THURSDAY. NOVEMBER V2A. 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON. 13 ONLY 26 SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS Choose NOW while Assortments Are At Their Best (a BUYS AND IMS 19 CLUB PRODUCTION $18,273 IH YEAR f Add to Your Christmas Gift Fund Without Expenditure Save Your S. &H. Trading Stamps! jj j T. D. .Klrkpatrlc. airector of boya ' ana rtrla clubs In Portland schools, has aubraltted hie annual report on Um ac complish menls of the year. A total of "32 young ttera were enrolled la clob project during he year, of whom 1X1 oolnplted the work. The to tal value of thetr producU was (1I.27S.01. . . and the toUl coaia I7.I12.S2. leaving a -'' nel profit of I10.4SO.1S. In addition. " S71S.7S waa won In prtara. making a to ' Ul net profit of I11.17S.S4. State chanaplonshlge were won In egg v production, young chlcna. does and klda. and canning demonstration teama. rSOJECTft ABE LISTED Of tha different projects S3J children made a net profit of :4209 37 on 30 acrea of ground; 12S children raised 1329 chickens, 10 turkeya and 12 ducks, bealdea Droduclna- SS10 dosen eggn. with . , net profit Of $US ; 64 children raised 1107 rabbi U at a net profit of I3H.3S; 174 children canned 5276 quarts of fruit, HS0 quarts vegetables. 1032 Quarts Jellies and Jama and SI quarts of Bieata and soups at a total net profit Of S2S1S.S0. la cooking, I girls served 12 meals at profit of $26.24. Sewing showed 21 girls reporting a profit of $35.(3. BOTS MAKE PBOUT Two boys raised two pure bred calves At a, profit of (27.60 one boy raised 2 lambs at a net profit of (3 and S chil dren raised 7 does that produced 2485 quarts of milk, produced 12 kids and raised S additional kids at a net profit Of (7S1.7S. -. Klrkpatrlclc makes special ' mention of the 8unnystde school canning club that won the atate championship by two points over Its nearest competitors, and whose members will be allowed two weeks at the Oregon Agricultural col .lege summer school nest Juno and a 'trip to the Interstate fair at Spokane neat September, to compete tor the championship of the Northwest. FOCLTKT RESULTS GOOD As a result of an appeal for better stock. Kirk patrlck relates that while the highest prise In previous years taken by a Portland Poultry club member at the State fair took fifth place, this year tha boys won first place on laying bona and first, second and third place on young breeding pens, the latter In - a class of S3 entries, and that In the pt iltry department of the Pacific Inter national Livestock show one of the boys took two firnts In open class against strong competition. Another1 boy exhib iting only In the club class showed birds so good that .the owner of tha aecond cockerel In the open class traded it for this boy's third cockerel In the club class. 1 1 North Portland Is Included, in Oregon Postal Examinations A second class postmaster examina tion to fill vacancies at six Oregon towns will be held December II. accord... lag to an announcement made by the rlvtl service commtaislon. The townn, to gether with the salaries paid, axe as fol lows : Heppner. (2300 ; Klamath Falls. (2900 La Ursnde. CIOUO ; North Portland. (2700 Frlnevtlle, (2300 ; Roseburg, (2300. Terms of the present encumbents will expire January 24. 133. Candidates will be rated (0 per cent on business experience and fitness and 20 per cent on education and training. Information may he secured from the poetofflre where the vacancy exists or from the civil service commlimlon. Wash Ington, D. C. All applications must be properly executed and filed wHh the commission at Washington by Ueeem bef 13. Despondent Couple Provided With Home S i m 9 a T4 0 3 5 s Mr. and Mm. It. T. Mitchell, who were found In their apartments at 388 Clay street In a serious condition from the effects of g-as Tuesday evening, but later revived, were taken before Munici pal Judge Rosaman Wednesday after noon on a charge of disorderly conduct. but were, turned over to Mitchell's mother, Mrs. Ira Italrd, 328 Thirteenth street, who promised to care for them. Mitchell la 11-and the girl 18. They attempted suicide on account of poverty and disease with which they are suf fering. Auto Theft Officer Hair Bob 50c Curled bob, Heart's Desire carl, straight cat Man barber who thorough ly understands how to handle children. Daylight booth. Barber shop, in con nection with Beauty Parlors, 2d Floor. MM RELIABLE MERCHANDISE RELIABLE METHODS. lMOHftfSON. ALDCT. WtST PAW AND TENTH STPECTS-I lLV JLi i i ft William K. Prennen, late of the auto theft department, has been assigned to duty In the detective department of the Portland police force, to work with John Price, veterwn Inspector. Prenrten has been on the police force for two and one half years, durtpg which time he has made an exceptional record, ac cording to' his superiors. Before taking up his work with the police, Drennen served In the nary during the war. being engaged In transport duty on the Atlantic. Candy Sale BOSTON MINTS, aft-OOf, er-dinner confection, Oa! CANDY CHEWS, as- OOn sorted flavors, pound OOl Luncheon served in the Tea Room from 11.30 to 2:30. Permanent as well as transient guests will find this an ideal eating 'place. 4 th Floor. Mail Orders Out-of-town customers are Invited to make full use of our splendidly equipped Mail Or der Service. S. & H. Green Stamps given upon request. sjss s s linn i inifii M ii V '1 Coming Saturday To Marl a TlotontiTTO d I 2 18 Flel I ACHCT ATIXT W AUOOtfM VALCHTtNQ Jo Thm Columbia Up to $67.50 Women's Suits $39.98 S ' Second Floor When this store announces a sale, it's certain to draw great response. There are two reasons for this: First, because our re ductions are known to be legitimate; secondly, because the merchandise offered is of dependable quality. In this sale of Suits are included the season's best selling styles lines that have sold down, to one or two of a kini. Only 56 Suits all told. Sizes and quantities as shown below: IQuintity 2119 11131 4 3j 9 5 Sizes (1411636i20138401421441 High-class Suits developed in Tricotine, Yalama, Velour and Duvet de Lame materials. Tailored models with snort, medium and lone coats, semi-fitting flare, box and semi-box styles. Many have fur collars and are trimmed with fur bands; also dressy Suits trimmed with stitching and embroidery. Black, navy, brown, sorrento, reindeer flJOQ QQ and red. Suits selling heretofore up to 67.50. Special at v)00VO Bath Robes $10 Second Floor At this popular price we show an exceptionally attractive line of Women's Robes, made up in blanket material, roll and square col lars, large pockets, frog fastenings, cord girdles. Light and dark patteftis in great va- C"1 A AA riety. Extra" values at the low price ejJiVeUl Sweaters $12.95 Second Floor Very suitable for gift giving or for personal use. Plain and fancy weaves in medium and heavy weights. Some with belts, others with tie or cord sasnes. Many are trimmed with checked brushed wool bindings. O QK Shown- in wanted colors. Special at DXaWet0 Christmas Cards The wise shopper will choose at once while assortments are complete. Our showing of Christ mas Cards is large and varied, offering the season's newest de signs and sentiments. Low prices. Aider St. Circle, Main Floor THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT pervades all sections of the store now. and you can't resist Its Influence, once you enter our doors. It seizes you as you stroll from department to department, floor to floor, and set the heavily laden shelves and counters of holiday goods of all sorts. A- whole store full of them for, remem ber that the giving of practical gifts brings Into beinf the newer Idea that 'most everything In the store. U suitable for gift-giving. Shop now and take ample time In wandering about the store, jotting down notes of the things you see and want, and then do your holiday purchasing in solid comfort and without haste. Visit "Toyland" the Kiddies' Paradise Fourth Floor I. ContinuingSemi-AnnualSaleof Gossard Corsets ne of the year's greatest Corset Sales is now in progress at this store. Whether you have immediate need for a new cor set or not, it will be greatly to your ad vantage to buy now and lay it away for future use. Every Corset is of standard manufacture and perfect in every way. Models' For All Types of Figures Lines selected from our regular stock and a special factory purchase. In the sale are included the following style num bers; 252. 393, 682, 570. 575, 667, 671. 1208, 1309, 1201, 1204, 2511 and others. Not all sizes in each style, but a good range of sizes is included in the big sale. Sale Prices $ 2.75 Gossard Corsets now $ 2.00 $ 6.50 Gossard Corsets now $ 3.50 $ 8.50 Gossard Corsets now $ 5.00 $12.50 Gossard Corsets now $ 7.50 $15.00 Gossard Corsets now $ 7.50 $18.00 Gossard Corsets now $10.00 $25.00 Gossard Corsets now SI 3.50 Second Floor ssard Cor re Men's $4.00 Union Suits Special $2.39 Main Floor Men's winter weight union Suits in the well-known "MoTiarch de Luxe" make. Of su perior quality gray cotton, elastic ribbed and perfect fitting. Reg ular 13.50 and 14.00 2Q QQ grades,' specially priced Da5etJJ Union Suits $1.29 Main Floor Monarch gray cotton Union Suits with light fleece. A popular garment with large num bers of our men customers. Medi um weight, long sleeves, I" OQ ankle length. Special itOleaWa Night Gowns $1 Main Floor Men's Night Gowns of good heavy quality outing flan nel. Assorted patterns..Cut gen erously full and well made. Limited quantity, not all sizes Priced special now 'liSLOO Handkerchiefs 3 for $1 Main Floor Men's fine quality mercerized Lawn Handkerchiefs with initials and with cot- J" ored border. 35?. 3 for wl Women's Silk Petticoats $2.98 Main Floor A splendid oppor tunity to choose an extra petti coat to go with that new suit or dress at a substantial saving. Only that we secured these at a very special price we would be obliged to sell them at not less than 3.75. Taffeta. Jersey and Tub Silk Petticoats in a variety of pretty styles with, tucked, ruffled and plaited flounces. Also some trimmed with ribbons. Full as-: sortment of colors. PO QO Sale price now is only DaSiee70 Handkerchiefs! Handkerchiefs! Handkerchiefs! HANDKERCHIEFS BY THE THOUSANDS in a great pre-holiday Sale Friday and Saturday. If you have Handkerchiefs on your gift list, here is an excellent opportunity to buy them! See display at the Center Circle on the Main Floor. Children's Kerchiefs 10c Box " ; Boys' and Girls' Lawn Hand kerchiefs with dainty one-corner embroidery designs in colors. Put up two in a neat -J A. box. Extra values, box J-"! Children's Kerchiefs 3 for 35c Dainty sheer Handkerchiefs suitable for gift giving. Colored corner embroidery and hems finished with shell edge. QCf Box of 3 Handkerchiefs OOC Children's Kerchiefs 3 for 25c Put up in attractive gift box es. Sheer lawn Handkerchiefs with l -corner embroidery de signs. Formerly priced QfT 35c a box. Special, box OC Children Kerchiefs 3 for 50c Children's Lawn Handker chiefs with one-corner embroid ery designs in white and colors. Shown in assorted pat- FTf terns. Box of 3 Hdkfs. OUC Women's Kerchiefs . At 25c Hand-embroidered white mull Handkerchiefs with colored cor ner embroidery. Also lace edge Handkerchiefs. Choice of Ot p many dainty designs at Women's Kerchiefs At 35c Hand-embroidered mull Hand kerchiefs in all the wanted col ors. Also white 'kerchiefs with corner embroidery and OPp Swiss Madeira 'kerchiefs OeJi Sport Handkerchiefs At 10c Women's and Children's Sport Handkerchiefs of excellent qual ity lawns. Plain white, embroid ery corners, colored 1 A hems and corded borders -LUC Women's Boxed Kerchiefs Opening display of holiday lines Women's Boxed Handker chiefs. Immense assortment of newest novelties. Now is a good time to choose for gifts. High -Grade Blouses Special $8.98 Second Floor Women looking about for practical gifts cannot do bet ter than select one of these beautiful Blouses for their Christmas gift. Oniy one or two of a kind Imes that have become somewhat deplet ed during the active selling of the last few days. Strictly high-class Blouses of Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe. Many lovely styles trimmed with yarn and silk embroidery, braids, beads and Q QO laces. Blick and the most favored shades. Special atDOe70 Garment Salons, Second Floor Back to Pre-War Price! "1900" Cataract Washing Machines The manufacturers have notified us that the price of the "1900 Cataract Electric Washing Machine has been .reduced to pre-war level. This will be welcome news to tfiyone contemplating purchasing an electric wisher, for the "1900" has do superior. See it. Third Floor. New Low' Price $168.00 Small Down Payment Full Year to Pay Balance v vv In the Shoe Department J or ial$5 7.50 dark tan calf Ox- flff fords, laced. A pair for wtl 18.00 blackvici kid 2- (PfT strap Pumps, special, pair 5tJ "John Kelly's" brown black kid Shoes with cloth tops. welt soles, moderate Louis QfZ heels. Jioto 12 values Dt) Women's Shoes of black or tan calf or kid with military or low heels. Regular $5.50 to 110.50 grades, speci "Aunt Pqlly" outsize Shoes for stout women. Black kid with cloth tops. Turned soles. (JP Regular $7. So values, pairtDt) "Grover's" black kid Shoes in laced or buttoned style. Low or military heels. Regular 10. 5 a grade. Special at DO $9. So black kid Shoes with walking soles and Cuban heels. Famous make. PairDtl Women's Havana brown flpT kid Oxfords. 9.00 grade DO 10 Calfskin Pumps wither one or two straps, special Dt) Children's Shoes Children's j'Buster Brown" Shoes in several leathers. 5. SO and 6.50 values atBO Boys' Shoes of tan calfskin, Eanglish or round toe. Sizes 10 to 6. The pair50 "Buster Brown" dark tan calfskin brogue-ut with (JC low heels. 9.50 grade at DO Boys tan Boots with two buckles. Fine for winter (Pp weather. " Srecial at. a cair at) Men's Shoes and Oxfords $5 TAKE YOUR DISCOUNT IN S. & H. STAMPS All Trimmed Hats HALF PRICE Socond Floor Not a selected lot of "slow sellers," but the season's very smartest and. newest models. Yon can choose yrmr new Hat here with every assurance of getting the cor rect mode for the present season. Any Hat Vfc Price Which means exactly what it says. Every Hit In the Millinery Salons cut to y3 regular selling price lot Friday and Saturday. Beautiful nef large hats, medium hats black and the most favored colors. Sale Prices All 5 trimmed Hate QO fT A reduced to sell at on1y&eUU All 10 trimmed Hats Or A A reduced to sell at onlyOU.UU All 25.00 trimmed Q O r A Hats reduced to only olaSeUU All 35.00 TrimmedQ-t rj fTA Hats reduced to onlyOXieUU All 15 trimmed Hats QrT Fft reduced to sell at onlytDleUU All 20 trimmed Hats reduced to sell at on S10 .Millinerr Salons, Second Floor i i OWK Coffee 29c Lb. Fourth Floor Enjoy a GOOD cup of coffee try our famous OWK Imperial Roast. Freshly roasted, delicious flavor. On sale Friday, 3 lbs. OQ for 85c a pound for aSiIC Delivered only with other purchases in Grocery DepL Tree Tea 50c Ceylon Tree Tea, put up in dustproof cartons con taining t 'lb. Special OVL Royal Baking Pow- QP7 der, 50c size, special Oil HEADQUARTERS FOR HOLLAND BULBS Model Grocery,4th Fl. Outings 19c Main Floor Excellent quality for pajamas, gowns, skirts, etc. Plain white and Urge se lection fancy patterns. " A Priced special, a yard -LiC Sale of Pillow Tubings Bleached Pillow Tubinr on sale at following low prices: 42-inch Tubing, yard. 36e (5-inch Tubing, yard 39c Large Comfort Batts At 98c Make your own Comforters and save. Quilted or plain batts in large size. Special at 98c V J .: j I 1 I L i i II. t f eL X EXTRA VALUES Boys' 2-Pant Suits $11.85 Special purchase sale of 200 Boys' 2-Pant Suits Friday and Satur day, giving parents an opportunity to compare values with other Suits offered about town at much higher prices. Smartly tailored from dependable fabrics. Full cut knickers lined and taped. Sturdy, wear-resisting Suits that will give satisfactory service. Q" 1 Q(T Sizes 8 to 17 years. Boys' 2-Pant Suits specially priced O-L-LeOO 3E Corduroy Suits Main Floor The very thing for the boy who is hard on his clothes. Dark brown Corduroy Suits in the popular belted style with full cut knickers. ?A Of? Specially priced at only5e7eOO Mackinaws For Boys We show an excellent stock of Mackinaws In the famous "Pat rick" and ''Perfection" makes. Plaids, checks and the new heather mixtures. Prices range from $12.50 up to $18.50 BOYS' CAPS in the latest sport styles and best (?1 A A colors. Priced at onlDloUU Boys' Overcoats $15 and $17.50 Here are all the newest models the styles the best dressed boys in Portland are wearing-. - Made up in dependable fabrics tilt wiH look well at the last The tailoring, too, is of the highest order. Brinf your, boy in and let him try on the, various excellent styles shown. BOYS' STORE MAIN FLOOR ' Blouses si r Perci good c fight and dark pa- ?1 A A terns. Special onlywXeUU Malm Floor Percale, madras and other good materials la 5 i f ifYfrrWfTtfTffTfilliniiiiiixx;