The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 05, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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"5. 122L V1
(1 L'ainml gtntat)
Twin Falls. Idaho. Nor. L With tier
steel blue eyes flashing from Jurymen
to ths trial Judgswlth no .display, of
t mo lion and Bo intimation of uneasiness,
14 Southard I is Friday afternoon
Uatenod whllo C. T. Sowen. court dark,
resd the verdict of ths jury finding
her guilty of murder in tha second
degree. Second degree murder earrlea
penalty of from ,11 years to life Im
prisonment. .
Ths Jury resetted this verdict after
mora than 11 hours' deliberation.
Paul Vincent Southard, the woman's
tilth husband, aat by her side during j nal WM issued,
uj prwvrainii ua piainiy snowea bis
anxiety, while 'his' wife, who stood
chsi-ged with 'the murder of four hus
bands snd a brother-in-law, faced with
CAjnaena the outcome of a fight that
Involved her1 liberty if not her life.
Judge Babuocfc a&nounoed that he
would pass sentence Monday morning
at 1 :30 o'clock, and then adjourned court
for the day.
Not until then did Mrs. Southard
.speak. Leaning ever to Chief of Counsel
W. p. Uutbrle. she asked. "Can't we
nriaa t hav at a new ... . . mt
Residence Burned; . :
Eemains of Still Is
Discovered in Ruins
A moonshine sUIl in operation at the
home of O. Detfel. 44 East Twenty
third street, is thought to have been the
cause of fire which, completely de
stroyed the house this norsisgi tt I
O'clock. " Police officers and tire men
found the remains of the atill and"
Quantity of mash to the smouldering
Nlnefv.ffv mi nt rtf ftaraAiia -twn
ruins of 4he house. Delfel, whet to I ..r ..ji ...
streetcar conductor, hi. if. tJl material, aid by charity are incapable
children had left the place when the I mentally and physically and are Just be-
Itremen and officers arrived. A warrant I low the. morons cared for In institutions.
I. L 'i? . .. "I , . . f Kl.n g P,fel Only a small number ot these persons
"-"" tvouiuiuvn iw., luiim renaDllitated.
vw M w w uni ur a. ri KLH.. lull I ... . .. . . . .
Vtmhtn t t -,,,-i, . .," moss o uiem are inrusr even jower on
marfhaL treet-accordln to "'Mlb social scale through recervtofc- chsr-
Captaln Roberts, assistant fire' mar-1 -v. . . .... j.- ,'
!wp,.ac.t l at "?i.!r,h tiona taxpayer, heard Friday at a hear
euve o ine no use ana sew to te, before tha muntv tax nunervUlnn
"Irr.."" I and conservation committee.
rl?-. A.r 7 C. . . Jf? But the poor are ever here; when a
!fe'M bd,y Durwd about the face J nan is hungry he will eat even If. he
and bands. He communicated with the haa to 8teai fiod ; this economic situs-
wrv mamiM ana announcea ii wouia
tnnAMvoila .-) ! mnot ha mar n ths
!??.Y ,i!..thrU"" Whe thiWr bestway possible-well directed charity.
So. seeking alleviation through char
ity, member of the public welfare bureau
and Mayor Baker. Bishop waiter T
Sumner and Ben Belling pleaded with
the tax committee to raise the county
commissioners' appropriation of $80,000
to 1100.000 for welfare work. Members
of men's and women's civic clubs at
tended the hearing.
Marshal N. Dana and John English
offered figures showing what had keen
expended in welfare activities during
the current year. Kach month a total
of $8500 was spent for material relief
Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 8. Govern.
for half sn hour she sat with counsel I ment charts in-possession ot Guy Ben
Sfter the courtroom had been cleared, nett show that dancei of ahoal watr in I n hmk nr avia .M th nrr..
comber. 5 -CSemvca came tight" hack and
made four mora through the Una. It
wm Princeton's hail on- Harvard's" $2
Jard line. Tim wa taken out., for
Cleaved and GilroV 'made eight yards
on two plays and BAker. who replaced
Liuecomh. tried a lronkriok-ht foil
short. Harvard put the baU fa play on
ner zu-yaro and rumbled on- the
first play. Garrity recoveied the ball.
giving Frinoeton first down on the 2
yard line. Ixnrrie was thrown for a one
yard loss by Crocker when he attempted
a fake play. - Macomber then blocked a
of the conference will hailed) en
thusiastlcsUy as a-great work of pre
vention, a success La mors ways un
wUl be immediately spparent. .
For whenever the official representa
tives of great governments fet together,
faos to face, look each other In the eyes
and debate their dispatea, an advance
has - been made over th dangerous
method of long distance cable coram unW
c&tioa . with.. evaaiva phrases and las
nan that develops friction and mis
understanding. International confer
ence Is always a tonid for nations' which
are afflicted with smoulderls contro
versies but. best of all. the conference
l r i f i r t
marsniieiQ Man is : v
Guilty itlQontempt,
Says U. S. Attorney
J. 1L McKeetate of MsrshfieJd was
given II days this morning by federal
1 Judge Beas ta watch te hov csuH why
id not be held Lm contesnpt ,
orort. This order was mads after As-
jstant United States Attorney Veaick
informed the court that McXantle. waS'
Charges of assault and belag armed , UUr comrt order by dlxrmg
hT7o. PlacTtn trAkZw K01 weapon w placV. f fences and cutUng drrs
t0- .!l!aKaldieo! Kssest Oaehns, the bastaar.- on land owned by the coaM guar
Cleaves mads four vsrfls nmanA ntt
end. Baker then dropped back for an. i 1 , I
outer try at goal from the Seyyard line, t Filing of petitions by the residents sf
Once again the ball feU short. Harvard I ,,. A ..ffc -lf
put. the bait in day on the 20-vars line I various districts Of, the city rsquestlng
'"tt"n 7 isn center, - a i mat Duuaing restneuons or ,ourereni the press is untrsmnw-o. -,t k.., -V .Y station, from whicb k. ... ta fc
i ur warn pass. ueu to rirts, added eight I kinds be put on the respective sections I uninfluenced by any government ana i V" BUTT'ni rwat tZ mZ 7.V sir I the court durinr ww MrKiii 1
.1-... v involved led A. I Barbur, ioommls- where public opinion function., Urnly fyDl Attorney Jay ,
to a series of holdups after the police I possession, which the government re- if
save Harvard first down nn vIm TV- 7i,r ZLliicl- iT k aur a.u. i corn ron tea nun wiuj several oi nis Tc- iww " acaaowieoge. xne property si
frHdArPa08he5w yeontT'effSt if " u not tt atmosphere of Urns. valu.M. today a. It is near MarshfTeld.
Jenkins, took the ball to midfield. SwHntafmLf would Paris where an oppressive cloud bung He wgs captured at Third had Morri- Part of the property is being used as tbs
After three forward passes had failed P0881018 . zoning "yyf m inai woiuq confarence. a cloud of I son steeU after Mrs. B. ilih. One automobile cams srouoda. th cUtIuw
in succion, Fitts ounted acrpss Prince- p Jr.ii", T o sSwnrtu I propaganda, government inspired edito- Hundred and Thirteenth, street and For. ing secured permission from the govsm
ton's goal line and it was the Tieem I A Petition tiled vT J. C Amswortn I -tvi- I rvnfth mou tunniui m . tK.I . . . . i. ... "
ball on their own SO-yard Use., Garrity. and Others revesting that glue fac- J. JT'Zl w "Laid T is
Tniri and rrlaava mAm hut l. I nn,..n. r,nrnli,l. ikinllivl TbS COnierences WUl OS neiQ m
rAB8i FAi a Isioner of public works, to recommend 1 and effectively.
Another forward pass. Buell to Kane, 1 to the council this morning that a meet-) wni i wit sATS
ty-nfth arenue, recognised bVro on thelment to turn It Into an auts camp. la
aireet Snd called to Andy Larson, a I March. lt0, the court ordered Mc Ken-
on three plays and Lourie kicked to schools and detention homes bo excluded cret here, but what happens will be I traftlc i.Payoima. u, to stay off the land and snJotnsC
Jenkins, r who made a fair, catch on I from the district rou?hfr bounded by about as secret as tne uungs inai are ' man s pocaei mm from removing Umber.
$nrtMnth trt Market itreetj Hetrhta I said and done in etecuuvc sessions OI S ins wonw ot i cigsty-secona
fl: the United Btaus sonats. . America-s I street southeast, where the police found
s "ir" 8tT and iuvensv drive! delegation will have every reason to wt I . Draham, who said Gaehne
?r"nf . n . Jr?! Tt- ) tak. th nubUc into iu I had lived there several years ago.
onneSV-loty-Barbur confTdeTcs. Already therd is evidence LT rtias LTi
ma a .7. ..J that Secretary HucBes means to play I turned to the place snd took an old
. . 1 1 it mw. j - m hia Mrm raca ub on tne taDie ana uat w
xniro quarter Owen came back into ' . VTi .t.. ttw. T of America. wUl ack him up repaired the bicycle and used it In mtk-
the Harvard line-up. Keck . kicked off t00 '1 .h-!h?-t . f tnT nVTn? TrSfh k! k hU get away after each robbery
to uueu on tne Za yard line. Three a system can oe evoivea ui. wui prove i " - , v7,ii T. I After ualnsr tha bike, he would reurn
plays and a 16-yard penalty enabled the both satisfactory to the people of the gives it to them, but In holding Una- " 1"fan? IT U
Crimson to work the ball to Princeton's dty and provide for the natural, develop- ciously to the facta untainted by- alien H to old tentat .he
Harvard's 44-yard line.
Jenkins was thrown for a loss on the
first play The quarter and half ended
a moment later. Score end quarter :
Harvard, 0 : Princeton, 0.
End half: Harvard. O; Princeton. 0.
45-yard line. Fltta punted over the line I ment of the city.'
and it was the. Tigers' ball on their 30
yard line. Three plays failed to gain
the required yardage and Lourie punted
He pointed out that leaders of the!
opposition to the defeated measure were I
now members of the planning commis-1
to mldfield. Ladd took Tiernev's nlace u."" "rT.
at right tackle for Harvard. "..a' Dy.Lw.T,
!?h?alnst thaPdm ofCSB0wa fre"t Vancouver docks Is moreifan- curing succor from relatives or friend,
lifnt sgamst tne-doom or prison wails w , , . . : Overhead office expenses each month for
Bet her steady nerve did not break, cled than real. A chart issued lnlM Yhm bmtwM amounted to 1975. The of-
tawrw was ng vmouon. ana wnen tne shOWS Sn average Of but 20 feet Of Water ftr rn hr.wr was taken eaee
Lourie made five vnrda around ris-ht
end. Garrity made it first down and
through the line. Owen intercepted a
Princeton pass and it was Harvard's
wHrsnewsnlteren0 action ,a fron Vancouver, from the igov- of by funds'from the community chest.
f i t J rBK. .Vw22t? ernment dock to below the presents site A this rate, the bureau has spent this
Later m iouU?ird atTer venlVs of ""road bridge, with a depth of 5r, with three months yet to go. more
m.Tl as and iked for new.o. tntn tw0 " 'fht. feet reaching -? two poney for charity than. Is asked of the
meai as usual, sua askea for newsps- ,1.,., . r. . . mnnt in th mnmnriitinn
i uiiru vi we wJ ncron 111a nvrr iruui I ' - i
ball on her ownS47-vard line. Keck broke I as well as the commission.
"P iiarvard forward pans. ; The commission will meet November
ovuaxi I as
Harvard tried another nam and fiflrnv
intercepted. He ran the ptgssia to Har-I COtRT DOKSX'T LIKE WAT
Tutus oo-jaro line, VJWen KnoCKeO I tiniirv 'RITWF'R TVinrXTF
forward.pass, Snlvely to aeaves. ,s2."55.Tif5L .J,"C,n
Liourie around tne Harvard rirhf w ne iucuiwb
oi-b urimn.Kttn tn f shore. The channel ot thst SOT QrESTIOX OF HOW
The sute accussd Mrs. Houtnard of I Hayden Island ranged In depth from f .hth nr not th. muntv ouidr
pwanmng ner tour nusDauas, Kooert u. i i to eu reet. a cnart issued or, tne I afford to allow so much, money for
Dooley of Keytesvllle. Mo. ; William O. I government In April. thl yr ahows an charity was not an issue. "We -might
Mcllaffle of Knoxville. Tens.i Harlin I average depth of to feet on the Van-I rve to let a few streets and roads go
C Lewis of BUilngs. Mont, and Edward I couver side from the government jlock I unpaved, but we must take care of the
r. Meyer of Twin rails, as wall as her I tn railroad-bridge, while serosa the indigent." he said.
river, where the old chart shows a depth I Mayor Baker told of the many calls
of. it feet, a sandbar is now above I for aid by the poor of the city.- "It is
water. The " channel between piers 8 I no time now to lower our charity appro
and 9 of the Interstate bridge shows s I prlation," he said. "I don't think f 100,000
depth ot 35 feet under the bridge, shoal-1 is too much for this purpose
ing to 11 feet a short 'distance below To ascertain how tne oureau usea us
the bridge. The channel under ! the I money and to learn its working methoas,
the tax commission catechised A. ii.
Gephart, executive secretary of the
Why was it, the commission wanted
to know, that two carpenters made such
a "good thing" out of the welfare char
ity. When they were without work
their rents were paid by the bureau.
Then they procured Jobs and bought
automobiles. Then they lost their Jobs,
sold their automobiles and again had
their rent paid by the bureau
Did families which received aid from
The other two victims whom Gaehne I the program will continue throushost
Japanese delegation to the Versallli 1 1, aald to have robbed are Mrs. Wlllu-n I tbe afternoon.
peace conference in 1911-19. Klley, 1104 Forty-first avenue south-1 The many and varied phases of the
rri,.ii iroi ara MAiiurlv ilna- I east, and Sin. Ketti Kerr. TOII Eaat 11921 Pacific International bnatlUm
for a 24-yard gain, putting the ball on Jhe municipal court came in lor severe u . . result of the sudden removal I Eighty-third street I will provide Interesting entertainment
uYif w 7' . urwi went censure vy me cn w'"-" i P the governments active head. I uwine appearea netore aiunicipeu i m pwuou eaucaiion tor men. wjmen
..Iis HLfln-PLacA?f Cpburn for Har- hearing held Friday. Charlca Lmgren createat interest was shewn todav In Judge Rossman thU morning and re-1 and children, and the Pacific Interns-
the expectal annourccment of the an- quested an attorney be appointed to I tional u anUclpsUrrg a greaUy Increased
nointment f a naw m-emier. who win I represent him. The case wss set ovet I attendance this year becaeae -f the
immediately form the new cabinet io I nUl early next week.
succeed Haras ministry.
draw span Is 25 feet deep.
Washington Issues
Temporary Cards to
Help; Car Dealers
brother-in-law. Kdward Dooley.
The stste chsrged that Mrs, Southard
murdered all of her alleged victims by
administering srsenic obtained from
poieon fly paper.
Mrs. Southard, who Is 21 years old.
first married In 1911. Udward
Dooley, wlU whom she had had trouble.
died In October. 191$. and her husband.
JtenertxPooley, died sis weeks later.
Mr a Southard obtained their property
and 11500 Insurance
She married McHaffle early in X91S.
She married Meyer In August. 1930.
He took eul 110,090 the dsy following
their marrlare. Tha stats altered, that
Mrs. Southard poisoned Meyer in order I Vancouver. rasn.. xov. o. vixiiquity
to purchase a high priced roadster, which I experienced by automobile dealers U
he had ordered with hW lnurance waiting for permanent license mates will
money. He died s month after their kj, nvarcoma throuah an order that iwiii t the welfare bureau also receive aid from
marriage. Just before the payment on. Inermit tha laauins f tettinoraev iirn other organisations? In answer to this
the automobile WSS to come due. liar bv tha state llcenaa danartment I question Gephart said that BUch dupll
Rumors that Mrs. Southard had poi- I which bandies all dealers' licenses, i I cation was disappearing except in cases
soned Meyer spread following his death, I it Teoslres 15 days' after an aDli-lf senUmenUl church and personal aid.
and she disappeared. . I cation Is received beTore permanent When the bureau heard of a needy
Early, this year she was traced toinlatea can be sent out and meantime I family, how did the bureau go about
Lna Ahrelaa. where it waa round aha I dealers have no protection. Dealers may getting it aid. tne committee wanted
bad married her fifth husband. South-I make application lor 13 Z license pistes I to Know
ard. two months after Merer's death. I on and after December 1- and those Who 1 "A worker makes an investigation,
Me had been transferred 16 Honolulu I oe8,re low numoers, u is suggestea,i Baia wpnan, na reports to our oi
uk i ha m.i and aha k4 a-nna with I ehould make application at that .time. If lcet sometimes we have to buy them
- T I U.I..K M.avnKAM, 1 1 k. vlunn til I a . 1 nlntha. T r.iiol I.. tluv noA frvsA Bmjt
.... - - -. . I Thi IlitiMiHn Hutiu Mrfa will Viaael llmilstlfi. u.t.ln TK. m.
the same numbers as the permanent I oetver takes it to the grocer and is sup-
piates ana must oe returned immediately i plied with the amount of food stipu
on receipt of permanent plates. . lated on the order slip. We figure that
a man's food, if properly prepared, for
one week can be purchased for 12.50.
Further investigation of the bureau's
of this year.
Methodists Elect
I, Waring President
Of " Deaconess Body
be held in tha Chamber of Commerce
I rnnmi An that svn(n tr nt KnvnmhsM 11
Vancouver, Wash. Nov. 5. Important
: mutters are to come before the Vaneou- I administration will be made by the com
sum irBT vnnT.iv
rnAma An I ha .Iran In r. tt Vau.ihi.. Til
k - --.V.w.v tm.T.. .v.. I Complications in the circuit court by
I. Waring was elected president of the I '.I... " w, " I the presence of women on juries were
Vl.lKl.t TVaann... a.w,l.lnn t.. I ""wil J ' I .!., . ,v. ),(.. w.. T- ij.
night at the snnual banquet at the ,"1 . hav, tt e?ed to deohe Jud8 stPleton- In c"ea ot mixed
Klrnt Methodist church to succeed Dr. I ,,' I. .71 .T. ,r . , i . i inriAa bnth m nJ
Mrnt Methodist church to succeed Dr. 1 " . Z "T. .i. lV7Z , . V 1 Juries, both men snd women balliffa-l "teQ. raiwicic at naiiDacn ror ilarv
C L. Booth resimed All other officers Harney house to .the historical society Juries, ooui men ana women Dauuisiard- a forward pass Johnston to Buell
weJ; reeleoied! They are : Dr. R. KeTly " 0OB " organi.atlon la ready toJ"" ,enf nd, omn'a. dormitortea.Ato Churchill gained five yards but Harv-
be obtained. The meeting wUl Include
members of the realty board, residents
of the districts requesting protection
inspiration or oolor.
(Ooattased nea ras Om)
(Contiiraad Frea Pace One)
rar of the place. No one-noticed that!
the bicycle had been repaired or used I
until the police called. I premiums that are to be swarded oaring
naaniurni. a can. and a revolver I tne weea.
found in Gaehne' room were identified I Many thousands of stock show visitors
by the victims of the holdups. Mrs. W. are expected, st the big pavilion Sua
F, Bchumkwller Identified Gaehne snd day. The leading feature of Ut San
itated he had attempted to assault her. day program will be the singing ct tbs
but was frightened away when he heard Whitney Boys' Chorus, supplemented by
persons passing on tne street. Bbe signed a sacrea concert by tne ornclsl bard,
the complaint against him Friday night The song numbers by the big chorus ot
Additional complaints will be signed to- boys' voices will begin prr.mptty st
dsy. t, o'clock In the big amphitheatre, and
"I did this for the welfare of Japan.-1
was the declaration today of Nakeoka,
Japanese, arrested as the assassin of I
Premier Hara of Japan.
"I klllad Hara haraviMA af tha rrlti.
quarter: Harvard .0, hanging about the place tor soh-.o Ume nt Bft - h,h t ra-ri m the news
papers," he told the United Press cor
respondent in the Jail here.
Nakaoka maintained a bold, proud de
meanor and showed no sign ot repent
ance for what he had done.
He declared he had no regret what
ritadeS'Vhl ntf?'-' bsd applied for a to operate a
yard line. Garrity would have had a drink establishment si 34. Glitan
touchdown but he ran out of bounds, street and thought tne nung or an appu-
Lourie tried torroes Harvard's goal line cation for a license permitted; him to
i'n? smashes and the Crimson held run his store, though 'the license itself
the MbSt Hn IfJf; bU I" nd "ot been granted. T
had nadfouJ ma'il lJ1 He was arrested and taken before
LoV? lb me Judge Rossman. At the Ume U.e arrest-
syi reaay to kick out or danger. I lng oiucers teBiitieo m i iw mm oi inira quarter: H:
rrinceion U. . . and that tha former owntr. Who WIS
riv lit' )1TJJL?. nle-7 . ar" arrested for having liqaor m hi poa
ana ixmne carried to Harvard's --ao'"" -
30-yard line. 8 and, in fact, that his arrest hs,d. taken
From this point the Tigers mussed tip place there. The former owner; was ar-
several forward passes vand Keck tried rested in a rooming house above the
H fj0?,1"!111.0",.111 45-yard store and not while "banging" sround
i uo Bnon. narvara took i v.
iLba4U l-Tl t back to mid- M,I-nnb.r. of the council arreed that d benefactor of Japan.
"'"lW1 sains- mr of rtn hv no- TYPE OF fOOK STVDEKT
H A K a K U HI :l 1 HKK ' I I
Forward pass, Buell to Frtts netted I ,lc oincer waa to be discouraged ml Nakaoka Is of the type ot poor stu-Har-ard
seven yards. rwn a'rt r i I the future. The council granted Loff-1 dent often seen.ln Japan. He la of good
down on Princeton's 41-yard line with gren permiesion to operate his store. I family, tut was forced to leave school
S line smash. A forward nans. Owen I Licenses vera trrantd to Georee I h aim a llvlna- Ma wa knnn aa an
t wft.? ilU.,iOURht.t,ie M back Coynes, soft drinks. 215 Broadway ; Con-1 omnlverous reader and had soaked In
i ?h-.nt..n.d .'.l?"? rad Silver and Mike Platos. soft drinks, the criticism of Premier Hara published
gain ahd Lourie T kicked to Buell, who 241 Washington street, and C. Sim- ln the papers bitterly opposed to the
maae a rair eaten on his own 47-yard I mon8 grocery, -aj iuiui r uunwuui premier.
line. From this point Owen tried a kick I street I Although he la certain to hang, he
lr2m P'acement. I Those denied were : Tom Thompson, I was frankly exceedingly proud ot his
ML Lf II 12 varnfl RnneT I n nail t Aoa,,r.Ana E t T7,ica11 ctrt Vnn na I
tha aaX iiZT "VrJTa0 w oul owr Trine, all licenses. 61 North Park street,
covert ifor11 HaTSard. wflrtt and Ge0rge WaUn M Hcen8eB' "0V4
aown tor tne unmson. From this point I """'"sw" "'
vmcu urvppea DscK to me ifo-yara line
added features made possible by the
extensions of the big building, which
now covers a full lO-scre tract.
One of the new additions Is a two-
acre exhibits annex, in which Ska plays
sre being made by about 90 merUMAts
end manufscvier
The annex also houses an exL. njtlra
Oregon land products show, in charts
Of Mrs. Winnie Brsden. and an immense
educational display Including a West
ern dairy products show, la charge of
J. . Dormsa. head of the Westers sec
tion of the United Si lea dairy division.
Why do Eastern speculators get their
ever and regarded himself as s martyr I hands on moneys of theederal reserve I with two bis eomiunrnt exhibits, one
and why do farmers plead in varn for I cr them a JJS.Ooe dairy producUd .splay
I aa..KUJ 1 1 . . . . .
nroner nnanolne-? RenreaenLaUvea of I wwm r uiw vo-ies
..... - .... i
lu.ow Oregon rarraers. members or tne lB th, annex is also located sn lm.
Oregon Farm bureau. In convention st I mens flrst-cUss restaurant, with full
the Multnomah hotel want this qoes- I kitchen equipment, serving hot meals ot
tlon satisfactorily answered. I varied menu at all hours, for the so-.
George A. Mansfield, president of the leommodaUon of stock show visitors.
bares u, brought the subject up en the I To meet the popular demand, the
opening day ot the convention Friday. I series ot horse shows has this year been
He told of his meetiBs- with tha reserve I esienoea by Mansser A. P. Fkemlsx.
beard In Waahineton for tha nuraoat of 1 tMglnntng Monday evening there IU be
setting before it the problems of West-1 nnuiant night horse shows, with
em farmers. I msunees, on i nursasy, rridsy snd
The work of Sleht marketing assoels- naturdsy. Nearly 100 show horses from
;VuT;l ' , IT, " whloh Tnflulnd h'o Oregon was reviewed, revealing C';r,la cill
ter poUtical criUclsm which influenced I . ot.u ,, ,v.v y,mA -,,, kane. Vaneou i
roruana wui compete for high honors
The public was inclined not to blame
the assassin as much as it did the bit-
IP T&ro,uhout wn v .SnCS" ?k R- A. Ward, manager of the Oregon nrersiums offered for the
of S trTLnfe Weil tt T M7ha GrowerV aalTuon nemm P11
bt J?'. Pfr-. JV.:iTj ;Pr, old the delegates that 1150.000 had been -W e-rpaa. a.y
from where he booted a beautiful rirrm I DEI3fKI?TG FOCSTA15S WILL
r.k;iv ireiweeo rrinceion s goal posts. I JSttr.wir.u u r a n.n simr
BCp?6. I In compliance with the beauest
MaFuorn w DwSaaaKa. r i . ... .
f . x iiiv.ct.vii. u. i izooo left the cirr dv jam. Aeine kod- .Jm. a a .m,nsiKs.r I f .vw . m . : v "
GETS TOTJCHDOWir hnson for drinking - fountains. Florence 17 ur hssrd saved wool producers In Western Oregon w
vwen Kicxea orr to uiesves, who ran I Holme, tandscane expert of the park I i tnis year Dy aireet roarseung to ssanu-
the ball back to the 80-yard line. t" .1 Lf Jl tLt,JTX TCHIDA TEMTOEABT TBJEslISB fscturer. of woolens. From 5 to loVenU KXrECTED
7T Vis 5int MUTl TU tP Da" hA located in tha south nark strin. Mrs. Although Count Uchlds has been a pound was saved each producer, he I of the many carloads of
"IV" 51. seyen-yara gain. I '7'-' .aA " named tnmnorarv nremler. It was b. I Said. . ft stock not to be shows st the ea-
XrlV?ZZ? that's pe-rmanet premier k . Other Wskers were I. Hector Mc- vUion. but to. be shown snd Judged st
A. C snd J. J. Hand- nearoy stocKyarda. mors than I0O0
Pherson of O.
the Crimson team for a touchdown vru Portland several years, specified in the Heved that a permanent premier
kicked goal. Score: Princeton, t ; Har-1 will that the fountains be msile to sc- I would be named.
rt'i.. t.i i j . I oommodate dumb beasts as
.hl' VirJi ".l.?-,warvFa.on mans. It is the plan of the
' J v usau VJ I a(. W a Bv. III2UR I ew I I . . . a. . a. f . w ill I . .
vsrri. fhh ik. n t .. i reau to locate tne lounuuns, wnirn wm i leader or tne seiys-KSi party, was tnt . " . ik. mi .w .
ttJ&WS VXwXn' m?!l.F!C.h0lC8 " H' SndiUn thV Umm. s'tren rxhu vT;Ud.Tf,
well as hu- Tt w haiuvad hara that nrMiiia I Aer. Msndsaker said that If American I knlmals In the beef and dairy breeds,
hi nark bu- trinLi f!., .kl' interest, were neglected me, draft and .bow hor. sheep and
Zm biTl CJL J?" 1.. .1. as they have been in the pest this ooun- goats sre assembles under the root ot
punted to Garrity on Harvard's ?2-yard coin high, Ladd and Shattuck schools. I manent successor,
line. Keck tried a placement kickSfrorh I Marauia Saionil
this point and booted the ball squarely
Score : Princeton. 10: Harvard, a
Keck then kicked . off to Churchill on
narvara s a-yara line. Johnson re-
'first vk-s Eldest C W ryeGraff' er tor Rebuilding the old Hudson) should Juries be locked in for the night.
mL VmmI it W Whleler Bay stocksde on the military reserve- are required. Funds should be provided
aarrataV and It I. tlarman raaa..r Uon Will also receive SttenUon. TOr UllS, he said
nw. w . a i a I - i 1 The nuestion nf rramrvd miartara waa
ini nuiuurr v. irusirri - wag iinrrcaim i j l m a "
from IS to 25 to allow all churches In I VANCOUVER MARRIAGE LICENSES I al8 aired. School district offices snd
Portland a representative on the board. I Vancouver. Wash., Nov. 5. The jfol- I army veterans' headquarters should be
i Mrs. Esther Waldfegel was made a life I lowing marriage licenses were Issued I removed to make places for . strictly
. trustee ot tne ssnocistion. bunscnptions i r riaay : ueorge ti. a Dale, zz. snd Mar-I courthouse offices, it was held.
for the home taken last night toUled I guerite Todd. 20. Portland: Piatt H. I Judge Stapleton felt that an aonronrl.
almost liotm. The report of Miss Nellie Commick, 27, snd Dot Bevens, 19, Walla ation was needed to furnish chambers
M. Curtis, superintendent, showed that Walls, Wash.; Emll Stock. 28, St. Jo- for visiting Judges. 'Chambers in the
"O0 had been spent during the year seph. Mo., and Hope iiay, 27 Vancauv- two unoccupied courts are not equipped
. ..t upkSep and benevolent work. The er. Wash.: Sam S. Tasllis, 22, and Lo- for habitation by the visiting Judges, he
principal address was given by Dr. I vanchiel learned, tt PnnknH
a w . .1.. I ........ .V . u . . a aH.' I
sssury-Wllbur church. About 450 at
Big Savage Rapids .
Irrigation Projeot
Dam Is Dedicated
Grants Pass. Or, Nov. S. Residents
of the Grants Psas district gathered en at the Savage IUplds Irrigation
dam today to celebrate the dedication
and completion of this great structure.
President Kerr of Oregon Agricul
tural college, delivered the main dedica
tory address. Following .this State En
gineer Percy A. Cupper" and William
Harrison of the Anclo A London bank
of San Franclaco spoke, and the button
wss pressed starting, the machinery In
the power house, elevating water to the
hlghllne ditches.
R. ft. Flanasan. arrested in V
Thursday by detectives on a charge of
paseing worthless checks, was bound
ever to the grand Jury on a bond of tSOO
by Judge Rossmsn In municipal eourrl
Friday. Flanagan was srrested on the
complaint of Oeorge W. Bates, east side
banker, who cashed a check tor Flana
gas for
Bend. Nov. a. A thorough canvas of
the city by members of the American
Lesion will be stsrted Armistice day.
-opening the annual lied Cross member
ship roucsu.
Extra Session of
Congress Fails to
Complete Its Task
(By Cuited News)
Washington, Nov. 5. Most of the
tasks for which the special session! of
congress was called must go over until
the regular session ln December, it is
now ciesr.
The revision of Ux snd tariff laws.
which President Harding said was the
major purpose of the special session, is
The ides that a permanent tariff
He told, also, of discrepancy ln! the
payments of telephone bills by court
stenographers. Some are themselves
paying for the telephone and others have
them paid for by the county. Not fa
voritism but laxity in supervision of de
tails, was blamed for "this.
(Continued From Pa One)
Guticura Soap
Will Help You
Clear Y6ut Skin
99, OfBtos,asfel Yfsesse sasmfslsssl
. A Slilsia.
law W tMHmJ
Fcniuiagi Bakery
ems-Mass Bread sa Pastry
Fruits Cssdtes Lsaekeo sWrred
. ysese Ti essiaws stt.
rerser KmtsgiwsHh s4 Verthwtok
Breath Bakery Uf Hlsslsslfpi Ave.
kick, putting the ball on Harvard's 45
yard line.
Ki ttm nan)., . ... . a-k ..
might be enacted has long since been I
abandoned, and in lome quarters feat is r through the line. puUlnstl.e ball on
aml Ik.t ameuew. Va. VIII ' a. F IJalnnaina'. if
ici. uisih vtcu' uif revenue Dill may poit utuu lu-yiu-a uuv.
be on the statute books before the regu
lar seeaion.
Delintment Taxes
A I sa
Big in Umatilla
A forward oasa. Buell ta Fittri. rained
23 yards for Harvard, putting the ball
on i Princeton's 25-yard line. Falling to
gain on two downs. Buell tried a drop-
kkk mat went wide, frinceton took the
bail on her 20-yard line and failing to
am on line plays, ixmne kicked to
uel on Harvard s ss-yard line.
a iorwara pass, Bueii to Jntts, gained
: yards tor the Crimson.
Another pass, Owen to Buell. gained
back the lost yardage. XFItta made seven
yards around, his own left end. Buell
then made it first down on Princeton's
Marquis Saionjl, on three different oc-
parta of Europe.
Program for a campaign tor s mem-
CMitll,.Ken m,n,,ter Dv hM beiship of sll Oregon farmers, of which new this y,.r.
stock en display. A poultry snd rsbblt
show of 2600 pens is another feature.
(Continued From Pace One)
occupied the position of temporary pre'
Baron Goto, former minister of for
elgn affairs and long prominent in Js
anese politics, was considered a second
It wss generally admitted that there
was increasing uncertainty as to
whether the fieiya-Ksi party, of which
Hara was a member, would be sble to
maintain control ot the government.
there are 65.000, will be adopted before
the convention closes tonignt.
ard punted to the 45-yard line. Garrity
made five yards through the line and
Cleaves hit the line for first down on
narvaras az-yara line,
Garrity made three yards through
1-. 1 . . . . .
iWT".ea.JiLre?..m?Te involving physical force at once to pun
Crimen fo -uch a violation. Mr. Harding's ASMS SIMPLE GEAT 81AB
down for Princeton on Harvsrd's 20- ldea & moral force and the play The will of Premier Hara. which has
yard line. As the Tigers lined up to or worm opinion Back tne oxrenatng na- been made public directed that a small.
continue piayjtime was called. Score Uon Into a corner and compel obedience, plain slab bearing only his name, be the
pt"SllLPnftt?1ii 1L5aCvard' 3- Subsequently, it might become necessary oniy mark ot his final resting Disc.
Final: Princeton, 10; Harvard. 3. I , t.u. ctam t nniiph t!
Power Commission
To Release Lands
for the powers to take steps to squelch
IfOTRE DAME SOT PREDICTrHG miuvar.sucaujr iucubw
West Point, N. T., Nov. 5. (L N. S.) If there' an agreement on Far East-
Army meets Notre Dame eleven thisj ern questions and all the nations in-
arternoon in w&at will be the eighth eluding Japan, sign it, the various
contest between the two teams -The I navies will be morally bound to see that
Westerners have taken five of the seven Japan keeps faith. It isn't necessary
contests already played. The Army won to prescribe penalties in advance. The
ohly. in 1914 and 1(916. European nations have given evidence of
uoacn ivnucse iiocane oi tne Indiana what they will do if treaties are maae
This staggering aggregation of blue-
ribbon livestock champions will be on
display from I o'clock In the morning
until midnight throughout the coming
week, the show ending st midnight en
Saturday. November It The Pacific
International Livestock Exposition, as
an educational Institution, having aa Its
oblectiv the development of scleaUfle
arr1?ultnri and Hveatrtrk tsra Aiw haa
Yvaamniura, . ihaohm- u,e indorsement snd active coo Deration
TON BUREAU OF TtfE JOUKNAIa Of sll the civic clubs snd pobUc spirited
The federal power commission has notl- organlsaUons of the city and of the
fled Representative Slnnott that It will attendance a-oal for live U'l -trk
grant the application of Alexander F. I show has been set st 200.000. and the
Martin for the release to homestead en- alogsn adopted by the Pacific In t ma
ll Is tomb of any of the honors and titles
which he" held or of his accomplish
ments. Hara had a premonition that he would
be assassinated, it was learned today.
He told friends recently that be feared
a violent death at the hands of some
The funeral ot the dead premier wiU
be held November 11 at Morioks, his
try of certain lands comprised in power
site, withdrawal (C, cn the Deschutes
river. This Is the first reported action
by the federal power commission on ex
amination . of lands withdrawn under
Pendleton. . Nov. 6. Approximator
$200,000 la. reported delinquent on the
tin it wsiia k. vri.a -.t,ii..
cousty VttaitV'VAf A moment later the quar
wno states insi this is the largest
amount of delinquent taxes Is the his
tory of the county. Farmers are the
leading delinquent taxpayers and many
nave iouna it impossible to secure
money to meet the assessments.
ter ended.
Score: Harvard. 0 ; Princeton, 0.
Second quarter- Two plays gained
Harvard 19 yards; Fitts carrying the
ball to Princeton's 20 yard line on a
forward pass from Buell. Owen hit the
center of the line for tour yards. HsJ
tnen piungea tnrougn rignt tackle tor
a . thrilling gain, carrying the .pigskin
to the Princeton six yard line. Owen
was injured and Jenkins replaced him. A
University ot Oregon. Eurene. Nov! &.
Raymond Lawrence ot Portland will
represent sigma Delta Chi. national I r. .. e,irK .ut
Journalism fraternity, at the national l and it was Princeton's ball on the 20
convention ot that organisation, which I yard line. Lourie uncorked sn end run
wui ne neid in Ames. Iowa, December t ior ? eairu uamu wai inrown
a a ana m i I for a loss, but Lourie got back four
- " 'II J . . KHa1A - . , i
uua ucatqs ini uiurv uirvugu
, tcnur. uuLUDar ub nail uu rnmvn a
CHEHALIS XARRIAGE LICE2TSE8 1 ysrd line. ; , . v
Che halls, Wash.. Nov. s. Tha follow-1 Lourie then kicked to Buell on Har-
Ing. marriage licenses were lasasd bar I jnrdm zi yard .line. itu punted to
Fridav - TnoT wrrTa .TrfJ! Lourie and after one play failed to gain
t hJTS.M; Ttl1-!? Sal and Crocker downed the Tiger star on
c uutcner, Spokane : Charles G. Kia?. I s. .Hi in. nutM .j. .
ston and Agnes Word. Portland. !. through the Una. Garrity added three
i a (more through right guard. On the next
HAT RATE CCT rLEiava ? I Plsy Garrity crashed Urongh m line
Hand kt iv.- va MWn, csrrymg ue oau to misiieid.
Jof id.V the" ne-w'.' That TZ,Z L tore oa
recuvs with., an vrm"? f1" i Cleaves made It first down for Prinee-
, j ton with a is yard gain around Ma-
team would not predict a sixth victory "scraps of paper." America prefers oiruipiace, in me nortneasiern part oi
today. He said his team was not as freedom of action, the right to determine J . ,
stronff as last year's eleven, when he the nature of the violation and what it wl" Tokio November
had the sensational George Gipp in the shall do at the moment. That's where 7 on a special train for Morioks.
une-up. Army wiu piay tnis afternoon president Harding differs from wooa-
minus the services of French, bsckfield row Wilson, but basically they have the filllri Qnniaf TJ Plonf a
tar, snd Davidson, star tackle.; same purpose of International coopers- UiilU tOUUlUlV llC;Lllo
The biggest crowd which ever wit- tion and consultation to preserve peace. rPf t
nessed a game on the plains Is ex- m , w--a- mnvn I lttl fPTC! IllQn.TIQCOQ
pected to tax the army's accomraoda-1 """" ' . . 1 viiivuiw iimuumuvu
tiOns to the limit. 1 win tne conierence succeeat ai a 1 , l n Tl
question one hears asked everywhere riallS 10 Aid Tair
. . . . i Da.i.vit.... . i. viti, mmnvtnn a.nn I " ' "
t-v.t'i wit ir w i amvQTnvi i innrenens on. uemocraia
Seattle K s m. t . t aPinar I certain recollection of how cruelly the The Ohle Society of Oregon at its an.
skies may have put a damper to the altruism of Wood row Wilson wss dashed 'nual meeting at Central library Thurs
mild frolics of regular week-enders, "but to the ground by partisan debate on the day night elected officers for the year
football stars were twinkling merrily eve of a presidential and congressional and discussed plans for furthering the
in Seattle in anticipation of a Sizzling election. Maybe there sre partisan 1925 exposition.
gridiron game when Stanford meets Democrats who hope the conference will Julius I Meier and John E. Gratke
Washington in the first home conference j fall because success might give to War-1 gave short talks on the exposition, pre
eam rt tha Minn I ren riarflimr the prestige ot which their ceding- the business aeaaioo. Dr. Brran
The Stanford team " with tts heavy Republican adversaries robbed Wood row e. Miller also spoke, followed by a get
line snd more experienced backfleld was, Wilson. Maybe there are Republicans acquainted session led by Judge M. C.
however, the big favorite to win, and who do hot want to. see n limitation of George. Election, of officers resulted In
local fans were only hoping that the I armament because It might mean less I the following. Dr. Emmet Drake, pres-
university ot Washington men could l work lor tne munraon mutr. u iiaent; Lr. c j, smith, vies president;
hold the Southerner down. I resnective states. Maybe there are army 1 r. a. Monroe, f nrmarlv atraan,tla aavM
and navy officers who secretly aouot tary of Eugene Chamber of Commerce.
IOWA FATOBITE VS MATCH the good faith of Japan and hope secretary-treasurer.
WITH MIXKESOTA PLATERS America will not reduce Tier navy mere- The" society proposes to enroll every
Minneapolis. Nov. 6. (L N. S.) Iowa ly because Japan may promise some- Ohlosn In the state, using bis name and
"u.,u. p nearer uung on a piece 01 patvuiuruu aaoress ss sn information bureau to
a conference championship by taking there are pessimists who never want to visitors from Ohio. It win entertain
Minnesota into camp on Northrop field ee America try anything big and world- distinguished guests darlxisr tbs exoo-
this afternoon. Minnesota, after a week ly. but who believe in standing pat on ajuon.
of Intensive drill that followed the de- the foreign policy of Isolation and aloof- Tha mnrUtw-m Ma ' n,
feat by Wisconsin last Saturday, wss ness which served so well Is ancient I the erection of s permanentstats build-
confident of handing a surprise to the I davs.
aVSV VS AW a ,- . M
a.'W a-a. iha ! Isl SbVaPV H'
AUoLllT "aine IES IZ:,Jaui .1 kmrna tha fortheomlns
ing tor Ohio at the exposition. -
7, T ' , . " r?'" t -success" is (PiesUon ot degree any
district, died this morning st the Oregon
way. If people expect aa problems un-
fibSS Woman Hit by Auto,
-jiiiiiiia s ..... -
Cut on .Arms, Head
Struck by aa sutomobUe lata Friday
City hospital He had lived la the Eagle "L "edrthin It wUl not
.Ta a'- an rrr vrife proper to cauxno result. sxtsmoon 1 ; at Tonrtb sad TamhUl
iTtTv ir., T I coming conrerencs a succesa. : 11 1. , streets, -Mr Charles I Pease. 420
expectea inn ai onca iusuvh -cixty-sixtA avenue southeast. was
a jt v au, h, ffm aaawaaa I a a . ...
city, will be held at Kagle Creek. Sun-1 T1ZZZ f sn rr'. I l'.?7?L"l-?'a
C3r- - . ' : I aver, the broad ssnects ot the conference I 0 r wa.wu. ict nn... ...Z7. Zt"'
are consiaerea. nameiy, -wnemer ratr- automoblls knocked her down. LaU
Ilea anarjapan uucau-v 1 soe WSS Sent BOmeVt
council table tne very vexatious auea-
Ontario. Or, Nov. 6.Loul8 Hurtle
",u"""' ' p oritloM wnicn rmgni owrwiaa wu m i Aviatore bam Jlaj jhi.i jt a na.
two masked men and robbed f .rr..n I . .1 uli. v va rtth I . -yor nave oisooverea v new route
amount. He was met in the aJley a, J increasing burdens of taxaUon snd more Bagdad ..WtloYn tf.
he was returning borne from work, ' sacrifices of human life, then the resulu herrorV toown Hr than any
Uonal and 1U allied "boosters"
"Stock Show! Let's Go !
cow TAREETr u orncz
Moro. Nov. 6. Possibfllty of prosecu
tions snd s d arm re suit are hinted here
blanket orders years Ago, indicating the I ss a result of the "perking of a cow in
purpose to release lands not deemed nee- J the office of the sVhool principal on
issary for water power purposes, Halloween.
1 n i wm r -
Baker's Cocoa and
Baker's Chocolate
Appeal strongly to the healthy ap
petites created by vigorous exer
cise in the open air. They are
the most satisfactory of all the
fod drinks, as tfiey have a
fj most delicious flavor and aroma
and are nutritious and wholesome.
Wter Baker & Co. Ltd.
f'ii n 1 11
Booklet sf Owios rWxpea Mrs frss
- . . . -