TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1921. THE ' OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND,- OREGON "17 DISCRIMINATION IS SHOWN IN. ORIENTAL FREIGHT RATES EASTERN DROP IN CHEESE IS SHOWN TTTSDAT BAIBT TEATJE . Batur Fags CkNtl CibtKitn Belert . Fists Portias ..-..... 836 63 e 89w C hirer e v 42e , Ue tSVae Ran PraaeUre .... eee 6ie ska Maltle 43 . Sle Lot ...... II . 63e ..... Ar aneir-ctrd deckne of M 14 a "ami ta'.the r e enease at Wawxaiahi frTtaearj1 peseta created guano appr ehrvadcei la the Java trade, . la view of the recent great etreeeth at arts km sad along tlx coast generally. leearal etoertatlnne M tb trade r for rf.aorvd price In Wconln;. therefore the derune Is a eoobta bin to the market, Call' locale haa ki a shvt of IU home auk of rheave' reaewtl?' that' It tun -cleaned p prac tically all fresh nrh la eight la Um rv-irtr Nnxkmt, ta 1 pvtem wr far above these aaU4 la tha U miner, and recent premium fee Hwlen ehipasent weea therefore available. Tillamook rermrU a aoatinaatioa ef Um ub "il a.MM lor K cUn Um KoaU bell Um principal operator. The premier cliM ear tew of Um nal ami a ."bai riwa" es- bitrir here, gad hur the stork will ba plsred ew sale at a, loeal deoamaeat stawe. The la nld ta ba Um la reset ever turned ant ef a Tnianvk fertory li a sperisl press was aseissary -sa iia maaafaetura. Thane dealrtr.g'' aperlat Information regarding lev mAh should write I ha Market Edlter, (r4M Jewraal, Inetoatne lUmp for reply. --a AOtfCT-1 laSeSwBWB-ev BASKET - anraa. ewicr.8 FREIGHT AGAINST STTTK SITUATION HTATI05ABT werket tor bait" tbowed a stationary toaa during the ear. both print and eubea bring MUn4 aleetly at the previoiia range. Pur tUsr afcipmeata ara erpnrud ta California. r.r.n trade holpivo incimnoed Trade la tka nt msrknt shewed twhmM eelwa see the a. IMmU went al A02e a ara. ralMa ara aunta flian wltk tha Mart aUa Ma4. Ularaaa goada ara badly aujoa m pnea aa aa aa quaiitr SOITH IA BIDDKE l'OR TCKKETR ' Nannata Intmaia anatiana ta tnqulra for tarktya Imi, u ha daoMnd I prtadi taat amnad J annnda. aaa ara tlawly tolnf but tha total Tvluaia araatna llaiKaa. Ikickta aurkat la rmnl to atoady. rtriilr (or jon ra- ;v B Hjrt H. CaiaTi -PeraUtent rctelllnc br the Market Bas ket of tha fact that the war I over ha had tha. effect of ceUis a reduo llon of le a poun4 loaf ia the price. of vtead . by the bakera wh are members of the Mantel Bakers', association. With tha new price of pound loaves placed br the members of the orcanlsatioa at 9c to consumers, slight relief is liven. Borne of the so-called independent bakers con Untie to offer pound loaves of best qual ity at ta each and there la some talk arhonf them of meeUnt the latest drop of Je by the members of tha Bakers' association, with a further eut of like amount to 7e a loaf, The drop 1n the price of flour and j other commodities which go Into bread has been far more severe than the cut In the loaf itself. Contrary to previous expectation there has been no lowering; of the price of butter and at the moment, no such ac tion Is espected. ' Consumers are very slow about pur chasing potatoes, although there haa as yet been very little change in prices. When buying see that you secure Ore gon or Western Washington stock. If buylnr Yakima Oems. be sure that the stock Is good and not mere junk. Better examine-elsewhere than the top of the sack. That's usually doctored with good M 1. 1 , t- ' Retail prima in private ataras: Kcia V-TMh. SO . KuUar k'mh mamar? BO ? Sac. ' Salawa l20e; balibat. 25; perch. 10c aarcaMi.. 28a lb. floor Bait local pataat. 11.10 W I 00 par tark. aSlba.' PnUliiii Barbaata. It per uck. Oimoih t m Sa ib. Tunhill atrart nricaa: asttabloa-Cabbaca, t lb.: aanitflowar, 14 20a baad; earrota. Ba bunch ; lattaea. 10a head; dry onions, 414 lb. ; tonripa. 4a lb.; atrtnc beaaa, 10 lb.; ipplea. Be lb.; toautaa, aa ia. i corn, zu aua ooa. Honar Onab. 3Sa; qaart, 78c: plat. I Sc. Poultry Uearr baaa, tic; tight baas, 26e broUaia, SBa. .r Bit. tOe doa Bartar Bast. 410 lb.; aattass thawa. Z9a lb. SALES TO ORIENT TUESDAT WHEAT TBABE Hard White.. Sort White... White , Osh.. Bid. . 141 . Ul Bite, le le le Tear Ago. XM La S08THWXST GRAIN BECEtPTS Cars ri.KBTT flr MRATM ABE 'ABBITI9Q ' Taaaday arrtrsla ef aaentry klUvd aasta vara aat'a li)Mrl aa tha flrt aipraaa, afucb roach fMaff anatinqaa to rarada tha t1 ssarkH. la Haa4 .o quality kof and aalras raauiaa about Msady. Chicago Wheat Forced. Higher on Commission Sales rOTATO TRADE BTIl.L MABKS TIME Trada In Ua kwal poUla atrkat is nam ins I sad aaly limllrd buybia Is rrpartL Brad stank m rha only tlil( Morlnc In tha anuntry aad bids for this ara sraaad 1.T for Utrnata and II 4a 00 for VVhiu Rom. BBirr botbb or fbodtce tbade l.lmllad snrpllss sf Oswato Coacord krapss st as pnaad. Swast pouioas ara steady arauad 4a for food Ma'f. rsltfnraia wsiaula of the sew tree aeneraUy ffnft hara, (alifomki Inaiatosa in luts offertat iroood 13 laWl 00 foe ou.lU. Manklaharrtea la liberal supply j sales dowa ta W RATHER 7IOTICE FOR RHIPPER8 weainer. Surtao "adrlaH Tuasdsy: Protaet j" riw rnirm tna aeit II hours cainst tb """"'"f, aimiaiuai taaipe fa ru res: Uoing aartb 1. oaareasi anrUMsM so Mroksa. -I duress; eut to Maae. 24 deareaa; and ssath . ""'V . Mlnliauni trBpersiura tnaiia wmornrw anout tu degrees. WHOtESALB PRICE." 15 P0HTLA5D ..P1 . Pries . ratsllan pay . vhalaaatan. aiarak si atbarwl aotad. .,.r Pair Pratfuete - RCTTKB--Srniag prV-,SMI lota. Crraittry m; Print eitrwi 41 fa nUia wnmnM- I?? Jha'n? .1 kttjrln B0TTXnrT--PartUn4 eVilrary baaia. No. station. To foe No. crada. ' CHIJC.HiaB.iii,,. piWi Tinimook. ftasb Orerji i fancy trli.leta. 29c Jb. ; Touaa Amer- JUIllnS prtoa: Blerk 8ka. fanoy. 14 Alas; T ..V Jt T mvm ' 1 erea at a nee, aoaysia rje-.eiawi Pert land. Taca, 64 - Tear aro. . , 41 Baaaoa to data. 151 S Tsar aaa 61S Taroaia, MoBdsy 43 Tsar aco. .... SS Bcaxon ta date. Sis 4 Tear aco. . . . 2IT0 Seattle. Jdonday 10 Tear aco. . . . 21 Baaaoa to date. 1717 Tsar aa. . . . 246S Wheat Barley. Floor. Oats Hay. II S S 118 942 19' 2 1 II 19 IT 104 12 2 31 21 93 14i 439 227 e i 144 4 14 Sftt 9S 18 851 99 I 89 68 ("hicsio. Nor. $. (t N. 8,) Buying cred ited to eommhfina hous and to tha Northwast had the effect at strenctnentnc UM wheat aur kat at tha aoeninf today, initial prices wore un cheated ta He higher (or Dueewber and K to a higher Tor Hay. Corn started K ta Ha higher for December, aad to !ti ip for May. Commission houses bad baying orders, and offering were limited until after tka adraaoad prices had been estab lished. Oata wore unchanged ta 14 a higher at tha outsat. Trading was eulet, and featureless. Prorisiona opened lover, with scattered selling resulting from eheapef prises and larger receipts al boos. Uhtaago. Kor. 8.- ( I. N. 8.) Bask prime foe wheat ware not maintained to tha last bat fair gains were recorded for the day. Improved baying power was again ia aridancs today. The proaoaacad strength ia the Winnipeg wheat market was one ef the day's bullish arguments. Wheat closed I W 1 a higher, dots 0 U higher and eats H 0 Ha up. . HUUT e Onea. High.. December.... 101 H 109H May 198H 110 CORN December.... 4 47 May . ii 51 H OATH necamber. ... 12 H S2H Wsy,....., 17 H S1. rvnz. By Meman M Creed of staamshie esniasKi in. makina diseriaunatory rates oa bRadstoffa to Kurope against tna Orient ia creating a somewhat reeled toaa la the tnda cenesalrjr. Coaa- pleto atoppaga of Oriental trade has been shown for a couple of weeks, aa stated then by The Journal. - Japan first turned to Canada as a aoure ef wheat supply after it suit boruur ia. Port' mad. It haa new icmoaed ha actmties frota Canada to Australia bananas cables indicate that gram eaa be mors cheaply . purchased there. The staamshis rata an braanitnffa . from Portland to tha Orient la now around 47 par short ton. aa compared 'with fne offering of rnaea at S3 a short ton to Karoos. IB asm tion to the fsct that tha distance to, tha Orient is lees, there is a anal charge,, of 1121 a ton agaimt freight to rjarnpe. f4omewhat Imnroeed tone was ihown In tha wheat trsda generally Tneaday. iJeerpaol came with a eHMtnc adrsnea of Se to 4o dt basbei, and this ia turn affected the option market at Chicago aad aash wheat in the midwest. Lo cally there was improved buying end bidding at oountry points, with soma offering 2e ad vance arer ta previous asy. Ilour market is rather unsteady, bat no pries changes were sanounced. kiillstuff aad aav ara tonnhanaed. WHEAT rauh. 11.91 : Blnastem andBsart, $1.10: Bed Bussan. $1.01; Turkey Bed. $1,08 01.09. FIX) CTR Sening prices, mm doer: Patent, 17.00: Willamette valley brands. $4.80; local. straight. 11.40; bakers' hard wheat. 17.01 proavrs omeaicm, a v. 09; ouou tucj. f.oni grahim. 15.61); whole wheat. 15.80; montane spring wheat, patent. $7.40 par bbL Prica foe aity deUvtry lie extra, suburbaa 20e extra. HAT Bovine nriee for old crop: Wills: ette tamothy. fancy. 812.00 11.00 per toa Eaatera Oregou timothy, 819.00 per too clover, 11O.0O0U.OO; straw, 18.0007.00 alfalfa afla.OO as 1S.S0 tier ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta 7e: domestic, 7e ia earksid lots, lest amounts higher. -. MIUTUrFS Millrun at am, sack ad, toa Iota I2E0O; earlosds. 120.00. - . OATaWPec ton. buying price: read, $28.10 0 27.60. " B-ABLET Buying prica'. Feed, $23,000 24 00: hrewinc. 12f.E0. 8KED Buying price: Bed clover, 110 IS.' liVe '1e- vetfh. le lb. FXE D8TTJFT8 T. O. B. mills: BoUed bar- lev. 134.00 e 38.00: whole aariey. 331.00 alfalfa meaL 339. 09; coronal meal, za.uu cracked com. 139.00; whole corn, 138.00 pel tnm- .w. nata. US. 00: rolled cata. 938.00 chicken wheat, $48.00: scratch ful. $47.00. Msrebsata Exchance bids: WHEAT November. December, Ixnr. Close. 103 104 H 10814 109 48H 484 82 H 82 82H 8tH 37 H 37 H rnal atlMi: fna. rent refatpu. 47 0 4e doa I eandled, selUag price. $7039) doai lalact, 0iJq doa.; pullta. 4S04to d..; steraae, 3742e doa. Association rioes: be Wet. Ua daa.1 finta, 17 doa.) pulleta. 46s doa.: nee. , l"c da : htuiMrv storage. 4 On dog I.II N lilt 1.1 Kl (husry. . .. 14U ' May. 832 893 730 779 982 13 740 771 8. h"t a . . .... tARD -882 847 93. 929 I . BIBB J sr. nary. . .. 740 ' 749 May 772 771 Caah wheat: No. 8 red, 11.13: No. 8 bard. 11.04 H: No. 4 mixed. 97e. Com: No. 2 mixed. 48He; No. 1 yellow, 48a; No. 2, 4TH 0 41c; No. 3 white, 44 He. New earn: No. 8, miTM i I a i I L a;A O -1 . a . T. . iA 3, 4SH 044He; No. 3 white. 43H43e; No. 4, 43 H 043 He. Osta: No. 1 white, old. i!SN''i,3. 86c; No. 8, 33 014c, Bye: Na .2. 7$ He. ONION CROP NOW SOLD If era- than 250 carloads of Orecoa onions out ef a total crop that will net go much above 400 xiarieeda have bees sold. Latest reports Indicate dotal boldinga inside and out ef the as sociation ara IBS can. This is tor Western Oregon is lone. i. AccoMine, 'to announcement made by w. I. 8wank, general sailing repreaentativa of tha Con tederated -: Onion li rowers' aasacistkin, there is Practically bo, srtivity in tha onion market at we moment, but nnces here are unchanced. "Onion crowera hare aireadv aold anch a lib eral percentage of their rrop' aaya Ur. Swank, tnat tnay gra not oueruig more tban nominal iota. Most or them are boxy wtth their farm work and aome are taking care at tha shipment of stock prarionsly sold. vrmie tnera is at thta Bma fent btue eemane for carload lota of emons. there is Ukewise little orienng. tmpply and demand, therefore, are about equal at the moment." hales to jobbers m leading mukaU: - Wa&hilurteT Demand alow, movement draccv. Ohioe and Xew Torks, 100-lb. sacks, yellow arvrnes. A. ID ltd t.it mBfliuaa1. amall. 88.23 0 3.50. . t bicago Demand and merriuent slow. Csli- lomtaa. lOO-Ib. saeka. Anstralian Browns. No 1 aa.aasaa.z3; sallow and white vanatiea, No. 1, $4.59 0 5.00. Middle westerns, 100-lb. sacks, red aad white varieties, Na. 1. small to medium size. 33.75 04.00. Colorsdos. 100-lb. sacks. yeuow vanauea. No. 1. 85.00 a 3.25. Cincinnati Supplies liberal. Demand and movement light. Tee few salsa to establish market. aansaa oty Boot) lies liberal. Demand and movement good, market stesdy. lowsa, sacked, per ewt.. Red Globes, small to medium sine, l.Ts. Westerns, sacked, per cwt. Bed Globes, medium to large size, $3.50; Tellow and White Globes, medium to large aixe. 85.00. Minneanohs SuDolica moderate. Demand and movement moderate. Weaning tons, sacked, per cwt. yellow rarieties, No. 1, 85.00. Cali fomias, sacked, per cwt. Australian Browne. No. 1, 84.7. " New York Demand limited, nwvement lilht. partly aooount weather. Middle westerners, 100 Ib. sacks, yellow varieties. No. 1. 33 50 0 5.75; poorer low aa $5.00; white varieties. No. 1. beat, few sales 18.5000.75 poorer low as 36.00. Naw Torks, Orange county holdovers, 100-lb. sacks, red varieties, No. 1. bast. $5.00 0 5.25; poorer sow as 84.50. Philadelphia Demand and movement moder ate. New Torks, 10.1b. sacks, yellow varieties. No; 1, modi am elscl mostly $5.00; No. 2, $2.00 02.50. Spanish Vsienciaa. case, $3,00 0 8.25. - St. Louis Demand and movement very light, market dull. California, sacked, per ewt.. white varieties, No, 1, $5.75; others, toe few sales to establish market. fit. Paul Supplies liberal. Demand and movement light Caofomiaa, sacked, per cwt., Australian, Browns, No. 1. $5.00. Washingtom, sacked, per cwt,. yellow varieties. No. 1. 84.75. Boston Demand end movement slow, market dull. C aliform aa, 100-lb. sacks, Australian tfrowaa. No. 1, 43.50. CATTLE ALONE III LOCAL STOCKYARDS TUESDAY LITE STOCK TRADE Hoa-a. Steers. Lambs. Portland Chieago Cleveland Omaha .. Dearer ....... Kansas ICty -.. Saa Fraseisco. Seattle ....... 7A .? 7Ji 8.98 -TJ9 ) 18.98 t.i 4U9 lt.H I". Mi $74 8.19 8.3$ Mi 8-8 . 7.78 BALLAST TEST OF DRYDOCK IS BEING MADE BY EHGIHEER ' tides at Astoria Wedsesdsy S :n av m.T feet I 3:83 av m. 2.1 feet 8 :$ p. in. 8.7 feet ) 8 :! p. ra. Al feet Seaside High water 9 minutes earlier Seaside Lioay eratsr 21 minatea earlier - PORTLAND LIVESTOCK BPN Hogs. Cattle. Calrea. Sheep, Can. luesuay ...... .... . e ..; . . Week sgo .... ... 223 2 weeks ago... ... 28 . 1 4 weeks aco... ... 27 . - 1574...- 11 Tear age .... ... ' 84 89 237 " I 2 yearn age.. . 1 None- i I . 8 years ago.. 171 89 52 ' 8 4. years ago,.. . 133 22 40 ' 449 .-; 8 Two loads of cattle formed -total saw arrivals at North Portland Tuesday. All Unas Indirated a steady tone. Cattle were the only carload arrivals at North Portland Tuesday. Only a small supply of fresh stuff put In appearance in these a liars. Demaad appeared steady with former prices f r-titV General cetue market range:. Choice teem t S fSSS aa Medium ta good steers. ...... aw4. 73 0 8.73 Fair to medium steers ...... 4.710 8.28 Common to fair steers 8.710 4.78 Choice cows and heifers 4.39 0 8.00 Medium to good cows and heifers 4.00 0 4.50 Fair to medium cows and heifers B.50 49 4.00 Common ta fair cows and heifers 2.75 0 8. B0 Big Movement of Apples Is Shown . From Northwest DAIBT COAST .Ulna wrina If.. V 2702e; bght bena. 1 7 0 1 8a ; prince. wa lb : araalaisw 28e la.; old rooatera. lOe lb.; turkeys, dremed, 430$3e Ib.; ducks, 3O02e Prate) Vseeublaa end rrvH FBEMTt ITirrTR Oitseis, 86.38 0 8 80 SI bananas. ISIUi In.. lamma. 1191a 7 0 easw: crapafrnlt. florida. $8.00 0 7.00; awarhae, 1100 01.13. HlCHIKa -rsanerriaa, local. 88.00 0 8.73 b"i Kaateril, $31.00 per barrel; huckleberries. 13 014a. finucD mnr Dai. i Timers., r.t. $4 23 per bci flea, 81.4808.83 per awe; pranaa, 7s and 80a, 80-lb. boa. 7 He lb. fiMtONS Hailing sriee te retallera: Lena, 84 780 3 80; anrtng price, 88.7104.08 eaun krrt eavHe. 19 0 l3e lb-; gveea ealoaa, 49a rOTATVI "eSLag price te patallen.! Ove- riei faery, 9 3 90 eewtal : bnying Triew eooatry, 1.78 tr rental; Takima bi-a. 3J.25 rental . VBOfcTASUM SBtng keaaa.. I8e lai Wa, .ll M sawk; eebaaew 1 W 0 2e la.; ear mte. 11.30 earki evtery, 80 0 75a doa.: eca pmw 1.1a lb.; letuce. 73e doa. 1 parsnips, 12.80' saeki fe pepfwrs, lOe lb j tarns, anaa, Ovveml 80M73e hot: California, 32.80 esgno lust awmiAin. llHa a... eauati. 2 3 He lb r Wfevaish. 13a Tt : IV; srtieaokes, $1. de( asrUlO 31.11 doa. A PPL1CA -BpitsaniBerg. evtra faney. 1173; faaay. 4 tMr, 12.30) ehesee. 89.ee. A PPLE Winter Bsaaaaa, evtra 4 wet. 93 3808 89; (saey, 4-kWr. ehasrw. 4 tier. $173. arPUCa, OrUeya, aertra fewer, 99 4 iaaay, 4-tier. $3.99; ehaios. ArrTX" Jansthaaa aad epitseaburga. wvareM, 91.78. frUGftV Daawiow. ewtra ranee. 4 -tier. 8 3 SO i lease, 4 tier. $133; choice, , 4 -Lev, 88 X A J'lT JW Oaoktne ateek . 7 3a a) 11. SO kna. Twenty-five aente off all above an 119 aad 198 aa is eu an iia sad tmallrr. PRODUCE OP THE 8 an Franclaoa arkat 8aa Fraaeiace, Nov. 8. Butter: Extras. BOe; prime first. 48e Pints. 40 He. r-gga-wKxirse aac; extra tints. SOe; extra pulleta. 81 Ha; extra first pullsts. lie: under- Cats fancy, tie; Urate, uea pnuets, 44 He. c iieese California 34a Las aaaelaa BMai Los Angeles. Nor. i. U N. B) Batter 62c; ease count, 57e; pul- Per Dound. lie. Egae Extras. 1 .a. sw V oc Poultry Urns, 25 0 82c; kroOem. 49c; fry i, SOe, . . Seattle Market Bak ti. tS ..W w. a a, ",-'- . " -"" L 0. ... o. j r.gxs. Seleet raach, 80 0 12c; poCeta. 43 0 4 Sc. riauar i ny creamery. 4Se: bricks. 4Te. Oiei Oreaon trlnlata. 24at2Se- Tan, Asasrloas, 80c spenuts, le 8040 4-Bef, 4-ttar, finer. 13.60; 4 -tier, 4-Uer, aa- - COTJfTTtT W3UT4 fWOIae prVeer Ceantry pews 31 mil He lev. far btuekm about )!1 to 139 la., heavr rruft hwei veal. tan. abnnt 99 to 106 rha.. I$0l3o lb., heavy inn ia; eprmg Mmna, I i er lee m. . aMOKETt bf BATS llama. , 27 0 36e- Tb. areakfaea bee. 33 0 43a Ib. laUVaewJe raadered, 13 He Ib. Ueree ba.i, eoennnw'vl, 14a. PACKINU-lloCaB KXAT8 8te-r beef. 13e; Bailees, .let ee-sa. lOej mmba, 13 013a Pkw aad awnwinab' mKSTf riWI "ilT-rvldaa, 8e: halibut. IS 0tOe atawtanaw 170 lit fh. black ant, 10 He hvl is-lbv, baaket krpparvd eod. 33-3$; sne e-l aa. rrriTTRe Kvn, t $3 00 aaJ., 81.49 1; assail 11.89 eoa, Maes, Mraat' ana) Mhvaa . rtore im met, etaeter. 89 0 33e Tfc. HUK Tairrttna, JOe; klna, 10 9c bWw. I4; aalted. 304 Ik. , ktMUin Nevniaal. ta lb. "4 TAIAJiW AD CREASE Na. X taflew, 8: Kiav 9. Se. . ' .. ' Ckm-iRA BABEBew. Be; eld, BHeTa. rM. Willamette vallaav eearsm 19e aaja, ISet fina, 0p . n I Eaatera . Ovasjoay- IIWM aa ST VV M ,4 4, .a t. 94 99l OlyrnnU. crabe, large 13.71. wbtta. Sr. IK: at rye white. lima. 79; payee, 8 Ha; BEAMS Small let sank. 6Hfl le a a. . rrrvtrv Case. 89.98 0 6 89 BlCaV-Japsa style. No. 1. So; Blue Bore, 4 i i"ew i meene sean. F If. COflXT Rossi ad. 1IH0I9V la Tf Traavaa. H S. 190a. 613 89 I b a, 817 91: table dairy, 80s. 63T.10: balee. POTATOES ' ALONO THE COAST eaa rroMtsse MarSat naa aneiro. Nov. S. ITf. P l ru Rivers. $3.33 0 3.B0; Balinas. 11.73; Oregon Burbanks, $3.610 3.71. tinwas cryital VTsx. $8,000; brews, $4.90 apa.se. Lea Aacalas. Nov. 8, . il N a Luga, mostly, $1.000 1.25: Stockton Burbanks best, $2.7808 00; Merer. $3.0003.60) Idaho nmmmm, aj.evws.ea; easmg stock. 33.110 3.35; rurela. 62.8508.40. . Saattie Market SeatOe, Nov. L N. B.) Onnmg:' ora, gva, a w ay ee. retatoea XaMsu Gems, $38 0 40 ton. sflsaesponi.Dslsta Flax Palota. Nee. R 1 1 K i in,., w b' 81 88: Daoemowr. 61.88; Jaauary. 81.88 Hi . . - i uvw aoni emve. ai.ap as l.Kl a.. Mlneaarauia. Nov. 8. (I. N. 8.) NovwVbir 81.80; Iecember. 31.80 H; January, 3f.82i May. $1.87; track aad arrive. 81.78H 01 83H. ArfiaUss Wbeat Lower aires. Argentine, Nov. 8 Wheat 67e. dowa 3a. . " aJr7,rmb,a- 1 e' De aember. 60H, a 24 bigker. 'Baa Fraaelaee Daeemaer Banev Baa Praaclseo, . Now. 6 Barley closed De eembef, $1.26 H bid; Iter, $1.13 bid. $11.39 L. Wi"iPf WlesA OpUoss Wtateipas. Naa, 6 Wheat: fWember . $l0s Hard white $ 102 $ 1.02 Soft white 1.01 1.01 White club J-01 1.01 FEED OATS - No. 8 white feed $27.00 $27.00 No. 2 gray 26.00 26.00 AXERICAK HTE8T0CK PRICES Chleaee Hogs 37.85 Camsce, Nov. 8. (L N. 8.) Hoes Re eeipta, 47,000; meeOy 88 040s lower. Bulk, $6 83 07.25; top, $7.85; heavy weight. $7.00 07.23; medium weight. 37.0007.25; light weight. 87.00 07.20; light lights, $7,10 0 7.80; heavy packing sows, smooth.. 66.40 0 8.90; packing. sows, rough, $0.13 06.60; pigs, 37.80 0 8.10. Cattle Receipts, 14,000; best light and me dium steers steady; others dulL Beef steers m.AijM mmA wm. an nn A 19. on ? mHma and 'good. $8.15010.23; good and choice, 19.50 (aP 12.00; common, snd medium, 83. 0009. 80. Butcher eettie Heifers, $3.83 08.50; cows. 88.50 06.50; bulls, $3.10 06.25. Canaan and cutters Cows snd heifers, $2.50 0 8.50; tanner steers. 93.00 04.00; veal calves (light and handy waightt). 37.25 0 10.75; feeder steam. 35.OO0T.uo; stocaer steers, s-saeya-iwi Mocker eows and heifers, $3.00 0 5.25. fi heap -Receipts, le.oou; very slow ana gen erally steady. Lambs (84 lbs. down), 88.00 sf p. to; tamos, cuus ana ccsnmon, .vww 7 IS: vearlina wethers. 83.5007.50; ewes, $2.60 04.78; awes, hulls and common, $1,50 0 2.50; feeder lambs, $7.00 08.00, Cleveland Haas II.it Cleveland Ohio Nov. 8. (L N. S.) For tha firat time since 1916 hogs sold below $8 at the Cleveland stockyards today. Mast grades were offered at 37.75. San Francisco noes pi.u Ran Francisco. Nov. 8. (U. P.) Om fed steers Jfo, 1. 6 0 6He: second quality. 40 5e: cowi and heifers, 4e3e; calves, lightweight, 7 0 3c; calves, heavy, 8 H 0 sa Bheec Lavmba. I wTke; wetcen. tsetse; ewes. 2H 03HO. ilogs Hard gram tea, weigning pounds, 10e; over 800, 8c. omane Hess S7.zs South Omaha. Nov. 8. (I. N. 8 b CstUe: Beceipta 7800. Beef steers, steady; she stock slow; balls and teals steady to weak; stackers and leaders, steady to weak. Hoes Receipts 5500; 18 0 ZDS sower; mostly 2Se lower; bulk, 86.00 0 7.00; top, 87.25. Sheep Receipts SOOO; all cJsases steady; lea lambs. 18.60; light ewes. $4.25; best feeding lambs, $7.80. a, ansae city nee 7jo Kansas City, Mo.. Nov. 6. (L N. S ) Cattle Jteceipts 14.000. DulL Steers, 38.00 0 9.36; cows and heifers. 13.0005.25; stock-era- and feeders. $J.50.50; Cairo. $8.50 10.00. Uogs Receipts 12.000- dull Bulk of sales 36.78 07.18: top. 17.20; heavies. 39.75 0 7.15; lights. 86.76 0 7.20. Bhaep Beceipta 8000. Market dull. Me drums. $6.75 0 7.20; lambs. $S.8Q08.S5; awes, $4.00 0 4.80. Denver Hoes 88.00 Deaver. Colo. Nov. 6. Cattle Recaista. $00; weak. 8 teen, $3.00 07.00: cows and heifers, 38.7803.00; stockrrs and feedara, 34.8O06.OOi calves, 85.5009.00. Bogs Beceipta, 1200: 15e to 25c leweg. TOO. 88.001 bulk. 87.00 0 8.00. Sheep Receipts, 18.000; strong. Lambs, $7.500 8.33; ewes. 82.50 0 4.25; feed lis. 8T.UV08.OO. Seattle Meat S9A0 Seattle. Wash.. Nov. 8. Hoes Rereinte 141. steady. -Prime lights, 89.00 0 9.50: rough beanes, s9.ousre.eu; ameota naaviaa, 37.000 T.80: Pica. $8.00 09.00. Cattle Receipts 434. stead. Prima steers, 64U0 0 8.23: common to cood. 84.00 0 3.00: medium to choice, 88.00 06.00; smooth beavtea, $7.0007.80; pigs. $8.0006.00. Cattle Receipts 484, steady. Prime steers. $6.00 06,25: eemmoa to good. 34.00 0 8.00: medium to choice, $5.00 0 6.00 1 beet eows and aeireva, aa.xsey a.ia; eomaaoa to goaoL SZ.SO0 8.50; medium to choice. 83.80 04.00; prune um muves, aa.uvayv.vu; aeavy eaivaa. ea.uo mi. on: Buus. 1s.ouse4.uo. Sheep Receipts I960, steady. Tearlmgs, 14 00 5.00; . wethers, 38.50 0 4.80; ewes. 38.00 0 8.00: prime tight Iambs. $6.0006.50; vuu asmBOj aa.aveya.ov. Oregon shipped mora carloads of apples Sun day than tny other state, with a total of 19 un Saturday Oregon shipped a total ef 110 cars, which was the greatest in the country wiht the exception of Washington, which sent .forth 875 oars that day. Primary centers of the Pacific Northwest ara noi uoing sunvuent business at this time to form a Quotation basis, while a moderate demand a suu.n in iesoing locoing centers. vocally too market' is being overfilled with stock purchased by Eastern interests which is too npe ior a longer journey. Prices here continue wear. Jobbing centers reported: . ptuiadelpbia BS ears on track, including broken: demand and movement moderate; mar ket slightly weaker. Washington Jonathans, Xi medium to large, $2.85 0 2-60; fancy all sixes, $2.25 02.50; Steymss, XT, medium to large, 32.05 0 8.00 -Bpitzenburgs. XT, medium. 32.80 0 2.63. , Chicago 225 ears en track ; demand and movement moderate; market steady. Washing. ion ueucious. 2Lt, large, 33.75 04.23; me dium. 33.BO03.75: fancy, large, 83.15 0 4.00 medium, 83.25 0 3.50. Jonathans XF, large, 19 R0e22 IS: vnaHlnwi I'jMai! R Xi. Luxe. $2.75 02.85; medium, $2,25 0 2.50. Kansas City 1 00 cam on track, including broken; supplies heavy; demand and movement moaerate: market weak. Washington Delicious, XT, medium ta large. $4.50. Jonathans. XF, medium, $3.00 0 3.10; fancy, medium. $2,75 0 3.00. Pittsburg; 173 cars on tree, including broken; supplies kwsvy; demand and movement How; market steady. , Washington Jonathans, XF, small, $2.000 2.25; medium to Urge. az.zstg z.7 3; lew very large, ss.UU0S.zs. St. Louia 112 cars on track, including broken supplies liberal; demand and movement mooersie; meraet stesay. wasiungtoo n dram to large Jonathans, IF, 33.00; few 33.25 C grade. 32.85 0 2.50. Peticmus, XF, $4.25 C grade, 33.25. Boston 41 cars on track, including broken demand and movement slow; market steady W aahington Delirious. Xi, medium to very large, 34.00 0 5.00. Staymana, XF. medium to large, $2.30 03.00. Jonathans, XF, medium to large, from cold storage, 82.73 0 8.00. New 1 ork Supplies heavy, demand and movement limited: market dull. N. T. Jon athans, XF, medium to large, 4)2.23 0 2.50; very Urge, $2.80; amsll mostly $2.00; fancy, medium to Urge, $2.25 0 2.85; C grade, all rises, $2.00 0 2.15;. Rome and Spitaenburgs, XF, medium to Urge. $2.5002.75; few 83.00; few vary large high as 30.2a; email moauy 82.25; fancy, medium to Urge. 32.25 2.40 Va few $2.50; smalls $2.000210; C grade, all nises. $2.00 0 2.25! few very large high as 82.40. Delicious, XF, medium to large,B.aO 3.75: few very Urge high as 84.00: small mostly $3.00 0 3.23; combination fancy and C, ear run. $2.25. Saymans, XF, medium to Urge, $3.50 0 2.63; fancy, medium to Urge, 52.13 0 2.35; C grade, car run, 32.00. Montana Me Inteeh, fancy, small to medium, 32.80 0 3.00; overripe low aa 82.10; combination XF and F, snul) to medium, $2.400 2-75; few very small lew al $2.00; jumble pack. $1 0; as $2.10; combination XF snd'F, small to medium, $2.40 02.75: few very small low as fZ.OU; Jumble pack. 31.90. 1.500 2.75 2.75 0 8.78 4.50(a) 5 00 3.73 0 4.50 8.50 0 9.00 8.00 0 8.50 6.00 0 8.00 5.00 0 6.00 , .$ 9.259 9.75 . 8.75 0 9.00 .. 7.00 0 8.00 ,. 6.00 0 7.25 9.00 0 9.5f .. 8.25 0 9 7$ 4.00 0 -25 Chief Kna-lneer 5. B. Heererdt aad First Assistant A. H. Abel of the dock commission are malting- the first ballast test of tha dry dock this afternoon. The principal teat is beinr made on pon toon No, V on which 1100 tons of bal last haa been placed. The raeHminary test ia for. the purpose of tletermlnlas; the proper displacement. . ' 'Whether more or less ballast will bo raqr-rred for the final turn-over will de pend en the observations today.- The specifications called ior . 2090 tons per pontoon but for the purpose of first test only 1800 were used and Hegardt ia in clined to believe that, this will nearly hit the mark. - . . When ballastinE f tha five pontoens haa been completed, which will be the latter part of the week, the dock will be otwn for business. The structure con sists of fiver pontoons of 3000 tons Uft lnc capacity each, making: a total dock capacity ef 15,000 tons. Each pontoon ia equipped with two 11 Inch pump. When in operation tha entire 'dock can be emptied In less than SO miauLeav- Canners Bulls Choice feeders Fair to good feeders ......... Choice dairy calves ......... Prime light calves Medium light calves Heavy calves ; . Has Supplies Absent No carloads ef hoes earme forward to North Portland Tuesday. Demaad indicated a nom inally stesdy tone, with prices unchanged gen General hoc market ranee: Prima light Smooth heavy. 230-300 lbs. , Smooth heavy, 800 lba. up.... Rough heavy .............. Pat pigs . Feeder pin Stags Sheep Rise Nominal With a lack ef fresh nfferhua. Tnaadav'a sheep sad lamb market at North Portland was nominally steady, with former nneaa eenerallv eon tinned. General ' theeD and lamh vnarket ranee: East of the mountain lambs 98.5007.00 Beet valley Umbs 6.00 0 6.60 Fair to good Umbs 5.00 0 3.50 Cull Umke . 8.00 0 4.00 Feeder lambs 4.50 0 5.06 Light yearlings 4.50 0 5.00 Heavy yearlings 8.50 04.60 l.ieht wethers 3.50 0 4.50 Hear wethers 2.60 fa) 3.50 Ewes 1.00 0 8.85 Monday arterviem Bale No. At. lbs Price No. At. lbs. Price STEERS 11 . . 10. . 6. . 16. . 22. . 7. . 2. . 9. . '8. . 14 . . 17. . 21.. 9. . 8.. 8. . 4 . . IS PS5 3 5.35 12 940 5.75 m SO 10R3 6 00 " f 1056 4.78 49, . . . 917 1.00 2 1070 1.50 6,... 1140 5.25 5.... 936 8.23 23 94 5 5.50 8 770 5.50 9. ...1087 5.83 8. . . .1050 5.00 11 821 5.25 7 844 5 00 1023 5.50 17 S5 5.85 51 1064 5.50 6 943 5 25 3 1066 4 75 3 1050 5 75 14 1262 5.50 4 1133 5.85 2 1035 6.50 3 1140 8.00 2 1045 800 13. . . .1177 6.50 6. ...1191 R.85 7 1135 5.85 10 974 5.28 3 1080 -5.25 IS. , 8. , 28. . 33. . 954 : .1001 , . 948 , . 895 , .1090 . . 670 , .1060 , .1177 . .1052 . .1091 . .1125 . .1160 . .1081 . ,1051 r. 928 . .1342 . . 893 . .1050 . .1088 . .1080 .1175 .1008 2. .1205 4 1170 2 1045 .1170 .1212 982 May 1.19 Close: $104 H 1 109 H - Hew Ten stariet Cloted . Not. 8-MTJ. P.) The Raw Jerk stock aioaaaea was eaased today, eleettoe day. 1 Liverpool Wheal Hither Liverpool, Nev. 8. Wheat alow 8 1 H 0 2d bieberi eons H 0 Id bJche. TURKEYS! HOW TO GET BEST PRICES . Laws panne edTtce to live aw this ewbfceefc -- Write aad teU ea aaaeber pom have 4ev ask- Ur 0 CO.. 169 front 9V. Swrtisjas. tto. ' IS yeara eapeneaoa at your itiojaeal free. -40; hODA CBACKEXS ta buTk, p. - NLTS Wslaate, 26 0 28e ft; aimoda. Jt 29: fllpeeu, 88 0 33e 1 Udk r taS; -a,; aata. 100 lie; peoaea. lie; BraaUe, lie , - Bteev Pwint, QIU ; aaam. IL96 ami. ;, COAL OIL Petri se water white, in drams 'rb.'tf JH ler 84.; easea. lOe cal uawu. a (row abav. :8c; eaaas. 88He rrrr.- onRaaW. $1.89 ' V " . t-' RPEN TINE Tajaks. $t fal.. 61.18 Sal. Head Lettsce Horeraeat I Iwiston. Idaho. Nov. 8. -This week- fa the aaoet setivs aver known la bead tettace ship men ts. The crop haa advanced ao- rannilv ia the last year that it may soon exceed the apple arep ia varaa. - xna atupmoate tue aaaaea wul eaceea io nenoasna -Greoars and meroantfie estabnahmeats are la teraated to ieara that the O-W. B. A N. will marntaia a winter refrirerabon aervire from Portland ' to Lewistoa effective November 7. Twa ears each weak will leave Portland on Mam. oay ana vrennnyiay, reapecuverjr. V Cbleae Salry Prodaee Chicago, Nee. 8 (L K. 8.) Batter Rs-eeipm- 9736 to be. Creamery, extra. 42c; firsts, 33 0410.' packing stock. 33036c Kcga Baceipts 7446 eases: mtaoel lentous, JO asazei avuiaary nrsra, 49 19 47c; firsts, 83 0 B5e; cbecka. 26 028c: dirties. 28 ! Chaeae Twiaa, new. 19 H 0 20 Ha: dakiea. 31H0 23He: Toung Americas, 2lHc; lent. am, vn w , encs, 2 1 l ey aze. Lire Pnnltiw. Tnrkeva Ale, .Iimm , - anriacs. 24e; rooatera. 18 Hci saaaa.' 23e; duckai Mlsaeapoiis Wheal OpMoBs . sUDampclia, Nee. 8. Wheat: ". . a - Iwaa Sat. x - Ha Clogs. paeember, .....$1.11 $1.17 H $1.1 $ aw .......... a.ia . 1.1 e 1.18 " ? Chleare Petate Xarket - Chicago. New. 8. L-N. 8.1 Potatoes neoeipu ap ears. .".or. wtute, 61.76 03 00; Red River Otuos, 8 1.69 0 l.aiTldahe rejects. 31. &S San Fraaeisro Poultry Market C -fi--4-- Ve S ( TT V I Pnnltr. R rollers, 4O0BOe; Urge bens, 26 0 28c; docks, 10 022c 8aa 'Franeiseo Cash Barley San FTanciseo. Nov. 8. :(TJ, P.) Barley Spot feed, per cental, 11.20 01 25; shipping, 61.27 4 91.Ha. Strawberries and Violets ' Blooming At Springfield, 111. (By United News) SprinKfield, DL, Nov. 8. Those pa tients who are not too sick are eating ripe strawberries and real sick ones have fresh violets In their rooms at a local hospital. The berries and flowers were from tha srardeii surroundinr; the insti tution. Exceptionally warm weather for November is belns; experienced here. , "Illinois has nothlnt oa Oregon." com mented a Western Oregon outdoor en thnsiast when shown the dispatch about strawberries and violets bloomlnr at Springfield. Ta enjoying; the finest summer of my life this fan." ha said. "Much of our fruit is still outdoors. know at least one apple tree, that bora twice this' year.- The blackberries ara blooming a second time. The raspber ries are sending- out tha bnda that ordi narily would n"t appear until spring-. The rosea are atlll bloomlnsr along with the chrysanthemums. A coat, much less aa overcoat, is superfluous while waUrins; or worsinf ouuioors. ,-. . ,; "By the way, did you learn the reason the rest of the rosea were not planted along "Sandy boulevard in making that street The Rosewayr It wag simply because the ap was still high and the plants were trrdwing ao vigorously that It wasn't considered safe to transplant un xrom ine city nureeriea. -"Some summer Weather this fall!" 25. . o i'.'. 6. . 9. . 3. . 12. . 8. . 8. . 2. . 4. . 18. 12. . 13. . 4. . 8. . 2. . 2.. 19. . 1.. 8.. 8.. 26.. 1 . . 1.. 1. . 1 . . 1.. 2. . 2. . 1.. 2. . .1008 .1115 . . 865 . .1020 . . 988 . .1043 . .1170 . .1146 4.1050 . .1080 . .1077 . . 773 . . 877 . . 806 . .1040 . . 823 .. 806 . .1225 .. 875 . . 290 .. 143 .. 888 . . 238 . . 150 . . 380 COWS 2. 4 8 3 13 3.50 4.83 4.25 4.60 3.25 4.50 4.65 4.25 4.50 4.00 4.00 4.M 4.25 8.00 4.25 3.60 3.50 4.50 4.80 CALVES 6.00 8.80 5. . .. 7. . 14.. 28. . 22. . 17. . 4.. 2. . 3. . 27. . 9.. 8. . 8. . 3.. 9k. : 4.. 10., . . 850 :. 928 . . 952 , . 960 . . 950 . . 983 . . 950 . . 8 , . 938 . . 975 .180S . .1008 . .1140 . .1144 . . 958 . . 800 . , 970 . .1306 . . 803 ..1038 ..1174 5.00 7.25 10.00 7.00 31 7 26 8 1 8 10 12. . . . 23.... 1.... i.; . . i.... 8 it8 17 1 1 3.... 13 10 16.... 60 84 7 8 1..., 3 1.... SO 40.... 15 9 107 16... 43. . 490 3 4.80 I 4. .1710 4.25 I 1. .1470 4.00 1. ..I860 S.OO 1. ,.1193 3.00 I X.. ..1339 13.50 j 1,. . issa s.so 1 . 8TAQ .. 850 3 4.75 I MIXED . . 904 3 4.80 I 32.. . . . 934 4.75 10. . , . . 719 4.00 I 25... HtXJS BULLS 2.. 9.... 25.... i . . 190 186 833 280 200 360 244 : 890 103 214 109 165 270 520 250 178 171 141 400 220 180 187 110 203 185 164 252 173 590 130 440 i 8.25- 8.50 0-75 9.73 9 50 8.50 8.78 8.00 9.25 9.75 10.00 9.85 8.50 8.00 9.75 9.75 9.50 9.50 v9.50 8.00 8.75 9 25 5.00 8.00 5.23 4., 6.. - 7.. 23. . 1. . 1.. 3.. 17. . 5.. 4.. 9. . 1.. i:. 80.. IT.. 18.. 2. . 10. . 10. . 7. . 21.. 1.. A-- .1572 .1020 .1380 . 960 .1580 .1170 .1090 701 ; 918 675 333 178 185 127 250 3S0 395 320 160 210 112 280 247 240 850 122 222 878 293 241 284 187 180 240 890 5.35 5.60 5.35 8.25 6.00 4.75 6.25 5.75 4.50 5.8a 5.83 5.65 5.50J S.OO 8.25 5.50 5.00 4.73 5 73 5.75 6.85 1.88 6.50 6.50 8.00 3.85 5.25 5.25 6.25 8.25 1 4.00 4.25 4.25 4.60 4.00 2.38 4.50 4.00 8.00 4.30 4.23 4.23 4.00 4.75 4.00 4.00 4.60 8.80 6.35 I 6.00 4.50 5.80 7.00 9.00 5.00 1 3.80 3.80 4.00 4.50 8.78 3.50 8.50 4.78 4.25 4.50 8.75 9.0w 9.75 9.50 7.00 7.50 6.25 8.75 9.25 9. 78 9.50 PEKMAXEXT EXPORT MABJtET TERMED SEED OF . AMEBIC A Washington. Nov. . TJhat the com mercial future ef the United States de pends upon a development of a perman ent export market, and that the war time foreign trade of this country was artificial and is being rapidly lost, were points brought out strikingly in an in formal talk given at the United States shipping board to a body of newspaper representatives today. The speaker. R. T. Merrill of the staff of Vice President Smull of the Emer gency Fleet corporation, and his subject was one whleti was principally con cerned with the weight and volume of the commodities carried by water rather than their value. To obtain these figures the shlppitj board has been obliged to gather original statistics which were now in such shape as to permit the accurate forecasting of ton ne. Ere needs on vessel routes and to maintain a sufficient 'number ef ship ping board vessels in operation ade- auately to supply those needs. The major commodities from tne standpoint of bulk. which go to make up the world's . ocean traffic were briefly summarised with their countries of origin, their quantities and the plaoa and amount,! of their consumption. Tne, p-' sitlon of the United States with regard to the essential raw materials such as coal, petroleum, cotton, iron, copper, wool and sulphur was more fully gone into and the marvelous variety of our natural resources which, with few excep tions, would permit the country to be almost self-sustaining, was clearly demonstrated. i - - - - Lan-kenkaah, frees Portland, far New Tark aad way porta. Arrived tr. I3dorede, frees New Oriraaa. for Baa Kreartaro end Prtavad. . Aeesrla. Nee. T. Arrived at 1 1 a. as. aaa4 left en at aaoe 8tr. Juias Laykaaoech. irosa New I art aad way porta. Seattle. Nee. 7. Arrived Br. pvaMa. frees New Orlamaa ia Pnrtiaa Awfead Ur Injerfiaid. trees Aa twerp, tor Portland. Arrived Otr. tMaee. trees Norfolk, for PonUad. - Saw! Padre. Ke. . Arrived 8 tr. Tessa. aw new sera inv raiu.aa. Betartaa. frees Portland, lee Para. I an ate s a. Nor. 1. Arrlaavl rwu-4, ate Ootsaarsuas. from Pr.rtw.ad, ' Elawrlck. Km. a lwiil strfHJ, . Xante, f rasa Partlaad. HaTl. Nev. V Arrlaad lenamaa ate Y avarau nuea rwruaao. - Nerik, Nee. 7. Arrived Brltiak etr. Co- aegTan, irova reruaao. roe .anasr Kmcdeea. . ?- - Arrived Bu. Westward Ho. ivwna f veiling. vawaa Ayree. rtow. 9. Arrived tr. Want rivtna. irroaa reruaaa. Ga, Bee. 7 iiUmm Bte. rrank C Dmm. ler PartUnd. . aLebe. Nov. SAirlied-sPuVcb Mr. Thkeaa- ia, irewa a-wruaao. ciaai Fraaeiacei. Nov." IninJ- a i Baana,! Loa Aag ales. 11:49 a as.: Week His to. NewnaaUe. 1 p. av; Admiral achlay. Los Ancles. lM-r Oraya Harfer, 4:j. p. Preudeat. mii vtj, .a e w. an. Bailed: Baaa City. PavtUad. 12:38 B. as. rrantua. AibioVL 1 n aa t I'hMmi. .l. 166 p. m. ; CetOe, Portland, 1:48 p. sa.: Weal . eaaua, e p. av; lnea. wnua Harwar, 4 p. BVi Qeieaelt, Seattle. 4:39 B- sa.: Daaa rutoasa. Colurama river. 141 p. av; Boertos Aires. Biocaaoim. T:10 p. av; Oieum. PerUaad. e'w m na. eaa rrsnclaee, Nov.. 8 (L w. S ) Arvrved teday:l Caaba. Grays Barber, 1 3:59 a. .; ataaa. ooeoiuia. s:4l a ea.; Verbtdyk. Astoria, : a avi ; Caepar. Caapar 63 a sa.; Sena, br. Portland.. 9:2 a. av; Johaana Peaiaee, Aa- w,, v.v w. m. Bauaa today: - rreaeb alanmer WtMrinaaa rviji pouna. i a. as.; amayw asaru Hewolulu. Si SB. Seattte. Wah. Nov 8 rr w at a. nvea: i reevylvauaa. from Taeoma. 8 a. m Tokvaima Maru. frees Taooeae. 8 a, as.; wl ton, rrrwn Tscoraa, 1P:S0 a m. Safied: Ad mini pewvy. for Baa Padvw. boob; Alameda. iov oooinwesura Alaaaa. s:l a. m : Cordova. or unaomra. via Ateona, z :o a. as. Arrived Nov. 7 c Eastbolas, fraas British Cetambia. 19 a Juneaavi freaa Tsanma. 4 :18 n i Km tiiy. rrom laeoma. erze p. m ; Pleiades, rroea wew imeana. via Portland. 4 p. an.: Chilrrwsck. rrnm Blabber Say. 2 p. av; Pees, freaa British u.ibbisa, s p. ra. Abevdeea. Nor. 7 Arrived: frUnarannt rroea Dan reorn. b:sp a. av Sanaa. Nov. 6. ana, caw lu Fedre, i s. a; Baaata. far Mas Padre. 8 w. sa. Arrival MhiM u.m rm avoow, p. av POSmOBS OF TESSELS Kadae rvperts rveaa Worth aincwa sa the fi ll i - a November 7; iiipi a. Baa rraaeiarw for Taaisoover ef Sea rraneinM BahvAiia. jeurei uoawrain. aaer.tle n 291 milaa from Beeitle. Tra emits PorUsad foe Kan. rnaelaa ISA bums soata er vspe nattery. Waal Keats. Astoria far T ok shams. 1911 Head cvve- the 460 Baa rraa- mOes lAa of Nerth Head. Vega. PwrtUad foe BsDea Oeas Oaluatbie river. Tokahama, 417 DR. BRUMFIELD SCARRED FROM SUICIDE ATTEMPT. h rf -.. I i y " J 4 " ..... . f ift- -- V5e -'-,-'. t k ; . i J - --, ; V ' ? V'-' - If r "-s. ' v ;- Ik .eir - ""' $ . ' f .1 ' v- V aavaaaaaaMaavavaavavavaavaaaaaavaa, Ba -if ' A long scar ranging downward from the right ear remains as mate e-ri- deoce of the attrmpt by Dr. IUch' ard M. Brnmneld. norarburg den-1 List, nndrr death arnteatce for the' murder of Dennis Rtuawll, to end his life. AiwMlier long soar on the opposite side of. the throat still re--qnircs bairKlugeav. F.D. PARR SEVERS s CONNECTION VITH ; PAH'CORICK . KEW PASSENGER SHED FOR TEBMI5AL NO.-4 PROPOSED Anticipating great advances in tha passenger traffic out of Portland in the near future and laying the foundation for the heavy business that Is sure to be In line for the 192S fair, the dock com mission has plans for a new passenger Shed at pier 1, terminal No. 4. The pas senger terminal will be up to the mark I wj in all modern eonstrueuon cor tne nan dling of passengers. At present -the only terminal handling passengers is No. Z at tne root at bast Washington street The Admiral line is using this exclusively for coastwise trade. With the new-almost assured al lotment of combination passenger snd freight steamships, the necessity for the latest In passenger -accommodations is apparent. rase Hokkaj If era ...... .Swansea Nov. Cordova Honolulo ...... Nev. Pilar Le Larrtnaga .... laaasinehaas .... Nov. Roes City Ksa FYs a Nov. 9 Pvmnrrrnwtaa New Tark. Nov. 9 Admiral Era as ......Saa Eras No. 10 flawy Putnam Saa Prea Nev. 11 Cehie i ......Sea Prea Nev. 11 HMMoraa .Antwerp ate. II Canada Aberdeen j- Nev. 12 Cape Hewry BaMaaere .....Nee. 13 Deerfield .....Seattle Nev. 12 Willhilo New Tork. Nov. 1 1 . rew Tore.. ... .Nov. 18 Reive Mara ........New Tark. Nov. 13 ROMs Asur new Terk. Nov. 14 West Hiaoa New' CaatU. . Pallas i............. Baa was Airee. Tari llara New Odeaas. Coaxal Ormat Chile i Antwerp . . . . Acfwdale .New Of leans. Holtrwoed ......... .an Praa. . . RsBts Orus, ....West Coast... . Wiwdsra ........... Seattle . ....New Orleaas... Tsiksi Mara Kobe K. L i Luckrabarh .... New Tark. Nov. 23 Nebraska ...Uverponl Nov. 28 Steel Ranger New Terk. Nev. 11 TeaaBi new Tore. Nov. 29 TS pnpojl preen Pertaaad Tllllk Pee Date Ceraeae . .8. r. and way.-. Nov. 9 .Nov. 13 .Nov. IB .Nov. II ..Nov. 11 .Nov. 16 .Nov. IS . .Nov. 19 ..Now. 19 . .Nor. 29 . .Nov. "0 .Nov. 29 JULIA LUCKEXBACH SAILS FOB EAST WITH FBEIGHT I The steamship Julia Luckenbach of the Luckenbach Steamship company. Inter coastal, New York and Philadelphia. Cleared this morning . eastbound with miscellaneous cargo. The largest item was 624 bales of Chinese wool for Phila delphia. The balance consisted .of canned fruit, canned fish, cascara, house hold goods and plunder. Inbound the Julia Luckenbach brought 200 tons of general freight which, was discharged at I Tsxaa terminal No. X. Ronorrra Nev. le fftlnn KaroM Va ia Adas Mare Orfcrat Nov. 19 Nerwteb City Em rape Nov. 19 Kennerott Ma New Tark... . i .Nov. I S Rose CHy ....Saa Praja Nov. 10 Binenaa mace . . .rsneut ........ .Nov. 1 2 Hainan Mara Orient Nov. 12 Ancoaaa ....Near Tar. Nov i Eastrra runer N. mine, porta. .Nov. 12 Admiral Eva as S. Dteee A way. Nov. 12 anyo sisrw vslparalae Nov. 13 Penpwrranlaa ....... Rerorat ...... .fov. 18 CraissB Mara Eurene Nov. 11 Oeoreiaa Bahtb .....8aa Fraa Nov. 14 Retirement of Fred D. Parr, p real dent of the Parr-McCormlck Steamship com pany, has placed all matters under tha. parent flag of the Charles R. afcCor ' mlck company, according to an an- -nancement made yesterday afternoon by C R. Albera, local agent for tha Me Corsnlck line. Parr, It tg - understood, will devote his time to the new Oakland . terminal wnicn oears nts name. Announcement was made last wwekr that the Couch street dock holdings had been transferred to Charles R. McCor-' ' mlck. but no indication was given then' of the retirement of Parr from service,! - Until the pre Bent time tha 4dcConnack line and the Parr-AlcCorrotck company were separate In only that the latter' fti m handled nerth bound fretarht, -' Three months are the McCormkck llrve, began north bound traffic on Ita own; account. Arrangemehts were made with Aibers to act aa agaat and the use of Ambers dock as a termlnaL- This ar-.' rangement will still bold, although Couch street will be need for the discharge of, . certain commodities. t The fleet of the Chsrles R. McCer-' mlck Una wUl take tn tha two veasela.' the Ge'oriina Rolph and the Annette Rolph. formerly operated, by tha Pa McCormick corapany. - Depere .Vslparaiaa Terry i . . Ofteat Taaatarj Mara ......Orient Twarwebrsae Mara . . . .Orwat Katharine Park Panamas Hankow Mara .. Celflo , .Nov. 18 ..Nov. 14 . .Nov. 14 , .Nov. 14 . .Nov. is ..Nov. IB . .Nev. 18 ..Nov. 17 ..Nov. 27 Kaiaa Mare . . Aden kfaru . . Reinaa Mara . Eastern Sailor leerea i ...... . Norwich City . Tonaa kfaru . . Cralssa Mara ALL ALONO THE WATEBEB05T The Norwegian eteatnshlp Torrey, In to tha Grav-Rosenbaum Grain company, is on berth at terminal No. 4 and will begin taking bulk wheat for Shanghai at 8 o'clock Wednesday momlnir. With fair weather In sight Engineer Hegardt wSkTXV ..i... T,.rit.,i-n A ,. nkii. n I n-'"arme l"ara " .m..w.w,. --- r . i Kotyauor wunM ine 9parauo4 ul li i w . The steamship Curacao will sail for San Francisco Wednesday afternoon- at 4 o'clock via Coos Bay and Kureka. Merchants' Exchange reports today show eight outbound vessels from Fort land aa arrivine- at destination. They are : Collegian -at Norfolk. Tjikembang at Kobe. West Nomentum at Kobe. Ootmarsum at Qaeenstown. Westward Ho -at Antwern. Keats at Limerick. Yonne Maru at Hull and the West Notus at Buenos Aires. Tamaam Mara . Tsurnshima Mara pianvnaa Prince . Torry i Curacao . Kennevjott Scottish Monarch Julia Luckenbach Anyo ilaru Hoquiam , Santa Barbara . eorciaa Rolph . Ears do ...:.New Terk.. . . .Oviewt , 8sa Pedre. . Naw Terk. . tea la Pert Bertk Tersamai No. 4 Astoria it Helens , Astoria Nerth Rank Nerth Sank . . . , Terminal No. 4 Portland Flour Mills Wet)eeeee.ee !f . IsevVfTa Co, . . . . Pentnanla Lbr. So. ........ MMtgoaaery ...North Bank ............. Astoria ...... Terminal No. 4 ...... Terminal No. 2 ...... Terminal No. 1 i.-e -T Elevator Assailant of Apple ! Man Is Bound Over ; On Attack Charge; Hood River. Or., Nov. I Al W. Bish-', op, (2, was thia mornlrtg bound over to! appear before the grand Jury on a chartre of saaault with a daLnceroua . weapon on A. W. Stone, manager of the Apple Growers asaociation. Blabop, who. -vraa hurt while-working for tha sseocls- tion and needs aurgicaj treatment, aa-f eerta that ba was unable to secure any relief, although covered by accident In-, suratee through the association, and. he bad brooded over his condition antll' Monday when, after aa argument with Stone, he drew a big knife and attaefced Storve. He was overpowered before he' could inflict any Injury. Stone said that, efforts had been made by the insurance' company's attorneys to effect a settle-""-ment, but. owing to a dispute with Bish- op. settlement had been delayed. The matter of adjustment waa entirely out of the hands of himself or the sssoclatloa. ha said. Terminal No. 1 Temlasi No. 4 Aihera For the best thesis on a scientific subject written by a woman before the end of tha year, a $1000 prise will be awarded avt a Baltimore college for we Astoria men. - - y GRAIN MEN GCE8TS Northwest grain growers, warehouse men and elevator operators, who have 9-50 j been in conference at' the. Chamber ? 2 S2 I Commerce relative to wheat standards. I . . r a - . tf t 1 were enuerxainen moiiaajr at i cruuuai Na 4 by G. B. Hegardt -of the dock commission. 7.75 9.73 10.00 9.00 7.00 8.75 8.28 9 25 8.00 9.00 6.23 73 6.00 80 5.54 61 6.28 98 8 8.85 No. 4. 1,. 3. 4. t.i una .. 62 8 4.00 I 222. .. 77 6.50 j 11. .. 87 6.00 I 100. EWES .. 142 3 2.75 234. . . 103 2.60 I TEARLtNGS .. 180 8 4.50 I - MIXED -. oe 8 1.00 I -TUESDAY MORNINOJ'8 SALI6 8TEE8S At. Ibv Price. I . Ne. Ar. lbs, Prica. . v e. m i ' COWS BIO 4.75 S-...121S 8 4S0 HOCB 180 810.00 I 2. 16Q 9.00 I 180 819.00 Inquest on Death Of Woman KiUed bv Auto Will Be Held -w-waaMMBwa t . ab mqueet into the death of Mrs. Fred W. Wright who was instantly killed by an automobile driven by S. T. White of Lafayette near ' Tigard Sun day night, will be held Ur, Tigard -this afternoon, according ta Miller dc Tracey. who have charge of the funeral aYrange menta. The coroner of Waahlna-nn county "was in Portland Monday and conferred with MlUer c TTecey. Dr. Earl Smith, coroner of Multno mah county, announced that an inquest wul be held tonight In the case of Mrs. Charles H. Spencer of Ltnntoo, who was killed by. an automobile, near Llnnton Saturday nla-ht. No trace of tha c" river haa been found. . -s BELEABED OK BOND Tominoba Miyata, who was arreeted on board tha eteamsnip uraisan Atsru Saturday on tha charge of violation of the national prohibition act, waa re leased this morning on a 3500 bond, at a hearing before Commissioner Fraaer. . News of the Port" ... . ' i . . - Ji from Baa San Arrivals Roe em bar S Aaye Maru. Japanese steamer. rreneiseo. ballast. Hevnuaaa, AmarieaS ataaaar. fyora Franeamo, ceaarai. - Saa Barbara, American ataaacj. fma Baa Pedro, for Westport, ballast. MARINE ALMANAC -. Weather at River's BVovth North x Head. Not. 8. Coodioons at the mouth of the river at noon: Baa smooth; wind aorta, e aulas; weather cloudy. Partlaad humidity st aooa. 82. ' DAILT KITES : READINGS ' 8 p. av,- Paclfie Time. j- rmatiQa ...1 Si I 3.4'0.10.90 84 lj Eugene,,,,. 19 1.4 00.00 58 46 Alheay 89 4.3 '-0.eo 62 '37 Salem 2a -0.4 -0.li0.02 61 36 Oregon City.. 12 8:0-1.810.00 ... Portland ..; 13 1.6-9.110.00 91 47 () Eiee. ( FaB. : aWTEm FOBECAST " V The WOUmrtie river at Trwrtlaad win remain arlr stationary duruur the seat tw ea tluee daya, except as affected by the tula AT- WOllDa FOBTB Astoria, Nev. 8. Arrtwd at 7:1S aec left ap at 9:30 av m.. Japanese atr. Anye Mara, from Saa rrsneiaco. ' Arrived sad left Sp at 8 a- m. 8t Hoauiam. fraa .Baa Praartwe. Ar rreed aad left up at 9 a. as. Btx. Saaia Barbara, from Saw Pad re. Take the A Scenic Shasta Route TO Sunny Southern Through Sleeping Car Service to Sacrameato San Francisco and .- ;.; ' Lo ngeles . !:" , offers all the comfortj of mcera travel. ' Convenient" scBedules. ' cserviUoa cwr. tnd eicfiJlent ' meali ar. ,jther festures of the Sh3$ta.Routc t : : - Winter Excunioa Tickets ire on sale, it Reduced Fare For tickets and Information xsk A tents, or write Pacific Lines JOHN M." SCOTT. . J. -. ; General Paiacnj-er Agent , hae Parbav av va