I 10 THE OREGON DAILY JO U RNAJU JK'l LAM D. OKKuOrt s GG PRICES ARE BEING KEPT DOVN ' By Hrsaa H. Costa Effort ( to advance th pries of eggs har not been successful for Oo very "good rtuoa that the season for pallet laying la now starting and any ad ranee '!n tb. pric. at thla tlm. would aim ply meaa mora aeiioua disaster to values , tthln th. near future. There are aucb "Jlf stocks of cold storage ttl on band t this tlma that dealers must unload 4 ham. ' Chickens are showing no change in tprtoo generally In the retail shops. Turkeys art available In some of the trading markets. Best dressed stock Is ruling around - Sic av pound . generally, although some ars seHing No. 3 birds a fraction loerer. ' . ." , Butter - is unchanged again. Soon Australian and New Zealand stock will com forward and this la expected to beat prices down somewhat. For some reason unknown there has been an un usually small demand for oleomargarine this season, consumers willingly . paying the price (or butter. Cabbago prices are now very low and tha quality unusually good.' Fine time for kraut making. . Rrtau prims ia private stone: Kaaa 60 m SSe. Batter Prash creamery. S059e. Kalmoa 10 20c: hah bat, 23c; perch. 10c; starteea. 25 lb. rioar Best local patent. 11.90 2.09 per act, 4 lbs. ' Potatoes Burbsnka, 13 per sack. ' Oniooj So lb. Yaashill street prices: Tecstablea Csbbase. Se lb.; cauliflower, 10 20e bead; rarrou. 5c booch; lettuce. 10c SPATH'S MARKET S. W. COR. 4TH AND YAMHILL PAUL R. SPATH, Prop. MAIN 804 WE DELIVER The mutual confidence be tween our patrons and our selves has caused our steady growth from one or dinary storeroom to the largest plant for meat -handling on Yamhill street. SPECIAL EVERY SATURDAY Fresh Veal Sausage 30c Lb. SPECIAL TOMORROW half dry onions. tte IK; turnips. 4o lb.: suing beans. lOe lb.; apples, se lb.; tn me toes, ae Uar eorn. . 20 e hl Hooey Comb. -8et anart, Toe; Vint. 8e." Poultry Hcary bens. 2e; lisbt heas, 2fte; broUera. lie. . . Ksss -Best, Oe doa. - , ' tetter Beat, 4 Se Is.; cottaca ekesse, 20c ft. New York Girls on" Hike Reach Pacific Aberdeen. Wash., Nov. 1L Garbed in neat hiking costumes , and carrying 40 pound packs orv their backs, arranged to delight 'the critical eye of a "sour dough." Miss Adelaide tTHxie" Wilson and Miss Maybelle "Jerry" Halstead, arrived here Wednesday night on .a hiking trip from New York city, which, when completed, practically will circle the United SUtea. : They Twin .remain here a week or two before starting ' down the coast to XjO Angeles. iMiiHiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiHitl JCST A W BIT BETTEK S SKINNERS etti I lOcPerPackage 3 For Sale ti All Grocers a CutSpagh whole lb. . . . or Bacon, piece, lb 30c Sugar Cored Hams, lb.. 26c Leg Roast Pork, Z6.v. . .25c a. W. Corser 4th and TamkM RU, Mala M4 Your Thanksgiving v isitors will be truly thankful if you serve them DEPENII)LE CoffSQ ?Tastes Bet Goes Further" Ask Your Grocer 1 TREE TEA CEYLON is the one high grade tea in the world that sells for so little money i . a Operated on the Grbceteria Plan We Cut the Cost of Selling, Which Cute the Cost of Living We Offer for Saturday the Following Prices: Royal Baking Powder, 12 doz. tin 392 Broom good quality and 20c toy broom FREE. 76 Campbell's Tomato Soup (limit) 3 cans for... 272 Oregon Walnuts, No. Is, 1 lb. 35-3 lbs $1.00 Log Cabin Syrup medium tin 46 Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate, 1 lb. tin .27? Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 cans for. ...28 , Remember All our goods' are priced on the Groceteria plan. Mail Orders of $10.00 or' Over Filled at These Prices. Address: 74 Front Street LOCATIONS: 144 Killings worth Ave. 537 Williams Ave. We don't follow prices. We make them. I Immaculate Surroundings Only Insure l I I hil 4 ' J CopyritMoi 1(21. iTtn B. Nordhem Coapany. K. X. . Log Cabin Baking Go Also Makers of "Holsum" H saving a lona-m ins i n ttjmoMiggi7 stores I ST Wo Ship t Ail Parts of Oregon and Washington Our Newest Store, at 811 Williams Ave., Will Be Open for Business Saturday, the 12th Prices in effect in this store will be the same at air times as the prices in , Our Yamhill Street Store.1 We Deliver the Larger O rim ri Without Charge R, & R. Grocery 18S Third. Neat to Powers Special for Saturday and Monday Flour, Crown, Olympic and White Mountain, 49-lb. sack ..$1.85 Milt, rederaC can Ub dot $1.30 Snow Drift, a lbs. 4lc 4 lbs, 81c lbs ... ..$1.60 Dependable Coffee, lb 37c 3 lbs. $1.075 lbs... . .$1.75 Wesson Oil.' pint 29c qt..55c i-t-l 95c l"on ...$1.85 Post Toasties, packaie 10c Wo Deliver $3.00 Orders or Over NO LIMIT 5 Cans Dairy Maid Milk 50c 1 6-Lb. Can Crisco ......... 99c Vi-GaL Mazola or Wesson OU. 92c 1 Gat Mazola or Wesson Oil. . $1J9 17 Lbs. Cane Sugar . . . . . . . $1.00 3 Lbs. Ghirardelli's Chocolate . 84c 2Vz Lbs. Royal Baking Powder. $1.19 25 Bars Royal White-Soap. .'$1.00 14 Bars Irory Soap . . . . . . . . . $1.00 25 Bars White Wonder Soap . $1.00 14 Bars Crcme Oil Soap. ; . $1.00 10 Lbs. Dark Kara Syrup. .... 59c 10 Lbs. Light Karo Syrup. . . . 67o , Medium Log Cabin Syrup J. ; . . r,47c OREGON LOCATIONS: SO IIMIT 5-Lb. Can M. J. B. Coffee. . . .$1.69 Standard Corn, 13c; 2 for ...... 25c 12 Cans for .$1.45 Standard Tomatoes, 13c; 2 for. 25c 12 Cans ibr. . . ..... .$1.45 jtanuaru areas, a. ior awe 12 Cans for:. I.. . . . . .$1.45 2 V2 Lbs. Standard Sliced Pine apple, 4 for .... .. . r. . . . . . 95c vuiua ii naimij a vnu) iwi ww r vl -m rvt ti mm ' lUiamooK Aneese, per id. .... uc Matches, per boat ................ .V, 5c IS ox. Seeded RaUms. 5 for. . . ... ... 95c IS ea. Soodloss Rajaias. 2 for. . . . ... . . 45c 49 Lba. Hskor's BIed Hard WJhoat Hour. $1.88 249 YamhUISt 291 YamhiU SU ZZ5 Yamhill St- -I 811 Williams At. 10tKand EL Burnside, Portland. Hillsboro and Salem, Ore. .1 : - Cenl maiil .m Pnrfl.nJ - )' IV 7 J BARGAINS pf UNRIVALED VALUES and QUALITY It Will Pay You to Do Your Shopping at This Store, ; as It Means Great Savings on Your Part Men's Cashmere Hose 4Prs.$l These come in oxford. white and natural colors. Our regular SOc value. Sixes 9 to 11. MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS FIRST, SECOND AND ALDER, STREETS o MEN'S ALL WOOL UACU AND WOOL MIXED uUuIj This Is an exceptionally food Hose for the work. Ini men. Colors blue, white and XTajr. Values to toe 3Prs.$l Mr. Man. do you appreciate a good bar grain? If you do, dont fail to come and see us. These regular 25.00 suits will interest you. They have style and qual ity. All wool, hard finished worsted. Sizes 36 to 42. Saturday special, $16.85 Special Purchase From Seattle Concern 105 BOYS' ALL WOOL SUITS Values to $15.00 i Fathers and mothers, hero la the suit for your son. All up-to-4ate models, "fancy pat terns. These garments fit like tailor rnadev Double seat, kaee and elbows. ; These are the Famous, Best Ever and Dtrabje makes. Saturday special at this bargain price, S8.45 1HP WOMEN'S FELT SUPPERS 1 Short lines to close out Sizes up to 5. EXTRAORDINARY SHOE SALE ... i Children's Shoes Women's Footwear Hen's Dress Shoes .98 Black -g-unmeta.1 lace Shoes. -Kootlorm shape. Good dur able soles. Sizes 5 to 8 and 8V& to 11. Kxtra special ' Double Bed Size Silkoline Comforters A good quality Comforter. Double Bed Size Silkoline Comforters Filled with white sanitary cotton. Double Bed Size Cotton Fleeced BLANKETS 2 Pair Double Bed Size Cotton Fleeced BLANKETS Double Bed Size Woolnap Cotton BLANKETS A .19 u High Lace Shoes in black and brown leather, military or Cuban heels, and Good year welt walking soles. Special, $3.85. Black and brown leather, English or high toe lasts. Goodyear welt, oak soles. All sixes. C to 11. Regular values to SS.Za. Special S4.85. WOMEN'S WEARING APPAREL AT CLOSE OUT PRICES CHILDREN'S ALL WOOL REGULATION STYLE Middy Blouses $1.98 Navy only. Sixes S to 10 years. WOMEN'S VOILE AND GINGHAM Dresses $1.98 Values up to I4.&0. WOMEN'S Cloth Coats $9.95 Take advantage of this Closing Out Sale of this Dept.. These- Coats formerly sold $22.50. Only a few of them .left, so they go at .. WOMEN'S HEAVY Cloth Coats $14.95 These coats have larare collars and cuffs. Lined throughout. This is an exceptionally good bargain for 114.9a. WOMEN'S BOLIVIA AND VELOOR COATS Women's Felt and Kersey. SPATS Assorted colors. Tak ad van tare or this bar gain price. I Formerly sold for $37.50. ilobe-out price $24.48 1000 Yard. Heavy . Unbleached MUSLIN 14 c yd. '36 Inches wide. Suitable for dresses. aprons, etc' , 36 Inch Heavy ' OUTING FLANNEL 19c yi Best standard Outing Klannel. Reg ular 25c value. Saturday special, 19 a yard. 1000 Yard. All Wool DRESS PLAIDS $1.98 yd.. 50 Inches wide. An exceptionally good bargain. WASH, BOARDS Saturday Special SATURDAY ONLY Ybu may have your choice of Glass or Brass Wash Board. Regular 90c values. o C. O. D. orders. Piece Blue Bird Dinner Sets These Sets sell regularly at $11.95. We ars offer ing them at this very low price Saturday only. Set is exactly as sketch and is our open stock pattern, which enables you to fill in at any lime. Buy your set for Thanksgiving, now. 1 Pint VACUUM BOTTLES Regular SLt . values. SATURDAY 05LT .19 GROCERY BARGAINS QUAKER CORN golfer-. Golden Gate DWAI BAKING CI Alt-ITC Coffee Special Deal VVr lH.li POWDER t r i-arVlVl-jiJ 2 4 -pound can 95c ' 3 Packages 25c STcS-I: $1,90 2 for 75c Diamond Head Fancy Sliced AA Wesson or Mazola OiL quart Pineapple, No. 2 cans, 4 for tj JL.UU can 50, Vi gal. 9a, gallon tPX.OD Fisher's Best Flour 49 lb sk. . $150 Standard Tomatoes. No. 2y2 cans, 9 caiis $1 Log Cabin Cane and Maple Syrup, QpT . , , . . Z med. can 50, large can VOL F"U weight good Matches, a box. .h5 Del Monte Fancy Corni 6 cans $1.00 Gloss or Corn Starch, 1 lb. pkgs., a pkg.jl0 6. Pounds $1 24 Bdrs $1 1 S,8 25c Sunmaid Seeded or Seedless Ql AA No. 2 grade Small White Beans,' IS lbs. 25 Raisins, 15 oz. pkgs., 5 pkgs: tPX.UU Orange Slice Crystallized Candy, OK SpUt Peas, Lima or Red Mexican nr. 1 lb. box ADC Beans, S lbs. ij;. . . . U;. aWpC Pacific Peaches, No. 2y2 cans, 7 cans $1.00 FACTOatY PEXOXST&ATIOJr 4Pkgs.25c SUGAR at the Lowest Market Quotations -, SALMON Uu 11 Cans $1 .TOBACCOS VELVET -1 oz. cans 10 cans ..$1.00 OLD COLONY, 2 lb. AfT cans, each frO U STAR, HORSESHOE rTQ or CLIMAX, a plug.. lOl CIGARETTES CAMELS, LUCKY STRIKE or CHES TERFIELD. -f fr a carton tX.m3tJ VELVET. PRINCE AL BERT, TUXEDO or EDGE WORTH, 16 oz. Q-l QY cans, each n)i-OU'" UNION- LEADER, DIXIE QUEEN, PEDRO :for GEO. WASHINGTON, 'Or lunch. box, each..... ODL We Carry a Full Line of ' , CIGARS OWLS, BOBBIES, VAN DYKE, GATOS and others at' , - .U Reduced i Prices . ; t 1