-j":,V 20 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 192L REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 . KkW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 14100 A beautiful new. iva completed DRKAM BUNGALOW, right In the . heart of ROME CITT PAKE; mr shingled eoJonlal type ; larga combine -4to Bvtac a ad dining room with fireplace; old Ivory finish; aaa flam, white enamel . Imtch kitchen; 3 (army bedrooms, dou bt entwtrnrtod; "WK CA.N SELL THIS ONE." E. 43TH ST. It IT. orr INTERSTATE! V iss iiowxi $a DOWN I ACRiriCK HALE; READ THIS: 3111 lUt dowal Thta is splendid value IB a 4 room plastered bungalow eattM. in coed eenditioa-; living room, dining rones, kitchen, an airy bedroom, a int. " . . enay. substantial ttttla noma; bath, tart let ekestrvity, gaa, good baeement, good garage with cement foundation and flonr. VACANT. Close to car. Owner will take tight ear as part payntrnt. W. i ' Galnc etnw. 8 FRANK L. MeC.UIRE Ta Buy Tour Horn Realtor. A nig Bldg. -Mala 1048. Ad DL, IM. Wash and Star. Earner under the big eleetrie wgn. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 visit ocr omo CALL. MAIN SS3 FOR A PIX LNTMEN T Wi Havo a Home lor Too PERHONAU..Y INSPECTED PERSONALLY APPRAISED SEE THIS ONB 12800 2 flat building. 6 rooms op, 8 room don, now renting for $34 a month, cement basement, all improvement in and paid; (500 will handle You'll admit it' a bargain. K. 37th st YOUR OWN LAXDLORD CAN YOU BEAT THIS? 12900 4 room bungalow on E. 72d at., in ML Scott. New. never oocapied. Doable eonatructed,' nice bathroom nxtoraa. cement basement, Unndry trava Pay down 1150. mora m. Balance like rent. THIS IB YOUR opportunity, eoxjoo lot. J. A. Wickman Cq. REALTORS "Shortest Way Home." 24 Stark HC Main 583 and 1094 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES 406 SICE SUBURBAN HOME Clone to Vancouver. Splendid 5 acre with S room cottage, all lane rooms: 2 acres in prunes. abundance of other fruit. This is a very worth while place, Will trade for Portland property or sell equity outright. Price $2750. Ralph Harris Co. 818 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8624. $400 CASH One or mora acres. Ill in culti vation : 2 miles from 8 2d at. on Powell Valley road. New 4 room boncalow; old barn. Price $3000 for house and lacre. 314 Coach hldg. Main 7036. "NEWBERG HIGHWAY" 10 4 acres strictly choice land, in cultivation ; running water. 400 Rime. 100 near trees: also family orchard, berries. Near Sherwood. There is no finer homesite on the highway. 15000 Terms. K M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165 H 4th St TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 Hurrah! Hurrah!! We Have It Just the very place in want a beautiful little home in tho country. 40 acres, all in cuia ration, good house, good bie barn, plenty of fine water, fenced and cross fenced, on fine road, 8 miles west of Eugene, school just across the road. We can trade you this dandy little place for a good home in the city of Portland. Price $6000. incumbrance $1000 at 6 per eent interest. We are headquarters for trades, and if you are not satisfied with what you have let us help you. We hare bargains in both ranches and city property and can give yoa a good trade on anything yon have. QUICK SALES CO. 406 Couch Bldg. Ant 511-09. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 Best Buy in City Wear tha 0-vT. R. N. shops, only $150 eash ewquirwd aa first payment down, balance nwatnl? like rant. This horns la vacant, is alaaa end ready ta mote Into. It has seven targe moras, full basement, furnace heat, modern bath, Uglits and gas. gangs. Is handy to good aehenl. Mississippi ear Una, and stores. House Is ateety arranged tr two faaiiltsa and is abwv letely a snap for (3T50. Psy $150 down, mete right Hi and pay out tha balance lraa than the howae will rant lor. Please coma right in and kH ma toD you mora about it and show yoa (be property. Ke E. W. Hughes BRAND NEW 4 ROOMS ONLY $500 CASH 60x100 corner lot. swell little home, with big cement basement, double construction, fireplace. old ivory finish; tinted wall, built ins. shades, fixtures, complete. Balsnce $40 monthly, in r lading interests Go look. 750 Ellis are., corner E. 2 2d St., nesr Sell wood car. Sidney G. Lathrop 411 ABINGTQN BLDG. LOTH Or FRUIT Very neat 5 -room plastered bungalow, , with btrilUn kitrhen, full basement, good garage, 2 bkx-ks from ear in Woodlawn ; chicken house and run; $500 cash, $20 monthly. "CHOICE HOMESITE" 4 acres in dorer, level, nesr Aloha sta tion. S. P. By.; Hillsboro highway; $1900; $S00 cash, balance $20 month. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 1654 4th St. 67 JOCKNAL flUXj. MAIN 2858. E52) mentis WHY pay agents commission? Buy from erra nt 7 modern bungalows, hardsurfaee road, city water, gas, 1 mile out of city limits; 1 to 5 acres: cultivated, fruits and berriea. Tabor 3267 or Tabor 5317. Tabor 3152. SPLENDID RESTAURANT Splendid reataannt for sale . in Tina ing httle town on the main Una of the North ern Pacific railway between Seattle and Port land. Well equipped in every way with good f urnitarn. ranch counter, stools, tables aad chain Seam 16 st tables, 14 at counter. Only restaurant in town. Doing good businesa. but other matters demand attention of owner. Price $1300, A rare opportunity for a live restaurant man. Address L-T33. Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUMTTES WANTED 550 HAVE CLIENT WITH CASH FOR FIRST CUAS3 CAFETERIA. COME IN PERSON. . C. ULR1CH CO.. 602 STOCK EXCHANGE FARMS 407 732 Chamber of Commerce ROBB CTTT PARK Ha ranm bungalow, nek floors, fir plaea. Ivorv flnlh. tapestry walla, gas tnraaea, plats glsjs wmdow. wonderful dining room. raaasire buffet. Imtch kitrhen. braakfart nm. 2 very sunny edmeras. eonrreu baaement. wall located, avnsr tot. I'rioe only $3750 IHK. A POWNDER 111$ N. W. Bank Bldg Mar. 2245. iOMlTHlNt; TO TS'K ADvt'T H JWW " MWMW. . Issi. ai vour own Indirtdnality. I ml era the east judge of whst sstlsfws you. Ws sim la plsaaa. Ws want yvur businaMa only wbeo we astkrfy yea t the merits of onr building. ROBNETT A M CMKK. Maeha 3'I3 Cimch BMg. IRVLNGYON DISTRICT 106. $100 rash. $10 monthly. East front, a KasA 16th. lust north of Fremont. All Ira pravsmsnts paid.' Surrounded by new bomea; ear anneal, car and r-a park. Johnson-Dodson Co. $1 , W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. "Hawthorne District" T mem modarn honao, slewing porch, full kmsiMil farnaos. In first -class condition, clM X ear, navad street, on E. 35th St.. $4750, terwia Thai la big value II M GATr7WfMI A CO., 163 H 4th St BRAND NEW, ARTISTIC. WONDERFUL HOME 5 mom modern bungalow among beautiful shsde trees, lswn snd orchard. Breakfast nook, sleeping porch, large attic and basemtnt Must be sold at once. No reasonable offer refused. Trrrui like rent Take lot as payment If you apfirrciate bon.t construrtiin you better hurry Taks St. Johns csr to Peninsula school, 2 blocks north to 1624 Drummund nt. L. Peter son, oaner Wdln. 249 TTrteJ, "'1 BCU.T TO ENDDRE $100 to I soon INVF.STIGATH Bigger. Better, Housaa fat Lens money. RED1MADE BLDO. CO., PORTLAND OH. t 11th and Market Phone East 6114. Downtown salsa office. Commonwealth bldg. th snd Ankenv. Phon. Broadway 4$3. 1 ACRE BEARTNO FRUIT 5 ROOM HOUSE $2750 Located on K 52d St.. good auto road, paved street on tide: choice variety of fruit and unU; comfortable house, chicken houses and runs. The price is only $2750, and this in clude $650 bonded assessments; reasonable txtms. HENDERSON BANKUS CO.. 6H Henry Bldg Rdnry. 4 754. WANT BUILDING IN PORTLAND 20 acres, one mils from Canby, on macadamized road; 7 acres under cultiva tion; sll can be fanned when cleared; fam ily orchard; 5 room house with fireplace. Personal property; team. 2 cows, ret of har ness, chickens, 7 tons hay, machinery, feed, etc Price for . everything 1400; terms. Consider building in Portland up to $6000. 22 acres, 23 miles from Portland, 1 Vi miles to grade and high school; 2 acres under cultivation, 15 acres can be farmed when cleared; good dark losm soil, over 5UO cords of first growth fir wood; bearing orchard and berries; 4 room house, barn 26i40, chicken boure. Included with place: 1 horse, 2 milch cows, chickens, harness, plow, tools, household furniture, cooking ntensils, etc. Price $2200, $1150 cash, long time on balance, 6 per cent. YAMHILL COUNTY. OREGON 24 acres, onrocked road, 2 miles from McMianville; IS acres under cultivation; all can be cultivated when cleared; good family orchard. 6 room house, large barn, chicken house, etc. Included with place: 4 good cow. 1 young team, plow, etc Price $6500; terms, ft consider Portland house up to $3000; easy terms on balance. Will accept soldier's bonus. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. ' Geriinger Bide. Largest farm dealer on Pacific Coast. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. THIS IS GOOD The son in this 2 acre tract is of the very best, having a good drainage, and can be culti vated at most any time of the year. You have all of the conveniences in this 5 room bungalow that you have in the city; close to station and only 7 miles from ' the courthouse; you have plenty of outbuildings, family orchard, lots of berries, close to school, clear of all encum- I brances. Price $5500. Want property in i'ort I land. Bave you anything to trade tor it ? j We have a Unre list of exchanges. We can ! exchange any legitimate proposition. Bring your traoes to us. see itr. Stephens, with V r.i.Toi)8 732 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES near Pleasant Home, all in cultiva tion; 4 -room house barn. 2 acres in orchard; win exchange equity for home in any dust 60 acres near Sandy, 10 acres in cultivation; 100 fruit trees. Oki house and bm Price $4500. Will exchange for omoertw in Pnin. sula dist. or St, Johns. 160 acres in Mason county. Will trade for honse equity or car. 1 0-room modern home near Franklin high. Will trade for smaller home, lota or acreage. 314 Couch bldg. Main 7036. East 3592. eve. RESTAURANT, jut ealcimined and painted in side, enats 40 people, good location; $900 will handle, balance easy. Lunch counter, doing good btudnewj, rent very reasonable, always full; price $700. Rcstaurani, well capped. This is a real buy. Doing $70 a day business. LINTON A WELCH 418 R.-.ilway Exchange Bldg. WANTED TO LEASE. FROM 20 TO 100 UN FURNISHED ROOMS. IN OOD LOCA TION. SEE ME AT 602 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDO; WTLL give long leaaa en eombinatioa eosfee tionery and drug store: also restaurant florist ana aocg shop, in new auto stage terminal. Ad- dress Smeed Hotel. Eugene. Or. HAVE CASH BUYERS LOOKING FOR GOOD HORSES AND VEHICLES TOO SPAN of yoncg aasxea warning a 500 Raw 17S. SPAN of blacks, weighing 2656. $158. S head, weighing 1450. $80 each, and so dm young heavy good horses, at a very iwaaonabkt figva. Also 40 arte of new and second kand haraesa at a very ' k pnrc. G. K. Howttt. CsthiBiMa stables. Front and Cerembia at. HOTEL OR ROOMING HOUSE. G. C. ULRICH CO. 602 STOCK EXCHANGE WILL give long lease on restaurant concession in new auto stage terminal. Address Smeed Hotel. Eugene, Or. WILL give long lease on confectionery con cession in new auto stage terminal Ad dress Smeed Hotel. Eugene, Or. W EST SIDE Futa view, aoavsnient W Savier at, corner lUrnea, Uand vaw, all I fiiprot omenta paid. Tear awn tanas. Price $1250. Johnson-Dodson Co. $S N, W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 AX AM TRACT ai utie not a guarantee of year title: It la aseraly a history of yonr title. A TMJe ImnsM Potter la a guaranta. of Tout ttUa. Therefore, when yea bay property get a Title Insurance Policy. Na abstract require! TWIe AV Tmt canpany Careful Homeseeker I room bungalow, 1435 only 11800 rath, balance $40 per month, including Int. com fortable and classy: Just north of ML Tabor. Owner. laJT E. Flanders at. Montavilla car to T 1st. I blk, sonth. S blk west. RICHMOND DISTRICT 2 blocks to car. 5 room house, in first class condition. Splembd basement with fruit room. Large bearing fruit tree, chicken yard. Let us show you. Price $25110, with $750 cash. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5824. 2 WEST SIDE COTTAGES. $200 CASH 4 rViom cottage and 3 rnom euttage on Kelly, nesr Porter, both in good condition. Price $2250 for both; $200 cash and $30 per month. Buy these snd haiiie a horns and income. J W GRUSSI, 818 Board of Trade Bldg Mam 7452. r SMAXI. HOCSK AND LOT TABOR 480. FARM BARGAINS 24 acres, 12 seres cultivation. 5 acres orch ard. BaL timber. 4. room borae with basement, woodshed full of wood. Barn. Team horses. Saddle pony, 2 cows, chickens, spraying outfit. wagons, farm implements. S--)00. 201 acres, 60 acres in crop, wheat, oats and ! vetch. Bal. fine timber. 5 acres alfalfa : 6 good i springs and creek; 5 room house and 5 room log house. Water piped to house and barn, out buildings. Team horses. 3 cows, 2 heifers. 50 chickens, hay in barn. Farm implements. Close to school snd high school. 10 miles to Grunts Pass. $8000. Take in residence or small acre age up to $6400. 10 acres. 6 acres cultivation. baL timber; 5 room nouse, furnished; barn, outbuildings, cow, - heifers, horse, bugtty, bay in barn, small tools close to uregon City; JJHIO; terms. 40 acres. 22 acres cultivation. baL pasture fenced and cross-fenced. $3500; good terms; 8 mues irom uregon ity. B. H. STEWART. 1654 Fourth St. ACREAGE 40S A TITLE Insurance Polry a guarantee by a raepeailble (ompary that yoa will not ruffe lraa aa account of the title to your real estate. VI ben yea bay rsel estate get a Title Insurance Pelley. Ma abstract required. Tula 4k Trust f eornpany fOH BAI.K New 8 roera house, fireplsce, , bard wood floors, lareproof garage larg. attic eneeleilr wan built. H. W. corner E. 85th and ""Woodward are., -1 block from carline. $5500 Owner, Thne. Moir, 304 Henry bldg. nmadway nono. d Phone - $ Io6o $ SO IHiWN. $33 per month, inrhid- Ing Intarast, takes 4 room modern house, 1 aete of ground, garage, chtcken house: half acre la berriea, fruit trees in bearing. This Is a snap. Phone Ant. 616 54. FROM OWNER New modern bungalow, nyraeuva sr. near Portsmouth ave. ; 901 full plumbing, laundry trers. Ihitrh kitchen, electrto rtsntrss, pntlKbeu noora. wmdow suadns, enamel .flalfh. cone rrt base ro wit, with 3 kits; $2850, any reasonable terms. I ol. 925. BIG SACRIFICE I-EAVING CITY 8 roora mix! em home on Commercial st. All traprnvementa In snd paid: on carline near errmoL Lawn. and flinrer. Worth $4000. Will tek. $3150: 1100 down. 593 S Williams ave Woodlawn 1871 BY OWNER New 4 room bungalow. Park- on Handy bird.. 2 blocks from car: ennveniMires ; $2200. easy terms. Fveaote Porter, cor. of Handy and Barrows, Psrtr-w LAI 1 1 1, MI. AN Us Oe PER ItOZEN STEVENS VAN METER CO. Law PubllstMrs snd I -rial frtaUooer. Lwabarmen bldg ( baMgnent) , $th and Stark. B.lwy. 50H4. ALAMMA DLHTKlirr Urart aaertflca aiy 4 room bungalow on Glenn vesree near PreamM. pnoe $4250 W. M. UMBKENSTOCK CO . Broadway laa. . $380O BRAN II NEW 707 Highland St Modern 4 -mom bungalow, fine fireflies, won derfal kitchen, beautiful fixtiirra: a real home. Owner. 172 Psrk t.. Main SQfia FOR HA IX A whole bloc, with a 4 room house on It, 85 rhnlo fruit trees and level gvreMd, The nv-ent place .In town for a eaie heme or a bolne Miildlng $10,000. vo 4. Kill lis S. H WorxUtock car BY OWNER. IN IRVING TON 6 faoTs hone, ami garage; liiht. gas and arwer; 8 blocks Xj kVrnwoivl school: a dandy ' hasne for sota $'.'000 cah, uaumi $650 aeetag, or $2950 terms. East 5236. with attic, cement bawment, gaa and eleetnclt . h0 1 00 corner lot: 3ni4). $l$0O cash, balance eaty tenns. CHEAP At'REAOK CIXISE IN 1 5 acres, on genxi road close to Columbia highway, 0 milrs tut of Portland limits. All cultivated good productive rirer bottom lan. I. Trice $250 per acre. $150 cash, balance in 10 eqnsl semi-annual payment. 6 per cent Thu U djkeii land and the dyking charge is bout $50 per acre in addition, with 18 years tu whuh to pay. Close to electric and steam transportation, high and grade schools. One sere. H mile from electric station, on macadamized road, 5 blocks to school; exception ally good soil; attractive 5 room plastered bun galow, electnc lights, fireplace, bathroom, gar age, fruit house. Price $2600. $500 cash. Consider beach property up to $3000. . Acre Inspected by Nelson. ACRE TRACTS ALBERTA DISTRICT On paved street with paving and walks in and paid: all under cultivation; oer in variety of bearing fruit trees in best of condition; Cine loam soil. $100 cssh, easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places nesr Portland. Get our extensive clss&ified lits. Witch iiazel Little Farms Beautiful 5 and 10 acre tracts, level, mostly cleared and in cultivation, on the Pacific high way to Hillsboro. This property has been priced f(r an immediate sale snd is considerably less tlisn the pribe of property in the immediate vicinity. We regard thb property as some of the cheaper! surburb&n pnerty near Pcwtland. Highly suitable for berries, poultry, fruite and vegetables; nesr electric line and school, $150 to $300 per sere. Coe A. McKenraa & Co. 82 FOURTH ST. 1280 ACRES WHEAT LAND Near Heppner. Or., in the famous Black Horse canyon, only $35 per acre, 1100 acres in cultivation. 180 acres pasture. 650 scrw. in wheat. This, year average 33 bushels; plenty of waier, water pipea to Duiiaings and pasture rood 6-room house, bath and toilet; barn for 25 head of stock; blacksmith shop, granary, chicken house, etc., $7500 cash, balance $7500 per year, interest 6 per cent This place we can well recommend. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208. WILL TRADE FOR GROCERY STOCK 100 acres rich level losm ami -i. - llnn vr. bu acres now seeded: good 7 rm. house. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY feO Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. titm.Mjt lbO acres good soil in Scnron iron belt; many trace of iron, with 1.500 000 feet timebr on it; price $12 per acre: $700 against it at 6 per cent, leaving equity $1200: will trade this and $1050 contract, payable $30 month, 7 per cent interest, and $700 ca-h for a home or small acreage. Room 121. Rainier noteL HAVE plana drawn for 2 and 3 room up-to-date apartment for a site on west ode with tae best view in the city, walking distance to the business district. My client wants reliable part ner with $15,000 or more to join .in owner ship and profits, and may have management of same if deMred SMITH & GRIFFITH. A rets. 401 Gerliniter hide THE nicest little grocery in Portland, doiui $35 per day, rent $15. with lease. This a real snap- $1600. This includes 3 liv ing rooms, with aU furniture. Grocery store, good location, doing nice busi ness, rent $25; only $1500, $1000 cash, bal ance terms. . LINTON & WELCH Main 2995. 418 Railway Exchange BMg. $500 PER MONTH Have, business seil at $6000, $3000 cash, netting over $500 per month. Books open for investigation. If you have $3000 cash you cannot get a better paving proposition. Will pay for itself in 1 year. Call at ilJ ievns oiag. OLD-ESTABLISHED jewelry stare, best location in the Northwest: mining and smelter town with largest pay roll in Coeur d Aiene mining district: reason for selling, wile s ill heaiui E. E. Teape, Kellogg, Idaho. GROCERY STORE Ant house district: cash and carry: leased at tow rent: will sell st invoice; consider trade for house up to $4000. 093 i Wilaams ave. Woodlawn 1371. W' ANTED -Best 3 room bungalow, below hill in WM City far, that $5000 will buy. Geo. C. Clrieh A Co.. 602 Stock Exchange. WE CAN sell or trade your hotel, apartment house and other nusine. Star Real Estate Inv. Co.. 513 Wuoox bldg. Main 5604. I HAVE $500 to invest in some busin Will you kindly offer a saggesuoo? L-657. Journal. DO YOU want to sell your Dullness ; want a partner See us. 504 Buchanan bldg. w L can stli your place of busiurss. Universal Sales Co., 602 R Exch. bldg. WANT pool h&U. card r-nn or cigar stand have $1000 cash. Y-278. Journal. WANT confectionery, lunch counter or cafe teria. 1 -279. Journal. WANT small restaurant for man and wife most be a bargain. Y-2S0, Journal. FINANCIAL LIVESTOCK 701 ONE big Jersey cow. fresh 4 dara. giving 8 gallons or aula a aay: 1 Big unernsey eow. fresh 1 day. 7 gallon eow. One Mock south 8. P. depot, MilwaoAia, Or. Henry Sauth, uregon City car. FOR SALE Carload of dairy Btm. 5aTy milking type, fresh or soon cecal rig trash. T. B. tested. 4th and E Gosaa ate. Depute Atontavula ear to, end of una. lOl.Vi, fresh Jersey cows tor sale cheap. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE BOO t A Used Car Show e A eaap earaa Into oar lnr.Tinnne aaaasrday and looked over the cars whtr ww Was oa anerfel sate. Ha saade the naasil tha the eondiUea of Uaa ears warraawd ear aallaag sake a 1 8ED CJtR SHOW. And ao tt at. a great showing of fine axed cars at Uaa remarkaoty kow pnre. ansa aad aaa far Tour ist and Adams sta.. Mil wa.uk le. Or.. eovth S. P. depot. 1 block FOR SALE S fresh cowl, 1 Jersey. 1 Guern sey and 1 Durham. 4 to a gaL A. R. Reynolds, Oak Grove, phone 8 M. FRESH dairy cow and heavy apringera. freshen in few days: also gentle family Jerseya. 741 758 East Ash. 11 OrdVaaobile 8. tourmg 1920 Nash sedan. . . 1917 MrtrbeU. 8 pa 1917 Mitchell, i pass 1918 Bairk. S pea. . . 1918 Jordan sport ounne . 1919 Brtaroa. 3 pus. . . . 118 Bnseor. 3 pass.... 1917 Mitchell 5 pas.. 1919 Mitchell ! . I 1918 Jordan sport asanne. lis Jordan sport maruae. Original Bale pew a, pnre. . $ HHI $ 150 vu av.'lt-l. v.nc,i nuix,i eacaangv iw iq?o i jk,., much eowa froh or to free ten aoon. TeL I , q , ... , . 1919 Velie Main H87. 8 FRESH COWS. 33 springers. S to 6 gal- i 1920 Mitchell. 3 loca. t iv. laae amus car. inier stste, go 3 blocks north. FOR SALE One Hobtrin and one Jersey; good milkers, very gentle. 6!9 E 9th st. FRESH Jersey cow, tubercular tested, fsth. corner of Main. :to e FIRST-GROWTH TeL Main 887. cord wood for milch cows. 2 YOUNG fresh cows, with calves, heavy milk ers. 365 Union ave. 5. cor. 8tevens st. VERY gentle-fresh-Jersey, with heifer calf. 368 East Madison and Union ave. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 WE CAN trade your property whether it is large or small, city or country, located here or m some other state. Come in and give us a description of what you have and let us matcn it with something you want. ALEXANDER REALTY CO., 701-702 Title & Trust bldg. Entrance 89 4th st WILL TRADE We are prepared to arrange a trade for you. Bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything that has merit; lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. E. R. S.. 712 Couch bldg. IF YOU can invest $1500 to $2000 with services and locate in California, an estab lished corporation will get in communication with von. This is an excellent opportunity Call Wdln. 5238 or address P. O. Box 4 096. PARTNER Do vou want to start in business and need a partner with some cash? See us. G. C. ULRICH & CO.. 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE General merchandise store, with postoffice, in Eastern Oregon; doing a $23, 000 business; rent $10 for store snd 5 living rooms; stock and fixtures will invoice $4000. For particulars write Box X, Sommerrilie, Or. RESTAURANT on busy street, good business for man and wife, two men or two women. One sleeping room, rent $18.50. $550, $275 cash, $2o per month. SQUARE DEAL tUMrA.i l 154 E 6th. . Ea.t 73S9. CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property or for improvement purposes. The best and esaiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.34 per month fcr 60 month?, or $15 17 per month for 96 months, pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other smounts in same proportion. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASS N 242 Stark St. Portland, Or. I MUST SELL A BLOCK OF BONDS TO RAISE CASH: wn.L SELL PART OR ALL; WILL DISCOUNT SO AS TO YIELD 10 -5.; I BONDS RECOMMENDED BY BANKS. N- (1 IACDY A I $300. $400. $500, $750. $1000 AND CP. np; lowest rates, quick actio; pay $100 or more tny interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Cham, of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. $300. $400.- $500. $70u, $1000 AND UP. Low rates, quick action, fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber r.f Commerce. Main 644 5 CALVES WANTED MARSHALL 2178. FINE Toggenburg milk goats for. iie. 69th st N. 95 E HOGS for ssle. A. Warga. River road be yond Oak Grove. ALFALFA hay from grower; terms given! J. W. Roger, Hermiston, Or. FtiR sal; frvh in ' Family Jervrv cow, 4 gL miiktr, 2 or 3 dsvv 33 East 2d t N. 1959 630 115W 15"0 36 359 Mlk 1OO0 1 5l0 1 5O0 U!I0 7(u 809 1 -tnik 1921 Jordan. 7 para ' a."00 1916 Packard Twia ha. J p.- 1J. 1916 HndftPU Super Su. 7 pe 0 1921 Mitchell. 8 paj 13Su 1915 Hudson 40. 7 paaa 350 EAST TERMS NO BROKERAGE CHARGL8 We will make it easy for yon to own one af the good can. Coras down and talk it over with us. Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Co. Broadway and Everett St Broadway 4978 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS DURING SALE 16SO 79 830 1mo 1180 8w 4 3 Oil 804 118 1150 100 7 (HI JO SO :no4t l$04t 8041 12HI 22$ WANTED -Beet, veal aad noes. Tabor 7832. EXCHANGE OFFICE Our services are ready for every ax change proposition of merit ROBNETT & McCLURE 302 Couch bldg. Marshall 329S 5 RIXIMS and sleeping porch, strictly modern bungalow, in Rose City Park, near grade school, to exchange for strictly modern 6 room house near Washington high school. Call Mr. Han, Bdwy. 3363. EXCHANGE 161 acres in Hamey valley for other property - west of mountains, or might trade for stock and equipment with years rent on place; prefer somethins in Yaquuia country 18 Revere st.. Portland. NICE little 5 room house, value $-t00. ail clear, near school and car. Want 6 room house. Will pay difference to $3500. 418 Railway Exchange bldg. LUNCH COUNTER Brand new, just the lace for man and wife. Price $500. G. C. ULRICH & CO. 602. Stock Exchant-e Main 4354 j 4C1.000. Dinde $1000. $1200. 1S00. $2500. $4500. $10,000. $30,000. East 7504. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 BREEDING STOCK We have fcr sale some exceedingly good breeding occks. cockerels, htna. pullets and mi ted pens. An opportunity to get a gxd start with high-grade ktnrk from the oldest poultry frurr4y house in the Northwest. W'nte ns for pncei. Portlaed Seed Co. BUILDING loans on city ana suburban prt-p- G. Beck. 215-216 Failing bldg Main 340TT $2000 TO $3000 ON CITY PROPERTY FRED 8. WILLIAMS, 506 PANAMA BLDG. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 210 Lumber Exchange bldfr POULTRY SACRIFICE 230 8. C. W. L. yearling hens. This flock averaged 1S3 eggs last year; also 250 8. C W. L pullets, just started laying. Your choice, $1.50. Some Tancred cocks and O. A. C cockerels at $2 to $5. Andrew Broa., 1 mile east cross roads inn. Bsse Line road. 100 O. A C. White Leghorn pallets. $1.23 each; 125 yearling White Leghorn bens, start ing to lay. II each. L. . HtLUt, 205 23d st N. RABBITS, all ages, cheap. 566 Delay our. of Knott Miw.ia.ippi can C. Q. Bleasdale Apperson ..... Chevrolet 490 . 8 fade baker. 4-cyL Maxwell Cadillac . . . . . Ford bug Maxwell del Saxon. 191S .. Chevrolet . . . . Mercer .-.$ 78 125 lift 241 22 .... 359 27 ;;s . . . ;9 . 89 GROCERY, WEST SIDE $2700 for large grocery stcok on west side. This store is in a high class residential district, low rent and big daily trade. Call at 712 Iwis bldg. $500. $1000 and np; 7; 407 Spalding bldg. no red tape. Ward. WILL EXCHANGE choice improved, 100 feet from O. E. station, 4 5 minutes cut, 1 5 seres, for modern home in good district, value $6000. Owner. Wdln. 188. TO TRADE 2 lots in Richmond, Cal.. and one lot in San Francisco, Cal., value each $800, for Portland property of equal value. P. O. Box 513. St- Helens. Ur. FOR SALF: 4 0 acres, all good land. half cleared: good 4 room house, barn, good orchard. 2 springs. All can be farmed when cleared, hi mile to school, 1 mile to station, postoffice and store. 8 good cows, 5 heifers, some pigs, 60 chickens, hay to winter stock. Price $4200. R. C. OSBORN 112 Wash. St. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 176. Easy Terms 14 acres cleared and in cultivation : no build irgs; near harusurfacd road and electric line euough timber for farm use and corners on small creek. Thsr property should sell for $400 per acre in "print. beh.Hl house near property. Price $3400, $340 cash, $34 monthly and 6 per cent interest. COE A Mi'KEN'N.V A CO.. V FOURTH ST. SALE OR TRADE 103 acres. 45 acres in cultivation. 3 '4 acres fruit, 58 acres open pasture, little timber, large creex, nou:. Darn, outbuudings, tools and im plements. 2 horses, 2 cows, 50 chickens, 14 acres potatoes, 15 tons hay, 330 busels oats, 27 miles Portland, good road. $7500 $2400 cash, mortgage $5100, 7 per cent, or will tike nouse ror equitv. R. M GATEWOOD A CO , 165 4 4th st APT. HOUSE, furniture, building, land. Will trade for hotel up to $10,000. 504 Buchan an bide. IF YOU wish to sell or exchange, see Stratum, 217 Abington Building. Magee, room 29 TWO farms for city property Murphy bldg.. Saiem, Or. B ACRES. impro4;eL for city lots or small house. Main 3109. 403 Ry. Exch. LOOK? LOOK' $95 lirocery at a great sacrifice; corner; 3 good living rooms. Cobb Bros., 928 Cham, af Com. FOR SALE Small grocery, doing $33 a day up. Good building, low rent, no competition. Sacrifice for $1100. 402 Beech st. Phone Wdln. 665. NEW SEHD2S GOOD MAXWELL Now on Display. MAXWELL-CHALMERS CO. E. 3d and Oreiron Sts. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 SCRATCH $2.50 CTCrprn Egg Mash $2.28 delivered. IP LIUL1 Woodlawn 4844. GOOD milch goat to trade for poultry or rab bits. Aut 616-86. FOR SALE One pair New Zealand rabbita, or will trade for chickens. 1 66 Fargo at. PETS; DOGS, BIRDS, ETC. 703 AUTO WRECKING business, good location. DO YOU NEED MONEY loans made on Autonmohiles FURNITURE, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS OU ANYTHING OF VALUE SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN TOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE0N THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAYMENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANDIS OR ON FURNITURE OF AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF FOR SALE Pupfaes, white island collies and pedigreed Airedales. Oregon Feed Store, 224 Yamhill Main 6838. cheap rent, large stocks. Will sea outright I NECESSARY. AND lOU CAN PAY LS IN or take partner. Too much business for one SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SLIT mm. J-511, Journal. CONFECTIONERY, fruit, cigars, lunch, depot location: clean stock; doing nice busine: just the place for woman; brick bldg. 604 Buchanan bldg. AUTO PAINTING shop doing from $750 to $1000 month, out of the city, the only one. $500 handles, half interest. Will stay till you cun handle your end. 504 Buchanan bMg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 J4 Brxton lis MEW BEHlEa )xt MAXWELL Niw on IHp!av. MAXWrOJ.CUAIJ.KRS CO. K. 3d and linear" Sl.v bunga- turectiv. 3 room model lew. full cement basement, furnace, lot 40x 110, V blotk to car. Owntr, 6721 Wood etnrk are. REAL G)OD INVESTMENT BY OWNER Two blocks in country town on S. P. Ry. junction. 10 miles from McMinnville, good suto road: over 100 bearing fruit trees, poultry fence, good chicken house and living room. Just the thing for chicken business. Good loca tion for barber, also other business could be established on these premises. $2OO0. eay terms. lcw if paid cash Phone Broadway 1777 Call or write. T. F. LENC 550 UITTOCK BLK. PORTLAND. OR. SALE OR TRADE 40 acres choice land, 30 acres in cultivation. 10 acres old stump pasture. 15 acres fall grain; 8-room house, bam and outbuildings, 2 mares, 10 cows, 1 bull. 4 heifers, 40 chickens, tools, machinery of all kinds, near high school and railway station, 21 miles from Portland, $11, 000. Will take house $6000, little money, balance mortgage. 6 per cent. II. M GATEWOOD & CO . 1 65 V, 4th st WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM 232 seres. 145 acres in cultivation, balance timber and pasture, running water, 6 room house, barn, outbuildings, 40 acres grain, 30 acres hops, wire trellis, new: 40 miles from Portland, near good town. Yamhill countv Orezon. Price $105 per acre. $1'4.360, ,$5000 cash, balance mortgage. Would take bungalow up to $5000. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO. 165.4 4th st. 18 ACRES. 6 roan nouse, large barn, joining county seat, Wallowa county, Oregon, $500 per acre. 700 acres well improved wheat and stock ranch, 9 miles N. E. Enterprise, Wallowa county, Oregon, $4 5 per acre. 160 acres, on Lewiston-Enterprise government highway, 9 miles north of Enterprise, $30 per acre. 490 acres, near famous Pumpkin Ridge, Grande Roude valley. Union county, Oregon, 3 4 miles north of Summerviile; good improvements. A-l climate and sou, $40 per acre. Will consider trade on any of above. X-647. JOURNAL. HKHIND every panrr of Title insvuaor Is a as.it wttk tha state of Or, ana to protert ynvs eaala kna, y tt la cheaper than tha isanel wvwed. Tiu. 4 Trnst company. ItR 8ALsV- 1 morn how, lot 4til00. 7311 84 ava. 8. K. 1 btnrk ear: $11110, $530 beware is month. Call 6328 re rmt Msesbsll 4220. 1 Al RH. man fur. house, gaa. wster, phone, rabbvW. chlrk.ns, milk ru. Kord roadster, on ami road: $40011. $;0O rash, bat monthly. Owner. Ant 619 art RUBUKBAN bungalow. $1900; new. 4 rooms; aawaseet: waNw. light. n. shad-. I2OiI05 earner; $289 rtc-wn. M-Clure. Umbdrrutockr 4k to. tvrwy. isai. ; 10 Oregon bldlg ROOM noose, partly finished, and 4 acre 4r sale eheap. I'rxwi. Automatai 638 30. w 9 day; Anvwasrie 36 01 on Sunders. ALBERT IMST RICT ' twaaa bwngalow. block t rar. store, school: ' I $919, $1000 down, balance long time; owner 101 a r st. :a. CIoseSn Acreage At East 20th st N. snd COLUMBIA BLVD.. 1 to 20 scrs tracts. Close to ears and schools. Rich silt aiL Beautiful, attractive homemtes. Choice 5 and 10 acre tracts $400 to $600 per acre 10 It down, balance annual payments. EIJtOD A DRYER. Owners 283 Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. REDUCING TRICE ONE HALF We hate several small tracts from two to ten acres within 8 to 18 miles from Portland near Sit Hood Electric line and hard surface auto roads. Very fertile soil. Our auto at -.yonr service. W. M. Umdenstnck A Co. Bdwy. 1S. EXCEPTIONAL SNAP 34 acres, adjoining station. Washington county, part cultivated; house, furniture, barn, outbuildings, 50 cords wood cut, 400 mere to cut. 1000 cedar posts made, spring wUr piped to buildings, trout stream, fruit, horse. , gasoline saw, tooLs., steady joo fa. u day. only tioo. terms. Du hni. 804 Spalding bldg. SALE OH TRADE 35 ar-res choice level land. 33 acres in culti vation, 'J acres pasture, family orchard. 4 -room house, barn 65x1.8, outbuildings, machinery and ukus, norses. 7 cows, b flogs, dozen chrc- ens, IS miles Irom Portland, good roads; $6500 houe $4 500: $2000 cash or mortgage. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO . 165 4 4th st. 56 ACRES' in Marion county. 1 4 miles to sta tion on good county mad. Mail and cream route, 45 acres in cultivation and seeded to fall grain. Balance timber and pastunu 7 room house, barn, chicken houses, etc. All stock and implements included in price. $7500. Will take bouse in exchange for part payment. Moore A Robinson, 325 Lumber Exchange. MODERN home. 8 rooms: 4 acre, fruit- ber ries, nuts, t or sale or exchange for smaller bouse. Aut. 631-94. TO TRADE 6 4 acres partly improved with buildings and fence, for 2 4 -ton wood track and httle cash. 11. Z. Smith, StaDonA, Van couver. Wash. A NO. 1 sub. crocery. doing $30 to $4 0 a day; rent $15 with lease: 4 nice living rooms, fur nished. Price $1600: well worth it. BUSHUE. Grocery Specialist, 518 Cham, Com. $100 INVESTMENT with work will net $50 per week; will stand investigation. Ask Mr. W ftsrnon. 312 Columbia rear. To buy or sell stocks or bonds ot merit, see Hosner A Hosner. brokers. 608 McKay bldg. M. 4823. APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 APT. HOUSE, furniture, building, land. Will trade for hotel up to $10,000. 504 Buchan an bldg YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 308-307 DEKUM BLDG.. 3D AND WASH. SALARY CHATTEL LOAN r WE LOAN MONET on short notice to salaries to workingmen on tbeir own notes. Weekly, frmi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidentisL NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also losn on household good, pianos, etc. CAIX AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. (LICENSED! 218 FAILING BI.TXV S1NCERS and bens, also gjod cages for eal. Csll Sun. afternoon and week evenings. Ta bor 6502. FINE yellow sincere for aa,e; Rollers, fema-ea. Phone East 4 175. BEAUTIFUL St Andeasberg roller augers and females; beat stock. Main 8471. $27 Mill A PAIR of 'genuine St Andrarberg rollers. also breeding race. . Aut. 3J5-33. FOR SALE Thoroughbred snd pedigreed Scotch collie puppies. Tabor 6874 FOR KALE Fine pointer puppia Wdln. 781 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 FORD ROADSTER, first-elaas coodiboo.. S50 CHEVROLET TOCBJNG. ta fine nnwditicn, good tires: for quick sale 259 SLajtwr.Li, ROADSTER, good tirea. top and finith 288 LIGHT DELIVERY, top. windshield and good txros, 3-srwed UansmiaBoa 27 i MAXWELL TOURING, overhauled. 8 soed urcs j7 BU1CK LIGHT ROADSTER. 8 cord tirev- this is a ansn 900 ESSEX TOURING. 8 good turn, runs bks 859 NASH sport model: can't be told from new. a new urea, wire wove Is. run laaa kbaa S000 miles: call aad look u over. FTtAN KUN TOURING, in fins oonditiow. WILLYS KNIGHT. Spaas., new cord Una: tha car la practically new; will aril at big sacrifice. Macy other ears of ctaadard asakaa fream lit . I.AAA . C. Q. Bleasdale biO ALDER T. Broedeay 1832. Fords Fords HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 MONEY TO UUN Money loaned on household goode or mer chandise placed in storage with us at a regular bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO.. 4 th and Pine t Opposite Multm'vaiah Hotel. Phone Br-dway 37 15. 160 ACRES of land in Alberta, Canada. Will sell or trade for milk cows. Write for partic ulars to O. B. OLson, Rosrdxnan, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WANTED WEST SIDE PROPERTY. Have buyers for houses and flats, south of Caratiiers st When selling always see the man who makes a specialty of handling west side property. JOHN SINGER - 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. NEW SERIES GOOD MAXWELL Now on Display. . MAXWELI-CILAUIERS CO. V: 3d and Oregon Sts. NORTH of Russell, partial inside residence lot, from owner. Cash reasonable. X935, Journal. WANT LOT in Kenton; must be cheap. 4879. Bdwy. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 23 AI RES at Scat noose, 2 cleared, balance easily cleared; 10 acres bottom land; creek running throuih place; on highway, close to school: 6 stands bees: sll implements: $2750. Sell. 3588. M. J. Edwsrds. 4!9 E. 34th. W II l von get a Title Inraranee roliey, o oa aa need aa abstract of titla One rrve- wevo paryfrw all rlma. Tills 4 Tnut company PUDMONT t-mofa nous, paved st. 2 toilets. Hla fwrnac. cement basement and gar-aa-a. $40O9. 132$ Cleveland ate. Wdln. 2 352. Ill LB laaureaee as Ma Daw ano. asoney beeansa so aaatract Is lequlreo. Title A Trust 1 H.N LUIS-I) 8 room bouse, game snd u Vnrd ear. $200; $800 cash, 4 Sumner ga.. Wawll.wn ear. Call Snnday nr even In ax CBT title kaswranrw lmd ot aa abatrar n awfe-aae aad cheaper sed yon are abaotarary fna.. aid saanw ewer Title Trust company. - TTToom hi rl.SL.Oed havement 1. . I rwrvutere v $29 do we. 1 1 m.th. wh, fl r-., ' " , pienamn vwg HM vme) jsvreheae year noasa have toe title tentuwA. 6et a TiUa Insurance Policy. Tula Tnw) vaiaev $JOUk- 8 mcna aaagalew. Alberta, very aUrao- "va, paead ftreet. half block of car: terms. Ow at Hnewe, I00 K. I&th N WHY PAY $450 an acre? Will sell five acres near Bsse Line road, close to PortLmd, for $200 sn acre Easv terms, J K IIAIGHT. REALTOR 3 27 Board of Trsile. Broadway 204S. 17 ACRESi 2 miles from 82d st. on Sumiv- side road. Small new house, good barn. Some personal stuff, including 4 cows, goes with place. . run arxi naisnce gixnl terms. 314 Couch bMg. Msin 7036. C1XISE-IN FARM 38 4 acres. 20 acres in crops, bal. pasture and timber; 75 bearing fruit trees, berries, etc 5 room house, barn and outbuildings: 2 4 miles Beaverton. 10 miles to Portland; price $7500; toms. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165 4 4th st. 4 ACRES, good 7 room house, chicken house, living stream. 30 fruit trees. 100 berries, near school and communitj center, on good road: fine for chicken or hog ranch. LINTON & WELCH 418 Railway Exchanre Bide. SMALL FARMS WANTED We are having many calls for small farms. If your price and terms are right we can get quick turn. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTKR. LOWE A CO. 201-2 3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NOB HILL DISTRICT 11 rooms, housekeeping, extra well fur nished, running water in most, rent only $40. nets $125. Price $2500, terms. 10 rooms, sleeping rooms, 2 fireplaces, good place for boarders, excellent furni ture, rent $60; $1900, terms. 10 morne. housekeeping, running water, rugs unusually good, ntts $60; $1456, terms. SOUTH PORTLAND 8 rooms, part housekteping, good bous, some fruit treeb, good furniture; $1000, terms. 15 rooms all on one floor, 2 and 3 room suites gas ranges, rent $60, leae; $1300. $800. Mrs. Albsush. JOILN FERGUSON. REALTOR Gerlinger Bldg. MONEY To LOAN On household goods at bank rates. ALERT TRANSFER CO.. 209 Oak St. $100 TO $2500; quick action. A. H. Bell. 2314 Mrnon st.. rooms 10 and 11. ' w FOR YOUK INSPECTION 1916 FORD touring. 1920 motor $ 195 1921 FOKD roadster, starter 350 1917 FORI! chassis. 4 in. tires 165 1920 FORD tounng. starter 35 1020 FORD sedan, starter 4 73 1918 CHEVROLET touring 300 1920 CHEVROLET tourinw 450 1919 CHEVROLET touruig 350 1921 CHEVROLET tounng 495 1921 CHEVROLET tounng. Baby Grand 750 1918 OVERLAND "90 ' touring 885 1920 OVERLAND light "4" touring... 475 1918 DODGE Bros, touring, 973 1919 DODGE Bros, touring 773 1918 OAKLAND sedan (winter top).. 575 1919 BUH K light "6" touring 8(ro 1918 KISSEL "100 Point Six" 485 1920 CROW -ELK HART tounng 850 1920 HUDSON SPEEDSTER, lilt new 1375 1919 FRANKLIN I B tounng 1450 1921 OI.DS "6" SEDAN, air shocks.. 1750 1920 STUTZ roadster 2250 1920 STUTZ. 4 passenger 2330 TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED L. Y. B1LIJNGSLEY MOTOR CO . Hawthorne ave. at 8th. Phone East 7. 1917 Extras 1920 Extras 1920 Extras 1920 Extras 1920 Extras 1921 Sedan Like new. . $200 . 325 . 349 . 330 . 7J DOWN. BALANCE 12 MONTHS- Used Ford Sales Co. EIGHTH AND DAVIS BDWY. $809. 1916 FORD tourinc. oxtxas $150 1917 Ford tounng, extras 165 1918 Fwrd tounng 215 1919 Ford tounng, ntrae 265 1920 Ford tnunnc. starter, extras . . ti 1920 Kord cow, extras 515 "1920 Ford sedan, extras 875 1917 Oakland touring 1-73 1117 Ituick four touring 173 1917 Bnick six tounng 83 VRANSON-S USED CAR EXCHANGE Union Ave and Belnxoot St, I pata,ra. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate in W ashington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbennens bkg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sell ers' contracts. F. E. Bowman A Co.. 210 Cham, of Com bldg. Main 3026. MONEY WANTED 651 WANT money for first mortgage losn on im proved real estate in amounts $300. $400, $500, $750 and $1000. all drawing 8 per cent net. These are conservative loans. Let us show you the properties. Fred W. German Go . 732 Cham, of Com. bldg. WANT TO RENT Client having $2000 cash wants to buy per sonal property and ' lease farm with the option of buying place for dairv. F. K EDDY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE A CO , 201-2 3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 10 ACRE TRACTS Near Oswego lake at Cook station on Lower Boone Ferry mad; land easily cleared. Just the place to get a start on; $300 will handle. Total $150.0. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. IVK HALE 10 acre, new bungalow. 5 rnoms. 1&0 fruit trees, bearire; barn, -mi'k km rows, aula route, at Scott car 9 2d at. house. 50 DOWN 3 choice acres for $900. Fire soil; under cultivation. Near station. Lmk it otw t'mbenstork A Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1-659. FOR exeall farms and acre Irs eta, also for good to snxau hoteea. Parry Agency, atilwao kie. Or. Pnoae 19. STOCK RANCH. 8S0 acres, fenced. 40 broke. 60 more plowed: 5 -room bouse, 4 springs. 30 head horses. 4 milch cows; price $8 an acre $3500 cash. bal. long time, 6 5. Call Wood lswn 2984 and talk it over. FOR SALE 30 acres, a bargain, inquire Wm. I, Galloway. Amity. Or. FOR RENT FARMS 408 13 ACRES TO LEASE AU In cultivation, directly cn the Red Electric line, and one mile west of Tualatin: best land in the entire valley: stream of water running through the south line; rent $100 per year. Gall Wood'iawn 68 ELDERLY man, owner enmce. ncn, all tillable lfiA Aeeea will went f , . . ftano 1 6927 making owner a home, the noma greatest consid eration and a very rare opportunity. Address D. Haley, radon. Nevada. SMALL DAIRY WANTED Man with $1200 as first payment, wants smau dairy near Portland, quick aotion. F. K EDDY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A CO... 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNrTTES STORES, ETC. 500 FOR SALE Army store, in one of the best towns in the Northwest; population 25.0011; only store of kind in city. A moneymaker for tne ngnt man. t-.v-i , jonnlal. WOODY' A RD OWNER wants partner in yard ana trm. Mas more than be can handle. Will guarantee $150 to $200 for your half. $1500 bandies. 504 Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE School store, building and stock $25 to $30 ail cash daily; take car and some cash; stock at invoice. Owner, 6429 50th ave. & E. Phone 629-89. WEST SIDE grocery, steam heated living rooms, fine locaaion: lots of business, $2500. Downtown store, 31500. BUSINESS SERVICE. 718 DEKUM BLDG. 4 4 ROOM HOTEL, hot and cold water, steam heat, 4 baths. 4 toilet. 4 -year lease, rent $250. Price $8500, $4000 cash. Nets over $400 per month. Hotel. 32 rooms, right in center of busi ness district, long lease, cheap rent, big in come, l oil cant beat ttus. nlv 80.1OO. Apartment houc, fireproof building, good lo cation. Only $12,000, terms. Clearing over tuu a montn. 14 rooms, all housekeeping. $2350. This place is clearing $ 1 25 a month. Rent enly $25, with good lease. $1200 cash, balance terms. When you want anything in hotels, room ing houses or apartments, come in and talk to us. LINTON A WEIX'H Main 299.". 418 Railws y Exchange Bldg. THOMSON A THOMSON, REALTORS West side apartment house, 68 rooms, most ly 2 room apartments, steam heat, water in all apartments, lease, rent $200, gross income over S100U; 850UO will handle Not a swell place, but a good money-maker. 14 rooms, all h. k., over 2 years' lease, rent $25, gross income $123 and own apart ment, close in: $120o will handle. MRS. MY'ERS. 620 HENRY BLDG. WTLL GUARANTEE 12 PER CENT ON YOUR MONEY. THIS IS NOT A STOCK PROPO SITION. ALL MONEY SECURED BY FIRST REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES. T-127. JOURNAL. TO BORROW $600 to build; security timt-er land or land to be built on. Box 354. K. F. D. 6. Portland. Or SEE OREIXlN INV. A MORTGAGE 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. CO- HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 FORDS! ,FORDS! FORDS! 1917 Ford tounng $195.60 1917 Ford roadster 193.00 1917 Ford tounng 150.00 1918 Ford delivery 275. 00 1918 Ford touring 250.00 1919 Ford roadster, starter 3 '.0.00 1919 Ford roadster 1919 Ford delivery 395.00 1919 Ford tounng 295. OO 1920 Ford tounng. starter 395.00 1921 Ford roadster, atarter; practi cally brand new 4 75.00 1921 Ford sedan .575.00 1921 Ford sedan 585.00 1919 Ford truck with brand new ex press body 475.00 Terms if desired. Open all day Sunday, and until 8 o'clock evenings. . FRANCIS MOTOR CAR OOMPANT Tb. i . Bide Ford Corner" East 3770. Grand Ave A HswthoTne. "BUILT TO rXDtTRa Portable and Permanent $4$ ta $809 Boat Sectional Garage BuQi n Pan'te Cna RKDIMADA BLDO. CO , POHTLA-D, OB. K. 11th and Market. Phone tu SUA Downtown eaies office CoaaasenvMalth bldg. 9.V004 tb and Ankeny. Phone Broadway 4I8. FORD OWNERS Ford overhauled .820 09 Rear axis overhauled 6 9i Valves ground, carbon removed - 8.00 Magneto Recharged. Wa hand lap pistons, scrsx beanagi, etc. which insures a erfecl running motor. Genuine Ford psrts only used. All work gusrantead. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210 Jefferson St THOMSON A THOMSON. REALTORS POOL HALL SACRIFICE Sickness forces this sale: 7 tables, soft drinks, confectionery and smokes: well located, good business, long lease, rent $50, nets over $400; $3700. CIGAR STAND: OWNER LEAVING CTTT tntral location, good leare. very low rent, income -$275 week. Saratin for cash. MR TIH. 620 HENRY BLDG STABLES, Inc. For sale, exchanjre or hire, any kind of horse you want Hare wagons, farm tnoU. grading tools, harrows, fresnoa, new and second hand harness, single or double ; collars and everything in harm line. We aim to sell cheaper than anyone in the business. We have more stock on hand than any one outfit in Portland- We can back up what we ad vertise by ah owing you goods and pnees. W'e hire by the day. week or month. Everything guaranteed aa represented. Phil Suetter, 285 Front et. KEYSTONE STABLES Team black Percheron horsee. 4 and 5 years old. weight 1:800 lb-, sound, true and gentle: price $325. Span bay Snir mares, 5 and 6 years t-ld. weight about 3000 lb., true and gentle; price $275. Twenty head horx and maree, 6 to 10 years old. weight 1100 to 17UU lbs. ; price s;a to namtas ana wagons. Stock all in good ahape. Inn al lowed. Terms. TOM SHERLOCK 31 Wster St Cor. Montgnrrnry St. 15 PASSENGER stage. including franchue. This is one of the best runs in Orecon. Bus like new: ran can make $20 a day clear. "WM. k hughson company, Broadway and Inivis. Call Broadway 321 S Loner. PIEBCE ARROW COUPE Cloned body, 2 pa avenger ear, in perfect con dition ; sell -atarter, demountable rime, a raaf platform for trunks or baggage, A fine car for tounng or suburban use. W ill be sold at a great sacrifice. Will pay to investigate. BROADWAY GARAGE East f.4th Bt and Broadway 1 MODERN HOTEL. S pnvate baths. 8 public baths, good furnirurt. This is one of the best hotels in the city. Grans income $1500 to $2200 a month. Long lease, rent only $.Oo. This is a bargain at the price; $14, 00O will handle balance easv. LINTON A WELCH Main 2995. 418 Railway Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE Acre tract. 87th at. comer; maU payment down; between at. car lines. Phone Ant 617 32. A REAL rnap in 1 acre close in. finest soil. $50 down. $lo per month; price $900; terms to suit Main 5201. . HUBKR 4 acma, 3 cultivated, good road; terms or trade- 12HO Rorthvnck. aril anas tawarad. BetAa aa safe than nee. t,.i AV Tul eompawy VOR IIX $ mvnva modern Hoosa. but lot. Meeaa to ear. Pnr $$3fK. enaytevvns Twtmeihia parly. Owner. 1929 K. Gnsan. V UA V a arrvady eaaaamed tae uth to yowt nraiisrly and eaa Invoe yoa a TtUa I Kara no alet wvinet dky Title A Tnast enwjnaay kiMiM nenaa, avmiad IJOtUO: 4urAevMaad aaragn. fnart. Ptww $18041. $239 down, bal aaoa al $18 par , liraner, 408 Board af Trada FOR SALlv 20 acres, rreek. 2 miles south of vjrmam. owner. Tabor 364 9 or Tabor-8923. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 ivi- amu gut: location, pnea, terms vnoomiy; anrrmnf or value down. 4 r. h . la HVll3 - 550- k, K 1?50; Ira. 83630 Owner. Marskall 79. rvn, larva, aeraacea am aea.nfnl ai.au e. aetwee- Portland aad Oregon eitj. aaa savvey, aauwaoaia, ur. rnoaa 1 9. : FOR LET 4 5-acre dairy and poultry farm. close to paved highway and electric station. 507 Wygant at, Woodlawn 709. 40 ACRE farm for rent, cash lent, Magee, corner State and CcmmerciaL- over Busick'n. Salem. Or. HOMESTEADS 410 COPY govt, maps snowing Western Orecon homestead leads. $1. Our charges are rea sonable and our serrires the best oa locations. References given. M. J. ANDERSON, 831 Railway Exchange bldg.. Portland. Best-paying drug 21st and Northrup. Drug Store store on tha Main 3231. side $900 BUYS grocery store, stock and fixtures, in well established business district. Caters to apartment house trade. BUSINESS SERVlIT:. 718 DEKUM BLDG. 160 ACRE improved relinquishment, in fine stock locality; running water; wast of Mc Minnville, fine neighbor hood: county road; 80 valuable timber and 80 easy eUeei.,. $600. 391 Corbett bldg. FOR A GOOD rehiiquiahment or homestead location aaa E. W. HETA4 42? Cham, nf Com. Hldg WITHOUT location teas. I will locate a t, people oa rood Hovaeeteads. Enclose $1 for particular, u. U Kooerts, K. Box 95. Wil lamirta. Or. , PARTY LEAVING CITY WILL SACRIFICE PAYING BUSINESS. WILL INVOICE OR LUMP. MUST SELL AT ONCE. 431 STARK STREET. STORES for rent, suitable for meat market, drug store, hardware, furniture, bakery: new building, ready December 1. End of Broadway carone, zsvlo ana r-rescc-tt st. Printing for Less Bydev PTnHrig Co. Main 5S6. 19t Sd at. POX.IL HALL, cards, -cigars, fountain, lunch, doing $35 to $60 day. $1000 handles. one ot bast buys m city. 804 Buchanan bldg. MEAT MARKET for sale, doing a good cash pnsinesa. lae E. Mark at, near 69th Mb. Tabor ear. MONEY WANTED I have the plan; lead'' the money. Will pay 20 per eent on all narrated iz. Journal. WE specialize in rooming houses, apt booses and hotels. W ouid be pleased to hear from jou if you wish to list or find a location. MRS. SNOW. Broadway 4664. 320 Lumbennens bldg. 10 ROOMS. 5 minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's good furniture, clearing nearly $100; rent $50; stove heat. See Mr. I'urrie. J. W. GKUSSL 318 Board of Trade Bldg. if sin 7452 THOMSON A THOMSON. REALTORS $2500 handles 32 rooms, vme h. k.. cen tral location, leasn, clean over $200, corner building, always full. . Mr. TAPLIN, 620 HENRT BLDG HOTEL, 38 rooms, all on one floor. 5-year loase, brick building, newly furnished, good furniture, see tnis at once. LINTON A WELCH 418 Railway Exchange Bldg. THOMSON A THOMSON. REALTORS. Leading hotel, apartment and rooming boose brokers, can at your service. 62Q HENRT BLDO. BDWT. 4880. WE HAVE for the money invested best paying apartment in the city. If yon have $8000 see this place at once. 419 Lamb. bids. Wine- low IJO. WE CAN sell or trade your hotel, apartment house- and other business. Star Real Estate a: lov. vo.. au vtiop blag. Main 9604. GOOD north end corner location, brick build mi, one floor, income $30l rent, $128- nil tor $19uU. aud terms. Mala 7 5 IX. U. S. STABLES Horses for sale, hire or exchange; harness and wagons of all kinda 365 Union ave. S. cor. Stephens st G. D. Williamson & Glass CROWN STABLES, Hnc Forty-five dollars buys pony, cart and har ness. ALv have 24 head of rabbits for sale cheap. 285 Front st $195 BUYS team logging horses. weight about 3300 Iba. rat and in gxl shape to work, with good breeching name-. Inquire Butts' team. Keyrtnne S'ables. 31 Water t TEAM, weight 3100 lbi.. hamesa and wagon; sound and bst f workers; will sell reasonahle. 67th Street Fuel Co., corner 43d ava. Mt. Scott car. HUGHSON ft authorized ford corner AT BROADWAY AND DAVIS When you think of Ford think of Hug two n a. established since 1903. Over 4000 satisfied cus tomers on the Psrific coast smre January 1 . 1921. Bring $75 to the Ford corner at Broad way and Davrs and dnve home a good used lord balance like carfare WM. L. HUGHSON COMPANY. Authorised Ford Agents Broadway at Dan. Broadway 321. Ofn evenings for your convenient STEAMER New oversize boiler and bumer. A 1 me chanical condition, high-powered, splendid tow ing car. truck nr speed bug. iTmnoatratx anywhere. Most have orwiey at once. Sell for half pnre of rxaler alone; $20O hand. Investigate. Wdln. 6023 Radiator "Tea, Indeed" wa eaa repair that leaky or daaagad radiator, fonder zL 1 or body as good as new. Cog. L. . li j . ai nAwinusa EAST a498 MUST SACRIFICE-CHANDLER lata 1920 touruig, perfect condition, run 7000. looks like new car; extra equipment. $1 175 D 394. Journal. A REAL clany little sedan in A-l oondiooa la every way : has ft wire wheels and good rub ber: a real snap : small payment down. Call Mr. Stewart, Broadway 8606 FOR QUICK SAli iftlii Chalmers rtuuavray. fin tclaaa oonditiufi throughont, oord tjr. equipment, one extra! $800. teraa. Private party. .282. Joarnal OLI IMMOBILE This car must be s.d at once Late 1920. 8-cylinder tounng; look exactly like new; run comparatively little: 3 tirea A beautiful, powerfuL economical car. good for manay years' service. Would take terms or trade small car. C. W. Philupa. Broadway 3435 1920 HUPMORU.E in eicelient ahape. eord tires, lot of extras and is one of the best used cars on the market today. bee it and b convinced. Call Tabor 1 5 4 Z 1920 FORD ROAlibTEB Good rubber, fuiiab and motor fma Has express body, if wanted. Will make terms. Call Wood la ven 3930. WE WRECK THEM Hiabe.1 raefa prtoa paid tor old cars, condition no obyeel. AUTO RECONSTBUITION CO.. Third and Gassn. FokD TOURING $i'ii This car is a bargain- Good tirea. finish and upholstery excellent, email amount raaa han dle. Can Woodlawn 8950. 1920 FORD TornfNG $365. terms; newly panted: top. motor aad tires good; demoontsble runs snd arjotk abaorbera, Cai: Woodlawn 3950. 1918 FORD. $100 in eitra. $225. with aa fint paytaent, balanre. 12 montha Woodlawn 613 taU TEAM, 2600 lbv. good workers and gentle. with nearly new breerhing harneaa Pnos $100. Ask for Mr. Burr's team. Keystone Stable. SM Wster st. SPAN young, chunky-built marm. well broken to work, weight about 2700 Tba. with breeching harnes. for $185. Mr. W'oodV Key stone Stables, 381 Water st FOR SALE at a bargain. 20 head of borvea weighing from 1300 to 1 00 I ha. 4 to 10 years old Call at K. 9th and Fland-rs. HORSES for sale, bin or exchanre, sold oa com mission. Keystone Sub lea. 381 Water L, foot Montgomery. Marshall 8518. MAXWELL TOURING. Body. top. mrebanata and tires sll in good condition. Best buy hi town at $450. See Parsons. Wax. L Hugh son Co.. 60 N. Broadway. HCPMOBU.K 1919 $775 Cant beat thia See it. Terms or trade. Call Woodlawn $950. 8100-POUND team, right off from work; aell cheap; harness and wagons of all kinda. 340 E. 8th. corner of Mai a. STALLS for rent, borsea lor aire, stab lee. 427 E. Clay East 9290. Clay at. DOUBLE team 88 nay. tragi. 849 rrorn st Miia 1209 81.89 day. 220O lb team. 368. if taken at once. 8717. 43d ave. Mt. Scott car 2400-POUND team, harneaa aad t j 8110. 1888 Hawthorn- attk. 1920 FORD ROADSTER, starter and extras . car in dandy ahape: $375. torraa UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand Ave, and E. VamhilL East 471. 1918 PAIGE touring, good condition, new paint, new top. 8 good tires. 850; torra. See Hard. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY East 3770. Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. MUST HEI J. at on-. a 1920 ChevmlBt, ran 5OO0 aulea, in perfect sl-ape. Soma trrma Call Wdln 154 WE TEAR era up and vfl txw pma Aoto Wrecking o. 911 AldM. Broavny 8?4 Mail orders tiM 17t Auto Tops ft Be-coeenng and repairing 828 Salmon t between 6th sad Beewdwey MY FINE Dudr tounr-c. aproal top with sta gla w-.ndow, ovenua Urea, only 8339. Mr. Smith. Marshall 9. AUTOMOBILES at aactana. laaraday. 7 .30 p m . Nov. 17. creeper Sixth and Everett. MUST sell 1920 hgbt six. 8 pern, iiae new; 4 term. Call Mr. PendergeaM. Broadway $. 1919 ROADSTER, new paint and 5 good tirea; rust been overhauled from stem to stern : a real bur at the prv-e asked. Call Mr. Stewart for demonstration. Easy terms Broadway 3Q6. 1918 FORD DE4JYKRT. only $93. UNIVERSAL AR EXCHANGE Grand Ate and B. TamhfU. ImM 471. CARS . bought for wracking, parte aoid for all rara Oresron Auto Wrecking Co , Belmont near 6th. East 469. ' SAVE MONET. Get pricaa at Noctbwaat Wcld Inc A Supply Co., oa yowr ptetoi and oiiadar work. h8 Fint at. 80th. J CA&a W ANTED AaxU aad IvarottT", AUTOMOBILE at ucona. Tbarwis". 7 19 p ra . Nov 17. corner Sixth and Eervtt IiON'f kl'.Ab THIS EK-4S Fair $673. W-ndlswB I9&A. 8450 LIGHT si. t pa . at a mfir Call Mr. Ptrwart, Uroadwsy w AUTOMOBILES at eaTa. Thursday. 7 30 p m.. Nov. 17. Winer Birth and I. eeretx. FORD panel deuwevy. 1918 asoOl. 8180 Tarwav Phone 939-49 AUTOMOBILES at aactMa, Tburwiay. 7 30 p. m.. No. 17, rorue i ftirth and Everett. 11 89 BUY 8 1918 Cheer-let toanng nma gorl Fnooe owner, t. : 17. CARS WANTED B. 2329 NEW Wearing ear body at a bargain. 418-46 iAks wantt:d b. 2129. tCKtiinl am fa