalina). B-7 5S. Joarwai. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 crrr 7-Oasb no commission oa latpavnea parpone. The bast aad eastaat saefjod of oaa ta ear aaeatnly naysaeat plea. $13.26 aer asonu lor 36 awaerha. ar sxi.s par aaoam tor ea . $16 IT pet swath tor M aaoattaa, pays a loaa at gleOO aad Loaaa at ether ai Banaratrat Pnnlna daCTTABLk; SAVINGS HkA 1U1 343 Stark St. ParUaad, Oa $10. $400. $500, $:. $1000 AND tP. Lea as rataa, quick actsoa; paj 100 or st.wa any tatarast data. Uatdoa Murtgag Co.. 6(1 Cbasa. tt Voaaaers. baas Mala 11 TO $300. $400. (aow. $Te. (IO0 AND UP. Low rataa, euath actsoai lied W. Oiraaaa Ca. T3 Chsmber r Coanerc. Mm 444 Bl.DU.JLNU O. Beck. 216-116 Fsibng b'lg $204 TO IIOOO ON V4TT PKoPEalTY. fbkd ft naxuHS, aog Panama bldo. BXK ORkXrC'N lNt. A MORTGAGE (Xk. 216 Laaaber Exchange pox $$1,10 Divide ,$10oo. $1400, CCOO. $130. $0, $1$.0KI Call Eaet 704 $$00. (l.iad ap; t; aa pad tape. Ward,' 467 Bpaating bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADC ON Automobiles rTTRNTTTRK. PIANO.. HOUSEHOLD GOODS REAL ESTATSt. HONI9 OR ANTTHIU OF VALUE SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN TOUR POSSEh&luN Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR VOTK". WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAYMENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR V FURNITURE OK ACTOaioBILK CONTRACTS ARK TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY TRAM CP. ADVANCE Y0f MORE MOXIY IF NECESSARY. AND T"r CAN PAY V8 IN MONTHLY riTMLNTS TO aw.IT TOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES SO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) (06-$0T DEXTTM BLDG.. (D ATP WASH. saLaSt" LOAN W fft LOAN MONTY CLATTKL ea short aotloa to aaiarta. to wortfaigmea ea their owa aatea,. Weekly. evaal-atoaUOy or inthry rayateats. Each traaaaotwa etracuy coofKlrariaL NO MORTG AtiR jto rrwirtXJ ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also Voaa oa bumahciVl goods, rvaaos. eta. CALL. AU IMLMI'ill COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. (LICENSED! 218 FAILING BtJWI. MONET TO LOAN Money loaned on household roods or aser- e hand ave placed ia storage with as at a reguiar bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANBrX LU . 4th and Pine at Oppoaito Mullnnmah Hotel Phooe Broadway 8715. MONEY To LOAN On household goods at beck rataa. ALERT TRANSFER CO. 209 Oak ft (100 TO (2500; qiucs aruoe A H. Bell. 231 1 H hVwr Movriiioei ft,. 1 and 11. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 CASH paid tor awrtgagwa aad aetlgrs oootracta en real estate ta Waahmgine MwOreenav & E. Noble, (16 Ivnmbermens bVg, WK OFFER and will aril &000 share Beavar State Motor atock at &c per share, t it k A. N. Hosner. 608 McKay bidg WE BUY flrat sod eerooci asortcacva aad erll- crr eoatrarta. T. E. Bowaaaa A ka. Z la of Com bldg. Mam SO? LIST your real estate aaie eaoiraota wuh ate to aril. Claude Cole. 4 24 lAianiartnena bldg MY (200 equity ia 2 lot. 1 OOt I J . : ( 1 74. neianoe, (4 an. teieut tt ood;.w-a lies. MONEY WANTED 651 1 WANT to do business wuh a aaaa having lOOe to invest ta marketing aa tavwauoa that baa been proved a i ace eat; have turned down sa after ta ecu outfight (or (10.000: that la aa ekes lute bona (sda pvupoaatioa ; a genu Bard aot re quire; answer only u ynw mean buatawea. tail from It ta 11 a B. at 4 tol p. a, Rooaa 110 Buchanan bldg SEE OREGON IN. A MORTGAGE 210 Lumber Exchange blaa WANT (354I0 kata un buuaea eaT buildings, from 1 to S enL Bdwy. S363. HORSES AND VEHICLES 70O CROWN STABLES, Inc. If yoa are in nerd of harneaa we have 66 eeta of all kind, aad ecLl aaaainc entire- Wa want ta aril; the prima ar ngbt and they should move quicklyi Get your now. Pad Soetter. President 23 Front at AUCTION 8Al: HuKla 19 HEAD OF HORSEM To BE KOLD AT At'CTKIN AT 1 P. M-. Balarday. Nov 26. at Fair Ground. ;reeham. Hh baldrr takes them. None, withdrawn. CROWN STABLES, Inc. If yoa are )nokmc for bocaea aod waat a square deal aad "riee'T to choose from, wa have them, huff aed. Ibd Surttrr, proaUret. 26 Fnwit at . HORSE Dark bay. eoiid rotor. 12 yean, that 1100 .- laat an sontb Sktk tiror: vawae. (S. Banirycrwjt Farm. Milwauklr, or ceil ik 1(7. LATK41920 light 6 BenVk. driven nniy tftf6 mike, almoat r cord orea, lookaNxia. Bra; must sell; anil roannVr tight ce a part pay- nt. staodiawa 13,1 FOK. SALE ar trad. Reo drberry. am body. coat (anli good gaerbanvcal eMalittow. rs-ica (12. or trad (or liveaeara, atraw or hay ba4. R. 1. Boc 621. Ftmtrc romd H6ISES (or !, aire or eiceausg. eoV4 aa a4' iiiimwa. avvjeii.a. pibpm, . v a w mmm at. loot Morrtgoaorry Mavaball 6(16. l:u LH. TEAM; arvl cheep oe trade for tcau Harneaa and waa-ooa of aU kiada K Eighth, eor of Main FOR SALE at a bargain. Iu bead v4 hovwra weUhiog from I (AO t I at0 1lA, 4 to 10 yrant otd. Can at E twh and riaanWv FARM authL 2(00-lb Van roar.. (nnd har newt endwagoa HO K. ath. - of Mata. DOUR LB team (a aay. mre 646 Frowt at Maia 2206 (1-A4) Oay. LIVESTOCK 701 CALVES WANTED MAR8HALL 217 WANTED Bart, veal aaa Boar. Taha 7831, POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 10R SALE 24 rhosca 8 C. Ubite Leghora eorhere. Tom Karroo etraua; bred from brtei no -egg fleck average: prwwa tl.Ut bp. He- Kenaa Poultry Kurm. MxAeaaa ave. aad Lom bard at Coiombat (91. WHITE lJ;HORN laying bens. Haganiaed rtock,' ( 1 each; W. L. Barred Rock, aad R tied palMt. ,1.2k up. J. U Maewirr. 7T (rrvaraa. 2 btorka aorthraet, 24 lb aad handy WANTED Ta get into comiaat.aaUua auh -owners, of R. L Bad and Kerred Uork fWas oa laac. aot too far frem Ptartiud. 1(84 E 12th at N. Wood lawn 14" YEARUNlr bma and pu Ida. (1 earn. Ken dall aiAlaoo. fTnt road ea IrfL UrA beta ee left Tabor 40. ALL POULTRY AND DAIRY FEEDS AT Ct'At. CRESTON FEED A Ft EL tXJ PHONE AUT, 619-H4. SCaLiTi Jl (2 40 FEEDu 4t4,mmaaBfJu endlaww 4(44. EXTRA lerx Near traiaad 4ViacL etii or trade lor gooa. rjra 4"92 rUH BALJv (,aoa Bear whit. Pram dacka. ! E. (Sth N. Hiii Call Tahor 169 or Si: PETS j DOGS, BIRDS, ETC 703 aide. TO MAKE atat for Var.g Mark. a auare add banav, bast, Caratsas, zsosaam, ataat beaa. Sperial pne oa t pain; 16 ether encore. C. A. Matt, 10i9 E. Jhth r N. THOKOt-GHBREU Alaakaa stats pan rsaakgiihte. Why take e eaaoco aa ewrgatmr Gar Get a watrtt-aNog. Maia 1529. 86$ Front at, WANTED Frsaie Scotch ttrTart. tJcalara X-772, JeemL Stele par- HiU FOR BALE Thoroughbred and pAo-iaa4 tVcotca eolha ptiteiata. Tabor 6674. 550 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 600 bn - WB TEAB 'em wo aad art ta I A at. Wrackiaaj Ca, 6(1 Aide. Broadway 6264 Mail order f-"jrd aew, 1919. BUiCK aoartog. prrlert eaodiiaive; Bear peat aad Una; private ear: roadster pftg small ear aa' pejnwiit, Eaat 4216. CHEVROLET 4a, 1919 roaOrtee, will tcaOe fear pfecmogreph er dwrnoad Mr. Jafe. Fart T49. tCentrm,) ea feivowam Paaa M0 11 lb r . -t 7"