The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 05, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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The Initial step In Ihe mobilisation of
friends of cooperative marketing to aid
th Oregon Palrymen'e league in Its
present crista vwaa taken at a meeting
this morning called by Dr. Hector Mac
rtieraon of Oregon Agricultural college
nd member of a rtwclsl committee
appointed ry the Oregon Cooperative
A committee was appointed which will
meet with the executive committee of
ihe leant Sunday at I p. m.. In the of
flees of Kt.te lalry and Food Com
mlMloner C. U llawley. with a view to
formulate nlana for krlntrlnr lh -
ienrflonlut Clatsop county division back
Into the league and hf4.1n It Intact In
other particular. ;
If the league hr-aku up. It waa stated.
the dairy industry of the state will go
into, at least, a 10-yer slump-and the
ondenser-Mller forcrai that have tried
10 disrupt cooperative marketing or
ganisation among the dairymen will
xgaln control prlre making.
The committee appointed consists of
IT. MarT'hemon. '. K Hpence. master
of the state grange ; J.; P Mlckle. secre
tary of the Oregon try council; A. TV
Kts. former preailent of the league.
and Marshall N. hana of The .lournal.
. There were also In atti tirianre at this
morning's conference:; A. K. Westcott.
lresldmt. and I. H Mackle. secretary
of (he talrymen's league; ( K. Adams.
vice president of the First National
hank ; Prof super P Ml. Ilrandt of Ore
gon Agricultural college. nd newspaper
A frank; statement of facts and fig
tires hy Sarotary Mn.tkl. of the lencue
showed to' the satlsfatUon of Ihe entire
group that the league Is In an Intrinsi
cally sound financial position, that
'liquidation. If undertaken, of plants, tin-
sold product and reserve would satisfy
practically all obligations against the
learue and that only! those who with
draw will suffer the penalties of con
tract violation and thet loxs of their own
It was stated that! a nnun pieeting
of Clatsop dairymen wHl he held" in As
toria Monday to rrne consideration of
the action by which they determined, to
Ignore their five-year contracts and ' se
cede from the league.! The Sundiiy aft
ernoon conference will plan represen
tation at this meeting! It was stated.
Forger Turned v ; '
County's Funds:
Over to State
Pendleton-. Not. Cleverness of a
confessed forger, K. C. Amann, former
Umatilla county roadmastere too it
keeper and now sentenced to five years
In the state penitentiary, waa revealed
whfeH Jt waa founds that be had relig
iously made payments to the state In
dustrial Insurance commission on the
names he carried on his padded county
Funds of the state accident commis
sion have been enhanced to the extent
of 1515.25 out of the county's pocket,
because Amann attended to all details.
Before detected he obtained 9W19.
which waa spent by him in the purchase
of an automobile and quantities of high
priced liquor. He has been unable to
make restitution and his petition for
parol was denied by Judge G. W.
Phelps when he sentenced him to five
' rein nm n m-iri ivn
rUK GKUmr tulo
Both Sectional Head!
World's Aeronautic
Board in Multnomah
I.OHT TO IK. A til K CO ST rtO I
-Astoria. Nov. 5 The four ' plants of
the Oregon Oalrymert's league In this
district were Friday jjurned over lo the
txiwer Columbia Inlrv aoclatlf)yn, com
tosed of tiu T0(T hnjal dairymen who
split with, the leugue ilast Monday.
The action of the directors of the
lesgiie In permitting the Association to
us- the two creameries aad two cheese
factories In n- five tame as the result.
or a meeting in Portland with. the execu
tive committee of (he local organization.
The league director also Informed the
committee men th;t they were not In ac
cord wlth t'Hirue Manager Kldriilge In
rrruntng to grmit complete intra-zone
management, the point '.upon which the
'esgue split. Willlngtiess to reopen ne
gotiations also was expressed.
The executive committee men have not
leclared what attitude they will assume
towiird this overture. Obtaining the
league's plants In this tone has solved
the most serious problem facing the In
dependent organisation.
Porcupine Puts to
Bout Whole School
I'liwo Winh , Aovt S. Students, Jani
tors and members of tire faculty of the
local high school were put to flight here
Wednesday when a porcupine found it
way Into the school building. The ani
mal had! escaped frowi the display win
dow of a stors Tn toe business section
and appeared later Iri the assembly hall
of the rjigh whool building. The entire
school wss In an uproar. A student
finally succeeded In getting, the unruly
animal from the building.
At 10 o'clock Monday morning, before
A. M. Cannon, referee in bankruptcy
warring attorneys oiver the Morris Bros.j
bond house tangle will argue pro and
con whether the bid of Morris Brothers
corporation, representing 60 per cent of
the unsecured creditors, shall buy the,
assets of the bankrupt corporation, or)
whether they shall be sold to Robertson
& Hwtng. bond dealers, for a cash bid
some $100,000 lower.
The creditors' reorganisation commit
tee, under the name of Morris Brothers
corporation, a new company owned by
per cent of tne interim creditors of
tli old institution, submitted a bid to
Judge K. ". Bronaugh. trustee for tlfcs
bankrupt. Friday afternoon, offering to
buy the assets of the old Institution for
$1,095,254.49. At the same time Robert
son & Ewing offered a bid of $77S.8utt
These were the net figures, reconciled bj
the trustees so as to represent the same
assets covered by the two bids.
The reorganization committee, whicll
had pooled its claims against the old
bond firm aggregating approximately
$1. Ooil.OOO of face, or $500,000 of ap
praised value, agreed to pay to the re
maining 40 per cent of the unsecured
creditors in cash, the sum of $10,000 in
3(1 days. $200,000 in 60 days and $377,?
96 60 in 90 days. These payments in the
aggregate would liquidate the claims of
Roaeburg, Nov. 5. tThe $1000 reward
allowed by the county court for the.
apprehension and capture of Dr. R- M.
Brumfield. convicted murderer of Den
nis Russell, was Friday apportioned by
the court among; the various claimants.
Of the amount offered. $700 goes to
the Northwest Mounted Police officers
who captured Dr. Brumfield near Cal
gary. Canada. The riak taken by the
Canadian police was considered in mak
ing the award. Inspector Richardson
and Sergeant Waugh are the officers
who will receive the $700.
J. H. Hogan, Southern Pacific brake-
roan, residing at Roseburg, will receive
$100. Hogan gave the first information
concerning the shipment of the pink
skirt package to . Calgary, Canada, by
Dr. Brumfield on the day the murder
was committed. Hogan saw Dr. Brum- I
field entering the Myrtle Creek express
office and emerge without the' box. He
later saw htm on the highway between
Myrtle Creek and Roseburg, and, fol
lowing the murder, reported these facts
to the Roseburg police.
Tibblea' and Weimer, agents at the
Myrtle Creek express office, also re
ceived. $100, jointly. The expressmen
gave detailed information to the offi
cers concerning the shipment of the
mysterious box, through which the run
away murderer was finally captured.
The Seattle express office, where the
box was held, and later telegraphed for
by Dr. Brunrfiald, received the remain
ing" $100. The box was carefully
guarded there, and it was through the
prompt reporting of the fac that Brum
field had telegraphed for the box that
he was captured.
The court gave much thought to the
dividing of. the award, appropriating
-each Bum with a view to the importance
and risk taken by the claimants.
The state has also offered $1000 re
ward, which Governor Olcott will rec
ommend to the next legislature. This
sum probably will be distributed on the
same basis.
Archie Roth, Portland aviator, has
been appointed sectional chairman of
the world's board ot aeronautical com
missi oners. Notification of his appoint
ment was received from Charles J. Glid
den, president of the board, subsequent
to his. nomination by Victor Vernon,
divisional chairman !n Oregon.
As sectional chairman Roth will serve
in an advisory capacity in the advance
ment of aeronautics In Multnomah
The board of commissioners, with
Forty Indictments, Including Uat of
John Doucas. alias J. Papas, for forg
ery. were returned by the October Mult
nomah county grand. jury woich today
ended Its session.
Douras. it is alleged, forged signature?
from jfoivwrit si! rw nt ahhIp bv ljantc
neaaquaners in .c ; 1 1 depositors who had made blots on them
txed to encourage me use oi a!Tcraiii ltww.- , norV. cr
In transportation vi passengers, mail 8Decific charees against Douoas are
and merchandise. I that l named a 190 ciieA on Elton
Vernon is general manager of the Ore- I Watvi. Tni-tini attomev at the
gon-Washington-Idaho Airplane com- Northwestern National bank, and a $75
pany. Both he and Roth Piloted Jour- check en w R patrfe at the Slate Bank
nat carrier planes in the Portland-As-1 f portan(j .
Foreign Trade Meet;
Tacoma U making arrangements for
a Pacific Northwest foreign trade con
ference to be held In that city; December
t and 9. according to advfee received
by the State Chamber ot Commerce to
day from the Tacoma Chamber of Com
merce. Delegate from this district are
Invited to attend the meetings. ' , Ac
cording to the ietter the meeting is be
ing held to crystallise sentiment for the
organisation of a' uniform force In'the
development of the foreign trade of the
Northwest and to discuss problems and
devise ways and means of creating
markets for products of the North Pa
cific coast region. .
toria-Clatsop beach delivery service last
Mrs. Bobert Pittock,
Former Eesident of
The Jury report said 69 cases had been
considered, 40 true bills returned, 23
not true hills and six cases left over
for the new grand jury. The Jury visited
the county jail and the Multnomah
county farm and. highly complimented
the superintendents of both institutions
for their efficiency. The district at-
A Dnnnnci fin torney's office was complimented for iorl
JLUl UlCbliUl JL aOOCO Will fairness in th
the presentation of cases.
Allan Stranahan was indicted for
forgery of an indorsement on a check
for $75 : Harry Miller for forging a
Mrs. Robert Pittock, si6tef-in-law of
the late Henry L. Pittock, died Wednes-1 chex for $32.80 ; Walter Watkins for
day at Sacramento, Cal., and was buried I forgery of a check for $15.25 ; Roland
. Co niOI-n arorriine to infor- I Consgrove ror larceny in a oweiung
mation received hv Portland friends. I Alfred Manning, alias Albert T. Mc
- ; " lv. m -: a 1- via An
Mrs. Pittock was 77 years old. She "r lorger i a tuevii. ior
was born in Wales. She lived in port-
land several years before leaving for
Victoria, B. C. about 30 years ago.
lter she removed to San Diego. She
Bonds May Be Voted
later sne removea to san Liiego. one rr r 1a f
is survived by four daughters. Miss 'J'q (JOTftr AUtO UaUlD
Gladys Pittock of San Diego, Mrs. John VJtJJl7
Cost at The Dalles
Himes of Sacramento, Mrs. Constance
Sherman of Los Angeles and Mrs. Mabel
Folson of San Diego; four sons, Ralph
Pittock of Jacksonville, Or. ; Charles
Pittock of Colorado Springs, Colo., and
Walter and Harry Pittock of San Diego.
Mrs. S. D. Smith of Portland is a sis
ter, and Mrs. James Zan of this city, a
Pendleton. Not. 5. Another develop
ment In a controversy wUcb may turn
Into a virtual war between th county
coqrt .and the sheriff of JJmatuia county.
came to- light" Friday when It waa
learned the cownty court had employed
a special prohibition officer and made
allowances for him to -euy an auto
E. F. B. Riagway. a former deputy
of - eriff Zoeth Hover. Is the new -
deputy employed with th permlasao .
and sanction of th governor, th court
aid. An automobile waa purchased .
from Walla Walla, Wash. firm, whioo
baa aroused local automobile dealers,
mho think that the county court should -
be th last body to buy oulalde good.
The controversy between th ajheriff
and th -county court la said to hare -begun
some time age when the court
reruaed to pay bills Sheriff Houaer pre
sented, which he claimed had been in
curred In th performance of his offi
cial duties. . Th court claimed they had,
no power to pay th bill.
Sheriff Hooser brought mandamus
proceedings against the court to compel
payment. It la expected that th state
supreme 'court will render s derision la -
the matter within a few wee. . ' -
Thief Takes Car,
Diphtheria Germs,
Overcoat and All
Speed Honors Are
Claimed by 0-W. in
Bun From Spokane
Officials of the O-W. R, & N. today
contended that the S. P. & S. did not
run its stock train from Spokane to
Portland in better time than the O-W.
train was operated Thursday night. An
nouncement was made Friday that the
S. P. & S. beat the O-W. livestock train
in running time. The O-W. officials.
Police are lookinsr for an automobile
the 40 per cent minority in full, on the I thief w ith diphtheria symptoms.
same proportional basis Dome Dy all I Besides getting away with the car. an
creditors of the old firm. ; overcoat and health office . retort Da-
Judge. Bronaugh recommended to the oers. he nurloined between 1.500.000 and however mv that th S. P. & S. dirt not
referee, informally, mat tne bia or te 2,000.000 husky, thriving germs of the take into account a delay of approxl
pveditors' committee be accepted and the dread disease. mately 20 minutes at Pasco and that
mie luiuiimru. Wh e answer ntr a rail tor the hea th rv n.-tnnl o itwmI time for the O-W.
wmei-uuilB rie nucicu uy v.iihiico . hnrpaii Pr rfav n irhl Dr R W S nn n
Hart and Chris A. Bell, representing parked his automobile at East Sixth and
rumoruy creaiiors. large.y on me grouna Emerson 8treets. It was stolen while time of 10 hours and 57 minutes.
i.-,au me miuui.., ..ut n; . he waa ab8ent rn it were several good
sized tubes of diphtheria culture in-
The Dalles. Nov. 5. Voters of The
Dalles will probably be called in the
near future to pass on a bond issue of
(5000 proposed to cover expenses of
maintaining the automobile camp
grounds last summer. Although the camp
grounds were completed and largely
used by hundreds of tourists who passed
through, all the work at the park had
not been paid for and no revenue was
received from the park because its serv
ices were given free.
At the same election the city will also
txi asked to bond itself to cover costs
of paving several of the hill streets.
At the meeting of the city council it
was reported that the budget for 1922,
as now drawn, calls for about $67,000.
This Is well within the t per cent limita
tion and the figures may be cut further
as a result of the pruning contemplated
by the public committee.
William Andree, until October 1 Port
land manager for Merrill Cox A. Co. of
Chicago, was arrested in Los Angeles
Friday on a telegraphic warrant from
the sheriffs office here, charging him
with forging a $5000 note on the Cappon
& Bertsch Leather company ot Chicago.
Andree was secretly indicted by the
grand jury Thursday. According tb
Sam Pierce, deputy district attorney,
who handled the case before the grand
jury. Andree presented the forged note
to George W. Bates Co., bankers, on
Williams avenue, July 23.
The bank had previously done business
with Andree and had handled notes on
the Chicago leather concern, so it made
no particular investigation to determine
whether this note waa authentic or not.
The forgery of the complete note, frem
the printing to the signature of the
president of the concern, was disco v
ered when Keith M. Wilson succeeded
Andree as branch manager on October 1.
Merrill Cox & Co. are commercial paper
brokers. Their offices here sre in the
United States National Bank building.
Andree was being quietly watched last
summer following the mysterious burn
ing of his sedan car In a secluded spot
tn the Johnson-Schools Ferry road.
Residents nearby reported to the sher
iffs office that a car had toppled off
the road into a gulch and was ablase.
They feared that the occupants of the
car had fallen underneath it. No one waa
underneath it. however. Chief Crimin
ologist Christoffersen suspected that the
car was burned for the Insurance.
Andree has a wife and two children.
He sent his Los Angeles address to the
Merril Cox headquarters in Chicago and
was traced in this way.
train was 10 hours and 54 minutes.
asainst the S. P. & S. train's elapsed
tnt cash payments promised to thera,
tended for ,the laboratory.
:ind that they could,not be forced to ac
cept the contract of the majority unless
ti n r . naM in paati at tho tlmo'nf th
execution of the contract, or of the sa'M Tocrll'n TOC5 tlAon TTnT
Judge Bronaugh will file his written JLCOUllU LCD lTlail 11 UU
Unci formal recommendations toda
an J the opposing attorneys 'will 'file
their objections Monday, before the
hearing at 10 o'clock.
Referee Cannon expressed himself. In
Evader, He Asserts
12 Students on Way
To See Game Hurt
In Plunge of Truck
Prineville, Nov. 5. Clarence Elson Baltimoi ov. . u. W. our
formally, a heinir inclined to follow Sharo. listed as a draft evader from I persons were seriously mjurea, one so
the recommendations of the trustee, un- Crook county, who resides at Deschutes, badly he is expecten to aie, ana eignx
less It were demonstrated to him chi Or., and is an emnlove of the Central others less seriously, when an automo-
hearlng that the rights of the minority Oregon Irrigation district, is making ef-I blle truck carrying 42 Fordham Uni-
were not Tully protected under the co-l forts to clear himself. Sharp asserts he 1 versity students, uouna irom rew. zora
tract of the maioritv. : went to Portland. whre. he attpmntpj tr I to Washington to witness a football
enlist in both the marines and the naw I game witn t,eorgeiown university,
and was rejected on account of Jack- crashed into the Conowingo river bridge
ing height and weight. He said he filled about 28 miles nortneast oi liaitimore
out a questionnaire in Wasco. Sherman today, and dropped 30 feet into the
county, received instructions several I river.
times to await further orders and that I The most seriously injured was tne
n 1 1 j TV i 1 he was never ordered to report for serv- I driver of the truck. He was not ex-
linillR'LO JJ C 3) L Q I ,ce- His c86 has been taken up with pected to live.
iei;uiur army oincjers Dy tne sner-
iff's office here in an effort to straighten
out the matter.
Thugs Attack Lone
Man; Bobbed of $60
Two thugs attacked Martin Billington.
Portland Flats hotel, as he was on his
way home Friday morning at First and
Salmon streets, and after knocking him
down made away with $60 in change.
Billington was hit on the head with some
weapon which made a wound over his
eye about two inches long. Both were
about 25 years old and rough looking
Man Held to Grand
Jury for Shooting
Work Will Begin on
New Trout Hatchery
Work lll be started Immediately on
ronst ruction of a I rout hatchery on
Salmon creek at tho site of the Oak
rldge hstchery In Ijine county, accord
ing lo report made Friday by Captain
A. K.. HiitKhnuff. slate game warden,
upon hlis return from that district after
an Inspection tour with M L Ryt-kman,
superintendent of game fish hatcheries,
nd Colonel George H. Kelly, commis
sioner. The new hst'hery will cost ap
proximately 2t00 and will be ready for
operation this winter.
m 1
The death of "Dan," 9-months-old Cd!
lie pup, beloved by his master, G. H.
Sanders of Multnomah station, and many
of the neighborhood children, bids faiir
to be avenired.
H. L. Stout, killer of the dog, was
given a hearing before "District Judge
Hawkins today and bound over to the
Alleged Burglar
Dodges Ball Bats
Farmer, Hurt When
Team Bolts, Passes
Hillsboro, Nov. 5. Riehatd Linton,
agVd 56, died this morning at his farm.
two- miles east of this city, from injuries
Charged with burglary, Roy Crown-1 received in a team runawa at his
grand Jury orAvt charge of destroying over, who was caught in the Auto Sport I ranch Friday noon. Linton was an Eng
the property cT another. I Shop. 63 Sixth street Fridav mornine I'shman by birth and settled here about
"Dickie" Walker. S. got on the stand just tiefore a battalion of citizens armed 23 years ago. He 's survived by his
and testified that Dan followed nim I with baseball bats began direct action wife and two daughters, one. Mrs. A
home from school on the fatal day. without waiting for the police, was or- I R- Murrow of Portland, an cmploy j of
iee. saia incKie. out fie was a use dered held over for erand iurv inveiti- the Southern facinc comiwiny. .Linton
dog. 1 Just went in the house fr. Kation this morning by Municipal Judge
. ... Rossman. Bail was set at $5000.
out he was over in Mr. Stoirt's yard and
I saw Mr. Stout pull up his gun and
hoot him. Then he shot again
Dickie wiped ah errant tear from his
eye as he told the story of the death
of his" canine friend.
Dan. it appeared from the evidence.
hopped over next door, while Dickie was
City Budget Review
Put Off Until Nov. 10
At the request of the city council the
tax conservation, commission will post
pone the hearing on the 1922 budget for
the city or Portland from Noveml-ei- 9
to November 10. The council has sev
eral 'license revocation hearings sched
uled for November 9 and will meet the
tax commission Thursday afternoon at 2
Boise, Idaho, Nov. 5. To make room
for increased work, the Mountain States
Telephone & Telegraph company has
taken a lease on the building next west
of the main building and it is being re-
mooeiea. A part to be used as admin
istrative offices ancLthe rear for stor
age purposes.
Wilson Foundation
Under Way in Curry
Denmark. Or., Nov. 5. A. Adolphsen
well known citizen of this district, has
accepted appointment as chairman for
Curry county of the Wood row Wilson
Foundation campaign as conferred upon
him by C. S. Jackson, chairman for Ore
gon, and Dr, C. J. Smith, chairman of
the state executive committee. He has
appointed County Judge W. A. Wood
as chairman of the county executive
committee : Charles Doyle, as secretary
and the treasurer of the Curry county
bank as treasurer of the fund. "Our
quota will be easily reached, said
La Follette Asks
Mellon's Bemoval
Washington, Nov. 5. (I. N. S.) The
retirement of Secretary Mellon as the
"fiscal head of the government ' was
demanded in the senate today by Sen
ator La Follette (R.. Wis.), in charg
ing that Mellon had "brasenly and im
pudently laid down the principle that
wealth will not and cannot be made to
bear its full and fair share of taxa
Salem, Nov. 5. Speed fiends, corner
cutters and violators of traffic rules and
regulations generally, take note. Judge
Earl Race of the local police court hai
announced that hereafter first offend-
Moro Getting New
Electric Service
the fine for more serious offenses.
place of gas engines.
owned one of the valuable farms of this
Woerndle Case Will
Be Argued Monday
51 Autos Stqlen;
46 Are Becovered
Out of SI automobiles reported stolen
in the Vionth of October. 4 werv re--ord,
according to n report compiled
Friday of the activities of the auto theft
bureau of the Tortland police depart
ment. An Increase In both thefts and
fH-rfentage of recoveries Is shown In
comparison with the figures for October.
1920, when !." automobiles were stolen
nd 12 recovered. One n-fachlne stolen In
September was recovered during the last
mi nth. Hut one motorcycle was taken.
which still remains unrecovered. In ad
dition loathe machines, valued at o0.000,
over liooo worth of accessories ere recovered.
V READ Hirt-
Nail in Baby's Lung
Removed by Magnet
Spokane, Wash., Nov. a. (U. P.) Aft-
In the house, to enjoy a few barks at " "m lne windpipe or tne lo-months-
Sttont who wa iiilini?-. annrl Stout
old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dahlin of
kept piling until he finished the ob. ine. Mile' Ph'sicians at the Deaconess
ti v. . .v. ..... rv.-I hospital successfully removed a two in..h
"r "r, v 1' , I ,,' . nail from the child's lunes hv the f Partment is asking the court for cancel
he came out again he is alleged, to na tne child s lungs by the use of wnrndi.-- Htin.hin nanera
Monday morning Federal Judge Wol
verton will hear the argument on the
motion of Joseph Woerndle to dismiss
the proceedings brought against him by
the government. The naturalization de
lation of Woerndle's citizenship papers
on the grounds that he assisted Hans
Boehm, a German spy, during, the early
stages of the World war.
have had a gun and to have made,' the magnet Dr. T. E. Hoxsey and Dr. O.
remark. "If that dog barks any store ""f lne operation.
I'll shoot him."
But Dan didn't understand what $tost I DRITER ESCAPES I SHI RT
matA an hi (n.f am IWhth.a.tul. I A I Dan V. Or.. NOV. 5. P. S Vlintro,
iu oH K.f And that', a I formerly oi ijrtiand. escaned inim-vl vnuw" " " vo
t " here Friday when his aiitomohn wo. Prineville, Nov. 5. Work on the
tiA ,k. v. ., n.u I uemoiisnea ny a soutnDound Snnthn I unuse wiuh i"r, uuuui
t -, . . u . i . . v . 1 1 v. i i. m.a.u -
the dog would bite him.
Pacific passenger train at the Maml mile below the mouth of Bear creek, is I
street crossing, although he remained in I completed and the bridge is in serv-
Sons Held 'Unable';
To Support Mother;
Charge Is Dropped
Frank Rhodes, '61, and Charles j; Og
lesby, 63, do not have to choose between
going to the couftty Jail and helping to
support their mother. Mrs. Martha
Rhodes. 14. District Judge Hawkins
decided Friday afternoon that 4hes two
farmer sons have a hard enough 'time
supporting their own families.
The sons were, prosecuted under the
1921 statute, which makes it a felony
for a child who Is able to support anl
Indigent parent not to do so.
Mrs. Rhodes, a sweet old lady,
watched her sons as they took the stand.
There , was no vindictlveness in- her
eyes, only calm wonder and resignation.
In spite 0 her age, she tried hard to
follow carefully all that was said and
frequently broke in to correct or re
prove her sons. (
After the hearing Mrs. Rhodes : was
taken back to the Pisgah home, where
she has been staying for the past few
weeks, hoping that her sons would keep
her out of the poorhouse.
his seat. He said he heard no warnings
and. that his vision ,of the train was ob
scured by a large building.
Nathaniel G. Davis and Bario Marts,
butclic.s. were fined S5 each' in munici
pal court Friday on a charge of selling
hams at short weight, on complaint of
E. D. Jones, deputy sealer. They said
the hams were weighed when received
and that the difference was due to
natural shrinkage.
Ice. Mervin Stephenson was the resi
dent engineer on the job and has moved
the crews and tools to work on two
small bridges up the Ochoco highway.
one across Marks creek and one across
Mill creek.
Washington, Nov. 5. (WASHING
The president today sent to the sen
ate, nomination of Victor B. Greenslade.
postmaster at Huntington. Or.
, H bf a
Freewater. Nov. S. Peter Linney died
weanesoay arter a long siege of illness.
Pneumonia was the immediate cause of
his death. He is survived by his iwife,
two sons and a daughter, Charles Ed
win Llnney or Belgrade. Mont ; Frank
Llnney f East Side and Mrs. Lola
Announces Engagement
1925 Exposition Orchestra
e ,
. Beginning
Dancing 6:30 to 8:30, 9:30 to 12
A Conservative Custodian
Your Checking Account
Your checking account furnishes a
means of making; exact payments and
the securing of an absolute receipt,
without- the trouble and risk of handling
The bank furnishes you blank checks,
deposit slips and pass book, handles the
money and attends to the bookkeeping,
giving you a monthly statement.
At the Hibernia all deposits are added
and all checks subtracted on your account
by bookkeeping machines. Two book
keepers, working independently, post
every item and their work is then com
pared. For an error to go undiscovered
both men would have to make exactly
the same mistake. The Hibernia keeps
the record of your account by the most
accurate method yet devised.
4th & Washington Sts.
Moro, Nov. 5. The Sherman Electric
company is completing the wiring of
Moro. Wasco, Moro and Grass Valley
will have 24 hour power service. Many
ers can expect a minimum or as electric motors are being Installed in
Will Italy Pay Her
Present Day War
Debt With Treas
ure Buried 2139
Years Ago?
All Italy is searching for the fabulous
wealth of the ancients, whose location
was revealed in a vision to a Francis
can monk, in answer to his prayers.
- -if " fc I
l " I As ese of Has-
?, f v.-'. 1 laal's war ele
r, i -VM I latlB.beB
r l?..i.A X'?----' .'fare.
Huge vault believed to contain the treasure of
ancient Romans now is guarded by Italian troops
and only await the arrival of American rock
drills. Does it contain the 150 vases of gold and
31 of silver? Are the millions worth of treasure
"I am the spirit of Han
nibal, the conqueror,
said the vision. "I devas
tated Rome and laid her
waste, I massacred her
Reople. and looted her
to make atonement.
"Let them look on the
highlands where Ro
mans of other days
buried their treasure to
cheat my legions.'
It's a wonderful story one accepted by the Ital
iarigovernment. It again brings up for discus
sion the question, "Do the dead communicate
with the living?"
Read It Tomorrow in
Magazine Section of
Phone circulation
Dept. Main 7173 and
the Sunday Journal
will be delivered at
your door tomorrow.
.Buy tomorrow's
Jdurnal at your
neighborhood newt,
cigar stand or your
grocery or drug store