The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 05, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    . V
Be Sie
good reviewed
' ' C. Stewart
What la to coma from the rhaos caused
y i the near Sisroptton 5f the Delry-
, wen's league? This la a vital question
that thousands ot dairymen auerer
.tha atata ara asking themeelrea. For
tnanr months It j baa bees erident that
aoonar or lata a crisis would be
reach, bat ne definite steps wara
' taken by anyone to ward off tha sear
cataatrepbe of having thia farmara or'
; sanitation acvllt la to groups with chances
that It might avail ba euOategTtted an
tiraly. I
Tha blow did sot fall until eondlUana
txeame err bad la Cletsoo county
hlch la ' known aa Bona five. Then
they taauad an elUroetum to hs man
agar tt tha Ifegne, an ultimatum prr
chaaee that did not leave room enoush
.to settle tha matter la a saiUifaetorr
manner ta all sides.
Aa tlma want ion. condition In that
' lana bacama worse and worse, dua. to
a great ettent, ta tha withdrawal. In- ena
way ar another, of many mem ben of
the league In that aona, which thraw
lha burdana of overhead expenses, which
rnuld not ba greatly reduced, apon but a
airall percentage of tha entire member
ship. , . i ,
The condition af tha league la not as
(recartoua aa many perhapa think. In
fact to thoee who have Investigated, It
U In a fa)rly rood financial condition.
There I a soundly built hop, shared In
by both tha cooperative council and
friends af cooperation In general, that
tha lea rue eaa attain ba brought back
Into a 'unified body.
Tha cooperative council la now work
lneto ret tha support of business men
ar.d others wha will ba able ihrourh
their assistance to hold the orsanlaa-
tloit together. It ha practically been
. assured that tha business man of Clatsop
county will ba able to extend financial
aid to tha dairymen In that aona, which
will aarry them through tha crlala until
. tha organisation i la again functioning
properly. , i i
Tha league haa behind H a large
percentage of the dairy Interests t -the
atata, tha mambara being bound to the
league by an Iron-clad-contract which
aerurea that all outstanding obligations
of the learua will ba met A large part
of tha preferred stock of tha league that
la outstanding haa gone to pay for the
many creameries, cheese and milk
pisnta that tha learua haa built or pur
. c ha sad. It la money well Invested
1 The Pacific Northwest Trult exposi
tion win ba held at the Boil street ter
minal is Seattle from November zl to
Jt, according to announcement made by
John ' A. -Gellatly of Wena tehee, Wash-
president of the exposition. Boys and
rlrle dub members in particular a
displaying- a great deal ot interest la
the fortbcomlnr exposiuon.
- In the high school contest prises are
ottered for the beat display of processed
fruita, put up In school, to contain the
following: .Ten quart of canned fruits.
net teas than five varieties ;1 glasses
of Jelly, not leaa than three varieties;
la- glasses preaerved rmits ; iv r'sssii i
of Jama and marmalades ; five glasses
of conserve : five glasses spiced and
pickled fruits. Tha prises will, be;
First, ?Q; second. 925; third, X5.. -
in the contest for rlrla and beys'
cldbs, tha aame kind and variety o a
display la called ror wtm premiums aa
follow: Flret SSOr second, 12J ; third,
fourth. 110. and- fjflh. IS.
. Liberal prises have been offered.- for
be and honey exhibits ta an effort ta
point out the value of honey as prin
cipal or by-product Prises also will be
offered in tha various fruit displays. A
queen will be an throned, to - rule- ever
the exposition and ahe will have ; five
maida. to be designated as peaches. - She
will be called Queen Pippin. ' , "
An English Inventor haa 'perfected
steam motor truck which uses coke for
foe. t .
Oregon , Agricultural College, Corval-
Us. Key. I Four hundred . buahela ef
potatoes 4s- tha average yield per sere
ef 't several ' potato - club members of
Multnomah county. . When contrasted
with the state average yield ot in
buahela this shows what may ba dona by
proper methods ot production, accord'
Ins; to H. C Seymour, state leader of
boys and girls, dubs at tha college. --
Twenty -eeven of - tha M club mem
bers have' completed their prelects, all
; entered In the field inspection. Three
boys. "William KUlot. Aubrey Pocht and
CUronca Svaratt past! aa4 are raady
for bin Inspection. If. their potatoes
pass -bin inspection they win ta ready
tor eel aa eertWed seed potatoes.
The work has been dona under na 'di
rection of X a Balxman. U. O. Weedla
and P. hf. Laaley af alultaomak eewaty.
Professor W. S. Carpeatar. exter-atos
specialist trora the. coUer. haa taken,
tha boys en field Inspection toura, Pro
fessor Carpenter reports mora nths
aiaam among dub growers than smear
adult producers. . j
Twanty-cna erhtbka - were made by V
members et these clubs at county and
atata fairs. J. E. Larsen. manager xf
tne dark county. Wtshlagtoa. Potato
Orowers aaaodatioo, Judred tha ex
hlhita at both fairs. He expressed the
oplnlonUvat the standard of eetectiea
madeoy Ovb member la far abov Jat
et tka averare potato exhibitor. The
clftha will both be reorganised tor work
next year. .
ff sj a y fwwy iffit ia-i -:-- jcT'-tis'i ssaiiiaffiyessfta . i Fsswisiiaji;a.i.-.vrAfeij--:- i..v. : .v.- -, .
, ' - -:.-f
IX f? ...
of friends of cooperative marketing, and
can retain tha faith. and loyalty of Its
membership. The facta in tha case do
cot Justify even talk, of tearing the
learua apart .There was considerable
tardiness upon everyone's part to take
any corrective measures, but there haa
only been haste in the attempt at disruption.
Tha affairs of the league are being
watched not only by other dairymen of
tha state, but by every person interested
in anv wav In coonerative marketinx.
tha plants are kept running by the Dairy league members have a- respon-
learue. ir tney are auowea to remain i Ability to falfill toward other organ
Idle. It will mean but an added drain Nations as well as their own. It can
to bath tha loyal members and these who bo said and la only too true that "united
nave seen in uj wunurew, lor eecn ana we stand, divided wa fall
every memoer is ooirraiea inrougn nts
ewtract to pay -oft tha preferred stock
as tt falls due.
The fault lies not alone upon one
head. Inefficient management has been
largely responsible for the entire trou
ble. Knewlns that thla condition ex
ltxf, tha executive council took no de
cisive steps to alter the condition. It is
even apparent so many of the league
members state, that the new manager,
who haa been In charge but a tew
months, haa not done his level best to
hold tha league membership Intact
True, the condition of the learua was
In a very serious way whan ha was
placed in charge. Ha has rreathr re
duced the overhead expenses, and ha haa
Land Products to
Occupy Large Part
Of Livestock Show
The Land Products show will occupy
12,000 square .feet of space in the new
exhibitors' building- at the Pacific Inter
national. 'Exhibits of the seven blue
ribbon counties ot Oregon, in addition
to a general Pacific ' slope exhibit of
corn, apples and potatoes, will be shown.
mad. iV nv.m.nt. l Jr,. Ir til The Agricultural Collars of Washington.
last saaailsasam a n wMtMmllltlrs sftst a4a I waa-wav see . awvuu.
the atand that since the , present eon- hot only the general state fair ex-
diUon ot tha Clatsop eounty unit la due w T.r"" ,urT
to farmer muiutmtitL h. ta I 't Of space, but Will Send S special
reaponalbla and that tt makes bat Ui- nauonai oairy snow axnimi, , covannr
tl difference to him if they do aeparste . ich has coat ,000 to pre
themMWaa from n learua. pare. Those who have seen tha exhibl-
DtTT OP SflAHAOXB , 'Z "tSZ ?L2.lX
i nm oui7 ui wipaanr, ma nrmi that ttiav km aivpp mmi
nuvmono, tm. vo nvia ioainr uio or-
ganltatlon. for which ba Is warklng- It
l his duty aa wall as to his Interest to
keep the entire league functioning prop
erly ss a unit ann tne disruption or tne
r-rgsnlsatten should hot be considered by
the man who baa been placed In the inv
.ptrtant position of maoarer
Tne executive council or tne league
should have bean more active than it
haa bean. . It should have offsred
sou nasi and s4vloa and should have
taken dec Wive steps for corrective meas
ures ions are. Tha position of manager
dltflcuJt or. to Pit It not only requires " "
a sironc executive but a man wits "suonaj LavcBioc zpoaiuon. a para
aalursJ geaaralaalp and a knack of dl-ling system which will guarantee the
piomaffy. I minimum ot time and trouble for motor-
There M S critical period In the life I lata la to he maintained for nandllnr
oi Twy or-animaiion ae wen aa pnvaie-i tne cars.,. - e
ly ewsod buainea. It the Dairy-learua The (earns comDoaltlon of hav! shav
ran sun xnrougn in present eiruaivoni mmAi,t ..a -Arw ik
inipci, invrv w P-rr .rpaaon w Nwntmm n-utiiiflrfnn lxjrt mr wttl h
that tt will go en down through tha a reel --., ,r,in roiio nrnM.tinn win k
e ena of tha suceeasful cooperatlr orf nr0vlded hr the stock show man.
gaalaauona, i .; Jment so that motorista may aaend aa
ivgrtRtTiOR Msiaiub 1 many boura aa desired inside the build
It eaa aull threush tha breaent crisis I Ing. without worrylnr as to the safety
It It la given the whole hearted support! ot ara or contents.
Butter Package Is
Big Problem; Much
Improvement Made
For the aame reason that a man pre
fers to eat bis meals from a clean table
cloth he prefers to get the butter he eats
In a .clean and attractive package 4t
halpa him to ret mors enjoyment from
his food and that means he really gets
mora value out of it even though care
lessly Packed products may contain Just
as much food value as these that are put
up careruiiy. . -
The package into which butter is put
is of more importance than most, food
packages; because the product which it
holds Is extremely sensitive . to outside
influences, especially odors. Men who
have made a business of studying mar
ket conditions aod methoda have long
riven attention to the pack axe problems
and they are still at it Thla year at
the National Dairy show held In St
Paul, Minn., the United States depart
ment of agriculture bad an unusual
show of butter packages that proved ot
as much interest aa a lot ot curios. . The
department had collected packages from
tha various countries ot the world that
make butter in considerable quantities.
and they were shown in comparison with
packages that are used in our own coun
try. In addition there were examples
of good and of poor packing.
" ' a
' ln' ';j:.mmmmm
Above, some O. A. C. sheen arriving?
on the jump. Center, na of B. F.
Xeai's contenders for Jersey bon
en, and, below, a Goernsey calf
cradled In the arms of its nurse.
tbe first baby of this year's show,
Parking for More
Promised at Show
Parkins accommodation tor mora
. than 6000 automobiles are. being pre
pared for the thousands of ears which
Frederick Hartung,
Eugene. Highest in
Livestock Judging
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval-
lia, Nov. 5. Frederick A. Hartunr or
Eugene wonjthe highest standing for in
dividual members of . cortege teams in
the judginr contest at the Western Royal
Livestock show which closed in Seattle
this week. The college federal board
stock judginr team, composed only of
wounded ex-service men, took first place
in competition with Washington State
college, University of Idaho ana other
colleges which entered the contest This
record. gives the college first place on
tm wnrk and both first places for in
dividual records, which is the highest
record made by any Institution entering
the contest .
lLEfllffll.: ; FARM H
tr -i- i
It - m - , - .
na- -
easspsssasasspsaspiieBm epasasBawasaisawsBiassippsp"apapSs
Don't fail to get infor
mation about the. new
Perfection Electric; can
be run from farm light
ing plant or regular elec
tric line. Any man with
eight cows or more can
afford one. Look us
up at International
Live Stock Show.
53 First Street ' Portland, Oregon
3 plows,
8 ft. dUc,
a it
r a r 1
rust iui
2 plows.
to OIL
2 V. ft.
' Veif ht
Dbtribotorfor OLDSMAR?460,
9r H. PJ 10 itu plowlrVYou cxt ride. See it.
fgnts wanted ' in tack locality,
. Write for.FREE litermrure and deUil.
v Mention which tractor interested in.
... ......
Stoclf ihow tocek it "Open House" week with us.'
' Give us a'calL-
Tractors and Threshers
Are Standard Equipment Wherever
Machinery Is Ued- Sojd From Portland
V Continuously Since 1882 - '
Call at our. warehouse and allow us to explain, why
.the RimeQ 4Tliree-Speecr Ttauinission Tractor
is proving so successful, also get informa
, tibn concerning our up-to-date; !
. -Thresher, HuHer Sawmills
rtn tt i en I
9th Annual Pacific International
Holstein Sale Portland, Friday, Nov. 11, 1921
I Seas ae fttR asrtiealert as mmumuOn sjsshl
I wewte like ta mmm Free Celfue Seaa
i - - y
1 '
: J " . I i Ammvt : 'A--- ,-"f
1 . r W w '! T li
fir lv . , te-wr
1 . I IT ii sV - ( v : --y-w . r IX
ii i ftV.v-""- "" - "
I ' - - 5 " el
lit. . - v. '
A very good illustration of tho excellent type and conformation shown in all daughters of Judge Segis.
The following animals are consigned to the Portland Sale:
Von Heim Ormiby Valdessa.
HoUywood LUith BeUe,
Hollywood Mercedes Lilith.
Hollywood lilith Mechthnde.
Hollywood Bessie Johanna.
HoUywood Champion Johanna 2nd.
Judge Segis 9th.
Aa unnamed son of Judfe Setis.
Don -1 Fail to Visit America's Largest
'. Livestock Show
Iilaclunery Co.
824 Belmont St.
. Portland, Oregon
r mw Tptesaers f StPpail etever
L J , eop Eaflaes L J sfS Sttaffa MuSwa
i r::::r ::::::
.u: ..42S E. Morrison ;St PoiJani, 'CT