THfc . OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. J SUNDAY MORNING,, NOVEMBER 1S21. 1 REDGE OPERATION SETS NEW RECORD FOR SPEEDY WORK Tort Cnft Tualatin Handles 602r 025 Cubic Yards in Month Surpasses ' Federal Showing. Only rsodeaty prevents jimM ti oinecnua. general manarer and chief naineer er tu Port of Portland, from lainwns ana woria record la dredge varauon. wnea u port a It-inch ny ireuno suction dredra TutUUn last tneata excavated .02.0:1 eubla yards of natr-riai rrom me channel of the North 'ortiand aarbor. wane u United States drwdsra vanei tt Mobil. Ala- in Frbniarv. 119, h atifl led mora than 100.000. cubic area In one month, viewed from en nelneertnc aland point the Tualatin ha rally accomplished mora. due to tha h Iff eranco In operatlnc eondltlona and i in kind of material excavated. On tha Mobile Job. lUrht Mltht mi ertai eonaiaunc of mad aft4 silt waa handled, which flawed (reel through ho dlecharte plpo to on extent of 4 ftt oant aolld material and to per cent Kater. while on tha North rerlland rrejert heavy tana waa handled with ho dlachart-a ficwrinc only t per cant bolkl matter and It per cent watar. Tho excavating- Of thla 602.025 cublo tarda represented tit working hours knd the outtlna; of a 15-foot channel 100 rat wld and 2S00 feet long, with tha krtual depth of th cut amounting to kbout II feet, aa thtre waa appro I nately 7 feet of water In th old chan- el. Tho material was discharged at vertse distance of more than 200 feat roan tha dredging operationa and over an elevation Of II feet. Undoubtedly tha Tualatin also would t titled to first honors If the cost Of 'paraUon were taken Into consideration. ks compared with the government's Mobile , record, aS tha Tualatin. Ilk all the Tort of Portland dredges, la op erated on "hog fuel, being the refuse Setter from lumber mills, while the trmer burns the more expensive fuel Pride In thin achievement Is not con iasd to Chief Engineer Pothemus, for ach end atl tho 10 or mors members of ha Tualatin's craw ar proud of thalr Khar In the work. Special credit l Im Inapector D. M. Charleaon. Captal Wacrtua E. Johnson and, Chiex mngi' war Don B. Lngway. uaiie tha Tualatin mad th big rec ord, the Other dredgaa of ths port's fleet also mad creditable showings, oat weir oUl yardage was test, du to obstacles it operation and th handUnf of heavier taeterlala UtL AlO'O THB WATEBFROaT Tho steamship Senator sailed from erntlnal No. I Saturday afternoon for -an piego and way with passengers and rrelsht Tho steamer cam r tna Mcuormica n will sail from Han Kranctsoo Mon- 'y for Portland with passengers ana SUCFJON DREDGE BREAKS RECORD t -..5..:-::,".:--'j ::;.:: x-. " t-- s ; . y. A Siwv .v. 4 "5: :::;. v T "T WHEAT CLEARAUGE 732,560" BUSHELS; SATURDAY RECORD br ot nil grain esse! under charter and tho en route Hit has been reduced to two. Rates havo been smashed In all direction and buying on tha eoatt nent Is At n stands UlL One and possi bly two more cargoes will b dtrerted to India, and the Japanese will "take henvy parcel lota.. ... , ' V : . , Vessels Bound Foreign) ' Rates Are Smashed and Buying on the Continent Is af Standstill A- i-.totw:-: . vs. --4 The first' Saturday In November ciosM yesterday with, wheat export foreign better than three quarters of a million bushels and ' the "Value running over into the last hfcmdred thousand tfc git into the million dollar cUss. Three steamships cleared with a total of Hz. &I0 bushels of wheat at a valuation oT JW8.0I5. Kerr, Gifford ac Co. took the lead with two vessels. The Queen 4Iargaret car ried IS1.8D6 bushels, valued at $288,085. Her distination is Barcelona in Spain. She Was followed by the Norwegiah steamship Heraklea. for Italy with 2T0.771 bushel valued at $32S.09. This was by far th mos valuable cargo set afloat for seyeral weeks. The British steamship Norman Mon arch completed the .trio. She was dis patched by Balfour, Guthrie & Co., and her cargo consisted of 259,893 bushels of wheat with a valuation of $289,000. The Norman Monarch - will proceed to Queenstown or Falmouth for orders, j The next two weeks will clear th har;- Above Officers and crew of Port ot Portland dredge Tualatin." Below View of digger. geattl Mantle. SOBS. Arrlred ?tt. 1 Arizona Ho, from Sailed Hocaier State, for Hong- No. Sailed Monteacla. for Tho ateamet wanama, also or tn Mc- "erwlck line, sailed last nignt rrom St. relshL steamer wanama, ai flna with Bassenrers and frelrht. Tha AmorWn ataamahlo Pllades. from IN'ew Orleans, arrived up shortly after eon Saturday and berthed at terminal No, 1, rOftlTIOXS OF VESStLS North Head. Waah , Nov. 5. Radio re- terta received at I p. m. gave ship po ittoris as follows: Betiator, Portland for San, Francisco, 0 , nvMea from Portland. J. A. Moffelt. Point Wells for San Pedro. Ill miles from Point wellK RAlMer. Brattle for San Francisco, It miles from San Franolaco. AT WOtlD'l PORTS Setnrle Nnt. II tf WB at l a BL. IMater I'Mulaa. Arrltvd at 1 and UTt spat a at . euaaW William I'. Ilenia. fuum at 1 40 p. at., aa arSnHier RaaiMf. foe 1m Re MailMt ft! 141 p. aa,. etaamer iobaa i-Mlaa fnf Hea Pwtre. It. Helena. No. I Paeaxl at I a la.. lMit rWoiei raand at 1.10 a m , Nor- taaif Tnrrey. Puaea at 1 1 19 a m. er W. r. neerta. Ba Pmnetean. Not. 4 Hailed at f SrHei eMmer rnter Prhtee, fraea Portland Krlted Klaaikxa. SIU4 ill t a teamer HataMaa, fmea I'nrtlaad. far Para and Vtj HeNd ll 10 t. a ataaaaar tloaulaja. ft Prlaat AeWta. Nv. 4 Vailed It I a a, Brttiah aaia rantisaaehlra. fnr Felted Kloednm via Ua ITanniMW.' Sailed at 1:10 n m. iteaaier stanU Abraa. (ar Saa red re. Arrteed at ana ft bp H'l e .. NnrwefUo eWeaier Torrj. vavaeer. from Yokohaaaa, for rorUand. Ar rteai eater AaMa Ooadfellow. froca New Tors, eta FarUaad. Beeeetl. !tnv. 4. SaOe. aeiaiar Meziraa aatne and Iteo Tark teaea ParUaad.- Ae nead aad aaded eteaaaar lenona, treat Itaat barf, far tan raneawa Hailed ataaatef Rinh wee 4, fnr rneuaad. galled, ateasiar Admiral Krana, tmm rnrtlaad. for San Dtean, ew Tart. N. 4 Balled. ateasMr Bteel wercer. Tor i-acinn reaat earta emu, pt. I Arne4 Daskh tt rimer aiaj, tram rartiaao. fur HuB, ArHeed Jap- Ueerpewl Mara, fraaa reralaad, Shanchal. VancouTer. Yokohama, Not. 2. Sailed Pemia Mara, for San rranciwo; Santa Rosalia, for Koe. New York, Not. 4. Sailed Steel Worker, for HeatU via Portland. Baltimore. Nor. .4. 8 ailed Pine Tree State, for Seattle. Norfolk, Nor. 2. Sailed Robert Dollar, for VanconTae. Philadelphia. Nov. 4. Arrived Bellflower. from IWlo. , CrlatoBal. No 3 Arrired Erie Marn. from NerfoDc. AniTed Nor. 4 Ken tack ian. from New York. Sailed Not. Z Willpolo, far New York. Balboa, Not. 4. Arrired P.. J. tjarkeit bech. fmm .Seattle: Terrier, froat tWuand. Bail! Not. Nlela NJelsea. for Portland; ow nanicr, iot fionoiuia. Honolulu Mm a Hn1 Waarf ! S rtancifco. ArriTed Not. J Weit feader, from hanthai Arrired Nor. 8 Tomiura Mara. iron oeauie. thtq part or aecfcjoad lost. Kan Pedro. Nor. 4. Sailed Pomona, for Seattle via Portland: Mexican, far New York motonhip Charlie Wataon, for Ttoo&A, 4 p nv. Barmanl. Nor. 4. Sailed Solano, for nan Irteeo, 11 tSO a. m. : Orara TIa rhor. for wan peavev 12:13 p. m. ; Caaadiaa Obaerrer, i or aneoaTar. l :av a a Aberdeen, Nov. 4.- Arrired Tahoa, two) flan SMipn n h. r'AM.-l U 8 p. av : Helene, from gas rrneieo, i PL m.1 motnnhio Canada, from Chiistiania. S p. aa.: Willie A. Ilioina. from Baa Pedro, am. Sailed Hartwood. for Baa Pedro, a p. m. : caoba, lor San rTasclo, I p. Kment H. Meyer". .San Pedro. S n. m. VicWLa, Not. 4 Pamed oat City of Vic toria, for Taka Bar. 4 p. m. Port Townaend, Nor. B faro, for Seattle. 10 a. m. Ererett. Nov. 5. Arrlrad JoHa tnVao- ach. from Seattle. 8:30 Wlnelaw. Nat. 4 Arrived BehoMur Ufaf-v n. Fnatar, iroca Uonoiaiu, to tow tns ureaoa. iv Ik a Taenma, Nor. B (I. N. S.) Arrired Alabama Mara, from Seattle, lam. Ar riTed Not. 4 Bant Kita, from Seattle, p. m. ; Yoahlda Mara No. 1, from Kobe, p. m. ; Juneau, fnan Beattla. 4 p. m. Te Antra at Part! and Taawla Stanwood .' Cnracao J aha Loekenbach. Anyo- Mars .... Hoanlam Cordova Georaina Rolph . . DaiirT Putnam Kenneoott Ma .... Orecon Marn Hokkai Mara Koe (Hlj Pennavlranlaa . . . CUh Admiral Etans . . . HonaWaa Canada Peerfleld Pilar La Larrinaea. Panaman ....... West Bixoa allaa Ysri Mara aeuua eteeaw V I Bailed, ateamas Baaal Beeea. larv. ror rorMaaa. BaQed . Nor- er Netla Metkum. m PkmUU a m. "i Henrwwa eaeaaaev Tan lei, m .:"lpd alnadoav Anived, ateaavar Cjtoeai, N-T. a Arrired JaaanaM ateamer "7 -y. 'T'" norrota. ror PerUaad. Balled, etaamer Wtlpara, frnm INartlaad. fnr Kaw Yea-t trtrtonaj. Ne. Arrired atnamer aenta- ka. fee.. New ler. for PihItjkI rf.IZr.Cr'V'V "7 N. .) Ar- -w am, irom neuonoo, a a sM Karettma State, for Manila, at 11 T '. r 7T"V ". Pvdro, ll a avi Cor- . "" - a m. arrtTad Nor. - "'-'! anwem liwm Taeeaaa, J.r,w7 Toraavr, irsra lokohatna, I a avi KMrmee. from Bhaaihai. 1 S0 d. ak 4 Mpnkaae. tor SoatlaaaaterB Akwaa, 0:20 a. aa. : JiaiaJae. f aa. i- aateaikaa Nov. .(t M. g) fLT aiary. Bnwi-eana, 1 SO n iquiiaa, rrom Srdner. TaayaaTar. Keha. ! Arrived NaT. 1 WaLaeava, from New. I ArriTed Warn Jama. rna Ifotlee to Mariners Waehinafoa WiHapa Bar Chanrea In aids Cm Bnatember 24-28. 1821. the followinx ehancea were made In the boorace of WiUapa bar to annrorm to ehancea in tna onannel: (a) North Bplt Boor 1A ia loeated on the bearlnaw Roethoase ocean bearh. Cape Shoal water. It deareea, SO minntea; Coast Guard sta tion, .North tora, S3 aecreea; Toka Point taa- ent, SB aeereea. ' IBI RorUk Holt snnv 1 waa moved Into as feet of water on the bearincs Boathooe ocean beaeh. Cape Bhoalwater. B derreea: Coast Guard aUUon, North Uore, ST deareea; Toka Point taaaent. SB decreea, 80 minntea. . (a) Entranoe Cbannel Bnor 2 waa moved Into 11 feet of water on the bearinaa Boat- nooee neean beaelt, Cane Hnoaiwater. 7 decreea Coaet Guard atation. North Core. 43 decreea Tie reint, uncent, 79 deareaa, so minutes. ) Entrance Chanaei Bnoy 4 waa mored into S3 feet of water, on the bearinea Boat- imwae aceaa bearh. Cape Bnoalwatar, 4 decreea WUlapa bay Ucht etattea, 11 decnea; Coast Guard aution. Nona Cots,. It decreet, 10 sain' mira. (a) Kntraara Channel Banr 6 waa moved Into IS feet ot water ea the baarincs -WUlapa bay liht ta lion. deareea, 10 BHautae; Coast Guard etatkm. North Cora, 41 aeereea; Toka reint, unseat, si drrraea. (f) Eatimnce Channel BtKVV , I waa moved Into 60 feet of water a the bearinea Coast Guard atation. North Cove, 23 deareea- Toka rau. taacenv as aeareee, so nunutaa: wuiapa aay ucna atatioa. saw awcraaa. Torre, ballae. Itaiadea. eVwlrr, (tnaaTaiX, WUliam F. Garlota, oiL Brrtrala Wamimar NonreckS ataamar. from Norfolk, ariose, atetaaer, from Raw Or- Harria. Aaaaricaa ateamer, from W areola, Americas etaamer. for Ban Pedro, icunorr. Norman Monarch. British ataaaaar. for Caited a in ran m, waeat Verhtdyk. Dutch etaamer. for Rotterdam. avnrrai. Sana tor. AmerVmn rteaanerj for Baa Dieto, paaeaaur aad saawral Laa V earns, Aawiaaa ataamar, for Orient, nuabwr. ioUt, INMaateoV AmmAom ttmmt, for LUa rwre, iiJaaioarr, The Portland Hotel Extendi a cordial welcome to all visitors to the Pacific 'International Livestock Exposition. .,. The GRILLE will be open for luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner with rjancirig from 6:30 to 8:$0 and a supper dance i from 0:30 to 12, OLSEN'S ORCHESTRA. The MAIN DINING ROOM will be open for breakfast, luncheon, dinner with dancing from 6 to 8 p. tru 4 PRASP'Si.ORCHESTRA Tides at Astoria Monday 'High Water. Low Water. 6 :33 a.m., 7.1ft- 0.09 a. nv,, 1.4 ft 6.00 p. m.. 6.9 ft 12 :5 p. m.. 3.9 ft ' ' Seaside High water nine minutes earlier. Seaside Low -water 21 minutes earlier. CeaxaS Orient Chile) Antwerp . . Saa Fran . . . . . . S. F. and waj ..New York.... ..San Fran..., ..San Fraa. . . . . Honolulu t . . . . Ban Fran .... . . Saa FMa .... ..Seattle ..Grays Harbor. . .-Swansea . .Tian Fran. . . . . . New York. . . . , .San Fran. . ..San Fraa.... . .Antwerp . Vancourer . . . ..Seattle . . Immincham . . ..New York.... ..Mew Castle. A... Nov. II . .Buenos Airea. . . .Nor. II ..vew Orleans Nov. Due .Not. .Not. -Not. .Nov. .Nov. .IS'otv .Not. .Nov. .NOV. .Not. .Not. .Not. .Not. .Nov. 10 .Nor. 10 .Not. 11 -Not. 12 Nor. 12 , .Not. 12 , .Nov, It TTrslsan, Ham . . Parjere Totvy Tamatsn Mara . . Tsnnuhima Marn Katharine Park .. Panaman Haakow Mara . . . Teasels Eaian Mara Las Teeas ......... Aden Mara Heinan Mara ...... Pawlet , Eastern Sailor ..... lolcos , Norwich City ....... West Islip Yenaa Mart Cralan Mara Katharine Park Polyktor Queen M arrant . . , . Senator Tamatsu Uartt Vechtdijk Tsurasbima Marn . . . Siberian Priaoe Torry Pleiades Hanko Mara . Europe .Valparaiso . . . Orient .Orient .Orient . . . . . . . . . Europe . . . . New York... Ornt Vessels in Port . .Nov. 18 .Not. 13 .Not. 14 , .Not. 14 .Not. 14 , .Not. 15 ..Not. 15 . .Nor. IS Douglas TuTkey Crop Two Thirds Normal RoMburc, JCof. S. That tie tnrVav iytjp ot Iong;laa county -will ym tut two thirds Its normal size has been bronsht te .light by "an InvesUxaUon trior to the openina; of the Thanksrivlna; maraH. Roeebura; sffipe more torkeys annually than any ether tjotnt In the state nnL despite the low estimate thla year, tt will maintain its reputation. Prices are expected, to be high, ' Qearg-e Kohlhat;en, one of the heavtent local bnyert, has pre dict 1 an opening price of 40 cents, witfi' a DTobable increase. Buyers trom'aU aide companies will be- in Boeebura; at tna opentnar ex t&e marxet as nsua..- Leniency Shown on Account of Mother Medford. Feb, a. -In the circuit court at JacksosvUle. J. ft CHaoV') B. Lewis of Medford waa sentenced to one year in th county Jail, after beta a conviote on the chart's of receiving- and eohcee lng stolen 'goods, taken from the local National Guard company. The sen tence waa suspended In ease Lewis can find someone who will be answerable for him, in order that he may support his mother. . -rouciiT. . Portland aad Tttafcs Saadar. etner. atmaaaatlv amiak. Wmhmctaa aad Oraaraai , aasKSSV. rau-Qr I eloady eaat; nsaattlad. preoaMr vain west por- tson; sanoerite usiinaavariy wises em us r ! v OB&EBYATIOlfS STAnoxa Aalar if If 11 tried. Boetoe .... Cm !e-r .... CUnaa .... DeaTee ... Das II ilail. Kureka . ,. OalTsetan . Ja Kaawaa CHy baa Aacelaa Mamhriaad . Medlavd .. MiBaoaroUa Vew CWVsaaa, Sew Tern.., Norta HaaM, rnewalt .. PecateUo .. Pertlaaal . noeeowrsT St. Lenne. . Salt Lake. Baa Msfs.. Baa rraav. Seattle ... Spokane Tareaaa Tatewea lal . Walks Walla. Washina-toa.. Wlnniasa) Tsslmt at ll 4S is 4 74 S4 tl TO 41 TI 41 4 14' II -as s e 61 S TB ee 3 e . a 81 11 a a e I V K -r . W Pt. aAsssay It Vf Clear , .4) W Clear . O ... B pear - , --) .. - - flea ' ' . .. tw Qowdy .- - SW (Vmtiy , . - at namar.-.'v e .... cioodr - . SK Oaar . 0 . AW VX etoajdy f4 8 Pt. etaodr fa W pt, rlaauty IS SK Ooadv iw h caoedy SW Clear . e i evmdr ; 10 "tW O-ar T0 . II Clear .01 .; W Pt. eloody. I0 .' ' CW'J i,0 Pv ctessds' 0 ti ti Clear I-, .. X Clear ; 0 10 KW Clear - i .. 0 WW Pt. cloadr .0 ... -N Jala .1 N tTaodv 14 rtoody 1 csr" 0 ... N CVear . 0 . . Ml Oaar P. M. report rece4) Oaf. a. nv). .01 laram: total saiandl stnee Men- ' war 1. last. et aawaea. I null aawJail aura ( lasnMr 1, e.e leeSim; aefaucao raiataji I e Hantamniv 1- 121. aa raise - Baarwa. i 0:11 V av; annast, Mia sat aocal aaanteiae. a 0 awara 04 asiwaiaa: assilw aanakiaa. beam ' 14 aaiaataa. Maaaram. 1UI a. av. KanKtar: ssveameet, 11 tv sa, 6ama. Barematar Irw dwsed to aea Wert) a St. av. SB tit taraea: Taie Uea bamidny: -1 a av. Si tr aernt; ayeus. 01 V par oasat; a. av. IS par wast. Eoad Districts Axq : Under Budget Law Salem. Nov.- The budxwt taw. enacted by toe state ertfalature at It last sessloiC fequlrlnc that estimAtee cat the proposed Andfet needs tor, the eav aulntr year be approved by the tax levy ms body before belns; submitted to n vote of the people, applies te read dis tricts aa welt aa te all other walciBaU corporations, aocortflns; to Attorney Gen eral Van Wlaale, who baa no tafueuatd E. B. Tonxoe, district aitorawy for WaAlvlnctoa county. The levy In board la a road aUatrtct tha attaarriey rsv I era! points out. cntwiata of ail of Che , legal voters of the dAvtrict. becaee thv-y I and they only haver Lhe power to levy m spectal tax on the district. s a U. tAalaT.. ' : ) rrtLTJaTBtA. JL1TER BAal -v xi a w.A Kov. .;oreeoa of I Tn.l Nov. 6. JTicaet tewreinre. S I Aorreea; lowest JaWetat. " vTafai- Berth . . . . Bouthern Pacific Westport Westport St Helens . .- St. Johns Astoria North Bank North Bank . . . . .Inman Poulsen Terminal No. 4 Klerator - N. P. lAr.-Co. , .Peninsula Lhr. So. Globe . . . . -.Terminal No. 3 Montgomery ....Tenninil No. 4 Astoria Astoria , . . . .Terminal No. 4 Terminal No. 1 Terminal No. 4 Ailwuala . . Santa OroS. . Willhilo ReiTo Mara Taikai Mara K. I. Lackenbacli . Nebraska Texan .New Orleans. . . .West Coast . T.New York... , ..San Fraa... , . . Kobe . . New Tort . . . . . Lirerpool '. . . .Mew Tort. Pleiades Adea Mara ' Kelts Mare Hainan Marn . . . Oordora ........ Inloot Wast lsleta ..... Norwich City Cnracao Kastern Sailor . . . Kennecott Ma . . . . Rose Cltj Siberian Prince . , Admiral Erana . . . Rosa City AnyO Mtrn PeanaylTaniaa To Depart Fiwm Portland BW-S- IS Nov. II .Not. 1 .Not. 18 .Nov. II .Not. 20 .Nov. 20 .Nov. 20 .Not. 22 .Not. 25 .Kor. 26 rtata . .New Orleans. . . .Not. 7 Orient Not. 7 ..Orient Nov. T ..Orient Nov. 8 ..Honolulu ..Not. 8 ..Europe Not. 8 ..Europe Nov. I . .Europe Not. 8 , .8. F. and way. .Not. 0 . . N. China porta. .Not. 10 . .Seattle Nov. 10 . iSan Fran Not. 10 . . Europe Not. 1 2 . . 8. inrro at way . Not. 1 2 ..Ban Fraa Not. 13 ..Valparaiso .....Not. If . Europe Lake and Klamath Range Found (rood Salem, Nov. 5. Range conditions ere good, although In need of rain, through out Lake and Klamath counties, . according- to Dr. W. K. Lytle, state veteri narian, who has just returned from a trip through that section of the state. Most of the stockmen In that section have sold oft their surplus stock but sales at the present time are brlnring good prices, Lytle states. HELD FOE CAXtFOEMA Dallas, Or., Nov. 6. Murley A. Wall ing is being held In the county Jail here awaiting arrival of an officer from the sheriff a office at Stockton, CaJ., where he is wanted on a charge of non-support. Wnlllns- waa an-raatAA at Pullg CiMr tw . . . . rOT. i a j - - - s - . " - - - "j . . . . . .War. ll ueputy Knerut uraven. Did your dentist ever say to vou "Your money back if it hurts?" There U no need to cause the patient pain in any kind of dental work. Dr. Stevenson says that th more sensi tive the teeth are, the less cause for pain when preparinf the cavities for filling1. Pitient after patient upon the comple tion of an operation by Dr. Stevenson, exclaims: "It is won derful! How do yoa do It?" Dr. Stevenson's perfected anaestheisa is to per cent effective. Nothinr will prove it to you like tryinaj u yourself. No fts; no cocaine; not nerve bloc kin f. MONEY BACK IF IT HURTSl - PYORRHEAr ITS RELIEF AND PREVENTION SUCCESS FULLY ACCOMPLISHED AND TAUGHT DR. LONG. ALSO SOFT. CRUMBLY TEETH CAN BE HARDENED AND DECAY ARRESTED. C.SMITH LONG&STEVENSON S ' ' 310 Boait At Lane) Bld Broajdwaj t Alder MR WlfWm OMylllliiy.o- Thousands of Pairs Must Be Sold JW AL Aug U1C llal A SHOE -SELLING JUBILEE AT ROCK - BOTTOM PRICES Buy Now Year's Supply for the Entire Family 1 : - - A, - I a,;fcV II , s X r ' I II II waeaaeeaess -TTlaaaat-awaasssaawaesal Sana- aaaiaaili aa imei i 1 1 J II Did your dentist ever say to you: 911 WOMEN'S BROWN OXFORDS WOMEN'S BLACK! OXFORDS WOMEN'S THEO TIES WOMEN'S PATENT PUMPS WOMEN'S SUEDE OXFORDS WOMEN'S BLACK PUMPS WOMEN'S BROWN PUMPS WOMEN'S PATENT OXFORDS 850 Pairs of These to Sell Wonderful values. All slses In the lot, but hot tn every line. Tou will not find a greater footwear bargain in the whole city over. Many styles from which tp choose. We fit your feet. 1 2-in-l SHOE POLISH 5c 2 Cans to a Customer Women's Brown Ccllf Brogue Oxford A truly wonderful value. Women's Black or Brown Leather One-Strap and Two-Straps Women's High Shoe Brogue Effects In brown leather, walking soles, tow heel a Women's Brown Calf Oxford's Plain tip or ball strap effects; many different styles for all occasions. Women's Oxfords andjtQ 10E Pumps, per Pair . . .OtaP Men's Extra Quality Storm Rubbers SoC Women's Felt Slippers 98c, $1.29, $1.45 Made with padded soles. Many colors from which to choose. AH sizes from 3 to S. Hear Ye Hear Ye 0 DM opportunity ever exist as for the moat conawrvativei buyer So Invest hla cherished attid In a Motor Car of value far In excesa of the aunt required te purchaae it? Every coo. eluon In tnw category or rvadjvsit. merit mien has worked to yoajr ad- vaatare. an ir ytm do n4 avail I yoeraalf of thla opportunity, rwrtalss. I ly row will rieariael to buy on (an Mot- tom ox use market. Rather Than Carry This Attractive Stock Throuth the Winter. Here She Goes ! -A Corey Motor Car Company Offering PEERLESS: A rsasarlsWe iajtaa tairftr te aaiars a ate avtaM rear lees lcht aaeatat. awaae4 la eark amaronti. rear aeuasaa. aliaihieM aad lost Urea. Tea weaeM prabaMv be clad te (rt a car kfae .tsta far SSOO Basra tbsa we ar avjte. Doet doobt the arrleenaees e( VMe oner last baoaaea wa base cart ta sisaa i . PREMIER: Oh. ROT. a real eiertrte ear akft Preeairr. the eueaaa Bn 4 fia i iiiia del that waa woalt la ISIS Tale bJcb nrsesd asater ear ta in WUl be taady far dallTiri aa isoet te daja at taw vary leer fare re ef I lie STUTZt Tals seal mm r 4 saa same 11 reel tan Bee- wvO taeasirtlv aaawal as tha m laaiaaa lsaTsdsaa wbe ra- dtataa TStaiitr. fwat aad aretoa ta has seendar watt af lfa Cmaeiea? arrsa. Bedr koaa laaitaa bar freaa tha wtad ahMd be the tear Sxauatala kwxS- j Dalfc baa. praetaaalrr aew aauat, wtra ssias, aaal tarae asl 1 ta perfect shape wMwhansnal'a. Osw barsaa et laee waah. aad Slit bar aeewtb aaaka thii ear aaiasasllj 4ear- abas at asaly 1SM . Kaay serene esj aearrtblna. HUDSON i aether brteht apet ta- this ad far the speed wassxwv. A ikartiralarir rand sate Isle, aarty l2a Hebw Baunsier " at S asrUravavrlr low arn. tsnaa tba swaftoe as ia a deokseaeat rwaaiUai baa asjek a ear baa to be aM for ,Sljl VJbwJT aa"W1al 4 99f3n twaajp. BUICKt Oaw ef Osaaa feaOf papalar kta 1 S? T aaaiaai f asaartaa; ears, eetriaal fta- lab. very flaw eawd Hi eqsupesee aed 1 apeeau asos eanaaaa Thai e as aa Uk eery beat af awaattiaw, aad as we m Dot aely nanaaaniia bet raer- antae eran at aw lev a prtew aa llS&d STUDEBAKERi Bit Six. a fanasMaaL atardy 7 taiaaea- Ser a ey Seder mW oar. Inai hsat eaeearh t ba profaerty ewndttsnnad Tha lua ia tar sa eaoeaa ear tna are area re Lister wr. Cend nnaaa. nal 1 baerhankwl abar. ' I1S& a awaryshsna. FRANKLIN i A ItJv aaassas-r ear, see af tha aewaaaabsal. aaay rafinc aad drtTuai aara. a awry Cm ear lor a ladr aad as . assch eaaadiUeei tbad yea -nil be free saa far a Vf Pass aa aailea aw prtea I aad suli is sly niairrsnea bay Unas aad In tM yrtwalwB MeVaa? v e s It as for esly IITe 1B1T awrtaei aaanaMe war a bewlr taUsrase, exd tiras aad latisaisaiie. lass at a ts Kaay seaas a eai itbaaa. HAYNESt TUnk of tt a ItS btf 7 paanaeie Ciraifkea Barwas wttA the prW ataaWa te a pornt aoatrwUUiw wttb eeeaa be tsar, a baaaursd (sr. aewrr awlat. i rnod Urea and aaarhaasnsBr eaveUssSbl Waaabar tan ba eawd for faaiOr ar I State jamais Saakaa Bute dnef ease, ausea tt aaay ba pan Saa I fat .lTe lavf bam CADILLAC: Men's Dress and s Work Shoes Extra Values $35, $4.85 Boys' Broad-Toe Lace In brown or Hack leather solid soles and heels. . Sizes 9 to I312. $2.85 Sizes 1 to 6..... $3.45 Children's Patent and Brown Shoes with colored tops; also Children's Patent Button Scuffers, siies 4 to 8 $1.45 Children'. Black Kid Shoes Lace, or button; also In Q brown lace; sizes 4 to 8. . . tD-L Children's Scuffers $g.00 In brown and lnmoked elk; lace or button; Goodyear welted soles j - wonderful values, these I v Portland's Big Union Shoe .Store Corner Foxirth and Alder RIAIL ORDERS-Fri deep brae, very aaavppy apfaasraatee ed aVUfbtrel te artea. KzeeJarat aeed saait aiawL Taia aali etnas as as the bsat wa base bad aa tbe bswae oflare saaay reels st real CaAasve ss- )raerat. Biias la year asaaaVr ear aae wa ya aereea tt aa pan nareaasst i ax ae fcw a I24S JSP em this CdAlatvai, 0w"aaewlfwfB OLDSMOBILE: The Stat weed as eahse ta thU evrrwawfy low prtaed rTt 11S O baubib i jasisaair tsarina ear. Messy as se aasre aaaateue ean as nttie aa a a ta amrrhaaa satrb a flaw bag pspsasr aa ae Una. Ahheaab that ear -UKk as at baoka at a seat sf 1 1 C21 t wa aaa aaana to shoe at fast at oarr SISM aaVLpJf aafewMal tM VwaKlln4at, CHANDLER: Seldom doss mejtaaltr pusist p ta tbia aiaaaaty caeaaass aaaai lrlel as lae laal amUl .1. doabt Its aawTrJkaBirel efflrasisry. Uaea aa fear, taas 1 SIB 1 siniaa r aaanae ta anuaaally awed, mot aatlr ta aiajnar aarsv bat aa perTsraaaore. aad eflvittTed with a eaaaDleta new avi as? Urea. Aa it it. Ha vaaaa eaa bardly WW tba saa ifl me sets Caw tanas aa esorithbia. Cre en DUplay at Osr Xata Salea avsssaa. ava vfsa aa as uar Broadway Used Car Branch 28-10 ft. Bresadwar Covey llotor Car Company i 21st atWaatlalnrteaSta. Main $244 DANCE TONIGHT BOAT-BLUE BIRD Now anchored at SeUvrood. , Take Orearen City. XBwaaklr. Csta eada Cars ta Bpokaaa Arcane, , tie te Ftrry sila. , t Dancing 7:30 to lt:30 P.M. '. HEIIKV rSEVTEE SXSCZ ' . . . oacflEsraA - . e 3