THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL), PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, .1921. la I LAUNCHES AND BOATS 9Q4 trie rbt, als S10O. Si-W. Knurtmit fulls sea ii-ad. bain and auarrtoaa, tor quick Mn. 205, , 1S3B. WASTED Aaaroinf ftahlnr boat, about 20 toa T-rtK-r, H. f. Bash. Medford, Or. FoH SALK OH RENT room boaseboat, tar- i a ureL van aeirw i uu. 11111 inr iimhiMi tin r. B.- Block. Ballvood 1311 rooms aad bath. TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE OR RENT 90S sale, not. ti-rirs. ail We ra exrl-dve dJatrfbataaa of rai nortabla, ISO complete with earrriaa eaaa. kupflw and males lur all saaaae. Orarou Try writer Co.. 04 ruth at.. Mala 8888. ALU nka s-araauwd an j-ar. Beet ra-coa-straeled typewriters an e aM. 7w price bat Wbaiaaala TvwtlUr Co.. S21 Waahis-a r-rtland, or. 075 ' PERSONALS f A BEWifiD at $25 wiU ba paid; to tha first Parana who (orniahca ma aa aocorata state nant of tha postoffics oddreaa and whareabonta o Oar U. CrosUr. or information lcadinc to tha aaaa, Ba waa fsraently known aa Jack Creator. His Some prior to 1880 waa East Portland. Or. Ha afterwards raaided at Vic toria. B. C. until about 1004. than in Seattle till about 1014. whew ha went to -Jaaka. Ha waa a sinfla man. would ba 60 Jean of age if Brmc Ha worked for Seattle Taxirab Co. aer aral rears aa driver and mechanic. 11 ha ia dead, tha above reward will ba paid for proof of death and identity, or for information leading, thereto. Will K. Croaicr (brother), Bonni. Or.. R. P. D. 3. Box 18. KU'AIRIXi; a specialty, free muaatas; rental,; mniiM ha. Mil MrA. aaa. mara. , tyvrwrHtt lnr-etl Co.. 812 Stark Mata 5B4S V N OfcB WOOD No. 8 for H 8. Merahall 4400. ml. 855. Apt. XoitoNA typewriter and caa. new; oasd ona rnuath. half price Tabor 888S. w OFFICE FURNITURE 906 FOU 8K Xianderd ragiater aod cv draw" , combined 120 L'rain are. North. SWAPS 925 KK IALR or tradr, 1021 lVi-toa track. Will taaa touruif car, uveeiocs. iarm wujiwr, VaarauMr or I-nnland property. What have 7 'at tha valne i.f 81800? Hunts 1. Box 185. (Trj'a','1 Waah. t'HANII.n car to aarhange for Liberty bonds. .... Waabinglon Oil Kafn. Co. stock, food fur alrura or aacured note, tart 5031. 721 E. man way ' aTK Maxwell car. 8400. Would oonaider diamond or piano aa part payment. Mar. 820. , HITrLITTAVirr)N sv----U. 17 mod.l. fint , elaM running order. Will treda (or motorwnat . oe licbt deUfery. Call eeeninn or Sunday. 871 Tnwnaan- at. nr Bdwy. SHOO. 'TKAI'K I - aadille or .3 caL rlfW for SH at 81 20 eal. Colts rrrolrer." 748 64th ea. S E. t)HL'MMUt.4 tnr, outfit (KiKlwia). trade for rambvr. gun. chJrk,a. or what hara you! K Mam at. WIU, CXrilAMiK 81800 worth of property. lea of inrurabranor. fur (uod auto; Oo ftnk r-t !144 6 A HE land to (rada foe piano, Purd or, what hara yon? Ian, Carroll, 422 Cham ber rt (Tllirierr Mli . WllJ. eirhanae aaw photioantph for na Ford ra1ier budy. 88 Alier. MECHA NO-THERAPY AND VIT-O-.NET TETtB4T8 For women only. My treatments aatabUah normal matab-Uam and perfect: circulation. which na permanent beaith. Stchneaa and perfect eireulatioB cannot exitt tocethor. My work la dtt-ncnuubed by Ita anathinr enec- I- can halo you. no matter what your a ment -ra. I aa o rra apuaal obeaity treatmanta for remoainc axi iaii (at I mm any part of tha body. No druca or atarrinz. Consultation free. To introduce my work. I will for a limited time (ire trial treatmenta (or naif pnca. ir. ura fepln. 431 Taylor rt. r-none Main 6745. BAG AND JAZZ to 10 lesaonx. Popular eonc immediately. B rtnnen or advanced. Booklet and trial lewwa free. Practice rooma free. Ten yleara in Port land. J.rker Piano eehool, 014 KUera bids. Waah. at 4th. Main 4088. T1TONET aweata tor colda, body maaaace. radiant lifbt and Toilet ray treatmenta for Beumia, rbeumatiam. aciatica. high blood prea aure, poor circulation. 450 Morcah bid. Main 7578. : BAG aod iaxx ruaranteed berinnen in 10 Jca- aona; popular eonx immediately; advanced count for playera: booklet and trial free: prac- tire rooma free; In Portland 10 yiearm. Parker Piano Hchool, 514 Blen bldg. Main 4038. RAGTIME and jaax piano playing, 12 lenaona (uarantaed, berinnen or advanced; reduced ratte firat 4 leasona; 1 will tell you if you cannot learn: method etab. 1901. Waterman Piano ftchool. 614 Colnmbla bldi., over Bivoli theatre. ITCHINU acalp relieved, hair atopa fallinc; rouch. Under facea cured. Keaidential work, ah am pooint. hair dn ina. Open evening. Betty Jane Comfort Shop, 202 Park L. Apt- 8. Mam B37 PERSONALS 075 GET WELL FBEE F& FREE Every day. from 13 a. m. to 3 p. m.. and eveninsa from 6 to 8, and Snodaya from 10 to 12. THOCSAXDS OF SCFFEREB WHO HAVE FAILED to (et relief in any other way are invited to in -aeaticate Chiropractic methoda. which axe per manently cunril huodreda every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS win thoroughly examine you, make a complete diagnoaia of your caae and dixect your treat menu WTTHOCT ANT COST TO TOD WHATEVER CHIBOPBACTIC ia tha aafe. case, aura aad modern adence of curing and preventing disese. CHIROPRACTIC will yermaiienUy cur 8S per cent of all dueaaea, CHIROPRACTIC ramovea tha causa health returaa. Tha above tervire ia all free to yon at the college building and may ba had ia private if desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may alao be had in college building by member, of tha faculty, by either lady or men jn-actitionera. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner of Park and TamhilL Tel Main 1014. NEW SERIES GOOD MAXWELL Now on Di'tilay. MAXWELL-CHALMERS CO. . E. 8d and Oregon St. EXPERT manicuring, face and acalp treatment! by Pauline Cae; chiropody by Dr. Sacry, 607 Raleigh bldg. Mar. 3376. MECHANIC wanla to go to Lea Angelea by auto; ran pay own expenae and drive any car. C-768, Journal. ZONE THE RAPT is a system of nerve pressurea which aumulates the organs back into normal function, alt is a system which is self-Uucht. a heme restorative measure, whereby you can regu late your own human machine. Don t be s-eDtacai. for this is the age of new things, and it is just as reasonable for the body to be repaired by mecnamc i means, as your automobue or furnace. There is a club, Zooery Club, in the city that meeta every rnaay night in the aaaembly room of the Hotel Portland, the lectures are conducted by Dr. Margaret Hayme and also the clinic where the proper pressure points in any given cctidition are demonstrated. The feea and dues are small, making it possible for the needy to Mill have means of relief. We ask tor left-overt from the orthodox offices, people whose hope has gene for we can show you a way around your we knesa, back into the sunlight of health. Open meeting xa the public Dec 16 at club room. H AID COMBINGS made up. U U-8 24 ingsworU W S. F. Pierce, oodlawn 4380. HjaU Talking Machine Co.. WILL TRADK Ciaumbie phoaigrapti and 38 ramrrla 'r goo. I milch goaU. rMrkena of thbit 1nt r'iaka L C.L w "ill V('1IA.N(, Iwml muUHTicle for turd angina or rear end, or wbatf J-BW5, Jmimal. JVILI- TRAI'K Elgin wavh and fur for , irinla Will pay caAh diflerence if any. 891. J.-imal BICYf I K (boy a or min i aiael or waU-h for 1 ma-hinit e V-7II3. Journal. i THAl'rV- -l"lo tamp and oak hall tre- for book- we wirtc ratiirw-L 1711 K 17th. JTriTHi cow lor cbu-kena or lumber. Maui 11 fcttoRD walking aUck 1.0. pulleU or d lao, JiHirnal. AIM)Ia)AW, g'Kd oeidltion; trad for Kord car r sell rheap 1200 t Hell 2942. FOHI) touring ear, good eondiuoo; trade for good team nf hoe-ea. Aut. IjkTTiT)Tr.L Grafooola tor anything of Tame. MUwi o3. . t-MryT nut re heater and mantle for aale or trad on piano. ontiiawn r7 delirery. painting 317 Willamette Mn. JTNI(h Hadiant Kir. foe am ail used heater. or will aell. 4 21 1Ux-h at VaST tnewnter or good camera for fine vio- Hn. 1 130 Bnrrage. VaTID Puna In eirhanra for good building lot on eart aula. Phone week day, Bdwy. 70. ACCOUNTING BUTTERFIELli. auditor and indome tax ana lyt 205 Artlaan. bldr. Bdwy. B094. ALT. RATIONS AND TAILORING HAT l- 1 ". TADiQRS. K.egai Vuci,r.crTr:R8 dteks. Soldiem' overcoats dyed blue or black, new but ton,. 86 80 Mai) order. w,lcited 127 N. 6th. ATTORNEY COAL AND WOOD riitsr growth cordwood. 38 cord, delivered. Aioeru. rneanunt )Vdln 6312 . - our prices on nt oar and ash wood: we da- irom umper. Kooertaon Fuel. East 1723. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER COST LOWERING BAD MEDICINE, BUT THEY MUST TAKE IT DOWN Etc4b7 Win F. HeMUa BUSINESS STATUS GRADUALLY GAINS Many of Institutions Are Getting Back to Normal; Retail Trade .Shows Improvement. DAVIDSON & BLANEY " Contractors and builders. Reasonable prices. t-matoa risen free, 6132 92d at S. El . W. EASTMAN, uwyer and! notary He. 828 Chamber of Cororo bldg. pub- BLANK ROOK SSAKKW DAVIS HOLM AN. INC.. 109 2J at. blaaa book manufacturer. A 3183 Male 18. OAT AND DOO MOoPITAI. . VrAL 1917 Mai well, make good r for painting 317 Wlllame1 I'lAMOND wi f Main 44 24 VlLL exVhan anted. S to w-k daya. 4 kL Pay cash. Ima kodak. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 330 Alder. anga new phonograph tor first claaa HD TRI'NK to tra.le for d Tab. 202 3 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 IOPB CITT VKTERLNABY HOSPITAL. Ine-. - 7th aad Grant. Both pnooaa. aa aWht aerrice Three veterrnarla , CHIROPODIST DELICATESSEN WE SAVE YOU MONET We have a line of groceries, home-made pies, Mexican chili and sandwiches. Inquire 394 N. 20th. DENTISTS DR. B. E. WRIGHT Sd floor. Raleigh bldg.. cor. 6th ETHEL M COT. eluropodist. 401 Buchanan bldg. Wuhinirton it net. 4Ul ana am. aain liR, B. LOl'ISK COX, a-oeptic cliiropodtot. S35 Morgan BUIg. Main 4t C M I ROPRACTORS LR McMAHON (McMsu) his .system People Ukinr ad)'istmew,n while amilmg: 12th year. COAL AND WOOD Call Main 7004 'awn r.rt rn.L valce for tofr cast Orr CLOTHINO AND HHOF.S. WI WIIX CALL FOR THFM. 285 FIRST STREET. f I'KNIB OF MAIN. Z il2.30 TO 325 00 METER. Tilt TAIUiR. pays more for Sec Sad Hand euits. shoe, overcoats. Wa rail day If evening. Marshall 1229. or 238 Madison pret, near Third. ' tcTNTRTi1) VVRtTRki. ATfYENtlW Scea arioa typewritten in form" requrd by studios, t3o page; also plot construction and story forma tion tauiht, private or clause- Marie Allen, 04 H M inneeots ave . ( member Authors' league) . LINCOLN COAL- Why take a chance? When you can buy this nnrirfil rnal for from f-9 to 811 S ton delivered right into your bin. Coal that is all coal, no clinkers, no bone, no soot, no slate. Jut cheery, friendly, hot LINCOLN coaL The .1 f " The coal that gives you the w. V... t rr mi r motlev. I he Coal inax. Llie lowest of all in ah. The coal that) is sold at a price so low that no one need ,T,4lall ,1 K t Mil- II HI" 11 LOU . I.'IM U . ton: SMALL NUT. $9 a ton. Carried into your bin. Why Pay Morer ttTQTVR V HTT. CO. 287 K. Morrison. Phone fcast Z--o TlMT-K UAI'IIINKKT WANTED t 1 J-wirb ptw, due and spring tooth harrow tnd boa). c 314 STOCX FT-RANGE i M. R. S EATER Buya the beat aa well aa cheaper grade of aev arid hand furniture. 26 Grand aee. Aut 232-83. NEW HCKIE.i GXD MAXWELL " Now on IHrilay. MAXWKIX-CIIAUaK.RS CO. K. 3d and Oreron Sta. S rfiRrt.T for alder, maple and ah atnmn- ' aaw. Addnwa Freelsnd Fnrn. Co . Portland, or fIsTt tiea. Arran Iron by ton or large QuaoU- Tabnr 7318. Mstn SI 19 aad Washington ata. Dentistry A -2119. DK. A. W. KEEN XI 8R1 U. W.,liin t Without Pain. Latert Nerve-Blockin Methyl EDUCATIONAL OANCINO MISS IRET.ANO THE DANCE STUDIO By Byron Seller Special Correspondent of The JournaL New York. Nov. 19. Few people are in busi ness of any sort for their health. Tbey are in it for profit. And no business can be in a healthy condition unless the lifeblood of profits flows freely through its arteries. Every business doctor has his own prescription. Scores of in- ausuiea nave responded to treatment The majority have completely recovered from businese depression and others are well on the way to convalescence. Those which are still in an un healthy condition have not received the right treatment. These latter have failed to resrjond to the tonic of high prices. That remedy, instead of increasing the flow of profits, has deadened the demand. .-sot one, however, has failed to re spond to the tonic of lowered costs. It is the medicine which every industry must take sooner or later, whether the dose be bitter or whether it ia administered in sugar coated form. MANY LIKE MEDICINE Business dispatches received within the last 24 hours show that a great number of manufactur ing industries hare gulped down their medicine and are on the mend. Railroads have followed suit, aiinougn tney cnoked oer the pilL Lower ing of costs does not necessarily mean lowering of wages, although no business, aenemic from lack of profits, can support either capital or laoor. tower costs means increased efficiency, better mat lagement and the raising of the indi vidual standard of production. Manufacturers and business men have found this out. Many are maintaimn :canacitv trn- duction with working forces less than those for merly required to produce capacity. Sales or ganizations have been improved and overhead reduced. FARMER IS "8ICK The agriculturists, however, are still sick and cries of iain are arising from them in every section of tlie country. Vntil foreign demand has returned to normal, through the readjust ment of exchange rates, there is only one rem- eoy tor me larmers the cutting of cotts. One of the largest wool growers in the West. who is now in New Tork, outlined today the oi the tanner and the stock grower. "I lost 350,000 this year," he said. ,-but it was my own fault The trouble with the sheep o usm ess is tnat too murtt sheep herding is being done from automobiles." That same situation exists for the wheat. grower, the corn raiser and the cotton planter. t-ronts c be made to flow if costs are cut. and those who are sick enough of the nresent situa tion to want to get well, are realizing that fact ana taxing tneir medicine. That is one of the most encouraging symptoms of the complete re covery of business health in this country that n developed in toe last six months. CONDITIONS MENDING In the xneantimA other industries are trav eling fast on the road to recovery. Railroads nave resumed purchase of material and equip ment and this has been followed by resump tion of equipment plants and increase of em ployment. ine demand tor medium-priced shoes i increasing si idily and already is so heavy that factories in some section g are un able to keep fully up to demand. Activity and increased production have fol lowed the cutting of prices for automobile tires and the tmifcl seasonal slump has been notable by its absence m tire plants. The iwpeT in dustry is fast returning to normal and activity j PRICE MOVEMENT IN BONDS SINCE 1915 ; B15 UU M17 Hit MU 1W ' U Am J 33 1 L 1 i LlHf gjffi: -ZZZZZZr ttttttfffg 1 S8H 5 i ,0 illllliiiiiiMCTiilMiU ! I I I 1 M f LI II I I I.I I I I I I I 'I I I TTITHT I 1 II HI I I I I II 1 I I I I I I I 111 fTTTnTlMJ 1 I I TT T IWTTT1 I I-A ! M U I 1 MI" ''II' M I Ml ! I III ' MTt ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' M J ! : ' I I I I m M M I fl I 70 gacBiJoLWV6 tlitJtru ts-au iitouitesv iiiiev iiikxjteu rat ia4e J ' I Ma4a33a- a.aa9ae- H33aaiM aU3tat assa9a- aa9aawaai wa9aMi I .l--ao--.a.ll-aOc4-ll-osl,al,.aaos-all-.-.a08a ,all,.aaa ,! I I . J New Capital Issues Are Less This Year Than in Oct,, 1920 New caprtal laama ana-aarad by rWaa railroad. indurU-J and public m&itf mn in tioaa during Ortaber tndtcate a total - f only 810S.148.SOO. Thia rmpana wHh 8338. T93.SO0 ia the ro rreapoading aooUi ymr aa , The graad total waa made ap prurtt)ay ut mrm iadaU-J Mruitha aad railroad boo i oiar low eauinc oil ot the railtoad atrma a ; Bwmber of eonfemnM have been held k ill i m I ofrtriala of large enT-iratio and beads of ilni went bankiag iaetatatioeu, whack, a M t 1 l. l . j. will lead up tm the plaruvr of aa In i ainil vol ume of'aew arewnue ta the aarly futafa. par I twalarly In new ot th favorable prwwcU fog , caster money. The following (able, comu-k 1 by the Jemral of Commerce, gin the new jn mnalk fay month during the peat thrre yaars: Desipte the apparent recession in bond prices in the month of October, aa shown in the above chart, furnished by the Dow, Jones company of New York, the subsequent trend has been dis tinctly upward- It is believed by local bond men that this trend will continue for some time to come,, in view of the lessening demand for money for corporate purposes aad tha con sequent declining interest ratoa. Public utility bonda have ahown considerable strength during the past three months and it is predicted that these securities will continue in an upward movement for the reason that tha decline in prices of commodi ea and labor ia reflected in the improvement la the earning power of these compamea. All eiaaaea of bod moved higher in nspouw to improvement in the fundamental eooditions affecting them and to the recent redaction of rediscount ratee of the varioua federal rot ana hanks throughout the country. BEWARE OF STOCK FRAUDS, IS PLEA Better Business Bureau Reiter ates Warnings Against Fake Salesmen of Various Kinds. n H eram hirttr wh - ai . . i - . r . . . ,- , . dav mnA TKn ' v Junes xuou- i in ine meai nas repiacea tne letnarcy " "' ouu:ao . m. 1 which held them inactiTe for months. Keduc tion in the stocks of the non-ferrous metals in . v-. . r : -. i naa iea 10 uip reopening oi mines ana smeit- WPU of Olga Steeb: special era long closed. The TrankseiTiM turkey will ul,OM'. c,menan thia month; har- cost slightly less in most sections this year, as mony rree. tast 8205. ,h ,n,.. v... k r,Ki. . n.i a. i i tiu.i, 20 years- exrjenencs ninn i I auction of the birds has been large. sons at you home 81. Aoto 111.1 1 Retail trade has begun to recover from the PLANO violin all nnm : r I depression cansea by unseasonably warm weather K,nhu ana v.v.-n , . . jiu uie nouuay uo i LiLrucntnr expeci- .. . . " 111 1 . 11 1. 1 srn 1 r .inn vn i . ... . . . . - - ,, uuim, 1 Ui, iu, aciuu ' "1 ujj, ' ' J Tabor 4 560 ev'-L in ,.lte,Lesn m 8mu iacee, 50c noticeable -f J iiirord bldg. I. VOICE production, European and tU(iy. H. Boume. Marshall 2553 American ELECTRICAL WORK VaNT TO SPt wicker doll biwry in good condition for eh ild are W. Kan 4W9 " "XVANTKD I'SED l'ORTABLE GARAUK TABOR 87 12. U ANTV.U Journal. Girls good bicycle, cheap. S-443, JFaRTNKR with truck to ban pror anion. Bdwy. 1585. haul wood and finance pmprW! VTANTKD ramUrs' falla eomplwte, long, antne j atepUuldera. good condition. L-334, JnaimaX WANTED ne Lung rutary popcorn popper. Wrtln. 4 583. WANT Combination range. good aonditioh. - rlrht prK-e. I'hoaie Betiwood 1327. WANTIl Sanitary couch and pad, moat e reraahl. Sell wood 1141. $4.(M)Per LoadS4.1 At last we are aple to sell you wood at : vnrn nwN PRirw Thta nrfw grade of block and slab mixed, )ut the thing for your furnace or heater, is selling Bow for 34 per loan in ioaa joi. 01 $SFor 2 Load$8 Our trucks are equipped to ""?- do'f; load lota, therefore we can SA E lOO MONEY. Clnarantee one and one-half (llil cords to donble load. Try it Can't go wrong. Immediate delivery. THIS WOOD HANDLED BY WOODLAWN 4102. EAST 2041. Oregon Fuel Co. Xat-onai ruei Co. Dry and Green SS Furnace or Heater lurtha DRY BOX WOOD ! HEAVY COUNTRY : BLAB DRY AND GREEN BLOCKWOOO Multnomah Fuel Co. Main 5540. Main 8119 Motors Rewound AND REPAIRED. Bought and Sold. MCHOL8 EUiCTRIC WORKS r none oii-n. zB Main St Utilities Valuation Shows Increase, but Assessment Is Less FLUFF RUGS AND RAO RUGS RAG RUG WEAVING au sues, first-class work. 1518 Interstate caj. rnone ain. tl83. OPTOMETRISTS BtJm. Not. 19. While the i&aesAed tJtia- tlon of public utilities in Oregon, aggregatinc X185. 504.795. 29. is approximate! y S4. 450. 000 creater than the a5fte4 T&lue of these same utilities a year ago, the apportioned Talue upon wtuca tie are paw w only 1123,311,472.13. or more than $500,000 under the apportioned Taiue of a year uo. Itus apparent discrepancy. it is explained by F. A. LoveLL, state tax com- -ur oi the -high-rent district the ratio for tiis year as determined by the state SaTe inrtnn nn vrn a1 --. . I tT rnm m su fn f mm t.Vi rf irk rf vm r asm -.-i icricr , vnoaerB iiu cmuj laic iiturs i rum iii nv-- cuumj equipment t youx aerrice missing the total Talue for the state this ear ia Phone Main 2124. Thousand approximately V020.000.000 or some $18,- of satisfied patrons. Consult 000,000 under the assessed Talue of a year ago. The apportioned Tame of the T&noua classes ei public utilities is given as follows: Station and depot companies, $84,309- 595.70 ; sleeping car companies, $469,404.31 : gas and electric companies, $29.545.001 .69 ; c fr-u-uL uonsuit ua Tree. nr. Samuel Goodman. Associate A-r-. "JS; CHA8. W GOODMAN, 209 MorSma t.. bet Front and 1st , WHY PAY MORE? (jluna in gold-filled frames fit- 1 1 '-I w your eves. 2 . express companies, $231,206.91; telegraph com- glasses at low pri- -tiL Parues. $1,001,723.97; telephone companies, Dr a v u?:. $7,549,876; tank line comp-nies. $160.- f ANTED MUSICAL INS'MENTS 951 WANTLll Ooo-l piano tor rash; must be good ' piano and a bargain. Mrs, Mary A. Madill, wmHaa, ir WANTI2--nJRNITURE 952 Owl Furniture Co. morion Wa waat your aaed furniture, atovea, rarpeta ltd piano. : we pay the hlgbeat raah price. le and 1 FIRST KT. t aU Main 4S37. 12-IN. OR 1S-IN. WOOD LOAD LOTS Heavy dry blocks 50 Country slabs i 22 Dry cord wood T OO Rock Hprtngs-Ctah or Monarch Coal Prompt delivery. Phone East 2 SI 5. Standard Wood Co. For a Short Time On.y Fine block wood. $6.50 per load. $12.50 dou ble, load: rood alab $9. double load $11.50 Hawthorne Fuel Co. Eat 0108. Please mention thia paper. Hawthorne Fuel Co., 481 Haw thorne ave. Va MED furuiUif. rura, rarpeta, gaa rangev aad ether furaiahlnra to fill kitchen queeaa Up a mlng hnnaa. Phone East 72T. PERSONALS 075 il C.KTS both feat luea up at Dr Eatna'a. the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPECUUST who 4mu knrt yoa. S yra ban. E av traa. Globe Thaatra bhlg.. I Ita at Waahinrtoa. B way JSI4. J.aVhL1U.U K ia a good thing to have ia the hooae. bat it a better aa your ahoaa, autotopa mr harweM. Aa tha aaaa at S10 Oak at, Bdwy. OA. That's latherltfe. Made in lrgw, Kjt I'KUT cKaof t war-awluii ie wiui wit. wil j drive party waa ear ia Central California for file; pay owa e-peaaae. Box 45$, Caaaa. h. IK 1'UlAll Real dry block and wreckage wood, 11 in. and If) in. long BED BALL KIEL AND OOXTBACTno w. Cor. 9th and Hawthorne K. 65S1J PRT SEASONED SOITND WOOD Btnve length, dehvered, $S per cord. lA-re orrle for leaa. rast 7896. vision '"fT rnaranteea. nr a v t, . tometri-t. 22R 1 .t u.i a t "u'w". op- 653 55 THERE are nn ,.. I Following is the apportioned value of public fitted h. ik -7r. " e uuuues as iixea .nj se tax - t b T i man me uunues as n m.TJ1-. RDhn5,"n- reterai, opti- by counties: antMd tiafacoa guar Baker. $6,094,543 S5; Benton. $399,- -" ti .u eit il- n.ctim,, as nni ioi (is- PAIWTIRQ. TIWTma MMaaaai....- $2,7 25,7 84.95; Columbia. $2,445,271.45 I. H I I IIi-rsl .i- I Coos. $1,131.889 21; Crook II CI tFTA"? ' , ----.- i Coos. $1,131.8 N. l.f7L'fcSi7 I" Cu-'- 13.645 - 0 T 14. W oodlawn 212 Douglas. $6.65 PATEWT ATTORHKYS C, 8 GOLDBERG r. ; , rirhta 610 rh.;rrr"" arxa. oopy ,c, wi maatu, bhla. PIP- REPAIRIWa 1T ff tr ir - t i . s-e It u ' - anainq OV rr.l. a a a a4 Pin. hv . . m i . waaa PHVSICIAMB it A. philupC" Broadwav Rk- Office Practice ant. P-UINO AI4D STSAW g-V B0XW00D DeBverad l-uaedlately by Puhtna Wood Oa IH1 Macadam. Phone Mala 4178. ml rfJT" 00 k'nda pramuiug CB , B fSgura ob your irJstaovirf"' L Co. 517 Cnioa .v W., PLUMBER Prompt. reliir--75T-4-- lowe-t price. Phone Anrn o"o'T". t THE M I- KLIN Is r-TWrT PRIRTIRO. CNGRAVINO. , Print?nr A Ps-csa r "a 165. a 1 1 Vi In 1920 there was $500,000,000 taken from the American public in the promotion of fraudulent securities and stocks. By far the heaviest toll was exacted from the laboring clashes those people who had accumulated their dollars by years of hard work and many sacrifices. To protect the public from such unwise and untried investments the Better Business bureau of the Portland Ad club is working hard and faithfully to educate people to an appreciation of the difference between a safe investment and au unwise speculation. "Every day," states Charles W. English, manager of the Better Business bureau, "com plaints come to this office telling of misrep resentations in advertising or by personal so licitation, be it a pair of socks, a handbag, a piece of jewelry or the promotion of stocks and securities. Victims Act Quarded "The business of the Better Business bu reau is to investigate such complaints, to see that justice is done to the victim and that no further complaints arise from that source. "But such petty investments are overshad owed by far by tha investments made in fraudulent and worthless securities and stock. The promoters of such enterprws are after big money, the more readily obtained because their stock in trade cannot be inspected by hand, as can be done with the leather bag. The prospective purchaser has nothing but the word of the salesman by which to gauge his judgment, and tha salesman's stock of circu lars and illu5trative pamphlets mean nothing. If he ia selling oil, he will probably show you prints of gunners, veritable fountains of oil springing joyfully from the breast of Mother Nature. Or if it be coal, he may show you interesting leads and speak in superlative terms o ffavorable geological conditions. High Returns Promised "They promise high rates of interest, huge dividends, enormous and quick returns, and if Ute prospect admits that he has no ready cash the salesman suggests that he trade in his Liberty bonds. In this way $125,000,000 in Liberty bonds were traded for worthless stock in the year of 1920. "When a salesman approaches, ask him fo rds agent's credentials, which should be figned by the corporation commissioner, showing that the company which he represents is a bona fide concern whose operations have been inves tigated and sancti oned by tha corporation de partment at Salem. "Here are a few earmark, of tha financial fraud: "He promises enormous or guaranteed prof its, high rates of interest and quick returns nrrrt. iiea frMW liilff, dividends. "Compliments your 'judgment and sound rmirirteA vni "Cites the profits of roeoeasful companies instead of his own. (This is one ot toe rur- mr. tdrn& of Questionable schemes. 1 "Tries to work the hurry-hurry game that almost all the stock is already sola. Don't Bt Rushed '"in bonest. nromoter will trv to rush you into a decision in order to get you in on the around floor. There is plenty of time to consult your banker, the corporation depart ment or the Better Business bureau. "No part of the country is too remote for the promoter of worthless stocks. Wherever newspapers and m eaxines go, there go the circulars and form letters of these promoters. They open sumptuous offices, they print ex pensive stationery and put up a bold and prosperous front They can afford to do this, because, this is their only expense. There are no operating expenses, and, once the all overhead is paid, the rest is velvet They conceive schemes for the promotion of every possible mere ha ndi sable article under the run fruit groves, motion pictures, tares, diamonds, steel mines, ooal and coke. gaa. lumber, ml. ,1. of .11 kinds, candies, glaaa caskets. $54,147.89; i f, im cJiana-e onbonj and scores of other Deschutes, $575,774.13; piiusible schemes. invaugaa i u u m "Before in vesting, investigate. The Better Business bureau of the Portland Ad club ac hats information regarding any question le en terprise. Its slogan is 'Truthful advertising.- T, .mi 1 1. mi. I., thrw fold ! "1. To educate people to Invest only in fvit ut esf nemnKitions. ' "2. To adiust complaints of victims of e,Htnt .nrt wrwthlefl. enteroi isea by ing that justice is. dona them and that the bait offered them be maoe narmien. "3. To cooperate with aaverusers in main taining a standard of truthful advertising, in order that the public may rightfully place confidence in the integrity of advertisements. Bond Market Spurt Brings Scramble by Dealers to Purchase With a runaway market now facing them, dealers in municipal and other high-grade bonds are in a wild scramble to purchase securities acceptable to their clients, according to F. A. Freeman of the Freeman. Smith A Camp com pany, who is now in Chicago on busineas for the company. In a letter to his company Freeman reports that while the advancing market was not un expected, increase in bond prices came so rap idly that dealers are cleaned out U bonds which they had oa hand. Now there- is a keen rivalry among dealers in the East and Miaaie west in tne purcna-mg ot new issues. One of the beet indications of the so-called runaway market was the unprecedented succea of the recent $50,000,000 loan of the New York Telephone company. The bonds, which carry 6 per cent interest coupons, were of fered to the pubuo at 07 ft ana were quicaiy oversubscribed. The statement is made that the syndicate which handled the issue received 68.000 subscriptions, aggregating $488,000. 000, nearly 10 times the amount of the issue. This ia the first time in several years that an issue of bonds haa been so heavily oversubscribed. National Publicity Week Launched as Educational Feature The American Ir-utute of Banking has dav ignated this week as National Publicity week. A nation -wide publicity campaign haa been launched in order to acquaint the publia with the educational features of the organiia-on. The State bank of Portland is devoting one of its bla disolav windows to thia eamnaifti. One of the features of this display is a pic- j ture of Uie delegates to the lavt national con vention aa well as a showing of the diplomas and text books issued by the association. Every officer and employe of the State bank of Portland ia a member of the A. I. B.. making it a 100 per cent orgamaaUua. the only one in Portland. I 1921 I J.D a vst aa ana a aaa a i a Feb :S. 708.200 Mar. 1S8.701.0O0 April S90.888.0OO May 177.8J7.900 June 17. 114.000 July 170.474.SOO Aug 1S8.S2S.S0O Sept 20S.7S1.S00 Oct 103.148.500 1S20 :o;. 528. 500 175.T71.100 471.725.800 245.051.200 266.384.200 240.892.000 1SS.1SS.700 145.0 2 2. 504) 338.79$. S00 11S $ 241. 444. TOO lST.S4S.OvO 1SS.122.SOS 67.724.500 209.STT.800 S22.0SS.000 170.S4S.S00 220.1SS.SO0 S7S.S1S.409 190 695.100 2.060.596.000 2.S92.T22.800 2. 544.149. 100 Nov 178.700.200 251.852.900 Dec. ,v 237.208 000 2S.1SS.S00 Total. . . S.106.930.S00 S.021.171.S, The savings department of the First National bank hereafter will not be open for busiaeaa Saturday evenings Livestock Industry Materially Aided by War Finance Project Conditions in the livestock industry are show ing marked improvement as the result of the assistance received through the War ilnanoe corporation, according to Eugene Meyer Jr., managing director of the organization. A deplorable situation had developed in the livestock industry, owing to the ahrinkage of market values, inadequate financing and the hur ried liquidation of immature animals and of animals which should have been retained on the farms for breeding purposes. The industry ia being materially aided now through the organ ization of agencies in each stata or section and the refinancing of the livestock men through local banks and those agencies. During the past two weeks loan agencies of Portland have I received from the War Finance corporation nearly $2,000,000 which will be used to finance cattle and sheep men in Oregon. Further ap plications for funds are now pending advances which are expected in the near future. In a reoent statement Meyer expressed the opinion that it waa only a matter of time when the demand for mortgage money in the West would ba to a large extent appeased. commission 05 655.716.29: Gilliam. $3,599. 579.68; Grant, $395,389.40; Harney, $359. 974.56; Hood River, $1,828,958.23: Jackson. $3,575,000.44: Jefferson. $1,027,967.07: Josephine. $1,829,475.61; Klamath, $1,360.- 07B Laic, 1 131 .iuu.94 ; lne, l,in,- 896.53; Lincoln, $661,897.82; Linn, $3,387.- 184.48; Malheur, S2.24S.sno.23; Alarion, $4,693,586.64; Morrow. $2,771,874.19: Mult nomah. $35,273,200.21: Polk, $1,240,013.80; Sherman, $3,270,176 63; Tillamook, $799, 320.47; Vmatilla, $10,729,251.97: Union, $5,072,521.85; Wallowa. $1,051,663.15; Wasco, $5,129,598.74: Washington. $1,842, 575.55; Wheeler, $5,133.08; Tsmhill, $1,258,- 10U. il. Total, C1Z3.311.4 i-.13. 1 1 vim L i.r rLJ Range in Prices of Liberty Bonds and st Victory Notes During the Past Week WOOD One week only, medhim dry lS-tneh block and slab mixed. $6 load, or doable load $11: dry wood. $7 load, or double load IIS. Phone Marshall 2855, frH MARIE n.INN. $80 Plral St. i payaaeiaa; wee trio treatment for dragleaa aeuntta. rfcenmaiuam. srlattca. aU aches) and pahia, UlAHACTkH RRADINtiS BI APPOINTMENT kjtsT aau V.UTUj T, aa. to. ahereahouta of K. F. K. K. PresUia aad Caartta Preat St fwarrl William Preatna. SIT -aarney st. IXP-ftrLloti Bilx. . asm, 4 ay 18 Beadle bmUkxL Trial tre. Jeato I as. 814 Bash Laae bM. Mala 6168. 4ftAIUATK chiropod-a; maaaasa aaaer shca3 1 supervwa-i : epaa eveniags aad Buadayi. US A,nay ring , sra aaa Moms-a. t J! orvf r CoaaaltaUoa Ira- Bdwy. 49SS. tnllWjfCr 404 ae-sririea bidg., 64 6th at XJURN OOOD TRADB veniags; baaaty aV Mint. Martaaxr nnn, Maranall 1TU3 A-TD 3 small ahlUlrvn. 3 to t , rvfervftrea. AauwatM 614-92. JlOM CORSET SHOP Homa for Mat etoaauia. fl trier, reoaunnr Wdha. HOC loraenv eallaal 844 R. lt Sell. 221S aaoramga LkLta Wt for yoar T koa Aoto. S24-26. kaaatr wark Aaaa at roar aaaa ana iir. a Mr A NT ta ador baay aot aawr S Wandlawa S5S. aUu. Call (buuw baaRhlal BMtbed. Main USA, WaAAAWS. bataa. ' btdaeya. 1 eaa Dr. Elaa neawtk as: both i won-. nr. laa Boreaeea. OPS Panama bid. fiOHS VlANT mu ia Aadrev Oaaa, Laagloa, STANDARD BRICK A TILS CO. Firat growth fir; Rock Springs, Royal, Owl Creek coal 81 6th t. bet Stark and Oak. Bmsdwmy 1 8. 4 IT. 16 IN. wood, first growth, $5 per cord. Delivered on bcholl s road, lntersectMB ot routa S, Raaverton. W. B. Wridge, Aloha. Or. IRST graath lir. full cord $8. large or small order solicited, prompt delivery. John Ger- larh. Wdln. 1824. NORTH BANK FVEl Wood and coal; small orders sol in tail J -ona Aut 5i. 60S rpehur at Sfi'R 16 ia a--. $1.75 $5 to load: banraia. alab. $7.50; box. $4 80. beat fir. aeaaoBed. Dry 12-1 6-ia. country Belt 1763. CORDWOOD Na. 1, Qnt growth. $7.50: No. 16 7ft; ds-vred oa west sta exoept Portland Heirtrts. Mam 723. . DRT box wood. $4.75; planer trimaiiags, $3.54 load. Wdln. 6904. '1113 Montana ave. A-1 FIRST grow fir. $7.50 per cortL B-t sseond growth fir, $7.25. rnona Main 7'.7. DRY box wood. $4.75; block and alab, $5; puner uminga, sa.oo ioaa. warn, s as v. OLD GROWTH Na. 1 lir $8 aniI Ualn 6241. HXATT eoaatry slat rood. $6.25 per eord. Acme Foet i.a. ijau aat DRT wreckaga wwod $5 per toad. Tajiar 1 el Ca Wdln. 1S4. Bdwy. 8914. A-PT. BLOCK wood aad railroad aa, also short ia-racn piocx. saarsnau Jtoas. DRT old growth fir, 12 or IS inch; insida block wood, is or ia inca. v ooqia-n 2 132. TOR SALE Good wreckaga wood. 12-16 inch langth, SS per load delivered. East S254. LRt OA-.. S rr eord: r, iUO; 1 ial $8.50 kiad. Phone 638-88. Or. WANTED la adopt boy ar gtn. 1 as S yaar-okl: GOOD seasoned coed ood. 7 per cord; heavy c antry slab. $4.75. East 1759. ,TSS '"W HODSON COMP3f? 887 Wa&hinrton. RrI... fifi. OFFICIAL CLOSING PRICES Mon. SHEET MCTAU WO Liberty 3s. 1932-47 95.14 Liberty rirst 4s, 1932-47 94.20 Liberty second 4s, 1927-42 94.50 Liberty first 4s, 1932-47 94.30 Liberty second 4Us. 1P27-42 94.62 Roof ma ratterta. Liberty third 4s. 1928 96 30 r-ceral repatrrr Pb-n Bt-.-Tt , 'nd Liberty fourth 4VsS. 1933-38 94.62 is sain . " ictory 4S, 1922-23 99.70 v ictory 38, 1922-23 99.70 TaA 1 m a a ..- mciAL WORKS TRAWSftR AND ATOaaj,-" SHIPLEY TRNiFERX Tues. Wed. Thurs. KrL SaL 95.14 95.20 95.00 95.10 95.16 94.10 94.44 94.60 94.72 94.90 94.02 94.30 94.50 94.50 94.66 94.20 94.52 94.70 74.76 95.10 94.22 94.54 94.66 94.64 94.76 96.20 96.40 96.42 96.36 96.32 94.30 94.66 94.76 94.76 94.88 99.68 99.70 99.74 99.90 99.92 99.68 99.70 99.74 99.30 99.92 WALLOWA 6 Gold Bonds The City of Wall a, Oregon. In corporated in 1899 is the prosperous trading center for the western par of Wallowa county. It is served by the Cnion Pacific Railroad (La Grande Enterprise branch), and is surrounded by extensive agricultural territory suited to all kinds of farming. Lum bering, dairying, the' production of fruit and livestock are additional substantial industries. Population, officially estimated, 1200. These bonds are general obliga tions of the city, dated October t, 1921. and payable serially in the years 1922 to 1931. both inclusive. 8 OCR BJ.VfVa FTRNITCRB MOVINO 108 FOURTEENTH ST. ro, 5fAI.T a.aiT -t aw w ,, r. . PaeMrvVS.oi?A!TB CO. MONET LOANED ON GOdDS SS raurth --. opp. Malt,-1. l.V0 ! i-nasa Broadway STiaT ALWAYS PICK THE Baf Hnr.D GOODS RPKriil lav "OI:8EHOT.n shippto, d moving; haras and n'.,c,dB I rates to all points. aXo na: spa. ritTRAN8rw- grOTLsGJt CO - ..... 8,a A.,fl wregon transfer Co. MUMmn 8t . , DRATAGB mfZ l hoi,ihd 1 Tnrcsuvr Co.. Sth and hl Zj?m&.Tr li-f Broadway 70S. VULCAWIIIwa AMD RETREADIWQ r an DARJ TlRlTjr- ERT1CE COMPANY PORTLAND'S BEST VtXCANIZERS WE GUARANTEE WI CALL AND DEUTEB tliaa peimont sx. Tabor S203. WOOD SAWINQ 8TR1CTLT Na 1 all growth cordwood. boo ary. as earn, aas sioa. - ait eis-ST, WOOD SAWING CAIX MAPT 8214. - : i - i RT rwBa a-rdwood. IS-uu. $8 lnd7wal V7rr1 Qir u ' wood, we aaw It aaaa. v v - east a East iiMte oaht. 640-85. Northwest Bank Statement PORTLAND BANKS Monday Tuesday Wednesday . . Thursday . . . Friday Saturday . . . Week. . . Monday Tuesday Wednesday . Thursday . . Friday .... Saturday . . Weak . Monday . . . Tuesday . . . Wednesday Thursday . . Friday Saturday . . 1921 ..$ 6.813,766 . . 6.179.612 .. 6.26L119 . . 5.225.750 . . 5,089,417 . . 4.487.104 . .$33,856,770 SCATT . .$ 7,000,426 . . 6.428.965 .. 5.560.034 . . 4,944.435 . . 4.954.616 5.143.141 . .$34,031.61.7 TACO . .$ 929,943 765,251 567.383 519.257 493,481 410.283 Balances Week $ 3.685,598 SPOKA Monday $ 2.516.544 Tuesday ; 1.785.906 Wednesday 2.239.706 Thursday 1.716.67S Friday 1.7J5.969 Saturday 1.560.30S Week. . -SI 1,555.101 1920 1921 1920 S 8.515,141 S 949.587 $1,770,119 6.1S5.937 1,196,611 1,456.452 6.257,816 1.211.955 1.078.868 6.112.535 1,064.991 1.556.113 6.387.989 857.S46 1.009.844 6.590.969 913.655 1.288.733 $40,050,388 $6,194,047 $8,160,132 BANKS $ 7,471.788 $1,276,673 S2.0S2.56S 7,585.804 1.293.280 2.069.662 5.800.737 686.97S 1.802.207 5.652.693 1,044.509 1.487.263 5.630.687 1.019,020 1.496,968 5,407,624 1.577.069 1.349.201 $37,149,325 $6,897,430 $9,737,867 BANKS $ 929,598 S 198.047 $ 156.567 1.099.630 36.63S 106.178 858.480 88.565 134.230 733.3 It 96.899 101.064 636.463 65.298 80.835 575,994 40,205 112.953 S 4 823.476 $ 513.147 S 891.917 : BANKS S 3.223.443 $ 894.184 $1,276,142 2.153.657 687.460 618.79B 2.4S5.490 970. CIA 958.484) 2.251,391 692.651 877.624 2.308.669 713.195 956.280 3,050.202 610.056 819.891 S14.425.853 $4,568,142 IU4U14 I . PRICES to yield 6.10 INCOME TAX EXEMPT CIAIKENDAXL & CO. INC. Fiflh and Stark Streets G0rWWT-MUNICIPAL CORPORATOR BONDS Aa I. Ba WEEK (Ameriran Instltate of Baakins) TO ACQUAINT the. en tire country with the purpose of their or gan lx tion, namely : The Constant Improve ment In All Branches of Banking ben Ice, the American Institute of Banking, a national body of bank employes, familiarly known as the "A. L B.." has Bet aside a week for the ob servance of the activities of the A. L B. Of its 45.000 members, all of wnom are in banking; or allied financial professions, 25.000 are employe-students taking tne A. 1. B. courses which are an Important part of tne organisation s w ork. The national convention of this institute will be held in Portland next year, and will be attended by delegate members from every section oi tne country. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK niiimmimmmiiimmiiiimiiitiiiH Liberty Bonds United States Liberty Bond and Victory Notes are the most readily mar ketable securities in which money can be in vested. We carry a large sup ply of each issue avail able for small or large investment. BOSD DEPT. Opes 8:38 to 6 MU 8:1$ to t LADD & T1LT0N BANK Oldest ! the ortkwast WA8HIKGT0X At THIRD 0verbeck& Cooke Co. Stocks, Bonds Cotton, Grain, Etc DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Board of Traa Correspondents of Logan & Bryaa Chicago Now York 216-217 Board of Trad Bul-iing Liberty Bonds HOLD YOURS Do not part with them unless compelled to do so. BUY MORE At present attractive prices, thus reducing cost. Booklet No. 255 gives interesting sad profitable information. U'riU TODAY for ymnm frm copy ROSE & COMPANY liberty Bond Speac&isa SO BroaJ Street. New York Caty City Of Salem, Ore. 6 Bonds Dated Due Not. 1. 1921 Nor. 1. 1931 Optional Not. 1. 1922 Denomination $500 ' Price 102.50 Yielding About 5.60 County of LincolnfOre. 6 Bonds Dated Duo Sept. I, 1921 Sept. 1, 1929-3S Denomination $1000 Price to yield 5.60 STATE OF OREGON 5V Highway Bonds Dated Denomination Duo Not. 1, 1921 $1000 1936-46 Price to yield 4.85-4.90 Wire Order. Collect Ralph Schneeloch Company MUNICIPAL ..ND CQRPDRATIDN FINANCE LUMBLRMCNS BUILDING Portland, Dregc-. WANTED A man with $15,000 in well-established wholesale tire business, an ex ceptional money-making proposition for right party. U-757, Journal. a aiaa aana. -a. a, , - t . , I . . . V- ' ' JS