SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 5. 1821. THE OREGON DAILYR! JOURNAL K3RTIJaND,4 OREGON . TOWN TOPICS . COXISO CTEMTS .tkul Craas ). rwrUaad. ta S ta IS - i rr1A IntOTMtlaMl I Lliaetnc OntM hxtar ScbmI iMniektfcm tenUaa. Salem, .t.a 1 u IT. iMVil Mistararal aatnrtallriB rrtfW larsnrB. rarttaad. Kewmbe J end" Oiiw Ha HWkUat. PorUaad. Aaaael wit Orw Cn'teata Ctjien, Baanaratrrwary It U It. ' WEATHER C05DITI058 A MMhxaM etoem I marine ta tea off h .aw ti(KHi4 enaat. aeeMBpaaM by nct Tain ht that arum ta atnev oaatrleta that ara bo H aeftned areas of pw piaanire. th barometer hawtg relatively h ia eer moat oC the eenir, tth bisaaat media la Nerala. Preetpitallaa haa uiiad ta aarUi . Pacific enaat UUa aad tUnllnc eastward to waalara Montana, tt la aomea hat warmer ha trta apuer Miauori ralley. t aomapandlndy eonler la tha ippt l.aae recta; riaeweer. anl ahSM cnaaaae m ena- pervtwra vara rarinrted. , Ukiet.e hamMHr at Portland: Nana yaatar- uay. 71 par caat; a p. m. reaterdaj, 1't V cewli a a. ai. toitai. VX par eeoL fTeeipHatiaa ain-a January 1 : Total; SO 25 trrKee; surma. IS.St 1 Be barn: deficiency, 2.04 tr.lea. ' i WEATHER FORECAST tilaJl and delaltir: . Monday unsettled. pn hahty raia; aoatbaejttarlj, winds. .: ffeiivlar fait tut, unetd weM rmrUna. probably rain west puftion; lifhl to a cxl-rare aaatarly wirulv WmMbm: Hnnday lair east, unsettled w rnbaMy with rata wet portion; eorjtr eaat inrtiua tonlcht; Uant l avKkertts easterly winds. OB.hKHVaTIONR STATIONS Raker, Or . HrtM. Idaho lUMtan. Maaa. Iiuffaln, . T t'alcary. Alberta . . . rhleaan. Dl j. Fa-arer. Colo. Iaa Uolnes. Iowa , Kreano. Cal (.aleaatun. Ttfa . . . . rVtena. Mont. Honolulu. T. H. Huron. 8. D 'Juneau. Alaaka . . . . Kaneae City. MA . . . Ijm Anclee, Cel. . . . Manhftrld. r Wed ford, Or Memphia. Tenn v.w Olenna. La. . . . New Tort. N T North Heed. Wa-h. . North 1'laU. Neb . Mala no ma 'IU. Ukla. Ihoitnti, Aria. .... Ilttoburf. I'a. Portland. Or. I'rlnra Ruiwrt. B Kiiaariurt. Or Ilnaaall. N. it Narramimto, CaL Mt, ImIi, Mn M. I'atil. Minn. Salt lata City. I tab Man l'o. t'aJ. . . . . hin KranHwo. Cal rattJr. Wah- . . . . Mwrtilan. Wo Ultka. Alaska .... Nriokan. WaAh. , . . TaUtiKh bland. Vajb. Tonnriab. Vanoouwr. B. C. , , Walla UalU. With. Wwlilnfton. I. I'. . Taklma. WwK St. . c. , Ttai). I J --. - li s i sj j jf 2 a o 34 0 53 44 .01 50 S3 .18 AO JA 0 3 8 0 70 8 0 ' 4 Sn 0 AO 3 0 78 3 0 AO 43 0 R0 .... 0 A4 2 0 8A . . 0 74 4 0 8 70 0 A3 "48 .06 70 84 0 73 53 0 74 58 0 53 44 0 56 53 .12 70 33 0 83 4 4 0 88 4A 0 56 88 0 A3 S3 .04 56 43 .70 53 48 .OS 80 S3 0 80 50 0 70 46 0 4 8 30 0 I AA 4 4 0 84 A3 0 80 AO 0 58 54 .18 70 30 O 0 3 44 0 56 50 .02 64 50 0 58 46 .12 54 50 .ai 60 48 0 52 44 0 aophicU society. 301 Central baUdias. Sunday at S p. m. by the Rev. Chart e Hampton. . . T. X. C. A. War Worker All wen and womea who served at home or ovcr eaa in the uniformed Y. M. C. A. d urine the World war period are expected to re port at the local T. M. C. A. auditorium at 12 o'clock sharp, November 11. in full uniform, ready to participate in . the Armistice day parade. Such is -the offi cial announcement made today by Dr. J. E. Anderson, president of the Bed Triangle association of Oregon. This applies to all such in this state and; In or near Vancouver, Wash. Saaaard'a as to Has uae Portland SI Helens-Astoria division : Leave Port land llp.nL.7 :30 a. m., 10 a. m, 1 p. rn t :1J p. m. Leave Astoria 7 :1S a. mJ 10 a. m, 1 :30 p. m I :J0 p. m.. 6 :15 nv. Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Busees leave St Charles hotel. 204 Morrison street Telephone Marshall 438L Adv. Dab la I Service at the College The annual session at North Pacific college haa begun. Patrons and friends desir ing dental service may now ' receive prompt a tent ion. East 6th and Oregon streets. Adv. Woedlaws Association to Meet To- ala;bt Wood lawn Improvement associa tion will meet this evening at 8 o'clock at Woodlawn school. A full attend a nee Is desired. , Fortlana'-Brewfeer; 1 Leave Fourth and Aider daily, t. 9 .30, 11 a. m.. and 1, 2:30, 4:15. 6 :30. 6 :10 p. m. ; Saturday and Sunday 11:15 p. m. Phone Main 3314. Adv. - Big Daarr, Labor temple. Fourth and Jefferson streets, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, this week. Good floor, good music and a good time. Look for next week's announcements. Adv. 4 J. W. Teal leaving- Taylor street dock Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. . m. ; leaving Dalles Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, 7 a. m. Fare, (1. Main 806. Adv. Fortlsnd Tillamook Cadillac Stage. Hoyt hotel, daily at 8:15 a. m. and 2 p. m. Special arrangements made for fish ing parties. Adv. Salem-Mllli City Stage Connects i O. E. trains N'os. 5 and 9 for Mil! City, Joseph. Hamman, Salem. Prop. Adv. Feet Hart! see our foot specialist. X-ray services free. Knight Shoe com pany. Morrison near Broadway. Adv. Str. America St. Helens via'Columtoia river, 2 :30 p. m. dally ; 11 -.30 a. m. Sun day. Alder st dock. Main 8323. AdT. Portland-Salera Stage Leaves Seward hotel. Tenth and Alder, every hour from a. m. to 7 p. m. Fare, $1.50. Adv.; Dr. Marie Eqnl has resumed practice. Lafayette building, 313 Washington street. Adv. S. H. Grcaa nvManpa Tor Cash Hoi- man Fuel Co.. Main 353, 160-21. Adv. held at 8t Tmukv Salea. Bisbop Stunner baa beca imited to preach tha rmitmnial aenaea tad will aiao offer apadal pnjea for tint cao feKnea oa diannainent . ' Semeca at St. Ktcnbana Fro-Cathedral. Hnn day. Brill eosBmenea aritb holy coBUBBoioa at 7 ai a. m. ail aeniuea will be in eharca of -Uk dean. Tha BratbeTbood of St. Andrew wiB Bond jts BMBthly eorporata communion at T:4S a na. Miai Dapboa Henderson will lead the yoong people' meetins t 6:30 p. n. "" tnaarmaaent or Bankroptcr will bo Dr. A. A Morriaon'a tbeme Bonday mornins at Trinity Epiaeopal cbarea. The yonna peopie will civa a mnaieal Brofran in tbe parish booaa 8 an day at 7 p. at. A rictory party will be riven by tue choir and youns people' society on Thnrtday eTenins. FREE METHODIST Special meetines are beine held each nieht at the First Free Methodist csiurch. East Ninth and Mill streets. Walter Klotsbach. evangelist, will preach each nignt until November? .3. n. aa. rrport nf prKTillni day. Alatnal Clab Formed The University of fhlrasro Alumni club of Portland was formed Friday night, at a dinner at the Ifnlveraity club. Vlrirll A. Orurrv was alerted pienldent Other officers are: Mra Kdward U Clarke, vice president; Joseph Demtnery, secretary-treasurer ; Mlaa 1 Burgena and Dr. F. K Griffin, members of tN eecutlve commutes paaker were nr. Hdward O. Slsson of Haed college., who was a member of the flrat graduating rlaaa of the university and Municipal Judge George Ross man About 2i portions wore present EVANGELICAL The Bible conference at the Swedish tabernacle will close Sundav with three services.- Rev. Rudolph Peterson of Everett. Wash., will Dreach at 11 a, m. and 7:30 d. m. Dr. B. -B. Sutcliffe of the Moody Bible institute staff will Dreach at the English service at 3 D. m. The revival campaign of Rev. Gustaf F. Johnson was. a marked success. Over 50 people of au ages came forward for prayer and many conversions, were re corded. The church has been refreshed and will continue the revival meetings at its Sunday and week day services. FBIEXDS A missionary service under the leader ship' of the Rev. F. O. George, quarterly meeting superintendent will be con ducted Sunday morning at the First Friends church. Letters will be read and reports given from the mission fields. President Levi T. Bennington of Pacific college will give an address at night on the disarmament Question. Music by the Sunday school orchestra. METHODIST . Members of the Carson Heights M. E church. Eighth and Hume streets, will dedicate their new building Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Dr. W. W. Youngson will give the dedication talk and Bishop W. O. Shepard will give a special address. The building was taken orer from the Eraa selical church and haa been remodeled at a cost of SI 700. The building which the church formerly used has been sold for a dwelling. The Rer. George Smith Brown, a student at Kimball School of Theology, is the pastor. The Rer. Mr. Blikinsop. associated with the pastor at school, will furnish special music William Pinke is chairman of the finance committee and G. 'E. ffipsword of the building committee. The Sunday school under ' the superin tendency of Horace Mann Propst. has been organized into nine graded classes. The Ladies' Aid society. of which Mrs. George S. Brown is president, is planning a bazaar for December 2. The Will ing Workers' Sunday school class gave a suc cessful entertainment last week. Council of Churches To Meet at Forums Ella worth Reentering Miss Gladys Ellsworth. 21-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mra. J. C. Ellsworth, 215 Haaelfern place, - Is i recovering in St. Vincents hospital from injuries suffered In an automobile accident Wednesday night on tlie- Greabam road. Mlw Ells worth was. In an automobile driven by Jack J. PheUn, a North Pacific Dental collrga student. Vhcme home is In Ev erett. Wash. The car altldded and turned ovrr. I'hrlan was uninjured. Hbeaard'i Alto Rat Lines Portland-Aatorla-SeaaJde division Leave Port land 7:30 a. m.. 10 :00 a. m.. 1 :00 p m, 4:15 p. m. Leaving Astoria 7:15 a. m 1:15 a. m.. 10:00 a. m., 1:30 p. m.. 2:45 p. m. and 6 :15 p. m. Direct connections at Astoria to and , from Seaside and Clatsop Beach points. Busses leave St cnaries hotel. 304 Morrison street Tele phone Marshall 4181 Adv. ftrapetralt Rat Cat Rates on grape fruit movlDg from F!orid;i to North Pa cific coant points wVll be reduced from 12.79'i to $2.2H. ccordlng to notice reeclved by the local freight office of tha Union Pacific from II. M. Adams. vice president in charg of traffic. This lower rate was proposed by the trans continental lines some, time ago, lut the Houtbern lines refused to concur. Ad ami haa Just Obtained the approval of the Southern lines and the new tariffs will be published as! soon an possible. Shesara's Ana Bat tlaea Multnomah Falln division. Leave Portland 9:30 a. m., 11 a. ra., 2 :45 p. in. : 4 :S0 p. m. dally. Leave Multnomah Falls 7 :15 a. m.. 11:15 a. m., 12 .55 p. m.. 4 p. m. and :10 p. m. dally. Busses leave St Charles hotel. 204 Morrison street Telephone Marshall ' 4311. Adv. Salary aad Boa as Paid A civil service examination for position of messenger boy for the public health service will be held Jn Portland December 3. A salary of $600 and bonus is paid. Further In formation may be obtained from the civil service commission. Fostofflce building. Shepard'i Aato Bat 1,1a Portland Mood Hlver division. Leave Portland 9:30 a, m . 11 a. m . 2:45 p m. and 4:30 p. m. dally, Leave Hood River 9 :30 a. m.. 11 a. m., 3 :20 p m. and 4 :30 p. ra. dally. Bussea leave St Charles hotel. 204 Morrison st Telephone Mar. 438L Adv. frets Clab to Elect Members of the Portland Press rlub will ballot Monday on officers and directors for the coming year. The polls will be open until 7 p. m. James CasaeQ Is the only nomi nee for president. Talk oa Dreams "The Mystery of Dreams" will be the subject of a lec ture at tha rooms of the Portland Theo- The Portland council of churches through its department of social and Industrial betterment announces a program for a public forum lo be held on Sunday evening at 8 o'clock in room A of the Central library. The subjects for No vember deal with the conference on the limitation of armaments. November 6 President Richard F. Scholi of Reed, college will speak on "The Limitation of Armament ; November 14 -Dr. Edward O. Slsson .of Reed college wlH speak on "The Educational Ideals of Peace" ; No vember 20 Dr. J. O. Miller of the Uni versity of Oregon will speak on "The Economic Aspects of the Limitation of Armament," and on November 27 Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will speak on "The Value of Open Diplomacy." The forum is open to the genera) public. The audience Is invited to ask questions after the ad dress. Evangelist Dickson Preaches Closing Sermon on Sunday Evangrtist Louis K. Dickson, who for number of years has been holding- special services in Portland, will preach nis closing ermon bunday nitrht In Women of Woodcraft hall. Tenth and rsyior streets. His subject will be. "Hugging Hell's Hatches." A special musical program has been arranged for this service under the direction of Prof. 1. C. Colcord, who has directed the music in the Dickson meetings. Dickson is leaving Portland in re sponse to an urgent call from Los An--geles, Cal.. to engage in evangelistic work in that city. He .s planning to leave in about a week. Since the spring of 1917 Dickson has been pastor of the Central Seventh-day Adventist church, of this city and has engaged in special evangelistic work be side his regular pastoral duties. The past year and especially the past sum mer season's work has been the most successful since hisarrival in the city. Surrounding himaelf with a number of Bible teachers and singers, he has seen many converts led to membership in his church as well as the other six congre gations or tne bevenin-aay Adventists in foruano. a It is with much reluctance, he says, that he has decided to leave Portland. but owing to the need and the urencV of -the call which has come to him he feels that the time has come when he should make the change. He leaves be hind htm a host of friends. Rer. Ralph c. McAfee, executive secretary of the Portland Council of Churches, will occupy the pulpit of the First Methodist church Sun day morning. He will speak on "War, Peace, and the Church." In the evening Dr. Edward O. Swson of Reed college, chairman of thr- department of international justice and goodwill of the Portland Council of Churches, will de liver an address on "The Whirlwind and the ti hmau Voice." Special music at both Mrviees by the large choral choir. The annual father and sons banquet sponsored by the Men s club, will be held Kriday at 6:30. The principal addre-3 for the fathers wul be deliv ered by E. T. Gruwell, followed by a short address by Edward I Clark. . After this number of the smm will soeak. A ttiiiru-iI nm. gram will be rendered nnder the direction of Dr. Roy A. Prudden. One or two interesting bluuus win ue Biageo. Tickets 00 cents. The music at Centenary Wilbur is attracting attention. Much favorable comment Is heard concerning J. M. Muir's 15-minute organ re cital, preceding the eveninz servic. v.vt Sn.. day will be Disarmament Sunday, "and in the luuimua it. iixriea juacuaugney will speak. in me morning the quartet will sing "The Lc-t Sheep" (Schneider) f and Maldwin E. Evans will sing Bach's "A Prayer." In the evening the chorus will sing "At Evening Ere the Sun Was Set". (Turner), and Mrs. 3. t fi, n ng Dvoraks "Hear My Prayer, O Lord." Members crowded the church auditorium Wednesday night for the reception to the new pastor. The weekday church school for primary and junior children at Centenary-Wilbur Methodist Kpiscopal church began last Wednesday. Chil dren from the first three grades begin work shortly after 2:30 p. m. and those up to the seventh grade at 3:45. Fifty-two men and boys attended tbe first annual iatner-and-son banauet irivn in i.n.nin xt.k ist church last night. Women teachers in the Sun day school served the dinner. The principal address ? ETen Jy ,U V- Jenk". chief of police. The ipworth League cabinet Is preparing a se ries of meetings for "W'in-My-Chum" week November 13 to 20. An appropriate "Peace Sunday sermon will be given Sunday morning dj mo pastor. tev. w. . Byars. At night uis oc-vuuu wnoon in me series on uunstan fun damentals will be D reached. Th cr.rH. !i babies and their mothers will enjoy a party in uib unurcn next xuesaay irom 2 to 4 o dock Mij Gertrude Espey and Mrs. Ernest W. Peter son are arranging the prosram Sunday nighj will be travel night at fipworth Methodist church. Principal S. U. Downs nf the Blliott school, who- spent the" summer in -ew ieaiann and Australia, wul give an illus- 1 trated lecture. 'The Sew Heaven and the New Earth" will be discussed Sunday morning at flinton-Kelly Memorial Methodist church by Rev. E. 8. Mace, pastor. The three divisions of the Sunday school will meet at 9:4 5 a. m. and Miss Marian inomson wiu lead tne fcpworth League. The pastor will preach at the W estmomlnnrl rharui at night. Rev. Gostav A. Storaker will.nreaeh XnmW at 1 1 a. m. and 8 p. m. at the Vancouver Ave nue Norwegian-Danish Methodist Episcopal church. The evening services will be in English. The special evaoaelistie services will be con tinued tonight, SurEiay and all next week at the Montavilla Methodist church, under the auspices oi ivtt. nootn nrymer, evangelist. He will preach Sunday at 11 a. m., 3 and 7:30. p. m.. and daily at 7:30 p. m. , Mrs. Brymer is as sisting with the music. A number of . persons have gone forward for prayer. The Sunnyaide Methodist church has Pre pared a great disarmament service for Sunday morning. A vote on this question will be taken at both services. Dr. T. H. Gallas-her is a i!itTft- Lilian?-'1 Future of World Is Dr. Eliot's Topic . The approaching conference in Wash ington will be made the occasion of a sermon on "The Future of the World " by William O. Eliot Jr., Sunday at 10:30 a. m. at the Church of Ou.r Father (Unitarian). At 4 p m. a public musi- cale and "get acquainted social" will be had. The choir, consisting of Mitylehe Fraker Stites. Mrs. Herman J. Hucke. J. Koss Fargo and Walter Hardwick. will Bin. Ralph W. Hoyt and Mrs. Hardwick acting as accompanists. On Monday at 6:30 p. m. the local chapter of the Laymen's league will give a church sun- per in honor of CarUWetherell, the newly appointed field secretary for the Pacific coajtt. On Friday, Armistice day, a brief service in commemoration of the unknown dead will be held, beginning at flv minutes before the noon hour. This meeting: win be without sectarian Im port and the public Is respectfully in vited. IMPORTANT NEWS OF . PORTLAND CHURCHES Continued Prom Page Eighteen), preaching a t series'' a popular aeraxm en I Uad.- SoBdav nirbt'a anbiect -win be "Dad s Daughter.- Oa Monday nignt the "lads and dads" wiH sit down to a splendid banauet. A full program of artechca aad stoats by the boys and men will be given. . Central Methodic e&mrea. ta dad to BwlroaMi back Dr. and Mra. A. B. Mara-an, who aa joct returned farm the East Dr. Maektaa will preach at both aerviccs Sunday. Weekday tissues are held Thursday at MHt for Jaaior and 7 .30 lor adoita. Two baaaptire groapa ara eatng or ganised for the seventh and cighta. graAa girla. AKnt t340 waa anharribed Tuesday nicbt by leading Portland Itcthodista at a ateeting at the tint Metnodiat eboica oa tne obligation whieh tha church nmaabed to aanma to aiateh nart of tha interest OB a donation of soo.uuu tram the jsocaeieuer ioonaaooB ior W illajnrtls nniveratty. The. followinc commit tee waa appointed to cooperate with tha trustees oi the una vera ty: J . w. uay. ccainnan; . si. Ellison, C. W. Miller, L. D. Mafcoae, R. Y. Hanke, a V. Badiey, 1. C Abbett. C B Caridi and T. E. Elliott " PEI SBTTEEI AK A service Xit prayer and dedication will be held at 10:30 a. m. Amistice day tn the auditorium of the First Preaby terian church. Dr. H. L. Bowman will preach' an appropriate peace Sunday morning and the Rev. N. K. Tully will speak at nignx. ' The anthems, "Incline Thine Ear" (Bimmel) and "How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place' (Brahms) will be given by tha quartet ia 'the morning -and Half red Young will siag "Even, in Prayer" aa an offerxry during the evening service. The Men's club will meet Tuesday at 8 p. m., when William D. Wheelwright will give a lecture on "America arid tha Orient." This will be followed by a get-acquainted boor and refreshments. Wednesday at 7:45 - a. m. tha class studying "The Kingdom aad tha Nations' will meet in the church with tbe Bey. Mr. Tully as leader. - Women of tbe cnurca are invited. Tbe older young people wul conduct a vesper service at 4 o'clock Sunday. A special musical program na Deea arranged. Westminster 'Presbyterian church win loin tha many other churches in centering its thought on the disarmament conference. Sundav morn ing Dr. Pence will speak on "Tha vision of a Wariest World." Friday at 0 a. m. tha people of this church will meet for prayer fen memory of the soldier dead and for tha success of the conference at Washington. Tha srteeial mnaic for the day: Morning Anthemt "Lord. Thou art God (j. tamer) ; otferatory, Andanta eon moto (Felix Mendelssohn) : baritone solo and chorus, , Battle Hymn of tbe Republic. Even ing Anthem, O Saving victim (Rossini) offertory, "Andante EspressiDo" G. Sham ban) ; quartet, "O That Thou Hadst Hearkened (Arthur Sullivan). Monday at 3 p. m. there will be a mass meeting for the women of tha congregation. Mrs. Charles Williams, executive secretary of the women t foreign board of tbe facitic Northwest district, wul be the speaker. Dr. Walter Henry Nuxent of the Central Presbyterian church wul speak tomorrow morn fag on '.'The Vision of a Wariest World." Tbe entire service wul have in mind the Washington conference on toe limitation oi armament. The annual praise and thank offering meeting of the woman society wui oe neia on Monday after noon at 2:80 o'clock. Dr. Adelaide Woods ni of India will speak, Mrs. J. R. McConniek will read, and Mrs. L. M. Lelaad will sing. Tea will be served. The Rev. E. B. B. Hollensted has been te emed to supply the pulpit of Calvary Presby- uan cnurch on Sunday. The former pastor, the Rev. L. B. Quick, left during the past week to take charge of the First Presbyterian church at Roseburg. Tomorrow will be Peace Sunday and social visitation day at the Rose City Park Presbyter ian church. The pastor, the Rer Donald W. M. MacCluer. will preach moraine and eve ning. In the afternoon about 75 teams of men and women will visit tha families of the com mumty and invite them to attend tfce church and Sunday school. At night .the pastor will give the first sermon in a series on "The Mys tery of Religion. Last Monday afternoon the beginners' depart ment of Piedmont Presbyterian Sunday school htic a Halloween paxy. Thirty-two children and their mothers attended. Mist Vfclet Robb, superintendent, was in charge. Next Friday from 3 to 5 p. m. will be bundle day at the church. The church will collect material for the use of the salvage commission of the un employment bureau. Miss Martha' Pohnert of Los Angeles, who is on furlough from her mission work in China, will give a missionary lecture Wednesday at 8 p. m., m calvary Presbyterian church. Sunday night the Arleta lodge, L Oi O. P.. No. 216. and the Mountain View Rebekah lodge, 196, will attend tha services at Mil lard Avenue Presbyterian church. Special music will be furnished. In the morning Dr. Henry vtnue, pastor, wai preach. The disarmament question will be stressed Sunday morning at Kenilworth Presbyterian cburch by the Rev. L. K. Grimes, pastor. At the morning service members whose names have been received by the session during the month will be welcomed publicly. Disarmament Sunday wiu be observed tomor row at Miepah Presbyterian church by the Rev. D. A. Thompson, pastor. The men's club gave a Halloween party in the church last Tuesday. Invitations were sent out on shingles, as the church was recently reshi ogled. A pleasant evening was spent. On Monday the Rev. Ward W. MacHenry, pastor of the Mount Tabor Presbyterian church. will leave for Atlantic City, N. J., to represent th'e Oregon synod in the national meeting of tht, committee, which apportions the benevo- lecces of the church. After the meeting he will .visit the old family home in Philadelphia and eat Thanksgiving dinner at home for the first time in 27 years. A visit will also be paid to Princeton seminary. On the three Sunday morning9 the pastor is absent his puhit will be supplied as follows, by the Rev. Bondinot Seeley, the Rev. Ralph C. McAfee and Dr. I'hilip A. Parsons. The three Sunday night .V a FHO HAT HERE BOAD SHOW EK3LIG Broadway at Tartar Mi Of liza. SUA; Mttlnte unreal. . STOCK BARB Meeitm at aOsveirtk. coaanaav na "Bixsdjaa." Mi Haa a v atatarday. Snaday. at 3 JO; eaiaas at SO. LTRIO Broadway at Morrhoa. trrio Maaaeal VBBiaay eeaapaay ta Ta tttn tat saw Pbxjta." Ma Unas anils K I a av. ataaiaaa f aad . TAETJrTTLLX PAXTAG t3 Braadway at AI amadevillB aad Bbaaanaa taaaana. a aad avaaina Proarraaa chaagat Maaday asV emoos. LOEWS HIPFOPBOMg Bieadeaj at Tatabftt. taraeOrjB Aeaeraaaa Harrav vaaoaviua Arwraaoa aad aw Mm rUOTOPLATI COLTMBIA Birth at BUra. Na rTasrt ta "Oae AraMaa Might.- 11 a. B. ta 11 a b. LIBERTY Broadway at Btark. Aaita Btaart ia -tbb ibvbbmb rear. 11 a as. ia as P. bl BJVOU Waabingtaat at Park. -Bill" Bart la -Tha Three War ru4. 11 a. aa. to 11 p. aa. THB ACDrPORirM Third gad Clay. "Eaat Lyna. z. 4. I aad SAO p. av aUyESTIC---Wahnstoa at Park. KatbertBa MaeDonald 1b "Her Social Talaa." 11 a a ta 11 p. av PEOLES Waat Park at Alder. Eana rargaaoa ta "foothgtua." llLawllaa 8TABV Waahuarteai at Para. Naaiaaova ta "Tha Ked Laaten' Ha.ta.tBllB.Ba. CIRCUE Poasrth near Waahingloa. Hoot Cfb- aon ia "Action." I a a i a ciock the following aaorniaa. of tha momlnx wfU be riven by Tlev. H. H. OHffU of tha First . ChrlaUan church. Dr. -Flaher will preawnt the plana that ara being made for the 1915 expoarlUoa aad explain bow the Portlandl churches may cooperat. W. D. Wheel wright will rive an address on Tua- -armaroent" after which Dr. H. L. Bow man will present the official reaolution of tha ministerial aaaocistlon la tavor of cUaarmament. j AMUSEMENTS 1 The Favoured Silhouettes for Everting Are Presented With Exceptional Grace The two extremes of choice that the present mode perm its, especially notable Ln evening frocks, are cleverly typified in these charming costumes which might nave . been inspired by the early Spanish and Oreek outlines. For the crisp nesa of taffeta or the weight of velvet is the quaintly basqued and crinolined frock at the left which is true to detail even to the tiny sleeve bands and diminutive waist-line. The widening skirt is emphasized by upward curvipg ruffles of gold lace. The simple dignity of ancient Athens seems Indeed a part of the crepe frock at the right which hag the always pleasing surplice lines in tbe bodice and the new uneven hem-line and soft hip draperies. Metal tissue dowers decorate each shoulder aiad trim the low-placed, crushed girdle. (Copyright' 1921. by The Vogue Co.. New York) Christian Endeavors Conducting Classes The Multnomah County Christian En deavor union ia conducting weekly classes at churches ln four sections of the tJty for the benefit of the young people who desire to become better ac quainted with Christian Kndeavor work. These classea meet on Monday at 7 :45 o'clock ln the Kern Park Christian church, and on Wednesday evenings ln room G at tbe First Presbyterian church, at Central Presbyterian and Piedmont Presbyterian churchea. Tbe instructors Miss Viola Ogden. Miss Alma Rehwalt, Walter Huntington and John Grlmahaw are experienced lead ers of Christian Kndeavor. The classes are open to everyone. programs include a mismonary pageant, gradua tion exercises of the mission study achooi, and an illustrated lecture by Professor Wiley. To morrow Disarmament Sunday wul be observed. TJITITED bbetherw The Rev. J. E. Fry of Astoria, 111., will occupy the pulpit for Dr. B. J. Clark at the First United Brethren church on Sunday morning., In the evening the Woman't Missionary asso ciation will have charge of the program and the louowmg will give addresses: Miss Eunice Mit chell, Mra T. C. Verginius and Bishop William U. Wa&hinger. Special music has been arranged. TJ5ITED PRESBTTF.HTAW The new United Presbyterian church edificeat Multnomah station will be dedicated Sunday. Three special serv ices are announced by the Rev. David Steele Sharp, pastor. The dedication sermon at 11 a. m. will be given bv Dr. M. E. Dunn of the synod of the Colum bia. At a community rally at 3 n. m. the principal speaker will be Dr. H. L, Bowman, pastor of the First Presby terian church. Tbe pastor win preacn at night The church t program ior next we x: iw day night, open house and musical program; Wednesday, platform meeting, city pastors to tpeak and city choirs to furnish special music: Friday, preparatory service: Dr. Byron t. -iarm of the First United Brethren church will speak. nri an nrmnrtnnitv ta lain the ehnrcb will be given; Sunday, November IS, aacrament of the Lord s supper and members receivea. The avnod of the Columbia oi tne cuiiea Presbyterian church met in Boise, Idaho, re cently. The quota of over S3.000.000 on. tbe first year of a five-year program waa shorn to be overpaid by at least S 100.000. The cburch gave over S6.000.000 for all purposes daring the past year, an average of over S40 per mem ber. Synod endorsed the publication of a monthly church paper devoted to newt of tha churches in tha synod only. A commission with power to act waa appointed to carry out tha tn atructions of tha general assembly relaUve to the establishment of a college in the Northwest. It is not the purpose to establish a struggling in stitution, but to begin the work with not leas than Sl.000.000 endowment. Thirty-three ministers and seven elders were in attendance. Ministerial Body Program Is Named The monthly business meeting of the Portland Ministerial association will convene at the T. M. C. A. Monday at 10:30 O'clock. The executive committee will meet at 10 o'clock. The mediation ONLY. TWO MORE DAYS 50e sv 25c Every CatM 8kem! 6 THIS E16 SHOW A TCBLIC Tt IT AuDrroRiulvi S4 aad Clay, rhoae Mala lis. Today Tonight t LAST Ti'ME TOTOBIOVT Continuous, 2 to 11 FEATCKE AT S:Se. 4tSS. :S. 7 Reels. First Run - WOHLD-FAMOCS CLASSIC EAST LYNNE WITH A Lloyd Comedy BEBE DAS1FI". 8MB" POl.LARD HABOLD LLOTD ALSO A Pathe Review RUGS ORIENTAL RUGS We arc offering, for a short time only, Tientsin Rugs made to our order at the factories in China ; best quality,, all Chinese designs. A rare, opportunity to secure a genuine oriental rug at bargain prices; come early and get first choice. 355 Ankeny, Bet Eighth and Broadway AMUSEMENTS 141-11 10 THEATRE 11L1L1U '"SsyiiilY1" LAST TWO TIMES TODAY TOMGHT Bargain Price MAT. TODAY $1.00 LAST TIME TONIGHT, 8:15 MUSICAL COMEDY D 1717 TL7 VAUDEVILLE aVS-iYWa-e Y.M.C.A. .tCSDAY AFTEBX005" 3:39 Rev. Gdy Fitch Phelps WILL SPEAK Oy "PASSING THE BUCK" A slang phrase with lots of meaning. ETEEY TOCXG MAS WELCOME The Swindler Is Busy NOW! Reaping a rich harvest from unsuspecting investors. Don't be a "mark" Have big scheme in vea tie; a ted by this Bureau 3fo Charge for Services TrT2 irs? of thePbrttmdAd Club 'Brdmy2605308 OregonEd Plumbing Fixtures That No feature of your home contributes more to year around satisfaction than mod ern sanitary plumbing-. You cannot afford to neglect this vital, permanent, comfort bringing part of everyday life in building or remodeling. Many years of experience have enabled us throueh- careful selection to ofter fix ture's of such superior quality and artistic design as to meet the demands of the most ex acting. You are assured per manent satisfaction when you buy our "FAULTLESS' PLUMBING AND HEATING FIXTURES For Sale by Leading Plumbers. Satisfy j 5 mrw f. V7 " Nil 'all anr a a Marcus Show of 1921 WITH CHARLIE ABOT BIGGEST BABOA1X EVER CkOdrvi facer it, i u i r. m. I ADTLTS I 25c ' - ii a t 15c SPLENDID CAST I I STUKTflJf O CHOBCS CLUCK! CLUCK! By Jack Lalt GIRLS, MUSIC, FUN PBICES EYE'S Floor, $3 : Balcony; ILS0, 11. lie; uaiiery, toc BARGAIN MATINEE TODAY jfioor. si; Balcony, ji, 77c; Gal lery, we. DeHoneys Grand Opening BANC AT COTILLION HALL 14th at Waialartoa Thursday evening. Nov. 10. Bee Mra. and Mr. Da Honey rive exhibitions tn the latest ballroom and classic dancea. IJewley'a " mammoth orchestra. Ladlea Ibc, gentlemen Sac Dancing every Thursday evening. Hard time prize ' rag-tag party November 17. Don't mlm our open lng. DANCINO TAUGHT Beginners' claaaea start at Murlark hall, rid at Washlnarton. Mondav an. nlng. Advanced clnaa Tuesday evening. ( to 11:30. Beginners' class starts at Cotillion hall Wedneaway evening at 7 sharp. Private leasona all hours at Cotil lion hall. Aj eances guaranteed In eight lesaona. Ladiea II. gentlemen I. Plenty of practice. Learn from teachers who can dance and teach, dancing. COTILLION AND MUBLABE HALLS can be rented for all occasions. Phone Broadway 8092. BANC to the tune of "Vic Meyer SjmcopaterV BKAUTLFUL BROADWAY HALL EYEBT SIGHT EXCEPT SUNDAY Pretty Girls Clever Dsselsg Visit our ahowrooms and let us help you in making your selection from our complete display of fixtures of tbe latest design. The M. L. Kline Co. Wholesalers 80-82-84-86 Front Street Mass Meetieg Benefit Russian Famine Relief SUNDAY, NOV. 6, 8 P. M. At Columbia Hall, 2nd and Oak Sts. MUSIC SPEAKING REFRESHMENTS ADMISSION FREE COLLECTION ' AUSPICES: PORTLAND BRANCH OF FRIENDS OP SOVIET RUSSIA . Notice t Send All Commsalcatlons to SSI L amber Exchange Bldg. that with sure and certain hope the church looks forward to a great impetus on this Pacific coast slope. All over the country special gifts will be offered to form the core of a building fund. Churches and colleges so nuilt will bear a special stone telling of the birthday festival. A larx. rrevp of laymen and alerty tnet tkia wan and formed aa crcanisatinn to handle tha eot-of-wort problem among charrhmsn. C. X. Hacsins and many of tha Uj leaders offered ta coopvraU with the ehnrch in tryinc to place eaaarnna tnen. Tna Bar. Thomas Jenkins pr saoad aad anpaaled for tba pracoeal anpport of Kntaeopal foik. Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner aoiead the traaa of tha meeUnr in promisinc faOaat mifwjon to tha mayor aad bis committee. At the Binceaan e(irea Joba W. LeUaby, to. tlaaarial aecr4ary. will kaeo a card index oi tmntoym and mea aaeklB work. . Oa Smada tnoraukj apaual terncet via b COME TO THE Big Dance and Country Fair AT THE ARMORY SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 5TH ADMISSION Me, TJTCLUSLSO WAB TAX , Given by Samaritan Social Club ; "EVER THINK" Series No. 5 Your clerk or steno ever, make a mistake? Or your partner? Or you? ; If you made one mistake in 100 and were right 99 times, would you feel some pride in your ac curacy? Ever think that the Meter-men read about 70,000 meters each month and the clerical force figures and mails out over 70,000 bills a month or about Two Thousand Seven Hun dred Bills Per Day ? a . If. in spite of all efforts, a clerical mistake should occur, those in charge are only too happy to rectify it, but did it ever occur to you, even jf the error were not 'detected, that th next reading of the meter-should rectify it? Ever, think of that I ticket omcr OPENS NEXT MONDAY HEILIG NEXT WEEK HRfe? NOY. 10-11-12 special price hat. sat. F." Ray Cemitork and 31 orris Gest Pre seat THE PARIS AHD XEYf YORK bESATIOX APHRODITE How to Beemre Tickets Kow Address letters, check, postoffloe money orders to Hetllg Theatre. Add IS Per Ceat War Tax. Include seU-addreased stamped envelope. PRICES EVE'S Flbor. $3; Balcony, first 6 rows S2.&0. next 4 rows SZ. last 13 rows IL&0 ; Gallery, reserved and admission. L SATURDAY MAT. Floor. S2.S0; Balcony, first rows 12. last 17 rows SL0; Gallery, re served and admission, SL Bex Offlee Sale If ext Hoaday YOU WILL LIKE THIS PLAY 1- RAKEO aaasasf STOCK COMPANY Jfla. SOW FLATISO EOttoc v. Hosairrs SENTIMENTAL, COnUDT BUDDIES St PlsaaS tar One Taar at The See. ia Thaatra. SL V. 1 pANTAGE ConUnuoualy. 1 P. E to U p. Portland's Motion Picture Star JUA3TITA HA8E "05 AJD OFF THE SCRZX5" and a Realar. 8u per-Prod actloa C OTHER ACT a COTfSTASCE BIVWET la -ROOM ATfD BOARD." LY R I C - MUSICAL COM EOT OOMPARY The Big Laugh Show- r 'The Girl and the Photo" ArrwRNOONS AT X EVENINOS T ABO SOON:' M ii if iiih n mLJiiiir: riirTT THEATRE WASHINGTON AT ELEVENTH aaaaaaaawaaw .A