is SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 19. 1821. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, l PORTLAND, OREGON f AUTOMOBILES TOR SALE 800 A 6A) K PLACE TO BUT LtiED CARS There ta aa anecceunlaele factor of uncer tainty, call It In tuition, a auoch. r aat plaia senaervstiv reasoning, that comas to yowar nm wees, foe, ata shoot to take step wherein yow, an aot sbeolately faaaihar With sea detail of a treneartioa. . Wa cannot know oU thins, and wa find it l 117. therefore, w avail eereelvea of the advice and honesty of atom Tnevets nes the seed wherein einfkdenre and friendship. Too will law! U Covey Motor Car company with mlrror-hse aecuraey reflecting tho friend ly, freak, honest sad geaevewe personality of tta owner and director. It la a safe olaee to tm sod can. And, owing to oar nteaeat BeeH, it la tho beet piece to bar Bead sere make no mavtste about that, kind reader. Wa. of airwiity, i at present arc obliged to offar yenaute Cover-built guaranteed aaad ear at pvljas that vary sarVmsly eoatpato with tha poorest, cheapest "AM 14" morrhsivltss oa the market 1 Oar groat Bead aad war craat desire makes oar gala mutually beneficial. Doa't hesitate to present year proposition. It's your tiira at the bat VOUiU BROTHERS' MOTOR CABS ItM Dodge Brothers tearing S 875 11 T rort Brothers touring 650 161$ Mln Brothers touring 725 It 18 Dodge Brothora roadster 704 1918 Dodge Brotbara roaditer with all- 725 1150 800 TTS 075 900 1000 1150 2780 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 weather ton -11 Iode Brothora aadaa 1919 Imdg Brothara touring It IB ) lodge Brothort roadster 110 Image Brothara roadster I9l4 I esse Heathers touring Itlt Itodee Brathara camp car .1919 liberty aport modal . 1914 Twin 4 Packard landauletta lilt Hadaoa limouatae: a wonderful taslrae. v 919 0-oaaMBgor Roamer I 1 1 ftVrtpp. Booth eon pa 1424 Osismohtla R touring It 10 (Itflamoblla toanng Itlt Oldamobue touring . . 1939 Chasdler; a Tory (in car ...... HIT Chaadier eoope Itlt Chandler touring, new tire .... Itlt Havaea touring I tit Harno toanng , ... I JIT Studebaker touring Itlt "twiebaaer coupe; a real buy at 11 Ktndebakvr Big 4, T-paaa ... Itlt Btud.beker I Itlt Apperaoa touring 19 JO ami an; an excellent car ItJrt King Itlt Premier. 4 -passenger IJ ChntnW tWO eedaa 1930 Chevrolet medter, la fine ahapa 120 Chevrolet touring Itl Chevrolet Inuring 130 ForJ taoring .... lJt Overland 4 eedan. rebuilt ...1 eranaon spaa., series 9-A. un- 1... i"rVrtrd and an excellent car lor 10 "-5 IBM franklin touring 1250 1620 K ran kiln touring 17i)0 lao Hnlrk 7-paen(er 1250 !S52 I':"' -P.aeng.r 1 1 HA '!!!! ' Ktuu; a wonderful car 1B50 Itlt-20 model Hudeon .peedntcr .... 1500 Itlt l'eerle n touring, only 1S83 I'klitkkit cars Itlt Dodge nrothera panel delivery... 730 Itlt iNxle-e Brother, arrera 700 Itlt iHHl.e HmUiera acracn, an aacal- .... If" ,r "00 Itlt Butrk dellv.ry $00 Itlt Chevml.t dcllvary, nw cont Urea, eieollent car lor (50 Alao a hlg display at tha aalearoom down town. Call at the Mletrnom moet convenient for T Our iilomolnle tran.portaUon makaa il quickly powble (or you to look over our enure t... k BHu6WAT I'MED CAR BRANCH. 2 3 N Broadway Main 0244. 1300 075 1250 g3 800 1200 80 750 1X30 1750 75 600 1330 0 100 030 1500 1330 700 400 4 25 375 33 700 nONTERS r KEBtTTXDISQ .tED CAB4 - j HCI)SO!l ASD ESSEX AatoaobUoa that hare been rebuilt or renewed arc In tha beat of aao chanieal condition they are alao war ranted tho ami a faeeorioa variant new can. In addition, we give 90 daya (reo tnocnanical ecrvice. . Thie la not new on Uudaoa anto aiobilaa. Wa have rebuilt and eotd: them with warranty eince Itlt. Too boy a fine quality -car with the una aslety aa when yon parchnae a now automobile. Boy a car you r caa depend apoa and at a bargais price. Other makaa of aaad aotomoBUot thoroughly overhauled, put la first elaae coadltioa and told with a 10 dooa' frao trial. ub)eet to being ra ta reed and full credit gtvea on any other ear of equal price that eaatonacr may ealert. s Thla giraa ample time for every paichaaar to try out the ear ha buya, givea him time to have It inspected, and wo want only aaUafied customers. Watch the change is this lut of ears: )tl "nper Biz Hadson .$ 800 117 Super Six Hudson 830 ltlS-ltlt at net Hudson super Hx 1230 ltSO-Rodwn Super Six ...... 1330 lt20 Hudsoa speedster 137S Itlt Essex 883 1B20 Easax 1025 1818 Maxwell 400 1119 Maxwell 600 We else have four late modela. Max wU demonstrators in first class condi tion, including spare ores, at IQ50 A saving to you ot 9so. MOBILES FOR SALE 800 1919 Ford Itlt Grant Six ItlT Bwick 1918 Dodge 1919 Olds But 1918 Olds Eight Itlt Uberty Sport model. it20 Chandler 1918 Cole 8, Sport modal.. .$ CIS 00 . 975 400 . 880 . 900 . 900 . 1030 . 1230 Bargains A visit to our salesroom. Aider t 12th. will ronvlnee the most skrnUrsI nnrchsr of tha uml, fiLlK of our rebuilt BL'ICKS. GuariDteo and service asms aa new Riiti-k Howard Automobile Co. Alder at 12th Ht. rhonas: AuUx 582 41. Blwr. 1130. LARGEST rSED CAR BRANCH STORE IN THE CITY AT 40-40 BROADWAY ; BRANCH STORE OPEN SCNDAT AND EVEItlNGS PHOXB- AT BRANCH STORE. BROADWAY 5739 ALSO A DISPLAY AT Our Salesroom. 615-17 Washington street; Open Week Daya Only. 0. U BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. Original Sale Price. Price 18 900 8 750 . 1950 1650 . 850 750 . 650 350 . 1500 1150 . 630 500 . 650 450 . 800 600 . 1000 " 800 . 1500 1150 . 11 50 1050 . 700 . 600 . 800 700 . 1300 1054 . 2500 2000 a. 1750 1500 . . 1350 1200 , . 350 225 ' TRUCKS AND TRACTORS' 802 You Can't Tell a Thing ! ? About These Prices We are lifting the used cars we hare on pedal sale below, but we are frank to aay that you can't tell a thing about these prieea until YOU SEE THE CARS, then Tow will cot a jolt. Wo are offering real bargains. No junk. Strictly high grade GOOD need cars, most of them over- naolea, repainted and reliiuabea. Ail In un usually good shape. You will be surprised wnen you compare prices with auajity: 1920 Nash sedan 1917 Mitchell. 5 pass. . ... 1917 Mitchell, ft pass. 19L8 Jordan sport Marine. . 1919 Briscoe. 5 pasa. .... 1918 Briscoe. 5 pass. 1917 Mitchell. 5 pasa. .... 1919 Mitchell. 7 past. .... 1918 Jordan Sport Marine.. 1920 Liberty 1918 Paige 3 pass. 1919 Yetie 1920 Mitchell 3 pes. 1921 Jordan 7 pass. 1916 Packard Twin Six. 7 pi 1921 Mitchell 5 pasa. 1915 Hudson -40. 7 pass.. Wa will take your light car in trade and make easy terms on the balance. No charges for brokerage. Open evenings, and Sundays daring the sales. Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Co. Broadway and Everett St. Broadway 4675. Attention, Truck Buyers Where caa you buy better and cheaper tued trccks. any make, aiae or price free from mis representation from tho biggest and most re liable truck corporation on the Pacific Coast. Think It Oyer Investigate our liberal aeTiinc plan and save brokerage. FOR SA1X MISCIXLANEOUS 900 SHOWCASES MADE TO ORDER HACK-INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION. Tenth and XWis Sta. Bdwy. C91 BIG STOCK REDUCTION SALE The price on every car in stock has been reduced from 825 to $100. Following is a partial list of 53 cars to choose from: REBUILT 'ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO PARK &EVERETT.STS C. Q. Bleasdale Appervtn t 75 Chevrolet 490 , 125 atudebaker, 4-cyL 150 Msxwell . . 250 CadiUao 250 Kord bug 850 Maxwell del 275 Su on. 1918 225 Chevrolet 250 Mercer 850 KORD ROADSTER, extra good condition. good urea, shock absorbers, good top 2a0 MAXWELL ROADSTER, good tires, tap snd finish 250 LIOHT DELIVERY, top. windshield and good Urea. 8-SDeed transmission 275 MAXWELL T0URLNU. overhauled. 3 aood urea 371 BTJ1CK LIGHT 6 ROADSTER. 3 cord tire: t'tis is a snap 600 E8SEX TOURING, 5 good cord Urea, rung like new 830 NASH sport model: can't be told from new. 8 new tires, wire wheels, run leas than 8000 miles; call and look it over. FRANKLIN TOl'RINU. in fine condition. WIIXY8 KNIGHT. 5-paas.. new cord tires ;thu car ia practically new; will sell at big sac rifice. Many other cart of standard makes from 175 to 92000. 1915 Touring 1916 Touring Bug 1916 Rug, fine shape 1916 Bug 1917 Touring 1917 Touring 1917 Chain Drive Truck 1918 Touring 1918 Touring 1918 Touring 1918 Delivery 1919 Touring 1919 Roadster-Delivery 1919 Coupe 1919 Roadster-Deli very 1919 Sedan 1919 Truck with new body . 1920 Touring, starter 1920 Touring, starter 1920 Readier, starter 19:i0 Sedan 1920 Sedan I 1920 Coupe 1920 Coupe 1920 Coupe OPEN" EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS The aboTe cars all in good shape, before you buy them. .8150 175 135 225 150 193 245 50 250 265 300 100 375 350 450 263 525 475 375 293 875 495 573 , 435 393 423 Try them 3 ht -TON Republic truck, solid tires, standard wheel base, cab. This truck is almost new; a real buy at 82000. We also hare a number of bther used trucks of various sizes and makes. Priced accordingly. MITCHELL, LEWIS 4 STAVER CO., Broadway and Everett St. Bdwy. 4675. BTw" ATt TffET - BUT, BFXL and EXCHANGE CASS B RO ISTERS, fiCALEa and a general hae of stars sad office . fiaturea. Get our prieea fins. . BOXES TRADING GO. S46 Washington Bt Mat. 2488. Sewing Machine Emporium Hae bines sold for less. Ne employed. Guars a teed raw chines cheap. Parta and repairs for all makes. Machines rented. Main 9431. 190 3d Near Taylor St. CHESTS ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Direct from factory to your home. Tennessee and Port Oxford cedar; sohd copper trimmings; latest designs. Write for catalogue. Ones Sun days snd evenings. J. W. HIGGINS Jr. SON. 1912-16-18 E. GLI3AN. TABOR 808 FOR SAlX-nSCELLANEOUS 9QO FOB. BENT Electric vscwuea l ies sera. Ait par day. delivered. Wdrn. 1269. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 LIT iaAN. WOUE A Ctu. GREATEST FIAXTS AND PHONOGRAPH BALE teelades these -new pianos, renewed Tr SWAPS 2S TatADsv 1 stank saddle or .84 cai. rule fee .84 r S2-2 ami Carta revolver, . 9748 4th sva. 8V. B. --.... . - IF yaw. want a weed Doug r real cah bargain in n a aUchtly panoa and phojerartaphs: Beinae srprixht. coud conditio. . New England, upright ....... . Behobert, ksrge, asaaogaay . . . . Kimball, renewed, oak Haines Bros., ijuita new Francis Bacoa. fine aaahoxany . . Monarch, new, oak Raaaell, large walnut ......... Foster sk Co.. food as new sterling, cne tone ...sits ... SI ... 2S ... 8tS ... 495 ... 485 ... 875 ... 285 85 298 Produeta Co., Broedway 8774. 5 ACRES land ko trade for psano. Ford ee. what haws yoat lejva CarroU, 422 Cham ber of C-oaomerre bktg. FOX toaring ear. good eonditioa; trade (or aued team c kwm Ant 24-48- W ANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 Call Main 7004 AND GET TOX VALUE FOR TOUR CAST- fay eaaa. or as little sa 86. IS. 819 or 912 OFF CLOTHING AND SHOES. WILL i ai.i. svrt TtLEau im M i-a-3 r a i n a a r, CUKAKat Or MAIN. looth. UPMAN, WOLFE CO.. Seventh Floor. REDUCED PHONOGRAPHS. Brunswick. No. 7. mahogany. . - fERSONALS ' 07S BatJJiOOM asdataga) eUactng anasLn ayeosl ratev bant res aha. aataalactma and wiag eauacmc t rlin i ) (or kegieaera a ss etaJty. Da yew ewmuse waay. arrsoerut esiwesncr Teat Inrk tket wa. A aeeeaai end e- eracw yon- Maia 24. arerrnee War. 2?L JtAd AND iAJU. Popwiar nrisa smaardiataly. aoed. Boeajrt aa4 tnal fiwa. Fraetsee r i ess tree. Tea years ta ntwa. iaraje nana srwaea. ! ua. at 4th. Mail Hit Vrr-O-NKT eweaia lor awida. bedr raoiaBt neat sad veaet ray as arum. rV sibaa. arm tars, high are. noes circaiaUoa. Mnrgts hsdaV 1579. . . . . . , VLk'i and Mas juaraaieed aeoaoees ia 1 0 Me- (M i MRBFI I AC F.PAIRED THE SURETY SHOP, RECOVERED Susdivara Melody Silvertane, used, mshoginy ..... StrBdivara Harmony Columbia, goidea oak. seed ..... Victrola, XI. mahogany, used ... Vtetrola, XVI. anabogany. new... Paths, mahecanj. used Pay case, or as httle aa 85. month. LIPilAN. WOLFE aV Seventh Floor. Washington and 8 90 00 Ill 23 16.04 123.09 76.00 125.09 215.00 . 90. t 85 and 88 e CO. Fifth Streets WASTED People of Pwrtaaad ta know that nay tha highest cash mra hooaehoid aooda. No arnonnt tew MrgS ag too small, Praeapt attewtiaa. K. M. BEATER Phone East 2208. 149 Rwaeeu at I mwim aw (wjviii sxesei saa vw crwsi pre. tsee sweeaa free; ta Posekmatd It ysm tHrxer raw cc-oorm. eie raiers axag. ataie rates brat 4 lies : 1 wfll teS yew tf yea canwot eara: asethod eetah. Ittl. W ata rasa a nasso ScheoL 514 Columns, bids., ever BivoU theatre. 812.50 TO 825.00 METER. THE TAILOR, pays seers far Sec ond Ha ad suits, shows, ejeereoess. Wo caB day or evening. Marshal 1229. or 251 Madison street, near Third. 860 Alder Bt Electric Fixtures Buy direct from factory show room: finest selection, all styles; save one-third. Come and see samples; you are tinder no oollgstioa to buy. STANLEY LUTZ 207 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HLDO. Third and Stark 8's. Bdwy 425S. REPUBLIC i -TON Ccme and get it for 8350. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691. Evenings, Mar. 183. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 MOTORCYCLES A.ND eARTs. ALL -MS.KE8 EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand ave. 1919 CHEVROLET, good condition 8250 cash or terms; 6 tires. Call between 9 a: m. and 1 p. m. 260 20th N.. Apartment F. HP WE SAVE YOU MONEY House wiring, lighting fix tures, electrical repairing sup plies. Third Street Electric Store, 224 tt Third St. Salmon. Main 5053. CLEARANCE 6ALE FACTORY REBUILT AND USED PIANOS. 8 478 Sterling, mahogany, plain.. 1195 8 900 Steioway at Sons, mahogany 895 8 900 Stager 4k Sons, mission oak...... 495 8 750 Kramch as Bach, golden oak 815 8 675 Schroeder Bros., fumed oak 865 8 575 Huntington, golden oak 235 800 Reed Son. grand In upright. . . . 693 8 530 Kimball, large.-mahogany 293 3 675 Kimball, large, mahogany 845 8 950 Thompson player piano. 495 81300'8teger player piano, mahogany.... 875 81050 Singer placer -piano, oak 696 8 900 Thorn peon player, oak 595 8 1 85 Burdett parlor organ ........... 88 893 Earhoff parlor organ ............. 25 875 Packard parlor organ 18 8165 Kimball. 6-octave organ 4a 8175 Kenwood. 7 1-8 oet,. piano ease.... 65 Term 10 to (25 cash. 83. 88. 313 month. 6CHWAN PIANO CO.. Tenth and Stark. M. R. S EATER Buys the beat as veil as cheaper grade of are. ond band furniture. 286 Grand see, Aat 132-58. IN NEW SERIES GOOD MAXWELjL Now on Dvplay. MAXW ELL-CHA I .M . KS CO, E. Sd and Oregon Ska. MARKET for aMer, maple sad ash stump- age. Address FrecUnd Fern. Co., Portland. Or WANTED Scrap trea by ties. Tabor 7318. 1 t ton as- aim aoaaul- W ANTED njRMTURE 952 SMALL boy's bicycle in good condition, Wdln. 44. 812. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 FORD OWNERS UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. East Yamhill. Grand ave. East 471. East 1397. Ford overhauled 820.00 Rear axle overhauled 6.00 Valves ground, carbon removed 3.00 Transmission relined (Scandinavian)... 4 75 Magneto recharged 6.00 We hand-lao pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which insures a perfect running motor. Genu ine ford Darts omy ustd. GUARANTEED AUTO REPAIR CO. 280 Front St.. Cor. Jeff-rson. Thanksgiving Poultry DIRECT FROM THE FARM. PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH US FOR TURKEYS, CAPONS. DUCKS. GEESE, CHICKENS. 600 K. DAVIS. Sewing Machines We have tba largest stock of used Sewing Machines in the city. Com pare prices. We rent and repair. 172 3d. near Ysmuill. ".-.. i c.a.M:-..M. r. near swi ruiuikuie vui mokbison We want your need fomitrtre, ateisa. carpets and pianos ; we pay the nigneat eaaa prvsea, 166 and 168 FIRST ST. Can Main 462T. UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALKTNQ MACHINES WITH RECORDS Victor, small, with 5 used records 8 20 Columbia, small, with 5 used records..... 80 Victor, with 10 used records. 40 Victor, with 10 used records 65 victor, cabinet, vita IB vm recoras..... ii Pathe. cabinet, with 10 used records 90 Brunswick, cabinet, 10 used records 75 Sonora. caoinet. with 1 3 nsed records ..... 150' Sonora grand, with 25 used recoras 290 Sonora. portable used records 40 95 up, cash, 83 and up monthly. 8CHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 10th St. Cor. Btark. rhone Bdwy. 1678. M.R. SEATER Buys the best aa well aa cheaper grade or second hnd nimrta?v. 26 Orand ave. An to, yi2-ts WE NEED furniture, ruga, carpets, gas kitchen queens and other furnwSrnas up s rooming house. Phone East 4727. tin PERSONALS 075 ALCAZAR combination wood or coal and gas range; has gas toaster, kindler; oven heat ed with gas or wood: in good condition; 1 brass bed, springs and mattress, good sa new; 1 tent 14x16, heavy canvas; 1 wood heater. Call at 230 E. 35th st . WHY A SUBSTITUTE ROOFER f Whv not a eenulne snd permanent roofer T We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all nS.nP?. 1 deteriorated and disintegrated old. leaky roofs. Phone Broadway 79. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT 3475 Emerson upright, cash 6183 8550 Kimball, mahogany, cash 295 8275 Bord A Co., small upright, cash.... 75 8250 Collard A Col lard, unrieht. cash 65 8250 Pianola player, walnut, cash 35 8750 Pianlta player piano, cash 295 81800 Orcbestrell. Urge, man., cash 866 81750 Berry Wood orchestrion, cash 465 101 Tenth SI. at 8tark St. WE HAVE a fine selection c piionottrauUs. A Columbia cabinet at 875. a Brun-wick at ft90. 2 Victor small table machines 855 and (60. 1 Pathe cabinet 893. t'ommma laoie machines at 835, 139 50 and t.45. Terma G. V JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th st - GRADUATE chiropodist; message under meuiral aunerrision; eiwn eventnes and Bundaya. S16 Alisky bide.. 8rd and Mormon. EXPERT manicuring, face and scarp treatments by Pauline Cae; chiropody by Dr. Sacry. 601 Ral-igb b'.dg. Mar. 1176. MECHANIC wants to auto: ran pay own car. U-76. Journal. go to Lee Aneeiea by expense and drive any 1 M M Consultation free. T3-7 UW?H 404 S-eunt blig . nt 6th at 4993 C. Q. 530 ALDER ST. Broadway 1852. TETHKNA AND OAKLAND AGENCY Oakland. 3 pasa.. rebuilt, 3 tires 3 40 nerirnw rosM.ter, painted a:.i rebuilt 00 CHevmlet 4l. W p-.-. e -Uape . . . . 675 Overland, H pass , gnnd as -w 400 Psrksrd, emsll 4-el., 3 pa. 200 OM 6. S paas., reiwJntrrl., like new 650 Butrk. t-paaa. 4 cyl., rebuilt. 400 ( handler, 1920. 7 nee, rebuilt 1000 Oakland reeVtr, rebuilt and repainted. . 700 taiitti 6 J run. 8 cord tires 150 t tverlaed. roadster. 1921, new 675 Easy Terms. AUTOMOTIVE HALES CO., 473 Morrison st 14th. Broadway 8606. Fords Fords ItlT fitraa 8200 1910 ruree 826 1920 Ultras 840 1920- Ettraa 830 1910 -Ki'ras 573 1921 Medea I.Iks aew. U DOWN. BAIJINCE 12 MONTHS. Used Ford Sales Co. EIGHTH AND DAVIS BDWY. 8809. RKAL BARGAINS 118 Chevrolet Touring 3243 1018 Chevrolet Touring 295 1918 Chevrolet Touring 825 1017 Chevrolet Delivery 175 1020 Chevrolet Touring , 375 1918 Maxwell Touring 825 lfll Maxwell Touring 225 1017 Maxwell Touring 15 1I IHxtge Roadster, like new. 450 1916 Iodge Touring 350 1915 Htudebaker Six Touring 150 1916 Overland Touring 275 1917 Chalmers Roadster, on of the most beautiful roadsters in town 485 1019 Oldtmobile Six Roadster '. 485 D43 Light Buick Six Touring, private use. elegant condition 475 Oldsmobil Eight. 7-psss.. in elegant con dition : 950 Terms if desired. Open every evening until 8 o'clock. All day Sunday. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Kast 8770. Grand and Hswthome ave. PORTABLE GARAGKS finest quality. 10 X 16. 846. 'actory. Ask i b o u t our nouses, 8130 md up llll.UMADE CONST. CO., Wdln. 24 IS. FORDS I FORDS!! 1617 Ford Delivery 1917 Ford Touring 1917 Ford Touring 1917 Ford Touring 1917 Ford Roadster 19 IS Ford Delivery 1018 Ford Touring 1018 Ford Touring 1919 Ford Roadster, starter Hil 9 Ford F.irreas a 1919 Ford Touring 1919 Ford Touring, starter 1920 Ford Touring, starter 1P19 Ford Roadster 1810 Ford Truck, equipped new express body . . 1920 Ford Touring, starter, 1920 rord Touring, starter 1920 Ford Sedan, run only SOOO miles. like new 1920 Ford Sedan, finest condition 1U21 Ford Touring, practically new.... Terms if dfsrred. Open every evening untn s o clock. All day Hundav. FRANC18 MOTOR CAR COMPANY, East 3770. (.rand and Hawthorne aves. FORDS!!! 8125 , 175 , 150 173 185 225 225 225 323 895 275 885 375 275 with brand 475 like new. . . 385 375 595 575 485 LNDEIt NEW MANAGEMENT FORD OWNERS Ford overhauled 815.00 Rear sjEle overhauled 6.00 Valves ground, carbon removed 3.00 Magneto Recharged. We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures s perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work cuaranteed. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. . 210 Jefferson St. LEARN ture. GOOD TRADE evenings; beauty cui- Msdame Curtis. Marshall 1702 LADIES, let the Vogue sell your mUfit or slightly Used gaomenu; have a dandy line of dresses, MiiLs. coats and other wearing apparel for chil dren; aho alterations, dressmaking. 4fh floor, 4 03 Alisky bldg., 3d, near Morrison. Main 3132. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 418 Bum- std-. corner loth. Broadway f.74. Auto & Truck Repairing garage by done it your own or my mechanic Marshall 7-r5. expert NEW SERIES GOOD MAXWELL. Now on Display. MAXAVELL-CHAIJuERS CO. E. 3d and Oreson Sts. AUTO repairing at half price; 832 E. 14th Ft. N. work guaranteed. AUTO repairing at your garage, my private shop. Work guaranteed. Tabor 1146 or E20-12. 1920 FORD TIM' IHNGS FROM 1978 rp I.IBkSAL TERMS TALIIOT CAXKT. INC. "The Authorised Ford Corner" Ka.t Ankeny and Grand Ave. 1920 FtiRD COI PB in perfect condition. Ma bel like new. tiead Urea. Shock ebeorb eve, Iome light Btmmberg carburetor. inmawr awisea. Foil set of toots snd rhalna. rvtee enly 3430. Easy terms. 841 AMer 6t. Cor 17th. Bdwy. 1723 BUICKS Do you want to buy a good Buick st rock bottom price t Bee vs. Ws have the ear you want or will get it for you. Do yon wast to sail your BnlekT W will find vnu a buyer. PORTLAND AUTO SALES CO., 850 W. Hnrnde, near City Park. , Open Evenings and Sunday. Phone 8646. i 1917 Maxwell touring, good shape.. 8 165 1917 Ford touring, extras 165 1915 Velie touring, starter 175 1913 Packard 30. good shape 200 1917 King 8 touring, new tires. . . . 250 1917 Oakland 6 touring, overhauled 285 1919 Ford touring, repainted.... 265 1918 Maxwell touring, repainted .. . 300 1917 Grant 6 touring, A-l shape.. 300 1917 Buirk 4 touring, new top. . . 375 1917 Buick 6 touring, snsp 425 1913 Fist bug, Bosch mag 145 1919 Oakland 6, coupe 650 1920 Ford conpe. like new 525 1920 Ford aedan. starter 575 1920 Chev. touring, like new 450 1921 Ford- touring, extras 400 1917 Buick 6. roadster 500 1919 Hudson fnper 6, repainted... 1250 V RAN SON'S USED CAR EXC. Union ave and Belmont at.. Upstairs. 15 YEARS in repair game, pienty tools; win wr.rk in your csrnge chesp Bdwy. 1736. Independent Printers Best work, prompt deliveries st less cost. Let us estimate your next job. Smith Printers, 11 N. 6th rt. " COHN tenor saxophone, silver, gold bell, like new, 8160; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth St. 3150 NEW phonographs, mahogany, at 867.50 each; only 3 left: closinf out the line; play all makes records: better get one of these. The Oregon News Co.. 440 Glisan. WANTED 2 small children, 2 to 8; referr-neea. Automatic 614-92. good ikime roRSCT SHOP Home for rick seta; cleaning, fitting, repairing. Wdln. SI 04. RAGTIME and )axs piaao pleyueg. 12 aveaons MI.4S HELEN K. JONES, forwserty of the Portia ed Hotel Halidreesiaa; Parkas. ew lark an ana e with the Bonney Dee Bee sty Ebon, Iuce ' block, mrm 2t'5. - ITCHINQ scalp relieved, hair etiaua tailias; fwuaa. trader faces eared. Beasdewtail VM, aaaaa- peoiag. hair dining. Open swaniteTS Betty Jaws Ones fort Shop, 202 Park St.. Apt. t. aLara S9S7. LXATUERUTE to leather at the aaaaa as eeo4 food to a hansrr neraoa: mueissaw sua aa aatatfiaa. kiswlia st s waterrwwof. Aak the saaa at 814 Oak. BroaJway 446. That a leiheTi;!e, , KXW SERIES GOOD MAXWEUe r- Now oa Display. saXWEXX-CHALMc.RS CO. . E Sd snd Orecoa Sta. 1 GETS both fee hxr. P st Dr. fcatoa. tha CHIROPODIST aad ARCH 8PECIALUT srawr aeeaa't hart yeas. 4 rxa here. Esaxa. trea, Cknho Theatre bids.. 11th at Waahiactoa. B wey 9834. EXPERT chaaHeur mecaenie with wife, erul drive party with ear to Uaa:ial Caltlornia lee ride: pay set .Tie nasi rVos 48. Wash. DR MARIE FUNN, 364 First St.. divgnies,. rmyesnaa : eaertrlc trv etas ret tar Be rheeaaatxasa. snaiksa, aB erbea and palna. CUARACTKR READINGS BY APPOINTMENT . EAST 409 - WANTED To ktaow the whereabeuu of E. F. ' Praetoa. R E Preatoa and Caarne Fraetem. tt reward. William treason, 41T Kearaey eC - WANTED Every dancer In the city te eur3 - the big tmbday daarea ataBraadwmy haB Wua week; Tborsnay aitiwi,tir aaajqeersde at nagtit. - FOR rbeunvauaaa. pais ka toe aaoe. was C3 ' Scotch hnimeat, For sale by lustthl Drag Co. Call for free aaaapea. worth lie. aLI-atHn-Uorkt BAlh. aaweaa. wartaT by 19 atetbed. Trial free Joels rtaety, , 614 Bash A Lane badg. Mara 4346. Dcs1llrgk Tour eht by 4 ears aad KeUUCe beattbful asethod. Matt 1894. MASSAGE, betas, kidneys, sexes Pr Elne sy,remeii. 606 kk Pane was r-ld. i i j i t j i v iii r i Livii . c i ROSE V1ANT wnte to Andrew Oases Or WANTED te adopt boy or girl. 2 te 9 year-wiJJ kind eara. 1114. Journal. g eW a cat ACCOUNTINa WEBER piano, mahogany case, all remodeled, fine condition. 1213; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth St. Saxophones Z2r SHAW'S SAX. WHIP. 129 10th St. APPLES FANCY RED VANDERPOOL APPLES BY THE BOX 600 E. DAVIS. Sunset Wood Co. Wood and coal delivered any part of tha city, reasonable prieea. Orders given prompt atten tion. Phone Wdln. 4316. 869 Union ave. N. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS. Latest model 3 and 7 passenger cars. Buicks. West cots, Crow Elk harts; reasonable rates, days, nights, weekly. CITY GARAGE 132 12th sU. between Washington and Alder. Bdwy 840. DOORS, windows, lumber, moldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See oar odd stock of sach and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co.. downtown lumper store, 171 FRONT ST.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213. SHONINGER piaco, walnut case; a good piano, beautiful tone. $285: terms. G. F. JOHNSON TIANO CO., 149 Sixth SL BUTTERFIELJt. asditor snd nteoaae tax a lyt 306 Artisan. Hdc. TVIwv. 6094. ALT8WATKI8 TAILORIWQ Regal Cleaners TTiJHVEtt Soldiers' overcoats dyed blue or black new but tons. 86 50 Msil orders snlicitort 127 N. 6tn. STTOWf4KT4 K. W. EASTMAN, lawyer end aotary He. 52 8 Chamber ef Commerce bldg. pub- SLANK BOOK W4K8B9 I'HONO;RAPI1 OR RECORDS WANTED Main 4995. Auto. 627-46. Auto. 625-82.' melody saxophone, silver, st DAVIS HOLA4A.N. ISC. Itj8 ;.," book sosnu'scrarrra. A-3168 Msra 18. ONE Vega "C" 8120. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth St. PHONOGRAPH repenting, springs 2wc op; parta wholesale and retaL 649 Waeh. Bdwy 8Q44. ONE Buescher "C" melody saxophone, silver, at 8125; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 8ixth St. Larry Funrnan Cars Without Drivers 86 Tenth st Bdwy. 1424. Hudson phaeton, speedsters and Essex Atta boy. Bdwy. 1424. OREGON USED CAR EXCHANGE New cars for rent without drivers; road sters, coupes and bmring cars. Reasonable rates. Open day and night. 325 Ulu-sn at. bet. Brotidway and 6th st. Bdwy. 5593. all FORD 8150 1918 TT RUNS 4 GOOD TIRES CALL. WOODLAWN 3950 1920 NASH SEDAN, fa like new. Most be said st once, so den t overlook It. for the arias la sway dowa. Will scorpt smaller car. pnaw as swar devn. Will arn-pt raaaller car sa pet parwienL Mr frnpt, fvtwy. 4676. t"HBAP' FOR CASH 'It Dodge touring, good rn. new top and battery ta good merhaxr rondttspa: mut tea 837 Stafford at., half block eff T'nton. 192 M-OKT MODEI. LIBERTY SIX A real alaaay IttUe ear. Yoa ran hardly tell It rrcva a new oa. The price it right, so call W r TTe-4 at Bdwy. 4678 BJIAPPT C0LR AERO 6 sportster. '20 model, lust overhauled; will take Font aa first pay- "" . 'If1" ' irlo f- A. Clenaghsn. Aet. Ill 47. PTERCE-ARROW COUPE Closed body. 2 passenger ear, ia perfect con dition; self starter, demountable rims, a rear platform for trunks or baggage. A fine car for touring or suburban use. Will be told tt a great sacrifice. Will pay to tavestigxte. BROADWAY GARAGE East 24th St, end Broadway. -BTjn.T TO EN DUB B" Portable and Permanent 845 to 8800 Best Sectional Gtrsgt Both on Pacific Coast BEDIM A Dh BLDO. CO.. PORTLAND, OR . 11th and Market. Phone East 5114. Downtown sales office Commonwealth bldg. 4th snd Ankeny. Phone Broadway 4 383. FORD BARGAINS 1920 Ford sedan, wire wheels.... 3525 1930 Ford touring , 850 1917 Ford roadster 175 1918 Ford touring 175 1915 Ford psnd delivery ..... 150 Small payment down, balance monthly. ARMENTROUT-WICKE MOTOR CO.. 82d and Foster road. Automatic 638-46. HUPMOBILES. like nee, 81.25 per hour. The Auction House, Cor. 6th and Everett, Broad way 2329. SAFES Fire and burglar proof sales, new and second hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Eay terms if desired. NORR13 SAFE A, LOCK CO. 105 Second St Msin 2048. GEE&E. ducks, chickens and rabbits, alive or dresied for Thanksgiving; also nice apples and pears, at Lina Vista, 1 mile east of Mon taviLLa on Base Line road or phone your order. Tabor 2087. NEW SERIES GOOD MAXWELii Now m Display. MAXWELL-CHALMERS CO. E. 3d and Oregon Sta. ELECTRIC FIXTL'KEt wnoiesaiei 1 -light chain. 90c; 3-light fixtures, 83.75; electric heaters, $9.50. We do electric wiring. Reliable Electric, Union at RuaseU. E. 3686. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 HOW'S THIS. I will take your used cr in and deliver you t new one im the spring or later. Call Wdln. 2461 for psniculars. I WILL consider late model car as first-pay ment on (V room modern house. Tabor 4372. Call evenings. CARS wanted to wrecx; pans tor all cars tot less. 8. & S. Auto Wrecking Co.. Kith snd Alder. Broadway 636. 5175 CASH to invest in Ford car; must be in good condition. Mr. Price, East 2472. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 HOT WATER TANKS 5 gaL 7. 40-gaL $9, testfd and guaranteed; stove and furnace coil.; gas heaters installed: expert plumbing repairing. Ka.t Side Wrlding Shop, 203 Adams st E. 861o. 8150 NEW phonographs, mahogany, st 367.50 each; only 3 left; closing out the line; play all makes records; better get one of these. The Oregon News Co., 440 Glisan. I AM wrecking 3 DUiloings on 14 th and Main and have all kinds of building material for sale; brick, plumbing and fire escapes. It. H. Latham, Tabor 3017. HOl.TON trombone, niter. grid bell, in ease. $60. G. F. Johnson Piano Co , 149 6th CAT aWO POO HQ6tIT4t, X.08K CITY VETERINARY "iTI, -K Tib snd Grant, Both phooaa, May earn Bight eervtee. Three veterinarians. CHIWO.nCTOfT6 .... . . . 1 . 11. .L hi. svtess takinr adjntroev-j while emilmg: l-'Q yr; DfWTtrrs DR. B. E. WRIGHT - Sd Door. Rtlsitb bkte.. awr, 4th . . sad Wsabangtsa ata Mam 2119 A 1116 A Da. A. W 181 Wasbrasrtasi 4 Withowt Fain. Leteet . Nerve-ttkovbsaa M'tbod. Dentistry KUC4TrtgL DAMCika Miss iEti-avTi THE DANCE STUDIO 609 tVkwm bkU-. Wash, at 8 4. I day and Tberaday eve Childrea et 14 84 a. WW6IO 4CHCXH.4 Wt TV tCWtWg PIANO teacher, puuil of Oisa Stash: avjeel rates to thoae rfwnmeoriiig this taoadh: ha wioey free East 8208. ' T. E. LAWSON. 20 peaga- aapinsasw. saeass see. ' 61. tatav 448-18. COHN comet, silver, with geld bed, in eae. j PL NO WANTED BY private party. Pay eaJtT MarshaH 1532. TRADE 8250 VK TR0I1A ouliit, new, used piano. Main 8586. for goul HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 Lmmber Let us figure with you on your reqrdrements, Broadway 1871. DON'T READ THIS! 8283 FORD TRUCK, 1919 SHE GOES CALX. WOODLAWN 3950 1921 HIG SIX 8TUDEBAKER. ThU car has been used as a demonstrator and fa in perfect condition throughout. New cord tires. Extras. Run 4000 miles. Call tta for a demonatratirn. C BANNING 4k TREECB, 342 AMer Street Bdwy 1723 Radiator SE!Sm "Tea, Indeed' we can repair that leaky or (fet mixed radiator, fender OLDMMOBLLK for sale at a pnre that will aatoauad yoa: am leartas; Hty; rash or terms at nspoauihie party. Call East 6819 after 6 9 KICK 1920. 5 i, new UllUnl battery' as) Ursa, 8UO6; will lake Ford sedan sa first pay meet. Tabor 8418. CASH said for sid eaaa, eonaition as ob)ert; parts for tO mskas ef cars. Tbompaoa fairy. 44 Flaoden. Seer llttt. Bdwy. 6508. WilJL aaenfiee 1919 Overland 90 at 8200 cash; tend brass food coadltioa. Fboas Automatic 448 17 CASH pard for saaa. parts lor ears aad tracks st kail pries, Ants Wrecking Co.. 62S A er st 16.0 CHANl'LKR, has a aew ear; willing to sacrlfiee st 3973; you'll hare to harry. Mood lawn 3461. l2l (lev War.. tea It SIS S. phesve VI 454. brand new. liberal diaronst Jerwy street, Bt Johna sr CHCVHOLKT. run osly 4000 anUes. ever- mrea urea, eacuum gas fseu, spstlight, eta. 1 'wn.r. i.iwv kij. Afltfi Tnq KeeMvnof snd repsiri4 aULU IOp3 reaabaeble prieea, S3S fss" t, Setweea am and Bmadwsy. WB TEAR ma) and tell las pseeea, Ants Wreektng Co.. 681 Alder. rreetway 6234 Mt( erdert filled Port la ad 17th; C A RS WANTED gjia and Everett THUF-KTOrWi J Lis Wdite truck to trade is btce or Bt ear. Main 5414. KM wTNTfti Sixth aad1 IS.-ti- lliro PIHVB(t)LT.T" Sedan, eer.ain Tar remlty set el my. Tel. Mam 887. ITO-OalD BtriAN.-A-i ahape; seed pnv.teiy. eaie. 1 no i. nwm ave., wpsiairs. FOR KALE lAdy'a bsryele. nearly sew, lor ,IT Ca8 st 6349 46th it t I BLt BODY with top. wiadebiekt and hood; will w. wwia iwv i.rarwi sve. CAES WANTED B. 3329. m BRING YOUR WDTE AUTOMOBILES AT. AUCTION Very large consignment, sailing every Thurs day evening at 7:80 o'clock and every Saturday at 7:30 p. m. Terms. Demonstration before sale. Broadway 2329. Jakes Auto Clearing House, corner 6th and Everett 2 Vk -TON nearly new refrigerating plant with 800-lb. ice tank; installed and guaranteed. Theo. M Harriman, 73 W. Emerson st Phone Woodlawn 4638. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD1 Light wood and heavy block wood. Very reasonably priced. Bdwy. 1846. O. K. and Rose City Wrecking Co. You Can Do Better at Mish Furniture Co. If you love beautiful floor cover ing, our display of Royal Turkish vugs will interest you. We have these wonderful rugs in the most charming patterns and laminating colors that anyone could wish for tod they are down to pre-war prices. Jut imagine, we can now offer you a 9x12 Royal Turkish rug for only $150. Other ' sizes sccordincly. Mish Furniture Co. 188-190 First St. maa awe isfOOD 34.00 Per Load $3700 At mat we are apis to sell you wiod at YOUR OWN PRICE This nice grade of block and alab J"Jl the thing tor your fnrnaee or heater, i. nailing now for 34 per load la 2-sosd sots, or $8For 2 Loads 5S Our trucks are equipped to doi load lots, therefore ws .JV MONEY. Guarantee one snd one hall nJ cords to double load. Ta it Cant go wrong. THIS WOOD HASMJaBT LISTEN 1 HIGH GRADE COAL ONLY 311 30 PF.R TON HIGH IN HEAT. LOW IN A8HES We give full measure, quality and service. If you try it you will alwsyt buy it Satisfaction Assured Get ready for that cold spell. If you order now you benefit by our low pnos. BEST FUEL CO., Phone Esrt 421 -v. violin, ail string itaraaaewts. E el. Kenberk. 409 YamhCL T.bee sasa vOICE culture 202 Til ford bldg. TOlf" produTuoa. Eumpeea ted stndy. H Bourne. Marehaul 9543. U CARROLL DAY. 50a.- 148 Hth at aujwswwsy 9644 KLSOTRICAL WORK Motors Rewound,. AND REPAIRED. rVmeit awd awr NICHOLB EIJXTRIO WORKS Phone 627-t7. 124 Maia St , OPTtatrTlgT4 OUT of the high-rant district Save money on year gksaeesf ; 25 years' aiperieace; snoders qnipcoent st roar aetwiea. Phone Maia 2124. Tsoneaads--of satisfied netmeia ('...1, - OS free. fr. Samuel Goedmaa. Aeseciata Otte PAT MOKE! gold ruled tnm eyes, 82.50; AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A large listing will be found under these different classifications. SELL. RENT OR TRADE WE BUY. SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES NEWMAN S, 128 FUtST. NEAR ALDER. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton Beach electric earpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. FOR SALS! 1416 tent with sides, good floor. walled up 4 ft, built-in , furniture, electric lights. Col. 380. HEATERS, gas and- wood ranges for less; ex pert repairing. 558 Powell st Sell. 3051. Open evening. STANLEY STEAMER New boiler and burner, oversiaed, 1914 chas sis, good mechanical condition, very high powered, oould be rebuilt into nifty sport car. classy bug. fast truck, towing or service car: kerosene fuel; bailer and burner atone oost 8600. Make me an offer. Woodlawn 6028. FOR SALE WOODSAW Xf minTAiH riTt an ft tt .mihi i ! Call 441 Hswthome ave. E. 6810. APPER80N ANNIVERSARY MODEL Eight cylinder 7 passenger car, in perfect con- .liMM. . K MU m K.lf if. nln. A m.1 ".v-V-rx,' bargain for wmeon. that wants a perfect car. UNION AND e EAST YtTsf selI HAWTHORNS 8498 Tma iL'trt-i.- 1 must tell my 1921 Cadi 11 a roadster. tn 09, la finest condition; can't be told from new; has 4 new cord tires, extra tire, other extra equipment. Sacrifice. No daalera. Phone Broadway 4077. 919 BUICK SIX. new paint, real eord tires. This car t rurht In evrrv war. Will secri. fioe for quick sale aad give terms. Call Mr. Propst. Bdwy. 4675. CADILLACS and Whites, good condition, 12 ana ls-psssenur Busses at tug sacrifice, ac :ount gettine new T-passencer eauioment Ti. rell Tript Co., 125 6th st, Portland. 920 NASH 6 sport model green, white wire wheels; wiU consider small ear as nart dsv- ment: same tenas. Phone Main 8712. FOR SALE Rhode Island Red cockerels, beaa- nea, i.viiu sacs; mail orders delivered, sin. rvruey, i itc tarns, or., rune Range. BROADWAY GARAGE East 24th st and Broadway. CARS WANTED B. 2329. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 1 CONVERTIBLE ail weatner top for Dodge ear, almost new. Make your Dodge a aedan. Cash or terms. 1435 E. Coach at N., evenings. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 BY growers, potatoes, 100 pounds, 32. Cabbage 81.20 per sstfk. CarroU, parsnips. Tabor 8913, before noon. SELECT green slas, plenty ot inside wood. 85.75 per cord. Specisl prices on . carload. Fine block wood, 87.25 per load. Apartment btttso trade solicited. Cell East 7020. 10 DROPHEAD sewing machines witn attach ments. 320 each: portable electric machine for rent; sewing machines cleaned and repaired. E R. 8 teen. 152 Grand ave. East 2359. Dentistry DR. A. W. KEENE 351 Vi Washington St Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. P TJS can be permanently curerj without IT fl-,lC3 operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Second and Morri.on Fts. Elt'ENSED independeni electrician wires 3 rooms for 312, 5 room 520, and guaranteed to paw inspection. Woodlawn 8791 WOOD cut from 10x10. 12x12 t.mbem, and plank wood cut from 3x12. .4x12 plank. sound and dry. Main 750. OREGON Champion goose perries, yield 5 tons per acre; fine plants for sale at 340 per 1000, delivered. F. S. Starbard, R 1.. Portland. DAVENPORTS MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLES We are manufacturers of overstuffed daven ports and chairs; we have t few samples which we will sell direct to the trade a4 greatly re duced prices; some terms to responsible perries on these closeouta; many styles and assortment of coverings in denim, merona, velour, tapestry and mohair. Phone 685-27. Evenings and Sundays, Tabor 5797 or 635-27. MICHAELSON-MAYSON, INC., 5433 Fot-ter road. SAVE MONEY Try our sales dept if you want to buy or sell bousebnld goods; reduced freight rates to most sll points in our through pool ears. Expert parking, repairing and refiniahing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof a longs, low inmranee rates. SECURITY 8TORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 63 Fourth st, opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broad wn, S715. Dry and Green Slabwood Furnace or Heater Lengtns. DRY BOX WOOD HEAVY COUNTRY SLAB DRY AND GREEN BLOCK WOO" Multnomah Fuel Co. Main 5540. Main 8119. io-IN. OR 16-LN. WOOD LOAD LOTS Heavy dry blocks Country slabs Dt7 curd wood . -Rock 8nrixua-Utah or Monarch Phone East 2S15. Standard Wood Co. 86.50 5.0H) 7.00 Coal Prompt WHY Glasses is td to your Wwa glasses at criaranteed. Dv. A r toeoetrwt. t?5 lt rt Msin 461 THERE are no better syrgai Hurwiu, aw. eltred be ket..r k. - el.m - ee i a . . . . . e esne . . . w w vv-vv. soieeo. zzi J" K i.L .- Pepertrvg. butim. Ml - 1Tt B"day 4414. yVoodUwalYal vSTSa.T UTTBlWTrva U. 8 GOLi-BERG APPI.E3 HOOD RIVER AI'PLES Good eating and cooking. 31.00; bring boxes. 51 E. 13th st N. E. 6775. NO. 1 POTATOES in 5-sack lots, 81.75 a sack; DIEBOLD sales; new and second hand; special uregon onions, eo.iiu a sacs, aeiiverea. auio. 625-49. prices. Pacific Scale ft Supply Co., 48 rroni rt. Brosdwsy 1966. MASTER OIL BURNER Heats oven perfectly, any stove. No carbon, no soot, alvays clenn At 113 Grand ave. FURNISHINGS OF IRVINGTON HOME AT BARGAIN Including Ens be grand piano and WhitaH Wilton rugs; sectional bookcases; new seta of Book of Knowledge. American history, eus. : fine, writing desk, tapestry chain, ivory bedroom suite, large birdeye maple dresser, beds, feather bed snd pillows. Phons East 7513. 698 Weidler rt. BOXWOOD DeHvered kmraediately by .Fultfij Wood 1261 atacadam. Phone Main 4173. DRY. SEASON" ED. ROUNI VT0OD - Stove Length, Dehrared. 88 Par Cord. Lsnre orders for leas. E 8- KLINE FURNITURE CO. QUITS BUSLNESS THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR ST. TRUNKS I have a few new factory made trunks, also a few used ones at low prices. 153 Front ft at foot of Morrison st bridge. ATTENTION Fur skins-, and hides bought or tanned. West Coast Tanning Co.. 892 Te nino sve. Sell wood 2398. SPITZENBERG and Newtown apples, 75c per box; sweet cider, 80e per gaL Bring your containers. 9424 67th ave. 8. E. Aut. 640-29. STOCKYARD MANURE. 54 A LTYERED- WDLN. 2263. TON. DE- DODGE LATE 1920 TOURING Perfect share, oversiaed cord Ursa. Barwain. Phone Cd. 456, - CARS bought for wrecking, part sold tor sU earn. Oreaoa Aato Wrecking, Co., Belmont Bear 4th. East 4369. ' ; ' . SAVE MONEY. Vrtt prices at Northwest Wald wig 4x Supply Co., so your piston aad cylinder work. 88 Firxt st PACKARD 3V-TON. 8500 . Do yoa need a truck? Here is your chance; mechanically right and has fine tires. Phone Jetran. Bdwy. 691. Evenings, Mar. 18S. 1920 FORD 1-ton truck with good body eornt pLete. Spare cord tire, tube sad rim. Truck ia good condition. TALBOT CASET, INC. "The Portland Authorised Ford Corner." K. Ankeny and Grand ave. REPUBLIC 8 H -TON 1920 xaodeL Will take Ford ta trade. Terms to suit you. Phone Bdwy. 691. Evenings, Mar. 18S. OV ICR LAND 60 Country dub. bargain. 'SSL 8071. CHEVROLET tearing, late 1920. tioa. Very cheap. fro oealers. Fine eendi Tab. 8632. 1920 FORD, starter, speedometer, exceptional buy. For particulars phone Tabor 6935. CARS WANTED B. 2329. 1921 .FORD demonstrator. 2300 miles; iast like new. 31160; this ts a snap. Call Wdln. 3441. CABS WANTED 8ixth amd Everett. " OVERLAND delivery Can Auto. 43T-S5. ear for tale or . trade. - - NEED THE MONEY Most sell trucks for best offer snd terms. If you want a true, any make, tt the right price. thit ia your opaortonity. 430 Belmont. 1920 1 tt-TON 'TRUCK AQ aew tins and overhauled. Terms to suit yon. No brokerage charges. Phone Jenat Bdwy. 691. Evenings. Mar. 18S. FORD roadster. 3150. Phons Wdln. 1878. CARS WANTED B. 2329. 1921 REO SPEED WAGON Win accept aay reasonable offer or trade. 630 ALDER. BROADWAY 1852. ' . " DEN BY 1-TOS Jsat about aew. Cheap prise win torrriag yon. rnone Jesnea. Bdwy, 691. Eeenrncs, star. 1S3. FOR SALE Ford '19 too-track; worm drive. 004 at tiler. S-TON TRUCK. 1919 model, almost new tireat Mast Tscrtfice. 8759 takes rt Phoae Jeoeen, S.W.. Erenings. Max. 183. - ' LADIES' USED Al'fAREt. secured from well gowned women: attractive prieea. Tabor 2825. OVERSTUFFED bed oavenport. the best madeT at Weber a, 379 E. Morrison, cor. Union tve. GET your furnace property cieantda and over hanled ; don't wait Call Leonard. Ant 326-51. EXPERT atove repairing. Phone Eat 5042. 676 Lnioa are. N. SAWED cedar poau and tlungies for tale. Broad way 1371. 9x12 AXMINSTER rug. good as new. Will sell reasonable. Reason, too Urge for room. Ta bor 8527. FOR SALE Stock in King's dehydrating punt, $750 worth, with accrued interest, for 700. Phone Sen. 2679. I FOR SALE Peninsular coel and wood rire". Acorn gas range, quartered oak buffet, 42 inch oak dining table, small library table, all in good condition. 1100 E 25th st N. WANT cah register, floor case, cigsr esse snd scales. Main 4495. Automatic 625-82. Automatic 627-48. 128 First near AMer. . APPLES for sale 31 a box. best quality, but small sized; winesapa. G. W. Long, SS7 2d st . FULFF RUGS AND RAG KUGS WOVEN OREGON FLUFF RUG CO. TABOR 7314. Wt OD One week oeuy. medium ary je.incn block and slab mixed. 36 load, er doable toed 811: dry wood. 37 load, or double kosd SIS. Phone Marshall 2855. Tixmnii BRICK A TILE CO. First growth fir: Rock Springe. Royal. Owl Creek coal. 8S 6th st. bet. Stark sad Oak. Brosdwsy IB. i rr i IN wood, first growth. 35 per ourd. Delivered on SchoU't read. Intersection of route 8. Beaverton. W. B. Wridgs. Aloha, Or. NORTH BANK FUEL Wood and coal; orders solicited. Pbooe A at 326-54. Fmhur Bt 33.75: beet rights. 14 Chamber wf CXsmssrree sjg. rMH BtPaUmai, PIPES Ftps aVasp, 7 Wean. FHV6ICUW6 ufl- k a. HilLUfS." QrtVw Prsctiee ewer. KU""9 " tTXAl rrr-rvw. 4VAI BMUm Co tnntnki... awaawasssa a. furar. oa yowr biAl SIT tian. ... M THE M L. Kl INb l. S4-44-47 H? FWIHTIHa. lWS4Waia. a,,n, 439 KLINE FURNITURE CO. QUITS BUSINESS THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR ST. FOR SALE Heater or wood or coal. While enameled kitchen cabinet, dining art glass dome. Ptione 329-41. or oaH st 554 E. 88th N. PLOWING AND EXCAVATING Phone Aut 626-83 evenings. FIRST-CLASS potatoes, direct from lana. per 100, delivered. Tabor 2940. S2 CLOTHES Wringer and a high tank toilet, eoca plete. East 8604. MHjCH cow 6191. for chickens or lumber. . Msin COLONIAL ban chairs, very old designs; solid mahogany. 188 Maaiaon at stain oooz. NAVY blue chiffon taffeta dress, 40, latest style. $20. 8eU wood, 3792'. OFFICE safe, first reasonanss offer accepted. H- 645, JournaL Bdwy. l FIVE-TON trailer, good tires snd banks com- A MISSES' suit, auto 36 or 88; red velvet fast,! pletaw Call Wdln. 1945. both new, cheap. Wdln. 6462. SHINGLES, . all vertical gram, at hnlmals STYLISH nsed ladies dotnes cheap. 244 East prieea. Phone Tabor 7705. Broadway, near bridge. East 1826. HOLLIES, 4 to 5 feet 32; fruit trees. 25 DIAMOND dinner ring. 15 diamonds set ia cents; shrubs and berry bushes, delivered. platinum. Boom 208, Washington bldg. Ttber 4213. rtirsj. of your combings. S. F. Pierce, KADvANT firs heater for sale. 155 Alberta. UUll 24 Killrngsworth. Woodlawn 4880. 1 .W-453" n FINE VULCAN gaa range with bood.- Teat and Al OREGON potatoes. $2 per aack dehvered. fly, 12x14. 1445 E. 17th. Sett. 8839. v, 5 ?k "I"" NO- O. GRAPHIC with case, in perfect swndi- RADIANT fire gas heater, nearly new, pipe and tJon. 845. K-886. JoernaL - mantels with beater, $30 cash. Wdln. 82. - . . 1, .. : . . rr--- . - . . ' - FOR SALE 2 ladies' coats, size 38; Astrakhan BARGAIN in malleable range, bka new. at muff nearly new. Tabor 8683. pure. Wood laws 2209. TE LADY'S SHOP, 605 BROADWAY BLDG. MA GOON strawberry plants. $1.75 per 100. Lingerie Hengtitetrimi. Thm. Cobb. Boy 656. Glsdsme. Or. J.00-LB. laundered flour sack. 31.30 per dox, OVERCOAT. 49, $6; ladja coat, 88. S5; bias " Bnowflake Laundry. 430 Belmont -f.?: 854 S , ; . STOCKYARD MANURE, A TOM. DELIV- FOR SALE Feather bed. suitable for pillows or ERED. WDLN. 236S. i matPSBB. Phone Monday Es-t 8433. OIL paintines to fit yonr annte! or vacant spaas. FERTILIZER Cow manure. Marshall 4469.1 done to order. Woodlawn 6062. - GAS RANGE, water healer, refrigerator sad small center table, ail in good condition; reasonable prices. Call at 693 Glisan st DINING set. cook stove, beater, bed. kitchen table, chain. 804 Miller. FOR SALE MACHINERY 903 FOR SALE WOODSAW Mounted oa an aatocnobOe. Can 44rHtrtbrrne tve. t. 81S. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 24-FT. motorbeat fully eeanipped, electric lights, chairs snd cushions. I Bdwy. 2052. E. 1928. for quick sals 8100. TYPEWRITERS 90$ FOR SALE OR RENT REBUILT typewriters, ail kinds f sale, rent evebeesm. Wt are rxchuivs atribwtoa9 af Corona, portable. $50 complete with carrytac eaae. Supplies and repairs tor all makaa. Unoa Typewriter Oo.. 94 Fifth rt. Main 9666. iicfc lkin else. aa 60 load: bargaia. !b. 37 50: box. 34.60. fr. Dry 12-16-ia. acsurtry HeL lit). BLOCK and slab . P-rtiy dry. 85 a toad. 2 load lots: good hard coal 88.50 a ton. 6e HveevL Fj't 2041. DRY box wood, St,7S; planer trimmiugs. $5.50 load. Wdln. 690. lle ssontawa v. liid rvowth fir. 87.2V Phone Main 7251. : LT 4 11 71 blnrk and aWh. . - ilia' planer trimmings. 6U GUOViTU No. 1 Or $6 deUversd. 6241. ' HEAVY . country Acme Fuel Co. alaowood. 85 23 Call Est 3351. DRY wrecks waoo t pet mma. Co Wdln. 1945. Bdwy. 8914. Taylor Fad 4-FT. BLOCK, vood and railroad ties, also abort 16-inch block. MershaH Z4 DRY old growth fir. II or 16 roeh: tnaida block wood. 1Z or 1 rncn. yoroaws aiea. FOR SALE Good wreckage wood. 12-14 Inch iMurth- 83 per load delivered. East 6234. LftY OAlL i9 per ard; fir, S7-59; IS in. 86.50 load. Phone 636-46. GOOD seasoned eordwond. 87 omatry alab. 34 75. East 1759. cord; heavy ah. (stakes guars n teed one year. Best re row atrucsed typewriters on cosM. New price bat Wholesale Typewriter Co.- 821 Waahingtoa st. Portland. Or. REPAIRING a .penally, free eanaaatesi mUa; supplies, bay. eel I, exch.; add. saach. repaired. Tyie?eiiuir Ingpec-Ooa Co.. 312 Stark, Main 6549. OFFICE FURNTTURE 906 FOR SALE Standard regiatsr snd calls drawer combined. - 1 24- Union ave. North. FOOT bookkeepers desk aad revolving atooi, bka aew. WiU aeB cheap. East S79. f IRST-GROWTH FIR WOOD. 88 PER CORD. DELTv EBEil ClAlb Jl AK811ALL. S1S. STKICTLV No. 1 oki 'growth cord wood, bease dry, 66 Cora, is v. Bioe. aiw-ei. FIRST growth cordaood. 18-sa, 88 load. WdUav 2366 FIRST growth covdeood. SS sord. delivered. Wond'atwa. ATberm. Piedmoat Wdln. 6112 BF-1T SLAB 344 cord. WOOD, fm . Tabor t03. Dixy r . "r ... e. m.e emA mS. eiiJl- e bver from ttmber. atobertaoa FneL East 172S. OKLvCMTCMKII 'we1 SAtE i MONET ' We has a Kne of groceries. Mexieaa - chill . a N. 20tlC .... . - - . A . Piee. inquire 494 IHIIT multnomajisHeet'' FJ8C!TA awrv-;-' t-teral vepetriv,, fVe. WwoCT. a? SHIPLEY TRANrERA TORAGE muDm. FURNITURE M 108 FOCBTEENTH sAGE COMPANY - ," MONET I -OA S ED ON GOODS lw , . Pbowe BrweaTwev sua" ' lawaa Brwadwa, tu At Will PIC 6 TKF BEST Htirsiuoi JT GOODS SPECIALIST a.. -"-"" sbrpptng sad asorlnc; axsyst .s T-T- Oal rates , all points " ,; 2d r n ertrv wu . . ...M,Wwrf A.IMi Oregon Transfer Co. in seieiBw eve rir i 1 DRAT ACB arwnw'T'- Fwer Vr.ritiise.a ee Termasal TraeSs ee - ii'M aj ii ii exaa. ST awTn I afj jOO0t Co.. 6th and Hoyt Reoews, 128 V TRANSFER U H. MAIDiX ' 212 TNKIN ATE. JfT EAWT 604 O JWtCASiriw A wo attTnCAOIB). o Tan Lard TILS Service compart ; PORTLAND'S BEST TULCAblTERJ i WE UUARANTEE WS1 CALL AND T'ELTTKR " IOCS Belaveert st Teber t;i$. bVOOO SAbVtM WOOD SAWINQ call Vain 6214. Wood Saw If at's sai. we saw It. East Slow only. S40-S3V t ' all