. THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 21 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1821. 'SITUATTONS WANTED MALE 2S1 -TAINTING, piraaiiiit. lanuiiu repaired aad - rui.hd Prv nae.aaM.! work guars., awad, akae 1906 Mittliim ,. Tubo lias aw I T71. Rwnrmrrft r BRADY ROACH W palnf and "pair t fa ad taN how. Tabor 821A Woedlawa 4646. CiHrLVTUl will sliuigie,' mLuxU,' auLa g'ar m. $; worker; price WMinrtlc WewHiawa 3676. JToOH surfacing, alertie waded, hand Km nilM. 40SI. W. JbL I, bAo4 scraping. Ttbwita. Tabor FOR RENT I FURNISHED ROOMS 300 1 fg -t AMERICAN hotel S M. SL This betel baa km thoroughly deM and b owned and operated by Americana. The beat service la th. rity for the rates charged. Ele gant lobby. ilmU service, always Iota el bet r. iin bathe. Bates, 50c. . 11- aspa. raise to nerwianent !. FDW. r. GODDARD. Mgr. GORDON HOTEL 174 Waat Park St Mala 202-. PATERHANGING. tlnuo. painting, aoaaal ' phocva service tododed. transient tod PsSTnaaent work s specialty. AU work rtaraniaad, CaJl CARJ't.MTfcK kMUaalaa etna M repair work, roxfa repairH and garage built. Shop, 1367 fliwhoene Tabor 120. PITCHING, ailiae oa lamas. 4mm by rod a day. Addraaa alee Ulaam, 842 Una at.. 1 rHand. - YOCNG maa waaas position driving foe pri vate family; Tpwrieaoad; touring ear or trark 4 Beat $0thet MAN. IS. oapriswjad la ImoMm, veneering. and salaaameaahtw, weak position with .aglneer tag firm ar bead heatae, 14 It. Journal FAINTING, papering, ksiaomiuiiuj- and repairing. root wpectaiUt: aeUffecttua or Bo pay. t'ii Matn at., mom tl. Mala To. INMAetkUED aia. mtTud la O. 8. want praailna aa gani.ner or laaitor; C. S. employer rvw 4: rf. X-640. Journal. "A GOOD rallablo mechanic, thoroughly axperi aacad. ddre work la shop, driving, or any thing. Tabor 8501. FAPKRUANGINO aad Ununc. drat alaaa work. frtona ramabla. Tabor HOBO. -f a. AM UOCAi waatar. tmMi, andtne. ate., day or contract. H4. nnta doairfd. 1 HOTEL. NKTUKKULNDS. 124" 13th at., at UaaJilnctoa Brtck atractara. eeaier of Port lacd'i bminaaa and aoeiai actintiei, ra portable; ainUaaa rooma i wark. f I a day op; wita pn rata bath, f X day. , CALX at T. M. C A. to aca f raa Bat of moderate piVfld nnsna for yoanc mra in all parta of tha city, inetadioc rooma at tha Ccntnl T. M. C. A., with ulapbona la aach rooax. aaower baiha and einb fartlitla. t HOTEL ARTHUR 170 11th at. nwr tforriwti. CVaa. ajodern raoma by day, waak ar moatn : raaai m abV rataa. SWKLX alacpioc room, beat pan of Piedmou. 1 block bt ear arrnce; 100x10 corner, sic yard, ftnriy fimiiad, 119T Cle-rel ara. WAln. 88. - Last! HOTEL HARRISON Ota farnhhad room 82 week. 5e to 50e par nigbt; f atory brick bnUdink. 408 Front. WASHEWGTON HOT Ely 12TH AJD WASHINGTON STS. Attraotiro ronma and aoiMa at raaaonable r rata try work: or month. CKUCNT work, tint !'.at 7S4. only. 1. A. BaUar, l U'i.VIZEg waata work, w Uiinf to work for low wfa thta winter Woi i 703, city. Furs' BIX) dona very r twmaeta by tha bony ar by tha jnh. Autv ak-t. CaMK.NT wokk Halutacuoa (ua ran teed. , Wnmllawn 1241 Ufca-M. .BAlHN, iEM'L TEAMING SARQENT HOTEL Bawthona and Grand. H. K- and sleeplnc rooma. not and eold waur. iltun beat. E. 21. "otra or day.w . Ant. 022 8. alter 8. r KAT Japaaa rook wanbv attoatioa; will go awywhr. W-781. Joamal. 1'AI.N TIM and kalaomintnf .' wofk and material fnarantead; prr raaaonablr: Hellwood 1027. PAfKKl.NG. tinting, in.ida pautiai. by day or rnntrart; flnura finished. "Tabor 52SH. Dial ttmetx tirot-hed 81 HO or Mr. 2t. CKMKMT work. lUUwood ! all kkada. Vint alaaa only. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 IrtUfWuHtrlV la.ly TCCLTD HOTEtT 571 Waahington. at 18th Iarge, clean, airy room, private batln. Rataa to permanent gwta. Bdwy. 22. HOTELS ROWLAND, ANNEX, MAETLAND. V1BGES1A, 207H-21H 4TH 8T. BATES. tic. II PER DAY. WITH BATH. 81.60 DAT VP. . KECTOR HOTEL. N. Broadway, new and modern. Talo loeka on door, f 1 day up. 15 per wk. np. PriTatr baths. Account closing of Journal business office Armistice Day, distribution of premiums will be continued this Saturday. Though there are four to' five hundred premiums on hand, this offer good only according to present supply. Better be early so you'll be sure of premium. ' FREE This Saturday to Each Sunday Journal Cash Want Ad Patron Albino. Hotel 24 ALU IN A ATE. EAST 8150. Hlerping rooma and nomeKeeplng rooma. Maxwell Hall .yV t'urnlabecfe aleeping rooma, bath, atcam heat, hot and cold water; 84 week and up. tnii bouvcteaoing, ahlng: good work guaranteed. Woodlawa ' Tlra-pnable ratea. iOI Mi aurriod lady wUka to take car of ona or two children la daytime; good rafereneea. mo M lwiiin4 a. W.lln. 6624. t'OwPKTKNT wtonivrapoar. 14 yeaia' erpari enoe, deairea permanent poeition. Main LACK I't'HTAINM HAND LAINDEKKD; 12 TKArt' FXI'KRIENCF. KAAT 1. HOTEL DAYTON Fint at Taylor Steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooma. THE SOCLE Sunday chicken dinnen 73c, week day 60c. all you can eat. cooked like mother cooked. 191 11th ft. ISXPKHIEVC'KD marker and mter wanla poai tlon. 44 K. Bath at. N.. city. foi'Nu woanaa with boy V wubea eltion ai houMhMfper In entleman'a home, k t 8722. DRESSMAKING DtLI.Ki. aieanwe. pre ma, a 256 king, re modeling. relUt'ag. alteration, pleating, rea- -i a week up. abla nrk a, Taa Cabinet Drewnaking par- I )or., 474 Morriaon, y 11th Matn 12 ' TUX GLAD SHOP Drawanaking. evening gow na a i- It y. Mod. rate price. 1001 Broadway bid; M.ln BH. ! HLMdtlTCULNii 8a. wUU. you wait Deaign Ing. drewmaklng and remndeling; work guar antewH. i9H Panama bldg.. 8d and Alder. Matthiesen Hotel Rooma 60c day up; IS week up; clean, ngbt, hot or cold water, atcam heat. 204 Columbia. LJi;HT, clean rounu, aUm neat, eiectxio. ligUt. bath with hot water at all hours, $10 a month. Adulta only. 800 Barter, near 26th. Until 7001 " 20 N. 5th 8t. Corner Givan 75c and up. Hotel Medford Two blocks from Depot Hot and cold water in each room. ) NICELT furniahed lroGt room, cioaa In. 0373. aat FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY two Young ivisinkks men 301 MISIK RrCKI.KT Hemetltcfaing. Button. riratlng 8H 7 A Her t Main X07S ' HEVMfllVUlW whi!. you wart. LunaUaoa eeU I o yarrf. looej Broadway Mng. ! ili-M.1TlTt.HI.NO, any rolor. rc yard; buttnna ' "Tweed pleating, wallmilng 200 Ali'ky Mdg. PI LX aewing. children a garment neatly maila. Phone VooIU-n 2002, TeVANTKD Uillilrea'. elotliaa to make at home. HOMiiawn sojo, H7 1 lommernal t. Can hare large, cheerful, well-furnished front room In wall kept home, clow in, with heat and phone, eery reasonable. 53S Flanders. DHKMaMAKI.NG ana alteration work dn. MO Harney . 8.11. 2040. neatly NURSES 257 ttNLiKk-HoS TOSTnanery for children under tha euparrlaion of gradaata nur. 433 K. nth N , anr. Tillamook. Kat 1B4. FOR RENT 300 FURNlViED ROOMS ttrRHRM. ATTKNTION I Under new managa meat, home for nuraea; ararything new and lean: S deatrahla rooma yet to bo had. 266 N, 2t cor Northrop, Aat. 638 28. Auditorium Hotel 208 4 Third BL, Ronma with at earn heat and bath. Rcaion able rate. BENTON HOTEL Comer Broadway and Alder. North weet heat, ftulta or alngla ruuma at reasonable ritea phona """newhall hotel 40 K. Waahlngtna L. corner Grand are.; modern; ontnlde aleeping rnria.. VERT DEH1RAHLE. FLVELT FURNISHED PRONT ROOMS. HOT AND COLD WATER. TKRT CTXSK TO BUSINESS CENTER. 821 12TH BT.. CORNER CLAY. BEAUTIFULLY fumlahed room, baa floor lamp, leather furniture, ate: large dreaaing room and Bleeping porch; very reaaonabla; walking dutanee. Bdwy. 4320. FSB" RENT A large. ateam-Beated turnahed room ; hot and coed water in room, bath on earoe floor; rery reasonable. Ilat 20BS. Cor ner R. Main and 10th. . 3 TTN FURNISHED front rooma for rent; water, light, phuna, furniabed. Mala 1442. GOOD rant room, ateam heat, lerator aerrica, cloaa la. Call at tha Laads. 210 Market. CLEAN, big furniahed room, private .home, for lady, with use of kitchen and all home privilege. 32 wk. Alberta car, 1181 E. 15th N. MODERN furoi-ihed rooms, walking distanca. Grand are. and Eaut Couch Phone East 708 after B p. in. . IN IXJVELiY home, large room, with alcove; ml table for 3 ge&Uemcn; $30; walkizu dia- tar.ee. Main 4254. CLOSE in. warm.' attractive room with breejT- faal; all the comforts of a home at a reaaon able ratit. 469 (')ay t Main 2228. I t l r ' , ?al-i? II 4 1 t - II -vVv V li If You Can't Come to Journal Office, Then Phone Your "Ad" PleiJity of Girls d y Every Friday and Saturday Always ;Rea To Take Your Little "Want Ad" By Flhoie For the Big Sunday Journal ONE LINE ONE TIME ONE DIME FOR RENT FIATS FURNISHED 309 PLKDMONT. fnaa a-aabbert ei. -IOwbIW ear ner, nkw yard, aoroca rands rtooa for a. Caraa, nicely furniabed, diaappeanog bed. sleeping porca. Wdln. 58.- ; . LOWSX floor of pairaU hoane coeiuog of 4 rooma. aompietety raraiabaA. aamdwra 000 iewaas: a kmc d its are. wt aide. 3 35. Call MarmaH 421 for ariKonrm t," adolta onty. 4-KOOM Oat, luraly fttmlshed. lor rant; S large porchea, atrasaml aa; aaar S. r.abopa. Ballwood S831. . : ' FOR "RENT HOUSES FURNISHED 311 FOR NT ar aaaae, 4 raoaa aaottara faruaJavA inejae,. tn(. ehaAaat hew am a4 yard. cf of kwnd. ia Parkraaa, atek afT Craar road; fma read: 314, par aaoath. Taboe- 4i77 at Tabor T71S. " FLNEL.T ttuniehed room Tuvt, thoroogUiy mod em, ihort waiking thstaace; UrrO yard, porch. 4 E. Glfaaa. Bear Vnion. TWO 3d-Door aVroaaa (lata 813. 1 200 Va aad 204 McMiusa aL. jaat acroaa Broadwaj andre. ROOM Hooker. beaUy faraiatiarl flat, 1 $20. Mala 3t r 4 ROOMS, clo ia. light and cleaa; referencea. Proteaunt prefer d. Kaet 8931. ONE FIFTH POUND FREE GOLD BRAND 1 An incomparable milk chocolate flavor different delicious delightful surprise to you. Made by Stollwerck Chocolate Co., Exclusive Milk Cocoa Manufacturers Distributed from Manning warehouse, 9th and Hoyt. Broadway 703 SOLD BY ALL GOOD GROCERS y2 -LB. SIZE 40c 1-LB. SIZE 75c JOURNAL "WANT, ADS" COST LITTLE One Line One Time One Dime A STATION AROUND THE CORNER IHtlll!! FOR RENT 3 roota modern famished flat. I48H Sswat Call aaorntears tja aeaav FURNISHED Tiat or heawkeeiung reoaaa, garae'; ruaauaiabla. Belrwond 89li. &MA1X, dean, modern flat; phona and garage; reasonable: adnloi. WoodlawB S2I0. , t-ROOM caanpiately faraaait b jais $30 pa nib. Tab raltaa era U earn Mee Recw, atop at Peadaoa. Marahaa 4K 141 ' Corbett. cor. Pmdietoa. . - -f - SCENIC LsOIaUK eaeaawa. t aad room. Cirk new. 20 miaataa walk to heart at rata. Hai at. ear to J3:h au. 2 fetors wear. 824 Hetrhm w-rrare. X1CLLT rnrmstbeel T raoas baaralww. ST era eaneciueacea, aea. eieoLnrity 7 and fuw S Mka. Iroaa AlaaUta bwa amaot: we U rWmraa: reel t ar arO. 1021 at BK. FURNrTTKD roraa hoaaa. 88. Inejalra SSI East 7th at B Us. Phaaa 312-32, FLATS UNFURNISHED 310d &-KOOM modem at fiat. 141 a lUailua aea.; furnaee, electricity, gaa rtoee, waWr heater, Uootrtua 'la kitchen; references. Mam 21. NICELY furniabed 7 room bewaa, taaao, library. S hatha, farneea. flrepiaoa, tleti lull ,. gaa, garage: will lease. edeJU aasly.' iinaim er Mala 8I. . LAktiE a room uafamtobed and 3 roum fur BBhed. 228 Alberta, aaar Jefferson high arbool. TWO or three lane, taeaaant. unfarahed rooma, aleeping porch, goad fare are, cuiot, pnva how: dose in west wide. Main TQ02. MODERN 3 room flat and aleeping porrh ; wilting AisUnoa. 192 E. 13th at. Broadway FOR BENT nre rooms, unTarvahed. luw.r flat. 207 Halacy ar. $30. Inquire 19' Monroe et- IX K RENT Four roa apper flat for rent, ruoe location; $1$. water included, Telrptmce Ml East b716. CALL at 266 H Broadway aooth. 2-4 Buaday. for modern 8 or 4 HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE ' FOR SALE 313 MODERN 6-toom bnaje. faaaiaerae ejirvl. rent 338; new funutare for aale at a earn TVe: eaay teraas. WTt Marrreaa et. FOR RENT Fire rooca Oat. $22 80; furniture for sale. First ciai a piano, ciosa tn. reaaeishia 206 Masea street. . 7-ROOM house for rest, tumuare far aua. Maranaa Ifa. MCB furniture in a .7-eoona Vrwrr flat let 3630. Rent 837.30. Maia T8I1. . STORES AND HALLS STtirU; iK RLNT 314 Jat newly built, ail make a fine location for drugstore; la re-Jeaee district Mala 7248. FOR dWsrsbat aia aa ttreproaf mivmaaaa phone Itioedeay 3713 OFFICES AND DESK ROOM SIS DESK ruum. an Lb trloaooe aad atcaograatuw Phone Broadway 1713. FOUR rooms, with garage. 702 TaaconTer are. Artnlts. Kat Z1PV . 4 ROOMS and bath, with diaappearing bed. 1035 Rodney are.. 335 per mo. Ant 314-4S. DEak RinJM (or rrat with tendant eerrice. Itesirahlt. ally 705 Oocb bMg. paoae aad aa- Apply FOR KENT Down stair, flat at 614 Powell street on Brooklyn rarline. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 3 1 1 FOR RENT Immediate possession Six-room modern bungalow. Hardwood floors throng ttout Linoleum m bathroom and kitchen, fi'isde. on all windowa. Will aeU reasonably drapea aow on window. Pui-iukw aad liret. oa. Ererything in perfect condition. One of the bet east side district. Rent to responsible parties. (57 per month. See the house at 1217 Rodney avenue. APARTMENTS WANTED To reat 1 or 3 apt with private bath close in. 3S7 4uroiahef Main 7173. HOUSES set iii!lilt:iiiiii!liiiiillllilijili1Hiiti;IM RENTAL BUREA0 Last your bouses, flam and aoertmenta artth ne ; qmrk reaaru aad good araaam. PACRrNfi, MOTIXG. STORAGE. I-OAXS BECTRITT K TO SAGE A TRANSFER CO. 3 Fenrth at. opp. MnRneanah HotaA Tbone Broedwsy 3713 REAL ESTATE FOR-SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 We Furnish the Money BUSINESS LOT OWNXBS, ATTEJfTlOX' If yon have a vacant ot in a rocatioa that is suitable for bnaineaa we will leaaw and finance a building for yon: garagaa. atores, rooming houses aad hotem wiU be in demand for tha big fair: now ia the time to make a piece of property that ia a burden pay you a fine 1 arouse. If you hare such a piece of property pome in and see a at once, Reverman In v. Co. . 210 Lewis bldg. Broadway 2954. APARTMENTS AND FLAT.. . - PROPERTY 402 every aeuu. urge garage; no smsu enuaren; ALWAYS smnM. 4 f.. mmm. awU: ice in. long lease to right party: would aeU. 440 R. I 1J0; fists, 44-65; bnilding Is not oM: would out t . Antematic JJI 87. cost around 818.000 to construct now. Bnecial GOOD 14x0 tent bouse. 2 rooms, partly fur-1 ,or money ia tha why of tha rery low price mstieo, gaa, elect, inside Unlet, good yard, gar- I o eii,"vu, iow easn, naianca aaa remaia aen; rent reasonaoie. ziot uoncera, oL. J oans i""- r. nrawi. nu nsignv. sua, pass. car; near school, between 9. and o, . v- BEAUTIFCL. 8 rooms, hot waur heat, hard- LOTS arood floors, builtina. garage, lane grounds. I irmintun eiow llnohll tnmtioK S V. I NORTH MT. TABOR hit . wi m I Forced to sell mr snlrndid kit oa kttf -se. iOMS. floored attic, basement 4 tot,, elec StlJJ rfo SPRINKLE RED WAREBOCBX on tracks aa- Btore your goods with aa. .Let na aa your moving aad packinc. CLAT B. MORSE. tSC Broadway $470. $ QUaaa at PIANOS moved. $3. sttin extra $1 each flight; ,30 days free storage on all household goods; I furniture moving. 1 ton truck. 82 ter hour: ! large truck, 62.75 per hour; wa are experienced and nave good packing. Cau Broadway 1307. Atiaa Transfer A Storage Co.. 184 N. 3th at Open Sundays and erenliiga. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $6750 Learing city, will sell my borne 00 easy term ; small payment dawn, modern. 6-room bungalow, magnificent view, exclusive district on carline. Will rent if not sold. . Owner, Main 3?38. 1 FOR RENT Brand new bungalow, modern in 403 FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 HOTEL FRAN KLIN Washington at llih. Rates by the week $3 aad up; m and eold nrnauig water, hot water heating system. Tub and shower bath. HOTEL LIL-MER 270 H 4th Pit.. Opp. City run Delightful outside rooms, hot and cold water; reejwMienle rate., day or week. HQTElTOCKLEY Mnrritjon at 10th. 91 ft day, wcrtly $5 np; Tr pnr.nt and batn-, lmnt and airy. HOTEL RUYAL Cor. Morrison and E. 3d. M idem sleeping and h. k rooms, 8a week and up; 41 per usy EASTERN HOTEL Two 1 loom II. K. siil tea. not and euld water each floor, 33 80 and 34 week 50c Day, $2.50 Week Up Clean, hatha free, bot 'water at all houra. HoTKL AOIlJtC. 3d at.. f Jefferson. LARUE, sunny, front bedroom in Irrington, : . . D. .... i A . . i , , i, ... . UllM)i 1 "( A VI 4. ICUUCOKJ1. , , M9h th st north East 6913. 1UR RENT 2 clean trout rooms for 2 gentle men, with board ; good meals and clean bed ; heme cooking, steam heat and nice home, lots of hot water. Woodlawn 4545. LARGE front airy room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. All modern eonreniencea ; walking distance downtown; good home cooking. Call at 358 Larabee or phone East 443S. NEWLY furniabed front room, suitable for 2; home privileges. 251 ft E. 2d st N., opposite Marine hospital. l'l.KA.SANT. warm room, close in; home privi leges Included; rem reasonable. 327 S. 17 th st SLEEPING- room with private family, rea.on able rent, gentlemen preferred. Main 7095. 273 14th at . CLEAN aleeping room in modern borne, with nse of kitchen and bath. block to car. 1027 K 11th st N. Fl RNISHKD room in apartment suitable for man or woman employed, walking distance, ateam heat Call after 0 p. m. Bdwy. 2-'5S. VERY comfortable room, modern, wast side. walking distance; residential district, $12. Main 0485. ; VERY deurable room in private family, clone in, modem in every respect, 83.50 per week; garage available. 808 Belmont Esst 1202. NICELY furnished rooms for rent light airy, epleasant; all modern home atmosphere; good home cooking, home privileges, an laeai ptace. 712 E. Taylor. Aut 212 37. PRIVATE HOME FOR CHILDREN BETWEEN 3 AND 7 YEARS. WOODLAWN 1509. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 35 WKKX. Absolutely clean. ccmpleULy fur nished housekeeping suites; every convenience; hot water at all hours. Single housekeeping rooms, $3. Hotel Cadillac, 3d st, near Jefferson. PLEASANT, DESIRABLE ROOM WITH KITCHENETTE, EXCLUSIVE LOCATION, 8PLENDID VIEW.' 768 PARK AVE.. Vt BLK. FROM COUNCIL CREST CAR. MAIN 4278. FOK RENT For 2 people, in beautiful home in irrington, large iront bedroom, large dress ing room, use of kitchen and laundry: home privileges. East 8090 between 9 a. m, and 7 m. l block to car. SUITE neat rooms, walking distance, beat, light. pnone, gas, water, ready now. 830. The sain; rooms with fnrnishinss only. 320. 126 K 15th st TeL Eaft 2549. NEW, light housekeeping rooms, electric light. ateam heat, everything first class. Phone, bath. Adult) only. 890 Sarier st, near 26th. Main 7061. WORKING or b twin ass man, large warm room, bath, board if desired, in real home, close in; ainaii. congenial family; beet car service; also garage. 411 Cook are. Ant 323-10. CHILDREN under school age will get best of care in country home; plenty milk, eggs. Mrs. W. D. Stephenson, route 3, box 65A, Van- conver, Wash. LARGE front room, furnace heat for 2 or 3 gentlemen; home cooking, .home privileges; e'ose in, fine location. Reasonable. Eajit 8639. MOTKL OHIO. 266 rroul. Cor. Rooma BOo up, $3 week up; 1L K. rooma: hot and - eold water; ateam heat Elevator aervlee: other modem conveniences. rr AMERICAN V1CTOU1A HOTEL open MANAGEMENT; outside rooma; running water- eppaaita new poatofflca, eornar Broadway. 333 Glisaa. KICK room and garage, suitable for man with car. at 1164 . Gliaaa and 39th sU. Auto. 222-36. with private family, rea gentlemeu preferred. Main SLEEPING aonahle rent. 7698. NICELY furnished Iront roum fr 1 or 2 gen tlemen. Furnace heat hot water, telephone. 480 T.. Clay, SMALL, neatly furniabed clean room, S blocks from Morrison st. $14 a month; working man preferred. 228 TV. Park st L LARGE beautifully furnished room, all con-' Tentence. suitable for 1 or I persona. Lcrvajoy. Phone Marshall 1:9. 752 -J HOTEL HARRISON 1 CVaa furnished moms 1 3 week. 33e to BOo 1 n r A VI anwif,.M.hU alaarunil MVim k.eTl aitr1 par eight; 5 story brick building. 403 rrent I .nd pnpna, 83 Everett 'Bdwy. S94 3! Royal Palm Hotel "26T FLANDERS The eleamst in& nicest looms In the north end. Pre-war prices. EN0N HOTEL FOURTH 8T. Madera rooms, ateam heat, hot and eold water, centrally located, reasonable. MANOR HOTEL MOTi, Hum seplng and sleeping rooms. Mar. 2508. 22a w WASHINGTON hT. Bleeping aad boueekweping room, tree laun- we and bath; centrally looateq. HOTEL HELVETIA 34$ 941 Salmon at. near Third, f as T4e wp. Weekly rates. Modern MOTEL BAKER. Zai H let st..- warmest eleaaest modwra rooma in city, for 83.50 Misses Pewrsoa ei Khyne. prop net orv LIGHT, airy roova. eitber for at en ping or light eaaeptn: good aM oonvenient lorality, ax 803 12th at Maia 8390. -nwjeke ina C(-ffr Wwek. 81 ii'tT. vn t) NEWLY furnished room and sleeping ptch in private home. References. 144 23d N. CI-OSE IN furnished sleeping room for lady or gentleman employed- Main 7051. NICE large front aleeping room; electric lights; clean a a pin. $2.50 per week. 658 Qtumby. CLEAN room, in private noma. 10 lu. Burs- side. BOARD and room for gentleman or ladies, on tie 11 wood car line; noma privileges; raaaonable. 596 Bybee are. WOULD like to umlsh room and hoard to ona or two gentlemen: modern home, ia a aaiet neighborhood; ah home privileges. Tabor 4889. FURNISHED II. K. rooms, electric lights, cen tral location, aU outside rooms, $1.75 per week and up, 826 hi First, between Clay and Market sts. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Klectricitj", gas, store, outside and inside entrance: also parlor sleeping room. No chil- qren. pqs front st CLEAN, nicely furnished, 2 or 3 room boue- keepuig suites, near Broadway, closa to 8 car lines, easy walking distance ; light, phone. wswr Tree. koas st East 2878. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, 1 large room third floor $14, 1 large room second floor $20, lovely 2-room apartment lower floor. with fireplace, 835. 629 JEverett Nob Hill di-st COMMODIOUS, well arranged, furnished H. K. apartment; plenty of light, clean and cheery: all modern conveniences; reasonable rent 61 1 a mm ii. aiain soso. $30 3 FURNISHED rooms tor housekeeping, in choice location, private bath. fas. electric lights, phone furnished, close to good car line and waanington nign school. ISO E. Taylor st LARGE front room and kitchenette, very desir able, hot and cold water; also single room and sleeping porch room, $10 each monthly. 655 Flanders st GROUND floor, large housekeeping rooms: pri rate entrance; steam neat and running water; also ir.ncie room; reasonable to congenial people. 11 Market comer 01 11th. REAUTIFUL front room, ereakfaut and dinner if desired; all home comforts; suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 814 Salmon. Marshall 1278. BOOM and board in refined nome for married couple or one. Furnace and all modem con veniences. Tabor 1935. TWO singles, 1 suite, 1 large front room with Eiicnenette. (team neat isee batn. Dhooe. litrnt hot and cold water, walking distance. B-2449. 656 Glfean. LARGE light housekeeping room with clothes closet electric lights, ronnmz water, free phona in house, close into town, . $3.73 per weeg. 227 Montgomery. TWO H. K. rooms, private entrance, ground floor, bath and elec. lights, hall, closet and pantry, good condition; $10 mo.; close in. Fulton car. I8U Pendleton ark. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 ONE large housekeeping room, running water. taa range, electric lights, free nhone. eoou tor bachelor or couple. $16 a month. 330 Tay lor. Mar. 1675. 2-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING APTS. PHONE, LIGHT AND HEAT FURNISHED. CLOSE IN. REASONABLE. 293 H WEIDLER ST. 325 12TH ST., one clean, easy room for H. K., light, heat bath, phone, laundry priv ileges with rent $15 month. TWO ' neat and clean furnished housekeeping rooms, with or without sleeping porch. Adults only. lis is. Burnsiiie. LARGE single room with hot and cold water heat .furnished: large clothes closet Call between 10 and 12. 9S Darts. TWO large furnished front h. k. rooms; range. aink. batn. electricity; close in. Adults. 211 Sherman st Mar. 2293. FURNI&HED room in private home. Irrington i CLOSE IN. 2 large, light front rooms, nicely district; gentlemen preferred. East 4773. NICE, modern room, west aide, walking distance, $ li. 4 97 Harrison, near 14th. HOUSEKEEPING- rooms, private home; modern; cU. in, East 5584. NICELT lurnuhed room for gentleman; close in. 62, Ella. Bdwy. 8811. furnished: ! East 4549. lisht, phone and water. Phone ROOM AND BOARD 302 HTLAND ROOMS. 204 S Fourth st I nJer aw aaaaagemwnt, Beaiovaled. Cleaa. airy. I hwasskswp ing auitasj per weei THR T. PAUL. 130 4th, or. Alder. bPKvTABLK dowatow a aotei. A RJE- Rataa 75. no. rnvate natk II. Bral ratea ay week or month. 6PKN KD Nov. 1; raoma. atngM er scitei new fwreuure throwcheuti prices rea an ruble. 586 8 1st at, awar Grant CTSLTn HOTEL. 17TH AND COUCH Lara, attractive, atodera room by day, week r m.Mth: ratea reasonable. mny i7W"i STTIN CT0S'. CCiR-' ITTTJ Madera, ateam heated l aad 2 roova apse ; eMaanng van ass as week an. Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON fsgrUaad'a high class onara-towm residential beteL Wa give yoa the comforts of home Araeriraa aad European plea. Rataa reasonable. MARTHA WASHINGTON HOTEL for business NICE, clean housekeeping rooms, aingle oa in suites; everything convenient; light, gas and water in rooms; pnone in house, it. 8322. A SINGLE room basement housekeeping room for bachelor; batn ana light ::.oOper week. SI IPO 11UZ Pt. ?. MODERN housekeeping tpts.. everything fur nished. Reasonable. 370 6th st near Mont- gomery. 3 BASEMENT housekeeping rooms, furnished: 2 2-room housekeeping rooms, furnished; hot and cord water, electric light zS Montgomery. ONE 2-room housekeeping suite, neat and dean. at 310 Ifiast Lh st: walking distance, near girla at moderate rataa. 3S0 10th st Mar i Hawthorne sve; free light phone, bath. anna 1231. ROOMS 'AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 GOOD board and room. $9 a week: a .so meal ticket; walking distance, west side. 20 MiMitsymery st. Phone Main 5370. CLEAN, light toem fur 1 or 2; 10 min. walk from towa; home cooking and prlvilegea. 553 Everett .EIIkapT kOOU. it AND IP. k'l. EtTFTR- . BOARD sad room lor 3 pew-; private family; MfsHFD. SINGLE OR uriya w rvyrsa ; "fj reasonable. Wdln, 5932. BABY lover wishes baby to board: reasonable. 631 noon T IHK B AUTOS, 43$ ALDER Sf. Cleaa furaabed reeeas 83 30 per week aad art Al Bwv't keersng. NEW PK&KINfl HOTEL Waahtagtoa aad Fifth Btreeta, eW-va' pw taa Rstea From $6 Per e. ROOM, for rent, good aoasuoo, waiktng aietaaoa, 24 8 Grant at. bevweea 3d sad 3d- 237 Hih St.. eaaale rooav hot aadauld water: Iking dwaanee ; saw oejy. IvDilRABlJk slew pang roova wtta S windows, walk a, 64) N. 22a. Mara 3831. hd'KLT furwtahed eWxa in, reeaa foe 1 at 2. C.il rt sia 471 VMww are. H. LaRi.E. aiese, .met freat rosea, flrat floor, back tl 14th et. Mar Jvftenna. J.jl04 7 CORBETT Twe alaeptag kooeaa. aaaiU "1 " t kfclxsi wr g tima, Famaea tx vOOM la leak as avaUeaaaa. A ate, 413-81. reliable. 8403 89th at 8. E. Ant 414-14. LARGE furnished room for housekeeping. Heat, gaa. electric ugiiL, oaui. jr oa- one or two Suuiia, Phone Woodlawa zuez IRVrNGTON Nicely furnished front rooms for aleeping: large sunay rooms, -gaat ' H K. aad 4852. $2.50 WEEK Furnished houTpekreiang rooms. west side, walking diaunce: electric lights, bath included: quiet place. Zl Mill, corner 1st. 2 BOOM h. k. ant. also sleeping room. 13th st The Manitou. . 261 ONB larce housekeeping room, heat and every thing furnished. $20 pen month. 450 5th st tn owa home. Aut 622-11. BOOM and hoard for 3, $33 per month each. East 4128. corner E. 12th and Conch. TWO refined geatlrmea ar coupVa, modern bua galow, near Alameda. Woodlawn 773. WILL ease for child by week or month; meat 727 Willis ma BOOM and board, $30 aaouth. 96 Lovely at - and WaU. ; NICE reoaae aad board, ia privmle anndera hoaaa. or ream with breekfaet Tabor 6028. UANT baby gwi about one year old u board CLEAN and cinse in. furnished, 2 rooms, rea aonabla. 4tt waaaington st 1 AND 2 H. K. rooms, right downtown; low rent 255 8th. 1 OR 2 pleasant housekeeping rooms, etutable tor z or a persons. Bsimoa sx. light NEWLY tinted furnished H. K. and gaa. 588 PcUygreve st I ROOMS foraiahed for light beoeekeeplng. 1171 Minnesota arc Pnone wdln. 14 bo. 2 LARGE houeakeefiiag rooma, first floor, pri vate entranoa. 368 Broadway. and room OaB evenings, Mar. 3562 UANT te take ear. of ehiidrva f roea 1 day and LARGE front room with kite ben, alas single " housekeeping room. 235 11th tt Ant, 647-76 WANTED 1 ar 1 child rea private home: moUi- arlaa emiareu yietoaiou. Plaoaa Aat 41-74. NEWLY fvxraiabed steeping aad Hcht housekeop- ing; gooq neat ataaanau. 4 X AND 2-room housekeeping apts., light, phooe and neat 331 I9tA- KeaaoeisJii. rent J TWO Una, laxht front H. K. TWO HV K. luuaaa. bath, $20. 503 East Market, light, bath. S05 ht Third NICE, clean rooms, everything convenient and up-to-oam, lurnianea, l block from carline. Take M on ta villa car. Get off 5 2d N. 1410. lbor 437. LARGE, well furnished bay window 2 -room apt. $8 weekly: 170 10th st NICELY furnished suite, 2 or 3 rooma, H. K. rooms at iu n. itn st. corner Upshur. ttates by the month x and tin: free telephone Bam ana pool table. Broadway 1546. NICELY furnished 3 room apt with laundry, bath and Bleeping porch. Us of electric washer and telephone. Garage, 4928 71st st o. &. Ant. 610-54. IN IRVINGTON 4 well furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor; large kitchen; coal and wood range; large pantry, gas, all conveniences; prefer aouiia. . i loin st n. FREE RENT 5 weeks for price of 4 : 2 large rurnisheu nousakeepuig rooms, $2.50 to $4.50. Aita vista, loth and PeKygrove. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, dean, pleas ant pnone, light, bath, hot and cold water. furnished, $20. East 6000, 389 Grand ave. N THREE fur. housekeeping rooms, Vfc block to Williams ave. ear. Reasonable rent 26S Cooke ave. FRONT 2 room apt, very pleasant newly oa- pereu ana uiireu, iignis ana water; adults only 823.50. 875 Hawthorne, cor. 29th, TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, fur nace heat light and phone. 75 E. 20th at corner or tverett WALKING distance, nicely furnished, clean. warm hk. rooms and kitchenette: very reason able price. 693 fc Glean st. TWO nMvl. fumihMi front rtmuutkiMkninff rooms heat light phona and bath, $3.50 a week! 173 Ji. 17th. SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms, steam heat. miming water. Lawn Apt., e roadway 2664 n. lHta. 1 AND S'-ROOM furnished H. K. apartmenta dean, light and cheerful at 335 Fifth st TWO h. k. rooms, cheap, clean, running water ana range, 3 plocas iront Market 191 Park at HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 LA KG E unfurnished room, suitabla for house- keepmg, private entrance. 260 Nartula St. 1 block from I-J car, wast aide, walking distanca Marsh U 4173. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 FOR RENT S nicely lurmahed housekeeping rooms, with bath. W furnish lights, water. neat ana garoage; vta iseimotu. Ant. 231-40. - 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooma. 1 room with kitch enette, close tn. az at, cor. Wash- IBgTOW. t-BOBO UK FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMJLY ; 306 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 $25 A VERY cosy, modern, 2 room fur nished, steam heated anartment Immscnlsxo- ly clean, combination living and dining room with disappearing bed; woodwork in old Ivory; very oonvenient white Dutch kitchen: furniture like new; ground floor, a semi-basement apt Immediate posseaiuon. The Mda Apt-. 377 Vancouver are,, just across the Broadway bridge, 1 Mi blocks north of E. Broadway. Adults only. T FRONT MODERN FURNISHED. 3 ROOM BEAUTIFUL APT., $55 MONTH Also a 4 room corner for $65; both are equipped for three to four people. Immacu lately dean. THE COLUMBIAN" 11th and Columbia. VERY desirable 1 three-room mraished apart ment, with piano: everything furnUhed; walk ing distance, $50 per month; adults only. 595 East Alder, cor. 15th. NICELY furnished 3 -room apartment and also sleeping room, ateam beat hot Water, in resi dential district walking distance. Arcadia apart- ments. 706 Everett St.. Marshall 8716. RYDER REALTY CO.. Bell 2T4 FOR RENT 8 room, modern house, with age. suitable for two families. Close to oar and school. $30. Owner at 111 E. Stafford Joining lota. W. M. UMBDEN STOCK ak CO lt) U reran bMg. Bdwy. 1658. H ACRE $8 A MONTH Only $373 for H ear. 4 bag city lets: BUTt Bint -water. ! cent carline; outside city HmiLr o ty Uses th pay: I chars aa ia- teenac tair 9 wmh fall n a eV.u u& fireplace, all convenience, newly tinted and nine Mr. Undents hi. 632-36. BARGALNi I. LOTA Located la Laarelharst, Portia ad ' moat beaa street Portland. IR.VLVGTON' ditnrt. ? roum gnoUrrn house, fireplace, all cor papered. E. 195. 6-ROOM modern, walking distance, with or with out rsrage. Inquir. 746 Water st. tiose to BfaJ residential districtf all imp evaertt. la. Porter; take NS car. ELK TRANSFER STORAGE CO. 15 DayV, Storage Frwa fn Ituie mcved for less. Broadway 244$. WHEN Bond, city of roanur. get th. beet st lowest price. Green Traaa, Co.. Maia 1261 202H Alder st Closing out prices range from 54O0 ta $1500. see J. A. Mccarty. 374) 4 Stark at, 17". Evenings. Tabor 3057. FOR RENT 7 room faoose, partly furniabed. modern conveniences; garage and close to school. 810, E. 76th at, corner Market. 7 ROOM modern hou-e. with garage; Rom City on 4 7th at; will lease for 1 year to right party. See owner Address 283 k Grand ave. FOR RENT Nov. 16. modern souse. 7 raoma and den; garage: some carpets and linoleum. Phone East 916. Call 690 P.. Harruon st TWO pleasant rooms and kitchenette on third Ilocr: hot and cold water: close in. walkina distance: 2 blocks north Broadway bridge. Aut Z4-4Z. 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, range, hot and cold water, light water and Phone. $22.50 month; 1 large unfurnished, $9.50 month. 64 . bUi st d. Phone East 944. COMFORTABLE furnished" room with housekep- lng privileges, on main Door, modern. 591 Commercial st Russell-Shaver or W. ave. oar. ONE or two clean, nicety furnished rooms. kitchenette aad steam heat: adults. 408 hi 2 th st 4-NICE clean, fully famished housekeeping rooms: suitable for family: home Drivileeea: very reasonable. 615 1st st TWO nice, iargs, well furnished housekeeping rooms for two adults; water, light and bath privileges, $22 per month. 1081 E. 15th at N. HAVE a few nice housekeeping rooms in private come, close in on west side, lor rent very rea-sonante. oos layior st Mam oomh. NICE, dean houaexeeping rooms furnished. newly papered and tinted: walking distance: reasonable rates. 48 Union ave. N. Rose Friend-Apts. To lease, 8-12 months, elegantly furnished 4 -room suite. $110. Marshall 1410. BeSlanghara Apartments 421 H E. MORRISON ST. 1 and 2 room suites, h. k. rooms, reasonthle. 2-KOOM furnished housekeeping spta., uat tint ed, new rugs, hot and cold water in rooms, furnace or atove beat phone, bath and lights. 421 Vk 6th st Marshall 2605. MODERN 5-room house. baUa. pastry 12x12 basement 718 Commercial st Get kev at 722 CommerciaL Will be home Sunday aftar- noen ana evenings. FOR KENT Either nnfurnnhed or partly fur mshed; a 5 mom house at Lenta. 3 blocks from csr. CrUl Woodlawn 812. FOR RENT 6 room hoass, modern, just re- tintea. sis Vancouver ave.. 440 s month. stain e3PB. MODERN bungalow, farnane. fireplace, dose in: references; vat Vancouver ave.; 545. wood lawn 196. LOTS $130 LOTS $150 $1 A WEEK WEST SIDE " Capitol Hill, near ear aad school: $6x100 feet; water aad fa; or.; 7 10 mora )ota ta sell at this price. Cell Mr. Kohlntan, M. 6550. Evenings call M. $872. . ROSE CITY PJLRK Lot. Uiu, SOxlOsl lot level with sidewalk, paved street. sewer, all trap, paid: sacrifice pno. $$50 aaah, HENDE&HON-BANKUA CO.. - 828 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4744. Carlois Apartments 2 room furniabed modern apartmeat, reaeon ahle. 14th and Market JULIANA APARTMENTS 45 TRINITY PLACE FURNISHED 2, 3 AND 4-RO0M APT", GOOD HEAT AND JANITOR SERVICE Stanfield Apartments Modern 2 room apartment, light heat phone, laundry facilities. $22.50. Main 7392. SAN MARCO APTS.. East 8th and Couch, S room modern aparun ent East 1990. ONE large front room and kitchenette, neat and dean. 822 a month. B30 6th. near Merket. THREE housekeeping rooms. 598 Williams ava Phone East 4.101. m ONE and two very large atricUy modern H. El rooms. 249 13th st APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 NICELY furnished 2 room apartments. Steam beat, lights and private phooe. $30 to $40 month. Adults. Walking distance. The Lincoln, 4 th and Lincoln. " Mabelle Apartments 414 Jefferson at 11th st: one and two room fnmKhed apartmenta. modern, rent reaaonabla. WESTONIA APTS.. 666 GLI3AN Nicely furnished 2 room apt Private bath. $45. LARGE living room with fireplace. 2 aleeping rooms suitable for two or more men; view of city and mountains; garage.- Marshall 815 ELM APTS. 3 room furnished apt., 191 walking 14 th at. between Yamhill distance. and Taylor, PAST or all of 6 room ground Door flat, com pletely furnished: linen, silverware, dishes. 700 Hoyt at Phone Main 2873. THE JEFFERY 2 room furnished apartment $16 per month. Cor. Russell and Kerby. East 1594. King Albert Apartments 2 and 3 room furnished, strictly modern, tile baths, elevator, 1Kb and Montgomery. Mam 359 $15 2 ROOMS with kitchenette, for working couple: also 1 room, nicely furnished, with kitchen; doae in. 344 Benton, near" Broadway bridge. EDENH OI m 6th at 1 1IIU nrlsa'48 ! Cor Market 2 and S roam furnished spta.. modern eean sences; private baths; $g5 to 335 per month. FOR RENT 5 room modern house , gas. elec tricity. 2 blocks from ear ; place for garden. Call CoL 694 or 414 Bristol at MODERN 5-room and bath, built-in, baeament and trays; partly rurnianed If desired: adulta preferred. 1183 E. 20th N. Woodlawa 6281. CLEAN 5-room cottage, suitable for small family; gaa. bath and electricity; 1 H blocks from Al lien csr. Call Woodlawn 4681. FOR. BENT 6 moan modem bouse with garage, cor. 16th and Clinton st Call at 324-Front st. Phone Main 7 SO 6. NEAR SELLWOOD CAS 7 rooms. 2 lota, cement ba.em.nt paved street; reat n pat air rooma and let pay for ttxelf. toe this for a some ar taveatmeat: 84000, tlOvt cash, balance easy. Eellvmo d 1158. TALK OF THE TOWN 81 down. 31 vwk. Beeatifal lots wUh walks. $250 ta $330. ftoaae with gas aj tncicy. Alberta car. Ck to ackooL w. tary. izi w. ty. Bank bldg fcELLWOOD Maldea ava. Bear 13th. fan lot, feat ahsvas graae; au imp. m aaa paid. SIKM). 8340 baL ea-y. lxx.k this over. fteQ. 1159. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH $25 cash. $10 per raoatb: nearly aere, blocks Uawhora ear; $47$. Tabor 241$. Owners. ROSE CITY PARK 80x100 lot, east facing, level with street. sata ana Hancock. 5700, $100 8elL 1159. LAUKELHURST LOTS Bee or phooe J. A. MrCarty, 276 H Stark at. Main 1700. Evenings. Tabor $037. ROSE CITY PARK LOT. $700 50x100. level lot 1 block to AUaaeda TMve, paved St. all Imp paid- Owaer. Tsbor 669. LAI REU1CK.-T Two full lot. S12oO each a far rash 10th MOTERN 6 room house; good condition, etec I and K 1mm: no liena to a ra. Belt 1149. MODERN 6 room house, 620 Northrup. Braad way 2920. lights, trars- Key 87 East 17th. C -ROOM house, case lo ca r; rent $25. Auto 620-88 or Auto. 628-41. "Cay 5 ROOM hoitte, (as. bath. $25. Call after"! p. m.. 405 4th at 5-ROOM bungalow, farnaca. fireplace, $30. 22$ E. 80th N . Automstic 639-48. 5-ROOM modern, furnace, fireplace, Muntavula, $30. Phone $39-48. GLFJf COUHT, cor. Park and Taylor. 2 and 2 ro to, furnished. Main 1961. 5-KOOM house at 742 Montana avenue, $25. Can at 801 Sacramento street WE move furniture of 3-4 5 room bouse for 310. For further informstion. Main 6290. FOR RENT 5-room couage. Inquire 633 6th st FIVE rooms, new and dean, little furniture, 2 big lota, fruit trees, etc. Ante. 629-28. sT" R5Rm house, not modem. 630 F Maduoal 6350 TAKES 85z Mirhaaaa ave.. 120 ft M. o IVkum ave; sosrth faring. Tabor 644 L HOUSES - 404 SOMETHING TO 1 HLs'li ABol'Y " Build your ova home, incorporate your own ideas. ue your own radinduaihy. Yea - are the beat Judge of what satisfies yoa. We aim to please. Ws want your lineaa only wheal wa satisfy r of he merrta of our buiidieav Msrahall $292. $02 Couch BMg. NEW, modern 4-room bungalow .i corner let at 23d and Going Ma. : hardwood floors, fire place, break fast nook bailtins. cement tsii aimt laundry trays, ligttUuraa and curtains; this k a snap for someone at 88900, eaay terms. Call owner. Main 2835 for appointment: no aawtrta. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 Guild Apartments S and 4 room furnished apartments, all out sHe rooas. private feath. Main 3705. DESIRA RLE. neat dean. 2 room aDt. suit able for 2 adnita. I'p-tairs flat. Downtown. West tide district $22.50. 292 H CUT st Msln 6790. Call Sunday or evenings. Leeds Apartments Fireproof building, modern 2 and 4 room anart ment, elevator service, close In. Call Msrahall $397 FOR RENT Fumhed, 5-room saodem bunga low, good neighborhood, very reasonable: Woodstock car-to 50th st oa Woodstock ave.. walk 2 bines north. 5053 58th ave. S. E. NICE, clean, completely furnished 6 room bun- It: price 3600 32650 IRVINGTON DISTRICT $600 down, baianne monthly. 4 room modem hou-e arid garaga, essuent h. arm ent Don't ' wait GORDON MORTGAGE CO. i 681 Ctiam. of Cora. BHg. Matn 4974). . 4-ROOM bouae aad aome oulbuiidiBga, eaiy way ter, on kit axl3 feet: outaade of ety haa- enly $14)0 down aad balaaos xlnw Tilth a v. -. miA ..a - mAnUm BDOUthiV ParyaentA, preferred: long lease: rent reasonable. Cell 12$ ' D. J- O'CONNOR. $28 MONTH for 3-room steam-heated court apartment with 2 beds; also a 2-room st $23 month. 402 H 3rd st SMALL apartment, etectric light, gas range, run ning water, good surroundings; reasonable. 850 Thurman st. st 25th. LIGHT aervjee in small apt house aa part pay ment on well furnished front apt Adult only. Phone East 858. 2 ROOM apartment and single laouaekeeping rooms, east side, walking dials nee. 7i Grand ava. N. East 2939. Will SHARK well furniabed apartment with piano and victrola with 1 or 2 girls. Fhone Marshall 8562. evenings. ' THE DAVENPORT APTS. 8 room apt. furnished, private bath. Jefferson st Phone Main 5435. SOS NICE, dean I root room apt, and others; adults, 129 Grand ave. Electric THE GRAND OAK APTS. A S room fur- niahed apt, strictly modern. East 8302. APTS. with and without piano. Prefer couples emplr d. 6.96 Irving st Also lisaa mi lit apt 2-ROOM apartments and bath, modern, ant. new, clean, private: refined adult only. Must be aeea to be appreciated. Miasiasippi car. 1033 Maryland sve.. corner W., Humboldt THE GROVER 181 G rover st, nicely furnished 1 and 2-rna. I First, bet Aider and Washington. FOR RENT. 2 years leaae. furnished house. modern, ren. $50 per xaonth, adults only. Responsible!. Gall evenings, $14 Leo ava SelL 3039. Take Bellwood car. 4-ROOM bouae $25 per month, acre of well cultivated soil, fruit trees and ail kinds of berries, garage sad chicken hooais: references re- quired. Auto. 616-54. '. 7 ROOM fhrmahed 2 family house. B L car; electricity, gaa. bath, yard, adafca, Call 129 Grand ave. Deminc 7-ROOM , house, completely furnished; ' S flra nlsrrs laree aleeuane oorr-h amod eondltinsa honsekeeying apartmewts; low ratea, Main 9058. ! $75 per month. 492 Mill at Main S$L Corner 92d at ard Mt Scott Carina ;.( ALBERTA DLSTR1C1' We have a lot en 13th and Emerson stasia, 2 blocks to ear. Will build on tins for row and sell oa terms. $06 Couch bldg. Main $201. wh1pTy RENT! 4-room bungalow, plastered and bath, fall plumbing; wired: 10 minnuw frees asrataffie fa Ht Helen's, block 58. lot 21 aad 22: terms ev il 150 cash. Owaer, E. Hibbs. 49 TV. PreacoU t . Portlawd. Or. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 Ionian Court 18TH AND COCCH S and 4 room modern apartments, all eulsids sunny rooms, adults. Bdwy. 2761. . The American Apts. 4 and 5 room modem apartmenta, 21at and Johnson. Bdwy. 3360. GA.KF1ELD apartmentt, 4 room, yuat like a bungalow, hardwood floors, steam heat 8$1 E. Failing. 1 block west Union ave. GARFIELD apartmenta. 4 rooaaa. Just like a bungalow, hardwood floors, ateam beat 361 E. Failing. 1 block west Union ava. - 4 BOOMS and hath, nforniahed apartment and nmEUTMT spL, $96 Irving aa. 1 Jaffe partly famahed; . walkiac diiisnra AOS $25. $15 HOUSE. 4 rooms dewa 3 up, to gether or sepaiaxely. Mill at Inquire $29 Salmon. . PARTLY furniabed 5-room saodera. cleaa home, dose in. rent $40 te lusponsible party. 945 E. Franklin at HOUSE of 4 rooava. naeely faixuahed, eleetrie bgbt aa BT. Jena's car line. $27 1410 Greely st. aovneT Iiekum ave. $40 COMPLETELY favinabed. Tootn bungalow, piano aad aewing machin. Wmxer's fuel in basemi nt for eala. Wdln- 2362. 6 TtOOif Iimi. X moi fam reasonable, 145 Wood at FOR RENT Fwruktbed house at 626 E 45th at H btork from Bmoklya earlloe. FURNISHED house for rent, 3 $4 Freraoat svl Take Union ava, ear.' ; - ROOM ikosava, with toilet aad ps-oXry. 1402 E. Hurt. . GOOD 6 room modern house, lot 60x125. lot of fruit and berries, clue aea ran and tabbn bsttchea; kauri amenta paid; 1 blh paved st; 2 blks to ear; do to school. $277$: $$ aaah. . Balance monthly. Tabor 7S72. oerper. - ' 6 ROOMA, MODERN. il2wl On Maliory ava ; full lot, f rait traaa. in ars-a-did aerghbornood, near school aad i That is a real home- $300 down gives sou immediate poev Jon. 893 Williams ave. Wem. 1371. S ROOM fureiahed boase, brtweea two of the beat ear Knee tva tha city: eoraaar W 43x104. nw. paved street: flow era, roses sad frmlt tl : furnaea, full laanesl. aU for $ 4 2 V0 ; vary awad tevva ta. Wdla.aa4. FOR SALE By owner, asouera 6-ro.a. hosua. doaa to car and achool. ia 44th rt E., tede walk and sewer fca aad paid: pnre $2650. exeeB payxeent dowva. Tabor 0267. Ne ag ta. IRVINGTON PARK 4500 4 room gasw bsazutaiow oa TSklOw ewra paved atrwet, S awarka- to ear; tibeml. Owner, Woodlawa 4895.