The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 09, 1921, Page 17, Image 17

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. V BstUr Zgg9 Ckfete
. Cab Extra Select hat
PartUsst ; S . 69 t
rklesge .' $j , tH4
Saa Prsseisrs .... (t , 9S - i t
T 74 tie ISV4
le Aageieg ...... tie (
, atu , .Jiti $$ . ti
Iitdlcatine th gen.ral toardty of freak eggs
,.ae. lba nr; Wknl Uraud M the fact that
Use Pastri Poultry producers WfdraiUr ed-
lrir tmuueM 2a Suae .two
grate, pullet nd iwna. '
I'd pullets the aurt.t lifted U 47 t
. ", aliAeogh- thl price Hee here receirest In
baUte) way by earn fin, for mmbw
or Th aanjaaiatu advanced niw to
in aaaa. .
rVMwu ef the mm! bick price and tlx
l"l that vaiae km r really oa a basis of
what fr Tnrk a, paying, no attempt to made
' v th pndurrt la srlecta beyond th
J 60 wrt. , On (Irai Is obtaining t3e la a ba
" Start ,. '
rIW kev shown a ttvmandnu hmtw in
daaaand during recent weeke while production
. he hnwn nt little. If any. tele. Kbr thl
niaaoa the differential Between pullet ad talacta
, aaa ! " rat. -
t Storage egg altnatlrM November
Thl Ti.
. .... T.')
..... 76.43
Natter, lbs, 1 a 1.7l
f tHMM, lbs. .111.661
Ifli, reaea 7.413
l-ouiuy, lba, rX310.1T
Natter, lh,
-Imm. lb. ...
T allowed
, 421.143
' 208.821
Tkoaa. desiring special Information regarding
. any market should writ the Market Editor,
Oragoa Joaraai. Inclosing stamp to reply.
I General bnlUr aiarkat altaatiara at ilik tint
la' at vary laranbl eharaetar. Thar t bo
yrt-a ahanaaa doitnt tha day aithar for aba or
prtata. Oaaado donaad appaara aaidcicot to
kp tlrtka ciaanad p.
Oanaratly aiaady to lira tna a) ahowa for
aalokana ta tha rront airaat tnda. Claanapa
ara ahawn flam day to day aad prieaa tra fully
aiaiatainad. No eoana aaa anowa Wadaaaday.
Day ta day tnaraaaa of auppliaa la ahowa in
tha tnrW markat bora. Oraml aalat of
draaiad ar ahowinf aroond 4 la a ponad out
tnmm aalarta ta Jtautad toluma ara raaciaa aUnt-
ly aooa Lata.
riillr 80 aarlnada of Taklma poUtoaa
aa tho Portland track. Ua tho balk await
tn burara. Tbo markat b) block laawlta Junkj
tnrk froa Eaatara WaahlOatoa and it la In
naMbl to do baaiBa ta local atoek at th
artow koiac aakad. CaUfornia markaU ara oil
lilim of tha van low demand. nock cab
bar W rot tint In tbo flalda of Moltnomak and
(larkaaiaa aountlra. Tory HUla of thla- cUck b
arailaklo for kravl atakara bacaoaa sot ( thr
prwwf arttJa.
roantry killad Baata finarally joat about
By HrkkM H. CokiSi
Small aiaed apple axe nnuaually plen
tiful In ihm nvarkta thla seaaon. Be
eattad of th varr heaTT crop, mucb- of
Lb fruit did not crow to larg size tug
Thla aort of atock is aeiluiE
unusually low. doam to, It box In tha
ratall atioaa, aitbong-h soma stock of
beet quality sella aa high as $1.25.
There is mors or less talk about some
of th bakers withdrawing; tbelr wrapped
or branded stock of bread from the ces-
eral market and selling; two so-called
twin losYes at a lower price- and, eren
el lint single lost or one pound.
Sweet potatoes are now of very good
quality and while the price is not low.
around 7o m pound, still it is below what
sales hare been mads during- thla period
in other seasons.
Consumers are again warned to look
out for Junky Taklma Netted Gem po
tatoes. Most of the stock is rough, and
even at low prices is realty high be
cause of the waste n peeling- Better
pay a slightly higher price per pound,
for it will be cheaper in the end. Local
potatoes are better. BTieoa ta prlrata atona:
Kcca 60 SOc
H u ttai1 Frank ereaavMT. 80 55c.
Sa8M 10 930c: halibut, 3c; percb, 10c;
atnraaoa. 23a lb.
Moor Boat local patoat, (1.90 V 3.00 pal
ark. 4S Vjo.
Potatoaa Borbanka, 88 par ack
Oniona 6c lb.
Tamhill atraot Drieaa:
TaaaaaMaa Cabbaca. So lb.: eaaliflower. 10
d20head: earrota. Be bunch lettaea. lOo
baad: dry oniona. 4n I iurnlpa, . 4.0 lb.;
tthnt baaaa, 10a lb.; apple. So lb.; tomatoes.
ie lb.; core. 20le dox.
Honay tomb, sac; quart, iot; p.iu.
Poultry Heary bona. 32c; light hen, 28c;
broiKn, 85t '
Kna Bwt. eoc ooa.
BRitr 5otes or rnoDCCE trade
Maavdrtrt onnhlnt aeakpoand dowa poand;
balk d.w H. ,
Umttad naaiand far Para; Wuviar BalU
td at 81 half ant.
Hanbul fonuniMS acarca, likreia kattar oal
tty.aa.laMM. Itraaaa aoaaias out of atnraaa are aot of tr
aod eaallty.
j Waathar baraaa adaad Wadnaaday:
' tTntael abipaxnu darto tha aaat 8 baata
aaalnat lba follow! r, ailnlmma tamparatana:
t.0ki aortk ta RaatUa,, 40 d(rari Dorthaaat
Ir. Hpotana. 80 6a(Ta; aaat to Bakar. 20 da
M mh ta Aahland. 8 4 dagraaa. MinJ-
an taaiparatara at rortiaad toararrow about
4t dagrava.
Buttar Bt. 48c lb,: eottMO ckaaae. 20c
Erratic Prices
- In Early Trading
Of Chicago Market
Cblcago. Not. . (L K. S.) Wheat dewed
th. baat larela of the day. Tba
trend waa arratie moat of tba aaatton, with pit
eenbment oackteary narroua. .... .
uh, .ud with net aaina of IMS to 2c
corn advanced 9 e; oats gained e to c
" ry,Ln Vat. . (C. P.) Lack of da
rn r.d and he.y reeeipta, coupled with report
that the oxport boaioeaa continued dull brought
ah-.t . nricaa lower on tha Chicago Board of
Trade today. Prorlaion wtra lower is ayra.-
neeambar wheat opened at 81.04 H, off lac
and needed to 8104 later. May whaat atxrtad
off He kigbar U 81.10. but loot le in. later
nmahw aom anenad a 47e. UD aad
later loat Uo. May com opeaad unchanged
at 52 a aad dacunad We by noon. -December
oats opened He higher at 52 He
and remaioad at that price. May oats opened
up He at o7 He and lost e.
Banc of Chicago price aa lurnuaea oy in
United free:
Open. High.
. : 104 H 10H
110 111
47 47H
XH 83 H
82 H 82
87 H 37
78 79
81 H 83
108 H
108 H
37 H
68 H
37 H
78 H
Jan. ,
Mar 782 T82
Uaab wheal: no. z nam.
prlng, 31.20.
- mi HyaMM M. CoAen . - i
Asples of sskaU aixa'ara Brills sold at sae '
riftoe prieea ta tha local aa well aa tha aaatarn
trade. Ctaeaethm l cotapieta ao tar as email
apples are cooeeraed. Bulk of the btniDeaa
kaing doae ia the fi-tiar stock aroeod 65c
31.00 per box for the betUs quality, while 75e
at the sreraga pne for ordinary euality. .
uaporta Irom tba East iodic ta that wblja
preauaii& ewer th recular market are obtain
able for th Tery laxae ataed fruit, tba rrcuiar
auanet pnee ta ao jaw a to cause disaster
to ahippers from the coast. , la- the meantime
there ia no dispoaitioo ajndng primary aellers
ia tba Northwest to gtra the eoant trade the
benefit of what apple ara selling at ia tho East.
Ia other words, caaat buyers are forced to pay
more . for their apples than is being paid ta
any sec Una of tha country, coat of shipping
Arrp la are today MlHna as ebeatnr in tha
New Xerfc market aa in Pertlaad. even though
mere is a nammng charge is' transit of about ft
S bog on the eastern stock. . .-Extra lam flnitn-
berga of the extra fancy i grade told in New
Tort at 32.75. which ia exactly the same price
as offeetiT here and the quality of the extra
fancy that gees to New York is generally better
than the extra fancy that comes to Portland.
- Primary markets continue to resort nominal
tetiritiea with not unfficient business ia sight
at Wenatchee and ether point with the excep
tion of Yakima, to form a quotation basis. The
wciri waa uiouna.
Takima, Wineaaps, extra fancy, small 31JS0;
10 percent 5 tr.. 82.00; fancy. 81.75; C'grade,
31.50 1.0: Bomea, C grade, medium to
lane, 31.05(91,10.
BochesteT. N. T. Light wire inquiry. De
mand light. Mowrawnt alow. Market duiL tat
tle change in prices. Carloads f. o. b. usual
terms, no sales reported.
Jobbina marketa rnnrt .
Philadelrhia Damand and movement alow.
Market dull. Washington, Dehckras, extra fancy.
meat am. ..-; jonstnsna. extra tancy, memum
to lerce, 32.83 9 2. 6tt; Staymana. extra fancy,
medium to large, 32.50 S 3.00; amaB. 52.35;
m-. Nan, a.o; nomea, extra lancy, ail
awes. 82.50; fancy, all tuws, 82.251 2 Idaho,
1 Maine. 3 New York ft nraaon In tfuirin..
toa arrlTed; 63 cars oa track, including broken.
xort Boxca suppiies moderate. Demand
ehmited. Few tale. Northwest. Srataenborrc.
tra fancy, large, 82.60e2.75; few 33.00;
medium. 32.25 2.50; Romea. fsncy. binre.
mostly 32.25; few very Urge, 32.50 02.80;
small to medium, 32.002.15; Winasapt, fancy,
medium to large, $2.00 2.25: O grade, small
n meoaum. ilu twz.UO. Auction nricea: 1
Orecon sold; 15 f boxes comb, fancy and extra
8280 araen u bMa w2.B02.ea; mostly
Kansas City 104 cars 1 on track, Including
broken. Supplies heavy. Demand and move
ment moderate. Market irrii r TTiiiTiinri'Tin
IMlu-lnilK attn f a nw m linn. m I.-m a SA
Jonathans, extra fancy, medium. $3.00 3.10;
lancy, z.7 a a z.u; idano, Jonathans, tumble
pact, x.auez.Ts; poorer low as 52.00.
ioicago--zu cars on track, including broken.
Demand aad" movement moderate. Market
steady. Washington; Delicious, extra fancy,
large, $4.00$4.25; medium, 33.J5a4.O0;
fancy, large. 33.75 4.00: Scitzenbnres. extra
fancy, medium, 32.65 2.85. Auction prices
Friday : 12 cars sold. Washington. Jonathans,
extra fancy, medium ta large, 82.05 2.60;
average, 32.35; jumble pack, Jonathans, me
dium, $1.60; Romee, comb, fancy and extra
lanry, medium to large, 81.852.75; average.
az.zs;. iancy, medium to very large, fl.TJO
o.uo; arerace, .ueucious, extra iancy,
small to medium. 82.002.85: aversse. 32.50
Oregon, Jonathans, fancy, medium, 31.73
Pittsburg 172 cars on track, iacludin
broken. Supplies heavy. . Demand and move
ment slow. Very few sales. Market dull. Too
few boxed sales to establish market.
8t Louis 118 unbroken and 6 broken cars
on track. Demand and movement very nshl
Market dull. Very few sale. Track sale in
voice weight Bulk per ton. Idaho, Ganothand
mcaeu, orcnaru run, cutis out, l car, rtae, snow
ing effects of decay. $5560 per ton.'
Minneapolis 20 cars on track, Jnctumnc
broken. Supplies liberal. Demand and move
ment moderate. Market nrm. 'Northwest, me-
uium to targe jonatnarts, extra iancy, gs.uo;
few $3.23; C grade. 2 85(8 2.50; DeKcious,
extra fancy, $4.25; C grade. 83.25. Idaho, un
olawfiad Jonathans. 2. 25 l 2.50.
Boston 22 unbroken and 2 broken can on
track. Demand slow. Movement drsggy. - Mar
ket dull. Closing prices Friday and opening
Saturday: Oreson. BDitaenburza. fl erada. ma-
diuhm to email, 81.75. Auction prices: 3
oar aold. Washington, Jonathan, extra fancy,
medium to large, $2 452.5; awerag. $2.60;
fancy, medium, $3.25 2.35.
V -'. . Tear
- Bid Rise Are
Hard, white.... $1.0$ le " lUi
fan ft whlU ......... 1.CS le US
Whits dab 143 le 1J.8
Portland Wed. 64
Tear am. -. . . 2
Season to data. .15423
Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay.
Tear am.
Tacoma Tues, ,
- Sear ago. .
Season to data .
17 -
Tear ao . ..' 2674
Seattle Tue. .
leu no....
Beaeoa to date..
. 11-
Tear ago. . . . 2479
105 1004
132 148
. 4
Exports from Fortland Greek steamship
IUcis, 249.190 busoea. wneat lor turope.
Hors. Steers. Imbi.
Portland 9M $ 49 tlJM
Chicago 7J9 i:.$$ t.1-3
OmsJis ' y.ll M
Denver ............ JJ9 t&t : Uti
Kansaa City , !JI tJSi ' 8.U
Sas Fraacisco .... laf
Seattle ........... ;
5e market.
Hogs. .Cattle. Calves, Bheea. Cars.
Wednesday .. .875 92 4 1520 - 14
Week ago.... 65 . 26 16 134 J
Two works ago.160 80 20 2195 19
Foot w'ks ago. 90 1425 - S
Tear aga.... 670 140 15 613 15
TwoT-rs ago. .843 64 12 237 14
Three rra ag. 378 124 -
Four y rs ago.. 948 125 .. 552 IT
31.06; No. 8
These ax r-rleaa ratatler pay, wbnlesslsr.
aaeaps aa atbavwa aotad,
Oatry PiSuete
BrTTT;B--'llig prtee. bog lebv Creamery
iaHaa Print eatraa 47e tor plain wranew:
eanaa. ettrna. 4 48a lb.; dairying, buying
noa. 94e23a lb.
BPTTEB PAT Portland denvary baaia, Na.
. -I grade. 4 7e tb.: Na. 3. 4$44e; country I Kew Torli Vof (T. n. 8.) General
a ateuon. 47a 'of no., 1 graae, . I telling resulted st the opening or tne cotton
I'M k.K. lV Snlllne erV- Tiltamoot. rraan I m.rk.t todae followina the eaDsua buraaa a an
Oregn) lanry trip lata. 89e 7b. ; Young Amer-1 nouneemant that 6,646,186 bale of cotton had
o. a.
General Selling
Of Cotton; Census
Report Is Basis
' There was somewhat of a better feeling ia the
local wheat situation at the Wednesday opening.
With Chicago options inclined to show a steady
tone at the start, there appeared more incentive
to take, bold, it appears that exporters are
again ia tba market for belated purchases, but
have been unable to make connections with any
liberal supply of wheat because of the low price
offered. Crowera Who are still holding their
wheat are by no means' anxious p civ it away
at this time. The fact that the government is
bow to soma extent financing the growers has
placed tha latter in a position where they ara far
mora independent of th daily flncnationa than
for some time past.
" NewaoeDers In . Central Tllinoia ara earrvina
advertisements announcing fanners who seed
money to hold their train and livestock can aa-
eure t by applying to their local bank and
governments war finance corporation.
summing up - tne general situation, tha Chi
cago Tribune said Wednesday;
"A more cheerful fee line- existed in tha wheat
market, and it show mora disposition to respond
w eonstrucav iniiuencea. now long una I evi
ls will last was tha Question asked by all last
night. It is th impression that thoose who have
tasen m xnar Hedges en the break are working
to get prices up to put out their Unas St more
advantageous figures.
"There really it more to buy wheat on than
of late. Distressed wheat at Montreal and At
lantic ports ha been absorbed, and that at tha
Gulf is gradually working off. as. cargo waa
eum mere ior export.
"Wheat trader have tha lmuijuion that UmA.
ing interest ar absorbing tha wheat, and there
ia mors confidence shown by local operators who
have bought th last two days."
aasAi-jiud, t.v 1.03 ; Bluestem and
Min, i.maji.ij; Kea Kuaslan. e 1.U1 (g
i.ui -lurtey ttea, gl.uotsi.ig.
iiAJua selling, nnoes. mill door: Pstent.
$7.00: Willametta Tulle, brand. 14 SO-
Hxaigni,; naxers- nara wneat, ST.oa
brokers' bluestem. $5.55: bakers5 valley. 85.80
grabam, $5.60; whole wheat, $5.60; Montana
spring whett. patent. $7.40 pur bbL Price
for city delivery 15e extra, suburban 20c
HAT Buying price for old crop: - Willam
ette timothy, fancy. $12.00 15.00 per ton;
Eastern Oregon timothy, $19.00 per ton;
clover. $10.0011.00; straw, $6.007.00:
alfalfa, 315.00 15.50 per ton. '
GRAIN SACKS Nominal, No. 1 Calcutta,
7e; domestic 7c in carload lots, less amounts
AULLSTTFFS Mulrun at mill, tacked, ton
lots, 821.00; carloads. $20.00.
OATS Per toa. buying pries: Feed. $26.50
BARLEY Buying price- Feed. $23.00
24 00: brewing. $2r.50.
SEED Buying price: Bed clovtr, 15 9
16e; alxike, 14c: vetch. Sc lb.
FEEDSTUFF SF. O. B. mills: Boiled bar
ley. $34.00 0 36.00; whole barley, $31.00
alfalfa meal. 339.00: coconut meal. 828.00
cracked corn. $S9.00; whole corn, $36.00 per
ton: wnole oats, 3S.oo; relied oets, 836.00
chicken wheat. $43.00: cratch fed. $47.00
Merchants Exchange- bids:
November. December.
Hard white $1.03
Soft white 1.02
White club 1.02
Hard winter .............. 1.03
Nor. spring .............. 1.01
Red Wall .-&6
4 mstjaaaaWaBwkannnnnnnss " - L
i TMes st AaterU Tkartday ;
-High Water I Low Water
aeum. $.9 feet I 3 :S7 a. m. 2-3 fact
9 OS p. m. C.S feet 1:51p.m. 2,4 fewt
, Seaside -High water 9 minotes
earlier. , w -
' SIJe Low water t minutes
earlier. . . ..--. .
IGteiftoa atoapk. freaa Saa rrtncisr, Sa,Cd at
4:1$ B. m., ateamax Meat Ui . fee Aera.av
I Arrived at 8 35 and left tji at 3 $v am..
Iolos for Europe) this afternoon with a
full cargo ' cf wheat. Tba dedaraUon
called for 249.199 boabela. , Tb Iolos is
th second of Use Greek cauriere to take
grain from Portland. A third is loading.
I News. of the Port
With the flock of wlrrdjamtners put
n the lumber carrying - trade " to the
Orient and Australia th question of
return- cargo or ballast arises; Copra
looms as s sure investment for return
cargo for tha entire fleet. The vessel a
will be a few weeks apart at best and
will arrlv at the boms port with cargo. I torn, oars ta kraaau.
Tns latest addition to th sail tonnage
. - Artea HpiiUbt f - (
Reas Crty. Aaatrtoaa steamer, (real Baa PTaav
ekarw, paaacnger aad 1rai. .
Kaaira SuLa. aaahn l 1 1 laaaa a.
I KaAsaoej. fssea Saa lraacna-o. LaWt at
1 P aa., staaaaer aaatar Sauoe.
Saattta, Now. 8. - ritiWal at S a asv. ataamer
Cordoaa, for Partlaad. - Amaad. ataamir Paaav
aaaa. -frsaa New Yw, for rarUaaA. tviad at
7 p. as., ataauaww faarlvaaiaa. for Poruaad.
Baa Pedro. Vo. S Arrived. Mctorab tre.
WaahirariMi. freaa Aarwerp. Amaad. asar
Baaaa Attest, frost cmia tvaat
staaaaar tdnr T. Lwcaanbara. ' tram
fee New lark aad way r-erav cNaued, sutaar
rvtaradav freaa New Orkaaaa. for Pankual.
Kaiied. llwil Pmliaa, .froaa Baaa AAraa, foe '
Sir Praateaara aaat rartkaad. Saiasd. anaaair
Traaa. traat Xe Tata, tur Partaaad vat
Caraaoa. - -
BeUugktta. 5.- A BaOed a aooa. etaeer
Hem-y a. (area, treat Portaaad. for Baliiaxwe.
MarartTiaa. No. . S.ded Brstiak aeaaaaer
Ml aawh'l'i. tor Pavtlaa.
Crutabal. New. 7. i Arrltes. BtaaBMr Eatrbat
LaaAaaaaek. froat New Tart, fa Paetktaa) and
way aorra. Bailed, at aimer lloralaaa, froat Parv
North Has. New.
atovtkt of the river at
North Portland received 14 loads of bvestock
Wednesday, compared with 3 a week ago. 19 the
previous week adn 13 can a year ago. Hoga
were weak, with losses of 60 to 73a. cattle and
esaStsay swxrstx Wsajigja; gajsj milkj a u9
Cattle prices at North Portland and along tbf 1
coast generally are out of bne with those 1 ef
fect st other centers. Liberal ebiomente sc cauie
from tb Pacific Northwest to th east eonina
because of this condition, and tho movement sla-
wbere Is liaeiy to eontume as long aa tb low
tames are available bore.
Fur extreme top teen th local market la no
higher than 36.60. and it ia very limited at
that. ' Chicago cheapest steera any no lower
mau et.o, woue in to lowest grade tops i
Command aa high a $9.50, while for tha better
class steers the market rule from 88.50 to 810.
There is entirely too much difference between
coast and eastern valor,
Only a small run of cattle was thowa at
North Portland fog the Wednesday trade, and
prices were unchanged and generally considered
steady. .,
General eatUe range:
Choice titers 8.75 6 50
Medium to good eteera 4.75 9 5.75
Fair to medium, steers ...... 4.75 49 5.25
Common to fair steers ........ 8.75 0 4.78
Choice cows and heifer 4.50 5.00
Medium to good sows and heifers 4.00 4.5S
Fair -to medium cows and heifers 8.50 9 4.00
Common to fair cows aad heifers 2.7 5 eV 8.50
waa ui uaiuia . us vrecoa m uj I rire. Ai
Balfour, Qothnie . dt Co.. lumber . Tor i etesa na Coo Bay aad Kanaka:
Japan. The Oregon fine is a six-top
mast schooner and is a reconstructed
product from one ofXhe wooden hulls
of the Peninsula Lumber company. The
Oregon Fir. is a aister ahip and Is still
open with Inquiries out. Both these
crafts are owned by Portland capttaL
Late in Pecember the Portland Vege
table Oil company will be tready Ho
operation with a completed discharge
dock at the plant. Over 4000 tone of
copra are now en routs by steam from
the Orient te meet the first ran at the
plant. Allowing a full cargo homeward
bound for all sail tonnage under char-
lar Infliirllwa. tarn nsLrkentineat from
Puget Sound, the Vegetable Oil com- l."!
pstny ior a. unia mui iizij wh wuw i jbaay
tonnage arriving on scneauie.
for Ban
. far Eairwpa.
UaMra, New. A Bella. iLkiiait Wav
aWrwdeav. far Csraatki .
aitvarlt aaewali
S. Ceaditanaav- at tae
aooa: Sea stanth. wind
ataer. caaady. .
Portland kumidrty at
' 8 pm.. Parifle TSts.
No eom, barley or oata bids.
Can tiers ; 1.60 2.75
Bulls 3.75 3.7$
Choice feeden 4.50 as 6.00
Fair ta eood feedem 3.75 tf 4.60
Choice dairy calves 8.50 9.00
Prime light ealvea 8.00 8.50
Medium light cairn 6.00 0 8.00
Heavy calve 8.00 8.00
- Mo values Blumo
8wlne market values were in a slump at North
Portland for the opening of the midweek trade.
Hog alley arrivals Wednesday were but 375
head, but these proved too many, considering
the former price in effect here. Prices were
slabbed right an dlett at the opening ot tne uay.
and finally resulted in a general decline ot 50
to 75 cents, with extreme tops at $9.00. In
fact, sales were mad previously 31 abova tent
( hw market ranee:
Price light $8.75 9.00
Smooth heavy. 230-300 lba ..... . 7.Z& W k.zo
Smooth heawiSOO lba UD 6.25 7.25
Rnnrh hear. 6.00 9 6.75
Fat pigs... 8.76 9. 0O
Feeder niea 8.75 9.00
Stags 4.00 5.73
Shea Trass steady
Quite fair ahowinff of supplies wat thown in
the sheep and lamb alleys at North Portland
Wednesday. Demand for both sheep and lamb
continued about steady, with former prices re
n,mri .hean .rut lmh market ranee:
Eaot of the mountain lambs to Ml (a? 7.00
Rrnt Tallar lmh 6.00 0 6.50
Fair to good lambs e.uvaas au
Cull lambs 802g22
:r, :.m, a.ouw.-,.ow
Light yetrlingt 4.506.00
Heavy yearlings 3.50 4.50
r l.-ht wither. 3.50 & 4.50
Hoavy wethers ...... '. 2.5rt3.50
EOa 03T RITER holds trp
For on the river temporarily held up
a fleet of nine coastwise weasels, but all
reached port by late this afternoon. The
steamship Ross City of the San Fran
cisco A Portland Steamship company.
was the first to - arrive, reaching the
Ainworth dock at' 9 o'clock. Along in
turn cams the steamships Avalon. Ad
miral Evaras, Daisy Putnam. Oleum.
Ceiilo, Bl Segundo, Frjink A. Jones and
ths Santlam.
The Oleum, H Segundo and Frank X
Jones Are oil packets, Ths Admiral Er
ans and Celilo axe passenger boats and
ths balance freighters. All will be clear
of ths river .outbound by the end of the
) Rain,. . j
I Salem
Oreeaai Oty
1.5 . 1)0.00
1.3 -S.lrS.S
1.2 -S.110.w0
railing. I
Learfcat. Nov. 7. Am red. i
freaa Portland.' - -
CardjfL No. 4. Sailed
Rtilia. tor PacaTie a "as t
steltiasaaa. No. S-
fae Hortataaa. -
PTuUdeSAia, Ret. A aflti. ataai
for PeevJaad.
Boaeaa. Nar. . SaOad. - steam
Vnrkaabark. trsot Partkaad. far Xew Task.
New lark. New. 3.- Ballad, aaa. aver Lew.
1 nakaabaca. freaa pTWtaaaal. far PkiaaNpe.av
San rrasjrsr. Nv. . Ama4 Seaf
WiSfar. .
e Artist.
Port Bragg. Jl:l e. av: (tea Maaan-a, Paa-t
11 a- as.1 Itaaaaar. Seattle. 1:4
e-a. 80e lb
Price to ifhart, f.
SAa; T nulla Smarie.. 27&
j (telling pnea: Blnrk SwUa. fane.. 84e;
1 Limaiireer. ItatlOo lk vaata brVk. 80 0 82
I ill . JaV SuTlna ertee. Froot treat: Cur-
I rant raealpta, 4 7 4 49a dna. r candled, telling
' rric. $7 at 89. Hnwt, 60t2a doa;
t eallaea. 4S47e doa: storaga, 37f4ie doa
a.lia Aarnriatioa oriceai Sektct,
( daa. firete. 67 doa.; pullet. 45e doa; p0-
' k . A. KMnaea tinnin. 4ow'dom.
I.rVB P01 LTKT Hetlleg prioa Heavy heruv
37tln: llsht kens. 17 19s: snrtng.. 20
Ik: brotlava. S8e lb.; old roaatara, 10 lb.';
turkey, draaaed. 43 445 la. ducks, 30Z
PrsaS VteetasNjs and pnilt
PBESTf PTIt'lTS Orasraa. $6.1k8 00 I Janaary
katt hanaaat. 99H'1b.: ltrnrma. f 6 25 r Marca
Tetlaaaai pnafrnit. I lorlda. 86.00 1 7.00: 1 May
aaaena. ItllOSI II. I July
kati Ka.tot. $21.00 per btrial; hurtleberrie. 1 December
fiRlKD TRrlT Data.. 4.74.7; ftr, I Hi.
t ! naa ta... fl.. II lltft ha a,.l 111111
nmaaa Tna an' BO. HO. la bna. T 111 Th.
ii ifi-s.'s n.nrne nnea to vattiiera: l.Acai. I
Til la- tieea ginned prior to November 1 thia seaaon.
- tan FranoUc Market
Saa Fnncisco, Nov. 9. (TJ. P.) Potatoes
Rivers, $3.35 2.50; Salinas. $3.75; Oregon
Burbanks, 32.65 2.75.
nOiona Crystal wax, 33.00; brown, 34.00
Let Angeles Market
Los Anrelse, CaL, Nov. 9. (L N. 8.)
Potatoes Lugs, mostly .31.00 ( 1.25; Stockton
Burbanks. best, $2.75 8.00; poorer, $2.00
2.60; Idaho Rotaata, $2.602.65; baking
ttock, $3.15 $.25: ruztls, 32 35 2.40.
Seattle, Nor. 9. (L N. S.) Onions Ore
gon. 4 H J 6e pound.
Fotatosa I ax una Garni. 338.00 m 40.00 sar
llaa figure confirmed the most bearish pri
vate estimstea heretofore puDUsnea ana wat
more than 100,000 bales la excess of tb gov
ernment estimate of th crop.
Lit moot and the trade bought, out the tell
ing was te heavy and general that price eoo
tJnwerl to weaken' eftar tha itart and after tae
60c I fust 1 6 minutes they were 64 points net tower.
Selling wa neavy xnrougbout tne afternoon.
January dropping to 17.15, a net loss ot 109
points The elce was steay on short covering
at net declines ef 8$ to 100 points.
Spot cotton quiet today. 90 points lower at
19c No Am.
Open. High. ixiw. Ulese.
1798 1798 1715 1724
1788' 1788 1704 1713
1753 1761 1783 1694
1716 1710 1640 1650
1620 1620 1560 1660
1820 1820 1733 1750
San Pranctso atari, at
Franouoo. No. 9. (U. P.l Batta
$4 7l5 80t raivtng priew. 18 75 4.00 aoun- extra. 50e: prime firsts, 46c! ; rusts. 46.
.. i. iiait. n. . . ib Extras. oc: axua nrsea. aoe:
aneen twW. I pouata, 51e; extra nm puueta, aoc; naaersisea
4OTATJtH Selling prtee to retailer: Ore-1 puueta, see.
ga ftney, $2 00 eantaJ; buying Brie eoantry. Cheese CaOforala Data, fancy, 36e;
3 I T par cental ; Takima best. 83 ZS cental. I go
Tn:iCTlHI 91 ..tnra aaana. navne ia.:i asara aaaraa.
a. 82 00 ek: eahba 1 H 0 2e lb. : ear-1 Seattle. Nor. 8: (L N. S.) Eggs Select
rat. $! a aark; eaiary, 8975e do.; egrlmark, a)WSe; pullets. 43 45c
lent, lba lb. : letup. 7t ana; paranipa.1- ttnttar t'tty ereamery, c; one, tie
New Tork Batter and Eggs
New Tork. Nov. . 9. (L N. 8.) Butter.
ai arret easier. creamery extras. 46 at 47 He:
do if rats. 87tt46c: do higher scorins. 46U
g two; ttate dairy ribs, s30Hc; ladles,
fresh extras, 85 36c
Chaea Market quiet. State Whole milk
specials, 22 H 8 23 He: do av. Ian. 210 22c
Wutaonsln -Whole mux, fancy Young Americas,
21 H 22c- State akims, tpeciala, 15
16 He: do cboiee. 114914c: do choice to eood.
oaaiwc; lower, asjic, r
2 M ark at ataadv to firm Vaarka whita
fancy, 95c; do brown, fancy, 70 72c: extra.
66 0 67c; fusts. 54 60c.
Milk- The nominal- wholesale price is 3.87c
per quart, delivered in New Tork.
i a
Spokane Bread Lower
Spokane. Wash.. Nov. 9. "The wholesale
pric of the one-opound loaf ot bread has been
reduced from 8 to 7 cents a pound, if arrajpped,
and from 7 to cents if unwrapped,' taid 'W.
H. Croat, assistant general manager of the Spo
kane Bakery company. "In of .this
redaction the retail price should be 9 cents for
a wrapped loaf. We are able to make thee re
dactions becaufs of tb decline ia ths price of
flour and in anticipation of a probable further
kl SS .ark I
t tea. Oraeoa
treat, raKr. 10c lb. l tnane-
60 75 bm: California $2 50
S9AS iua: naaratln. 23 He ttt.i eaaash.
, lai an- IP.: B"'i ai.i. ii m , awwia.
' Ik I krtiekakea, $1.80 doa; earUlflowec. 69
1 $1.2 do.
I A PPU: SoltaaabuTT. extra fancy. 4 -tier.
1 Uscy. 4 tier. 33.90; enote. 4 -uer,
APPLE Winter Bananas, antra
4 tie. 8I3349 0; faaey, 4-tier.
ilal. 4 tlaa 41 11.
11'PI t ,ttr fane. 4 -tier.
$3 58t fancy, 4 tier. $100; choice, ' 4-tief .
tl Tit.
t AIrtJ Jeathaat and Spitaeaftargs, aa-
mrrad. tl.TS
ArPLi; lanelna. -ttr ftney, e-iier.
$1 80 fsaey. 4 tier. $3.2$; eboar.' 4-Ui
It en
irMXt--rnrklna eiork 75081.80 bo.
Twaaty-fiva eatita aff ill abne oa 150 and
163 t 90s oft an ids ana smaller.
Cliiia Oregon Triplata, 24 026c; Young
Aaitrica. Sue. . . nneeias arx
Lea Aaselaa. CaL. Nov. t. (L N. S.) But
r. 61,
kliga Fancy. 60o; ease eoaat. 67c; puBeta.
Poultry Hens. 23 0 32c; broQert, 39c: fry
tri, 80.
New Terk Cet tea teed Oil
New Tork. Nee. 9. Cotton teed' oil; Da-
camber, S4O046; JtBOtry, B57S859: Mtrrh
ess y set: stay, eeovvei; jane. ojio
8aa Fragclses Peiltry Market
Saa Franctsco. No. 9.- (TJ. P.! Poultrv
BroLaara. : asiB neat aB sac: ducka
lieiiHf in. Tor tor. v eioctart set i
150 lr-. taatvy aeurf leas; veal, tnp.
AUaseapous Wheat Optieas
sTmntopoUa, Nev. 9. Wheat close: Dacem-
tl to
I 1 tbaait 89 to 10. Km.; ll1$He lb., keavy
J i aniff taat : araiag tan, -i te il ".
w . t V..-, ct. i. -aa Z u Halt. ta.
f.,.'rC.i. ia a- i . ..h w v .
araakfa-t kaerai. I3 0 45e la.
URJV-ItetU naaVrad. l$e 1K tteree
kaai. wjiiawand. 4e.
AC'KIMi-HorftlB MTCATS Staay barf, 12e:
beifera, lie cean, lOe: Mtana, latyi.
Pith see) Sbeflfn
PTtKSn n.H rUlv-r-ldaa. 6e: aalfraH. 1 8
3t aturt.ias. 1 T 1 He H. t black end. 10
1 1 re, I 1" la. basket k'pperad ao.
OTnTTIlS naar, , gal. 14.99: I Otympk.
.$! tat.. 9k49 at .ersba, karg 83.75
amall $3 9 Sea.
Maaa, Vee4 stag Ml
trrtrsv 1H aerai etUatae. 330lS'n.
HIDK1 Calf.kiaa.-ier.. ktpa, k6 greet
kirtaa. lfi aaltad. 8 01 la.
V OM A I H N-ralaaJ. I Ka lb.
' Tl lOW ' AND CREA9C Na. I UUow,
8at at 3. 5a. ' . j, -
Ch AM BARK Na. 5c; eld, $Ht Tb.
t IM I WHUaerta tan... aearaa. 10e:
avarliaax. Ike: fine, 20 n ; Eaetrra Oregoa-
Idaaa 1X0 3" to.
Wissipeg Wheat Opticas
Wunlnee. Nor, Wheat cleat: Neveanbtz,; stay,; AJoa car, ti.vai.
Vn Terk PeUt Market
New Tork. Nor. 9. L N. 8.1 Potatoaa tin
balk, barrel See bag) Market easier. Nearby
wruia, ii.ioeB.'ni.
Site; inns, TH; bayo, !
3rr.AN8 taH wklts. aa Tk; brea white, t
Sttvrtiy rtraprorf. test kotk IVeota sad
eaeaaat ear ervr to as Bark, ef th eua.
Slaaas BjaaKae iuiaat Bat), 94 an a
Saat Waaiiai ems
ai rilnh-
a a a a . I . X .7TT
I fan. at.
HONKll--Cs. 5A.00 0 6.50
KICEr-Japsa ttyte. No. 1, 6e; Bis
Te lb.: Naw Oram bead. 9 We.
ai n.nai.i,, Ji a aivf at
oAI.T Cea rat, f., 100. $1$ 60 toa
50a. $17.85; table dairy. 60a. $27.69: kales.
a au iw: iancy taste aaa ury, $34.59
camp, aaa, -
Bl'GAJt Cub. $7 50: trait and
; yenese n tt.Il: ktt granmlaW.
an. exus u. a.aa. asMrarn J. Sk.Sa.
. CANNED MILS. CarnaUo. Libby. 66 69
astae, atouna veraaa. .. atpu., 85.69
aaara, . la eaaa.
tutna CRACKERS In balk, iw
NCTS Waiouu, 24 0 28a .; ajswejda, 37
29e; rUbertt, 29Sa at aaeWloaa;
10 lie; Beeana. 23e; BraaUs. lao.
Npe, PMnt, tMkt - -
HOPS 1931 ere, etantor. 35 36 per tb;
waani at ma. .-
U BFJ-.W- OIL Itaw
boiVed. boiv. e; taw.
Crop Price Index
Much Below That
Of Last Five Years
Tb WTOaaetre river tt Portttad will ra
a.aia searty ttatioaary danng the next tw or
three days except aa- affactad by tb tad,
Badie taports froat Berth Haa4 grva th ro
SUa of th foUowing tvateat H I TlT
Nevtmber 9:
Northland. Saa
Bailee froat nesttla
V av: AAaairal Naaalwia. peat Saa laa, 12 Si
a aa.; eUaeloa, Term Ceaa. 12:&$ a at.; C,
CrietraSal. 2 3S a. oa.: Uagaaaa. Aetona. 4 4
a. aa: LaPertatfa. Aataeta, 4 46 a at,; As
Bwtto ttolnk. CVeaaabaa rtaer. 7 :16 a. ta Sauasd
Carall. Moa terry. SAS a a.; Maruraa.
Laa Aaeetea. 10.20 . aa; piaaiaea t, La Aa-
araea. 11 Z a. .; Ajtaarral eValag. 8eatttt,
11 29 a ta,: Kvikar. Paanaaad. 1A6 p. a ; ta
tar Hrdavry, 2.13 p. .aa.; AvaJeai. Partiaaal.
69 p. oa.: Paaadaaa. Albton. 6.23 p. Bl;
R. f. ll.iaa. La Aaeakm, I g a; .,
Let Aaa-aaat, 6:1 p. aa.; JWiaaaa Basrik. te
Bay. 7:46 n. a.; Watt Pert, Cm net lt. g::9
. - w., ,,, w a, . ar a
rise today. BaaaSoldt. Laa Aagaiae. 4 j . av;
Bategranip urrfa. aveatak, S :JO a ta: law.
Laa Aaeeaat, 9 23 a an.: Acaaa. Beaatoa. 16
a - Saakad today. Part iBeelaa, 9nUn. 7 -40
" aWaftlt. Waakv. Kar. 9 lL N. B Ar
rived eMlar lay Larnaa. froat hraatghaaa.
no rat -j Arner. r i n s. WaUaagtard.
a a.rtrataa. u II a a..; taaanar-. fr
for Beattla. 208
PertatadL at S IS a. sa: Paaaata. fr
I at 8 a bl : Fahoa. froat Vaarcajwar. at 19 29
la. aa. Sahara. Ntrvessker S. rieiads. for Meeala.
let aaadnarati Oaaaa. for New Orsaaa. Muni t n.
tar Saa yvaaeaaa, at 9 Jt av at, I peaaaayle
Rose City. Ban Fraaciac for PerUand. ITbI.1 ?ai'A ?
aattes toot ef Columbia river. . 7 - jCars Haary. for Bafflarbaat. at 6 S. at,
l aaiaia awr.
tlaa. at 144
for JrUad,
Baa Antoai.
Btilat aouth ef Oapa PSattary.
uergtaa ttoipn, saa
99 milea freaa Pcetiaad.
. AUaa Kiehmoad for Ettdnxta. (79 BsO.
Berthrof Kiriavmd.
Ta Mm at '
7, Aaili.4. Baata BMa, rraat
a. Safla. Ktaaaaar S.
fee Baa Piaal aa. U I t
at. Aberdeen, Nee. s. Ajvrrad. kea4.
rrom Baa Padre, Kit sal M. A, liaiia. fraat
at B. aa, . . .
Rokkai Mara Swansea Nov. 10
Penrarrnnia ......New Tork, Nev. 19
Admiral V n na a-B VWa M . . I A
i no orui uerman uoya will atrain avaion riaa rrmn Kea 1 1
hptrin hiMlriM. In ttia TTnltait c..,u .. PiHj Putnam Saa -TYaa er. 11
Jimiirr 1 .fl.. an a I i.rui? ......oB sraa. . , . . ..-0. J J
- J -t ui eiri rtoaduras . . . . 1 . Antweiu tM II
years, Charles von Helmolt. who has I wt Caholda iwitamor . ., 12
hn aaanAlota wrtih .. I Caaada Ahirdeia ...... N ea. 11
;CI Zl a c ' JT -.....j . Cmp HeT, Balriutot Nev. 12
aw jn, .uiu wao on peen i iminekl ......... .Beetue ...Nev. 12
the company's general manager to Kew I Wilihil New Trt N. 19
saw- a . .a. tB weak at VasanT WanW TaTaaaa) 9
aa-. aiu, wm lu marit, I Retro Mara New Tork. Naw. 18
The company will start operations I Pilar Le Larrtnae Immincham Nov. 14
with three steamers, which wUl carry ?Jinl,A'uir J" Jerk-. ... .Nev. 14
oflhln anrl IMH M.a . I w" HUe . New Castle, i .. .Nev. 13
" r""6"i " I panat nuaaot Aire.
uiwrmo on a lorxnigntiy service between J nn Mara ......... ew unease...
Ths service VIf
win be maintained at present with the fWimtor' " ". . '.'.'.I', '. sn ma. ".'...
steamships Seydlits, Hannover nnfj Artwd.1 New O leans . . .
Torek.. ISTffl1?? JS" ----
E.MWiaw . ...... .,-aw VIFW. .
Santa Craa. ....... . Wast
WILLIAMS LINER T.EATKft. I Woooare . Seattle
HI " ana-Ttkal; .Zwdwa-, Zb em - -tn , w
jik-jLTfr: rsasZ.,,?1!-: : : : :5t ss Water Supply to , "
d Rssger New Tav, Nev. 18 . A A
ss New Tark. Nev. 24 , TvmseartA 'CO A
aUiiatrj Ua-i-atiuio
Tract Kequested
.Nev. 18
.Nee. 1$
.Nov. 11
.No. 16
.Nav. IT
.Nev. IS
.Nev. 19
Nev. 18
.Nee. 19
.Nov. 20
Nee. 99
XeUe t Xartssr
Taa feauaito affaota ta alda ta
IS ta 11U pgstbeaaa CattlVrt:
Oregon aad wsahtagtim Qewsibla ftaar:
fsl Oataao Spit aaa aad wfeaaUkn bate. .
bevetaa'ora reported east at gaaajiia. eats regatta1
Noaraaber 8.
(bl Peadeavwat Banes bway, 1. fegierbnl adrift
Newmbrr 8.' wifl be rrt.Urad aa toes aa Brae-
Ueabaa Charts SISS. 6161. 3. bent bat
1121. Na 199 hsanry bat. 1921. p. 19. 14,
Weik in steal Wifiapa bays
(a) laiea Baada gas beer. ,16. beretafer to-,
Bertrd light esUtaTUbbed. Wat itOigmtod bevua-
(b) ETk BpH gaa boov. 1. neevtnfeea ta
ported Bght exbesTuwbaat. was rWigntod N
ber 6. Cbarta, tM2, AleS. 166i Brfck bat,
miliee, 9. $39: keary bat, 1811. pa.
Waanhtgton Jasn Faea BtraK: Point
Partridge gas aaat kaB ksaoy, I. reported adnft
October 27, was replaced October 10. Cbarta .
6309 9469: btbt to. 1921. Na 441; hoy
bat, 1931. p. 46. .
By order ef the barrea es Bt'wtbnBiia
opt. ITU lights raw DkUwU
Tueedsy afternoon Sa1
Chieafs Dairy Prod gee
Chicago. Nov. 9. (L N. 8 1 Batier Ra-
eeipta 4473 tuba. Creamery extra, 41 He;
firsts. 85 40c; packing stock. 34 24c
fcggt tteceipu 8835 oaaee. Miscellsneous.
5062e: erdinarv finot. 5335e: enerAa.
30 0 38c; dirtiee. 28 30c .
Uheeee Twins, naw, 20 20 tae; , dames,
20 14 20 K e; Toung Americas, 20 20 lac;
long noma, gisgikie: brick, iissiae.
liv poultry Tarkeyt, 38c; chickens, 1 9c;
springs, Z3c; roosters. is Ike;, gaeae, 23c
ducks, 23c
Washington, Nov. 9 (TJ. P.) The value
of ail American crone on November 1 waa 39.6
per cent lower than a year ago, aad 45.5 per
cent lower than the fivs year average between
1915 and 1920, the department of agriculture
asneunoea today. The production is about 20
per cent lower than last year'a aggregate and
11.3 per cent lower than the average of the
preceding five years, 1915 to 1920.
The corn crop this jrear is one of the largest
in history, hut low prices win cause its value
to shrink greatly below wartime yields to the
tanners. i
The corn crop amounted to 8,151,698,000 1
bushels, as eompared with a December, 1920,
estimate of 3,232,367,000 bushels, and the j
yield was 2S.9 bushels to. the acre, as com
pared with a 10-year average of 26.4 busheJa,
the crop reporting board of tha bureau of mar-,
kets and crop esti resets announced today.
The price index of all crops oa November 1
was S9.6 per cent -lower than a year ago. and
43.3 per cent -lower tnan the average of the
preceding five yean. . The production index is
abou t20 per cent tower than last year'a aggre
gate production, and 11.8 per cent lower than
the average of the preceding five years.
The weight per measured bushel of wheat
waa 56.6 pounds, against 57.4 last year; eats.
28.3 pounds, against 33.1 last year; barley, 44.4
pounds, against 46.0 last year.
Tne stock of old corn en farms November 1
estimated at 2gl.472.O00 bushels. 8.7 per
cent of 1920 erop, compared with 139.906,000
bushels a year ago and 80,579,000 bushels the
average of the preceding five year.
The, white potato crop was estimated at 336.-
076.000 bushels, as against 428.368.000 bush
els last year. The yield per acre this year was
estimated at ss. oosoeis.
Sweet potatoes " 105.841.000 bushels this
year, as against 11Z.3S8.000 last year.
in yield per. acre ims year was 89.3 puso-
Tsbacee. 1,020.871,000 pounds for thia year,
against 1.508.064.000 last year, with a
yield per acre this year of 764.1 pounds.
Dried Fruit sad Beans
New Tork. Nov. 9. (I. if. 8.1 Beans
Market easier. Marrow, choice, 36.00 6.23
pea, choice, $3A5;,rid kidney, choke, $8.30.
lined (TOtts Market, better demand. Apn-
eots. choice to extra fancy. 2127c: aooles.
evaporated, prime to fancy. 13 18 He; prounea.
sua to out, siyi7e, evs to lvos,
910e; peaches, choice to extra fancy, 12
ante; teaaea raisins, citato to iancy, 16
MUuteapells-Dklath Flax
Duhitb, Nov. 9. L N. 8.) Flax Korea
r. 1 1.87 : Deeemher. 81.84 i January.
81.86; May. $1.89; track and arrive,
81.884 01.89U.
- si m aaa porta. fov. g.- ( L N. 8.1 rbtx
November. 31.84; December. 81.81: January
$1.33; May, 31-87; track and arrive. .31.81
S- Ave lbs. Pries No. Ave. lb.
3. .. 580 $ 2.50 I 80
1.... 570 5.25 80.... 975
1 1010 4.35 2 990
S. ...1018 5.35 2 990
3 1016 5.25 3 886
1 860 5.23 1 1070
IS.... 103 5.75 1 1000
3 1100 5.75 1 1000
7.... 1004 S.75 4 857
11. ...1011 5.00 3 1080
1 880 8.00
1.... 480 $ 4.75 . 1 1160
1....1060 8.25 2 1010
1....1060 4.33 3. ...1196
5 1148 4.85- 1 933
1 1240 4.35 7. ...1118
1.... 940 3.00 1..., 730
1.... 830 2.60 1.... 940
.1 ' 830 8.00
4.... 400 $ 8.00 4.-... 397
T.... 85 6.50 I 100
1....1110 3 8.00 I 2 1080
16 448 $ 5.25 I 2.... 580
7.... 887 4.25
r 8 '201 $ 9.50 9 153
7 194 9.50 - 6 168
T 125 9.25 2 195
5.... 154 9.00 13.... 163
8.... 200 9.00 2 220
1.... 198 9 25 3.... 188
10 812 - 9.23 3 253
4.... 207 9.25 10.-.. 178
13.... 204 9.25 9.... 210
8.... 280 8.00 1 390
16 200 9.00 r
6 75 3 8.00 TT
8 6.25
WtTlf vnsawwa.a I !" -saarw
".- vuimiaoi rauvkt,! 9 i w L Lad
The American steamship. Kennecott of j Nebraska .
fhP Willmma llrta laara1 thla I cats
.. " w, w. .... . lUVllUllf
for the Atlantic with a fairly large ship
ment of general cargo. The principal
item of interest on the manifest is sev
eral parcel lots of clover seed amount-
in tgO tilt bags. This is tha first shin- I Norwich Ctor'
ment to go from Portland to ths At-I S? star
lantlo side, rail lines having taken all j rnrdova . ". I '. '.
seed heretofore. I Siberian Prince Orient Nov. 12
The balance of ths cargo on ths Kerr- I Arisonan . ....... ew Tor. . . . - 1 2
necott consisted of Sour, canned fruit. I Admiral Crana Illllls. Dieew awar!Nall
T Depart 9
Teasels Far rw te
fsraoa ,,,..,4,.. .v.. a . and war .Nov. 9
lolcoa ... ......... .Kurop . ....Nov. 19
Ada Mare ........Orient Nov. 19
Europe Nev. 19
.....New Terk. New. 1
.....Saa Free. .... .Nev. 10
lloooral Nav. 11
5.25 lumber and plunder. The Kennecott
6.2 wni complete cargo at San Francisco.
a. aw
a aa wn v. .
5.00 1 Hoauiam. Wash.' Nov g riat.-
6 00 Washington No, 4, which is at work on
tne Grays Harbor shoal, several mile I Katbanna Pars
im loperatlng on a 24 hour, three shift
ucuoio, ti, nu auugunceo Dy nort oill- I tsxan
cials last night It is ths first time I
since the latter part of July that power Alam
uucv.auuui uH oven neiiverea tne I Aden Mra I
dredge. ' 1 Heinan Mar
-The channel is beinr dnvle-ail to . I "attarn Sailor
depth of ZOjeet at mean low tide, which I Vorwteb" city"
win anviiow VRimisr nr zn Ta4r i er-
"""lenter and depart with fuy cargoes.
Any Mar Valparaiso
PBrT!vtmaB ....... riron .
CralsaB' Mars ...... Enrope .
Denere .Valparata
fiemtlua BoVph ..... Kan Fraa
Hainan Mar ...... .Orietrt ...
Tarry .Orient . .
Ttmattrl Mara Orient ..
Tvarnthima Mara ... .Orient ..
. . . . .Karoo
New Terk,
Ohio San Pedro.. . . ..Nov. IT
New Tork. Nev. 2T
i ha Pert
Salem. Nov. 9 William Shaver of
Rock-vtU has filed with ths stats en
gineer's o tries Bit application tor per
mlssioa to appropriate water froaa Owy
hee) river for th Irrigation of gs acre
..Nov. 19 I of land ia Malheur county. Ths prof
wll i! I set involves ths rotroctkn ef a ditch
'. ! l". is I rnlle tong at a eost estimated at $2000.
Mar. 14 I
. . . .Nov. 14
,!..Nev. 14
....Nov. 14
....Nov. 14
$ 4.50
Toaea Mara
TJralaea Mara .
laths nn Park
Tama taa - Mar
203. .
186. .
Wednesday Worn Ing Sales
Av. Lba Price I No.
...1179 $ 4.601 9.
.. 73 $ 5.85 1 20.1.
.. 74 . 7.83 1 28.
.. 77 8.50 ! .
. . 163 $ 3.00 39.
Mew rork. Nov. 9. (L N. &V-Ocean I
grain rates hold steady and quotations I Curacao" '.
are 4 -Shillings tO the United Krna-rlnrn I Kennecott .
taa I with tr sifimnM' nf w. k I Seattash Monarch
925 I rane. fcr- f na. rnnH..i t- I Tynekenbach
dlan wheat have jumped to S-Xd8S-6d I Hoauiam . .
wun continental run from Vfimir..! I naata xiarpara
Rates from arulf -tvirta dsn aetw.nt I Tre..
with cargo offerings. Quotations: Irarriorm .
FTeltrhts: Ocean (steam 1 mln 1 Ttoaa Citar
United Kingdom, 4 ehmings ; Germany! I P-w'sBJaa .
is marics ; r ranee, ibv4 rranca : Holland.
At. ua rnc i is -a Kronen. Qeneral cartro stead v
aoa eevai - . -
, , ,
9.50 I
Other applications for waler rights
hsvs been fllsoT a follows :
By Thomag A. Jones. Corrs rT.a. 71 sso-
rnd feet from 8teTcer creak for tb de-
W I. I MlAMK-lt A MA -.
. a . r WW. II I . cwanmt . v. awv kWT aMT aiUallS
. . .Na. liil purpoee) ta Lincoln county.
By Rasmua xselson. Galena, II second
feet from- Elk creek, tributary to Mid
dle Forkof John Dsy river, for cuertx
mill aod mining pttrpo la Grant
county. v , . . .-
tiy lapuis Katn. cauow. water rram
the overflow of Rock creek, for Irrtga
Uon of 20 seres in Harney county.
By Georrs W. Joseph. Portland, water
from Gordon creek for domestie) sup
ply and for irrigation tt lands ta Mult- .
somah county.
By V. Son tag, Wolf creek. 1.9 neeamd
feet from sa unetatned gulch for min
ing purpoee la Joseph Ins county, at a
cost of JaOO, .
By Boy & Ward. Merlin. Josephine
county, water from Cold Springs creak
for pleerr mining purposes, at aa sU- .
mated cost of $&00.
By Earl E. Wallac of Iland, wateT
from Hughe gulch for Irrigation et a.
flve-arre trajrt in Josephina county.
r y- W. llolmsa. Aurora, water from
....... wiubTidge I springs ana arstnag oilcu atar taotneaiic
Terminal Na 1 1 suddIv and for lrrlgatiovi ot a sataii
tract In Clackamas county. .
Terminal Na 4
............. Agtoria
,,..veet vregsa LSr.
, ... ..Terminal Ne. 1
iNortk Bank
Nortb Baakl
. . ... Teratrnal N. 4
, .Portland Floor Mills
N. P. Lb. Co.
,. .Paniaaula Lbr. Be.
, .' Mersey
, North Beak
s s a AantDtt
Termiaal Na. 4
Terminal Na, 8
Bt. Jehna Lbr.
p.. .,,.. Elevator I
Terminal No. 4
Albert 1
Ainawarth I
I r a
74 3 7.95
69 5.50
78 5.00
125 8 3.00
TV, n .V. ChI. . Mr. W
..w. 11 vii a.ji s n a.rwiioua C3om- 1 - ,- . , ,
pany dltpstched the Greek steamshlp.t i2:Jj and k-ft ,09 at 411 p. m.. staamar
I1 1 1 i nraagsntBtnaaattetaatniaaem 1 us 1 m 111 1
rVaehalla. Wash-. Nov. 8. Emtnett
Hamilton, denuty sheriff of Lewis county
linre the wsr, has reatgned and will re-
Astoria, No. 9V Arrived st 9:19 and laftl
up at 11:30 a at, staataaar Boa City, fro
Saa Franc iacai.
Astoria, nev. B- saaeo at liwi 9. jrov- 1 : vl. a. rt -r Cite hall II
.mi I
' ssw overseas service.
Xew Terk Wsel as Hides .
New Tork. Nov. 9. (L N. B. TWonl
Market steady. Domtstie tieac ST Ohio, 23
3 be; de pulled anon red bacia, 23 7c; do Texts,
scourwi basis, 40 g 75c; territory tUpta, ocoured.
65 85e.. .
Hi ara. Marks firmer. -' Native states. 16e;
branded starn, 14U014ttc
Chic Hoes S7.40
Chicago. Nov. 9. (L N. S. ) Hears Re
ceipts, 18,000, fairly active, mostly 10 15c
Cur her. nuik, 7 on 1.30! tops, 3T.40;
bravyweight, $7.10 7.35; medium weight.
ST. lap 7. 33- Ilgbtweisht. 87.10 wt.7.40: lightr
tighta. $7.15 7.65; heavy packing tows, imooth.
66.3.9 6.90: paeking sow, rough, $6,15
8.60: pigs. $7.23 7.75. .
VCattie RaceiptJi. ' 12,060, ehoio light and
medium steers and yearlings, stead j. others dull.
Beet steers Choice and prune. 38.65 12.00:
medium and good, $8.00 10.15; good and
choice, $9.50 13.00; common and medium.
3 75 0 9.50. Butcher cattle, heifers, 33.50
9.23; cows, $3.35 8.23; bulks 83.00 6.00.
tJarnere and cutters, cows and heifers, 33.23
8.83; canner steers, $3 00 r 4 00. Veal ealvea
(light and handyweight , $6.739.T5r feeder
steers, $4.83 690; stock er steers, $3.85
9.65; stock er cows and heifers. $3.00 5.15. -
eUiaep Jtooeipta. 15.000. Fat lambs.13
2Sa higher, tat sheen steady. Lambs (83 lba
devrn), $8.23 9.25; lambs, culls and common.
g3.SO08.eo;- yeaning wethers. 83.3007.50:
enm, $2.50 4.75; ewes, culls and common
$1.50 2.50: feeder lambs, $7.25 8.23.
He Seattle Has tltarket
Seattle, Waah., Nov. 9. (L N. S.) Hogs
Receipts none "'
Cattle ReoeipU 28. ateadri Prime tteen.
J $8.00 6.25; common to good. $4.90 6,00:
meainaa m cnorca, ..vit.u; nai eon vn
heifars, $.X3 04.75: eottmoB to good, $2.60
8.50; mediua to ehcart. $3.S04jOD;
prime tigTit .ealvea, $8.00 09.00; baary ealvea,
$6.06 T.6; bulls $3.09 4.00. . .
Cotton Cessss Report
Washington. Nov. 9. (L N. 8.) The cen-
1 bureau tod.v iaiiued the following report oa
cotton ginned to November 1 from the crop of !
19''1 and 1930 reaDtsctrvelv:
Total running bale conn ting round as sau
bales, 0.646.136 aad 7.508.633.
Hound bale toclnded, UUtll ana !..
Ainnra-Egypuaa. 11.775 and ss.ozo.
Sea Island. 1696 and 640.
Averse" groat weight ot balsa, ponnds, S02.5
and 61L2.
Sas Franeiseo Cask Barley
San rTtncasco, mov. . iu. r.-j ney
Spot feed. -per cental. $1.20 1.25 aliipping.
61.27 H l 13314.
s Now Tort Posit ry Market
Sew Tork, Nev. 9. (L N, B.) -Liver Peult
try Markat steady to firm, Chipk-na, 84
$2e: fowls, 1928r; tarkeyt, 3936r; reost
oo. 17c; darks. 24 28c; geese, 24 28c
enaaa. 31-S6 gal.
In- 89e: kettle
1 et-Bcaied.
90U.NE Ires kbit, 39c; eases, 3$ Mt
nrrai.rf. et aa lu . -
WHITS LAJ Ta 14. 12; 64) Pot,
i 4e.
TI RPENTINB Ttalta. flal: X i a...
81.1$ gak .... - --r-- '
Cleage Potato Market'
Chicago, No. tt N. A I- Potatoaa
Tteoripts ISO east. Northarn whit. 91-700
2.66; Hiiutasota Bed River Ohio. $1.60
L.79; Idah wkito, $2.:5.
Sew.Terk 8 agar sad Coffee
New Tork, Nov. . (O. P.) Sugar Trail;
raw, 4 1-14411; refined, dull; graaulated.
$520 $$. .
Coffee fr. T Bio. spot. $ c; Ne. 4
8tatoa, Il013c
' Naval Stores Market "
New Tork,- Nov. 9 (L N. S ) Turpen
tine Sara r, nan, 76c; New Tor. e3Hc
Bnsia Savannah. $4.79 4.73; New Tork.
$3.90 f 6 Si.
I '
San Frwiclse Hoot S19.0O
v San Frtnciaco. Nov. 9. i P. P.) Cattle
Craas fed atoers Not 1, 9 9 Vk e: arcorid euatity,
434ic; cows and heifers. 4SSe;
calves, light weight, 7 0 8e; --calves, heavy, 8
sainc poena.-
Sheep Iambs. T7e; wethers. 44e;
etree, 24i$Wc
Hog Hard grain fed, weighing 109-173 lbs,.
10c; over 300 lhe., 8c -
; Oanaha Mag 97.10
South Omaha, Nov. 9 (L N. 8.) Cattle
Receipt 450O; beef near and ah stock about
steady; bnSs and veals steady to weak; atockets
end feeden steady te strong.
Hog Receipt T58, mostly steady te strong;
bulk, 66.25 7 00; top, $7,10.
flieer Beceipts 6041. Lsmbs, strong. $8.90
paid: beat held at $8.75; sheep steady; ewes
mostly $4.90 and down;,feedea stroav
Hot Cigarette Butt
Betrays Man Wanted
On Forgery Charge
-.- 1 1.
Betrayed by a cigarette stub
This is a title to a chapter in the
story of Hugh Bosebrook, arrested Tues
day by Tom Swennes,- police inspector,
on a charge of issuing forged checks.
" Mrs. Hugh . Rosebrook. Forty-eighth
avenue arid Fifty -eifhth street, told the
detective ber husband was not ait home.
4.6wenne said he'd ' on ths front
porch until he came borne. He watted
and" waited.. The siin wss about ready
to come up. i--.
- Swennes saw a cigarette butt lying
on the porch near an open window, f He
picked it up. It was stOl hot- Ae
thought at first he might have thrown
it there- But the brand of the cigarette
was a much "more expensive kind than
Swennes smokes. He knockef on the
door again ' and asked Mrs. Rosebrook
If she smoked cigarettes. 1 Ths startled
woman shook, her head and wondered.
"Then trot eat that husband of yours.
Mrs. Rosebrook did. s -
Liverpool Cotton QsJet '
: liverponl, Nov.-- 9. it - N. B.I Thar was
a limited deniaad for spot rot ton at the oprrun
this morn lag. Pneea were unchanged. - Sates,
5000 bale .American mid. fair, $14.13; goad
mis., hi ss; rati mm., mm. 311.68
tow. $10.28; good ore. $8.58; erd.. $7.83.
. n-utures
Centralis. - Wash-.' - Nov. 9 Mrs. Alice
M. Oonoaster, wife of C D. Doncsster
f this city, died Monday in an Olympla
hoFpitai, . She was 68 year old and had
j lived here 34 years. She was sn .ordained
Sample Ballot for Special Mt-mcipal Election to Be Held Novepbcr 19, 1921
' - . ' v . ' - 5 '
Spedal Mimidpsil Election
City of Pordand, S4ayi Nov. 19, 1921 v
. - -
: ' Mark Cross (X) Between the Number, and Answer Voted For , -
Otartew Aanetadment Salwttstl to Uts Voters by tlvs Comnx3 -CHARTER
AMEaVDMENT tuthorizlnr tax ia nineteen Twenty-two. Nineteen Twenty-three, Nineteen
Twenty-four, producing aKefite sum two million dollari to defriy city's expense of expositioa In
: MultnomaB County. Oregon,' in Nineteen Twenty-fhrei p'orMed exposition snd levyinr of ttx tierea.
for producioc three million dollars authorized by legislature and TOters of State; that authority
granted fre not exercised until subscriptions of one million dollars are made to capital stock of cor
poration formed to aid exposition; appointing commission and requiring commission to attics con
ditions to expenditure of funds insuring equitable division to city of remaining net assets.
SlvslI ths CnsrUP b so aunmcil? . V ' -."'.
501 NO. - . . -.- ... . - -
Psblished by authority of Section 13 1 of the Gty Charter.
AacUtor of ths Gty 4 PtMIssbcl
Baptist minister. - - - --
- ' - t. . .