10 THE f OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. OREGON WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 122L AV mm TO BE DISCUSSED ATPARLEYSHOWN , I V By aria lawrraev) ' (OvrricM, l3t. br Tha juntl), ' . Washington. Not. sV Back of the Wcnf wbr Uve American Mtral pro f ram U bslrif mapped out for presenta tion at tha conference on limitation of armament, there's an Interesting dlacua lon roinf on as to the value of battle cruiser Can the United States afford to let Japan eice! In this typ of yessel which over since the battle of Jutland bar stirred up naval critics? There are two schools of thought, those who be lieve the battleship is the craft that must eventually bear the brunt of a- sea stror irls and Ummm who believe that without 1 battle cruisers the Vnlted States cannot . fcnpe to compete with Japan In the Ta rifle. has ntx uriinmo ' The truth Is. the United States has ft! .battle cruisers building and would enter the comlnc conference with much mere ease of mind If thexe vessels were I read In commission. For many yesrs the movement for- reduction of armament bas suffered because the leading pow ers did not wish to place themselves on an Inferior basis. The present tendency of the powers Is to preserve the ratio of strength that exists.. but to cut down the srpense of useless ships, that ,ls. ships Which would be useless If everybody agreed to dispose of auxiliary craft, now out of date. IS J AT A 8TK05GER ,.- ' Is Japan stronger than the United .States on these? The actual statistics would Seem to show the United States - as superior, but the naval experts are skeptical. They say the battle of Jut land revolutionised everything and that . the battle cruiser is vital. Of course the United States Is weak In that direction though opinion may differ as to whether the weakness could be overcome by the preponderance of battleships. Anyway, ' It Is essential. In order to know Just ' what the naval experts are talking about, to study the official figures glv ' Ing the latest authentic information as to the strength of the leading naval pow -. ers. Here they are : - O. B J. R. Jsp. Fr. U J BetUtonlpa, 1st Una. built 2 IS 7 . Fin line. baiMins 0 T O fcettlealiipe, serend tin 13 4 7 Bat, rreis. 1st Mm. built S 0 4 0 tint line, baikltnc ... 4 S ft 0 Bat erutaera, ra4 11ns 4 0 0 0 IJet enrisei. tint line 3 0 0 0 Svnad line .... 4 10 B It By examining the foregoing table Destroyers and submarines 7000 miles from homo are not as effective as those with a base 100 miles away. . Japan has come out with a flat state- meat that she wants her navy to be equal the dime of any fleet bow; in the Pacific. On the . surface, that seems a radical statement, but she has prac tically reached American naval strength now on .the battle cruiser program. -LEADS IJT BATTLESHIPS . As for battleships,' the United States bas a total of 27 . as compared with Japan's II, but the United States, does not keep all lis battleships in the- Pa ri flc Also the Japanese have built the Nagato." which Is the largest and most powerful battleship afloat . and more effective than anything the United mates nas compieieu. a sister ship, the "MiUu, Is about to be launched. Bot vessels mount It-inch guns. The United States has some under construction of a similar clans. Where shall the race stop? The offi cial .figures just available also 'show mat out of a total national expendi ture ureal Britain is spending 8ft per cent on naval armament, while' the United States is spending 12 per cent. France 1 per tent. Italy 1 per cent and Japan 32 per cent. Limitation of expense is the objective. With these per cents staring them In the face. American naval experts know they must present a radical program to satisfy American opinion. They would like to do so and still keep the battle cruisers. So the answer to the problem is not yet Insight - ' VOTERS IN DAYTON BACKBOND ISSUES Dayton, Or., "Kov. 9. Two bond issues were approved and a new city adminis tration was chosen In an election-here Tuesday. R. L. Harris was elected mayor ; W. T. H. Tucker, recorder ; J. L, Stuart, treasurer; T. A. Boulden, D. A. Snyder and O. C. Goodrich, coun cil men for one year, and J. S. Morln, W. 8. Hilbert and M. Q Miller, coun oilmen for two years. Bonds of S4000 for a new reservoir and water system betterments won by a vote of 130 to 27 and $3000 bonds to care tor floating in' debtedness won 118 to 38. APPEAL MAY HALT MORRIS BROTHERS The protesting appeal of various mi nority creditors of the Morris Brothers bankrupt bond house, filed today. In the federal court by their attorneys. Ridge- way St Johnson, representing one group and by Carey st Kerr, representing the other group. Will have the effect of de laying the confirmation of the sale by the trustee, even If it should - not over turn it Rldgeway A Johnson represent H. E. Cherry and i. 8. Cameron; Carey A Kerr appear for T. M. Stiver, the First National Bank of Everett, Wash. ; John Walton, H. D. Haskins H. la, Stokes and several others. The claims range from $1000 to $5000 each; The protesting creditors, who have filed their application for a review of the order of A. M. Cannon referee in bankruptcy, confirming the sale of the bankrupt's assets to the Morris Broth ers corporation, have joined their forces in the appeal to the federal court They contend that the contract .or offer pre sented by Morris Brothers corporation and accented by the trustee and the referee does not constitute a sale but is. in fact, an attempt to compromise, be tween two factions of creditors without the consent of the minority group. They point out that under the offer of the majority no cash is to be paid at the time of the transfer of the assets from the hands of the trustee to the new cor poration, but that the claims of the minority are to be paid out of the fu ture Bale of the assets. Referee Cannon expects to be able to have the record of the 'case prepared for submission to the federal court late today or Thursday. The attorneys in terested have agreed to ask for a hear ing at the earliest date that can be set by the court Pending the arguments be fore the court and its decision, no fur ther progress can be made by the Mor ris Brothers corporation towards the re sumption of business planned by it petroleum: shares slide . upward , in new .".'.york: trading STANDARD OIL IN AN UPWARD SWING WilII Street Journal Financial Review New Tortt. Sot. . (C P.) Tbn stock market in eeneral showed a good tone ia early trading today. -Among the tesiores is oil wen Houston, up 1 points at 78 Vi, and Horal Dotes up 1H -points at 49 . Pacific Oa held around Monday's nich. Steel common led the steels , us at 81. tJ. 8. Robber ins fractionall! Jovrer. bat Kettj Bprincfietd ' acted better, and made aa early nich at 4014. no net : Standard Oil stocks vera the feetare Umnicn- oct the first boor: Standard Oil of Mew Jersey made a nr hies above ISO, and Stasda.nl Oil of California tamed 86. The advance a finally extended to other oils, most ot which cot claim to the high prices of the- last 10 days. Steel stocks held tux Professionals who sold Mexican Fetroleoxa when it made a double top at 109V4 oa Mon day, but failed to to through that day and bars been. selling it ever since, received a shock De fers noon when bis baying orders suddenly ap peared and shot the stock from 106 to 110 K within s tew minutes. It was oua of the most impressive morts Mexican Petroleum has had had in many months. Baldwin touched - in the general upturn In the marked It was a bad day for the bear crowd on the New York Stock exchange. Cnder the leadership of Mexican Petroleum the whole list was si Ten ka whirl which carried most stacks to new hign prices for the fall In fact, a number of issues made new highs for the year. The turnover for Mexican Petroleum was the highest in man; weeks. The stock was made to appear heary in early dealings and sold down nearly 3 points from the high of Monday. Then the bis buy ing orders suddenly made their appearance and it shot through the recent high of 109 V The stock hesitated around 112, but during the hut hour got into new high ground. Baldwin ranked next to Mexican Petroleum in the rapidity of its advance, which is probably due to the fact that the big short selling or the last few-weeks has been in Mexican Petro leum and Baldwin. Another, advance in crude oil prices by the Tekas company helped all the American oil shares. 8teel stocks were .lead by Steel common, which sold at the highest price since the break to 7014. Crucible was the feature of the independents. The sharp advance in stocks today took traders by surprise. WALL STREET QUOTATIONS Furnished by Overbeck: A. Cooke) Co, Board of Trad Building; will b sn that Japan has already In ' commission four cruisers which, while of ths pre-Jutland-type), ara considered an invaluable asset in ths Pacific. The cruiser type of vessel, being much faster than the battleship, can tret Information and draw out enemy vessels and do a whole lot of damise in preliminary wsy. SIXfUaB TO AMERICA Ths Japanese battle cruisers which ara under construction are similar to the American typea Japsn. however, is bulldlnir eight and ths United States only slit, so that Japan with a total of " II battle cruisers, would have virtually double ths strength of the United States. . assumlnir, of course, that the viewpoint of ths experts who place complete faith, la ths battls cruiser Is accepted. Certainly, there Is uneasiness in of ficial circles .about it Out of the six oatue cruisers autnoriseo. lour are well alone, but the naval experts Insist that any program of. reduction ought pot to Interfere with the opportunity of ins united states to place herself at least on an equal footing- with Japan In mo matter or battle crulsera ..AHEAD IX DESTB0YEB9 , With respect to destroyers and sub marines ths Vnlted Statea in far Ahad of Japan, but the -difference (n num bers means very little in the theoretical Diua rougni in Far Eastern waters wners japan possesses so many naval SIGHT MARSHAL PROJECT SUPPORTERS ABE CH0SE5 Gresham, N6v. 9. Two candidates fa voring the employment of a night mar shal and one non-committal candidate were chosen for the Gresham council at n election Tuesday. A. F. Ham mar, contractor, ana T. K. Howitt ot a Fort- land ' commission house were reelected. Both favor a marshal. C. L Raker, -a garage man, was elected with era t pledge. The election was hotly contested. More than 300 ballots were cast. Three Arrested For Violation of Fire Regulations Julfus Meier, George W. Joseph and C. H. Farrington were arrested Tuesday night on warrants sworn out by Cap tain Day and Lieutenant Pullen of the fire marshal's office, on charges of main taining a fire hazard. An additional warrant was sworn out for the arrest of Dr. Andrew C. Smith, who is out of the city. The four men are interested In a build ing on the northwest corneV of Sixth and Burnside streets, which the fire marshal says has been condemned and is unsafe as a rooming' house. The three men under arrest were released on their own recognizance pending a hearing before Municipal Judge Ross-man. TEXT Lt TRAD NG 1 E FAVORABLE Woman Elephant Trainer Arrested For. Killing Fiance Everett, Wash., Nov. 9. (TJ. P.) A small, powder-rimmed puncture in the back of Gus Danielson, wealthy' lumber man, has caused the arrest of Mrs. Bertha Wilkes, elephant trainer with the Sells-Floto circus, on a charge of first degreo murder. Prosecuting Attorney Stiger will con tend that the bullet couldn't have pene trated Danielson's Back had the revolver been in bis own hand. Danielson was killed Sunday night In a scuffle with Mrs. Wilkes, whom he wished to marry. The woman contended that Danielson had been drinking and that the pistol with which he had been threatening her was accidentally dis charged. Prosecutor Stiger will contend that Dalelson was shot to obtain his life In surance and Dronertv owned bv him In Sweden. All of Danielson's estate. Stl- A natent has been granted, for a hand ger declared, was willed to Mrs. Wilkes J truck with adjustable braces that en- and her daughter, Treva Pote. Reds' Revolt in Southwest Russia London. Nov. 9. (L N. S.) Cecil Harmsworth. under secretary of state for foreign affairs, told the house of commons today that the government had been informed that an anti-Bolshevist revolution haS broken out In Southwest Russia. Dispatches to the International News Service) yesterday said a number of cities In Ukraine had revolted from Bolshevik rule. able it to be used as a step ladder. In view of the tendency of time money toward lower levels we recommend for investment: Government of the Argentine Nation Two-Year 7 Treasury Gold Notes Totid Issue $50,000,000 Dated October 1, 1921 , Due October 1, 1923 Interest payable April 1 and October 1 - Principal n4 interest payable in United States gold dollars in New York at the offices of THE CHASE NATIONAL BANK AND BLAIR & CO., Inc Coupon Notes in the denomination of $1,000 Exempt from all present or future Argentine taxes i DIRECT OBLIGATION: These Notes are to be the direct obligation of the Argentine Government, whose credit ranks as high as that of any otiber country of South America. NATIONAL FUNDED DEBT: We are advised that the national funded debt, both external and internal, on'December 31, 1920, was approximately $533,000,000, equal to about $63 per capita. PURPOSE OF ISSUE: We are advised that the present issue will be utiliiejd to pay the Bank of the Argentine Nation f6r advances made to the Government. GOLD RESERVE: Recent published figures show a total of approximately $463,000,000 gold held against notes in circulation, representing a ratio of about 80 and indicating that Argentine currency is one of the sound est in the world. Price 99 and Interest, to Yield Over 7.20 Delivery may be made either in the form of temporary notes or interim receipts . , - s Bond & Goodwin & Tucker. Inc. i Ths statements contained In this .advertisement are based on information obtained partly by cable i . from official and other sources. While not guaranteed, we believ them to be reliable. Boston, Not. 0. The trend of trads at the Boston Textile show is taken by cotton and woolen manufacturers to indicate that business is coming back to normal. Buyers at the show limited their purchases to actual ro Quireroeuts but these seem to be increasing- mar tenally. Jew Bedford. Mass., Not. 9. The yarn market here hare been slow for the last 10 days. Yarn consumers still are waiting de- Telopment of the eood trade before atockine up heavily on yams. The new style flexible collars for men haTe increased the demand for the finer combed yarns. Lille. France. Not. 9. The remainder of the textile workers who hare been on strike for weeks in the Turcoine and Koubaix districts haTe returned to work. At one time 70,000 operatires were out, but about 40 per cent had Tetumed recently. They struck for increased pay. j CARPETS New Tork, Not. 9. Several large carpet manufacturers announced the prices for sprine floor coTerincs today. In general there was not a very startling change in the quotations but the trend of prices was downward. Duluth, Not. 9. The Klearflax Linen Rug company, which has been idle since last spring, resumed operations today with a force' ot 160 workers on an eight hour shift. A second eight hour shift will be started in a few weeks. There has been a decided improvement in demand for rugs, the officials of" the company say. COAL Altoona, Pa.. Not. 9. Central Pennsylvania coal operators report an increased demand for fuel. For the week to October 14 production reached 44.000 cars, against 37,000 for the same period in September. Complete figures for October are expected to show a total of 77,000 cars. New Tork, Not. 9. The business in bitum inous coal, which had 'a !iht slump when the rail strike ras called off, has neun to recover again. Business in coal for export Is extreme; quiet Dealers haTe an ample Bayply of an thracite on hand to care for domestic demands. STEEL Canonsbnrg. Pa. Not. 9. The Canonsburz Tin plate company is operating at 100 per cent capacity, this week with 24 mills in operation. The Canonsbnrg Steel and Iron Works hare part of the plant in operation and the Fort Pitt Bridge company is under normal production. Atlanta, ot. . The demand for wire fab ric wire products has increased materially throughout the south. This is attributed to the increased purchasing power ot farmers at present cotton prices. COCA BEANS New York. Not. 9. The creater cart of the distributors of coca beans- are going very slow at present. Prices, howerer, continue on an attractive basis. FURNITURE San Francisco, Not. 9. The demand for fur niture has been stimulated by vigorous selling campaigns on the part of dealers .and manufac turers and trade is improTing. LIVESTOCK Fort Worth, Not. 9. Cattle trading has be come brisk among ranchmen despite the contin ued drop in prices. One Tom Green county ranchman has just purchased 10,000 lambs at from S2.50 to J3.0O a head. Prices for cows are about S2. a bead when taaken in large lota. SUGAR New Tort. Not. 9. As the new crop of mo lasses is only a few days off, the molasses mar ket here is marking time with little feature to the trading, which consists of odd lot buying for current wants. RICE Ban Francisco, Not. 9. The rice harvest to progressing favorably and is well advanced. Ex port o em ana nas Deen Heavy and prices are I amy steady. POTTERY Canonsbnrg. Pa-. Not. . The Canonsbnrg Pottery gcompany and the S. W. 8. George Pot tery company are operating their plants here on a iive-osy a wees Dasu. TOYS Boston. N or. fi. Three . thousand tnn at German toys for the holiday trade hare just been unloaded at this port from steamshirja from Germany. It is understood here that a large shipment of German goods also has been re ceived at Philadelphia. COFFEE New York, Not. 9. The bull movement on the coffee market, which has placed some grades and deliveries in new high ground, has also v siilted in more widely increased outside inquiry. Fort Worth," Not. 9. Reports from wholesale a rug nouses tnrongnout the southwest show prom ise of greatly improved business conditions in the immediate future. MILK Pittsburg. Not. 9. Milk in this city during November will remain at 8 H cents a pint and 14 cents s quart, retail. PRODUCE New York. Not. B.--The receints of CaHfArnU vegetables at this market have been unusually heary this week and only high freight rates pre vent large supplies of fresh Pacific coast Vege tables from stocking it ha market. Stock " Advance RuidiTTTTT Agr. Chess. . do rfd. ........ Ajax , Rubber ...... , Goad........ Alaska, Janes ..... Allied Chem. Aibs-Chalmara -. ... ds sfd. Am. Seat Sugar aaa. juscn v. Am. Can Co. ao ntd. Am. Car. Fdy W MI1. .......... Am. Cotton Oil - do pf d. .......... Am. Drag Synd. Asa. Bide ft Leather . . . do pfd. On. Ice Am. IntL Corp. ...... Am. Linseed ......... do pfd. Oa. Locomotive ...... do pfd. Am. Safety Rasor Am. Ship 4k Comre. . . . Am. Smelter ......... do pfd. Ant. Steel Fdy........ Am. Sugar .......... do pfd. Am. Sumatra ..... w . . Am. Tel. Tel.....4. Ant. Tobacco ........ Am. Tobaoco "B" Am. Wool Am. W. P. pfd Anaconda . . . Aasd Oil , Atchison . do pfd. Atlantic Coast Line . . , AU. Gulf k. W. I Baldwin Loco. do . pfd. Balto. ie Ohio do pfd. Beth Steel "B" B. B. T Butte 4c Sup ., Burns Bros. Caddo Oil CaMf. Packing Calif. Pet. do pfd , Canadian Pac. . . . Cen. Leather . Cerro de Pasco Chandler Motor Chicago 4k N. W Chicago Gt. West. . . . do pfd. Chili Copper . Chino C. at k St P do pfd. Coca Cola C. ft O. Colo. V. ft I Colo Southern CoL Gaa ft Elee Columbia Graph. .... Con. Gas Cons. Cigars ....... Contl. Can Corn Prod. do pfd. . . . Cosden - Oil a R. L ft P do A pfd i do B pfd Crucible do pfd. Cubs Cane do pfd. Cuban Amn. Sugar. . . Del. & Hudson Dome Mines Del. ft Lack : Kndicott Johnson . . . . Erie do 1 st pfd. . dd 2d pfd. Famous Players Fed. Ming, ft Smelt. . . ao pfd. Fisk Tire Gaston Wma. Gen. Cigars Gen. Elec . , Gen. Motors Glen Alden Gen. Asphalt Goodrich Goodyear Graziby Great Nor. Ore . . . Great Nor. pfd. . . . Greene Cananea . . Gulf . 8teel Hask Barker Houston Oil Hupp Motor . . . . . Illinois Cent, Inspiration Int. Agr. Corn, c. . do pfd. Interboro - do pfd. Interstate Callahan Int. Harvester do pfd. Int. Merc Marine . High. 1 Low. I Bat. 20 4 as 81 si" IS 43 51 4Q is" 30 110 127 124 24' 43 30 94 8 1B 4 33 SO - 82 18 41 3S 6 S '28 33 109 128 133 24 42 29 80 8 13 71 44 115 29 31 47 12 25 23 37 39 55 24 38 's 94 12 70 43 114 28 30 4 12 25 23 . 89 54 24 37 "s' 82 83 83 80 8 19 104 18 109 72 12 17 185 12 84 32 75 T4 78 11 36" 78 Stock ' 32 32 79 7 18 102 18 108 70 12 17 133 11 62 31 73 73 77 10 85 78 1 so : f 20 H 4 33 SO 2T 82 31 8 133 113 19 43 3 10 81 6 88 25 50 93 10 4 6 8 84 29 35 82 88 110 129 124 77 3 43 9 8 82 84 80 93 99 37 51 6r . 8 13 111 18 70 43 80 114 29 80 .47 68 8 16 12 25 23 38 39 55 24 38 3 2 94 24 46 88 109 83 32 79 69 65 85 7 19 14 102 18 108 71 12 17 12 64 5 26 10 60 135 11 42 64 81 10 20 32 74 22 88 73 77 11, 96 35 7 87 1 5 4 78 10 1 0 do cfd. Int. N'irAd Int. Papec Invincible Oil c. Jewel Tesv 4... ......., K. C Southern. ........ do Pfd. Kally-Sprint-iieid ....... Kenaecoti Keystone Tire imcK Buei .i. ........ Lew Tire............. Lehigh vaBej......... LoriOarrl Theatres ........ Maraud Oil alea. Fat. Miami . Middle States Oa...... W id vale Steel ........ M. K. ft T do pfd. ............ Moot. Power Mont Want Mo. Pacific do pfd. M. St P.- ft. 8. Si M . . . . Nor. Amn. ........... Nat Biscuit Nat Enamel ......... Nat Lead Nevada Cos. ......... New Haven .......... Norfolk ft W Nor. Pacific Nova Scotia Steel N. Y. Air Brake N. Y Central Ok la. Prod. rei... Ontario Silver Ontario ft W Pacific Dev Pan. Gas ft Elec- Punts Allegro Pacific Oil . . . j . Pan. Am. Pet - do B pfd. Penna. .............. People Gas Fere Marquette ....... Pure Oil , Phillips Pete , Pwrce-Arrow Puree Oil Pits. Coal . , Pitts, ft West Vs. .... Pressed Steel Car Ray Cons Reading Remington , Replogle Steel Republic L ft S do pfd. Bep. Motors . . .... Royal Dutch Oil R). Steel Spg Saxon Motors Sears Roebttck ....... Shattuck, aril Shell T. ft T Sinclair Sloss Shef Southern Pacific Southern Railway .... do pfd St. L. ft 8. F Stromberg Carb Srudebaker Swift ft Co. Tenn. Cop. ft Chem. . . Texas Oil Texas Pacific Texas Pacific C. ft O . . Tobaoco Products, Tran. CqpU. Oil Union Oil DeL I'nioTi Pacific United Alloy United Drug . United Food Prod. United Fruit I'Dited RouU ot N. J. . do pfd. United Retail Stores . . U. S Ind. Alcohol U.' 8. Rubber do 1st pfd. U. S. Smelting U. S. Steel do jM Utah .Copper Vinrinia chemical do pfd. Vanadium Steel . ViTandou Wabash ! do A pfd. do B pfd. Western Pacific do pfd. . v ...... . Western Union Westinghouae K. ft M. . West Maryland White Motors Willys-Overland do pfd. Wilson Packing Wisconsin Central . . . . Woolworth Wortbington Pump . . . , W. ft L. E White Oa Hirh- 50 13 33 iin 8 12 23 49 IS 2 iik" n 24 23 10 43 28 33 143 - 28 118 :s 14 "i s is' 6 40 40 77 13 96 79 20 ii 5 29 46 48 45 36 37 S6 ii 23 S 40 27 64 141 26 106 22 14 1 2 is' Bit 61 18 71 61 S 7 50 87 40 46 T7 12 94 78 20 3 ii' 64 8 45 46 44 S3 56 SS 14 60 13 69 50 82 6 49 87 23 79 19 44 81 73 43 24 28 60 9 20 123 68 50 49 87 32 S3 '56' 27 32 7 20 87 46 39 6 125 41 13 13 36 23 78 19 43 31 74 48 22 28 59 9 20 21 67 48 47" 86 82 80 55 26 31 j- 20 85 46 39 6 124 40 12 12 39 13 33 83 10 3 11 24 66 43 23 10 41 27 56 141 14 28 118 33 14 23 1 2 62 18 18 43 68 40 123 40 T7 12 13 93 7 20 54 73 3 4 19 S 65 28 46 48 45 86 36 18 86 80 14 6 59 23 61 18 71 24 21 51 83 TH 50 83 2 68 6 86 23 38 79 19 44 28 31 75 99 8 44 23 27 60 9 20 123 23 66 11 119 7 20 50 45 49 86 82 82 110 55 26 70 82 T 7 20 13 19 56 87 46 9 38 30 31 28 3 BOY SCOUTS WILL 111 mm rnn Tun rr (umvrun inntri PHILADELPHIA IS On taowaasd Boy ScoaUs. beaded y ssect utats, win - visit tbs Stats bask at. Fifth sad Stark streets SMarday. Scout Thrift day. tuts xaay win shows u work lags at s saodera bask by-. 1 tries uaiawlliis aa Pnaidewt Walker. Tire president X. T. G U and Mayn&rd Hedaond: Caahlae Rawfc r. trnwes asta saaawai iuoobbb. arr and head of the iaveaile departaaeat Last year, prior to the oonsolidattoa of tbs State and Peoples beaks. Bore . than 1200 Sonata were entertained r ths Peoples bank, at which tirse the hank i seen lad the srs with piss. This year e-rj Scoot who paxtk pates in ths esercisei will be gives sa srOcls lor ha seoast kit Seoatmasters report that more than 1406 scouts bow have as vines seeouts and for thai Fianiin the various eaapa are prepanns aavinas atsnU. to enooarage those who are not slrsailj thrifty in ths gaans of making "money make moaey, as the boy are looting forward to t pleasant 'day. . New York. Nee. . Retail drygooda mer chants are still Tiewing the holiday trade with considers bio uncertainty bat with a good deal of hope. The general trend, they any. win be toward ths purchaos of gifts ot a osefal naatra rather than toward preeeata of a teas atUitariaa type, oxoent in the ease of presents for chil dren. This, they inornate, will reaalt la less exvnsive spending than has been the ease ia re cent yearn. Better haying has marked ths fall season that tar. . here. Ahhoagh iadrvidasl . 1 foe. hows saaks ha s 1 a the mat weak, flsssrln - , i rUsdejpsia. Nor. 9. There It yisaty ''if . ia tidsaoe here. Ahhoagh iadrvidasl . of tha drarux- enned I5.900.OOO ta tha batisew Hash of that chaasa of ths aew United Rt&iM naan tmcatss and tha saw hwaa at city Voada Hoeaa tafidevs are Veins helped oat Vy Swftw vaOdrns and loaa amm lauoea a thas crl-V. ansa of which have a earHtal mt 31.0O6.0OS. torn asaww or oauaing permits hsaii be so tar this year ara weO ta adraara ef tha total fas tha entire year ef 1926 by (T.66S IIS. dwa as ehsapar labor aad ataleriam. TWe (actors aave cat tha enat of too avers haua tng opera Oooa from 37.973 tn 83331.' Ths coat of Bring has fallen 17.6 rr- cent since J use. 1920. aad 2-1 staoe May. 1921. STocKtaggr T asrl ra ia the aomr trade aa that avvwral ot too tarcer ptodiKoia are vnlun to aril capper for immediate aad aearby Cell very tor 13 eeam a aooad delivered, bet that the majority ara asking 13. The reoeral belief ta tha trade that prices may gradually wrak higher and taat by us tun of the fear a mach usumtum marset wui be eevejopeo. . Standard OH Stocks (Fum&hed hi Overbeck ft Cooke Co.) Anglo Cheesebrough ...... Cheeeebroagb. pfd. . . Eureka . . ..... . Galena, com - Galena Old. pfd.... Galena New, pfd. .v . Illinoa Pips , Indiana Pipe ...... Northern Pipe ..... Ohio Oil Penn Mex Southern Pipe South Pena OU 8. O. Cal 8. O Ind. 8. O. Kansas B. O. Kentucky . ... S. O. N. T 8. O. Ohio , 8. O. Ohio, pfd S. O. Nebraska BkL Ask. 18 19 135 165 96 as 85 KB 46 49 95 100 93 99 160 163 62 84 93 96 378 22 24 26 84 ST 284 238 83 83 83 363 &R0 410 420 338 843 898 896 108 110 175 185 NEW INCORPORATIONS Salem. Or.. Not. 9. Organised for the par- peee of eoustrorting and maintaining a com munity house, the Pleasant Valley Community House association of Pleasant v allev. neer Red mond. Deernutoe county, filed artaeiea of incor poration with the stats corporation department here Tuesday. The association ia capitalised at 32000, with the following incorporators: G. W. Beaver. A. R. Teaser and Rasmus Peterson. Other corporations filing articles were: Beat Spring enmpaay. Portland. 8160.000 A. J. Clipper. J. T. S tie as and Jharpo M. Wsck row. Metallic Manrtfarbrrtng company, Portland. S3000; Gnat Graffinberger. M. G. Riebeling. A. li. Hanjey ana Bert vv. Henry. Northwestern University of Physio Therapy, Portland; capital nol: U R. Wilson,' B. P. aproose and It .1. Baker. Onast Cedar Shingle company. "Portland. 3300O ; C. E. Potman. Rath 'Nelson Putnam aad j. It. uallagher. Olympia, Wash.. Not. 9. Articles of incor poration were fited with tha secretary ef state on Monday by the following companies, wa. : B. ft M. Transportation company, Olympia, rapttai storg szu.uun : incorporators leo r. Schmidt, William A. Blackman and A. R, Co unt Tuba Mines onmpany, Spokane, capital stork $50,000; incorporators E. E. Lofflr aad Rose it Porter. vapalean Products company. Spokane, capital stock s.'u.uuu; 10 manufacture aoapa. etc: ia corporators R. A. Diets Jr.. R. C Miller and L A. Bartgea. Klkhorn Mountain Minlnr eonnur. Tuw rapiul stock $600,000; ia corporators J. J. Her UUy and T. L. Stiles. Direr tors of White Motors declared Tvaraas qnarterty dividend of $1 per share, payable ba st to avoca at record istoesnbrr 10. Pacific oil for nine aaoafhs esulrd Tlr iSisiihis 30 surpros. aftrr allowing for federal tax, was equal to only $3.79 s ahara. la faee of that wing, the best eatlssates are that after all taxes. Panfm oil will end 1921 with a earpiaa f about 811.909.000. but the present $3 vi deo ed would consume $10,300,090 of thai amount. Tha Lincoln Motor rompany filed verantar pebtioa ia bankruptcy ta the federal ooaxt at Detroit yesterday. New Tork Central authorised to issue $19.. 800.000 bonds to ateet obligaxioa to government. Standard Oil of Indiana and Tessa enaanaa effect arrarigssaent whereby carh asakss was af other patent pi 01 ias for msnufactara of gaso line and other ml prod acta, either oompaay may license other to operate under say and all theiS patents under agreed diruaoa of royal use. Twenty industrials $74.20. up .29. Twenty rails $72.70. up .57. C B. ft Q stock ta a oa 16 dh'kM sbri. dend hasia. hUlra diaba.raisBi.nt at end af JmJ probable. 41 12 12 Pacific Livestock Co. Pays State $50,000 Salem, Or., Nor. 9. Payment of the bal ance of $50,000 due the state from the Pacific Livestock company in the compromise settlement effected by Attorney General Brown twe years sen was made to tha state land board Monday. The payment, was accompanied by $3000 interest on the aelerrea payments. unaer we wnui oi Vigorous Buying Is' Reported in East And Pacific Coast Ths most rigorous public buying is oa the Pacific coast and in ths East, according to the weekly report of the New Tout Credit Oearine the compromise agreed to by the company wmie I noose, Mercnanta are purchasing moat actively a suit lor iraua was pending against it, ue company paid to the state a total of $125,000. of which $25,000 was paid at the time of the enmnramiss and 350.000 was Paid in each of two yearly installments. It was also agreed by the company that 10,000 acres of land would be thrown open tor settlement at pncea w pe ap- proTea dj tne state tana oosra wuicn, u is un derstood. has been done. in the Middle and South agricultural aactiona. In the Pacific coast section purchases for the week ending November are less than tha cor responding period of a week ago. Indebtedness is considerably leas. Payments are much batter than a year ago and two years ago. FOREIGN EXCHANGE KATES Corrected daily by the foreign exchange de partment, ot tne United stales muomi nana. Quotations below (except the pound sterling) are quoted on the basis of 100 units foreign mirrencT. Opening nominal rates on bank transactions: Draft London Cheeks. Lbs. Sterling. $ 3.94 Parti Franca.. 7.27 Berlin Mirks. . .43 Genoa Lire.. . 4.22 Athens Drachmas 4.20 Copenhagen Kroner. .... 17.85 Christ iania Kroner..... 13.85 Stockholm Kroner. 23.00 Hongkong Currency. ... 84.50 Japan Tea... 47.0 Shanghai Taels V- Cable Transfers. $ 3.94 7.28 .43 4.22 4.23 17.90 . 13.96 23.00 54.75 48.05 78.20 Par "Value. $ 4.866 19.80 23.81 19.00 19.80 26.70 26.70 26.70 Canadian dollar disccunt 8 per cent. Foreign Boad Market (Furnished by Overbeck ft Cooke Co.) JI1U. Belgian rest. 5s. 60 Belgian prern. 5s 65 Belgian 7a, l3 iuj Belgian 8s, 11... Belgian 6s. 1925 Brazil 8s (new) . British 5s. 1922 British 5s. 1927..... British 5s, 1929 British vky. 4s ...... British ref. 4s. Bordeaux 6s, 1934 . . . Canadian 5s, 1937 . . . Canadian 5s, 1926 Canadian 6 a, 1929 102 398 391 890 800 278 86 89 94 PACIFIC COAST BASK STATEMENT PORTLAND BANKS This week. Tear Ago. Clearings Monday.. $ 6.524.100 $ 7,277.084 Balances Monday. .. 1.726,163 1.464,726 Clearings Tuea. $ 4,848.172 $ 6,193,087 Balances Tnes 5S5.276 1.19R.249 Clearings Wed 4.8S3.172 5.801,851 Balances Wed 720,525 872.255 Qearinga Wednesday $ 513.059 Balances Wednesday 89,244 Spokane Bank Clearings Wednesday 1.545.415 Balances Wednesday 669,361 Seattle Banks 'Balances Wednesday .1. '720325 San Francisco Banks Clearings Wednesday $22,000,000 Oakland Banks Clearings Wednesday ..$ 2.970.066 La sulfates atanas Clearings Wednesday ...$13,638,614. Baker Bsslness Chang-es ,- Baker. Nor. 9. Two deals of Tut imnortanee hare been closed today, the largest being the deal maoe oy tne Bergman l as a. oompaay pur chasing the O'Bryant Grain company's whole sale and retail grain business. The- other was tha purchase by L. C Edwards, a wen-knows droggist, ot the Biackmon-uunn drag store. - It is understood that the Arm Grocery ens neny has sold to the Cooperative league which contemplates having a store in operation by the lath of tne moots. ? - . Canadian 5s, 1931 ' S3 Canadian avss, ivzx Canadian 5s. 1927 .. Chilean 8a. 1941 . . . Currency Denmark 8s. 1945 . . Dan. Muni. 8s, 1945. French 4s, 1917 French 5a. 1920 ... French 5s, 1931. . . . French 7a, 1141 . French 8a. 1943 German W. L. 5s. Beran 4s Hamburg 4 ........... Hamburg 4s ......... Leipsig 41 . ... 1 .... . Eeipsig 5s Munich 4s ............ Munich 5s - . Frankfort 4s Italian 6a. 1918 Jap. 4s, 1931 jap. 1st isl, 2 Jan. 2d 4a. 1923 . ."lonvay oa. iw ....... Rnsstan avis. l2l ..... Rassisa 5s. 1926...... Russian 6 a. 1919 . . Swiss Sa. 1929 Swiss 8s. 1946 ......... V. K. 6 Ha. 1921 X. BS, 1923. Railroad OTrrhlallas; Bridgrs Chehalis. VTi'k, Nor. 9. The Chieaga. Mil wankea ft St, Paul has' a erew. aambenng about 1$ men. overhenhng tha bridges siocg the hna to Raymond. The errs; is in charga of B. Palmer, , ,y t. a. htks. iv-v..... 0. K, 5s 1937..... 88 88 100 8 . 102 106 45 6$ 55 96 101i 1 2 a 3 8 4 $ 3 3 32 S . 85 i 106 12 3 14 94 108 99 99 93 4 64 70 104 103 96 104 408 401 400 810 288 'H 94 96 '90 90 100 10 107 46 64 , 56 96 101 3 . 4 4 4 5 4 8 4 , 33 63 85 107 IB .1 17 .94 10 190 99 95 SSW Tork Bond Market Furnished by Overbeck ft Cooke company Atchison-Gold 4s BL ft Ohio cold 5s Beth. Steel ref. 5s Cent. Pacific 1st 4s t. Paul genl. 4t Chicago N. W. -genl. 4s. ; . . LAN. uni. 4s New Tork By. 5a Northern Pacific P. L. 4s.. iTJnion Pacific 1st 4s ..... TJ. S. Steel 6s . S3 Lnlon Pec 1st ref. 5s... Southern Pas. cone. 6s. . . Southern-Pac conv. 4s . . Penna. conv. 4 a Penna. 1st 4a Chea. ft Ohio conv. 5s. . . Ore. Short Line 4t Allied Psckera 6s Amn. Caan 7s Am. Cotton Oil 6s Amn. Tobacco 7s Anaconda 7s . Anglo-Amn. Oil 7s .... Armour 7s ..1 Cuwahy Pack. Is , Gen. Elec deb. 5s , Goodrich 7s .......... Kenneeott Cop. 7s . . . 4 . . Pac. Gas a Elec 7s. . . . Pac Fruit Expr. 7s .... Sears, Roebuck 7s. . . . . . Sun. Oil Cal. 7s.'.'... C. S. 6teel 5s Westinghouda 7s West. Elect. 7s Bid. Ask. 82 82 74 73 86 - 87 77 77 64 64 77 78 84 85 21 24 79 80 84 84 95 .96 77 80 1 92 82 82 69 90 83 84 84- 85 87 87 49 50 86 SO 94 H B . . 101 101 99 99 108 108 101 102 100 100 92 ... 97 98 98 99 97 99 98 99 100 100 105 103 96 . 99 105 105 101 ... Foreign Exebaar Market New Tork. Nov. n. (TJ. p.) Marks showed a sharp advance today, opening at .O042.Vk. in 0009 from tha nreeiona rim TK -r the foreign exchange hat opened irregulsr. P- mana avemng. a.vt 4k : ixanca. .0727 0422. lire. for- 5w York-Loadoi Surer New Tork. Nor. 9. (L K. tL bar surer, domestic, trnehana-ed at Have eign, e lower 11 11 c London, Not. . 9. (L N. S.) Bar silver. d lower at 88L The exchsnge market closed irregular Ster ling $3.94; franca. .0727; hre, .0413; marks. .0041. Ashley & Rumelin do not keep union hours but they do have and WANT MORE accounts both ComAiercial and Savings of union men. H0URS8A.M TO 530PM SATU RDAYS8AM TO 8 RM Mosey aad Exchanga New Tork. Nov. 9. (L N. 8.) Call money on the floor of the New Tork Stock exchsnge ruled at 8 per cent; high 3 per cent: low 3 per cent. Time money was steady. Bates were 6 ft 5 per cent. The market for prime mercantile paper was stesdy. CsD money in Lon don today jssa 2 Vk per cent, sterling exchsnge i steady wrtn Business in Dangers auis at 8.94 'for demand. Liberty Bond Sales Reported by Overbeck ft Cooke Co. Liberty. 3s Liberty, First 4s Liberty, Second 4s. . . Liberty. First 4 s. . . Liberty, Second 4s. Liberty- Third 4s. . . Liberty. Fourth 4s. Victory. 4s Victory, 8s High. 9540 94 80 9490 - 9670 950S 9972 9970 Low. 9510 9458 9444 9620 9469 9962 9960 CI. 9510 9440 9486 9460 9444 9630 9460 9964 9964 3Tcw Tork Metal Market Sew Tork. Nor. 9. ft, N. 8.) Quiet. : Spot. November and December, offered. 1214. - Lead Quiet, Spot, horesober and Decern Dev. offered. 4.72. Spelter Steady. Spot. SBVesuber sad De cember, offered. 4 . Batcher She Jennrwred . Springfield. Or. Nor. 9. James Stewart and Thomas Bennett have snored to their aew looa ana en Mara street from tha creamery avoiding, where they operated a mast market for several They have Installed aa up-to-date refviami. inc shop, having pat in aa Aanxrtrong four-ton iee saselun Stocks, Bomtls. Cavttenv, Craia. Etc. 3i 6317 Boarsl Tratto BalUtaf Overbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Boar, at Laa-aa ft Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 8 Gold Bonds.; Dated May 1, 1921 Due May I, 1931 These bonds when retired, on or before maturity, must be raid at 110 of face- value. Sales of the company for seven months from February as to September 30 of current year over 162,500,000; net income for same period available for interest $ 6, 7 5 0,000 plus, which is more than 2.93 times interest requirements on total funded debt for such time. Net current assets September 30, 1921. 60,QOO,aoo net tangible, assets 137,000,000. PRICE: 99.50 and interest Offerings subject to prior Male. Clark, Kendall & Co., Inc. Fifth and Stark Street Government Municipal Corporation BONDS aisrasars Caleas; Carressosdaats . at Catena TraaS Bryaa lacs OFFERED STRICTLY SUBJECT TO PRIOR SLE only limited txmoants OregonMunicipalBonds 6 income tax exempt prices to yield to t Rata Duet : Yield Bandon. Oregon 6.00 e Ser. 1932 6.00 Coos'Cbunty. Oregon ..-6.00 1923-27 S.50 Tillamook, Oregon .6.00 1940 6.00 Clackamas County, Oregon 6.00 f 1927 .5.17 PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS 7 YIELD 7 Dae to the scarcity of good bonds, we' " suggest that you advise us as to. the , ' " type of bond you desire and when avail . i ;; able we will notify, you, . - ,- . y LUMBERMEN'S '', '; " . , Broadway and Oak . . '