THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON FUNERAL. NOTICES COC LTi,tl At to ttmiir 104 ,. 3624 lost 4:4 at E.. NeveaBer I. George H. lowlier. bb4 y.ara. Iwtw4 of Winnie Cow Iter; aa kr Muhnoaah oeao No. II W. O. W ; Oct-eet-rage N IT, I. O O. r.. and Iraahn VMg No. 1. t. F. The funeral esrvlrw will take pier t the fvmerrvetory chapel of th Sde Faneral Kliwtnn, 414 K. Alder Mreet, at 10 a, a, mwiih ( rrVlai) , IVowa kr II. Sevvliea St UK etupd will be ander th. ease ef th Vodg, K. ( P.. and e.e lading tervtroa el Isone Kir eeaelory by imnt Wlra, I. O O F. Friend Invtled sa- 15 BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS ZOO ! Kir A The faneral servsc for Mi. Mabel H. Keck, who died Ml Coinage. I1L. ea Nwalur T, will ka (MM at the rhapel nl Edward IMaM A) M. Tend tad Saiasoo .. Satur oay. Noeeaner 13. at 3 p. a .. under Use aus (ijm af tba Easier Star. Friend and - auatntaae ipetfully lathed. , Servtco pri vu at MnnBt Sce4t eemeter?. , tfortM i-lhUlly7 Kowaber 7,. LOii, Ka M Maeriy, eged IS fun, wife o W. H. Moody nf city. Friend and acquaintances in rpetfuU InvVed tw attend the funeral errteee to ba BaM at the Portland creaaaloriua Fndr , s vets her 1 1 . at 3 p. ai. NO rt TT1 R n fa th I cltT No r. be r . 1421, Walter T. Norther, sasd ft aeara aoa of Mr. and sirs. W. U. Nonhruin. Funeral rvice. wiU Ba held at has lata residence, 1154 Iron st. Frwlav, November 11, at J p. at. Intannaat in Mooal wu ceesetery, JENSEN In 'thai city, Nniber 9. Harold Janaaa. Mod 8 7 art, beloved son of Annla J.aaea. brother af Lloyd and Halm Janara. vwil mhIik will ba held Saturday. Novem ber 13, at 1 p. a., at the chapel of Miliar Trorry. Intaraianl. Mt Scott cemetery. kEfOSTiEZ Kuiwral aftraa "of "joaa bVoondaa IU ba hald Malardar, a,ambar 13, at 3:80 a., at ta cbapcl af Millar Traray. lntrr atant, MoMnmaah Park ramatary, Mra. J. W MEN WASTED S aad tlO par day bains paid to oar crad aataa by aar practical aynra and ap-to-data aqoipaant; a caa tram yon to (ill ona at theaa bit paytaa peaiUatu ia a abort ttaa. A faa facta la taaaabar about tba HEMPHILL Aata acboola: 1 teraa acboola ia tba Uaitcd Stataa aad Canada; aaiabttabad m If yean; bra aara!taaat of any aata Uainita iaititutioa ia tba world; ear pbatksaMSai cnxrth and (scraaa ia aatrrrly dua ta tha woadarfnl i- aa of our UewMBda af cradoatea wbo ara aa. riot bu aaoaey aad la buaiaaM far Uxaaalm. ." o pta aiotu aiperitnra aaccaary. Wi ka,a a plaa wbarrby yoa caa tara whfla yoa kara. 1AT aad EVKNINU daaxa. Wriu ar caU tor laiur . atatiou. UKMPHILL'S ACTO TH ACTOR 8CHOOL8 TOT Hawtiioma ia. Ill Oak tt , Portia ad in pharra of arranoanfanta. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 10S DRESSMAKING 256 UYblSU. cJcaniu. preaaiB, d" aaodaltBC ko!bc. ahcratiooa, plaattna. rav asnabla priraa. Yea Cabiaat DmnvkiBt Vr hm, 434 MoTTtr-a. aT 11th. Main 1825. THE GLAD SHOP Dnanu kin, arramt gown a specialty. Midetata prieta. 1001 Broadway Wd. Main S8S4. J HEMSTITCH ISO 8c, wtula joa wait. Deaicii io2. drcaaakiiic and reaodcliDc; work guar anteed. 308 Panama bMr.. 3d and.. Alder. SUSIE Bt'CKLET Hamstitchinc Buttons. Pleatin. XT AMct tt. . Main SOTS. HEUST1TCUIXU while you wait Luncheon aeti 8c yam. 1 OOH Broadway cwi FOR RENT i FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 BCKINESS aua or auua, would lou be ap preeictm of opportamiy to hra ia a home on tba eait aide, where cleanliness and com fort ar tba watchword, Walkiac distance. Eaat T214. - TWO TOCXG BrSIXES9 MEN Caa have larie. cheerful, weU-farttisbed front rooa in well-kept home, floe in. with beat and nhone. Terr reasonable. 583 Flandery: LOVK1T . comer- roena. attracQTely furnubed. bran bed, birdaey, cbiffaaier, writing desk, etc Has large .closet, acroaa haU from batik Board if desired. East 8413. ! HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ? FURNISHED 304 1 WEEK. Absolutely eieaa. c-.mikUl -lur-aidi4d koaekeeping vaitoC cerj conrenieoea; hot water at alt hoar. Single honackeeptng raomi. . S. HoUl CadUUe, " Sdj t-r near Jef ferson. , -- - i . - r HKM8TlTCHINi. any color. 8e yard: batums j eoTerwi. plcatina. ncalloplnl. gp Alwy cwi. NEWLY . renonted fnmulied room in ptirate famifar: breakfaat if deairedr furnace heat I0CSG woman with boy 'i wiihea position at and home pririleges; gentlemen preferred. ' 992 house keeper in gentleman', bom. Eaat &T2-- I Thurman. Main 65. WHY BE OCT Ot A JOB OR WORK AY AM UNDERPAID POSITION J We hate helped hundred of oar graduate I to polities paying from 1 2 CO tc 3500 per month. If yoa wiU rail at Union are. and Waaeo t any day (except Satn'day) at 10 a. m. or 3 SO p. m- or aod for our big 13A-page FKEK eaUiocne. you will readily underMaad why we graduate acre student, who actually make good than any auto tcbuol in the if. S. Be eonriseed Maaa a personal Investigation or write for our FUEB book No. 4. AOCOX ACTO AND AYIATION SCHOOL UNION AVE. AND WASCO BT. NURSES 257 MOLER BARBER CmXEUK wUl' taaeh tba trade, in 8 week,; recti re soma pay while learninc: positions secured. Oregon az-serrica men recti atsta aid Write or call ior cat kcue. S3 4 hnnnide at GVNDEKSON YOST aunrry for children under the ruperrision of graduate nur. 433 E. 15th JI . cor. Tillamook. Eat 154 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 VEfrY DESIRABLE, FINELY PUBNI8HED KRONT ROOMS. HOT AND COLD WATER. TERY :L0SE TO BCSINES8 CENTER. 321 12TH ST.. CORNER CLAX - BEAL'Tli'L LLY furoiahed room, ha floor lamp. leather furniture, etc; large dreasing" room and sleeping porch: very reasonable; walking distance. Bdwy. 4S29. FOB RENT A Urge, suam-bead furnkhed room, third Qoor; hot and cold water in m.m. bath on same floor; very reasonable. East AMERICAN HOTEL 92 N 3d. Tbis hotel has been thoroughly cleaned and i CLEAN, big furoiahed room, pnrato home. aerrioe in tba city for the rate charged. Ele gant lobby, elevator eerrice, always lota cf hot water, free baths. Bates, 8 Or. 5c. $1. Spe cial rate t,, permanent guet. KDW. F. OODDARD. Mgr. FOR BENT 3 large, light,, clean, well fur nished bomekeeptBg rooms. 10 E. Wtsh incton at between 32th. and Joth sta. ; good to- eaUoBw Phone Tabor 362. - Prc -gXier month, including good garage. I r , PLEASANT, " IESIRABLK BOOM WITH KfTCHENlTTTE. EXtLCSlYE - LOCATION. SP-I.UXDin VIEW. 7 PARE AVE.. S BLK. FROM COLXCIL CREST CAR.. MAIN 4278. . - I-- FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 FRT dearabla thaaa-rooaa raraMaed apart Bent, with piano; eryhiag fareUbad; walk ing distance, 30 per aveath; adult ooly. &rt Aider, om-. lath - . FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 NICKI.T rarnished B-ooa apartment and ah -. ataaning room, ateaa beat, hot water. ia resi des 1 1 ai district, walking-dMWaaca Arcadia aparte T Eaarett at..- MiwnsW 71B. 10TH and Morrison, esTeral briglit. sunny, cozy well furnished 2 rooa suites anth hot water, gas canaoa. rtrirate larstorr. etci Prefer giria or boys employed. Large enough for three' or tour. T arsd 6 weekly. 170 lOthist. ' n AM' t lOfilf uov. OBtet boas, thormichly renoTated. $12 to g2 per- moatn- Bacftetim Or laauiiea. Buruatriat ceauar. na rooms. The Vaughn, N. llth and Taugbw. NEW. ligUt housekeeping 'reoraa, electric light, steam beat, -rything first class. Plione. bath, Aflulu only. 890 Saater St.. near 29th. Mrin 7081. " . - . ' j ' LARGE, aunny front H. Bv. room; heat, gas, phone, bath, light, nice laundry, .walking dis tance. 3ST College U. aear W. Park. Main 3154. I HELP WANTED MALE 201 EDWARD H01LMAN ' &S0H. THIRD AND SALM0H MAIN 0T East Side Funeral Directors r. a. dtjn nino. wa "T Famuy Bat the Price." 414 E. Aalaf U Pbona Eaat it. Dunning & McEntee Merriaoa St at 1 2th. rwadwsT 410 Ant 4i-. Lerch, Undertaker EAST IXETENTH ANf HAWTHORN! PHONR EAST HI. PINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTOOMEWT AT TTfTH. MAIN . UcES'lEB k in.E!l8.' nineral parmr, with ell the prtracy af a Bome, Igth and Eearatt eta. Wlion broad wt 31 Aut 421 . kTilLFR 4 TUKTV. ' BerT"dV r-etor. Faaaral ITS aad Bp. Waahmgtoa ,' Mia ". M.m 3I0I. Aut. 61 g-4.. rs w BVbMt'fi'"f REAirsKVCi K It Dl KltCd ESTABLISHMENT 01 William, ara. Woodlarwa 220. Skewcs WANTED Seeeral men and women, specialty salesmen. In Portland; new, just out this morn ing; $1 profit on each sale; no money required. 3 12th st Main 6208. WAN TED Ex-eerrice man with auto to sell woolen blankets in the conntry. big money to a hustler. Inquire 603 Title A Trust bldg. Phone Bdwy. 8259. Wift f ED Competent working foreman for small city daily and lob shop. Address IX- 074, Journal. WANT experienced photographer, one who can print, operate and retouch. WUl pay good salary. Main TIIO. I'NKKRTAKINU CO Mala 4133 Comae Third and Clay A r C 501 WUUam, aea. tm lm X.C1ICI WtJ,thon. Eaat 10g MONUMENTS 106 WAA'TEls Scmaone to build a concrete or brick building 50x100, 1 story, long lease Auto. 230 51 ADVERTISING solicitor for group of publications. bldg etablished Call bt at 627 Board of Trade WANTED Good high tenor and first baas for professional nusrtat 203 Tiltora bldg. EXPERIENCED sash and door machine wanted. Wjjodlawn 2413. WANTED, at once, two men to learn vulcanising nd retresding 482 mwtnorne, SALESMEN WANTED 202 KAl.EMMr.N wanted for a good selling prorKisi- tinn: chance for lira men to connect with a first rlaaa concern: not a securities offering but experienced investment sale men can mala good nd earn big money; splendid future for right men Hale Manager. HO Spalding blitg. GORDON HOTEL 1T4 West Park St Main 202. Clean, modern rooms at reasonable rices; tele phone service included, transient and permanent guests desired. Tor lady, with use of kitchen Tod all home privileges, 33 wk. Alberta car, 1181 E. 15th N. MODERN furnished rooms, walking distance. ( NICELY furnished .suite. 2 or 3 rooms, H Grand are. and East Couch. Phone East TOO after 5 p. m. IN LOVELY home, large room with alcove: suitable for 3 gentlemen; 330: walking dis tance. Main 4254. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 120 13th at. at Washington Brick structure, center of Port- I land s business and toctal activities, respectable; spotless rooms S3 week, 31 a day up; wun pri vate bath, 42 day. CLOSE in, warm, attractive room with break fast: all the comforts of a home at a resaon able rate. 469 Clay st Main 222. LARGE, 'sunny . front bedroom ia Irvington. suitable for. 1 or 2 gentlemen. 442 Eaat FURNISHED IT. K rooms, electric lights, ean- . tral location, all outside rooms, (1.73 per wee and up. 329 is iirst, between clay ana Market sts. Rose FHend Apts. To leaae.' 8-12 Twoeth. eleaanU faraiihed 4-roota anite. 81 10. Marshall 14l. FOR RENT Six-rooaa saodera haagalow. Ioaraa ia heikroeaa aad kilchaav.. win a.11 --'- '"ies new o wiasliwa. Fumara aad fiiwpt-cev. - - &tt.iita .jTKlKjoe. " ' r w 4 the has aO- ssd dUtrict. Pe-H .e rpnqsfble - partaea. - -. aT per walk. -ee the kowe at 121T Rodney kveaoa. Bell ingham Apartments 4214 E. MORRISON ST. 1 and 2 room mites, h. k. mam. reaaeasabWi. Car lois Apartments - 3 room lamssbed modern apartnMt, reasoav able. 14Q and Market. "" " JULUNA APARTMENT V S TRINITY PLACE FURNISHED 3, 3 AND 4-ROOM APT". GOOD HEAT AND JANITOR 8ERV1CE Stanfield Apartments ; Modern 2 roora apartment, light, beat pheaa. laundry facilities. 822. SO. Main 7392. rooms at 400 N. 19th st. comer Cnshur. Sates by the month $8 and up free tclephoae, ) pain anq pool tapte. Broaaway 1&4B. CALL at Y. M. C. A. to see free list of mod orate priced rooms for young men ia all parts of the city, including rooms at the Central Y. M. L. A., with telephone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. HOTEL 1T0 11th st.. near Morrison. Clean, modern room, by day, week or raonta; reasonable rate. Hotel Medford Two blocks from Depot 75c and up. 34 a week up. Hot and cold water in each room. 9th st north. East 6013. FURNISHED sleeping room for lady or gentle man employed. Wdln. 14. . 1108 William are. NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for 2; home privileges. 251 ti E. 2d st N., opposite Marine hospital - LARGE, well furnished room, near bathroom furnace heat: walking distance. 568 Hoytst Bdwy. 1995. 35c to 50c 403 Front HOTEL HARRISON Clean furnished rooms 32 week, per night; i story brick building. HOTEL HARRISON Clean furnished rooms 82 week, 35c to 50c per night: 5 story brick building. 403 Front. SARGENT " HOTEL Hawthorne and Grand. H. K. and sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat E. 291. CLEAN sleeping rooan in moaern home, with ue of kitchen and bath. Vi block to car. 1027 E. 11th st. N. FURNISHED room in apartment suitable for man or woman employed, walktng distance, steam heat. Call after 6 p. m. Bdwy. 225. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 1 larce room third floor 814, 1 -large roca aecond floor 320, lovely 2 -room apartment, lower floor, with fireplace. 833. 629 Everett. Nob Hill dist COXTMODIOUS. weU arranged, furnuhed 11. K 1 apartment; plenty of light, clean aad cheery; all modern conveniences; . reasonable rent 547 TsmbilL Main 3536. ' large" front room and kitchenette, very deeir . able-, hot and cold water; also aingle room and sleeping porch room, 1 10 each monthly. 655 Flanders st ' YERWcomfortable room, modern, west side, . walffhg distance; residential district, 312. Main 9485. TWO single, A suite. 1 large front room with kitchenette, steam heat, free bath, phone, light, hot and caid water, walking distance. . B 2443 656 GlisanT LARGE light housekeeping room with clothes closet electric lights, running water, free phone in house, close into town. 83.73 per week. 227 Montgomery. ONE large housekeeping room, luiuiutg wster, gas range . electric lights, free phone, goou for bachelor or couple. 310 a month. 330 Tay lor. Mar. 1675. THE JEFFERY 2 room furnished apadoient 816 Per month. Cor. Russell and Kerby.- East 4S94. King Albert Apartments 2 and 3 rooa furnished, strictly zaodera, tile baths, elevator, 11th and Montgomery. Maw 359. 313 2 ROOMd with krtrheoette. for working couple; also 1 room, nicely furnished, with. kitchen; dose ia. 94 Benton, near xsroaaway bridge. ME3 arVCVlB-lirhf 1MI 884 6th 11 llC, ClCnilUUIl Cor. Market 3 aad S sworn, furnished apt., modern , coovew- teneea; private bath: as: a to aa per Guild Apartments 3 room furnished apartment, all outside room, private bath. Main 3705. sVPRTNKLEBXD WAREHOCBJt ior yean? gwede wUh a. . Let aa e yowl nai aad parkiag . CLAY at JaORAE. XX& roadway 8470. 484 PIANOS moved. 83. ttalra extra 81 earn fngwt; .Ba ay new ataraja ea an BoW'eBaia grwoa; ruraalars mm i int. 1 ; tow truck. 83 per boar; large truck, 82.78 pgr hoar; we are experienced and have good paekag.- On Broadway 1207. AUa Transfer Storage Co . 14 X. aU at Open Sunder end ewltga REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 403 LOTS 1ATT BARGAINS ANT PAT CTTT -812M Irringtoa lot, taps. P -1o Irriitgic Vw. lath at flgpn trrrngtew. OTxMft. - - U4-4aiwl-iBt, Haaalfem Plaea. 81230 Laaralbwra eve. - .-4 31H Isrre!kart. Cowch at, 31000 4 lt and TsrW. U00 t.h astd IlruMsw 81l34W2Sih. aad lav a. i 81100-4 lota. 80th aad iota ia, - 1 1 trail t-eax. gas- anal Wales'. ' 8 n isth aM VVwodard ae. 8 so Knae ( Park lota. 8 30 Rosa Cl:y Park bsta. 8100 30th aad Alauworth, lOOilOfX Chas. Ringler 4& Cown 223 IlENliY BLDG. ? . WlULAMErTK HEIGHTS. 84760 Laaviag city, will aril asjr haiae ea eaay email payment sewn, aaaderw, n-rooa bwxigakiw, aagntfierttt view, eachrwvw diatrkrt on warfiae. WiU rent If not acid. Owner. Maia 31-36 7-ROOM henae. larae Bleeping porch, fall retsi. basement wash tray, furnace, nice lawn, fin neighborhood. 0 bike, to Lauremnrst park. WiH give leaae. Tabor 601. FOR RENT Brand new boneow. modern ia every detail, large as rare ; no smell children; long lease ta right party: would ela 440 E 51U at N. Autoaaa-ie 323 7 1 a PAT ONLY 15 DOWN H They are aeltiaa faM. Yaa d eeaswr wwrrv tf yw want cm-. UllOO, level kt. g226-S4g." Bull Run water, caa. bag icajool near. a oet-. oarhae. goad aeigHhnn. Strp paywig tha we4 man row hard earned aoney. Pwt an a 4xera.M or aaaaJI how. Bee Mr. r-iren. 4aVe knkl-. man. M. 0330. 20H Chambr nf bkix. Call evantngs, Eaat 3Z6T. GtMD 14x40 tent bowse. 2 jwoma. partly fur nxshed. gaa. eaeot, inside toilet, good yard. gar Sea: rent reasonable. 2 lil t'ewcord. bt Jehas car; near school, baiaata 0 aad 0. BEACTIFCC-8 rooms, hot water heal. WJP wood floors, btnltina. garage, sargs around, moantain rtew, deailabla tocauon. 03 E. 49th at Eaat HIT early a. a., or p. a. NICE room and garaze. (.ill tab's for man with car. at 1164 E. Giisan and 39th sts. Auto. 222-36. 2 UNFURNISHED front rooms for rent; water, light, phone, furcUhed. Main 1442. NICE, clean rooms, everything convenient and up-to-date, furnished, 1 block from carline. Take MonUvUla car. Get off, 62d N. 1410. Tabor 4937. EUCLID HOIET, 573 Washington, at 18lh Irge, clean, airy rooms, private baths. Rates to permanent guests. Bdwy. 2682. LADIES or gentlemen to sell high das Una i HOTELS ROWLAND, ANNEX. MARYLAND, houvenoM tinulin. Ja tk t. : VIRGINIA. 207H-211H 4TH el. HATES. 75e. 31 PER DAY. WITH BATH, 81.50 TTi .IUI agent Tor silk lioaiery; can make S3 to $10 daily. 40BH B'way. Mar. 1909. AGENTS WANTED 203 WANTED Agents! mala and female. Apply 306 3d st. Portland. Or. UN IQUE Christmas home. 811 Wnri OTTO SCHUMANN MAP BUI 0QS 1 ltvuwo tnttt rti phoi rwi FLORISTS 107 LARGEST RETAIL FLORIST f! PORTLAND 848 MORKlsON ri BWi. rvt. -t r,ik. Mar. 28 T WW! HTnAIK. Mr FLOWERS FOB ALL OCCASIONS Main "Wa WITI Pteaaa T-u.'T' YAMHILL at TEN novelty : useiul rcester bldg. in every HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 Hoi KEKEEl'EK tor mn and wile, tha wife an insalid: good home. For particular write Mrs. R. M. Mason. 6614 37th arc S. E., Port land. Or. DAY UP. . RECTOR HOTEL N. Broadway, new and modern. Tale locks on door. $1 day up. 85 per wk. up. Private baths. Albina Hotel 24 ALB TNA AVE. EAST 8150. Sleeping rooms and housekeeping rooms. Maxwell Hall g1 5iS Furnished sleeping rooms, bath, steam heat hot and cold water; $4 week and up. WANTED V6raan between 2.) and 3 for gen eral housework on ranch ; women with children r-red not apply; wagea $50 per month. Call Tabor 2702 WANTED Good honest girl for light general housework; no washing: must love children. Call In person. 470 E. 44th st N. WOULD lika a middle-aged lady aa companion for a 16-year-old girl for the winter. N-763, Journal. ANY GIRL in need o a friend apply to the nalvatioo Army Uetcue Home. Mayfair and A lex a nder str. l'hoa Main 3450. D-M car. CAN VAshEKM. $2.30 daily snd np; work; straight salary. Aut. 631-94. steady WOMEN wanted to work oo apple. Fruit Products Co.. 221 E. TambilL Starr TENTH And Floral Deaigna. large Hothouse. Ne Bnach Btora. 28 Yean eo Morrison et batwaaa 4th aod 6th. Tel. Main TTOB. Smith's Flower Shop "Portlaed'a Prograaalv Floriat" rVwvrs foe AU Ooeaaiona Maia Ytlj, T. C Lake, Mgr. Otb and Alder. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 UV.I.I A RI.K man want Doititm in hich class a oart meat bldg. : 1 4 rears with one employer. Can take car of thine and do all necessary retIrs. Neat and able to satisfy tenants, l-i censed engineer. , good mechanic. Expects good wages snd will do good work. P-3S9, Journal. PAINTING, papernanging. lurnnure repaired and refill is bed Prtcee reasonable; work guaran teed. Shop 1363 Hawthorn are. Tabor 1260 or 1722. COMING in for the wintert Bee us. Positively clean rooms, $7 per mo. and up. Board of ba-h. Also apt. Latgs lobby. The Vaughn. 19th N. and Vaughn. HOTEL DAYTON First at Taylor Steam heat, hot and cold water in ill rooms. Reasonable rates. THE SOULE Sunday chicken- dinners 75c, week days 60c, all you can est, cooked like mother coogea. ii 11th st Matthiesen Hotel Rooms 60c day up: 83 week np; clean, tight, hot or cold water, steam heat 20 Columbia. LIGHT, clean room. teon neat, electric light, bath with hot water at all hours. 810 a month. Adults only. 890 3a vie r, sear 36th. Main. 7P61. . . .-. - -: ...el NURSES, ATTENTION 1 Coder new manage ment home for nurses; everything new and clean: 2 desirable rooms yet to be had. 265 N. 21st cor. North nip. Aut 538-23. 8LEEP1NG room with private family, rea sonable rent, gentlemen preferred. aiain 7695. NICELY turniihed tront room lor 1 or rlemen. Furnace heat, hot water. 480 E. Clay. gen- telephone. SMALL, neatly furnished clean room. 3 blocks from Morrison st.. (14 a montn; working man preferred. 225 W. Park st NICELY furnished room; furnace heat; private entrance. 815 E. Flanders st. NICELY furnished 8 room apt writh laundry.' bath and sleeping porch. : Caa of electric washer add telephone. Garage. 4928 71st st. 8. E. Aut. 810-84. IN IRVINGTON 4 weU furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor; large kitchen; coal and wood range; large pantry, gas, aU conveniences; prefer auults. 441 13th st N. FREE KENT 5 weeks for price of 4 : 2 large furnished housekeeping rooms. $2.50 to 34.50. Alt Vista, 16th and Pettygrove. THE GROVER 1S1 r.m. i!mYv hmliluil 1 and housekeeping spartsaena; low rate. Main 0068. GLEN COrRT. cor. Park snd Taylor. 9 aad t rooms, furnished. Mam 1K01. 4 ROOMJOloored attic, bajement. 4 Wta. etee trictty and gas. gsa range, 820 Booth ta dttdint water. Woodstork. RYDER REALTY CO.. Sell. 2748 IRVINGTON MSTRICt On E 16th near Bare ail paid: 37S. 3100 ra-b. 610 a gaosvta. Near' achoel. ear aad aww nark. - w1 Johnson-Dodson Co. 033 N W. BANK B!JJ. MATN 3TTaj WEST BIDE LOT. 1178 .:: H Knck FnltoB ear. 2 blocks Trrw-rPwse , scLrol. 40x1 OB. level with pey tr4; a, wag ant water h; easy trmta.' Yon can't find n bigger snap tha a this J. O. Baiaey, 8 IT Ansa- fan bldg. Main 1260. IRVLM.TON . DlSTklCT 08x100. on E. lath avasth mf DESIRABLE, neat clean. 2 room apt., suit able for 2 adults. l'ptair fist Downtown. West side district 322.50. 292 4 CUy at Main 6790. 'all Sonday or etevrinf . - Leeds Apartments Fireproof building, modern 2 snd 4 room apart ments, elevator eerrior, close in. Call Marshall 3597 2 -ROOM apartment and bath, modern. hat new, clean, private; refined adults only. Must ba seen to be appreciated. Mississippi oar. 1035 Maryland ave.. corner W. Hnmboldt GOOD front room, steam heat, elevator service, close in. Call at the Leeds. 310 Market, A NICE clean room in private bome. close in. West Side. 325 latn st. mono Main oo. FURNISHED rooms for rent, 2 gentlemen, $16; I gentleman. 610. S40 a. asp, bast iobu CLEAN rooms, in privst home. 710 E. Burn eide. , FURNISHED room in privste home, Irvington district; gentlemen preferred. East 4773. XlCELT furni-hed room for gentleman; in. . 62 H Ella. Bdwy. 3811. close TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, clean, pleas ant phone, light bath, hot and cold water, furnished, $20. East 6000. 389 Grand ave. N, THREE fur.' housekeeping rooms, hi block to Williams arc. car. Reasonable rent 266 Cooke ave. r FRONT 2 room apt. Very pleasant, newly pa pered and tinted, lights and water; 2 adults only $22.50. 875 Hawthorne, cor. 29th. NICELY -fnmished 2 room apartment Steam beat lishts and private phone, 830 ti 840 month. Adults. Walking distance. Tha Lincoln. 4th" and Lincoln. V ESTONIA AITS.. 600 GLISA-N Nicely furnished 2 room apt Trivet bath. 845. 2-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING APTS. PHONE. LIGHT AND HEAT FURNISHED. CLOSE IN. REASONABLE. 293 H WEIDLER ST. TWO nicely furnished front housekeeping rooms, heat, light, phone and bath, 85.50 a week. 173 N. 17th. SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms, steam beat running water. Lawn Apt., Broadway 26G4, P.1 N. 18th. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON Portland's high-class down-town residential betel. W give you the comforts of home. American snd European plan. Rata reaaocabla. MARTHA WASHINGTON HOTEL for business girls at moderate rates. 380 10th st Mar- laliall 1251. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 ROOM and board in private home for 2 eon genial gentlemen. AU bome privileges and conveniences. Call after 6 p. m. Sunday. 625 Market Phone Main 2631. Linnea Floral Co. riowars and plants fresh from our M ."-! a aehenae at towet prtcee. 373 Mor. 622-16 UAtTVtmW(L f 8COtTori,uTI 54T ash lar! on. Mala 269. A-1260. Flowari for all eeraalaee artistically arranged. LOST AND FOUND 108 THH following article, were found on the ran af the Portland KaUway Light A Power Co.. Nov. 0: Two umbrallaa, 3 ranch boxes. 4 purses, 1 pia, key. 1 handbag 8 gloves, 4 book 1 aw sat I bottle medicine. 7 packares. 1 hat 1 sweater. 1 sack of wheat 1 level, 1 envelope. Owner may a Main same upon proper IdeaXifioa- Qott at firt and Alder street station. OfSBTiWATIri ior Intormatlon or return of LlawaUyn setter dog. Stolen from 490 Eaat 0th N., Oct. 13.- White, imall blaek spot. blrk ,r. License 811. Phone Eaat 5896. LOST In Portland. Huaday evening, little elrl's fitch fur aerknleee with animal heed lining somewhat worn. Phone Marshall 4400 evening. Apt 21. Reward 1.A.HT A diamond set. patiniim faced bar pin. Saturday evening. liberal reward. Call eve ning Woodlawn 1170 LOST English scraw Uil buU pup, light brindle 10 month old. Fsaard. Geo. 8 tout. 724 TC 0th N. Broadway 997. LOST Red wire wheel with Grant tire. Call t the Heynaa Foster Baking Co. and receive reward. LOST Gold bracelet on or near 23d st, between GUaaa aad Lovejoy. Rsward. 734 Johnson, llsin 4423. " I LOST It? working girl, a brown purse with 830 Mil. on - way to wnra or nownsown s lim. Reward 83. Woodlawn 1165. LADT'S Rhrtne pin. heart shaped, fei tn center Heward. rbone tav l sarrnunded by pearl. ia LOMT Oa atraetrar, Tuesday morning, gold fcvwnrh with pearl setting. Phone Ea.t 8190 and raoetv reward LOST Reaver collar en 22d and Washington. Liberal reward. Main IBOl LOST Solid Mfgre pin set with pearl. Reward. BroaHWST 1369 LOST tl. S. National hank book; name and re ceipts Inside Woodlawn 3640 or Main 6641 BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 JF T0TJ ara realty laien ated in a better Job and an pay. write- for my r KaE 7Z-naae, II '.ast rated Bean ei Iseta. Hundreds of aulo- aablle eppoetunltlae explained. Pictures of etadenu getting practlral training. TUs how i ran eaa earn reea and board while learning. ' Telia of wwadevfal Lea Angela climate. Show how yen eaa do hie ether men from 10 to 60 year eg age woe are now enjoying aatsrisa np I $400 a asnth, beraase af tha traiaiBg I ea4 tha hook FREE te aayene Interested. WML j. A. Kosealrsna. rreaiorBt, N. A. A B41 a mawarwa. jrm Angeles. HOOF ATTENTION BRADY A ROACH W paint and repair roof and know how. Tbor 5216 Woodlawn 4658. GOOD two-thirder want position with country print shoo in Monti west. Address a. x. Roberta, Alfalfa, Or. A R I' ENTER will shingle, reshingle, huiid gsr age. etc.: quick worker; price reasonable. Woodlawn 5676. LOOK aurfacing. electric sanded, band scraping. polishing. : W. H. Tibbita. la nor 208 V Third St Rooms with steam heat and bath. Reason able rate.. a BENTON HOTEL Corner Broadway aad Alder. Northwest heat Suite or tingle rooms at reasonable rates. Phone Main 2227. NEWHALL HOTEL 402 E. Washington st, corner Grand ave.; modern; outside sleeping rooms. OR RENT 3 clean tront rooms for 3 gentle men, with board: good meals and clean bed; heme cooking, steam heat and nice home, lots of hot water. Woodlawn 4545. LARGE front airy room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. All modern conveniences; walking distance downtown; good bome cooking, Call at 858 Lar&bee or phone East 4433. NICELY furnished room for rent light airy, pleasant; all modern home atmosphere; good home cooking, home privileges, an ideal place. 712 K. Taylor. Aut 212-37. 5 12TH ST., one clean, easy room for H. K.. liziit. heat bath, phone, laundrr oriv- ileues with rent $15 mouth. TWO neat and clean furnished housekeeping rooms, with or without sleeping porch. Adults only. 713 E. Burnside. LARGE single room with hot and cold water heat furnished; large clothes closet Call between 10 snd 12. 695 Davis. TWO large furnished front h. k. rooms; range. sink, bath, electricity: clobe in. Adults. 211 Sherman st. Mar. 2293. LARGE living room with fireplace, 2 sleeping rooms suitaMe for two or more men; view of city and mountains; garage. Marshall gig. LEEDS APARTMENTS Fireproof building modern 2 and 4 room apart ments; elevator service; close in. uil mar. ai. PART or all of 6 room ground floor flat com pletely furnished; linen, silverware, dishe. 700 Hoyt st Phone Min'J873. $28 MONTH for 3 room steam heated court partment with 2 beds; also a 2 -room at $25 month. 402 3rd st SMALL apartment eiectrlc lights, gas range, run ning wster, good surroundings; reasonable. 850 Thurman st. st 25ti FOR EEST-Tiscn. aodcrn Boure. with gar age. suitable for tww famine. Ctoa to car and school. $30. Owner at 111 E. Stafford street Portland. 6 ROOM modern, walking distance, or with- out garage.' Inquire 146 water at, cleee te Porter; take NO 'ear. Inquire 411 earnTsuded br btv paisL Price eajr 8120v Johnson-Dodson Co. f 633 V W BANK BLIw;. MAIN 3T8T NORTH MT. TABOR Forced to aril ajr srlrndid lot en 824 at Thia is mated, shout 3 Monet aenth f Uhaan ft Cement watks. sewer rd gas, $Ow ad- ery eery lerxav This i s.oo leas than ad- Joining lota. W. M. 1MBIrlNSTOCE a CO 10 Qeeaon bsdg. Bdwy lasa tXK RENT .-room 6th st cottage. HOUSES FURNISHED 3 1 2 6-ROOM completely ' furnished house $30 par month. Take rurton oar on 29 and Hor- riaoa. (top at Prndietou. Marshall 415. 1341 Corbet, cor. Pendleton. SCENIC LODGE cottage. 2 and 8 rooms, finest Ttew. zu mi note walk to Heart or city, nau st car to 13th st . 3 block west 624 Heights terrace. NICELY furnished 7-room bungalow, all sned ero convenience, gas. electricity and fire place. 2 blks. from Franklin high school; ne smsU children; rent cr eU. 8021 a oil BKL FURNISHED 6 room bouse. 850. Inquire 833 East ith st South. Phone 212-52. NICELY furnished T room bouse, piano, library, 2 baths, furnace, fireplace, electricity, gas, garage: will lease, adulta only. No roomers or boarders. Main 8250. FOR RENT Furnished, 3 -room modern bung. low, good rieighbdrboDd, very reasonable Woodstock car to 60th st. on Woodstock ave., walk 2 blocks north. 6053 58th ave. 8. E. A TITLE Icawranre Policy a a awaramae by wm nsmuiblf eeapeey that yon will noa aaffeg Vw en acccstnt of the bUe te yonr teal areata, .t When yuu nay real estate get a Title Insanaee Fwlary. He abstract req red, TxU 4k Xrast I BARGAINS IN LOTS Located ia Lauralhnnt, Portland's tiful residential stastnrt; ail iaiweveaenta ta. , t'loMng oat prices range frca" 6600 to 81K0O. ,; See J. A. Met arty. 179 S Stark at . Ataia,. 1700. Kvwnmia. Tshog 608T. LOTS $311 63 A MONTH - I have some sue 60x100 Iota wkar need school and car for $216. BulT Ran water aad-t gaa ara ia the tract If yon have wo aMtsry te pay down. Ill give yon work patting tn f . lawn. Cell me after oaaxrk. Aat 334-01. RfttRflTf P1RS liiT Itlo i! 60x100 lot. kswet with axle walk, paved afjeet,' wee. all van. paid: aacrific prie 3650 aaah. HENDERSON-BANKtS CO. 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4734 LIGHT service in small apt house as part pay ment on well furnished front apt Adult only. Phone Eart 858. BASEMENT ant.. 096 Irving su APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 CLOSE IN, 2 large, light front rooms, nicely furnished; light, phone and water. Phone East 4549. NICE, clean housekeeping rooms, single on in suite; everything convenient; light , gas and water in rooms; phone in botue. B. 8322. Ionian Court 18TH AND COUCH 3 and 4 roam modern partmrnts, all emtatd sunny rooms, adults. Bdwy. 2761. NICE, dean, completely furnished 5 rooa bun galow on 70th t; electricity and gas; adults preferred; long lease; rest reasonable. Call 128 First, bet Aider and Washington. FOR RENT. 2 yean lease, furnished house. modern, rent $50 per month, adulta only. Re-poosible. Call even tag.. 614 Leo av. Bell. 3039. Take Re 11 wood car. 325 Furnished 6 rooa houseboat on land foot Nevada at, rent or aell on easy teraa. Ring-l-r 23ft, Henry bldg. 7 ROOM fumiahed 2 family house, B L car; electricity, gas. bath, yard, adulta Call 129 Grand ave. Drming. 7-ROOM house, completely furnished ; 3 flra rdaoca. larre alevDina porch : awod condition : $73 per month. 492 MiU at Main 831. ONE tront housekeeping Toom, gs, walking dis tance, free lights, bath and phone. Beason able rent 549 H Morrison. Phone Bdwy. 1644. 1 AND 2-ROOM furntsh-d H. K. apartments; clean, light and cheerful at 335 Fifth st TWO h. k. rooms, cheap, clean, running water and range, 2 block frdtn Market. 191 Park st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 LARGE unfurnished room, suitable for house keeping, private entrance. 260 Nartilla st. 1 block from I-J car, west side, walking distance. Marshall 4173. waxing, 032. PAPERHANGING, tHitlng. painting, enamel work a specialty. u work guaranieeo. uui Bdwy. 232 5. . CARPENTER Etimates given on repair work. roofs repaired and garage built Shop, 1367 Hwthorne. Thor 1"260. DITCHING, tiling on farms. day. Addrea Joe it Hen. Pi rtlsnd. done by rod or 342 First st. VI'LCANIZER wsnta work, willing to work for low wages this winter. Box 203, city. PAPERHANGING and tinting, flrst-claa work. Price, reaeonsble. Tabor BOSH. PLUMBING done very leasonaDIa by the hour or by the on. Auto. ' zao-oi. CEMENT WORK satisfactiou guaranteed. Woodlawn 5241. BAB KM EN TS, GRADlNsa, OEN'L TEAMING: contract or nay work. Aut B-J-aa, after ts. NEAT Japanese cook wants situation; will fo snywliere. W-7B1. Journal. PAINTING snd kslaomining. work and material gua ra meed: prices reasonable: seuwooa rti7. HOTEL FRANKLIN ' Washington at 13th. Rates by the week $5 and up; hot and cold running water, hot water heating system. Tub and shower bath. HOTEL LIL-MER 27014 4th 8t. Opp. City Hsll Delightful on tiide rooms, hot and cold water; reasonable rates, day or week. HOTEL 0CKLEY Morruori st 10th. $1 a day. weekly 5 nd up; free phone and bath, light and airy. HOTEL ROYAL Cor. Morrison and E. 3d. Modern sleeping snd h. k. room'. 33 week and up; 31 per day. EASTERN HOTEL 'First St Two 2 -room H. K. suite. Hot and scold water each floor. 33 50 snd 84 week. WANTED School girl to work for toom and board: walking distance to grade and high school. Vancouver car to Russett st Inquire st 261 E. Farragut PRIVATE HOME FOR CHILDREN BETWEEN 3 AND 7 YEARS. WOODLAWN 1509. LARGE front room, furnace beat for 2 or 3 gentlemen; home cooking, home privileges; close in. fine location. Reasonable. East 3689. 50c Day, $2.50 Week Up Clean, baths free, hot water at all hour. HOTEL CADILLAC, 3d it., pear Jefferson. BOARD and room for gentleman or ladies, on Sell wood car line; home privilege; reasonable 598 Bybee sve. WOULD like to 'urnish room and board to one or two gentlemen; modern home, in a quiet neighborhood ; au bome privileges. Tabor 4889. ROOM and board in private family, close to Jensen's school, also one block from Rose City car. 33 Vt E, 16th N. WASHINGTON MOTEL 12THT-AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites st reasonable rate by week or month. HOTEL OHIO, 266 Front Cor. Madison Rooms 60c up, $3 week up: H. K. rocms; hot and cold water; steam heat Elevator I service: other modern conveniences. PAPERING, tinting, inside paiutinz. by day or contract; floors finished. Tbor 323S. PLASTERING done, plain 4nd ornamental - tiinatea turnfsm. r.ast Sim' or siar. ;ss. CEMENT work, aU kinds. Scllwood B19. First ciaae only. CONCRETE pouring by mscnine; general ce ment work. Call Belt lasu, attere p. m. tAkl'KVlEU lira contractor. Jobbing, anything In the building line. Phon Ean WANTED Ceapool to dig by contract; also brick for ale. ' Call Columbia 874. Uootn RESHINGLEU . Rolled comic a specialty. East 1201. POSITION wanted, capable salesman with Ford car or what have you! Main T9f5. HARDWOOD floors, by day or contract Fjst 871Q. Ref- CAKPKNTER or groceryman hare fsmily; ider anything. Woodlawn 496H. FAINTING, papernansrinc and tinting; also re-r-tr work. Sell. 266. PAINTING, tinting and papernanging. first-das work. Call Auto. 611-45; VICTORIA HOTEL open under AMERICAN MANAGEMENT : outside rooms; running water; opposite new postoffice, corner Broadway. 333 Gliaan. Roya! Palm Hotel FIIx3DEBs The cleanest and nicest -rooms In the north end. Pre-war prices. ENON HOTEL Focbt0hst. Modern rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water, centrally located, reasonable . MORRISON Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Mar. 2508. 2244 WASHINGTON ST. Sleeping and housekeeping rooms, free kun dry and bath: centrally located. HOTEL BAKER, 63 H 1st st; warmest, cleanest modern rooms in city, for 35.50 week. Misses Peterson A Rhyne, proprietors. OPENED Nor. 1; rooms, single or suite; new furniture throughout; prices reasonable. 586 S. let tt. near Grant Waat'a FIN KT BUSINESS 1LLEGK. En em! aay tiae for all Bwaineas Oouraaa, iaclnd 18 eaaptoasat r, aunography, banking, bonk keeniag NIOUT rMtitHH. 4 a MONTH. Frew Catalog Addrea 4 LB near Momeo. TWrie Mala 0 roonioN rok each graddatb IF YOU want buUt-in fixtures, cupboards, tables, etc.. call Auto. 817-27. IANiTOR wants work. 817 a week. 8 hours. Refer. pee my last employer. N-781. Journal. FAINTING and tinting; have tools; reasonable. Woodlawn 6036. 1283 E. 17th N. TRUCK hauling wanted; lumber, wood or gravel Rooa 318. 271 H Grand ave. East 291. ALL kinds of hauling and delis, ring for 3 -ton truck. Automatic 523-44. TWO men with dragaaw want wood cutting oob- LADY would tike to board school girl, more for company: no otner children: 820 month: school same block. Woodlawn 4434. BEAUTIFUL front room, breakfast and dinner if desired: all bome comforts: suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 314 Salmon. Marshall 1278. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY . 306 FOR RENT For 2 people, in beautiful hcane in Irvington, large front bedroom, large dress- ingroom, use of kitchen and laundry ; home privileges. East 3090 between 9 a. m. and p. m. l block to car. SUITE neat rooms, walking distance, heat, light, phone, gas. water, ready now. 830. The sami 3 rooms trith furnbhings only, 820. 126 E. 15th st. Tel. East 2549. The American Apts. 4 and 5 room modern apartments, 21st and Johnson. Bdwy. 3360. GARFIELD apartments. 4 rouns, just like a bungalow, hardwood floor, steam beat 361 E Failing. 1 block west Union sve. 4 ROOMS aod bath, unfurnished apartment and 1 partly furnished; walking distance. 403 Jefferson. FLATS FURNISHED 309 PIEDMONT, fine neighborhood, 100x100 cor ner, nice yard, accommodations tor 6. Clean, nicely furnished, disappearing bed, sleeping porch. Wdln. 5936. LOWER floor of private home consisting of 4 rooms, completely . furnished, modern con veniences; walking distance, writ side. 333. Call Marshall 42iS for appointment: adulta only. TWO 3d-floor 4 -room flats $13. 200 and 204 H McMillan at. Just across Broadway bridge. WILL share attractive mortem o room flat with one or two adults, employed. A-572. Jonrpal 63 4 ROOM Hooker. neatly furnished Main 6839 Hat $20. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Electricity, gas. stove, outfiac and inside entrance; also parlor sleeping rocm. Nc chil dren. COS Front s-t CLEAN, nicely furnuhed. 2 or 8 room house keeping suites, near Broadway, close to 3 car lines, eacy walking distance; light, phone, wster free. 329 Res st. F.xet 2S78. 4 ROOMS, close in, light and clean; Protestant preferred. Esst 6931. references FOR RENT 3 room modern furni-hed flat 368 H Second. Call morning till noon. SMALL, clean, modern flat; phone and garage; reasonable: adults. vtoodlawn 3219. FLATS UNFURN ISHED 310 $30 3 FURNISHED rooms tor housekeeping. in choice location, private bath, gas, electric lights, phone furnished, close to good car line and Washington high school. 788 E. Taylor st ROOM and board in refined home for married couple or one. Furnace and all modern con veniences. Tabor 1835. GOOD board. and room, $9 a week: also meal ticket: walking distance, west side. 320 Montmmery st Phone Main 5370. CLEAN, light room for 1 or 2; 10 min. walk from town; home cooking and privileges.. 552 Everett BEST of care for child. 2 to 5 years, $18 per month. 5514 60th st S. E.. Mt. Scott car. BOARD and room tor z people; private familj; very reasonable. Wdln. 5932. BABY lover wishes baby to board; reasonable, reliable. 6403 89th st S. E. Aut 614-24. TWO refined gentlemen or couple, modern bun galow, near Alameda. Woodlawn 775. MEN wanting board, reasonable, phone Tabor .7164. Mrs. Jenkins, 64 East 65th rt N. WILL cars for child by week or month; must be normal. 727 Kj Williams. ROOM and board, $30 month. 9U5 Lovely at and Wall. NICE rooms and beard, in private modern home, or room with breakfast Tabor 6029. tract Phon Auto. 628-11. tX0r3Bs KT m.D , 3D AND MORRISON riv l-riUtONAI. REKUve, Tbe eidaat Bi I Schawl la Peruana. ninee Aatnre rref raw, rwaiusa, Prnnsotioa DAT AND SIGHT SCHOOL TmmiM and Wnanasgtra. Bdwy. IOa. Uit.M TKUMksrUI Naiiwej t.kegnpa Iw- asxtnla, 434 Bail way Escheat Mdg Night iuM-Kt MOUNTAIN TEACHkRS' AGENCY Fveet K. W.I Basea ft. . IBsi. ft, Ml s ur 4. wwaea, te sasyA. Mgr.. N-W. Beet ban. Awt 613-18. F. waaaaa. warn berwer r4t wge waue taenia Orsgan Baraaf Call. 136 BUaw n K viatTtn. Q. aai, lear vsileaassiag aad tetraaolna. 110 Divtssna st ROOFS repaired aod painted, reasonable; root, a speciality. Tsaor flat SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 YOUNG womaa with children abie to oar for Ihaaalsa wishe housekeeping en farm for winter; good cook and tara experience: most be neer erhool and Mfhschoo M-3S9, Jnnrnal. TRUSTWORTHY lady wants housed eaning. washing; good work guaranteed. Woodlawa 6806. UlRL 16 yeara old wiaea position raring Tor child ran ever 3 year old; reference ex changed. Call Wdln. 4442. GIRt.. 34, ananas host, work in private famttv Christian Science preferred; no objection to children, tail Main i,. W0UAN waata houMwork. 3 to li or i is 41 BUSHMARK. WASHINGTON. COR. 17TH Modern, steam-heated 1 and 2 room apt, aleenina rooms 84 week up. CHEAP ROOMS. 31 AND IP. NICELY FUR NISHED. SINGLE OR HOUSEKEEPING. S1" HOOD ST. THE BARTON, 453 A LITER ST. Clean furnished rooms 32.60 per week and BP. Alw light housekeeping. NEW PERklNS HOTEL Washington and Fifth Streets. Brwrial Permanent Rstes From 86 Per Week. WANT baby girl about one year old to board and room. Cau evenings. Mar. 3562. WANT to take care of children from 1 day and up. Experience. Ant 647-76. WANTED 1 or 2 children private home; moth ' eries children preferred. Phone Ant 513-74. GROUND floor. Urge housekeeping rooms; pri- vats entrance: steam beat and running water: also tingle room; reasonable to congenial people. 414 Market, corner of 11th. EXTRA large front rocm with kitchenette on first floor; has separate entrance; well fur nished; also 3-roota apt., newly painted: reason able rent: good car service. Tabor 126. TWO H. K. rooms, private entrance, ground floor, bath and elec lights, ball, closet and pantry, good condition; 310 mo.; close in, Fulton car. 180 Pendleton ave. i LOOM modern upper flat 151 S Hamilton ave.; furnace, electricity, gaa stove. w,ur heater, linoleum In kitchen; references. Main 216. LAKi.E 5 ni-hed. rhooi. roam unfurnished aud 3 room fur 228 Alberta, near Jefferson high MODERN 6 room flat aud ' sleeping porch walking distance. 192 E. 13th tt . Broadway 172. FOR RENT Five rooms, unfurnished, lower flat 207 Ualsty St., $30. Inquire 297 Monroe st FOR RENT Four room upper fUt for rent nice location: $13. water included. Telephone Eaat 8716. CALL at 268 1 Brosdwiy south, for modern 3 or 4 rooms. 1-4 SuBday, TW'O pleasant rooms and kitchenette on third floor; hot and cold water; close in, walking distance! 2 blocks north Broadway bridge. Aut 324-42. FOUR rocms. with garage. Adult. Ea.t 2195. 325, $15 HOUSE. 4 rooms down, 3 up, to gether or aeparateur. MiU st loo air s? Salmon. NEAR hELLWOOD CAR 7 room. 3 lota, otwsent basement, paved atreet ; rent upstairs rooms and let pay for itself. lira... this far a home or Investment : 64000.-OlOwOi. ch. balance easy. SeHwood 1159. Talk of the town w 31 down. $1 week. Beautiful lota with earned t:. walks, 3230 to 3330. Home with gaa and etee tricity. Alberta car. Cloae J school Boaer W. Cry, 1219 N. W. Bank bklg ROSE CITT PARK 8400. CASH OR TEBMS On 4 6th between Klickitat ard Krem'wit; aU city improvements in and paid. Eaat 6962. " SELLWOOD Maiden ae. near 13th. fail lot, font eh grade; all imp. in aad paid. $900. $350 cash, hl. easy Ixiok :hi oven Sell. 115 NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH ' 823 cash. $10 per month; nearly acre. oiorkt rtawtnome car; labor Owners. ROSE CITY PARK 30x100 lot east faring, level with tra 38th and Hancock. $700, 6100 cash. baL eeryr sen 1159. acre. t . tie PARTLY furnished 5 -room modem, clan home. close In. rent 340 to rrsponssble party. 015 E. Franklin st FOR RENT 6-rooa house furnished, on pvd street $35 tier moath. Call at 6018 72d at Phone 63H-83. HOUSE of 4 rooms, nicely furnished, electric light on St John' car line. 827 month. 1410 Greely st. corner Dekum ve. $40 COMPLETELY fur.nshed. modern 6 room bungalow, piano and eewing aachine. Winter's fnel in baenient. for ale. Wdln. 2362. S ROOM bouse. 3 room, nacely furnuhed. very reasonable. 165 Wood st 1'OK RENT Furnished house at 628 E. st H block from Brooklyn carline. 15th 6 ROOM bouse, with toilet and pantry. E. Hoyt . 140: 6 ROOMS and gang. Eat 7018. 662 Center st, 860. 6-ROOM cottage fumiahed. 6S Wheeler at Mir. 2432 or Sellwoed 8632. Ma UrSRIJII'RiT WITH See or phoo J. A. McCarty. 270 Stark St"T ii 1700. Evening. Tbor 5037. $473 FOR a lot an 49th and Powell Vasks road, city Impmerment all paid Tarwiv r RU'MM ELL A HI MM ELU 274 Stark St ij ROSE CITY PARK LOT. $700 e 60x100, level lot I block to Alameda iTlv. pared at, aU Inn. paid. Owner, Tabor 660 ALAMEDA PARK, southwest corner 8hband Mason. 61250. next to comer 31030. Phone'' Tsbor 4441. ' -S LAURELHUBfT ,S Two fuR lota. $1200 each, lee for cash, SOtts ? and K Irving; no liens to wm. Sell. llt.,t $50 LARGE CORNER ON 6ANDY. Bargain. Ats. rwid. Tabor 6359. $3.'.0 TAKES 80x52 kw-luaan av... 1 20"TuV". o lekm ava. ; ow th facing. Tsbor 8441. 1 $Sou SNAP ROhE CITY PARK CAB 60x1 OO Voc Asst.. pd- Tabor 6360. ' tiio Rl'VJ in VERNOV. EVERtRtSC nasi RUMMELI. A RIM HELL, 274 Stark St HOUSES 404 HOUSES FOR RENTFURNITURE FOR SALE 313 MOilERN 6-room bungalow Hawtnurne diaenct. rent 485; new furniture for sal at- a sacri fice ; easy term 387 K. Merriaoa st FOR BENT lire room flat. 822 30; furniture for sale. Flnt rlaa piano, do in, re son hie. 06 Macon street Tor sal -ROOM house for MsrshaU 1865. rent, furniture MCE furniture in a 7-room lower flat for $850. Rent $37.30. Main 7611. STORES AND HALLS 314 RENT LODGE HA LI. FOR DANCES 12 to Williams ave, finest hardwood finish floor, all acecmaodaiaone. Piano, phone. Wood Uwn 896. Thorn Dyaent. 93T Union ave. S. STORK FOR RENT Just newly built, will make a fin lacatloa for drugstore: in residence district Main 724 5. STORE 16x40. good loci aoa for barbery shop or otner tine ot snaiaea: reaaontBla rent Apply 707 Hawthorne ve. East 8068. FOR deairabl apace ia phone Broadway 6T1&, - lire? root esrvaosu. 702 Vancouver ave. FOR RENT 2 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, with bath. We furnish lights, water, heat aud garbage; 2U. 948 Belmont Aut 231-40. 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooms, 1 room with kitch enette, close in. 95 E. 12 th st? cor. Wssb ington. Phone Eet 5582. ONE or two dean, nicely furnished rooms, kitchenette and steam heat; adults. 403 H 12th at t 4-NICE clean, fully furnished housekeeping rooms; suitable for family; bome privileges; very reasonable. 61 5 H 1st st THE ST. PAUL, 130 4th. cor. Alder. A RE SPECTABLE downtown hotel. Kates 7e no. Private bath 32. Special rate by week or month. GENTLEMAN wanting board and room call at 767 Kelley at Phone Main 6057. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 ONE-ROOM, kitchenette and aleeping porch; suitable for those tmployed. 59 N. 20th. near Washington. MODERN housekeeping apt. TWO nice, large, well furnished housekeeping rooms for two adults; wster. right and bath privileges. 322 per month. 1081 E. 15th st S. $20 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, hot ard cold water, electric light bath. Call 661 E. Morrison. HAVE a few nice housekeeping rooms in private tome, close in on west aide, for rant, very reasonable. 554 Taylor - Main 5593. 4 ROOMS and bata. with disappearing bed. 1085 Rodney ave., $33 per mo. Ant 314-48. 5 ROOM.S. lower fiat gat. electricity; very dean, 818 Call 900 Albina ave. Wdln. 8275. FOR RENT Down stairs flat at 814 street on Brooklyn carline. Powell HOUSES UNFURNISHED 3 1 1 ELK TRANSFER STORAGE- CO. 16 Days' Storage Fran, rwmltuie moved for leas. Broadway 2441. WHEN anvoif, at loweat 1261. 202 itj ot country, get the price. Creea Trans. Co.. Alder st. FOR RENT 7-room house, partly furnished. modem conveniences; garsge and cloae to school. 810 E. 76th at. comer Market. FOR REiNT Nov. 16. modem noose. 7 and den ; garage : some carpets and linoleum. Phone East 916. Call 680 E- Hsrrlvjn rt East MCELY furnished froat room, close in. 6873. ROOM for rent, good location, walking distance. 248 tirant st. between SO and Bd. DESIRABLE aleeping rooa witn. 9 windows, south side. 69 N. 2 2d. Main 8831. NICELY furnished sleeping rooan, steam beat. hot and cold water: reasonable. NICELY 269 5th. urnsshed clean front room for 1 or 2. Can E-t 8158. 4 72 Union ave. N. LARGE, clean, a met front rooa, first floor, back off street 241 14th st, near Jefferson. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY . 301 Tabor 0001. COMPETENT atanognipber. 14 erwe. desires permanent position. expert- Main 7631. CB CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED; 12 TKAR8- KXPF.RlENCr. EAST 6196. DRESSMAKING 258 WANTFD CMVrfen", rlotha tauak at home. .Woodlawn 300. S71 Comaurcial at. DRESRMAK1NO ano attrvmtsrn done. 670 Marlsey eve. Sea 3800. atly L LARGE beautifnll furnished room, all eon wecueaeea. anitable for 1 or 3 persons, T62 Lovejov- Phone Marshall 12 1. CLEAN, coaf jrtable sleeping room, weU heated, bath and ph e. 620 Everett. Bdwy. 8048. NEWLY turni-itwa , rocm and sleeving pr-rch in private Hrn. Reference.' 144 28d X. CIjOSE IN famished aieeptat raoea (eg lady or gentleman employed. Main 761. LARGE front room with kitcfisn, also atngj noereep.Tf room. 28 lira at. NKK Urea front sleennu roea: electric light -- clean as p-is. $ 3.50 Jier. week. 058 Qmxaby. nished. gomery. Beaaonable. everything fur- 370 6th st near Mont- 3 BASEMENT housekeeping rooms, furnished: 2 2-room housekeeping rooms, furnished: hot and cold water, electric light 268 Montgomery. ONE 2-room housekeeping suite, neat and clean. at 310 East 9th st; walking distance, near Hawthorne ave; free light phone, bath. 4 NICE large room with stove connected and wood furnished; reasonable rent 681 2d it, cor. Arthur IRVINGTON Nicely furnished front rooms for H K. and aleeping: large runny rooms. East 4852. $2.60 WEEK Furnished housekeeping room. west aide, walking distance; electric lighU. bath included: qoiet plsce. 216 Mill, comer 1st 2 ROOM h. k. apt tLv ileeping room. 18th st The Msnitcs. ON K karre hoosekening rooa. heat and every thing rarnedea, S-O rer month. 450 oth at CLEAN and clurn in. furnished, 2 rooms, re aonable. 646 h Washington at' 1 AND 2 H. K. rooaas, right downtown; low rent 263 stn. 1 OR 3 pleasant housekeeping room, suitable tor 2 or 3 persons. - 390 Salman at - 3 BOOMS furnished lor light housekeeping. 1171 Minnesota ave. Fbone Wdlau 1488. 1 AN1 2-room ltonaekaeElxui ast.. liaht- nhone I KICK. , dssta 3 - tront - and heat, 321 X, lOto, Ofeaauaahsl rent ; J adults. 120 Grand are. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping room, in dan, quiet home. 143 North 16th it . Broad- way 4036. . 2 FURNISHED H. K. looms in private family; modem, close is on carline. 594 Clinton at Seliwood 614. NICE, clean housekeeping rocms furnished. newly papered and tinted: walking distance: reasonable rates. 46 Union ave. N. ONE large front room and kitchenetu, neat and clean. 322 a month. 330 6th. near Merket. THREE housekeeping rooms. 698 William a'e. Phone East 4IUI. ONE and two very large strictly modern B. K 6-ROOM honse. gas, electricity, furnace, 2 toilet, wash trays, east tide, good locatien, as race; adults. Inquire 660 Kirby st OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESK rooa. with ulepbon and ttraograplS service PBone Broadway 3715 DESK ROOM for rent with than end t tendant ret-viee. Desirable. Apply penon fly. 703 Couch bldg. u furnished office, WILL liar half hank bldg. Main 1528. WANTED TO RENT WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 30750 Leaving city. wiU teD my bom en easy teras: small pas meal down, modern, a-rooa bwagaeir low. maTaincent view, aschinv district, mt earllne. Will rent if not osd- Ownec, aUns 836. AIJiERTA TWO-HOOM SHACK 3v0 Good lot 4 Oil 00. with OBfinLhed 2 rswa slack: can be sned llvaW for ImJe wsoev-y. ' On Glenn e. nee Mr. Cum, vi.h J. W GRUBSI 318 Board of Trad B.dg Main T4 ROSE CTTT PARK 8230 DOW t Practirallr new 5 reoa bungalow, lianleimd i Door, built-in, paved street, 34150. Mai- 20l 34&00 WELL - Bt'lLt. Aoub.- corsructei .-' ; rooa bnngalew, full beeraent lireplare. . karay wood fleov. aU ball Bins: 81008 down. 825 rm-rth; bowse. 20 K. 4d t, 1 Bin. enata at iHvsaioB st. Tab-y 6341. ' . . NEW LaurelUunt i rooa bungalow . faateriaT f and srerkmanahip firt rlaa; tiled Balk and star, pvdeetal pruabtng. hardwood fleant Barn age. 1040 Multnomah I bav aeveral ot lers under construction t cn eho yon. I .ast 642V-e SUNNT01DE CORN LR VroPLRTT 2. Ceraeat sasnent roor. waUa, 30x10 la') gas. water, aewer, connected . garage 1634. A3. $1250 cask Aut 237-27. - BY OWNER 4 room turn, bengal ow Id gowdi condittca, with (aod' fumilnre, paved si , V bk. to Union ava. and 2 Albert. 33221. 3300 . cwh 428 Sumner st - -- HOUSES 361 RENTAL BUREAU List yonr house, flat and part mac ta with at; quick result and good tenant. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS SECURITY STORAGE a TRANSFER CO 63 Fourth st. opp- Mattnoraab Hotel. Phone Broadway 8T16 REFINED yotxng eoupi desir three or four rooa unfurnished I hona in nice neighbor hood at reaaonabl rent East 7562. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MODERN 5-room house, bath, pantry 12x12 basement 718 Commercial rt Get key 'at 722 Commercial. Will be boms Sunday after noon and evening. FOR REN If Either unfurnished or partly fur nished ; a 3 rooa house at Lent. 3 blocks from car. CaB WoodUwn 812. FOR BENT 0 room house, medern. just re . tinted. 4 IS Vancouver ave., 340 a month. Main 6398. - MODERN bunrilosr, furnace, fireplace, do ia; references ; 05 Vancouver ava; 343, Wood Uwn 198. rooms. 249 13th st. TWO large, light front H. K. light bath. 905 ft Third. Electric APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 2 ROOM apartment aud single housekeeping room, east aide, walking distance. 71 Grand ave. N. East 2939. WI L SHARE well furnished apartment with piano and victroia with 1 or 2 girls. .Phone Marshall 8562, evenings. TWENTY-FIVE-DOLLAR Fnrnished apartments, also single rooms. Oth st Business people preferred. 371 THE DAVENPORT APTS. 3 room apt, furnished, private bath. Jefferson st Phone Main 5435. 503 FOR RENT 3 room modern house, gaa. elec tricity. 2 blocks from car; place for garde. Call Col. 694 or 414 Bristol at liOLERN 5-room and bath, built ins. beient and trays: partly furnished if desired ; adnltt preferred. 1185 E. 26th N. WoodUwn 8281. CLEAN 5 -room cottage, suitable for. small family: gas, bath aad electricity; 1 H blocks from Al berta car. Call Woodlssni 481. C-KOOM house, close to car; rent 825. Auto 620-88 or Auto. 628-41. Call FOR RENT HOUSE. TA STREET. APPLY 050 ALBER 5 ROOK house, gas. bath, 323. p. ni.. 405 Ith at Call after -BOOM bangalow, furnace, fireplace, 330. E. 8 Oth N.. Automatic 689-48. 238 ROOM, house partly furnished, adulta pre ferred. T3B E. Ankeny. rt zavv. 2, ROOM tt. k. apartment, hut and cold water, ateaa heat 415 Milt st, ecr. 1 1th NICELY FURNISHED. 3 largg - kitchenette at TlO Levejoy." roomt with ls4., and, otberi; 6-ROOM modem, furnace, fizeplac. UoaUrlUa, 83W. 1'beoe -3-s. 826. 8-BOOM h-mm rt 742 Montana a Call at 301 8 era men to alreet. WE move famitur of 3-4-8 rooa bona for $10. , For further information. Mara 6290. MODERN" 0-nuoaaT hoaae. deaa. etose in, esse- tneit. nmaee. v ry e i . 1 1 ua st BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 We Furnish the Money BUSINESS LOT OWNERS. ATTENTION If yon have a vacant lot ia a locatioa that is anitable for bnsinew w will laee nd finance bnUding fcr yon: garaxas. store, rooming hansn and hotela will be in demand for the big fair; now la the time to aake a piece of property that it a burden pay yon a fine income. If yen have each a piece ot property eaat in aad see n at once. Reverman Inv. Co. 210 Lewis Broadway 2354. YOUR CHOICE e 8 new. Rodent bsow. 4 . ' aod 6 rooaas. Price $$Ur0 to 34230V, Terms tS00 dawn, balance a at rest U. L. Webb, 414 E Stark rt T A TITLE txMnar ronry a a gneraate of Used title to yonr bsei Win yew Dw y yvwr haast have lis title toaervd. Better Be ale lhaa aai Ttt A Tt wffpai7y WALKING DISTANCE HAW THORN ! 8 rooms, furaac. fireplac. beat cwtuirBo- toa. 11000 oaah; lik reset Kea rt . T. O, BIRD. REALTOR. MAR 03r n BEAUTIFUL 10-rooa noa, in Loans, twenty of fruit; a real bargain at $30 W. W. 8 A BIN, REALTOR. 1012 Unas ave. N. Wdla. $a- 6 ROOM audem house, atreet usiprnssaioa Ini - o4 paid. 82500. Will trade for car vaiaed. It $500. 020 Una av. Seliwood car. WHEN ywa crcfaaw enr aoae have the tttie liwnl Uea a Title laawraoc Faliey. Tils A Tre eeisnrwav. A APARTMENTS AND FLAT ' PROPERTY 402 Business Sites W have secured the aalHnc enc-v for tha site formerly occupied by the Good Serheed on E. 2 Oth-2 las. Hort end Oresion st. Taww are choice rite, bexskg too. tad neer the center of popnlsuou. wita Pves-nt on E. 20U-21st, all improvements paid. The price of 31600 -for 60O0 square tort 4 awry rv onshla. Johnson-Dodson Co. 033 V. W. BANK BLDQ. MAT 3787 ALWAYS ooeupsea, 4 fUta, aat eaie; Wot 60s ISO: flats, 44-08; building a not old; would cost afwand 016.OOO to eowtrnct now. Soerial tn far exasnry ss tho why eg the very low prise of 811.000. $3500 cash, balance eaa seasata 0 ytara. . P. B. Brant, 1213 Haighi. dla, 0131. Ft BNDiHKD 3-rooa shingled hoaae, ' garsgs.r new Fcrd. for 32600. 8800 down. Call rti-1 day or Sonday 444 Soxnner st Wdln. oanw . BUNGALOW Monteviiia sjecil, only 33040. 8 rooata, Bwwiy painted and popared. saf 6013: EVERY BWJchaaeT of real rtiau obeasd have hat' tstie koawrad. Better be ate tha entry. TiU A Trel esBy -J IRVINGTON DISTRICT 6 rooa house. ? tog perch, all hardwood floors, garage end fue aaee: $1540 will handle. 504 Bornanaa Mrig. BIG 8 rooa bangalow oe 2 fin garde-iota, on paved street near aehonl and terns, for 88000., good teras Phoo Brradway 2152. f $3450 BARGAIN M atxranive i hardwood flocts, firvolaoe. ete. 1099 K. 25th rt N. Woods. 4790. CET tits lastmuse laaiesd el aa aaatract 5 la autcker and cheaper ard yow are (baehrUly rvete4 agaavst ewoe. Title gt Tvvsst ewwrpaev.' BEALTlFl I. rout taoorin Bocae. BighUy loce-T lion rvwrVooktag th city. 33500. Tama. 441 41st ae. H. E. 1 CLOSE year real bum oai wlthoat taaijn I eVtalxs by warn- TiCo In ntwrw relary. J statsri tswwsid Twa A TiaM ouauee, - 340O0 BICHMOND swap (or cash by real Boat, east f root. T noreh Seriwood $80. and llwfBta TITLE titsaa to Baal ss the aooera way of banstiia) atata. Quicker, eaat baa anal TWW g, T ew toa use,- w h ALL HK RE AND LOT , TABOR 408. 6-R. R. C. P. bwngaiow ; aacnrice tor aua; 84T60 r hat offer. Owner, aval X. Ua . , (DaaOaasd m yoflglaa geve.''...!,'''''-'"'-s-'se--XTy1 vvvokw