The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 15, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Striking Scenes
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Vppcr left, the body of America's unknown hero being borne down the Capitol steps on the last part of the
journey to the Arlington ampttheatre; right, general rlew of the burial, showing General Pershing, Secre
tary of War Weeks and other high officials In the foreground. Center, left, President Harding and General
Penning srrtTtng in front of the White House, where the president left the procession and entered the re
viewing stand; in group, at left. Secretary Christian, Colonel Sherrill and Captain Holmes; right. President
and Mrs. Haraing entering the White House grounds after the president had walked from the Capitol,
down Pennsylvania arenue. He later left for Arlington by automobile. Below, left, former President
Woodrow WUaon and Mrs. Wilson as they were leaving the. procession; right, Mr. Wilson being assisted
from lua home to greet the thousands who surrounded his house and gare him an ovation in the afternoon.
Seminary Professors
Unorthodox, Charge
Hurled by Committee
- . .
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AOanUa tlty. N. J.. Nov. 15. Charges
that savarai profs ora at Dubuque uni
in Washington
r.;11 c"' t5
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versity, the Tresbyterlan theological
seminary at Dubuque. Iowa, are unor
thodox and are guilty of such heresies
as teaching the Darwinian theory, were
aired in the executive commission of the
general Presbyterian assembly in session
hare. -
Although the commission voted confi
denoa in the president and college trus
tees, there waa abundant evidence that
tha matter will be brought up again
pn Armistice
a J( 5r
at the convention a Des Moines next
The Rev. Seigfried G. Man us of For
est on, Illinois, declared that the morale
and discipline of the institution -are be
ing lowered by "subsidised athletics."
Dr. William H.-Foulkes of New York,
president ef the university board of di
rectors, replied that the athletic situa
tion has been greatly improved. ' He also
denied charges that there waa any effort
Day, When the Nation HonoredIts Unknown Dead in the Great War
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to throw out Germans connected with
the university, which waa founded by
German Presbyterians .78 years ago. add
ing, however, that during the war one
German had been removed for what
was considered treasonable utterance.
Hot Utfce, Nov. 15. Arrivals , at Hot
Lake sanatorium Saturday were: Mrs.
K. E. Purcel. Union ; Alice Spencer, La
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Grande ; J. A. Knight, Elgin ; Mrs. M E.
Ketelsen. Yakima, "Wash. ; W. H. Bar
nett. Portland ; Roy A. Baker, Hot Lake
A- A- steel, Parma, Idaho; Mrs. W. P
Edris, Spokane ; R. G. Bennett. Pendle
ton; Mra J. L. Stephenson, Asotin,
He who' boasts of his goodness Is sel
dom much -good. -
.h'T imiiiih f.1 ii
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" If.
Pastor Opposes
- Move to Close
Sunday 'Movies'
Nfewark. N. J., Nov. 15. (United
News) People go to movies on Sunday
because they can't get what they want
at church, declared the Rev. Henry Rose
at a lecture at the Church of the Re
deemer, Universalist.
"To close motion picture houses on
Sunday would be a calamity," said the
pastor, announcing opposition to the
movement of the Federation of Churches
to enforce the Sabbath closing laws with
respect to the theatre.
"This agitation against Sunday enjoy
ments is a mistake and Is hurting the
churches. There would be an upheaval
of the masses If they were not given
this weekly opportunity to have their
deeper life drawn out. and at the same
time Be given refined entertainment.
"The churches and the people are not
Mother Theresa,
Founder of Local
Hospital, Is Dead
MothsV Mary Theresa, who founded
St. Vincents hospital In Portland in 1874.
died in Montreal recently, according to
word received by sisters in the hospital.
Mother Theresa .was 74 years old. Up
to the time of her retirement 10 year
ago she waa active in hospital work on
the Pacific coast Her life waa noted
for many deeds of kindness.
Mother Theresa came 'to Portland
during her early 10s and established St
Vincents hospital at its first location
at Twelfth and Marshall streets. Its
capacity, then was about 75 patients.
Mother Theresa remained with the hos
pital for 20 years.' Then she left for
Oakland, CaL. where she organized the
Providence hospital. She remained there
until 1910 when a paralytic stroke
caused her retirement
Salem. Nov. 15. Representatives of
the Glacier Irrigation company were in
consultation with State Engineer Cup
per, Monday afternoon, relative to the
organisation of a drainage district, com
prising some 4000 acres in the upper
Hood River valley, to be irrigated with
water taken from Sand creek and Fall
creek, tributaries to the east fork of
Hood River.
Harriaburg. Or, Nov. 15. Z. T. Scot'
died Monday seated in his chair reading
a paper., He was 74 years old and hac
lived In this vicinity for 4S years. Mra
J." B. Colburn of this city, a ' daughter,
and a son reside at Marcola. .
Milwaukee Boasts
Of First Man to
Crack Volstead Act
(By I'niTori! 8rri)
Milwaukee, Nov. 15. Qheers greeted
the first man -to legally buy beer here
since e Volstead act became effective
when he emerged from a drug store with
a case on his shoulder today.
News that medicinal beer was to be
on sale here at-Mra E. B Plssoiek's
drug store attracted a long line of per
acription holders before the liquor was
delivered from th brewery.
As soon as the truck drove up the
store became a busy place. The firwt
allotment was quickly sold out. Thin
was the first beer sale In the United
States under the new arrangement.
Other druggists will receive their per
mits tomorrow.
Portland to Get
Coast Vocational
Education Meet
Salem, Nov. 15. The next annual con
ference on vocational education for the
Pacific States region will be held in
Portland during the second week In
June. 19Z2. according to H. M. Skldmore.
representing the federal board for voca
tional education, who haa been In Salem
checking up on vocational education ac
tivities in Oregon.
Oregon stands at the top of all states
in the country in the pen rentage of In
crease In the number of new depart
ments of vocational agriculture organ
ized ana in the 'enrollment of students.
Skldmore said.
Fashion decrees that skirts come closer
to the ground, but that ia no reason why
one need buy new clothes. If tbe hem is
faded or soiled when you let it out. get
a package of Diamond Dyes and recolor
the skirt like new.
Easy directions in each package of
Diamond Dyea tell you bow to dye or
tint any old. faded garment, also your
draperies. Just tell druggist nether
your material ia wool or silk or whether I
it is cotton, linen, or mixed goods. Adv. t
Legal Means for
Corporation Fee
Collection Cited
Salem. Nov. 15. The state corporation
department has recourse to the courts
in an action at law for the collection of
unpaid corporation fees due from a for- ,
elgn corporation operating wilhia the '
state since 1911 without ever haying paid
lu fees, according to an opinion prepared
by Attorney General Van Winkle for
Corporation Commissioner Handler. A.
penaJty of 1100 for failure to comply with
the corporation la s may be collected .
in the same manner, the attorney gen
eral holds.
In an opinion to T. H. Goyne. district
attorney of Tillamook county. Van
Winkle holds that counties are author
ized by law to maintain and conduct
county fairs at county expense. Tate
law also permits the levying of a tax
for the construction of necessary build
ings, the opinion points oat. - .
Salem. Nov. 15. Reappointment of
Clyde B. Aitchiaon aa a member Of the
interstate commerce co untaaioa at th
expiration of his present term on Jan-
uary 1 is urged by H. H. Corey, mem
ber of the Oregon public service com
mission, in a letter forwarded to Preal
Cent Harding. Monday. '
Corner Second 20 Tears in tha Sams
made many f rff-ndi for this
officer Our small overhead expense
in this location allows us to do high
class Dental work at small fees.;
Set of Teeth $8.00 r
Oar Work Is Fatly Gsaraateea. i
Cuticura Soap
Is Ideal for--
The Clomplexioh
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